Volume 28, Number 1 January 2010
Thrush Aircraft closing in on GE 510 certification
inside this edition: An ag-aviation excursion through Argentina • Ag flying at night • “Putting Dreams to Flight” — Book Review • NAAA Convention Highlights
Bill Lavender bill@agairupdate.com
from the cockpit
Final Rule of 14 CFR 21 It’s a brand new year. It seems like only yesterday everyone was concerned about Y2K (2000 A.D.). That turned out to be a hoax and I’m sure there will be more to follow as the years go by. With the new year, my New Year’s resolution for AgAir Update is to try my best to provide relative articles. By this I mean articles that portray our industry in a professional manner for all readers, especially to those that are not in our industry, like regulators. It was pointed out to me last month that a recent article published in AgAir Update did not help our professional image with regulators. In retrospect, maybe the reader’s comment was correct. From my viewpoint, the article was “what not to do”. Maybe if I had precluded the article in that respect, there would not have been any questions about it. I’ll try to do better in 2010. In any case, I appreciate the critiques. Without them, I could lose my way. To take the professionalism mantra to another level, with the upsurge in YouTube.com video postings about ag-aviation, ag-aviation should do its very best to present a very professional image. This includes proper dress for the pilot and ground crew, along with flying techniques that are both legal and in a manner that demonstrates to all we are not reckless, hot dog pilots. YouTube.com
is an excellent way to relay our message, whatever it may be, to whomever it may be, worldwide. Are you getting a chuckle from the climate-gate scandal? Interestingly, who would have thought “scientists” would tamper with evidence that debunks the global warming fiasco? Ironically, Mr. Al Gore and his global warming diatribe have been exposed by the very same information hi-way (Internet) that he claims to have invented. Imagine that! For those who attended, it was evident the NAAA convention in Reno was another success. There were some issues with positioning the aircraft in the exhibit hall due to inclement weather (lots of snow). The staff at NAAA did the best they could with an unfortunate situation. It amazes me how much this industry has changed over the years. I’ve watched technology interface with it in ways I never dreamed would happen. Now, there is a mirage of ways to use computers for managing a flying service. With the economic problems in general aviation, it is noticeable the number of turbine engine services that are entering the ag-aviation marketplace. Overall, the increase in market activity is good for ag-aviation. One item of interest that was brought to my attention in Reno was the Final Rule of 14 CFR 21 in the Federal Register
dated October 16, 2009. My legal-speak is not the best and to fully understand what is being stated you would almost have to be a lawyer. I’m sure at some point, a lawyer will be explaining it to someone in violation of the Rule. The best I can determine from reading page 53385, any component installed on a certificated aircraft must have some form of FAA certification as well. I can only imagine the issues this may cause. Obviously, this is something that I am sure NAAA is or will become involved with, even if compliance is mandated. You can Google Search “14 CFR 21” and click on the link “Electronic Code of Federal Regulations”. This will take you to the complete document for your own interpretation. I’ll be at many tradeshows over the next two months. I hope that I can visit with each of you who attend. I apologize to the state shows that I cannot attend. It is a tough decision about where to be the most effective. There are a fixed number of days in a month and there never seems to enough of them in January and February. Until next month, Blue Sky and Tailwinds...
Photo: The youngster to my left is Anthonie York of Transland, Customer Service. Volume 28, Number 1 JaNuary 2010
Thrush Aircraft closing in on GE 510 certification
inside this edition: An ag-aviation excursion through Argentina, 2009 • Ag flying at night •
Feature Stories Thrush Aircraft closing in on GE 510 certification .................................................................10 “Putting Dreams to Flight” — Book Review . ........................................................................15 Ag flying at night .................................................................................................................... 16 Hemisphere GPS forms alliance with third eye maps for aerial imagery services .................18 GE Aviation set to begin testing of its new H80 turboprop engine .......................................20 An ag-aviation excursion through Argentina, 2009 . .............................................................22 NAAA convention highlights . .................................................................................................. 28
P.O. Box 850 • Perry, GA 31069 USA 475 Myrtle Field Rd. • Perry, GA 31069 USA PHONE: 888-987-2250 • 478-987-2250 FAX: 888-382-6951 • 478-987-1836 aau@agairupdate.com • www.agairupdate.com
EDITOR / PUBLISHER: Bill Lavender editor@agairupdate.com ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR: Deborah Freeman aau@agairupdate.com ACCOUNTING: Sandy Lavender accounting@agairupdate.com ADVERTISING: Ernie Eggler ernie@agairupdate.com CLASSIFIED ADS: classifieds@agairupdate.com PRODUCTION: Deborah Freeman aau@agairupdate.com CIRCULATION: Tammy Bridges subs@agairupdate.com IT SPECIALIST: Graham Lavender graham@agairupdate.com CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Dennis Avery - cgfi@hughes.net Jim Gardner - jim@agairupdate.com Carlin Lawrence - carlin@agairupdate.com Alan McCracken - mccrackenalan@yahoo.com Robert McCurdy - robert@agairupdate.com Sam Miller - smiller@SLMmodels.com Andy Stein - andy@agairupdate.com LATIN AMERICAN REPS: Ernesto Franzen - ernesto@agairupdate.com Gina Hickmann - gina@agairupdate.com Walt Jazun - walt@agairupdate.com Pat Kornegay - svd@xanadu2.net
© Copyright 2010 AgAir Update retains all rights for reproduction of any material submitted, to include but not limited to articles, photographs, emails and bulletin board posts. All material remain the copyright of AgAir Update. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in part or whole, without the written consent of the publisher. Editorial published do not necessary reflect the views of the publisher. Content within AgAir Update is believed to be true and accurate and the publisher does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions. Unsolicited editorial manuscripts and photos are welcomed and encouraged. We cannot be responsible for return unless submissions are accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Advertising deadline is 12 noon, on the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication. AgAir Update (ISSN 1081-6496) Published monthly by AgAir Update, LLC, 475 Myrtle Field Road, Perry, GA 31069 for $39 USD for one year in the U.S.; International rates are $39 USD for one year. Periodical postage paid at Springfield, MO and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to P.O. Box 850, Perry, GA 31069. AgAir Update, a multiple-award winning publication, is a tabloid newspaper 12.25” deep by 9.5” wide on a 2.25” 4 column format. Contract rates are available upon request.
January 2010
calendar of events January 2010 January 5-9, 2010 TxAAA Convention
Hyatt Regency Hill Country Bastrop, TX Chris Shields 512-476-4405 www.taaa.org January 6-7, 2010 MoAAA Convention
Drury Lodge Cape Girardeau, MO Mark Hall 573-686-1666 January 10-12, 2010 ArAAA Annual Convention
Wyndham Riverfront Hotel North Little Rock, AR Tel: 501-376-3233 Fax: 501-376-4632 rharrod@sbcglobal.net January 11, 2010 AzAAA Meeting
Stanfield, AZ Les Davis 602-258-9234 January 17-19, 2010 Northeast AAA Convention
Harrisburg, PA Ali Farwell 570-394-7260 January 18-20, 2010 Oklahoma AAA
The Biltmore Hotel Oklahoma City, OK Sandy Wells 405-341-3548 January 19-21, 2010 MsAAA Convention
Hollywood Casino Bay St. Louis Will Green Poindexter 662-265-5903 msagaa@telepak.net www.msaaa.com January 25-26, 2010 AMAA
Heritage Inn Great Falls, MT Colleen Campbell 406-463-2268 eccampbell@yahoo.com 4 agairupdate.com
January 25-27, 2010 LaAAA Convention
L’Auberge du Lac Resort & Casino Lake Charles, LA Edward Krielow 337-824-5007
February 2010 February 1-3, 2010 SEAF Convention
TBA Linda Minton 772-461-8924 mail@southeasternaircraft.com February 4-5, 2010 NC AAA Convention
Senator Bob Martin Ag Center Willliamston, NC Don Stotesberry 252-935-5000 February 12-14, 2010 NAAA Spring Board Meeting
Washington, DC Peggy Knizner 202-546-5722 Fax: 202-546-5726 information@agaviation.org www.agaviation.org February 15-17, 2010 NATA Convention
Ramada Inn Kearney, NE Judy McDowell 402-475-6282 February 18-20, 2010 Canada AAA Convention
Delta Regina Regina, Sask Canada www.canadianaerialapplicators. com February 23-25, 2010 Tri-State AAA Convention
Holiday Inn Fargo, ND Cindy Schreiber-Beck, ND 701-642-5777 Andrea Barber Goebel, SD 605-765-2105 Terry Stieren, MN 952-226-5874
March 2010 March 7, 2010 MATA Convention
Billings, MT Gary Martin 406-367-5244
March 16-17, 2010 Aerial Fire Fighting Conference And Exhibition
Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel, Vancouver, Canada GMcKenzie@tangentlink.com 44(0)1628 660400 Fax: 44(0)1628 660622 www.tangentlink.com March 30-April 2 ArAAA SAFE Workshop
Corning Airport Matt Woolard 870-857-3839 www.agaviation.net March 30-April 1, 2010 Wildland Urban Interface 2010
Grand Sierra Resort & Casino Reno, NV www.iafc.org/wui
April 2010 April 6-9, 2010 ArAAA SAFE Workshop
Stuttgart Airport Stuttgart, AR Donald Dierks 870-673-1821 www.agaviation.net April 13-16, 2010 ArAAA SAFE Workshop
McGehee Municipal Airport Hosts: David Glover 870-2226407 David Glosup 870-222-6575 Alan Buford 870-222-4556 Matt Rial 870-866-6151
May 2010 May 27, 2010 International Crop Dusters Day
Contact: Bobby J. Wheat oldduster@aol.com 409-267-6599 281-813-4476
June 2010 June 2010 - TBA Aerial Fire Fighting One Day Forum
Washington, USA GMcKenzie@tangentlink.com 44(0)1628 660400 Fax: 44(0)1628 660622 www.tangentlink.com
June 23-24, 2010 SINDAG - Congresso
Ribeirão Preto, SP Brazil cristina@congressosindag.com. br 011-55-51-8162-9355
August 2010 August 5-8, 2010 Expo Congreso Taller Aviación Agrícola
Punta Del Este, Uruguay Tel: 011-598-2369-0013 infocongreso@anepa.org.uy www.anepa.org.uy
October 2010 October 8-10, 2010 NAAA Fall Board Meeting
TBA Peggy Knizner Tel: 202-546-5722 Fax: 202-546-5726 information@agaviation.org www.agaviation.org
November 2010 November 2010 - TBA Aerial Fire Fighting Conference And Exhibition
Spain GMcKenzie@tangentlink.com 44(0)1628 660400 Fax: 44(0)1628 660622 www.tangentlink.com
December 2010 December 6-9, 2010 NAAA Convention
TBA Peggy Knizner Tel: 202-546-5722 Fax: 202-546-5726 information@agaviation.org www.agaviation.org
January 2010
ag airmail question I have a question on using a Cessna for aerial seeding. I’m looking to use a C170 as an aerial seeder for a farm operation. Any equipment or information you are aware of for an aircraft modification? Mark Masters mark.masters@delta.com Hello Mark; As far as I know, the equipment you need does not exist as production equipment. You’d be far better off to use a small ag-plane, like a Cessna Ag-Truck/Wagon, or a Pawnee, on the farm. The C-170 is not designed for aerial seeding (although it has been use in aerial applications) and your pattern would probably not be
very good compared to using an aircraft specifically designed for aerial applications. How much money could you possibly save doing it yourself with a C-170 over hiring a private, professional applicator?—Bill
ag pilot essential A lifelong friend on my 1970 Harley Davidson Sportster! She and the Sportster are essential to me! Joe Woolslayer Tulsa, OK joewoolslayer@hotmail.com
old plane photos Howdy Bill, It was good to see you again at the Mid-States convention. I’m sending a couple of photos. One is of a 350 Jacobs-powered Call-Air (Aero Commander A9-B) and the other is a 450 B-Model Snow. They are owned and flown by Mike Dickenson of Blue Town, Texas (near Harlingen). Robbie Gardner Darien, GA sometimes TX gardair@yahoo.com P.S. I’m a better pilot than photographer!!
Thanks Robbie; Good to see you in Iowa as well. Hope you made it back to Texas with no problems. Your photography isn’t so bad. Keep flying.—Bill
Hey Joe! That’s pretty good when you have a Harley Davidson that’s older than the driver and both look great!—Bill
Greetings Bill — I trust you and yours are in fine fettle. November edition most interesting. I found the article on the chap with the sloping strip and hill country interesting. We (New Zealanders) forget there are hills in the
USA ag scene. I have an article coming along on sloping strip level equivalents. It might interest some of your chaps. Cheers and regards, Mike Feeney Hamilton, New Zealand mikefeeney@actrix.co.nz
Hello Mike; Thanks for the compliment in regards to AgAir Update’s new format. I’ve been on site at a few New Zealand sloping airstrips, even flown off a couple. I would be most interested, as would AAU readers, about working from New Zealand airstrips, which I have a high regard for! —Bill Editor’s Note; Readers can view the slope level for ag-ops article at www. agairupdate.com.
new format Bill, I really like your new look for AgAir Update! Color photos are crisp. That’s important for these aging eyes! Thanks for such a good job. Will see you at the Arkansas convention. Stan Ferguson Des Arc, AR stanferguson@centurytel.net Hello Stan; Thanks for the compliments! I have to give Graham the credit for “making” me change!—Bill Just thought I would tell you how great the “NEW” AAU looks. Great job on the upgrade. Looks much clear and crisp. David Dewil Hurst, TX daviddewil2005@charter.net
Thanks David; We (Graham and Deb) worked real hard on it!—Bill Hello Bill, I sure like what you have done with the AAU newspaper. Carlin Lawrence Carnegie, OK clawrenc@carnegienet.net Thanks Carlin; Lots of hard work by everyone here. But, it was worth it.—Bill The new print format looks great and is easier to use. Thanks and keep up the good work! Joe Coppick Puyallup, WA coppick@coppick.net Thanks Joe; We really appreciate the feedback, especially when it is favorable! Glad you like the new format of AAU.—Bill Great new idea (YouTube.com/agairupdate)! Douglas G. Hodges Missoula, MT douglasaviation2@hotmail.com
Hello Douglas, Thanks for your compliment! Actually, AAU made videos of the 2008 NAAA convention, along with several state shows.—Bill Just got a copy of your November AAU. I like the layout change. Terry Gage President, California AAA Lincoln, CA caaa@psyber.com Thanks for the compliment, Terry. Lots of hard work to pull it off.—Bill
faces of 2009 Thanks for the video (YouTube.com/ agairupdate) Bill and thanks to Hemisphere for the sponsorship. I opened the video and soon saw an old friend. At frame 24, the man on the right is Dean Lovgren. I’m 50 years old now. I was green as parrot poo at the time and this man took me under his wing 30+ years ago in a small town in Oklahoma and pretty much told me to sit down, calm down, shut up and learn. I’m still doing back & forths. Maybe I listened a little. Thank You Dean..... I’ll always count
you as a close friend. Ron Youngblood agav8r@inbox.com Hey Ron; Aren’t those AgAir Update YouTube videos (www.youtube.com/agairupdate) something else? We enjoy shooting them as much as AgAir Update readers enjoy viewing them, looking for friends (and themselves!). —Bill Why don’t you send out the “Program” ??? L B Davis davisag2@bellsouth.net Tupelo, MS Hello L.B.; Thanks for the suggestion. AgAir Update does send out the program in its printed Show Guide that is mailed the beginning of November. Let me think on this a little. I want to be sure not to step on any toes...—Bill
frost patrol Was looking through some of your articles and remembered fruit farmers are always looking for cheaper means
of frost protection. Maintenance workshops are always looking for fill-in work. There are always time-expired propellers/hubs/blades out there - no longer airworthy, but otherwise OK. About 12 years ago, a Uruguayan scientist developed a simple air-mover; a prop inside a vertical chimney to suck in low-lying air and shoot it straight up (opposite direction of what helicopters do). Seems it worked pretty well. His chimney was made of brick, he had a truck engine out the side and a rear axle as right-angle drive for verticalshaft prop. You probably know guys who could make, perhaps, trailer-mounted, sheetmetal chimney versions, run the prop at half speed, etc. Hopefully, this could help some maintenance folk, growers, etc. Just make sure some smart guy doesn’t spoil the party by patenting the idea - tell them the patent has expired or something. Paul Randall Purchasing Officer Super Air Ltd. New Zealand stores@superair.co.nz
January 2010
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January 2010
Hello Randall; Well, I’m not sure how building a trailer mounted wind generator for frost protection would help the ag-aviation industry. We already have enough ground machine competition, although such a device would be a stretch for calling a ground machine. (He-he) All jokes aside, in the citrus groves in the U.S., smudge pots are used to ward off frost. However, nothing has the versatility and effectiveness of either a helicopter or airplane. I think it is all about money deciding which method is used. Take care Down Under. Give all my friends at Super Air my regards, mate.—Bill
great editorial Your editorial “reflection” (Dec 09) was great! Even as a non-involved person now, I scan each page, ads and all, to try to keep up with the many facets of this fast moving industry. The re-work of your “newspaper” is worth every hour that you (and others) have spent on it. Congratulations and thanks. Larry Roth Stillwater, OK lroth1@suddenlink.net
Hello Larry; Many thanks for your comments. Coming from you, it means a lot to all of us here at AgAir Update. Stay warm in cold Kansas—Bill
well done My AgAir Update came in the mail yesterday and I wanted to thank you for a job well done. Was wondering if I could get a few extra copies? Thanks, Tim Charles Caldwell, ID tim@turbinesllc.com Tim; No problem with the extra copies, they have already been mailed. You got your edition before because individual copies are mailed from our Missouri printer. Bulk copies are mailed to us in Georgia and we then mail out extras as HYSIs (Have You Seen It), which mark the page for you. If the copies you receive aren’t enough, I forget how many I sent, let me know and I’ll send more. Thanks for helping us get your message to the industry and for
your continuing business. As new developments come about with the Magnum 802, please be sure to send pictures and text. See ya in Reno—Bill
management article On behalf of my family, I would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to have an article in Ag Air Update. The final product turned out great. The layout of the photos and screenshots look outstanding Thanks again and we look forward to seeing you in Reno. Jay Sharp Indianola, IA jay@applicationmgmt.com ApplicationMGMT.com
Morning Jay; Thanks for the compliment. The pleasure was all ours for such a nice gang of Iowa folks and a team effort from this office. I’ve know your mom and dad for years and I see they’ve done an excellent job raising Wes and you. See ya in Reno—Bill
great feedback Thank you so much for the article you did on my operation. I was very pleased with the article and have had some good feedback on it. I have enclosed a copy of the article in our Idaho AAA newsletter. Thanks again, it was a pleasure meeting you. Mark Heimgartner Heimgartner Aviation Juliaetta, ID From IdAAA newsletter — If you haven’t seen the November 2009 AgAir Update newspaper, it spotlighted an operation of one of our own. The article focused on Mark Heimgartner from Juliaetta, Idaho. It went into detail about Mark’s PT6-21 powered Ag-Cat, his loading facilities, hillside airstrip and the challenges of spraying in such vertical country. Hats off to Mark for representing Idaho applicators so well with such clean aircraft and operating facilities in such a unique flying environment! The pleasure was all mine. —Bill
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Thrush Aircraft closing in on GE 510 certification by Bill Lavender There is nothing like horsepower to make an ag-plane perform. When it comes to a turboprop ag-plane the more shaft horsepower available the easier the pilot can be on the engine. When the outside temperature rises, along with humidity, as it often does during the summer spray season, the resulting density altitude reduces the available horsepower for today’s ag-turboprop engines. Typical of these engines, after 70°F, the engine’s maximum available horsepower makes a linear deviation for each increase in density altitude. The obvious solution is to either have an engine that produces more horsepower than needed, or one that is not limited by typical density altitudes. The new, derivative GE H80 turboprop engine fits that description very well. With 1,069 thermodynamic shaft horsepower derated to 800 SHP up to 97°F, it easily has enough power to handle a 500-gallon aircraft like the GE 510 Thrush. Thrush Aircraft has partnered with GE Aviation to build a remarkable aircraft for agaviation. Through extensive research and development, Thrush Aircraft has been able to mate the derivative H80 engine with the proven 510 Thrush airframe. Derivative means that the H80 is a redesigned Walter M601-11E turboprop engine. After GE Aviation acquired Walter Aircraft Engines in 2007, it immediately began developing improvements on the popular M601 series engine. Already, the M601 has a history of more than 17 million flight hours and 35 years in service worldwide. With GE Aviation’s high-tech aerospace capabilities, it was expected a better, more powerful engine would evolve from the M601, hence the GE H80. It is important to note, the GE 510 Thrush prototype is the second-generation aircraft. The first prototype was an experiment in determining if the aircraft and engine
The GE 510 Thrush typically starts 100° C cooler than a Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A engine. It uses a pilot-proof auto-start system that prevents hot starts. The engine’s operating data is recorded and can be downloaded for review. The Avia propeller looks very much like its counterpart and reportedly performs very well with the GE engine.
