MAY 2014
From motocross to the air
South African Excursion 2014 Next stop, Orsmond Aviation
Agroasa, S.A. tests Piper Brave’s spray pattern Technical visit to Argentina
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May 2014
keep turning… in this issue VOLUME 32 NUMBER 5 | MAY 2014
12 From motocross to the air
Heath Voss a former motorcycle World Supercross Champion
AgAir Update’s South African Excursion 2014 Next stop, Orsmond Aviation
22 24 Lane delivers two AT-502Bs to Panama Lane Aviation delivers AT-802 26 to Saudi Arabia P&WC issues service bulletin for 26 PT6A-34 engines Aerial spraying operations are on fast track with Schweiss doors Speed is of the essence when it comes to aerial crop spraying
PT6A-34, PT6A-34AG, PT6A-34B, PT6A-36 Engines incorporating SB1690 or SB1728
Agroasa, S.A. tests Piper Brave’s spray pattern Technical visit to Argentina
8 Calendar of Events 9 AgAir Mail 32 The Hopper 34 Classifieds On the cover - Hangar 13’s Bell 206 Jet Ranger uses the Spectrum Electrostatic spray system with an effective swath of 70 feet for two gal/ac applications. See story on page 12
P.O. Box 850 • Perry, GA 31069 USA 475 Myrtle Field Rd. • Perry, GA 31069 USA PHONE: 478-987-2250 FAX: 478-987-1836 • Scan this QR Code with your smart phone.
PUBLISHER: Bill Lavender EDITOR: Graham Lavender ACCOUNTING: Sandy Lavender ADMINISTRATION: Casey L. Armstrong ADVERTISING: Ernie Eggler Michael Conner CLASSIFIED ADS: PRODUCTION: Deborah Freeman CIRCULATION: Brittni White CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Dennis Avery - Carlin Lawrence - Alan McCracken - Robert McCurdy - Sam Miller - Tracy Thurman - LATIN AMERICAN REPS: Ernesto Franzen - Gina Hickmann - Walt Jazun - Pat Kornegay - Virginia Marroni - © Copyright 2014 AgAir Update retains all rights for reproduction of any material submitted, to include but not limited to articles, photographs, emails and bulletin board posts. All material remain the copyright of AgAir Update. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in part or whole, without the written consent of the publisher. Editorial published do not necessary reflect the views of the publisher. Content within AgAir Update is believed to be true and accurate and the publisher does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions. Unsolicited editorial manuscripts and photos are welcomed and encouraged. We cannot be responsible for return unless submissions are accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Advertising deadline is 12 noon, on the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication.
AgAir Update (ISSN 1081-6496) Published monthly by AgAir Update, LLC, 475 Myrtle Field Road, Perry, GA 31069 for $39 USD for one year in the U.S.; International rates are $39 USD for one year. Periodical postage paid at Springfield, MO and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to P.O. Box 850, Perry, GA 31069. AgAir Update, a multiple-award winning publication, is a tabloid newspaper 12.25” deep by 9.5” wide on a 2.25” 4 column format. Contract rates are available upon request.
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Air Tractor
May 2014
Bill Lavender
from the cockpit
Surveys: What good are they? For the last few years, AgAir Update has included a survey question in many of its weekly eEditions sent via email. The responses to these questions have been overall very good with interesting indications. I spent a little time to look over a few of them and decided to summarize some of the results in this month’s editorial.
to stop short. However, miscalculate the flare and stall speed for a three-point landing and you could do lots of damage to the aircraft.
One thing I noticed was the responses numbered generally in the 100-120 range. For electronic surveys, that is considered an indicative number; meaning that a fairly accurate reflection of the industry.
Obviously from the second question about landing empty, ag-pilots must generally like to wheel land when out of 116 respondents, 72 (62%) preferred to wheel land even when empty. For me, wheel landings are easier than three-pointers. Whenever I evaluate a different and strange aircraft, I always wheel land. I have more control through the touch down phase and can more easily abort if needed.
The first and second surveys I viewed were about affiliation with industry associations. Of 116 respondents, 106 (91.3%) said they were a member of their state association. Likewise, when the question was how many were NAAA members, of 133 respondents, 117 (87.9%) were members. Those numbers are good indicators of the professionalism level our industry has reached, where most are a member of an industry association, at least with AgAir Update readers.
Like runways and fuel, you can never have too much lift with a loaded ag-plane. In the past, vortex generators (VGs) were considered smoke and mirrors. Today, these lift enhancing devices are fairly well-accepted by ag-pilots. Of 85 respondents, 56 (65.8%) said their aircraft were outfitted with VGs. I speculate not all 56 could be wrong, so there must be something about VGs that help the ag-plane; just don’t walk on the wing barefoot or pull the fuel hose across them.
Another survey asked which type of mobile phone was used. Not surprisingly, the iPhone led 113 responses with 66 (58.4%), while the Android came in second with 37 (32.7%) and all other mobile phones were the balance (8.9%). This should be valuable information for any ag-aviation vendor who is considering developing an app for a smart phone.
Ag flying is strictly a VFR endeavor. Sometimes the ferry to and from the job or to relocate can put the unsuspecting agpilot into a world of trouble by encountering IMC conditions that require the skills of an IFR pilot with IFR equipment. Of 120 respondents, 59 (49.1%) were IFR certified. The survey question did not ask if the pilot was IFR current. That is the key. Having an IFR ticket only gives you the ability to learn about real IFR flying. It has no relationship with ag-flying. Even more notable, the IFR rating is not much good if the plane does not have IFR equipment.
The next two survey questions probably could start intense hangar talk conversation, only bested by how to dump a load, or take off with or without flaps and that is, “How do you land loaded?” and “How do you land empty?”. For the loaded question (no pun intended), of 140 respondents 115 (82.1%) claimed to wheel land when loaded. That makes plenty of sense. No doubt landing three-point would be slower and potentially safer if you lost control of the aircraft or needed
The IFR rating question created a couple more survey questions; “Do you have an attitude indicator in your aircraft?” and “Do you have a VHF radio in your aircraft? The attitude See Editorial page 9
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May 2014
calendar of events May 1, 2014 MiAAA Operation SAFE fly in Shady Lawn Field Airport. (4M4) Bannister, MI Polly McKillop 248-760-0732 Tim Swanson 989-292-1362 Al Schiffer 989-834-5067 May 1-2, 2014 MoAAA Fly-In Steele, MO Lynn Baxter 501-940-4472 May 6-7, 2014 NDAAA Operation SAFE Fly In Valley Sprayers Inc. Park River, ND 701-284-6755 May 19, 2014 WiAAA Operation SAFE Fly In Baraboo, WI Damon Reabe 920-324-3519 Jim Perrin 715-335-4470 May 21, 2014 Downstown Aero Fly In Vineland-Downstown Airport 28N Vineland, NJ Curt Nixholm 856-697-3300 May 27, 2014 International Crop Duster’s Day June 3-4, 2014 IaAAA Operation SAFE Fly In Grinnell Municipal Airport Grinnell, IA Quentin Childs 515-967-3761
June 5-6, 2014 SNA Congresso Cachoeira do Sul, RS Brazil June 26-27, 2014 Australia AAA Convention Hobart, Tasmania July 20-22, 2014 NZAAA Leadership Summit Wellington, NZ August 20-22, 2014 SINDAG Congreso Mercosul Foz do Iquaçu PR Brazil September 23, 2014 WaAAA State Fly-in Gavin Morse 509-220-4338 September 25-26, 2014 IdAAA State Fly-In Gooding, Idaho Katie Baker 208-229-8340
October 27-29, 2014 KsAAA Convention DoubleTree by Hilton Wichita, KS Rhonda McCurry 316-796-1180 November 2-4, 2014 PNWAAA Convention The Coeur d’Alene Resort, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Tara Lea Brown 509-989-9098 November 4-6, 2014 Mid-States AAA Convention Isle of Capri Bettendorf, IA Don Younglove 815-538-7717 November 10-12, 2014 CaAAA Convention Terry Gage 916-645-9747
October 7, 2014 AMAA Operation SAFE Clinic Lewistown Airport Lewistown, MT Colleen Campbell 406-463-2268
November 14-16, 2014 Cropduster United Fly-In Gaston White River Resort (3M0) Lakeview, AR Perry Lowry
October 10-12, 2014 NAAA Fall Board Meeting Westin Long Beach Long Beach, CA Lindsay Barber Tel: 202-546-5722 Fax: 202-546-5726
November 18-20, 2014 CoAAA Convention Embassy Suites Loveland Hotel, Spa and Conference Center Loveland, CO Jessica Freeman
December 8-11, 2014 NAAA Annual Convention and Exposition Galt House & KY Int’l Conv Center Louisville, KY Lindsay Barber Tel: 202-546-5722 Fax: 202-546-5726 January 5-7, 2015 LaAAA Convention HIlton Hotel Lafayette, LA Edward Krielow 337-824-5007 January 7-9, 2015 TxAAA Convention Corpus Christi, TX Susan Bennett 512-476-2644 January 12, 2015 AzAAA Meeting Brittany Armstron 520-705-9692 January 8-9, 2015 MoAAA Convention Drury Lodge Cape Girardeau, MO Scott Rainey 731-446-5938 731-538-2926 January 15-17, 2015 MsAAA Convention Beau Rivage Casino/Hotel Biloxi, MS Vicki Morgan 662-299-7836
agair mail colombia Hope everything is going well for you. In the March issue we read the article about the ArchAngel and we consider this is a product for our country. We would like to represent IOMAX in Colombia. Would you be so kind to recommend us with the Howard’s. Best regards, Mauricio Pinzon Bogota, Colombia Hola mi amigo! It is so very good to hear from you again. I hope all is well with you and your familia. Everything is good here; third grandchild is in the “oven” for a July delivery. Can you believe come May it will have been 22 years since I visited you in Bogota? That was my first Latin American trip (excluding Mexico, which is really southern USA, ha!). I am copying Mr. Lee Moritz. He would be your contact person at IOMAX. If he is interested, I am sure he will contact you. Don’t hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance. —Bill
Wednesday. I was invited to the 50th anniversary of the spraying company, Calima. Unfortunately, I am going out of town on Friday and will not able to attend. -Bill
keeping up AgAir Update is the best means for me to keep up to date with the industry and people the people I’ve come to enjoy over the last 20+ years. So, I don’t want to miss any issues and need to change my address. Thanks, as always, for your help! Carolyn Baecker Gold Canyon, AZ Hello Carolyn; No problem. We’ll update your mailing address so that you continue to receive AgAir Update. Everyone is going to miss you, but I am sure you will still keep “appearing” within the industry. Thank you for all the business you and CP Products gave to AgAir Update for the last 20+ years.—Bill
P.S. - Coincidentally, I almost was going to be in Medellín tomorrow,
editorial indicator should be standard equipment for an ag-plane. Not to be dependent upon, but to hopefully save the pilot from spacial disorientation in the clouds or fog. The intent is to stay the heck out of IMC, but as we know, it does not always work out that way. For the attitude indicator to be of any real value, some practice using it would be needed, and with a single seat aircraft, practice under the hood would be an FAR violation without a safety pilot. Now what? From 65 respondents, only 19 (29.2%) have one in their aircraft. As for a VHF radio in the aircraft, the survey question asked if the pilot communicated with other pilots on 123.45. From 99 respondents, 59 (59.5%) uses a VHF radio. That is a good practice, even in VFR conditions. Too much talk is distracting, but if everyone monitors the channel a lot of good can come from it. Maybe ag-pilots should come up with their own discrete, universally accepted frequency. That way general aviation pilots would not be chattering and listening in to our conversations. Also, the VHF has another frequency selection, 121.5, the emergency frequency. Getting caught in the fog, pulling up through it and finding yourself stuck on top, calling ATC might be of some help.
The last survey question I viewed, paraphrased, was, “How much do you charge per acre?”. Oddly enough, there were more respondents willing to respond to this question than any of the others, 150. The majority of 35 (23.3%) charged $8.00 USD per acre. There was a range from $6.00 to $10.00 or more that represented 22-26% of the respondents. Less than 1% each charged $3.00 or $4.00. This does not take into account GPA or whether the work is dry or wet applications. These results are just a generality, but does demonstrate where our industry is with pricing. I find the information from AgAir Update’s eEdition surveys revealing. The more participates, the more accurate the information. Don’t hesitate to express yourself with them. They are single question surveys and AgAir Update does not know who responds. Until next month, Blue Sky and Tailwinds… Keep Turning
May 2014
nice article Just a word of thanks to you from myself and the North Carolina Forest Service for the good job on the article you did on us. Even with all the rain, we have already had some fire activity here in the state. Thanks again, my friend. Wayne Slaughter Farmville, NC Hello Wayne; It was surely a pleasant surprise when I got out of the airplane at the NC Forestry Service’s offices in Kingston and saw you! I really felt more at home and ease doing the article with you there, which was my pleasure. Thanks for the compliments.—Bill
information needed We would like to know what a plane carries per load with a typical mix of cereal grains, legumes & radishes ? Also would like the names and phone numbers of potential Ag Air applicators reasonably close to Centerville, IA 52544.
As for what a plane carries in a load is not a question easily answered. The load could be anything from insecticide, to herbicide, to fungicide, to fertilizer or some combination of. All ag-aircraft keep logs of their route of flight and the contents of the load.—Bill
younger Thanks for the 1994 article on Covington Aircraft that you printed in the March AgAir Update. It brought back a lot of memories. We all looked a lot younger back then. We always look forward to recieving your AgAir Update. Keep up the good work. Paul Abbott Okmulgee, OK Mr. Paul; That sure is a true statement; looking younger then. However, it has been a great 20 years for AgAir Update and me. Thank you for all the support from Covington Aircraft Engines during those years.— Bill
20 years
Thank you in advance for your help. Bill Hanson Hello Mr. Hanson; We do not have any subscribers with an address in Centerville, IA. Even
so, we are not permitted to release subscribers’ contact information due to privacy laws. However, you should be able to get a list of aerial applicators in your area from surrounding county extension agents.
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I want to thank you for publishing the article about us (can you believe it) from 20 years ago. Boy, do I feel tired (lol). Is there any way I can get few copies of the April 2014 edition with the article? I would like to give them to George and some family members. The original article is mounted and hanging on the wall in the office. I will hang this one beside it. Again, thanks so much. Thanks, Cecilia Buster J & C Enterprises Thomas, OK Hello Cecilia; So good to hear from you. Please give my regards and well wishes to Jerry. As for copies of the April edition, no problem. You were supposed to have been sent some already, but I’ll be sure you get more, along with a color flyer of the article. I figured you all would get a “kick” out of reading about that visit from 20 years ago! Yes, time sure flies when having fun. Thanks for your business for all those years!—Bill
thanks On behalf of the MsAAA and myself, I would like to thank you for acknowledging our safety record for 2013. Our Association takes pride in putting safety first, which I know all state associations, as well as the NAAA, do. As you mentioned, Mississippi ag-pilots log a large amount of time in the cockpit each year therefore making safety a challenge. We are fortunate to have an association with many professional ag-pilots, young and old. I think much of this has to do with our yearly safety meetings that we have in the spring of each year. The FAA, along with our Association has conducted these meetings for many years and always have great support from our pilots and operators. Along with our safety meeting, the
implementation of PAASS program that is presented at our annual convention plays an important role in our being more conscious of safety. This year the MsAAA has teamed up with Delta State University Flight School in Cleveland, Mississippi for our 2014 Safety meeting. We are very excited about the changes we have made this year and invite everyone to attend. I would also like to say thanks again for AgAir Update and all of your staff for many years support to not only the MsAAA, but also the worldwide industry. You provide an excellent service. MsAAA President Joey Daniels Inverness, MS Thanks Joey; Your letter is appreciated. AgAir Update’s part in all this is very small. It is the concentrated efforts of ag-pilots worldwide that make this industry as safe as it is under very challenging circumstances. Mississippi ag-pilots have taken safety to another level.
compliment Thanks so much for the compliment and recognition of all the pilots here in Mississippi. Our states average age of pilots here would respectfully depict us as seasoned. Most important though, I think, is the way everyone shares information. It’s how fellow operators and pilots constantly stay in touch with each other. This every day information includes weather, our locations, coordination of ferry heights, aircraft performance for the day and even morale. Communication is strong here. So, once again, we appreciate it. Ike Brunetti Shelby, MS Hello Ike; Thanks so much for the kudos! AgAir Update is only the messenger. “Seasoned”, hmmm... that sounds better than other options, like senior citizen or some such.—Bill
Hope to see ya Tuesday at the safety meeting. —Bill
graduating ag pilots We had three more graduates at the Ag Aviation School that are looking forward to the six-month subscription to AgAir Update. Thanks, Bruce Dance Ag Aviation School Hello Bruce, Great. Congratulations to Brad Stauffer, Andrew Reiff and Billy Potterff. —Bill Brad Stauffer of Milford, Nebraska, Andrew Reiff of Independence, Iowa and Billy Potterff of Miller, MO just completed the ag-aviation course at Ag Aviation School in Miller, Missouri. Both ag-pilots have flying job seats working at Plane Cents Aviation, the parent company of Ag Aviation School.
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May 2014
From motocross to the air by Bill Lavender How does a former motorcycle World Supercross Champion go from professionally racing both motorcross and supercross motorcycles to being a helicopter ag-pilot and operator? Very carefully. For 16 years, 35-year old Heath Voss made a living motocross racing, one of the most grueling sports featured on ESPN. Having broken a variety of bones during his career, he finally retired three years ago after a serious knee injury. From that, he took his love for aviation from simply flying his Bonanza to the races to giving tours in an R44 helicopter over Medina Lake, Texas. Today, Heath is flying his Bell 206 Jet Ranger for ag, hog hunting, aerial tours, photography and surveys. He also owns and operates Hangar 13 in Mico Texas, an FAA certified repair station for helicopter maintenance.
Heath’s Hangar 13 is an authorized Robinson Service Center. He has completed maintenance certification courses for the Rolls Royce RR300 engine, Eurocopter AS350 airframe field maintenance, Bell 206 and the Turbomeca first line maintenance course for a series of different helicopters. Hangar 13 completed several helicopter annuals during the winter of 2012-2013. Heath decided on the name Hangar 13 from his days in motorcycle racing where the number 13 was considered unlucky. Heath has no such superstitions. It was his racing “career number”. Hangar 13 is based east of Lake Medina along Byway FM 1283 on a 90-acre ranch with a 5-bay facility and a private motocross race track. While drumming up business for his helicopter service
Heath Voss owns and operates Hangar 13 in Mico Texas, an FAA certified repair station and Robinson Helicopters Service Center. He flies his Bell 206 Jet Ranger (photo) with a Spectrum Electrostatic Spray System for aerial application work. He also uses the Bell 206 for a variety of jobs, including aerial photography, game survey and heli-tours.
center, Heath visited Rusty Lindeman (Dusty Crophopper pilot) in D’hanis Texas. Because of this visit, Rusty invited Heath to fly one of his R44s for crop spraying. Working closely with Wayne Schmidt, Rusty Flying Service’s Chief Pilot, Heath quickly adapted to ag-flying. Realizing the value of having a mentor, Heath continued to work closely with Charlie Torkelson of San Antonio while developing his ag flying business in a Bell 206, which he still flies today. Born in Worthington, Minnesota, Heath lived in Southern California during his racing years. When he retired from racing, Heath moved to Texas where his parents, who have always been a big influence in his life, are located. At one time, Heath raced on the Yamaha and Honda race teams and was the 2004 World Supercross Champion. Toward the end of his career, he became a privateer racer, one who buys and builds his own bikes, even though the Air Force and MasterCraft Boats were sponsoring him. Regardless, he continued to be a top-10 winner against the factory sponsored riders. During his racing years, his way of thinking was to make something perfect and to perform at its highest level. This carries over today with his ag-flying and helicopter maintenance. “You have to strengthen yourself both physically and mentally daily. You always have to be working towards something. You’re either going up or down. There is no staying where you are. Also, you have to plan and stay committed to the plan to have success,” explains Heath about his outlook on life. That attitude helped land his Air Force sponsorship where, over the course of five years, he delivered his message to kids of all ages to make the right choices in life, work hard, stay on track and they can do something great in both the Air Force and in life. Heath
Hangar 13’s Bell 206 Jet Ranger with an Isolair Dry Slinger bucket and Heath Voss at the controls. Micheal Powell (Isolair) worked closely with Heath to properly set up the Dry Slinger on the Bell 206. Husband and wife team, Michael and Terry Powell, were Heath’s mentors throughout the learning process to adapt the versatile Bell 206 to apply dry materials. They were always available for Heath whenever he needed advice.
has also taken this message to school kids as a free service, Boy Scouts, inner city and underprivileged kids, using both his dirt bike and helicopter. Additionally, he has worked with Sunshine Kids,
Empower Your Future and Make a Wish Foundation. He is a believer in it’s not what you say, it’s what you do. “Helicopter
serious thing I have done in my life. One wrong decision could be a life changing experience, whether it is an accident or a drift. The job has much responsibility to it,” explains Heath. “There’s no
Heath Voss’s Bell 206 Jet Ranger outfitted with TracMap GPS Heath Voss’s Bell 206 Jet Ranger is outfitted with a TracMap GPS. He is very satisfied with it. It does everything he needs and more. One of the best things about the unit is its 3.2-pound weight. For fixed wing, that may not be so important, but for a helicopter operator it matters. Using suction cups, the unit is mounted to the windscreen in the forward sight view. “In racing there is a saying, ‘you look down, you go down’, so I have my TracMap where I can watch it and where I am going at the same time.” The TracMap GPS is a consolidated, compact unit with no peripherals to worry with. Heath also likes the ease of entering customer data. He can fully load the TracMap GPS while loading the helicopter. With three button commands, he can download a shape file and be spraying. It is a very simple process; 1. Menu — 2. Arrow down to USB and ‘select’ — 3. Arrow down to shape file saved in memory stick and ‘select’. All inputs are made on the helicopter’s control stick so both hands are always free to operate it. The unit’s built-in lightbar is used for guidance.
May 2014
magic to this. I learned that much from my experience in motocross racing. “I take my jobs flying and maintenance very seriously. I do both as if I was spraying my own field or working on my 206. I know with contract spraying, like I did last summer in Iowa for four co-ops, there is no room for sloppiness. The co-op will send you home in a second. They are getting paid for quality work and they expect you to do the same.” It is pretty evident Heath Voss is a driven individual; one who stays focused on the mission at hand and gets it done. To this day, following his stay fit mentally and physically mantra, he has a tightrope set up at Hangar 13 that helps to him keep his balance, along with a gym and climbing peg board.
Heath Voss engineered and built his heli-haulers at Hangar 13. The Bell 206 fits tidily on the inside of the fully enclosed, aluminum trailer with Spectrum Electrostatic booms attached to the walls. When conditions permit, the open aluminum trailer is used.
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Less than four years is a short time to develop a successful business, especially in ag-aviation. Heath Voss has been able to do this, not only with his spraying operation, but his diverse use of the helicopter and a full service maintenance facility for a variety of helicopters.
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Today, Heath Voss’s biggest “sponsor” is his family, here with wife Sarah, 2-year old Elle and 5-year old Ryker.
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AgAir Update’s South Africa Excursion
Green route previous Red route current Blue route upcoming
Part 2 by Bill Lavender Last month in Part 1 of AgAir Update’s South African Excursion 2014, I arrived in Johannesburg after a 15-hour non-stop flight from Atlanta to be picked up by Orsmond Aviation employees. They kindly dropped me off to visit with Johnie Smith Lugbespuiting (Afrikans for crop spraying) for an evening braai (Afrikans for barbecue) and an overnight stay at a lion reserve bed and breakfast. Saturday morning Theunis and I departed Johnie Smith’s and traveled south to Bethlehem in the Eastern Free State where Orsmond Aviation is based. Over the weekend, Ret brought me up to speed about Orsmond Aviation since my last visit 18 years ago. Ret Orsmond formed Orsmond Aviation in 1973 with a used PA-25 Pawnee, after flying for an uncle based in Johannesburg and flying four years in Mozambique. Ret realized other operators were coming and going to Bethlehem to spray, but none were locally based. He saw an opportunity and set up operations there. In 1976 he bought a new PA-25 Pawnee, the first new ag aircraft for the company, followed in 1977 with a new Ag-Cat from Frank Kelley of American AgViation in Walnut Ridge, Arkansas. Orsmond Aviation became an Ayres Thrush dealer in 1978. In 1979, he brought the first new, Ayres Turbo Thrush with a PT6A-34AG engine to South Africa. Ret began buying nearby operators to expand the business that in 1994, at its peak, had 54 ag-aircraft. Today, Orsmond Aviation operates 30 agaircraft, along with several general aviation aircraft (there are less than 100 ag-aircraft in South
Ret Orsmond takes a phone call before departing for the southern coast of South Africa.
