Volume 28, Number 6 June 2010
See Over the trees page 10F
inside this edition: AT-802 Air Tractor makes multiple dispersal applications over Deepwater Horizon oil spill in Louisiana • AG-NAV’s GUIA Air and AG-FLOW used from Canada to Argentina
Bill Lavender
How many years ago, David (Johnston), was it when we went to Costa Rica?
May was a busy month at AgAir Update, making several trips to visit Thrush Aircraft in Albany, Georgia, three operators in the Delmarva area (Delaware, Maryland, Virginia), Houma, Louisiana for the oil spill and finally to Central Florida Ag Aero in Orlando; logging about 25 hours in the aircraft. At the end of the month, as usual, we close out next month’s edition for printing. I always read over the proof sheets looking for errors. When I came upon the Featured Classifieds section, I noticed a turbine powered Ag-Cat with the tail number N6632Q. For some reason, the N# seemed familiar. The year model was right, but the engine was different. I looked on my office wall at photos of me spraying soybeans in 1977 in my new 450 HP B-Model Ag-Cat. Looking closely, sure enough, the tail number read, “N6632Q”! I was amazed to see the aircraft for sale in AgAir Update over 30 years later. I sold the aircraft in 1980 to buy a new Ayres Turbo Thrush with a PT6A-11AG (s/n 001). That was the last time I saw N6632Q. History has a way of coming back to you. South Delta
from the cockpit
Good‘ole N6632Q Aviation has the aircraft for sale. It’ll be interesting to see where it ends up. The ongoing “big story” is the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Now deemed the worst oil spill disaster in the U.S., surpassing the Valdez spill. Finally, after more than 16 years of efforts to become a player in the aerial oil spill dispersal industry, a dual cockpit AT-802 has been permitted to apply dispersal over the spill. The AT-802 is the last effort to disperse the oil before it reaches shore, virtually becoming a hero of sorts. Whatever oil it disperses, is oil that did not reach shore. It is as simple as that. So, any oil dispersed by the AT-802 is a success. If the oil industry had recognized years earlier the potential of a fleet of properly managed AT-802s (or any large ag plane like the Thrush 660), the success rate could have been greatly enhanced. There is a narrow space between the coverage area of the large tanker aircraft, like the C130, and the shoreline. This area is ideal for the ag aircraft to demonstrate its unique abilities of surgical-like precision dispersal applications. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill
is a “proof of concept” for the use of agricultural aircraft in dispersal operations. What happens in the Gulf of Mexico with the AT-802 will lay the groundwork for the ag-plane to be a hero in dispersing any future oil spill that has the capabilities of making landfall. In closing, now that International Crop Duster’s Day (May 27th) has passed, I hope those of you associated with a crop duster took the time to recognize that person in some way. If not, you’ll get the chance to do it again next year. There are plans to select a more appropriate date. I’ll keep you posted. Until next month, Blue Sky and Tailwinds... Volume 28, Number 6 JuNe 2010
inside this issue Calendar of events ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Ag Airmail ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 Over the trees............................................................................................................................................................................ 10F Isolair - Satisfying the needs of the helicopter operator.......................................................................................................... 13F Patent application for a disposable air tanker.......................................................................................................................... 15F Air Tractor Europe introduces dual-control AT-802 Fire Boss.................................................................................................. 16F Turbine Conversions offers fuel level control............................................................................................................................ 18F Air Tractor AT-802A Fire Boss delivered to Macedonia............................................................................................................ 19F AT-802 Air Tractor makes multiple dispersal applications over Deepwater Horizon oil spill in Louisiana.................................. 20 Air Tractor fires successful AT-802U gun test............................................................................................................................. 28 AG-NAV’s GUIA Air and AG-FLOW used from Canada to Argentina.............................................................................................. 27 GE Aviation’s Czech operation is now GE Aviation’s Business & General Aviation Turboprops................................................... 26 Interview with Payne Hughes of Thrush Aircraft......................................................................................................................... 30 Hands-on flying — At the county fair ........................................................................................................................ 32
Featured classified ads...........................................................................................................................34
See Over the Trees page 10F
inside this edition: AT-802 Air Tractor makes second dispersal application over Deepwater Horizon oil spill in Louisiana • Contract pilot - aerial applications international aircraft delivery
On the cover... Wayne Grieff, Chief Forestry Pilot for M&M Air Service, approaches for landing in an AT-602 at Strong, Arkansas. Photo by David Mitchell, VP and Manager of Operations.
P.O. Box 850 • Perry, GA 31069 USA 475 Myrtle Field Rd. • Perry, GA 31069 USA PHONE: 888-987-2250 • 478-987-2250 FAX: 888-382-6951 • 478-987-1836 •
EDITOR / PUBLISHER: Bill Lavender ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR: Deborah Freeman ACCOUNTING: Sandy Lavender ADVERTISING: Ernie Eggler CLASSIFIED ADS: PRODUCTION: Deborah Freeman CIRCULATION: Brittni White IT SPECIALIST: Graham Lavender CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Dennis Avery - Jim Gardner - Carlin Lawrence - Alan McCracken - Robert McCurdy - Sam Miller - Tracy Thurman - LATIN AMERICAN REPS: Ernesto Franzen - Gina Hickmann - Walt Jazun - Pat Kornegay - Virginia Marroni -
© Copyright 2010 AgAir Update retains all rights for reproduction of any material submitted, to include but not limited to articles, photographs, emails and bulletin board posts. All material remain the copyright of AgAir Update. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in part or whole, without the written consent of the publisher. Editorial published do not necessary reflect the views of the publisher. Content within AgAir Update is believed to be true and accurate and the publisher does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions. Unsolicited editorial manuscripts and photos are welcomed and encouraged. We cannot be responsible for return unless submissions are accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Advertising deadline is 12 noon, on the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication. AgAir Update (ISSN 1081-6496) Published monthly by AgAir Update, LLC, 475 Myrtle Field Road, Perry, GA 31069 for $39 USD for one year in the U.S.; International rates are $39 USD for one year. Periodical postage paid at Springfield, MO and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to P.O. Box 850, Perry, GA 31069. AgAir Update, a multiple-award winning publication, is a tabloid newspaper 12.25” deep by 9.5” wide on a 2.25” 4 column format. Contract rates are available upon request. AgAir Update is a proud member of:
June 2010
calendar of events September 2010 June 2010 June 7-8, 2010 Operation SAFE Clinic Newton, IA Kyle Rich Dennis R. Gardisser June 7-8, 2010 MAAA Operation SAFE Spray Clinic Hector Airport Hector, MN Ed Newberg 320-979-1270 June 9-10, 2010 MAAA Operation SAFE Spray Clinic Blue Earth Airport Blue Earth, MN Tim Steier 507-325-3068 June 10, 2010 Operation SAFE Clinic Martinsville, IN Brent Milhon Dennis R. Gardisser June 7-10, 2010 Australia AAA Convention Holiday Inn Surfers Paradise, Queensland June 12, 2010 Eagle Mtn. Airshow Salute to Ag Aviation Porterville Municipal Airport Porterville, CA Chuck Carson 559-289-0887 June 23-24, 2010 SINDAG - Congresso Ribeirão Preto, SP Brazil 011-55-51-8162-9355 July 29-30, 2010 New Zealand AAA Conference Palmerston Nth, New Zealand
August 2010 August 5-8, 2010 Expo Congreso Taller Aviación Agrícola Punta Del Este, Uruguay Tel: 011-598-2369-0013
September 23-24, 2010 CoAAA SAFE Fly-In La Junta Municipal Airport La Junta, CO Dolle M. Lehrkamp 719.768.3367
October 2010 October 15-17, 2010 NAAA Fall Board Meeting Town and Country Resort San Diego, CA Peggy Knizner Tel: 202-546-5722 Fax: 202-546-5726 October 27-28, 2010 HeliSphere and Aerial Emergency Response Crowne Plaza Mutiara Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: +44 1628 660400 Fax: +44 1628 660622 October 28-30, 2010 (tentative) MEXICO-MAZATLAN Expo Congreso Aviacion Agricola Mazatlan, Mexico 01 55 55712072 57623705
November 2010 November 2010 - TBA Aerial Fire Fighting Conference And Exhibition Istanbul, Turkey 44(0)1628 660400 Fax: 44(0)1628 660622 November 9-11, 2010 CoAAA Annual Convention & Trade Show Crowne Plaza Hotel Colorado Springs, CO Dolle M. Lehrkamp 719-768-3367
December 2010 December 6-9, 2010 NAAA 44th Annual Convention & Exposition Savannah International Trade and Convention Center Savannah, GA Peggy Knizner Tel: 202-546-5722 Fax: 202-546-5726
January 2011 January 5-7, 2011 TxAAA Convention Hyatt Regency Hill Country San Antonio, TX Chris Shields 512-476-4405 January 9-11, 2011 ArAAA Convention Wyndham Riverfront Hotel North Little Rock, AR Ron Harrod 501-376-3233
February 2011 February 7-9, 2011 SEAF Convention TBA - South Carolina Linda Minton 772-465-0714 February 21-23, 2011 NATA Convention Sandhills Convention Center North Platte, NE Contact: Judy McDowell 402-475-6282 Fax: 402-475-6282 email: February 23-25, 2011 Tri-State Aerial Applicators Convention Jackpot Junction Morton MN Ambroz Stieren, Terry 952-226-5874 Laurie Robbennolt 605-765-2707 Cindy Schreiber-Beck 701-642-5777
wiping the ends expenses A court ruling supported by the EPA may soon require producers to incur additional expenses and permitting when applying pesticides near water. At issue are pesticides that previously were exempt from pollutant status thanks to a track record of effective regulation. If the new regulations are adopted in April 2011, Texas producers will face increased out-of-pocket expenses to continue applying cropsaving pesticides near water. Source: Texas Agricuture Today
new zealand A Cresco (New Zealand turbinepowered ag-aircraft) at 300 hrs per year, a rate of approximately $2200 NZD ($1,580 USD) per hour is needed to be profitable, whereas at 800 hours per year that drops to about $1500 NZD ($1,078 USD) per hour – a margin of more than 30%. NZAAA
quote Doing nothing is very hard to do ... you never know when you’re finished. Leslie Nielsen
education and careers More students are pursuing agricultural-related degrees because of increased career opportunities. A survey conducted by USDA shows enrollment in bachelor’s degree programs in agriculture across the country grew by 21.8 percent from 2005 to 2008, from about 58,000 students to nearly 71,000. Students earning advanced degrees from the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications at Texas A&M University have an even greater edge in the job field. The department has been recognized as offering a “distinguished program” and ranks second in the nation among 82 universities offering similar degrees. Source: Texas Agricuture Today
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June 2010
ag airmail can’t wait I like the new AAU paper, can’t wait to get it in the mail. I like looking at the airplanes “Air Tractors and Thrush”. Jerry Lilliott Lyons, Georgia Thanks Jerry. We appreciate your compliments. —Bill
interview video Just caught your interview video with Leland Snow. Really interesting and well done! The video section on AAU online is a really great addition. You guys are doing a heck of a job! Thanks to you and your crew for providing such an in depth and practical means of getting information and keeping
the industry connected. It must be a lot of hard work and we appreciate it. Thanks again! Tracy T Thurman Somerton, Arizona Hello Tracy; Thanks so much for your compliments. I know Graham, my son, will appreciate it. I also think the video presentation was very good, especially since Graham and I are not “Hollywood types”!—Bill
AT-504 Love the article about the AT-504. However, the Neiva and Air Tractor are not the only ones producing airplanes w/piston engines; there’s also: Gippsland GA200C Fatman in Australia with a flat six Lycoming and PZL Mielec’s M18B Dromader in Poland with a WSK radial nine cylinder 1,000 hp engine.