Note the clean lines underneath and forward of the hopper dump gate, sealing the engine area from the elements. The oil cooler is just behind the K&N filter intake area. There are only two vent tubes, instead of a multitude.
combination was viable and if the aircraft would fly suitably without the usual 200 pounds of ballast forward of the firewall. While prototypes are often lighter than production aircraft, Jody Bays states it’s reasonable to expect at least a 200-pound reduction when compared to the current production T-34 aircraft. Additionally it should be notated that the GE prototype is based on the current S2R-T65 aircraft that is already certified to 10,500 pounds and not the S2R-T34. The installation was made using an M601-11E Walter engine that has the same outward physical attributes of the GE H80, including weight and engine mount points. Once it was established that the engine and airframe combination was viable, Thrush Aircraft and GE Aviation initiated the second prototype by revamping the installation to reflect the many improvements to the first prototype. A third prototype will be built to continue the development. It’s expected that the aircraft will have accumulated a couple of hundred hours before a production configuration is established in order to thoroughly “shake out” any problems. The second GE 510 Thrush prototype has an engine mount that is a spin-off of the G-10 Thrush engine mount for a TPE331-10 engine, insuring enduring and exceptional strength. The G10 engine mount also extended the length firewall forward by 18 inches when compared to the PT6A-34AG powered 510 Thrush. This compensates for not having close to 200 pounds of ballast forward of the firewall. At the time of this writing, it has not been determined if there will be any ballast used for CG purposes. In any case, at a minimum, the aircraft will be 200 pounds lighter than its counterpart. According to GE Aviation, the H80 has a distinct cost-of-ownership value. During a 3,600-hour period, it has no hot section inspection (HSI) requirement, no fuel nozzles (no spray pattern degradation or hot spots) and improved engine specific fuel consumption (SPC). A comparable, counterpart gas turbine engine would incur expenses during that time of approximately $20,000 for HSIs, $10,000 for fuel nozzle maintenance, while the H80 can save more
than $7,000 in fuel cost based on $2.40 a gallon (bulk), for a total of $37,000 in savings. Visually examining the second-generation prototype GE 510 Thrush, a few obvious questions arise, such as where is the pressure cowling? A pressure cowling has fairly well been accepted industry-wide to enhance the performance of the turbine ag-plane. Even though the GE 510 Thrush is outfitted with lifetime K&N filters that are accessible in a matter of minutes, it would seem positive air pressure to them would be beneficial. Jody Bays, Vice-president and test pilot for Thrush Aircraft explained, “At this time, we don’t believe the pressure cowling to be a benefit. During our certification test of the T-34 510 Thrush, one with a pressure cowling and one without, the one without made the time to climb test at 10,500 pounds, while the one with the pressure cowling could only pass the 9,500 pounds time to climb test. We are not completely sure, but believe the pressure cowling somehow affected the efficiency of the propeller. However, we will make a pressure cowling test with the GE Aviation H80 installation and if it improves performance, then it will be considered.” Another question is whose propeller will be certified on the aircraft? “We’ve found the Avia prop works nicely on this engine installation. With a 2,080 takeoff RPM, it is a very quiet and efficient propeller. The recommended operating RPM is 1,900 to 2,000. It is a very hardy prop that is delivered in a box with the hub and three blades. Any licensed mechanic can install the prop hub and insert the blades and it is already balanced. With international sales, the Avia prop should be very desirable, especially in Europe and the Middle East. However, Hartzell is working to develop a prop for the H80 on the 510 Thrush,” says Bays. It’s expected that the aircraft will be certified with both props and the owner will be able to specify which is desired. Further examination of the firewall forward GE 510 Thrush reveals the breathing gills are slightly larger, allowing for better airflow through the engine nacelle. The large vent on the bottom of
1. The GE Thrush can be easily maneuvered with its no frills tailwheel tow bar. 2. The wing steps are stainless steel adding less than eight pounds to the aircraft and greatly increasing their strength. 3. The GE 510 Thrush is outfitted with a set of Davidon, Inc.’s Tri-Set Nozzles for pattern testing. 4. Matt Gerus of GE Aviation examines the extra space at the cowling “gills” that allows for more air to move through the engine nacelle. 5. 40° down is the best angle for hooking up the load hose.
January 2010
the aircraft has been deleted so the underside of the engine cowling is sealed, preventing backflow of dry materials into the engine area. The oil cooler suffices to operate with only ram air. No cooling fan means less maintenance and a lighter aircraft. Ground run tests with the engine in feather resulted in similar oil temperatures in the green arc as in flight. The H80 engine is a relatively cool operating engine. It is also a well-sealed engine, evidenced by the lack of numerous engine and accessory drains. For the H80, there will only be two drains, one for the crankcase that is notably smaller than the same vent on the T-34 and another for the fuel to drain upon shutdown. Unlike other turbine powered Thrush aircraft, the GE 510 Thrush has a semi-monocoque cowling forward of the tubular engine mount. The cowling attaches to formers that are extremely strong and light. The production aircraft will have only the top and bottom skins screwed on, leaving the sides Camloc’d for ease of maintenance. The GE 510 Thrush is also a test bed for several other items unrelated to its engine. For instance, part of its certification will include the AmSafe airbag shoulder harnesses. They will probably be offered as an option. The tailwheel has a very simple forward attach point for a tailwheel tow bar. This idea was “borrowed” from Thrush aircraft in operation at Standard Fruit (Dole) in Central America. Looking at the side loader, instead of horizontal or vertical hook-up options, Thrush Aircraft has determined a 40° down angle is perfect. All of the lights (aircraft recognition, strobe and position) on the GE airplane are LED with an expected life of 50,000 hours. These lights are custom manufactured for Thrush and a retractable LED landing light is expected soon to replace the failure prone incandescent landing light. Many of the improvements to the GE 510 Thrush have been weight related. However, if an ag-pilot has ever had a 4130 steel wing step break due to corrosion and his hefty 200+ pounds, he will appreciate the all stainless steel steps that are slightly heavier by only four pounds each. Certification flights with an FAA DER are expected in early spring 2010. The airframe will be ready before that time. When the final certification of the H80 is issued, it will be a simple matter to bolt it on to complete the GE 510 Thrush certification. The outlook is good that a GE 510 Thrush will be working somewhere during the 2010 spray season.
Editor’s Note: The GE 510 Thrush in this article was outfitted with a GE Walter M601-11E engine. Although it is not a GE H80 derivative engine, the physical parameters, weight and size, are the same as the H80.
January 2010
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Lining............... $9.75 Air Tractor Thrush
“Putting Dreams to Flight” — Book Review by Bill Lavender I never realized just how fortunate the ag-aviation industry is to have the Thrush and Air Tractor aircraft until after I read Leland Snow’s autobiography, “Putting Dreams to Flight”. I don’t just mean the good fortune of excellent ag-planes, but what could be surmised as pure luck combined with undying determination. Unquestionably, the industry has been served well by Leland Snow’s more than 50 years of designing ag-aircraft. Most ag-pilots are familiar with the yellow machines. But, how many of us know it was no small wonder that Leland Snow survived his younger years as if by destiny alone? A parachute that wouldn’t open and a wing that came off during a test flight, along with other daredevil stunts, including hanging a friend from a rope suspended from an aircraft are just a few of the events Snow survived to tell about. There aren’t many historical documents
related to ag-aviation. One is Mabry Anderson’s book, “Low and Slow”. Unfortunately, it leaves off in the 1980s, just as the industry really started to change with turbinepowered aircraft, GPS guidance and high tech variable rate application equipment. Another account is “Putting Dreams to Flight”, a must read book that spans from the 1950s until today. It is an easy read, taking only a few
hours, but its 157 pages are filled with interesting facts about Leland Snow’s career. According to the book, at the early age of seven, Snow not only knew he wanted to fly, but also design and build airplanes. It all started with 10-cent model airplanes. His love of aircraft led him from his south Texas home in Harlingen to Texas A&M where he earned his aeronautical engineering degree.
Returning to Harlingen, he started, in earnest, his dream of building the ideal ag-plane. The book takes you though years of design work, times of little money, disappointment, large and small successes, including an interesting part about moving to Olney. The book includes recollections of early Air Tractor partners and how eventually, Leland Snow became its sole owner. Al Cleave worked with Snow to write “Putting Dreams to Flight”. The cover states, “by Leland Snow, as told to Al Cleave”, I can visualize Cleave, once an ag-pilot, sitting with Snow, taking notes and marveling at the accomplishments of this icon of ag-aviation. Cleave did an excellent job. Find a quite afternoon this winter, take a seat, read and enjoy how Snow, Thrush and Air Tractor aircraft came to being from the untiring and ongoing efforts of Leland Snow. You will learn lots more about this small in stature, but giant of a man. Good reading. To purchase, visit www.airtractor.com and click on “50th Anniversary Sourvenirs”.
January 2010
Ag flying at night Part 2 – I wanted to pass along some more information regarding flying at night. I have to state here that I am writing these things from my own knowledge and experience. Others may do things differently and perhaps even better in some instances. I can only speak for myself and how things operate here in my little portion of the night sky. Wires seem to be the greatest concern when flying at night. Wires are things that have to be addressed in different ways depending on the conditions at the time. On dark nights they tend to shine in the work lights so they are easier to see. On moonlit nights they may be less obvious because the moon illuminates the background. They are especially tricky when flying across field rows on a moonlit night. Wires tend to hide in the shadows of the furrows. Remember that depth perception is heavily affected at night. Shadows and spots of cultural lighting can make it difficult to get a good, three-dimensional view in some areas. Wires have to be sought out. They have to be visually confirmed and noted
in the pilots’ brain. Circling the field while training your turn light on the edges is how most of us do it. If the wires aren’t clearly visible, look for the poles and don’t always expect them to be where they should be. On fields that I am unfamiliar with, I might fly a pattern down in the field but at power line height, using my work lights to search out guy wires and to confirm the placement of the power lines or other obstacles. A nudge left and right on the rudder pedals allows me to sweep the lights back and forth a pass or two on either side to watch for those things that just sometimes seem to pop up in the middle of a field. This also provides a good chance to get your mental timing set for that particular job. Once I am confident of the placement of the wires or other obstacles, or can confirm the absence of such, I’ll go ahead and dive in and get to work. This practice sounds like it takes a lot of time. It does take some. But not near as long as takes to drag a broken airplane out of a field. I can tell you that doing this has, on several occasions, prevented me
from finding a guy wire or a stray power line at the wrong time. The boss wants that airplane and its pilot to cover as many acres per hour as it possibly can. But more importantly he wants both to come back in one piece. Flying at night means that while we are working, most people are ending their day. Tucking the kids in bed and climbing in the rack themselves hoping for a good night’s sleep. As ag-pilots we are charged with the stewardship of an industry that seems to always be under threat. It is important in any situation that we are “good neighbors” as we ply our trade. We have to take into consideration that the hours themselves can have a negative impact on the surrounding community. With our current urban sprawl issues, this is particularly important. Even the most dedicated aviation fan can get pretty irate when you go roaring back and forth over his house at 3 a.m. If there is work to be done where there are homes present, it’s a good idea to try to get those fields done as early as possible. We try to avoid turning over houses or flying over neighborhoods, especially when it gets late, even if it means flying the field the short way. There are times however, when it can’t be avoided. This is when
Tracy Thurman with his 1965 Citabria 7-ECA
extending or adding a little more altitude to your turns could save some trouble down the line. Our pest control advisors (PCAs) prefer to give work to the guys who don’t get complaints, and honestly, it’s something that we would just rather not deal with ourselves. Night flying is a practice in adaptation. A good night pilot knows that usually no two nights are the same. Weather conditions, air quality, things that may seem like subtle differences during the day have a big effect at night. A night pilot has to learn to operate safely and efficiently under these circumstances while maintaining a good positive reputation for the industry and with those who live around us. There are those who can’t, there are those who won’t, but there are those who do fly crop dusters at night and speaking for myself, it’s a heck of a good way to fly.
January 2010
Hemisphere GPS forms alliance with Third Eye Maps for aerial imagery services Calgary, AB — Hemisphere GPS has formed a strategic business alliance with Third Eye Maps company. The alliance recognizes Third Eye Maps as Hemisphere GPS’ authorized representative for aerial imagery capture and processing. Through the collaboration of multiple technologies, Hemisphere GPS now offers imagery solutions to its agriculture and land management customers. Third Eye Maps uses infrared camera systems to generate aerial imagery and maps with a variety of useful information. For agriculture, this information is used to determine vegetation growth indices as well as nutrient and irrigation irregularities that are essential for the improvement of farm yield efficiencies. For land management, imagery aids in the recognition of invasive species and other vegetation identification that
enables targeted management. The captured imagery data is post-processed and formatted into digital files which are compatible with most GPS assisted spray systems including the Hemisphere GPS Air IntelliFlow™ and IntelliGate™ liquid and dry flow control systems, respectively. “This combination of technologies provides our customers with valuable data that can be used in conjunction with automated spray applications; whether they are simply turning a spray on and off, or using it with full variable rate treatment in aerial or ground applicators” says Kip Pendleton, Vice-president and General Manager of Agriculture. “Growers, pilots and landowners can now spot spray areas as small as one-tenth of an acre in a more precise and cost effective manner.” Third Eye Maps brings more than 20
years of vegetation mapping and land management experience to Hemisphere GPS. The combination of Hemisphere GPS’ advanced guidance and flow control systems and Third Eye Maps’ aerial mapping technology and services offers Hemisphere GPS’ customers a more complete solution for imagery usage, data management and spray efficiency.
about Third Eye Maps Based in Lubbock, Texas, Third Eye Maps provides high quality imagery for agriculture and land management applications. The company augments existing imagery and collects new aerial imagery using multi spectral camera systems. For agriculture, Third Eye Maps imagery data is used for planting, fertilizing, and species-specific spraying operations.
Hemisphere GPS launches the new air IntelliStar™ Guidance System for aerial application Reno, NV —From the 43rd annual National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA) Convention and Exhibition, Hemisphere GPS unveiled Air IntelliStar, the latest addition to its precision aerial product line. IntelliStar is the new standard for state-of-the art GPS guidance for aerial applicators. It builds upon the features of the popular Hemisphere GPS Air M3™ guidance system adding many new features including increased processing power and memory, additional serial and USB ports and internal controllable relays, all in a more robust and rugged design. The IntelliStar system includes the IntelliStar CPU, a touch screen display, an enhanced version of the company’s IntelliTrac™ advanced guidance software, a Lightbar, an integrated Crescent® GPS receiver, an A21™ antenna, and MapStar® planning and analysis software. The new IntelliTrac software features a real-time graphic moving map display that provides visual guidance including swaths sprayed, field boundaries, skips and overlaps, and mark
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points. The software also gives pilots the ability to fly various precise spray patterns, using constant and/or variable rate flow control, to maximize flight efficiency for any selected area, track acreage sprayed and log flight and spray job data. IntelliTrac enables users to program shortcut keys directly on the touch screen, import GIS shape files directly into the system, control spray application rates with automatic flow control and much more. “Our new Air IntelliStar system represents the evolution of our product line to meet the growing sophistication and demands of the aerial application market – as the leader in this market, we want to continue to bring forward great innovation to serve the needs of our customers,” said Kip Pendleton, Vice President and General Manager of Agriculture for Hemisphere GPS. “IntelliStar gives pilots the ability to fly and spray precise patterns using state of the art GPS guidance, reducing flight time and input costs by minimizing skips and overlaps, and maximizing the precision of the application. We have designed this platform with the capability that will allow us to continue to add several new features in the future including internet capability, live weather data, background street maps
and other features useful to the operation of aerial applicators.” IntelliStar will be on display with other Hemisphere GPS precision aerial products in Booth # 617 at the NAAA Convention and Exhibition in Reno, Nevada, on December 8th and 9th, 2009. Hemisphere GPS will begin shipping IntelliStar systems this month.
Chip Kemper, President
about Hemisphere GPS Hemisphere GPS designs and manufactures innovative, cost-effective GPS products for positioning, guidance and machine control applications in agriculture, marine and other markets. The Company holds numerous patents and other intellectual property and owns leading brand names, including Outback Guidance® and BEELINE®, two of the leading brands in precision GPS for ground agriculture. The Company is headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, with major product development, sales, and marketing facilities in Arizona, Kansas and Australia. Hemisphere GPS is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) trading under the symbol “HEM” and is one of the TSX Cleantech designated companies. For more information about Hemisphere GPS, please go to www.hemispheregps.com.
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GE Aviation set to begin testing of its new H80 turboprop engine GE Aviation’s wholly owned subsidiary, GE Aviation Czech s.r.o., is set to begin by year-end (2009) certification testing of its new H80 turboprop engine, which will produce up to 800 shaft horsepower (shp) to power utility, agriculture and business and general aviation aircraft. Component testing of the H80 engine has been underway for several months, and GE
has recently started aeromechanical and performance testing on test engines. “The results from our component and engine demonstration tests of the H80 engine have been very positive, and we look forward to the start of certification testing on the H80 engine, which is the first new commercial turboprop engine for GE in more than a decade,” says
Brad Mottier, vice president and general manager of the Business and General Aviation organization at GE Aviation. The H80 engine combines the elegant, robust design of the M601 engine with GE’s 3-D aerodynamic design techniques and advanced materials to create a more powerful, fuel-efficient, durable turboprop engine with significantly enhancing hotday takeoff performance and high-altitude cruise speeds. The H80 engine will also feature an extended service life of 3,600 flight-hours and 6,600 cycles between overhauls. Engine certification of the H80 is expected in early 2010 with entry into service on the Thrush 510 to quickly follow. Last summer, GE acquired certain assets of Walter Engines a.s., an aircraft engine design and manufacturing company with a distinguished history in aviation. Since that time, the new business, GE Aviation Czech s.r.o., completed its move to a new 135,000 square-foot facility in Prague. The site also boasts new engine test cells,
which were completed earlier this month. The GE Aviation Czech facility employs about 400 employees. The former Walter Engines produced more than 37,000 engines, and its Walter M601 turboprop engine family has attained 17 million flight-hours on 30 applications since its introduction in 1975.
Thrush Aircraft and GE Sign Launch Customer for H80powered Thrush 510 Aerial Applicator Thrush Aircraft and GE Aviation have signed the launch customer for the new H80-powered, 510-gallon, 10,500-pounds gross weight Thrush aerial applicator (crop duster). The launch customer is a joint venture between Boschung Global AG and Inter Sinex AG of Switzerland. The venture has plans to operate the H80-powered Thrush 510 aircraft in Kazakhstan, which is the world’s seventh largest producer of grains
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and a major exporter of wheat. “The robust design of the Thrush 510 aircraft coupled with the H80’s power, performance and low maintenance requirements are an ideal fit for our needs and the Kazakh agricultural market,” said Paul Boschung, President of Boschung Global. “We predict a growing opportunity for modern agricultural aircraft in Kazakhstan and neighboring countries. Our plan is to purchase additional aircraft for this market in the future.” The H80 engine combines the robust turboprop design of the highly successful M601 engine family with GE Aviation’s modern 3D aerodynamic design techniques and advanced materials. The resulting technologies deliver more shaft-horsepower, improved engine fuel efficiency and increased temperature margin, enabling Thrush 510 operators to carry larger loads in hot weather. The H80 engine features an extended service life of 3,600 hours and 6,600 cycles between overhauls. Certification testing on the H80 is set to begin by year-end, with engine certification expected in mid-2010. The new H80-powered Thrush 510 is expected to gain certification from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration next summer, with
customer deliveries to follow. With a hopper capacity of 510 gallons, a gross weight of 10,500 pounds, and the 800-shp H80 engine up front, the improved Thrush 510 is designed for superior performance for agricultural operations. The Thrush features a 29,000hour wing spar life with no mandatory inspections of the wing spars. Additional features include a tubular steel fuselage and cockpit roll cage, removable fuselage skins and chromate-treated aluminum surfaces for corrosion prevention -- all designed to maximize pilot safety, reduce maintenance time and enhance aircraft productivity. Thrush Aircraft, Inc. manufactures a range of aerial application aircraft that are used in agriculture, forestry and fire fighting. Aerial application is the safest, fastest, most efficient and economical way to protect and fertilize crops and forests, control insects, plant seeds and fight wild fires. All Thrush models provide superb visibility, light control response and a high degree of maneuverability and speed. Thrush Aircraft, Inc., headquartered in Albany, Georgia, has aircraft currently operating in more than 80 countries around the world.
Premier Turbines Named Designated Repair Center in Americas for M601 and H80 Engines GE Aviation has selected Premier Turbines as its Designated Repair Center in North and South Americas for M601 and H80 turboprop engines. As part of this exclusive agreement, Premier Turbines will offer heavy repair services, exchange engines and rentals, line replacement unit rotable pools and field service support to all existing and future M601 and H80 engines in the Americas region. GE Aviation will provide the necessary OEM parts to meet Premier Turbines’ needs. Premier Turbines will be ready to accept M601 engines for repair in the first quarter of 2010. “GE chose Premier Turbines based on its strong commitment to customer support and quality as well as its extensive experience providing repair services for turbine engines,” said Brad Mottier, vice president and general manager of Business & General Aviation at GE Aviation. “This designation will further expand GE’s service and support offerings for M601 operators and future H80 engine operators.”
