VI ER STOLTE OG GLADE OVER AT KUNNE BYDE VELKOMMEN TIL... MICHAEL SCHØNWANDT 1. GÆSTEDIRIGENT Symfoni er græsk og betyder samklang. Og hvor har vi dog alle glædet os til samklangen! Samværet i lyd, samspillet mellem musikere og publikum, sindenes samklang igennem musikken. Alt det, som vi mennesker kun kan opleve gennem at være sammen i musikken! DET glæder vi os alle i Aalborg Symfoniorkester til at kunne dele med jer igen! Velkommen til vores fælles samklang - vores symfoni!
HANS GRAF 2. GÆSTEDIRIGENT An old season, unlike any other, is behind us victim of the most difficult and dangerous period our culture has had to endure and survive during our whole lifetime. A new season, unlike any other, is ahead of us - bringing rebirth, resplendent with its hope, joy and gratitude for your faithful love for music and the orchestra! We hope that we will be stronger than before, carefully rebuilding our concert culture - like rebuilding a country after the devastations of a great disaster. We are happy to have you all here again in your splendid concert hall - listening to your great and beloved Aalborg Symfoniorkester. Let us fully enjoy this privilege, vigilant and aware of how fragile happiness can be!