They also make a training version, but is tandem and the quality doesn’t seem to be even close to the Air Tractor. And, of course, there is the Weatherly. I love your publication and I hope to be ag sprayer one day. Marcy Cami Marcy, good catch. However, the Weatherly is not in production and the GA-200 is in production as an ondemand basis only. I let the PZL slip my memory, even though I have visited the factory in Poland and saw first hand the tandem dual cockpit M18. Glad you liked the article on the AT-504. The AT-504 was a blast to fly. In McMinnville, Oregon, I completed an evaluation flight in the Turbine Husky, a C-188 Ag Husky with a Rolls Royce turbine engine (420 SHP derated to 310 HP). You can’t imagine the flight characteristics of that rocket ship! —Bill
subscription Can I get this magazine in England?. If I subscribe from England how much would the introductory price be? Best regards, Stewart Waring. United Kingdom
Someone always reaching for your
Hello Stewart; Of course you may receive AgAir Update in England. We have several subscribers in Great Britain, even though there are no active aerial applications going on that I know about. —Bill
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Kevin and I have sold our aerial spraying business and intend to retire. Thank you for your interesting newspaper over the years. We wish you the very best for the future. Kind regards, Kevin and Margaret Warren Eyreial Ag Services South Australia Hello Margaret; Congratulations on selling your
business, I think! As long as it is what you wish for, then I wish the best of luck to you. Thanks for the update. Enjoy your retirement. I appreciate all your years as an AgAir Update subscriber.—Bill
windfarms I’ve have a customer that is trying to help slow down the development of the wind turbines in our area. I was wondering if you could send him whatever articles or letters that might help him in this endeavor. His name is John Barrett, graduated from the Naval Academy and served with the seals in Vietnam and now farms and is one of my best and most professional farmers. Thanks again, Ed Shores Robstown, Texas Hello Eddie; Hope you are working your tail off. I’ve sent you a link on our web site to a recent article. Otherwise, without knowing the month of the edition, I don’t have a way to run down articles related to wind turbines. However, I am sure a Google search would inundate you with info. We don’t keep the On The Net web links because often those web sites remove them. Also, you could post to AAU’s forum requesting info for other operators. Hope this helps,—Bill
visa The State Department’s web site states that a visa is mandatory for entry into Brazil. Have you had to get one in the past when visiting Brazil? Trying to figure out if we need to get temp visas before the SINDAG Convention in Ribeirão Preto next month. Thanks, Chris Carson Airforce Turbine Service (ATS) Tynan, Texas Yes, you must have a visa to travel in Brazil. Better get started. You have a choice of tourist or business visas. I think there is a place to mark on the application for attending a congreso
(convention). If so, you need to do that. I have a 5-year business visa, but it would be harder to get. You can get the info you need from the Brazilian embassy web site, but if you’ve never done anything like this and with the short amount of time, you may want to hire an expedite service (Google for one). There are a few hundred dollars involved for the service and for the Brazilian’s fees. Expect to FedEx your passport to them. I don’t like doing that, but there is no alternative. So, be prepared to be without a passport during the application time. —Bill
appreciation Just wanted to pass along that as a second year ag pilot I am thoroughly enjoying and appreciate the columns written by Tracy Thurman; I am learning a lot from his wisdom and experience and as a relatively new guy, I need all the help I can get! Tracy is a gifted writer and manages to get his important points across in meaningful ways and with a touch of humility. Please encourage him to keep the articles coming! I imagine even seasoned ag pilots can take something from each of his columns. Thanks, John Thomas Nebraska City, Nebraska Hello John; Your words are very kind and I know from personal experience they will be motivating to Tracy. I have copied him with this email. I don’t suppose you are related to my old friend Troy Thomas of Nebraska? He and I attended the first NAAA Leadership Training course. That was in 1996, I believe. Have a safe and successful season.—Bill
Hello Tracy; I agree wholeheartedly. Let’s see what comes about from the International Crop Duster’s Day. If nothing else, I am hoping that the families of crop dusters around the world will take a minute to tell their personal crop duster how much they care for them.—Bill
photo Couldn’t help but think of you when I ran across this picture. She did great at the fly-in! We aim to train in Oklahoma! Oklahoma Sandy Sandy Wells Edmond, Oklahoma P. S. And, you are doing a great job too!
retired After 25 years in the ag business, I have finally sold to my neighbor and retired. This will be my last renewal and to let you know how much I appreciate everything you have done for this industry. I think it has been good to both of us. Anyway, Blue Sky and Tailwinds, always. Windy Belote Cape Charles, Virginia Hello Windy; I had just completed a trip to Delmarva (Delaware, Maryland, Virginia) and returned to the office to find your letter. What a coincidence! I pointed out your strip to Graham as we passed over it heading south to Virginia. It must have been close to fifteen years ago when we visited you. You’ll have a chance to read about the trip that included three stops with your “neighbor” crop dusters. —Bill
eEdition Sandy, Flex wings, uh? Single cockpit? Thanks for the compliment.—Bill
great newspaper Keep up your good work also, great newspaper. Old Duster Bobby Wheat Int’l Crop Duster’s Day Society Anahuac, Texas Thanks Bobby.—Bill
Morning and thanks for everything you do to keep us updated. Carla Yancey Klamath Falls, Oregon You are most welcome. —Bill
fly safe Would NAAA like to address the latest headlines about ADHD children linked to pesticides In todays news.? First of all there was initially no airplane in the news line, then, all of the sudden a picture of an Air Tractor
is added this afternoon! Go figure. Why not address the fact that, a lot of the Pesticides in question (organophosphates) are mostly used in Mexico and foreign countries. Where they are illegal here! Robert McMillan McMillan Aviation Waynesboro, Georgia Robbie; I guess I haven’t been watching enough news, as I didn’t see the broadcast. Where was it? TV? etc. You know they, the mainstream media, are not going to “touch” anything from Mexico that is supposedly illegal.—Bill
Thrush Can Thrush receive more issues of AgAir Update? We need a total of eight issues per month. Eric Rojek Thrush Aircraft Albany, Georgia Eric; My pleasure. Will do starting with June edition. Do you need us to send you extras for May?—Bill
many calls We really appreciate your working with us. The ad has really been good for us have gotten many phone calls from it. Thanks, Vickie Jettalina Gulf Coast Ag Aircraft Sales & Service Wharton, Texas Sure glad to hear it. Take care—Bill
Intl Crop Duster Day Just read Bobby J Wheat’s story. I hope stories like that never fade away. Guys like Mr. Wheat and those of that generation deserve to be honored and their stories kept alive for all generations of “Crop Dusters”. That’s good stuff! Sign me up Bobby! Thanks again for AAU and a big pat on the back to your staff. Stay safe! Tracy T Thurman Somerton, Arizona
June 2010
It was a Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-27 free-turbine engine that powered the Twin Otter aircraft on a South Pole rescue mission the world won’t soon forget. Sean Loutitt, captain and chief pilot at Kenn Borek Air, rescued a man who was in dire need of treatment after developing a life-threatening illness while stationed in the frozen wilderness. His life depended on his rescue. And his rescue depended on P&WC engines.
Volume 6 SUMMER 2010
Ser v in g th e Fire A ttack and F orest ry Ai rcraf t I ndust ry FYI
Marc Mullis
from the cockpit
Tough times Summer is here and all of my fellow fire pilots are chomping at the bit to go on duty. Hopefully, by the time you read this many of you are already there. The National Interagency Fire Center recently issued their forecast for May thru August. Most of the country will be in the normal fire activity range with the normal hot and cold spots. Arizona is usually where it all starts and that state is forecast to be very active for four to six weeks in June and July. Winter rains there have led to an abundance of fine fuels. The Great Basin region is forecast to be slower than normal. Drought conditions there have resulted in a lack of fine fuels. Forecasts are good, but the end result is always in the hands of Mother Nature. The timber fertilizing industry seems to be slowly returning to normal after a two-year slump due to high prices. I have many friends that earn much of their living over the trees. I’m looking for the trend to continue and there will be plenty of work for everyone. Air Tractor continues with the certification process on the AT-1002. The work is slow as is with any new design, but it is moving forward at a steady pace. I was at the factory in Olney, Texas recently and had the opportunity to really examine the ship. From a distance, it is hard to tell it is not an AT-802, but the closer you get the bigger it grows. The tires are the same size as on a
Douglas DC-3 and nearly stand as tall as my waist. Can’t wait to see her over a fire. We recently lost a fellow SEAT pilot in the Canadian province of New Brunswick. Ron Clowes was killed when the TBM Avenger he was piloting crashed shortly after takeoff on a planned training mission April 23rd. Ron had over 13,000 hours of flight time and ten years experience in aerial firefighting. He was working for Forest Protection, LTD., that at one time was the largest operator of TBMs in the world, second to the US Navy. At present they still operate three of the WWII era torpedo bombers. AirFire&Forestry offers our sincere condolences to family and coworkers.
The latest recession and resulting sinking economy has in one way or another affected all of us. The results are that many state and federal agencies have received
budget constraints. One of the cuts is in wildfire prevention. This could forego the prepositioning of resources such as engine
crews, bulldozers and SEATs. Alabama recently announced the permanent layoff of one-third of its wildland firefighters. I see more good pilots quitting the fire program and seeking other lines of work to make a decent living. The expertise of today’s fire pilots is invaluable, as well as for future generations. It would be a shame to lose them. I hope everyone has a safe and profitable fire season and that I’ll to see you in the mountains one day.
advertisers index These advertisers are responsible for bringing you AirFire & Forestry. Please thank them. Air Tractor........................................ 17F FireBoss.......................................... 18F Frost Flying...................................... 12F Isolair............................................... 13F Lane Aviation................................... 15F Trotter Controls...............................14F Turbine Conversions........................18F Turbine Installation..........................16F
June 2010 - TBA Aerial Fire Fighting One Day Forum Washington, USA 44(0)1628 660400 Fax: 44(0)1628 660622 October 27-28, 2010 HeliSphere and Aerial Emergency Response Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel: +44 1628 660400 Fax: +44 1628 660622 November 11-12, 2010 Aerial Fire Fighting Conference and Exhibition The Sheraton Istanbul Maslak Istanbul, Turkey 44(0)1628 660400 Fax: 44(0)1628 660622
tidbit In the U.S. over 7.4 million acres of forest and rangeland an area larger than Maryland - burned in 2007; up from a 10-year average of 5.7 million acres. Source
June 2010
Over the trees by Marc Mullis The Gulf Coastal Plain of the southern United States covers a vast swath that reaches from the Florida panhandle to the piney woods of east Texas. The deep sandy loam soil and temperate weather combine to make this region more than ideal for growing southern pine trees. These trees are used in the production of wood products that range from lumber to paper and plywood. Vast pine plantations dominate the area and they are closely managed for maximum production. Several decades ago the large corporations that control the majority of these tree farms discovered the economic advantages of applying nitrogen and phosphate based fertilizers to the trees before planting and at various growth stages. The added nutrients increased production in tons per acre but more importantly shortened the growth cycle of the valuable crop. Growing trees is a long term, expensive investment and anything that can shorten the exposure period is very beneficial. The shorter crop cycle also means that over the long haul more crops can be harvested
from each acre of ground. This advancement in green technology created its own cottage industries. Because of the logistics involved in spreading the tremendous tonnage of fertilizer over the often huge, thickly wooded tracts the use of aircraft is a requirement. Big rig trucks have to be dedicated to delivering the product to the right airstrip at the right time. Because the edges of the tracts are often not visible from the air, GIS personnel must create digital maps that can be downloaded into a GPS in the aircraft. After the job is done, the GPS data is used to validate the quality of the work. Foresters are often in the field as the application is conducted to observe the work. Because of the complexity involved in getting the job done properly, the work is more often than not performed under a contract that spells out the responsibility of each party involved. For efficiency’s sake, these contracts are often very large involving thousands of tons of fertilizer and vast acreages scattered over a huge geographical area. The level of expertise involved
in the execution of such a complex contract companies has evolved into specialization in serving the timber products industry. One such company is M&M Air Service of Beaumont, Texas. M&M Air Service is a family owned business with a third generation of Mitchell’s actively involved in day to day operations. Patriarch George, Jr. is the big boss, sons Andy and Mark are on the roster of pilots, daughter Lisa works the office and son David runs the timber operations. Originally founded to service the rice fields of southeast Texas, M&M has since diversified into several types of aerial application. In the 1980s management realized the declining rice acreage in their region was an omen for the future. The decision was made to diversify. Today, M&M has aircraft involved in aerial firefighting, continued row crop operations in the Beaumont area, rangeland brush control in West Texas and New Mexico and timber operations across the Gulf Coastal Plain. The fleet of aircraft is 100% Air Tractor and consists of AT-802s, AT-602s, and AT-502As.
