Beautiful Mistakes - Aarhus Festival 2011

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BEAUTI FU L MISTAKES po rg ra m m e • proga rmme • p ro g ra mme

m. ward

gemma hayes


gyr i r elíasson

raimundo amador

mark lanegan

arch ite cts of a i r


tacit group

josh t. pearson

elvis presley

frederikke aspöck

the wi l l iam bla kes • lilibeth cuenca jordi roca


howe gelb •

john tchicai

ti m c h riste nsen charl ie sexton

rutger hauer •

jason lytle

michael kvi um

geumhyung jeong

aa r h usfesti v al . c o m

Co n te n ts

w elcome / r e co mme n dati o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A s p i r it of r isk-taki ng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Aar h us F esti val goes Wi n dmad e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 o utstan d i ng co n ce rts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 U rban s pac es t ran sforme d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 New Kor ean t h eat r e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 I nte rnati onal Ni g ht Cabaret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 N ot so po lite come dy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 F ilmlab Aar h us. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 Aar h us conve rsati o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1

Aarhus Festuge

Fo r etaste -- e xc iti ng an d c leve r foo d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2


Th e gou rmet g r ill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2

DK – 8000 Aarhus C

Aar h us F esti val fo r e xpats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

su c h a pe rfect festi val day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 F i n d us h e r e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 City ma p. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6

beaut iful m i sta kes 2

Publisher Aarhus Festival

Vester AllĂŠ 3

Layout Randi Schmidt Print Scanprint A/S

Welcome to Aarh us Festival 2 01 1 -- B eautiful M istakes

Aarhus Festival is one of the largest cultural events in Scandinavia and certainly the cultural highlight of the year in Aarhus. From 26 August to 4 September the city’s streets, squares, parks, concert venues, theatres, galleries and museums come to life with events that you most likely cannot experience elsewhere. Aarhus Festival 2011

About Aarhus Festival

For the first time in the 46-year old history of Aarhus Festival we have decided to gather the events with a strong appeal to international festival guests and present them in this special edition of the festival programme. The entire programme contains more than 1000 events. This is our way of greeting all expats and international families in Aarhus and Central Jutland and showing you what kind of city you have come to. Hopefully, this edition will encourage you to take part in the festival and re-discover the city of Aarhus. We warmly welcome you.

F esti val r e comme n dati o n s

Photo: Bill Carter

Aarhus Festival encompasses various forms of art, ranging from music and theatre to film, architecture, technology, food and children’s entertainment. We have asked three well-known figures from the Danish cultural life to pick their favourite events from this year’s programme.

Mar ie F ran k

Mo rte n A lbæk

F r e de r ikke As pöc k



Film director

Tim Christensen and Gemma Hayes See page 6

Foretaste at street level See page 12

International Night Cabaret See page 10

Miracoco See page 8

Aarhus Conversations – mistakes in general See page 11

Aarhus Stories See page 11

Josh T. Pearson + Howe Gelb & A Band of Gypsies See page 7

Bellastock Aarhus Bellastock Aarhus focuses on creating urban spaces from sustainable materials. See

Rebeltown on Bispetorv See page 8 Ujazz Aarhus Festival’s one-day festival for new jazz featuring among others John Tchicai. See

The walls have ears Fantastic theatre installation for the whole family at Theatre Refleksion in Frederiksgade. See Slightly Fat Features Smash-hit comedy variety group Slightly Fat Features from UK. See Don’t cross the river to get water Spectacular happening at the stream along Åboulevarden

aar h us festi val

Family Sunday Aarhus Festival ends on a high note with a Family Sunday in the Tivoli Friheden amusement park on 4 September