Africa). At some point during the last 35 years, Orsmond Aviation has operated just about every certified, factoryproduced ag-aircraft, excluding the Russian AN-2, Weatherly and Eagle aircraft. Orsmond Aviation is a family business. Ret is the owner with three of his children actively involved in the business. His son, George Orsmond, joined the company in 2000 and is the company’s Managing Director as well as a pilot flying a new 510G Thrush; when he is not busy running the day to day operations of the company. Another son, Michael Orsmond, is Chief
The front of the main maintenance hangar for Orsmond Aviation in Bethlehem South Africa.
An aerial view of Orsmond Aviation’s washout pad with a 510G and Michael Orsmond in his new 510G in the background waiting his turn.
Unfortunately, it is not Wednesday or Friday, so no open bar at the Mixing Tank today! (L-R) Bill Lavender, Michael Orsmond, Julie Orsmond, Ret Orsmond and George Orsmond. Pilot. “The cockpit is my office,” says Michael, having flown for Orsmond Aviation since 2000 and has logged over 9,000 aghours. He also works with the farmers’ concerns. Michael flies a new 510G Thrush, as well. Kate Orsmond, Ret’s daughter, works in administration at the Bethlehem office.
The reduction in the number of ag-planes operated by Orsmond Aviation came about as the result of the growth of the turbine engine. Today, all Orsmond Aviation ag-aircraft are turbine powered with the exception of two PA-25 Pawnees used for agpilot training. With 30 ag-aircraft in the fleet, there is an ongoing need for quality ag-pilots. To insure this, Orsmond Aviation has a training program for pilots with a Commercial pilot’s license who can begin by flying the company’s Texas Taildragger Cessna 150 and other aircraft to build their total flight time to 300 hours, the minimum required by the South African Civil Aviation Authority for issuance of an agricultural pilot rating subject to applicant furthermore obtaining pest control operator certificate issued by the Department of Agriculture. The Texas Taildragger, operating with full fuel and two people on board
Michael Orsmond says the 510G is his office and its cockpit is where he spends most of his time when not working directly with the growers.
May 2014
George Orsmond with son, 5-year old Nolan Orsmond after a morning of spraying.
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at Bethlehem’s 5,561 feet MSL altitude, simulates very well a loaded ag-aircraft’s controls inputs. The student receives an additional 30 hours of agtraining for a minimum of 330 hours, he is then soloed in the Pawnee. He is required to fly the Pawnee an additional 300 hours without incident before he is moved up to the turbine powered B-model AgCat with its Walter M601 engine, the only Ag-Cat in the Orsmond Aviation fleet. On obtaining a minimum of 1,000 hours total time, including 500 hours agricultural time, the pilot is eligible to move up to one of the turbine powered Thrush aircraft. Applications are made in Bethlehem and throughout
the Free State (the state Bethlehem is located) for about seven months in spring and summer. Applications are typical for the area, small grains, beans, potatoes and maize (corn), for fungicide, glyphosate and insecticide applications. Most applications are 30-50 liters per hectare (3-5 GPA) using CP Products nozzles. Ultra low volume applications use the Micronair rotary atomizer. Also, tea plantations are sprayed in Mpumalanga Province, as well as cotton and sugar cane in the Northern Province. For approximately four months in the winter, a portion of the Every Wednesday and Friday, Orsmond Aviation hosts an open bar at fleet relocates to the KwaZulu-Natal province for firefighting (10 its “Mixing Tank� bar. The bar is filled with ag-aviation memorabilia, aircraft) and small grain applications (4 aircraft) of fungicide, including an AgAir Update t-shirt and hat from 15 years ago! herbicide and insecticides in the Southern and Western Cape province. Orsmond Aviation pioneered aerial firefighting in South Africa in 1978 undertaking the first aerial GE Aviation attack on forest fires in the ZwaZulu-Natal Midlands. By 1986, the use of fixed wing aircraft for initial attack aerial firefighting was well GE H80 Series engines are built to last with advanced materials established.
rugged for a reason
Aside from operations in the Free State and the Cape, Orsmond Aviation aircraft and services can be found throughout Africa. Not only is the company a thriving spraying operation, it serves African continent operators and governments with aircraft sales, parts and service, as well as weather research and cloud seeding operations as far away as India and Australia. Over 90 employees work for Orsmond Aviation that include mechanics, pilots, ground personnel, spray coordinators, purchasing agents, administrators and assistants.
and a robust turboprop design. Combining the latest technologies with modern 3D aerodynamic design, these powerplants deliver the enhanced takeoff power, dependable hot day performance and reduced cost of ownership required by the modern aerial applicator. To experience the next generation of engine performance, call: Greg Ryan Sales Representative North and South America +1.954.292.5312
Orsmond Aviation maintains all types of ag-aircraft, with a focus on the Thrush, primarily from its home base in Bethlehem. The company rebuilds ag-aircraft from the ground up. It holds several STCs, including the Walter M601 engine conversion for both the Thrush and Ag-Cat aircraft. It is a dealer and service center for
Michal Ptacnik Sales Representative Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia +420.222.538.701
GE H80 Series turboprop engine
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May 2014
SATLOC GPS, Cascade Conversions, Universal Turbine Parts, Micron Sprayers’ Micronair rotary atomizers, Transland and CP Products application equipment, Avia propellers, Dynon Avionics, Gippsland Aeronautics, Covington Aircraft Engines, as well as a service center for GE Aviation’s H-series and M601 turbine engines. Orsmond Aviation currently operates two 510G Thrushes powered by the H80 GE engine. The company works closely with various African governments. Working with the Thrush factory and its French dealer, nine 660 Thrush aircraft were sold to Morocco for locust control. Orsmond Aviation trained their pilots and mechanics. The company has carried out multiple spraying and training contracts with other governments throughout Africa.
One of the more notable series of spraying contracts has been tsetse fly control throughout various countries in Africa. One of the more notable series of spraying contracts has been tsetse fly control throughout various countries in Africa. The tsetse fly is a vector for sleeping sickness. In all, more than 235,000 square kilometer (58 million acres), have been treated for tsetse fly by Orsmond Aviation all flying being done at night.
Locust contracts have been fulfilled in a number of African countries, as well as control applications for the notorious quelea bird. Orsmond Aviation has also fulfilled contracts to control locust in North and South Africa. Five aircraft departed from South Africa in March of 2004 and returned thirteen months later in April 2005 after treating for locusts in Morocco, Mauritania, Mali and Gambia. Overall, Orsmond Aviation is an impressive company owned and operated by family members. The company was built on the determination of Ret Orsmond, who came from a family of attorneys, not ag-aviators; built in a country where even the slightest accomplishment can be challenging. Without a doubt, the legacy of Orsmond Aviation will continue with the second generation at the helm. With a weekend of rest behind me, Monday morning Theunis and I departed Bethlehem for the drive to Winterton KwaZuluNatal to visit Aerial Farming Services owned and operated by Steve Bolt. Our drive took us through the Golden Gate Highlands National Park. The scenery was spectacular that included sandstone rock formations and several glimpses at wild animals like the zebra and springbok. Next month, AgAir Update’s Excursion 2014 continues with visits to more ag-operations in South Africa.
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May 2014
Aerial spraying operations are on fast track with Schweiss doors Two 20’ x 65’ wide Schweiss Bifold Liftstrap/Autolatch Doors on this aerial sprayer hangar can be opened and closed quickly and locked by remote control. For these aerial spray operators, time is money and Schweiss Bifold Doors saves them time. Speed is of the essence when it comes to aerial precision crop spraying operations; not only for helicopters and turbine powered 140 mph planes that zoom over and around the fields dodging buildings and high lines. Just like NASCAR, when it’s time to refuel and reload the spray tanks, some of which hold 500 gallons of chemicals, time is money. To speed up this process, drive-through hangars with a remote opening hydraulic or bifold door at each end are a perfect combination. With this setup an ag-pilot can taxi directly into the hangar without getting out of the cockpit while his crew does the refill. In a period of less than three minutes, he can be back in the air restocked with chemicals without shutting down the engine. Gone are the days when spray applicators with smaller planes often landed on the nearest road to reload their smaller tanks. Olivia, Minnesota Air Tractor spray pilot, Rich Sigurdson, noted that for his new 60’ x 80’ wide hangar he chose to place a 20’ x 65’ wide Schweiss Bifold Liftstrap/ Autolatch Doors at each end.
hydraulic powered Schweiss one piece door installed on their new 104’ x 60’ wide horse barn hangar. It has a big 40’ x 16’ door neatly built into the front. “We needed a big door so we could easily pull our helicopters inside without having to fold and unfold the spray booms each time. We set up our choppers on small trailers for quick access to this new indoor shelter shop. The quality and engineering design on the Schweiss door is really good. The hydraulic power unit works smooth and quite fast. The remote control for opening and closing is convenient. The door is perfect,” explained Reynolds. Reynolds also added that his door “fits like a glove” and seals well at the bottom and edges, is super easy to insulate and keeps heat inside the building.
Rich Sigurdson chose the Schweiss Liftstrap/Autolatch Bifold Doors for his 60’ x 80’ taxi-through hangar.
For more information on Schweiss bifold and hydraulic hangar doors, visit their website at:
In Sigurdson’s words, “These Schweiss hangar doors are strong, maintenance free, quiet and totally dependable regardless of weather. The bifold design is a winner in every way you measure doors. I’ve also had a 60’ door on my main hangar for 12 years without a single problem.” Reynolds Aerial Service, owned by Paul and Kimberly Reynolds of Mansfield, Illinois spends 90 percent of their time using helicopters to spray fungicide applications on corn and soybeans. The Reynolds are equally impressed with the
This Big Red Shed “Country Style” helicopter hangar at Reynolds Aerial Service has a 40’ x 16’ Schweiss hydraulic door. Based in Illinois, Reynolds Aerial Service owners say the big door lets them easily pull helicopters inside the building without having to fold and unfold the spray booms each time. The choppers are set on small trailers for quick access to his shop.
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May 2014
Lane delivers two AT-502Bs to Panama A comprehensive range of specialist CDA rotary atomiser systems for ULV and Low Volume aerial spraying. Head Office (UK) Micron Group Tel: +(44) 1885 482397 Email:
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On March 16, 2014 Lane Aviation departed the U.S. to deliver two AT-502Bs to Colono Agropercuario of Costa Rica. However, the deliveries were made to the Aeropuerto Enrique Malek in David, Panama, where Colono has opened a new flying operation, Colono Panama, to support its farm stores there. After the aircraft were prepped for delivery and ferrying at Lane Aviation in Rosenberg, Texas, Pat Kornegay and Grant Lane flew the aircraft to Harlingen, Texas to clear customs. With a switch in pilots, Clyde Kornegay and Grant Lane departed from Sun Valley Dusting Company in San Benito, Texas for their first stop in Guatemala before their destination in Panama. These aircraft were the 13th and 14th AT-502Bs sold by Lane Aviation to Colono. Number 15, an AT-504, will be delivered in May. The ferry trip, with an overnight stop in Guatemala, took two days and 10.5 tach hours to complete, burning 525 gallons of fuel for each aircraft with most of the flight at 11,500 MSL. 800-437-5319 16285 5th St. NE, Hillsboro. ND 58045 • 701-636-5880 • fax 701-636-5881 •
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(L-R) Clyde Kornegay of Sun Valley Dusting, Cristian Castillo General Manager of Groupo Colono, Grant Lane President Lane Aviation, José Alberto Castillo President of Groupo Colono, Captain Carlos Silva Co-owner of Helitrag and Freddy Alpizar General Manager Colono Panama.
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May 2014
Lane Aviation delivers AT-802 to Saudi Arabia
Scott Gunter, ferry pilot, boards AT-802 for Saudi Arabia.
(L-R) David Schiller, Aramco Supervisor Support Service, Grant Lane and Fouad A. Alhussain, Aramco Technical Advisor for Aircraft Maintenance. Lane Aviation of Rosenberg, Texas delivered a third AT-802 to Aramco, an oil company with its own in-house aerial oil spill unit. Aramco is based in Houston with operations in Saudi Arabia. Scott Gunter, professional ferry pilot, flew the AT802 to Saudi Arabia departing Houston non-stop to Bermuda. At one point, the aircraft’s ground speed was 228 knots at FL210 for
the eight-hour/1800 plus miles leg. The next day, Gunter departed Bermuda for the Azores, a 10+ hours flight. The flight from Houston to Saudi Arabia required approximately 45 flight hours and 3,200 gallons of fuel. The aircraft departs with 1,100 gallons of fuel on board using its 800-gallon spray tank for a ferry system. It is outfitted with an autopilot and IFR flight instruments.
P&WC issues service bulletin for PT6A-34 engines PT6A-34, PT6A-34AG, PT6A-34B, PT6A-36 Engines Incorporating SB1690 or SB1728 P&WC has received reports of events of CT Blade fracture on pre-delivery (very low time) PT6A-34 series engines. There have been no in-service events, and there have been no accidents. Based on these pre-delivery events, P&WC is taking proactive steps in the interest of in-service reliability. This CT Blade has accumulated two million hours of exemplary in-service use since 2007, and was introduced as a product improvement to in-service PT6A34 Series in 2011 and in June 2013
production engines, during which it has provided excellent reliability. P&WC is actively investigating the root cause of the fractures. Initial investigation shows initiation of the crack at the leading edge root of the CT blade airfoil. In these events, the propagation of a crack led to liberation of the airfoil and loss of engine power. P&WC is taking proactive measures by introducing Service Bulletin A1742 to advise operators that: 1. Applicable engines with CT Blades less than 20 hours are recommended to change the CT Blades to pre-
SB1690 configuration before next flight. 2. Applicable engines with CT Blades greater than 20 hours are recommended to incorporate additional borescope inspections at specific intervals. We will provide updates to this investigation as additional information becomes available. Service Alert - www.agairupdate. com/e_edition/stories/SBA1742.pdf
First UAS test site operational: FAA issues North Dakota Department of Commerce COA to begin testing WASHINGTON—The first of U.S. six test sites chosen by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to perform unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) research is operational more than 2 months ahead of the Congress-specified deadline for the program. FAA officials granted the North Dakota Department of Commerce team a Certificate of Waiver or Authorization (COA) to begin using a Draganflyer X4ES small UAS at its Northern Plains Unmanned Aircraft Systems Test Site. The team plans to begin flight operations during the week of May 5; the COA is effective for two years. “North Dakota has really taken the lead in supporting the growing unmanned aircraft industry,” Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx says. “We look forward to the contributions they and the other test sites will make toward our efforts to ensure the safe and efficient integration of UAS into our nation’s skies.” The main goal of this site’s initial operations is to show that UAS can check soil quality and the status of crops in support of North Dakota State University/Extension Service precision agriculture research studies. Precision agriculture is one of many industries that represent areas for significant economic opportunity and UAS-industry expansion.
“These data will lay the groundwork for reducing risks and ensuring continued safe operations of UAS,” adds FAA Administrator Michael Huerta. “We believe the test site programs will be extremely valuable to integrating unmanned aircraft and fostering America’s leadership in advancing this technology.” The North Dakota COA covers two separate geographical locations. Initial flights will be conducted over North Dakota State University’s Carrington Research Extension Center located in Carrington, N.D. The second set of missions, scheduled for summer 2014, will fly over Sullys Hill National Game Preserve near Devils Lake, N.D. The FAA selected six congressionally-mandated test sites on 30 December 2013.The FAA is working with the test sites to guide their research programs to help the FAA safely integrate UAS into the national airspace over the next several years.
While supporting the precision agriculture project, the Northern Plains Unmanned Aircraft Systems Test Site also will collect safety-related operational data needed for UAS airspace integration. The information will help the FAA analyze current processes for establishing small UAS airworthiness and system maturity. Maintenance data collected during site operations will support a prototype database for UAS maintenance and repair.
May 2014
A successful partnership defies gravity. BASF helps aerial applicators stay aloft. We create chemistry to bring you and your customers more innovative products, including industry-leading fungicides like Headline AMP ® fungicide. BASF proudly sponsors the NAAA scholarship program and Operation S.A.F.E. Fly-ins. We provide your business with the lift it needs to keep climbing.
A lways r ead and follow label dir ect ions . Headline A MP is a r e gister e d tr adema r k of BASF. ©2013 BASF Cor por ation. A ll R ights Reser ve d. APN 13 - PH - 0 0 02
Know your enemy: The importance of weed identification BASF: Weed identification an essential component to successful scouting
know what you’re going after, you’re probably going to be behind from the very beginning.”
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC—A recent BASF survey found that 76 percent of growers have made changes to their weed management programs to address weed resistance. With this growing problem spreading across the United States, it is important to take a comprehensive approach to fighting resistance and controlling weeds. Proper weed identification is fundamental to any effective weed control program.
Scouting should be done early in the season, when weeds are easier to control. Later in the season, those weeds continue to grow and produce seed, further contributing to weed seed banks.
“The first step in weed control is to know your enemy,” said Kevin Bradley, Ph.D., Associate Professor of plant sciences at the University of Missouri. “If you don’t
Often, the same weed species will show up in a field year after year, so it is important to know where problem weeds live. “It’s about characterizing which part of your farm needs certain attention,” said Greg Armel, Technical Market Manager, BASF. “There’s an adage – every year you don’t control weeds, there will be
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seven more years of fighting that weed. The less you know about what you’re dealing with, the more that weed has a chance to get a foothold in your ground and prevent you from controlling it in an effective manner.” Newly acquired land, or any major land management changes, requires special attention when scouting and identifying weeds. “Anything new you might have done to a field, like spread manure or taken ground out of pasture, makes it more critical to know exactly which species are present so you can make the right herbicide selection and get a good program established,” said Bradley.
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May 2014
Palmer amaranth vs. waterhemp While waterhemp has been an established problem for growers, it’s more aggressive “cousin,” Palmer amaranth, has been making its way into growers’ fields. These two weeds can be easily confused. Here are a few tips for identifying Palmer amaranth: • Look for long cotyledons – the first two leaves. Palmer amaranth has the longest cotyledons compared to any other pigweed or waterhemp species. • Palmer amaranth leaves will be shorter and more rounded compared to waterhemp leaves, which are oarshaped and glossy. • Palmer amaranth has larger brachts than waterhemp. Brachts are the modified leaves associated with the inflorescence of plants. The brachts on female Palmer amaranth plants have a spine-like appearance. • The petioles – stem-like structures that anchor leaves – are much larger on Palmer amaranth than other pigweed and waterhemp species.
Weed identification is essential to proper weed control. Remember to scout your fields early and often throughout the season.
Often the petiole is as long or longer than the leaf.
Foxtail species Though giant foxtail is the most common foxtail affecting crops in the United States, pockets of green and yellow foxtail have made appearances as well. It is very important to identify which foxtail species you are up against. Yellow foxtail is not easily controlled by certain ALS-inhibiting herbicides, and green foxtail is not easily controlled by certain HPPD-inhibiting herbicide. Giant foxtail is generally the easiest species to control.
For more quick tips on weed control, visit
about With sales of more than €5.2 billion in 2013, BASF’s Crop Protection division provides innovative solutions in crop protection, seed treatment and biological control as well as solutions to manage water, nutrients and plant stress. Its portfolio also includes products for turf and ornamental plants, pest control and public health. BASF’s Crop Protection division is a leading innovator that supports growers to optimize agricultural production, improve their business efficiency and enhance the quality of life for a growing world population. Further information can be found on the web at or through our social media channels.
• All foxtail species have a fringe of hair at the ligule, a helpful identifier when comparing to similar grasses. • Giant foxtail has small hairs all over its leaf surface. • Green foxtail has no hairs on its leaf structure, other than the ligule. • Yellow foxtail has half-inch long hairs just above the ligule and is smooth over the rest of the leaf surface.
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AgAir Update eEdition poll results
Do you expect your spraying hours in 2014 to: Can't physically do anymore, unless the price of corn drops and the increased yield in using fungicides does not justify the cost.—Ontario, Canada Stay the same or decrease due to drought conditions where I normally go.—Hot Springs, AR
Drought. —Tipton, OK Expect better weather, mainly warmer during bug run.— Fergus Falls, MN We are entering the fourth year of a record drought. If it doesn't rain, our season will be lean at best.—Floydada, TX
Decline in rainfall. —Australia Around half. —Kankakee, IL
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Our mission is to keep you flying May 2014
NAAA’s ‘no stone unturned’ approach to protecting ag pilots from the threat of UAVs America is regarded as the Land of Opportunity for good reason. Americans’ endless fascination with “the next big thing”—across the spectrum— is undoubtedly fueled in no small part by that collective ethos. When the FAA ushers in a new era in the near future by allowing UAVs to legally share the national airspace with manned aircraft, it truly will be a big thing. The effects will be profound and far-reaching, but in no sector more so than agriculture. Precision agriculture stands at the top of nearly everyone’s list of the most advantageous uses of civilian UAVs. The fervor among farmers champing at the bit to purchase their own UAV to use for crop monitoring and other purposes has been well documented. What gets lost amid all the rosy projections for UAVs’ commercial uses is the safety concerns of pilots, an in particular the concerns of aerial applicators and other pilots operating in low-level airspace. The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (also known as the FAA Reauthorization Act) requires the FAA to provide for the safe integration of civil unmanned aircraft systems into the national airspace system no later than September 2015, and a final rule regarding small UAVs (those 55 lbs. or less) is slated for a November 2014 release. With those deadlines fast approaching, NAAA has taken a “no stone unturned” approach to pushing for the safe integration of UAVs into lowlevel airspace where manned ag aircraft operate. The following overview details
NAAA’s efforts to ensure the safety of agricultural aviators remains paramount during the FAA’s deliberations and describes ways AgAir Update readers can help in this cause. NAAA’s Position and Overall Actions Regarding UAVs: The ability of ag pilots to see and avoid other aircraft and hazardous obstructions is paramount to ensuring the safety of low-level aircraft pilots. As such, NAAA has met several times with both the FAA Obstruction Evaluation Group (OEG) as well as the UAS Integration Office. The association has submitted correspondence to the OEG documenting low-level concerns as well as comments to the FAA regarding UAS test sites and privacy concerns. Additionally, NAAA was contacted by the NextGen Institute and has participated in interviews regarding UAS and its impacts on agricultural aviation. NAAA has petitioned FAA Administrator Huerta urging the implementation of low-level marking, lighting and database development solutions for locating ground affixed and UAS obstacles. In addition, NAAA requested that the FAA require ADS-B position broadcast technology and strobe lighting for UAVs, making them easily visible to pilots of manned aircraft. NAAA has also been in contact with a number of congressional offices about its UAS concerns as well as the trade association for the UAS industry, the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, and the Aerospace Industries Association.