Located in Neosho, Missouri, Premier Turbines is a leading provider of repair and overhaul services for commercial, government and military turbine engines, components and accessories with more than 40 years experience. Premier Turbines is dedicated to providing precision service, on-time performance and the expertise that comes from decades of experience on thousands of turbine engines. The company was acquired by BBA Aviation in 2003. Last year, GE Aviation began offering M601 operators around-the-clock customer support through its Business Jet Operations Center. The Business Jet Operations Center is staffed with customer product technicians who can provide a rapid response to needs, such as parts availability, trouble-shooting and field issues. M601 engines are overhauled at GE Aviation Czech’s facility in Prague. GE Aviation, an operating unit of General Electric Company (NYSE: GE), is a worldleading provider of commercial and military jet engines and components as well as avionics, electric power, and mechanical systems for aircraft. GE Aviation also has a global service network to support these offerings. For more information, visit us at www.ge.com/aviation.
Ag Pilot Training
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January 2010
Springcreek Aero Club hosts Pumpkin Chunkin On November 15th, 2009, the Springcreek Aero Club hosted the first annual “Pumpkin Chunkin” at Olney Municipal Airport. An Olney resident donated a truckload of leftover Halloween pumpkins to the club. For a $15 buy-in, contestants got the opportunity to drop their pumpkin from a Cessna 206 at a target 200 feet below. The rules were simple: The closest to the target wins half the pot, with the other half going to the Kenny Hirsch & Brandon Carter S-2A Airplane Restoration Memorial Fund. Who knew Pumpkin Chunkin was such a spectator sport? The event was attended by at least 75 people and raised $640! Celeste Dixon (wife of Air Tractor Final Assembly Mechanic Cody Dixon) was the big winner at 28 feet – 3 inches. She generously donated her winnings back to the Memorial Fund. It turns out that Pumpkin Chunkin is a great way to provide fellowship, raise money for a good cause, and get rid of sixty five leftover Halloween pumpkins! Thanks to all who helped make this a great event! Submitted by Mike Rhodes, mrhodes@airtractor.com
January 2010
EPA grants 60day extension for comments on drift labeling proposal The EPA announced it would be extending the deadline for comments on its draft proposal for drift labeling language by 60 days, from Jan. 4 until March 5, 2010. NAAA and a multitude of other stakeholders submitted letters to the Agency requesting an extension of the comment period. NAAA requested the same commenting extension be granted on a related petition filed by several activist groups. The commenting period for the environmental activists’ petition has also been extended until March 5, 2010. In its letter, NAAA stated that an extension of the comment period on both of these documents would benefit both
the Agency and other affected entities for several reasons. NAAA expressed to the Agency that these documents have the potential to very seriously impact the agricultural aviation industry. The Association underscored that ample time is needed to fully scrutinize the information set forth in the documents, consult with other entities involved and develop comments that will fully and adequately express the industry’s concerns to the Agency. A primary reason for the extension request is that several agricultural organizations—including NAAA—with legitimate interest in the proposed drift language and the petition will be holding their annual conferences
Leading Edge Wing Lights For Air Tractor and Thrush
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and board meetings over the next several months both during and after the original comment period. These meetings will serve as important forums for stakeholders to meet and discuss the implications of these proposals. NAAA believes the more time these groups are allowed to develop their positions, the more helpful the end result submitted to the Agency will be. When the 2001 drift proposal was issued, two deadline extensions ultimately allowed for a total of 221 days to comment. NAAA is currently in the process of analyzing the Agency’s drift proposal and developing formal comments. The Association urges its members to submit comments as well. Comments requesting an extension of the current draft proposal for drift labeling language may be submitted at www.regulations.gov using docket number EPA-HQ-OPP-2009-0628. The draft drift labeling language has already raised concerns to applicators nationwide. One of the mandatory statements in the draft drift notice for commercial applications is “do not apply…in a manner…that could cause an adverse effect to people or any other non-target organism or site.” The terms “could cause” is a new legal standard,
which EPA plans to apply to enforceable labels without having gone through proper legal procedures. The vagueness of the terminology will lead to unnecessary enforcement actions and frivolous lawsuits. NAAA urges everyone to consider submitting comments to the Agency on this most important issue. Comments from affected stakeholders were instrumental in tabling the Agency’s 2001 drift proposal. NAAA encourages you to lend your voice to protect the ag aviation industry from this ominous policy. This article was published with the permission from the National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA). To join NAAA visit www.agaviation.org or call NAAA at 202-546-5722. NAAA is the only national association representing the aerial application industry before the federal government and the national media. NAAA, through its sister agency the National Agricultural Aviation Research & Education Foundation, is also responsible for organizing the Professional Aerial Application Support System (PAASS), the national safety and stewardship program enhancing the professionalism and safety of the industry. www.agaviation.org
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January 2010
Ag aviation seminar
On December 12, 2009, Tim, Barb and Luke Steier hosted Ag Aviation Seminar at Blue Earth, Minnesota, an introduction to ag aviation. After being contacted by many pilots and others who wanted to know more about the industry, it was decided to bring as many folks together from northern Iowa and southern Minnesota to discuss the issue. Several flight schools brought students considering all aspects of aviation. Approximately 30 interested attendees and five experienced ag-operators attended to help in the discussion of various topics affecting our industry. Time went fast and six hours of program was barely enough to get introduced to the wide variety of topics. Ag-aircraft were on display for each attendee to sit in and work the controls.
Tim’s comment was, “It’s one thing to be working in our industry everyday, but quite another thing to explain all of its aspects to other people.” Thanks go out to Iowa aerial applicators Ralph Storm, Webster City, John Larson, Buffalo Center, Dennis Meyer, Whittemore,
and Minnesota aerial applicators Steve Jones, Winnebago, Tim Fowler, Frazee, and Quentin Childs, IAAA Director & insurance salesman. Please contact Tim or Barb at steier@bevcomm.net for an outline of the program content used.
Your Newest Dealer Helping You Feed The World
asijet-ag.com Aircraft Sales ASI Jet Center's Ag Division is here to help you with your new aircraft purchase or broker your pre-owned Thrush that you would like to put up for sale. Talk with one of our aircraft sales representatives and see how we can help you today.
Parts - Service - Support Centrally located and just 20 miles outside of Minneapolis, Minnesota, your newest Thrush Aircraft dealer is here to support your parts and maintenance needs. Our service division, Modern Aero, Inc. was established in 1967 and has continued to thrive and support its wide customer base through the years.
ASI Jet Center Flying Cloud Airport Eden Prairie, MN 55347 www.asijet-ag.com P) 952.941.6255 F) 952.941.0791 E) info@asijet.com
Agricultural flight simulator set to take off Orlando, Fl – Central Florida Ag Aero (CFAA), the world’s only simulator training school for Agricultural pilots, is flying high under its new management team, headed up by agricultural airplane simulation pioneer Andy Montague. The training school owns the only serviceable agricultural aircraft simulator in the world and operates a comprehensive training program for agricultural pilots from its convenient location in Orlando, Florida. Andy Montague is an agricultural aviation veteran with an impressive reputation when it comes to simulator training. “Simulator training can bring many benefits to pilots as well as owners and operators of agricultural aircraft,” Montague says. “The hourly costs of simulator training are far less than training in a real aircraft. Simulator training also reduces the number of actual flying hours a pilot needs to maintain a high standard of proficiency, which reduces costs further,” he explains. The benefits of simulator training extend beyond cost savings. One of the most significant advantages of using a simulator is that pilots can train for situations they would not be able to train for in a real aircraft without the risk of causing harm to the pilot or potentially expensive damage to the plane. Montague says, “Our training syllabus includes a full range of flight emergencies to better prepare pilots to respond to real emergency situations. This results in improved pilot competency and higher safety standards that in turn will add value to the bottom line.” “Statistically, pilots who train in simulators have consistently better safety records than those who don’t,” says Montague. “Our
training exposes and fills knowledge gaps and, in doing so, improves pilot confidence. For example, we train pilots to use proper power plant handling procedures, which reduces the risk of engine damage caused by human error.” In addition, the simulator allows the pilot to observe the results of improper procedures. CFAA offers a range of training options, which are fully customizable to meet the needs of its clients. There is an initial three-day turbine transition course, which is designed to provide pilots who are transitioning from piston engine aircraft with the key skills they need to fly turbinepowered agricultural airplanes safely and efficiently. This course combines classroom training with simulator training and is also ideal for experienced turbine pilots without previous simulator time who wish to hone their skills and increase their aeronautical knowledge. There is also a two-day recurrent training course, which serves as a refresher for turbine pilots who want to maintain a high level of pilot competency. These courses utilize CFAA’s state-ofthe-art, fixed-base, multi-purpose training device, which simulates an Air Tractor 502 fuselage midsection and cockpit, PWC PT6A engine and cockpit instrumentation, and flight systems including electrical, DGPS tracking and liquid dispersal. CFAA’s simulator also features out-the-window visuals with a 250° wrap-around highfidelity scene generated by the latest technology. “Our simulator can realistically replicate a diverse range of flying conditions,” Montague says. “We can simulate environmental conditions such as changes in temperature, wind speed, ambient light
Specializing In AG
conditions and thunderstorm activity. We can also simulate a range of emergency situations, such as engine failures, dispersal equipment malfunctions and emergencylanding-after-take-off procedures, as well as normal flying conditions to help pilots improve their familiarity with the aircraft and practice routine procedures such as ground obstacle avoidance, spray drift control, GPS and light-bar fixation avoidance.” Montague is proud of his team, which brings the benefit of decades of experience to CFAA. He says, “Our fully qualified and friendly instructors strive to make our training as enjoyable as it is educational. We personalize our training to meet the needs of our clients, and we are always looking for ways to improve our offering.” CFAA’s training takes place in comfortable, well-equipped classrooms. CFAA is a member of the NAAA and Canada AAA. For further information, visit www.CentralFloridaAgAero.com, email contact@CentralFloridaAero.com or call Andy directly at 352-406-6793.
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Q & A with AOPA question:
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I was told the other day by my flight school that the paper pilot certificate I have held for more than 30 years will be invalid for use soon. They say I need to upgrade to a plastic certificate. Is this true?
Yes. Recent changes to Federal Aviation Regulation 61.19(g) state that the holder of a paper pilot certificate issued under Part 61 may not exercise the privileges of that certificate after March 31, 2010. Airmen must request and be issued a plastic airmen certificate from the FAA, either online or by mailing in the proper form. There is a $2 charge for each certificate issued. This regulation does not apply to student pilot certificates or temporary certificates. The $2 fee is waived if at the same time you request your Social Security number be removed as your certificate number.
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question: At my last medical exam my paperwork was deferred to the FAA for a final decision. It has been over three months and I have not heard back from the FAA. Can AOPA help me find out the status of my medical application?
answer: By enrolling in AOPA’s new Medical Services Program you have the option of giving our experienced medical certification specialists authorization to inquire with the FAA on your behalf regarding the status of your medical application. Our medical certification specialists work routinely with the FAA and are experienced with this sometimes complicated process. This is only one of the many benefits of this exciting new program. You can read all about the Medical Services Program in a recent column from AOPA President Craig Fuller. www.aopa.org
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January 2010
Operation SAFE On October 9 and 10, the FAAA hosted an Operation SAFE Fly-In. Monday morning was cool and windy but nine aircraft arrived at the Clewiston Air Glades Airport to test their aircrafts’ spray system for pattern and droplet size. Paul Sumner, Extension Engineer with the University of Georgia, conducted the fly-in and testing. After the first couple of runs were made, Paul began analyzing the results of the pattern and droplet testing. With able assistance provided by Syngenta Crop Protection, each aircraft had the opportunity to fly a second set of tests after looking at the results of the first flights and making adjustments. Syngenta also sponsored the lunch on Monday and Air Glades Airport allowed us use of their entire facility at no charge. Tuesday, October 10, Operation SAFE
resumed at the Palm Beach County extension Office in Belle Glade. Detective Michael Fincannon with the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department, Homeland Security Bureau, gave a presentation on Agricultural Aviation Security: Aircraft, Facilities, Support Equipment and Chemicals and Pesticide Safety Understanding Labels and Preventing Pesticide Accidents. Detective Fincannon was followed by Paul Sumner who continued the discussion on the results of the analysis of the aircraft calibration and spray drift testing. Mark Ledson, from Syngenta Crop Protection, discussed “Spray Drift Mitigation—A Chemical Industry Perspective.” The meeting concluded with a presentation given by former Florida State Representative. Rick Minton, who spoke to the group about “The Future of Agriculture and
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Agricultural Aviation in Florida.� This two-day fly-in was provided at no cost to members of the FAAA. Jeff Summersill worked tirelessly to get financial support from several contributors including Syngenta Crop
Protection, Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department Homeland Security Division and the FAAA. Thank you to all of our sponsors, volunteers, speakers and participants. You made our Operation SAFE Fly-In a huge success! FAAA Newsletter
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January 2010
Growers have many reasons to count on their 2010 returns with Headline® fungicide from BASF Excellent disease control, Plant Health benefits leading to maximum yield potential and the new Headline Advantage program help growers realize a positive return by Pat Morrow pat.morrow@basf.com RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC, — For the 2010 growing season, growers using Headline® fungicide will receive returns on their investment in multiple ways.
more than 50 diseases. “Since plants treated with Headline aren’t wasting energy fighting off disease, they have more energy to spend on growth and yield production,” said Reed Barrett, Market Manager for BASF.
Excellent disease control
Plant Health benefits
Headline fungicide provides excellent disease control, protecting yield loss and growers’ investment in seed, fertilizer and other crop protection inputs. A broadspectrum fungicide with a high level of activity on major diseases that threaten yield and crop quality, Headlineis used to protect more than 90 crops including corn, soybeans and wheat, and controls
Not only does Headline provide excellent disease control, it also promotes improved stress tolerance and improved growth efficiency through better use of nitrogen fertilizer. The benefits of Headline mean healthier plants and higher yield potential. “Growers who use Headline for disease control report more vigorous plant
“Where Quality and Customer Service are First Priority.”
growth and stress tolerance advantages such as better standability and improved harvest — helping to increase yield,” Barrett said. In more than 6,000 on-farm trials in the past five years, growers using Headline realized a yield advantage of 4-8 bu/A in soybeans, 12-16 bu/A in corn and 8-12 bu/A in cereals.
Headline Advantage available for 2010 purchases Growers purchasing Headline fungicide for the 2010 season can be eligible for up to $100 back per gallon directly from BASF. “In these economic times, we realize that growers need to get the most out of every acre,” Barrett said. “On-farm trials and research have proven that Headline
helps maximize yield potential.” Headline Advantage offers qualified growers who purchase Headline for the 2010 season potential returns for every gallon purchased: •If purchased by Feb. 15, growers receive $100 per gallon back •If purchased by May 15, growers receive $75 per gallon back •If purchased by Aug. 15, growers receive $50 per gallon back To qualify for Headline Advantage, or to learn more about the details of this offer, go to www.headlineadvantage.com, or ask a local authorized BASF retailer.
Bottom line–Headline pays “Headline fungicide provides growers with a return on their investment on many levels,” Barrett said. “Excellent disease control, Plant Health benefits,
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January 2010
more efficient harvest, maximum yield potential, and Headline Advantage are all reasons for growers to use Headline in 2010.”
About the Crop Protection division
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© 2006 AgriData, Inc. Fsa borders provided by the Farm Service Agency. Soils data provided by USDA and NRCS.
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Applications Map
Legend Acres
Percent BromegrassClass CSR of field alfalfa
Soil Description
Colo-Ely complex, 2 to 5 percent slopes
Otley silty clay loam, 9 to 14 percent slopes, moderately eroded
Otley silty clay loam, 5 to 9 percent slopes, moderately eroded
Otley silty clay loam, 2 to 5 percent slopes
Shelby loam, 9 to 14 percent slopes, moderately eroded
Adair silty clay loam, 9 to 14 percent slopes, moderately eroded
24E3 93D2
Bromegrassalfalfa hay
Kentucky bluegrass
Smooth bromegrass
Shelby clay loam, 14 to 18 percent slopes, severely eroded
Shelby-Adair complex, 9 to 14 percent slopes, moderately eroded
Gara loam, 14 to 18 percent 179E2 slopes, moderately eroded
Armstrong silty clay loam, 9 to 14 792D2 percent slopes, moderately eroded
Shelby loam, 14 to 18 percent slopes, moderately eroded
Weighted Average
With sales of £ 3.4 billion in 2008, BASF’s Crop Protection division is a leader in crop protection and a strong partner to the farming industry providing well-established and innovative fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. Farmers use these products and services to improve crop yields and crop quality. Other uses include public health, structural/urban pest control, turf and ornamental plants, vegetation management, and forestry. BASF aims to turn knowledge rapidly into market success. The vision of BASF’s Crop Protection division is to be the world’s leading innovator, optimizing agricultural production, improving nutrition, and thus enhancing the quality of life for a growing world population. Further information can be found on the Web at http://agproducts.basf.us. BASF - The Chemical Company. We don’t make a lot of the products you buy. We make a lot of the products you buy better.®
BASF Corporation, headquartered in Florham Park, New Jersey, is the North American affiliate of BASF SE, Ludwigshafen, Germany. BASF has more than 15,000 employees in North America, and had sales of approximately $17.5 billion in 2008. For more information about BASF’s North American operations, or to sign up to receive news releases by e-mail, visit www.basf.com/usa. BASF is the world’s leading chemical company: The Chemical Company. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics and performance products to agricultural products, fine chemicals and oil and gas. As a reliable partner, BASF helps its customers in virtually all industries to be more successful. With its highvalue products and intelligent solutions, BASF plays an important role in finding answers to global challenges, such as climate protection, energy efficiency, nutrition and mobility. BASF posted sales of more than €62 billion in 2008 and had approximately 97,000 employees as of the end of the year. Further information on BASF is available on the Internet at www.basf.com.
© AgriData, Inc. 2006
2/12/2007 Fsa borders provided by the Farm Service Agency.
Aerial photography provided by the Aerial Photograpy Field Office.
Aerial Map
Soil Map
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Robert A. McCurdy, Chief Pilot / Flight Instructor Flying Tiger Aviation, LLC ramtaildragger@aol.com
in my opinion
Pilot preferences Unlike other fields of aviation, In My Opinion, ag aviation offers more opportunities for pilot preferences than corporate flying, military flying, air carrier flying and even private pleasure flying. e.g. take off techniques with a heavy load, turns with a heavy load and short field landings. Certainly, there are other areas besides these. But let’s take them one at a time. Please keep this in mind, this column is called “In My Opinion” because that’s exactly what it is; strictly My Opinion, and not dogma set in stone. I realize that a lot of what I say here may be like a calculus student reading a text book on elementary arithmetic. But there may be something here that a first or second year
ag pilot can use, so be patient with me, please. Take offs: first of all, if you do not do a weight and balance, check the density altitude, etc. prior to initial take off, especially from a short airstrip, fly light and gradually work up to the maximum load you are comfortable with. Of course, the following should go without even saying, but I want to touch on the actual mechanics of the take off. First; make sure you have complied with the manufacturer’s take off check list, then on the runway spool the engine up with the stick fully back and the brakes locked. Momentarily check all engine instruments and listen to your engine. When you release the brakes, smoothly add full take off power, holding the stick in the neutral position.
When you think the elevator has become “alive”, push the stick forward to raise the tail and then return the stick to the neutral position. When your airplane is ready, permit her to fly. Do not pull the airplane off the ground before she is ready nor hold it on the ground longer than necessary. Of course, if it looks like you may be running out of runway before your ship is ready to fly and if you do have sufficient airspeed to force the airplane into the air below normal take off speed, make sure you stay in the ground effect until the airplane accelerates such that you can climb out with a safe airspeed and be prepared to dump. Also, do not get in a hurry to do anything! Raise the flaps slowly and in increments first, then set the power to climb power and then cruise power.
