2020-2021 Annual Report

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A Look Ahead

During the past year our organization made

While we have a talented staff to support our

necessary and meaningful adjustments to maintain

efforts, Diplomates have the direct contact and

our momentum. Looking ahead we are anticipating

access needed to hospital leaders and other

new opportunities that will strengthen the ABPS

influential decision makers in the healthcare


industry. Engagement of Diplomates will be critical to our future awareness and recognition.

Continuing to build brand awareness of ABPS will be critical to our success in the future.

Besides industry leaders, Diplomates also should

Acknowledgement of our specialty boards by other

make their colleagues aware of choice in board

influential organizations has created a platform to

certification. This activity will be another building

build on.

block in addition to our other forms of recruiting through event marketing, optimized website

One of the primary goals of the organization is

articles and specific fellowship programs.

recognition of our Diplomate’s board certifications. Despite the current pandemic, the External Affairs

I encourage and empower you to take pride in your

team has successfully created new opportunities to

certification and discuss it within your healthcare

communicate our messages.

community. By fostering increased recognition for your certification, you are communicating that you

I am looking forward to us making the point that

have demonstrated your knowledge, experience

ABPS acceptance by hospitals creates greater

and skills providing high quality patient care in your

patient access to more qualified physicians at a


time of shortages that has been amplified during this pandemic. Not only is a choice in board certification for physicians one of our messages, the certification priority of ABPS is ensuring patient access to quality physicians.


Rising to the Challenge 2020-2021 Annual Report

Elizabeth Maxwell-Schmidt, MD, FAAEP, FACEP President-elect

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