Open Lines of Communication with the FAA: In late March, NAAA representatives, including former NAAA President Scott Schertz, met with the manager of the FAA’s UAS Integration Office, Jim Williams, to discuss the serious safety concerns NAAA members have regarding the safe integration of unmanned aircraft into the National Airspace System. NAAA representatives emphasized that it’s critical that UAVs be, at a minimum, equipped with strobe lights and ADS-B out technology to allow ag aviators to clearly see these low-level obstacles. Williams indicated he agreed that UAVs present a hazard to low-level aviators, but believed he could not make an argument for ADS-B equipage of all UAVs without data of near misses and accidents caused by them and model aircraft. That’s the standard the Office of Management and Budget would require in order to mandate ADS-B Out equipage of UAVs and ADS-B In equipage of ag aircraft, Williams said. Williams also said that in the case of small UAVs operated within line of sight, the FAA intends to place the burden of see-and-avoid on the UAV operators given the small size and maneuverability of the aircraft (in compliance with the general principles outlined in Part 91.113). In the case of larger UAVs and those operated beyond-line-of-sight, Williams said the FAA intends to require all the same airworthiness standards that exist for manned aircraft, including flashing exterior strobe lights. Williams also said that the FAA would not allow beyond-line-of-sight flight until a viable,
successful sense-and-avoid system has been developed and approved by the agency. Friending the FAA in its Fight to Sanction UAV Scofflaws: On April 4 NAAA filed an amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief in the case of Huerta v. Pirker, the recent matter in which an NTSB administrative law judge ruled that the FAA does not have the authority to regulate UAVs. NAAA submitted this brief because the case serves of substantial interest to NAAA’s members given the safety hazards UAVs pose within the low-level airspace. The legal case concerns Raphael Pirker, a Swiss UAV operator who was fined $10,000 for flying his remote controlled aircraft in reckless manner while filming a promotional video for the University of Virginia’s medical school. The FAA says Pirker’s flights ran afoul of FAA rules prohibiting the commercial use of UAVs. NTSB administrative law judge Patrick Geraghty ruled that the agency does not have the authority to impose a blanket ban on UAVs nationwide and overturned Pirker’s fine. The FAA appeal stays the judge’s ruling until the full National Transportation Safety Board issues a ruling in the case. NAAA’s brief supports the FAA’s federal mandate to regulate aviation safety, and states that the judge erred in his issuance of a summary judgment on the case. NAAA argues that even if the aircraft was a “model aircraft,” as the judge suggests, that does not exempt the aircraft from regulation. Moreover, NAAA argued, Pirker’s aircraft was clearly operating within navigable airspace (defined as 500 feet AGL and above over populated areas), presenting a safety hazard, thereby giving the FAA the authority to issue the fine. Outreach to Ag Colleagues: NAAA is also making its agricultural colleagues aware of the dilemma aerial applicators are up against if sufficient safeguards to protect ag pilots and other low-level aviators aren’t put in place once UAVs are allowed for use in agriculture. Last month former NAAA presidents Scott Schertz and Rod Thomas, along with NAAA’s Moore, delivered a presentation on unmanned aircraft and ag aviation at
a CropLife America (CLA) conference. Industry stakeholders at the meeting included chemical companies, CLA board members, ag retailers and other ag associations, as well as representatives from various government agencies. The audience was briefed on NAAA’s safety concerns and recommendations for the safe integration of UAVs and informed that the FAA has stated the onus will be on UAV operators to avoid collisions with manned aircraft when they share the same airspace. That puts UAV operations at great risk presently, given the current regulatory uncertainty. The last thing a UAV operator (i.e., farmer) would seem to want is the liability that would follow him should there be an incident with a manned ag aircraft, the NAAA speakers cautioned. Beyond the potential for loss of life, most farmers’ insurance policy caps wouldn’t cover such an incident, the NAAA reps noted. Grassroots Efforts: Some NAAA members are making a conscious effort to point out these concerns to their customers and ag media outlets. Former NAAA president Brian Rau, who currently chairs NAAA’s Government Relations Committee, recently responded to a Farm Journal writer who wrote a “DroneBuying Checklist” to point out that safety and liability issues were conspicuously missing from his checklist. As Rau wrote: “Almost all farm/grower liability policies exclude any aircraft or aircraft operation coverage. … In the case of a collision with another aircraft (or a ground based object or person) the operation of the UAV would probably be found to be illegal and the operator liable for any damages, injuries or deaths and no insurance coverage would be in place.” NAAA commends Rau bringing the perspective of aerial applicators on the issue of UAVs to the attention of Farm Journal. Such foresight should bear fruit down the road as agricultural publications continue to cover the emerging agricultural UAV market. Share Your Near-Miss Stories With NAAA: As mentioned above, the FAA has informed NAAA that safety data indicating near misses with UAVs will be needed to support a UAV ADS-B and strobe mandate. As such, NAAA urges any ag pilot who experiences a near-miss
encounter with a UAV to report such incidences to their local Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) and to NAAA to assist in our efforts to promote the safe integration of UAVs. With your help we can show the FAA that more needs to be done to ensure safe integration. In addition, NAAA urges all members to report illegal UAV operations to their local FSDOs and to NAAA. Unless operating under a COA, commercial UAV flights are still prohibited by the FAA until more safety data can be collected. Call (202) 546-5722 or email information@ to share your UAV close encounters with NAAA. NAAA will continue to fight to ensure ag aviation’s voice is heard regarding the safety hazard these low-flying vehicles present, and will continue to work with the FAA along the way to ensure a safe coexistence between ag aviation and UAVs both large and small
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May 2014
Ag aviation loses three of its own in April Jonathan "Big Jon" Lee Herr Jonathan "Big Jon" Lee Herr, 60 years young, of Woodland, entered the gates of Heaven on April 6. He was born in Redondo Beach on June 21, 1953 to Anna Mae and the late Charles Herr. He was a graduate of Woodland High school in 1971. On Oct, 15, 1976 Jon married his beautiful bride, Mary Elizabeth McClenahan. Jon began his flourishing business in 1981. "Big Jon" was a man of integrity who worked diligently throughout his life for family, friends, church, and his business. Jon took care and thought in making sure others around him were treated with fairness and respect. He received great joy in helping those in need. No matter the task, "Big Jon" made sure what was set before him was completed to the highest standards. Jon gave contributions and support to many, some of who include Woodland Little League, Small Business Association, NRA, Wounded Warrior Project, Northeast Agricultural Association, The Gideons International, and the Green House Center of Sacramento. Jon’s legacy of Professional Fibreglass Repair will be continued on with the same high standards, excellent quality, and ethical business practices through his son Timothy Herr. Timothy and Jon’s foreman, Randy Kaylor, have combined experience and expertise of more than fifty years. They are saddened by the loss of “Big Jon” and will carry on his life’s work with passion, integrity, and pride.
Bill grew up in Southern California and earned an AA degree from Compton Jr College. During WWII, he became a 1st Lt. in the Army Air Corp and flew P-47 fighters. He served in Germany during its occupation. In 1950, he married his wartime sweetheart, Mary Ellen Hancock of Lincoln Park, MI. They moved to Buttonwillow, CA, where he co-owned Buttonwillow Dusters. Upon leaving the crop dusting business, Bill went into aircraft sales and racing. In 1966, he set a world speed record in the Commander 200 and earned the Louis Bleriot Award for this feat. Bill sold Aero Commander planes and Ayres Turbo Thrushes out of Albany, GA and OKC for many years. In 1985, he flew the Turbo Thrush to set three world time to climb records which stand today. After his retirement in 1991, Bill enjoyed travel, yard and home projects, and attending OU football games. Bill learned to scuba dive and amassed 100+ open water dives.
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Robert Michael Bailey Robert Michael (Mike) Bailey was born on October 20, 1940 in Paris, Texas to Robert Claude and Mildred Jimmie (Golden) Bailey. He graduated high school in Dimmit, TX, and started farming. Mike then moved to Dalhart in 1963 where he farmed with his father. He met the love of his life, Jane Hunt in 1964 and they were married on February 13, 1965. In 1973, Mike and his brother Jack started Bailey Flying Service, an agricultural aviation service in Dalhart, TX. Mike retired in 1997 and he and Jane traveled extensively afterwards.
William (Bill) Charles Brodbeck OKLAHOMA CITY OK-William (Bill) Charles Brodbeck was born 17 Jan 1921 in Albuquerque. He was preceded in death by parents, John Jacob and Sixta (Valenzuela) Brodbeck and siblings, John and Fred Brodbeck and Elizabeth Spawr.
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More info @ May 2014
AgAir Update Marketplace • AgAir Update Marketplace • AgAir Update Marketplace
EPA proposes new safety measures to protect farm workers from pesticide exposure WASHINGTON—the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced proposed revisions to the Worker Protection Standard in order to protect the nation’s two million farm workers and their families from pesticide exposure. “Today marks an important milestone for the farm workers who plant, tend, and harvest the food that we put on our tables each day,” said Gina McCarthy, EPA Administrator. “EPA’s revised Worker Protection Standard will afford farm workers similar health protections to those already enjoyed by workers in other jobs. Protecting our nation’s farm workers from pesticide exposure is at the core of EPA’s work to ensure environmental justice.” EPA is proposing significant improvements to worker training regarding the safe usage of pesticides, including how to prevent and effectively treat pesticide exposure. Increased training and signage will inform farm workers about the protections they are
afforded under the law and will help them protect themselves and their families from pesticide exposure. Workers and others near treated fields will now be protected from pesticide overspray and fumes. In addition, EPA has proposed that children under 16 be legally barred from handling all pesticides, with an exemption for family farms. These revisions protect workers while ensuring agricultural productivity and preserving the traditions of family farms. This proposal represents more than a decade of extensive stakeholder input by federal and state partners and from across the agricultural community including farm workers, farmers, and industry on the current EPA Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for Agricultural Pesticides first established in 1992. For information on EPA’s Proposed Worker Protection Standard:
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A fix for Bantam GPS
It has come to our attention that operators using the Satloc Bantam may experience problems due to a full hard drive. If you log all of your work, you need to download your work files on at least a seasonal basis and delete from the Satloc hard drive. If you do not delete these files, the hard drive will fill up and stop logging even if it says it is logging. You will retain old logs but no recent logs will be recorded.
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May 2014
K&P Flying Service Fly-in takes Operation S.A.F.E. straight to farmers by Jennifer Marsik Friess GarrCo Operation S.A.F.E. Technician Ag aviation customers take varying degrees of interest in the process of aerial spraying. If the crop looks good and yields well with no complications, that’s usually enough. Yet there remains a need to keep the customer informed and educated to create positive and thorough communication, not only to cultivate a great working relationship, but also to lay the foundation for trust and confidence in the event of an issue, such as a drift claim. K&P Flying Service, Inc. in Watson, Arkansas found a way to incorporate open communication and education into a Professional Application Analysis Clinic, or Operation S.A.F.E. fly-in. Operation S.A.F.E. fly-ins help air applicators set up their aircraft to make safe and accurate applications.
The recent event kicked off with analysts calibrating airplanes from K&P and Grand Prairie Dusters, Inc., followed by lunch for attendees. Standard procedure for a fly-in. From there, however, Brenda Watts, owner and operator of K&P, took the event in a different direction. Inspired by questions from her farmers about calibration of the company’s 602 Air Tractor, she invited her customers to the fly-in, hosting 15 area farmers – K&P customers, crop consultants and guests – who participated in a workshop about spray calibration, tank agitation, uniform mixing and chemical application. The workshop was followed by analysis and calibration of the farmers’ ground fertilizer and spray equipment. By inviting her customers, Watts offered area growers unique exposure to the process firsthand. They could see how operators ensure their equipment is at its best through
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testing with trained analysts who interpret results and recommend changes to improve performance.
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K&P purchased the Professional Application Analysis Clinic at the 2013 National Agricultural Aviation Association’s annual convention’s live auction in Reno, Nevada. The auction benefits many NAAA programs. Certified S.A.F.E. Analysts John Garr of adjuvant manufacturer GarrCo Products, Inc. and Dr. Dennis Gardisser of WRK of Arkansas LLC, an application technology and aviation insurance company, have been conducting fly-ins for a combined 35 years. They donated their expertise,
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May 2014
time and equipment to the NAAA Auction to conduct the fly-in. Garr applauded Watts for adding ground application to her event, pointing out that it is good to see Operation S.A.F.E. analysts talk to farmers about both ground and aerial spraying equipment. “The perception is that an airplane application will drift more, but that’s not the case if it’s set up correctly,” Garr explained. “Getting the setup right is what we do at Operation S.A.F.E. fly-ins. It’s up to us as S.A.F.E. analysts to be resourceful. And doing something like what Brenda did here, bringing farmers
in to educate them, is very valuable. You don’t want the lack of knowledge to keep people from utilizing a more effective application system.” Local farmer and K&P customer Jason Smith is an example of a farmer who has been educated to choose the right equipment for the best application: “We’re not always able to use ground rigs,” Smith said. “The topsoil is different here, it stays wet longer and we get more rain, so it’s extremely important to have airplanes. “You utilize aerial application mainly because of rice and in certain situations being able to use both ground and air applications make a difference in getting applications made on time,” he continued. “It can cost you 15-50 percent, depending on the circumstances. With rice, there’s not a situation where you can say we’ll wait until it dries up. The next time you could make an application, the weeds are too large.” Echoing Smith, Gardisser said that aerial applicators can treat a huge number of acres expeditiously, efficiently and conscientiously. “Technology has gotten better and education about applications has gotten better, too,” he said. “The two combine to focus on ways to address drift mitigation issues so both air and ground
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applicators can work successfully in an environment with susceptible crops next door.” Watts illustrated some of that technology that she utilizes on K&P’s Air Tractor: “We’ve added right boom cut-off to our spray system to address prop wash and the off-target drift it can create, which can be especially critical when working near susceptible crops,” she explained. “The right boom shutoff allows the aircraft to have a more controlled spray pattern: 100 percent dosage at the edge of the field with no tapering. It allows the pilot to create a precise buffer with minimum untreated acres. Without the technology
utilized properly, you’d have a gradient effect. Participating in Operation S.A.F.E. clinics like this gives you the tools to make adjustments.” Added Garr, “The buck stops at the S.A.F.E. Clinic, because you’re testing your equipment in as close to a real-world environment as possible.” For more information on adjuvants, and aerial application, contact John Garr at 765-395-3441, or visit; and contact Dr. Dennis Gardisser at or visit
May 2014
wing and a prayer
Carlin Lawrence
The coming of “the day of the Lord” Sometime in the future an extremely intelligent, charismatic, and charming man will arrive on the earthly scene. His attractiveness, smooth voice, and great speaking ability will mesmerize most people. During his early political career in the European Community he will move up the political ladder. Somehow, probably by peaceful actions and political power-
plays, he will become the leader of the ten nation European Confederacy that arises out of the revived Roman Empire. The apostle John wrote, “I looked, and
there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest” (Revelation 6:2). The rider held a bow, but no arrows; which seems to indicate that this man’s first conquering tactics will be peaceful—this is the antichrist, and he is empowered by the spirit of Satan.
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This world will welcome antichrist with open arms; he will have all the right answers for the world’s social, economic, energy and governmental problems. Antichrist will solve the problems between the Arabs and the Jews by getting the Arabs to agree to allow the Jews to build their temple on the temple mount north of the Doom of the Rock Masque. There will be a wall built between the Jew’s temple and the Arab’s Masque (Ezekiel 40-42, Revelation 11:12). Antichrist will make a seven year agreement with the nation of Israel that guarantees Israel’s safety from any attack from the Arab nations (Daniel 9:24-27). From a human point of view, the antichrist will look like a gift from God; at first, the antichrist’s rule of this earth will look very good. But in reality, this is the beginning of The Day Of The Lord. God’s wrath is about to be turned loose on this earth; over half of the earth’s population is going to die! Antichrist will break his agreement with the Jews and put an end to their daily sacrifices in their temple, and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God ( Daniel 9:27; 2 Thessalonians 2:4). Antichrist will claim to be God and demand to be worshiped as God. The antichrist is a total materialist; the only thing he admires is himself, his material wealth, his military power, and his power over the world. The antichrist will be a political, financial, and military genius; he will have all the powers of Satan to accomplish his wicked mission of bringing the world under his control. The antichrist will use his monetary resources and political skills to build his
military power to gain control over the world. The worst devastation that has ever happened on this earth is about to break out! Billions of people will die from war, disease, hunger, beasts, earthquakes and other disastrous events (Revelation 6:3-17). The apostle Paul wrote, “Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night” (1
Thessalonians 5:1-2). World history is the eternal plan of God that is unfolding into what is called in the Bible “The Day Of The Lord.” This “Day Of The Lord” is a seven year timespan that will end Satan’s and man’s time of ruling this earth, as God takes total control of all the events that take place on His earth (Isaiah 46:10). This will be a time of God’s judgment on ungodly and unrepentant humanity who have rejected God’s purposes for their life, and lived a life of selfishness, ungodly thoughts, motives,
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May 2014
and actions. The Day Of The Lord is mentioned 19 times in the Old Testament and 4 times in the New Testament, and is alluded to in Revelation 6:17 and 16:14. The Bible calls The Day Of The Lord, the “day of vengeance” in Isaiah 34:8, 61:2, 63:4. Over 100 million people have been killed in wars on this earth in the last 100 years. When compared to what will happen during what the Bible calls “The Day Of The Lord” that 100 million will seem small. The Bible tells us in Revelation 6:7-8 that 25 percent of the earth’s population will be killed. Then the Bible says in Revelation 9:15-18 that 33 percent of the remaining population will die. Considering that the world’s population is now over 7 billion, if the Day Of The Lord were to happen today over 3.5 billion people would die. And there are other places in
the book of Revelation where people will be killed that are not included in the 3.5 billion. This is over 35 times more people killed in 7 years than were killed in the last 100 years of earth’s history. Jesus said, “There will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.” (Matthew 24:21-22). In Revelation 19:11-21, during the coming of Jesus Christ to this earth, we read that hundreds of millions of ungodly enemies of Christ will be slaughtered by the Word of Jesus Christ. The blood from the dead will flow 4-5 feet deep for 200 miles, and vultures will feast on the human bodies (Revelation 14:14-20, 19:17-18). It will take seven months to bury all the dead, and the fuel from the destroyed weapons will supply fuel for towns in Israel for seven years (Ezekiel 39:9-12). Some Old Testament Scriptures make it sound like this is going to happen at any moment. “Wail, for the day of the Lord is near” (Isaiah 13:6). “For the day is near, even the day of the Lord is near” (Ezekiel 30:3). The Great Tribulation will bring judgment on a world that hates God and Jesus Christ, and brings in the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ on this earth from the City of Jerusalem. We can be a part of Jesus’ 1000 year reign on this earth if Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior (Revelation 20:6). Today is the Day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2)—it’s our choice!
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May 2014
in my opinion Robert A. McCurdy, Chief Pilot / Flight Instructor Flying Tiger Aviation, LLC,
Passionate about ag flying Recently I got a call from an operator who was interested in hiring one of my former turbine transition students. After each student completes the course, I write a detailed critique of their time with me. I told the prospective employer that I would look through this student’s critique, and get back to him. As it turned out, his critique was pretty run-of-the-mil, and for his flying skills,
on a scale of one to ten he may have been a seven. His strong points were that he
did put forth a 100 percent effort in regards to studying and helping around the airport. In my critique, I had written that he was dependable, punctual, sober (very important) and had the drive to excel. Flying the airplane is important, but these other attributes are equally important - if not more so. Skill with the GPS, and efficient safe turns will get better and better with time and
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Flying Tiger Aviation offers flight and ground training for budding ag pilots, and turbine transition training for more experienced pilots. If you’re interested in an exciting career in the world of flying, please call us for details. We’d love to fly with you.
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Flying Tiger Aviation About the artist: Captain Luis Sierra, Flying Tiger Aviation graduate, is currently flying for Dole® in Honduras.
Presented to Ground Instruction & Tail Wheel Training • Instruction for Pesticide Licensing Testing • Dual -Control Turbine T hrush • Dual -Control Ag Cat Primary S.E.A.T. Training • Banner/Glider Towing Train
Robert A. McCurdy
Agricultural Aviation Specialist / Chief Flight
practice. We've seen many, many students who were a "natural" when it came to flying the airplane, but they may have been somewhat lacking in the other attributes I just mentioned. In one of my previous articles I have mentioned this, but students who concern me the most are those who can fly the wings off an airplane, and think they are "bullet proof." This particular pilot, who is the focus of this little dissertation, definitely does not fall into the "bullet proof" category. He has a mature attitude about ag flying, and is more concerned about doing a good job for the farmer and being able to use the airplane the next day. He came across to me as earnestly striving to be the best ag pilot he can be. The prospective employer who called me said he was looking for a pilot who is "passionate" about ag flying. That is the first time I have ever heard it expressed like that, and I am going to use that expression in the future when I think it applies to a student, either as a basic ag student or turbine student. Bottom line: my former turbine student who is hoping to capture this turbine seat is truly passionate about ag flying, and I told the prospective employer I'd give him a shot, which I think he is going to do just that. I sure hope so.
Unmarked tower legislation update by Jessica Freeman The Colorado legislation HB14-1216 went to the Senate Agricultural, Natural Resources, and Energy Committee today. The Bill was passed unanimously by the committee after testimony by Sam Rogge CAAA President, Kurt Morrison CDOT, Jennifer Rodi NTSB, Colorado Corn, and Ann Beardall of the Colorado Pilots Association. There were multiple other CAAA members and pilot associations in attendance showing support for HB14-1216.
There are approximately three more steps before the Bill will become law. The Bill may move on to the appropriations committee next week to deal with the financial aspect of the CDOT towers. From there the bill will proceed to the Second and then Third Reading (Final Vote) on the Senate Floor. If the Bill passes third reading the Governor should sign HB14-1216 into law. The next few steps will happen fairly fast.
AgAir Update | Junior Page | 7.08”w x 9.14”h
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May 2014
Ramifications of buffer zones for aerial applicators and growers by David Eby, AgriFlite Services This analysis is a reply to the EPA proposal (EPA-HQ OPP2103-0676) to reduce and control off-target drift through the implementation of buffer zones. The report will demonstrate through field acreage calculations that buffer zone implementation has the potential to eliminate aerial application as well as financially ruin the family farm. 1. EPA’s fumigant definition of buffer zones 2. What is the buffer zone setback for aerial application? Answer: There is no definitive distance with various researchers suggesting a minimum 100 feet to 3 miles depending on the pesticide. 3. What is the average farm size in the United States? Source: average_size.htm 4. Average acres at the State level: See reproduced chart on the next page: Note: To obtain a quick idea of the dramatic effect of buffer zones on aerial applicators, an Indiana farm will be used as an illustration using a 100-foot buffer followed by a 200-foot buffer.
EPA’s fumigant definition of buffer zone What are buffer zones • Buffer zones provide distance between the application block (i.e., edge of the treated field) and bystanders. • Allow airborne residues to disperse before reaching bystanders, reducing the potential for fumigant exposure. • Are established around the perimeter of the application block. • Extend outward from the edge of the application block perimeter equally in all directions.
SoutheaStern aircraft SaleS
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States by average farm acreage - 2004 Rank State Number
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Source: USDA:Economic Research Service A rough estimate is to assume a rectangular shape of 253 acres, determine the area, then subtract the 100-foot buffer area.
Over 32-years in aerial application and over 18-years in the containment business.
May 2014
5. Effect of buffer zones on the average Indiana Farm:
and one 13-acre field. Applying the same calculations from the above chart this farm acreage now becomes as follows:
Indiana 100farm foot buffer total aces
farm minus buffer zone
% buffer
200foot buffer total acres
farm minus buffer zone
% buffer
Interpretation, assuming a grower planted all corn: With a 100-foot buffer—9% of his crop could not be sprayed by air. With a 200-foot buffer—23% could not not sprayed by air. With input costs of $650 /acre for corn the grower is putting at risk $19,500 for a 100-foot buffer and for a 200-foot buffer $37,700 investment by not applying pesticides on the designated buffer. However, the situation gets even worse. Nothing was included for the 200-foot waterways, or irrigation ditches setback. Consequently, the actual acres the grower could have sprayed by air would be considerably less. 6. Extrapolating further at the farm level: In Indiana average field size is 70-acres. Therefore, for illustration, the average field size of this 253-acre farm consists of three 70-acre fields
Indiana 253 acre farm
100foot buffer total acers
farm minus buffer zone
% 200buffer foot buffer total acres
farm minus buffer zone
% buffer
15 55
ave 23%
ave 43 %
Implications: An Indiana farmer with an average size farm of 253-acres with the average size field of three 70-acre fields and one 43-acre field will have 57-acres of buffer zone or 23% of farm, assuming a 100-foot buffer, and 106 acres of buffer zones using the 200-foot buffer (43% of farm). If the grower hires an aerial applicator to spray his farm 57-acres will not be sprayed using a 100-foot buffer while 106 acres will not be sprayed with
We have 50+ years combined experience maintaining all makes of ag aircraft. We fix it right the first time and get you back to work with minimum downtime. We service and repair GA aircraft and Robinson helicopters, too!
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a 200-foot buffer. 7. Analysis of an actual farm in Indiana: Total Acres: 257-acres in 7 fields. I will illustrate what is happening with two fields. Farm 1 consists 3 fields 67, 13 and 5 acres 100-foot buffer zone-spray area reduced to No buffer zone spray for 85-acres sprayed 52-acres
200-foot buffer zone- spray area reduced to 28-acres
100-foot buffer zone spray area reduced to 53-acres
200- foot buffer zone spray area reduced to 35-acres
72-acre farmstead
Notes: Buffer Zones: Yellow Spray Area: Green
May 2014
Field acres 67 13 5 72 18 22 60 257
100’ buffer total acres 15 6 0 16 8 9 14 68
field acres minus buffer zone 52 7 0 56 10 13 23 161
% buffer zone 22% 46% 100% 22% 44% 40% 23% ave 42%
Summary: For this particular farm of 253 acres using a 100-foot buffer, 42% of the farmland is in a buffer zone and, with a 200foot buffer, 85% of the farmland is in a buffer zone. Apply this as an average to an operation’s yearly aerial applications using a 100-foot buffer it would reduce yearly application sales by 42% and 85% for 200-foot buffers. To reiterate: No waterways or irrigation ditches setback of at least 200 feet were included in these example fields, and if applied, would make the outcome significantly worse.
200’ Buffer total acres 28 11 0 29 13 14 26 121
field acres minus buffer zone 39 2 0 43 5 8 34 131
% Buffer zone 42% 84% 100% 60% 72% 63% 43% ave 85%
Summary Comments Aerial Applicators: 1. As a Midwest operator, the loss of 42% (100-foot buffer) to 85% (200-foot buffer) in billable acres would devastate our aerial application business overnight. 2. Farmers may forgo aircraft opting for ground applications to possibly reduce their losses to buffer zones. 3. Aerial application for agriculture except for specialized services and needs will cease to exist in the United States.
Note: for calculations all fields are reduced to rectangles.
If it loads it in, or sprays it out, we’ve got you covered. ® THE CPPRODUCTS COMPANY, INC.