Aarhus Conversations – mistakes in branding See page 11


A s p i r it of r isk-taki n g

Jens Folmer Jepsen is a man of many ideas. With great risk-taking enthusiasm, he has now for five years been developing some of them in his capacity as the executive director of Aarhus Festival. When you take a look at Jens Folmer Jepsen’s CV – or just ‘Folmer’ as Aarhusians prefer to call him – it makes for exciting reading. He has written songs, been a TV journalist, directed the satirical TV comedy series ‘Kongeriget’, which became part of Danish popular culture, etc., etc. This long list indicates an active mind, an innovative and passionate spirit. “When I agree to do something, I do so hook, line and sinker. I do not like to stay in a job when things start going lukewarm. I always take care to keep intact my zest for life, i.a. by putting new ideas to the test.” And it’s these very ideas that make up Jens Folmers Jepsen’s best quality. In last year’s edition of Aarhus Festival, a forest was planted on Aarhus’ largest square, the ‘Store Torv’, and a bridge was constructed to connect the multicultural ‘Gellerup’ suburb to the rest of Aarhus. This year a beach will be moved into the Klostertorv square, and passengers in the city’s taxicabs can be taken to their destinations by surprise guest drivers. Playfulness and daring Folmer admits that sometimes he drives the festival secretariat crazy with his new ideas, but an unmistakable connecting thread runs through them all: A high level of identification, significance and an inclination towards playfulness and the courage to dare. “Last year, for instance, we asked some Aarhusian architects ‘what if there was a small forest on the ‘Store Torv’ square in the town centre?’ – and then we arrive at an answer during the festival. This is also the case with our film festival: We ask four musicians to write songs, and then we pass them on to four film directors, who use them as a kind of poetic manuscript. The finished short features are premiered during the festival at the ‘FilmLab Aarhus’ film festival”, Folmer explains.

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The same connecting thread runs through the annual themes that form the common heading of the festival events. Since Folmer took over the helm in late 2006 he has launched themes like ‘In Motion’, ‘Open City’, ‘The Future is Near’, ‘Neighbours’, and this year’s ‘Beautiful Mistakes’. Underlying them all is a line of thought that is all about seeing things from new perspectives, having the leading edge and presenting meaningful cultural events to all of the various types of festival goers. And this should all be done in a way that will hopefully leave a watermark on the everyday life to which we all return after the ten days of the festival. “To me the core task of the Festival is to put Aarhus on the map as a city that is both fun and clever, and at the same time to be open and portray Aarhus as a city you want to come to and be in”, the Festival executive director points out. Beautiful Mistakes The ‘Beautiful Mistakes’ theme is based on the truism that we humans are all born with faults and shortcomings, but we also spend an inordinate amount of energy on hiding our own shortcomings, and at the same time we never omit to point out those of others. This year, Aarhus Festival challenges this attitude: “For a little while this year, we will make so free as to seek out the beauty inherent in faults, shortcomings and everything imperfect in us humans and collect the ‘happy accidents’ that occur when you let chance and the unpredictable rule.” Exactly how Folmer’s many ideas will come to fruition and what beautiful mistakes will actually occur, you will have to discover between Friday the 26 August and Sunday the 4 September when the festival will turn our city upside down.

Aar h us Festival go es Wi n dMade

About Windmade

Aarhus Festival takes first step towards a greener festival and future by test-running the new global consumer label WindMade. Morten Albæk, senior vice-president at Vestas, explains what it is all about.

36-year old Morten Albæk is not a typical top business leader. His professional career demonstrates an undeniable talent for business. Yet he is also a philosopher and a keen public debater. WindMade is a brainchild of both the corporate leader and the philosopher. “Windmade is the world’s first global consumer label that helps consumers identify products made by means of one single source of energy, wind. Today the consumer is blindfolded, but with WindMade, you’ll be able to identify which products are made with wind energy.” Vestas launched the WindMade initiative in February 2011 partnered among others by UN Global Compact, GWEC, PwC, Bloomberg, LEGO and WWF. At the turn of the year the first products with the WindMade label will be available in the shops. Before that Aarhus Festival will test-run the current standards for WindMade. This means that all of the events presented by the Festival – from concerts, performances, events in urban spaces, film, litterature and food events - will source all their electricity demand from wind power according to the current draft WindMade standard. To Morten Albæk WindMade and Aarhus Festival is an obvious match: ”This is an alternative way of making a sponsorship deal. Instead of a bronze plaque or a nice logo, we will be activating the WindMade concept at an event which involves several thousand people and which is historical because it is probably the first wind energy based festival in the world”. The citisumer The question is whether sustainable culture is a sustainable idea. Will the festival guests be interested in whether or not the electricity for the loudspeakers or the spotlights comes from wind turbines?

