January 2011 - Edition in English

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agairupdate.com Volume 29, Number 1 January 2011

The perfect match

inside this edition: Hemisphere GPS introduces background map feature for Air IntelliStar™ NAAA Convention highlights • Strong demand for Air Tractor aircraft at Savannah AAU Open House & Hangar Party highlights • Mexico Convention highlights Nostalgia of days gone by



January 2011


Bill Lavender bill@agairupdate.com

from the cockpit

The 510G debuts at the NAAA convention AgAir Update’s Open House and Hangar Party was a roaring success. With over 100 attendees, along with good company, food, drinks and music (not to mention fresh boiled peanuts), the event was blessed with four of the NAAA convention ag-aircraft on display; AT-602, AT-504, 510G Thrush and 510P Thrush. In this edition of AAU, you will read that I had a blast flying the 510G, powered with the GE Aviation H80 engine. The 510G has been three years in development and is now quickly approaching full certification. It is very possible that an operator will be flying this aircraft in the 2011 season. AAU will give you an update when this happens. The 2010 NAAA convention also was a huge success. Attendance was up from 2009 by more than 25%. The exhibit hall attendance was up as well with over 140 vendors. The Fire Boss demonstration on the Savannah River was fantastic and left a very positive

image of our industry to the people of Savannah. Another great aspect of the convention was the politeness of everyone in Savannah, from the hotel and convention center staff to the restaurants and shops. I’m not prejudiced, but I say it was a dose of good old southern hospitality. To view videos and more information from the NAAA convention (including the Fire Boss demo), be sure to visit www. agairupdate.com and AAU’s Facebook page. 2011 promises to be a good year, again, for most operators. Commodity prices have been favorable and with the new fungicides, like BASF’s Headline and other spin off chemicals from Headline, operators are able to maximize their profits. The “Corn Run”, dubbed in AAU three years ago, has helped many operators. BASF introduced the first low volume application rate fungicide (two gallons per acre) to ag-aviation that started

this“rejuvenation”. I am not at liberty to say much more than BASF has made a significant and positive difference in our industry and has promises to bring more benefits to it in the very near future. It is winter now and that means a long list of state trade shows to attend. I enjoy visiting with those who attend. It is a “happy hunting ground” for me to arrange visits with operators and vendors during the upcoming year. If you have suggestions about who and where I can visit for an AAU article, please let me know through an email, bill@agairupdate.com, or stop by my booth. I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and are looking forward to 2011. Until next month, Blue Sky and Tailwinds...

agairupdate.com Volume 29, Number 1 JaNuary 2011

inside this issue Calendar of events .................................................................................................................... 4 AgAir mail ...................................................................................................................................... 6 The perfect match................................................................................................................................. 8 First flight of GE-powered Thrush 510G . .......................................................................................... 10 Hemisphere GPS introduces background map feature for Air IntelliStar™........................................12 Hemisphere GPS announces new Satloc BantamTM aerial guidance system.....................................12 Mystery aircraft................................................................................................................................... 14 NAAA Convention highlights................................................................................................................. 15 Strong demand for Air Tractor aircraft at Savannah NAAA convention...............................................16 New Air Tractor instrument gauges..................................................................................................... 16 Mexico Convention highlights.............................................................................................................. 18 Field day at Aero Agrícola Santos Dumont.......................................................................................... 19 AAU Open House & Hangar Party highlights....................................................................................... 20 Nostalgia of days gone by................................................................................................................... 22 Classified ads.............................................................................................................................. 27



The perfect match

inside this edition: Hemisphere GPS introduces background map feature for Air IntelliStar™ NAAA Convention highlights • Strong demand for Air Tractor aircraft at Savannah AAU Open House & Hangar Party highlights • Mexico Convention highlights Nostalgia of days gone by

On the cover...

The perfect match Bill Lavender taxiing in front of the AgAir Update hangar See story page 8

P.O. Box 850 • Perry, GA 31069 USA 475 Myrtle Field Rd. • Perry, GA 31069 USA PHONE: 888-987-2250 • 478-987-2250 FAX: 888-382-6951 • 478-987-1836 aau@agairupdate.com • agairupdate.com

EDITOR / PUBLISHER: Bill Lavender editor@agairupdate.com ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR: Deborah Freeman aau@agairupdate.com ACCOUNTING: Sandy Lavender accounting@agairupdate.com ADVERTISING: Ernie Eggler ernie@agairupdate.com CLASSIFIED ADS: classifieds@agairupdate.com PRODUCTION: Deborah Freeman aau@agairupdate.com CIRCULATION: Brittni White subs@agairupdate.com IT SPECIALIST: Graham Lavender graham@agairupdate.com CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Dennis Avery - cgfi@hughes.net Jim Gardner - jim@agairupdate.com Carlin Lawrence - carlin@agairupdate.com Alan McCracken - mccrackenalan@yahoo.com Robert McCurdy - robert@agairupdate.com Sam Miller - smiller@SLMmodels.com Tracy Thurman - thurmantracyt@yahoo.com LATIN AMERICAN REPS: Ernesto Franzen - ernesto@agairupdate.com Gina Hickmann - gina@agairupdate.com Walt Jazun - walt@agairupdate.com Pat Kornegay - pat@svatx.com Virginia Marroni - mariamarroni@hotmail.com

© Copyright 2011 AgAir Update retains all rights for reproduction of any material submitted, to include but not limited to articles, photographs, emails and bulletin board posts. All material remain the copyright of AgAir Update. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in part or whole, without the written consent of the publisher. Editorial published do not necessary reflect the views of the publisher. Content within AgAir Update is believed to be true and accurate and the publisher does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions. Unsolicited editorial manuscripts and photos are welcomed and encouraged. We cannot be responsible for return unless submissions are accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Advertising deadline is 12 noon, on the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication. AgAir Update (ISSN 1081-6496) Published monthly by AgAir Update, LLC, 475 Myrtle Field Road, Perry, GA 31069 for $39 USD for one year in the U.S.; International rates are $39 USD for one year. Periodical postage paid at Springfield, MO and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to P.O. Box 850, Perry, GA 31069. AgAir Update, a multiple-award winning publication, is a tabloid newspaper 12.25” deep by 9.5” wide on a 2.25” 4 column format. Contract rates are available upon request. AgAir Update is a proud member of:

calendar of events January 2011 January 5-7, 2011 TxAAA Convention Hyatt Regency Hill Country San Antonio, TX Chris Shields 512-476-4405 www.taaa.org Januray 6, 2011 MoAAA Convention Drury Lodge Cape Girardeau, MO Scott Rainey 731-538-2926 January 9-11, 2011 ArAAA Convention Wyndham Riverfront Hotel North Little Rock, AR Ron Harrod 501-376-3233 rharrod@sbcglobal.net January 10, 2011 AzAAA Meeting Stanfield, AZ Les Davis 602-258-9234 January 16-18, 2011 NE AAA Convention Sheraton Harrisburg Hotel Harrisburg, PA Ali Farwell 570-394-7260 January 17-19, 2011 OkAAA Convention Biltmore Hotel Oklahoma City, OK Sandy Wells 405-341-3548 oaaa@sbcglobal.net January 19-20, 2011 MsAAA Convention Hollywood Casino Bay St. Louis, MS Will Green Poindexter msagaa@telpak.net January 24-25, 2011 AMAA Annual Convention Heritage Inn Great Falls, MT http://montanaaerialapplicators.org January 24-26, 2011 LaAAA Convention L’Auberge du Lac Resort & Casino Lake Charles, LA Edward Krielow 337-824-5007

January 26-28, 2011 NMAAA Convention Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & Casino Ruidoso, NM Gaylon Stamps 806-537-5143

February 2011 February 7-9, 2011 SEAF Convention DoubleTree Historic Charleston Charleston, South Carolina Linda Minton 772-465-0714 February 11-13, 2011 NAAA Spring Board Meeting Crowne Plaza Hotel, Arlington, VA Peggy Knizner Tel: 202-546-5722 Fax: 202-546-5726 information@agaviation.org www.agaviation.org February 17-18, 2011 NCAAA Convention Senator Bob Martin Eastern Agriculture Center Williamston, NC Don Stotesberry Jr. 252-935-5000 February 17-19, 2011 Canada AAA Conference and Trade Show The Fairmont Winnipeg Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada www.canadianaerialapplicators.com February 21-23, 2011 NATA Convention Sandhills Convention Center North Platte, NE Contact: Judy McDowell 402-475-6282 Fax: 402-475-6282 email: nata@windstream.net February 23-25, 2011 Tri-State Aerial Applicators Convention Jackpot Junction Morton MN Ambroz Stieren, Terry 952-226-5874 TAmbroz@aol.com Laurie Robbennolt 605-765-2707 sdaviation@gmail.com Cindy Schreiber-Beck 701-642-5777 cndrwht@702com.net

March 2011 March 23-24, 2011 Aerial Firefighting Conference & Exposition Washington DC rcovey@tangentlink.com March 24-25, 2011 TxAAA Operation SAFE Clinic & PAASS Levelland, TX Dennis Gardisser 501-676-1762 Susan Bennett 512-476-2644 March 28, 2011 ArAAA Updates & Safety Educational Program Walnut Ridge Regional Airport Parachute Inn, 10 Skywatch Walnut Ridge, AR Claudetta Harrod 501-376-3233 March 29-April 1, 2011 ArAAA Operation SAFE Workshop Walnut Ridge Regional Airport Host Operator - Steve Cusson C & C Flying Service - 870-892-7242 Claudetta Harrod - 501-376-3233

April 2011 April 4, 2011 ArAAA Updates & Safety Program University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Rice Research & Ext. Center Stuttgart, AR Claudetta Harrod 501-376-3233

April 5-8, 2011 ArAAA Operation SAFE Workshop Stuttgart Airport Host Operator - Todd Hartley Hartley Flying Service - 870-673-1756 Claudetta Harrod - 501-376-3233 April 11, 2011 ArAAA Updates & Safety Ed. Program Agricultural Bldg at McGehee McGehee, AR Claudetta Harrod - 501-376-3233 April 12-15, 2011 ArAAA Operation SAFE Workshop McGehee Municipal Airport Host Operators: David Glover - 870-222-6407 David Glosup - 870-222-6575 Alan Buford - 870-222-4556 Matt Rial - 870-866-6151 Claudetta Harrod - 501-376-3233

June 2011 June 15-17, 2011 SINDAG Convention Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul sindag.org.br

Mystery ag plane

Do you know the aircraft in this photo? Send in your submission at agairupdate.com or email to aau@agairupdate.com. Watch the February 2011 edition of AgAir Update for the answer! Submitted by Rick Boyd

January 2011


agair mail great time I’m an ag instructor in Bainbridge at Ag-Flight. I attended your open house Friday with one of my students. We had a very enjoyable time. The food, the drink, the music, the little fire pits... everything was done very well. Thank you for a wonderful time. Sincerely, Randy Miller Montgomery, MI www.SprayPilot.com Hello Randy; I am sure glad you and others from Ag-Flight were able to attend. I agree that we had a great time with over 100 attendees, including four, new ag-aircraft. We’ll have to do it again, someday! —Bill

teaching A Mrs. Marilyn Davis called me recently and asked if I would teach her class (7th grade) about how I use math in my business, so I agreed. I took to the school a framed portrait of me spraying wheat and asked what that had to do with their hamburger and hot dog buns. Several students promptly replied they were made from flour, which comes from wheat. I also asked if they liked ice cream and to each, all hands went up. I had

sprayed the 750-acre dairy in Bartow, Georgia twice this year and asked what that had to do with their ice cream cones. After a pause, a couple of hands went up... “The cows make the milk that makes the ice cream,” they said. When I asked what cows eat, they replied, “grass.” I reminded them armyworms like grass as well, so I was called on to fly so I could “protect your future ice cream cones!” I asked the students to calculate spray loads, given X number of ounces per acre for 195 acres, the cost per gallon of those chemicals, given the price per ounce and so on. I think the visit was well received and the students realized not only the value of arithmetic in daily life, but also the role of the American farmer and how ag-pilots fit into the grand scheme of things; insuring a steady, healthy and inexpensive food supply. Regards, Pierre Smith Louisville, GA

typical Air Tractor swath widths Gallons per acre (multiply x 10 for L/Ha) as it relates to swath width in feet. Per Dr. Dennis Gardisser Aircraft




































In case you have not heard, our pal, Jesse Thompson of Thompson Flying Service in Edgewood, Texas flew west on November, 11 (18 days short of his 72 birthday) after a long illness. He will be dearly missed. He was a mentor to many of us in the flying trade and I plan to pass on many of his “Jesse-isms”. His ashes, along with a mixture of his beloved wild flower seeds, were spread from his Ag-Wagon over the airpark he founded with his son, Mark. Tailwinds, J.D. McCoy Tailwind Airpark Edgewood, TX

You’d make a great teacher! What a good way to relate to our youth.—Bill

wiping the ends


Jesse Thompson

To All; Since Dad’s (Jesse Thompson) passing I’ve received many, many cards, emails and letters of condolence. Thank you! It’s amazing to see how someone could touch so many people in so many ways; truly a life’s lesson to be learned. The memorial service was well received and I was very pleased with the turn out. People traveled from all parts of the country to attend the memorial. Thank you to all those that attended and a special thanks to our speakers, Pastor and Hilliard Funeral Home. They all

were outstanding! Thank you all very much!!!! Mark Thompson Edgewood, TX Thanks J.D. and Mark for letting AgAir Update readers know about Jesse’s passing. I recognize Jesse in the front of the Cub. —Bill

info Dear Mr. Lavender/Walter Jazun On page 22 of the October edition of AAU Latinoamerica was very interesting information regarding the ag-aviation fleet in 1968 written by D. A. Walker. Is there a chance you have a way to obtain through Mr. Walker, the IAAC (International Agricultural Aviation Centre), or another source, updated fleet numbers? Thank you very much for your help in this matter and as Bill says: “Blue Sky and Tailwinds...” to which I’d like to add, “And a happy landing” Best Regards Roberto J.Engroba General Director Laviasa Mendoza, Argentina Dear Mr.Engroba: I hope this finds you well. It’s been awhile since we last met. I was in Mendoza briefly and missed an opportunity to meet again. By Bill Lavender’s request I’d like to let you know that the information you request would be hard to obtain as the organization is no longer active and the ag aviation landscape has changed dramatically since that article was published. I’d like to take this opportunity to give you our best regards. Cordially, Walt Jazun AgAir Update Latinoamerica Representative

thanks November was another splendid issue. Thanks for including that article of mine and laying it out so well. I suspect it may generate some comment as many of the readers may not have seen anything like it. Thanks also for including the photo

of Derek Williams. I shall send him a copy, if he does not already subscribe. Cheers, Mike Feeney Hamilton, New Zealand Hello Mike; Thanks for the compliments, especially from Kiwi-land. And, thanks for writing it! And again, thanks for sending a copy (I assume my office sent you extra copies) to Derek.—Bill

photo Hey, Mr Bill! Let me know when you get these pics and if you want more. Hope you like them. Robert Ferguson Des Arc, AR

Hello Robert; Got the Flip Pix. I looked at them and for one in particular thought, “Stan, sure has a nice office.” The video pix is about 10 seconds and it took me more than half of that to figure out he was sitting in my chair in my office! I’ll need to see if my son, Graham, can figure out how to convert the video to a still pix. -Bill

new pilots I tried contacting you about a month ago. I am trying to figure out if there are jobs available for new pilots. I contacted the school AG-Flight and they tell me there is a high demand. I see on your web site and Barnstormers that there are many pilots looking for seats. Does the guaranteed insurability from Ag-Flight make getting a job any easier? Andy Peterson Hello Andy; Sure, there are ag-aviation jobs for new pilots. However, they often come with the requirement to work on the ground for a year or two. I don’t know anything about Barnstormers, except it is a general aviation web site and I would not expect it to have anything about ag-aviation. If you can get guaranteed insurance coverage, that would certainly be an asset in landing a seat, just as being an A&P mechanic, having tailwheel time, an agricultural background, etc. Don’t be thinking anything else than

getting a seat in ag-aviation is tough, but worth it and rewarding for those who persevere. You must keep in mind what it is you are asking of an operator; to trust you to not damage his very expensive aircraft, nor ruin his business by making a bad application. Hope this helps. If you really want to get into ag-av, any asset you have will help.—Bill

eEditions Hi you guys: Don’t know who’s idea the email was (eEdition), but it was great. Didn’t make it to the NAAA convention this year and the email helped. Thanks Don Rainer Wimberley, TX

more comfortable. Still, every flight and every turn is done with the utmost attention to detail! This is not a bird to become complacent. At first, the lack of right rudder control on take-off was something to get used to, but it is not an issue now. It is odd. Flying the 802 has made me a better Thrush driver. Last week, I flew both the same day and it was a nice change to get into the 510-gallon Thrush. (The little airplane!) No rudder trim to fool with, no flaps to fool with, along with the simple TPE331 engine. Flying the Thrush is just not as demanding as flying the 802, or any Air Tractor for that matter. I do like both

very much and feel very lucky to be able to fly such a wide variety of airplanes and helicopters in my daily work routine. My most favorite helicopter? The Hiller 12E; a simple, powerful, easy to fly and maintain bird. Heck, which ever aircraft I happen to be flying is my most favorite aircraft for that day! Andy Stein Woodland, CA Hello Andy; Got ya email. Been behind the power curve working the NAAA show and all the other things going on. 30 hours is still minimum in the AT-802 and more than I have, but glad you like it. I’m sure you’ll like it even better with more hours!—Bill

I followed the NAAA convention online with AgAir Update and having never had a chance to go to one found it very interesting to watch. Regards, Jason Blanke Jay’s Flying Service LLC Hornersville, MO Thanks for the compliments. My son, Graham, gets most of the credit!—Bill

fire boss Hey Bill. Looks like the NAAA convention is going well! Nice video of the Fire Boss! I have a little over 30 hours in the 802 now and it is becoming more and

(L-R) Bri Klien, daughter of Bob Klien and granddaughter of Charlie Klien, solos in a Cessna 172, November 6, 2010 in Lawrenceville, Illinois, making three generations of pilots. Bri plans to continue with her flight training and fly ag.