• • • • • • •
Proven swath widths up to 85’ wide * Save up to 5 gallons of fuel/hour Simple 1 day installation Greatly reduces wing tip vortices Increased performance due to less drag Proven increase in spray deposition accuracy Reduces drift *
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Producers (Farmers /growers /land owners) will take an even larger hit. 1. Buffer zones will by financial necessity revert from crops to some type of grass, to prevent the buffer zone area from developing into a nursery for weeds, insects, and disease since pesticide use in buffer zones will be very limited. 2. Family farms will also cease to exist for financial reasons due to loss of production within the buffer zones. As in the very real example above with a 100-foot buffer zone 42% (85% for 200 feet) of current crop production acres will be in controlled buffer zones which essentially will be taken out of production. Family farms cannot survive a financial loss of that magnitude. 3. Landowners will lose the rental income from non-income producing buffer zone acres possibly forcing farm sales or foreclosure. In closing: The EPA buffer zone concept of controlling drift is a radical proposal that will fundamentally change American agriculture resulting in financial ruin to everyone involved in agriculture. The intent of this current proposal is within the scope the EPA's new agenda as initially presented by Mr. Jeff Dawson on February 14, 2014 to the NAAA (Spring Board Meeting/conference call) that their new goal is “economic social justice” not necessarily reducing off target spray drift. For
uger Auger An’s s DAn rucks Trucks Stainless steel auger systems for loading ag aircraft Electronic height adjustable clear sock for dry material delivery
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that reason, this current drift issue with its wider regulatory implications must be examined in more depth before any more action is taken. I am aware that the EPA is rapidly moving ahead with the concept of implementing buffer zones; but as of now, both aerial applicators and growers must as a community organize and stop this from happening. With new ideas and laws come additional new regulations among which are listed below: 1. Buffer zone management regulations 2. Enforcement procedures 3. Fines and Penalties for drift into adjacent fields/crops 4. Financial effects on farmers and agricultural infrastructure 5. Posting Requirements and notification procedures With USDA already building Regional Agricultural Compliance Offices, American Agriculture must move quickly to stop the implementation of buffer zones and develop a better solution consistent with current expanding technology.
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May 2014
EPA announces voluntary process to provide applicators with online access to pesticide labeling The EPA is launching a new voluntary process by which registrants can opt to make legally valid pesticide labeling accessible online. Until now, no version of online labeling has been legally valid for the purpose of making a pesticide application. This Web-distributed labeling system will initially focus on agricultural and industrial pesticides and professional applicators. Electronic or online labeling – called Web-distributed labeling – will allow pesticide applicators to download streamlined labeling, including instructions specific to the state and the use site where an application will be
made. Labels accompanying pesticide products in stores can include more than 30 pages of instruction. This new process will allow for online access to portions of the label such as directions for use, first aid and environmental statements for certain use sites. Web-distributed labeling should provide: • Improved compliance with the instructions on pesticide labels by making labels easier to access, read and comprehend; • Quicker implementation of measures to protect public health and the environment; • Faster access to new pesticide uses, and
• Lower costs for Industry and the EPA The actual labeling on the container will not be shortened in any way with the addition of Web-distributed labeling. The Pesticide Registration Notice (PR Notice 2014-1) is effective immediately. For more information, please see the announcement in the Federal Register or labels/distribution/.
High Performance Aviation Experience high performance and high reliability with the new TRACE turbocharged V-8 aircraft engines. Longer life, high reliability 600 horsepower engines are now available for Air Tractor 300 & 400 Series & DHC-2 Beaver aircraft. Ask about our new 750 horsepower FADEC engine with optional fuel capability available in experimental configuration. TC projected for last half of 2014..
Call for a flight demo and factory tour at 432-618-7223. Don’t forget to ask about TowBot, the most versatile airplane mover in the world TRACE Engines L.P. 3000 W. Interstate 20 Midland, TX 79701 432-618-7223 432-618-8745 (FAX)
DeSpain Collection Stone Coasters $29.99 DeSpain set of four stone coasters. Set includes Ag-Cat, AT-502, Cessna, and Thrush 510
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May 2014
Tracy Thurman
hands-on flying
Where water flows... The drought that has beleaguered the American West has reached a point of economic impact that will resound throughout the nation for years to come. California, which generally supplies a large percentage of the food and grain crops to the world, is struggling. Aquifers are drying up, lakes are reduced to mud puddles. Farmers are sinking their wells deeper, some have drilled new wells at the cost of a million dollars
each. Even then, they figure it is only a temporary solution. One farmer stated that he hopes to get four years out of his new well. Four years.
The water deficit has been coming for years. Farmers have been sounding off for a decade at the mismanagement, waste and fraud that has been taking place with the resources of the Central Valley and Northern California. The deficit has caught up. The account is way overdrawn and is at a critical stage. Only now, when it is too late to fix the problem are people in government listening, or at least pretending to be. The water problem has finally attained
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For over 30 years, ISOLAIR has been manufacturing industry leading helicopter systems for the firefighting, forestry and aerial application industries. With a broad line of certified and custom For over 30 years, ISOLAIR has been manufacturing industry leading helicopter systems for the helicopter equipment, ISOLAIR has the system to fit your company’s needs. From agricultural spray firefighting, forestry and aerial application industries. With a broad line of certified and custom systems andequipment, bucket spreaders firefighting grapples torches, ISOLAIR can helicopter ISOLAIRtohas the systemsystems, to fit yourforestry company’s needs.and From agricultural spray and will do it forestry all! systems and bucket spreaders to firefighting systems, grapples and torches, ISOLAIR can With competitive pricing, quality assurance, easy to install products, and an ongoing commitment and will do it all! to customer service, we welcome you to contact us.toOur friendly and and knowledgeable staff is ready to With competitive pricing, quality assurance, easy install products, an ongoing commitment answer your questions help you the ISOLAIR best meet your to customer service, weand welcome youfind to contact us. Oursystem friendlythat and will knowledgeable staff isoperational ready to answer your questions and help you find requirements. the ISOLAIR system that will best meet your operational
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a position of popularity. Politicians and bureaucrats are taking the stage, fluffing their feathers and waxing eloquently about the current problem and how they are dedicated to bringing relief to our courageous farmers. Of course, the drought is a result of global warming. There is nothing that could have been done to prevent it. If you believe that my friend, I have a great health care plan to sell you! You’ll love it. I promise.
local water districts to prevent water being sent to other districts. Some investors have purchased land in the Central Valley in order to have the water allocations for the property. To some, selling water is more lucrative than farming. California’s unemployment rate is dismal. The economy is on the rocks and yet the industry that brings so many dollars and jobs into the state is the one
that is being held hostage by legislators. Yet, the American people cry out because of higher food prices. They want the same quantity and quality as they have become used to. So, our farmers do what they can to grow more per acre. They use pesticides and synthetic fertilizers in order to gain maximum yields out of a minimum number of irrigated acres. People in the city raise their voices again because of the use of chemicals in the production of their food. They
2014 will see hundreds of thousands of acres going fallow. Land that once produced lettuce, broccoli, cotton and wheat will go dry and untilled. The water available is being shanghaied by legislators to funnel into the cities full of harnessed voters who will no doubt need to water their lawns and wash their cars.
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ROBERT BAKER KATIE BAKER 2245 Airport Rd., P.O. Box 155 Midvale, Idaho 83645 Phone: (208) 229-8340 • Fax: (208) 355-1114
While the liberals leverage their way into destroying a nation using the EPA and an over emotionalized, completely distracted populace as tools, they haven’t thought about what they will be giving up in the process. Food safety standards for one. Jobs are another. Rural America, and particularly California, depend on agricultural for millions of jobs that are either directly or indirectly linked to farming. Now those jobs are blowing away in the dust. Literally.
t oud o be d Pr
What about food? Well, what about it? The answer is easy if you’re a politician. Our good neighbors to the South will be more than happy to sell us what we need. Mexican lettuce is just as good as American lettuce, isn’t it? Cotton? We’ll just buy what we need from someone else. Who’ll know the difference?
The courts are seeing lawsuits brought forth by AgAirAd_resized_rev_C9511.indd 1
26/08/13 1:23 PM
May 2014
self-righteously tap away at their smart phones while driving through the car wash, venting on social media at the cost of their recent trip to the supermarket and the evil that has been done to them by production agriculture. All the while hoping the ice cream doesn’t melt and wondering if the timer on the sprinkler system is set to go on after or before the pool pump; because that’s what city people do to conserve water. I wonder if they know organic produce requires water, too.
Ironically, it’s raining as I write this. The rain is certainly welcome and looked upon as an answer to the sign that stands beside Highway 99, “Pray for RAIN!”. Although, the amount of precipitation California has received is just a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed, every little bit helps. A few sensible legislators in Washington D.C. proposed a temporary halt to the Endangered Species Protection Act that is in place to preserve the Delta
Smelt; an elusive little fish that is at the core of the environmentalists’ agenda to destroy California agriculture. The Senators in charge answered by flushing 95,000-acre feet of water into the Pacific ocean. Madness. The farmers look for answers. The federal government has told them they will get zero water from federal resources. The feds, however, have offered subsidies. Token payments, “sorry money”, in an attempt to smooth out things. The farmers reply, “Keep your money, give us our water!” It’s odd how a bankrupt government, living off of borrowed money can be so ready to throw cash at a problem. When just simply doing the right thing at the right time would be easier and cheaper. The cost of building new reservoirs would have been a bargain in comparison to the damage being done by the drought. Stopping pet projects, schmoozing special interests and reigning in the EPA would save billions of dollars and an untold amount of resources and jobs. I’m not an expert on weird little fish or funny little frogs, but history has proven nature has an innate ability to adapt to environmental changes. Maybe we ought to give the flora and fauna an opportunity to do so, instead of breaking the backs and banks of the people upon whose shoulders rest the foundation of our country.
Bringing back a legend PA-25 P-3 by LAVIASA New PA-25 Pawnee certified in US market Lavia Argentina S.A. (LAVIASA) and Eagle Vistas, LLC announce that the new PA-25 Pawnee is now certified in the US market. The airplane comes with many new improvements, an updated US Type Certificate (July of 2013) and is now fully registered to fly and market in the United States.
#2A10 (Restricted Category) and #2A8 (Normal Category.) for the PA-25 to Lavia Argentina S.A. (LAVIASA). The demand in agricultural aviation for a new, entry-level agricultural aircraft is driven by a strong agricultural economy, a need for newer training aircraft and smaller jobs with commercial operators.
This new PA-25 P-3 Model has a fuel injected 300 HP Lycoming IO-540D4A5 engine, three-blade, constant speed propeller with spinner, increased fuel tank and hopper capacity, new spring aluminum landing gear and an Electronics International electronic engine monitoring system. An AmSafe airbag system will soon be an option.
The PA-25 P-3 takes its heritage from a long line of Piper PA-25 Pawnees built from the 1960s to the 1990s under Piper Aircraft Type Certificate. Many of these Piper PA-25s are still flying all over the world today and remain pillars of the agricultural aviation industry, as well as glider and banner towing. In 1998, Piper Aircraft sold the US Type Certificate
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May 2014
ntsb reports NTSB Identification: *CEN14LA147* Date: February 19, 2014 Location: Church Point, LA Aircraft: AIR TRACTOR INC AT 602 Injuries: 1 Uninjured. On February 19, 2014, about 1700 central standard time, the pilot of an Air Tractor AT-602, made a forced landing in a field and collided with trees after the engine lost power at Church Point, Louisiana. The pilot, the sole occupant on board, was not injured. The airplane was substantially damaged. The airplane was under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 137 as an aerial application flight. Visual
meteorological conditions (VMC) prevailed at the time of the accident, and no flight plan had been filed. The local flight originated from Rayne approximately 1630. The pilot was spreading dry fertilizer on a wheat field. In his statement to a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) inspector, the pilot stated the engine started surging then lost power when he was about 70 feet off the ground. The pilot pulled up to about 250 feet, then descended and landed in a field using full flaps. The airplane slid into the trees. The pilot said the propeller
did not auto-feather and appeared to be locked up. The inspector examined the airplane and reported smelling no odor of fuel, observing no fuel leaks, fuel on the ground, or fuel in the fuel tanks. This was confirmed by the recovery crew. Upon application of electrical power, the fuel gauge read "0" and the "Low Fuel" annunciator light illuminated. The pilot told the FAA inspector that he usually flies 2 hours (as recorded on the Hobbs meter), and had only been flying for 0.8 hours when the engine lost power.
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NTSB Identification: *WPR14LA130* Date: February 28, 2014 Location: Fresno, CA Aircraft: GRUMMAN G164 - A Injuries: 1 Uninjured. On February 28, 2014 a Grumman G-164A Ag-Cat was substantially damaged during landing at a private agricultural airstrip in Fresno, California. The pilot was not injured. The aerial application flight was conducted under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 137. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed, and no FAA flight plan was filed for the flight. The airstrip was equipped with a 1,200-foot-long paved runway, but it was not assigned a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) identifier. The terrain to the east side of the northsouth runway was about 5-feet lower than the runway, and the two were separated by an embankment According to the pilot, the flight was the third one of the day, and he was
applying fertilizer. On touchdown to the north, the pilot heard a "huge bang," and the airplane began to roll right wing down. He tried to correct with aileron but was only partially successful. The airplane decelerated, veered to the right after the right wing contacted the ground, and departed the paved surface. As it began descending the embankment, the propeller struck the ground, and the airplane nosed over. The airplane came to rest inverted, partially down the embankment and mostly off the runway. There was no fire or fertilizer spill. FAA information indicated that the airplane was manufactured in 1972, and was equipped with a Pratt & Whitney R-985 series engine. The airplane had a total time in service of approximately 16,800 hours. Photographs provided by the operator and an FAA inspector revealed that the right main landing gear leg had fractured near the upper bend, just below the fuselage. Preliminary examination of the fracture surfaces
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revealed characteristics similar to a fatigue fracture. The two sections of the fractured gear leg were sent to the NTSB Materials Laboratory in Washington, DC, for detailed examination and analysis. The pilot held a commercial pilot certificate with an airplane single engine land rating. He reported that he had a total flight experience of approximately 2,437 hours, including about 1,943 hours in the accident airplane make and model. NTSB Identification: *CEN14LA174* Date: March 30, 2014 Location: Moody, TX Aircraft: BELL 47G 3B Injuries: 2 Minor. On March 30, 2014, about 1210 central daylight time, a Bell Helicopter 47G B3 rolled over during an autorotation near Moody, Texas. The pilot and passenger received minor injuries. The tail boom was separated from the helicopter during the forced landing. The helicopter was registered to and
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May 2014
domestic advertiser index AERO...............................................18B Aero Engines, Inc.............................4B AeroFlow, Inc..................................15B AgAir Turbines...............................31B AgriSmart Info. Systems...............36B AgSync.............................................29B AgTelligent........................................1B Air Repair........................................11B Air South Insurance.......................18B Air Tech Coatings Inc. ...................15B Auger Dan.......................................27B BASF..................................................2B Blue Stripe Distributing.................35B BrightPortal....................................34B Chester Robert Supply..................22B Curtis DynaFog...............................28B Dallas Airmotive.............................21B Davidson Solid Rock Ins................35B Electronics International...............10B Falcon Insurance Agency, Inc. .......4B Farm Air, Inc...................................17B Flying Tiger Aviation......................20B Garrco Products, Inc......................12B Hardy Aviation Ins Inc. .................14B INSERO............................................19B Isolair Inc........................................30B Kawak Aviation Technologies.......25B Kimmel Insurance Agency............23B Lane Aviation......................... 13B, 32B Mid Continent......................... 5B, 26B NAAA.................................................5B OctaFlex..........................................23B Pickett Equipment Co............. 8B, 26B Prime Turbines..............................11B Professional Insurance Mgt..........33B PropWorks Propeller Sys, Inc.......33B RT Turbines Inc..............................16B Reabe Aircraft Improvement.......34B Regions Insurance...........................3B S & T Aircraft Accessories, Inc......27B Southeastern Aircraft....................22B Southwest Airmotive.......................3B Tennessee Aircraft Co...................30B Trace...............................................28B Valley Air Crafts..............................24B Wayne Handley..............................14B Zee Systems...................................29B
operated by Lazy 7 Agricultural Services LLC as a 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 aerial observation flight. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed for the flight, which was not operated on a flight plan. The local flight originated about 1200. The pilot reported the purpose of the flight was to spot wildlife. He stated that during
the flight he noticed a "rough spot" in the throttle control. Shortly thereafter, he lost all throttle control. The pilot initiated an autorotation. The helicopter yawed to the left and rolled over during the touchdown.
Our move is complete! New address, New phone
1206 Hatton Road, Wichita Falls, TX 76302 866-303-0600 toll free ~ 940-234-0024 ~ 940-234-0990 Fax
or Just starting out?
Which nozzles will work best for you? CP’s Nozzles are the
CP-11TT #25 40° Flat Fan, 5 gpm 40 psi
CP-03 0.125 Orifice, 30° Deflector 5 gpm—40 psi
CP-07 and CP-09 0.125 Orifice, 0 Deflector 5 gpm — 40 psi
% under 200 Microns
% under 200 Microns
% under 200 Microns
150 mph
140 mph
130 mph
120 mph
160 mph
*Based on Spray Nozzle Models, USDA ARS AH-726, I. W. Kirk
Download Android & iOS App
Scan QR Code to download the Mobile App
MAINTENANCE is a MUST! Even with CP’s!!! Keep your CP® Nozzles and Check Valves in top shape. Replace seals and O-rings annually. May 2014
Agroasa, S.A. tests Piper Brave’s spray pattern by Alan McCracken I recently had the pleasure of meeting and working with Roberto Boggon of Agroasa, who manages a fleet of two Piper Braves and a Pawnee, operating in the region of Bahia Blanca, Argentina where wheat and pasture are the main crops. The aircraft are all equipped with a conventional spraying system using hydraulic, hollow cone nozzles. My visit to Agroasa was completed with a conference and debate for farmers and agronomists on how to obtain the best results for the application of fungicides on wheat, followed by a superb “asado” (barbeque). I would also like to express my thanks to Roberto and his family for their super hospitality and also Ing. Agr. Hugo G. Ochoa, Cordinador Tecnico from Syngenta, for supporting this event to ensure the correct application of Syngenta fungicides. The tests confirmed that conventional, hollow cone nozzles provide an excellent droplet spectrum and are also suitable for applications of fungicides using low spray volumes of four liters per hectare (0.4 gal/ac).
Alan McCracken visits Agroasa in Argentina to conduct tests to obtain best results for low volume applications using conventional spray equipment on above Piper Pawnee Brave.
1.2.7 software program. Prevalent conditions during tests were: temperature 22°C, relative humidity 39%, wind speed 3-5 kph.
A number of tests were conducted using water sensitive cards to collect spray droplets and analyzed by the Argentine Stainmaster
Pawnee A—D4-25/6lts/90° Test results with conventional D4-25 hollow cone nozzles inclined down at 90 degrees.
Observations: Very good droplet distribution without the production of large droplets.
Pawnee B—D4-25/6lts/45° Test results with hollow cone nozzles size: D4-25 inclined back and down at 45 degrees.
Observations: By changing the angle of the nozzle there is an increase in the quantity of larger droplets and also less uniformity.
What makes a LEGEND? It starts with an idea, it grows with the PURPOSE to delight CUSTOMERS, and it’s born from VICTORY. But the only legends that are truly worth celebrating are those that carry on long after the first victory lap, where VISION, purpose and success are ongoing. This is the legend of the PT6 engine, and now it’s time for us to CELEBRATE 50 inspiring years of turboprop INNOVATION. The celebration starts at
May 2014
Pawnee D—D4-25/4.3lts/180°
Pawnee E—D3-25/4.5lts/150°
Test result with hollow cone nozzles size: D4-25 inclined back at 180 degrees.
Test results of droplet distribution from a standard hollow cone nozzle D3-25 inclined back at 150 degrees with 40 lbs/ in² pressure applying 4.5 liters/hectare (.45 gal/ac) installed on a Piper Pawnee.
Observations: A significant volume of droplets collected [17%] was in very large droplets since very little breakup of the spray due to nozzles being angled backwards. Ideal for the application of herbicides, also with a very low percentage volume under 150 microns.
Observation: Very good uniformity from a conventional hydraulic nozzle without very large droplets.
The Gorilla Radial Engine Filter Kit From Airwolf It’s big and it’s mean and your oil is clean. The Gorilla is the oil filter system you need for your radial. Don’t put your radial at risk or lower your TBO. The Gorilla Oil Filter System from Airwolf cleans your oil at a growling 25 gallons per minute. The Gorilla filter kit is simple to install anywhere on the engine mount, with high-volume, easy-to-change spin-on filters. It’s STC’d for ALL radials by Pratt & Whitney, Jacobs, Wright, Continental and Lycoming.
Specializing in
Endorsed and recommended by Aero Engines • Aero Recip • Aircraft Cylinder & Turbine • Covington • Sun Air Parts • Tulsa Aircraft Engines.
Your screen doesn’t clean. So make room… The Gorilla wants in!
Repair and Overhaul of Pratt & Whitney R-985-1340 Engines since 1973 9311 East 44th St. North Tulsa, Oklahoma 74115
Fax: 918-838-1659 • We Make Flying Safer ™
Toll-free 800-326-1534 • Tel. (440) 632-5136 • Fax (440) 632-1685 •
Se Habla Español
Pawnee F—D3-25/4.3lts/90° Test results of droplet distribution from a standard hollow cone nozzle D3-25 inclined down at 90 degrees with 40 lbs/ in² pressure applying 4.3 liters/hectare (.43 gal/ac), installed on a Piper Pawnee.
AirAg E-Series
Integrated Flight Guidance Instrument (IFGI) & embedded Processor
DynaGrip Control
Entire system weighs less than 7 pounds (3 kilograms)
Observation: Excellent coverage with 67 droplets collected from a spray volume of only 4.3 liters/hectare (.43 gal/ac). Good uniformity with very few large droplets and 67 droplets/ cm². Note that by changing the nozzle angle from 150 degrees to 90 degrees increased the percentage of droplets in the size category of 150 and 200 microns for improved penetration and coverage.
Pawnee G — D4-45/20lts Test results of droplet distribution from a standard hollow cone nozzle D4-45 operated at 35 lbs/in² pressure applying 20 liters/hectare (2 gal/ac) installed on a Piper Pawnee.
Processor Integrated Flight Guidance Instrument (IFGI)
DynaGrip Control
Entire system weighs less than 10 pounds (6 kilograms)
GPS Systems for Aerial Applicators Only
Observations: For an application of 20 litres per hectare (2 gal/ac), this nozzle produces an excellent narrow droplet spectrum confirming good coverage yet with a minimum risk for drift. Note only 2% of the spray volume in droplets under 150 microns and only a small percentage over 550 microns confirming good performance for good coverage as shown in the deposition card.
DynaNav Systems Inc. Toll Free 1-877-333-9626 E-mail:
May 2014
Produtos Agricolas Ltda. Agricultural Aviation Technology
Chemical mixing tanks: Many operators in the United States utilize venturi systems to load various products into the aircraft hopper and rely on the aircraft pump recirculation to provide adequate mixing. In Argentina, most operators use a mixing tank since they often apply several products that require thorough mixing before loading. Agroasa has a number of mobile mixing systems with one to accompany each aircraft, each one having a filter on the discharge hose to the aircraft. The system utilizes a second small pump for rinsing out the empty chemical containers since all products are supplied in small sized packages.
Consult MACBRI and don’t risk your luck Experience in pest control with low volumes. Calibration of agricultural aircraft for the optimal droplet size. Consulting on how to increase the efficiency of your operation. Drift Control BRASIL Tel: 55.19.9807.4577 ARGENTINA Tel: 54.11.3324.2117
USA 5611 NW 60th Street, Kansas City, MO 64151 Tel: (816) 505.2048 Fax: (816) 505.2049 Mobile: (816) 728.1945
An Agroasa mixing system.
Aerial Application...
We get you flying faster.
UTP is the premier independent supplier of PT6 turbine engines and components worldwide. Our inventory is in stock in our warehouse and ready for fast delivery! We provide exchanges and sales on a wide variety of engine models and aftermarket turbine parts.
It can be quite a challenge, but it helps keep the world growing. At Mid-Continent, we feel it’s our responsibility to help keep the world growing. That’s why we provide new and used ag aircraft and ag craft parts to aerial applicators everywhere.
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P.O. Box 540 - 1601 Hwy 84 Hayti, Missouri 63851 USA
Tel: 573-359-0500 800-325-0885 Fax: 573-359-0538
Storm Cutters receive STC Hershey Flying Service has introduced its all new Storm Cutters. These FAA approved STC’d (#ST5783WI-A) wire cutters are the newest advancement in wire cutter technology (Patent Pending). Three years of research and development have gone into this unique design to create a safer platform for both plane and pilot. The blade has been heat treated to a level of 61 Rockwell Hardness which is equal to the hardness of a file or chisel. Spacer blocks are positioned at five points along the blade to increase strength and stabilize the blade in the event of a wire strike. Adel clamps positioned along the trailing edge of the landing gear secure the brake line and do away with the standard black zip ties currently used to secure the brake line. Storm Cutters are now available for the 500 series of Air Tractors (AT-501, AT-502, AT-502A, AT-502B). Hershey Flying Service currently moving forward to encompass every model of Air Tractor from the 300-800 series, including the AT-504. This is yet another advancement in safety for the ag aviation industry. Interested persons can call Hershey Flying Service at 308-3685556 to place an order. Delivery date is about 6-8 weeks.
