Unique corners in Valladolid

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Unique Corners in Valladolid


(Castilla y Leรณn, Spain)

1 Valladolid from the sky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQD9Hqibf4A

The Church of Saint Mary the Ancient (Santa María La Antigua) by Ana Rosa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OXtnHLyByE

Its Romanesque tower (12th century) is a symbol of Valladolid. The church was founded in 1095 by Count Pedro Ansúrez. He is considered the founder and first lord of Valladolid. Featuring: pyramidal top and three windows with semicirculararchs

The church was likely founded in 1095 by Count Pedro Ansúrez, although there are no remains of the original structure. The oldest parts of the current temple date to the late 12th century. The OLDEST PARTS are the GALLERY IN THE NORTHERN SIDE, showed in this picture AND THE TOWER, both in ROMANESQUE style. Romanesque architecture is a style of medieval art. In Europe it started late in the 10th century and it is characterized by SEMI-CIRCULAR ARCHS. The facade in the large picture above is the south side of the church

The naves and sanctuary of the church were rebuilt in the 14th century in Gothic style, following the style of the Burgos Cathedral. Gothic style is characterised by pointed archs and flying buttresses. The church has three aisles, with three polygonal apses and a transept.

Pedro Ansúrez (1065–1118) is considered the founder and first lord of Valladolid. He was one of the nobles closest to King Alfonso VI of León and Castile. Pedro was responsible for the repopulation of the region between Liébana and Cuéllar during the Reconquest*. His massive border district included Toledo and Madrid.

* The Reconquest is a period in the history of the Iberian Peninsula, spanning approximately 770 years between 710 and 1492. The Reconquest ended immediately before the European re-discovery of the Americas which led to the era of the Portuguese and Spanish colonial empires

SAINT PAUL CHURCH by Ă ngela Morelle Saint Paul Church is an important monument of Valladolid. The church construction was commissioned by Cardinal Torquemada. The church has an adjacent College, San Gregorio, that is the National Museum of the Sculpture.

Saint Gregorio, National Museum As the of Sculpture late Gothic style dominant at the time, the church has a single nave, with side chapels opening between buttresses, with a raised choir and transept. The façade was finished in 1500. Two phases can be distinguished in it: the first one, the section up to the top of the central rose window, features gargoyle sided by two spires. The entrance portal is surrounded by a large arch with a wavy profile in which there is a relief with the Coronation of the Virgin.

In the course of the renovation program funded by the Duke of Lerma, Gothic elements were used for decoration. The interior has two absidal chapels and it includes works by Gregorio Fernández –to know more about Gregorio Fernández go to the National Museum of Sculpture presentation.

THE NATIONAL SCULPTURE MUSEUM by Sandra Next to Saint Paul Church there is one of the most important sculpture museums in Europe that has more than 1500 scupltures and 1226 paintings on exhibition.

It is one of the oldest Spanish museums . It was built around 1490 and was founded in 1842 as an art museum. The museum houses works from the 13th to 19th centuries, executed in the Iberian Peninsula or in other regions historically connected to Spain (Italy, Flanders, Southern America).

ARTISTS Among the other artworks there are… • Raising the Cross by Francisco del Rincon, • I Thirst & Lying Christ by Gregorio Fernandez, • Adoration of the Magi by Alonso Berruguete, • Entombment by Juan de Juni, • Penitent Magdalene by Pedro de Mena • the Holy Sepulchre or passage of the sleepers.

VALLADOLID CATHEDRAL by Victor DĂ­ez It was constructed in 1585 and designed by the architect Juan de Herrera

Its architecture is Herrerian style which was developed in Spain during the last third of the 16th century under the reign of Philip II.

The Herrerian style is characterized by its geometric rigor, the mathematical relation between the various architectural features, the clean volumes, the dominance of the wall over the span and the almost total absence of decoration.

Monasterio de San Joaquín y Santa Ana by Vetelina The Royal Monastery of San Joaquin and Santa Ana is a monastery of nuns of the Congregation of Cistercian monasteries of San Bernardo. It was built in the late eighteenth century neoclassical style. It is located in the Plaza de Santa Ana (Valladolid). The monastery has a museum of sacred art, including valuable pieces of the Spanish Baroque sculpture, while the church treasures three paintings by young Goya, the only Goya's paintings preserved in Castile and Leon .

Neoclassical architecture is an architectural style produced by the neoclassical movement that began in the mid-18th century. In its purest form it is a style principally derived from the architecture of classical antiquity, the Vitruvian principles, and the architecture of the Italian architect Andrea Palladio.