From corporate to NGO Vestas developed the WindMade label, but an independent, non-profit NGO was set up to manage it. This has not been done by any other company before. The underlying logic is simple: An increased consumer demand for products made by wind energy will put pressure on the politicians to expand the market for wind energy, which in the end will benefit wind turbine manufacturers like Vestas. In order to build credibility it was necessary to give WindMade back to the public at large in the shape of an independent, non-profit NGO modelled on such labels as Fairtrade, Organic, FSC or Recycled. Labels that WindMade hopes to emulate, Morten Albæk adds: “This is the seventh global consumer label to be launched, and it can be demonstrated that the other consumer labels have actually had an impact on legislation, but that hasn’t happened overnight. It’s a long slow haul. So I believe – and this is of course easily said – that, if we have this same conversation again in 2015, then we would be able to see the very concrete, manifest results of launching WindMade.” Morten Albæk reinforces each word with rhythmic knocks on his desk and does not lose eye contact. He is clearly passionate about the matter, and several times he refers to well-documented surveys and not least to his own unshakable belief in people’s common sense. “I vow to lay down my weapons and give up the day that proof can be produced that the majority of middle-class consumers in the world have no common sense, but I do insist and believe that they have plenty. It’s just got to be activated.” There is no doubt that WindMade has a formidable advocate in Morten Albæk whose strengths it resembles. Hopefully, the global consumer label will have as good a frontrunner in Aarhus Festival all through its ten days of exclusively wind powered cultural events. Read more on

“WindMade is an attempt to activate not only the consumer in people, but also the citizen. That is why we talk about a citisumer concept, because I don’t think we can separate the consumer from the citizen any longer. You’ve got the ethics you’ve got, and the knowledge you have been equipped with – whether you’re choosing products in a supermarket, which politician to vote for or what cultural experiences to go to.” The same applies to Morten Albæk himself. Whilst he is warmly and passionately advocating the WindMade concept, it is impossible to separate Morten Albæk, the marketing director, who does his best to sell wind turbines, from Morten Albæk, the citizen, who cares about the quality of the planet he will leave to his children.

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“CO2 emissions have never been as high as they were in 2010. So you and I, all festival goers, and everyone else, who are not devoid of reason, will have to make up our minds whether this is something we think is of durable value, and if not, make some personal choices as to how we can contribute to altering this condition for the better. Quite simply, WindMade is about giving the consumer the possibility for making this choice.”


o utstan d i ng conc e rts

Since its inauguration, Aarhus Festival has advanced especially on the music side of its programme, and in recent years the festival has been able to present special concerts and music constellations which only happen at the festival and attract audiences from all over the country and abroad. This year Aarhus Festival presents:

So lo

T im C h r iste nse n (dk) an d Gemma Hay es (ie)

The person, the voice and the melody take centre stage at Aarhus Festival’s solo concerts at the Aarhus Theatre. This year, you can get ‘up close and personal’ with Charlie Sexton, Poul Krebs, Howe Gelb and Mark Lanegan and more.

Danish singer-songwriter Tim Christensen will be standing “right next to the right one” when he shares the stage with Irish Gemma Hayes at the unofficial opening of the Festival at the City Hall. “It’s hard to define exactly what makes you fall totally in love with a certain type of music. But that is what happened to me when I heard Gemma’s debut album ‘Night On My Side’ from 2002, and I have been a huge fan ever since” – Tim Christensen

Solo I: Poul Krebs and Charlie Sexton Aarhus Theatre, Teatergaden 28 Aug. at 7pm Poul Krebs

Tickets at DKK 175, 215, 255, 295 (+ sales fee) Tickets available from or tel. +45 70 20 20 96

The City Hall, Rådhuspladsen 2

Gemma Hayes

25 Aug. at 9pm (doors open at 8pm)

Solo II: Howe Gelb with guests: Mark Lanegan and others

Tickets at DKK 300, students DKK 150

Aarhus Theatre, Teatergaden

Tickets available from or tel. +45 70 20 20 96

28 Aug. at 10pm

Mark Lanegan. Photo: Sam Holden Photography

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Gemma Hayes

Mark Lanegan

Tickets at DKK 100, 200, 300, (+ sales fee) Tickets available from or tel. +45 70 20 20 96

T h e Me d ium - Rar e S essi o n s

J o s h T . Pea r s o n ( us ) + Howe Gelb (us) an d A Ban d of Gypsies feat. Raimu n do Amado r (es)

For the fourth year running, The DeSoto Caucus and Howe Gelb present ‘The Medium-Rare Sessions’ at Aarhus Festival. This year some of the best performers from the famed American school of singersongwriters hit Aarhus.

