February 2015 - U.S. Edition in English

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agairupdate.com FEBRUARY 2015

Flying the

Turbine Brave

Thrush 510G earns European certification GE-powered agricultural aircraft now ready for European operators.

USDA releases 2013 annual summary for pesticide data program Report confirms that pesticide residues do not pose a safety concern for U.S. food

History isn’t just being made, it’s being flown. The legendary Thrush 510P sets the standard for low maintenance, great handling, and the highest performance in its class. That’s because the Pratt & Whitney-powered 510P has continually evolved to take advantage of the latest available technologies. From MVP engine monitoring to advanced wire strike protection, the 510P is designed and built to work as hard as you do — and, like every Thrush, deliver the superior productivity, security, and value you’ve come to expect from the most innovative manufacturer in the business. Discover how the history-making Thrush 510 P can carry your operation well into the future. Visit us online, or call Eric Rojek at 229.789.0437.



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February 2015


keep turning… in this issue VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2 | FEBRUARY 2015

12 Flying the Turbine Brave

P.O. Box 850 • Perry, GA 31069 USA 475 Myrtle Field Rd. • Perry, GA 31069 USA PHONE: 478-987-2250 FAX: 478-987-1836 aau@agairupdate.com • agairupdate.com Scan this QR Code with your smart phone.

Piper Brave PA-36 with 285-gallon hopper and a PT6A-20 engine

14 18 NZ - Safety Bulletins 22 Women in ag aviation

USDA releases 2013 annual summary for pesticide data program Report confirms that pesticide residues do not pose a safety concern for U.S. food

Ag work increasing wire strike accident risk

Rochele Barcellos Teixeira — Brazil

26 28 Emergency door lowering Thrush 510G earns European certification

GE-powered agricultural aircraft now ready for European operators.

7 Calendar of Events 8 AgAir Mail 22 Best Brain Bucket 30 The Hopper 32 Classifieds On the cover - AgAir Update publisher Bill Lavender evaluating Souther Field Aviation’s Piper Turbine Brave PA-36 with a factory 285-gallon hopper and a PT6A-20 engine. See story on page 12A.



PUBLISHER: Bill Lavender - bill@agairupdate.com EDITOR: Graham Lavender - editor@agairupdate.com ACCOUNTING: Sandy Lavender - accounting@agairupdate.com ADMINISTRATION: Casey L. Armstrong - casey@agairupdate.com ADVERTISING: Ernie Eggler - ernie@agairupdate.com Michael Conner - michael@agairupdate.com CLASSIFIED ADS: classifieds@agairupdate.com Michael Conner - michael@agairupdate.com PRODUCTION: Deborah Freeman - aau@agairupdate.com CIRCULATION: Casey L. Armstrong - casey@agairupdate.com subs@agairupdate.com CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Dennis Avery - cgfi@hughes.net Carlin Lawrence - carlin@agairupdate.com Alan McCracken - mccrackenalan@yahoo.com Robert McCurdy - robert@agairupdate.com Tracy Thurman - thurmantracyt@yahoo.com LATIN AMERICAN REPS: Victoria Blanc Chalking - vblanc@charleschalkling.com Ernesto Franzen - ernesto@agairupdate.com Gina Hickmann - gina@agairupdate.com Walt Jazun - walt@agairupdate.com Pat Kornegay - pat@svatx.com Virginia Marroni - mariamarroni@hotmail.com © Copyright 2015 AgAir Update retains all rights for reproduction of any material submitted, to include but not limited to articles, photographs, emails and bulletin board posts. All material remain the copyright of AgAir Update. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in part or whole, without the written consent of the publisher. Editorial published do not necessary reflect the views of the publisher. Content within AgAir Update is believed to be true and accurate and the publisher does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions. Unsolicited editorial manuscripts and photos are welcomed and encouraged. We cannot be responsible for return unless submissions are accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Advertising deadline is 12 noon, on the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication. AgAir Update (ISSN 1081-6496) Published monthly by Blue Sky Investments, Inc., 475 Myrtle Field Road, Perry, GA 31069 for $39 USD for one year in the U.S.; International rates are $39 USD for one year. Periodical postage paid at Springfield, MO and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to P.O. Box 850, Perry, GA 31069. AgAir Update, a multiple-award winning publication, is a tabloid newspaper 12.25” deep by 9.5” wide on a 2.25” 4 column format. Contract rates are available upon request.

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February 2015


Bill Lavender bill@agairupdate.com

from the cockpit

Frankie Williams of Souther Field Aviation in Americus, Georgia and I go over the attributes of the Turbine Brave.

The dilemma of fuel prices With the price of aviation fuels dropping, Jet-A to under $2.00 per gallon and 100LL nearly that low, I find myself contemplating how operators will address fuel surcharges. I was always a proponent for charging a fuel surcharge when fuel prices were volatile, usually in the increase mode - I still believe that to be true. At the time, the bulk fuel price was considerably more than it is today. Undoubtedly at today’s fuel prices, it would be very difficult to explain adding a fuel surcharge to any invoice, whether it be for the UPS or FedEx delivery or an ag-plane’s application. What does an operator do? Reduce his base per acre or hourly rate charge? I don’t expect to see anyone’s base prices coming down because of a savings on fuel, regardless whether the charge is aviation related or not. I believe most consumers, including the farmer, believe the same thing. Lower fuel costs are an opportunity to catch up on pent-up demand for new equipment or pay down a haunting bank note. At least buying the new equipment would come in part before the fuel savings is taxed. However, paying extra on the principal of a bank note, to my



knowledge, would have to be with aftertax dollars; something to think about. I overheard at a state convention one operator say he anticipates saving over $400,000 in 2015 if he burns the same amount of fuel as in 2014 and the price stays $2 a gallon less than he paid last year. By his calculation, it would appear the operator purchased about 200,000 gallons of Jet-A. Depending on the aircraft, you could say that was four agplanes logging about 1,000 hours each. Or, it could be eight ag-planes logging 500 hours each; assuming 50 GPH average fuel burn. Any way you make the calculation, a $400,000 windfall is huge, even for this large operator. If that operator had been charging a fuel surcharge and does not in 2015, then he shouldn’t expect to profit $400,000. I guess that would be a plausible argument to not charge a fuel surcharge. But, only if you don’t count how much money that was lost in previous years by not charging a fuel surcharge. The point in all this is a flying service should not be figuring on fuel prices to make a profit, whether it be an inflated

fuel surcharge or a significant overall drop in fuel costs. Ag operators are not fuel brokers. Pricing should be based on multiple factors that allow for increases in fuel costs, as well as a savings to the customer by reduced fuel costs. The calculation will never fit perfectly. In most cases, over time, there will be gains and losses because of fuel prices regardless of how invoices are written. That’s my two-cents worth; much like a saying, “The advice you get here is worth what you paid for it”. Nothing! In the meantime, I am immensely enjoying filling up my truck with gas for under $40. Until next month, Keep Turning…

calendar of events February 2-5, 2015 SEAF Convention Savannah, GA Marriott Savannah Riverfront Linda Minton 772-971-9980 FLAgAviation.org February 8-10, 2015 NC AAA Double Tree Atlantic Beach, NC Mike Rivenbark 910-279-7069 February 13-15, 2015 NAAA Spring Board Meeting Hilton Old Town Hotel Alexandria, VA Lindsay Barber Tel: 202-546-5722 Fax: 202-546-5726 information@agaviation.org February 16-18, 2015 NATA Convention Ramada Inn, Kearney, NE Judy McDowell 402-475-6282 nata@windstream.net February 19-21, 2015 Canada AAA Convention Fairmont Winnipeg Winnipeg, MT Jill Lane 780-413-0078 canadianaerialapplicators.com February 24-26, 2015 TriState Convention Alerus Center Grand Forks, ND Cynthia Schreiber-Beck (ND) 701-642-5777 Laurie Robbennolt (SD) 605-765-2707 Theresa Stieren (MN) 952-226-5874

March 11-13, 2015 TxAAA Fly-in Air Tractor Olney, TX Bob Payton bpayton@translandllc.com March 12, 2015 InAAA Meeting Turbines Inc Terre Haute, IN Brian Townsend 574-583-9900 April 28-30, 2015 Aerial Fire Fighting Europe 2015 Zadar, Croatia tangentlink.com May 27, 2015 International Crop Duster’s Day May 28-29, 2015 SNA Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil www.aviacaoagricola.com June 24-26, 2015 SINDAG 2015 Luis Eduardo de Magalhães Bahia - Brasil www.congressosindag.com.br June 29 - July 2, 2015 ANZAC Convention 100th Anniversary of ANZAC Queenstown, New Zealand Alan Beck - alan@heli.co.nz John Sinclair - sinclairjg@gmail. com August 13-14, 2015 SNA Primavera do Leste, Mato Grosso, Brazil www.aviacaoagricola.com

October 1-2, 2015 CoAAA Operation SAFE Fly-In La Junta Municipal Airport La Junta, CO coagav@gmail.com www.coagv.org October 9-11, 2015 NAAA Fall Board Meeting TBD Lindsay Barber Tel: 202-546-5722 Fax: 202-546-5726 information@agaviation.org October 26-28, 2015 KsAAA Convention Hilton Garden Inn Manhattan, KS ksagaviation.org November 10-12, 2015 CoAAA Convention Embassy Suites Loveland, CO Jessica Freeman coagav@gmail.com www.coagv.org

December 7-10, 2015 NAAA Annual Convention and Exposition Savannah, GA Lindsay Barber Tel: 202-546-5722 Fax: 202-546-5726 information@agaviation.org www.agaviation.org January 7-9, 2016 MsAAA Convention Beau Rivage Casino/Hotel Biloxi, MS Vicki Morgan 662-299-7836 msaaa.com February 12-15, 2016 Spring Fall Board Meeting TBD Lindsay Barber Tel: 202-546-5722 Fax: 202-546-5726 information@agaviation.org

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Turbine Conversions LTD............................................Michigan Thomas R Summersill, Inc...............................................Florida Cascade Aircraft Conversions LLC......................... Washington Simplex Manufacturing..................................................Oregon Crop-Jet Aviation......................................................... Australia Pratt & Whitney Canada PWC......................................Canada Golden West Aviation Inc...............................................Canada Laviasa.........................................................................Argentina Louisiana Agricultural Aviation Assoc........................Louisiana Start Pac..........................................................................Nevada

February 2015


agair mail argentina Jimmy Sanders This photo was taken in the mid 70s. Art Kazmierczak of Kazmierczak Brothers Flying Service in Lodi, Wisconsin also had a winter flying service in Immokalle, Florida. Art called Jimmy Sanders by nickname, “The Undertaker”, because of the way Jimmy dressed to go out in the evenings on the town. He was a sure ‘nuff lady’s man with his bow tie and suit. Bill “Wild Bill” Bergman Foley, AL Dear Wild Bill; Sure was good to see you in Mississippi at the MsAAA convention. Hope your shoulder is feeling better; arm slings are not conducive to ag-flying! “The Undertaker”, uh? Well, would that be like in “underwear”? Ha! You have to admit, our industry has always produced a colorful lot. ­—Bill

I have just returned from an enjoyable visit to Argentina and during discussion with pilots some ideas started to spin in my head, so I am sending them to you for your opinion before I forget. We have known for years that spray drift increases as we increase aircraft speed due largely to droplet shatter. There have been a number of major drift issues related in general to the higher speed turbine aircraft and especially so with the AT-802. Restrictions on aerial application are almost 100% linked to spray drift of herbicide with severe threats in Brazil and Argentina. The veteran ag-pilots all report minimum risk of drift with the Piper PA235 and Brave aircraft. What about the industry developing a slower flying, wider wing aircraft that could apply herbicides safely with minimum risk of spray drift.

As for slower applications for less drift; already the industry has such an aircraft and it only makes up about 10% of the fleet, while the faster turbines continue to increase. That aircraft is the helicopter!

How big is the market for herbicides to be applied by air and how much bigger could it grow if the industry had an aircraft that could apply herbicides with minimum drift? Alan McCracken Kansas City, MO

So, hopefully, you see how futile it would be to try to convince the industry to buy a slower, fatter wing aircraft. The old 600 hp Thrush and 1,000 hp piston-Dromader, as well as the Weatherly, all fit that description and have fallen by the wayside —Bill

Good morning Alan; The quick, short answer is productivity. The main reason the industry moved to larger and



faster aircraft was for productivity. There are three basic elements in an ag-plane that translates into productivity; hopper size, swath width and airspeed. Of those three, only one is a constant factor throughout the mission from takeoff to landing. The hopper is only producing maximum productivity when it is full, many loads are hauled that are not with a full hopper. The swath only increases productivity during the spray run, approximately 25% or less of the mission flight time. However, the airspeed is a constant factor of increased productivity throughout the mission profile. You increase the hopper 10% or the swath 10%, you do not get a 10% increase in productivity. You increase the airspeed 10%, your productivity increases by 10%.

eagle vista december graduates

Trent Mulder, Minnesota

Rainer Brito, Dominican Republic

Eric Van Horne, Illinois

Bill and Deborah, Here are our latest Eagle Vistas Graduates, Trent A Mulder, Rainer Brito and Eric Van Horne. Please let me know if you need any other information or format. Thank you so much for helping our students get started with a complimentary six-month subscription of AgAir Update!

home to be here. He then went straight to the Ag-Pilot program with us and will now go back to Minnesota to build his time for his Commercial Pilot’s license and hopes to work for a commercial operator this summer. He wants to buy an ag-plane in the future to treat his farm.

Eric Van Horne from Illinois has already bought a Pawnee and will be working with a retired ag operator as his mentor to start his business. Beverly Berry Eagle Vistas Sebring, FL

Rainer Brito is from the Dominican Republic and came to us with an FAA Private Pilot license. He has a job waiting for him in a Pawnee.

Beverly; Congratulations to Randy and you for having great success training new ag-pilots. It is important these pilots have training before entering the profession. ­—Bill

Trent Mulder is from a farming family in Minnesota and came to us as a 0-time student. He completed his Private Pilot in 29 days! He even missed Thanksgiving at



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February 2015



see you

Thank you for your email. I have just signed up to Heliweb Online and would be very grateful if you would kindly put me onto AAU also. Please know that I too am very eager to spread the information we have put together: One aspect of general aviation safety that too often goes unrecognised is the need to work together and to think of ourselves as one industry, one system. It is so important that experienced and senior operators have an opportunity to have input into the safety effort and to have input into the overall character of the industry. Please let me know if you require me to send through any further information regarding our bulletins, or the bulletins themselves. Thanks, Joe Dewar Regulatory Intelligence Analyst Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand Wellington, NZ Joe I have only read the one bulletin that caught my attention. I will study the link more thoroughly and if any questions arise, I will most certainly contact you. After you have had a chance to read AAU and heliweb, and you feel the desire to write a commentary for publication, it would be welcome. Be sure to read the New Zealand Safety Bulletin article on page 18 in this edition. —Bill

We really enjoy your magazine and appreciate the support you give to this industry. Will see you in Grand Forks at the Tri-State. Don’t forget your long underwear. John Thisius Wells MN John, Surely you know by now, after so many years of me attending the Tri-States convention that I resolve to stay inside! However, this year, Cindy Schreiber-Beck has guaranteed me excellent weather akin to springtime! Looking forward to seeing you and all

the other great guys and gals there in February.—Bill

excellent Really enjoy your magazine. We (Beck II Farms) manage Jim Mills Ag Service in Potomac, Illinois. Keep up the excellent work. Robert Beck Danville, IL Thanks Robert. Your comment and those from others that are encouraging make it all the easier! ­—Bill


Thought you might enjoy these pictures. They were taken last summer in Nebraska. Having some fun during the corn fungicide run. Pilots from front to rear (bottom to top) are: Luke Meyers (602), Barry Blackstone (602), Dale Rose (502), Shane Donovan (502), Jarrod Wehrman (502), Pat Donovan (402). The chase plane is a Citabria owned and flown by Zach Dressman and the photographer is Gavin Caldwell. Pat and Shane Donovan Minneapolis, Kansas

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February 2015


Flying the

Turbine Brave The Turbine Brave has a thick wing chord and handles much like a Thrush, except lighter on the controls.

by Bill Lavender A couple of aircraft manufacturers have tried to bring a less than 300-gallon capacity ag-aircraft to the marketplace in recent years, but have not been successful. Even the two leading aircraft manufacturing companies, Thrush Aircraft and Air Tractor, still have a piston engine, 400-gallon capacity aircraft in their fleet, but rarely produce one. It seems evident, at least in the North American market, there may not be a place for a 300 or less gallons agaircraft. Maybe that is not exactly true, since no less than four 285-gallon hopper capacity Turbine Brave deliveries were made in 2014 with another five scheduled for 2015. The Turbine Brave is a Piper Brave PA36 with a factory 285-gallon hopper and a PT6A-20 engine installed per an STC held by Souther Field Aviation based in Americus, Georgia. This is not a new

STC, but one previously held by Turbines, Inc. of Terra Haute, Indiana. Souther Field Aviation, owned by Frankie Williams, bought the STC in the fall of 2013. Frankie is intimately familiar with the conversion. During his 39 years as an ag-pilot, he has owned a Turbine Brave for the past 14 years and has logged over 6,500 hours in it without any issues. After Souther Field Aviation acquired the Turbine Brave STC, the company immediately began applying for and were issued 197 PMAs that enabled it to efficiently convert a piston Piper Brave to a turbine powered aircraft. These PMAs covered the manufacture of the engine mount, cowlings, oil cooler bracket, instrument panel with

appropriate instruments, wiring harness, throttle quadrant, air filter assembly and other necessary items to make the conversion. The Turbine Brave conversion comes with a fresh overhauled PT6A-20 and a new 3-blade Hartzell propeller; the same propeller used on the PT6A-34AG engines on Air Tractor and Thrush aircraft, except with shorter blades. All accessories have a fresh overhaul, or are new. The air filter is a reusable wire mesh, like found on the King Air. The kit is more aerodynamic than the piston version Brave and weighs approximately 200 pounds less. The fly away price is $245,000 USD. Delivery time is 12 weeks from receiving the piston version Brave to converting to the Turbine Brave. Acquiring the engine takes most of the 12 weeks, often requiring 6-7 weeks delivery time. The deposit for buying the Turbine Brave conversion is used to purchase the engine.

The Turbine Brave conversion comes with a fresh overhauled PT6A-20 and a new 3-blade Hartzell propeller; the same propeller used on the PT6A-34AG engines for Air Tractor and Thrush aircraft, except with shorter blades.



An Arizona operator bought the first Turbine Brave conversion from Souther Field Aviation in April 2014. He has since ordered two more. A Kansas operator has also bought one. Now with

ANAC approval (Brazilian FAA), two firewall forward kits have been ordered by Brazilian operators. The aircraft is certified in most South American countries, including Brazil. Frankie reports the Turbine Brave easily handles 250-260 gallon loads under any sprayable conditions. He uses approximately 1,500 feet during take off when fully loaded with both chemical and fuel. The engine burns about 32 GPH while working. Although the engine is capable of producing 550 SHP, it is derated for the conversion to 450 SHP. This is 29 PSI on the torque meter and 2,200 RPM for the propeller. Frankie uses 27 PSI of torque on take off and works the aircraft at 22 PSI and 2,000 RPM. This pushes the Turbine Brave to the field, across it and back home at 130-135 MPH. Frankie averages about 110-120 acres (about 50 hectares) an hour in a working area that is mostly small, 25-40 acre (1015 ha) fields, applying 3-5 GPA (30-50 liters per ha). Most of the flying is within a 15-mile (25 kilometers) radius of Souther Field Aviation’s home base in Americus. In 2012, Frankie spread 240 tons (218,000 kilos) of urea, hauling 1,800 pounds (818 kilos) per load. The first time this author flew the Turbine Brave was in June 1992 during the certification for Turbines, Inc. I flew it later in the early 2000s during comparative evaluation flights with it and a Garrett Pre-Century powered Turbine Brave. For this article, I had the pleasure of flying it again, 22 years later. I can attest, it was just as delightful this year as it was in the past. The Turbine Brave is akin to a baby Thrush, if you can imagine such a thing. It has a thick wing chord and handles much like a Thrush, except lighter on the controls. When I flew the aircraft, it performed as Frankie claimed. I started out trying to make high, climbing turns, but quickly found out it turned better almost flat with a small climb. Flaps didn’t seem to make any difference, like with a Thrush. The aircraft held no surprises for any of the multiple landings I made. The propeller reverse and powerful engine makes it a true STOL aircraft.

Souther Field Aviation, owned by Frankie Williams, bought the Turbine Brave STC in the fall of 2013. Frankie is intimately familiar with the conversion. During his 39 years as an agpilot, he has owned a Turbine Brave for the past 14 years, and has logged over 6,500 hours in the aircraft.

I don’t know how well the Turbine Brave would work in high-volume applications. However, it was pretty easy to imagine a money making machine for anything under 5 GPA. I would have like to have seen a faster ferry speed when using 20 PSI on the torque meter. I suppose if an operator wanted to buy the extra fuel, a higher power setting could be used to get closer to the 140 MPH mark. A higher power setting would surely not be a problem for the engine that is already derated by nearly 20%. A mindful eye on the ITT gauge would confirm that assumption.

For much less than $350,000 USD, an operator could buy a piston Brave, sell off the firewall forward, install the turbine conversion with a fresh OH PT6A-20, new prop, new paint throughout and compliance with the spar AD and have a profitable ag-plane. Most likely, there would be enough left over of that $350,000 to include a GPS and airconditioner. In this day of million dollar ag-aircraft, those numbers are extremely inviting. To know more about the Turbine Brave conversion, contact Frankie Williams at Souther Field Aviation: 866924-2813 or frankie@southerfield.com.

Frankie Williams assists AgAir Update publisher Bill Lavender with a briefing prior to takeoff.

February 2015


USDA releases 2013 annual summary for pesticide data program Report confirms that pesticide residues do not pose a safety concern for U.S. food WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has posted data from the 2013 Pesticide Data Program (PDP) Annual Summary. The PDP summary confirms that overall pesticide chemical residues found on the foods tested are at levels below the tolerances established by the EPA and do not pose a safety concern. This information, along with an explanatory guide for consumers, can be found at www.ams.usda.gov/pdp.

sampled through PDP had residues below the EPA tolerances. Residues exceeding the tolerance were detected in 0.23 percent of the samples tested. The PDP pesticide residue results are reported to FDA and EPA through monthly reports. In instances where a PDP finding is extraordinary and may pose a safety risk, FDA and EPA are immediately notified. EPA has determined the extremely low levels of those residues are not a food safety risk, and the presence of such residues does not pose a safety concern.

The 2013 PDP Annual Summary shows that over 99 percent of the products

Each year, USDA and EPA work together to identify foods to be tested on a

rotating basis. In 2013, surveys were conducted on a variety of foods including fresh and processed fruits and vegetables, infant formula, butter, salmon, groundwater, and drinking water. AMS partners with cooperating state agencies to collect and analyze pesticide chemical residue levels on selected foods. The EPA uses data from PDP to enhance its programs for food safety and help evaluate dietary exposure to pesticides.

Statement from USDA: “The Pesticide Data Program provides reliable data through rigorous sampling that helps assure consumers that the produce they feed their families is safe. This report confirms again that pesticide residues are below levels deemed safe.”

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February 2015


Statement from FDA: “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is responsible for assessing whether pesticide chemical residues found on food make the food unlawful under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. FDA is able to conduct its own tests, interpret the reported violations, and determine if additional testing is needed in order to take enforcement action, as appropriate.”

Statement from EPA: “PDP is invaluable to EPA in its work to evaluate pesticide residues in food. EPA remains committed to a rigorous, science-based, and transparent regulatory program for pesticides that continues to protect people’s health and the environment.”