A few years ago when the price of crude oil spiked, the timber fertilizing industry was brought to a virtual standstill. The cost of petroleum fuels is directly tied to the end users’ price of fertilizer. Both the manufacturing and transport costs drove the price of fertilizer to the point where it was no longer feasible for the timber companies to realize an economic return on its use. Several months ago, prices fell and then began to stabilize resulting in a return to the proven aerial fertilizer programs. M&M was one of the companies that weathered the storm and when the time came they were ready to go back to work. In late 2009 bid packages began to show up on large timber contracts. When the packages arrived, David Mitchell would spend hours going over the maps while he developed a plan for which airports to use, where the crews would stay, where would the fertilizer be trucked from and numerous other issues that factor into the final bid price. Bid prices are per ton applied. Overlooking
David Mitchell, VP of Management and Operations for M & M Air Service, with three AT-602s on the ramp in Winnfield, Louisiana the first day on the job.
10 F
AirFire & Forestry
Pilot James Daniell landing an AT-602 at a remote, private airstrip near Strong, Arkansas. Photo by David Mitchell
details or making a bad decision can result in the company losing money in a big way. The industry is extremely competitive, so a lot of homework has to be done before the final bid is submitted. Finally, a notice arrived that M&M had been awarded a contract for 6,500 tons of urea and 2,400 tons of DAP, things were about to get busy. This is a significant amount of work and would take several months to complete. Many logistical problems would have to be solved. Things like coordinating with the trucking companies to insure the right product would be delivered to the proper airport at the right time, housing for the crews, delivery of fuel, and numerous other details. Equipment would have to be prepared by inspections and replacing any defective parts. Once the job starts there is no stopping until it is done. Of course, there can be delays for weather, but breakdowns cost money and everything possible is done to avoid them. The job was for a four-state area. It was decided to use five aircraft, an AT-802, three AT-602s, and one AT-502A. The team would be two crews, each with a crew leader to stay on top of logistics, truck drivers, loaders and pilots. A total
of thirteen men would be on the job at any one time. The reason for two crews is that if you try and work too many aircraft out of one airport you wind up with congestion in the loading area. To minimize ferry time the team would work out of eight locations, Atlanta, Texas, Idabel, Oklahoma, Winnfield, Columbia and Farmersville, Louisiana, El Dorado, Ashdown and Strong, Arkansas. Some of the work would be flown from paved city or county airports, while some would be flown from remote dirt airstrips. The work started in mid-February. The late winter weather plagued the team at the start as the El Nino pattern sent a new weather system their way every few days. Winter turned into spring, the days grew longer and the succession of weather fronts slowed down. Productivity picked up and soon the team was back on schedule. Fatigue in the crew becomes a factor with long days. Breaks for weather are appreciated. However,
just because the day ends and the props stop turning does not mean the work ends. Data from the aircraft’s computers have to be downloaded and printed for review. Tickets have to be completed on the day’s work, tomorrow’s tasks have to be uploaded and maps distributed to the pilots. Running totals have to be reviewed constantly to insure that everything is on track and schedule. Pilots that are experienced in following a Satloc GPS on row crops will find GPS tracking on timber is different. The field is displayed on a screen in the cockpit in a shape that is referred to as a polygon. The area to be treated is often impossible to differentiate from the surrounding area, putting a lot of the pilot’s attention inside the cockpit looking at the screen. Riparian areas that are not to be treated are also displayed on the screen. Almost every first time pilot will tell you after his first timber load that it can’t be done. It just takes practice and
after about two weeks most pilots will be up to speed. By mid-May, the contract was completed. Everyone involved breathed a sigh of relief and headed for home. Four months of moving from hotel to hotel, bologna sandwiches in the cockpit and late night fast food will eventually take its toll. After a couple of days of rest, it always seems like the pilots are ready to go back for more. Once the flying gets in your blood, it never seems to leave. The entire team is in it together and mutual support is what makes it work Completion of the contract consumed over 100,000 gallons of jet fuel, a transport load every three days, dozens of tires and brake pads and countless other components that failed along the way. Some of the pilots and aircraft are on other jobs, while some are enjoying a well-deserved rest. One thing for sure is M & M Air Service will be ready when the next timber contract rolls around.
Remote strip in Strong, Arkansas loading urea while waiting on the next plane. Timber talk — Front truck is “on-stand” and the back truck is “back-in-the-hole”. Volume was high, every five minutes. Another truck was called in so the front truck could stay in position while the other trucks kept it full of urea with it only having to fill up the planes.
June 2010
11 F
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Isolair - Satisfying the needs of the helicopter operator OREGON — What started out in 1978 as a home project in a Portland garage to build a spray system for a Wasp conversion helicopter, ended up becoming one of the world’s leading helicopter dispersal systems manufacturer. Bob Mosmeier formed Isolair 32 years ago so he could offer customers more dispersal equipment options for their helicopters. Bob was raised on an Iowa farm. He left home to join the military, where he built turbine engine test stands. After leaving the military, he formed Isolair. He brought with him basic, practical design skills that were simple and worked. Bob settled on the name Isolair after being involved in a project where infrared (Isol in Swedish) units were mounted on helicopters. Thus, the name Isolair. Through coincidence and good fortune, Michael Powell was working as a local meat cutter with Bob Mosmeier’s wife. Michael became friends with the Mosmeier’s and in 1989 was offered a job at Isolair. Ten years later, Bob retired and Michael and his wife, Terry, now operate Isolair, along with 12 employees. Last November, Isolair moved from its Troutdale, Oregon location to its new location in Gresham, a suburb of Portland. The move afforded Isolair the space to expand its manufacturing capabilities, including
a helipad for customers to use. Isolair manufactures 25-30 different types of dispersal equipment for helicopters. Approximately half of the units have FAA’s STC-PMA approval, while the rest are operated under an STC, or are attached to a sling hook that doesn’t require FAA-approval. Two-thirds of its products are exported around the world. Spain is the company’s largest international customer, while Korea is operating over 25 units. Isolair’s products are widely used in aerial firefighting, forestry, spraying and environmental areas, like mosquito control. They include various sizes of lightweight, fiberglass vacuum-formed tanks, dry material spreaders and buckets slung from the helicopter’s lift/ cargo hook. As part of Isolair’s ‘can do’ policy, most equipment spares are shipped in 24 hours. Complete custom systems have been built in as little as four weeks. Every effort is made to meet the AOG needs of the customer.
electric pump and probe, the unit can be refilled while in hover at 400 GPM. Its hydraulically operated doors can dump from 50 to 200 gallons/second. Dump doors are designed in a series of three for multi-drops and effectively controlling the drop line. Isolair’s unique dump doors are controlled with cables that prevent damage should the pilot land with them open. Spraying Systems
Isolair has a wide range of models for all helicopters typically used in aerial spraying applications. Tank sizes range from the 60-gallon Initiator to the Continued on page 14F
An S-61 helicopter making a drop in Korea. Two S-61 Fire Fighting Systems fought fires during the last fire season in Australia that came to an end in May.
Fire Systems
Isolair’s Eliminator Fire Systems provide firefighting capability to the Bell, Sikorsky and Eurocopter series of helicopters. Mounted on the helicopter’s belly, its single 350-gallon tank crosses under the belly of the aircraft with a net unit weight of 300 pounds. With Isolair’s Hover Refill
The 4600-S61 Fire Fighting System is a 1000-gallon tank with foam and operates off a hydraulic drive on the aircraft. With a hydraulic driven Isolair Hover Refill pump, the operator can fill the tank in about 45 seconds and drop from a range of 100 gallons to the full 1000 gallons in approximately four seconds.
June 2010
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continued from 13F 380-gallon Hustler. All units are designed for lightweight, strength, reliability, optimum convenience and performance capabilities. The units are easy to install, often requiring only one person. Operators experience an increase in payload and Vne with an improved CG. The pilot has cyclic control of the pump, boom valve, emergency dump and an optional automatic flagman. Booms can be mounted forward or aft. The flow control allows the pilot to make adjustments during flight for the desired boom pressure. The units use electric and/or hydraulic pumps and controllers except for the Enstrom system, which is belt-driven. Broadcaster Systems
The 4600-S61 Fire Fighting System being tested over the Colombia River near the Isolair shop. Designed specifically for the Sikorsky S-61 helicopter, the fire tank received an FAA STC two years ago.
14 F
AirFire & Forestry
Isolair’s Broadcaster is a fixed-mount system that incorporates the use of hoppers and blowers to distribute dry materials. It has dual blowers powered by 24-VDC or hydraulics. The dual blowers allow the pilot to have either a full or half swath, ranging from 20 feet up to 90 feet. The cyclic controlled, airoperated, micro-adjust metering permits flow rates between .5 pounds to 250 pounds per acre. The two side-mounted
A new dry system for a Hughes 300 used for mosquito control is being assembled at the Isolair facility. These systems are in use most commonly on the Bell Jet Ranger.
fiberglass hoppers have a total capacity of 20 cubic feet. Dryslinger Systems
Isolair’s Dryslinger makes any helicopter a dry application workhorse. With a lower initial cost than skid mounted units, it offers versatility with cockpit control, fast loading cycles, accurate flow with rates ranging from 0.5 to 550 pounds per acre. The units are lightweight with an open spinner design that eliminates clogging, spreads more evenly and features impeller blades and a wear plate that can be quickly changed when applying abrasive materials. The bucket of the Dryslinger can be powered by a fully self-contained gasoline engine or hydraulics from the helicopter. It has a fully enclosed metering gate system. Its advanced stabilizer and sling provide for superior aerodynamics that are critical in helicopter operations. Dryslinger buckets range in size from 20 to 85 cubic feet. The 20-cubic foot unit has a net weight of 120 pounds for the gasoline model or 85 pounds for the hydraulic unit. It can deliver an effective swath of 90 to 125 feet. The 60-cubic foot unit has a net weight of 390 pounds for the gasoline model and 360 pounds for the hydraulic unit. It can deliver an effective swath of 100 to 200 feet. Custom buckets can be designed for up to 100 cubic feet and a maximum gross hook weight of 7,000 pounds. No matter where in the world a helicopter is based, Isolair can provide support for its products. Its wide range of models address the needs of a working helicopter. When a specialty situation arises, Isolair’s meets the demand with its “can do” policy, modifying models or build an altogether new type of unit to satisfy its customers.
Patent application for a disposable air tanker by Bill Gabbert John A. Hoffman, who appears to be associated with Fire Termination Equipment, Inc., has applied for a U. S. Patent for a very different type of air tanker. This air tanker would be an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that would be transported by a mother ship and released near the fire. It would then be piloted remotely from either the mother ship or from the ground, and after dropping retardant on the fire, would land to reload, or might be a single use aircraft and would be “destroyed in the release step”. In the latter case the UAV would be “possibly constructed of frangible material so as to crash into the fire area”.
be of a system like this. And then there are the indirect costs of removing the wreckage, repairing the environmental damage, and payment of the death benefits to the families of any firefighters that might be killed by the crashing aircraft. As we said earlier, the inventor, Mr.
Hoffman, appears to be associated with Fire Termination Equipment, Inc., according to the patent application. The company has an unusual and very vague idea to develop a Rapid Aerial Inferno Neutralization System (RAIN) that, according to the web site: …delivers massive payloads (of artificial
rain) to fires with surgical precision, and it can be deployed 24/7 and in any weather, including winds and smoke. This RAIN system may be the same one that is described in the patent application, but the web site offers no details about how it would work. The site does have a some information about experiments conducted with small UAVs. We put these concepts into our “lameass ideas” category.