“A stone-cold masterpiece” and “a truly magnificent record” are just two of the epithets attached to Josh T. Pearson’s latest album that has had reviewers draw parallels to Jeff Buckley, Neil Young and Leonard Cohen.

Each year the Aarhus-based orchestra The DeSoto Caucus invites Danish and international guest singers onto the stage and strikes up new musical friendships.

Performing the same night Howe Gelb joins forces with A Band of Gypsies featuring Raimundo Amador, a true, national folk hero in Spain.

Among them are M. Ward (She & Him), Charlie Sexton, lead guitarist of the Bob Dylan backing band, and Jason Lytle, former lead singer/ guitarist of the Grandaddy indie rock band.

VoxHall, Vester Allé 15 3 Sept. at 9pm (doors open at 8pm)

VoxHall, Vester Allé 15

Tickets at DKK 175

30 Aug. at 8pm (doors open at 7pm)

Josh T. Pearson

Tickets at DKK 200

Josh T. Pearson. Photo: Claudia Grassl

Tickets available from or tel. +45 70 20 20 96

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M. Ward

M. Ward

Tickets available from or tel. +45 70 20 20 96


U rban s pac es t ransfo rme d

Every year during Aarhus Festival, Aarhus is visibly transformed. In previous years, the festival has demonstrated how the world’s longest sofa, a medium-sized forest, an inflatable lighted labyrinth and an authentic favela placed in the urban space can unite people in new ways. This year is no exception. Once more the festival goes ahead and challenges habitual thinking in the beautiful streets, alleys and squares of the City.

Rebeltow n

Aar h us o n t h e beac h

Aarhus Festival allows the ArtRebels cultural activist group free rein to convert the ‘Bispetorvet’ square into Rebeltown – a small, rebellious art and music town inside the city containing every conceivable feature from small stalls and momentous happenings to major concerts with the most popular, new Danish bands and DJs.

Go to the beach without leaving the city of Aarhus. Renowned Slovenian architects ProstoRož turn the ‘Klostertorv’ square into a beach complete with 130 cubic metres of sand plus elements and furniture inspired by authentic beach environments. In the middle fairbar will present live music throughout the festival.

26 Aug.-4 Sept.



26 Aug.-4 Sept.

Free of charge

Free of charge

G r eat illusi o n s o n Stor e To rv

M i raco co

The stage will be set for some gigantic, optical illusions at the ‘Store Torv’ square. During the day a large-scale street painting will turn your impression of the square upside down. And at night a 3-D animated projection will light up the façade of the Royal Hotel and add completely new dimensions to the building.

The amazing Miracoco is an inflatable walk-in sculpture – a luminarium designed to give children and adults an exceptional experience of light, colour and sound. Explore the maze of corridors, and challenge your senses. The City Park (between The City Hall and The Concert Hall) Tickets at DKK 30

Free of charge

Tickets available at the entrance

Miracoco. Photo: Ian Allen

26 Aug.-4 Sept.

Store Torv

Great illusions on Store Torv

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26 Aug.-4 Sept.

New Ko rea n th eatre

Do you want to get an impression of what it feels like when a new generation discovers that the world may be different - and a better and funnier place? Then you might go to Seoul in Korea where minds get blown and where some people’s ingenuity knows no bounds. Or you could just visit Aarhus Festival and meet the Tacit Group ensemble and Geumhyung Jeong who are splendid representatives of the new times.

Tac it G ro u p

Tacit Group

Geum h y u n g J e o ng

By tacit agreement, the six Korean artists on stage make a point of keeping silent. But then they can do things with their computers that would never be possible with words. With their laptops, they combine improvisation, digital art and audience participation in a humoristic and extroverted way.