The Storm Cutters are mounted on the leading edge of the Air Tractor’s spring gear leg. Adel clamps are incorporated in the design to secure the brake line at the trailing edge of the gear leg.
“Everything AgCat... And More” • • • • •
Established 1949 FAA/PMA Replacement Parts Transland Dealer STC Modifications Complete AgCat Rebuilds and Major Airframe Overhaul and Repair
18488 West HWY 30 P.O. Box 215 Hershey, NE 69143 Phone: 308-368-5556 Fax: 308-368-5503
General Manager Doug Abbott, Kevin Woockman and Jared Storm of Hershey Flying Service introduce the Storm Cutter gear leg wire cutters.
FA A A p p r o v e d R e p a i r S t a t i o n N o . M U 2 R O 1 8 L
May 2014
Customized DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing
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The WeATh-Aero Full FeAThering cockpiT conTrollAble WindmillS “Still” the preferred method for powering the spray pump
Let the engines tell the story
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Call or Fax your order TODAY!!! Tel: 478-987-2250 Fax: 478-987-1836 Visa/MasterCard
DAVIDON, INC Makers of Quality Products
Manufacturers for Hi-Tek Nozzle, Tri-Set Nozzle and DRP-955 Drift Retardant and Penetrator.
5660 Calhoun Rd. Unadilla, GA 31091 Tel: 229-645-3605 • Fax: 229-645-3880 Variable Pitch - Full Feathering. No pump brake required! High strength composite blades. Measured drag comparisons show that drag is cut in half from current fixed pitch fans in braked position.
Weath-aero Controllable Windmill division
Serv-Aero engineering, inc. 37 Mortensen Ave, Salinas, CA 93905
Orders: 831-422-7866 Fax: 831-422-8232
From Safety to Efficiency to Proficiency Robert A. McCurdy Turbine Transition Instructor 318-649-1007 318-680-9149 Flying Tiger Aviation
Aircraft Cover’s for AT-502 and AT-602
Manufactured from long lasting vinyl, weather and waterproof material. Protect the inside of your Air Tractor cockpit from harmful sun rays and rain water.
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N-TBA 500 gal “SC-Plus” TPE331-6 Deluxe* .... $395,000 N997QC 400 gal “SB-Plus” TPE331-1 Deluxe* .... $345,000 N936QC 360 gal “SA-Plus” TPE331-1 Deluxe* .... $265,000 N_TBA
* New 106” Prop - your engine
350 gal “A+R1340” Complete/Deluxe** $245,000 **OHC Covington Engine/OHC Hydramatic Prop
N992QC 300 gal “A+R985” Complete/Deluxe***.... $195,000 ***FI, H3 Prop OHC Covington Engine OHC Hydramatic Prop
Jigged Frames — Fully Warranted More Versatility, Safety and STOL Performance Less Debt, Maintenance and Depreciation Costs P.O. Box 482, Municipal Airport, Walnut Ridge, AR 72476 USA Tel: 870-886-2418 • • Fax: 870-886-2489
May 2014
ag-cat G164 A model AgCat. P&W 450 HP, Satloc, CP nozzles. For information call Tim Midwest Flying Service 402-*843-2173 or 402-843-6174 (05-14) 1973 G164A, 6401 TT, 115 SMOH on 985 Yonkin engine, hydro prop. 64 gal fuel, 20 inch wing extension, Hershey FS wing tips, Hershey FS elevator servo, Hershey FS Aileron Servo, Hersheys FS standard fan, chip detector, smoker, Sky Tractor oil Filter, Sealed cockpit, Crophawk 7B, Satloc Litestar II, 2879 since complete refurbish. Always hangared, $120,000 call 662-247-0056 (05-14)
J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. has the remnants of one A-model Cat with 4 decent wing cores and a center section. Can send pictures. Call Sid or Jerry 800-542-8565 or emial At fn
Order your Turbine Ag Cat Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at T F N
2 hole Ag Cats pristine condition, R985, 2D30, Radios and Intercom. In Colorado Call 970-520-1941 (05-14) D Model Ag Cat -34 P&W, 550 gal hopper, 120 gal fuel, too many other modifications to list. Serious inquires only. For more information call EF Lyon. 337-526-4850 (05-14) 1975 G-164 600, 10,555TT, 400 SIRAN by Covington, 400 on new prop. Fresh Annual, $55,000. For more information call Donnie 318-282-7541 (05-14) Turbine Ag-Cat B model, 350 Gal, 80 fuel, Satloc, Spreader, A/C, PT6-20. Email or call 318-7246880 or 318-237-7088 (05-14)
1978 G 164-B Garrett-6 aftt 12,330 engine snew 6725, 2100 SHOT, 335 hopper 25 inch transland gate,all new tail feathers, Ac, smoker,cp nozzles, Satloc m3, bottom load fuel, fuel controller,spreader. Email or call 318-7246880 or 318-237-7088 (05-14) A+600 335/80f DAF Spray Fly Ts, 7374 TTA, 575 SMOHE, 145 SOHP $100K; A+600 300g/80f DAF TL Spray FT 8742 TTA, 185 SMOHE, 1040 SOHP fob France Average: $100K; B 4 5 0 3 0 0 g /6 4 f D A F C o m b T S T 14218T TA , 321 SM OHE, 560SOHP D-N GPS/ Ready: $105K; All engines Cov., French fleet princes include Exp. CofAW,packaged buyer’s container, freight collect your hanger. AmAg 870886-2418(89f) **AgCat Sales/Service/Parts since 1971** 1975 –N8788H - AgCat 450A, Zero Covington Eng, hydromatic, 80 fuel, extended wing, Smoker, 2650 TT. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp 573-359-0500 tfn
1984 AgCat Super B N3628D; 10844 TT; 11138 SNEW; 382 SHSI; VFR; 2012 Paint; 1 Seat; Great Super B AgCat. 10,844 TT, 382 SHOT by Pro-Turbines, 211 SIRAN power section, New Paint... $295,000. For more information call Darryl or Bill 870-572-9011 (05-14)
1976 G164B; 420 Gal. Maxicat conversion; 11528 TT; ENgine TTSN 9622 always overhauled NEVER exchanged same log book. Great turbine candidate, engine and prop worth $50,000 plus. 1118 SMOH Tulsa; Albartoss blades, Satloc M3 Intellaflo, 3 booms, superboom with ceramic disk and core, AFS rotary, ULV; wire cutters, bottom load fuel, Oregon Aero soft seat, tall straight tail and much more. Never wrecked, Owner flown since new, owner retiring. Price reduced. Call 509-429-2217 or email BillLockwood2@ (05-14) D-Model less eng., 1930 TTA: $235K. Your PT6, we do the rest, NEW prop, or add $90TST/Hiwings/120f/DAF/New paint);B600 300g/114F DAF Spray T.S.T 9959 TTA, 264 SMOHE, 192SHOP fob France Mint: $140K:B600 DAF Spray std. T5963TTA, 711 SMOHE, 950 SOHP Fob France good $100K; A+600 335/80f DAF TL Spray FT 6806 TTA, 867 SMOHE 626 SOHP Fob France good: $100K; All engines Cov., French fleet princes include Exp. CofAW,packaged buyer’s container, freight collect your hanger. AmAg 870886-2418(89f) **AgCat Sales/Service/Parts since 1971**
Order your B Model Ag Cat Pen and Ink Drawing From our DeSpain Collection today for $60. plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at T F N
air tractor 1979 AT-301 N8764S. TTAF 9513 hrs. P&W R-1340-AN1 Engine TSMOH 85 hrs. Covington, 2000 Hrs. Remaining on wings, 12D40 Prop 235 hrs. SOH, 126 gal. Fuel, short tail w/good fabric, Good Clean Northern Airplane no Corrosion, Ag Nav Guia w/flow control, new aluminum booms, CP-03’s, smoker Fresh Annual on purchase. $115,000 OBO call 308-9913432 or email (05-14 2014 AT-802A -67AG. Available March, New Extended Warranty. Call Rick 800441-2964 tfn
1992 Air Tractor 401 N1554K Clean Mid West Aircraft TT- 4925.8 Engine time since Covington overhaul 361.3 Satloc M3, Crophawk 7, CP11TT nozzles, lane fan and brake smoker, side load, airconditioning, single point fuel, large fuel tanks 126 Gallons. $220,000. Call 308883-0047 (05-14)
2014 AT-802 – Two to choose from. Why buy a used 802? You can have factory new with the 2014, 5 year, 2500 hour P&W PT6 warranty included! For peace of mind call now! Rick Stone, Southeastern Aircraft Sales 800-441-2964, or mail@ tfn
1991 AT- 4 02 9178T T. PT6A-15AG, 7705TT, 4290 SIRAN. Wings and complete refurb & paint done at 7405TT. M3 w/ intelliflow.Single point autofill fuel. Lots of extras. Very nice clean northern airplane. No fertilizer, no corrosion, Great paint. Call 701-550-9884 (05-14) 2004 AT-602-60, 4150 TTAF&E. 1178 TT Since power section overhaul, prop overhaul, fuel control overhaul, fuel pump overhaul. 75 hours since prop iran, starter generator overhaul, hot section inspection, power section inspection. Fast start, Satloc, flow control, GPS, dash and Wingman. Ready to work ,$545,000 Call for Details, 662-588-0519 (05-14) 1998 AT-402, PT6-11 Engine, M3 GPS with flow control. CP nozzles. Hot Section in 2012. 5700 hrs, Factory air. $380,000. Call Grady Brown for more details. 318282-9780 (05-14) 1983 AT-301A, 6502 TT. 555 SMOH on R1340 Yonkin Engine, Hydro prop, tall tail, 350 gal hopper, 38 in gate, Crophawk 7 flow meter, A/C, Satloc 99.5. $100,000 call 662-247-0056 (05-14) 2012 AT-402A, 950 TTAF, P &W -21 7000 TTE, 950 hrs total on fuel control and all engine accessories. Sale with hot section and annual, Satloc, flow control, spreader. $515,000 Call for more details on engine maintenance records. 662-5880519 (05-14) 1999 AT-502B -34AG, 3072 TTAF & E, 476 SHSI, 899 SPOH, 0 hr. Eddy Current,Satloc M3, Intelliflow, CP nozzles, Lane Brake, Reabe digital hopper gauge, smoker, single point fuel, 170 gal. fuel, VG’s, Air, Heat, right hand boom shutoff, Radio stack c/w KY 96A com, Kenwood VHF, Transponder Mode C, JVC AM/FM/cd. Would consider good Ag-Truck as part payment. 204-476-2448 (05-14) For sale or trade for AT-802, 1993 AT-502, S/N 502-0213, PT6A-34, 10,611.8 TTAF, 7,294 hours remaining on wing spars, New Hartzell prop, Satloc Bantam GPS, Fresh annual, Single point fuel 164 gal. $340,000 call for more info, Craig Woodley, 815-499-4704 (05-14)
Looking for a quality used Air Tractor? Tired of that 9 or 10 turning out to be a 3 or a 4? Call Rick at Southeastern Aircraft 800-441-2964. tfn
1980 AT-301 9971TT, 135SMOH by Aero. Over 3000 hr left on wings. No corrosion, new hopper, new brakes, new windshield. Recent annual by George’s Aircraft. $139,0 0 0 25 4 -253 -173 6 ro g e r k @ (05-14) 1999 AT-802-A,7785 TT, 4076 HR. Left on spars, Engine PT-6-67 TT-5917,0 Since extensive HOT, 573 since new engine mount,0 since FCU repair, 0 since flow divider OH,Appx. 500 since prop IRAN,big blades,clean air frame, 501-4543711 (05-14)
1985 AT-301, 630 0T T, 150 SM O H , Covington geared engine, engine analyzer, digital tach. M3 with flow control. Clean Northern aircraft, no corrosion. Recent annual by George’s Aircraft. $144,000. Call 254-253-1736 or rogerk@clearwire. net (05-14)
1987 AT-402-w 9673 TT on airframe. Walters 750 hp engine 2190 TT on engine since overhaul ( 447 hrs since major factory repair) wings have 2826 hrs since spar cap replacement, Bantam, radio pack, smoker, A/C, S/S booms, S/S fasteners, Lane brake and fan, CP nozzles, new windshield, 180 gl fuel, Zero time since annual. Turn key ready to spray! Contact Rod at 701-321-0767 or Nick at 386-689-3049 (05-14) 1986 AT-301 S/N 301-0659 new Paint in ‘94, and new windows in ‘08. Engine was overhauled by Younkin Aviation in 2011. AD 81-13-06 done at 5980 by Maxwell. Like new inside and out! Very well taken care of and maintained. Ready to go to work! Also have spreader to go with the plane will trade for late model 510 Thrush with PT6-34 engine. Call 641-325-0261 (05-14) 2006 AT-502B, appox. 5500TT, Cascade conversion. Pratt & Whitney-42 (850HP) FTC includes firewall forward, MVT50 engine instruments. 3100 SNEW, 0SHOT, M3 W/ flow control, hopper rinse, smoker, recondition tank, new gears, many new panels, new paint, available June 1st. 254253-1736 (05-14) I have 4 Air Tractor 401B Walters for sale. They have all been ver y well maintained and are ready for the 2014 season. Please contact me for more information. or call 204-867-3147 (05-14)
2009 AT-502B, N4221G, PT6A-34AG, 2561TT AF&E. 38” gate, hopper rinse, A/C, cabin heat, smoker, flow control, Satloc W/intelliflow, CP nozzles, big oil cooler, single point fueling, Wingman, $675,0 0 0. Call Darr yl South Delta Aviation - 870-572-9011 days or 870995-1323 nights and weekends (05-14) For sale or trade for AT-802,1985 AT-400 TTAF 9445, New Hartzell prop, Fresh PT6-27 turbine conversion, 3000 hours remaining on wing spars, Large fuel, 350 gal. hopper, 38 in. gate box, Satloc bantam GPS, Crophawk, Harbour A/C. $265,000, Call for more info. Craig Woodley 815-499-4704 (05-14) 2004 AT-602-60AG. 4796 TTSN airframe and engine. 0 SHSI. 12/13 annual. 494 since IRAN prop with 5 new blades. 2097 left on gear. Smoker, M-3 with Intelliflow, comm. radio, wingman, single pt. fuel, heavy duty 6 blade Lane brake, Shadin fuel flow. $595,000. More info 318-282-1923 or 720-878-1670 (05-14) 1982 AT-301, N23960. 10,634TT, 629 SMOH, 22D40 Prop. New paint & glass in 2013. Stainless spray system, Smoke, A/C, Val com, Large M3 w/flow control, CP nozzles, windshield washer, tall metal tail. 3,090 left on spar. Hopper reconditioned in 2010. Very well cared for and maintained. Fresh annual with sale. Call 806-790-8533 (05-14) 2012 Air Tractor AT-402B, 450 TT, Bantam, smoker,CP’s,Lane brake, air/heat. For more information call Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 tfn 1998 AT- 402, N50761. Last annual 6/17/13, 5645 TTE, 5645 TTAF, 644.1 SHOT, Smoker, Lane electric brake, Satloc M3 w/flow control, ss spinner, rinse tank. New Landing gear, CP-11 nozzles, cell set and stereo, $425,000. Call Kevin 701-3050072 (05-14) 2006 AT-402B -34AG, 3270 TTAF, 7920 TTE, 920 SHOT, fresh annual, Lane fan/ brake, M3, smoker, heater, Crophawk, 170 fuel, $440,000. Call 318-758-2043 or 318-649-7326 (05-14)
2009 AT 502-B, PT6A-34AG, annual inspection due at 3/1/14. Spar cap replacement due at TTA of 9,800.0 (in 9013.2 hrs)38” gate, hopper rinse, factory A/C and heat, smoker, flow control, M3 Satloc. Call Darryl for Pricing South Delta Aviation - 870-572-9011 days or 870-9951323 nights and weekends (05-14)
2008 Air Tractor 602, 2750 total, Air Shadin, hopper rinse, single point fuel, smoker, lane electric, Satloc, flow control, hydraulic gate. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 tfn
1990 AT-502, PT6A-34G, Hot Section performed by ATS Illinois. Single point refueling, 38’ gate, smoker, 170 gallon fuel tank, Satloc/Hemisphere GPS w/ flow control, side loader valve, Zee A/C, new style instrument panel. Call Darryl for Pricing South Delta Aviation - 870-5729011 days or 870-995-1323 nights and weekends (05-14) 2010 AT-602-1185, N120KP, PT6A-65AG. 3518.0 TT A & E, 0 SHOT by Covington, 0 SPOH, Very clean airplane. $795,000.00 Call Rick Stone, Southeastern Aircraft 800-441-2964. tfn
Available for lease or purchase, 1980 AT-400A, S/N 301-0291, PT6A-27, TTAF 9,596, 66O hours remaining on wings. Large Fuel, New Hartzell Prop, Satloc Bantam GPS, Fresh Annual, 350 gal hopper, 38 inch gatebox, Harbour Air, Complete refurbish like new . $315,000. Call Craig Woodley 815-499-4704 (05-14)
2014 Slots Available .............................................................................Call
2014 802, -65 available. ................................................................... Call 2001 AT-502B -34 6,698 TT AF&E, 0 Since new prop, new wings, new gear, hot section, Drop booms, CP’s, spreader,GPS, smoker, complete rebuild. Call for pictures & price. $425,000 Wade 318-282-7292 or 318-552-6533 (05-14)
2014 602, -65 available .................................................................... Call
2012 AT-802, N20718, 610 TTAF&E, -67, smoker, elec. brake gr. adj., air, heat, 10” hydraulic gate w/Vondran controller, Bantam w/flow control, CP 11’s, single point fuel, Wingman........................................... $1,230,000 2010 AT-802, N422BR, 1910 TTAF&E, -67, smoker, elec. brake gr. adj., air, heat, 10” hydraulic gate w/Del Norte controller, Del Norte w/flow control, single point, Wingman, fresh annual, fresh HSI.....................$1,100,000
2009 AT-602-60 3,300 TT AF&E M-3 with Intelliflow, spreader, wingman, smoker, dual load valves, dual side load fuel. Full set cp’s. Loaded. Fresh annual and hot section with sale. $720,000 Wade 318282-7292 or 318-552-6533 (05-14)
2004 AT-802 N802QA, 4200 TTAF&E, smoker, M3, CP 09 nozzles, 10” hydraulic gate w/Del Norte flow controller, elec. brake gr adj., wingman, Swathmaster spreader, flow control ............................................. $750,000
Complete Air Tractor Parts And Accessories
1981 AT-301, Super Clean, Excellent Condition, 7512 TT, 940 hrs SMOH Cov., 3 Blade counter weight prop 52 hrs SMOH, New spar caps, Std fuel cap, 2 Retractable wing lights, SS Booms, CP Nozzles, Crophawk, Flagger, Smoker, 29” Tires, 2012 Satloc Lite Star II, Excellent paint and panels. Always hangared, never left outside. Call for references and more pics. $130,000 Roger Myers, Kootenai Valley Flying Service Inc. 208-290-2598 (05-14) 1976 AT-301 SN 0030. 4736 hrsTT. 1322 engine SOH. Prop 1101 hrs SO. 126 Gals Fuel, flagger, smoker, Satloc litestar 2, Have 0 time since overhaul engine and prop available. Make an offer. bha2@ call Robert Eisele 307-6723421 (05-14)
Dealer For Every Major Ag Aviation Parts and Supplies Large Selection of PT6 Accessories New Turbine Props and Blades 0 SMOH 1340 Younkin S/S Pumps, Booms and Center Boom for Air Tractor
Jack Frost Frost Flying Inc Office 870-295-6213 Fax 870-295-6674
Weath-Aero Compro
Target Spray Variable Rate Nozzles
Garrett Frost Parts 870-295-6218 Fax 870-295-6237
Large inventory of PT6 and Air Tractor parts • Financing Available Call for Wingman installation For AgAv Parts & Accessories Call Matt Ashburn
IA and A&P mechanics needed May 2014 A-37
2004 AT-802 N802QA, 4200 TTAF&E, smoker, M3, CP 09 nozzles, 10” hydraulic gate with Del Norte controller, elec. brake gr,. adj., Wingman, Swathmaster spreader, flowcontrol $750,000 For more information call 870-295-6213 tfn 2014 AT-502B PT6A-34 AG with 2500 hour/5 year engine warranty 2012 AT-502B PT6A-34AG 500 TT, wingman, GPS/flow, CP’s, annual, fresh hot section 1998 AT-602 PT6A-65AG 7900 TT, wings done, GPS/flow, CP’s, fresh hot section, annual 1997 AT-502B PT6A-34AG 7100TT Bantam/flow, CP’s, 250 SHOT, annual 1997 AT-502B 5100TT, Walter M601 E-11, 1680 SOH, GPS/flow, CP’s, annual 1995 AT-402A, PT6A-27 Bantam/flow, CP’s, fresh hot section, annual For more information and pricing contact Farm Air Inc., 877-715-8476, or your Air Tractor parts at 309-759-4646. tfn 2011 AT-602. 1800 TTAF&E-60. Smoker Electric brake, Air, Heat, 10 inch hydraulic Gate with Del Norte controller, single point, Wingman, fresh annual, Fresh HSI, $950,000 call 870-265-5011 (05-14) 2012 AT-802 N20718. 610 TTAF&E, -67, smoker,elec. brake gr adj., air, heat, 10” hydraulic gate w/Vondran controller, Bantam w/flowcontrol, CP 11’s single point fuel, Wingman $1,230,000. For more information call 870-295-6213 tfn 2006 AT 602 N4257R; 2354 TT; 2354 SNEW; 610 SHSI; VFR; 1 Seat; Air Tractor 602 w/ -60AG, 2354 TT A/F, 610 SHOT, SS booms, CP nozzles, dual side loader, single point fuel, 6 Blade... Call for more information on Monthly Lease South Delta Aviation - 870-572-9011 days or 870995-1323 nights and weekends (05-14) 2010 AT- 8 02,- 67, 26 0 0 hr s T T, 0 since HSI, hydraulic gate w/Del Norte controller, elec. brake gr. adj., Del Norte w/flowcontrol, smoker, dual single point fuel, Wingman, fresh annual $1,025,000 Call 870-672-1044 tfn In Stock - NEW 2013 AT-402B, PT6-34AG, 234 Fuel, Smoker, Lane Brake, 3 Piece Windshield, Cabin Heat, Stainless Steel Camlocs, 3” Load, With or Without GPS. Call Farm Air Inc. 877-715-8476. tfn 1991 AT-502-0152- PT6A-34AG,N1515G, times since engine light O/H, 2050.8, TTAF 10268.7, Refurbished airframe, Satloc Bantam, electric fan and brake, A/C, late model paint scheme looks and runs great, ready to work! $425,000 Rick Stone, Southeastern Aircraft 800-441-2964 t fn
2002 Air Tractor AT-802A -65, 4153 TT. single place, 308 gallon fuel. See @ TFN
1976 AT-301 7585T T, 79 0 SM O H Covington, Extensive work/annual @ George’s Aircraft 9/12, 126 gals fuel, wings done 500 hrs ago, $110,000, For more info Cavanaugh Flying Service 308832-1966 or email mikepcavanaugh@ (05-14)
1983 AT-400, PT6A-34AG, 25” gate, Stainless Steel Booms with CP Nozzles, 4 blade Lane fan with electric brake, Harbour A/C. M3 Satloc. For more information call Darryl Riddell 870-5729011 days or 870-995-1323 nights and weekends (05-14)
AT-401B: Power and payload at the right price. Step up to a highly productive, low maintenance piston engine ag plane for a price that makes solid business sense. The economical 400-gallon capacity AT-401B has a piston-engine price tag, plus all the reliability, durability, safety features and flying ease that make Air Tractor the industry leader. For qualified buyers, Wells Fargo has attractive and flexible terms available. Call your Air Tractor dealer. TFN
AT-502B: More performance; more profit potential. With Air Tractor’s AT-502B there’s plenty of power and a big, 500gallon payload to please both pilot and operator. The Pratt & Whitney PT6A34AG turbine engine delivers efficient and effective performance that shortens ferry times and reduces takeoffs and landings. Since 1987 the AT-502 series has set the standard as the industry’s most popular ag plane. You can own one with attractive financing options from Wells Fargo. Talk to your Air Tractor dealer. TFN Save money. Buy used. Parting out several Air Tractor 402, 502, 602, and 802, Thrush and Ag Cats. Call Chad Stuart. Airplane Services, Inc. 850-380-6091 tfn
Don’t miss a great deal on these beautiful models, great addition to your growing collection. Makes a great gift. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at tfn 1991 AT-401 - 5160TT/ 811 since O/H engine/ 38 since O/H Hydromatic prop: 400 gal hopper, Lane fan and electric brake, dropped stainless booms, CP nozzles, 2” left bottom load, spreader, 126 gal fuel, aileron servos, vortex generators, nav/strobe/instrument and landing lights, electronic tach, Satloc Airstar 99 GPS, very good condition. $165,000 559686-1794 / Email info@johnstonaircraft. com tfn
Order your Turbine AT-402 Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at TFN Large inventory or Air Tractor Parts. Surplus to our needs. Call for list. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 tfn
2013 AT-502B and 802-A Available, see at or call 800-736-7654 tfn 2010 AT-802, N422BR, 1910 TTAF&E, -67, smoker, elec. brake gr. adj., air, heat, 10” hydraulic gate w/Del Norte controller, Del Norte w/flowcontrol, single point fuel, WIngman, fresh annual, fresh HSI $1,100,000. For more information call 870-295-6213 tfn Air Tractor 402 for more information and price call Darryl or Bill 870-5729011 (05-14)
2001 AT-602. Aircraft TT 6,032; Propeller TSO 0.0; Engine PT6A-45 w/TSHSI 0.0 and OH CT Blades; Fuel Control, Engine Driven Fuel Pump, and Prop Governor all TSO 0.0. Includes: Fuel Capacity 218 gal; Hopper w/Rinse; Smoker; Bottom Loader; Flow Meter; Lane Electric Pump Brake; GPS (Del Norte); Flagger; Load Hog; Wingman; K Y96 VHF; Shadin Fuel Flow; Air Conditioner (Engine Driven); New Batteries; Cockpit Heater; Night Lights; Windshield Washer; Fresh Annual; Fresh Paint. Price Reduced to $495,000. Jim Mills 812-877-2587 or (09-14)
Order your AT-502 Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at TFN
2014 Air Tractors , Reserve Your Position Now $Call$ 2014 AT-502B, Ferry Time Only, Smoker, Lane Brake $838,400.00 2014 AT-502A, -60Ag, Ferry Time Only $1,038,400.00 2014 AT-602, -60Ag, Ferry Time Only $1,098,400.00 2012 AT-802A/65Ag, 1,700 TTAF&E, Hyd, Ndh, Fresh Hot & Annual $1,100,000.00 2007 AT-602, 5,000 TTAF&E, Satloc, No Damage, Fresh Hot Section $475,000.00 Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-3425451 or FAX: 281-232-5401. tfn
Don’t miss a great deal on these beautiful models, great addition to your growing collection. Makes a great gift. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at tfn 2014 Slots Available Call Frost Flying Inc. 870-295-6213 tfn
AT-402B: Go turbo. The AT-402B, with the time-proven Pratt & Whitney PT6A15AG turbine engine, offers impressive climb rates and overall performance. The AT-402B’s light handling characteristics help reduce pilot fatigue – while delivering the payload, speed and productivity that helps create profits. Visit your Air Tractor dealer and learn how Wells Fargo’s financing options for qualified buyers make owning an Air Tractor more affordable than you might think. TFN
Order your AT-802 Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 TFN
AT-602: Trim your overhead. You’ll reduce costs and increase profit margins when you scale a multi-plane operation down to a single-plane operation. Air Tractor’s AT-602 makes it an easy choice. The big 630-gallon payload moves you up to high volume production, reduces loads, saves time and helps trim operating expenses compared with two smaller planes. The AT-602 is the ideal solution for 5-gallon work on center-pivot circles. Step it up with an AT-602. Visit your Air Tractor dealer. TFN
AT-504: Learn and earn. With side-byside cockpit seating and 485-gallon capacity, the AT-504 is a great way to train new ag pilots and earn while they learn. Powered by the Pratt & Whitney PT6A-34AG turbine engine, you’ll get working speeds and performance like the tried and true AT-502B. And when the training day is done, you’ll see that it was productive workday, too. Wells Fargo financing for qualified buyers is available; just visit with your Air Tractor dealer. T FN Order your AT-602 Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at TFN
J ohnston A ircrAft s ervice
Air Tractor AT-502
Brave We repair, rebuild and modify.