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January 2011


The perfect match by Bill Lavender Thirty years ago, I bought a new 1980 Turbo Thrush powered by serial number one PT6A-11AG engine. I had previously owned a B-model Ag-Cat with a 600 HP radial R-1340 engine. To this day, I remember the exhilaration experienced from my first turbine engine aircraft flight, which was the ferry from the Thrush factory to my airstrip 70 miles northward. Although the -11AG Thrush was my first, I owned and flew an assortment of Thrush aircraft over the next 20 years to include the 600 HP radial, 1200 HP Viper and -34AG 400-gallon and 510-gallon versions. When I was offered the opportunity to fly the 510G Thrush powered by the new GE Aviation H80 engine, I couldn’t have been more excited. Jody Bays arrived at AgAir Update’s Open House and Hangar Party early so that I could fly it. At that time, only Jody and Frankie Williams of Souther Field Aviation had flown the 510G. The aircraft I flew is the third one built, preceded by two prototype aircraft and is the result of more than three years of development. The 510G is not a prototype aircraft. Instead, it is considered a conformity aircraft. This means every part was manufactured from

a design-drawing “blueprint” and has been through the manufacturing process, just like a certified airplane. For the first time in Thrush history, the airplane was designed entirely on the computer before any metal was cut. The 510G is significantly different than previously built 510-gallon Thrush. You may not realize at first sight that the aircraft is longer. In fact, it is longer by 14 inches. The engine mount is a shorter version of the G-10 Thrush mount (TPE33110) and is stronger. In addition, instead of two batteries, the 510G only has one. There is no engine basket (tubing structure filled with lead), thus further reducing weight on the front end. Upon removing the cowling around the engine, you will note the monocoque construction that provides easy engine access. Continuing a walk-around, there is a noticeable lack of breather and overflow tubes, just one for the oil. You will not see telltale evidence of overboard oil. At 30 psi, the H80’s oil operates at 67°C. The oil air scoop is basic with no moving components needed to assist with airflow while the prop is in feather. On a 100°F day, while idling with the prop in feather, it takes over an hour for the oil temperature to reach its limit. The engine firewall is directly aft of the

engine, creating ample room between the firewall and the hopper for luggage, GPS unit, smoker, radio equipment, battery, or whatever. This compartment is easily accessible through two access doors on either side of the aircraft. The empty weight of the 510G, with spray equipment, is 4,690 pounds, approximately 300 pounds less than a similarly configured 510P Thrush (PT6Apowered). It is the lightest metal tail, 510-gallon Thrush ever built. No metal was removed from the aircraft structure. It has the same skins, ribs, fuselage (except for the engine mount) and propeller as the 510P. What may be more important is where the 510G lost its 300 pounds, affecting the CG and improving its flight characteristics. The 510G does not have an engine basket, nor the ballast found in one and one less battery, accounting for the weight difference. Climbing into the 510G cockpit, a pilot will find it to be comfortable, roomy and quiet while in flight. The instrument gauges are neatly packaged in an Electronics International’s MVP-50T engine analyzer. Not only is the EI analyzer very accurate, but it has configurable alarms to alert the pilot if an engine limit is exceeded and a female voice audio

detailing which limit. Starting the H80 is simple. The start is automated using high-end solid state technology; throttle and prop levers back against the stops, fuel control lever in idle cut off, fuel boost pump on, engage the starter, fuel control lever to idle and sit back and wait while monitoring the start. There is no “ground idle” or “flight idle” position for the H80’s fuel control lever. The H80’s response time to a power command from the throttle is so quick that a flight idle position is not necessary. However, the fuel control lever will move forward from its start detent, but the engine does not respond to this movement with one exception; in the case of an emergency fuel scheduling issue, the pilot can override the fuel control unit and manage the engine’s Ng (the gas generator speed) with movement of the fuel control lever after activating a safety release. The engine idles at 57% Ng. For my flight, all power references were based on Ng, as it was cool enough the ITT never exceeded 600°C. The H-80 engine is mated to the same type of propeller used on the 510P (three-blade, 106-inch Hartzell), with the exception that the blades have been shot-peened. Thrush Aircraft may certify the Avia propeller on the H80, as well. GE Aviation’s M601-11E engine uses the Avia prop. Performance of an agplane is difficult to evaluate on a cool fall day in an empty configuration. Although, there are things that can be commented on from such a limited evaluation flight. Taxiing for departure is straightforward. During takeoff, applying the power smoothly, the H80 easily got ahead of

Do not expect this sporty paint job when you order your 510G Thrush. It is a wrap that probably would not hold up. The Thrush Aircraft is offering a special introductory price of $695,985 for the first 10 510G aircraft sold.



me as it accelerated almost instantly from ground idle to 100% Ng. Correcting for the Ng, I climbed to a safe altitude using 95% Ng. After trimming level, using 85% Ng, the aircraft zipped along at 150+ MPH. Wanting to know the stall characteristics of the aircraft, I reduced power to 20 pounds of torque, eased back on the stick, wings level and entered into a stall. The aircraft buffets dramatically in a full stall, but it never breaks, just sinks. The buffeting would wake the dead, which should translate into a relatively safe-turning aircraft. Using 70% Ng, I made several spray runs, watching the airspeed needle bouncing on the 160 MPH VNE. In the turn back to the field, I realized there was no need to drop my left hand to the trim tab. The elevators are extremely light. The ailerons are nicely balanced and light as well, with the aileronrudder interconnect removed. The aircraft will turn on a dime. Since I was not needing the trim tab in the turns, I decided to use a “notch” of flaps, about 5-8 degrees. Surprisingly, the aircraft tightened its turn. With other Thrushes I’ve flown, I did not find using the flaps in a turn to be beneficial. To me, the 510G is different in that respect. Returning for a landing was uneventful, landed like a Thrush; Did it twice to prove to myself that greasing it on was not luck. On the climb outs, it seemed to me the aircraft did not climb as I expected. Sure, it climbed at a high rate, but I was empty and using nearly 800 SHP. It just didn’t seem right. Maybe the Avia propeller will change that, or maybe it is not an issue when hot and loaded. After flying later that day, Dennie Stokes of Mid-Continent Aircraft Sales and Service relayed the same sentiments. Dennie has been flying Thrush aircraft since 1981. In fairness to Hartzell, an aircraft manufacturer has to start somewhere with the prop selection. In the case of the 510G, the obvious choice was the proven Hartzell prop on the 510P with the PT6A34AG engine. Thrush Aircraft and Hartzell are very much aware that a refinement in regards to the prop may be needed and are working together towards that end. Thrush Aircraft is also working with Avia, so that the 510G operator will have multiple choices of propellers. The GE Aviation H80 engine and the 510-gallon Thrush are a good mate. With the weight reduction and change in CG, along with other airframe improvements and 800 SHP to over 100°F, the GE turboprop engine will give ag-operators another viable choice in ag-aircraft.

1. Jody Bays of Thrush Aircraft gives Dennie Stokes from Mid-Continent Aircraft Sales and Service a 510G preflight briefing 2. The 510G Thrush with most of its forward cowling panels removed. Note the monocoque construction around the H80 engine. The engine firewall is about center of the photo, forward of the battery. The large opening towards the rear of the aircraft is for “baggage” compartment. 3. Positioned directly behind the firewall is the single battery 4. First in line, the K&N air filter’s inlet, followed by the oil cooler scoop and the single oil breather tube to the right for the engine 5. The Thrush cockpit is roomy with an uncluttered instrument panel. The Electronics International MVP-50T unit is mounted on the left, leaving plenty of room on the right side for optional avionics and GPS displays.

1 2


4 5

Bill Lavender makes a low pass in the 510G Thrush at the Perry-Houston County airport in front of AgAir Update’s offices.

January 2011


First flight of GE-powered Thrush 510G ALBANY, GA – Thrush Aircraft completed the first flight of its new 510G agricultural aircraft powered by the much-anticipated General Electric H80 turboprop engine, November 23. Since first flight, the H80-powered 510G has flown an additional six hours and has achieved experimental certification from the FAA. The flight lasted just over 25 minutes, during which time initial systems checks and basic flight maneuvers were accomplished. No unanticipated issues were encountered. This first flight marked the beginning of the field test phase of the new aircraft’s development program, with FAA certification planned for the second quarter of 2011. The Thrush 510G is the first new

aircraft to utilize GE’s new light turbine engine, and its debut has been watched closely by the entire general aviation industry. Following the flight, Payne Hughes, president of Thrush Aircraft, was beaming: “This really is an amazing day for Thrush and for our 510G program. It’s the culmination of an incredible amount of hard work from every one our employees, as well as from our friends at General Electric’s aviation engine division. We’re looking forward to getting the next phase of flight tests underway and to demonstrating the enhanced capabilities of this new airplane with GE power.” Brad Mottier, vice president and general manager of GE Aviation’s

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Following a flawless first flight, the new Thrush 510G, powered by the new GE H80 turbine engine, taxiis to a stop in front of the company’s factory in Albany, Georgia. Business and General Aviation organization added: “The GE and Thrush teams have been working toward this milestone since engine selection last year, and today’s events are a testament to this group’s extraordinary efforts. This is a historic moment, as the Thrush 510G is the first application for the new H80 engine, and the first North American new engine installation for the M601 engine family.”

The H80 engine will accumulate more than 8000 cycles and 150 endurance hours during engine durability and performance tests. Engine certification tests continue at the GE Aviation Czech facility, with EASA and FAA certification expected in early 2011. The H80 engine combines the elegant, robust design of the M601 engine with GE’s 3-D aerodynamic design techniques and advanced materials to create a more powerful, fuel-efficient, durable engine compared with the M601 engine, with no recurrent fuel nozzle inspections and no hot section inspection. The H80 engine will also feature an extended service life of 3,600 flight-hours or 6,600 cycles between overhauls, significantly enhanced hot-day takeoff performance and high-altitude cruise speeds. The H80 will provide the option of a single-

or dual-acting governor, allowing customers flexibility in propeller selection. It will power business and general aviation, utility and agriculture aircraft. GE Aviation’s Business & General Aviation Turboprops has more than 1,600 M601 engines in service that have accumulated more than 17 million flight hours on 30 applications. Jody Bays, chief pilot for Thrush, piloted the aircraft on its initial flight, commenting: “It’s shaping up to be a terrific airplane. We met all of our first flight objectives, and the aircraft and engine both performed exceptionally well. Based upon the legendary Thrush 510 airframe, the new Thrush 510G will have a hopper capacity of 510 gallons and a gross weight of 10,500 pounds. With GE’s new H80 engine up front, the 510G is expected to bring a new level of performance to agricultural operations – from enhanced hot and high performance, to higher cruise speeds and increased fuel efficiency over other aircraft in the category. Like all Thrush aircraft, the 510G features a wing spar life of more than 25,000 hours, with no mandatory inspections of the spar required. Additional features include a tubular steel fuselage and cockpit roll cage, removable fuselage skins and chromatetreated aluminum surfaces for corrosion prevention – all designed to maximize pilot safety, reduce maintenance, and enhance aircraft productivity.

GE Aviation Business & General Aviation

Well done! GE Aviation congratulates Thrush Aircraft for the successful ďŹ rst ight of their new 510G, powered by the GE H80 turboprop engine.

January 2011 64520_thrust_fst_flt_ad.indd 1


12/15/10 11:23 AM

Hemisphere GPS introduces background map feature for Air IntelliStar™ Savannah, GA — Hemisphere GPS introduced background maps, the first software mapping application for use in the aerial application market. The IntelliStar aerial application guidance system with background maps enhances flight navigation and confidence by allowing aerial applicators to view their current flight information such as spray lines, waypoints and polygons overlaid on pre-existing maps. For improved navigation, safety, and efficiency, Hemisphere GPS customers can access street map files or sectional charts in either 2-D or 3-D mode and can load them together to view as sequential background map pages on IntelliStar. Street maps are similar to automobile navigation systems while sectional charts have topographic information consisting of contour lines, shaded relief, a selection of visual checkpoints and landmarks, and such aeronautical information as visual and radio aids, controlled air space and



special-use airspace. “Hemisphere GPS is dedicated to providing our aerial application pilots with the most beneficial applications possible,” says Greg Guyette, Director of Sales & Marketing, Air Products at Hemisphere GPS. “Being first to the market with a background map feature is an important milestone that will improve the overall efficiency and safety of aerial application.”

The street maps are based on OpenStreetMap™ collaborative wiki mapping technology. Customers can visit OpenStreetMap.org to improve and update maps of anywhere in the world. For example, customers can record windmills and power lines or identify obstacles and potential exclusion areas and enter them all within the OpenStreetMap website. They can then download updated maps containing

this new information into IntelliStar. Since OpenStreetMap is a collaborative environment, as more users add detail to the maps, more complete data is available for use. IntelliStar with the background map feature was on display at the NAAA Exhibition in Savannah, GA from December 7 through December 8, 2010.

Hemisphere GPS announces new Satloc BantamTM aerial guidance system SAVANNAH, GA—Hemisphere GPS announced the availability of Satloc Bantam, a mid-level GPS guidance solution targeted at two markets; a growing customer segment seeking specific high-end features in a lower priced platform and the niche market of small agricultural aircraft and

helicopters. Satloc Bantam has been modeled after Hemisphere GPS’ popular M3™ guidance system—the most widely used GPS guidance system in aerial application. It compliments Hemisphere GPS’ high-end IntelliStar™ system and the entry-level LiteStar™ II system to give customers a full range of guidance product choices in aerial application. Using Hemisphere GPS’ AirTrac™ software and a moving map display, Satloc Bantam is ideal for row crop spraying, forestry, and fire fighting. The benefits of this system are further enhanced by interfacing it with a flow control system such as Hemisphere GPS’ IntelliFlow® or by connecting to Hemisphere GPS’ new HQ asset tracking system. The Satloc Bantam offers the affordability and advanced feature sets that the market needs, and Hemisphere GPS adds the quality and service network that the industry requires. “As the leader in aerial application guidance and control products, the low-cost yet powerful Bantam guidance solution is a perfect fit to our product line, especially in global markets such as South America and Australia where tough economies have forced users to purchase lower-priced guidance systems,” says Greg Guyette, Director of Sales & Marketing, Air Products at Hemisphere GPS. “Aerial application customers will appreciate the simplicity and light form factor of this product, which offers the high-end features that have become essential in today’s working environment.” Satloc Bantam is lightweight and quick

to install, making it a good choice for equipping helicopters and all modern agricultural airplanes, such as the Ipanema, the alcohol-powered aircraft from Brazilian manufacturer Embraer. Customers can choose between various screen and lightbar options. The lightest configuration allows for a 1.7lb (.77kg) touchscreen, a 2.5lb (1.13kg) lightbar and a 4.1lb (1.86kg) CPU with integrated Crescent® GPS, and takes up very little room in an aircraft. Satloc Bantam was on display at the NAAA Convention & Exhibition in Savannah, GA from December 7 through December 8, 2010.

about Hemisphere GPS Hemisphere GPS designs and manufactures innovative, cost-effective GPS products for positioning, guidance, and machine control applications in agriculture, marine, construction, and other markets. The Company holds numerous patents and other intellectual property and owns several leading brand names, including Outback Guidance®, a leading brand in precision GPS for agriculture. The Company is headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, with major product development, sales, and marketing facilities in Arizona, Kansas, and Australia. Hemisphere GPS is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) trading under the symbol “HEM” and is one of the TSX Cleantech designated companies. For more information about Hemisphere GPS, please go to www. hemispheregps.com.

January 2011


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Field day at Aero Agrícola Santos Dumont

Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil - On November 23, 2010, Aero Agrícola Santos Dumont (AASD), with the support of PBA Agricultural Aviation (PBA), hosted a field day for students from the local university’s fifth semester agronomy course. Pelopidas Bernardi of PBA and agronomist Wilsmann Decius, gave lectures about the proper use of aircraft for chemical applications. The students toured the AASD facilities, seeing firsthand ag-aircraft and an aircraft maintenance shop. The students learned of the various careers in agricultural aviation besides just becoming an ag-pilot. AASD operates a agricultural flying service, ag-aircraft maintenance shop and ag-pilot school in Cachoeira do Sul, which is located in the south of Brazil in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. During the field day, William Jefferson Steckel demonstrated an Ipanema spraying. The students’ visit was deemed a success and valuable towards the promotion of agricultural aviation.

Chip Kemper, President

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NAAA 44th Annual Convention & Exposition in Savannah, GA January 2011


New Air Tractor instrument gauges SAVANNAH, GA – An Air Tractor® AT-602 aircraft on static display at the National Agricultural Aviation Association Convention features a selection of new, improved engine instrument gauges from Air Tractor. The new oil pressure, fuel pressure and torque gauges received FAA certification in August and are to be standard equipment for all 2011

production aircraft. “For the past several years we’ve been talking with various manufacturers and evaluating their wet line engine instruments,” reports Jim Hirsch, Vice President of Engineering at Air Tractor. “We are now working with a supplier whose instrument designs meet our quality and accuracy specifications.

The new instruments have received FAA certification and our supplier is ramping up production of the gauges for installation in 2011 model year aircraft.” Hirsch predicts pilots will notice an improvement. “At-a-glance readability and accuracy of these new gauges is much improved compared to previous gauges.” At its Olney Texas manufacturing

Strong demand for Air Tractor aircraft at Savannah NAAA convention SAVANNAH, GA – During the first two days of the National Agricultural Aviation Association 2010 Convention and Exposition in Savannah, Georgia, Kristin Edwards, Air Tractor Vice President of Sales reports strong demand for Air Tractor agricultural aircraft. According to Edwards, Olney Texas-based Air Tractor is experiencing one of its best years ever. According to Edwards, the company expects to conclude sales of 119 aircraft by the end of 2010. Annual aircraft production for 2011 is expected to exceed 120 aircraft, says Edwards. “Surging demand for Air Tractor aircraft

is resulting from increased demand around the world for aerial application aircraft,” explains Edwards. “A combination of economic factors are producing a favorable climate for ag aircraft sales. High commodity prices and a worldwide agriculture boom, plus a favorable U.S. dollar exchange rate have contributed to high demand for agricultural spray aircraft. Edwards reports continuing growth in South America, as well as growing demand in Australia and Asia for the bright yellow and blue aircraft priced at an average $1 million each. Air Tractor is also experiencing increased

sales of its aerial firefighting tanker plane, the AT-802F,” Edwards reports. Eastern European countries that have experienced devastating wildfires for the past several years are purchasing the single engine air tanker in increasing numbers because of its low operational costs and versatile mission profile capabilities. During the past two years, Air Tractor has added new manufacturing facilities to meet the demand. “These are busy times at Air Tractor,” says Edwards. “Based on the interest we’ve received the past two days here in Savannah, we don’t see that things will slow down anytime soon.”

facilities, Air Tractor produces a line of aircraft that includes 400, 500, 600 and 800-gallon capacity planes powered by Pratt & Whitney piston or turbine engines. They are used for agricultural purposes, fire fighting, narcotic crop eradication, fuel-hauling, fighting locust plagues and cleaning up oil spills in coastal waters. Air Tractor aircraft are found working not only across the United States, but around the globe, in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, North and South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Croatia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and China.