Geumhyung Jeong has her origin in the Seoul’s vibrant performance scene and has won international acclaim for innovative combinations of dance, puppetry and video documentaries. In Aarhus she will be presenting 2 performances: ‘Oil Pressure Vibrator’ and ‘Video Camera’, which both explore female sexuality and in which the man is replaced by the machines surrounding her.

The Gala show is opened by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik accompained by Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mary.

Oil Pressure Vibrator Brobjergskolen, Valdemarsgade 1 29 to 31 Aug. at 8pm

Gala Opening with Tacit Group

Tickets at DKK 150

The Concert Hall Aarhus, Thomas Jensens Allé

Tickets available at or tel. +45 70 20 20 96

26 Aug. from 7 to 8pm Tickets at DKK 250

Video Camera

Tickets available at or tel. +45 89 40 40 40

Radisson Blu Scandinavian Hotel, Aarhus 2 + 3 Sept. at 8pm

Tacit Group

Tickets at DKK 90

The Concert Hall Aarhus, Thomas Jensens Allé

Tickets available at or tel. +45 70 20 20 96

27 Aug. from 7.30 to 8.20pm Tickets at DKK 150

Geumhyung Jeong. Oil Pressure Vibrator

aar h us festi val

Tacit Group

Tickets available at or tel. +45 89 40 40 40


I nte rnati onal Nigh t Cabaret

Not so polite come dy

The fantastically charming Salon Revue dome ‘tent’ located in the ‘Tivoli Friheden’ amusement park provides the perfect setting for Aarhus Festival’s famous International Night Cabaret.

Aarhus Festival presents two British stand-up comedians who know nothing about polite English etiquette but everything about gritty English humour.

Join us for some of the most grotesque, risqué, twisted and hilariously funny acts with eminent magicians, comedians and other top-notch artists.

Ava Vi dal ( uk )

Each night before the Night Cabaret opens, the ‘Restaurant Terrassen’ serves a four-course dinner.

“In a scene dominated mainly by unthreatening feel-good comedy, it’s refreshing to see evidence that stand-up still has teeth.” – Nione Mankin, Chortle ‘The UK Comedy Guide’

Experience among others:

Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Aarhus 1 Sept. at 9.30pm + 2 Sept. at 8pm

David Shiner, mimic and comedian who has performed all over the world, including in the world-renowned Cirque du Soleil. Sos and Victoria Petrosyan who change costumes at a pace that has earned them titles such as ‘Magicians of The Year‘ and ‘Best Cabaret Duo in the World’. Kalki Hennenberg who manages to play drunk in a very convincing manner while she undresses and keeps her numerous hula hoops going.

Tickets at DKK 100 (DKK 160 for double bill: Ava Vidal and Diane Spencer, on 1 Sept.) Tickets available from or tel. +45 70 20 20 96

Dian e Sp e nce r (uk): All- Pe rvad i ng Madn ess “Spencer delights in mining the crudest elements of sex and bodily functions for toe-curling but breathtaking entertainment. And like all the best specialists in shocking material, she does it all with relish and brio.” – James Kettle, The Guardian

24 Aug. to 3 Sept. (exept 28 Aug.), at 9pm (dinner at 7pm) Tivoli Friheden, Skovbrynet 5 Tickets at DKK 135-655 Tickets available from or tel. +45 70 20 20 96

Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Aarhus 31 Aug. + 1 Sept. at 8pm Tickets at DKK 100 (DKK 160 for double bill: Ava Vidal and Diane Spencer, on 1 Sept.)

Ava Vidal

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Kalki Hula Girl

Tickets available from or tel. +45 70 20 20 96

F ilmlab Aar h us

Aarh us Conve rsati o ns

“If you do not ever try your hand at anything, nothing will ever happen.” This is the Filmlab Aarhus motto for a programme teeming with small, innovative works by well-known directors, new original film music, and major new talents.

Lean forward and enjoy a series of exciting conversations between some charismatic personalities – this year the conversations will somehow all centre on the festival theme of ‘Beautiful Mistakes’.