GE Aviation

Since its inception, the PDP has tested 112 commodities including fresh and processed fruits and vegetables, dairy, meat and poultry, grains, fish, rice, specialty products, and water. In 2013, the program expanded to include samples of infant formula, raspberries and salmon. The data are a valuable tool for consumers, food producers and processors, chemical manufacturers, environmental interest groups, and food safety organizations. The findings of the Pesticide Data Program Annual Summary, Calendar Year 2013 can be downloaded at www.ams.usda. gov/pdp. Printed copies of can be obtained by contacting the USDA, Agricultural Marketing Service, Science and Technology Program, Monitoring Programs Division by e-mail request @ amsmpo.data@ ams.usda.gov.

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For more information on EPA pesticide residue tolerances, visit the EPA website at www.epa.gov/ pesticides/food.

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12/13/11 3:43 PM


February 2015


NZ - Safety Bulletins

Ag work increasing wire strike accident risk This bulletin is the product of a collaborative effort between the New Zealand Helicopter Association (NZHA) and the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to establish and analyse an extensive database of New Zealand helicopter accidents. Its purpose is to distribute the results so that we may all learn as much as possible from the accidents of the past and adapt our operations and procedures accordingly. Ten months into 2014, the New Zealand helicopter industry recorded 14 accidents, 6 deaths, and 9 serious injuries on its safety ledger. It’s the worst performance for a number of years, and so it’s time to take stock of where we stand. The accident data that we present to you have come at an enormous cost: dozens of lives lost, machines destroyed, hundreds of grieving family members left behind. We owe it to the lost pilots to discipline ourselves to the task of improvement.




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Changing face of ag work Every year we submit information to the CAA on our agricultural operations. Here’s some data that is based on those submissions. The numbers are showing that there has been a huge increase in the role of helicopters in the ag sector. In 2005 we were spreading 36,000 tonnes of dry product and applied 51 million litres of liquid. In 2013 we spread 500,000 tonnes of dry product and applied 76 million litres of liquid. The shift to helicopters in the agricultural sector is striking and it reflects some major developments in both the products themselves and our ability to carry and spread them. Partly it’s a success story, but it’s also a cause for concern. How many of you out there have the proper resources to deal with the increasing workload? How hard are you pushing your pilots to get work done? We are a crucial cog in New Zealand’s agriculture industry but it cannot come at the cost of the lives and limbs of pilots. With an ag work theme in mind, we turn to address a major accident type, wire strikes.

Wire strikes November’s tragic, fatal accident near Wanganui was a wire strike. Wire strike accidents are the scourge of the whole New Zealand helicopter industry: every year we lose good pilots to this type of accident; and every year there are close calls and near-misses. In 2002, Greg Whyte published the book ‘Fatal Traps for Helicopter Pilots’. On wire strike accidents, he said this: “Some

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February 2015


years ago a pilot in Wellington – a true hero of many rescues and well over 10,000 hours logged – was helping police track an escaped prisoner and inadvertently hovered into major transmission wires that he himself had helped erect across the gully”i. Experience is no defence. The simple truth is that wire strike accidents happen when we don’t pay attention and when we don’t plan. They happen when we do jobs that we’ve done time after time and consider to be ‘routine’. Three days after that accident, New Zealand’s first fatal R22 accident occurred. It was a wire strike on an early-morning hunting mission over the Landsborough River on the West Coast. The pilot knew the wire was there: only days before he hit it, he warned both a student pilot and his shooter to be aware about the cable that crossed the river. The pilot had 5,997 hours logged.

Unlike other accident categories, experience and weather are not typically identified as causal factors in wire strike accidents. In fact, according to the FAA, the average age of the accident pilot is 43.5 years, with over 4000 hours of flight time. Likewise, the weather is typically good—86% of these accidents occur in daytime VMCii. The accident record shows that since the 1980s we’ve clocked up a total of 135 accidents and incidents where we’ve hit or nearly hit wires. These have led to 42 fatalities and 28 serious injuries. Not surprisingly, it’s ag work that has racked up the most: Flight type Agricultural work Other aerial work Private Passenger transport Hunting Surveillance Air ambulance Ferry flight Survey/inspection Freight only

Total wire strikes 72 26 12 8 8 4 2 2 2 1

But even though there have been so many in the ag sector, in reality anyone operating at low level is at risk.

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And right now we are in the danger period in the year for these accidents: more happen in November and December than any other month:

Pilot attention One major underlying factor is distraction. Distraction in a lowlevel operation can be deadly at any stage; from planning through to flying. Because of the close proximity of the hazards, even the smallest lapse in attention can be fatal. It is just so important to stay focused on the job at hand when you are in the air, as these accidents below show. 7:30 pm early December. Jet Ranger on spraying job near Hawkes Bay. The pilot struck wires while on a slow approach to land. He had flown around 12 successful runs prior to the accident, keeping his distance from the wires each time. In the post-accident report the pilot reported that he had unconsciously turned his attention to upcoming operational tasks. The actual approach he had planned required flying in between sets of wires, so that momentary lapse in focus was enough to catch him out. Getting distracted from low level wires doesn’t need to come from a sudden event. Anything that causes the presence of the wires to fade from the pilot’s awareness is hazardous: To be continued, part two, March issue.

Below is the data on the time of day that these accidents occur: i Whyte, Greg. Fatal Traps for Helicopter Pilots, p.102. ii Lau, Stuart. A Plan for Reducing Wire strike Accidents. http:// www.skybrary.aero/bookshelf/books/2885.pdf Credit: NZHA/NZAAA and CAA

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Most of them happen before the afternoon and the real danger period is between 9 A.M. and 1 P.M.

Underlying factors The data shows that it’s not inexperience and weather conditions aren’t always a factor. It also shows that all too often it’s also not a lack of awareness of the wire location: an ATSB study showed 63% of the pilots involved in the Australian wire strike accidents knew where the wire was in advance. So what is it?

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February 2015


Women in ag aviation Rochele Barcellos Teixeira — Brazil There are 1,200 agricultural pilots in Brazil of which only seven are women. According to ANAC, Brazil’s FAA, today there are 27,812 men and only 505 women with valid pilot’s licenses in Brazil, as a whole. Although the Agency does not have a survey on how many of these licenses are for agricultural aircraft (helicopters are not yet used for spraying in Brazil), SINDAG, Brazil’s ag operators association,, estimates there are 1,200 agricultural pilots. A survey with five agricultural aviation schools in the country revealed only seven are women. One of them is 32-year-old Rochele Barcellos Teixeira, from Canoas, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Graduated from ag

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aviation school in 2009 (a requirement in Brazil), Rochele has flown five seasons and some out-of-season flying, mostly in São Paulo, Alagoas, Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso do Sul. “I flew over a bit of everything: soybeans, orange and eucalyptus trees, corn, pasture and a lot of sugar cane,” says the brunette with a strong personality. Rochele arrived at the flight school thinking to fly for the airlines, but changed her mind after her first contact with an ag aircraft. “Despite the fear of prejudice that I could suffer,” she adds. But, to her surprise, she never had any from growers, who were curious about seeing a woman in an ag-plane cockpit. Which is not to say she didn’t have to face uncomfortable situations, especially with mechanics. “Many times they thought I was making up some problem, or I didn’t know what I was complaining about, or even requesting,” she recalls.

Ada Rogato, the pioneer The first woman to spray in an agricultural aircraft in Brazil was Ada Leda Rogato in 1948 to treat the coffee berry borer. This was in São Paulo state, just a year after

the first aerial spraying in the country took place in Rio Grande do Sul state. Born in 1910, Ada Rogato is for Brazil what Amelia Earhart is for the US: an icon of the aviation industry. Ada Rogato became a pilot when she was 25 years old and was the first Brazilian woman to earn a glider licenses and make a parachute jump. She was the first person to cross the Amazon alone, flying a small plane. She was also the first Brazilian woman to cross the Andes Mountains in a small plane, as well as to fly across The Americas from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska. source: www.sindag.org.br


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February 2015


Best Brain Bucket Congratulations to Reed Keahey from Louisiana on winning the Best Brain Bucket Contest. From Reed’s submission: “This helmet was my dad’s that I found in a closet. After I started my first spray season, I decided to get it refurbished! Now it’s my brain bucket!.” Reed won an additional two years to his AAU subscription, a Gibson & Barnes fleece jacket and helmet bag filled with swag.

2nd place Ron Deck submitted by Sky Tractor

3rd place Kameron Gradert Iowa

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Status report on Endangered Species Act implementation in pesticide regulation The EPA and its federal partners, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), have written a report to Congress on the status of Endangered Species Act implementation in pesticide regulation. The EPA and its federal partners are committed to refining their approach to pesticide consultations to protect endangered and threatened species. This report was required by the 2014 Farm Bill and summarizes actions carried out by the agencies since receiving the April 2013 National Academy of Sciences’ report, entitled “Assessing Risks to Endangered and Threatened Species from Pesticides.” Since receiving the NAS report, the federal partners have: • built a collaborative relationship among the federal partners; • clarified roles and responsibilities for the agencies; • improved stakeholder engagement and transparency during review and consultation processes; • held two joint agency workshops resulting in interim approaches for use in assessing risks to ESA-listed species from pesticides;

• created a plan and schedule for applying the interim approaches to a set of pesticide compounds; and • hosted multiple workshops and meetings with stakeholders. Read the full report at www.epa.gov/oppfead1/endanger/2014/ esa-reporttocongress.pdf.

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February 2015



The power of NAAA: social networking in the flesh The National Agricultural Aviation Association, like most trade associations, serves many purposes. As the voice of the aerial application industry, NAAA serves as the industry’s spokesperson in the media and as the recognized public policy advocate for the agricultural aviation industry within the halls of government. NAAA works with its partner organization, the National Agricultural Research & Education Foundation (NAAREF), to provide research and educational programs focused on enhancing the efficacy, security and safety of aerial application. NAAA and its new Support Committee promote the benefits of ag aviation to the public at agricultural and aviation trade shows, through the media and in their communities by highlighting the importance of aerial application to agriculture, forestry and the public welfare. As an institution, “the national association” does all that and more on behalf of the industry, but first and foremost NAAA is a membership organization made of people just like you who work in, support, or want to get into the agricultural aviation industry. Webster’s Dictionary defines an association as “an organization of persons having a common interest.” The National Agricultural Aviation Association was founded on Nov. 28, 1966, because the association’s founding fathers recognized agricultural pilots have a unique set of needs and interests and, as such, would be better off by banding together to advance the aerial application industry and its members. It was the right thing to do for the industry, but the personal and professional



benefits of working together with a committed group of likeminded individuals were equally important factors that contributed to NAAA’s growth and paved the way for the vibrant association that exists today. NAAA has a strong base of loyal members who faithfully renew their memberships each year “because it’s the right thing to do,” but they also remain with NAAA year and after year because of the connections they have made through the association. NAAA is the original social network and remains so even in the age of online social networking. The networking, mentoring and professional development opportunities available through NAAA are unrivaled. That alone is reason enough to belong to NAAA if you are an ag pilot or operator. If you have an overriding interest in agricultural aviation or would like to become an agricultural pilot, joining NAAA as an associate member is a great place to learn more about the industry and tap into the networking and mentoring opportunities available through NAAA. Here are some of the ways that NAAA helps experienced and aspiring ag pilots advance their careers. Get in the know with NAAA’s publications: All members receive the NAAA eNewsletter, which contains significant information keeping you abreast of important events happening in the industry to help your bottom line as an ag pilot, operator or if your business is aligned with the agricultural aviation industry. You also receive Agricultural Aviation magazine, NAAA’s flagship publication covering industry trends,

regulations and other topics of interest. The magazine is also delivered to key policymakers, media outlets and universities across the country so key decision makers are aware of the importance of our nation’s aerial application industry. Keep an eye on your email or fax machine for NAAREF’s Fly Safe Campaign messages, which deliver important safety reminders to operators and pilots during the spring and summer. Previous Fly Safes are archived at www.agaviation.org/flysafe. NAAA Membership Directory: NAAA’s Annual Membership Directory is coveted by newcomers and longtime members alike, and not just because they like seeing their names in print. NAAA’s Membership Directory is loaded with operator and pilot contacts—a goldmine for anyone looking to fill a seat or who has a seat to fill. The directory is an indispensable asset, and it’s is only available to NAAA members. NAAA Online Job Board: If you’re an operator who needs a pilot or a pilot looking for work, post a free job listing on NAAA’s website. This, too, is only available to NAAA members. NAAA’s job board will be enhanced in 2015. Visit www.agaviation.org/joblistings for more information. Additional resources, tips and advice are available in the Careers section of NAAA’s website at www. agaviation.org/careers. Annual Convention: You won’t find a better opportunity to network with operators and pilots or stay abreast of the latest technology, products and trends impacting your business than at NAAA’s Annual Convention &

Exposition. Networking is the top reason why people attend NAAA’s convention, and it pretty much goes on 24/7 during the show. NAAA members receive discounted registration fees to attend the Annual NAAA Convention & Exposition each year and allied member companies receive substantial discounts on booth fees to exhibit at the NAAA Convention. Don’t miss the 49th Annual NAAA Convention & Exposition Dec. 7–10 in Savannah, Ga. Compaass Rose: Compaass Rose is an information-sharing session geared toward low-time and prospective ag pilots held at NAAA’s convention. Certain state associations offer Compaass Rose at their conventions too. Compaass Rose grew out of the PAASS Program and is led by PAASS presenters. Attendees run the gamut, ranging from people with no experience who want to learn about the industry to highly experienced pilots and operators interested in nurturing a new generation of ag pilots. Speed Mentoring: Speed mentoring is a fast-paced orientation session designed to provide new and prospective ag pilots with a quick 360-degree overview of what’s required and what it takes to work as a pilot in the agricultural aviation industry. Held at NAAA’s annual convention, each speed mentoring round lasts 10 to 15 minutes and is led by experienced operators and pilots, insurance representatives, regulatory personnel and ag school representatives. Speed mentoring is an excellent forum for new and low-time ag pilots to meet face to face with industry experts in a smaller group setting than Compaass Rose. Agricultural Aviation Scholarship: NAAA has been awarding the NAAA/ BASF Agricultural Aviation Scholarship since 2010 to help NAAA Operator Members bring new pilots into the profession. The recipients must use the proceeds for flight training or agricultural coursework at an institution of higher learning. A stipend for a trainee in an NAAA Operator-sponsored apprentice program is also permissible. To date, NAAA and BASF have awarded $38,500 in scholarships over the past five years.

To learn more about NAAA’s pilot training scholarship, visit www. agaviation.org/agaviationscholarship. NAAA/Syngenta Leadership Training Program: One of NAAA’s most valuable and rewarding initiatives is its Leadership Training Program. The program, which Syngenta Crop Protection has generously sponsored since its inception in 1995, has greatly benefitted NAAA, its members and the agricultural aviation industry by helping individual members strengthen their professionalism, increase their confidence and augment their leadership skills. It has also fostered lifelong connections among participants in the same leadership class. The NAAA/ Syngenta Leadership Training Program— also known by Syngenta as Leadership at Its Best—teaches participants how to effectively communicate with the public, media and government, and use those tools to improve the image of aerial application and serve as strong industry leaders. Nearly 300 participants have benefited from this training in the 20 years it has been offered. Visit agaviation. org/leadershiptrainingprogram to learn more. NAAA Membership: While the benefits of NAAA membership should be obvious by now, a common refrain some prospective members give is that they intend to join at some later point, perhaps when they are more established. The fact of the matter is, membership in NAAA provides instant credibility and will help you get established. Regardless of your situation, chances are there is a membership category for you, as well as opportunities for free or rebated memberships. For anyone who is interested but not actively involved in the aerial application industry, joining NAAA as an associate member is an inexpensive way to learn more about the industry, tap into NAAA’s many resources and qualify for the discounted member rates to attend NAAA’s convention. Ag pilots in training who graduate from an ag flight training school that belongs to NAAA automatically qualify for a free one-year pilot membership, compliments of NAAA. Visit www.agaviation.org/ flightschoolinformation for a list of

eligible flight schools. In addition, the BASF-sponsored Operation S.A.F.E. Rebate Program gives operators and pilots the opportunity to earn rebates that may allow them to recover a substantial portion of their membership dues. To learn more about the Operation S.A.F.E. Member Rebate Program, refer to the official program rules at www. agaviation.org/operationsafe. All of these initiatives are made possible thanks to the support of NAAA’s members. If you aren’t a member already, we invite you to become one. It only takes a few minutes to join NAAA and is one of the best investments you can make for yourself and your business. To join, call 202-546-5722 or visit www. agaviation.org/membership.

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February 2015


EPA revised chlorpyrifos assessment shows risk to workers WASHINGTON—EPA is released an assessment for public comment on the potential for human health risk of the pesticide chlorpyrifos. This assessment shows some risks to workers who mix, load and apply chlorpyrifos pesticide products. When used in large amounts, chlorpyrifos has the potential to pose risks in limited

geographic areas when drinking water from small watersheds. There were no additional risks from pesticide exposures in food or exposures to bystanders and workers from airborne chlorpyrifos. The latest USDA pesticide residue data show no concerns for chlorpyrifos in food, with the pesticide detected in less than 1% of samples. Based on the results of the risk assessment, additional restrictions may be necessary to ensure that workers who use or work around areas treated with chlorpyrifos are protected and that drinking water sources are protected. The agency will now begin work on measures to reduce these risks.

In 2000, EPA banned household uses of chlorpyrifos, In 2000, EPA banned household uses of chlorpyrifos, with the exception of ant and roach bait in child-resistant packaging. Between 2000 and 2002 EPA cancelled the use of chlorpyrifos on tomatoes and restricted use on crops including apples, citrus and tree nuts. In 2012, EPA imposed “no-spray” buffer zones around public spaces, including recreational areas and homes, and significantly lowered pesticide application rates. The assessment updates the June 2011 preliminary human health risk assessment based on new information received,



including public comments. EPA factored in exposures from multiple sources including from the exposures from food and water, from inhaling the pesticide and through the skin. EPA considered all populations including infants, children, and women of child-bearing age. EPA incorporated information from a 2012 assessment of spray drift exposure and as well as new restrictions put into place to limit spray drift. EPA is also assessing the ecological risks from chlorpyrifos in conjunction with the agency’s Endangered Species Protection Program; Results are expected later in 2015. To view EPA’s revised risk assessment: http://www.regulations. gov/#!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0850-0195


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To view related documents and submit comments, go to docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0850 at www.regulations.gov. The public comment period will be open for 60 days, beginning the day of publication in the Federal Register. To read more about chlorpyrifos and its uses visit: http:// www2.epa.gov/ingredients-used-pesticide-products/revisedhuman-health-risk-assessment-chlorpyrifos

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February 2015


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LaAAA highlights • Lafayette, LA • January 5-7, 2015 Photos by Ashley Olivier and AAU

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February 2015


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hands-on flying

The Bakersfield Sound If you’re a country music fan you’ve probably heard of the “Bakersfield Sound.” Acoustic guitars, crooning vocals, and blue collar ballads. Busted knuckle songs of the working man’s life. Buck Owens and Merle Haggard brought dirty overalls and calloused hands into the same auditorium as big cowboy hats and silk suits. Thanks to them, the twang of dirt road honky-tonks and Okie dreams entered mainstream music. If they ever had any competition to the

claim of developing an unmistakable, regional sound however, it might just be in the persons of Francis Pratt and Amos Whitney. To a particular area of California’s Central Valley, the snarl of a Pratt and


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Whitney R-1340 would be what many in the Bakersfield area would consider the true Bakersfield sound. Generations grew up to the low moaning tones of radial engines. From dawn to dark and even dark to dawn. It’s a sound that permeated the dusty town that sits as a suburban island in a sea of cotton fields. Many folks recall waking up to the roar of a crop duster, watching them in youthful fascination with noses pressed against school bus windows, holding

their breath to keep from fogging up the glass. Thrilled by the low flying ‘daredevil’ in the cockpit as he zoomed across the fields in the dawn or soared overhead in the dusk. After the day was done, the moan of distant engines accompanied by the soft glow of an old radio dial would often sing them to sleep, carrying them on yellow wings into their dreams.

decades. Squadrons of Stearmans lived out their second careers in the Central Valley and some of the men who flew them became legends in the aviation world. It can be a tough world there, a hard place for an ag pilot to cut his teeth. The season is long by most standards a n d

It’s a nostalgic view to be certain, but it’s one of those rooster crowing, smell of bacon, Dad’s pipe and Mom’s apple pie things that make up memories and is sewn into the fabric of who people are. Crop dusters and Bakersfield go together like peas and carrots. Dozens of ag aviation operators worked the area around Bakersfield for

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the work is non stop. The fields, however, are generally big, flat and open. Obstacles have increased prolifically

in t h e past several years as urban expansion has gone from creeping to rushing. I think maybe the population explosion in the area is panting and pausing to catch its breath for now. New concrete is still being poured every day, however. The operators that remain in the area today are sharp and savvy. There is a sort of laid backness about them that speaks of cool evenings on a front porch strumming an old guitar. An “aw heck’ kinda friendliness, matter of fact speech and down to earth common sense is a breath of fresh air to a dislocated Okie like myself. It’s definitely not what one would expect from any place in the world with the word ‘California’ in it’s name. I take some personal, and possibly selfish satisfaction, in the fact that due to the dust bowl migration of the 1930s,

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February 2015


there is a lot of Okie DNA out here. At least some good came out of all that bad. (Taking the liberty to speak for my home state... You’re welcome California.) Buck and Merle’s sound has become more sophisticated since those long ago dusty days of step side pickup trucks. Vinyl records are now digitized, enhanced and converted to compact discs which are more reliable, faster running and, of course, more expensive. Questionable acoustics have been replaced with computerized balance and a kind of high fidelity that even Thomas Edison could never have imagined. So goes the ag aviation world. The rumble of nine cylinders has been replaced with the high pitched howl of turboprop engines and swath accuracy has gone from relying on a stumbling person pacing


off a distance to GPS precision that lays out lines you couldn’t pass a guitar pick through. Still, the sound and the motions strike the same chord across the cotton fields and over the highways. Yellow wings flashing in the sky is still as much a part of life in the Valley as it ever was. Helicopters have carved a wider niche in the market and they too add their own staccato rhythm to the song. When the season is at its height, it’s a concert of work getting done when the largest portion of California’s economy is being nurtured and prepared for that end of summer day when it will be bundled up and turned into renewable wealth. It still amazes me when I think of the vastness of California’s farmlands and the enormous share of the entire state’s income it represents and how the largest percentage of the population here doesn’t even know it exists. Mind numbing. I am grateful for those who do know, those who appreciate and participate, who’s lives have taken shape in around crop production. Some of them don’t work in agriculture, but they grew up where farming is a way of life and know it for what it is. They drive down the highway to their city jobs and when they see a crop duster flying low and fast across the field, they remember pressing their noses against the window of a school bus to watch. The old school bus has been replaced with a newer version, but the fascination still exists. Maybe they turn up the stereo in their cars, tap their fingers on the steering wheel and entertain some fond memories while an old Buck Owens song provides the background music. “I... got... a... tiger by the tail, it’s plain to see.... “



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February 2015


Upgrades to endangered species web tool: Bulletins Live! Two EPA is releasing Bulletins Live! Two, an upgraded version of Bulletins Live!, a web-based map application used to access geographically-specific threatened and endangered species protection Bulletins. This system is an important tool for pesticide users since it makes it easier to find pesticide use limitations for specific areas. Go to www.epa.gov/oppfead1/ endanger/bulletins.htm to view the new application. Please note, if you are using Internet Explorer and have accessed Bulletins Live! in the past, you will need to clear your history or set your browser to check for newer versions of stored pages. Bulletins generated by the application contain enforceable, geographically-specific pesticide use limitations that are necessary to ensure using a pesticide will not harm a threatened or endangered species or their critical habitat designated under the Endangered Species Act. A reference to Bulletins on a pesticide label ensures that the Bulletin’s pesticide use limitations are enforceable under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act.