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(870) 295-6213 jrfrost47@hotmail.com

(208) 745-7654 / (800) 736-7654 chipkemper@aol.com

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CONAIR GROUP INC. (Canada) (604) 855-1171 rpedersen@conair.ca


Parts Only ABIDE AERO CORP. (662) 378-2282

(Australia) +61-353-394-222 sales@fieldair.com.au

LANE AVIATION (Mexico, Central & South America, except Argentina) (281) 342-5451 / (888) 995-5263 glane@laneav.com

MOKORO SAFARIS (South Africa) +27-568-181-703 mokoro@mweb.co.za

QUEEN BEE AIR SPECIALTIES (Canada) (208) 745-7654 / (800) 736-7654

Air Tractor, Inc. Olney, Texas 76374 940-564-5616



January 2011


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FAA proposes rule to require pilot certificate photos On Nov. 18, 2010, the FAA issued a proposed rule that would require all pilot certificates to include a photo of the certificate holder. This action follows a requirement of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act that all pilot certificates be made of plastic and contain a photo, a hologram, and an ultraviolet-sensitive layer, to prevent tampering, altering, and counterfeiting. The proposed change includes both a phased-in and trigger-based implementation approach. Trigger events would leverage times when a pilot would normally need to interact with the FAA, such as applying for a new certificate or rating. Because not all pilots will have a triggering event during the implementation period, the FAA also proposes a phased approach for requiring photo certificates. Commercial

pilot certificate holders would have four years after the effective date of the final rule to comply, while a private, recreational, or sport-pilot certificate holder would have five years to get a new photo certificate. New certificates would have a photo expiration date of eight years, after which pilots must resubmit a photo and receive a new certificate. FAA also proposes to charge a $22 processing fee for the new photo certificate, which is comparable to drivers’ license fees in many states. For more details, reference the NPRM on page 70871 in the Federal Register, vol. 75, No. 223 at www. gpoaccess.gov/fr/. Comments will be accepted until Feb. 17, 2011.

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BASF launches educational module to highlight disease control and plant health benefits of fungicides RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC – BASF Corporation has introduced an online, interactive educational module –www.planthealtheducation.com. The new learning program, customized by region, provides education on disease control, Plant Health benefits and resulting yield advantages of F500®, the active ingredient found in Headline® fungicide, Headline AMP™ fungicide and TwinLine® fungicide. “This educational session gives growers an in-depth look at F500 and will help growers evaluate the science behind Plant Health and the disease control of these products,” said Nick Fassler, BASF Technical Market Manager. “It lays out key information about fungicides, including disease control, harvest efficiency, and other Plant Health benefits of fungicides.” Some of the key F500 features outlined

in the educational session include: Control of a wide variety of fungal diseases in corn, soybeans, sugar beets, sorghum, wheat, cotton and peanuts; Increased Plant Health through growth efficiency, disease control and stress tolerance The multimedia presentation contains questions, visual evidence, grower testimonials, and highlights BASF fungicide research results. The session also offers growers information on how to best incorporate F500 products into their operation, including optimal application timing. It also shows yield information for various fungicides, including the 4.3 bu/A increase that 2010 university trials found Headline AMP to provide over competitive corn fungicides. “This session will provide growers with information on how F500 works within

their crops to help them get the most out of every acre,” said Fassler. “One of the benefits of the program is that it can be completed in less than 15 minutes, at the convenience of the individual.” Those who complete the online

educational program will receive a gift from BASF. For more details on the BASF fungicide portfolio and to learn how fungicides can help control disease and provide Plant Health benefits, visit www. planthealtheducation.com.



January 2011


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FAA issues hot fueling/loading SAFO On May 30, 2009, a Bell 47G-2 helicopter operating under part 137 was being refueled with the engine running (hot fueling) when the ground crew spilled fuel onto the engine while trying to untangle a kink in the hose. The helicopter quickly caught fire and the pilot sustained serious injuries as a result. Additionally, on September 9, 2008, a Bell 206-B helicopter, operating under part 137, sustained substantial damage while conducting hot fueling and chemical loading simultaneously. After fueling was complete, but with the chemical hose still attached, the ground crew mistakenly gave an “all clear” hand signal to the pilot. As the pilot ascended, the chemical hose caused the helicopter to pitch nose down and roll to the right, contacting the ground. Hot fueling/loading can be extremely

hazardous and is not recommended except when absolutely necessary due to the nature of the operation. Operators who conduct hot fueling/loading should develop standard operating procedures (SOP) for flight and ground crew personnel. The operator’s procedures should address the following guidelines: • The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommends that hot fueling be conducted only by aircraft utilizing JET A or JET A-1 fuel types. If strict operating procedures are not followed, hot fueling of aircraft utilizing AvGas can be extremely hazardous due to its low flash point. Aircraft being fueled while an engine is operating should have all potential ignition sources located above the fuel inlet port(s) and above fuel vent or tank openings. Sources of

ignition include, but are not limited to: engines, exhausts, auxiliary power units (APU), and combustion-type cabin heater exhausts. In accordance with 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) section 91.9, hot fueling is not permitted if the Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual contains an associated operating limitation. • An appropriately certificated and rated pilot should be at the flight controls during the entire hot fueling/loading process with controls appropriately adjusted to prevent aircraft movement. The pilot should unbuckle all restraints, and be prepared to immediately shut-down the engine and egress the aircraft, if necessary. The pilot should not conduct any extraneous duties during hot fueling/loading. Other personnel should not be on-board the aircraft during hot fueling/loading. • Only designated personnel, with proper training in hot fueling/loading operations, should operate fueling or chemical loading equipment. The operator’s written procedures should include: precautions for safe handling of the fuel or chemical, emergency shutoff procedures, fire extinguisher

use, hand signal use, and precautions regarding moving propeller and rotor blades. • At least two ground personnel should be present during hot fueling/loading. One person conducts the fueling/ loading, while the other stands by prepared to activate the fuel/chemical emergency shutoff and handle fire extinguishers if necessary. The aircraft should remain well clear of the fuel source, and at no time should the aircraft wing or helicopter blades extend over the fueling source. • Before fueling, the aircraft must be bonded to the fuel source to equalize static electricity between the fuel source and the aircraft. Grounding of the aircraft and/or fuel truck is no longer recommended because it does not prevent sparks at the fuel source, and the grounding cable may not be sufficient to discharge the electrical current. • All doors, windows, and access points allowing entry to the interior of the aircraft that are adjacent to, or in the immediate vicinity of, the fuel inlet ports should be closed and should remain closed during fueling operations.

• Fuel should be dispensed into an open port only from approved deadmantype nozzles, with a flow rate not to exceed 10 gallons per minute (38 liters per minute). Close port pressure fueling ports are preferable because the potential for spillage is reduced. • A fire extinguisher of an appropriate type and size for the fueling operation must be within easy reach of ground personnel at all times during hot fueling operations. Operators who conduct hot fueling should also equip the aircraft with a fire extinguisher in the cockpit, if possible.

• When fueling/loading is complete, the pilot must ensure that the seatbelt and shoulder harness are properly re-secured as necessary prior to any aircraft movement. Operators should include this SAFO in initial and recurrent training programs for pilots and ground personnel. Questions or comments concerning this SAFO can be directed to the General Aviation and Commercial Division, AFS800, via phone at 202-267-8212.


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January 2011


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PAASS receives EPA educational award NAAREF has received formal notification that the PAASS Program has been selected to receive an educational award from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) valued at $150,000. According to the EPA, this award is intended to support the development and delivery of training and outreach to aerial pesticide applicators through cooperation with the National Agricultural Aviation Research & Education Foundation. The grant was awarded based on competitive proposals submitted by educators and educational organizations based on their ability to produce and present material to the aerial application industry. The award is for a five-year period beginning September 2010 and ending

August 2015 and is for a total of $150,000. The EPA’s agreement allows for a $50,000 payment for the first year and $25,000 per year for each of the remaining four years of the entitlement. The EPA has been a strong supporter of the PAASS Program since it was first introduced during the 1998–1999 season. Since that time approximately 22,000 registered attendees, primarily aerial application pilots and operators, have participated in one or more programs. PAASS is now in its 13th year. The EPA specifically sponsors the module that teaches applicators about the techniques and equipment used to mitigate chemical drift.


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January 2011



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January 2011


spreading the facts

about STFs We are each aware of the need to get out the “Good” word about pesticides and aerial applications. But it appears we are preaching to the choir, ourselves! Although, much progress is being made with the school programs teaching kids about ag aviation. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the American population is urban. Therefore many probably aren’t getting our message. Most ag applicators simply do not have the time or expertise to address civic clubs and preach on-the-stump about our industry. But there is a way to make a difference. At AAU we have developed an idea that each of us can participate in with little or no effort and yet make an impact on Americans nationwide. Every newspaper is always looking for newsworthy and interesting information they can publish with minimum effort, i.e. no reporter or research costs. Submissions with reprint permission always generate interest. With the “Spreading The Facts” section in AAU, you can copy and mail, email or fax to your newspaper positive information everybody else needs to know that we already know! It will be reprinted in multiple newspapers educating the public with “Spreading The Facts” about ag aviation and pesticides. • Photocopy/cut and paste it • Mail, email or fax it to newspaper. Put newspaper’s fax number in machine’s speed dial, email address in “recipients”. • Educate the public! Reprint permission given by AgAir Update - an international agricultural aviation publication

Reprint permission given by AgAir Update - an international agricultural aviation publication

Nebraska research safeguards sustainable world crop yields CHURCHVILLE, VA—The journal Science editorialized on May 23rd that the world is becoming too dependent on Roundup-Ready biotech crops. It claimed agriculture had become as dependent on glyphosate for weed control as human medicine had become on antibiotics. The journal predicted: “There is going to be an epidemic of glyphosate-resistant weeds.” In the very same issue, however, the University of Nebraska reported that it has developed crop tolerance for the herbicide dicamba, adding a new genetically engineered weed control option to our arsenal. This will permit continued expansion of sustainable, low-erosion, high-yield farming during the next 40 years of surging world crop demand. “We can now spray dicamba [a phenoxy herbicide] on a number of different [crop] plants and have no visible symptoms at all,” says Nebraska molecular biologist Donald Weeks. He found that dicamba-resistant soybeans could withstand five times the typical field application of the herbicide. Dicamba features a low toxicity—about one-third as high in mice as the organic pesticide pyrethrum—and low soil persistence. Giving up herbicides and low-till would lead to more soil erosion, driving lower

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yields and eventually ruining much of the world’s cropland. Conservation tillage has cut soil erosion in crop fields by up to 90 percent through low-till and no-till farming. Both use herbicides to kill weeds, rather than relying on traditional plowing. Organic, which bans low till, is not a solution. It takes nearly twice as much land to produce a ton of food because the fields must produce their own nitrogen as well as the food. Until now, only the tolerance for the Roundup has been bioengineered into crop plants. Roundup kills all weed types, and that’s a big reason why glyphosatetolerant crops are now being planted on more then 220 million acres per year, worldwide. They’ve been the fastestspreading farm technology in history. Nebraska’s new dicamba resistance effectively ends the mini-panic over glyphosate, however. Now, the industry has two effective all-weed herbicides that can be bred into crops and rotated—or even stacked in the same seeds—to prevent any major resistance. In addition, farmers can also utilize Bayer’s LibertyLink, a non-biotech breeding intervention that relies on gluphosinate and a different mode of action than glyphosate. There are also sprayed-on weed killers such as atrazine, which offer low costs and low environmental impacts, but without the reduced pesticide sprayings

of the herbicide-tolerant plants. Even more important, Nebraska’s success in finding a disarming gene for dicamba raises hopes that other disarming genes can be found to provide tolerance for still more herbicides, thanks to the world’s genetic diversity. Dicamba tolerance is also a body blow to activist claims that genetically engineered crops should be banned. Weeks’ creation works through the plants’ chloroplasts, which means the modified crops can’t spread resistance through pollen carried by wind or insects. Over time, this will even disarm the activist claim that biotech crops threaten the plantings of nearby organic farmers. It looks like biotech crops will be with us for the long haul—helping humanity feed a peak human population of perhaps 9 billion people without taking more cropland away from nature. DENNIS T. AVERY is a senior fellow for Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C. and is the Director for Center for Global Food Issues (www.cgfi.org). He was formerly a senior analyst for the Department of State. ALEX A. AVERY is the Director of Research at the Hudson Institute’s Center for Global Food Issues. Readers may write them at Post Office Box 202, Churchville, VA 24421.

Quit flying a jet for ag-flying? by Bill Lavender Not long ago, I received an email from a subscriber in the Texas Panhandle. The email went something like, “Hey Bill, I have a pilot flying for me that is a type certified Citation pilot. He loves ag-flying so much that he gave up flying the Citation to fly ag. I’m inviting you to stop by one day. -Best regards, Jody Wood, Wood Flying Service, Panhandle Texas.” By coincidence, my travel plans to attend the CoAAA convention in November took me through the Texas Panhandle. So, naturally I accepted Jody’s invitation. Denny O’Hara began his aviation career as a CFI in Alamogordo, New Mexico. Almost starving on his instructor’s income, he responded to a Johnny Dorr ag-aviation school advertisement in 1981. The ad said, “Earn $10,000 a year as an agpilot”. Ad in hand, Denny traveled to Mississippi to start his training. He gave Mrs. Dorr a $5,000 paid in full

for 50 hours of ag-flying instruction in a Stearman. With no tailwheel time, it turned out he was the only CFI at the school. Another student had tailwheel time, so he struck a deal with Mrs. Dorr to get checked out in the Stearman by the other student, take some “crop dusting” lessons from a local ag-pilot and start teaching at the school. Denny logged about 50 hours as the ag-instructor at Dorr’s school before he decided to follow the advice of Bill Ghram, an old crop dusting friend, to get in his car and stop at every ag operation in the Delta all the way to south Texas. He even went as far as southern California looking for a seat. His prospects were worse there because operators flew at night. After talking to over 100 operators, Denny had no luck finding a job. He returned home to New Mexico to flight instruct and work as a loader for an operator in Hereford, Texas. Still looking for that elusive seat,

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(L-R) Denny O’Hara and Jody Wood in Panhandle, Texas with Wood Flying Service’s AT402.

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Denny walked into Larry Neal’s office in Lubbock, Texas. Larry made a phone call for Denny to Kim Cluck in Gruver, Texas. Kim was in a bind, looking for a pilot. Kim responded, “If he can taxi a Stearman, he can fly a Brave. Have him here at 6 a.m. tomorrow.” Denny stayed with Cluck’s Flying Service for 20 seasons. During his first season, Kim Cluck had a serious accident and Denny and Kim’s father had to run the flying service. Jody Wood, a high school sophomore flagged for him. Little did Denny know that Jody would come back into his life 23 years

later. During those years while flying ag at Cluck’s, Denny continued charter flying. Today, O’Hara Flying Service operates five Cessna 421s, a Cessna 340 and a King Air. While Denny was flying ag and charter at Cluck’s, the 10th grade student, Jody Wood, grew up and started his ag-flying career in the Texas Panhandle. In 1999, Jody bought Lewis Spraying Service and formed Wood Flying Service with two Cessnas, an AgTruck and an Ag-Wagon. That first year, Jody lost the Ag-Truck trying to breakin a green pilot. Six years later, Jody parked the Ag-Wagon to be used as a backup aircraft and added an AT401 to the fleet.

In 2005, cotton farmers in the panhandle were facing an early freeze which meant two weeks of cotton defoliation had to be done in one week by Wood Flying Service. Jody had kept in touch, off and on with Denny, who had quit ag-flying three years earlier to fly a Citation V for an oil rig company and run his charter business. Jody gave Denny a call and asked would he come help.



Denny sprayed 600 acres of cotton his first day back in the “seat”. When he got out of the Ag-Wagon, with a grin on his face he said, “I had forgotten how much I enjoy that.” Jody asked Denny to stay on with Wood Flying Service. That was three seasons ago. Now the company operates two AT402s and Denny stills flies charter, but ag-flying comes first for him at Wood Flying Service in Panhandle, Texas.

January 2011


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hands-on flying

Brown baggin’ Long hours in the cockpit, either day or night, require the pilot to be at his best for every application; from the first take off to the last landing. Warnings and suggestions abound about pilots staying hydrated and fed. Energy management applies to the guy gripping the stick just as much as it does to aircraft momentum and airflow over the wings. A pilot is a vital component of the aircraft; whereas the nature of his design and construction predispose him to a higer risk of failure than any other. Flesh and bone aren’t quite as durable as metal and wires. For many years I have flown with only a single bottle of tepid water that usually would not last halfway through

the flight schedule. Then, one day, my wife showed up with this silly looking little, brown vinyl-insulated lunch bag. The bag is about the size of a shoe box with zippered compartments on the top and side. My first thought was how it would throw off my crop duster swagger when I strode away from the airplane. It is obvious that the folks who make these things don’t share the sophisticated style and fashion sense of the modern ag-pilot. Being the dutiful husband, I accepted the gift with gratitude and set out with a couple of bottles of frozen water inside, a sandwich, sliced apples and a few other things that can be eaten right out of a shirt pocket. I didn’t think much

January 2011


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of my wife’s idea, but I promised her I would try it. I pulled out one of the frozen bottles and put it in my lap, then crammed the little brown bag down the right side of the seat making sure there was plenty of room for the rudder cables.

The results surprised me. I flew a long night and never ran out of cold water. The sandwich and the snacks came in awful handy between loads and on long ferries. Normally, by the time I shut the airplane down at the end of the night I am tired, hungry and probably just a little grumpy. I found that when I climbed out of the cockpit that night I wasn’t nearly as tired and my disposition was much better; as good

as it gets anyway. Many ag-operations make a point to get their crews and pilots fed and supplied with plenty to drink. I always thought that was a hallmark of a great operator. I know I sure appreciate it. I have been very fortunate to fly for some really great operators who are diligent in seeing to the well being of their pilots and crews. In Kansas, the boss will fire up the grill and somebody will cook burgers and sausages. There might also be a hand full of corn or potatoes right out of the field, always supplemented by tall pitchers of iced tea. In Illinois, the operator hires a genuine lunch lady who spends all day cooking the kinds of things that you thought only mom could make. Makes sense, since she is also a genuine mom. There is always food and plenty to drink. If you go hungry it is your own fault. Making sure everyone is nourished and hydrated is cheap insurance. Minds are clearer and reflexes are sharper. Morale is higher and therefore so is productivity. When working out of remote locations there may not be the time or resources available for a proper meal. That’s where the silly little insulated, brown



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lunch bag comes in. Of course, care must be taken when handling food in a pesticide environment. The cockpit should be a clean place no matter what you’re doing, but especially if you plan to eat your lunch there. Be mindful of what you might have gotten on your hands while climbing in and out, or if adjusting spray equipment. All this may sound mundane and will certainly be addressed a dozen times in the spring when the rest of the country is gearing up for the season. I write about it here because I have found

value in the practice. As one ag-pilot to another, I can tell you that keeping the “hungrys” at bay will make your flying day better. Packing a lunch has proven to be something that is a necessity for me. I rarely climb into the airplane without it. I am still working on the swagger though. I wonder if Thrush or Air Tractor offer insulated, brown lunch bags as an option? Yeah, that would help.

one of r is n o i t aree pplica Aerial at demanding gc a jet the moss, next to flyinThe ag choice r, for a pilot. r-thanfighte st have bet ten and pilot muge concentratgioe eyes avera than-avera faster-and reflexes.