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The patent application includes two options for transporting one or more UAVs to the fire area. Externally mounted to the aircraft to the “underbelly, side of the transport aircraft, or the like”. “The present invention also contemplates that one or more UAVs can be placed within the transport aircraft, and either released from a rear exit, such as a B-727 having a rear opening door, or ejected from a side interface wherein the transport aircraft includes side-access doors fitted with a mechanism including rails or the like to move in position the UAV from inside of the transport aircraft to outside of the transport aircraft for launch or jettison.” If this invention ever sees the light of day, which is extremely doubtful, firefighters will see air tankers crashing into the ground around them as the aircraft are “destroyed in the release step”. And this would be a benefit to firefighters, the public, and the environment how, exactly? I can’t even imagine what the cost per drop would
Lane Aviation, Inc. “Specializing in Turbine and Piston Air Tractors”
888-995-5263 281-342-5451 TEL • 281-232-5401 FAX •
June 2010
Air Tractor Europe introduces dual-control AT-802 Fire Boss by Igor Bozinovski In March 2010 Air Tractor Europe S.L., based in Valencia, Spain, became the first European operator of the dual cockpit Air Tractor AT-802A Fire Boss that is the first EASA-certified dual-cockpit Fire Boss. While the single cockpit Fire Boss has been in service since 2003, its dual cockpit version has emerged just recently as a direct result of the growing need for a dedicated trainer that will support the ongoing global operations of the 50+ Fire Boss fleet. Originally, the aircraft was built in 2009 as a standard dual cockpit AT-802A. It was transfered to Spain where Valencia-based Avialsa T-35 S.L. transformed it into an amphibian Fire Boss. Avialsa T-35 S.L. is an operator of 25+ AT802s for firefighting and JAR-145 maintenance. It is a sister company of Air Tractor Europe S.L. Avialsa T-35 S.L. coordinated with Air Tractor and the Minnesota-based float producer
Wipaire, Inc. to produce the dual cockpit amphibian. These companies developed the first dual cockpit Fire Boss from a 2004 dual cockpit AT802. That aircraft has been certified by the FAA and is now operational in the U.S. as a training aircraft with Fire Boss, LLC, a sister company to Wipaire, Inc. This aircraft has also been leased to the Appleton, Minnesota-based, privately owned company Aero Spray, Inc. for aerial firefighting contracts with the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Washington and Minnesota Departments of Natural Resources. The second dual cockpit Fire Boss produced went to Tasmania-based R&M in 2009. It has been combating forest fires throughout Australia. R&M’s aircraft is not equipped with dual controls or a rear instrument panel and is not used for training. The Avialsa dual cockpit AT-802A Fire Boss is the third aircraft of that type in operation worldwide.
Turbine Installation, LLC
4716 Hubler Lane Caldwell, ID 83605
Air Tractor AT-802 Powered by Honeywell TPE331-14GR 1650 SHP 4500 HSI/9000 CAM 16 F
AirFire & Forestry
(L-R) Captain Dosen with Avialsa pilot, Ramon Tomas, and the new training AT802 Dual Control Fire Boss from Avialsa. Avialsa’s dual cockpit AT-802A Fire Boss is equipped with full dual-control cockpits with front and rear instrument panels. This makes the aircraft an exceptional training platform for all current and future European Fire Boss pilots. Apart from necessary modifications to the wings and tail section, the aircraft’s factory-installed 1,350 SHP P&WC PT6A-67AG engine was replaced with a more powerful 1,600 SHP PT6A-67F engine. This change was implemented because the -67 powered Fire Boss has often been considered underpowered, especially when operating in high-density altitude conditions where fires are often fought. The introduction of the -67F engine is a good match for the big amphibian Fire Boss with the extra power ensuring a significant reduction in scooping distances, as well as an increase in climb rates and cruise speed. The aircraft is equipped with 1,438-liter (380-U.S. gallon) fuel tanks that provide for a safe four-hour fuel range. However, the dual cockpit Fire Boss has one similarity with all single cockpit Fire Boss aircraft, its all-aluminum Wipaire Model 10,000 series amphibious water scooping floats, which incorporate retractable landing gear. Apart from Air Tractor Europe S.L. and Avialsa T-35 S.L. pilots, the honor to test fly the brand-new dual cockpit AT-802 Fire Boss was given to the Croatian Air Force that already operates a fleet of six AT-802s for firefighting (one land-based and four amphibian single cockpit AT802As and one land-based dual cockpit
AT-802A Fire Boss). April 27, 2010 Captain Milan Dosen, an experienced Croatian pilot and commander of the Zadar/Zemunik-based Air Tractor unit, flew the dual cockpit Fire Boss in Valencia. Following his backseat flight, he reported the aircraft fulfilled entirely his expectations with inflight performance and especially with the training capabilities it offered.
Captain Dosen was also impressed by the excellent front and side visibility from the backseat for the pilot/instructor and by the well-equipped rear instrument panel. Reflecting state-of-the-art technology in computerized fire gate controls, the AT-802 is an ideal firefighting aircraft with the ability arrive at fires quickly and the maneuverability to put them out accurately and efficiently. The well-known reliability of its P&WC PT6A turboprop engine, low maintenance and operating costs, ruggedness and safety features have made it increasingly popular among Mediterranean and Balkan countries that have faced waves of disastrous wildfires over the previous years. Largely in part to the Spanish company Air Tractor Europe S.L. and its Continued on page 18F
June 2010
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continued from 16F salesman, Hugo Arceo, the Air Tractor AT-802 has become a synonym for the best-buy aerial firefighting asset in the Balkans. Already equipped with a fleet of four single cockpit Fire Boss aircraft and with only one land-based dual cockpit AT-802 available for training new pilots, the Republic of Croatia is an AT-802 user that could be very much interested in introducing the dual cockpit Fire Boss into service. Serious interest in the dual cockpit AT-802 Fire Boss is also expected from Macedonia and Montenegro, countries that are operating small fleets of single cockpit Fire Boss amphibians and are lacking in dual cockpit training capabilities for those
planes. Other potential interests for the AT-802 Fire Boss is expected to come from Cyprus that has already purchased one land-based AT-802 in 2009. Other Balkan countries, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece, have all shown increased interest in the AT802 firefighting aircraft.
Turbine Conversions offers fuel level control TURBINE CONVERSIONS, Ltd’s single point fueling system surpasses all others in the marketplace by offering the only “Fuel Level Control” system. Features that make this system surpass all imitators in the marketplace are: • Automatic Fuel Level Control • Automatic Shut Off eliminating the risk of run overs • Pressure Control Feature eliminates the accidental over pressurization of the fuel tank and pilot risk • Locking fuel caps deter theft System is the only BLM approved system for “Live Fueling”, making simultaneous load/fuel possible. It is FAA Approved on all makes of agricultural aircraft and is available as a
18 F
AirFire & Forestry
factory option on all new Thrushs. The TCL system is the Cadillac of Single Point Fueling Systems and is saving pilots time and money around the world!
About Turbine Conversions Turbine Conversions, Ltd is a family owned and operated company that has specialized in the manufacturing of PMA parts and FAA approved enhancements for aircraft since 1990. For more information contact Ann Hatfield – Grahek at 616-837-9428 or
Air Tractor AT-802A Fire Boss delivered to Macedonia by Igor Bozinovski February 28, 2010, Macedonia took delivery of its third Air Tractor AT802A Fire Boss amphibious firefighting aircraft. The Fire Boss flew a nine-hour ferry flight from Valencia to Skopje only a few stops along the way. The last leg of the flight was from Brindisi to Skopje via Greek air space. The official handover of the aircraft to the Protection and Rescue Directorate of the Republic of Macedonia took place March 1, 2010. This completed Air Tractor Europe S.L., a Valencia, Spain-based company, its obligation to supply the three AT-802A Fire Boss aircraft. Compared to the previous two planes that were delivered on November 11, 2009, the third Macedonian AT-802A Fire Boss is more advanced - it is equipped with latest generation of the Fire Retardant Dispersal System (FRDS Generation 2) and a very important safety feature an AmSafe airbag for the pilot. The Macedonian AT-802A Fire Boss aircraft were built by Air Tractor, Inc. They were modified into amphibians by Air Tractor Europe S.L. using the 10,000 series Fire Boss floats produced by Wipaire, Inc. of Minnesota. The total value of the contract for supplying Macedonia’s Protection and Rescue Directorate with three AT-802A Fire Boss aircraft, related aircraft equipment, spare
parts and training for pilots, engineers and mechanics was $10.3 million USD. Macedonian pilot training was divided into three phases (Italy, Spain, Macedonia), while the training of engineers and mechanics was organized into two phases (Spain and Macedonia).
have already successfully completed
their training and are scheduled to complete the Macedonian location of their training by mid-June 2010. After this is complete, the Protection and Rescue Directorate will be ready to start operating its three AT-802A Fire Boss aircraft. While in Italy, Macedonian pilots learned to fly amphibian planes and the techniques for taking off and landing on water. They received worldclass training from the famous Aero Club Como that was established in 1930 and has specialized in operating
amphibious planes ever since. While in Italy, the Macedonian pilots flew amphibian Cessna 172 planes and some flew the larger Cessna 208 Caravan amphibian. The second phase of the pilot training was conducted from several locations near Valencia. While in Spain, Macedonian pilots received familiarization training in dual cockpit AT-802s equipped with conventional landing gear and the amphibian AT-802 Fire Boss. The Macedonian pilots were the first pilots in Europe to experience the advantages of the dual cockpit AT802 Fire Boss that recently became available in Europe in April 2010. Apart from training pilots, Air Tractor Europe also conducted the training of Macedonian engineers and mechanics. The Macedonian AT-802A Fire Boss fleet will serve within the newly created Aviation Unit of the Protection and Rescue Directorate and will use Skopje - Alexander the Great International Airport as its home base. Ohrid St. Paul the Apostole International Airport, located in southwest Macedonia, will be used as an alternative and forward operating base during the summer firefighting season. The Protection and Rescue
Directorate’s intentions are to use its AT-802A fleet for conducting firefighting operations, reconnaissance flights for early spotting of wildfires, agricultural crop spraying, aerial hydro-mulching and hydro-seeding, as well as for conducting regular flights and exercises to keep pilots current. For the eventual use of smaller paved and unpaved alternative airfields available across Macedonia and for performing agricultural operations, the Protection and Rescue Directorate has taken delivery of the conventional landing gear and dispersal equipment for each aircraft. The planes will primarily be used within Macedonia, but will also be available to countries in need of their firefighting capabilities, especially to the Balkan states of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia.