Saint Anne was the mother of the Virgin Mary and grandmother of Jesus Christ, according to Christian and Islamic tradition. Mary's mother is not named in the canonical gospels, nor in the Quran. Anne's name and that of her husband Joachim come only from New Testament apocrypha, of which the Protoevangelium of James (written perhaps around 150) seems to be the earliest that mentions them Joachim was the husband of Saint Anne and the father of Mary the mother of Jesus, according to the Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican traditions. The story of Joachim and Anne first appears in the apocryphal Gospel of James. Joachim and Anne are not mentioned in the Bible. His feast day is July 26th. Francisco José de Goya (1746 – 1828) was a Spanish romantic painter. He is considered the most important Spanish artist of late 18th and early 19th centuries and throughout his long career was a commentator and chronicler of his era. Immensely successful in his lifetime, Goya's late works especially have been highly influential and he is often referred to as both the last of the Old Masters and the first of the moderns.

The University of Valladolid by Diego H. The origins. This university was founded in 1241. This building was built in the centre of the city in 1715 by fray Pedro de la Visitaciรณn. The artistic style. This facade has four big columns and it has a lot of decorative elements. Now there are an observation tower and a clock.

Why is it so important? The university plays an important role in the country and also in the city because it has four campus and if you want to be an architect, an engineer, a nurse, a judge or many other things you can study here in Valladolid. It has 32,000 students and more than 2,000 teachers. Also Valladolid is said to have the purest Spanish so many foreign students come here.

"El Campo Grande" Of Valladolid by Daniel Mt      

El Campo Grande is the biggest park in the city. It is open every day. You can see a big variety of birds and trees. It is advisable to visit one time per season. There is a birdcage. There is also a lake. In addition, there are some playground areas for children. There is a restaurant in this park.

A pleasant promenade  You can spend the whole morning in this park taking photos or simply walking among trees.

 

All kind of ducks and gooses live in its lake. In summer you can take a boat.

There are some unique places to contemplate the park and the animals.

Greek & Roman Mythology in Campo Grande by Sara Castrillo The FOUNTAIN OF FAME Winged Fame is the messenger of Jupiter. She was born from Gaia, the Earth and lives in the middle of the world in a palace with a thousand open windows that allow all voices in the world to enter. She is awake day and night looking into everybody's issues and carrying news, no matter it’s true or a lie.

The FOUNTAIN OF NEWTS On a shell opposite Fame is Triton, half manhalf fish. He is the Poseidon / Neptune and Amphitrite’s son. Newts are creatures that announce the arrival of Neptune by playing their shells.

The NEPTUNE SCULPTURE The sculpture of Neptune is next to a stream and almost hidden. Neptune is not bearing his trident. Its Greek name is Poseidon and comes from potei "sir" and da "earth", the man who embraces the Earth. He is the god of the sea and freshwater.

The FOUNTAIN OF NAYADES A swan on the centre, surrounded by nymphs and newts. Nymphs are human-like fresh water creatures. They are related to rivers and embody friendly aspects of nature like fertility

The Main Square of Valladolid (Spain) by Miguel González The Plaza Mayor is a central square in the city. It is very near to another famous square, the Plaza Zorrilla. From the Mid-thirteenth century to now: - This square became popular when the market moved from the Square of Santa Maria. - At first it was called the Market Square - Then it changed to Plaza Mayor (Main Square) - This square is the first great square of Spain - There are other squares that took example, such as Madrid, Salamanca and also in South America. In 1950's


How it looks: - It has a rectangular shape, surrounded by buildings with three floors, and the Town Hall of Valladolid. - In the middle of the square there is a statue, of the founder of Valladolid, called count Pedro Ansúrez -Concerts:

-Parades at Easter (Holy Week):

Used for…: -Demonstrations:


INTRODUCTION The Academy of the Cavalry of Valladolid established itself in 1852 in the building that a few years before had been used as a prison. The current building was constructed around 1920. It has a great historical value and monumental architecture of the first decades of the 20th century. It is located opposite to the Greats Parks, in the current Plaza Zorrilla . HISTORY  The current building was started being constructed in 1921 following a project of the commander of engineers Adolfo Pierrad Perez  The front, of great beauty, is longitudinal and emphatic, articulated thanks to three towers, which organize into a hierarchy the building. The composition of the front is done, as it is raised, less massive, finishing with a gallery of arches and a graceful balustrade. The construction in stone is impeccable and the break-downs of the constructive elements are very well executed and valued plastically.

Image of Octagon, previous building burned down in1915

THE MUSEUM  The current Specific Museum, different from the primitive one, comes from 1975. Between its funds we can find paintings, weapons, banners, a soldiers' collection of lead of the regiments of cavalry, trophies, photographers, horse-shoes, a collection of saddles. In 1930 the Museum of Cavalry establishes, again in the new building of the Academy of the Weapon in Valladolid, where it will remain until 1933,

 Opposite to the main door there is the Monument to the “Hunters of Alcántara” by Mariano Benlliure, 1931. (Pay attention to the buildings at the background) 

NEOPLATERESCO ARCHITECTURE The Neoplateresco style is a mixture of architectural styles in Spain at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th. It takes inspiration from the Plateresco architectures. Example of the earlier Plateresco style which Calvary Academy looks like are Monterrey's Palace (Salamanca) and Pimentel's Palace (Valladolid) dating from the 16th century.