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wing and a prayer

Giving thanks to God We live in a very busy and complicated world, which causes us to live busy and complicated lives. For aerial applicators this means getting up early in the morning, feeding ourselves, and getting ready for work. We get to our place of business and sort out the things we need to do first. All this happens long before the sun starts to come up. Sometimes it’s hurry-up and wait for the weather to give us an opportunity to get our planes in the air. There are some important things we should put on our list as we start our day. We should pray for our self, our family, our employees, our customers, our military men and women and that the leaders of our nation will do what’s best for

the people of the USA. Paul said, “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior” (1 Timothy 2:1-3). Did you notice that along with our prayers we are to “give thanks to God”? We are never so busy that we can’t say, “Thank You Lord, for your love, grace and mercy that You show us every day.” A simple, “Thanks Lord” is sufficient if you can’t think of anything else, because God knows our every thought and motive before we

think or say it. Jesus tells us to pray for our enemies and do good to them; that even goes for our competition. You might think you built your business, but you had better think again, because the apostle Paul said, “What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?” (1 Corinthians 4:7). “God gives life, breath, and everything else to all people” (Acts 17:25). We should even thank God for our problems, because they usually make us spiritually, mentally and physically stronger. Paul’s prayer was that “We be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;

that we may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power” (Colossians 1:9-11). Peter told the church that the primary mission for the apostles was to be in continual prayer and ministry of God’s Word (Acts 6:4). If God’s Word doesn’t control your thoughts then your mind is being controlled by your flesh, worldly ideas, and satanic forces. Whatever controls your mind will control your actions. A person who has their mind immersed in God’s Word will be able to apply God’s principles to their life. Thanking God for His spiritual knowledge

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and wisdom and for the knowledge and wisdom to conduct our earthly business, should be a daily experience in the life of a Christian. Now Paul says, “Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light” (Colossians 1:12). Every Christian should praise and thank God for what He has done for us by giving His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins so that we can have eternal life in God’s heaven, “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift” (1 Corinthians 1:4).

good! Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness and for His wonderful works for the children of men! Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving and declare His works with rejoicing” (Psalm 50:14, 107:2122). Being thankful to God for His blessings was a common theme of the Old Testament prophets such as David (2 Samuel 22:50) and Daniel (Daniel 6:10). Paul gave God thanks for the spiritual growth of his fellow Christians, “We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it

is fitting, because your faith grows exceedingly” (2 Thessalonians 1:3). Every Christian should be thankful for the common things of life, like food, clothing, a good job and good health, “In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Even the angels, who will never have as high a position in God’s kingdom as Christians, stand around God’s throne and fall on their faces before the throne and worship God, saying: “Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom, thanksgiving and honor

and power and might, be to our God forever and ever. Amen” (Revelation 7:11-12). “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7).

For many Christians, life is so busy that they get up every morning not even thinking of God, much less thanking Him for His grace and mercy toward us. Too many times Christians become like the leech’s daughters, wanting God to “Give, Give” (read Proverbs 30:15). Most Christians seem to want God to provide their every want, but they are slow to thank God for what He does for them every day. Christians seem to forget that it is only because of God’s grace toward us that we receive the necessities of life from Him. Not being thankful to God for all His tremendous blessings puts a person in the company of evil men and women (Luke 6:35, Romans 1:21, 2 Timothy 3:2). Jesus knew how important it was to give thanks to His heavenly Father, “I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight” (Matthew 11:2526). Before feeding the five thousand Jesus gave thanks to God (John 6:11). Before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He lifted up His eyes and said, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me” (John 11:41). The psalmist wrote, “Offer to God thanksgiving, Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is

January 2011


aeromedical advisory Frederick E. Tilton, M.D. FAA Federal Air Surgeon

At least eight hours Happy New Year! If New Year’s resolutions are part of your holiday tradition, chances are good that at least some of the promises you’ve made involve healthier living. Since

good health is so fundamental to being a safe pilot, we are supporting those resolutions by focusing this issue on medical topics most relevant to aviators. Given that alcohol often provides the

cornerstone of holiday celebrations and social gatherings, this space is devoted to reviewing the many reasons that you should firmly resolve never to mix drinking with flying.

Hard facts and erratic effects

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Alcohol is a sedative, hypnotic, and addicting drug that quickly impairs judgment and leads to behavior that can easily contribute to, or cause, accidents. Its toxic effects, which vary considerably from person to person, are influenced by gender, body weight, rate of consumption (time), and total amount consumed. Consider these facts: • The average healthy person eliminates pure alcohol at a fairly constant rate—about 1/3 to 1/2 ounces of pure alcohol per hour.

• Even after complete elimination of all of the alcohol from the body, there are undesirable effects— hangover—that can last 48 to 72 hours following the last drink. Symptoms commonly associated with a hangover are headache, dizziness, dry mouth, stuffy nose, fatigue, upset stomach, irritability, impaired judgment, and increased sensitivity to bright light. A pilot with these symptoms would certainly not be fit to safely operate an aircraft.

Alcohol and aviation The majority of adverse effects produced by alcohol relate to the brain, eyes and inner ear— three crucial organs to a pilot. • Brain effects include impaired reaction time, reasoning, judgment, and memory.

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• Visual symptoms include eye muscle imbalance, which leads to double vision and difficulty focusing. • Inner ear effects include dizziness and decreased hearing perception. Pilots have shown impairment in their ability to perform even routine VFR flight tasks while under the influence of alcohol, regardless of individual flying experience. The number of serious errors dramatically increases as your blood alcohol level goes up. Some studies have shown diminished pilot performance with blood alcohol concentrations as low as 0.025 percent. If other variables (e.g., sleep deprivation, fatigue, medication use, altitude hypoxia, or flying at night or in bad weather) are present, the negative effects are significantly magnified.

Regulations and recommendations The use of alcohol and drugs by pilots is regulated by Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations section 91.17: No person may operate or attempt to operate an aircraft within eight hours of having consumed alcohol, while under the influence of alcohol, or with a blood alcohol content of 0.04 percent or greater. A more conservative approach

is to wait 24 hours from the last use of alcohol before flying. This is especially true if intoxication occurred or if you plan to fly IFR. Also, consider the effects of a hangover. Eight hours from “bottle to throttle” does not mean you are in the best physical condition to fly or that your blood alcohol concentration is below the legal limits. Time is the only real solution and, ideally, every pilot should strive for total avoidance of alcohol in planning or accomplishing a flight. Lives are at risk if you drink and fly. For more information, take a look at the alcohol and flying information brochure at http:// www.faa.gov/pilots/ safety/pilotsafetybrochures/. Good health and safe flying! Dr. Tilton received both an M.S. and a M.D. degree from the University of New Mexico and an M.P.H. from the University of Texas. During a 26-year career with the U.S. Air Force, Dr. Tilton logged more than 4,000 hours as a command pilot and senior flight surgeon flying a variety of aircraft. He currently flies the Cessna Citation 560 XL.

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% under 200 Microns

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Robert A. McCurdy, Chief Pilot / Flight Instructor Flying Tiger Aviation, LLC, ramtaildragger@aol.com

in my opinion

Invasion from the South “Invasion from the South” is a subject that was mentioned to me recently. It has to do with ag pilots taking their ag-planes to the Midwest during the corn run. Last night I got a call from a former student who is in his third season flying in Nebraska. There was a neighboring operator who had a pilot from somewhere in the South flying an AT-802. As it was told to me, this particular pilot was spraying from a height of 50-feet in a 40-acre field. Let’s think about that for a minute. He very well could be entering the field at better than 170 mph, which means he hardly had time to really “get down on it.” Maybe this pilot was a genuinely competent and conscientious pilot, but he was simply sent to a field that should have been flown by a smaller plane. Or maybe, as my caller

implied, this was not a competent and conscientious pilot. He was guilty of cutting prices and doing sloppy work. The fact is, assuming this alien pilot was within the FAA regulations, he was legal to charge whatever he wanted and could be as sloppy as he wanted; how-some-ever 1. He gives a bad reputation to those of us who are “alien” ag pilots and are genuinely conscientious about our work. 2. The operator should know something about the pilot, regarding his ag flying experience, before he hires him. 3. The operator should not send to the field any airplane that is not appropriate. When a pilot goes to the Midwest to work and is flying under his own Part 137 and cuts the price of local established

operators, yes, he is legal to do that. It may be legal, but by golly, it ain’t right! “In My Opinion”, it ain’t ethical either! When I was 15 years old, I loaded Stearmans for Jimmy MacPherson in Itta Bena, Mississippi. Back then, several pilots moved into Mississippi from neighboring states and started cutting prices. I distinctly remember hearing about three crop duster planes that mysteriously burned to the ground during the night and one that had its R-1340 shot to pieces with a 30-06 rifle. It was never discovered how, why, or who was responsible for the unfortunate mishaps to those airplanes. Those that escaped the crop duster “planitus” epidemic went back to wherever they came from very shortly thereafter to avoid catching that dreaded disease. God knows I am not suggesting


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anything as radical as the above short story. What I am saying is, pilots know the operator you will be flying for, be conscientious. Try to do a good job. Do not try to fly a field that you and your airplane are not suited and don’t whine about 35-mile ferries. One more quick little “sea story”. In 1983, I called a meeting of several ag operators in my area of the Mississippi foothills. I treated them all to a fried catfish dinner. Before we sat down to eat the catfish, I said this is a “price fixing” meeting. Yep, that was about as legal a three-dollar bill!

I didn’t have the huge, wide open fields of the Mississippi Delta. Operators in the “hills” had to charge more for their work. If any of us started a price war, we would all suffer. The catfish dinner worked! We became better friends and were happy to help one another should we have a problem. We flew from a competitor’s airstrip when it would put us closer to our work. A semidecent season was had by all. And so as per always, be safe, have fun, and make lots of money. Also, save your Confederate money boys, the South shall rise again.


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Let the engines tell the story

From Safety to Efficiency to Proficiency Robert A. McCurdy Turbine Transition Instructor Ramtaildragger@aol.com 318-649-1007 318-680-9149 Flying Tiger Aviation January 2011


Samuel L. Miller, smiller@SLMmodels.com

money talk

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Page 1

What should you do in our struggling economy? Concentrate on what you can control. Recognize and seize your opportunities. For the commercial aircraft operator, the key to survival is meeting the cash flow requirements of your business. This means evaluating the financials of each aircraft in your operation. What are the cash flow requirements and return on investment (ROI) of each aircraft? Review each aircraft’s expenses over the last several years and identify any large upcoming cash requirements (aircraft improvements, overhauls, special inspections, etc.). Project the normal annual fixed expenses as well as the

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hourly operating expenses. Evaluate the total revenue, annual utilization, and hourly revenue rate of each aircraft. It is important to know exactly how you determined the revenue collected. Does the revenue collected exceed all the cost involved in producing the revenue? Don’t forget to count deadhead or other required movements of the aircraft. Identify any areas where expenses can be reduced and utilization or revenues increased. The capital investment and capital cost of aircraft ownership should always be considered in any financial evaluation of cash flow. As a matter of fact, you only know the real cost of owning and

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operating an aircraft when it is sold. Everyone has projections, but sold is the key word. The total ownership cost of any aircraft involves many factors. In most cases, ownership involves the reduction of taxes due to aircraft depreciation and the deductible expenses associated with fixed and variable operating costs. Depreciation is a non-cash expense but it still must be considered. There are two types of depreciation: 1) depreciation for tax purposes, 2) real depreciation. It is best to make sure you consider the real depreciation of your aircraft when evaluating the final exit from the aircraft; however it is important to consider the tax depreciation when calculating annual cash flow. Generally, the aircraft will sell for a value greater than its depreciated book value. This requires paying taxes on any gain realized from the sale of the aircraft. If the aircraft is traded, the payment of taxes on the gain is deferred to the replacement aircraft by reducing the tax basis in the purchased aircraft. Eventually, the taxes will be paid on any gain realized from a sale price greater than the depreciated book value. Until these taxes are paid, the amount of taxes owed can be viewed as

an interest free government loan. The “Small Business Jobs Act of 2010” might make a difference in your decision to keep or replace a current aircraft after evaluating the after-tax cash flow of your current aircraft versus the replacement of the current aircraft with a new aircraft. It’s important to check with your tax counsel and advisor to determine how you might benefit from this new law. The new law applies only to the Federal Tax Law. Each state may not adopt the Federal Law. Check on your state law before making your final decision. What is the “old fashion way”? It is intuitively obvious to the most casual observer; get a plan. “Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.” Concentrate on your business and plan your success by knowing your cash flow and what must be changed to keep a profitable operation. Having the correct tools to reduce your planning time is something you should consider. The AircraftCostAnalysis program can be used to prepare precise annual budgets and evaluate the after-tax cash flow of many different scenarios. For sample reports and additional information, go to www. AircraftCostAnalysis.com.

January 2011




BASF announces winners of Kixor herbicide training module RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC – BASF Crop Protection would like to congratulate Todd Reichardt, Aurora, Nebraska; Sean Ness, Buffalo, Minnesota; Kevin Ehlers, Neillsville, Wisconsin; Doug Konken, Austin, Minnesota; George Soltwedel, Altamont, Illinois; Russ Fullenkamp, Bloomfield, Iowa; Bruce West, Rollingfork, Mississippi; Geoff Trainer, Cardington, Ohio; and Michael Green, Clay Center, Kansas – winners of an Apple® iPod nano® for completing the Kixor® herbicide technology online training module. BASF launched the online training program for Kixor herbicide technology to provide valuable information on how Kixor helps address growers’ toughest weed challenges, including those resistant to ALS inhibitors, triazines and glyphosate. Growers and retailers who completed the training before Sept. 30, 2010, were entered into a drawing to win an iPod nano.

“BASF is excited to present these lucky retailers and growers with a fun, easy-to-use piece of technology,” said Bryan Perry, Kixor Product Manager. “The training module is also a great way to inform retailers, distributors, consultants and growers on how Kixor is simple, effective technology that easily

integrates into operations to conquer weed pressures.” The engaging audio-visual program features technical information about the products powered by Kixor, including OpTill™ herbicide, Sharpen™ herbicide and newly released Verdict™ herbicide. The module reminds users how and


when to use these products, and includes performance photos as well as useful key benefits for retailers who provide Kixor to their customers. To learn how Kixor can help growers get the most out of every acre, visit www. kixorherbicide.com.

January 2011


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ntsb reports

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NTSB Identification: *CEN10LA236* Date: May 03, 2010 Location: DeWitt, AR Aircraft: AERO COMMANDER S2R Injuries: 1 Fatal. On May 3, 2010 an Aero Commander S2R airplane was substantially damaged after impacting trees and terrain near DeWitt, Arkansas. The pilot was fatally injured. Examination of the wreckage showed the right wing had separated from the fuselage at the wing root, a portion of the left wing was separated, the empennage was wrinkled and the firewall was buckled. NTSB Identification: *WPR10CA439* Date: August 31, 2010 Location: Ligurta, AZ

Aircraft: AYRES S2R-G10 Injuries: 1 Serious. According to the owner of the aerial application company, the single engine airplane was loaded with 430 gallons (approx. 3440 lbs) of liquid insecticide for its mission. The airplane departed from a satellite airstrip in order to spray an agricultural field located approximately five miles east of the airstrip. When the airplane failed to return to the airstrip at the expected time, the loader became concerned. He telephoned the owner, and the owner initiated a search for the airplane. The wreckage was located, approximately 125 feet above, and 1/2 mile to the west of, the field being sprayed, on rocky, rising terrain. Examination by a FAA inspector revealed that airplane struck the terrain in a relatively level attitude, while on an approximate track of northwest, and came to rest facing southwest. The pilot stated that he completed several passes

on the field, and was maneuvering the airplane for another pass, when the wind shifted. The airplane was unable to outclimb and subsequently impacted, the terrain. The pilot sustained serious injuries. The pilot reported that he had about 28,500 total hours of flight experience, including 1,388 hours in the accident airplane make and model, and he had been conducting agricultural spraying in the area for the previous four months. When asked by the FAA inspector, the pilot stated that if he could change anything about the flight, he would have applied the agent on northsouth tracks instead of east-west tracks, in order to provide more clearance from the rising terrain to the west. NTSB Identification: *WPR10LA472* Date: September 03, 2010 Location: Craigmont, ID Aircraft: CESSNA T188C Injuries: 1 Uninjured.

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NTSB Identification: *CEN10CA536* Date: September 06, 2010 Location: Hondo, TX Aircraft: CESSNA A188B Injuries: 1 Uninjured. The agricultural pilot arrived at a field to disperse his fourth load of the day. After two successful passes in the singleengine tailwheel equipped airplane, he approached from the north over a static wire that was about 100 feet above ground level. Once clear of the wire the

pilot descended towards the crop surface and attempted to level out; however, the airplane continued to settle. The airplane’s landing gear contacted the crop perpendicular to the rows in a three point attitude and the right main gear separated from the fuselage. Shortly thereafter, the airplane impacted the ground and slid to a stop in an upright position. The pilot was able to exit the airplane unassisted. The airplane’s fuselage and left wing sustained substantial structural damage during the mishap. The pilot later reported that there were no malfunctions or defects with the airplane’s flight controls prior to the accident. NTSB Identification: *CEN11CA071* Date: October 11, 2010 Location: Michigan, ND Aircraft: GRUMMAN G-164 Injuries: 1 Uninjured. The pilot stated that during the attempted takeoff of an aerial application flight, the engine power seemed low. He continued the takeoff and then realized that the airplane would not remain airborne so he pulled the dump handle releasing about 40 gallons of the 150 gallon load. When

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On September 3, 2010 a Cessna T188C ground looped during landing at Craigmont, Oregon. The pilot was not injured. The airplane sustained substantial damage to the right wing. The pilot stated that he was returning to his home base after completing his third aerial application flight of the day. The landing appeared normal until the tail wheel touched the ground. It began to shimmy, and the airplane veered toward the side of the runway. When the tail wheel contacted the grass, the airplane ground looped. The right wing sustained substantial damage when it contacted the ground. The pilot stated that he had felt a similar shimmy on one previous occasion.