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Custom Wall Maps Custom Cockpit Maps
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Turns This is one area that will surely stir up debate, but this is the way I do and teach ag turns: 1. Spray off prior to leaving the field. This prevents the spray from getting sucked out into the wing tip vortices as the pull up is initiated and greatly reduces the possibility of off-target drift. 2. Pull up smoothly. Do not run up to the trees (obstacles) too closely and then haul back on the stick. Any abrupt control movement disrupts the smooth air flow over the elevator, ailerons and rudder, thus stealing the maximum, potential performance from your airplane. The bottom line is you will not get back into the field as quickly as you would have if you had begun an early pull up. Keep the airplane in smooth, balance, coordinated flight all the time! 3. Clear all obstacles with wings level prior to beginning the primary turn and extend this heading for a several seconds. Maintain obstacle clearance altitude. Do not climb. 4. Begin the primary turn downwind making a level 45-degree heading change, and still, do not climb. This conserves the kinetic energy of the airplane which you will need when making the climbing, secondary turn into the wind. This is especially important if you are heavy. Extend this
heading as you think is necessary according to your load, shape of the field at reentry and the wind. This will be an ongoing modification as the afore mentioned conditions will change. This technique mostly applies when you are heavy. 5. At this point I advance the GPS swath. Begin the secondary turn by establishing approximately a 30 - 45 degree angle of bank. This next step is very important; In My Opinion, as the climbing turn progresses, you can make this turn steeper than 45 degrees of bank so long as you are flying in a smooth, balanced and coordinated climbing turn. At the “90” degree point, permit the nose of your airplane to descend through the horizon. Keep in mind; you are not trying to maintain level flight, so a ballin-the-middle turn beyond a 45 degree angle of bank is A-ok! However, if you feel the airplane is approaching a stall, do something about it! Beyond the 90-degree point, now the airplane is flying in a descending arc. At approximately the 135-degree position, and as you are intercepting the next swath, raise the flaps and enter the field with “three lights down the middle.” I need to make this perfectly clear; this method of turning is nowhere near a hammer head turn. If an ag pilot makes hammer head turns as a routine, he will eventually wind up as another NTSB
statistic. I am convinced of that! Short field landings. I still use the old premise that power controls altitude, and nose attitude controls air speed. This is the way I was taught in 1964, at Saufely Field in Pensacola, FL flying the T-34 Mentor and I am sticking to it! On short final you don’t have to get deep into the “back side of the power curve,” also called the “region of reverse command,” but you should be close to it with power on and establish a descent angle such that a point on the approach end of the airstrip stays in exactly in the same relative position all the way down. When you know that you have the runway made, close
the throttle. If you touch down on the main gear first, deliberately or not, pop the stick slightly forward to “stick” the airplane and avoid an embarrassing bounce. As previously mentioned, these methods of ag flying are strictly my way of doing them and what I teach. I have come to these conclusions over a 40-year time span. Again, In My Opinion, ag aviation offers more pilot preference choices than any other area of professional aviation, and if you want to do something different, be my guest. And so, as per always, be safe, have fun and make money and in that order! And, be smooth!
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New boom kit for the Hi-Tek Mosquito and Row Crop Nozzle. Manufacturers for Hi-Tek Nozzle, Tri-Set Nozzle and DRP-955 Drift Retardant and Penetrator. 5660 Calhoun Rd. Unadilla, GA 31091 Tel: 229-645-3605 • Fax: 229-645-3880
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Ag Pilot by Richard Davis Ventura, CA Who wills their flesh to leave the ground, Within the din of engines sound? What moves the hand to fly the skies, And rise to heaven’s Godly eye? It is the force to do what’s right, A calling made to take air’s flight. They are the strength, they are but few, Well seated in wind’s airy pew. Their steady hand, their solemn heart, They move unsung yet do their part. From mornings light through dusky night, They work the fields in labored flight. Long sweeps of wings down in the green, Across the world they move unseen. Yet from their toil and tempered mind, Fresh roots take form, new shoots align. The wealth of nations grow in fields, Hungry mouths are fed their yield.
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R.T. Turbines, Inc. FAA CRS # MW9R610J 3397 Hwy 121 West •Marianna, AR 72360 Rex Thompson, Jr. • Cell 501-412-3208
BASF and NAAA unveil new agricultural aviation scholarship program New NAAA scholarship strengthens the agricultural aviation industry by providing funds for flight training or the study of agriculture RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC, – BASF and the National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA) has unveiled a scholarship program designed to help its recipients pursue a career in agricultural aviation. BASF partnered with the NAAA to develop and establish the scholarship program. “BASF and the NAAA are each devoted to sustaining and improving the field of agricultural aviation,” said Jim Gaffney, BASF Technical Market Manager. “This scholarship presents an opportunity for us to work together to help foster scenarios in which new pilots are provided with a foundation for success in the field of aerial application.” BASF will provide a $5,000 grant to the
scholarship program each year for three years, beginning in 2011. Scholarship winners - the number of which may vary from year to year - will be selected by NAAA, and must use awarded funds for either flight training or agriculturerelated coursework at a university, college, community college or other institution of higher learning. The goal of the scholarship is to assist NAAA operators to bring new pilots into the field and help in their training to become a successful aerial applicator. Each scholarship entrant will need to be sponsored by an NAAA member. “The contribution from BASF means a great deal to the National Agricultural Aviation Association, but it is going
to mean even more to the industry,” said Andrew D. Moore, Executive Director of NAAA. “This scholarship will help sustain the aerial application industry by bringing in new pilots while also enhancing education and professionalism. BASF has long been an important proponent of agricultural aviation and we’re pleased to partner with them to help shape the future.” In addition to sponsoring industryleading programs and providing useful resources and information, BASF fungicide product offerings are effective, reliable and economical for aerial application. Headline® fungicide for corn, soybeans and wheat, Headline AMP™ fungicide for corn, TwinLine™ fungicide and Caramba™ fungicide for cereals, are all BASF products applicators can aerially apply to help ensure a
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January 2010
electrode aviation
quality crop for their customers. BASF also works hard to obtain aerial labels on many of its new products to offer a wide range of solutions to aerial applicators.
About the Crop Protection division
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With sales of £ 3.4 billion in 2008, BASF’s Crop Protection division is a leader in crop protection and a strong partner to the farming industry providing well-established and innovative fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. Farmers use these products and services to improve crop yields and crop quality. Other uses include public health, structural/urban pest control, turf and ornamental plants, vegetation management, and forestry. BASF aims to turn knowledge rapidly into market success. The vision of BASF’s Crop Protection division is to be the world’s leading innovator, optimizing agricultural production, improving nutrition, and thus enhancing the quality of life for a growing world population. Further information can be found on the Web at http://agproducts.basf.us. BASF - The Chemical Company. We don’t make a lot of the products you buy.
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information on BASF is available on the Internet at www.basf.com.
National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA) The National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA) represents more than 1,500 members in 46 states. NAAA supports the interests of small business owners and pilots licensed as professional commercial aerial applicators that use aircraft to enhance food, fiber and bio-fuel production, protect forestry and control healththreatening pests. Always read and follow label directions. Headline is a registered trademark of BASF. Caramba, Headline AMP and TwinLine are trademarks of BASF.
January 2010
Samuel L. Miller, smiller@SLMmodels.com
Review expenses and plan for 2010 and beyond With the close of the 2009 comes the challenge of preparing a sound financial plan for 2010. This requires the projection of cash flow. The key to
business survival is meeting the cash flow requirements. For the commercial aircraft operator, this means evaluating the financials of each aircraft in the
operation. Concentrate on your cash flow and the calculation of Return on Investment (ROI). Prepare budgets and financial plans for each aircraft in your fleet. How? Tabulate and review all 2009 expenses. Determine the expense categories that are appropriate for your operation. Separate the aircraft expense categories into annual fixed expenses, variable expenses that vary with flying hours, and extraordinary expenses that occurred due to aircraft improvements, overhauls, special inspections, or other expenses that don’t occur every year. Assign each extraordinary expense to an annual fixed or variable hourly expense. Prorate each expense and assign an annual fixed or variable hourly expense amount as appropriate so future expenses can be estimated. Evaluate the revenue of each aircraft. Has the revenue exceeded operating expenses? Was utilization and revenue rate high enough to cover the fixed expenses as well as the variable expenses? Are adjustments in rates or utilization required to achieve the desired ROI? With all 2009 expenses and revenues available for use, it is time to project financials. Identify any large upcoming cash requirements or expenses (aircraft improvements, overhauls, special inspections, etc.) for each aircraft. Will cash be available to pay the large
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money talk expenditures? If not, then additional capital will be required. Project the normal annual fixed expenses as well as the hourly operating expenses. Be especially careful to adjust expenses that might change significantly. Examples could be fuel or increased aircraft maintenance expenses due to aircraft being out of warranty or just being older aircraft. Determine the average expenses, utilization, and revenue rate to use in projecting the after-tax cash flow and ROI for the next five years. Include all items affecting your cash flow: *Initial investment, *Hourly operating expenses, *Monthly fixed expenses, *Extraordinary expenses, *Interest and Principal (if financed), *Tax benefits including depreciation, *Income from aircraft, and *Resale value of the aircraft at the end of five years. To produce one aircraft cash flow requires making many assumptions and estimates. You can create a general spreadsheet for this cash flow so that individual assumptions can be changed, then the ROI impact can be seen immediately when you change an input. After completing this spreadsheet, use the “Goal Seek” feature of Microsoft Excel to iterate on individual expenses, revenue rates, or annual utilizations until the NPV (Net Present Value) of your net cash flow is zero (using your desired ROI as the discount rate in the NPV formula). The hours spent evaluating different scenarios will assist you in making profitable decisions concerning each aircraft. How does your hourly rate compare to the competition? Is it possible to charge the hourly rate required to achieve your ROI? If not, what input assumptions must be changed to achieve your ROI? A spreadsheet allows you to change variables and evaluate many possibilities. AircraftCostAnalysis performs the analysis we have discussed. It will save you many hours of building and checking the math in your own spreadsheet. See www.AircraftCostAnalysis.com for the details.
January 2010
EPA to strengthen oversight of pesticides’ impact on children and farmworkers WASHINGTON - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency plans to strengthen its assessment of pesticide health risks. EPA’s proposal would include a more thorough assessment of risks to workers, including farmworkers and farm children, as well as risks posed by pesticides that are not used on food. The agency is
asking the public to comment on the new approach and how best to implement the improvements. EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson has made it a top priority to ensure that the agency is working to protect Americans. She said: “Better information and applying these tools will strengthen EPA’s
protections for farm workers exposed to these chemicals, and children living in and around the areas of highest possible exposure,” said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. “It’s essential we have the tools to keep everyone, especially vulnerable populations like children, safe from the serious health consequences of pesticide
exposure.” Under the policy, EPA risk assessments for children, farmworkers and others, would consider aggregate pesticide exposures from all sources in addition to the cumulative effects from multiple pesticides that have similar toxicity. EPA also would apply an additional safety
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factor to protect infants and children from the risks of pesticides where the available data are incomplete. Currently these analyses help assess risks of pesticides to the general public as required by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. EPA believes that pesticide exposure should be evaluated with common scientific risk-assessment techniques, whether from residues in food or drinking water, on lawns or in swimming pools, or in the workplace. The agency would routinely apply the techniques to workers exposed to pesticide exposures
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on the job. By incorporating these risk-assessment tools into its pesticide evaluations, the agency would more thoroughly protect the most vulnerable populations, including farm workers and children taken into agricultural fields. The proposed policy will be available for a 60-day public comment period after it is published in the Federal Register. More information on the proposed rule: http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/health/ worker-rsk-assmnt.html Contact: kemery. dale@epa.gov 202-564-7839; 202-5644355
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January 2010
CaAAA hosts Convention in Fresno
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Cascade Aircraft Conversions to purchase GE’s M601 engines Cascade Aircraft Conversions has signed a contract to purchase GE’s M601 turboprop engines for its conversion supplemental type certificates (STCs) on Thrush and Air Tractor 300, 400 and 500 series agricultural aircraft. Cascade Aircraft Conversions currently holds STCs for the M601E-11 and M601D-11 engines on the Thrush aircraft and the Air Tractor 300, 400 and 500 series aircraft. The agreement signed at the National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA) meeting formalizes the engine purchases with GE, which acquired Walter Aircraft Engines and its M601 engine family last year. “Cascade Aircraft Conversions has a deep understanding of the M601 engines and the benefits the engine conversion offers to Thrush and Air Tractor aircraft owners,” said Paul Theofan, president and managing executive of GE Aviation Czech s.r.o., a wholly owned subsidiary of GE Aviation. “GE is pleased to formalize its relationship with Cascade and looks
forward to working together to offer the M601 engine conversions to operators around the world.” Doran Rogers, founder and CEO of Cascade Aircraft Conversions, LLC, said, “We are pleased and gratified to be in a working relationship with GE Aviation, and we look forward to a long and mutually beneficial association, providing engines and service to the agricultural aviation industry. Cascade and the customers we represent will benefit from the latest technological advances and research that GE has to offer, now and in the future.” The benefits for engine conversions on the aircraft include lower acquisition and maintenance costs with no nozzles, no hot section inspections and no engine teardown in a wire strike event. The M601 engine also offers improved hot and high performance. Cascade Aircraft Conversions is a diverse multi-faceted total aircraft rebuild and refurbishing company in addition to its aircraft conversion offerings. Located
in Washington State, Cascade has been serving the agricultural aviation industry nationally and internationally for more than 35 years. GE Aviation, an operating unit of General Electric Company (NYSE: GE), is a world-leading provider of commercial and military jet engines and components HardyAvIns_AgAirUpdate_38Pg_B&W_04 as well as avionics, electric power,
and mechanical systems for aircraft. GE Aviation also has a global service network to support these offerings. For more information, visit us at www. ge.com/aviation.
10:11 AM
Page 1
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January 2010
wing and a prayer
Carlin Lawrence carlin@agairupdate.com
The image to antichrist “And he (Satan’s false prophet) deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived” (Revelation 13:14). This could be an image “of” the Antichrist, or it could be an image “to” the Antichrist, something dedicated to the worship of Antichrist— Scripture doesn’t make it clear. God prohibited anyone from making an image of Him (Exodus 20:4) and it is possible that Satan, being an imitator of God, will not allow an image of Antichrist to be made. Satan knows that the nature of humanity is to worship idols, so in defiance of God’s orders not to make an idol of any kind (Deuteronomy 4:23), he puts it in the mind of the false prophet to make an idol dedicated to Antichrist. Today we see people worshiping all kinds
of false idols, but the idols of humanity have no power. Jeremiah wrote, “Like a scarecrow in a melon patch, their idols cannot speak; they must be carried because they cannot walk. Do not fear them; they can do no harm nor can they do any good” (Jeremiah 10:5). “He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed” (Revelation 13:15). Satan has been a liar every since he rebelled against God (John 8:44). And now he wants to counterfeit God’s power of creating life by enabling the false prophet to cause this “image to the Antichrist” to have the appearance of coming to life. But Satan cannot create life; the only thing he can bring about is eternal death to all who follow him. With today’s technology and computer systems
it is possible to make an image appear to be alive; anyone can go to Disney World and see this. This could be one way the image to Antichrist appears to be alive. But it is also possible that this image will be possessed by a demonic force that causes it to appear to come alive. Today demonic forces are kept in check to some degree by the power of the Holy Spirit working through Christians. But after the church has been raptured into God’s heaven, these demonic forces will have tremendous power on this earth. The false prophet is Satan’s religious leader and he will force anyone who does not worship this image to Antichrist to be killed. During the tribulation there will be thousands of people who will reject the worship of Antichrist and be killed by Satan and his followers. When the fifth seal was opened John said, “And I saw under the altar the souls of them that
were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held” (Revelation 6:9). John also saw the “great multitude which no man could number, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb….And the angel told John that these are they who have come out of the great tribulation” (Revelation 7:9, 14). The great tribulation probably means the last three and one-half years of the tribulation when anyone who doesn’t worship this image will be hunted down and killed by Antichrist’s worshipers. Satan will use his false religious leader to start a satanic religious movement that will demand that everyone worship Antichrist. Within this satanic religion will be the churches and denominations that exist today, because the real believers in these churches and denominations have been taken into God’s heaven by the
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rapture of the church. These churches and denominations will go on operating as usual, but now they have a new god—Antichrist. Antichrist and the false prophet are working together to control the world; and when politics and religion are embedded together a one world government with a one world religion will be the results. We read about the rise and fall of the one world religion and the one world government that will be set up during the rule of the Antichrist in Revelation 17 and 18. It is a mistake to try and associate any Christian denomination of today as the beginning of the false church that Satan will set up during the tribulation. Although some denominations have gone a long way off of what the Bible actually teaches, most of them still believe that the only way into God’s heaven is through faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior (John 14:6). The false religious system that will be set up by Satan’s false prophet will be totally dedicated to Satan and Antichrist. Anyone caught worshiping anyone else will be put to death. God does not expect Christians to fight against Antichrist, “If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword he will be
killed. This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints… Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on…they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them” (Revelation 13:10, 14:13). The Bible does not give us a clear picture of who the Antichrist will be, his nationality, which country he will come out of, or when he will appear. We do know that the Antichrist will be someone who is charismatic, good looking, a good speaker, and extremely intelligent. Antichrist will use his political and military expertise to gain a powerful enough position to promote himself into power during some sort of world-wide economic or military crisis. Daniel tells us that Antichrist will bring about strong economic growth and by peaceful actions he will destroy many (Daniel 8:25). Paul says that Antichrist will not appear on the earthly scene until there is a great falling away and evil runs rampant on this earth, which will happen when God removes the Holy Spirit’s restraining power by taking His church into heaven (2 Thessalonians (2:3-7). Only God knows when the Rapture will happen. In the next article we will discuss the number 666.
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January 2010
Drew Keahey (NAAA vice-president 2010) gives a warm, congratulatory hug to his son, Reed, after completing his solo. Reed plans to follow in his grandfather’s (Jack Keahey) and dad’s footsteps to become an ag-pilot.
advertiser index A.E.R.O. (APS)...........................................23D Aero Engines, Inc....................................23D AeroFlow, Inc............................................20D Ag Air Turbines, Inc................................ 13D Ag Sync...................................................... 21D AgriData Inc............................................. 11D Agrinautics.................................................. 8D AgriSmart Information Systems LLC...16D Air Care Systems........................................60 Air South Insurance................................22D Air Tech Coatings Inc. ..........................27D Allianz Aviation Managers LLC............. 7D Application Management....................... 2D ASI Jet Center............................................4D Auger Dan’s Trucks................................... 8D BASF....................................................10, 19D Bayou Lights............................................... 2D Bishop Aviation.......................................... 5D Blue Stripe Distributing........................... 2D Cascade Aircraft Conversions ...............25 Central Florida Ag Aero.......................... 5D Compton’s Flying Service...................... 13D CP Products Co., Inc................................. 1D Cropdusters.biz........................................ 27D Crowley Ridge Aviation Inc...................27D Curtis Dyna-Fog Ltd.................................. 9D DataSmart Software...............................23D Davidon Inc.............................................. 15D Davidson Solid Rock Ins........................26D Electrode Aviation...................................18D Falcon Insurance Agency, Inc. ............10D
FarmAir........................................................ 2D Flight Grip, LLC........................................ 17D Flying Tiger Aviation............................... 14D Garrco Products, Inc............................... 17D Genuine Aircraft Hardware Co. .......... 9D Hardy Aviation Ins Inc. ........................25D Hayes.........................................................28D Joe Vaughn Spraying Inc. ...................... 3D Kimmel Insurance Agency...................... 3D Lane Aviation...................................... 3D,6D Mid Continent..........................................17D North Star Aviation, Inc.........................18D OctaFlex.......................................................9D Olney Planes and Parts............................5D Omnistar, Inc. .........................................22D P2 Inc. Aviation Technology.................... 4D PARMA......................................................... 8D Prime Turbines / Avatas ....................... 24D Professional Insurance...........................28D PropWorks Propeller Systems, Inc.......18D R. T. Turbines, Inc.................................... 16D S & T Aircraft Accessories, Inc.............26D Serv-Aero Engineering, Inc...................... 6D Southeastern Aircraft Sales.................. 24D Southwest Airmotive................................. 9D Tennessee Aircraft Co Inc.....................14D Texoma Turbines, Inc.............................. 11D Turbines, Inc.............................................22D Valley Air Crafts...................................... 15D Warren Ag Aviation................................ 14D Zee Systems Inc....................................... 27D
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An ag-aviation excursion through Argentina, 2009 by Bill Lavender ARGENTINA — One of the great aspects of my work with AgAir Update is traveling to visit ag-operators around the world. During August of 2009, I made an excursion from Buenos Aires westbound to Mendoza. Along the way, I stopped at several operations, including a tradeshow for ag-pilots in San Luis. Operators in Argentina are not that
much different than those anywhere else in the world. They have problems with keeping aircraft airworthy, collecting from farmers, issues with environmentalists and the list goes on. Some problems are unique to Argentina. One such problem is the exportation tax levied on farmers’ commodities, as much as 50%. Just when commodity prices start to climb,
A walking street in Buenos Aires’ San Telmo district on Sunday.
the Argentine government steps in and claims the profits. Hopefully this will change, since recent elections booted out most of the incumbent politicians. Compounding the situation was drought in many areas during the growing season. Having a successful ag-aviation business in Argentina can be difficult. Even so, the overall outlook of Argentine operators is one of hope and promise. I witnessed this at each stop and during the tradeshow. After an overnight stop in Buenos Aires, long time friend and Argentine AAU Latinoamerica representative, Luis Giordana of ArAvia met me at the hotel. From there, we began our 1,100 km (660mile) journey across central Argentina. Luis speaks about as much English as I speak Spanish, which boils down to not much. We managed to communicate and get the important things done, however, my lack of Spanish limited my stops to operators who spoke English for the
first part of my journey. After arriving at ArAvia in Venado Tuerto, Luis’ son, Guillermo, stepped in to help me by using his excellent English to translate. Our first stop was at Martin Bossart’s operation, MBC, in Arrecifes. Martin,
Luis Giordana and Bill Lavender discuss the attributes of Martin Bossart’s PA-25 Pawnee.