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AT-802 Air Tractor makes multiple dispersal applications over Deepwater Horizon oil spill in Louisiana by Bill Lavender HOUMA, LA — May 18, 2010 was the day an Air Tractor dual cockpit AT802 made history by applying an oil dispersant over the Deepwater Horizon oil spill that originated from a damaged BP offshore oil rig. Never before in the North American oil recovery industry has a single engine aircraft conducted this procedure. After more than 16 years of demonstrating and working with oil recovery companies, a consortium of AT802 operators have finally been able to implement a “proof of concept” where a single engine agricultural aircraft can be a critical tool in the armament needed during an oil spill crisis. Until now, with safety as a priority, oil recovery and oil companies have required multi-engine and dual pilots for its aerial oil dispersal operations. The Deepwater Horizon incident is different
from other spills. Its sheer size and unknowns have required BP to take every step possible to stop the source, remove
the oil from the water with skimmers,, burn fresh oil off the water near the spill site, contain it with booms and spray it
The AT-802 operations group carry on serious discussion during a pre-flight briefing at Houma-Terrebonne Airport.
with dispersants; enter the AT-802. With Deepwater Horizon, BP has a tiered approach for attacking the oil, starting at the well head. Conditions that are ideal for skimming and burning are not the same as conditions that are ideal for dispersing the oil and vice versa. No single method is 100% effective. The oil dispersal product is a surfactant that has been used successfully for over 40 years. It is manufactured by Nalco Chemical Company. When applied over surface oil, it penetrates the oil and breaks the surface tension that separates the oil from a floating mass into microscopic particles that are suspended vertically in the water column, effectively diluting it to an acceptable ppm that will be less likely to affect the environment, providing a net environmental benefit. Because of the Deepwater Horizon incident, Nalco has been manufacturing
Chip Kemper, President
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Scotty Meador serves as the Air Boss for the AT-802 oil spill recovery flights. Scotty operates Bonne Idee Aero Services with two AT-802s and an AT-502 in northeastern Louisiana. its dispersal product, Corexit, at full capacity, approximately 40,000 gallons a day. As much as 56,000 gallons have been applied in a day on the spill. The AT-802 can play a critical role by dispersing the oil before it breaches land and the inshore environment. Because of its speed and maneuverability, it can respond effectively to its spotter plane commands as it treats ribbon lengths or small sections of surface oil. The aircraft can work as close as three miles offshore and as far out as ten miles in a minimum of 10-meter deep water during this proof of concept. The Deepwater Horizon spill is an unfortunate event, but has presented a unique opportunity to provide the consortium of AT-802 operators a chance to
demonstrate the effectiveness of the AT-802. The primary reason ag-aircraft have not been able to work oil spill dispersal applications in the past has been its single engine configuration. If this opportunity for the AT-802 proves to be positive, new doors for industry expansion could be opening in the future. Single engine ops are the norm in ag-flying. Aircraft owners, pilots and mechanics understand it is critical to keep the safety margin as wide as possible. The reality for ag-pilots is spraying at 75 feet over water with both a life vest and a life raft is considerably safer than 10 feet over a crop with power lines and trees to circumnavigate. Spraying over water presents hazards of its own. The AT-802 is equipped with an artificial horizon, two-way communications, transponder and laser radar altimeter. The pilots must be IFR rated, as well as meet pilot minimums requirements stated in the contract and operations manual. The pilots must be able to deal with loss of horizon, which is not uncommon over water. Other weather phenomenon, like fog and offshore thunderstorms, can challenge the pilots. Operations for aerial oil dispersal are usually conducted from controlled airfields that require extensive radio communication. Incident command systems are in place to facilitate the organized response and application of the dispersal product. Every movement by the AT-802 and the spotter plane is coordinated through the Command Center, which currently has
Dynamic Aviation’s King Air is piloted by Vince Kane and Jesse Jackson. The company is under contract with Lane Aviation of Rosenberg, Texas. A consortium of five AT-802 owners are doing business as Lane Aviation for the purposes of the oil dispersal contract.
approximately 1,000 people working in it. Paperwork takes nearly as long as the application. Air Boss meetings are required daily with pre and post-flight pilot briefings. Speed is not as significant of a factor as with ag-ops. Safety is paramount, to the degree it slows down the system, but gets the job done safely. Although the oil may be drifting toward shore, the rate doesn’t compare to armyworms devouring a crop. Time is critical, but following protocol and being safe are more so. A typical scenario for an oil spill dispersal application starts with a request from the Command Center for a spotter aircraft to locate and identify threatening oil. After the proper paperwork is filed and the
Queen Bee Air Specialties of Rigby, Idaho provided the dual cockpit AT-802 Air Tractor for the initial applications. QBAS provided the four pilots needed, Steve Wiley, Aldo Leonardi, Brian Spalding and Chip Kemper. It also provided the A&P licensed mechanic, Jay Jackson and ground support personnel, Jeff Haack.
weather meets a minimum of 1,500-foot ceiling and five miles visibility, the King Air spotter aircraft with its two pilots depart for a predetermined grid area. The King Air pilot and copilot must not only be good pilots, but also be able to distinguish algae and other deceivers in the water from surface oil. With the AT802 operation, by the time the oil arrives in the aircraft’s area of responsibility, there is a risk of it being “weathered”, or exposed to the elements too long. As it becomes weathered, the oil’s response to the dispersal product is reduced and will become ineffective. After locating the oil, the spotter aircraft returns to base and a strategy is developed to aerially disperse the oil with the AT-802. The first application on May 18 was only 200 gallons, about 40 acres worth. The spotter aircraft and the
June 2010
AT-802 will depart using the coordinates for the application with the spotter aircraft flying above and behind the AT-802 calling out directional commands as the aircraft enter the application area. The application may be straight progressions of an A-B line on the GPS, or patches of applications, turning the spray on and off as necessary. Any aquatic life, turtles, dolphins, etc., cannot be sprayed or drifted on. Marine mammals have a 3 nm no spray zone. Boats and oil rig platforms have a two-mile buffer zone. A P3 aircraft is overhead, monitoring the process live to the Command Center. Often, there may be at one time several dozen aircraft in the air, spraying and transporting personnel and supplies. Time will reveal if the AT-802 will become a permanent fixture for aerial oil spill recovery operations. Many eyes are focused on how well this aircraft will perform. There is no room for error. What happens over the Gulf of Mexico waters in the next few days or weeks, or however long it takes to disperse the oil, will determine the future of ag-aircraft working oil spills. The industry is fortunate the AT-802 operators, the King Air spotter pilots, the support personnel and equipment are topnotch.
Taken from the cockpit of the King Air spotter aircraft, the AT-802 heads out into the Gulf of Mexico for the first single engine dispersal operation in North America.
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June 2010
in my opinion
Robert A. McCurdy, Chief Pilot / Flight Instructor Flying Tiger Aviation, LLC,
About a year and half ago, I wrote a short essay in AgAir Update for my In My Opinion column on conceit and complacency, but I really did not say much at all about complacency, and so I will now. A few years ago I was invited to sit on a panel mostly consisting of flight instructors who had some experience in teaching and mentoring ag pilot wanna-bes and novice ag pilots. This was probably the forerunner of today’s Compass Rose, which I think is one of the best programs the NAAA has at the national conventions. One of the members of the audience asked this question of the panel, “What is most likely to lead to a new pilot’s accident?” There were several very good answers including stalls in the turn while heavily loaded, taking off too heavy, hitting wires, not thoroughly checking
out a new field, etc. When it came my turn to comment, I mentioned that I thought all of the other comments were spot-on, but In My Opinion, they could all be rolled up under one heading, complacency.
It appears to me that complacency
prevalent in the young and highly talented ag pilots; the very good pilots; those who have a natural, and inherent feel for flying. These young aces often times think they are “bullet proof.” This feeling of being “bullet proof” is important for a
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Complacency fighter pilot in a dog fight, but we are not in a war (yet), and an Ag Cat, though made by Grumman, is not a F-14 Tomcat. When I have a student who is exceptionally good in the airplane, and with only 300 hours performs like a 10,000 hour veteran, it kinda scares me. I talk to the student about this, but all too often, I can tell that I may as well be talking to a fence post. I even tell them about my own first season “bullet proof” attitude which I completed in the burn ward (84% burns) at Ft. Sam Houston Army Hospital in San Antonio, Texas after rolling my Pawnee up in a ball. What I am suggesting here is that when you, Mr. Operator, begin a new ag pilot, be on the lookout for bragging
about fast turns, carrying extra heavy loads, and other pseudo-macho flying expertise that could very easily lead to a tragedy. Nip it in the bud! In the ready room of my VS-24 squadron was a poster that simply read, “complacency kills”, and it does. And so, be safe, have fun, and make money. One last thought, let other people brag about your skill and expertise in an ag plane; not you.
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All uses of methyl parathion to be cancelled EPA has received requests from the registrants to voluntarily cancel all product registrations containing methyl parathion, a restricted use organophosphate insecticide and acaricide used primarily on cotton, corn and rice, as well as on other agricultural crops. These requests would terminate the last methyl parathion products registered for use in the U.S., effective December 31, 2012. End-use products will not be sold after August 31, 2013, and end-use products cannot legally be used after December 31, 2013. All end use product labels will be amended to reflect the last legal use date. The Registration Review docket for methyl parathion opened in June 2009 and a Final Work Plan was signed in October 2009. EPA’s registration review decision will be based on the cancellation of all registered products. Any party wishing to pick up the registrations will be responsible for submitting all required data. Methyl parathion is named in the Washington Toxics Coalition v. EPA
Endangered Species Act lawsuit, and the National Marine Fisheries Service is scheduled to issue a Biological Opinion on methyl parathion and other pesticides later this year. Methyl parathion is also included in the group of 58 pesticide active ingredients on the initial list to be screened under the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program. In addition to cotton, corn (field, pop, and sweet), and rice, methyl parathion is currently registered for use on alfalfa, almonds, barley, canola/rapeseed, grass (forage), oats, onions, potatoes (sweet and white), rye, soybeans, sunflowers, walnuts, and wheat. The three registrants are: Cheminova A/S, Cheminova, Inc, and United Phosphorus, Inc. Additional information on methyl parathion and the voluntary cancellation requests is available in registration review docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2009-0332 at /2010-9627.htm
PORTLAND, OREGON—Simplex Manufacturing Co. (www.simplexmfg. com) is pleased to announce that it has now received FAA PMA on its newly acquired line of Helipod products, including the new spray system for the Robinson R44 helicopter. Simplex purchased Helipod International in June of 2009 and successfully transferred all of the FAA and other STC’s during
June 2010
Davidon, Inc Makers of Quality Products
New boom kit for the Hi-Tek Mosquito and Row Crop Nozzle. Manufacturers for Hi-Tek Nozzle, Tri-Set Nozzle and DRP-955 Drift Retardant and Penetrator.
Look at what these folks have to say… I bought a set of Hi-Tek rotor nozzles for the 2010 season. After just one week I was so impressed with their performance that I purchased a second set for my other airplane. Dustin Deines, Preferred Ag Aviation, Garden City, KS Does a beautiful job at low or high volume and the Hi-Tek nozzle is a fraction of the cost of other rotary nozzles. Has less drift and minimal maintenance, Farmers love them and consultants brag on coverage and the kill Ike Burnetti, Shelby Air Service, Shelby, MS
5660 Calhoun Rd. Unadilla, GA 31091 Tel: 229-645-3605 Fax: 229-645-3880
History repeating itself Davidon, Inc. has done it again with new Hi-Tek Rotary Nozzle No one knows better what today’s ag pilot demands from their spray system than an ag pilot who’s been doing it for more than 44 years. David Chancy, owner and operator of A&C Ag Aviation in Unadilla, GA, that experience under his belt and therefore understands the needs that must be met within every facet of aerial application. Chancy made a decision over 16 years ago that something was missing in the rotary, or atomizer, segment of the spray nozzle market and as a result created Davidon, Inc. “I designed my first generation of
the Hi-Tek rotary nozzle simply out of necessity due to a lack of personal satisfaction with what was being offered at the time,” says Chancy. During that 16-year span, Davidon, Inc. has not only provided one of the most affordable and superior rotary nozzle technologies on the market, but has also manufactured booms, quick disconnect boom clamps, Tri-Set hydraulic nozzles and DRP-955™ Drift RetardantPenetrator-Spreader/Sticker-UV Protectant. Davidon Inc.’s products are made in the USA and are all designed and manufactured in-house so that the savings can be passed on to the customer. Davidon, Inc has recently made a great spray nozzle even better by now offering its third generation of the Hi-Tek rotary nozzle to the cropdusting public and it has some new features that
Southeastern Aircraft Sales
ea. ea. $ 29x11.00 Premium Tires In Stock 402/502/602................... 295 ea. Brake Disk for 29” wheels 402/502 ................................... $257 ea. APS66-108 Brake Lining 301/401/402/502................ $7.50 ea.
G246 AT Batteries 24V 402/502/602/802............................. $295
PT6 100 hr Engine Kit w/filter............................................ $22.95
Custom Prop Tether/Exhaust Cover Set (won’t blow off) 402/502 . ............................................................................ $125.00 602/802 . ............................................................................ $145.00 —While Quantities Last— We Now Stock the New “Black Steel” Brake Discs Air Tractor Parts & Service We Stock Many PT6 Parts and Accessories Authorized Corrosion X Treatment Center
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are sure to grab your attention and make you more money.
Six-blade turbine fan A three-blade prop has been replaced by a more reliable six-blade turbine fan. This new design will eliminate vibration, while doing away with prop breakage and ultimately will give ag pilots a more constant RPM.