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January 2011


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the airplane became airborne, about 300 feet before the departure end of the runway, it experienced a total loss of engine power. The pilot lowered the nose and the airplane impacted the runway’s overrun area and nosing over. It came to rest inverted about 300 feet past the departure end of the runway. The airplane sustained substantial damage, which included structural damage to both wings and the fuselage. The pilot was uninjured. Examination of the airplane by the FAA revealed two cylinders that were unable to produce compression and an inoperative magneto. No other anomalies were found. NTSB Identification: *WPR11CA023* Date: October 21, 2010 Location: Fort Hunter Liggett, CA Aircraft: AIR TRACTOR INC AT-802 Injuries: 2 Uninjured. The pilot was conducting a short-field landing demonstration on a dirt airstrip. During the landing approach, the tailwheel impacted a berm of dirt located at the approach end of the airstrip. The nose pitched down and the propeller struck the runway, followed by the main landing gear. The airplane then bounced back into the air, the pilot added power, and the airplane skidded to the left. The

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right main landing gear and tailwheel separated during the impact sequence. The pilot indicated that he should have landed farther down the airstrip. No mechanical anomalies were reported. NTSB Identification: *ERA11CA059* Date: November 15, 2010 Location: Madison, FL Aircraft: Hiller-Rogerson UH12E Injuries: 1 Uninjured. According to the helicopter pilot, he was completing north-south herbicide spray patterns with winds varying from the east to south at 4 to 5 mph. As the pilot positioned the helicopter for the next northern track, he “began to feel the aircraft start to lose altitude after the turn.” The pilot stated that he tried to regain control by pushing forward the cyclic and lowering the collective to “get out of the settling with power.” When ground contact was imminent, he raised the collective to cushion the impact. The helicopter touched down, spun, and rolled onto its left side. Post-accident examination by a FAA inspector revealed substantial damage to the tail boom. The pilot stated that there were no preimpact mechanical malfunctions.

Improper contractor actions and insufficent federal oversight led to 2008 fatal firefighting helicopter crash The National Transportation Safety Board today determined that a series of improper actions by the contractor and insufficient oversight by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) led to the August 5, 2008, fatal crash of a Sikorsky S-61N helicopter near Weaverville, California. The contractor’s actions included the intentional alteration of weight documents and performance charts and the use of unapproved performance calculations.

Contributing to the accident was the failure of flight crewmembers

with Carson Helicopters, Inc. (CHI) of Grants Pass, Oregon, for the services of the helicopter, which was registered to CHI and leased to Carson Helicopter Services, Inc. (CHSI), also of Grants Pass. “The probable cause of this accident had to do with Carson’s actions and the oversight entities’ inactions,” said NTSB Chairman Deborah A.P. Hersman. “Carson engaged in a bargain that violated the trust of their crewmembers, the firefighters that they carried onboard, and the aviation industry. But the FAA and the Forest Service did not hold up their end of the deal to oversee Carson’s actions. Public aircraft have been made the orphans of the aviation industry. It’s now time for the FAA and other government agencies to step up

to address issues

helicopter at its maximum

Contributing to the fatalities and survivors’ injuries were the immediate and intense fire that resulted from fuel spillage from the fuel tanks that were not crash resistant, the separation from the floor of the cabin seats that were not crash resistant, and the use of an inappropriate mechanism on the cabin seat restraints. The pilot-incommand, the safety crewmember, and seven firefighters were fatally injured; the copilot and three firefighters were seriously injured. On August 5, 2008, a Sikorsky S-61N helicopter, which was being operated by the USFS as a public flight to transport firefighters battling forest fires, impacted trees and terrain during the initial climb after takeoff at a location about 6,000 feet above sea level in mountainous terrain near Weaverville. The USFS had contracted

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domestic advertiser index A.E.R.O. (APS).............................................. 15D Aero Engines, Inc.......................................20D AeroFlow, Inc................................................ 5D Ag Air Turbines, Inc................................... 17D Ag Sync........................................................26D Agrinautics..................................................30D AgriSmart Information Systems.......25,23D Air Repair...................................................8-9D Air South Insurance...................................20D Air Tech Coatings Inc. ............................... 3D Allianz Aviation Managers LLC................ 7D Auger Dan’s Trucks...................................29D BASF................................................................ 2D Blue Stripe Distributing............................29D Cascade Aircraft Conversions................22D Central Florida Ag Aero...........................14D Chester Roberts Supply Co.....................16D Compton’s Flying Service......................... 11D CP Products................................................. 21D Curtis Dyna-Fog Ltd..................................16D Dallas Airmotive........................................32D DataSmart...................................................10D Davidson Solid Rock Ins...........................28D Electrode Aviation.....................................30D Falcon Insurance Agency, Inc. ..............23D Farm Air Inc................................................27D Flight Grip, LLC..........................................30D Flying Tiger Aviation.................................22D Garrco Products, Inc................................... 5D Hardy Aviation Ins Inc. ........................... 24D Joe Vaughn Spraying Inc. ......................30D Kimmel Insurance Agency.......................15D Kugler Co.................................................... 12D Lane Aviation....................................19D, 31D Mid Continent............................................ 31D NationAir Aviation Ins................................ 1D NorthStar Aviation.................................... 21D OctaFlex.......................................................10D Omnistar, Inc. ...........................................30D PARMA........................................................... 3D Prime Turbines ........................................... 4D Professional Insurance.............................. 17D PropWorks Propeller Systems, Inc..........29D RT Turbines Inc...........................................18D Reabe Spraying Service Inc....................... 6D Robert McCurdy........................................23D S & T Aircraft Accessories, Inc...............28D Sensenich Propeller..................................... 4D Serv-Aero Engineering, Inc......................28D Southeastern Aircraft Sales.....................25D Southwest Airmotive.................................23D Tennessee Aircraft Co Inc.......................14D Texoma Turbines, Inc................................... 6D Trace Engines.............................................. 14D Turbine Aircraft Services.......................... 24D Turbine Installation....................................16D Turbines, Inc................................................ 11D Valley Air Crafts......................................... 17D Wings Insurance.......................................... 4D Zee Systems.................................................. 1D



and take responsibility.” In order to prevent similar accidents and to improve the survivability of such accidents when they do occur, the NTSB issued 11 new recommendations to the FAA and reiterated one from 2006. Ten recommendations were issued to the USFS. Recommendations to the FAA include oversight of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 135 operators with aircraft that can operate part of the time as public aircraft and part of the time as civil, clarification of oversight responsibilities for public aircraft,

accuracy of hover performance charts, pilot performance, fuel tank crashworthiness, and occupant protection. To the USFS, the NTSB recommended the development of mission-specific operating standards for firefighter transport operations, a requirement that its contractors adhere to these standards, and the creation of an oversight program that can monitor and ensure contractor compliance with all standards and requirements. Other issue areas for the USFS recommendations included pilot

training, occupant protection, weather instrumentation, and onboard recorders. A synopsis of the NTSB report, including the probable cause, conclusions and safety recommendations, will be available on the NTSB website.

January 2011


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Nostalgia of days gone by

Joe Woolslayer, West Air, with his working Stearman in Tulsa, Oklahoma.



by Bill Lavender Discounting the very first aerial application in 1921, ag-aviation did not become entrenched in the farming community until the introduction of the Stearman. After World War II, the surplus of Stearmans and a plentiful supply of radial engines (all for a very cheap price) made the Stearman the ideal choice for dusting crops. The Stearman sported several different engine models; the Continental 220 HP, “Shaky” Jacobs 300 HP, Pratt & Whitney R-985 and R-1340, 450 HP and 600 HP respectfully. There was even a highly modified Stearman called the Emair M-1B Diablo with its 1200 HP Cyclone Wright R-1820 engine. Until later years, the R-985 was the most popular engine for the Stearman. In the 1960s, the aircraft used in agaviation began to evolve. Piper introduced its Pawnee and Snow Aeronautical was working on its mono-wing plane. As a modern biplane, Ag-Cat was poised to replace the Stearman. For most operators the Stearman was being parked for safer, easier

flying, more productive aircraft. Some retired diehard Stearman pilots may feel differently! Unless the publication of this article proves differently, there is only one working Stearman left in the United States, probably the world. It is kept in a hangar in Tulsa, Oklahoma and owned by Joe Woolslayer of West Air. In this day of modern ag-aircraft and their associated high-tech equipment, why would anyone still be spraying with a Stearman? In the case of Joe, it’s not all about money. It is more about the nostalgia of days gone by. “Bill, what better excuse to fly the way an ag-pilot does than with a load! I spray with my Stearman about 100 hours a year. I choose my customers and pick when I fly. It’s the perfect aircraft for a 160-acre section, like we have here in Oklahoma,” explained Joe. Joe has a real job, too. He flies an AT-802 as a SEAT pilot for Andy Taylor’s New Frontier Aviation Aerial Firefighting, based in Montana and helps Kevin

aircraft’s owner and made his logbook entries. E. L. (Elmer) Johnston of Johnston Air Service in Tulare, California signedoff a Form 337 in 1969 where Richard LeGrand modified the aircraft with metal fuselage panels and dzus fasteners. During the West Air Stearman’s life, the top wings were replaced with an all-wooden Pitcairn airfoil with droop tips, built by Elmer Ruziscka at Elmer’s Wing Shop in Yakima, Washington. The bottom wings are 4412s. The wing hardware, wires and struts are Stearman and were

all new in 1970. The workmanship is beautiful and rare. Philip Cramer flew the flutter test on the new wings and checked the aileron installation. Some of the pilots and companies found to have owned or worked on the aircraft according to the logbooks are: Zimmerly Air Transport of Clarkston, Washington in 1948 per an early Form 337, Sidney Johnson of Inland Empire in Pullman, Washington in 1958, A.J. Beyer of PullmanMoscow Flying Service in Washington, Harold Holbrook, Gunnar Anderson and

An early morning departure, note the “modern” SATLOC light bar, lit and ready.

Brown in Cushing, Oklahoma flying a Walter-powered AT-502. Joe is also a 747 Captain, flying cargo to the far corners of the globe, mostly the Middle East. Now, the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together. It’s not that Joe’s Stearman needs to support an agoperation, but instead serves as a flying outlet for him. He’s right. How else can a pilot dart and dip close to the ground, using the best of piloting skills, than when flying a high-powered aircraft under Part 137? I think Joe may have it figured out. Although the Stearman is hangared in

Tulsa, Joe works with it mostly around Haskell, Oklahoma, which is about 30 miles to the southeast. Joe sprays the usual crops for the area - soybeans and wheat. His customers have been with him for the past 20 years. Joe bought the Stearman in 1981. The aircraft had a set of logbooks that literally read like a history book. A surplus aircraft from World War II, the aircraft started its duster life in 1948. Since then, it has flown over 19,000 hours. Somewhere along the way famed Cal Butler of Washington state was the

Yes, Joe occasionally uses a spreader on the Stearman, but mostly for seeding and fertilizing, instead of dusting.


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January 2011


Wayne Mescher, just to name a few. In 1992, after flying the Stearman for about 2,000 hours, Joe was “talked out of it” and sold it to Danny Doyle. Doyle intended to restore the aircraft, but 15 years later that had not happened. In the meantime, Joe bought one of Jack Colley’s spraying Stearmans, flying it a couple of thousand hours over the next 14 years before he sold it. The following year, Doyle called Joe and asked if he would like to buy back his Stearman. Joe had been missing the Stearman he started with after going almost a year without one. He bought the Stearman from Doyle, paying the same amount that he had sold it for 15 years ago. Joe and his son, Ben Woolslayer, flew Ben’s J3 Cub to Doyle’s in McKinney, Texas to pick up the Stearman. It was like a homecoming for the Stearman and Joe. This chain of events inspired Joe’s ex-wife, Mary Coleman, to write a children’s book, A Biplane and Her Boy (see Amazon.com). Maybe a Stearman is an outdated ag-plane. However, the aircraft laid the foundation and paid for the aircraft agpilots fly today. Nostalgic Joe Woolslayer has it figured out; he’s spraying with his Stearman because he wants to, not because he has to!

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Joe hard at it, doing what he loves, spraying with his Stearman.

The cockpit is tight compared to today’s ag-aircraft, and open. “It is always hot or cold when flying a Stearman and wet if it is raining,” remarks Joe. “I can’t do much flying at one time, about four or five loads in a day, or I get uncomfortable and sunburned.”

January 2011



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classified ads ag-cat 1974 G164A Mills conversion 11250 TTAF 20 Engine Recent Covington Iran Prop 230 TSOH, 3M Satloc, extended wings, Super clean $175,000 559-686-7401 ( 0 4 - 11 )

G164-C Model King Cat, firewall forward conversion includes R1820-71 engine and Hamilton Standard propeller Model 33D50-119. Engine mount cowling, oil cooler and plumbing, instrument panel also included. For more details contact Matt at Avag Inc. 530-882-4286 (01-11) J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. has the remnants of one A-model Cat with 4 decent wing cores and a center section. Can send pictures. Call Sid or Jerry 800-542-8565 or emial jcaviation@pldi.net A 8 -11

1978 GRUMMAN AG CAT G-164B, Demopolis AL, USA $82,000, PW R1340-ANI, Satloc M3, boom, SS spreader. TT 11275.8, SMOH 550.4 (Tulsa Aircraft Engines). Annual 03/2010. Call Jason 334-289-2005 ( 0 1 - 11 )

air tractor

1976 AG CAT Trainer G-164A, 6577 TTAF, FAA approved, dual controls, fully functional spray system, excellent logs. $85,000 Call 731-571-7800 ( 0 1 - 11 )

GEARED ENGINE AG-CAT 1975 G164-A, 7822 TTAF, 503 SMOH Geared 1340 Aero , 23D40 Hydramatic Prop and Albatross blades w/456 IRAN. 335 gallon Hopper, Satloc Litestar II, Transland gate, S.S. drop booms w/CP nozzles, Cold A/C, Tall Centerline Tail, Bottom load fuel, RB shutoff, Flagger, Smoker, Crophawk, WeathAero fan, Harrison oil cooler, Heavy landing gear, Extended wings w/square tips, Sealed cockpit, Comm radio, ANR, Stobes, Digital tach, Spreader. Paint 5 out of 10. $100,000 Call 208-731-5233, 208-423-4320 (01-11) -20 B model Ag-Cat for lease, with or without pilot. Working now, available immedately. Call David at 870550-1664 or email davidmyhand@ipa.net (01-11)

1979 400 gal B-Model. 1700 hrs since complete Hersey rebuild. Mills Conversion with PT6-27. Completely refurbished. Raised wings, tall tail, new fabric, new paint, excellent condition. $249,000. Airplane Services, Inc. 850-675-1252, 850-380-7268, 850-380-6091. ( 0 5 - 11 )

SA+450 300 gal DAF GAAC Combo, 275-AMOH/0-Iran, AAI paint & Annual ..$119K A+600 5400TT 884SMOHE, 300H/80F DAF TE Comb, WAG2000, good value $50K A+600 Tower/Writer 1200-SMOH AF&E&P AAI/Cov 1990- a real doll..$49K B-TPE-1: 350 gal DAF TL comb, 0-HSI engine, w/3000 RC’s, AAI Repair/Lic $249K “SB-Walter -FatCat” 952 SMOH AF/E/P hi-wgs/TST/Hvy G&S&W, Satloc M-3 DAF 41” TLND Sprayer, 515H/125F...$325K C182B Skylane 3300 TTA 100 SMOHE&PS-Tec Autopilot (Trade for Ag Cat)..$75K A450 2-Holer Project, OH fuselage ready for frnt seat, 792-SMOHE, no prop, painted & complete. $35K AmAg 870-886-2418 (2489F) agcat@bscn.com AmAg 870886-2418 (2489F) agcat@bscn.com t f n

1989 AT502-34ag N10129 airframe TT 10470.2 Annual due 4-01-11. Wing mod done 4-29-06, TT since wing mod 2669.5. Hot section with new CT blades and segments June 09-TT since hot 1027hr. Hartzell prop TT 10470.2 ,TTSO 1691.8 .SATLOC M3 w/Intelliflow, Icom -IC200 transever, Garmin GTX 327 transponder, Stainless booms and pump,electric brake . Fresh annual upon sale Price 300,000 Call 806-946-3399 for more information. (01-11)

2005 AT-502B-34AG, 1153 TTSN, 200 SHSI, AC, Heat, Trimble Trim Flight 3 GPS w/Flow Control, Shadin, Hopper Rinse, CP Flat Fan Nozzles, Ele Fan Brake, RH Boom Shut Off, Smoker, Hatfield Single Point Fuel, Comm Raidio, Very Clean! $640,000 308-784-3868 (01-11)

AT-802A-011 8980TTSN 2080SMOHE by P&WC. Engine has been in continuous tbo by P&W since new. 0SHSI by P&W. Red/White paint. Everything on AF&E and prop within tbo. Fresh Annual and equipped your choice with purchase. 870897-4548 morrisonaircraft@yahoo.com ( 0 1 - 11 )

1990 AT-402A, reason for sale bought 602. Pratt and Whitney-15 engine 580-347-2449 580-774-9305 (01-11)

2008 AT-802A, PT6A-67AG with 1,322 TTAE, prop 0-time since IRAN, fresh hot section and annual, smoker, electric brake and ground adjustable fan, single-point fuel, Wingman, SATLOC M3 w/flow control, CP flat fan rotatable nozzles, ready to go. $1,150,000 Frost Flying Inc. 870-295-6213. t f n

GEARED ENGINE 301 1974 Air Tractor, 9259 TTAF, 257 SMOH Geared 1340 (Tulsa), 95 SPOH 23D40 Hydramatic w/fresh cut Otter blades, Tall Tail, 126 fuel, Satloc Litestar II, Smoker, Flagger, RB shutoff, CPs, Crophawk, Weather Aero fan, Comm radio, ANR, New Cool Seat, 25” gate, Spreader, Very Fast-Good load hauling 301.$120k 208-731-5233 208-423-4320 ( 01-11)

1979 Air Tractor, Tall Tail, TT 6113, Prop 586, SMOH 1413 Satloc, CP nozzles,Smoker, A/C SN301-0254, N no. 3650Z, Flys good, hauls a load. $59,500. 806-344 2130. ( 01-11)

Classified Advertising Order Form

January 2011

Use this form to submit your classified ad. Please print carefully, using one (1) letter, punctuation mark or space per box. Send the form along with payment information. aau@agairupdate.com or Fax to 888-382-6951 or 478-987-1836

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AgAir Update, P.O. Box 850 • Perry, GA USA 31069 • Tel 478-987-2250 • Fax 478-987-1836 • classifieds@agairupdate.com January 2011