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who speaks perfect English, has been a long time friend and has even visited AgAir Update in Perry, Georgia several years ago. Martin operates a 600 hp radial Thrush and a 150 hp Pawnee. When the company was first formed, Martin had a partner, but now he goes it alone, with one pilot to help him, Boris Ariotti. Boris is a relatively new, second season ag-pilot who is building his ag-hours in the Pawnee. Most of the so-called high volume applications for an Argentine operation like MBC are 10 liters per hectare, or about a gallon per acre. For this work, Martin uses the Thrush,
mostly spraying seed corn. The Pawnee is reserved for low volume work, which is one liter per hectare, or about a .1 gallon per acre (12.8 oz.). The low volume chemical application will use diesel or mineral oil as the carrier. Roundup is applied straight, without any carrier. Martin is hopeful the weather and political climate will change in favor of ag-aviation in the coming season. He would prefer to be operating a geared R1340 engine on his Thrush, but with last year’s season, only about 1/3 of the spraying that should have been done, that engine conversion will have to
Adrian Torres shows the engine overhaul invoice to Luis Giordana.
(L-R) Boris Ariotti and Martin Bossart in front of MBC’s Thrush.
wait until better times. Luis and I bid Martin farewell and continued westward to Colon, about an hour drive. Here we met with a very close friend of Martin’s, Adrian Torres, who has traveled with Martin to the United States and visited AgAir Update. Also, based at the Colon airport is Staib Servicios Agroaereos, owned and operated by father and son, Jorge and Christian. Adrian is the secretary of the Buenos Aires province association, CAPBA. He was involved with a successful flight demonstration at a large farm show, AgroActiva in 2009. CAPBA met their goals by receiving favorable media coverage with articles in many newspapers, which pointed to the professionalism of aerial application. Adrian operates an IO-550 Cessna AgTruck. Staib Servicios Agroaereos also operates an AgTruck. Like MBC, most
of their work is low volume by world application standards, with the major crop being soybeans. During a slow spray season, Adrian’s low-time IO-550 engine failed while in flight, sending the piston through the crankcase of the engine. No damage was done to the airframe when he safely landed, but now he had the additional expense of replacing an engine. It was time to say farewell to Adrian and Christian and complete the 400 km (240 miles) of the 1,100 km (660-mile) journey that would eventually end in Mendoza.
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ARAVIA — Luis Giordana formed ArAvia S.A., a full service ag-aviation parts vendor, in 1985 originally calling it “Pawnee Centro”. Before ArAvia, however, Luis had started his ag spraying in 1962 flying for Compania Aerea del Litoral. After two seasons, he and four partners bought the company and renamed it SAVESA. A year later, Luis sold his part of SAVESA and started his own spraying operation until he retired.
In 1985, tired of the problems of finding parts from limited sources in Buenos Aires, he decided to start this own parts business, Pawnee Centro SRL. In 1994, Luis changed the name of Pawnee Centro to ArAvia because he wanted to expand the company by offering parts and services to other aircraft, both general aviation and agaviation aircraft. In 2000, ArAvia closed down the spraying division and focused completely on sales and services to Argentine aviation. Today, ArAvia has 12 employees, including Luis’ two sons, Guillermo and Fernando. “ArAvia invests a large sum of money in its inventory. In Argentina, it is important for the ag-operator to be able to buy the parts he needs right away.
(L-R) Guillermo and Luis Giordana at work at ArAvia in Venado Tuerto.
The welcome gate at ArAvia in Venado Tuerto, Argentina.
To be competitive, ArAvia has to import its parts from the United States, often buying directly from the manufacturer. Because of shipping time, dealing with Argentine Customs and other hurdles, ArAvia maintains the kind of inventory that we have learned over the years the operator needs during the spray season. This is expensive, but it must be done,” explains Guillermo. Because Guillermo, Fernando and Luis are willing to make the investment in parts and travel to the United States to make arrangements with manufacturers, Argentine operators can count on ArAvia to have in stock most of the parts needed to run an operation. After an excellent dinner and good night’s rest at the local hotel, Guillermo
and I continued our journey to the nearby town of La Carlota where we meet with Luis and Francisco Casajus and Francisco Sr. and Francisco Jr. Romero for a traditional Argentine bar-b-q and a flight demonstration of an AT-401 and a Super 600 AT-401. The Romero’s operate from Chajari, Entre Rios. Romero, Sr. started flying ag in 1957 with a PA-18. In 1970, Francisco was using a C-188 with a 230 horsepower engine. This aircraft wasn’t powerful enough, so he upgraded to a C-188 with a 300 hp engine. In 1991, he added a Pawnee Brave 375 to the operation. Over the following years, corrosion developed in the Brave. So in 1997, Francisco sold the Brave and the
Spectrum Electrostatic Sprayers, Inc. 7500 San Felipe, Suite 860 Houston, TX 77063 USA Website: spectrumsprayer.com Southern US & Other Countries
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Clockwise - An overview of the shop at ArAvia. ArAvia fabricates many parts, including these tailwheel yokes for the Pawnee and the hydrosorb assembly unit for bungee cords.
(L-R) Fracisco Jr. and Francisco Sr. Romero in front of their Super 600 AT-401.
A demo flight over fallow ground near La Carlotta, Argentina with the Super 600 AT-401 leading.
Pawnee, and replaced them with a new AT-502 with a PT6A-15 engine, the first turbine Air Tractor in the province. A couple of years after buying the AT-502, Francisco Sr. retired from flying and Francisco Jr. took over his duties. After years of working the AT-502, the Romero’s decided operating an AT-502 with a –15 was too risky for their kind of operation. With 90% of the work flown over rice from unimproved strips, they felt there was a need for more power at less of an investment than the turbinepowered plane. On top of that, acquiring Jet-A had become a problem. To address the investment issue, the Romero’s downsized from the AT-502 to an AT-401, however, this did not help with the need for more power. After working the AT-401 for a year and a half, they decided to upgrade it to an Aero Engines Super 600 AT-401. This fixed both the investment and power shortfalls. With the Super 600 AT-401, the Romero’s are doing the same amount of work with a $300,000 aircraft as they were doing with an $800,000 aircraft. For takeoffs, Francisco, Jr. operates the Super 600 at 33” manifold pressure and 2,250 rpm from 700-meter (2,300 feet) strip with more or less 1,000 liters (265 gallons) of spray or 1,000 kilos (2,200 pounds) of fertilizer on board. The strips are very rough and the Romero’s are cautious about the load in the aircraft. For spraying, Francisco sets the Super 600 at 30” and 2,150 rpm. This gives him an indicated airspeed of seven mph more than the same power setting with the standard R1340 engine. The same propeller is used for both engines with a slight adjustment to the governor. The Romero’s added a speed ring with baffles to their Super 600. This cut their airspeed by about eight mph but also it lowered their cylinder head temperatures by 100°F, from 400°F
to 300°F. The speed ring and baffle arrangement is similar to the system found on the T6 Texan. The Romero’s believe the lower CHTs will extend the life of the cylinders. When asked if the Romero’s were satisfied with the Super 600, both said yes. To prove it, they have a freshly overhauled engine by Covington they plan to convert to the Super 600 to have as a spare. To them, the difference between $25,000 for a standard overhaul when compared to $55,000 for a Super 600 is well worth the extra money. After a bar-b-que, Francisco Romero,
Jr. flying the Super 600 AT-401 and Francisco Casajus flying a standard AT-401, conducted a demonstration with the aircraft spraying in formation. It was wonderful to see and hear those two radial engine Air Tractors working their way across the field. Saying good-bye and thank you for a great day near La Carlota, Argentina, Guillermo and I departed west for San Luis where the Congreso Mercosur de Aviacion Agricola convention would be held, hosted by FEARCA (Federación
The best thing that can be done with an armadillo! The cutting utensil at the bar-b-que.
Air Conditioning
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The Romero’s Super 600 has a speed ring with baffles to lower the cylinder head temperature.
Inverter Powered Systems for Turbine Thrush & AT
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Argentina de Cámaras Agroaéreas). This is an annual tradeshow where three South American countries, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, share a three-year rotation to host the event. This year it was in Argentina, with Uruguay (ANEPA) and Brazil (SINDAG) to follow the next two years. The Congreso Mercosul is always a good event with attendees not only from the three host countries, but also from surrounding Chile, Bolivia, Colombia and other Latin countries. Attending the show was the final phase of AgAir Update’s journey across Argentina. Old friendships were renewed and new ones made. It also provided a flight in Laviasa’s Biplaza.
No, it does not have a second set of wings, but serves a dual purpose as a trainer and tow plane. It is a spinoff of Laviasa’s Puelche. The Puelche, an Argentine Indian name, was born from the purchase of the Pawnee PA-25 Type Certificate from Piper Aircraft. With modifications and improvements, the Puelche is now FAA certified and available in the U.S. For all practical purposes, it is a Pawnee but with more power and better aerodynamics. Like the beginning of AgAir Update’s journey that involved an overnight rest stop in Buenos Aires, the end of a long week warranted an overnight rest stop in Mendoza. Only a short drive from San Luis westward, Mendoza is “La tierra del sol y del
Laviasa’s Biplaza aircraft.
buen vino”, or “The land of the sun and good wine”. I have yet to see a bottle of wine from Argentina that did not come from the wine-growing region that surrounds Mendoza at the foothills of the Andes Mountains. It is a wonderful city with many sidewalk cafes and parks, well worth a visit.
An exhibit of Laviasa’s Puelche.
(L-R) CAPBA’s President Christian Belingueres, Secretary Adrian Torres and past-President Diego Ortega at the Congreso Mercosul conference in San Luis, Argentina. For more Congreso Mercosul photos, visit www.youtube.com/agairupdate.
January 2010
2009 NAAA convention highlights
Great Gift Ideas Order Yours Today! Pen & Ink Drawings of Ag Aircraft By Richard C. DeSpain
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January 2010
featured classified ads
1972 C-188, SN-18800845, N4445Q 300hp Cont. IO550 D22B, 782 SMOH, SN- 284351-R, 3 blade Hartzell prop, new Satloc Lite, AC, smoker, 28 SS CP Nozzles, Hyd Pump, Digital Tach, Perfect Glass, Always Hangared, No Fertilizer, $85000 USD, More pictures available, contact for airplane info. Paul Artman, artmanp@bellsouth.net 662-347-1063
2010 510 Thrush S2R-T34, SN 510-312, N5298H. Brand new aircraft with new Pratt & Whitney PT6A-34AG turboprop engine. Contact ASI Jet Center Aircraft Sales for pricing. 952-941-6255 or info@asijet.com, www.asijet-ag.com
PZL Dromader M18A, several units, great shape, from 1989 to 1991 year models, around 1000 hours TSN, mainly fire fighting. Contact for prices: info@airtractoreurope.com, +34667102184
AT-401s several units 2006 and 2007 year models. Less than 200 hours TT. Like new. 3-blade prop. Contact for prices: info@airtractoreurope.com, +34667102184.
608AP 2009yr 180hp IFR cert Garmin 530 Nexrad weather and TCAS. AirPro Aviation Sales Manager Paul Nowlin 501-425-1215 paul@teamairpro.com
Two Cessna planes for sale: N4782Q N4833Q, 1976 Cessna 188 Ag Trucks, both have fresh annuals, Stainless Steel Booms, CP nozzles, Satloc Air Star 99.5, Raven Flow Control, VG’s, Kelvair wing cuffs, Smoker, All AD’s complied with. For more information call 806-898-8930
Highlight your ag aircraft for sale with a
2008 Dodge 4500 Auger Truck used one season since new only 9348mi, SS bed, SS hopper, SS auger tube, SS fuel & hyd tank, folding auger, hyd drive, hyd fuel pump, electric hyd valves. Neat and clean truck ready for work call Wes 979-479-0536
Toll Free Tel: 888-987-2250 • Tel: 478-987-2250 classifieds@agairupdate.com • www.agairupdate.com
classified ads ag-cat 1976 G164B Turbine Ag Cat, 9700 TT, PT6-20B, 1205 SHOT, raised wing, Satloc LiteStar II, A/C Cool seat, 350 gal, 38” Transland gate, new side panels, w/SS Camlocs, tall tail, Com radio, $185,000 530-682-4363 (01-10) Ag-Cat Walter FatCat 520 gal N48597 7610TT 1800 s/ Hershey rebuild 794 since Power Section OH and combustion liner replancement. 50 since hot secton. Crophawk, a/c, smoker, 29x11 tires, 126 fuel bottom load, 106” prop. fresh annual , Very clean. $240,000 garrettflying@yahoo. com, 979-922-8623 (01-10) 1972 Ag-Cat Model A, R-1340, 100 hrs. since Covington overhaul. 100 hrs. Hamilton Standard Prop. Wing extensions, 335 gallon tank, Automatic Flagman, SS booms, oil filter conversion. Contact: 956-239-2511 (01-10) 1979 G164-C, 509 SHOT on -34AG, Frakes Inlet,500 gal. hopper, Satloc, Fresh Paint, Metalized Wings, $279,000 870-572-9011, www.southdeltaaviation.com A 0 1 -1 0 1978 B Ag-Cat N6513K , SN 347B, 11,470 TT, 4830 Since Hershey rebuild. Geared 1340, 250 SMOH, Fresh IRAN and paint on prop otter blades. Satloc M3 touch screen, Crophawk, CP 11 Nozzles, Swathmaster, very clean, 1 yr paint. Fresh annual, $135,000. garrettflying@yahoo.com 979-922-8623 (01-10) Wings rebuilt -Flight Controls- Parts- Wreck rebuilding. Worldwide shipping. Bishop Aviation LLC, North Vernon, IN, 812-523-4488 , 888-38-PLANE fax 812-346-3279, david@ davidbishopaviation.com Atfn 1979 600B, 4800 total, 880 SMOH, cps, clean, NDH. $54,500.00. 800-325-0885 www.midcont.net. t f n G164-C Model King Cat, firewall forward conversion includes R1820-71 engine and Hamilton Standard propeller Model 33D50-119. Engine mount cowling, oil cooler and plumbing, instrument panel also included. For more details contact Matt at Avag Inc. 530-882-4286 (01-10)
A+450 300 gal DAF GAAC Combo, 585 E&P, Mint $95 A+600 350 gal DAF TL combo 0-AF/E/P $119K A+600 Tower/Writer 1200-SMOH AF&E&P $49K A450DC2-holer AF-OHC/Repaint 792-SMOHE/P $59K A+450DC Trainer/sprayer: 0_SMOH AF&E&P, new 125K B450: DAF TE combo, 262-SMOH/69STOH -12 pop, new paint// annual, Great value 109K B-TPE-1: 350 gal DAF TL comb, 0-HSI engine, w/3000 RC’s, Fresh annual $259K SB+TPE331-1: 400 gal DAF TL Comb, 482 HSI 5000 RCs, all SB-Plus mods plus air & load hog, new paint & anual, Heavy duty $285K C182B Skylane: 3300TTA 100SMOHE&P Deluxe and clean S-Tec Auto Pilot (Trade for AgCat) 75K AmAg 870-886-2418 (2489F) agcat@bscn.com t f n Classifieds get results! Place yours today. 478-987-2250
air tractor 1981 Air Tractor 301- 0354, TTAF 10420, Engine 160 SMOH,160 SPOH,60 hrs since extensive annual 7/15/09, Smoker, A/C, CPs, 3840 hrs left on wings, 350 gal hopper, heavy Duty Gear, New Satloc Lite, Asking $85,000 318-439-0710 (01-10) 2001 AT 602 5320 AF&E TT. PT6-60 0 since lite OH. smoker. lane brake & fan, wingman, 10” hyd. gate, M3, CP’s,NDH, new gear,$594.000. Farm Air 877-715-8476 A 01-10
1981 AT-301A, 14380 TT, 586 S wing Spar Mod. 780 SMOH R1340, 380 SPOH, big tail, 350 g hopper, 126 fuel, eng drive a/c, smoker, Satloc Lite, Crophawk, 50 Flat Fan CPs, $60,000 all parts included. Well kept plane, 662-398-7833, or 662-719-2200 (01-10)
AT-602, 5140 AF&E, 410 hrs since IRAN, firewall forward & prop PT6-60AG, annual Jan 09, Cascade inlet pressure cowl, smoker, Satloc M3, Crophawk, CPs, 38” gate, wingman, w/ wo hyd gate, WeathAero fan, nite lites, new horizontals, new elevators. Nites: AR/ 870-995-2904 (01-10)
1978 AT-301 6341 TT. 1082 SMOH Pickett 63 SMOH prop Counter Weight. Wing Spares 1220 Since Replaced. Spreader, Ct nozzles.Good condition. Airplane Services Inc.$51,000.00 850-675-1252 (01-10) 2009 AT-502B, -34AG, M3 Intelliflow, Lan fan/elec brake, fact. RAM, air, Call for Details. 870-572-9011, www.southdeltaaviation.com A 0 1 -1 0 1995 AT-502-34, 7538 TTAF&E, hot section completed at 7245.5, prop 7258.8, Satloc M3 w/Intelliflow, Mac 1700COM, SS booms, new tires, $350,000 bberst@live.com (01-10) 20 04 AT- 602, 30 0 0 hr s. T TA F&E, D e l Nor te w/ Intelliflow,Wingman,Lane Fan/Elec. Brake, Drop Booms w/ CP 11TT’s,Very Clean & Excellent Paint. Call for Details. 870572-9011, www.southdeltaaviation.com A 01-10
AT-401s several units 2006 and 2007 year models. Less than 200 hours TT. Like new. 3-blade prop. Contact for prices: info@airtractoreurope.com, +34667102184. 02-10 2004 AT-602 w/-60AG, 1743 TTAF&E, New: (M3, Intelliflow, Del Norte Controller,), 10” Hyd. Gate, Wingman, Fact. Ram Air, CP’s, Com Radio, Lane Fan, Elec. Brake. Call 870-572-9011, www.southdeltaaviation.com A 0 1 -1 0
2009 AT-502B -34, 115 hrs.TTAF&E, M3 w/Intelliflow, Smoker, Shadin, Lane Fan/Brake. Call for Price. 870-572-9011, www. southdeltaaviation.com A 0 1 -1 0
1990 AT-401, 4600TT 1100 SMOH 3 blade prop, Drop Booms, Satloc 99, VG’s. 1990 AT-401, 4000TT 900 SMOH, 3 blade prop, Ag nav GPS, All planes are Canadian registered. Canadian operating certificate available as well. Email artysair@mts.net, Phone 204-325-7206 (01-10)
1996 AT-402, PT6A-34AG, TTAF&E 5610 hrs, 20 hrs SHSI, 1280 SPOH, 3” Load, Lane Fan w/elec brake, drop stainless booms w/AFS check valves and CP 09’s, Right Boom Shutoff, M3 and Intelliflow, Shadin, 168 gal fuel, A/C, heat, smoker, flagger, single point fuel, 3 pc windshield, turn windows, hopper rinse, Radio Box w/VHF, UHF, Comm, AM/FM Cassette & ANR. 316-869-0190. timtyree@tyreeag.com. OBO (01-10)
2001 AT-802A N91398 AT802-0111, ~6200 TTAF&E, hydraulic gate, spreader, CP’s, Lane brake, M-3, flow control, ram air, night working lights, Wingman, Shadin, dual sideloads, dual sideload fuel, radio box for gate computer, com & 2-way, Fresh annual, maintenance done at Ag-Air Maintenance in Corning,AR. $825,000.00 870-926-5933 ( 01-10 )
1988 AT402A 401-0702 N1008Q Airframe T.T. 4862.7 Engine PT6A-21 258.4 Hrs. S.H.S.I. 12,178.2 Hrs. T.T. 258.4 since new factory firewall forward kit with eng.instruments and main gear & hardwareHarbour Air, Cockpit Heater, M3 Satloc, Smoker, Turn Windows $355,500.00 Southeastern Aircraft Sales 800-441-2964 or mail@southeasternaircraft.com tfn
AT-401B: Power and payload at the right price. The economical 400-gallon capacity AT-401B carries a piston-engine price tag and all the reliability, durability, safety features and ease of flying that made Air Tractor the industry leader. Step up to a highly productive, low maintenance piston engine ag plane for a price that makes solid business sense. See your Air Tractor dealer soon. Several used 301, 401, and turbines. Mid-Continent Aircraft Corporation www.midcont.net 800-325-0885 t f n
Classified Advertising Order Form
January 2010
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Johnston Aircraft Service
1997 AT-602/45R. 4223 TTAF, 4,837 SOH, Del Norte with flow, hyd gate, white/red $485,000.00 1984 AT-400A, 3,200TTAF, 3,578 TTE (-15AG), CH, heater, flagger, smoker, Lane brake/fan $250,000.00 2006 AT-401B, 124 TTAF, 124 SMOH, 3 blade prop, Comm & Transponder, like new $340,500.00 1998 AT-802A, 6,050 TTAF&E, -65AG, fresh hot & annual, wingman, M3, well maintained $CALL$ Lane Aviation 281-342-5451 or FAX 281-232-5401. t f n
supporting ag aviation since 1947!!!