Aar h us Stor ies

Mamie Rheingold, Google

Each year Filmlab Aarhus invites filmmakers and musicians to collaborate and experiment with film form and production methods. Experience new short feature films by Rutger Hauer (NL), Sil van der Woerd (NL), Frederikke Aspöck (DK), Margaret Brown (US), Jonas Elmer (DK) and original film music by Lolly Jane Blue (NL), Lambchop (US), Under Byen (DK) and John Parish (US).

DOX : LAB Together with CPH:DOX Filmlab Aarhus presents DOX:LAB. Seven film makers from different parts of the world are coupled with seven Nordic colleagues and challenged to shoot a documentary in the nonnordic film maker’s homeland. See new documentaries by Lilibeth Cuenca (DK) and Nidal Hassan (SY), Kasper Bisgaard (DK) and Donald Mugisha (UG), Mauro Andrizzi (AR) and Marcus Lindeen (SE) and others. ‘Øst for Paradis’ cinema, Paradisgade 7-9

M istakes i n b ran d i ng Can the world’s most important brands afford ’Beautiful Mistakes’? How expensive are they, and do they pay? Pick the brains of four toplevel executives from Ferrari, Google, AT&T and Time Magazine, who discuss branding errors with CEO Mads Thimmer, Innovation Lab, as host.

29 to 31. Aug. Tickets at DKK 25 per film

The City Hall, Rådhuspladsen 2

Tickets available from

30 Aug. at 7.30pm Tickets at DKK 100 Tickets available from or

M istakes i n musi c It’s no chance matter that the ‘music of chance’ is talked about so much. This year’s theme of ‘Beautiful Mistakes’ produces great resonance among musicians, and American singer-songwriter Howe Gelb is a master of happening upon ‘happy accidents’. Meet him and Bob Dylan band leader Charlie Sexton discussing with MOJO journalist Andrew Fyfe what might actually be happening when ‘the music of chance’ is playing. CANblau tapas bar, Klosterport 2 31 Aug. at 8.30pm (dinner at 6.30pm) Tickets at DKK 100 (DKK 340 incl. tapas dinner)

M istakes i n g e n e ral Journalist and writer Kathryn Schulz’s groundbreaking book ‘Being Wrong’, 2010, caused a stir and got her a new ‘job’ description: ‘the world’s leading wrongologist’. Her book is a witty, eye-opening exposition of humanity’s tendency for being wrong when we think, we are right. Århus Kunstbygning (Aarhus Art Building), J.M. Mørks Gade 13 2 Sept. at 7.30pm Tickets at DKK 100 Tickets available from or

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Rutger Hauer. Photo: Joost van den Broek

Tickets available from or


Fo r etaste -e xc iti n g an d c lev e r food

T h e go u rmet g r ill

‘Foretaste’ is Aarhus Festival’s food festival. And in line with previous years’ festivals we serve up knowledge, quality and inspiration for everyday cooking in the shape of new takes on meals based on regional produce.

Great fun and not at all complicated. That is how we might best describe Aarhus Festival’s invitation for some irresistible grilled food in a genuine festival ambience in the courtyard of the ‘FObyen’ in Vester Allé.

Wo r l d - c lass Fo retaste

The Gourmet Grill is open to all comers and is located just a stone’s throw from Miracoco and all of the many activities in the City Park.

This year, some quite extraordinary culinary delights await you at CANblau tapas bar. Albert Raurich, formerly chef at elBulli, the world’s best pastry chef Jordi Roca, El Celler de Can Roca, and CANblau chef Jimmy Holm will compose a special menu.

It is also the only place in town where you get the chance to taste the winner of the great Festival Burger contest in June chosen among others by football star Martin Jørgensen and the mayor of Aarhus, Nicolai Wammen.