1988 AT-401 AFTT 6487 SMOH 712 SPOH 654 Hydromatic Satloc Forestar with flow control A/C Smoker VG’s SS booms new CP Carousels New electric brake & fan much more call for details $150,000. 403-223-8245, kss@shockware.com (01-11) 2001 AT-602-0631 PT6-65AG 4500 TTAE Fresh Annual, New Paint,M3 W/Flow control,10” Transland gate box, Load Hawg, Heat and Air, 900 hrs on Main landing gear, com radio, Lane brake and Fan, NDH, Very nice Northern Aircraft,$650,000 Andy 580-761-1844 (01-11) AT-802A Air Tractor, Serial #802A-0133, ACTT 2655, Engine Total Time 2991, Transland 10” Gate, Spray System, Satloc, etc... Make offer, call 575-763-4300 ( 0 1 - 11 )

2009 AT-502B-34AG,N502HC, 614 TT AF&E, Fresh Annual,SATLOC M3 w/Intelliflow, Single Point Fuel, Shadin Fuel Flow, AC, Ram Air Intlet, Hopper Rinse, Drop Booms, Heater, Wingman, LANE Fan & Electric Brake, 72 Flat Fan CP’s, AM/FM Radio, Air Bags, Mode C Transponder, Garmin SL 40,$740,000, Call 318-552-6533 or 318-282-0121. monticellofly@hughes.net ( 0 1 - 11 )

1998 AT-602-0483 -60AG N5005E, TT 8424.2, A&E, PT660AG 0 hrs since power section light o/h, 519.6 hrs on new MLG and tail gear, new tires, 655.8 hrs on new engine mount, 2108.5 hrs on new style lwr spar caps, new panels, stringers, belly, turtle deck, new paint on fuselage, Satloc Airtrac, ELT, Wingman, pulse lights $625,000 Southeastern Aircraft Sales 800-441-2964 or mail@southeasternaircraft.com tfn 2010 AT-802A, FTO, -67AG, Smoker, 308 Fuel, Lane Pump Brake And Fan $1,257,200 2007 AT-502B, 1,950 TTAF&E, M3 W/Flow, Smoke, Lane Brake, Heater, Fresh Annul And Fresh Hot Section Inspection $649,500 2006 AT-401B, 365 TTAF, 365 SMOH, 3 Blade Hyd, Like New $325,000 Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-342-5451 or FAX: 281232-5401. t f n

2008 AT-502B-34, 650 hrs TTAF&E, M3 Satloc w/flow control, elect br. gr adj, smoker, SS pumps and booms, CPs, breckenridge spreader. $700,000 Frost Flying Inc. 870-295-6213 A t f n AT-401s several units 2006 and 2007 year models. Less than 200 hours TT. Like new. 3-blade prop. Contact for prices: info@airtractoreurope.com, +34667102184. tfnSave money. Buy used. Parting out several Air Tractor 402, 502, 602, and 802, Thrush and , Ag Cats. Call Chad Stuart. Airplane Services, Inc. 850-380-6091 ( 0 5 - 11 )

2006 AT-802 Air Tractor dual controls. 2301.4 total time Great for over sea’s spraying, Fresh Annual Airpro Aviation call Paul Nowlin sales manager at 501-425-1215 (01-11)

AT-401B: Power and payload at the right price. The economical 400-gallon capacity AT-401B carries a piston-engine price tag and all the reliability, durability, safety features and ease of flying that made Air Tractor the industry leader. Step up to a highly productive, low maintenance piston engine ag plane for a price that makes solid business sense. For qualified buyers, Wells Fargo has attractive and flexible terms available. See your Air Tractor dealer soon.

1988 AT-401-0692 8095.0 TTAF 113.0 SMOH (Covington). Prop 351.0 TSOH. M3, VG’s, Flagger, Smoker, CP nozzles, Large fuel, Lane brake, SS booms, Fresh Annual $150,000 Call Wendel @ North Star Aviation Inc. KS 620-356-4528 or wlambert@pld.com t f n

Gulf Coast aG airCraft sales & serviCe 1992 Ayres 510 D C - 7,600 Hrs. TT; Garrett -6 Engine Low Time; M-3 with Variable Rate Flow Control, C.P. Nozzles; SS Spray System with Lane brakes; Air Conditioner; Smoker; Low time Prop; Nice clean airplane that is ready to work ................................................................................ Priced To Sell 1976 Ayres 400 Gal. Thrush with -6 Garrett Engine; Satloc; Air Conditioner; Smoker; 29” Wheels and Brakes; New Paint; Fresh OH Prop; SS Spray System; Lane Brakes. Garrett TPE331-6-252M Please call for info. 2 engines available Garrett TPE-331-10-511M 2 engines available with lots of time and cycles remaining. Call for info.

Thrush Wing Spar Solution Available Soon!! Economical, Long-Life Fix.

AT-602: Raise the bar for productivity. You’ll reduce your overhead and increase profit margins when you scale a multi-plane operation down to a single-plane operation. The Air Tractor AT-602 can make that a very practical choice. Its big 630-gallon payload moves you up to economical, high volume production with one plane; reducing loads, saving time and cutting operating expenses compared with two smaller planes. For 5-gallon work on center-pivot circles the AT-602 is the ideal solution. Find out all the advantages of the AT-602. Visit your Air Tractor dealer. 1987 AT 301 N7312R TT 5373.3 hrs, engine TT SMOH 1020.8 hrs, prop AG 100-2 w/138.7 hrs smoh. AC, flow controller, windshield washer, smoker, 47 CP nozzles, spreader,SS spray valve, new battery, annual May 2010. Center section butterfly done. $69,500 Call HM 843-586-9422 or Cell 843454-6206 ( 0 1 - 11 ) Large inventory or Air Tractor Parts. Surplus to our needs. Call for list. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662843-0811 sales@airrepairinc.com tfn

AT-802: Power that creates profits. An 800-gallon hopper, up to 190 mph ferry speeds, and greater working capacity than any other ag airplane on the market - what else is on your wish list? With the AT-802 you’ll ferry faster, stay on the spray site longer and do bigger jobs all in one load. That’s a major advantage that only Air Tractor can offer you. Talk to your Air Tractor dealer about the AT-802. And when you do, ask about special Air Tractor financing now available from Wells Fargo for qualified buyers.

AT-502B: Improved performance equals improved profit potential. With plenty of power and a big, 500-gallon payload Air Tractor’s AT-502B is designed to please both pilot and operator. The AT-502B’s Pratt & Whitney PT6A-34AG turbine engine delivers efficient, high-end performance for shorter ferry times and fewer takeoffs and landings. Since 1987, AT502s – with their legendary reliability and versatility – have set the standard as one of the industry’s most popular ag planes. And, with Wells Fargo’s attractive financing options, you can own one. Talk to your Air Tractor dealer soon. 2011 Slots Available Call 2008 AT-802A, 923 TTAF&E, -65, smoker, single point fuel, elec. brake gr. adj., 10” hydraulic gate, fresh HSI, fresh annual $1,060,000 2008 AT-802A, 1030 TTAF&E, -65, smoker, single point fuel, elec. brake gr. adj., 40 extra nozzles, Del Norte Gate controller, Wingman, 10” hydraulic gate, fresh HSI, fresh annual $1,060,000 Call Frost Flying Inc. 870-295-6213 t f n


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cessna 1955 Cessna C-170B 2050TTSN, 350SMOH by High Performance Aircraft Engines of Mena, AR. Very nice 170B. Excellent trainer for ag pilot. 870-897-4548 morrisonaircraft@yahoo.com ( 0 1 - 11 )

1995 Ayres Turbo Thrush G-6 5020.0 TTAF 551 since cam (Executive Aircraft Maintenance) 1193 SPOH 400 gal. Hopper Crop Hawk 7B Ag-Nav GPS Lane electric brake & fan CP Nozzles Smoker Zee Air & Heat Transland pump & spray equipment VG’s Strobes $350,000.00 US Contact bruceandrews62@ gmail.com Bruce’s Flying Service, Inc./229-725-4150 (01-11) 1974 Cessna Ag Truck, 4609 TTAF, 1340 TTENG, 218 PROP, Flat Fan nozzles, Satloc Lite, Current Annual, EXCELLENT flying aircraft, $90,000.00. Call 204-856-9617 or 204-2742170 ( 0 1 - 11 )

1970 S2R Thrush 600 Turn windows, Ailero servos, extended wings, new main tires and brakes, 763 SMHOE, 430 SPOH, 14785 TTAF, $50,000 229-886-8592 (01-11)

1976 Cessna AG-Pickup. 3352 TT, 1755 SMOH, 0-470S Cont, good paint strong engine, VG’S, COM, smoker, wire cutters, NDH, tee Jet flat fan nozzels, solid aircraft ready to work, annual due 03/11, $65,000 OBO flyallen@sccoast.net or call 843-358-3583 (01-11)

1981 Thrush S2R 510 DC, 6800 TTAF, Northern Air craft, Satloc, Crophawk, cold A/C, CP Nozzles, Lane brake and fan, smoker, Fresh annual. Call 970-854-2728 or 970-520-2728 (01-11)

‘76 Cessna 188 Agwagon 7562TT 1217 SMOH 1217SPOH Good working condition $65,000 Please call 830-278-5522 or 830-275-1127 (01-11) Will trade nice 1972 Super Viking for flying Ag Truck or Pawnee. Will consider projects. Call Jerry at J & C Enterprises Aviation, Inc. 1-800-542-8565 A 8 -11 WE have the largest NEW inventory of Cessna 188 AG Truck & Ag Wagon parts in the USA. Parting out many other air crafts as well. J & C Enterprises Aviatiion INC 800-542-8565 or Email Sid or Jerry at jcaviation@pldi.net A 8 - 11 Cessna 337, several units, very low flight hours, perfect state, extremely careful maintenance, fully equipped, long range tanks, fully IFR, contact for prices and specs. info@ airtractoreurope.com, +34667102184 t f n

1996 S2R-T45 DC, SN T45 013 N32995, TTAF 4060, PT6-45 SN PCE 84056 TTSOH 4475 PROP Hartzell HC- B5MP-3C, TSNEW 2150, TSOH 375, This a/c is in above average condition, new paint 2008 all AD’s & Log Book in compliance, 3000 hrs left on wings, engine has recent hot section w/ Covington Aircraft, with light OVH on power section less than 200 hrs ago, New starter/gen recent FCU and fuel pump, M3 SATLOC, Com Radio w/ VOX, Fast Start, Heat and A/C. Available IMMEDIATELY!!!! $450,000 or OBO 712-243-4038 ( 01-11)

Cessna airframe parts, Continental and Lycoming engine parts, and a few spray system parts, new surplus, big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-6980280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts.com t f n J & C enterprises Aviation Inc. Wants to buy your Cessna aircraft, New & Used part of any kind. Call Jerry 800-5428565 or email jcaviation@pldi.net A 8 -11


1983 DC Thrush Walter 601E-11, 1000hrs left before overhaul, new gear box, new prop, 29,000 hr spar caps, no ad’s, VG’s, winglets, 80’ swath, Satloc M-3, CP’s, electric brake, SS spray valve, Crophawk, smoker, ac/heater, fuel flow, single pt fuel, strobes, wingman, spreader, intercom, paint 09 $350,000. 912-384-6466 ( 0 1 - 11 )

J & C Enterprises avaition Inc. Wants to buy your Piper, Pawnee or Brave aircraft. We are also looking for parts inventory, or derelect aircraft as well call Jerry at 800-542-8565 or email jcaviation@pldi.net A 8 - 11 Piper airframe parts, continental and Lycoming engine parts and a few spray system parts, new surplus, big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330698-0280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts.com tfn

thrush 1973 S2R Thrush Walter Conversion (751 hp) TT 9121 Time left on spar caps - 2933 / Completely refurbished 4-12-04 TT 7460 Refurbish including sandblasting, powder coating, and repainting 500 gal. hopper stainless spray system electric brake Airstar 99 with aerial ace , right boom shut off, AC big fuel/ side load fuel Undergoing 900 hour inspection and eddy current. New fabric on tail $250,000 Call 218-478-4345 ( 0 1 - 11 )

The 660 Thrush with its innovative wing design and 54 foot wing span and over 400 square foot wing area ensures unmatched stability and control during Ag maneuvers. The combination of a solid airframe and powerful engine creates an airplane that outperforms the competition. Thrush is known for their structural durability and excellent performance under extreme conditions. www.thrushaircraft.com 1976 Ayres 400 Gal. Thrush with -6 Garrett Engine; Satloc; Air Conditioner; Smoker; 29” Wheels and Brakes; New Paint; Fresh OH Prop; SS Spray System; Lane Brakes. Call Eugene 979-532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night A4-11

January 2011


1992 Ayres 510 D C - 7,600 Hrs. TT; Garrett -6 Engine Low Time; M-3 with Variable Rate Flow Control, C.P. Nozzles; SS Spray System with Lane brakes; Air Conditioner; Smoker; Low time Prop; Nice clean airplane that is ready to work Priced To Sell Call Eugene 979-532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night A 4 - 11

For sale 2-600 hp Rockwell Thrushes, current annuals, always hangared, excellent condition, Call 306-861-0177. (01-11) Large inventory of Thrush parts surplus to our needs. Call for list. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-8430811 sales@airrepairinc.com t f n & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. has 29” wheel sets. We will accept your 10” wheel and brakes in exchange. Call Jerry or Sid 800-542-8565 or email jcaviation@pldi.net A 8-11

J The 550 Thrush offers new sturdy hopper and innovative large hopper door to improve access when loading dry chemicals, while providing a 550 gallon capacity. Fuel economy, low acquisition cost and proven performance makes the 550 Thrush a great option for operators. The 550 Thrush offers a choice of power plants, allowing you to tailor the aircraft to meet the demands of your particular operating environment. www.thrushaircraft.com 2004 710 THRUSH W/ 844 TT / 2231 S.new PT6A-67 ENG & 68 S. H.S.I 70 nozzles, Lane Fan & Brake, Satloc M3, Air / Heat, fuel flowmeter, D.G. attitude indicator, smoker, flagger, crophawk, Garmin radio/GPS. JOHNSTON AIRCRAFT SERVICE, 559-6861794, FAX 559-686-9360, info@johnstonaircraft.com t f n

1969 S2RW601/400 (751 SHP) Hatfield Walter Conversion - 9465 TT - 2175 S factory OH eng. - 400 gal hopper, Lane Fan and elec brake, SS booms, ext wings, lights, 29” tires, Servos, Serv Aero Turtleback, Satloc M3 GPS. $225,000 JAS 559-686-1794, FAX 559-6869360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www. johnstonaircraft.com. t f n

engines PT6A-20B S/N PCE22511. TT 7430.7, SOH 4214, 0 SHOT (Covington). Including new CT blades, New Segments, Rebuilt vane ring & burner can. Removed from AT-402 for upgrade. 507-525-3068 or 1-507-526-7264 ( 0 1 - 11 ) Universal Turbine Parts has serviceable PT6 engines for sale. 2 ea PT6A-11 TSO 3385, 3430 3 ea PT6A-21 TSN 1767, TSO 3457, 3496 7 ea PT6A-28 (5) TSO 0, TSO 767, 1499 PT6A-34 TSO 0 2 ea PT6A-34AG TSO 0 PT6A-41 TSO 0 2 ea PT6A-50 TSO 3137, 3869 We also buy PT6 engines in all conditions. Please call Bill or Joel at 334-361-7853 or emailbmershon@UTPparts.com.

bell-hiller Bell OH58C 7380TT, 5734TT C20C, 550 SOH Comp, 0 SOH FCU, 0 SOH Hyd pump, 250 SNEW T/R Blades, 804 left M/R Blades, Hyd spray, M3, Auto Cal, Isolair belly tank, Accu Flow Nozz, Com, Needs annual, 275K, 601-668-6200 Karl Holcomb (01-11) Mid-Time PT6A-65AG available. TSO-1331, TSN 3830. Rare find. Avoid the middle-man and buy directly from ATS. All engines listed are owned by us and in our inventory. To see full inventory visit http://www.pt6a.aero/sales/ t f n New PT6-34 ag engine in stock Call for price Frost Flying Inc. 870-295-6213 A tfn

The 510 Thrush has sent the standard in Ag Aviation for dependability. With rugged construction, simplified system and low maintenance, the 510 Thrush is the aircraft any operator can depend upon. Low maintenance, maximum loads, superior pattern makes the 510 Thrush a profit machine. All Thrush Aircraft models provide superb visibility, light control forces, and unmatched speed and maneuverability. www.thrushaircraft.com



1975 Hiller UH12E, N130HA, HA3030, 6778TT, Isolair spray system, Satloc Airstar-99, flagger, dual controls, components mid-time, with or without fresh engine overhaul and annual. Contact Ken 218-820-3780 or kpflyboy1@yahoo.com (01-11)

miscellaneous aircraft Unlimited Racer project: 85% complete Yak11, 3350 turbo compound with many spare parts including engine. Call with best offer. For pictures and details call Frost Flying Inc. 870-295-6213 t f n

J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. has the largest selection of Lycoming and Continental engine cores in stock. Over 100 to choose from. Call Sid or Jerry for your parts or engines needs. 800-542-8565 or email jcaviation@pldi.net A 8 -11 PT6A-65AG Engine for sale. Only 2025 TT, 183 TSO. Ready for immediate delivery. Call Gary or Steve 210-924-5561. sales@dixieair.com (01-11) R1340 FWF Complete as removed from Thrush - 1014 S.O.H. Engine and 524 S.O/H AG100-2 Propeller. Very Good Condition $25,000.00 - Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 559686-1794, info@johnstonaircraft.com t f n

Garrett TPE331-6-252M Please call for info. 2 engines available. 979-532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night A 4-11 Garrett TPE-331-10-511M 2 engines available with lots of time and cycles remaining. Call for info. 979-532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night A 4 - 11 TPE331-PC (2.5 Cores) the Lot..$5,000* TPE331-6-252M (Dmgd Core) Good Logs... $7,500* (*Buy all for Special $10,000 price) TPE331-1-101Z 480-Scam/0-Siran (Exa) $150,000 R985-14B ANI (API), 275S/0-Iran (Tulsa)....$28,500 R985-14B 0 SMOH (AMI) ....$29,500 R1340-AN2 (Cov) 1115-SMOH...$19,000 R1340-AN1 1258 SMOH (Cov/W12-1 BLWR)...$18,000 .....also Radial and Turbine Accessories. AmAg 870-886-2418 (2489F) agcat@bscn.com t f n R-1340, zero time since overhaul by Covington $53,500.00 New PT6 -11, 15, 34, 60, 65, 67 outright or exchange call Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-342-5451 or FAX 281-232-5401 t f n 10,000 P/N of Continental & Lycoming parts, 50% discount on most new! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330698-0280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts.com t f n JJETSET AIRMOTIVE has the following PT6 engines for sale, lease or Exchange. M.O.R.E ready to TBO 8000 hours. PT6A-11 TSO Zero PT6A-28 TSO Zero PT6A-34 TSO Zero PT6A-114A Zero time overhauled PT6A-41 TSO 974 Email preeves@jsamiami.com or Khris or Max at 305-8252001 or Email krod@jsamiami.com ( 0 1 - 11 ) Covington Turbine Engines Available. PT6A-20 2800 TSO PT6A-15AG 0 Time Since Covington Light Overhaul PT6A-34AG 1789 TSO PT6A-34AG 780 TSO PT6A-34AG 0 TSO PT6A-34AG 0 Time Since Covington Light Overhaul We are also interested in buying or exchanging for any core you may have regardless of condition. Contact: David Hamilton at 918-756-7862 or davidh@ covingtonaircraft.com At fn