Thrush sales and service Piper Brave / Pawnee / Cessna Ag / Ag-Cat / Air Tractor
Featuring Walter Turbine Conversion and Ram Air Inlets by Cascade Aircraft Conversions
The FAA Issued Their NPRM on 05/04/09 that will be followed by a
Thrush Wing Spar Fatigue Life AD WE HAVE THE SOLUTION
AT-502B: Improved performance equals improved profit potential. With plenty of power and a big, 500-gallon payload Air Tractor’s AT-502B is designed to please both pilot and operator. The AT-502B’s Pratt & Whitney PT6A-34AG turbine engine delivers efficient, high-end performance for shorter ferry times and fewer takeoffs and landings. Since 1987, AT502s – with their legendary reliability and versatility – have set the standard as one of the industry’s most popular ag planes. And, with Wells Fargo’s attractive financing options, you can own one. Talk to your Air Tractor dealer soon.
AT-602: Raise the bar for productivity. You’ll reduce your overhead and increase profit margins when you scale a multi-plane operation down to a single-plane operation. The Air Tractor AT-602 can make that a very practical choice. Its big 630-gallon payload moves you up to economical, high volume production with one plane; reducing loads, saving time and cutting operating expenses compared with two smaller planes. For 5-gallon work on center-pivot circles the AT-602 is the ideal solution. Visit your Air Tractor dealer.
1994 Air Tractor AT-402, 7,900 hours total time airframe & engine, PT6A-15AG. 2,600 hours since gear box overhaul, fresh hot with sale, new paint, prop, factory installed spars, gear, and hopper in 2008. A/C, SATLOC M3, CP’s, Lane brake & fan, KY96A comm. No damage history. Clean, one pilot since new, cotton airplane. Excellent appearance and maintenance records. $395,000 firm. 956-399-5323, Pat 2009 Slots Available Call New AT-802A, -67, 10” hydraulic gate, white or yellow paint Call New AT-602 -60, Call New AT-502B -34 Call 1995 AT-502B, 8151 TTAF&E, -34, 0 SHSI, 441 hrs on gear, smoker, CPs, load hog, air, Satloc, 3” side load $365,000 Frost Flying Inc. 870-295-6213 t f n
cessna CESSNA AG WAGON, TTAF 4490, IO-520D Custom Airmotive TSOE 117.5, SPOH 117.5. All new oil lines, powder coated engine mount, all new hyd. spray system and hoses, extensive annual, Crophawk, smoker, CP nozzles, Satloc 99.5. Great condition. $85,000. Call 580-347-2449 or 580-637-2300 (01-10) 1980 T188C Cessna Husky N4544J 6277 TT 908 SMOH 315HP prop SMOH 516 88” McCauley 3-blade Bigfoot prop, Satloc 99.5 w/flow control, smoker, flagger, CP’s, Millennium cylinders, Gami injectors, complete logs, clean aircraft. $85,000. SD 605-280-4641 (01-10)
Two Cessna planes for sale: N4782Q N4833Q, 1976 Cessna 188 Ag Trucks, both have fresh annuals, Stainless Steel Booms, CP nozzles, Satloc Air Star 99.5, Raven Flow Control, VG’s, Kelvair wing cuffs, Smoker, All AD’s complied with. For more information call 806-898-8930 (01-10)
Large inventory or Air Tractor Parts. Surplus to our needs. Call for list. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662843-0811 sales@airrepairinc.com tfn
40,000 Hour Life Avenger Spar Cap Kit. Don’t Wait, Call Now for price & availability.
Complete Thrush and Brave Wing Repair/Modification Including The Avenger Thrush 40,000 Hour Spar Cap Kit Installation/Sales Thrush Fuel Capacity Increase
Brave 4,100 Hour Kit Installation/Sales.
Thrush Landing Gear Repair and Rebuild Distributor / Rebuilder of Emco Wheaton Dry Break Equipment Distributor / Dealer For All Ag Equipment Tremendous Inventory of Parts Parts & Services Catalog Available Ag Aircraft Sales See our Website www.johnstonaircraft.com Now Distributors for APS Brake Discs and Linings
AT-802: Power that creates profits. An 800-gallon hopper, up to 190 mph ferry speeds, and greater working capacity than any other ag airplane on the market - what else is on your wish list? With the AT-802 you’ll ferry faster, stay on the spray site longer and do bigger jobs all in one load. That’s a major advantage that only Air Tractor can offer you. Talk to your Air Tractor dealer about the AT-802. And when you do, ask about special Air Tractor financing now available from Wells Fargo for qualified buyers. 1997 AT 602: 6600TT, 215 SHSI, Wag 2000, Air, spreader, Hopper rinse, dropped boom, CPs, Crophawk. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-325-0885 www.midcont.net. t f n
1972 C-188, SN-18800845, N4445Q 300hp Cont. IO550 D22B, 782 SMOH, SN- 284351-R, 3 blade Hartzell prop, new Satloc Lite, AC, smoker, 28 SS CP Nozzles, Hyd Pump, Digital Tach, Perfect Glass, Always Hangared, No Fertilizer, $85000 USD, More pictures available, contact for airplane info. Paul Artman, artmanp@bellsouth.net 662-347-1063 (01-10) Cessna airframe parts, Continental and Lycoming engine parts, and a few spray system parts, new surplus, big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-6980280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts.com 1 2 - 0 9 1970 Cessna Ag Wagon,3376 TTAF, 579 SFREM (IO-520 D),Satloc,Crophawk,Flagger, Smoker, L&RH Landing Lights, Very Clean. $75K.Call 870-572-9011, www.southdeltaaviation.com A 0 1 -1 0
Productions, Inc Queen
C at s
N997QC ‘10 400 gal “SB-Plus” TPE331-1 Deluxe*. $245,000
N936QC ‘10 360 gal “SA-Plus” TPE331-1 Deluxe*. $175,000
24 HR. PHONES: (559) 686-1794 or 686-2161 FAX: (559) 686-9360 P.O. Box 1457, Tulare, CA 93275 Email: info@johnstonaircraft.com parts@johnstonaircraft.com WebSite: www.johnstonaircraft.com Se Habla Español 32
N995QC ‘10 350 gal “B-R1340” Deluxe/complete . $205,000 N992QC ‘10 320 gal “A+R985” Deluxe/complete... $155,000 * Your TPE331-1 engine and accessories
Jigged Frames — Fully Warranted More Versatility, Safety and STOL Performance Less Debt, Maintenance and Depreciation Costs P.O. Box 482, Municipal Airport, Walnut Ridge, AR 72476 USA Tel: 870-886-2418 • agcat@bscn.com • Fax: 870-886-2489
1979 Ag Truck, Super clean; 218 SMOH, 5220 Total, strobe, factory owner, Satloc light, new annual. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-325-0885 www.midcont.net t f n Cessna 337, several units, very low flight hours, perfect state, extremely careful maintenance, fully equipped, long range tanks, fully IFR, contact for prices and specs. info@ airtractoreurope.com, +34667102184 t f n 1975 Cessna T310R, 2,600TT, 170SREMAN right, 1,200 SMOH Left, King digital, GPS, HSI, 183 gallons, good paint, leather, fresh annual. $170,000. Pat 956-399-5323 days, 956-361-3181 nights. Sun Valley Dusting, 956-399-5323, Fax 956-399-2320 tfn
dromader 1999 PZL M18B Dromader-1700 TT AF, engine 700 hr, very clean, NDH, Satloc, air-conditioner, sprayer, CP’s, VG’s, auto flagger Mid-Continent Aircraft Hayti, Mo. 800-325-0885
Walter power Thrush, 9420 TTAF, 2120 TTE, 2737 Prop, Big butterfly, SS spray, smoker, flagger, M3, Lane fan and brake, 60 AFS checks and CP nozzles, fabric tail, $225,000 obo, trades for 4 passenger. 509-234-7791 (01-10) 1991 S2R-T34, 9673.8 TTAF&E, 177 SIRAN, and dynamic balance/ vibration analysis/hot section. Spar cap done at 5843/3830.8 on spar caps. Satloc M3 w/intelliflow, Swathmaster, air/heat, $350,000. bberst@live.com (01-10) 2006 Thrush 510-34, 2800TT. Available Nov. 1 w/fresh annual and hot section. Very clean airplane w/multiple sets of booms, flow control, smoker, bottom load fuel, shadin fuel flow meter, a/c and heat, and a Load Hawg. Also equipped w/HYD. System for VAR. Rate application. $500,000 USD. OBO contact Chuck 662-207-6682 or 662-887-6160 (01-10) 1983 DC Thrush Walter 601E-11 29,000 HR spar caps, no ad’s, VG’s, winglets, 80’ swath, Satloc M-3, CP’s, electric brake, SS spray valve, Crophawk, smoker, ac/heater, fuel flow, single pt fuel, strobes, wingman, spreader, intercom, paint 09 $310,000 912-384-6466 (01-10) 1978 Thrush PT6-34 TT 8582 airframe and engine 2239 SLOH 100 SHOT by RT Turbines w/OH vane ring new blades and segments 1245hrs prop 1573 SOH w/new blades Crophawk 7 Satloc Litestar Collins air 478-214-5205 (01-10)
PZL Dromader M18A, several units, good shape, from 1989 to 1991 year models, around 1000 hours TSN. Ready for immediate export. Contact for prices: info@ airtractoreurope.com, +34667102184. 0 2-10
1996 Ayres Turbo Thrush G6-10AV, 510 Gal. hopper, 3500 Hrs. TT, Approximately 500 Hrs. SMOH on engine & props., 500 Hrs. since lower spar cap change, recent paint, good glass, aircraft is currently working. A/C, electric fan clutch, S/S booms & CP Nozzles. $375,000 USD. Call or email for details. Georgia 229-725-4150, bruceandrews62@gmail.com (01-10)
piper 1975 Piper Pawnee PA25-260, D model, Hutch Conv. TTAF 6119, SMOH 1267, Trimble, CPs, SS spray system, smoker flagger, $55,000 870-572-9011, www.southdeltaaviation.com A01-10 Piper airframe parts, continental and Lycoming engine parts and a few spray system parts, new surplus, big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts.com 12- 09
2010 510 Thrush S2R-T34, SN 510-312, N5298H. Brand new aircraft with new Pratt & Whitney PT6A-34AG turboprop engine. Contact ASI Jet Center Aircraft Sales for pricing. 952941-6255 or info@asijet.com, www.asijet-ag.com A 02-10 82 S2R 600 4248 SMOH, 909 SMOH, 400 SPOH, All options, in annual, Satloc, all AD’s, big butterfly, excellent turbine conversion airframe, needs nothing, seas@wiband.ca, 204-324-7552 (01-10) 1976 Thrush-400 hrs, A/C, fresh annual, Del Norte GPS with moving map. Asking $50,000 USD. 662-588-6002. (01-10)
1994 Thrush S2R-T45, Dual Cockpit (No, TT-6362, TTE-12199, SMOH-8201, 0 Since Hot (Fresh Nozzles), 0 Since Prop OH, Fresh Extensive Annual (Too much to list), Fresh Eddy Current Spar Cap Inspection, Horizontal & Vertical Fittings upgraded as per SB-AG-45 to eliminate 100 hr. repetitive inspections (AD2007-26-01), all new cockpit glass, new strut biscuits, Satloc M3 w/Intelliflow, A/C, Night Lights, Lane Fan, CPs, smoker, King Com Radio. Clean & ready to go to work now. price further reduced to $335,000. 760-922-0371 (01-10) 2000 660 THRUSH W/ 4317 TT / 2695 S.O/H PT6A-65 ENG & 525 S. H.S.I CP Nozzles, Lane Fan & Brake, Load Hog, Fast Start, Satloc M3, Air / Heat $ 675,000.00 2005 550 THRUSH W/ 910 TT & 765 S.CAM TPE331-10 Eng. Lane Fan & Brake, Air/Heat, Satloc M3 W/ Intelliflow Var. Rate Sys. Excellent Condition. reduced price $ 575,000.00 1990 510 Dual Cockpit Thrush W/ 8976 TT & 2513 S. O/H PT6A-65 ENG & 329 S. HSI & O/H Prop: Lane Fan & Brake, S.S. Booms & Micro Foil Nozzles, Air, Shadin Eng. Trend Monitor, Del Norte Gps W/ Intelliflow, Dual Cockpit & Dual Controls, Radios. $ 480,000.00 JOHNSTON AIRCRAFT SERVICE, INC. 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www,johnstonaircraft.com t f n 1996 Ayres PT6-45, 510 gallon, air, 228 fuel, Satloc, recent spar cap replaced, smoker, flagger, crop hawk, spray system. Make offer. 800-325-0885 www.midcont.net
Scott & XPM Tailwheel Parts, Continental, Lycoming, Transland, Hardware Champion & Citabria, Mcfarlane, Ag Fiberglass And A Lot More. Having trouble findng those difficult parts!!! Let our staff find that hard to locate part for you. Airport Road #14 • Thomas, OK 73669
www.jcaviation.com • email address: jcaviation@pldi.net
2010 Slots Available.......................................................Call New AT-802A , -67, 10” hydraulic gate, white or yellow............................................................................ Call New AT-602 -60, ........................................................Call New AT-502B -34........................................................Call New AT-402B -15........................................................Call 2007 602-60 1500TTAF&E smoker Elec. br.gr. adj. fan single point fuel cp’s wingman M3 with flow control................................................................ $800,000
OLD S 1995 AT-502B, 8151 TTAF&E, -34, 0 SHSI, 441 hrs on gear, smoker, CPs, load hog, air, Satloc, 3” D side L O load...................................................................... S$365,000 1995 AT-502B, 6006 TTAF&E, -34, 0 SHSI, air, heat, Shadin, smoker, CPs, Crophawk, WeathAero SOLDfan, Satloc M3, Wingman......................................................$275,000
1995 AT-502A, 6993 TTAF&E, -45, 0 SHSI, air, heat, VGs, smoker, CPs, RH booms, elec. brake gr. adj., Crophawk, night lights, Wingman, fresh annual................... $275,000
Complete Air Tractor Parts And Accessories Dealer For Every Major Ag Aviation Parts and Supplies
Diner Club
Large Selection of PT6 Accessories New Turbine Props and Blades 0 SMOH 1340 Younkin
S/S Pumps, Booms and Center Boom for Air Tractor 12D40 0 SMOH New 6101 blades
Extensive Inventory of the following aircraft Cessna 180-185-188, Piper Brave & Pawnee, Citabria, Dromader Aero Commander Lark & Darter
800-542-8565 • 580-661-3591 (OK) • 580-661-3783 (FAX)
Frost Flying Inc.
Jack Frost Frost Flying Inc Office 870-295-6213 Fax 870-295-6674 jrfrost47@hotmail.com
Target Spray Variable Rate Nozzles
Parts 870-295-6218 Fax 870-295-6237 frostparts@hotmail.com
Large inventory of PT6 and Air Tractor parts • Financing Available Call for Wingman installation For AgAv Parts & Accessories Call Tommy Allen
January 2010
South Delta Aviation, Inc. 124 Phillips 204 Rd. West Helene, AR, 72390 Phone: 870-572-9011 Fax: 870-572-6005/0045 www.southdeltaaviation.com andy@southdeltaaviation.com darryl@suddenlinkmail.com
1997 Ayres G-10 510 Gal 5100 Hr. TT. Fresh IRAN on engine & airframe. New paint, Satloc, Air Conditioner, Rinse system, Smoker, Stainless Steel Spray Systems Call for Price Call Eugene 979-532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night A 4-10
The 660 Thrush with its innovative wing design and 54 foot wing span and over 400 square foot wing area ensures unmatched stability and control during Ag maneuvers. The combination of a solid airframe and powerful engine creates an airplane that outperforms the competition. Thrush is known for their structural durability and excellent performance under extreme conditions. www.thrushaircraft.com
2004 AT-602 w/-60AG, 1743 TTAF&E, New: (M3, Intelliflow, Del Norte Controller),10” Hyd. Gate, Wingman, Fact. Ram Air, CP’s,Com Radio,Lane Fan,Elec. Brake..................... CALL 1984 M-18A, 5042 TTAF, 514 SMOH (by PZL factory), 939 Snew Prop, 750 gal hopper, A/C, WAG, Servo’s, ............................ CALL 1970 Cessna Ag Wagon, 3376 TTAF, 579 SFREM (IO-520 D), Satloc, Crophawk, Flagger, Smoker, L&RH Landing Lights, Very Clean. .................................................................................. ................................................................................................ $75,000.
The 510 Thrush has sent the standard in Ag Aviation for dependability. With rugged construction, simplified system and low maintenance, the 510 Thrush is the aircraft any operator can depend upon. Low maintenance, maximum loads, superior pattern makes the 510 Thrush a profit machine. All Thrush Aircraft models provide superb visibility, light control forces, and unmatched speed and maneuverability. www.thrushaircraft.com 1990 Ayres S2R G-6, 13020 TTAF, 945 Hrs. since IRAN, TPE 331-6-252M, 510 Gal., Satloc, A/C, Smoker, Elec. Brake, SS System, L/H Light & Strobe, New Paint, Very Clean $210, 000 Call Eugene 979-532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night 0 4 / 10
2009 AT-502B, -34AG, M3 Intelliflow, Lan fan/elec brake, fact. RAM, air, . ............................................................................. CALL 2004 AT-602, 3000 hrs. TTAF&E,Del Norte w/Intelliflow, Wingman, Lane Fan/Elec. Brake, Drop Booms w/CP 11TT’s, Very Clean & Excellent Paint.............................................. CALL
1993 510 Thrush w/PT6A-41, 6650 TTAF, 50 SHOT,50 SPOH,CK AG 41 A Spar Kit Just Inst., New M3, Wingman, A/C, Shadin.$375K Call 870-572-9011, www.southdeltaaviation.com A 01-10
For sale 3-600 hp Rockwell Thrushes, current annuals, always hangared, excellent condition, Call 306-861-0177. (01-10)
The 550 Thrush offers new sturdy hopper and innovative large hopper door to improve access when loading dry chemicals, while providing a 550 gallon capacity. Fuel economy, low acquisition cost and proven performance makes the 550 Thrush a great option for operators. The 550 Thrush offers a choice of power plants, allowing you to tailor the aircraft to meet the demands of your particular operating environment. www.thrushaircraft.com 1987 Dual Cockpit 400gal. Thrush, PT6-34(2621 SOH on P. Sect.), 326 SHOT, M3 Satloc, Intelliflow, Vari-Rate Nozzles, A/C, Elec. Fan Brake. Call 870-572-9011 A 01-10 Wide variety of parts. Wings, Flight controls, Wreck rebuilding or rebuild your parts. Worldwide shipping. Bishop Aviation LLC, North Vernon, IN, 812-523-4488 , 888-38-PLANE fax 812-346-3279, david@davidbishopaviation.com Atfn
Large inventory of Thrush parts surplus to our needs. Call for list. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-8430811 sales@airrepairinc.com t f n
weatherly Weatherly Headquarters - 1993,1994,1996 - In Stock. Also available 1974. Performance, low fuel burn. The ideal in-between airplane. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800325-0885 www.midcont.net. t f n
miscellaneous aircraft FOR SALE: A variety of clean, ready to work planes to choose from. Bishop Aviation LLC, North Vernon, IN, 812523-4488 , 888-38-PLANE fax 812-346-3279, david@ davidbishopaviation.com A 9 -10
Newly Developed for Turbine Starting Ag Aircraft
More Starting Power
1993 510 Thrush w/PT6A-41, 6650 TTAF,50 SHOT,50 SPOH, CK AG 41 A Spar Kit Just Inst., New M3, Wingman, A/C, Shadin........................................................... $375,000
Greater Reliability
Longer Life
1991 510 Thrush w/PT6A-34, 9806 TTAF, 85 SHOT (New CT Blades Inst. @HOT), Ram Air, Satloc, AG-41 KIT Inst., A/C, Smoker, CP’s........................................................................... ............................................................................................... $345,000
Greater Capacity for Essential or Emergency Power
1992 DC 510 Thrush w/PT6A-34, TTAF:7054, 2145 SOH (Turbines, Inc.), Fresh Hot, Fresh Paint, 590 SPOH, Del Norte, Intelliflow, Shadin, A/C-Heat......................................... $385,000
Concorde’s recombinant gas (RG®) advantage is the original AGM design that has been proven and adopted by military users worldwide. The RG-322 is a valve regulated sealed lead acid (VRLA), maintenance free battery, never requiring water replenishment – ever. The non-spillable design means RG® Series batteries eliminate corrosion to the battery box and airframe. They can be installed upright, on their side or end. Concorde’s RG® Series batteries are designed for low impedance, excellent charge acceptance in both hot and cold operating temperatures, and are constructed with proprietary Polyguard™ separators for longer life.
Shipped fully charged & ready to install. All Concorde RG® Series Batteries ship Hazmat Exempt. Concorde is the world’s largest supplier of OEM VRLA batteries.