Bulletins Live! Two has several new features, including • an interactive map; • different basemaps (satellite, street, geographic, etc.) to help users determine if specific pesticide use limitations apply in areas where the pesticide is intended for use; advanced • searches for active ingredient, product (by name or registration number), location (state, county, specific address); and • an enhanced system to receive public comments on draft Bulletins. The new Bulletins Live! Two application is intended to replace Bulletins Live! and includes all of the current pesticide limitations captured in Bulletins Live! including 113 county Bulletins for 10 states for the protection of 14 threatened and endangered species.

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February 2015


MsAAA highlights­­ • Biloxi, MS • January 15-17, 2015

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wing and a prayer

Carlin Lawrence carlin@agairupdate.com

Cherubim angels around God’s throne “And from the throne proceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices” (Revelation 4:5a). The thunder and lightning represents the fury and wrath of God. After the Hebrew people were warned not to touch Mt. Sini, or they would die, there were thunderings and lightnings, and a thick cloud on the mountain; and the sound of the trumpet was very loud, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled (Exodus 19:16). Before the trumpet judgments, an angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it to the earth. And there were noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake (Revelation

8:5). During the bowl judgments there are thunders and lightnings (Revelation 16:18). The fury and wrath of God on this ungodly world begins in Revelation chapter 6, and continues until Revelation 19, when Jesus Christ comes back and destroys Satan’s forces and casts the antichrist and false prophet into the lake of fire, and chains Satan until the end of Jesus Christ’s 1000 year reign on this earth from Jerusalem. “Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God” (Revelation 4:5b). These seven Spirits

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February 2015


represent the complete and perfect Holy Spirit of God. Prophesying of Jesus Christ, Isaiah wrote, “The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord” (Isaiah 11:2). An angel told Zechariah the seven golden lampstands were the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel, ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord… They are the eyes of the Lord, which scan to and fro throughout the whole earth” (Zechariah 4:1-10). John sees a Lamb [Jesus Christ] as though it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth” (Revelation 5:6). God’s complete Holy Spirit was given to Jesus Christ before He was born (Luke 1:15, John 3:34). The Holy Spirit dwells in all Christians! (1 Corinthians 3:16). “Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal” (Revelation 4:6a). This is not a sea of water, because there is no sea of water in heaven (Revelation 21:1). This is the base of God’s throne, a sea of crystal that bends and twists the glory of God in all directions, shining like diamonds, rubies, and an emerald rainbow. Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel saw the God of Israel, “And there was under His feet as it were a paved work of sapphire stone, and it was like the very heavens in its clarity” (Exodus 24:9-10). God allowed Ezekiel to see this floor under God’s throne (Ezekiel 1:22-28). Heaven is filled with the glory of God that is refracted through jewels and crystal that presents a scene that no human

can totally describe or even imagine. When Paul was taken into heaven he heard things he wasn’t allowed to speak of (2 Corinthians 12:1-4). Heaven is a glorious and exciting place to spend eternity with God and Jesus Christ.

Cherubim can see, perceive, comprehend, and accomplish everything that pertains to their duty as servants of almighty God. “And in the midst of the throne, and around the throne were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back”(Revelation 4:6b). The Greek word “zao” is translated into our English word “creatures” and it literally means “living ones.” These living ones are not like earthly creatures. Ezekiel said, “The cherubim rose up (cherubim is plural for cherub). They are the living beings that I saw by the river Chebar” (Ezekiel 10:15). These angels are of the cherub class that ranks at the top of angelic beings. Cherubim guarded the Garden of Eden to keep Adam and Eve from eating of the tree of life and living forever in their sinful condition (Genesis 3:24). Satan was a cherub before he rebelled against God (Ezekiel 28:14-15). Golden images of cherubim were over the solid-gold lid of the Ark Of The Covenant, which held the Ten Commandments (Exodus 25:19). Jehovah God is called, “The One who dwells between the

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cherubim” (1 Samuel 4:4). Cherubim are exalted angels in God’s service that dwell all around the throne of God, and they have eyes all around them. Cherubim can see, perceive, comprehend, and accomplish everything that pertains to their duty as servants of almighty God. Ezekiel wrote, “And their whole body, with their back, their hands, their wings, and the wheels that the four had, were full of eyes all around…When the cherubim went, the wheels went beside them; and when the cherubim lifted their wings to mount up from the earth, the same wheels also did not turn from beside them. When the cherubim stood still, the wheels stood still, and when one was lifted up, the other lifted itself up, for the spirit of the living creature was in them” (Ezekiel 10:12, 16-17). Read Ezekiel 10 for context. The angelic realm serves God purposes, whether it is to protect, bless, judge, or destroy. Gabriel might be a cherubim, Gabriel said, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God (Luke 1:19). It seems Gabriel was in charge of information about Jesus Christ’s coming to this earth (Luke 1-2). “The first living creature was like a lion, the second living creature like a calf, the third living creature had a face like a man, and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle” (Revelation 4:7). Some people think the lion represents wild creatures, the calf represents domestic creatures, the man represents the greatest of all creatures, and the eagle represents flying creatures. Their duty and responsibility is overlooking God’s created world. Some people believe the lion represents strength and power, the calf represents service, the man represents reason and knowledge, and the eagle represents speed. The cherubim are aware of, and can see vast amounts of information and actions in God’s universe. Cherubim don’t have the infinite wisdom, foreknowledge, and power that God does, but they do God’s work with His authority, wisdom, knowledge, speed, and power. “Angels are ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation” (Hebrews 1:14). Angels play a very important role in God’s eternal purposes.



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February 2015


in my opinion

Fear No Weevil

th Fly wi ! er the tig

Flying Tiger Aviation offers and end to end flight and ground training program for aspiring ag pilots from zero flight time to refresher course training for experienced pilots. Our fleet includes C172s, Ag GPS equipped Citabrias, Pawnees, Ag Wagons, and Ag Cats. We also have dual instruction in a Thrush S2RT turbine. •

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Dual Control Ag Cat

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Training on three different ag GPS systems

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Robert A. McCurdy, Chief Pilot / Flight Instructor Flying Tiger Aviation, LLC, RobertMcCurdy@agairupdate.com

The thing about checklists Many years ago I had a flying service in the hills around Grenada, Mississippi. One fall day, I was checking the oil in my Cessna 188 Ag Truck for the first flight of the day when the phone rang in my office (no cell phones way back then).

TPE 331 Engines and Accessories 3 and 4 blade Hartzell Hubs Engine Instruments Inventory includes: -1, -5, -6 and -10 series engines




So, I jumped off the tire and ran to catch the phone. I guess it was late September or early October, since I was defoliating cotton. When I returned to my airplane, I completed the preflight, or so I thought. After topping off the fuel tanks and loading up about 170 gallons of defoliant, I taxied out and took off. As soon as I broke ground, my windshield was entirely and instantly covered with oil. I knew immediately what had happened. I had not secured the oil dipstick. It ain’t easy to land an airplane with a load when you can only see out the side windows.

David Finley 972.248.3108 ext 213 214.649.2288 mobile dfinley@turbineair.com

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About 12–14 years ago, I went to Costa Rica conduct refresher flight training for the Dole Banana Standard Fruit Company. One of the pilots that I was to fly with insisted he did not need to read any checklist and was very adamant and actually, belligerent about it. He had made the remark that I was just a damn gringo who did not need to be there anyway. I did not make an issue with him about using the checklist, although I did write a scathing critique on him. About two weeks later after I returned to the USA, I got an email from the Standard Fruit Company flight ops chief telling me that Oscar had an engine failure and made a forced landing in the banana trees.

Upon tearing down the engine, they found it was full of metal shavings and the main shaft bearings had seized. As it turned out, the chip light bulb on his press-to-test lights was burned out. He obviously had skipped reading the checklist.

The moral of the stories; don’t get complacent about preflighting More recent than that first incident; again, I was preflighting my Thrush. When I had loaded all the fuel I wanted, I paused with my preflight just long enough to stop loading fuel, then completed preflighting the airplane, or so I thought. I had a student in the front seat and as always, I had my student read aloud the pre-takeoff checklist. Item # 6 is, “Flight controls checked free and correct.” My student read that as he was instructed and I assumed he had checked all of the flight controls. We taxied out on the runway and proceeded to takeoff. As the tail came up we began drifting to the left and of course my right foot went to work to correct the left drift. Like in the first part of the article, I instantly knew what was wrong. The rudder lock was still on the airplane. I took control from the back seat, made a turn downwind (praise the Lord there was very little wind blowing) and I landed, which was difficult enough without the other complications. Thoroughly

embarrassed, I climbed out of the airplane and removed the rudder locking device. The moral of the stories; don’t get complacent about preflighting your airplane or interrupting an established habit pattern. Regarding the reading of the checklist, airline captains do it, military pilots do it, corporate pilots do it and you should be every bit as much a professional as the aforementioned professional pilots. It’s just too darn easy to skip an important item when preparing to takeoff and not have read an appropriate checklist. Be safe, have fun, make money and be a genuine professional ag-pilot.

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February 2015


twenty years ago

Dash 5 Garrett marries A-Model Ag Cat by Bill Lavender ATKINSON, NE - Located in the north central part of Nebraska, not far from the South Dakota state line is the home of Turbine Ag Conversions and Mitchell Flying Service owned by Larry Mitchell. I met Larry last year at the NAAA convention in Las Vegas. He invited me to fly his Garrett powered Dash 5 Ag Cat. Not one to turn down an opportunity to fly any type of ag plane, I promised him I would be his way in February the week of the Nebraska convention . In Nebraska, especially during February, it gets cold. And I mean very cold, at least for this Southern boy. The morning

I was scheduled to fly Larry’s Ag Cat it was a nippy +5°F. At first, the excitement of the flight overcame the cold. Then, about the time I get everything in the cockpit settled down, I realize the thin cotton gloves I have on aren’t doing the job. Feel is not everything when it comes to flying. I think it may be an understanding of aircraft attitude, at least it was this day! Let me tell you something about Turbine Ag Conversions’ Ag Cat. It’s not your normal everyday run of the mill bird. In 1990 Larry converted his 1973 600 hp A-Model Ag Cat to a Breckenridge Garrett Pre-Century conversion. Mitchell



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Winglet Technology for Ag–Aircraft New! No wing life penalties for Air Tractor.


Turbine Ag Conversions' Garrett installation is clean and mates to the Ag Cat airframe very well. The cowling fits well and the Garrett makes a work horse of the bi-plane. (circa 1995)

Flying Service operated the Ag Cat with Larry and his son, Todd, doing the flying. The Pre-Century engine was weak, needing work to restore its power. Todd estimated the engine probably wasn’t developing much more than 400 horsepower. A 300-gallon load was more than enough and often required extended takeoff runs. In the spring of 1993 Larry removed the Pre-Century and installed a 780 horsepower Dash 5 Garrett. Now there isn’t any lack of power!

Rick Marburger • 701-572-3514 STC’d for Thrush, Air Tractor and Cessna Email: rckmrbrgr@gmail.com

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February 2015


Turbine Ag Conversions' installation is a proven design that is simple and easy to maintain. The battery box (center left) can be positioned to adjust for the CG of the aircraft. The fuel filters (center right) mount on the firewall. The smile of the cowling and prop are from an Aero Commander. (photos circa 1995)

When Performance Counts

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The Dash 5 is rated at 840 horsepower, but derated to 780 horsepower for the Ag Cat installation. It is extremely quiet in the air with the typical noise levels of a Century series Garrett while idling on the ground at 65%. In the air, the 106-inch Hartzell prop is turning a quiet 1,590 rpm. In reality, the Dash 5 A-Model Ag Cat is overpowered. Todd explained that I wouldn’t need more power than 200°C indicated on the EGT. That’s hardly lit, the EGT limit is 520°C!


Just to give you an idea of how much overpowered this aircraft is; during climb out the torque gauge began sticking. I kept

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moving the throttle forward trying to obtain 30 pounds of indicated torque. During takeoff the Ag Cat didn’t require even half of the throttle. The aircraft was empty; couldn’t carry a load of water in 5°F weather! By the time I realized the torque gauge wasn’t going to reach 30 pounds of torque and I had exceeded far more than half the throttle, I observed the Ag Cat was creating an unusual sensation, the kind of sensation that tells you things aren’t right. In what amounts to maybe less than a minute after breaking ground, I am indicating 180 mph and have the engine heated to read 450°C on the EGT! Forget the torque gauge, set the EGT to 200°C and slow down this baby. Using 200°C EGT for a power setting, the Ag Cat indicates 140 mph. That is plenty fast with an abundance of reserve horsepower. Todd told me he worked the Ag Cat at no more than 250°C, even when loaded in the heat of the summer. This engine produces an excess of horsepower, if there is such a thing. Larry and Todd agree. They are removing the Dash 5 engine from the A-Model, replacing it with a Dash 1 and installing the Dash 5 on a C-Model Ag Cat, a more appropriate home. The Dash 1 will be a good marriage with the A-Model and the aircraft will still be a powerhouse. The A-Model Ag Cat flew well. No strange or unusual habits, except for the sticking torque gauge. I still have problems adjusting to the upper wing when entering the field. I operated an Ag Cat in the late 70s and never really thought too much about the upper wing. Now that I rarely fly an Ag Cat the wing requires some adjusting. After flying the Ag Cat, we pulled it into the heated hangar and began removing the engine cowling. The installation is a good, proven one. Gerald Breckenridge

(L-R) Larry Mitchell and son, Todd, on the leading edge side of the Turbine Ag Conversions' Ag Cat. (circa 1995)

AgAir Update - Repair & Overhaul Ad Junior Page 6.54”w x 8.36”h



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February 2015


of Arkansas holds the STC for the conversion. He designed the engine mount and arrangement of fuel and air filters, cowlings, rigging, battery box, etc. This installation has been around for several years. Larry and Todd were so pleased with it over the past five years, they have decided to buy the conversion kits from Breckenridge and do installations, marketing the conversion to the ag aviation industry. Turbine Ag Conversions can perform the installation in about 4-5 days. The customer can fly his aircraft to Nebraska or Turbine Ag Conversions will travel to his operation in the field. One good thing about bringing the aircraft to Nebraska, Larry says during pheasant season he can take his customer At the fuel ramp, coming or... (circa 1995) pheasant hunting on his ranch just north of town. What a way to spend those 4-5 days. The cost of the conversion is $50,000 (including the pheasant hunting). The customer furnishes his engine and prop. He also keeps his old firewall forward. The customer is trading directly with Turbine Ag Conversions. Larry does the installation and the rigging. It is a clean professional installation that will serve the operator well. The Breckenridge STC provides for all models of the A and B-Model Ag Cats. There is also a conversion kit for the C-Model. The conversion accepts the -1, -2, -5, -6, and -10 engines.


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...Or going, the Garret Ag Cat is a winner! (circa 1995) Turbine Ag Conversions is also working on a hopper expansion for the Ag Cat. They are very close to completion of an STC for installing a Garrett engine on the 300 and 400 series Air Tractors. With almost thirty years experience in the ag aviation business as Mitchell Flying Service, Larry Mitchell is bringing yet another option for the ag operator to use for running a profitable business. Ag Cats are at bargain prices and can compete very well for the ag operators needing to increase his production. The Turbine Ag Conversions’ installation allows for Ag Cat operators to operate a turbine aircraft at a reasonable cost.

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February 2015


Apollo spray systems announces that its DTM-4 agricultural spray system for Robinson R44 helicopters has received ANAC Brazil STC validation Brazil’s aviation authority (ANAC) has issued STC 2014S11-17 for Apollo Spray’s DTM-4 agricultural spray system

for Robinson R44 and R44 II helicopters. Agricultural Spray Operators in Brazil can now use and benefit from Apollo

Spray Systems DTM-4. The DTM-4 is the only R44 spray system certified in Brazil and is the lightest weight system available anywhere. The DTM-4 is the only spray system certified in the Normal Category so operators can remove the system in less than 15 minutes and use the helicopter for other purposes without paperwork issues.

Apollo Spray System Apollo Spray Systems (www. apollospray.com) is the leading and oldest provider of Agricultural Spray Systems for Robinson R22 and R44 Helicopters. Apollo’s systems have been in service since 1990 providing operators’ years of reliable, efficient, and profitable application of agricultural chemicals.

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February 2015


Chem-Man billing software utilizes Surety Maps for ag applicator’s benefit GRAND FORKS, ND—AgriData, Inc. along with Datasmart Professional Software announce a partnership to provide a combined mapping and billing option for aerial applicators. Each company is a leader in their respective areas. AgriData, Inc. provides their clients with the field mapping software, Surety® Customized Online Mapping whereas Datasmart has developed the aerial applicator-specific billing software, ChemMan. Collaboration between these two programs is sure to excite many aerial application professionals. David Hagert, CEO of AgriData, Inc. explains the importance of this collaboration, “One of the biggest requests from our aerial applicator subscribers over the years was a way to integrate a complete billing system with our expansive field mapping abilities. When DataSmart contacted us about offering an integrated solution with their Chem-Man online billing software, we knew it would be an exciting option for our applicators.”

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Both programs pride themselves in making software that anyone can use. This easy-to-use value is demonstrated in how the two programs work together. When you are in the Chem-Man software and are filling out a record, click a button to login to the Surety mapping account to create your field map. When done locating and creating the boundary, click another button to bring you back to Chem-Man and insert your map into the application record. Regina Farmer of Datasmart discusses their decision to reach out to AgriData, Inc. “When talking to our client base, we had a lot of them bring up how much they wanted to be able to use Surety maps within the Chem-Man software. Previously this would have been difficult to accomplish, but now with our new Chem-Man online software it was something that just fit.”

application industry called Surety Customized Online Mapping and Surety Pro Customized Online Mapping. You can find more out about Surety at www.agridatainc.com or contact AgriData, Inc. directly at 701-746-8580. Datasmart has been providing professional software since 1992. They strive to make their software user friendly and not overly busy providing reports specifically designed for the aerial applicator. They make it a priority for their customers to be completely satisfied! Contact Datasmart at 1-866-314-9222 or visit www.chem-man.com.

Aerial application professionals are increasingly looking

their operation as


well as an online


affordable solution.











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AgriData, Inc. is a company out of Grand Forks, ND that provides its subscribers with two online software packages for the aerial



Aerial application professionals are increasingly looking for ways to simplify their operation as well as an online affordable solution. This integration will allow aerial applicators to seamlessly bring in Surety maps into their Chem-Man billing software in a simple and efficient manner. This process will ultimately save money by reducing the amount of time spent within two separate programs combining forms and reports.


t oud o be d Pr

for ways to simplify

26/08/13 1:23 PM

February 2015


Understanding Operation S.A.F.E. fly-in reports by John Garr and Jerry Green of GarrCo Products Adapted from a factsheet by Scott Bretthauer of the University of Illinois Operation S.A.F.E. clinics are not required, but are a great way for ag aviators to access experts who will help you to correctly set up your aircraft to maximize your spray performance. If you have a new airplane, or if it has been a year or two since your last clinic, it’s probably a good idea to attend a clinic.

Spray pattern analysis report

Interpreting the fly-in report may seem difficult, with terms like “CV”, “VMD” and “histograms” to describe your spray pattern. This month we are going to explain the terminology and break down

The first thing you should look at in the pattern analysis report is the aircraft speed and elevation, usually determined for all three passes. These measurements should confirm that you are flying the plane the way you intended.

the process so you can understand it. We want you to leave a fly-in knowing that your system is properly set up, or you are flying out with a plan make changes to your setup. There are two reports generated at an Operation S.A.F.E. fly-in: one characterizes your spray pattern and the other your droplet size.

The target rate is the gallons per acre (GPA) that the applicator wants to make. Computer software will estimate the GPA being applied based on nozzle flow rate, number of nozzles, ground speed, and swath width. The analysis of the dye deposited on the string is a key measurement that tells how uniform the spray pattern is. The pattern for each individual pass is graphed as if the aircraft is flying into the paper, so the left side of the graph corresponds to the left side of the aircraft from the pilot’s point of view. There is also a graph that shows the averaged pattern of all three passes.

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Tel: 765-395-3441 Cell: 561-379-6251 Fax 413-235-5154 www.garrco.com email: mrfoam1@garrco.com

Two graphs show deposition across the field using the average spray pattern and a selected swath width. The racetrack graph shows what deposition would look like with a racetrack application. The back-and-forth graph shows what deposition would look like with a back and forth application. The shaded area represents the simulated repeating portion of the overlapped spray pattern. The CV, or coefficient of variation, is a calculation to show how uniform the relative

deposition is across the combined patterns at the selected swath widths. The lower the CV, the more uniform the deposition is over the total width. The CV should be less than 25 percent - so if you are trying to spray 10 GPA, your spray volume will vary between 7.5-12.5 GPA across the pattern width. The swath table contains calculated GPA rates, racetrack CVs and back-and-forth CVs for a range of swath widths wider and narrower from the one selected. It allows the pilot to quickly determine how increasing or



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February 2015


decreasing his swath width changes the uniformity of deposition.

Droplet size analysis report Droplet size estimates are measured using water-sensitive cards. Usually seven cards are placed parallel to the string on the last pass. A negative card number is the left side of the aircraft (pilot) and a positive number indicates to the right, 0 is underneath. A computer program calculates droplet size based on the stain diameter on the cards. The resulting report uses terms like VMD, VD(0.1), and VD(0.9) and spread factor. Here is a rundown of what they measure: • VMD (Volume Median Diameter): Half of the spray volume are droplets this size or larger, and half are this size or smaller. • VD(0.1): Ten percent of spray volume has droplets this size or smaller. To reduce the risk of drift, a VD(0.1) should generally be 200 microns or greater.



• VD(0.9): Ninety percent of the droplets are this diameter and smaller. To maintain coverage, a VD(0.9) should generally be 600 microns or less. • Spread factor correlates the collected image size to the droplet size that generated the image. Pesticide and adjuvant formulations often contain oils and surfactants that can increase actual droplet size once it hits the card. The spread factor is used to adjust for this effect. One aerial applicator referred to this as the ‘splatter factor’. For instance, when you are flying around ducks or geese, what comes out of them is much smaller than after it hits your windshield. The stains on the water sensitive cards are also used to estimate the GPA and calculate the percentage of area coverage. The deposition vs position graph indicates the GPA deposition across the spray pattern. The coverage vs position graph indicates the percentage of card

surface covered by droplets across the spray pattern. The % Vol. Histogram of Droplet Diameters is a graph that displays the distribution of spray volume contained in various droplet size ranges. The # Drops Histogram of Droplet Diameters is the corresponding graph displaying results in terms of the number of droplets instead of volume. The report contains details for each individual card that can be used to verify uniform droplet size along the length of the spray pattern. It may sound complicated, however, your Operation S.A.F.E. analyst is there to walk you through your reports to ensure you understand the results. Please attend a S.A.F.E. fly-in and utilize the experts there to help you get the most out of your aerial applications. For more information on adjuvants and aerial application, contact John Garr at 765-395-3441, mrfoam1@garrco.com or visit www.garrco.com.

Respected aviation insurance agency now offers life insurance LUBBOCK, TX – Roy W. Neal, Jr., Agency, Inc., provider of aerial application aviation insurance for over 50 years, now adds life insurance to their extensive list of services.

the years and I’m glad that we can now provide it for our clients. It’s so important to make sure the families of our pilots as well as the aircraft are protected.”

As a pioneer in the development of agriculturally related aircraft, the Roy Neal Agency strives to provide the most comprehensive insurance solutions to their clients. Because many life insurance policies exclude aviation, the Roy Neal Agency has partnered with the Pilot Insurance Center (PIC) and developed a program that allows clients to benefit from pilot-friendly policies.

Pilots could be paying too much for the wrong type of life insurance or have a policy that doesn’t protect them at all when they’re flying. The team at the Roy Neal Agency can provide a free review and analysis of current life insurance policies and help you make the best decision on an aviation friendly policy.