Pratt & Whitney R-985 & R-1340 Overhauled Engines in stock. Props, carburetors, magnetos, alternators, & accessories for above engines. Call Chester Roberts Supply Company, Collinsville, TX Tel: 903-429-6805 Fax: 903429-6047 crs5r@aol.com A 0 4 -11 JETSET AIRMOTIVE Buys and Sells all models of PT6 engines and has an extensive inventory of materials in various conditions. Call Paul at 682-738-3031 Email preeves@jsamiami. com or Khris or Max at 305-825-2001or Email krod@ jsamiami.com ( 0 1 - 11 ) PT6A Engines: Deal Direct with ATS to buy, sell, lease or exchange ~ view our current inventory at www.PT6A.Aero (FAA C.R.S. TQZR133K) tfn Cylinders For Sale – Overhauled complete assy’s with new pistons installed. Ready to install. R-985 $1250.00 each Two or more less 5%: R-1340 $1950.00 each Two or more less 5%: Outright price: includes all gaskets. Sun Air Parts. 661-257-7708 fax 661-257-7710 T F N

dispersal equipment Complete Transland 10” hydraulic gate with computer control. Only used twice to demonstrate fire fighting. Like new condition. Pictures available. $12,400 OBO. Call 920324-3519 or 715-498-1157. ( 0 1 - 11 ) Complete Wingman loading system removed from AT-502. Excellent condition. Pictures available. $6000 OBO. Call 920-324-3519 or 715-498-1157. (01-11) 38” 7 vane Swathmaster. Good condition. Pictures available. $5000 OBO. Call 920-324-3519 or 715-498-1157. ( 01-11) Transland and Agrinautics authorized distributor – Call us with your needs. Sid or Jerry @ J & C Enterprises 1-800542-8565 or e-mail jcaviation@pldi.net A 8 - 11 Two 41 inch Breckenridge Spreaders. 13 vane. Used. $2500.00 each. Chad Stuart Airplane Services Inc. 850-3806091. (0 5 -11) CP NOZZLES AND CHECK VALVES. Distribuidor en Argentina: ArAvia S.A. -Venado Tuerto (Sta Fe) T.E. 54-3462-433540 FAX: 438344 tfn

Specialist Rotary Atomiser systems for ULV and Low Volume Aerial Spraying

� Public Health � Forestry � Migrant Pest Control � Plantation � General Agriculture

Micronair AU5000

From the original pioneers of Controlled Droplet Application For more details contact: Micron Sprayers Limited, Bromyard Industrial Estate, Bromyard, Herefordshire HR7 4HS, UK. Tel.: + (44) 1885 482397 Fax: + (44) 1885 483043 E-mail: micron@micron.co.uk Web: www.micron.co.uk

Micronair Sales & Service Inc., 10833 N.W. 50th Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351, USA. Tel.: (954) 578 5555 Fax: (954) 578 5566 E-mail: micronair@aol.com



10” hydraulic Transland Gate assembly complete. $7500 OBO George 409-656-5998 ( 0 1 - 11 ) ASC Rotary Atomizers - See www.dynafog.com/ascresults and April 2009 issue of AAU, A. McCracken. Made in USA. asc@ dynafog.com, 317-896-2561 A 0 1 -11 Stainless Steel Fabricators, Inc. ---Stainless spreaders and accessories new and used. We manufacture 12 vane,13 vanes and 10 vane spreaders. Call us at 800-736-3433 or 870-217-9232. (01-11) ASC Rotary Atomizers - Consistent droplets, large flow openings, easy to mount without changing your existing pump, boom and flow control method. Made in USA. asc@dynafog. com, 317-896-2561 A 0 1 -11 Everything you need for fixed wing or helicopter JAS 559-6861794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www,johnstonaircraft.com t f n TRANSLAND 10 vane sprder for 38” gate, new $8200 Agrinautics, root, Crophawk, Transland, others Lane Aviation 281-342-5451 or FA X 281-232-5401.t fn Newberg Electrostatic Spraying LLC is the exclusive distributor for Spectrum Electrostatic Spray Systems. Do more acres with better performance. Call Ed Newberg 320-848-2745. Serving northern US and Canada. For southern US and other countries call Spectrum Corp. office 713-783-5771. (01-11) CP NOZZLES AND CHECK VALVES “The Drift fighters”. Plus they improve your spray pattern. Contact Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www.johnstonaircraft.com t f n Transland and Agrinautics, overstock sale. Call Danny for listing 662846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc.com t f n ASC Rotary Atomizers - Why use old hydraulic nozzle technology? Rotary Atomizers are proven as the most accurate method to apply both low & high volume formulations. Made in USA. asc@dynafog.com, 317-896-2561 A 0 1 -11 SprayTarget variable rate nozzles in stock. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc.com t f n

Variable Rate OC and engine driven hydraulic spray control systems. Coming soon variable rate dry for standard gate and hydraulic flaps. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc.com t fn

Hemisphere GPS & Flow Control Dealer Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www.johnstonaircraft.com. t f n

Dispersal Equipment: Weathaero Feathering Fans, Crophawks, Smokers, Flaggers, Nozzles, Transland, Breckenridge Spreaders, Airfoil Booms, Dry Breaks, Stocking All Aircraft Styles. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-3250885 www.midcont.net. tfn

Authorized AgNav Distributors. New and used systems. GIS Spray data services/conversion. Summit Helicopters Inc. Call Gary at 816-813-0442. summitGIS@earthlink.net (01-11)

Agrinautics, Inc. Best spray pumps, valves, and strainers in the business! For service w/ a smile,call us at 435-586-1200. e-mail: agrinaut@cedarcity.net t fn

gps Ag Nav Guia Gold systems w/ antenna and light bar. Like new. Contact Ted or Cameron for pricing at 575-763-4300. ( 01-11) TRACMAP GPS has great features, easy to use, large screen, racetrack guidance, usb key easy import of files, competitive pricing. Now available from Turbine Conversions call 616837-9428 www.turbineconversions.com 0 1 - 11 Intelliflow Flow Controls -in stock, now shipping! Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319 tfn Wanted: Trimble AgGps 23 Lightbar. Call Dave at 574-8624392 A tfn Hemisphere GPS systems in stock, Intellistar, M3, Intelliflow, and Litestar2. We did it again, leading Level 3 Service Center/Dealer 2009. Why buy anywhere else, we’ve got what you need, and service after the sale! Call now 800437-5319 Sky-Tractor Supply Company tfn Used Satlocs. Litestar 1 and II. Airstar. New M3s in stock Prompt repair service Compton Flying Service 888-336-3924 t f n Satloc, Intelliflow The leading edge Satloc Level III Service repair center. Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, Mo 800325-0885. t fn Satloc and Del Norte Air Repair Inc, is the worldwide leader in sales and sercece. Call Danny (sales) or Dallas (service) 662846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc.com tfn

It’s more than just the hIstory of avIatIon It’s the lIvIng hIstory of mIssIssIppI and the south

NatioNal agricultural aviatioN MuseuM Where a Way of lIfe, comes to lIfe. natIonal agrIcultural avIatIon museum 1150 lakeland drive, jackson ms monday - saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

601-713-3365 800-844-TOUR this project is partially funded through a grant by the jackson convention and visitors Bureau



parts Working starter removed from 1340. Part number 1416. $1500. Call 920-324-3519 or 715-498-1157. ( 0 1 - 11 ) Um par de asas estendida 95% completa do Thrush S2R. A pair of extended wings 95% complete Thrush S2R. Brazil. garciaviagricola@uol.com.br / 16 36274879 (t f n) J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc has purchased a large new inventory of Citabria GCBC part in late 1977-79 rnge. Lots of common everyday parts. Landing gear, wheels 7 brakes, engine parts etc. call Jerry or Sid today 800-542-8565 or email jcaviaiton@pldi.net A 8 -11

Remember J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. Is a Transland, Black Steel Brake and McFarlane dealer. We have a large amount of these brands inventory in stock as well as Cleveland. GE Lighting, Cessna, Piper etc. give us a call for all your parts needs at 800-542-8565 or email us at jcaviation@pldi.net A 8-11 Cleveland Wheels and Brakes. Buy used and save money. Air-Tractor, Thrush, Ag Cat. Chad Stuart Airplane Services Inc. 850-380-6091 ( 0 5 - 11 ) Loadhog hydraulic hopper lid system from AT-402. Excellent condition. $3,000. Airplane Services, Inc. Chad Stuart 850380-6091 ( 0 5 - 11 ) Used serviceable PT6 starter/generators. Wet or Dry spline. Guaranteed to work. $3,500 Chad Stuart. Airplane Services, Inc. 850-380-6091 (0 5 -11) Spend your time doing what you do best “SPRAYING” and let us find those parts for you. Part numbers are really important. Call Jerry or Sid 800-542-8565 or email jcaviation@pldi.net A 8 -11

For Sale: As removed Zee SZ45-002-1A Motor and Compressor assembly. Removed to install factory air. $2000. Call Tommy, Matt or Bryan @ 870-295-6218 t f n

1set serviceable S2R wings. Group 1 Wing. 196 gal. fuel/ wing extension yellow. Eddy Current inspected. Found no cracks. These wings were removed from a 600 Thrush. 9000 hrs. $40,000 Call or fax Bruce’s Flying Service, Inc. 229-725-4150, fax 229-725-5135. E-mail bruceandrews62@gmail.com. (01-11)

3 sets new heavy gear for S2R Thrush. $10,000 per set exchange for core. Many other S2R parts/components. Call or fax Bruce’s Flying Service, Inc. 229-725-4150, fax 229-725-5135. E-mail bruceandrews62@gmail.com. (01-11)

Vacuum Meters ready to ship. Clean, accurate, closed system. Why pay 50,000 for a accurate system when you can do it for a fraction of the price and require no computers. Compton Flying Service 888-336-3924 tfn

New AT-602 Cascade Aircraft Conversion pressure cowl. Immediately available in Arkansas. New AT-402 Cascade Aircraft Conversion P-Cowl available in Kansas. AT-401 firewall forward with R1340 Covington overhauled engine 1100 SMOH; 12D40 propeller with 6106 blades. Cascade Aircraft Conversion 509-635-1212 cascade@completebbs.com tfn

1 set S2R wings, Group 5 Wing. 2000 year model. 6000hrs TT. New factory spar caps. 0 hours with new spar caps. 228 gal fuel. $80,000 unpainted exchanged or 85,000 painted to your specification and exchanged. Call or fax Bruce’s Flying Service, Inc. 229-725-4150, fax 229-725-5135. E-mail bruceandrews62@gmail.com. (01-11)

Vacuum Meters ready to ship. Clean, accurate, closed system. Set of new Thrush Aircraft current production wings featuring the 29,000 hour life limit on low spar caps. Upper and lower 4340 Chrome-Molly steel spar caps with 114 gallon fuel tank on each wing, 0 SNEW. Contact Thrush Aircraft Spares Department 229-883-1440, rcarter@thrushaircraft.com

Rebuilt Thrush 510 hopper with Jon Herr door. $8,000. Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 t f n For Sale, M18 wings, ailerons, flaps. 0 since new, propeller still in box, for sale or trade on people airplane. 573-2463216, 573-225-8019 (01-11)

Air Tractor Parts New and Used (Associate dealer for Lane Aviation). FWF cowlings 402,502,602 many to chose from, removed for Factory and Cascade P-cowl conversions. New and used (Factory Rebuilt) Aileron, Flaps, Elevators, Rudders, Horz/Vert stabs in stock and ready to sale or trade. Call Wendel or Steve North Star Aviation 620-356-4528 wlambert@pld.com t f n We have all fibreglass parts for Weatherly and Ag-Cat (A, B and Super B). Call for prices. Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 t f n J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. has 29” wheel sets. We will accept your 10” wheel and brakes in exchange. Also have 29” Thrush Landing Gear. Call Jerry or Sid 800-542-8565 or email jcaviation@pldi.net A 8 - 11 Retrofit Hopper Door for AT502 and AT602. Now available for fall and winter installation Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 t f n J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. still has one of the largest Cessna, and Piper Ag Aircraft inventories in the USA and has a huge inventory of Lighting and wheel and brake inventory. Let us be your total part provider. Call in your needs - Sid or Jerry 800-542-8565 or jcaviation@pldi.net A 8-11

Smoke Systems. Used In great condition. $250. Airplane Services, Inc. Chad Stuart 850-380-6091 (0 5 -11) Jasco Alternator kits in stock. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc.com tfn PARTS, PARTS, PARTS... For all your ag aviation needs, please call Southeastern Aircraft Sales & Service (800) 441-2964 Air Tractor Dealer A TFN Cessna Ag Parts. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc.com t f n 10,000 P/N of Continental & Lycoming parts, 50% discount on most new! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330698-0280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts.com t f n World-one stop Ag aviation center, all parts and accessories for everything in Ag Aviation for 62 years. MidContinent Aircraft Hayti, Mo. 800-325-0885 tfn Cessna Parts - Engine, propellers, authorized service center. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www.johnstonaircraft.com. A tfn

GPS Antenna Mount, for specific ag aircraft, Performance and looks, slip stream design delivers peak signals. Contact Terry Barber 605-258-2743. ( 0 1 - 11 )

Cessna Authorized Parts Center: Prompt, World-Wide Parts Service, Engines, Bonaire 550 Conversions, Wings. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-325-0885 www.midcont.net. t f n

Thrush rebuilt extended wings with 40,000 hour approved Avenger spar cap kit installed, 192 gal fuel, new leading edge H.D. ribs and leading edge skins. Will paint your color(1). Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 559-686-1794, info@johnstonaircraft.com t f n

NEW! CP11TT/w-3 Tips & Shutoff in stock ready to ship today.1-800-437-5319 Sky-Tractor Supply Company t f n

Complete Thrush Factory Metal Tail W / Updates.Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 559-686-1794 / Email info@johnstonaircraft.com www.johnstonaircraft.com t f n New Thrush -34, -60,-65 models. 600 HP, Your North American Thrush distributor. Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800-325-0885. tfn Superbooms for Cessna, Piper, Thrush, Air Tractor and custom manufacture; THRUSH AILERON SERVOS-STC’d kits. TSA 800-642-5777 or tsa@702com.net (TFN) O/H’D Thrush 29” Landing Gear & We Can Repair / Rebuild Yours. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 559-686-1794 / Email info@johnstonaircraft.com www.johnstonaircraft.com t f n PARTS, PARTS, PARTS. For all your ag aviation needs, please call Southeastern Aircraft Sales & Service 800-441-2964 Air Tractor Dealer tfn 8 Million new surplus parts for Cessna, Piper, and other aircraft; Continental and Lycoming engines; and a few spray system parts, big discounts. Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330698-0280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts.com t f n Accessories & Parts! 100’s of new and OHC accessories, parts for just about everything. Big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. preferredairparts.com t f n Emco Wheaton/Buckeye Dry Break Couplers and adapters, Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www.johnstonaircraft.com t f n

Thrush parts - Wings, props, tail feathers, batteries, tires - we have the inventory. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@ johnstonaircraft.com web site: www.johnstonaircraft.com.tfn Brave and Pawnee parts - engines, props, spar kits, fuel cells and foam kits, and much more. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www.johnstonaircraft.com. t f n S & T Aircraft Accessories, Inc. specializes in the overhaul of Radial and Turbine engine accessories. We have most items in stock ready to ship for exchange. Give us a call @ 830-625-7923 or fax 830-625-4138. t f n

J & C Enterprises has a Cessna 188 props in Stock Y.T. Also offer some STC’d propellers. Call Jerry or Sid 800-542-8565 or email jcaviation@pldi.net A 8 -11 Props for Sale: 2D30-6101A-18 OHC 23D40-7035A-12S OHC 22D40-6533A-12 OHC 23D40-6533A-18 Serviceable cond. 23D40-6533A-18 Serviceable cond. Call: PropWorks, Winnipeg, Canada Tel: 888-679-2965 email: propwork@mts.net


IA200/FA8452, NEW $4,500 2D30-6101A20, A/R. $3,500 2D30-6101A12, O-IRAN $10,00 22D30-AG200-2 OHC $15,500 12D40-AG100-4S, OHC $15,500 22D40-AG200-2, OHC, $20,500 22D40-AG200-2, 190 SOH, /new blades... $22,000 33D50-7005A, A/R-K/D. $6,500 HC-B3TN-3D/5M, OHC/+4NB’s. $19,500 23D40-7005A-17 502-Siran &ADC...$15,000 AmAg 870-886-2418 (2489F) agcat@bscn.com t f n


Air Tractor Financing can put an Air Tractor in your hangar. For a limited time, Air Tractor is offering competitive financing options in the U.S. and Canada from Wells Fargo Equipment Finance. Fly now and take seven years to pay, 10 years to amortize and have a fixed interest rate for the life of the loan. Other attractive term periods are available, too. These financing options are available on both new and used Air Tractors purchased through Air Tractor dealers. See your Air Tractor dealer today!