1975 Piper Pawnee PA25-260, D model, Hutch Conv. TTAF 6119, SMOH 1267, Trimble, CPs, SS spray system, smoker flagger, ........................................................................ $55,000 1987 Thrush DC 400 gal, -34, TTAF 4880, SHOT 326, M3, Intelliflow, Cascade Inlet......................................................... $345,000 1978 Piper Turbine Brave, PT6-20, TTAF 9177, 3000 hrs 34
Concorde Battery Corporation 2009 San Bernardino Road • West Covina, CA, 91790 phone 626/813-1234 • www.concordebattery.com
Unlimited Racer project: 85% complete Yak11, 3350 turbo compound with many spare parts including engine. Call with best offer. For pictures and details call Frost Flying Inc. 870-295-6213 t f n 1951 35 Bonanza, 4534 TTAF, 550 Hrs. since OH Eng, Continental E-225, New paint, New leather interior, Reworked inst. panel, IFR equipped, Cleveland Wheel & Brakes, D-Shannon windshield, Lge. 3rd window & baggage, Hartzell hydraulic prop, Great looking economical, airplane, No speed restrictions $58,000 Call Eugene 979-532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night 4 -10
engines GARRETT TPE331-1-101Z, 2050 TT, 825 SHSI, 3rd stage stator run out. $40,000, Contact: Kyle Scott 970-867-8414 (01-10) We have the best PT6A-34 engine for sale in the world. TSO: 0 and priced to sell. We are highly motivated to sell this engine. No offer is a bad offer. Financing available. For complete specs visit: www.southwest-airmotive.com Call Brad Kraay 520-225-0264 bkraay@southwest-airmotive.com A 04-10 PT6A-65AG Engines For Sale. Low time. Fresh Test Cell. Ready for immediate delivery. Call Gary or Steve 210-924-5561. sales@dixieair.com (01-10) Universal Turbine Parts buys PT6 engines in all conditions. We also have serviceable PT6 engines for sale. PT6A-20, TSO 4010 PT6A-21, 3 ea TSN 3590, 1767, 1767 PT6A-27, GG TSO 3791, PS TSO 3981 PT6A-28, 3-each TSO 3802, 3856, 2098 PT6A-34, TSN 0 PT6A-41, 2-each TSO 0, 4617 PT6A-42, TSO 0 PT6A-50, 2 ea TSO GG 3137/PS3137, TSO GG 3869 PT6A-65 2-each TSO 816, 4993 Call Bill or Joel at 334-3617853 or email bmershon@UTPparts.com A-tfn Pratt & Whitney R-985 & R-1340 Overhauled Engines in stock. Props, carburetors, magnetos, alternators, & accessories for above engines. Call Chester Roberts Supply Company, Collinsville, TX Tel: 903-429-6805 Fax: 903429-6047 crs5r@aol.com A 01-10 Cylinders For Sale – Overhauled complete assy’s with new pistons installed. Ready to install. R-985 $1250.00 each Two or more less 5%: R-1340 $1950.00 each Two or more less 5%: Outright price: includes all gaskets. Sun Air Parts. 661-257-7708 fax 661-257-7710 T F N TPE331-PC (2.5 Cores) the Lot..$5,000 TPE331-6-252M (Dmgd Core) Good Logs... $7,500 TPE331-2-201A 0-GSI/HSI 2700RCs....$115,000 R985 ANI (API), 792-SMOH....$10,500 R985-14B (Pickett) 0-SOH...$29,500 R1340-AN2 (Cov) 1115-SMOH...$19,000 R1340-HYD Cov 0-SMOH...$51,000 .....also Radial and Turbine Accessories. AmAg 870-886-2418 (2489F) agcat@bscn.com t f n R-1340, zero time since overhaul by Covington $52,500.00 New PT6 -11, 15, 34, 60, 65, 67 outright or exchange call Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-342-5451 or FAX 281-232-5401 t f n 10,000 P/N of Continental & Lycoming parts, 50% discount on most new! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330698-0280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts.com 12-09 JETSET AIRMOTIVE has the following PT6 engines for sale, lease or Exchange. M.O.R.E ready to TBO 8000 hours. PT6A-11 TSO Zero PT6A-28 TSO 3599 Fresh Hot PT6A-114A Zero time overhauled PT6A-41 TSO 793 PT6A-41 TSO 2312 PT6A-41 TSO 1408 Email preeves@jsamiami.com or Khris or Max at 305-8252001 or Email krod@jsamiami.com (01-10) Covington Turbine Engines Available. PT6A-20 2800 TSO PT6A-15AG 0 Time Since Covington Light Overhaul PT6A-15AG 705 TSO PT6A-34AG Power Section Only PT6A-34AG 1789 TSO PT6A-34AG 780 TSO PT6A-34AG 0 TSO PT6A-34AG 0 TSO PT6A-34AG 0 Time Since Covington Light Overhaul We are also interested in buying or exchanging for any core you may have regardless of condition. Contact: David Hamilton at 918-756-7862 or davidh@ covingtonaircraft.com At fn
PT6A Engines: Deal Direct with ATS to buy, sell, lease or exchange ~ view our current inventory at www.PT6A.Aero (FAA C.R.S. TQZR133K) tfn R1340 FWF Complete as removed from Thrush - 1014 S.O.H. Engine and 524 S.O/H AG100-2 Propeller. Very Good Condition $30,000.00 - Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 559686-1794, info@johnstonaircraft.com t f n JETSET AIRMOTIVE Buys and Sells all models of PT6 engines and has an extensive inventory of materials in various conditions. Call Paul at 682-738-3031 Email preeves@jsamiami. com or Khris or Max at 305-825-2001or Email krod@ jsamiami.com (01-10)
dispersal equipment ASC Rotary Atomizers - Why use old hydraulic nozzle technology? Rotary Atomizers are proven as the most accurate method to apply both low & high volume formulations. Made in USA. asc@dynafog.com, 317-896-2561 A 0 1 -1 0 ASC Rotary Atomizers - See www.dynafog.com/ascresults and April 2009 issue of AAU, A. McCracken. Made in USA. asc@ dynafog.com, 317-896-2561 A 0 1 -1 0 41 inch Transland spreader and 41 inch Breckinridge spreader for Thrush. Randy Mink at Poorboys Flying Service 870-931-8485 (01-10) ASC Rotary Atomizers - Consistent droplets, large flow openings, easy to mount without changing your existing pump, boom and flow control method. Made in USA. asc@dynafog. com, 317-896-2561 A 0 1 -1 0 Everything you need for fixed wing or helicopter JAS 559-6861794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www,johnstonaircraft.com t f n 10 inch Transland hydraulic gate, 38 inch and two speaders. 870-995-2904 (01-10) Newberg Electrostatic Spraying LLC is the exclusive distributor for Spectrum Electrostatic Spray Systems. Do more acres with better performance. Call Ed Newberg 320-848-2745. Serving northern US and Canada. For southern US and other countries call Spectrum Corp. office 713-783-5771. (01-10)
CP NOZZLES AND CHECK VALVES “The Drift fighters”. Plus they improve your spray pattern. Contact Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www.johnstonaircraft.com TRANSLAND 10 vane sprder for 38” gate, new $8200 Agrinautics, root, Crophawk, Transland, others Lane Aviation 281-342-5451 or FA X 281-232-5401.t fn
Husky Sales
Transland and Agrinautics, overstock sale. Call Danny for listing 662846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc.com t f n SprayTarget variable rate nozzles in stock. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc.com t f n Variable Rate OC and engine driven hydraulic spray control systems. Coming soon variable rate dry for standard gate and hydraulic flaps. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc.com t f n Variable rate application systems, works with Satloc M-3. The Satloc level II service center. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 t f n
606AP Razor 200hp G600 29-inch Goodyear tires one of a kind paint.
Aerial Ace Variable Rate Flow Controls - now shipping! The long wait is over, call and order yours today. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319 Dispersal Equipment: Weathaero Feathering Fans, Crophawks, Smokers, Flaggers, Nozzles, Transland, Breckenridge Spreaders, Airfoil Booms, Dry Breaks, Stocking All Aircraft Styles. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-3250885 www.midcont.net. tfn Spreaders - 23501 Thrush, 22104 Grumman Gate, SSF 38” spreader w/cart (new), 22577 Transland. Give us a call! 1-800-437-5319 Sky-Tractor Supply Company t f n Agrinautics, Inc. Best spray pumps, valves, and strainers in the business! For service w/ a smile,call us at 435-586-1200. e-mail: agrinaut@cedarcity.net t f n
608AP 09yr 180hp IFR cert Garmin 530 Nexrad weather and TCAS.
gps Wanted: Trimble AgGps 23 Lightbar. Call Dave at 574-8624392 A 2-10
Gulf Coast Ag Aircraft Sales & Service SOL D
1997 Ayres G-10 5100 Hr. TT. Fresh IRAN on engine & airframe. New paint, Satloc, Air Conditioner, Rinse system, Smoker, Stainless Steel Spray Systems, Electric Brakes, Landing lights & Strobe............... Call for Price 1994 Ayres 510 Garrett -6 Conversion, 7800 TT, good paint and well maintained aircraft. Satloc, Air Conditioner, Rinse system, Smoker, Stainless Steel Spray Systems, Electric Brakes, Landing lights & Strobe. . Call for Price 1979 Ayres 500 Garrett -6 Conversion, engine fresh IRAN, prop fresh OH, new fabric on tail, new paint, Satloc, air conditioner, will be ready end of March .................................................................................. Special Price 1990 Ayres 510 High Time Airframe, 15,000 hrs. Mid-time -6 Garrett engine. Good clean well maintained aircraft, Satloc, air conditioning, smoker, SS spray, electric brake, ready to work. ....................................Priced to Sell Garrett TPE-331-6-252m with 1500 hrs, fresh hot section on CAM engine.............................................................................................Call Garrett TPE-331-10-511m, Part 135 engine with lots of time and cycles remaining
Thrush Parts
Several sets of late model wings • Three Thrush metal tails • Many other items
979-532-1718 • 979-533-1720
607AP 09yr 180hp VFR package Garmin 496 29-inch Goodyear tires great deal on PK floats.
AirPro Aviation Sales Manager Paul Nowlin
501-425-1215 paul@teamairpro.com Husky Sales: Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri and Wisconsin Located at KSUZ Saline County Regional We trade for anything vehicles, planes, helicopters!!
January 2010
Used Satlocs. Litestar 1 and II. Airstar.New M3s in stock Prompt repair service Compton Flying Service 888-336-3924 12-09 Satloc M3s and Intelliflow systems on hand ready for shipment or installation. Fast service, fair prices Compton Flying Service. Hemisphere sales and warranty center. 888-336-3924 12-09 Satloc, Intelliflow Variable rate application. The Satloc Level III Service repair center. Mid-Continent aircraft Corp. Hayti, Mo 1-800-325-0885. Satloc and Del Norte Air Repair Inc, is the worldwide leader in sales and sercece. Call Danny (sales) or Dallas (service) 662846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc.com tfn Hemisphere GPS & Flow Control Dealer Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www.johnstonaircraft.com. Authorized AgNav Distributors. New and used systems. GIS Spray data services/conversion. Summit Helicopters Inc. Call Gary at 816-633-1519 or 816813-0442. summitGIS@earthlink.net (01-10) M3 GPS systems are top end guidance for your aircraft. You don’t have to wait until next season, its ready today. Call 800437-531 or email skytractor@rrv.net and order yours today! Sky Tractor Supply 800-437-5319, 701-436-5881. t f n Satloc GPS systems in stock, M3, M3 upgrades, Lite, or Litestar. New and Used. Call now 800-437-5319 SkyTractor Supply Company tfn
parts New 510 Thrush Hopper, New Style Injection Mold(Only 203 Lbs.),Long Door,Dual Glass,Dual Latches,ready to be Installed. Call for Price 870-572-9011, www.southdeltaaviation.com A 0 1 -1 0 GPS Antenna Mount, for specific ag aircraft, Performance and looks, slip stream design delivers peak signals. Contact Terry Barber 605-258-2743. (0 9 -10) Complete exhaust system for R1340 as removed from Thrush in good condition. Call 870-572-9013 t f n
Vacuum Meters ready to ship. Clean, accurate, closed system. Why pay 50,000 for a accurate system when you can do it for a fraction of the price and require no computers. Compton Flying Service 888-336-3924 12- 09 Thrush rebuilt extended wings with 40,000 hour approved Avenger spar cap kit installed, 192 gal fuel, new leading edge H.D. ribs and leading edge skins. Will paint your color(1). Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 559-686-1794, info@johnstonaircraft.com Set of new Thrush Aircraft current production wings featuring the 29,000 hour life limit on low spar caps. Upper and lower 4340 Chrome-Molly steel spar caps with 114 gallon fuel tank on each wing, 0 SNEW. Contact Thrush Aircraft Spares Department 229-883-1440, rcarter@thrushaircraft.com For sale or preferably exchange - one set S2R wings. 228 gal. fuel. New STC approved Avenger Spar Cap Assy. 40,000 hr life imit with no reoccuring inspections. Call or email for details. GA 229-725-4150 bruceandrews62@gmail.com ( 0 1 - 1 0 )
Thrush parts, wings, control surfaces, landing gear, empenage, etc. Call or fax Bruce’s Flying Service, Inc. 229-725-4150, fax 229-725-5135. E-mail bruceandrews62@gmail.com. (01-10) Accessories & Parts! 100’s of new and OHC accessories, parts for just about everything. Big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. preferredairparts.com 12- 09 Emco Wheaton/Buckeye Dry Break Couplers and adapters, Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www.johnstonaircraft.com Jasco Alternator kits in stock. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc.com tfn Hopper Landing gear, almost new! Has 3 hours on it. HCB5MA-3D Prop ( 602 Prop )Stainless Booms...other misc. 602 items. Call 918-756-7862 At fn
New Thrush -34, -60,-65 models. 600 HP, Your Thrush distributor. Portable Air conditioner Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800-325-0885. tfn
PARTS, PARTS, PARTS... For all your ag aviation needs, please call Southeastern Aircraft Sales & Service (800) 441-2964 Air Tractor Dealer A TFN
Portable Air conditioner, ArticAir Units. For aircraft, trucks, farm machinery. NO STC required. Price: $540.00 MidContinent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800-325-0885. tfn
Cessna Ag Parts. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc.com t f n
Superbooms for Cessna, Piper, Thrush, Air Tractor and custom manufacture; THRUSH AILERON SERVOS-STC’d kits. TSA 800-642-5777 or tsa@702com.net (TFN) O/H’D Thrush 29” Landing Gear & We Can Repair / Rebuild Yours. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 559-686-1794 / Email info@johnstonaircraft.com www.johnstonaircraft.com t f n PARTS, PARTS, PARTS. For all your ag aviation needs, please call Southeastern Aircraft Sales & Service 800-441-2964 Air Tractor Dealer tfn 7 Million new surplus parts for Cessna, Piper, and other aircraft; Continental and Lycoming engines; and a few spray system parts, big discounts. Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts. com 12- 09
10,000 P/N of Continental & Lycoming parts, 50% discount on most new! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330698-0280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts.com 12-09 Upgrade Your Existing Building with Schweiss Bi-Fold Doors & the NEW Hydraulic Bi-Fold Doors - Zero Headroom - New Lift Straps, Auto Latches, Remote Controls, Fast Delivery & Proper Installation Available / Bifold.com / 800-746-8273. JASCO Alternators in stock. Sun Air Parts. 661-257-7708 fax 661-257-7710 tfn Cessna: largest new and used 188 cessna inventory in u.s. call for quotes. Portugese and spanish ok. J&C Enterprises at 800-542-8565 Dromader: largest new and used inventory in the u.s. call us for quotes.J&C Enterprises at 800-542-8565 tfn
Piper: we have many new parts for braves,pawnee, and super cubs. Call for Quote.J&C Enterprises at 800-542-8565 t f n Complete Thrush Factory Metal Tail W / Updates.Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 559-686-1794 / Email info@johnstonaircraft.com www.johnstonaircraft.com Air Tractor, Thrush, Ag-Cat, Piper & Cessna parts, Ag repair, Wing Work & Aircraft Painting. Aircraft salvage & insurance work. We ship worldwide. Bishop Aviation LLC, 888-38-PLANE fax 812-346-3279 t f n World-one stop ag aviation center, all parts and accessories for everything in Ag Aviation for 54 years.MidContinent Aircraft Hayti, Mo. 800-325-0885 Cessna Parts - Engine, propellers, authorized service center. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com A tfn Cessna Authorized Parts Center: Prompt, World-Wide Parts Service, Engines, Bonaire 550 Conversions, Wings. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-325-0885 www.midcont.net. t f n NEW! CP11TT/w-3 Tips & Shutoff in stock ready to ship today.1-800-437-5319 Sky-Tractor Supply Company t f n Thrush: have a used set of 29 inch axles, wheels, and brakes for turbine Thrush. Will split for spares or sell as set. Great for conversion. $2,000.00 ea. Or $3750.00 for pair.J&C Enterprises at 800-542-8565 tfn Air Tractor:1996 502b set of 29” wheels, brakes, and axles. 13 hours t.t. will Sell as a set or as single spare. $2,000.00 ea. Or $3750.00 for pair. J&C Enterprises at 800-542-8565 t f n Thrush parts - Wings, props, tail feathers, batteries, tires - we have the inventory. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www.johnstonaircraft.com. t f n Air Tractor: ten inch set of wheels and brakes for 401. Would split for Spares. $1200.00 ea. Or $2200.00 for set. J&C Enterprises at 800-542-8565 tfn Dromader: two o/h and tagged stock propellers for sale. Almost new Dimensions with 8130. Will sale for $14,000.00 ea. Call J&C Enterprises at 800-542-8565 tfn
Now taking deposits on 2010 Air Tractors
1988 AT-402A 401-0702 N1008Q Airframe T.T. 4862.7 Engine PT6A-21 258.4 Hrs. S.H.S.I. 12,178.2 Hrs. T.T. 258.4 since new factory firewall forward kit with engine instruments and main gear & hardware Harbour Air, Cockpit Heater, M3 Satloc, Smoker, Turn Windows $355,500
800-441-2964 Ask for Chuck Stone or Rick Stone F O B Fort Pierce, FL
Office: 772-461-8924 • Fax: 772-461-9050 • Home: 772-461-3661 • mail@southeasternaircraft.com • www.southeasternaircraft.com
Brave and Pawnee parts - engines, props, spar kits, fuel cells and foam kits, and much more. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www.johnstonaircraft.com. t f n
Auger Trucks For Sale (Trade-Ins) Also list of customer trucks. Call Auger Dan Office: 870-578-6133 Cell: 870-9192317 A 0 2 -1 0
S & T Aircraft Accessories, Inc. specializes in the overhaul of Radial and Turbine engine accessories. We have most items in stock ready to ship for exchange. Give us a call @ 830-625-7923 or fax 830-625-4138. t f n Agrinautics, Automatic Flagman, Aero Engines, Arrow prop, Air Tractor (Associate dealer Queen Bee Air Specialties) CP Nozzles, Compro Smoker, Crophawk, Covington Aircraft Engine, Collins Air Conditioner, Cleveland, Chip Detector, Hot Stuff, Honda Engines, Johnson Sidewinder, Nieto Products, New and used aircraft, (large) Parts Inventory, Schweizer, Spraying Systems, Co., Superbugs, APH-4 Helmet, Simplex, Tires, Transland, WeathAero. Sky Tractor Supply 800-4375319, 701-436-5881. t f n
propellers Props for Sale: 12D40-6101A-12 OHC 12D40-AG100-2 OHC 22D40-6533A-12 OHC 23D40-6533A-18 Serviceable cond. 23D40-6533A-18 Serviceable cond. Call: PropWorks, Winnipeg, Canada Tel: 888-679-2965 email: propwork@mts.net
We Have A WIDE Variety Of Parts To Fit Your Ag Aircraft 2008 Dodge 4500 Auger Truck used one season since new only 9348mi, SS bed, SS hopper, SS auger tube, SS fuel & hyd tank, folding auger, hyd drive, hyd fuel pump, electric hyd valves. Neat and clean truck ready for work call Wes 979-479-0536 (01-10) 1500 gal Jet A refueler; Nissan UD 3300 truck; epoxy lined steel tank: Liquid Control counter with predetermining counter (new 2003); single point and over the wing nozzles: automatic reel. Truck and pump work well; good rubber $18,000 Call 501-985-1484 AR location. tfn Any kind of auger trucks, Mild Steel or Stainless Steel, Diesels, Scales, Automatic or 5 speed. A/C. Randy Mink at Poorboys Flying Service 870-931-8485 (01-10)
A12 - 0 9
Prop for Sale: New 4 Blade Hartzell Propeller for Garrett. Call for Details. 870-572-9011, www.southdeltaaviation.com A01-10 Hartzell Propellers: Two (2) new HC-B3TN-3DY/T10282+4 props for PT6A. One (1) new HC-B3TW-3Y/T10282+4 Prop for Walter M601 engine (will part out these blades in a set of 3). Serv-Aero Engineering, Inc. Salinas, CA 831-422-7866 or fax 831-422-8232. A 02-10 For Outright Sale: Overhauled 5-Blade Prop. Hartzell HC-B5MP3C. Fits AT-502A, AT-503, AT-602, AT-802, Thrush S-2R-T65 & S-2RHG-T65.’06 Hartzell Overhaul. TSN: 1379.5 (TSO:0). Call Steve or Gary 210-924-5561. sales@dixieair.com. ( 01-10) 12D40 prop with 6101-12 blades in 0 SOH condition $9,500.00 Call 870-572-9013 tfn AT-802 Propeller blades, 2 ea, p/n M11276NS, overhauled cond., $2,600.00 each OBO Southeastern Aircraft Sales 800-441-2964 tfn IA200/FA8452, NEW $4,500 2D30-6101A20, A/R. $3,500 2D30-6101A12, A/R $9,500 2D30-6101A12, OHC $14,500 22D30-AG200-2, OHC $15,500 12D40-AG100-4S, SOH, $14,500 22D40-AG200-2 OHC..$20,000 22D40-AG200-2, 190 SOH, /new blades... $21,500 33D50-7005A, A/R-K/D. $6,500 23D40-7005A-17, 502-SIRAN & ADC..$15,000 HC-B3TN-3D/5M, OHC/+4NB’s. $19,500 AmAg 870-886-2418 (2489F) agcat@bscn.com t f n
vehicles 2 to choose from! 1990 & 1992 models of International 4700. DT466 diesel, a/c, standard transmission, PTO chain drive, well maintained, aluminum wheels, your choice for pipe and hopper. 640 stainless fuel with gasoline engine fuel pump. A 02-10
Need Parts?