Aluminum front housing This design change eliminates cracking that might have been associated with the old plastic style. A new grease seal is located on the shaft which keeps the grease on the front and rear bearings located within the aluminum housing. This seal will also keep outside liquids outside where they belong.
Improved aerodynamics for less drag The combination of the new six blade turbine fan and the aluminum front housing gives the new Hi-Tek rotary nozzle better overall aerodynamics which means better efficiency and less drag than most atomizers on the market today. Davidon, Inc. is now offering an exchange program to current Hi-Tek rotary nozzle customers that are interested in being outfitted with the
latest version. The new Hi-Tek rotary nozzles come with a full 1-year warranty and now customers can send them back at the end of the warranty for a complete preventative maintenance inspection and replacement of necessary parts with another new 1-year warranty. The Hi-Tek rotary nozzle produces less drift than other rotary and hydraulic nozzles on the market today due to a very low droplet spectrum variance with an average droplet size of 300 microns. A 40-micron nozzle for mosquito spraying is also available. Davidon, Inc. and its professional staff are committed to providing quality ag aviation products and service. They offer many different cost-effective configurations ranging from nozzles only, to a complete ready-to-spray setup. Call today to discuss your needs with their friendly sales personnel at 229-6453605 and visit them on the web at www. If you would like to speak to operators using the row crop or mosquito nozzle, please call and we will be glad to give you their names and phone numbers.
WE PROVIDE COMPLETE SERVICE FOR YOUR TPE331: Technical assistance in conjunction with Honeywell Technical & engineering specialists Honeywell authorized warranty claims repairs Emergency A.O.G. field service Hot section inspections Gear box inspections Compressor section inspection/refurbish Lebow torque calibration Engine run stand CAM Engine Sales
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money talk
Samuel L. Miller,
It’s more than just the history of aviation It’s the living history of Mississippi and the south
National Agricultural Aviation Museum Where a way of life, comes to life. National Agricultural Aviation Museum 1150 Lakeland Drive, Jackson MS Monday - Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
601-713-3365 800-844-TOUR This project is partially funded through a grant by the Jackson Convention and Visitors Bureau
Bidding jobs for a profit To realize a profit from any flying job requires financial planning over the period of time you intend to own and operate the aircraft. The contract period and utilization required of a particular job will have an impact upon the bid. Lower rates might be charged for contract periods that provide greater than the average utilization assumed when the standard hourly rate was established. Establishing a standard hourly rate assuming an annual hourly utilization that can be achieved is a crucial step in financial planning. What long-term “Return On Investment” (ROI) percentage is desired for the aircraft investment? This will vary
with current economic conditions and other competing investments. I suggest basing the long-term ROI goal over a five-year ownership period. Determine the profitability of the investment by applying the “time value of money” principle. You purchase the aircraft. You operate the aircraft for a five-year period. You sell the aircraft. Use an annual hourly utilization that is attainable in your market area to determine the monthly after-tax cash flow for this aircraft over the five-year period. By using a financial model you can evaluate how changes in expenses and revenue affect profitability. Creating a financial analysis spreadsheet that
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considers all the costs and revenues is a time consuming process. However, the final product is worth the effort. By changing one factor at a time in a financial model, determine the sensitivity of the investment return to the factor being changed. Vary each of the different costs and revenue to determine the factors that change ROI significantly. After identifying the most important factors, you will know the critical items that are controlling the ROI. Manage these factors or react to their changes by adjusting the revenue rate to achieve a consistent ROI.
rate in the NPV formula. If the NPV value is zero then you have achieved the desired ROI. Use Microsoft Excel’s “Goal Seek” feature to change the hourly revenue rate until the NPV is zero (remember to use the desired ROI as the discount rate in the NPV formula). You have the standard hourly rate to produce the desired ROI. Now, you can apply your business sense to your current situation to determine the hourly rate you will bid on the job. Other “Business Sense” factors to address are: The value of your service
to the client. The competition. Major input items might change during the contract length to significantly vary the ROI such as fuel price, remote storage, deadhead to maintenance base or other contract commitments, pilot travel expenses, insurance, etc. It might be wise to change the rate based upon increases in one or more of these items. The long-term analysis provided the standard hourly rate to produce the desired ROI. You should have a good business reason to charge less than the standard rate calculated. Can the new job be performed without
risking less service to your current business? “The devil is in the details.” So are the profits. I hope this helps you bid your next job for a profit. AircraftCostAnalysis performs the analysis we have discussed and it will save you many hours of building your own spreadsheet. Obtain the details at .
After deciding on the expense values and other factors to be used in the final
determine the standard hourly revenue rate that will produce the desired ROI. Calculate the “Net Present Value” (NPV) of the after-tax cash flow using the desired ROI percentage as the discount
June 2010
ntsb reports NTSB Identification: *CEN10LA217* Date: April 21, 2010 Location: Alpine, TX Aircraft: AIR TRACTOR AT-802A Injuries: 1 Uninjured. On April 21, 2010, approximately 1815 cdt, an Air Tractor AT-802A was substantially damaged when its engine
lost power and the pilot was forced to make an off-airport landing in a field 20 miles south of Alpine, Texas. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident. The aerial application flight was being conducted under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 137
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Kits in Stock – 502 / 602 / 802 / Thrush BeSt Brake PriceS
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Lining ..............$9.75 Air Tractor Thrush
without a flight plan. The pilot was not injured. The local flight originated from Alpine-Casparis Municipal Airport (E38), Alpine, Texas, approximately 1730. According to FAA inspectors who went to the accident site, the pilot was spraying a field when the engine suddenly spooled down. The pilot attempted to land on a road but the airplane struck a fence, tearing off the left main landing gear, bending both flaps and the right aileron. The bottom of the fuselage was also torn open when the hopper separated. NTSB Identification: *WPR10LA212* Date: April 22, 2010 Location: Buckeye, AZ Aircraft: Grumman Acft Eng Corp. Schweizer G-164B Injuries: 1 Uninjured. On April 22, 2010, about 0930 mst, a Grumman/Schweizer G-164B collided with a fence during an attempted takeoff near Buckeye, Arizona. Operating the airplane under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 137, as an aerial application flight. The certificated airline transport pilot was not injured; the airplane sustained substantial damage to the fuselage. The flight departed the private dirt airstrip about 0930. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed, and no flight plan had been filed. The pilot stated that prior to takeoff he performed an uneventful airplane preflight inspection. He then departed in quartering headwind conditions, and about two thirds down the runway he heard the pitch of the engine change. He checked the engine speed, and noted it was about 2,000 RPM when he would normally have expected 2,250. He confirmed the propeller control was in the full forward position, and observed the engine manifold pressure at 35 inches. He increased the throttle control, however the engine speed did not change. He stated that the airplane had not yet taken off, and he was approaching the end of the runway; the airplane then struck a fence and nosed over.
NTSB Identification: *WPR10LA214* Date: April 23, 2010 Location: Madera, CA Aircraft: Grumman Acft Eng CorpSchweizer G-164A Injuries: 1 Uninjured. On April 23, 2010, at 1330 pdt, a Grumman Aircraft Engineering G164A lost engine power in flight and was substantially damaged during a forced landing approximately 2 miles north of Madera Municipal Airport, Madera, California. The pilot was operating the airplane under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91. The pilot
was not injured. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed and no flight plan was filed for the positioning flight. The pilot departed from Lodi Airport, Lodi, California, and was destined for Shirley Williams Airport, Kingsland, Texas. His next planned stop was Fresno Chandler Executive Airport, Fresno, California. According to the pilot, he had recently purchased the airplane. While established in cruise flight at 1,500 feet above ground level, the engine lost power. He force-landed the airplane in a pistachio orchard where the airplane came to rest inverted.
CONTAINMENT/LOADING PAD -Portable/Permanent Containment Solutions -Aluminum and Fiberglass Construction -Standard or Custom Sizes -One Time Purchase -We Assist with all Department of Ag Paperwork Over 32-years in aerial application & over 15-years in the containment business.
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June 2010
Keeping your cool with a ZEE System by Bill Lavender SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS — It doesn’t seem like that many years ago (about thirty), when flying an ag-plane with an air-conditioning unit was a luxury and a rarity. However, as the turbine powered fleet of ag-aircraft increased in number, so did the aircraft with onboard air-conditioning. It didn’t take long for the pilot and the operator to realize the intrinsic value of this luxury and it soon became a necessity. Before the popularity of ag-aircraft air-conditioners, pilots would often fly with the door off of the Ag-Cats, while suffering stifling heat in other types of ag-planes. All kinds of tricks were tried, but nothing could replace a powerful airconditioner. When the turbine-powered ag-planes came on the scene, it was next to impossible to open the cockpit door while loading. With the propeller in feather and practically no wind, the fumes and heat from the exhaust of the engine would be overwhelming. Thus the need to cool the cockpit, not only in the air, but on the ground as well.
Now, most ag-aircraft are outfitted with an air-conditioner. One of the more popular units an electric DC motor driven unit manufactured by ZEE Systems, Inc., a family run, Texas company. In 1978, Claude
Zaiontz formed ZEE Systems. Mr. Zaiontz started his aviation career in 1947 as a crew chief on the F-80 Shooting Star, serving as one of the first “jet engine mechanics” in the USAF. After tenure in the air force, Claude
started an accessory shop, acting as its foreman, with Dee Howard. Later, with Howard as his partner, he founded The Zee Company, Inc. (different from ZEE Systems) in 1966. Since February 7, 1967, The Zee Company has held FAA Air Agency
ZEE Systems and The Zee Company are a family affair; (L-R) Derek Zaiontz (GM of The Zee Company), Claude Zaiontz (Founder and President) and Kevin Zaiontz (Director of ZEE Systems). Not pictured are Edie Zaiontz in Quality Control and Zak Zaiontz in Production. Several other Zaiontz family members work in the two companies.
Certificate No. EA2R787K for Unlimited Class 1, 2 and 3 components and an EASA, along with airline supplier and vendor approvals. It is believed The Zee Company is the oldest, privately held FAA-approved component repair facility in the United States. The Zee Company holds several STCs and FAA-PMA approvals for environmental components and air cycle machines (cooling turbines) used in pressurized commuter airlines. In 1976, Claude became the sole stockholder of The Zee Company, Inc. Backing up a few years, in the early 1970s, The Zee Company, Inc. was asked to help solve some electrical problems with the air-conditioning system in the Swearingen Merlin aircraft. One thing led to another and a major redesign of the system components was accomplished in 1977, leading to the first STC for
air-conditioning being granted to The Zee Company, Inc. The following year ZEE Systems, Inc. was formed. STCs for air-conditioning components originally owned by The Zee Company were transferred to ZEE Systems, Inc. Zee Systems is operated by Claude Zaiontz’s son, Kevin. Kevin’s wife, Edie, is in Quality Control and his son, Zak works in
production. The two Zee Companies have 25 full time employees of which several are family members. On occasions, Claude’s high school age great-grandson comes in during the summer to earn gas money. So, at times, there are four generations of the Zaiontz family working at ZEE Systems. ZEE Systems, Inc. improves and retrofits existing components, installations and designs of new air conditioning components and systems for aircraft and special purpose platforms. ZEE Systems originally catered to small airline operators of turboprop aircraft and
corporate jet fleets worldwide. Since that time, ZEE Systems has been asked by several aircraft manufacturers, operators and FBOs to design fixes and complete systems for both aftermarket and new OEM aircraft. ZEE Systems has consulted NASA and various other military and governmental agencies on airborne, sea and land vehicles and platforms. ZEE Systems introduced the cogged drive belt for electric drive systems (1978) and was the first to use R134a refrigerant (1993) in an airborne application. The first ag-aircraft ZEE Systems air-conditioners were designed in the
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To be certified in the summer of 2010, is the ZEE Systems Z33 air-conditioning unit. It has a brushless DC electric motor that is directly coupled to a scroll compressor, eliminating the belt drive.
COOLING & HEATING for your comfort.
l Map
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Motor Compressor Condenser
Evaporator / Heater
ZEE Systems air conditioning equipment has been cooling AG aircraft since the 1970’s.