Distributor / Rebuilder of Emco Wheaton Dry Breaks
Distributor / Dealer for All Ag Equipment.
Parts & Services Catalog Available.
Turbine Brave
We sell and install P&W PT6A-20 Souther Field Turbine Conversion
P&W PT6A-41/42 Cascade Conversion 850+ Horsepower up to 106 degrees
We sell and install Cascade Pressure Cowls and AgTip Winglets
Spar Cap Kit for Thrush Aircraft 60,000 hour fatigue life, at 10,500 gross weight. We sell and install!
Thrush Wing spar Cap Sales and Installation Thrush Reinforced Wing Leading Edge Sales and Installation Thrush Fuel Capacity Increase. Thrush Landing Gear Repair/Rebuild and Sales. Thrush Fuselage Repair and Modification.
We stock rebuilt Thrush wings
We can completely rebuild / refurbish YOUR Thrush
Distributor for APS “Bla ck Steel®” Brake discs and linings
We now have Thrush NEW CONTINUOUS DUTY 6000 hour airframe fuel pump/motor combo’s. 24 HR. PHONES: 559-686-1794 or 686-2161 FAX: 559-686-9360 P.O. Box 1457, Tulare, CA 93275 Se Habla Español •
May 2014
1974 Pi p e r, PA -25 P aw n e e D, Lyc O-540 2780TT, New Lite Star II GPS, 375 SMOH, Smoker, NDH. For more information call Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 tfn
AT-802: Capacity that creates profits. An 800-gallon hopper, zippy 190 mph ferry speeds, and greater working capacity than any other ag aircraft on the market - the AT-802 is simply a hoss. With the AT-802 you’ll ferry faster, spray more fields and do bigger jobs all in one load. That’s production that only Air Tractor can offer you. Visit with your Air Tractor dealer about the AT-802. And ask about special Air Tractor financing now available from Wells Fargo for qualified buyers. TFN
19 97 Tu r b i n e D ro m ad e r M18 B -T, 3305 TT, 0 SMOH, 400 SPOH, Fast Start, Single Point fuel, Lane Brake, SATLOC M3, Bantam GPS, Flagging System A/C, beautiful 2012 paint and hardware kit. Email or call 801-510-6084 (05-14) M18A Dromader Parts Sale. Spar Caps / Wing Fittings / Cover plates / Wing Sets. We have a large supply of Dromader parts ready to sell! Parts located in Australia. Contact for an itemized list. julieblack@ or au (05-14)
1975 – N9482R - Cessna Ag Truck, 3500 3600TT, 300 SMOH, NEW Crankshaft, Bantam, SL40. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 tfn 1976- Cessna Bonaire,-A188B, 3227.0TT, ENGINE TIME: 456.0, New Tail Wheel Assembly, S.S. Boom, Satloc Lite Star II, Smoker, Locking Tail Wheel,Nozzles 42 Ea Tee Jets, new motor in hydraulic manual pump w/ new housing Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573359-0500 tfn
Order your M18 Dromader Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60. plus S&H. Call 478987-2250 or order online at agairupdate. com TFN
We have the largest NEW inventory of Cessna 188 AG Truck & Ag Wagon parts in the USA. Parting out many other air crafts as well. J & C Enterprises Aviatiion INC 800-542-8565 or Email Sid or Jerry at Atfn 1982 - N9996J - Cessna Husky, 5100TT, 130 STOH, 1250 SMOH, new cylinders, air, Satloc, smoker. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 tfn Cessna airframe parts, Continental and Lycoming engine parts, and a few spray system parts, new surplus, big discounts! P l e a s e h ave p a r t n u m b e r s w h e n contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www.preferredairparts. com tfn
Order your Flying Dromader Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478987-2250 or order TFN
dromader 1988 Dash 11 Garrett Turbine Dromader, M18A. Delta Turbine Conversion. AF TT 3415. EH 3882.0 since overhaul. 1452 hrs since HSI. PH 752 since new. B model elevators. Smoker. 800 gallon hopper. Lowered belly skin. Air conditioning. Work lights. Perkins Technologies DAAM. 11684 pound USA STC. Located In Australia. $400,000 USD contact Julie Black (05-14) 1981 M18, engine 435.0, electric hydraulic pump, 780 gal hopper, auto flagman, smoker, Del Norte GPS,Transland gate box & sump adapter, WeathAero. $55,000 Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500. (tfn)
Order your Piper Pawnee Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S &H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at TFN Piper airframe parts, continental and Lycoming engine parts and a few spray system parts, new surplus, big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at tfn 1982 Piper PA-18-150 Super Cub, 620 horas desde nuevo!!, Tela nueva, pintura nueva, micas nuevas, recién inspecionado, GPS, Comm, Transponder. El PA-18 más nuevo y bonito en el mercado, $135,000 Sun Valley Dusting, 956-399-5323, Fax 956-399-2320 tfn 1978 Piper Brave PA-36-375, 2343 TT, 586 SMOH. Overhauled case and crankshaft, installed new camshaft, Cam followers, bearings, rod, bolts & nuts. Oil pump housing & gears. 275 STOH-6 new 2 overhauled cylinders. 640 SPOH-prop. 283 SHO magnetos. CP nozzles, Satloc, VG’s, spreader, Crophawk, smoker, flag man NDH, $140,000. Call Allen 701-6403233 cell (05-14)
thrush 1973 1820 Thrush Super Doer conversion. 11530TT, 1110hrs engine,273 on prop. Pacific Northwest Plane, Metal Tail,M-3 Satloc. $150,000 For more details call Mark 509-988-0075 (05-14)
J & C enterprises Aviation Inc. Wants to buy your Cessna aircraft, New & Used part of any kind. Call Jerry 800-542-8565 or email Atfn Will trade nice 1972 Super Viking for flying Ag Truck or Pawnee. Will consider projects. Call Jerry at J & C Enterprises Aviation, Inc. 1-800-542-8565 Atfn
J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. Wants to buy your Piper, Pawnee or Brave aircraft. We are also looking for parts inventory, or derelict aircraft as well call Jerry at 800-542-8565 or email jcaviation@pldi. net At fn
1977 PA-25 260 Pawnee D. Lyc 0-540.. AFTT 5460, Eng 1100 since new (300 since bulk strip & 15 since Top OH). Prop 560 Since new. 180 Gal hopper, New sealed lift struts, drooped wing tips and wing mod done. Recent fuselage paint and airframe tidy up. VHF/UHF. Australian Aircraft. Email: info@sbair. (05-14)
PA-25-235, 6919Z, 7606TT, 725 TSMO, Full hutch conversion, SS sprayer, CP nozzles, weath aero fan, Crophawk, smoker, flagger, low time prop. May consider trade for Skylane. Email rickh@ or call 785-282-0218 (05-14)
1996 Thrush S2R-G6 4897 TTSN Prop 0.0 TSOH Engine 2236 TSOH New Avenger wing spar caps. New paint inside and out. Complete airframe refurb. Call for price. 870-857-3744 or 870-919-1855 (05-14) 2013 Thrush S2R-H80, dual cockpit, full dual controls, GE H80 engine model H80-100. Hartzell propeller HC-B4TN. 50 hrs TT MVP-50T glass panel. Standard alum booms with 32 CP nozzles, Lane fan and electric brake, Wing tip strobe and Nav lights. 228 Gal fuel, K & N filters, windshield wiper and washer, 29” high flotation tires and wheels with dual caliper Cleveland brakes, Zee A/C, cabin heat. Satloc G4 w/intellaflow comm transponder FM/XM radio. Call Souther Field Aviation 229-924-2813 tfn
1998 S2R-G10 510, 7400.9 TTSN, 1015.8 PROP SOH, 354.6 TSCAM, 354.6 TSHOT. Thrush 29,000 HR wing spar, single point fuel, cool start, hopper rinse, Satloc Bantam 9” screen W/ Intelliflow, smoker, flagger, A/C & heat, VG’S, Lane brake & fan, new paint, double Leading Edge STC, new skins, Kawak Truck Battery STC, and fresh annual. Clean Northern Airplane. $525,000 OBO, Financing Available. For more information please contact NorthStar Aviation 620-356-4528 (05-14) 1977 Thrush SR2, Cascade conversion, GE 601-E-11 Engine, Avia 106 Prop, 500 Gallon Hopper, 192 fuel, New Lower Spar Cap 400 hrs ago, $289,000. Call for details Johnson Airspray, home of the Johnson Sidewinder, 218-437-6415 for photos (05-14) 1993 S2R Thrush, N6160G S/NR 1340032, 7934.0 hr TTAF. With lifetime Century Spar Mod. Engine -6 Garrett 0-Iran, prop 0-SMOH. Fresh paint, red over white, M-3 Satloc, A/C. Call RFS for price 210-844-4074 (05-14) PRICE REDUCED! 1977 S2R-600, 8420 TTAF, 1255 SMOH eng, Weatherly Tail, Spring Tail Wheel, Younkin Overhaul on engine, $35,000. Call Chad Stuart, Airplane Services, Inc. 850-380-6091. tfn
PRICE REDUCED! 1997 S2R G-6 510, 7948.4 TTSN, 1396.3 TTS CAM, 1396.3 TTSHOT. Avenger Spare Kit, new hopper, double Leading Edge STC, Single point fuel, cool start, Satloc M3 and Inteli-Flow, smoker, flagger, A/C & heat, VG’S, Lane brake & fan, new paint and skins, Kawak truck battery STC, no damage history, and fresh annual. Davidon Tri-Set nozzles. Clean as a whistle $375k OBO. For more information please contact NorthStar Aviation 620-356-4528 (05-14)
1987 Thrush S2R-T34, 6677 hrs TTAF, 12256 hrs TTE. New spars installed @ 6212 hrs, SS spray system, CP nozzels, 13 vane SSF spreader, electric fan brake, ground adjustable blades, extended wings, spring tail wheel, dual cockpit w/rear seat, cascade pressure cowling. Email or call 337-334-3867 (05-14) 1990 S2R HG-T65-0100DC, N9899 A/F 10705 hrs, PT6A- 65AG ser# 32332; 10705 hrs SOH, 15hr SHOT, Dual control, Intellistar w/flow control, Lane Fan & Brake, KY96com, KT76C Trans. KL900, GPS Art. Horizon Vertical speed, Shadin fuel flow, contact Mark 870-830-1231 or email (05-14)
1993 S2R-G10, 7512 TT. fresh annual, HC B4TN-5pl Hartzell prop. O.00 SIRAN, TPE 331-10-511M. Garrett Engine 2941.8 TTSINCE cam. Cold air/bleed heat, lane fan and electric brake, VG’s, fuel flow meter, Crophawk, com radio w/ transponder, 12V cig. plug, SS booms, AFS check valves, drop SS J tubes with Davidon nozzles, smoker, new tires, dual side load, dual single point fuel, dual landing lights, strobe and nav lights. Fast start system installed at annual. $415,000. Call Souther Field Aviation 229-924-2813 tfn
78 THRUSH SUPER -1 3900 TT, 200 SCAM by CD, 200 SPOH, extended wings, M3 w/flow control, EI Digital Gauges w/fuel flow, Garmin 496 panel mount, Reabe Hopper Qty gauge, AMSAFE Airbag Seat belts, cool seat, VG’s, Night working lights, ZEE A/C, bleed air heat, Serv-Aero fastback w/Large baggage, SERV AERO Airfoil Tail, Big Fuel $450,000 Call Kyle 970-867-8414 (05-14)
2010 Thrush S2R-T34, 2000 hrs TT SNEW, Ag Nav Guia, Crophawk, KY 196 transponder, standard aluminum booms, CP nozzles. $620,000 Call Souther Field Aviation 229-924-2813 (tfn)
1996 Ayres Turbo Thrush, G10 -125, 6966.5 TT, 1817 TT engine since cam, 1100 hours remaining on spar caps, Hartzell propeller. 333 hours SMOH, A/C, Strobes, Electric fan clutch ground adjustable, Aluminum booms, Davidon triset nozzle tips, Spraying systems check valves, 3” side load valve, Bottom load fuel, ATS Vg’s, Smoker, Auto Cal, KY96A, Transponder, Guia GPS with P500 box, Selling price for this aircraft is $440,000 Call Bruce’s Flying Service 229-725-4150, fax 229-725-5135. bruceandrews62@ 09-14 2000 660 Thrush 5000 TT 0 time PT6A65 Zero time prop. New blades, load hot fast start, bottom fuel, new batteries, new tires and brakes. Spray system. Fresh Annual 812-877-2587 jim@turbinesinc. com (09-14)
1974, Thrush w/1820 Wright, Stewart Davis conversion, (hinged engine mount). TT 8800 hrs. with 700 plus hrs, SMOH. (Anderson Airmotive) NEW in 2013-exhaust system/carb. box; complete new ignition harness; fresh OH prop; tires; number new panels; also comes with Trimble GPS, smoker, flagger, two sets booms (incl. ASC rotaries) metal tail, Weathaero fan on Transland pump etc. Ready to deal/ trade for general aircraft.$150,000, contact Jock @ 360378-8800 or hootsmonjock@smwireless. net (05-14)
1989 Thrush S2R T34, N3098C, PT6A34AG, TT 13,880.1. Aluminum booms, CP nozzles, smoker, Air Conditioner, 4 blade Lane fan, electric Brake. For more information call Darryl Riddell 870-5729011 days or 870-995-1323 nights and weekends (05-14)
Plan for the
AIRCRAFT 2014 AIR TRACTORS , RESERVE YOUR POSITION NOW ................................................. $CALL$ 2014 AT-502B, FERRY TIME ONLY, SMOKER, LANE BRAKE .....................................$838,400.00 2014 AT-502A, -60AG, FERRY TIME ONLY .............................................................$1,038,400.00 2014 AT-602, -60AG, FERRY TIME ONLY ...............................................................$1,098,400.00 2012 AT-802A/65AG, 1,700 TTAF&E, HYD, NDH, FRESH HOT & ANNUAL ............$1,100,000.00 2007 AT-602, 5,000 TTAF&E, SATLOC, NO DAMAGE, FRESH HOT SECTION ...........$475,000.00
ENGINES R-1340, ZERO TIME SINCE OVERHAUL BY COVINGTON ...........................................$64,500.00 PT6A-34AG, 6,434 TTSN, P/S LIGHT OVERHAUL, NEW CT BLADES, O/H VAIN ......$260,000.00 NEW PT6 -11, 15, 34, 60, 65, 67 OUTRIGHT OR EXCHANGE ......................................... $CALL$ PROPELLERS HARTZELL 3 BLADE AND 5 BLADED PROPS – New And Used ........................................ $CALL$
1991 Ayres Turbo Thrush Dual Cock Pit, 510 Gal Hopper, SN: T34-159 DC 10,645 hr TTSN, Engine is a P&W PT6-34 AG. 145 hrs SMO, Hartzell Propeller. 145 hrs SMO with new blades, New lower spar caps and big butterfly plate, White/Red stripes, Standard spray system, Strobes, Heavy Gear, A/C, All service bulletins and air worthiness directives complied, Annual 6/17/2013, A/C landing lights, Lane fan brake ground adjustable, Transland pump, Aluminum booms, Davidon triset nozzle tips, Spraying systems check valves, 3” side load valve, Bottom load fuel, New hooker harness and safety belt, ATS Vg’s, Guia Ag Nav & AgNav flow control,Smoker, I com 210 radio, X Ponder Selling price for this aircraft is $575,000 Dual controls are available for an additional $30,000. Call Bruce’s Flying Service 229-725-4150, fax 229725 -5135. bruceandrews62@gmail. com 09 -14
2010 Thrush 510P, PRICE REDUCED! 820 TT, engine warranty remaining, MVP50, Hatfield Single point fuel, Smoker, VG’s, Satloc w/ flow control, Xpdr and Com, delivered with fresh annual, and More! Call ASI JET AG Division for price, pictures, and details. ASI JET AG Division is an authorized Thrush Dealer! Selling NEW and Used aircraft ASIJET-AG.COM or give us a call 952.941.6255 (01-15) 1997 S2R G-6 510, 7948.4 TTSN, 1396.3 TTS CAM, 1396.3 TTSHOT. Avenger Spare Kit, new hopper, double Leading Edge STC, Single point fuel, cool start, Satloc M3 and Inteli-Flow, smoker, flagger, A/C & heat, VG’S, Lane brake & fan, new paint and skins, Kawak truck battery STC, no damage history, and fresh annual. Davidon Tri-Set nozzles. Clean as a whistle $525k OBO. For more information please contact NorthStar Aviation -4528 ( 05-14)
DISPERSAL EQUIPMENT TRANSLAND 10 VAIN SPREADER FOR 38” GATE, NEW .....................................................$9,500 AGRINAUTICS, ROOT, CROPHAWK, TRANSLAND, OTHERS ............................................ $CALL$
Lane Aviation, Inc. “Specializing in Turbine and Piston Air Tractors”
281-342-5451 TEL • 281-232-5401 FAX e-mail: • P.O. Box 432 • Rosenberg, Texas 77471
May 2014
1974 S2RG5/525(Goering conv.-750 SHP) - 12,624 TT/ 94 since IRAN engine/ 2704 since new 4 blade prop: 525 gal hopper, Simplex pump and electric fan brake, stainless booms, 2” left side load, extended wings, droop tips, aileron servos, vortex generators, 192 gal fuel, bottom load fueling, nav/strobe/instrument and landing lights, spring steel tailwhl gear w/ 5.00x5 tire, air cond., Satloc M3 GPS with Raven flow control, Big butterfly wing splice plate with new factory lower SPAR caps, good paint/tires/glass/fabric. fresh annual 559-686-1794 / Email info@ tfn 2011 – N70060, Thrush S2R-T34, 1080 TT SNEW, 228 GAL FUEL, WEATHAERO FAN, 60 CP’S NOZZLES, S.S.BOOM, FAN BRAKE, LOAD HAWG, VG’S, SMOKER, LED LIGHT, BANTAM GPS W/INTELLIFLOW, MVP-50, 3” SIDE L. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 (tfn)
2014- N30620, Thrush, S2R-T34, Factory NEW call for information. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 tfn
The 660 Thrush with its innovative wing design and 54 foot wing span and over 400 square foot wing area ensures unmatched stability and control during Ag maneuvers. The combination of a solid airframe and powerful engine creates an airplane that outperforms the competition. Thrush is known for their structural durability and excellent performance under extreme conditions. t f n
2000 S2RT65/660(1300 SHP) - 5895 TT/ 0 since O/H engine and 5 blade prop: 660 gal hopper, factory spray system, Lane fan and electric brake, stainless booms, 3” left side load, 26,000 hour life wing, 230 gal fuel, bottom load fueling, aileron servos, quick start system, nav/ strobe/instrument and landing lights, air cond., Load Hawg, good paint and glass, new tires and brakes. 559-686-1794 / Email www. tfn
Order your 510 Thrush Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at TFN
800-542-8565 SPECIALISTS IN CESSNA 188
Cessna 180-185-188, PiPer Brave & Pawnee, CitaBria, DromaDer, aero CommanDer Lark & Darter, sCott & XPm taiLwheeL Parts, ContinentaL, LyComing, ChamPion, mCFarLane, anD a Lot more.