Jeremy L. Barbee, president of Roy Neal Agency says of the new offering, “We’ve had requests for life insurance coverage over

The Roy W Neal Jr Agency Inc. is a family owned and operated business with over 75 years combined experience in aviation insurance.

February 2015


question and answer

FAA’s Aerospace Medical Certification Division


question: What are the requirements for a person with two DUIs on his or her driving record who wishes to obtain a second or third class medical?

If I have a package of medical data to be reviewed for issuance of my certificate, will the evaluation come via regular mail? And is there any guesstimate on how long reviews are taking?


answer: This depends on when the DUIs occurred. If one is recent and the other is within 10 years, a substance abuse evaluation and driving record history over the past 10 years would be required. If both DUIs are quite remote, we may only ask for a personal statement from the applicant. If both are quite recent, a full set of psychological and psychiatric evaluations may be required.

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At this time we still use regular mail to transmit required documentation. There is some variation on the review, according to the complexity and nature of the case. The Certification Division had some major challenges with the IT support systems last year, but these have been mostly resolved. In general, most cases take about six weeks to review and disposition once they get to Oklahoma City.

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Our mission is to keep you flying


Your season was long.

I had a kidney stone attack about two months before my FAA flight exam. The [Aviation Medical Examiner] AME didn’t renew my third class medical and printed out the regulations pertaining to my situation. How long will I likely have to wait before the FAA renews my medical certificate once I complete the required tests?

You worked hard.

You deserve it.

answer: Kidney stones, or a history thereof, is disqualifying for medical certification. However, if the stones have passed or been extracted by medical procedures, certification is almost always granted. If the stones are retained, then the FAA will require appropriate imaging to demonstrate size and position of the retained stones, and a statement from the treating urologist as to the likelihood of these stones being a problem. If the stones are not likely to be a problem, special issuance is usually granted, with periodic follow up.

question: My third class medical is due in a few years. I have had two kidney stone attacks during the last 12 months. The stones passed on their own without the need of any special medical procedures. A urologist is performing some tests as required by the FAA and is going to write a letter for the FAA explaining my current condition and what he plans to do to rectify my kidney stone issue. I had some X-rays taken and they indicate that I

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February 2015


have some additional kidney stones but the urologist has indicated that only one of the stones is large enough to cause a problem when and if it passes. Please provide your recommendations. For example, what tests are required by the FAA given my facts and circumstances, and should I have the large kidney stone removed prior to going in for my bi-annual? Will the FAA accept the opinion of my urologist that only one of my kidney stones is large enough to cause a problem? If not, please provide your recommendations.

answer: Per the previous answer, you would be considered for special issuance. You might ask your urologist if it would be appropriate to evaluate why you have had so many stones and see if there are dietary changes or medications that might help to alleviate this. As you work with your urologist, you might also consider if the residual stone that might be a problem is in a position where it might be possible to extract it or treat it with a lithotripsy procedure. This is a clinical decision that the FAA will not make or weigh in on. Courtney Scott, D.O., M.P.H., is the Manager of Aerospace Medical Certification Division in Oklahoma City, Okla. He is board certified in aerospace medicine and has extensive practice experience in civilian and both military and nonmilitary government settings.

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ntsb reports NTSB Identification: WPR14CA196 Date: May 18, 2014 Location: Bakersfield, CA Probable Cause Approval Date: 09/30/2014 Aircraft: BELL 47G Injuries: 1 Uninjured. The pilot reported that the purpose of the flight was to move the helicopter off of a trailer onto the ground. As the helicopter began to lift off from the trailer platform, a steel bolt on the landing gear skid caught on the aluminum trailer skirting. The helicopter experienced a dynamic rollover and came to rest on its right side. Shortly thereafter, a fire erupted and the cabin area was consumed. The pilot stated that there were no preimpact mechanical malfunctions or failures with the helicopter that would have precluded normal operation.

The NTSB determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows: The pilot’s failure to maintain aircraft control after the helicopter’s skid catching on the side of a trailer during takeoff, which resulted in a dynamic rollover. NTSB Identification: CEN14LA418 Date: May 28, 2014 Location: Little Falls, MN Aircraft: TEXAS HELICOPTER CORP OH 13H/M74A Injuries: 1 Fatal. A Texas Helicopter Corp OH 13H/M74A agricultural helicopter, sustained substantial damage following a collision with trees and a building near Little Falls, Minnesota. The pilot sustained serious injuries during the accident and later succumbed after hospitalization. The aerial application flight was conducted under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 137.

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February 2015


Evidence at the accident site revealed that the tail rotor of the helicopter contacted trees prior to impacting the rooftop of a building. Examination of the helicopter airframe, flight controls, and engine did not reveal any mechanical anomalies. NTSB Identification: CEN14LA331 Date: June 27, 2014 Location: Arlington, TX Aircraft: CESSNA A188 Injuries: 1 Uninjured. The pilot reported that he was maneuvering the airplane with a banner attached when he noticed a loss of oil pressure. He notified an air traffic controller of the emergency and indicated

that he could not reach an airport. The engine then experienced a total loss of power, and the pilot made an emergency landing to a grassy area near a highway interchange. During the landing, the airplane collided with a vehicle, and then another vehicle struck the airplane. A postaccident examination of the engine revealed that the oil filter adapter was loose, and no oil was observed inside the engine. The threads on the adapter were worn and damaged. The lock nut on the adapter was not properly torqued, and oil residue was observed on the engine near the adapter and on the underside of the airframe. A large amount of metallic debris was found throughout the entire oil filter element, which is consistent with engine oil starvation. Maintenance personnel replaced the oil and oil filter 4 days before the accident; however, they did not comply with Federal Aviation Administration Airworthiness Directive 96-12-22, which required, in part, inspecting the oil filter and adapter assembly for oil leakage and proper installation of the adapter retaining nut and replacing any oil filter adapter assembly with security problems to prevent loss of engine oil caused by loose or separated oil filter adapters because the loss of oil could result in engine stoppage while in flight and loss of airplane control. The NTSB determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows: The total loss of engine power due to a loose oil filter adapter, which resulted in oil starvation. NTSB Identification: WPR14CA319 Date: July 19, 2014 Location: Salinas, CA Aircraft: BELL 206B Injuries: 1 Uninjured. The pilot reported that he had landed in a field that had irrigation sprinkler pipes arranged in field rows. During takeoff and forward movement to reposition the helicopter, the right side spray boom caught on one of the sprinkler head risers which resulted in a dynamic rollover of the helicopter to the right. The helicopter came to rest on its right side and sustained substantial damage to the tail boom and damage to the main rotor blades. The pilot reported no preimpact mechanical malfunctions or failures that would have precluded normal operation of the helicopter. The NTSB determines the probable cause(s) as follows: The pilot's failure to ensure adequate clearance from ground obstacles during takeoff which resulted in loss of aircraft control. NTSB Identification: CEN14CA395 Date: July 23, 2014 Location: Milford, NE Aircraft: CESSNA A188B Injuries: 1 Uninjured. The pilot reported that the agricultural airplane was loaded and was taking off when the accident occurred. He stated that he set the engine mixture control for best power and proceeded to take off. He stated that the takeoff roll took longer than expected



and when the airplane was approaching the departure end of the runway he realized that the engine was not producing the power that he expected. As the end of the runway approached he added a second notch of flaps and the airplane lifted off and cleared the road and the corn crop on the opposite side of the road. The airplane's airspeed started to reduce and the pilot attempted to dump the chemical load, but inadvertently grabbed the flap handle and retracted the flaps. By the time he realized that he had inadvertently retracted the flaps the airplane impacted the corn crop and terrain and subsequently came to rest inverted. The airplane suffered substantial damage to the wings and fuselage. The pilot surmised that he had inadvertently leaned the engine mixture control too much prior to the takeoff which resulted in a reduction in available engine power. He made no mention of any pre-impact deficiencies with regard to the airplane. The NTSB determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows: The pilot's improper engine mixture setting which reduced available engine power, and his inadvertent retraction of flaps which resulted in an impact with crops and terrain. NTSB Identification: CEN14CA442 Date: August 19, 2014 Location: Kerkhoven, MN Aircraft: ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL S 2R Injuries: 1 Uninjured. The pilot stated he flew over the field to identify obstructions prior to beginning the spray passes. He noted a hog farm and

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The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows: The pilot failure to see and avoid the guide wire during the aerial application flight. NTSB Identification: ERA15CA027 Date: October 23, 2014 Location: Louisburg, NC Aircraft: CESSNA A188B Injuries: 1 Uninjured. The pilot stated that after dispersing a load he returned, and landed uneventfully on runway 5, which was the runway in use, reporting that the wind was from the west northwest at approximately 9 knots with gusts to 16 knots. He loaded the ant bait, taxied out, and during the takeoff roll from runway 5,


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powerline wires on the southwest side of the field so he decided to spray the field in a north/south pattern. The pilot began spraying on the east side of the field, and during the second pass, the airplane contacted a guide wire that extended from the row of powerlines, which paralleled his flight path. The pilot stated he did not see the guide wire while looking for obstructions. Upon hitting the wire, the engine lost power and the propeller appeared to feather. The pilot tried to gain altitude and was able to dump the remaining chemical load prior to the airplane impacting a corn field about ¾ of a mile from where it contacted the wire. The impact resulted in substantial damage to the fuselage. The pilot reported there was no mechanical failure/malfunction of the airplane prior to contacting the wire.

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May be used in steam cleaners, hot or cold washers, foamed on or applied with mop or brush. Removes: exhaust and chemical stains, even those with a vegetable oil base. Shipped in 5-gal. quantities. One gallon of new formula with four gallons of your water makes five gallons of concentrated, which can be further diluted.

New 2500 hour cleanable air filters for Air Tractors by Challenger Aviation Products using K & N High Flow Media All filters are FAA/PMA/STC approved.

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February 2015


domestic advertiser index AeroFlow, Inc..................................24B AgAir Turbines...............................29B Ag-Tips............................................21B AgAviation School............................5B AgriData..........................................28B AgriSmart Info. Systems...............36B AgSync.............................................40B AgTelligent........................................1B Air Repair........................................17B Air South Insurance.......................19B Air Tech Coatings Inc. ...................10B Arnold's ..........................................35B Auger Dan.........................................9B Apollo..............................................26B APS....................................................7B ASU..................................................15B BASF..................................................6B Blue Diamond................................12B Blue Strip........................................39B BrightPortal....................................11B Bruces Flying Service.....................12B Chester Robert Supply....................9B Corporate Aviation Insurance........7B Dallas Airmotive.............................23B DataSmart......................................28B Davidson Solid Rock Ins................39B Dunn & Dunn Financial.................21B Eagle Vistas.....................................28B Electronics International...............32B Encap-It.............................................8B Falcon Insurance Agency, Inc. .....35B Farm Air, Inc...................................31B Flying Tiger Aviation......................18B Garrco Products, Inc......................30B Hardy Aviation Ins Inc. .................38B Houston Airmotive........................35B Insero..............................................27B Isolair..............................................10B Kimmel Insurance Agency............13B Lane Aviation........................... 4B, 22B Mid Continent....................... 19B, 34B NAA Museum.................................20B NationAir..........................................1B Northstar Aviation.........................33B OctaFlex..........................................37B Pickett Equipment...........................5B PIM Aviation Insurance..................22B PropWorks Propeller Sys, Inc.......25B RT Turbines Inc..............................14B Regions Insurance.........................24B Roy Neal Insurance.......................33B S & T Aircraft Accessories, Inc......26B Southeastern Aircraft....................13B Southwest Airmotive.....................20B Tennessee Aircraft Co...................21B Trace...............................................25B Turbine Aircraft Services..............18B Turbine Standard...........................11B Turbines Inc....................................37B Valley Air Crafts..............................16B Wayne Handley................................8B Zee Systems...................................31B

about 600 to 800 feet down the runway, he indicated that he, “really got hit with a gust” estimated to be at 20 knots. When the wind gust occurred the tail wheel had not been raised from the runway yet. He indicated that he lost directional control resulting in a ground loop, and the airplane weather vaned, hit the edge, and bounced then came down with the sideload resulting in damage. He attempted to correct with rudder and brake but he was unable to. He indicated there was nothing wrong with the airplane that caused the accident. The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows: The pilot’s failure to maintain directional control during takeoff. NTSB Identification: WPR15LA048 Date: November 30, 2014 Location: Somerton, AZ Aircraft: AIR TRACTOR INC AT 502B Injuries: 1 Fatal. On November 30, 2014, about 0120 mountain standard time, a single-engine Air Tractor, Inc., AT-502B impacted an open field near Somerton, Arizona. The airplane was under

the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 137 as a local aerial application flight. The pilot, the sole occupant, was fatally injured; the airplane was destroyed in the postcrash fire. The airplane departed from a private airstrip about 0100. Visual night meteorological conditions prevailed for the flight. According to a company representative, prior to the accident the pilot had landed the airplane and placed 100 gallons of water onboard the airplane. The intent was to do a water calibration flight to end his day. After the field had been sprayed with water, the pilot was returning to land. The company representative reported that no communications between the pilot and company pilots flying in the area were made prior to the accident. A witness reported that he observed a fire in a nearby field, which was later identified as the accident airplane.


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February 2015


Thrush 510G earns European certification GE-powered agricultural aircraft now ready for European operators. ALBANY, GA–The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), has issued full type certification for the new Thrush 510G, which is powered by GE Aviation’s 800 horsepower H80 turboprop engine. EASA certification marks the latest international approval for the newest aircraft from Thrush – following type certification last year in Canada, Argentina and Brazil. The 510G received initial certification in the United States by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in October 2012. This week’s EASA certification includes both the single and the dual-cockpit versions of the aircraft.

In addition to its well-known capabilities as an agricultural spraying aircraft, the new Thrush 510G is also seeing action as a highly effective aerial fire fighter, as a part of a new program created by Thrush known as “Agricultural Single Engine Air Tankers” or AG SEATS. This application has been met with great interest from European operators, and a variant of the 510G, the 510G Switchback, features an exclusive gatebox system that enables the aircraft to switch from aerial spray operations to fire fighting in a matter of minutes. “There’s no question aerial fire fighting operations in Europe are extremely advanced” said Payne Hughes, president of Thrush Aircraft, “and we feel strongly that the 510G will soon play a key role there – particularly the Switchback – as

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with its H80 power and unique gatebox, it allows operators to serve both agricultural and fire fighting roles with outstanding results” he continued. Service for the 510G’s H80 engine will be handled through GE Aviation’s facility in Prague – and sales and distribution for the aircraft in Europe itself will be directly through Thrush’s international sales team. Following initial FAA certification, demand for the 510G has been strong – and is expected to remain that way as international type certifications fall into place. For the last two years, Thrush has quickly sold out of its entire production of the 510G, making it one of the most successful products in the history of the company.

Thrush Aircraft Company Headquartered in Albany, Georgia, Thrush Aircraft manufactures a full range of aerial application aircraft used in agriculture, forestry and fire fighting roles worldwide. Founded in 2003, Thrush is well-known for building the most durable aircraft in the aerial application industry, as well as the best flying – from both pilot and operator perspectives. All Thrush models provide superb visibility, light control response, and a high degree of maneuverability and speed, along with superior efficiency and low direct operating costs. Today there are more than 2,100 Thrush aircraft operating in some 80 countries around the world.

materials to create a more powerful, fuel-efficient, durable engine compared with the original M601. In addition, the H80 requires with no recurrent fuel nozzle inspections and no hot section inspection. The H80 engine will also feature an extended service life of 3,600

flight-hours or 6,600 cycles between overhauls. There are more than 1,600 GE M601 engines in service today, in business and general aviation, and these engines have accumulated a more than 17 million flight hours to date.

GE H-80 turbine engine The H80 turbine engine is built by GE Aviation, an operating unit of General Electric. The H80 combines the robust design of GE’s highly regarded M601 engine family, with 3-D aerodynamic design techniques and advanced

Ready for Europe – With type certification from EASA secured, the new Thrush 510G is expected to quickly become a favorite for both agricultural and fire fighting operations on the European Continent.

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February 2015


Emergency door lowering for bi-fold doors Schweiss Hydraulic Doors can now be opened or closed during an unexpected power outage with a remote-operated DC BatteryMotorized back-up control system. All you have to do is simply press “Up,” and your hydraulic door opens. They are also engineered with a no extra cost drill-driven backup system which uses a screw gun 7/16” socket hex head, and hydraulic tractor fittings come standard with each Schweiss Red Power pump hydraulic unit. Emergency door lowering can also be as simple as turning a screw on the pump. Your large moving door will close at a controlled, safe speed, no matter the situation or emergency. It’s that easy, no mess, no oil drains back into the tank. Schweiss Doors has been at the forefront of providing Hydraulic and Liftstrap Bifold doors for agricultural uses throughout Canada and the U.S. Farmers and ranchers have found that the dependability and superb craftsmanship that goes into both these styles of doors and their components has answered their every need.



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A DC Battery-Motorized back-up control system on the Schweiss hydraulic pump system takes the worry out of operating a door in case of a power outage

Our hydraulic door pump unit gives you faster door speed when opening and closing giving a cycle time of approximately 30 seconds, it is the most efficient pump on the market. You don’t want a slow door that lets the heat out of your building in the winter or airconditioning out in the summer. The uniquely designed Schweiss pump unit is contained all in one unit and can be top or underhung and mounted on your building wall, floor, under a bench or in a back room. The unique hydraulic pump system uses a fast and quiet, fancooled LEESON 1,800 rpm motor available in 2 h.p to 10 h.p., depending on the size and weight of your door. Schweiss doesn’t use undersized motors that can get hot and burn out. Big doors are a large moving end or sidewall. Two powerful cylinders carry the entire weight of the door. Schweiss cylinders won’t bend, break or bow. Another important feature that you won’t find on other hydraulic doors is the recent introduction of spherical bearings. These bearing are located between the teardrop area and cylinder plate at each end of the doors’ cylinders — a perfect answer to a safer, stronger and longer-lasting door. Schweiss hydraulic door “added-strength” frames have double end hinges and more hinges per door, which means they don’t have to support as much weight per hinge. For more information on hydraulic door backup systems, call Schweiss Doors at 800746-8273 or visit our website at www.schweissdoors.com








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February 2015



HELICOPTER HELMETS New Kevlar® Helicopter Helmets available w/ single or dual visor assembly, general aviation avionics, lighweight crushable earcups w/ sensiform air seals, Confor™ foam custom liner and optional 6’ coil. Factory new & fully guaranteed!



1977 B Model Ag-Cat, fresh complete rebuild, raised wings, tall centerline vertical, all new fabric on all control surfaces and wings, servo-tabs, 350gl hopper, M-3 Satloc, smoker, flagger, will have a fresh overhauled R-1340 and prop, or could be a perfect turbine conversion. Call Tim 701-668-2302, 701-799-8629 (02-15)

For Sale. 1962 lite frame Ag-Cat. SN#126. Approx. 175 hrs since complete rebuild. 175 hrs SMOH, Cov. R985, extended wings, 64 gal fuel, 150 hrs IRAN prop, smoker, new SS spray system, elect fan brake, Lite Star GPS, Airwolf oil filter, A model canopy. $139,000. Email kmagair@ gmail.com. (02-15) 1972 Ag-Cat G164A, 7366 TTAF, PT6-20, Mills turbine conversion, 1243 SMOH, 0 SHSI, 1243 TT Prop, 330 gal hopper, Hersey tips, M3 w/ keypad, Intelliflow, Bottom load fuel, 115 gal fuel, KY96A comm, Harbour A/C, Tail wheel lock, Full cockpit floor, Transland 25” gate, S/S boom, CP11 nozzles, Electric pump brake, Breckenridge 9 vane 13’ wide spreader, Same owner since conversion, Looking to trade up to AT 402 or 502. Asking $275,000. Contact Chad Niese 419-235-4182 (02-15) G164 A model AgCat. P&W 450 HP, Satloc, CP nozzles. For information call Tim Midwest Flying Service 402-843-2173 or 402-843-6174 (06-15) 1976 A model Ag-Cat, fresh annual, 14 5 0 T T o n C o v i n g t o n o v e r h a u l , 10,400TT. Complete rebuild in 2003 at 7735TT. 350gal hopper, Satloc Airstar GPS, All B-Model updates. Very nice condition. Call Tim 701-668-2302, 701799-8629 (02-15)

1978 A g C at G16 4 B , P T6 -20 , 749 SHOT, 749 since prop overhaul. 330 Hopper, GPS with flow control, CP n oz zl e s , Fa b r i c i n g o o d co n d . Fo r more information call 229-724-9155 or 229-768-3181 (02-15)

1974 G164 A, 5200TT, 0 SMOH, on 985, Leech Engine, O SMOH hydro. prop, new blades, 80 gal fuel, wind ext., Aeron Servo, drop SS booms. Fresh paint and fabric on tail & wings, New tires. $105,000. For more information call 979-257-6695 (02-15)

1976 G-164B; 420 Gal Maxicat conversion; 11528 TT Airframe; TTSN 9622; 1118 SMOH Tulsa; engine, always overhauled N E VER exchanged. G reat turbine candidate; geared engine w/Albatross blades; Satloc M3 w/ Intelliflow; 5 booms and Swathmaster; wire cutters; bottom load fuel; Oregon Aero soft seat; tall straight tail, never wrecked; much more. Owner flown since new; owner retiring. 175K or 140k your E&P. 509-429-2217 BillLockwood2@hotmail.com (02-15) J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. has the remnants of one A-model Cat with 4 decent wing cores and a center section. Can send pictures. Call Sid or Jerry 800-542-8565 or emial jcaviation@pldi.net At fn

O r d e r y o u r Tu r b i n e A g C a t P e n and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace.com TFN Looking for a 400 gal Super B model Ag cat fuselage frame. Call 701-636-5880 ask for Jay. t fn)

air tractor

G-164 B AgCat. N48485. 2883.3 hours since Hershey Rebuild. 0 TSHSI from Ag Air Turbines. 683.6 SMOH prop, 9.8 starter generator OH. Equipment list: TPE 331-1151A installed Agri-Jet STC. Raised Wing, Centerline Vertical Tall Tail, 330 Hopper, Aero Mod Wing Extensions, Aileron, Elevator, and Rudder Servos, Heavy Gear, 115 gal. Fuel, Turbine Conversions Single Point Fueling System, Sat Loc, Right Boom Shut Off, Smoker, Air Conditioner, Swathmaster Spreader and Duke Metering System, Fuel Flow/Totalizer, No Corrosion and Current Annual at the time of sale. Truly is the nicest AgCat on the market and ready to go to work. Contact Jared Storm at 402-443-7979 or Hershey Flying Service at 308-368-5556. 01-16

1978 G164B Queen Cat 350 gallon h o p p e r, 8 6 2 4 T T, 1 3 4 0 e n g i n e 0 SMOH,Hydromatic Prop IRAN 6/2/14,New Carb,New GOV, AC,M3, Weather Aero fan,Spreader Booms Cps,Load Hog,one New Mag. Ready to Fly $170,000. Call Dan Shannon 662-624-6695. (02-15)



G-164B Sn# 194B TT: 14220.7 R-985AN14B . Sn#: JP-211364 323.5 hrs. Covington Major O. H Annual due: 01- 02-15. Prop IR AN on 02/03/14. Del Nor te GPS D drop booms & CP nozzles Fan Bake, Grumman Gate & Spreader, Windshield Washer. SS belly skin, Wingman Tall centerline tail, Smoker, Landing lights, 80 gallon fuel sys. Sealed cockpit, 1” main gear Tail wheel lock, 289 gallon Hopper.$125,000 For more information call Darryl Riddell 870-5729011 days or 870-995-1323 nights and weekends (02-15)