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June 2010
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The brushless DC electric motor used on the Z33; brushes are replaced with electronic components. mid-1980s. The systems were installed via FAA Form-337 field approvals. Now, ZEE Systems holds FAA-PMA approvals for its units and is the OEM supplier for Thrush Aircraft. ZEE Systems, Inc. manufactures aviation air-conditioning systems for Thrush, Air Tractor, Ag-Cat and Dromader ag-aircraft (model SZ45 and Z26), as well as general aviation jets, including the Falcon 10 and Falcon 20, commuter airliners, helicopters, along with a very long list of other aircraft. It
also offers a “Climate Control” model that both heats and cools. ZEE System air-conditioning units that are used in ag-planes are powered with an electric DC motor. ZEE Systems has been able to hold the price of the DC motor to about the same as it was thirty years ago, around $3,500. They have been able to do this by building the motor from scratch. They take the 1950s-design motor and, from raw material, manufacture the individual
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10:31 AM
Page 1
Kevin Zaiontz talks about the current Z26 ZEE Systems, Inc. air-condition unit. This unit fits a turbo Thrush. ZEE Systems is an OEM for both the dual and single cockpit Thrush aircraft.
From Agricultural Aviation to Fixed Base Operations and Personal Aircraft... Call Randy, Tim, Dick, Angie, Melinda, Peggy or Rita with all of your aviation insurance needs. We’ll make a satisfied customer out of you the old fashioned way...
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components and assemble them in their shop. They were forced into becoming a manufacturer for the motor when parts for it virtually disappeared. However, this permitted ZEE Systems to improve the quality control of the motor and continue to make it available for its customers. The typical ag ZEE Systems airconditioner generates about 15,000 BTUs of cooling power. A human body requires about 300 BTUs to offset the heat it generates. Because of the lack of insulation found in an ag-plane, BTU requirements are very high. ZEE Systems air-conditioning units generally provide a cockpit air temperature differential of about 25°F. The unit is able to do this by bootstrapping the cool air in the cockpit. The evaporator (unit in the cockpit) uses the cockpit air that is cooler than outside air and recycles it. It is important the operator keeps the cooling fins of the evaporator and condenser coils (located near the compressor) clean. Even a small build up will affect the cooling efficiency of the unit. The DC motor of a ZEE Systems unit is warranted for 1,000 hours with a TBO of 2,000 hours, except for ag use where the recommended TBO is
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1,000 hours. Failure is usually due to a bearing. An overhaul costs approximately $700 and includes the replacement of the brushes and bearings, as well as turning the commutator. It then has to pass a functionality test to receive its certification. The days of ZEE Systems’ (brush type) DC motor are approaching an end. It will be replaced by a longer lasting, more modern and efficient brushless electric motor. The brushless motor will be coupled with a scroll compressor. Scroll compressors are from relatively new compressor technology that has proven to be far better at producing cold air than its piston predecessor. It couples directly to the brushless DC motor, eliminating pulleys and the belt drive. It requires less power to rotate and creates less heat in the process. The brushless DC motor is 97% efficient, compared to 60-65% for its counterpart. This is due to the lack of friction that a DC motor with brushes creates. It has less vibration and cost less. The new system will be called the Z33. ZEE Systems plans to continue technical and parts support for the Z99 brush type motors and the SZ45 and Z26 Motor Compressor models through at least 2012. ZEE Systems has applied to the FAA for PMA replacement, STC and TC certifications for its brushless/scroll combination Z33 air-conditioning unit. The approvals are expected in the summer of 2010. When an operator’s old style DC motor fails or is due for overhaul, he can upgrade his unit with the brushless DC motor and scroll compressor for about the same cost as replacing the outdated DC motor. There is no question that cockpit airconditioning improves both the safety and productivity of today’s ag-aircraft. Ag-aviation can continue to look to ZEE Systems for innovative environmental ideas for its aircraft, keeping pilots cool (and sometimes warm) under the most adverse conditions.
June 2010
Naaa launches new wind tower education campaign Grassroots effort supported by ad slicks, radio scripts and Web site content by Jay Calleja WASHINGTON, D.C. — NAAA has launched a new grassroots campaign to raise awareness about the issues surrounding wind turbines and meteorological towers proliferating
across America’s farmland. The campaign focuses on the hazards that unmarked wind towers pose for low-level aviators and the effect of wind energy development on farming and ag aviation. NAAA spent two months working
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“Long Colored”, (16’, single streamer) “Double Ended Colored”, (double card 16’, single streamers)
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to create an arsenal of advertising and P.R. material to help its members communicate their concerns about wind energy development to a variety of stakeholders. On May 12, NAAA launched htm, a section of the NAAA Web site devoted to raising awareness with stakeholders while promoting the safe development of wind energy operations. The grassroots part of the campaign revolves around a series of ad slicks and radio scripts NAAA created for members to use in their markets. The radio scripts and all six ads are available at www. under “Public Outreach Tools.” The ad slicks are one of the cornerstones of the Association’s wind tower education campaign. Target audiences include: • Farmers and owners of farmland
• Local, county and state policymakers • Electric power generation companies and rural electric coops
General public The ad series takes a two-pronged approach. Some ads focus on the dangers of unmarked testing towers to pilots of low-flying aircraft; others address the safety and accessibility concerns associated with wind turbines. Collectively, they illustrate how poor tower marking and improper wind turbine siting put pilots’ lives and farmers’ livelihood at risk. Each ad closes with the tagline “Let’s Be Fair About Sharing The Air” and an invitation to learn more about the impact of wind towers on aviation and agriculture at towers.htm. Anyone interested in learning more about the industry’s “towering”
problem will find a wealth of information when they visit NAAA’s Web site. The ad slicks are available for member
use in color and black and white—in a variety of sizes suitable for any budget. Space is available to imprint an ag operation’s name or logo with or without NAAA’s name next to it. The ads are ideal for placement in local newspapers and trade publications. Radio is another possibility. Members can use
NAAA’s “ready to read” scripts to record radio spots that educate their neighbors and customers about the safety issues surrounding unmarked towers and the effect that wind energy development can have on farming and ag aviation.
Planting the seeds The Minnesota Agricultural Aircraft Association’s executive director, Terry Stieren, planted the seeds for this effort when she
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suggested a print and radio campaign about the safety and accessibility concerns wind towers pose for ag pilots to NAAA. NAAA’s Communications Committee discussed the idea, along with other public relations issues, at the Association’s board meeting in February. The committee expressed a desire to take a more proactive approach to communicating to the public on matters of vital interest to the industry. NAAA would like to extend special thanks to NAAA Operator Richard King and his son Kyle, of Double K Spraying Service in Binger, Okla., for making the aerial photography in this ad series possible. Kyle transported a professional photographer in one plane while Richard made several passes through a wind energy complex in Oklahoma. Thanks to Richard’s skillful flying, the photographer was able to capture several hair-raising images that vividly convey the hazards wind turbines and unmarked towers pose for pilots. The Kings devoted almost a full day to the photo shoot, donating their time and the expense of operating their aircraft to the cause. The Association also would like to thank NAAA President Brian Rau, Communications Chair Gaylon Stamps and Terry Stieren for their help in
shaping the messages used in the ads. To preview the ads or download the entire series of high-resolution PDFs and radio scripts, please visit www. Anyone who needs further assistance in using these ads may contact Jay Calleja at NAAA at (202) 546-5722. NAAA represents 1,600 members in 46 states. NAAA member operator/pilots are licensed as commercial applicatoroperators that use aircraft to enhance food, fiber and bio-fuel production, protect forestry and control healththreatening pests. This article was published with the permission from the National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA). To join NAAA visit or call NAAA at 202-546-5722. NAAA is the only national association representing the aerial application industry before the federal government and the national media. NAAA, through its sister agency the National Agricultural Aviation Research & Education Foundation, is also responsible for organizing the Professional Aerial Application Support System (PAASS), the national safety and stewardship program enhancing the professionalism and safety of the industry.
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Headline Advantage program helps growers boost ROI RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC—Growers using Headline® fungicide may be eligible to receive $50 per gallon back on purchases from authorized BASF retailers made by August. 15 2010. “We’re confident that growers will find there is a substantial return on the Headline Advantage investment,” said Reed Barrett, Fungicides Market Manager for BASF. “That’s why it’s so important to us that as many growers as possible are exposed to what this product can do. Never before has it been more important to get everything you can out of each acre of land. Headline fungicide can help growers do just that.” To qualify for Headline Advantage, growers need to submit receipts for purchase and a completed application to BASF before Aug.15, 2010. For complete terms and conditions, visit www., or ask your local authorized BASF retailer for details. Headline fungicide provides excellent
disease control, maximizes yield potential and growers’ investment in seed, fertilizer and other crop protection inputs. A fast-acting, broad-spectrum fungicide with a high level of activity on major diseases that threaten yield and crop quality, Headline fungicide protects more than 90 crops—including corn, soybeans and wheat—from more than 50 diseases. BASF’s Crop Protection division is a leader in crop protection and a strong partner to the farming industry providing well-established and innovative fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. Farmers use these products and services to improve crop yields and crop quality. The vision of BASF’s Crop Protection division is to be the world’s leading innovator, optimizing agricultural production, improving nutrition, and thus enhancing the quality of life for a growing world population. Further information
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Tel: 870-572-9013 FAX: 870-572-2761 June 2010
Presidential Chemo-Phobia? by Dennis T. Avery CHURCHVILLE, VA—The newly published President’s Cancer Report puts this quote in bold type: “I believe it is time for a new human experiment. The old experiment is that we have sprayed pesticides which are inherent poisons . . . throughout our shared environment. They’re in our amniotic fluid . . .They’re in our mothers’ milk. What is the burden of cancer that we can attribute to these poisons in our agricultural system? We won’t really know the answer until we do the other experiment, which is to take the poisons out of our food chain, embrace a different kind of agriculture, and see what happens.” —Sandra Steingraber, biologist and author of the book Living Downstream: An Ecologist Looks at Cancer and the Environment.” Unfortunately, Dr. Steingraber’s ignorance of biochemistry and agriculture is breathtaking. We’ve actually been running a long-term experiment on chemical-free farming for
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about 5,000 years: It’s called Africa. Africans don’t produce much food, and the little food they produce comes at a fearful price in human stoop labor, horrifying soil erosion, and increasing displacement of wildlife by low-yield crops. Africans get cancer at an alarming rate even so—though many die too young for the old age cancers. In Kenya, where Mr. Obama’s father lived, the life expectancy is 20 years shorter than America’s 78 years. Cancer has recently made the “Top Ten Killers” list, but Kenyans worry more about the epidemics of malaria, HIV, and tuberculosis. Don’t look for any new science in this new President’s Report. There isn’t any. The report includes much talk of the precautionary principle, and how we might begin to find these “hidden” cancer sources. It’s just the same old fears and alarms that have circulated since Rachel Carson. Indeed, Dr. Steingraber has been called “the new
Rachel Carson.” That’s no compliment; Rachel’s rant against DDT has cost more than 50 million needless malaria deaths. Dr Graham Colditz, a cancer epidemiologist at Washington University in St. Louis, urgently disagrees with the new cancer report. He told Reuters, “Maybe 4 percent of cancer in the western world is caused by contaminants and pollution.” He wants more done to combat much larger known cancer risks, such as smoking and obesity The new report recommends eating organic food. However, National Science Medal winner Bruce Ames reports that 99.99 percent of the carcinogens we swallow grow naturally in our fruits and vegetables—put there by Mother Nature to fend off the insects, bacteria and fungi. Eating organic food makes one tenthousandth of a percent difference. This chemo-phobia is another left-wing Obama import from Europe, like the coming government health monopoly. Europe is banning some 85 percent of its pesticide active ingredients—based on “theoretical risks” rather than “proven risks.” Obama wants similar laws for the U.S., even though our rat tests overstate our real pesticide risks—deliberately—by about 1000 percent.