The 550 Thrush of fers new sturdy hopper and innovative large hopper door to improve access when loading dry chemicals, while providing a 550 gallon capacity. Fuel economy, low acquisition cost and proven performance makes the 550 Thrush a great option for operators. The 550 Thrush offers a choice of power plants, allowing you to tailor the aircraft to meet the demands of your particular operating environment. www. TFN
Aircraft Hardware
FAA repair station for all ag equipment. Thrush spar replacement, annuals. MidContinent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800325-0885 tfn
Order your Dual Cockpit Thrush Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60. plus S&H. Call 478987-2250 or order online at agairupdate. com T F N
The 510 Thrush has sent the standard in Ag Aviation for dependability. With rugged construction, simplified system and low maintenance, the 510 Thrush is the aircraft any operator can depend upon. Low maintenance, maximum loads, superior pattern makes the 510 Thrush a profit machine. All Thrush Aircraft models provide superb visibility, light control forces, and unmatched speed and maneuverability. www.thrushaircraft. com tfn
weatherly 1994 Weatherly 620B, 2799 TTAF, 1047 TTE, 1011 TTP. Smoker, flagger, oil tank heater, Satloc Airstar GPS. $100,000. For more information call 402-756-6424 or email (05-14)
WORLD WIDE U.S. Dealer New/Used Ag Thrush, 34-510, 550-60, *FINANCING AVAILABLE* Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO 800-325-0885 t fn
Order your Thrush 660 Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at TFN
Order your Weatherly Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S &H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at TFN
Your Authorized Transland Dealer WE BUY SALVAGE & NEW PARTS INVENTORIES
New 2014 Thrush 510 with a PT6A34AG or GE H80 engines available, 2014 Deliveries available now. ASI JET AG Division is an authorized Thrush Dealer for North America! We specialize in NEW and Used aircraft sales. ASIJET-AG.COM or Give us a call! 952-941-6255 01-15
Airport Road #14 • Thomas, OK 73669
800-542-8565 • 580-661-3591 (OK) • 580-661-3783 (FAX) • email address:
Order your Radial Thrush Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S &H. Call 478-987-2250 TFN
1980 Bell 206 L-1 C30P, 10,350 TTAF. Dual controls, rotor brake, high skid gear, Concorde battery, Garmin GNS430 Nav/ ComKT 76A Transponder, KY196A VHF Comm, we also have aerial application systems available! For More information visit our website: or call 817-266-8788 (05-14
1975 Bell 206B Jet Ranger For Sale: N111PM - Price: $475,000 - Serial# 1770 - Engine: Rolls Royce 250-C20J Very clean helicopter, ready to spray and has good component times. It includes: M3 Satloc touch screen with Auto Cal flow control, Isolair spray system, Air Conditioning, Wedged windows and Range Extender. Please call Matt Fieldgrove at:928-9209873 or 928-627-8292 (05-14) Southern Helicopter Service is offering for lease 2 Bell 206 B-3 Jet Rangers. These ships are ready to fly with fresh annual inspections and good component times remaining. Both ships can be leased with spray equipment including flow meter and GPS. Lease comes with a trailer to reduce ferry times. Nick 901-491-8323 (05-14)
Build cheap tail wheel times to train for Ag Career. 1941 AERONCA Defender(L3) Historic Civil Air Patrol Markings Reduced to $19,000. Hangar kept. 3675 TT- 520 SMOH-150 STOH-Air frame rebuilt 1995 with Stits (in green) Great trainer! Call 772-285-5506 (02-15)
Order your Stearman Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at TFN
R985 AN 1/14B OHC new pistons chrome cylinders new bearings, Bosch mags warranty outright or exchange. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-429-6805 10 -14 R985-AN1-14B Tulsa Overhaul, New Pistons, mags. Ignition harness, carb, with warranty outright/exchange. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-429-6805 10-14
Order your Boy and AgCat Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at t f n
Order your In-Formation Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S &H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at TFN
engines Take advantage of our biggest inventory of Turbo prop ag planes. Special buys and trades welcome. PT6, Garrett, GE even Walters. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 tfn
2004 Robinson R44 Raven II. SN 10142, 2,079 TT, 9 SMOH by Sevier County Choppers in January 2014 (new paint, new interior plus standard Robinson overhaul). 2191 hours and 12 years left on helicopter. Engine has 9 hours since factory reman. 9 hole panel, JPI engine monitor, Garmin 430. NDH, all ADs complied with., 318439-0170 (tfn)
R1340-AN2 Airmotive Overhaul, New Pistons, mags. harness, carb, with warranty outright/exchange. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-429-6805 10 -14
Order your AT-802F Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at tfn
R985-AN1-14B Tulsa Overhaul, New Pistons, Bosch mags. Ignition harness, carb, with warranty outright/exchange. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-4296805 10-14
(2)TPE 331-6-251M engines with recent hot sections and GB inspections by service center, about 3600 SMOH, (2) TPE3315-252M engines. Dave 561-241-6111 or (05 -14) Pratt & Whitney PT6A-34AG. 10,064 TT engine, 81 SHOT, good cycle times remaining, Fresh Hot Section with sale. $155,000. South Delta Aviation - 870572-9011 days or 870-995-1323 nights and weekends (05-14) R985 engine, at Covington just overhauled. No core, $50,000. For more information call 573-692-2160 (05-14) Jet Set Airmotive PT6A-28 TSO 0 PT6A-34 TSO 0 PT6A-34AG TSO 0 Email Email
(05 -14)
Souther Field Aviation, Inc. Order your Bell 206 Helicopter Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60. plus S&H. Call 478987-2250 or order online at agairupdate. com TFN
misc. aircraft
Commander Rockwell 112TCA - 1977S/N 13194 TT: 800 hours, fresh annual, all paperwork updated new paint, tires, windscreen and windows green tinted, always hangared.- All ADs complied with.- All instruments inspected.- Radio Nav/Com OK Engine: Lycoming TO-360C1A6D; TT 80 0 hours TSOVH: 22 hours (TBO calendar) New three blade propeller (STC); new governor Asking U$S 140.000.- Airplane is in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia Owner: Verly Valdez Please email to: (tfn)
1975 8-GCBC Scout. 3065 TTAF. Just finished complete airframe restoration. Like new inside and out, $69,000. Call Chad Stuart, Airplane Services, Inc. 850380-6091. tfn 1979 Beech V35B, Aircraft TT 3100 hrs, IO-520 285HP, TSMOH 300 hrs, McCauley 3 blade prop 259 TSMOH. Aircraft is currently out of annual. Equipped w/ Garmin 530, KN53 200 channel NAv KI-203, GI106 W/GS indicators, KN62A 100W,DME Freq. KT76 250W 4096 code, Shadin Fuel Management system, strike finder, electric trim, wingtip and strobe lights, Ram air, Elcor EGT,CHT gauge, internal lighted instruments, individual air vents and reading lights. Dual Indicator Airspeed, external power receptacle. 24V, 2 (40) gal fuel cells. All logs. $130,000 Call Souther Field Aviation 229-924-2813 tfn 2009 R44 II 600 TT Since New, Updated Fuel Bladders. Farm Air Inc. 877-715-8476. t fn
B1-A Callair Manufacturing Rights. Available now is the type certificate, drawings, jigs, tooling, aircraft parts, and property associated with this 300 gal Pratt and Whitney 985 powered sprayer. Start your own aircraft company or expand your line. Call for details. Airplane Services Inc. 850-675-1252, 850-3807268, 850-380-6091. tfn Order your Clipped J3 Cub Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Ask about our Gift wrap option. Call 478-9872250 or order online at
Export Experts Authorized Turbine Brave Conversion • Transland • Covington Engines • Ag Nav • Turbine Conversions • Single Point Fueling
• Agrinautics Pumps & Valves • Wag • Cascade Conversions • TracMap
And So Much More… Frankie Williams - President — Paul Pearson - Parts & Maintenance — Stephanie Williams - Exports —
223 Airport Road, Americus, GA 31709 Phone: 229-924-2813 Fax: 229-924-4356
May 2014
R1340 Engine Overhauled, New Pistons, New Bearings, mags. Ignition harness, carb, with warranty outright/exchange. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-4296805 10 -14
Universal Turbine Parts 4 ea PT6A-27/28 TSO 4891, 4933, 4143, 1750 2 ea PT6A-114A TSO 0, 0 4 ea PT6A-135A TSO 653, 758, 758, 3420 1 ea PT6A-34 TSO 0 1 ea PT6A-34AG TSO 0 5 ea PT6A-67D TSO 0, 0, 0, 0, 6997 We also buy PT6 Engines in all conditions. Please call Bill or Joel at 334-361-7853 or email or R-1340 Engine, 0 SMOH by Aero, $54,000 OBO 12D40-211 Propeller, 0 SMOH. $12,500 OBO call Robert Eisele 307-672-3421 (05-14)
Custom Boom Systems – Specializing in 2” and 3” Airfoil Aluminum Booms custom built to your specifications. Length, Nozzle Spacing, Attachment ends, all tailored to your specific needs. Stainless Steel Available also. Made in USA. Davidon Inc. 229-645-3605. www.davidononline. com tfn Standard Grumman Gate Spreader. 9 vane 24” inside measurement on the throat. Motivated to sell make an offer. or call 270305-2749 (05-14)
D R P - 9 5 5 D R I F T R E TA R D E N T PENETRATOR-SPREADER/STICKER-UV Protectant For drift reduction, deposition increase, University tested. Big Gun in the war on Drift! Made in USA. Davidon, Inc. 229-645-3605. www.davidononline. com tfn
Covington Turbine Engines Available. PT6A-15AG 32 TSO; PT6A-21 0 TSO; PT6A-135A NEW; PT6A-34AG NEW; PT6A-34AG 94.5 TSN; PT6A-34AG 0 Time Since Covington LOH; PT6A-34AG 0 TSO; PT6A-34 2309 TSO; PT6A-34 1908 TSO; PT6A-41 3196 TSO; PT6A-41 3511 TSO; PT6A-42 2107 TSO; PT6A-42 2066; PT6A-60A NEW; PT6A-65AG 89 TSN; PT6A-67AG 2788 TSN; Contact us for New Engine prices. We are interested in buying or exchanging for any core you may have regardless of condition. Contact: David Hamilton at 918-756-7862 or Pr at t & W hi tn ey R- 985 & R-13 4 0 Overhauled Engines in stock. Props, carburetors, magnetos, alternators, & accessories for above engines. Call Ches ter Rober t s Supply Company, Collinsville, TX Tel: 903-429-6805 Fax: 903-429-6047 10 -14 J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. has the larges t selec tion of Lycoming and Continental engine cores in stock. Over 100 to choose from. Call Sid or Jerry for your parts or engines needs. 800-5428565 or email Atfn R-1340, Zero Time Since Overhaul by Covington $64,500; PT6A-34AG, 6,434 TTSN, P/S light overhaul, new CT blades, O/H vain $260,000; NEW PT6 -11, 15, 34, 60, 65, 67 outright or exchange, $CALL$; Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-3425451 or FAX 281-232-5401 TFN 10,000 P/N of Continental & Lycoming parts, 50% discount on most new! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at tfn
dispersal equip Hi-Tek Rotary Atomizer - Rotary atomizer Nozzle delivering Uniform Droplet Spec trum, Low Drag, Low Maintenance, Dependable performance. Made In USA. Davidon, Inc. 229-645-3605 tfn
Transland and Agrinautics, overstock sale. Call Danny for listing 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc. com tfn ASC Rotary Atomizers - Consistent droplets, large flow openings, easy to mount without changing your existing pump, boom and flow control method. Made in USA., 317896-2561 A 01-15
Pratt and Whitney overhauled 1340 cylinders call Terry at 870-536-1348 or David at 870-550-1664 (05-14) Garrett TPE-331-10 -511M 2 engines available with lots of time and cycles remaining. Call for info. 979-532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night A4-15
Agrinautics, Inc. Best spray pumps, valves, and strainers in the business! For service w/ a smile,call us at 435-586 -1200. tfn
2 variable rate rotary gates for 38” gate box. Both units are new and still in the crate. $6,500 each or take both for $12,000. Contact Dan @ 515-802-8340. (05-14)
SSF (ATW-38) Spreader/ 38” GATE/ 12 VANE/ 14’/ with cart for Air Tractors / Ag-Cats. Price: $8,250. Call 870-8348349 (05-14) Breakenridge Spreader, 38 in slim line, like new. 662-247-0056 (05-14) New Gate Keeper tm technology controlled seeding gate - Pilot friendly, easy calibration, and accurate distribution. TCL’S variable rate gate it the most versatile on the marketApplies from ultra fine product like herbicide impregnated sand all the way up to coarse seed accurately. Contact Turbine Conversions - 616837-9428 12-14 Tr anslan d M e te r ate fo r 41” g ate . Complete & used very little, $7500. 815-778-3336 or email fousley@citlink. net (05-14)
Two (2) AgNav Guia Silver units for sale. Installed but never used. $10,000 each brand new. Make me an offer. rstookey01@ or call 817-874-9555 (05-14) Stainless Steel Fabricators, Inc.-- Spreaders and Accessories. Satisfying customers coast to coast for over 30 years. We are the manufacturer of “original” 10 vane, 12 vane & “the 13 vane” spreaders plus many more. For information on new or used spreaders call Us today 800-736-3433 or 870-217-9232 (05-14) CP nozzles and check valves. Distribuidor en Argentina: ArAvia S.A. -Venado Tuerto (Sta Fe) T.E. 54-3462-433540 - FAX: 438344 t f n D i s p e r s a l E q u i p m e n t : We a t h a e r o Feathering Fans, Crophawks, Smokers, F l a g g e r s , N o z z l e s , Tr a n s l a n d , Breckenridge Spreaders, Airfoil Booms, Dry Breaks, Load Hawgs All Aircraft Styles. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800325-0885 tfn Everything you needs for fixed wing or helicopter JAS 559-686-1794, FAX 559686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft. com web site: www,johnstonaircraft. com t f n ASC Rotary Atomizers - Why use old hydraulic nozzle technology? Rotary Atomizers are proven a s the most accurate method to apply both low & high volume formulations. Made in USA., 317-896-2561 A01-15 CP Nozzles and check valves “The Drift fighters”. Plus they improve your spray pattern. Contact Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FA X 559 - 686 -936 0, e - mail: info @ web site: www. tfn
Huey/205/412/212 spray tank brand new never been used, fitted with gas engine on skid, 42 foot s/steel/carbon fiber boom, many extras over other models. Also new high skids available , contact us for details (05-14) Boom Clamps - The Davidon Boom Clamp was designed with simple form and workmanship for ease of use and ease of mind about function. Aluminum construction for 2” and 3” inch airfoil booms. The one you’ve been looking for. Made in USA. Davidon Inc. 229-6453605. tfn Tri -Set Hydr aulic Nozzle - Three D e f l e c t i o n a n g l e s , T h r e e O r i f i ce sizes, Quick Easy Adjustment, USDA Performance Tested and data Available. Made in USA. Davidon, Inc. 229-6453605. tfn
Newberg Electrostatic Spraying LLC is the exclusive distributor for Spectrum Electrostatic Spray Systems. Do more acres with better performance. Call Ed Newberg 320 -848-2745. Serving northern US and Canada. Now STC’d for all 400 and 500 series Air Tractors. (tfn)
SATLOC GPS sales and repair center. Call for all your SATLOC needs. North Star Aviation, Inc 888-272-1417 tfn Satloc, Intelliflow The leading edge Satloc Level III Service repair center. MidContinent Aircraft 800-325-0885. tfn Intelliflow Flow Controls -in stock, now shipping! Sky Tractor Supply 800-4375319 tfn Satloc G4, M3, and Bantam. Air Repair inc, is the worldwide leader in sales and service. Call Danny (sales) or Dallas (service) 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-8430811 tfn Hemisphere GPS systems in stock, Bantam, G4, Intellistar, M3, Intelliflow, and Litestar2. We did it again, leading Level 3 Service Center/Dealer 2012. Why buy anywhere else, we’ve got what you need, and service after the sale! Call now 800-437-5319 Sky-Tractor Supply Company tfn Hemisphere GPS & Flow Control Dealer Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: tfn
Lockable full swivel tail wheels for Thrush or Ag Cat, 500-5 or 600-6 wheel available all STC approved Call Turbine Conversions 616-837-9428 est to order. 12-14
Transland and Agrinautics authorized distributor – Call us with your needs. Sid or Jerry @ J & C Enterprises 1-800-542-8565 or e-mail At fn A SC Rotar y Atomizers - See w w w. results and April 2009 issue of AAU, A. McCracken. Made in USA., 317-896-2561 A01-15 Transland 10 vain spreader for 38” gate, new, $9,500; Agrinautics, Root, Crophawk, Transland, others, $CALL$; Lane Aviation 281-3425451 or FAX 281-232-5401.. tfn
Sun visors to fit most ag aircraft. (all Air Tractor, Thrush, Cessna, Weatherly and Piper Braves. Easy installation. FAA letter for installation. Contact Don Bice at 605-842-0740 or 605-840-2068 cell or email (05-14)
Z Air Conditioner, complete, working when removed. Call 812-877-2587 tfn Air Tractor 502 Plenum Firewalls. Plenum firewall parts left over from a Cascade conversion on an AT-502 with a -34. Also Available filter assembly for AT-502, all part numbers & photos available upon request, or 515-961-4026 (05-14) New reinforced Thrush Leading Edges – Guard against bird strikes with bonded aluminum line replacement Leading Edges. STC process. Call Turbine Conversions 616-837-9428 est for quote. 12-14 Thrush S2R STC battery retrofit kit. 300% longer battery service life. 200% faster starts. Battery replacement cost 25% of original. Kawak Aviation Technologies 541-385 -5051 w w w.kawakaviation. com (09-14)
Let us help you meet increa singly stringent precision application demands. Our systems meet those demands, lower operating costs, and increase your profits. Call 541-385-5051 or www. (09-14) Superbooms for Cessna, Piper, Thrush, Air Tractor and custom manufacture; Thrush Aileron Servos -STC’d kits. TSA 800-642-5777 or (TFN)
Remember J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. Is a Transland, Black Steel Brake and McFarlane dealer. We have a large amount of these brands inventory in stock as well as Cleveland. GE Lighting, Cessna, Piper etc. give us a call for all your parts needs at 800-542-8565 or email us at jcaviation@ Atfn
Pressure Cowls for all PT6 Air Tractor and Thrush. Reduce ITT 35 to 70 degrees. Reduce fuel consumption. Save on Hot Section Inspections. Easy access to fuel nozzle & air filter. Reduce NG 1 to 3%. Make your -15 perform like a -34. ELIMINATE ONGOING AIR FILTER PURCHASES! Now taking deposits and scheduling deliveries for mid-late 2011 and early 2012. Please contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509-635-1212 or tom@ (08-14)
Tools for reaming attach bolts Wing Main (Centerwing to Outboard wing) attachment joints for Dromader M -18 p e r r e p a i r s e r v i c e b u l l e t i n #e/02.170/2000 Available for rent. Contact Nancy at Turbine Conversions 616-837-9428 12-14
Air Tractor Parts New and Used (Associate dealer for Lane Aviation). FWF cowlings 402, 502, 602 many to chose from, removed for Factory and Cascade P-cowl conversions. New and used (Factory Rebuilt) Aileron, Flaps, Elevators, Rudders, Horz/Vert stabs in stock and ready to sale or trade. Call Steve @ North Star Aviation 620-356-4528 tfn
Cockpit adjustable flow control kit. Manual control or GPS variable rate ready Integrates into existing hydraulic systems. More info at Kawak Aviation Technologies 541-385 -5051 w w w.kawakaviation. com (09-14)
Call Bruce’s Flying Service for all of your Thrush parts needs! 229-725-4150, fax 229-725-5135. E-mail bruceandrews62@ 09-14
Thrush parts - Wings, props, tail feathers, batteries, tires - we have the inventory. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: tfn
Accessories & Parts! 100’s of new and OHC accessories, parts for just about everything. Big discounts! Please have par t numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at tfn
8 Million new surplus parts for Cessna, Piper, and other aircraft; Continental and Lycoming engines; and a few spray system parts, big discounts. Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330698-0280. t f n
Air Tractor auxiliary hydraulic system. 20lbs/hr LESS fuel burn, improved spray pattern, reduced maintenance cost, cockpit adjustable flow controls. Inquires call 541-385-5051 or www.kawakaviation. com (09-14)
LOAD HAWG-The modern, efficient, safe, perfect way to improve your solids application. Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800-325-0885 TFN O/H’D Thrush 29” landing gear & we can repair / rebuild yours. Johnston Aircraft Service, INC. 559-686-1794 / Email www. tfn
Cessna Authorized Parts Center: Prompt, World-Wide Par ts Service, Engines, Bonaire 550 Conversions, Wings. MidContinent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-3250885 tfn 2 sets S2R Thrush wing with lifetime century spar mod. Primed and ready to paint your color. Long wing tips and extended fuel. Call RFS for price 210-844-4074 (05-14)
Um par de asas estendida 95% completa do Thrush S2R . A pair of extended wings 95% complete Thrush S2R. Brazil. g arci av i ag r i co l a @ u o l .co m . b r / 16 36274879 (tfn)
Cascade Aircraft Conversions Barrier Filter System for the Soloy Turbine Converted Bell 47/Hiller 12 Helicopters. See decreased TOT by up to 38 degrees C. Pull full torque at lower TOT temps, burn less fuel, extend the life of critical turbine parts. Contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509-635-1212 or tom@ . ( 10-14) Serviceable S2R wings, Engine Mount Ayres 45-60 Series, short extension wing tip assy, seat assy, strut assy, left engine exhaust stack, control sticks, steps, splice blocks, throttle quadrants, control quadrants, and MANY various other parts. For more information call Bruce’s Flying Service 229-725-4150, fax 229-725-5135. E-mail 09-14
Trade with members of NAAA
All new Air Tractors now include P&W 2500 Hour, 5-Year Extended Warranty
2014 AT802A-67AG Factory New & Extended Warranty............. Call 2013 AT502B-34AG Factory New & Extended Warranty............. Call 2011 AT402B -34AG 1200 Hours TT .....................................$597,000 2010 AT602 -65AG 3500 Hours TT ......................................$850,000
800-441-2964 Ask for Rick or Chuck Stone F O B Fort Pierce, FL
Office: 772-461-8924 • Fax: 772-461-9050 • • May 2014 A-45
PARTS, PARTS, PARTS. For all your ag aviation needs, please call Southeastern Aircraft Sales & Service 800-441-2964 Air Tractor Dealer tfn Replacement parts. New and used for all Ag Cat models. Also carry New Piper and Weatherly tailwheel springs and Transland Dealer. Call Hershey Flying Service 308-368-5556 (01-15) J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc ha s purchased a large new inventory of Citabria GCBC part in late 1977-79 rnge. Lots of common everyday parts. Landing gear, wheels 7 brakes, engine parts etc. call Jerry or Sid today 800-542-8565 or email At fn S & T Aircraft Accessories, Inc. specializes in the overhaul of Radial and Turbine engine accessories. We have most items in stock ready to ship for exchange. Give us a call @ 830-625-7923 or fax 830-625-4138. t fn Cessna Par t s - Engine, propellers, authorized service center. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-6861794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@ web site: www. tfn Accessories & Parts! 100’s of new and OHC accessories, parts for just about everything. Big discounts! Please have par t numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at tfn The mid-west Air tractor dealer, Farm Air Inc. has expanded its parts department. Call Carrie or Randy for all your Air Tractor parts needs at 877-715-8476. tfn
Agrinautics, Angel Flight Assistant, Automatic Flagman, Aero Engines, Arrow prop, Air Tractor (Associate dealer Queen Bee Air Specialties) CP Nozzles, Compro Smoker, Crophawk, Covington Aircraft Engine, Collins Air Conditioner, Cleveland, Chip Detector, Hemisphere GPS, Hot Stuff, Nieto Products, New and used aircraft, (large) Parts Inventory, ServAero, Spraying Systems, Co., Superbugs, SPH-4 Helmet, Simplex, Tires, Transland, WeathAero. Sky Tractor Supply 800437-5319,, email@, 701-636-5881 (fax) TFN We have all fibreglass parts for Weatherly and Ag-Cat (A, B and Super B). Call for prices. Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 tfn Spend your time doing what you do best “SPRAYING” and let us find those parts for you. Part numbers are really important. Call Jerry or Sid 800-542-8565 or email Atfn Large inventory of Thrush parts surplus to our needs. Call for list. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 tfn
Angel Personal Flight Assistant - in stock, shipping today. Premium quality Bluetooth interface for the cockpit. Noise free cell phone use without fumbling for your phone. Caller ID, direct dial, redial, voice dial, download phonebook and call list entries, dial direct., Stream bluetooth music and control, E6B flight computer, Stopwatch, fuel and approach timer. Large full color easy to read backlit screen, intuitive menus, automatic cut out with radio transmissions, ambient light sensor. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319 A tfn Air Repair Inc. is the source for the Fast Start Kit to get yours today call Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-8430811 tfn Retrofit Hopper Door for AT-502 and AT-602. Now available for fall and winter installation Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 tfn Complete Thrush factory metal tail w/ u p d a t e s . J o h n s t o n A i r c r a f t Service, INC. 559- 686 -1794 / Email i n f o @ j o h n s to n a i r c r af t . co m w w w. tfn Jasco Alternator kits in stock. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-8430811 tfn
10,000 P/N of Continental & Lycoming parts, 50% discount on most new! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at tfn
Cessna Ag Parts. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@ tfn
Brave and Pawnee parts - engines, props, spar kits, fuel cells and foam kits, and much more. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-6869360, e-mail: web site: tfn
Emco Wheaton/Buckeye Dr y Break Couplers and adapters, Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FA X 559 - 686 -936 0, e - mail: info @ web site: www. tfn
CALL FOR PRICING 2014 AT-502B PT6A-34 AG with 2500 hour/5 year engine warranty
J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. still has one of the largest Cessna, and Piper Ag Aircraft inventories in the USA and has a huge inventory of Lighting and wheel and brake inventory. Let us be your total part provider. Call in your needs - Sid or Jerry 800-542-8565 or jcaviation@pldi. net At fn Remember J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. Is a Transland, Black Steel Brake and McFarlane dealer. We have a large amount of these brands inventory in stock as well as Cleveland. GE Lighting, Cessna, Piper etc. Give us a call for all your parts needs at 800-542-8565 or email us at jcaviation@ At fn
propellers 3D40-6101A-18 for 600 HP 1340 Pratt & Whitney. 600 TT new blades, needs nothing but install. Free install in Alexandria MN, $18,500. Call 320-583-8812 ( 05-14) 12D40-AG100-4S, 0-IRAN: $17.5K; 22D40Ag-200-2,60-Siran: $20.5K; 22D40-6533A-12 852-SIRAN: $20.5K; 22D40-Ag200-2,0-IRAN: $19.5K; AmAg 870-886-2418(89f) * *AgCat S ales/Ser vice/Par t s since 1971**
1998 AT-602 PT6A-65AG 7900 TT, wings done, GPS/flow, CP’s, fresh hot section, annual 1997 AT-502B PT6A-34AG 7100TT Bantam/flow, CP’s, 250 SHOT, annual 1997 AT-502B 5100TT, Walter M601 E-11, 1680 SOH, GPS/flow, CP’s, annual 1995 AT-402A, PT6A-27 Bantam/flow, CP’s, fresh hot section, annual
NEW! CP11TT/w-3 Tips & Shutoff in stock ready to ship today. 1-800-437-5319 SkyTractor Supply Company tfn
2012 AT-502B PT6A-34AG 500 TT, wingman, GPS/flow, CP’s, annual, fresh hot section
J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. has 29” wheel sets. We will accept your 10” wheel and brakes in exchange. Call Jerry or Sid 800-542-8565 or email jcaviation@pldi. net At fn
40’ 15.649, 90’14.306
12D40, 40 hours SIRAN, $8,000. Call 662247-0056 (05-14)
Hartzell 3 Blade and 5 blade Props, new & used $CALL Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-342-5451 or FAX 281-232-5401. TFN J & C Enterprises has a Cessna 188 props in Stock Y.T. Also offer some STC’d propellers. Call Jerry or Sid 800-542-8565 or email Atfn
3 D 40 6101 blades Ham Standard 3 bladed. Overhauled. For more information Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-4296805 10 -14 2D30-6101A12, 0/IRAN: $11.5K; 2D30-AG100-2, 0/IRAN:$12.5K; 22D30-6533A12, OHC: $15.5K; 12D40-6101A12,175-SIRAN: $11.5K; AmAg 870-886-2418(89f) agcat@bscn. com **AgCat Sales/Service/Parts since 1971** 12D40-6101-12 Overhauled with 8130 Form. for more information call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-429-6805 10-14 H ar t ze ll m o de l H C- C 2Y K-1B F, s/n CH-16579E. For more information email (05-14) For Outright Sale: Overhauled 5-Blade Prop. Hartzell HC-B5MP-3C. Fits AT-502A, AT-503, AT-602, AT-802, Thrush S-2R-T65 & S-2RHG-T65.’06 Hartzell Overhaul. TSN: 1379.5 (TSO:0). Call Steve or Gary 210924-5561. (05-14) Props for Sale: 2D30-6101A-18, 22D30-6533A-12 12D40-6101A-12, 12D40-AG100-2 22D40-6533A-12, 23D40-6533A-18 23D 4 0 -70 05A-12, Call PropWork s, Winnipeg, Canada Tel: 888-679-2965 email: 12-14
Chip Kemper, President
GE M601- E11 751 HP TURBOPROP Conversions for Air Tractor and Thrush. Increased Reliability. No Hot Section Inspections. No Nozzles to Service. Cascade Pressure Cowl – Standard Equipment with Lifetime Serviceable Air Filter System! 3,000 HR Engine TBO. Auto Start Systems. Lower Operating/Maintenance Costs. Improved Safety. Ease of Maintenance Access. Warranty: 1,000 Hr / 1,100 Cycles or 2 Years. Now taking deposits and scheduling deliveries for mid-late 2011 and early 2012. Please contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509-635-1212 or . tfn
vehicles 1990 International Auger Truck annual by Auger Dan. New 12 in auger, new scales, box and truck in excellent shape. New tires in front, rear tires good, new brakes and calipers. Auger doesn’t fold. $25,000 Call 337-789-3529 (05-14)
Air TrAcTor SAleS & Service
Your Northwest Air Tractor Dealer 800-736-7654 Fax 208-745-6672 Office 208-745-7654
136 N. Yellowstone Hwy. • Rigby, Idaho 83442
referred New Surplus Aircraft parts! ranging from irparts Discounts 25% to 85% off!