2004 International DT466 Stainless Steel Conveyor Truck. For any turbine ag plane. Folding belt, all hydraulic used very little. Great shape. Call for pics and specs. Brandon 318-303-3147. (01-10) 1993 Peterbilt folding BAG truck, built for Air Tractor 802. Loads 6,000 lbs, has fuel tank and reel. Great shape. Call Brandon 318-303-3147 (01-10) 1985 CHEVROLET AUGER TRUCK, 10 inch hydraulic, 350 gal. fuel tank. $5000 1987 GMC 7000 Auger Truck, 12 inch hydraulic, 350 gal. fuel tank. $7500 Contact: Bo @ 662-7546484 or 662-588-0519 (01-10)
miscellaneous HELMET with slide up visor $850. Deluxe Kevlar Helmet with ANR, Softskins, Oregon seals $1200. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319 Atfn Load hog,with hyd. Installed in a 510 gallon hopper. Good shape. Both for $14,400.00 JOHNSON @ 218-437-6415. lindleycj@hotmail.com (01-10) Leading Edge Wing Lights for Air Tractor and Thrush. Easy one day installation. Turn them on steady or flash them off and on for excellent recognition by other aircraft. Call Bayou Lights @ 318-559-1617 or bayoulights.com t f n Reduce Drift, Increase Deposition and Retention use Control™ For FREE SAMPLE go to www.GARRCO.com/ freesample Call 765-395-3441, mrfoam1@garrco.com 05-10 SUPERBUGS A safe and economical way to speed up Mother nature! Dispose of hazardous waste in loading and spill areas, ponds and ditches. SUPERBUGS disposes of insecticides, Fungicides, herbicides, and petroleum products Such as waste oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, solvent or anything of organic nature. Blue Stripe Distributing Toll Free 877-924-5025 1 1 - 0 9 Soft stop pump brake . No more sheared keys. Fast start engine system. cut starting heat and time. A must. MidContinent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800-325-0885. tfn
Souther Field Aviation, Inc.
Service & Support Parts for Thrush & Air Tractor Agrinautics & Transland The Fast Start System RAPCO Brake Lining PT6 Engine Support Home of the WeathAero Fans Fast Start Aircraft Hardware System Thrush & Air Tractor wing inspections Prop Balancing
FAST-START multi-voltage cranking system • STC # SA02752AT for both PT6A and TPE331 turboprops in Thrush Aircraft • Approved for AT-502, AT-602 and AT-802 • The only approved basis for Concorde sealed batteries in the Air Tractor • Realize a 100°C - 200°C drop in ITT during start • First units installed in 2003 have had no starter generator problems • The ONLY fully STC'd multi-voltage cranking system • STC for installing Concorde Maintenance Free Batteries, in stock.
Safer Cooler Cranking
Visit Our Website www.southerfield.com Phillips AV & Jet a FULL SERVICE FBO
WeathAero Fans • Auto Flagger • Transland • Agrinautics Pump and Valves Thrush Parts • Covington Radial & Turbine Engines • Compro Smokers WAG • SATLOC • AgNav Phone: 229-924-2813 Office Fax: 229-924-4356 e-mail: frankie@southerfield.com Parts Fax: 229-924-2066 e-mail: parts@southerfield.com Web: www.southerfield.com
Frankie Williams President Paul Pearson Maintenance Souther Field Aviation, Inc. 223 Airport Road, Americus, GA 31709
Thompson-Robbins Field 230 Philips 204 Road West Helena, AR 72390
Tel: 870-572-9013 FAX: 870-572-2761 jotcom@suddenlinkmail.com January 2010
One-Piece Hydraulic Bi-Fold Doors - Zero Headroom, New Lift Straps, All Sizes! Doors & Windows for FBO’s, T-Hangars, Fly-In Homes, and Airparks. We install - We Deliver, Any Size - Anywhere. Schweiss Bi-Fold Doors, Bifold.com / 800-7468273.
Air Tractor Weathervanes - As seen at the NAAA Convention, these hand crafted weathervanes are a must for any Air Tractor owner, see them at www.airportwindsocks.com or contact us at Airport Windsock Corporation 1-800-579-5135. (01-10) Schweiss Bi-Fold Doors & the NEW One-Piece Hydraulic Bi-Fold Door - Zero Headroom, New Lift Straps, Auto Latches, Any Size Door, Custom Made for FBO’s, T-Hangars, Fly-In Homes, and Airparks. Delivered & Installed / Bifold.com / 800-746-8273. AFS Check Valves- Make the switch to AFS check valves, Find out what many operators already know, increased productivity, eliminate leaks and drips, long life, and no moe trying to find buckets!!! To help clean up your operation today call 800833-2013. www.aeroflow.com or Fax 574-862-4669. 0 2-10 www.AircraftCostAnalysis.com AG Operators can calculate your breakeven, % investment return, profit potential, and produce annual & monthly cash flows. Project your financials without spending hours of your time. All reports are produced automatically and accurately after you provide your cost inputs and gross application fees. Types of analyses performed include: Company/ Individual Ownership, Managed with/without Leaseback, Commercial Operation, Agricultural/Fire/Ambulance Operations, Joint Ownership, Fractional Ownership, and Charter/Rental. AG sales organizations can provide prospects with customized & professional ownership cost analysis. This program is a great sales aid and management tool. FREE sample reports. Click REQUEST INFORMATION on the website or call 281-419-7443 HELMET with slide up visor $795. Deluxe Kevlar Helmet with ANR, Softskins, Oregon seals $1150. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319
Cropduster mahogany desktop models, all types of desktop models including custom model of your plane. Pratt & Whitney merchandise. Prints of Cropdusters from gallery. Caps and shirts. Brass Belt buckles of ag planes. Email for complete list and price. crpdstrs@aol.com A3 -10
“Insurance from a name you can trust, at a price you can afford”, is what we do and it’s our motto. Hardy Aviation Insurance, Inc, is centrally located in Wichita Kansas and has been servicing the aerial application market for years now. RANDY HARDY established Hardy Aviation Insurance in 1995 with aerial application as his main focus. Prompt courteous service from a staff dedicated and knowledgable includes ANGIE BANZ and RITA ETHRIDGE, both of whom have years of experience servicing the aerial application business. Give us a try, you might be suprised. Call 1 800 721-6733 or fax us at 316-945-2330. Get an online quote from our web site at www.hardyaviationins.com or e-mail us at hardy@hardyaviationins.com. t f n
HOTSTUFF AG AIRCRAFT CLEANER Call to order the # 1 Ag Aircraft cleaner in the country, Used by over 400 operators Coast to Coast. Blue Stripe Distributing 877-924-5025 1 1 - 0 9
INSURANCE from the Leading Ag Aviation Brokers. 58 Years Risk Management, Lowtime Pilot Coverage. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-325-0885 www.midcont.net. t f n
Schweiss Bifold Doors / Hangar Doors, T-Hangar Doors, Bottom Rolling Doors, with the New Lift Straps, Windows, for Airparks, Airports, Agriculture & FBO’s. We install - We Deliver / Bifold.com / 800-746-8273 .
DOUG DAVIDSON, aircraft owner and commercial pilot, has served the unique insurance needs of the agricultural aviation community since 1982. He founded Davidson Solid Rock Ins. in 1995 on Christian principles, honesty, integrity, and the commitment to provide insurance products as solid as our name! One call is all it takes to shop all available markets for your specialized aviation insurance needs. We welcome the opportunity to talk with you at 800-358-8079. Or visit our website at www.dsrockin.com .t fn
Crop Duster Video - “The Crop Dusters - The Early Years 19211955”; the era of Stearmans and Cubs flying the fields will never be seen again. Available in VHS or DVD. Only $20.00, plus S&H. MC and Visa accepted. Call 478-987-2250 Fax 478-987-1836 t f n
insurance Wheels up. PIM Aviation Insurance is one of the oldest and most experienced ag aviation insurance providers in the industry. We provide access to creative negotiation and problem solving for all your risk management needs. Our passion to keep you flying is deeply rooted, resulting in knowledgeable recommendations and cost-sensitive pricing. For a free, no-obligation quote, call 800.826.4442 or visit us online at www.pimi.com. Proud member of NAAA. tfn The Right Aviation Insurance Broker makes all the difference in the world. A 35 year professional pilot and former Ag Insurance underwriter work together to give you the experience and knowledge to get you the right coverage for the least cost. We work for you, not the insurance companies. Jim Gardner and Rick Langley @ Insuramerica Aviation, Inc. 978-936-4000. 800-654-7892 ext 4108 or 4104. jgardner@ insuramerica.aero. rlangley@insuramerica.aero t f n
software PC SPRAY Dedicated Application Software, Version 3. Fullyfunctional program. Buy it once, use it forever! No annual fees. Technical support for the life of the product. Call or email for demo today. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319. tfn
services SSF, Inc. Stainless spreaders and accessories new and used. We repair all models including Transland and Swathmaster. Call us at 800-736-3433 or 870-217-9232. (06-10) Borescope and Videoscope Repair Services. Any brand or any model. Your one stop source for the best value visual inspection equipment since 1981. Check out our new products and rental units at www.Borescopesrus. com or call Borescopes-R-Us at 931-362-4009. (01-10) The NEW Hydraulic Bi-Fold Doors by Schweiss Bi-Fold Doors- Offering Zero Headroom with Auto Latches, Remote Controls, Walkdoors for FBO’s, T-Hangars, Fly-In Homes, and Airparks. Delivery & Installation Available / Bifold.com / 800-746-8273.
Jeffries Airworks Dynamic Propeller Balancing with Chadwick Helmuth engine printout equipment. Jeffries Airworks, Dynamic Balancing, Vibration Analysis. Much more than just a balance. Call Jim Jeffries, A&P/IA, 985-507-9981, Nationwide service on your location. (tfn)
It’s more than just the history of aviation It’s the living history of Mississippi and the south
National Agricultural Aviation Museum Where a way of life, comes to life. National Agricultural Aviation Museum 1150 Lakeland Drive, Jackson MS Monday - Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
601-713-3365 800-844-TOUR This project is partially funded through a grant by the Jackson Convention and Visitors Bureau
ENGINE MOUNTS AND TUBULAR STEEL COMPONENTS Repaired for Ag airplanes (landing gears, horizontal tails, fuselages, etc.); Some Components in stock for exchange. FAA approved Repair Station HE4R229M. Piper PA-25 Pawnee wing/fuselage attach kits to comply with AD. Kosola & Associates, Inc.Albany, Georgia Phone 229435-4119; Fax 229-888-5766 e-mail: kosola@att.net; website: kosola.com t f n
wanted to buy Wanted to buy: Isolair initiator model 2700 helicopter spray system for S300C. Contact: cropspray@xsinet. co.za Tel: 2713-245-9903 Fax: 2713-245-9904 (01-10) EXHAUST Wanted: R-1340 and R-985 Exhaust Send Old Exhaust segments for exchange or Sell them! Call Daryl @ 940-902-0797 tfn Wanted to Buy Air Tractor AT-301 or AT-401, Ferriable Southeastern Aircraft Sales 800-441-2964 or mail@southeasternaircraft.com
operations ESTABLISHED HELICOPTER SPRAYING SERVICE FOR SALE. Strong customer base w/ 35 yrs. in same area & a continuous year-round work flow. Must have 5 years helicopter crop spraying experience. *Added Bonus* Helicopter & mix trailer for sale. Call for full details 863675-6919 or 305-216-1967, ask for Marvin Scripter (02-10)
Looking to buy successful, established aerial application business with growth potential and loyal customer base. 100,000 + annual acres preferred. Send to Business Wanted C/O AgAir Update. PO Box 850, Perry, GA 31069. or Fax to 888-382-6951. blindads@agairupdate.com (01-10)
schools Tailwheel endorsements and time building in south Texas for aspiring ag-pilots. C-170 available for training and rental with discounts for block time. Contact Clyde at 956-202-2094 or mrclyde_2003@hotmail.com. t f n Learn To Fly Ag In Sunny Brazil!!! Eight flight hours dual DGPS equipped (C170) plus 23 hours solo in EMBRAER 300 HP Ipanema (Similar To Brave 300HP) or CESSNA 188 AG TRUCK. 100 hours ground school (chemicals, crops, calibration DGPS, etc.) - Instructors are English/Spanish/ Portuguese Spoken. Only $6,500.00 USD - Contact aasd@piq.com.br phone/fax 55 51 3723 7000 in Cachoeira Do SuL, state of RIO GRANDE DO SUL - BRAZIL www.aviacaoagricola.com.br tfn
seat wanted Highly exp. pilot lookng for a seat next season. Flown most ag planes from Pawnee to 500 gal Thrushes. Preferred midwest. 580-603-3564 ask for Walt. (01-10) Seat wanted in a sound operation. Flying Tigers training 11/09 w/ Ag Cat - Thrush training. ATP / A&P / CE500 type / 3400 TT / 2500 turbine. Military Vet. Ag Background. 34yrs old. No smoke. Healthy. References and resume available. I have been flying corporate for eight years, ready for a change of pace! Not looking for a gypsy position but some travel is acceptable. Chad Hendricks (Nebraska) @ 970.203.4505 chad_hendricks@yahoo.com (01- 01) Young man almost 19 looking operator /sponsor to work with to become a professional ag pilot. Worked around ag planes since very young. If I had a CFI rating I would sign him off to fly solo. Give Shane a call at 580-603-2356 or Walt at 580-603-3564. (01-10) Experienced ag pilot, Seat wanted. 18,000 + ag, 3000+ turbine, AT-802 thru 402, Thrush 660. Firefighting 300+ drops. Start Jan 2010 or start of season. Steve 405-5423993, cell 580-574-7084. pilotguest@yahoo.com (01-10) New AT-502 with M3 and CP’s and Pilot Ready to work, can be licensed in any state. Will do Herbicide and Organic. aaron@ advantageagair.com (01-10) Ag pilot with Bonaire Cessna available after December 2009. Call with any questions Contact Jake Roth - JAKE’S CUSTOM AERIAL APPLICATION located Grand Forks, ND USA Telephone: 315-404-1970 (01-10) Ag pilot and plane looking or 60/40 split for 2010 season. Available Jan, aircraft is 510 Thrush and Contact Jake at 318237-4186, or 662-590-5253, jlperry84@gmail.com (01-10)
help wanted Wanted AT-402 pilot, must have rice, cotton and 2,4D experience and licensed in Arkansas. 870-550-1664 (01-10) Looking for full time ag pilot, A&P a plus, for AT-402, AT-502. Highmore SD. 605-852-2697 (01-10) The Department of Forest of the Republic of Cyprus, is inviting tenders for pilot and engineer services for the years 2010 and 2011. The services concern the piloting and maintenance of a Thrush 550 with a PT6A-60AG engine and an Air Tractor 802F. Offers must be submitted as per tender instructions. Companies or individuals are invited to make offers for all three (3) services or for any service individual. For any inquiries do not hesitate to contact me on my email skotzikas@ fd.moa.gov.cy or tel 011-357-99-614656 or the contact person listed on the tender Mr Kyriacos Monogios ( 01-10) Need AT-402 exp Turbine pilot. 1000 hrs of turbine time, 2000 hr TT minimum. Work well with others. Some herbicide exp required. References a must. 7 days a week from Mid May to end of season. License in ND, SD, IA and MN. Last years pilot did 50,000 ac. Contact 701-321-0767 or 701650-0259 (01-10) Help Wanted - AP / IA maintain four company ag planes and operate GA repair and maintenance shop in NE Colorado. Send resume to 23100 Hwy 52, Fort Morgan, CO 80701. scottaviation@kci.net Kyle 970-867-8414 or 970-768-0553 (01-10) Experienced Ag Pilot Wanted - Fly AT-301 in the Midwest. Full time preferred. Wannabe turbine jocks need not apply. Send resume to fly@sunfloweraero.com (01-10)
Wanted AT-502 and P&W C Model Snow Pilots. A&P mechanic ag plane experienced a real asset. Central South Dakota. Send resume to Jim Schick, Aero Spray Service, Inc. Box 416, Miller, SD 57362 - Fax to 605-853-2332 or email aerospray21@hotmail.com (01-10)
Plan for the
Wanted: Spanish speaking aircraft mechanic. A&P not necessary, will help with getting A&P license. Agricultural Aircraft & Turbine experience a plus. Contact:andy@southdeltaaviation.com A 01-10 Wanted: A&P Mechanic, Ag plane experience a plus, Turbine exp. a plus, good pay/benefits. Send resume/salary requirements to: andy@southdeltaaviation.com A 01-10 Experienced Fire/S.E.A.T Pilot wanted must have AT-802 flight time. Contact info: Phone: 870-510-2377 or fax Resume/ Credentials to 409-794-2958 (tfn) Best Classified Buy In The Industry. Read By More Ag Pilots Than Any Other Publication. Only $40 888-987-2250. Fax: 888-382-6951.
new Air Tractor in your future.
advertisers index Acorn Welding............................................ 15 Ag - Nav, Inc. ............................................... 3 Ag-Flight, Inc................................................ 21 Air Repair, Inc........................................ 14, 9 Air Tractor Inc............................................... 5 Airforce Turbine Service............................ 18 AirPro Aviation............................................35 American AgViation..................................32 AugerDan Trucks......................................46 Auto-Cal, Inc.................................................. 6 Collins Aircraft Dynamics, Inc................25 Concorde Battery....................................... 34 Covington Aircraft Engines......................40 Crowley Ridge ........................................... 37 Desser Tire & Rubber Co......................... 16 Dyna Nav Systems, Inc. .......................... 17 Frost Flying...................................................33 GE Aviation - Walter Engines.................. 13 Gulf Coast Ag Aircraft Sales & Service.35 Hemisphere GPS........................................ 27 J & C Enterprises, Inc................................33 Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc..................32 Lane Aviation, Inc......................................38 Laviasa..........................................................26 Micron Sprayers Limited..........................20 Mid - Continent Aircraft Corp................. 19 NAAA Museum..........................................38 Orsmond Aerial Spray Pty. Ltd................ 16 Preferred Airparts......................................38 Queen Bee Air Specialties........................ 19 Schweiss Bi-fold Doors . ...........................20 Sky Tractor Supply Co........................20, 23 South Delta Aviation................................. 34 Southeastern Aircraft................................36 Souther Field Aviation, Inc....................... 37 Southwest Turbine, Inc. ............................. 8 Spectrum Electrostatic Sprayers, Inc..... 24 Sun Air Parts................................................36 Thrush Aircraft Inc..................................... 12 Transland ....................................................22 Trotter Controls........................................... 15 Tulsa Aircraft Engines............................... 19 Universal Turbine Parts Div..................... 21
YOUR #1 AIR TRACTOR DISTRIBUTOR IN SALES AND SERVICE AIRCRAFT 1997 AT-602/45R. 4223 TTAF, 4,837 SOH, Del Norte with flow, white/red...................................$485,000 1984 AT-400A, 3,200TTAF, 3,578 TTE (-15AG), CH, heater, flagger, smoker, Lane brake/fan.......$250,000 2006 AT-401B, 124 TTAF, 124 SMOH, 3 blade prop, Comm & Transponder, like new.................$340,500 1998 AT-802A, 6,050 TTAF&E, -65AG, fresh hot & annual, wingman, M3, well maintained..........$CALL$
ENGINES R-1340, zero time since overhaul by COVINGTON.........................................................................$52,500 NEW PT6 -11, 15, 34, 60, 65, 67 outright or exchange..................................................................$CALL$
PROPELLERS HARTZELL 3 blade and 5 bladed props – new and used................................................................$CALL$
DISPERSAL EQUIPMENT TRANSLAND 10 vane spreader for 38” gate, new.............................................................................$8,200 AGRINAUTICS, ROOT, CROPHAWK, TRANSLAND, OTHERS.........................................................$CALL$
Lane Aviation, Inc. “Specializing in Turbine and Piston Air Tractors”
281-342-5451 TEL • 281-232-5401 FAX e-mail: glane@laneav.com • www.laneav.com P.O. Box 432 • Rosenberg, Texas 77471 January 2010