O r d e r y o u r B M o d e l A g C a t Pe n and Ink Drawing From our DeSpain Collection today for $60. plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace.com TFN 1975 –N8788H - AgCat 450A, Zero Covington Eng, hydraomatic, 80 fuel, extended wing, Smoker, 2650TT. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573359-0500 tfn D Model Ag - Cat -34 P&W, 550 gal hopper, 120 gal fuel, too many other modifications to list. Serious inquires only. For more information call EF Lyon. 337-526-4850 (02-15)

Air Tractor AT401: 5600 TT, 150 SMOH R1340-AN2 geared P&W by Tulsa, 150 SPOH Ham Std 23D40 -31/7035A-9, O t te r b l ad e s , 2” S S s p r ay s ys te m , bottom load, 38” Transland gate, 74 amp alternator, elec. operated high lift flaps w/ aileron droop, windshield washer, Tanis oil heater, Satloc M3 w/ Flow Control, A/C , right boom shut off, 400 gal hopper, 126 gal fuel w/ bottom load, smoker flagger, CP nozzles, Lane fan and brake, clean nor thern airplane. Call Mike at Sky Tractor 800-437-5319. t fn 2011 AT-802A, N2003Y, approx. 2200 TT, -65, single point fuel, Wingman, 10” hydraulic gate, G4 w/ Flowcontrol, VGs, Lane brake, smoker.....$950,000. For more information call 870-295-6213 tfn

AT-400-28. 9000 TT, 600 since IRAN. Wings have 3000 left. M3 touch screen with flow control. Radio. Transponder with mode c. Bottom load fuel. Very nice. Call David 815-451-0621 or email davidsheppard1956@gmail.com. Try phone first. (02-15) 2011 AT-602. N0005R. 2340 TTAF&E60. Smoker, electric brake, air, heat, 10 inch hydraulic gate with Del Norte controller, single point fuel, Wingman, fresh annual, fresh HSI, prop IRAN, overhaul starter generator $810,000 Call Al 870-265-5011 (02-15) 1986 AT-301, 4500 TTSN, 15 hours since Covington OH on geared 1340, AC, M3/ flow, northern plane. Farm Air 877-7158476 tfn

1999 AT-602-65. 3240 TTSN AF&E. 270 TT on new 802 prop. Fresh HSI with sale. 292 gal fuel. Dual Comm,Transponder W/ Mode C,Artificial Horizon. Daam Engine Monitor. Satloc G4 with all options, Intelliflow flow control. Single point fuel, Lane fan brake, R.H. boom shut off, CP’s, Hatfield Fire Gate, 8 Au4000 Micronair atomizers on separate booms, c/w brakes and RPM monitors. No fertilizer. Excellent Cond. Loaded. NDH. 2nd owner. 204-223-7660 (02-15) 1995 AT-502B-0299, PT6-34, 5636 TTAF, Factory Refurbish 2871 TTAF, 2768 SMOH, 518 SHSI, New CT blades and segments, Propeller 800 SMOH, 2365 to sparcaps. M3 Satloc keypad, Crophawk 7B, Shadin, night work lights, Lane Brake, air, heat, smoker, flagger, VG’s. KY96A Com, KA134 panel, GTX320A Tx NPX138NO7O FM, military & civilian. All AD’s & SB’s complied with. $ 460,000.00 www. quikwayair.ca Call Quikway Air Services at 403-362-5400 (02-15) 2001 AT-802A -65. 3815 TTA&E. 0 SHSI. 0 SPOH. 0 on new landing gear. Fresh starter generator. 308 gal fuel w dual single point. Reabe hopper gauge. IFR instrumentation. Audio panel w transponder and com. Fresh annual. $750,000. 731-393-9843. (02-15)

1996 AT-502B-34, very clean no damage o n e ow n e r K S . air p lan e, 5 65 0 T T AF&Engine, 225 hrs since Covington hot section. Air Tractor pressure cowl, CP nozzles, lane fan & brake, Hopper rinse, Shadin fuel flow, new G-4 satloc & flow control, factory heat & A/C. Fresh annual. $449,500 OBO. Call Chuck 620-2606268 (02-15)

2015 AT-502B PT6A -34AG All Std Equipment Included PLUS: SS Camlocs, Factory Air & Heat, Lane Electric Fan & Brake, 3” Bottom Load, Engine and Air Frame Extended Warranty. Call for pricing. Rick Stone, Southeastern Aircraft 800-441-2964 tfn 2009 AT-502B, PT6A-34AG smoker, 216 fuel, Bantam/flow, radio, cabin heat/AC, 1750 TTSN northern plane since new. Farm Air 877-715-8476 tfn

2011 AT-502B, PT6A-34AG smoker, 234 fuel, Bantam/flow, radio, cabin heat/AC, 1250 TTSN, northern plane since new. Farm Air 877-715-8476 tfn 2010 AT- 602 w/ PT6A- 65AG. 3596 TTSNAFE, 79 SHSI by Covington, 79 SPOH, 79 hrs on new gear legs, 79 hrs on new elec. pump brake, 79 hrs new Wingman, Satloc Bantam w/ flow control, Comm radio, Garmin GPS w/ XM radio/weather, AmSafe airbag seatbelts, Very clean and solid airplane. $815,000. Call Steven Taylor 501-516-5874. Arkansas location ( 02-15) 1 9 9 0 AT- 5 0 2 -1 2 4 - 3 4 , 1 o w n e r, 124 40TT, CT blades at 10386.7TT, CT disk replaced at 11864TT, New sun gear assembly at11594TT, M3 flow control, Factory heat/air, Wingman 24” gate & swathmaster. $325,000 OBO. Must Sell. Buying 602. Call or email Shawnee 662-363-1461,tunicaair@gmail. com (02-15) 1989 Air Tractor AT-402-15. 11,430 TT. 660 SHSI. Well equipped with extras. Call for spec sheet. $340,000 605-3504536. (02-15)

1997 AT-502-34: N502S, 5975 TTAF&E, 1598 SHOT, 2501 SPOH, 2000 hr left on spar. New landing gear including tail, Bantam with flow control, Rt boom shutoff, A/C , Heat, Reabe clear canopy, Smoker, Flagger, Drop stainless steel booms, CP flat fan nozzles, Spreader, Annual in Dec. 2014, Can email cycle times or other info you request. Good clean well maintained aircraft. $425,000. Call Jim 218-289-1999. (02-15)

2010 AT-802A- 65 3060TT, 0 SHOT, fresh annual, hydraulic 10” gate with Del - Nor te controller, flow control, to u ch s cre e n M -3 G P S , w i n g m a n , spreader, CP-11 nozzles and check valves, comm radio, audio panel, single point fuel,new gear legs per the type certificate, NDH, $925,000 Contact: Brent Hampton 573-620-1815 (02-15)

1 9 9 8 A i r Tr a c t o r AT4 0 2 A : 6 0 5 3 TTSNAFE, 493 SHSI, 1 owner since new, Shadin fuel, AG-NAV GPS, Drop boom stainless steel spray system w/ CP flat fan nozzles, Factory ram air inlet, A/C, Heat, Night working lights. $412,000. Call Tony Martinez 620-7917492 or email tony2@ruraltel.net ( 02-15) Wanted - Air Tractor 802. Have 1994 Thrush-34 510 to trade and pay difference. 30,000 spar caps. Engine 3,500 SMOH. 0 SHSI, 0 power section, Load hawg, M3, fresh annual. J. Harmon. Call office 870935-6666, or cell 870-919-4868 email: jharmonflying@yahoo.com (02-15) 1979 Air Tractor AT301: 7619 TTAF. 240 SMOH by Covington. Hydromatic prop 240 SPOH by Memphis. Collins A/C. M3 w/ Flow control. Smoker/flagger. Garmin SL40, VG’s. New cool seat. AMSAFE airbag seatbelts. CP nozzles. Reabe hopper gauge. 126 fuel. SS booms. All metal tail. 2011 paint. LG replaced at 6695 TTAF. Wings done at 6584. Single point fuel. Clean northern airplane. Call Kyle 970867-8414 or 970-768-0553. (02-15)



1998 AT-502-34 N5075L 9371 TTAF, 9702 TTE, 2740 TSLOH Covington, 316 SHOT Covington over $60,000 in new parts. 316 SPOH, Spar cap good till 17,216 TTAF, 2014 all new factory panels and belly skins with stainless Mil Spec fasteners, 316 hr on all engine oil and fuel hoses with OH oil cooler, Smoker, Flagger, Rt boom shutoff, A/C, M3 with flow control, Drop stainless booms CP flat fan nozzles. Can email cycles or other info you request. Very clean well maintained airplane. $425,000 Call Jim 218-289-1999 (02-15)


2015 Slots Available ............................................... Call

2011 AT-802A, N2003Y, approx. 2200 TT, -65, single point fuel, Wingman, 10” hydraulic gate, G4 w/Flowcontrol, VGs, Lane brake, smoker ............................. $950,000 2003 AT-502B-34, 6265TT, 300 SHOT. Bantam gps with g4 screen, flow control, load hawg, comm radio with audio panel, spreader, cp check valves with cp-11’s, flashing landing lights. New paint in 2011 and gone through with new landing gear, new prop, wing redone with newer 9000k wing, 8000k hrs left. Airplane is ready to work. Call Brent 573-620-1815 or email brenthampton79@yahoo.com (02-15)

2010 AT-802, N422BR, 1910 TTAF&E, -67, smoker, elec. brake gr. adj., air, heat, 10” hydraulic gate w/Del Norte controller, Del Norte w/flow control, single point, Wingman, fresh annual, fresh HSI ............ $1,050,000

2009 AT-502, N662JK, 1320 TTAF&E, smoker, elec. brake gr. adj., load hog, 234 gallon fuel ........ $725,000

2012 Air Tractor 802A-65AG For Sale: Approx. 1000 TT Airframe & Engine. Bantam GPS w/ flow control, Single point fuel, Hydraulic gate, Wingman, Elec. fan brake, Smoker, radio package, CP 11’s, Ag laser, 308 gal. fuel, NDH, and much more! Call ASI JET AG Division for pricing, pictures, and more details; or visit our website ASIJET-AG.COM. 952-941-6255 (12-15) AIR TRACTOR 602 • $425,000 • PRICED FOR FAST SALE • 2000 AIR TRACTOR 602. N9125P S/N 602-5068. Total Time Air fr ame 6263.1. P&W PT6 - 6 0AG . s/n PCE RG0077. Garmin audio panel, KY196, Garmin transponder , ELT, horizon indicator, Lane pump fan. Satloc M3 Engine has overhauled CT blades, vane ring & segments, New #1 & #2 Bearings, O/H oil cooler, O SMOH on propeller, w/ new blades, a steal for $425,000. • Contact George F. Mitchell - M & M AIR SERVICE INC., Owner located Beaumont, TX USA • Telephone: 409-656-5998 . 409-7942352 . • Fax: 409-794-2958 (02-15)

Complete Air Tractor Parts And Accessories Dealer For Every Major Ag Aviation Parts and Supplies Large Selection of PT6 Accessories New Turbine Props and Blades 0 SMOH 1340 Younkin S/S Pumps, Booms and Center Boom for Air Tractor

Jack Frost jack@frostflying.com Frost Flying Inc Office 870-295-6213 Fax 870-295-6674

Weath-Aero Compro

Target Spray Variable Rate Nozzles

Garrett Frost garrett@frostflying.com Parts 870-295-6218 Fax 870-295-6237 parts@frostflying.com

Large inventory of PT6 and Air Tractor parts • Financing Available Call for Wingman installation For AgAv Parts & Accessories Call Matt Ashburn

IA and A&P mechanics needed February 2015 A-33


1993 AT-401 GEARED, 6,304 TT, AIR, 400 gal hopper, speed ring, cool seat, smoker, flow control, outside baggage, 126 gal fuel, strobes & LT LDS lights, spreader. For more information call Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573359-0500 tfn Priced To Sale! - N6003G 1994 Model 502B Air-Tractor, Serial No. 502B 0249. Completely rebuilt by Cascade Conversions. Wing life now rated at 9400 hrs. Hopper was refurbished by John Hurr in California 7/15/2006 and looks like new. New Gill batteries in April 2012. All new tires in 2013 (not used since). All new landing gear, including tail spring at time of rebuild. Engine: Walter M601 E11 (750 hot & high rated) Serial No.: 843 243. 977.8 hrs SMOH by G.E. factory. Current inspection completed by Premier Turbines (Bruce Carlson) 11/24/2013. Equipment: M3 SATLOC GPS Guidance System, Intelliflow flow controller, Stainless steel booms - right hand boom shut off, 39 Carousel (CP-111TT) nozzles, Single point fuel system, Smoker, Windshield wiper, Agrinautics Spray Pump (WeathAero 5 blade pump drive), King KY 196 Com Transceiver. Jim Schick, Aero Spray Service, Inc., Miller, SD. 605-853-2777, 605-871-3833. (02-15)

2009 AT-502-B, PT6A-34AG, N769PB, TT 1346.8,1251.8 SHOT by Covington, Spar cap replacement due at TTA of 9,800.0 (in 8453.2 hrs) 38” gate, hopper rinse, factory A/C and heat, smoker, flow control, M3 Satloc w/ Intelliflow, single point fueling, Vortex Gen. kit, Load hawg. Call Darryl for pricing. South Delta Aviation - 870-572-9011 days or 870995-1323 nights and weekends (02-15)

2015 Air Tractor slots available, call Rick Stone, Southeastern Aircraft Sales 800441-2964. tfn 1982 AT-400, 9597 TT, SATLOC M3 GPS, Smoker, hopper auger system, MICRO VG’S. For more information call Mid Continent Aircraft Corp 573-359-0500 tfn

2009 AT-502B, N662JK, 1320 TTAF&E, -34, smoker, elec. brake gr. adj., heat, load hog, 234 gallon fuel,........$725,000 For more information call 870-295-6213 t fn 2010 AT- 8 02,- 67, 26 0 0 hr s T T, 0 since HSI, hydraulic gate w/Del Norte controller, elec. brake gr. adj., Del Norte w/flowcontrol, smoker, dual single point fuel, Wingman, fresh annual $1,025,000 Call 870-672-1044 tfn



2011 AT-802A PT6A-65AG 2600 TTSN Bantam/flow, wingman 2007 AT-802A PT6A-67AG red/white 5600 TTSN radios, Bantan/flow, 10” gate, wingman $840 K 2010 AT-602 PT6A-65AG 1600 TTSN Bantam/flow loaded, like new $960 K 1998 AT-602 PT6A-65AG 8000 TTSN wings done $520 K 2011 AT-502B PT6A-34AG 1250 TTSN loaded, like new 2009 AT-502B PT6A-34AG 1750 TTSN loaded, like new 1999 AT-502B PT6A-34AG 6500 TTSN VG’s, radio, cabin heat, more $420 K 1997 AT-502B PT6A-34 AG 7300 TTSN, radios, Hatfield S.P. fuel, M3/flow, fresh wings and paint $530 K.Large selection of parts, for more information contact Farm Air Inc. 877-715-8476 or Carrie or Randy at your Air Tractor parts at 309759-4646. tfn

2009 AT 502-B, PT6A-34AG, annual inspection due at 3/1/14. Spar cap replacement due at TTA of 9,800.0 (in 9013.2 hrs)38” gate, hopper rinse, factory A/C and heat, smoker, flow control, M3 Satloc. Call Darryl for Pricing South Delta Aviation - 870-572-9011 days or 870995-1323 nights and weekends (02-15) 2006 AT-602 N4257R; 2354 TT; 2354 SNEW; 610 SHSI; VFR; 1 Seat; Air Tractor 602 w/ -60AG, 2354 TT A/F, 610 SHOT, SS booms, CP nozzles, dual side loader, single point fuel, 6 Blade... Call for more information on Monthly Lease South Delta Aviation - 870-572-9011 days or 870995-1323 nights and weekends (02-15)

Large inventory or Air Tractor Parts. Surplus to our needs. Call for list. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc.com tfn

Don’t miss a great deal on these beautiful models, great addition to your growing collection. Makes a great gift. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at agairupdate.com t f n

Don’t miss a great deal on these beautiful models, great addition to your growing collection. Makes a great gift. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at agairupdate.com t f n

Order your AT-502 Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace. com TFN 2014 & 2015 AIR TRACTORS , RESERVE YOUR POSITION NOW $CALL$ 2014 AT-502A, - 60AG, FERRY TIME ONLY $1,038,400.00 2014 AT-802A, - 67AG, FERRY TIME ONLY $1,388,900.00 2012 AT-802A/65AG, 1,100 TTAF&E, HYD, NDH, FRESH HOT & ANNUAL $1,195,000.00 Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-3425451 or FAX: 281-232-5401. tfn

2010 AT-802, N422BR, 1910 TTAF&E, -67, smoker, elec. brake gr. adj., air, heat, 10” hydraulic gate w/Del Norte controller, Del Norte w/flowcontrol, single point fuel, WIngman, fresh annual, fresh HSI..... $1,050,000. For more information call 870-295-6213 tfn 1991 AT-502-0152- PT6A-34AG,N1515G, times since engine light O/H, 2050.8, SHSI 0.0, TTAF 10268.7, Refurbished airframe, Satloc Bantam, electric fan and brake, A/C, late model paint scheme looks and runs great, ready to work! $395,000 Rick Stone, Southeastern Aircraft 800-441-2964 tfn

1983 AT-400, PT6A-34AG, 25” gate, Stainless Steel Booms with CP Nozzles, 4 blade Lane fan with electric brake, Harbour A/C. M3 Satloc. For more information call Darryl Riddell 870-5729011 days or 870-995-1323 nights and weekends (02-15)

AT-401B: Power and payload at the right price. Step up to a highly productive, low maintenance piston engine ag plane for a price that makes solid business sense. The economical 400-gallon capacity AT-401B has a piston-engine price tag, plus all the reliability, durability, safety features and flying ease that make Air Tractor the industry leader. For qualified buyers, Wells Fargo has attractive and flexible terms available. Call your Air Tractor dealer. TFN

Order your Turbine AT-402 Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace.com TFN

AT-402B: Go turbo. The AT-402B, with the time-proven Pratt & Whitney PT6A15AG turbine engine, offers impressive climb rates and overall performance. The AT-402B’s light handling characteristics help reduce pilot fatigue – while delivering the payload, speed and productivity that helps create profits. Visit your Air Tractor dealer and learn how Wells Fargo’s financing options for qualified buyers make owning an Air Tractor more affordable than you might think. TFN

Order your AT-802 Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace.com TFN

AT-502B: More performance; more profit potential. With Air Tractor’s AT-502B there’s plenty of power and a big, 500gallon payload to please both pilot and operator. The Pratt & Whitney PT6A34AG turbine engine delivers efficient and effective performance that shortens ferry times and reduces takeoffs and landings. Since 1987 the AT-502 series has set the standard as the industry’s most popular ag plane. You can own one with attractive financing options from Wells Fargo. Talk to your Air Tractor dealer. TFN Air Tractor 402 for more information and price call Darryl or Bill 870-572-9011 (02-15) 2014 Slots Available Call Frost Flying Inc. 870-295-6213 tfn

AT-504: Learn and earn. With side-byside cockpit seating and 485-gallon capacity, the AT-504 is a great way to train new ag pilots and earn while they learn. Powered by the Pratt & Whitney PT6A-34AG turbine engine, you’ll get working speeds and performance like the tried and true AT-502B. And when the training day is done, you’ll see that it was productive workday, too. Wells Fargo financing for qualified buyers is available; just visit with your Air Tractor dealer. T FN


J ohnston A ircrAft s ervice

THRUSH / PIPER BRAVE / PAWNEE / CESSNA AG / AG-CAT / AIR TRACTOR • AIRCRAFT SALES / SERVICE / PARTS / MODIFICATIONS Newly appointed distributor for DynaNav, Introduces the newest GPS...


Pilot & Cost Friendly while being the ultimate in GPS precision Navigation, Dispersal and Documentation.

EVERYTHING THRUSH We sell and install!

“Century” Thrush Spar Caps with 60,000 hr fatigue life at 10,500 lbs. gross.


We sell and install Cascade Pressure Cowls Thrush 230 gal extended wings

completely rebuilt with HD nose ribs and L.E. skins U pick final color - outright or exchange

We can completely rebuild / refurbish YOUR Thrush

Thrush FacTory Wing spar caps Sales and Installation Thrush Reinforced Wing Leading Edge Sales and Installation Thrush Fuel Capacity Increase. Thrush Landing Gear Repair/Rebuild and Sales. Thrush Fuselage Repair and Modification.

E V E RY T H I N G B R AV E Turbine and 400 conversions Up YOUR performance

Brave We repair/rebuild/modify, plus engine overhaul and parts sales.

We sell and install the Cascade PT6 850 shp conversions for the AT-502, and Thrush is next, with optional 565 gal hopper. Coming soon - 14 inch longer Thrush PT6 Firewall forward package using your engine and prop - lighter weight and better take off and flight performance. • Distributor / Dealer for All Ag Equipment. • Distributor / Rebuilder of Emco Wheaton Dry Breaks • Distributor for APS Black Steel brake discs and linings • Parts & Services Catalog Available.

We now have Thrush NEW CONTINUOUS DUTY 6000 hour airframe fuel pump/motor combo’s.