CANblau tapas bar, Klosterport 2

On the menu:

4 Sept. at 6pm Menu at DKK 1,498 Tickets available (only 36 guests) from or tel. +45 70 20 20 96

Fo retaste at street level Walk the streets of Aarhus and compose your own menu at the following 8 restaurants: • CANblau: Bacalao avocado mojo rojo • Komfur: ’Samsø’ potatoes with mushrooms on toast and wild herbs • Svineriet: The czar’s breakfast: Raw veal (scraped), roe, vodka with a glass of wine • Ferdinand: Braised brisket of veal with chanterelles, maize, cranberries and demi-glace • Substans: Venison civet, Jerusalem artichokes, new onions, almonds, cherries and raw liquorice • Miro: Smoked foie gras, pickled pork, watercress • Aarhus Grilleriet: Weber grilled meats • Hotel Royal: A royal finish 1 to 3 Sept. at 5-10pm Tickets at DKK 100 per course including wine

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Photo: Martin Dam Kristensen

Tables cannot be reserved

The World’s Best Festival Burger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DKK 50 Grilled pork sandwich. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DKK 50 Festival menu of the day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 dish DKK 95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 dishes DKK 135 Cup of home-made ice cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DKK 25 The Gourmet Grill , Vester Allé 8 27 Aug. to 3 Sept. from 12 noon to 9pm


Aar h us F estival fo r e x pats

Reception Aarhus Festival invites expats and their families to attend a reception in the festival’s popup restaurant, The Gourmet Grill on Saturday 27 August from 3 to 5pm. You can enjoy a festive party atmosphere and meet other international employees from all over the world. The event is free of charge.

City walks Spice up your visit to the festival with conducted walks guiding you to the highlights of the festival and Aarhus. 1. Festival highlights Enjoy the Festival atmosphere and the highlights in the urban spaces 27 Aug., 1-3pm

The Gourmet Grill

Free of charge

27 August, 3-5pm

Meeting point: Main entrance to The Gourmet Grill, Vester Allé 8

FO Aahus, Vester Allé 8 Free of charge Registration necessary. Please register for the reception on

2. The City Hall Come and see the world famous City Hall – although more than 70 years old, the Aarhus City Hall is still a modern, functionalistic building. Designed by Arne Jacobsen and clad in Norwegian marble, it represents Danish design and architecture at their best. Take in the fantastic view from the top of the tower and get to know a little about local government. 27 Aug., 1.30-3pm Free of charge Meeting point: Main entrance to The City Hall, Rådhuspladsen 2

3. Festival Crawl Get a foretaste of the most convivial watering holes of the Festival, and – if you like – ‘crawl on’ on your own afterwards. 27 Aug., 5-7pm Tickets at DKK 100 Meeting point: Main entrance to The Gourmet Grill, Vester Allé 8 Registration necessary for all city walks. Please register on as only a limitied number can take part. Aarhus Festival for expats is organised by Aarhus Festival and sponsored by Konsulforeningen (≈ association of consuls), Aarhus University, Vestas and Arla. Also a special

aar h us festi val

Photo: Anna Nathalie Aïssa

thanks to International Community and Visit Aarhus.


S u c h a p e rfect festival day

Fo r t h e family

be su rp r ise d

i n dulg e yo u rself

Start out your day at Theatre Refleksion and set the 6-10-year-olds loose in the labyrinthine installation ‘The walls have ears’, while the younger ones have fun in the paper-workshop in the foyer.

If you’re in the mood for experiencing something you’ve never really seen before, start your day in Rebeltown, a small and rebellious music and art village, filled with workshops, stalls, happenings, concerts and DJs in the evening. For dinner create your own personal menu with one course from eight different restaurants in the city centre.

Start out your evening by taking a stroll downtown and experience the transformation of the city’s central squares and urban spaces.

Teater Refleksion, Frederiksgade 72b mon-fri 9.30am + 2pm, weekends 2pm-4.30pm

see page 8

31 August, there is an exclusive event at the CANblau tapas bar, which entails enjoying delicious gourmet food followed by an exclusive conversation between the musicians Howe Gelb, Charlie Sexton journalist Andy Fyfe followed by live music with Howe Gelb and A Band of Gypsies

Photo: Maria Ortmann

‘Foretaste at street level’, see page 12

In Ridehuset, it is a must to visit the NEXT Exhibition, which showcases the future steps in modern technology.

Every night the festival is filled with surprises. Normally, you wouldn’t pay to see a show starring a pair of old men’s socks with eyes sewed onto them, but in the case of The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre, you should definitely reconsider.