New surplus aircraft parts in stock for:
601-432-4500 800-844-TOUR
This project is partially funded through a grant by the Jackson Convention and Visitors Bureau
Cessna, Piper, and many others, fixed and rotor wing!
• • • • • • • •
Airframe parts Accessories and parts Dispersal system parts Wheels, brakes and parts Propellers, blades and parts Spark plugs, filters of all kinds Engine parts, piston and turbine Hardware: AN, MS, NAS
nline Free o ! Search y r Invento
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Call or check online for details!
Toll free, U.S. & Canada
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Inventories of new parts for almost anything.
May 2014
Hamilton Standard, 22D40 Hydromatic Propeller 6533A Blades overhauled complete with distributor valve and prop, Governor. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-429-6805 10 -14
Loader truck for sale. 12 inch flipover Auger, scales, fuel, new 870-931-8485. (05-14)
1973 Plymouth Duster 340, silver, Black interior, auto, PS, PB, A/C, High back Buckets, Console, Sound Clean, Restored Muscle Car Email for more info $18,000 tfn
2 Auto flagman for AgCat $200 ea; 1 auto flagman for Air Tractor $500; 1 auto flagman for Drama $200; For more information Email mdusters1@frontier. com or call 530-682-9770 (05-14)
Fight rodent infestation with Cascade’s i n n ov a t i ve a n d e x t r e m e l y s i m p l e solution, Mouse Pants! Hand crafted from the highest quality 2024-T3 aircraft aluminum (lighter and not as likely to carve up an operator like galvanized steel). Quick action Wing nut CAMLOC aircraft grade fasteners. Rubber trimmed to protect your aircraft’s finish and the flooring surface. Order your set of three for only $599.00 plus shipping and handling. Please contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509-635-1212 or tom@ (08-14)
Order your The AgOp Collage Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at t f n HOTSTUFF AG AIRCRAFT CLEANER Call to order the # 1 Ag Aircraft cleaner in the country, Used by over 400 operators Coast to Coast. Blue Stripe Distributing 877-924-5025 Atfn HELMET with slide up visor $850. Deluxe Kevlar Helmet with ANR, Softskins, Oregon seals $1200. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319 At fn
Three Phase “GPU” Rectifier Price: $8,750. Call 870-834-8349 (05-14)
We build loader trucks to your specifications. Stainless Steel Straight and Fold Up. Mild Steel Straight and Fold Up. Mild Steel Hopper w/Stainless Steel Tube. Been in loader truck business since 1980. Call Pat Ballard Office:870-697-2004 Fax:870-697-3568 185 Hwy. 42 West , Hickory Ridge, AR. Auger Trucks For Sale (Trade-Ins) Also list of customer trucks. Call Auger Dan Office: 870-578-6133 Cell: 870-9192317 A 12-14 1500 gal Jet A refueler; Nissan UD 3300 truck; epoxy lined steel tank: Liquid Control counter with predetermining counter (new 2003); single point and over the wing nozzles: automatic reel. Truck and pump work well; good rubber $13,900 or Will consider trades for auto, truck, or aircraft Call 501-985-1484 AR location. tfn
Vino? They do say ag pilots age like w i n e . Pl ace yo u r f avo r i te w i n e i n these high quality Rolf wine glasses etched with an ag plane, sold as a Set of 4. Makes a great gif t. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at t f n Keep your drink hot or cold in this insulated 16oz Air Tractor Tervis Tumbler. Made in the USA, Makes a great gift. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at tfn
NEW to the DeSpain Collection, Customized Note Cards featuring your favorite Pen and Ink drawing. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at t f n
Toy pla stic model Air Tractor. 12” wingspan, removable stand. Great toy for the kids or desktop model. $15 + s/h order online at or e-mail tfn
miscellaneous Help your little pilot fly high in dream world with these Bi-Plane PJ’s... Assorted sizes available. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at tfn
J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. Is always looking for all types of derelict aircraft, parts inventory, both new and used. We will buy small or a shop full. Contact Jerry Buster 800 -542-8565 or email At fn
Get these photo mats before they fly off the shelve. A great way to display your favorite photos. Makes a great gift. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at tfn
Air Tractor financing can put an Air Tractor in your hangar. Air Tractor offers competitive financing options in the U.S. and Canada from Wells Fargo Equipment Finance. Fly now and take seven years to pay, 10 years to amortize and have a fixed interest rate for the life of the loan. Other attractive term periods are available, too. These financing options are available on both new and used Air Tractors purchased through Air Tractor dealers. See your Air Tractor dealer today! t f n
New from our DeSpain Collection, Pen and Ink Thirsty Stone Coasters. These high quality coasters will look great on any desktop or table. Set of 4. Makes a great gift! For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at tfn
Pitcher’s Nightmare Swing Trainer $ • Youth • Elite • Softball
Free Shipping
Specialty belt buckles, show your pride in style. Makes a great gift. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at tfn SUPERBUGS A safe and economical way to speed up Mother nature! Dispose of hazardous waste in loading and spill areas, ponds and ditches. SUPERBUGS disposes of insecticides, Fungicides, herbicides, and petroleum products Such as waste oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, solvent or anything of organic nature. Blue Stripe Distributing Toll Free 877-924-5025 tfn Aviator Backpack and matching coin purse (sold separately). For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at tfn Fly through your mail with our Airplane Letter Opener! Makes a great gift. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at t f n PC SPRAY Dedicated Application Software, Version 3. Fully-functional program. Buy it once, use it forever! No annual fees. Technical support for the life of the product. Call or email for demo today. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319 tfn Crop Duster Video - “The Crop Dusters - The Early Years 1921-1955”; the era of Stearmans and Cubs flying the fields will never be seen again. Available in VHS or DVD. Only $20.00, plus S&H. MC and Visa accepted. Call 478-987-2250 Fax 478-9871836 Historical Video Productions. tfn Reduce Drift, Increase Deposition and Retention use Control™ FREE SAMPLE 765-395-3441, tfn
English to Spanish Technical Translations Fo r m e r A &P a n d Ag - Pi l o t, C a r l o s Retamosa Specializing in translating: • Aviation technical manuals • Airworthiness Directives (ADs) • Service Bulletins (SBs) Contact info 598-53-24376 retamosa@ tfn One-acre-square house lot for sale in new Plane Living Sky Park neighborhood with 2,000 s.f., all brick, covenants. Lot is one of 13 directly on new sod runway. Taxi out of your hangar, directly onto the runway. Located in Peach County, Georgia. Public water, septic sewer, paved streets, curb and gutter, street lights. Less than five miles west of I-75, Exit 142, approximately five miles to Fort Valley, GA and approximately 10 miles to Warner Robins, GA. Google It! South side of Hwy 96 at 50 Lane Rd., Fort Valley, Georgia 31030 (Google photo before development). Save thousands and buy from owner. $35,000 OBO. 478.987.2250 t f n
insurance DOUG DAVIDSON, aircraft owner and commercial pilot, has served the unique insurance needs of the agricultural aviation community since 1982. He founded Davidson Solid Rock Ins. in 1995 on Christian principles, honesty, integrity, and the commitment to provide insurance products as solid as our name! One call is all it takes to shop all available markets for your specialized aviation insurance needs. We welcome the opportunity to talk with you at 800-358-8079. Or visit our website at tfn “Insurance from a name you can trust, at a price you can afford”, is what we do and it’s our motto. Hardy Aviation Insurance, Inc, is centrally located in Wichita Kansas and has been servicing the aerial application market for years now. RANDY HARDY established Hardy Aviation Insurance in 1995 with aerial application as his main focus. Prompt courteous service from a staff dedicated and knowledgeable includes Angie Banz, Tim Wiebe, Dick Russell and Rita Ethridge, whom have years of experience servicing the aerial application business. Give us a try, you might be surprised. Call 1 800 721-6733 or fax us at 316-945-2330. Get an online quote from our web site at or e-mail us at tfn Best Classified Buy In The Industry. 478-987-2250. Fax: 478-987-1836.
services Cascade Conversion for Thrush and Air Tractor. Fuel Saving, Cooler running, more power available. Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800-325-0885 tfn
Jeffries Airworks Dynamic Propeller Balancing with Chadwick Helmuth engine printout equipment. Jeffries Airworks, Dynamic Balancing, Vibration Analysis. Much more than just a balance. Call Jim Jeffries, A&P/IA, 985-507-9981, Nationwide service on your location.
We rebuild and refinish any fibreglass part for Weatherly, Cessna, Piper and Ag-Cat (A, B and Super B,C and D). Call for prices. Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 tfn
Jeffries Airworks Dynamic Propeller Balancing with Chadwick Helmuth engine printout equipment. Jeffries Airworks, Dynamic Balancing, Vibration Analysis. Much more than just a balance. Call Jim Jeffries, A&P/IA, 985-507-9981, Nationwide service on your location. tfn Let us sell your Ag plane! Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. 1601 Hwy 84 East Hayti, MO 63851 800-325-0885 tfn !!Attention Thrush Owners!! North Star Aviation Inc is now the new STC holder of the Thrush Reinforce Leading Edge Skins. If you are getting ready to rebuild your Thrush wings due to AD09-26-11 or tired of bird strikes and ugly leading edges!! Now is the time to install North Star Aviations new Thrush heavy duty reinforced leading edge skins fully STC’d SA03518AT no Field approval required. For more Info contact Steve @ North Star Aviation Inc. 620-356-4528 srice@pld. com tfn
wanted to buy EXHAUST Wanted: R-1340 and R-985 Exhaust Send Old Exhaust segments for exchange or Sell them! Call Daryl @ 940-902-0797 or evans.daryl@sbcglobal. net tfn Ag Aircraft Wanted: Immediate cash for Ag planes - All considered - Contact Darryl Riddell at 870-572-9011 (05-14)
seat wanted Old pilot old airplane (PA-25 260) will help out if you are behind. No herbicides. ND certified 701-261-8839 (05-14)
Professional Ag Pilot Training. Initial Training in Gippsland GA200 Ag-Aircraft. Turbine Training In Air Tractor AT504. Email or Phone 306-445-3099 (05-14)
Chem - Man f ield application billing software is the leading software in the industry. It’s easy to use and affordably priced. It was designed by and for chemical applicators. Datasmart has been serving Chem - M an cus tomer s since 19 92. Download our free demo at Call for more info at 1-866-3149222 (05-14)
Start to finish Ag pilot training utilizing Pawnee PA-25/260 CS Dual Cockpit& PA-25 Single for Solo/Dump/Spray. Satloc GPS. Ag Aviation Consultants for Ag Operating Certificate Part 137. See videos at: EAGLE VISTAS LLC 772-285-5506 (02-15)
Ag Aviation School - Get the best flight training available by learning at a real commercial spray operation. Safe, experienced instructors, highly maintained aircraft, new student pilot dorm with private rooms. Learn to mix, load, fly the light bar and all skills associated with ag aviation. Call Bruce now for more information or to get on the schedule: 770-329-4410. Also check out our Guarantee on our website at www. (05-14)
4th Season Ag Pilot looking for a seat for the 14 corn season. Hard working. I am a son of an operator and have been working for him for 8 yrs and flying for him for 4 yrs. Available Aug-Sept. AgT: 1005 FireT: 21.6 TurbineT: 381 Have done most of my Ag work in a Thrush 1820 and some in a Thrush-45. Also have hours in Air Tractor 401, Weatherly, AgCat, and Dromader. Give me a call 509-432-4349. I can provide references if needed. (05-14) Professional Ag Pilot Needing Seat. Completed turbine transition at Central Florida Ag Aero last December, experience in 150 & 235 Pawnee, 300 Ag truck, 400 Brave, 450 Stearman, AT-301 401, Lot’s of Herbicide experience, 2420 tw, 1460 ag. Willing to relocate. Call 509-6709643 (05-14)
Gulf Coast aG airCraft sales & serviCe Thrush S2R aircraft.
Lifetime Spar (60,000 Hr) without inspections. It is economical and easy to install. Call Eugene For Details at 979-533-1720
The “Century” Wing Spar is now Available! Sold in kit form or installed here at our facility. Call today to purchase your kit!!! B-Model Bonanza: hydraulic prop; IFR; very clean. Call for pictures. RV9A: 150 hr TT; new paint; glass interior; Call for pictures.
979-532-1718 • 979-533-1720 May 2014
INSURANCE from the Leading Ag Aviation Brokers. 64 Years Risk Management, Low time Pilot Coverage. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-325-0885 www. tfn
Ag Seat wanted. 9800 TT 5000+ ag time, 125 hours Cessna turbine. A&P / IA Single & Multi-engine instrument flight instructor. Experience Air Tractor, AgCat & Cessna. Experienced corn, cotton, rice, wheat & soybeans. Heavy herbicide experience. Email g.p-racing@hotmail. com or 662-678-3947 (05-14) Seat needed 9287 T.T. 7674 AG time. 127 Turbine. licensed in Minn. and SK. Canada. Can license where needed. No claims or wrecks. email or call 507-456-6906 (05-14)
help wanted Now Hiring for 2014 Fire Season: SEAT Pilots, Level I/II (per ISOG)1500 total hours, 1200 in fixed wing, 100 in the last 12 months, 200 low level dispensing, 200 in typical terrain, 25 in AT-802, 10 in the last 60 days, and 5 hours & 5 takeoffs each year. Email or call 530-433-5366 xt 1004 (05-14)
Help Wanted: Ground crew for upcoming 2014 season. Midwest operator hiring ground crew help to mix, load and fuel airplanes for this summer. Opportunity to transition into ag flying position in the future. Fax letter of interest and qualifications to 866-607-5825. (05 -14) Current carded Seat pilot needed. Call 970-520-1941 (05-14) AG or fire suppression experienced AT-802 Standardization Pilot for operations in Bogotá, Colombia. Minimum requirements: 2000 fixed wing hours; 1000 flt hours AG or fire suppression; 500 flt hours providing turbine instruction or check pilot; FAA CFII or military equivalent and Class II Medical; Must speak to ACTFL Intermediate Low or IRL Level 1 Spanish proficiency. Background check required. None of these requirements can be waived. E-mail resume An Equal Opportunity Employer (05 -14)
Pilot Wanted: An innovative Midwest Ag Operator is seeking an experienced, considerate and consciousness, skilled Ag Pilot for a Turbine seat. Minimum requirements to include 2,000 Ag hours and a minimum of 1,000 Turbine Ag hours. Main season runs from early July through middle of September. May lead to a long time position for the right pilot. Please send resume and references to (05-14)
Looking for a motivated, experienced IA to help manage an FAA approved repair station specializing in ag aircraft. Experience working on Air Tractors, Thrush, and Ag Cats a plus. We have excellent pay and 100% of your health insurance is covered. So if you are looking for a challenge and the opportunity to get on the ground level of a growing maintenance shop. Send resumes to Subject Exp IA, Fax to 478-987-1836 Subject Exp IA, or mail to Exp. IA c/o AgAir Update Po box 850 Perry GA 31069 (05-14)
Back up Pilots wanted. Ag-Cat-6 and Cessna 188, must have 2,000 verifiable ag hours, References required. 573-6922160 (05-14)
IA Mechanic wanted for southern, multiplane, ag operation. Please mail resume & references to: PO Box 2078 Cordova TN, 38088 (05-14)
Air Conditioning
EnvironmEntally SafE ag-aircraft air conditioning SyStEmS
Wanted - an experienced Turbine pilot for the upcoming 2014 season and beyond, June – Sept. in MN, IA and IL. Preferred at least 1000 hrs. AG and at least 250 hours Turbine time. Looking for long term employees and team players, mechanically inclined a plus. Email resumes to subject: Turbune pilot (05-14)
Aircraft Sales position for experienced Ag, Turbine, CR II, super salary and benefits. Call: Dick 800-325-0885 @ Mid Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO tfn
Experienced AG or fire suppression pilot for rotation employment in Colombia. Minimum requirements: 2000 fixed wing hours; 1000 flt hours AG or fire sup p re s sion; FA A C a s s I I M e dic al; Must speak to ACTFL Intermediate Low or IRL Level 1 Spanish proficiency. Background check required. None of these requirements can be waived. E-mail resume to: An Equal Opportunity Employer (05-14)
IA and A&P mechanics needed. Call 870 -295- 6213 Salary depending on qualifications and experience tfn
AT-802 IP needed at Melbourne, FL. Minimum requirements: 2000 fixed wing hours; 1000 flt hours AG or fire suppression; FAA Class II Medical; CFII; Must speak to ACTFL Advance High or IRL Level 2+ Spanish proficiency. Background check required. None of these requirements can be waived. E-mail resume to: An Equal Opportunity Employer. (05-14) Expanding progressive company in search of year round Pilot-mechanic for operation in Minnesota. As a pilot you will be operating a turbine Air Tractor, likely a 402. Travel is necessary. Maintenance in off season will be both ag aircraft and general aviation types. Feel free to respond if you are either, or mechanically inclined. Bryan@ bryan.hauschild@ or 320-760-6474. (05-14)
Immediate full time positions for entry level A&P mechanics. Please send resumes to North Star Aviation, Inc. Fax 620-3563864 or email tfn
operations Mid West Ag Operation for sale, well established with 36 years in the business. Parts 137 & 133. 2 aircraft’s and ground support equipment. For more information email subject Part 137 operation fax 478-987-1836 subject Part 137 operation or send to Part 137 operation C/O AgAir Update PO Box 850 Perry Ga 31069 (05-14) Ever wanted to star t your own AG operation (Under Par t 137)? As Ag Aviation Consultants we can help you find an airplane, train you. We can help you get your Operating Certificate-Part 137, Private or Commercial. Call Eagle Vistas LLC 772-285-5506 (02-15) Best Classified Buy In The Industry. Read By More Ag Pilots Than Any Other Publication. Only $35 478-987-2250. Fax: 478-987-1836.
Videoscopes Accessories
inverter Powered Systems for turbine thrush & at
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MACHIDA, INC. 40 RAMLAND ROAD ORANGEBURG, NY 10962 845 365 0600 /800 431 5420
Advanced Aerial Guidance
SATLOC Key G4 Features
Introducing the NEW L7 Lightbar
• Wireless transfer of logs and jobs • Access the G4 remotely through the Internet
The NEW L7 Lightbar with new Hi-Bright LEDs, 4 Displays and other new features including optional sun visor
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• Hot keys enable you to quickly toggle to full map screen
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• Various weather layers including US & Canadian Radar and Wind 8444 N. 90th Street, Suite 130 Scottsdale, Arizona 85258 USA
Phone: (480) 348-9919 Toll Free 800-247-3808
SAT-114.indd 1
Acorn Welding........................................ 34A Ag - Nav, Inc. ............................................ 3A AgAviation School.................................. 10A Agrinautics.............................................. 25A Airplane Services................................... 34A Air Repair................................................ 23A Air Tractor Inc........................................... 7A American AgViation............................... 35A Apollo Spray Systems............................ 30A ASI Jet Sales............................................ 20A Cascade Aircraft Conversions......18A, 25A Central Florida Ag Aero......................... 35A Collins Aircraft Dynamics, Inc............... 50A Covington Aircraft Engines................... 52A CP Products............................................ 27A Davidon................................................... 34A Desser Tire & Rubber Co...................... 25A DynaNav........................................ 15 & 31A Eagle Vista LLC....................................... 35A Electrode Aviation................................. 35A Farm Air Inc............................................ 46A FireBoss.................................................. 11A Flight Grip............................................... 35A Frost Flying............................................. 37A GE Aviation............................................. 19A Gulf Coast Ag Aircraft SS....................... 49A Hershey Flying Service.......................... 33A J & C Enterprises, Inc............................. 42A Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc............... 39A Lane Aviation, Inc.................................. 41A MACBRI................................................... 32A Machida Borescopes............................. 50A Micro Aero Dynamics............................ 14A Micron Sprayers Limited...................... 24A Mid - Continent Aircraft Corp............... 32A NAA Museum......................................... 47A NorthStar Aviation................................. 47A Orsmond Aerial Spray Pty. Ltd............. 18A Pratt & Whitney Canada....................... 29A Preferred Airparts................................. 47A Queen Bee Air Specialties.................... 47A Robert McCurdy..................................... 34A Sanag...................................................... 35A SATLOC................................................... 51A Schweiss BiFold Doors.......................... 35A ServAero Engineering........................... 34A Sky Tractor Supply Co........................... 24A Southeastern Aircraft............................ 45A Souther Field Aviation, Inc.................... 43A Spectrum Electrostatic Sprayers.......... 20A Thrush Aircraft Inc................................... 2A TracMap NZ LTD...................................... 5A Transland ............................................... 21A Tulsa Aircraft Engines........................... 30A Turbine Conversions Limited............... 15A Universal Turbine Parts Div.................. 32A
10/14/13 3:05 PM
May 2014
The Satloc® G4™
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