24 HR. PHONES: 559-686-1794 or 686-2161 FAX: 559-686-9360 P.O. Box 1457, Tulare, CA 93275 Se Habla Español info@johnstonaircraft.com • parts@johnstonaircraft.com


February 2015




Order your AT-602 Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace. com TFN

1978 Ag Truck, 7000 TT looks like 2000, 25 SMOH, 7th stud case, 856 SPOH, air foil booms, CP nozzles, Crophawk, A/C, new paint & windows, Kevlar leading edges, hydraulic pump. For more information call Jeff Priewe 662-5015559 (02-15) 1982 - N9996J - Cessna Husky, 5100TT, 130 STOH, 1250 SMOH, new cylinders, air, Satloc, smoker. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 tfn

AT-802: Capacity that creates profits. An 800-gallon hopper, zippy 190 mph ferry speeds, and greater working capacity than any other ag aircraft on the market - the AT-802 is simply a hoss. With the AT-802 you’ll ferry faster, spray more fields and do bigger jobs all in one load. That’s production that only Air Tractor can offer you. Visit with your Air Tractor dealer about the AT-802. And ask about special Air Tractor financing now available from Wells Fargo for qualified buyers. TFN Save money. Buy used. Parting out several Air Tractor 402, 502, 602, and 802, Thrush and Ag Cats. Call Chad Stuart. Airplane Services, Inc. 850-380-6091 tfn

Cessna airframe parts, Continental and Lycoming engine parts, and a few spray system parts, new surplus, big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts.com tfn J & C enterprises Aviation Inc. Wants to buy your Cessna aircraft, New & Used part of any kind. Call Jerry 800-542-8565 or email jcaviation@pldi.net Atfn Will trade nice 1972 Super Viking for flying Ag Truck or Pawnee. Will consider projects. Call Jerry at J & C Enterprises Aviation, Inc. 1-800-542-8565 Atfn We have the largest NEW inventory of Cessna 188 AG Truck & Ag Wagon parts in the USA. Parting out many other air crafts as well. J & C Enterprises Aviatiion INC 800-542-8565 or Email Sid or Jerry at jcaviation@pldi.net Atfn

1966 Pawnee spray plane, 12275TT, 1050 SMOH, Hutch wing & fuselage, spring steel gear, spreader box & Trac Map available at extra cost. $73,000 OBO. Call Patricia 903-571-0116 or email eastexflying@gmail.com (02-15)

PA-25-235, 6919Z, 7606TT, 725 SMOH, Full hutch conversion, SS sprayer, CP nozzles, weath aero fan, Crophawk, smoker, flagger, low time prop. May consider trade for Skylane. Email rickh@ ruraltel.net or call 785-282-0218 (02-15)

cessna 1975 Cessna Ag Pickup, 3578 TT, 2030 SMOH, Satloc LiteStarII.. Aircraft is located at Air Repair in Cleveland, MS.. Call for photo or more details. Air Repair, Inc. Phone 662-846-0228. Fax 662-8430811. Email sales@airrepairinc.com. tfn 1976- Cessna Bonaire,-A188B, 3227.0TT, ENGINE TIME: 456.0, New Tail Wheel Assembly, S.S. Boom, Satloc Lite Star II, Smoker, Locking Tail Wheel,Nozzles 42 Ea Tee Jets, new motor in hydraulic manual pump w/ new housing Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573359-0500 tfn

Order your Piper Pawnee Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S &H. Call 478 - 9 87-2 2 5 0 o r o r d e r o n l i n e at agairupdatemarketplace.com TFN

(2) - PZL M18B. Got pension, want to go fishing and must sell, less than 400 hours total each since new. 2 AgNav, 2 spreaders, 2 boom sets. etc. Plus one complete fuselage. Ground support equipment and a consistent selection of brand new spare parts. Everything must go as one shot, FOB Italy. Contact GB . direzione@nhemm.it (02-15) M-18A Turbine Airframe for sale. No engine. 4796TT. Contact Riceland Aviation 337-8241567 or email ricelandav@aol.com (02-15)

1954 Cessna 180 4900TT, 1190SMOH, 200 since top, Good paint. Call Mooney 662-645-3870 (02-15) 1975 – N9482R - Cessna Ag Truck, 3500 3600TT, 300 SMOH, NEW Crankshaft, Bantam, SL40. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 tfn

Order your Flying Dromader Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 +S&H. 478-987-2250 or agairupdatemarketplace.com TFN



Piper airframe parts, continental and Lycoming engine parts and a few spray system parts, new surplus, big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts.com tfn 1982 Piper PA-18-150 Super Cub, 620 horas desde nuevo!!, Tela nueva, pintura nueva, micas nuevas, recién inspecionado, GPS, Comm, Transponder. El PA-18 más nuevo y bonito en el mercado, $135,000 Sun Valley Dusting, 956-399-5323, Fax 956-399-2320 tfn


O rd e r yo u r M18 D ro m ad e r Pe n and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60. plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace.com TFN

1997 Thrush S2R-G1 5700 TT, 650 since CAM, 612 remaining on spar, Collins a/c, Metal tail,VG’s, Bottom load fuel, Shadin fuel flow, FAST start, M3 w/ flow control, SS booms, Lane electric brake, fresh annual. 605-350-4536 (02-15)

J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. Wants to buy your Piper, Pawnee or Brave aircraft. We are also looking for parts inventory, or derelict aircraft as well call Jerry at 800-542-8565 or email jcaviation@pldi. net At fn

dromader AT-602: Trim your overhead. You’ll reduce costs and increase profit margins when you scale a multi-plane operation down to a single-plane operation. Air Tractor’s AT-602 makes it an easy choice. The big 630-gallon payload moves you up to high volume production, reduces loads, saves time and helps trim operating expenses compared with two smaller planes. The AT-602 is the ideal solution for 5-gallon work on center-pivot circles. Step it up with an AT-602. Visit your Air Tractor dealer. TFN

2006 Thrush S2R-T660: PT6 - 65AG, 7152 TTAFE, 0 SHSI, 5 blade Hartzell 0 SIRAN, Dec. 2014 annual inspection, 236 gal fuel, 710 gal hopper, Satloc G4 w/ Autocal, Kawak gate, Many extras. Full info at www.n660kp.com. $595,000. Call Jim 662-254-9311 or 662-466-6909 or email southanddownunder@gmail. com (02-15)

1996 Ayres S2R-T34 10,688 TT Wing spar 3071 TT PT6A-34AG 9936 TT 2978 TS “lite” overhaul 983 TSHIS. Prop 1814 TSOH Satloc M3, Night lights, dual side single point fuel, dropped booms w/high volume spray system, CP nozzles, low time tail spring $325K 559-686-7401 (04-15) 1994 Ayres 510, PT6-34AG, 7000 TTAFE, 700 Hrs Since Extensive HOT, 0 Since Prop IRAN, Bantam w/Flow, Wingman, CP- 09, L ane Fan, Spreader, K awak Controls. Fresh Annual, Ready to Work. Call 870-338-1504 (02-15)

1978 S-2R Thrush 13,837 TTAF, TPE331-6 7670 SNEW, 4691 SOH, 0 SHOT #1&2 wheels new, Work done at C&D. 477hr since spar cap replacement, M3 with flow control, Big fuel single point, A/C, Drop stainless booms, CP flat fan nozzles, Smoker, Annual 4/7/14, then parked. Clean northern airplane. $325,000. Call Jim 218-289-1999 (02-15)

1989 Thrush 510 S2R-T34 Aircraf t TT 13418.9 Prop SMOH 0 hrs. New License, new tailspring, SSP 10 vane spreader, Stainless Steel Booms, Extra “Record” inlet filter, John Herr Hopper Lid, Includes Bantam Satloc. Call for more info. Bill Porter Farm Air Flying Service Inc. $375,000 916-922-9063. (02-15) 2010 Thrush 510P, 1350 TT, Single Point Fuel, Smoker, VG’s, Satloc Bantam w/ Flow Control, Comm, Lane Fan, Transland Spreader, Pulsing LED Wing Lights. Call Donnie 361-920-1005 or email gfgsprayers@gmail.com (02-15) For sale or trade: 1994 Thrush-34 510. 30,000 spar caps. Engine 3,500 SMOH. 0 SHSI, 0 power section, Load hawg, M3, fresh annual. Will sell outright or trade for Air Tractor 802. J. Harmon. Call office 870935-6666, or cell 870-919-4868 email: jharmonflying@yahoo.com (02-15) For sale or trade: 1979 Thrush-34 510. Total restoration from sand blasted airframe, low time -34, 0 prop, M3. J. Harmon. Call office 870-935-6666, or cell 870-919-4868 email: jharmonflying@ yahoo.com (02-15)

2010 Thrush S2R-T34, Ser. #T34-334, N7022F. PT6A-34AG, Ser. #PCE-PH0569. Har tzell prop model HC- B3TN -3D/ T10282N+4. 14 0 0 T.T. Air fr ame & Engine. LED leading edge landing lights, VG’s Load Hawg, Smoker, Bantam GPS with flow control. SS booms with CP’s, Weathaero fan, SSF spreader. Annualed 04/08/2014, No damage history. Please call 870-479-3737. (02-15)

2013 Thrush 510P - 600 TT, PT6A-34AG Engine warranty remaining, G4 GPS w/ flow, Hatfield Single point, Hopper Rinse, Elec. Fan Brake, SS Spreader, SS Booms, Smoker, VG’s, Com radio, LED lights, Boom shutoff switch, and much more! Call ASI JET AG Division for price, pictures, and details. ASI JET AG Division is an authorized Thrush Dealer specializing in NEW and Used aircraft! Visit ASIJET-AG.COM or give us a call at 952.941.6255 (12-15) 1978 Ayres S2R-T34 21,300 TT Wing spar 2250 TT PT6A-34AG 16,600 TT 9650 SIRAN, 2175 SHSI, Prop 1400 TSOH w/new blades, Satloc, spring tailwheel, high volume spray system $250K 559-686-7401 (04-15)

For Sale 2011 S2R-T34ag 510, 1600 t t af/eng, N DH, a/c, heat, smoke, vg’s, cascade inlet, load hawg, elec turn coord, led nose and wing lights, bantam w/intelliflow, lane elec brake, a u t o - c a l , s w a t h m a s t e r s p r e a d e r, aluminum booms, single point fuel, 3” side load, fresh annual, his, some spare parts. $780, 000 obo Glenn 662721-7931 hoair1@yahoo.com (02-15)

Plan for the 1996 Ayres Turbo Thrush, G10 -125, 6966.5 TT, 1817 TT engine since cam, 1100 hours remaining on spar caps, Hartzell propeller. 333 hours SMOH, A/C, Strobes, Electric fan clutch ground adjustable, Aluminum booms, Davidon triset nozzle tips, Spraying systems check valves, 3” side load valve, Bottom load fuel, ATS Vg’s, Smoker, Auto Cal, KY96A, Transponder, Guia GPS with P500 box, Selling price for this aircraft is $440,000 Call Bruce’s Flying Service 229-725-4150, fax 229-725-5135. bruceandrews62@ gmail.com 06-15 2013 Thrush S2R-H80, dual cockpit, full dual controls, GE H80 engine model H80-100. Hartzell propeller HC-B4TN. 50 hrs TT MVP-50T glass panel. Standard alum booms with 32 CP nozzles, Lane fan and electric brake, Wing tip strobe and Nav lights. 228 Gal fuel, K & N filters, windshield wiper and washer, 29” high flotation tires and wheels with dual caliper Cleveland brakes, Zee A/C, cabin heat. Satloc G4 w/intellaflow comm transponder FM/XM radio. Call Souther Field Aviation 229-924-2813 tfn 2013 Thrush N762BF G10-177, 297 TTAF, 297 TTSN, Engine 297 since Cam, Prop 297 TT, MVP 50, A/C, Guia GPS w/ Flow Control, AFS Check valves, Davidon Triset nozzle tips, Lane fan clutch, Lane ground adjustable fan, Windshield wiper, ATS VGs, Strobes, Aluminum booms, 3” side load valve, Bottom load fuel. $795,000. Call Bruce Andrews 229-725-4150 06 -15 1974 S2RG5/525(Goering conv.-750 SHP) - 12,624 TT/ 94 since IRAN engine/ 2704 since new 4 blade prop: 525 gal hopper, Simplex pump and electric fan brake, stainless booms, 2” left side load, extended wings, droop tips, aileron ser vos, vor tex generators, 192 gal fuel, bottom load fueling, nav/strobe/ instrument and landing lights, spring steel tailwhl gear w/ 5.00x5 tire, air cond., Satloc M3 GPS with Raven flow control, Big butterfly wing splice plate with NEW factory lower spar caps, good paint/tires/ glass/fabric. fresh annual 559-686-1794 / Email info@johnstonaircraft.com www. johnstonaircraft.com tfn 2011 – N70060, Thrush S2R-T34, 1080 TT SNEW, 228 gal fuel, Weatheraero fan, 60 CP’S nozzles, S.S. boom, fan brake, load hawg, VG’S, smoker, LED light, Bantam GPS W/ Intelliflow, MVP-50, 3” side L. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 (tfn)


AIRCRAFT 2014 & 2015 AIR TRACTORS, RESERVE YOUR POSITION NOW ..................................... $CALL$ 2014 AT-502A, -60AG, FERRY TIME ONLY ..................................................................$1,038,400 2014 AT-802A, -67AG, FERRY TIME ONLY ..................................................................$1,388,900 2012 AT-802A/65AG, 1,100 TTAF&E, HYD, NDH, FRESH HOT & ANNUAL .................$1,195,000

ENGINES R-1340, ZERO TIME SINCE OVERHAUL BY COVINGTON ...........................................$64,500.00 PT6A-34AG, 6,434 TTSN, P/S LIGHT OVERHAUL, NEW CT BLADES, O/H VAIN ......$260,000.00 NEW PT6 -11, 15, 34, 60, 65, 67 OUTRIGHT OR EXCHANGE ......................................... $CALL$ PROPELLERS HARTZELL 3 BLADE AND 5 BLADED PROPS – New And Used ........................................ $CALL$

DISPERSAL EQUIPMENT TRANSLAND 10 VAIN SPREADER FOR 38” GATE, NEW .....................................................$9,500 AGRINAUTICS, ROOT, CROPHAWK, TRANSLAND, OTHERS ............................................ $CALL$

2014- N30620, Thrush, S2R-T34, Factory NEW call for information. Mid Continent Aircr af t Corp Hay ti, MO 573 -359 0500 tfn

1998 Thrush S2R G -1(Super)/400: Approx. 4400TT airframe, 4400 Since CAM, 1400 hrs. Since Super conversion on Garrett -1 (many New and Overhauled Parts), 400 Gal, Single Point, FAST Start, FF Meter, A/C, Smoker, Hopper Rinse, Comm, Dual Landing light, Cool mesh seat and More! Call ASI JET AG Division for price, pictures, and more details. ASI JET AG Division is an authorized Thrush Dealer! Selling NEW and Used aircraft ASIJET-AG. COM, give us a call! 952-941-6255 1 2-15

2000 S2RT65/660(1300 SHP) - 5985 TT/ 90 since O/H engine and 5 blade prop: 660 gal hopper, factory spray system, Lane fan and electric brake, stainless booms, 3” left side load, 26,000 hour life wing, 230 gal fuel, bottom load fueling, aileron servos, quick start system, nav/ strobe/instrument and landing lights, Satloc Bantam GPS with Intelliflow, air cond., Shadin fuel flow meter, Load Hawg, good paint and glass, new tires and brakes. PRICE REDUCED! 559-686-1794 / Email info@johnstonaircraft.com www. johnstonaircraft.com tfn


1971 Thrush S2R - 12,490TT, Geared 1340 engine 390TT, Otter prop 390TT, new SATLOC Bantam w/ G4 screen and Flow control, all stainless system, CP-11 nozzles, cold air intake, rebuilt Agrinautics pump w/ elec. brake, 29” wheels, spring tail wheel, extended wings, new spark plugs, right boom shutoff. $120,000. Call Kelley Schindler at 406-679-0688 or email kelly_schindler@yahoo.com (02-15)

Lane Aviation, Inc. “Specializing in Turbine and Piston Air Tractors”


281-342-5451 TEL • 281-232-5401 FAX e-mail: glane@laneav.com • www.laneav.com P.O. Box 432 • Rosenberg, Texas 77471

February 2015



2000 660 Thrush 5000 TT 0 time PT6A65 Zero time prop. New blades, load hot fast start, bottom fuel, new batteries, new tires and brakes. Spray system. Fresh Annual 812-877-2587 jim@turbinesinc. com 06 -15



The 660 Thrush with its innovative wing design and 54 foot wing span and over 400 square foot wing area ensures unmatched stability and control during Ag maneuvers. The combination of a solid airframe and powerful engine creates an airplane that outperforms the competition. Thrush is known for their structural durability and excellent performance under extreme conditions. www.thrushaircraft.com t f n


Cessna 180-185-188, PiPer Brave & Pawnee, CitaBria, DromaDer, aero CommanDer Lark & Darter, sCott & XPm taiLwheeL Parts, ContinentaL, LyComing, ChamPion, anD a Lot more.

Order your 510 Thrush Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace. com TFN WORLD WIDE U.S. Dealer New/Used Ag Thrush, 34-510, 550-60, *FINANCING AVAILABLE* Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO 800-325-0885 www.midcont.net t fn

Aircraft Hardware

Your Authorized Transland Dealer WE BUY SALVAGE & NEW PARTS INVENTORIES

The 510 Thrush has sent the standard in Ag Aviation for dependability. With rugged construction, simplified system and low maintenance, the 510 Thrush is the aircraft any operator can depend upon. Low maintenance, maximum loads, superior pattern makes the 510 Thrush a profit machine. All Thrush Aircraft models provide superb visibility, light control forces, and unmatched speed and maneuverability. www.thrushaircraft. com tfn

New 2015 Thrush 510 with a PT6A34AG or GE H80 engines available, 2015 Deliveries available now. ASI JET AG Division is an authorized Thrush Dealer for North America! We specialize in NEW and Used aircraft sales. ASIJET-AG.COM or Give us a call! 952-941-6255 12-15

Order your Radial Thrush Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S &H. Call 478 - 9 87-2 2 5 0 o r o r d e r o n l i n e at agairupdatemarketplace.com TFN FAA repair station for all ag equipment. Thrush spar replacement, annuals. MidContinent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800325-0885 tfn

The 550 Thrush of fers new sturdy hopper and innovative large hopper door to improve access when loading dry chemicals, while providing a 550 gallon capacity. Fuel economy, low acquisition cost and proven performance makes the 550 Thrush a great option for operators. The 550 Thrush offers a choice of power plants, allowing you to tailor the aircraft to meet the demands of your particular operating environment. www. thrushaircraft.com TFN

Order your Dual Cockpit Thrush Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60. plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace.com T F N

Order your Thrush 660 Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace. com T F N

Order your Weatherly Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S &H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace. com TFN



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W E AT H E R LY 6 2 0 B • $ 1 0 9, 5 0 0 •1996 Weatherly 620B. AFTT 4043, SMOH(Tulsa) 1058, prop SMOH 1058. EDM 700 digital eng. analyzer, digital tach, dual Crophawks, Satloc 99.5, chip detector, Icom radio, L and R boom shutoff, VGs, Weathaero fan, strobes, landing light, hopper rinse, smoker, oil filter, stainless airfoil booms, cool seat, always hangared, Aircraft located Sylvania, GA.• 956-454-5027 (02-15)

Order your Bell 206 Helicopter Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60. plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace.com TFN

misc. aircraft

Best Classified Buy In The Industry. Only $29 478-987-2250. Fax: 478-987-1836.

helicopter Order your Boy and AgCat Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace.com tfn

2 0 0 4 R - 4 4 R A V E N 1 . G R E AT OPPORTUNITY. Package Deal!! Get in on the helicopter spray business today. 2200 hr overhaul is being completed at this time and is included in the price. Still time to pick your paint and interior color. Turnkey ready to spray. Sale includes: Training, GPS, Simplex Spray System and a Mix Trailer. Don’t miss this opportunity! $456,900.00. Contact Brian Parker 561-723-1911. Located in Jupiter, FL USA (02-15)

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We Buy Worldwide! Inventories of new parts for almost anything. Order your AT-802F Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace.com tfn


1970 Bell OH-58 & 1989 Ford L9000 support truck FOR SALE -- $550,000 for both 1970 B ell O H -58 - N114RD - S/N 70-15256: Includes King KY 196 Comm, Garmin GTX 320A transponder, Technisonic TFM 138B, AgNav Guia, Isolair 3900 Spray system, Ag Air Hydraulic System, Crophawk flow meter, Auto Cal flow control, Custom aluminum plumbing with half-boom valve. 1989 Ford L9000 - Mileage: 456,915: 550 Gallon aluminum jet fuel tank, 2400 gallon fiberglass main water tank, 700 gallon stainless steel batch tank, 100 gallon chemical holding tank, (1) 3” Flowmax pump, (1) 2” Flowmax pump with Honda GX630, (1) 2” Flowmax fuel pump, LED converted running lights, small engines have independent power supply. Call Johnathan 337-257-2882 (02-15) HILLER SOLOY $265,000 AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE: Hiller Soloy 12E, Good Times, C20B, Recent paint and bubble, rebuilt tail boom, Isolair spray tanks, simplex air foil booms, kawak hydraulics system, trimble moving map GPS, com radio, belly hook, transport trailer, many spares. $265,000 Contact Mark 530-6824363 (02-15)

Order your Stearman Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order at agairupdatemarketplace.com T F N


Export Experts Authorized Turbine Brave Conversion Order your Clipped J3 Cub Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Ask about our Gift wrap option. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace.com tfn

• Transland • Covington Engines • Ag Nav • Turbine Conversions • Single Point Fueling

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Order your In-Formation Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S &H. Call 478 - 9 87-2 2 5 0 o r o r d e r o n l i n e a t agairupdatemarketplace.com T F N

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February 2015



PA irparts referred


B1-A Callair Manufacturing Rights. Available now is the type certificate, drawings, jigs, tooling, aircraft parts, and property associated with this 300 gal Pratt and Whitney 985 powered sprayer. Start your own aircraft company or expand your line. Call for details. Airplane Services Inc. 850-675-1252, 850-380-7268, 850-380-6091. tfn

bargains Use this category for your items that will sell under $2500. Place the classified of one item, one time at $30.00 and the classified will continue running until you sell the item and cancel the ad. Call 478987-2250 to place your classified today.

engines Pratt & Whitney R-985-14B OH engine. Hydromatic. Complete with mags, carb. and shipping box. All have heavy piston pins and new pistons included. 100 hour warranty. From $43,000 outright. Call Sun Air Parts 661-257-7708. 01-16 Dromader USA LLC Factory NEW and Overhauled engines ASz62IR for the Dromader M18, AN2, and Otter. All engines come with Factory warranty and Accessories. Zero time overhauls in stock. Call Jeff at 317-579-6666 ext 18 or jhammer@bycan-selen.net (02-15)

Take advantage of our biggest inventory of Turbo prop ag planes. Special buys and trades welcome. PT6, Garrett, GE even Walters. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 tfn

(2)TPE 331-6-251M engines with recent hot sections and GB inspections by service center, about 3600 SMOH, (2) TPE3315-252M engines. Dave 561-241-6111 or anacondads@aol.com (02-15)

R985-14B, 241 SOH, 0 IRAN...$39.9K; R985-AN1, 307 SOH, 0 IRAN...$37.9K; R1340HYD, 356 SOH, 0 IRAN...$49.9K; AmAg: 870-886-2418/2489FAX A g C a t S a l e s/S e r v i c e/ P a r t s s i n c e 1971. Email frank.kelley@ag-cat.com

Universal Turbine Parts 3 ea PT6A-11AG TSO (2) 2754, 3976; 1 ea PT6A-21 TSO 1723; 7 ea PT6A-27/28 TSO (3) 0, 1744, 2731, 4143, 4891; 2 ea PT6A-114A TSO 0, 272; 1 ea PT6A-135A TSO 653; 2 ea PT6A-34 TSO 0; 4 ea PT6A-41 TSO 537, 863, 2802, 4147; 2 ea PT6A-42 TSO 0; 1 ea PT6A-50 TSO 0; 1 ea PT6A-60AG TSO 5369; 3 ea PT6A-67D TSO 0; We also buy PT6 Engines in all conditions. Please contact Joel at 334-361-7853 or email jplake@UTPparts.com or Greg at 704-660-9999 or email greg.miller@ UTPparts.com.