Pimentel's Palace (Valladolid) RECOLETO´S SIDEWALK The Recoleto‘s Sidewalk opposite the Calvary Academy is one of the main streets in Valladolid. It is by the Great Park. Nowadays the most important building that we can find in the street is Mantilla's House. It is a building of flats built at the end of the 19th century, model for the bourgeois architecture in this city.

The Bull Ring Of Valladolid by Daniel G.

The bull ring of Valladolid is located in the Paseo de Zorrilla of this city. Its construction began in 1888 and it was finished in 1890. It is an eclectic architecture with a mark of Romanesque and Mudejar 2.

It is built of brick and stone on base with steel structure. The building is shaped like a polygonal drum with fifty sides and three floors high, topped with a cresting. Hollows form three different orders in height and are closed by semicircular arches, separated by recesses which create a chiaroscuro to avoid monotony. The bull ring measures 52 metres of diameter. The front rows are made of stone with 15 rows. Behind the two grandstands are placed. Its capacity is 11,542 people. Valladolid Bullring was very important in its time for its capacity and convenience of access, it was described by contemporaries as "monumental, airy and pleasant." It was officially opened in 1890. The ring has currently second administrative category but on the arena there have been and continue being the main figures of bullfighting.


Mudejar art is an artistic style that developed in the Christian kingdoms of the Iberian peninsula, but that incorporates influences, elements or materials of Hispano-Muslim style, it is an exclusively Hispanic phenomenon that occured between the twelfth and sixteenth centuries, as a mixture of Christian artistic movements (Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance) and Muslim.**

Roman amphitheatres Ancient Roman amphitheatres were major public venues, circular or oval in plan, with perimeter seating tiers. They were used for events such executions at noon, volunteers gladiators, 10 or 15 minutes of fighting and all free. Also men fighting with tigers or lions was common in that period. The earliest Roman amphitheatres date from the middle of the first century BC, but most were built under Imperial rule, from the Augustan period (27 BC-14 AD) onwards. The largest could accommodate 40,000-60,000 spectators, and the most elaborate featured multi-storeyed, arcaded façades and were elaborately decorated with marble, stucco and statuary. After the end of gladiatorial games in the 5th century and of animal killings in the sixth, most amphitheatres fell into disrepair, and their materials were mined or recycled. A few continued as convenient open meeting places.

The Colosseum amphitheatre in Rome, built c. 70 - 80 AD, is considered one of the greatest works of architecture and engineering.

Nîmes is a city in the Languedoc-Roussillon region of southern France. It is the capital of the Gard department. Nîmes is located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Cévennes mountains. The estimated population of Nîmes is 146 709 (2012). Nîmes has a rich history, dating back to the Roman Empire when the city was home to 50,000 - 60,000 people. Several famous monuments are in Nîmes, such as the Nîmes Arena and the Maison Carrée. Because of this, Nîmes is often referred to as the French Rome.

Amphitheater still in use, Les Arenes of Nîmes, the ancient Nemausus.

DUKE OF LERMA skyscraper by Laura It is a skyscraper situated in the city of Valladolid on the Pisuerga river bank. With its 88 meters high and 23 floors, it is the tallest building in the city. Its structure is earthquake resistant. Its construction began in the late 60s in order to house a hotel but it was finally completed in 1999)

Why is the building named after the Duke of Lerma? Duke of Lerma is a Spanish noble title created in 1599 by King Felipe III. The First Duke of Lerma was Francisco de Sandoval y Rojas, the prime minister and favourite of King Philip III. He was responsible for government affairs. By his position as minister of the King he became the closest and most trusted man to the monarch and even he got the court moved from Madrid to Valladolid (1601). Is it reasonable to have an earthquakeproof building in Valladolid? On the 31st October 1755, Lisbon was destroyed by an earthquake and it was felt in Salamanca, a very close town to Valladolid

The Millenium Dome (a 20th century building) by Patricia

Our of the city... The Way of Saint James by Ă lvaro

This is the symbol and amulet of the Saint James Way; in the pilgrimage this amulet was used as an element to collect water from streams and sources.

As I put the Saint James street (calle Santiago) on the Valladolid map, I will show you some things about him and his "way". Long ago, the tomb of James was discovered in a place where the ancient natives of the Iberian Peninsula considered to be sacred places. Pilgrims from all over Europe went there to celebrate religious events and the king ordered the construction of a cathedral on the site. That tradition started in Middle Ages. Therefore, there are many starting points towards the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Who was Saint James? Saint James was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. He came to Spain to preach the word of God. The Saint James Way is a route through which pilgrims reach Santiago de Compostela, the city where the relics of St. James the Greater are venerated.

