a journey through
Waiouru to Ōhakune via SH 49 20min, 27km Ōhakune to National Park Village via Raetihi and Raetihi Ōhakune Rd 33min, 46km
ead west from Waiouru along SH 49, tracing the lower boundary of Tongariro National Park. Pass through Tangiwai to reach Ōhakune.
The town is New Zealand’s ‘carrot capital’ which is celebrated by a giant statue of the orange vegetable on the edge of the village.
National Park Village to Taumarunui via SH 4 30min, 42.1km
ABOVE: Chateau Tongariro Hotel, Whakapapa Village RIGHT: Walking the Tongariro Crossing BOTH IMAGES: © Destination Great Lake Taupō
Keep going to Tohunga Junction, turning left to Raetihi. Consider stopping here to stretch the legs and visit the museum before journeying north along SH 4 to National Park Village, sitting just outside the boundary of Tongariro National Park and with Whanganui National Park to the west. The village reveals spectacular views of Mt Tongariro, Mt Ngāuruhoe and Mt Ruapehu. Carry on north to Taumarunui, the starting point for most canoe and kayak safaris along the Whanganui River.
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