Pratt & Whitney R-1830-94. Complete with mags, harness, and shipping crate. 10 0 hour warranty. From $62,0 0 0 outright. Call Sun Air Parts 661-2577708. 01-16 Engine Overhaul Services (EOS) E.O.S. is a F.A.A. approved PT6 repair station, offering a wide range of COMPLETE overhaul and repair capabilities on the Pratt and Whitney PT6A model engines. We produce quality engine work with quick turnaround time. Call us today 305888-4596. Visit us at www.pt6engine. com (09-15) Pratt & Whitney R2000-7M2. Complete with mags, harness, all new pistons, roller and ball bearings installed. Also new rubber covered leads and master rod bearings. 100 hour warranty. From $49,000 outright. Call Sun Air Parts 661257-7708. 01-16 (1) Pratt & Whitney PT6-34AG, 266 hrs SMOH Call for cycle info. Bruce Andrews 229-725-4150 $235,000.00 06-15 R985-AN1-14B Tulsa Overhaul, New Pistons, Bosch mags. Ignition harness, carb, with warranty outright/exchange. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-4296805 10-15

P r a t t & W h i t n e y R-1 3 4 0A N1 . N o hydromatics. Complete with mags, carb. and shipping box. 100 hour warranty. From $53,000 outright. Call Sun Air Parts 661-257-7708. 01-16 Pratt and Whitney overhauled 1340 cylinders call Terry at 870-536-1348 or David at 870-550-1664 (02-15) Wright R1820-86B T-28. Engine freshly overhauled. Complete with mags, harness, and shipping box. 100 hour warranty. W/o carb. $59,500 outright. W/ carb. $62,500 outright. Call Sun Air Parts 661-2577708. 01-16 Garrett TPE-331-5-252M, 840 hp, hear it run in the test cell. / Beta Tube, 4-blade prop, spinner, backing plate, nose cowl, all accessories, including starter generator, wiring harness, $147,500.00. 772-4689292 or 772-913-5225 anytime. turbgrp@ aol.com.. (02-15) Pratt & Whitney R1340AN2. Geared nose engine. Complete with mags, carb. and shipping crate. From $53,000 outright. Call Sun Air Parts 661-257-7708. 01-16 G E ARED 13 4 0/ A LBATROS S PRO P $68,000 Geared 1340 all accessories removed for turbine conversion, clean g o o d r u n n i n g e n g i n e . 26 0 S M O H Covington, Prop with Albatross blades. Contact Dean L. McClain - AG FLYERS INC. Torrington, WY USA Telephone: 307-532-4744 or 307-532-2236 (02-15) Pratt & Whitney R-1830-92. Complete with mags, harness, and shipping crate. 100 hour warranty. From $58,000 outright. Call Sun Air Parts 661-257-7708. 01-16



Jetset Airmotive can take care of all of your PT6A engine needs with engines, parts, accessories, and a knowledgeable staf f. We have engines for sale or exchange. Quality work with a quick turnaround. Call us today for your PT6A engine needs at 305-825-2001. Visit us at www.jsamiami.com . (09-15) Pratt & Whitney R4360-20W. Complete engine. 0 time be Aero Dex. Released pressure from seal in Aug. 2014. Pristine engine. $29,000 outright. Call Sun Air Parts 661-257-7708. 01-16 R1340 Engine Overhauled, New Pistons, New Bearings, mags. Ignition harness, carb, with warranty outright/exchange. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-4296805 10-15 R1340-AN2 Airmotive Overhaul, New Pistons, mags. harness, carb, with warranty outright/exchange. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-429-6805 10-15 R985 AN 1/14B OHC new pistons chrome cylinders new bearings, Bosch mags warranty outright or exchange. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-4296805 10-15 R985-AN1-14B Tulsa Overhaul, New Pistons, mags. Ignition harness, carb, with warranty outright/exchange. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-429-6805 10-15

Pratt & Whitney PT6A-34AG. 10,064 TT engine, 81 SHOT, good cycle times remaining, Fresh Hot Section with sale. $155,000. South Delta Aviation - 870572-9011 days or 870-995-1323 nights and weekends (02-15) Jet Set Airmotive PT6A-28 TSO 0 PT6A-34 TSO 0 PT6A-34AG TSO 0 Email preeves@jsamiami.com Email krod@jsamiami.com


Garrett TPE-331-10 -511M 2 engines available with lots of time and cycles remaining. Call for info. 979-532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night A4-15 Covington Turbine Engines Available. PT6A-15AG 32 TSO; PT6A-21 0 TSO; PT6A-135A NEW; PT6A-34AG NEW; PT6A-34AG 94.5 TSN; PT6A-34AG 0 Time Since Covington Light Overhaul; PT6A-34AG 0 TSO; PT6A-34 2309 TSO; PT6A-34 1908 TSO; PT6A-41 3196 TSO; PT6A-41 3511 TSO; PT6A-42 2107 TSO; PT6A-42 2066; PT6A-60A NEW; PT6A-65AG 89 TSN; PT6A-67AG 2788 TSN; Contact us for New Engine prices. We are interested in buying or exchanging for any core you may have regardless of condition. Contact: David Hamilton at 918-756-7862 or davidh@covingtonaircraft.com J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. has the larges t selec tion of Lycoming and Continental engine cores in stock. Over 100 to choose from. Call Sid or Jerry for your parts or engines needs. 800-5428565 or email jcaviation@pldi.net Atfn R-1340, Zero Time Since Overhaul by Covington $64,500; PT6A-34AG, 6,434 TTSN, P/S light overhaul, new CT blades, O/H vain $260,000; NEW PT6 -11, 15, 34, 60, 65, 67 outright or exchange, $CALL$; Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-3425451 or FAX 281-232-5401 TFN 10,000 P/N of Continental & Lycoming parts, 50% discount on most new! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts.com tfn

Pr at t & W hi tn ey R- 985 & R-13 4 0 Overhauled Engines in stock. Props, carburetors, magnetos, alternators, & accessories for above engines. Call Ches ter Rober t s Supply Company, Collinsville, TX Tel: 903-429-6805 Fax: 903-429-6047 crs5r@aol.com 10 -14

dispersal equip For Sale: (2) Huey fertilizer buckets. Call Guy 803-645-8230. (02-15)

Standard Grumman Gate Spreader. 9 vane 24” inside measurement on the throat. Motivated to sell make an offer. gunpilot75@hotmail.com or call 270-3052749 (02-15) 25” Transland gate box with adapter box to convert from 38” down to 25”. (2) Wingmans used off of 602’s. Make offer. Looking for center section for Swathmaster spreader. Call Wayne 337789-3529 (02-15) New Gate Keeper tm technology controlled seeding gate - Pilot friendly, ea sy calibration, and accurate distribution. TCL’S variable rate gate it the most versatile on the market- Applies from ultra fine product like herbicide impregnated sand all the way up to coarse seed accurately. Contact Turbine Conversions - 616-8379428 TurbineConversions.com 12-14 Hi-Tek Rotary Atomizer - Rotary atomizer Nozzle delivering Uniform Droplet Spectrum, Low Drag, Low Maintenance, Dependable performance. Made In USA. Davidon, Inc. 229 - 6 45 -3605 w w w. davidononline.com tfn Boom Clamps - The Davidon Boom Clamp was designed with simple form and workmanship for ease of use and ease of mind about function. Aluminum construction for 2” and 3” inch airfoil booms. The one you’ve been looking for. Made in USA. Davidon Inc. 229-645-3605. www.davidononline.com tfn Tr i - S e t H yd r au l i c N oz z l e - T h re e Deflection angles, Three Orifice sizes, Quick Easy Adjustment, USDA Performance Tested and data Available. Made in USA. Davidon, Inc. 229-6453605. www.davidononline.com tfn Custom Boom Systems – Specializing in 2” and 3” Airfoil Aluminum Booms custom built to your specifications. Length, Nozzle Spacing, Attachment ends, all tailored to your specific needs. Stainless Steel Available also. Made in USA. Davidon Inc. 229-645-3605. www.davidononline. com tfn D R P - 9 5 5 D R I F T R E TA R D E N T PENETRATOR-SPREADER/STICKER-UV Protectant For drift reduction, deposition increase, University tested. Big Gun in the war on Drift! Made in USA. Davidon, Inc. 229-645-3605. www.davidononline. com tfn Everything you need for fixed wing or helicopter JAS 559-686-1794, FAX 559686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft. com web site: www,johnstonaircraft. com t f n

ASC Rotary Atomizers - Why use old hydraulic nozzle technology? Rotary Atomizers are proven a s the most accurate method to apply both low & high volume formulations. Made in USA. asc@dynafog.com, 317-896-2561 A01-15

gps Satloc M3 complete system except for flow control. Touch screen, GPS antenna, light bar, and all the cables. Works great. Pulled out of aircraft at the end of last season. Pictures upon request. $5000.00. Call Zac 940-704-9682 or email zacsom@ wildblue.net (02-15) GPS Antenna Mount, for specific ag aircraft, Performance and looks, slip stream design delivers peak signals. Contact Terry Barber 605-258-2743 (04-15)

Stainless Steel Fabricators, Inc.-- Spreaders and Accessories. We are the manufacturer of “original” 10 vane, 12 vane & “the 13 vane” spreaders plus many more. We also manufacture a 13 vane 10” hydraulic gate. Call us for all of your spreader needs. We do repairs on all models. Call Us today 800-736-3433 or 870-217-9232 (02-15) CP nozzles and check valves. Distribuidor en Argentina: ArAvia S.A. -Venado Tuerto (Sta Fe) T.E. 54-3462-433540 - FAX: 438344 t f n D i s p e r s a l E q u i p m e n t : We a t h a e r o Feathering Fans, Crophawks, Smokers, F l a g g e r s , N o z z l e s , Tr a n s l a n d , Breckenridge Spreaders, Airfoil Booms, Dry Breaks, Load Hawgs All Aircraft Styles. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800325-0885 www.midcont.net. tfn CP Nozzles and check valves “The Drift fighters”. Plus they improve your spray pattern. Contact Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-6869360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www.johnstonaircraft.com tfn Newberg Electrostatic Spraying LLC is the exclusive distributor for Spectrum Electrostatic Spray Systems. Do more acres with better performance. Call Ed Newberg 320 -848-2745. Serving northern US and Canada. Now STC’d for all 400 and 500 series Air Tractors. (tfn) Transland and Agrinautics authorized distributor – Call us with your needs. Sid or Jerry @ J & C Enterprises 1-800-542-8565 or e-mail jcaviation@pldi.net At fn A SC Rotar y Atomizers - See w w w. dynafog.com/asc results and April 2009 issue of AAU, A. McCracken. Made in USA. asc@dynafog.com, 317-896-2561 A01-15 Agrinautics, Inc. Best spray pumps, valves, Best Classified Buy In The Industry. Read By More Ag Pilots Than Any Other Publication. Only $29 478-987-2250. Fax: 478-987-1836. and strainers in the business! For service w/ a smile,call us at 435-586 -1200. e-mail:agrinaut@cedarcity.net tfn Transland and Agrinautics, overstock sale. Call Danny for listing 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc. com tfn Transland 10 vain spreader for 38” gate, new, $9,500; Agrinautics, Root, Crophawk, Transland, others, $CALL$; Lane Aviation 281-3425451 or FAX 281-232-5401.. tfn ASC Rotary Atomizers - Consistent droplets, large flow openings, easy to mount without changing your existing pump, boom and flow control method. Made in USA. asc@dynafog.com, 317896-2561 A 01-15

TracMap Flight Pro GPS for agriculture. Includes GPS antennae, control case, light bar, flight simulator, Autocal, plus two valves TM100 & TM150. Pics available. Please email Eddie eddiemerc@gmail. com. (02-15)

Dromader USA LLC for all of your Dromader M18 engine and airframe parts. Spark plugs, fuel and air filters, brake pads and more. STC’s for VG’s, remote Mount Oil Filter, MTOW. Call Jeff or Corey at 317-579-6666 or dromader@ bycan-sellen.net (02-15) Jetset Airmotive can take care of all of your PT6A engine needs with engines, parts, accessories, and a knowledgeable staff. We have engines for sale or exchange. Quality work with a quick turnaround. Call us today for your PT6A engine needs at 305-825-2001. Visit us at www.jsamiami. com. (09-15) FAA approved STC’d wire cutters for Air Tractors. Storm Cutters are the newest advancement in wire cutter technology (Patent Pending). These cutters mount to the landing gear and have adel clamps positioned along the trailing edge of the gear to secure the brake lines which do away with the standard black zip ties currently used. They are available for the 500 series of Air Tractors and will available for every model of Air Tractor this fall. Contact Hershey Flying Service at 308368-5556 to order your set, or check us out at www.hersheyflyingservice.com 01-16

New 8.4” M3 Touchscreens in Stock – $1395 each. Buy as an upgrade, a replacement or for inventory. New Satloc Systems - Bantams, G4s, IntelliFlows and more in stock. From Insero - Call Anthony 480-285-4367. TFN SATLOC GPS sales and repair center. Call for all your SATLOC needs. North Star Aviation, Inc 888-272-1417 tfn Satloc, Intelliflow The leading edge Satloc Level III Service repair center. Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, Mo 800-325-0885. tfn Intelliflow Flow Controls -in stock, now shipping! Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-4375319 tfn

Lockable full swivel tail wheels for Thrush or Ag Cat, 500-5 or 600-6 wheel available all STC approved Call Turbine Conversions 616-837-9428 est to order. 12-14 New reinforced Thrush Leading Edges – Guard against bird strikes with bonded aluminum line replacement Leading Edges. STC process. Call Turbine Conversions 616-837-9428 est for quote. 12-14

Satloc G4, M3, and Bantam. Air Repair inc, is the worldwide leader in sales and service. Call Danny (sales) or Dallas (service) 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-8430811 sales@airrepairinc.com tfn

Thrush S2R STC battery retrofit kit. 300% longer battery service life. 200% faster starts. Battery replacement cost 25% of original. Kawak Aviation Technologies 541-385 -5051 w w w.kawakaviation. com (09-15)

Hemisphere GPS systems in stock, Bantam, G4, Intellistar, M3, Intelliflow, and Litestar2. We did it again, leading Level 3 Service Center/Dealer 2012. Why buy anywhere else, we’ve got what you need, and service after the sale! Call now 800-437-5319 Sky-Tractor Supply Company tfn

Tools for reaming attach bolts Wing Main (Centerwing to Outboard wing) attachment joints for Dromader M -18 p e r r e p a i r s e r v i c e b u l l e t i n #e/02.170/2000 Available for rent. Contact Nancy at Turbine Conversions 616-837-9428 12-14

Hemisphere GPS & Flow Control Dealer Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www.johnstonaircraft.com. tfn

Cockpit adjustable flow control kit. Manual control or GPS variable rate ready. Integrates into existing hydraulic systems. More info at Kawak Aviation Technologies 541-385 -5051 w w w.kawakaviation. com (09-15)

parts Used 502 Wingman. $6000. Call Al 870265-5011 (02-15) PMA Piper Brave and Weatherly tailsprings in stock. Contact Hershey Flying Service at 308-368-5556 01-16 Engine Overhaul Services (EOS) E.O.S. is a F.A.A. approved PT6 repair station, offering a wide range of COMPLETE overhaul and repair capabilities on the Pratt and Whitney PT6A model engines. We produce quality engine work with quick turnaround time. Call us today 305-888-4596. Visit us at www.pt6engine.com (09-15)

Air Tractor auxiliary hydraulic system. 20lbs/hr LESS fuel burn, improved spray pattern, reduced maintenance cost, cockpit adjustable flow controls. Inquires call 541-385-5051 or www.kawakaviation. com (09-15) Let us help you meet increa singly stringent precision application demands. Our systems meet those demands, lower operating costs, and increase your profits. Call 541-385-5051 or www. kawakaviation.com (09-15) Superbooms for Cessna, Piper, Thrush, Air Tractor and custom manufacture; Thrush Aileron Servos -STC’d kits. TSA 800-642-5777 or tsa@702com.net (TFN)

Cessna Authorized Parts Center: Prompt, World-Wide Par ts Service, Engines, Bonaire 550 Conversions, Wings. MidContinent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-3250885 www.midcont.net. tfn Air Tractor Parts New and Used (Associate dealer for Lane Aviation). FWF cowlings 402, 502, 602 many to chose from, removed for Factory and Cascade P-cowl conversions. New and used (Factory Rebuilt) Aileron, Flaps, Elevators, Rudders, Horz/Vert stabs in stock and ready to sale or trade. Call Steve @ North Star Aviation 620-356-4528 srice@pld.com tfn Call Bruce’s Flying Service for all of your Thrush parts needs! 229-725-4150, fax 229-725-5135. E-mail bruceandrews62@ gmail.com. 06-15 Remember J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. Is a Transland, Black Steel Brake and McFarlane dealer. We have a large amount of these brands inventory in stock as well as Cleveland. GE Lighting, Cessna, Piper etc. give us a call for all your parts needs at 800-542-8565 or email us at jcaviation@ pldi.net Atfn LOAD HAWG-The modern, efficient, safe, perfect way to improve your solids application. Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800-325-0885 TFN Accessories & Parts! 100’s of new and OHC accessories, parts for just about everything. Big discounts! Please have par t numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts.com tfn O/H’D Thrush 29” landing gear & we can repair / rebuild yours. Johnston Aircraft Service, INC. 559-686-1794 / Email info@johnstonaircraft.com www. johnstonaircraft.com tfn PARTS, PARTS, PARTS. For all your ag aviation needs, please call Southeastern Aircraft Sales & Service 800-441-2964 Air Tractor Dealer tfn

Pressure Cowls for all PT6 Air Tractor and Thrush. Reduce ITT 35 to 70 degrees. Reduce fuel consumption. Save on Hot Section Inspections. Easy access to fuel nozzle & air filter. Reduce NG 1 to 3%. Make your -15 perform like a -34. ELIMINATE ONGOING AIR FILTER PURCHASES! Now taking deposits and scheduling deliveries for mid-late 2011 and early 2012. Please contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509-635-1212 or tom@cascadeaircraftconversions. com (09-15) Thrush parts - Wings, props, tail feathers, batteries, tires - we have the inventory. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www.johnstonaircraft.com. tfn 11 Million new surplus parts for Cessna, Piper, and other aircraft; Continental and Lycoming engines; and a few spray system parts, big discounts. Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800 -433- 0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. preferredairparts.com tfn

February 2015



Um par de asas estendida 95% completa do Thrush S2R . A pair of extended wings 95% complete Thrush S2R. Brazil. g arci av i ag r i co l a @ u o l .co m . b r / 16 36274879 (tfn)

Large inventory of Thrush parts surplus to our needs. Call for list. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc.com tfn

Pratt & Whitney Engines and Parts Complete Stock of Parts, Tools and Accessories.

10,000 P/N of Continental & Lycoming parts, 50% discount on most new! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts.com tfn

R-985 / R1340 / R1340 geared R-1830 - 92 & -94 / R-2000 / R-2800

Brave and Pawnee parts - engines, props, spar kits, fuel cells and foam kits, and much more. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-6869360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft.com web site: www.johnstonaircraft.com. t fn

“0” time engines in stock Complete OHC R-985 & R1340 Cylinder Assys all with New Pistons Also OHC and NEW R1830s and R-2800 CB Engine & Carb Gasket Kits

R-985 No Blow Gaskets Top OH Tool Kits Spark Plugs Engine Mounts Magnetos - Carbs Starters - Governors Fuel Pumps - Boost Pumps Maintenance and OH Manuals



Cascade Aircraft Conversions Barrier Filter System for the Soloy Turbine Converted Bell 47/Hiller 12 Helicopters. See decreased TOT by up to 38 degrees C. Pull full torque at lower TOT temps, burn less fuel, extend the life of critical turbine parts. Contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509-635-1212 or tom@ cascadeaircraftconversions.com . ( 09-15) Replacement parts. New and used for all Ag Cat models. Also carry New Piper and Weatherly tailwheel springs and Transland Dealer. Call Hershey Flying Service 308-368-5556 01-16 J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc ha s purchased a large new inventory of Citabria GCBC part in late 1977-79 rnge. Lots of common everyday parts. Landing gear, wheels 7 brakes, engine parts etc. call Jerry or Sid today 800-542-8565 or email jcaviaiton@pldi.net At fn S & T Aircraft Accessories, Inc. specializes in the overhaul of Radial and Turbine engine accessories. We have most items in stock ready to ship for exchange. Give us a call @ 830-625-7923 or fax 830-625-4138. t fn Accessories & Parts! 100’s of new and OHC accessories, parts for just about everything. Big discounts! Please have par t numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts.com tfn The mid-west Air tractor dealer, Farm Air Inc. has expanded its parts department. Call Carrie or Randy for all your Air Tractor parts needs at 877-715-8476. tfn

Chip Kemper, President

Air TrAcTor SAleS & Service

Your Northwest Air Tractor Dealer

Cessna Par t s - Engine, propellers, authorized service center. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-6861794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@ johnstonaircraft.com web site: www. johnstonaircraft.com tfn


We have all fibreglass parts for Weatherly and Ag-Cat (A, B and Super B). Call for prices. Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 tfn

Office 208-745-7654

Spend your time doing what you do best “SPRAYING” and let us find those parts for you. Part numbers are really important. Call Jerry or Sid 800-542-8565 or email jcaviation@pldi.net At fn

Fax 208-745-6672

136 N. Yellowstone Hwy. • Rigby, Idaho 83442


Agrinautics, Angel Flight Assistant, Automatic Flagman, Aero Engines, Arrow prop, Air Tractor (Associate dealer Queen Bee Air Specialties) CP Nozzles, Compro Smoker, Crophawk, Covington Aircraft Engine, Collins Air Conditioner, Cleveland, Chip Detector, Hemisphere GPS, Hot Stuf f, Nie to Products, New and used aircraft, (large) Parts Inventory, ServAero, Spraying Systems, Co., Superbugs, SPH-4 Helmet, Simplex, Tires, Transland, WeathAero. Sky Tractor Supply 800-437-5319, www. skytractor.com, email@skytractor.com, 701-636-5881 (fax) TFN


Angel Personal Flight Assistant - in stock, shipping today. Premium quality Bluetooth interface for the cockpit. Noise free cell phone use without fumbling for your phone. Caller ID, direct dial, redial, voice dial, download phonebook and call list entries, dial direct., Stream bluetooth music and control, E6B flight computer, Stopwatch, fuel and approach timer. Large full color easy to read backlit screen, intuitive menus, automatic cut out with radio transmissions, ambient light sensor. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319 A tfn Air Repair Inc. is the source for the Fast Start Kit to get yours today call Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-8430811 sales@airrepairinc.com tfn J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. has 29” wheel sets. We will accept your 10” wheel and brakes in exchange. Call Jerry or Sid 800-542-8565 or email jcaviation@pldi. net At fn NEW! CP11TT/w-3 Tips & Shutoff in stock ready to ship today. 1-800-437-5319 SkyTractor Supply Company tfn Retrofit Hopper Door for AT-502 and AT-602. Now available for fall and winter installation Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 tfn Complete Thrush factory metal tail w/ u p d a t e s . J o h n s t o n A i r c r a f t Service, INC. 559- 686 -1794 / Email i n f o @ j o h n s to n a i r c r af t . co m w w w. johnstonaircraft.com tfn Jasco Alternator kits in stock. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-8430811 sales@airrepairinc.com tfn J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. still has one of the largest Cessna, and Piper Ag Aircraft inventories in the USA and has a huge inventory of Lighting and wheel and brake inventory. Let us be your total part provider. Call in your needs - Sid or Jerry 800-542-8565 or jcaviation@pldi. net At fn Cessna Ag Parts. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@ airrepairinc.com tfn Remember J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. Is a Transland, Black Steel Brake and McFarlane dealer. We have a large amount of these brands inventory in stock as well as Cleveland. GE Lighting, Cessna, Piper etc. Give us a call for all your parts needs at 800-542-8565 or email us at jcaviation@ pldi.net At fn Emco Wheaton/Buckeye Dr y Break Couplers and adapters, Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FA X 559 - 686 -936 0, e - mail: info @ johnstonaircraft.com web site: www. johnstonaircraft.com tfn

McCauley Prop for Stearman. Like new and comes with an authorized release certificate from Maxwell (7/9/14) to comply with AD. Part number 41D5926/ SS135-6 Serial Number AC-40-4859. Contact Jared Storm at 402-443-7979 or Hershey Flying Service at 308-3685556. 01-16 2D30 6101A12, 0-SIRAN... $12K; 22D30-6533A12, 0-SOH...$15K; 12D40-6101A12, 175-SIRAN... $11k; 12D 4 0 - AG10 0 - 4S , 375 - S O H/0 IRAN...$17K; 22D40-AG200-2, 60-SIRAN...$20K; 22D40-6533A12, 852-SOH... $21K; 22D40-AG200-2, 0SIRAN... $19.5K; agcat@bscn.com 870 -8862418/2489FAX AgCat Sales/Service/Parts since 1971 * 1Hamilton Standard, 22D40 Hydromatic Propeller 6533A Blades overhauled complete with distributor valve and prop, Governor. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-429-6805 10 -15 3 D 40 6101 blades Ham Standard 3 bladed. Overhauled. For more information Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-4296805 10 -15 12D40-6101-12 Overhauled with 8130 Form. for more information call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-429-6805 10-15 H ar t ze ll m o de l H C- C 2Y K-1B F, s/n CH-16579E. For more information email Chucao@tie.cl (12-15)