Last year, 237,000 pilgrims walked this Way. The number of pilgrims increases year after year. Obviously you can´t walk without resting. There are two types of shelters in the villages along the way for the various stops: - Public Shelters there is only one in each village. - Private shelters are religious associations. To stay in the shelters of the Way, the pilgrims must wear the Creedencial Pilgrim: A card of paper that can be obtained in some shelters and churches is used to make known others you are a pilgrim.

Traditionally, pilgrims who had traveled hundreds or thousands of kilometers do three things after arriving at the cathedral : - Bathing in Langosteira Beach: It symbolizes the purification of the body. - Burning clothes: The pilgrim gets rid of everything material and burn all, trying to begin a new spiritual life. - Watch the sunset from Mount do Gozo: It symbolizes the death and resurrection. Some monuments along this ancient cultural route

(B)on the map: Burgos cathedral C :

(C) on the map: Saint Marcos Hospital in LeĂłn. was only for the pilgrims who walked the Way.

The Canal of Castile: history by water by RocĂ­o Going next to Palencia (a city 40 km far from Valladolid) it was a really big project in its times. The canal was thought to be a less expensive, easier and faster means of transportation than the others in those times. It was begun in times of Charles III, our first enlighten king, but before it had been finished, the railway appeared. The Canal of Castile connected many little villages, and a lot of new songs and dances were created based on combining folk of different zones.

Next to the canal there´s a great amount of native fauna and wildlife. If you go for a walk by its sides you will feel connected to nature.

The canal lost all of its importance when the railway appeared, even the investors of the canal were the owners of the railway. And they did almost the same route.

Castles of Castilla y Leรณn by Lorena Castilla Castile means simply 'land of castles'. Throughout the Middle Ages, its condition as a frontier between Christians and Muslims (9-11th centuries) provided the initial motivation for the building of fortresses and castles. Later, the struggles between the various noble families and the crown (12-15th centuries) made it necessary to build new fortifications. Here we'll show you some astonishing examples in our province.

...is the most beautiful and biggest castle in Castilla y Leรณn. It is made of limestone and is more than 200 metres long and 33 m wide. Standing in the middle is a 20 m high three storey tower.

Nowadays, it is considered a Cultural Interest Site under the protection of the Spanish History Heritage Office

La Mota castle. Located in Medina del Campo (Valladolid), it is placed on an elevation of the area. It was built in the characteristic reddish brick of the zone. It was declared Site of Cultural Interest on November 8, 1904.

The fortress of Segovia

The Fortress of Segovia is one of the most distinguishable monuments in the city of Segovia. It is one of the most emphasized castles in Europe. It was originally built as a fortress but later on it has served as a royal palace too. Nowadays it is in use as museum and possesses an exhibition of military files.


The Aqueduct of Segovia (or more precisely, the aqueduct bridge) is a Roman aqueduct and one of the most significant and best-preserved ancient monuments left on the Iberian Peninsula. It is located in Segovia, near Valladolid.

The first section of the aqueduct contains 36 semi-circular arches and was rebuilt in the 15th century to restore a portion destroyed by the Moors in 1072. The line of arches is organized in two levels, decorated with simplicity. To build it, molds held the frame and provided support to the structure without any glue! On the upper level, the arches have a total width of 5.1 meters. The top of the structure contains the channel through which water travels, through a U-shaped hollow. The aqueduct is built of unmortared, brick-like granite blocks. During the Roman era, each of the three tallest arches displayed a sign in bronze letters, indicating the name of its builder along with the date of construction. Today, two niches are still visible, one on each side of the aqueduct. One of them is known to have held the image of Hercules, who, according to legend, was founder of the city. The other niche now contains the images of the Virgen de la Fuencisla (the Patroness of Segovia) and Saint Stephen.

Segovia is a World Heritage City because it has historic interest. Segovia also has other monuments such as the Alcรกzar.

WORLD HERITAGE CITIES IN CASTILE AND LEON by Daniel M What Is A World Heritage Site? Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage are both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) seeks to encourage protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity. THERE ARE MANY WORLD HERITAGE SITES IN CASTILE AND LEON ONE OF THEM IS AVILA

THE WORLD HERITAGE CITY OF SEGOVIA The Aqueduct of Segovia is the foremost symbol of the city; as evidenced by its presence on the city's coat of arms.


CASTILLA AND LEON IS SO BEAUTIFUL Does your region have any World Heritage Site? In my opinion, the most beautiful World Heritage site in my Region is the Burgos Cathedral There is a Gothic-style Roman Catholic cathedral in Burgos, Spain. It is devoted to the Virgin Mary. The cathedral was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1984.

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