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Taranaki - Walking Tracks & Trails

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Taranaki Districts

Taranaki Districts

Discover more of Taranaki on one of the region's walks and hikes

Dawson Falls


Covering every corner of the region, Taranaki’s walkways offer everything from a quick coastal stroll to an epic alpine adventure.

New Plymouth’s 13km Coastal Walkway is a great place to start, the Te Henui Walkway then takes you on a picturesque trail alongside Te Henui River. Mangamahoe offers a scenic bush walk, while the 7km Ōpunake Loop Trail has stunning coastal views and a secret garden surprise along the way. For a more intrepid adventure, Pouakai Crossing, is a spectacular 19km one-day walk across Mount Taranaki.

To discover more walks around Taranaki pick up a free Taranaki Walker’s Guide from an i-SITE or download from


Te Rewa Rewa Bridge


New Plymouth Coastal Walkway

Te Henui Walkway

Lake Mangamahoe

Ōpunake Loop Trail

Pouakai Crossing

Ohawe Beach to Waihi Beach Coastal Walk

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