Agrinautics, Automatic Flagman, Aero Engines, Arrow prop, Air Tractor (Associate dealer Queen Bee Air Specialties) CP Nozzles, Compro Smoker, Crophawk, Covington Aircraft Engine, Collins Air Conditioner, Cleveland, Chip Detector, Hot Stuff, Honda Engines, Johnson Sidewinder, Nieto Products, New and used aircraft, (large) Parts Inventory, Schweizer, Spraying Systems, Co., Superbugs, APH-4 Helmet, Simplex, Tires, Transland, WeathAero. Sky Tractor Supply 800-4375319, 701-436-5881. t f n

propellers Complete Hamilton Standard Prop 6101-12 blades Zero since overhaul & yellow tag by San Antonio Propeller $16,500. Call 254-749-8820 ( 0 1 - 11 ) Hartzell 3 Blade and 5 blade Props, new & used $CALL Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-342-5451 or FAX 281-232-5401 t f n . For Outright Sale: Overhauled 5-Blade Prop. Hartzell HC-B5MP3C. Fits AT-502A, AT-503, AT-602, AT-802, Thrush S-2R-T65 & S-2RHG-T65.’06 Hartzell Overhaul. TSN: 1379.5 (TSO:0). Call Steve or Gary 210-924-5561. sales@dixieair.com. ( 01-11)

Souther Field Aviation, Inc. Visit Our Website www.southerfield.com Phillips AV & Jet a FULL SERVICE FBO

WeathAero Fans • Auto Flagger • Transland • Agrinautics Pump and Valves Thrush Parts • Covington Radial & Turbine Engines • Compro Smokers WAG • SATLOC • AgNav Phone: 229-924-2813 Office Fax: 229-924-4356 e-mail: frankie@southerfield.com Parts Fax: 229-924-2066 e-mail: parts@southerfield.com Web: www.southerfield.com

Frankie Williams President Paul Pearson Maintenance Souther Field Aviation, Inc. 223 Airport Road, Americus, GA 31709

January 2011


vehicles Loader Truck for sale. All stainless steel, all hydraulic, had aircraft fueling system and tank. Not running 6000 lbs hopper $5,000. Call 870-222-4556 ( 0 1 -11) 1984 Ford F700 diesel Allison automatic 12” mild steel folder 7000lb hopper 300 gal. fuel Honda pump. Call Auger Dan Office: 870-578-6133 Cell: 870-919-2317 A 0 1 -11 2 to choose from! 1992 model of International 4700. DT466 diesel, a/c, standard transmission, PTO chain drive, well maintained, aluminum wheels, your choice for pipe and hopper. 640 stainless fuel with gasoline engine fuel pump. Call Auger Dan Office: 870-578-6133 Cell: 870-919-2317 A 01-11 1500 gal Jet A refueler; Nissan UD 3300 truck; epoxy lined steel tank: Liquid Control counter with predetermining counter (new 2003); single point and over the wing nozzles: automatic reel. Truck and pump work well; good rubber $15,900 Call 501-985-1484 AR location. tfn Auger Trucks For Sale (Trade-Ins) Also list of customer trucks. Call Auger Dan Office: 870-578-6133 Cell: 870-919-2317 A1-11 1993 Peterbilt folding BAG truck, built for Air Tractor 802. Loads 6,000 lbs, has fuel tank and reel. Great shape. Call Brandon 318-303-3147 ( 0 1 - 11)

miscellaneous J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. Is always looking for all types of derelict aircraft, parts inventory, both new and used. We will buy small or a shop full. Contact Jerry Buster 800-542-8565 or email jcaviation@pldi.net A 8 - 11 Fast start engine system. cut starting heat and time. A must. Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800-325-0885. . tfn Original DeSpain Pen and Ink cropduster printer’s proofs now available by artist Richard DeSpain. Several to choose from, reduced sale price, $1000 each. These are the originals that the signed and numbered prints are made from. Contact Richard DeSpain 501-753 3291 or r.despain@sbcglobal.net t f n HELMET with slide up visor $850. Deluxe Kevlar Helmet with ANR, Softskins, Oregon seals $1200. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319 Atfn



Load hog,with hyd. Installed in a 510 gallon hopper. Good shape. Both for $14,400.00 JOHNSON @ 218-437-6415. lindleycj@hotmail.com (01-11) Reduce Drift, Increase Deposition and Retention use Control™ For FREE SAMPLE go to www.GARRCO.com/ freesample Call 765-395-3441, mrfoam1@garrco.com t f n English to Spanish Technical Translations Former A&P and Ag-Pilot, Carlos Retamosa Specializing in translating:  • Aviation technical manuals • Airworthiness Directives (ADs) • Service Bulletins (SBs) Contact 598-53-24376 retamosa@adinet.com.uy


www.AircraftCostAnalysis.com AG Operators can calculate your breakeven, % investment return, profit potential, and produce annual & monthly cash flows. Project your financials without spending hours of your time. All reports are produced automatically and accurately after you provide your cost inputs and gross application fees. Types of analyses performed include: Company/ Individual Ownership, Managed with/without Leaseback, Commercial Operation, Agricultural/Fire/Ambulance Operations, Joint Ownership, Fractional Ownership, and Charter/Rental. AG sales organizations can provide prospects with customized & professional ownership cost analysis. This program is a great sales aid and management tool. FREE sample reports. Click REQUEST INFORMATION on the website or call 281-419-7443 HOTSTUFF AG AIRCRAFT CLEANER Call to order the # 1 Ag Aircraft cleaner in the country, Used by over 400 operators Coast to Coast. Blue Stripe Distributing 877-924-5025 Atfn SUPERBUGS A safe and economical way to speed up Mother nature! Dispose of hazardous waste in loading and spill areas, ponds and ditches. SUPERBUGS disposes of insecticides, Fungicides, herbicides, and petroleum products Such as waste oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, solvent or anything of organic nature. Blue Stripe Distributing Toll Free 877-9245025 t f n AFS Check Valves- Make the switch to AFS check valves, Find out what many operators already know, increased productivity, eliminate leaks and drips, long life, and no moe trying to find buckets!!! To help clean up your operation today call 800833-2013. www.aeroflow.com or Fax 574-862-4669. t f n

insurance Wheels up. PIM Aviation Insurance is one of the oldest and most experienced ag aviation insurance providers in the industry. We provide access to creative negotiation and problem solving for all your risk management needs. Our passion to keep you flying is deeply rooted, resulting in knowledgeable recommendations and cost-sensitive pricing. For a free, no-obligation quote, call 800.826.4442 or visit us online at www.pimi.com. Proud member of NAAA. tfn INSURANCE from the Leading Ag Aviation Brokers. 62 Years Risk Management, Lowtime Pilot Coverage. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-325-0885 www.midcont.net. t f n “Insurance from a name you can trust, at a price you can afford”, is what we do and it’s our motto. Hardy Aviation Insurance, Inc, is centrally located in Wichita Kansas and has been servicing the aerial application market for years now. RANDY HARDY established Hardy Aviation Insurance in 1995 with aerial application as his main focus. Prompt courteous service from a staff dedicated and knowledgable includes ANGIE BANZ and RITA ETHRIDGE, both of whom have years of experience servicing the aerial application business. Give us a try, you might be suprised. Call 1 800 721-6733 or fax us at 316-945-2330. Get an online quote from our web site at www.hardyaviationins.com or e-mail us at hardy@hardyaviationins.com. t f n DOUG DAVIDSON, aircraft owner and commercial pilot, has served the unique insurance needs of the agricultural aviation community since 1982. He founded Davidson Solid Rock Ins. in 1995 on Christian principles, honesty, integrity, and the commitment to provide insurance products as solid as our name! One call is all it takes to shop all available markets for your specialized aviation insurance needs. We welcome the opportunity to talk with you at 800-358-8079. Or visit our website at www.dsrockin.com .t fn The Right Aviation Insurance Broker makes all the difference in the world. A 35 year professional pilot and former Ag Insurance underwriter work together to give you the experience and knowledge to get you the right coverage for the least cost. We work for you, not the insurance companies. Jim Gardner and Rick Langley @ Insuramerica Aviation, Inc. 978-936-4000. 800-654-7892 ext 4108 or 4104. jgardner@ insuramerica.aero. rlangley@insuramerica.aero t f n

software PC SPRAY Dedicated Application Software, Version 3. Fullyfunctional program. Buy it once, use it forever! No annual fees. Technical support for the life of the product. Call or email for demo today. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319. tfn

services FAA repair station for all ag equipment. Thrush spar replacement, annuals. Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800-325-0885 tfn !!Attention Thrush Owners!! North Star Aviation Inc is now the new STC holder of the Thrush Reinforce Leading Edge Skins. If you are getting ready to rebuild your Thrush wings due to AD09-26-11 or tired of bird strikes and ugly leading edges!! Now is the time to install North Star Aviations new Thrush heavy duty reinforced leading edge skins fully STC’d SA03518AT no Field approval required. For more Info contact Wendel or Steve @ North Star Aviation Inc. 620-356-4528 wlambert@pld.com t f n We rebuild and refinish any fibreglass part for Weatherly, Cessna, Piper and Ag-Cat (A, B and Super B,C and D). Call for prices. Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 t f n Borescope and Videoscope Repair Services. Any brand or any model. Your one stop source for the best value visual inspection equipment since 1981. Check out our new products and rental units at www.Borescopesrus.com or call Borescopes-R-Us at 931-362-4009. ( 0 1 - 11 )

Jeffries Airworks Dynamic Propeller Balancing with Chadwick Helmuth engine printout equipment. Jeffries Airworks, Dynamic Balancing, Vibration Analysis. Much more than just a balance. Call Jim Jeffries, A&P/IA, 985-507-9981, Nationwide service on your location. (tfn) Stainless Steel Fabricators, Inc. --- Stainless spreaders and accessories new and used. We repair all models including Transland and Swathmaster. Call us at 800-736-3433 or 870-217-9232. ( 0 1 - 11 )

Cascade Conversion for Thrush and Air Tractor. Fuel Saving, Cooler running, more power available. Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800-325-0885 t f n

wanted to buy Looking for a clean B model Ag-Cat 350 or 400 gal. Hop. 8000 hrs or less. TTAF. Geared 1340 352-494-3978 mdemery58@yahoo.com ( 0 1 - 11 ) EXHAUST Wanted: R-1340 and R-985 Exhaust Send Old Exhaust segments for exchange or Sell them! Call Daryl @ 940-902-0797 tfn Wanted to Buy Air Tractor AT-301 or AT-401, Ferriable 800441-2964 or mail@southeasternaircraft.com t f n

vacation rentals

Looking for piston seat 2011 season. G-164, AT-301, C-188 some herbicide experience. Reputable and credible references. Row crop experience. NAAA, CAAA,PAASS. blindads@ agairupdate or mail to PO Box 850 Perry Ga 31069 (01-11) Seat wanted Desired Work: Any area TT 12,000+, Turbine time 3630+, Turbine Ag time 60, Ag Time 1100 Lic. in GA, NE & LA. My Ag Time: AT-400 G164-1 S2R, & S2RT Member of GAAA & NAAA. Flying Tiger Grad 5/09 Call 678-779-4726 or hale744@yahoo.com(01-11)

help wanted Wanted full time AP/IA Mechanic for SE TX airplane shop. Light line maintenance, eight Turbine Air Tractors-45,-60 &-67’s. Heavy airframe & engine repairs outsourced. Pay commensurate with AG experience. Send written resume to Mechanic C/O AgAir Update Po box 850 Perry Ga 31069 blindads@agairupdate.com (01-11) Pilot wanted April through September in South Dakota. Must have good people skills and able to manage. jim@ agrimaxllc.com 218-289-1999 ( 0 1 - 11 )

Doctor’s Orders: A pilot’s vacation home with a pilot discount! St. George Island, Florida. Directly on private beach with expansive views of the Gulf of Mexico, three levels of covered furnished decks. Spacious open living/dining/kitchen area. Five bedrooms including two master suites and four baths, multiple TVs/DVDs/VCRs/wireless Internet. Occupancy 12, beds: three kings, four twins, one queen sleeper sofa. Underhouse concrete parking, 15’ x 30’ pool (heated for a fee), enclosed hot/cold outdoor shower, fish cleaning area, parkstyle grill. Paved 3339’ airport on island (F47) a quarter mile from the house. Ask for “pilot’s discount” Major discounts for Spring and Fall! Visit www.resortvacationproperties.com for photos, 877.272.8206. AgAir Update “Endorsed”. ( t f n)

operations Eastern Washington spraying and water truck business, 3 leased strips/ no aircraft, $250,000 of equipment / $100,000 for business. Season starts end of Feb. contact Wingair.us or 509-337-6553. (01-11) Looking to buy successful, established aerial applications business with growth potential and loyal customer base. 100,000+ annual acres preferred. send to Business Wanted C/O Ag Air Update P.O. Box 850 Perry GA 31069 fax 888382-6951 or email blindads@agairupdate.com (01-11) ESTABLISHED HELICOPTER SPRAYING SERVICE FOR SALE. Strong customer base w/ 35 yrs. in same area & a continuous year-round work flow. Must have 5 years helicopter crop spraying experience. *Added Bonus* Helicopter & mix trailer for sale. Call for full details 863675-6919 or 305-216-1967, ask for Marvin Scripter (01-11)


Experienced AG or fire suppression pilot for rotation employment in Colombia. Minimum requirements: 2000 fixed wing hours; 1000 flt hours AG or fire suppression; FAA Cass II Medical; Must speak to ACTFL Intermediate Low or IRL Level 1 Spanish proficiency. Background check required. E-mail resume to:EASTResume@ginl.state.gov. An Equal Opportunity Employer ( 0 1 - 11 ) Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest oil producer, is looking for an experienced Air Tractor 802/502 pilot. The Air Tractor is primarily used to spray oil spills. This is a fulltime, family status position with outstanding benefits, including separate savings and retirement plans, repatriation allowance, excellent schooling for dependent children, and 42 calendar days of vacation plus 8-11 paid holidays each year. Base salary compensation ranges from $7,500 - $8,000 USD per month, plus additional tax protected premiums. Minimum Qualifications: 500 hrs Air Tractor 802/502 experience, ATP certificate,3000 hrs TT, 1000 hrs Turbine, 1000 hrs ag spraying or aerial fire-fighting and tail wheel. Prefer MultiEngine experience a plus. Additional information at http:// www.aramco.jobs. For full terms and conditions please email ej.mcmanus@aramcoservices.com ( 0 1 - 11 )



seat wanted ATP rated spray pilot, 5200 TT, 800 tailwheel, 450 Ag. Currently teaching Aerial Application at Ag-Flight in Bainbridge, GA. Pawnee, AT-301, and AgCat experience. Based and licensed in Southern Michigan near the Indiana and Ohio borders. See my resume at www.SprayPilot.com 517-617-4637, rmiller@accesswest.com ( 01-11) Young pilot with A&P seeking operator to work for to obtain a pilot seat/other position in your operation. Ag Av. maintenance and Ground Applicator Experience. Farm Background. B.A. degree. stonewall1981@bellsouth.net ( 0 1 - 11 ) Experienced Ag Pilot, seat wanted, 18,000+ ag, 3000+ turbine, AT-802 thru 402, Thrush 660. Firefighting 300+ drops. Stat immediately. Steve 405-542-3993, cell 580-5747084 pilotguest@yahoo.com ( 0 1 - 11 )

Acorn Welding......................................... 33 Ag - Nav, Inc. ............................................3 Air Tractor Inc.......................................... 17 Airforce Turbine Service........................ 16 Airplane Services.................................... 18 American AgViation............................... 33 Apollo Spray Systems............................. 14 Auto-Cal, Inc............................................ 21 Collins Aircraft Dynamics, Inc............. 24 Concorde Battery.................................... 28


Covington Aircraft Engines..................36


Frost Flying............................................... 31

Davidon.................................................... 18 Desser Tire & Rubber Co......................23 DynaNav................................................... 19 Frontier Ag Inc......................................... 30

Cessna 180-185-188, PiPer Brave & Pawnee, CitaBria, DromaDer aero CommanDer Lark & Darter sCott & XPm taiLwheeL Parts, ContinentaL, LyComing, transLanD, harDware, ChamPion & CitaBria, mCfarLane, ag fiBergLass anD a Lot more. Having trouble finding tHose difficult parts!!!

GE Aviation - Walter Engines............... 11 Gulf Coast Ag Aircraft SS.....................28 Hemisphere GPS..................................... 13 Isolair......................................................... 12 J & C Enterprises, Inc............................ 35 Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc..............30 Lane Aviation, Inc................................... 29

LET our STAff fINd ThAT hArd To LoCATE PArT for you.

Laviasa...................................................... 22 Micron Sprayers Limited....................... 31

Aircraft hardware

Mid - Continent Aircraft Corp............. 21 NAA Museum.......................................... 32

Ag Pilot Training-PERSONALIZED INSTRUCTION Initial and Recurrent. DGPS LIGHTBAR, Tailwheel, and Spin/Upset Recovery by Mentor,Randy Berry, 40 Yr CFI and Active Ag Pilot. Aks us about our new AG Pilot Database.See our web site at: www.eaglevistas.com. EAGLE VISTAS LLC PH 772-285-5506 (01-11) Tailwheel endorsements and time building in south Texas for aspiring ag-pilots. C-170 available for training and rental with discounts for block time. Contact Clyde at 956-202-2094 or mrclyde_2003@hotmail.com. t f n

international advertiser index

Orsmond Aerial Spray Pty. Ltd............ 24 Perkins Technologies.............................. 14 Preferred Airparts................................... 32 Queen Bee Air Specialties.................... 14

your Authorized Transland dealer wE buy SALvAgE & NEw PArTS INvENTorIES

Sky Tractor Supply Co............................ 26 Smyrna Air Center.................................. 10 Southeastern Aircraft............................. 34 Souther Field Aviation, Inc....................33 Spectrum Electrostatic Sprayers, Inc..23 Sun Air Parts............................................ 33 Thrush Aircraft Inc.....................................2

Se habla Español Airport Road #14 • Thomas, OK 73669

800-542-8565 • 580-661-3591 (OK) • 580-661-3783 (FAX) www.jcAviATiOn.com • email address: jcaviation@pldi.net

TracMap NZ LTD.................................... 25 Transland ................................................ 20 Diner Club

Tulsa Aircraft Engines............................ 26 Turbine Conversions Limited................ 24 Universal Turbine Parts Div.................. 21

January 2011



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Dependable Engines. Affordable Prices. For more than a quarter of a century, Covington Aircraft has been providing professional pilots with the highest level of radial and turbine engine overhaul and repair. Today, the Covington reputation is world-renowned for its quality, advanced technology and skilled technicians. So whether you need service in the field, engine repairs, a major overhaul or the affordable Light Overhaul, or even an engine exchange, choose the name that’s trusted by more professional pilots than any other – Covington. Available Engine Services • PT6A, R-985, and R-1340 Engine Overhaul • PT6A/Radial Engine Troubleshooting & Repair • Hot Section Inspection • Power Section Module Repairs • Overhaul Level Repairs • Periodic Engine Inspections • Fly In Facility For All Your Engine Needs • Rental Engines Available (PT6A) RADIAL DIVISION (R1340/R985) (918) 756-8320 Hwy 75 & Airport Rd. • P.O. Box 1344 • Okmulgee, OK 74447 TURBINE DIVISION (PT6A) (918) 756-7862 201 East Airport Road, P O Box 1336 , Okmulgee , Ok 74447

www.covingtonaircraft.com 36


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