Trade with members of NAAA

For Outright Sale: Overhauled 5-Blade P r o p . H a r t ze l l H C- B5 M P -3 C . F i t s AT-502A , AT-503, AT- 602, AT- 802, Thrush S-2R-T65 & S-2RHG -T65.’06 Hartzell Overhaul. TSN: 1379.5 (TSO:0). Call Steve or Gary 210-924-5561. sales@ dixieair.com. (02-15) Hartzell 3 Blade and 5 blade Props, new & used $CALL Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-342-5451 or FAX 281-232-5401. TFN J & C Enterprises has a Cessna 188 props in Stock Y.T. Also offer some STC’d propellers. Call Jerry or Sid 800-542-8565 or email jcaviation@pldi.net Atfn

GE M601- E11 751 HP TURBOPROP Conversions for Air Tractor and Thrush. Increased Reliability. No Hot Section Inspections. No Nozzles to Service. Cascade Pressure Cowl – Standard Equipment with Lifetim08Serviceable Air Filter System! 3,000 HR Engine TBO. Auto Start Systems. Lower Operating/ Maintenance Costs. Improved Safety. Ease of Maintenance Access. Warranty: 1,000 Hr / 1,100 Cycles or 2 Years. Now taking deposits and scheduling deliveries for mid-late. Please contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509-635-1212 or tom@cascadeaircraftconversions.com . tfn

All new Air Tractors now include P&W 2500 Hour, 5-Year Extended Warranty Good Clean Air Tractor trades available soon! 2015 SLOTS AVAILABLE ON ALL MODELS 2015 AT-502B -34AG 170 Gal Fuel, A/C, Heat, Lane elect. Brake & fan, 3” btm load, ext. warranty, s/s camlocs

800-441-2964 Ask for Rick or Chuck Stone


February 2015 A-43 Office: 772-461-8924 • Fax: 772-461-9050 • mail@southeasternaircraft.com • www.southeasternaircraft.com





Air Tractor financing can put an Air Tractor in your hangar. Air Tractor offers competitive financing options in the U.S. and Canada from Wells Fargo Equipment Finance. Fly now and take seven years to pay, 10 years to amortize and have a fixed interest rate for the life of the loan. Other attractive term periods are available, too. These financing options are available on both new and used Air Tractors purchased through Air Tractor dealers. See your Air Tractor dealer today! t f n Best Classified Buy In The Industry. Read By More Ag Pilots Than Any Other Publication. 478-987-2250. Fax: 478-987-1836.

vehicles 1999 Freightliner FL60. 215 hp 5.9L Cummins. 7 speed transmission. Stainless auger tube. Scales. Fuel w high volume electric pump. Flighting has been pulled and inspected and is in good shape. New windshield, reupholstered seat. Tires good, scales work. Everything good to go. $25,000. 731-393-9843 (02-15) New or used loader trucks. Scales, fuel, flip over. Randy Mink Poor Boys Flying Service 870-931-8485 (02-15)

1981 GMC 6000 Fuel truck – for sale: Used for 100LL. Approx. 1,200 gallon capacity, Re-painted in 2006, dual over wing hoses, located close to MSP international. MAKE OFFER - Call for more details 952.941.6255 (12-15)

We build loader trucks to your specifications. Stainless Steel Straight and Fold Up. Mild Steel Straight and Fold Up. Mild Steel Hopper w/Stainless Steel Tube. Been in loader truck business since 1980. Call Pat Ballard Office:870-697-2004 Fax:870-697-3568 185 Hwy. 42 West , Hickory Ridge, AR. Auger Trucks For Sale (Trade-Ins) Also list of customer trucks. Call Auger Dan Office: 870-578-6133 Cell: 870-9192317 A 12-14



Heavy duty 25’ nurse trailer(30,000 GVWR) built by Texas Pride Trailers in 2013 with dual 2 speed jacks. 1600 gallon fresh water & 800 gallon batch tank, Honda engine & pump, inductor, storage box mounted under landing platform easily accessible from crow’s nest, 30 gallon drum storage racks at rear of trailer. Tires are like new. Used for 1 season and worked great. Call 830-4266150. (02-15)

miscellaneous AG pilot Helmet for Sale - for Fixed Wing or Helicopter. New / unused , in the original Gentex factory box , purchased New from Gibson & Barnes , model SPH-5 helmet , size XL ( fits head size 7-1/2, to 7-7/8 hat size ) White in color , ... Dual, dark and clear visor lens , AG sun bill , Gextex super comfort liner TPL interior , extra Silicone seal ear pads , 300 ohm civilian boom microphone and speakers , and storage/cleaning accessories, all factory instructions and the original bill of sale for $1722.00 included ... Looking for Best Offer ... can forward pictures. Call Mike 623-332-2806 or email cepilot@ hotmail.com (12-15) Vino? They do say ag pilots age like w i n e . Pl ace yo u r f avo r i te w i n e i n these high quality Rolf wine glasses etched with an ag plane, sold as a Set of 4. Makes a great gif t. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at agairupdate.com t f n Keep your drink hot or cold in this insulated 16oz Air Tractor Tervis Tumbler. Made in the USA, Makes a great gift. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at agairupdate.com tfn

Help your little pilot fly high in dream world with these Bi-Plane PJ’s... Assorted sizes available. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at agairupdate.com tfn

Pitcher’s Nightmare Swing Trainer $ • Youth • Elite • Softball


Free Shipping

pitchersnightmare.com Fight rodent infestation with Cascade’s i n n ov a t i ve a n d e x t r e m e l y s i m p l e solution, Mouse Pants! Hand crafted from the highest quality 2024-T3 aircraft aluminum (lighter and not as likely to carve up an operator like galvanized steel). Quick action Wing nut CAMLOC aircraft grade fasteners. Rubber trimmed to protect your aircraft’s finish and the flooring surface. Order your set of three for only $599.00 plus shipping and handling. Please contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509-635-1212 or tom@ cascadeaircraftconversions.com (09-15)

Get these photo mats before they fly off the shelve. A great way to display your favorite photos. Makes a great gift. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at agairupdate.com tfn

New from our DeSpain Collection, Pen and Ink Thirsty Stone Coasters. These high quality coasters will look great on any desktop or table. Set of 4. Makes a great gift! For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at agairupdate.com tfn

NEW to the DeSpain Collection, Customized Note Cards featuring your favorite Pen and Ink drawing. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at agairupdate.com t f n

Specialty belt buckles, show your pride in style. Makes a great gift. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at agairupdate.com tfn SUPERBUGS A safe and economical way to speed up Mother nature! Dispose of hazardous waste in loading and spill areas, ponds and ditches. SUPERBUGS disposes of insecticides, Fungicides, herbicides, and petroleum products Such as waste oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, solvent or anything of organic nature. Blue Stripe Distributing Toll Free 877-924-5025 tfn

Toy pla stic model Air Tractor. 12” wingspan, removable stand. Great toy for the kids or desktop model. $15 + s/h order online at www.takeofftoys.com or e-mail trevoredwards@sw.rr.com tfn

Aviator Backpack and matching coin p ur s e (sold s epar ate ly). For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at agairupdate.com tfn

Fly through your mail with our Airplane Letter Opener! Makes a great gift. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at agairupdate.com t f n P C S P R AY D e d i c a t e d A p p l i c a t i o n Software, Version 3. Fully-functional program. Buy it once, use it forever! No annual fees. Technical support for the life of the product. Call or email for demo today. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800437-5319 tfn Reduce Drift, Increase Deposition and Retention use Control™ FREE SAMPLE http://www.GARRCO.com/freesample Call 765-395-3441, mrfoam1@garrco. com t f n

Order your The AgOp Collage Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace.com tfn HOTSTUFF AG AIRCRAFT CLEANER Call to order the # 1 Ag Aircraft cleaner in the country, Used by over 400 operators Coast to Coast. Blue Stripe Distributing 877-924-5025 Atfn English to Spanish Technical Translations Fo r m e r A &P a n d Ag - Pi l o t, C a r l o s Retamosa Specializing in translating: • Aviation technical manuals • Airworthiness Directives (ADs) • Service Bulletins (SBs) Contact info 598-53-24376 retamosa@ adinet.com.uy tfn One-acre-square house lot for sale in new Plane Living Sky Park neighborhood with 2,000 s.f., all brick, covenants. Lot is one of 13 directly on new sod runway. Taxi out of your hangar, directly onto the runway. Located in Peach County, Georgia. Public water, septic sewer, paved streets, curb and gutter, street lights. Less than five miles west of I-75, Exit 142, approximately five miles to Fort Valley, GA and approximately 10 miles to Warner Robins, GA. Google It! South side of Hwy 96 at 50 Lane Rd., Fort Valley, Georgia 31030 (Google photo before development). Save thousands and buy from owner. $35,000 OBO. 478.987.2250 t f n (2)-2001 Adams field loaders: Honda GX670 engines, Rear hydraulic drop drive, Front s teer wheels, Hopper ladder, Stainless shields, Stainless spout, Wide load fins, Stainless engine covers, Reinforced framing, Anti-choke plate, Catch pan, Tarps, Spare tire and bulldog hitches $10,000 EACH. Contact George F. Mitchell - M & M Air Service Inc. Telephone: 409-656-5998 . 409-7942352 . • Fax: 409-794-2958 (02-15) HELMET with slide up visor $850. Deluxe Kevlar Helmet with ANR, Softskins, Oregon seals $1200. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319 At fn

Crop Duster Video - “The Crop Dusters - The Early Years 1921-1955”; the era of Stearmans and Cubs flying the fields will never be seen again. Available in VHS or DVD. Only $20.00, plus S&H. MC and Visa accepted. Call 478-987-2250 Fax 478-9871836 Historical Video Productions. tfn

insurance “Insurance from a name you can trust, at a price you can afford”, is what we do, and it’s our motto. Hardy Aviation Insurance, Inc. is centrally located in Wichita, Kansas and has been servicing the aerial application market for years now. Randy Hardy established Hardy Aviation Insurance in 1995 with aerial application as his main focus. Prompt courteous service from a dedicated and knowledgeable staff that includes Angie Banz, Tim Wiebe, Dick Russell and Rita Ethridge, whom have years of experience servicing the aerial application business. Give us a try, you might be surprised. Call 1 800 721-6733 or fax us at 316-945-2330. Get an online quote from our web site at www.hardyaviationins.com or e-mail us at hardy@hardyaviationins.com. tfn INSURANCE from the Leading Ag Aviation Brokers. 64 Years Risk Management, Low-time Pilot Coverage. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-325-0885 www. midcont.net. tfn

DOUG DAVIDSON, aircraft owner and commercial pilot, has served the unique insurance needs of the agricultural aviation community since 1982. He founded Davidson Solid Rock Ins. in 1995 on Christian principles, honesty, integrity, and the commitment to provide insurance products as solid as our name! One call is all it takes to shop all available markets for your specialized aviation insurance needs. We welcome the opportunity to talk with you at 800-358-8079. Or visit our website at www.dsrockin.com. tfn

Aerial Application...

services Engine Overhaul Services (EOS) E.O.S. is a F.A.A. approved PT6 repair station, offering a wide range of COMPLETE overhaul and repair capabilities on the Pratt and Whitney PT6A model engines. We produce quality engine work with quick turnaround time. Call us today 305888-4596. Visit us at www.pt6engine. com (09-15) Southeastern Aircraft Sales and Service. Late model aircraft sold by Southeastern Aircraft Sales & Service will have a New Annual Inspection, Fresh Hot Section Inspection and a 100 HOUR OR 90 DAY WARRANTY. Now That’s Peace Of Mind! Call Now 1-800-441-2964 tfn Jetset Airmotive can take care of all of your PT6A engine needs with engines, parts, accessories, and a knowledgeable staff. We have engines for sale or exchange. Quality work with a quick turnaround. Call us today for your PT6A engine needs at 305-825-2001. Visit us at www.jsamiami. com. (09-15)

CALL FOR PRICING 2011 AT-802A PT6A-65AG 2600 TTSN Bantam/flow, wingman

2007 AT-802A PT6A-67AG red/white 5600 TTSN radios, Bantan/flow, 10” gate, wingman $840 K 2010 AT-602 PT6A-65AG 1600 TTSN Bantam/flow loaded, like new $960 K 1998 AT-602 PT6A-65AG 8000 TTSN wings done $520 K 2011 AT-502B PT6A-34AG 1250 TTSN loaded, like new

Flying should be the least of your concerns! In this business, flying under power lines, around trees and between buildings has to be second nature. After all, you main concern is crop spraying. And to do your job efficiently, you have to know crops and crop chemicals as well as you know flying. You even need to be somewhat of a weather expert. In short, you have enough concerns without having to worry about which aircraft will best suit your needs or whether you should buy a new or used plane. You need to rely on other experts for help and advice. And when you rely on a diversified ag services corporation like Mid-Continent, flying is the least of your concerns. • Authorized Distributor for Grumman Ag Cat • Authorized Pawnee-Brave Sales and Service • Mrg’s of PlaneMate Support Equipment • Complete Line of Ag-Craft Parts, Engines and Propellers • World’s Largest Used Ag-Craft Center • Certified Aircraft Maintenance Facility • Ag-Aviation Insurance

Everything for Ag Aviation P.O. Box 540 - 1601 Hwy 84 • Hayti, Missouri 63851 USA Tel: 573-359-0500 • 800-325-0885 • Fax: 573-359-0538 sales@midcont.com

877-715-8476 farmairparts@mymctc.net 40’ 15.649, 90’14.306

2009 AT-502B PT6A-34AG 1750 TTSN loaded, like new 1999 AT-502B PT6A-34AG 6500 TTSN VG’s, radio, cabin heat, more $420 K 1997 AT-502B PT6A-34 AG 7300 TTSN, radios, Hatfield S.P. fuel, M3/flow, fresh wings and paint $530 K.

Check our web site for changes at www.farmairinc.com Large selection of parts, call Carrie at 877-715-8476 or farmairparts@mymctc.net

February 2015



J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. Is always looking for all types of derelict aircraft, parts inventory, both new and used. We will buy small or a shop full. Contact Jerry Buster 800 -542-8565 or email jcaviation@pldi.net At fn


Cascade Conversion for Thrush and Air Tractor. Fuel Saving, Cooler running, more power available. Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800-325-0885 tfn

Jeffries Airworks Dynamic Propeller Balancing with Chadwick Helmuth engine printout equipment. Jeffries Airworks, Dynamic Balancing, Vibration Analysis. Much more than just a balance. Call Jim Jeffries, A&P/IA, 985-507-9981, Nationwide service on your location.

Let us sell your Ag plane! Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. 1601 Hwy 84 East Hayti, MO 63851 800-325-0885 tfn !!Attention Thrush Owners!! North Star Aviation Inc is now the new STC holder of the Thrush Reinforce Leading Edge Skins. If you are getting ready to rebuild your Thrush wings due to AD09-26-11 or tired of bird strikes and ugly leading edges!! Now is the time to install North Star Aviations new Thrush heavy duty reinforced leading edge skins fully STC’d SA03518AT no Field approval required. For more Info contact Steve @ North Star Aviation Inc. 620-3564528 srice@pld.com tfn Best Classified Buy In The Industry. Read By More Ag Pilots Than Any Other Publication. 478-987-2250. Fax: 478-987-1836.


We rebuild and refinish any fibreglass part for Weatherly, Cessna, Piper and Ag-Cat (A, B and Super B,C and D). Call for prices. Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 tfn

FOR SALE F. A . A . Cer tif ied Garrett Tp e 331 E n g i n e O v e r h a u l & 145 Repair Station Certificate. All Tools, Test Cell, Plus Thousands Of Parts To Numerous To List. Sale Due To Age & Health Issues. PRICE: $300,000.00 CALL: 772-913-5225 or EMAIL: turbgrp@ aol.com, Serious inquires only. 02-15

Jeffries Airworks Dynamic Propeller Balancing with Chadwick Helmuth engine printout equipment. Jeffries Airworks, Dynamic Balancing, Vibration Analysis. Much more than just a balance. Call Jim Jeffries, A&P/IA, 985-507-9981, Nationwide service on your location. tfn

Ever wanted to star t your own AG OPERATION (Under Part 137)? As Ag Aviation Consultants we can help you find an airplane, train you. We can help you get your Operating Certificate-Part 137, Private or Commercial. Call Eagle Vistas LLC 772-285-5506 (02-15)

Gulf Coast aG airCraft sales & serviCe Thrush S2R aircraft.

Lifetime Spar (60,000 Hr) without inspections. It is economical and easy to install. Call Eugene For Details at 979-533-1720

The “Century” Wing Spar is now Available! Sold in kit form or installed here at our facility. Call today to purchase your kit!!! We want to say

Thank You

for all the customers who have purchased the “Century” Wing Spar.


979-532-1718 • 979-533-1720 A-46


wanted to buy

help wanted

Looking for tired AT-502. Please contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509 635 1212 or email tom@cacaircraft. com (09-15)

Looking for qualified A&P mechanic ASAP in Arlington, GA. Position is available immediately! Call Tammy 229 -725 4150 06 -15

Ag Aircraft Wanted: Immediate cash for Ag planes - All considered - Contact Darryl Riddell at 479-935-4891 (02-15)

R44 pilot needed for operation based in southern half of US . M us t have R44 applicator experience, herbicide e xp e r ie nce . S om e tr ave l re q uire d . Organization, ability to work autonomously a must. Send resumés to R44 PILOT, PO BOX 850 Perry, GA 31069 -OR- blindads@agairupdate.com -OR- fax 478-987-1836 (12-15)

Looking for a 400 gal Super B model Ag cat fuselage frame. Call 701-636-5880 ask for Jay. tfn EXHAUST Wanted: R-1340 and R-985 Exhaust Send Old Exhaust segments for exchange or Sell them! Call Daryl @ 940-902-0797 or evans.daryl@sbcglobal. net tfn

schools Ag Aviation School - Get the best flight training available by learning at a real commercial spray operation. Safe, experienced instructors, highly maintained aircraft, new student pilot dorm with private rooms. Learn to mix, load, fly the light bar and all skills associated with ag aviation. Call Bruce now for more information or to get on the schedule: 770-329-4410. Also check out our Guarantee on our website at www. agaviationschool.com (03-15)

Start to finish Ag pilot training utilizing Pawnee PA-25/260 CS Dual Cockpit& PA-25 Single for Solo/Dump/Spray. Satloc GPS. Ag Aviation Consultants for Ag Operating Certificate Part 137. See videos at: www.eaglevistas.com. EAGLE VISTAS LLC 772-285-5506 (02-15)

seat wanted Seeking seat for 2015 season Second generation AG -pilot, 150 AG time, 550 tt, 500 tail wheel, Flying Tigers graduate complete with turbine transition, some aerobatic training. Time in various aircraft, Thrush, T-6, C-188, Pawnee, and AG-cat just to name a few. Experience working for Syngenta and Winfield solutions . Strong AG background, (family farm). Competent with most ground equipment and not afraid to work. University of Florida college of agriculture and life science graduate with a minor in ag law. 941-737-1609 (02-15) Seat Wanted. 11,200-TT, 1800-Turbine, 770-AG. Two seasons flying AT-301. Looking for a California seat, but will consider anything. Licensed in CA, OR and ID. Contact John at 559-908-7113 or email at jmsausedo@gmail.com (02-15) Ag Seat wanted. 9800 TT 5000+ ag time, 125 hours Cessna turbine time, Ag turbine transition training, A&P / IA Single & Multi-engine instrument flight instructor. Experience Air Tractor, AgCat & Cessna. Experienced corn, cotton, rice, wheat & soybeans. Heavy herbicide experience. Email glenbrownracing@ gmail.com or 662-678-3947 (02-15)

Pilot wanted to fly AT-301 or Weatherly in Kansas. Min. 1000 hrs ag time and good references a must, . Call 785-6263344 (02-15) Midwest operator looking to hire a 602 pilot from May 1st through September 1st. Must have turbine experience and references. Please email to blindads@ agairupdate.com w/ Subject: Midwest, fax to 478-987-1836, or mail C/O AgAir Update PO Box 850 Perry GA 31069 (02-15) Experienced turbine ag pilot for 2015 season March thru Oct flying dash 10 thrush in NW Kansas, must have herbicide experince, send resume to kenbix@st-tel.net (02-15) Mature Helicopter spray pilot. Work for Wilbur-Ellis Co. in California’s Salinas Valley. Must have piston time, Bell-47 preferred, and a clean history. Longterm, permanent position, with excellent benefits. Contact Mark Plaskett 831594-2430. Send resumes to mplaskett@ wilburellis.com (02-15) Pacific Nor thwest operator looking for experienced ag pilot. 2500 hrs ag minimum w/ herbicide experience. Turbine Air Tractor and Thrush experience helpful. Must have excellent references and insurance history. Please email to blindads@agairupdate.com, Subject: Pacific Northwest. Fax to 478-987-1836 or mail C/O AgAir Update PO Box 850 Perry GA 31069 (02-15) Pilot/Manager wanted, good company, good equipment, good benefits. Must be willing to relocate to Kansas. Please email to blindads@agairupdate.com subject Kansas or fax to 478-987-1836 or mail C/O AgAir Update PO Box 850 Perry GA 31069 (02-15) Turbine Ag Pilot needed. North Eastern California. Full time or part time. Season from April to Sept. Need California License or be able to take the test. Need enough experience to be insurable. Call Nick Macy, 530-664-2661. nick@macysflyingservice. com (02-15) A&P Mechanic needed for growing business. Super Cubs to Conquests. Fabrication, sheet metal, piston and turbine experience all a plus. Quality workmanship and willingness to learn a must. Forward your resume to tim@turbinesllc.com and explore your future. (02-15) Aircraft Sales position for experienced Ag, Turbine, CR II, super salary and benefits. Call: Dick 800-325-0885 @ Mid Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO t fn IA and A&P mechanics needed. Call 870 -295 - 6213 Salar y depending on qualifications and experience t fn

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Phone: (480) 348-9919 Toll Free 800-247-3808

Acorn Welding........................................ 30A Ag - Nav, Inc. ...................................... 3, 26A Agrinautics.............................................. 26A Airplane Services................................... 31A Air Tractor Inc........................................... 5A American AgViation............................... 30A ASI Jet Sales............................................ 18A Auto Cal.................................................. 24A Cascade Aircraft Conversions.............. 14A Central Florida Ag Aero......................... 30A Collins Aircraft Dynamics, Inc............... 19A Covington Aircraft Engines................... 48A CP Products............................................ 25A Custom Air.............................................. 23A DataSmart.............................................. 30A Davidon................................................... 31A Desser Tire & Rubber Co...................... 27A DynaNav................................................. 15A Electrode Aviation................................. 30A Farm Air Inc............................................ 45A FireBoss.................................................. 10A Flight Grip............................................... 31A Frost Flying............................................. 33A GE Aviation............................................. 16A Government Sales................................. 31A Gulf Coast Ag Aircraft SS....................... 46A Hershey Flying Service.......................... 18A J & C Enterprises, Inc............................. 38A JetSet Airmotive..................................... 31A Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc............... 35A Kawak Aviation Technologies................. 8A Lane Aviation, Inc..........................20A, 37A Machida Borescopes............................. 28A Micro Aero Dynamics.............................. 9A Micron Sprayers Limited...................... 23A Mid - Continent Aircraft Corp............... 45A Orsmond Aerial Spray Pty. Ltd............. 43A Pratt & Whitney Canada....................... 29A Professional Fibreglass......................... 30A Preferred Airparts................................. 39A Queen Bee Air Specialties.................... 42A Robert McCurdy..................................... 30A SATLOC................................................... 47A Schweiss Doors...................................... 30A ServAero Engineering........................... 31A Sky Tractor Supply Co........................... 22A Southeastern Aircraft............................ 43A Souther Field Aviation, Inc.................... 39A Spectrum Electrostatic Sprayers.......... 20A Sun Air Parts........................................... 42A Thrush Aircraft Inc................................... 2A TracMap NZ LTD.................................... 17A Transland ............................................... 11A Tulsa Aircraft Engines........................... 20A Turbine Conversions Limited............... 24A Universal Turbine Parts Div.................. 27A

12/15/14 1:18 PM

February 2015



The Satloc® G4™

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