Ridehuset, Vester Allé 3 27-28 Aug. 11am-5pm and 29-30 Aug. 10am-5pm

Teater Katapult, Rosensgade 11 1 Sept. 6.30pm and 9.30pm

Photo: Óscar García fra Rockdelux

see page 11

If you’re into classical music you have a rare chance to experience the world-famous American violinst Sarah Chang interpreting Mendelsohn and Bernstein. Aarhus Festival Classic 2011, The Concert Hall 27-28 Aug. 7.30pm-10.30pm

When the stomachs start rumbling you should visit the Festival Gourmet Grill just right around the corner, where you can try the world’s best festival burger and homemade ice cream. In the afternoon, The City Park between The Concert Hall and The City Hall comprises a paradise for children at all ages. Experience the English variety group Slightly Fat Features, the spectacular luminarium Miracoco, Circus Krone, park games, children’s theatre, the mini-train and much more.

The same night there are plenty of surprises at Aarhus Festival’s mini-festival for modern jazz, called Ujazz. Experience new jazz legend John Tchicai, The William Blakes and many others, when they dive into improvised concerts. Ujazz is free of charge. Atlas, Vester Allé 15 1 Sept. 9am-2am John Tchicai. Photo: Cees van de Ven

beaut iful m i sta kes 14

Miracoco. Photo: Richard Rosalion


Finally, The International Night Cabaret and the SOLO concerts at Aarhus Theatre are worth highlighting as great suggestions for an unforgettable night at this year’s Aarhus Festival. see page 10 and 6

fi nd us h e re

Th e F estival I n formati o n Ce nt r e

Fac eboo k an d Tw itte r

Lille Torv 26-27 Aug. 11am-10pm 28 Aug-1 Sept. 11am-7pm 2-3 Sept. 11am-10pm

Get the latest news (in Danish) from Aarhus Festival on Facebook and Twitter.

At the information centre on Lille Torv we are ready to help and guide the festival guests.

aar h usfesti val . c om • Get an overview of the festival events • Find inspiration for where to go and make up your own Festival programme. • Watch video with Festival highlights

F esti val - ap p

B eautiful M istakes - game The more mistakes you make, the more beautiful it gets. Play the Beautiful Mistakes-game on Aarhus Festival’s Facebook-site and win concert tickets. The game is developed by Funday Factory.

I n fo galle ry During the festival you can get updates on the most current events on big screens located in Magasin and in the Festival Information Centre. The screens are sponsored by ProShop Europe and the info gallery by redia a/s.

aar h us festi val

Photo: Martin Dam Kristensen

Download Aarhus Festival’s app on App Store or Android Market. The App is in Danish and works on all iPhones and Android-based smartphones. The App is developed by Heyday.


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1. Amfiscenen

12. FO-Byen

22. Rådhuset/The City Hall

Music Tents

2. ARoS, Aarhus Kunstmuseum

13. Gaz Station

23. Skt. Knuds Torv

A. Det Turkise Telt/ Mathilde Fibigers Have

3. Bispetorv/Rebel Town

14. Godsbanen

24. Store Torv

4. Brobjergskolen (former Archauz)

15. Klostertorvet/ ProstoRož og fairbar

25. Svalegangen

B. Hos Anders/Telefontorvet

5. Bruun’s Galleri

16. Lille Torv/ The Festival Info Center

26. Teatret Gruppe 38

C. Jazz- og Folkteltet/ Sct. Pauls Kirkeplads

27. Teater Katapult

D. Motown-teltet/Europaplads

28. Teater Refleksion

E. Pustervig Torv

29. Train

F. Tivoli Friheden/ International Night Cabaret

6. Byparken 7. CANblau

17. Musikhuset Aarhus/ The Concert Hall

8. Cirkus Krone

18. Nordhavnsgade, Kaj 25/27

9. Den Gamle By/The Old Town/ Helsingør Theater

19. Radisson Blu Scandinavian Hotel, Aarhus

31. Øst for Paradis

10. DGI-huset

20. Ridehuset

32. Århus Kunstbygning

11. Entré Scenen

21. Rosenteatret

33. Aarhus Teater/Café Hack

30. VoxHall/Atlas/Promus

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