Besides smoking and old age cancers there has been no increase in cancer rates; but huge numbers of Americans will live long enough to get (and hopefully survive) cancer. Dr. Steingraber is herself a cancer survivor Following Obama’s farming advice, however, would make it impossible for us to feed humanity right now. Nothing in the plant world grows without nitrogen, and we have less than half enough manure—so we take nitrogen fertilizer from the air. Lack of nitrogen and too much pest damage (especially weeds) cut organic crop yields by about 40 percent compared to conventional. The African forced scenario is that mom and the kids spend their days out in the fields, pulling weeds by hand—and skin cancer is among the most prevalent African cancers. DENNIS T. AVERY, a senior fellow for the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC, is an environmental economist. He was formerly a senior analyst for the Department of State. He is coauthor, with S. Fred Singer, of Unstoppable Global Warming Every 1500 Hundred Years, Readers may write him at PO Box 202, Churchville, VA 24421 or email to
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$769,850 Parts - Service - Support
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June 2010
Chester Roberts Supply Company Overhauled Aircraft Engines, Propellers 661 Pearce St. • Collinsville, TX 76233 Tel: 903-429-6805 Fax: 903-429-6047 Pratt & Whitney and Curtiss Wright Engines and Parts Carburetors - Magnetos - Alternators - Accessories Overhauled engines in stock
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EPA’s statement regarding pediatrics article, “ADHD and urinary metabolites of organophosphate pesticides” A study published in the journal Pediatrics concludes that “organophosphate exposure, at levels common among U.S. children, may contribute to ADHD presence.” The Agency is taking this study very seriously and is incorporating its findings in EPA’s ongoing evaluation of the organophosphate pesticides, along with additional health data. EPA has completed a comprehensive reevaluation of all the organophosphate pesticides, and one of the outcomes of this process was the elimination of nearly all residential uses of organophosphate pesticides as well as some food uses to reduce risks to children. Data used in the Pediatrics study, from 2000-2004, would have been generated while these OP uses were being phased out and,
thus, would not have reflected the new restrictions imposed by EPA. Overall, the Agency agrees with the authors’ conclusion that the data do not currently prove that organophosphates cause ADHD and that there are limitations in the organophosphate exposure assessment through the use of a single metabolite from a single spot urine sample. To determine whether a causal relationship exists between pesticides, including organophosphates, and health effects, the Agency is collaborating with various agencies of the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in sponsoring the National Children’s Study (NCS), a prospective study of the sort recommended by the authors.
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EPA recommends that consumers who want to reduce their exposure to pesticides use common sense pest control methods that remove sources of food, water, and shelter for pests to reduce or eliminate pest problems before turning to pesticides. Always read and carefully follow label directions before using any pesticide. In addition, washing and peeling fruits and vegetables and eating a varied diet, will also reduce potential pesticide exposure. OP Reregistration and Registration Review: Seventeen OP pesticides have been
canceled since the beginning of the reregistration process, leaving 32 currently registered. Fifty-eight OP pesticide uses on foods commonly eaten by children were canceled or are being phased out. As a result, OP pesticide use on kids’ foods decreased from approximately 28 million pounds of active ingredient to approximately 12 million pounds (a 57% reduction) between the mid-1990s and 2004. The Registration Review schedule for the OP pesticides has also been accelerated, with dockets opening in 2008 and 2009.
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June 2010
Smyrna Air Center named authorized service center for M601 and H80 engines EVENDALE, OHIO —Smyrna Air Center has signed an agreement with GE Aviation to become an Authorized Service Center for the M601 and H80 turboprop engines. As part of the agreement, Smyrna
Air Center will offer comprehensive line maintenance, removals and re-installations of engines and LRUs and engine spares for the M601 and H80 engine families. GE Aviation will provide Smyrna Air Center with
comprehensive material support and training. “Smyrna Air Center has shown a strong commitment to GE Aviation’s M601 and H80 turboprop engines with its Power 90 King Air conversion,”
says Paul Theofan, president and managing executive of GE Aviation Czech s.r.o., a wholly owned subsidiary of GE Aviation. “As an Authorized Service Center for M601 and H80 engines, Smyrna Air Center will provide our customers with highquality maintenance services in North America.” Based at the Smyrna/Rutherford County Airport (MQY) near Nashville, Smyrna Air Center is a one-stop aviation support FBO with a factory authorized maintenance and avionics center specializing in corporate and general aviation. An Avfuel provider, Smyrna Air Center offers 54 T-hangars in addition to a large 38,000-squarefoot common hangar that is both heated and air-conditioned. The FBO facility has conference rooms, wireless Internet, pilot lounges, 2,500 square feet of office space and a Part 145 Repair Station. The M601 turboprop engine family has attained 17 million flight-hours on 30 applications since its introduction in 1975. Smyrna Air Center’s Power 90 is an FAA-approved Supplemental Type Certificate conversion for King Air 90, A90, B90 and C90 aircraft in which
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the original engines are replaced with the more powerful 751 shafthorsepower (shp) M601E-11A engines. The E-11A engine delivers faster rates of climb, higher flight levels, faster cruise speed than current engines and lower acquisition and maintenance costs compared with competing conversions.
By combining the elegant, robust design of the M601 engine with GE’s 3-D aerodynamic design techniques and advanced materials, the H80 engine will produce up to 800 shp and power business and general aviation, utility and agriculture aircraft. The new turboprop engine is a more powerful, fuel-efficient, durable engine with no calendar limit and no hot section inspection. The H80 engine
will also feature an extended service life of 3,600 flight-hours and 6,600 cycles between overhauls, significantly enhanced hot-day takeoff performance and high-altitude cruise speeds. The H80 will provide the option of a single or dual acting governor, allowing customers to select their propeller. Certification on the H80 engine is underway with entry into service on the Thrush 510 scheduled for this summer. The engine will be the first of the new H80 engine series family. GE Aviation, an operating unit of GE (NYSE: GE), is a world-leading provider of jet and turboprop engines, components and integrated systems for commercial, military, business and general aviation aircraft. GE Aviation has a global service network to support these offerings. For more information, visit us at aviation.
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wing and a prayer
The spiritual weapons of truth and righteousness “Stand firm then, with the belt of Truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place” (Ephesians 6:14). “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and Truth…The law was given through Moses; grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ” (John 1:14, 17). Jesus said, “God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship in spirit and in Truth” (John 4:24). Jesus told the Jews who believed in Him, “If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples. Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32). Jesus told His disciples, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No
one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). Jesus said, “I and the Father are one…If you have seen Me you have seen the Father” (John 10:30, 14:9). These verses tell us that Jesus Christ represents the complete Truth of God. People who put their faith in Jesus Christ become a child of God. This makes them an enemy of Satan and his demonic horde; and they have entered into the spiritual battle between good and evil. The closer a person lives according to the truth of God’s Word, the more Satan will attack them—Satan and his followers are sore losers. That is why a Christian should make every effort to learn how to use the spiritual weapons that God has given us. The first weapon is the spiritual armor of the
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Truth of God’s Word. Paul tells us, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2). The phrase, “renewing of your mind” means to replace worldly wisdom with God’s wisdom in your mind. Christians are to be made new in the attitude of our mind; and set our mind on things above, not on earthly things (Ephesians 4:23, Colossians 3:2). Along with knowing the truth of God’s Word, every Christian should live a truthful life. The Greek word “hypocrite” means “actor,” which actually means to put on a show. When Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites, he was calling them
actors because their lives were phony— full of false motives and pretense—they claimed to be something they weren’t.
Pretending to be something you are not is one of the biggest lies a person can tell. Criticizing someone before you know all facts and being part of a rumor mill is a horrible example for a Christian to set. Paul tells us that if we judge someone for something we have done in the
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past, are doing now, or will ever do in the future, we are actually condemning ourselves (Romans 12:1). Jesus gives us a strong warning about having a self-righteous and judgmental attitude toward other people (Matthew 7:1-5). The breastplate of righteousness is God’s righteousness working in a Christian’s life. Peter asked Jesus, “Who can be saved?” Jesus answered, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). Jesus is telling Peter that humans have no righteousness within themselves that God will accept; human righteousness is like filthy rags in the sight of God (Isaiah 64:6). Most people believe that they are good, but according to whose standards? You may be as good as I am, or even better, but that falls far short of the righteousness of God. God is holy and perfect in every way. The Bible teaches that a person must be as righteous as God to enter into His heaven—and that is impossible for humans to attain on their own. What humanity needs is a Savior! And that is where Jesus Christ comes in. “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of
God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). The breastplate of righteousness is necessary for Christians to stand up against the evil forces of their sinful flesh, Satan, and the sinfulness that is perpetuated in this evil world we live in. Satan knows that Christians can easily be enticed into being prideful, greedy, and sexually immoral—Satan understands the weakness of our human flesh better than we do. The sins of envy and hate are also used by Satan to get a Christian’s mind off of serving and worshiping God. Envy and hate will cause a Christian to become a slave to their emotions, “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones” (Proverbs 14:30). Envy is the reason the Pharisees turned Jesus over to Pilate (Mark 15:10). Being envious is a horrible way to live a life that belongs to God. Envy will cause Christians to become fruitless, and lose many of their heavenly rewards. Paul even says that people who are envious and greedy will not inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:20-21). God expects Christians to put on the breastplate of righteousness by living out God’s righteousness in their everyday life. Jesus said, “If anyone loves Me, he
will obey My teachings” (John 14:23). Peter tells us, “Just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do” (1 Peter 1:15). Living a holy life protects a Christian from many of Satan’s temptations. Living a holy life keeps the door of a Christian’s mind closed to sinful thoughts. Living a life that is pleasing to God gives Christians great joy. Christians that live godly lives are a witness to the world that God can change the life of even the worst sinner. Christians that live a godly life are an example to their children, their extended family, and everyone they
have an association with. With God’s spiritual armor and spiritual weapons Christians have everything they need to fight off Satan’s attacks. Earthly armies must use earthly weapons to win earthly battles, and Christians must use God’s spiritual weapons to win spiritual battles.
629 US Hwy 87 Kress, TX Tel: 806-684-2732 Fax: 806-684-2735
June 2010
domestic advertiser index
Safety first, safety last. Safety after every pass. And if’n your not puttin’ safety first,
that’s the time you’ll get the worst.
And if not then hanging in the trees
from shoulder straps with broken knees
Then in the churchyard they’ll lay your arse
‘neath granite stone and blades of grass. by Robbie McMillian
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A.E.R.O. (APS).......................................10D Aero Engines, Inc................................12D AeroFlow, Inc.........................................9D Ag Air Turbines, Inc..............................5D Ag Sync.................................................15D Agridata Inc.........................................11D Agrinautics.............................................6D AgriSmart Information Systems......16D Air Care Systems..................................6D Air Repair...............................................8D Air South Insurance..............................5D Air Tech Coatings Inc. ........................9D Airplane Services Inc. . .....................13D Allianz Aviation Managers LLC...... 28D Application Management...................3D ASI Jet Center......................................21D Auger Dan’s Trucks........................... 26D BASF.........................................................1D Blue Stripe Distributing.................... 20D Cascade Aircraft Conversions .......18D Central Florida Ag Aero................... 23D Chester Roberts Supply Co............. 22D Compton’s Flying Service................. 25D CP Products Co., Inc...........................27D Crowley Ridge Aviation.....................19D Curtis Dyna-Fog Ltd...........................13D Davidon Inc............................................4D Davidson Solid Rock Ins................... 26D Electrode Aviation................................2D Falcon Insurance Agency, Inc. ........14D Farm Air Inc.........................................24D Flight Grip, LLC...................................16D Flying Tiger Aviation............................3D Garrco Products, Inc............................2D Hardy Aviation Ins Inc. ....................13D Joe Vaughn Spraying Inc. ................27D Kimmel Insurance Agency................17D Kugler Co. .............................................7D Lane Aviation............................ 14D, 23D NAA Museum........................................6D NorthStar Aviation...............................4D OctaFlex..................................................9D Omnistar, Inc. ....................................18D P2 Inc. Aviation Technology...............7D PARMA................................................. 20D Prime Turbines ................................. 20D Professional Fibreglass..................... 23D Professional Insurance...................... 25D PropWorks Propeller Systems, Inc...18D ProTank....................................................5D RT Turbines Inc................................... 22D R-S Sales................................................16D Robert McCurdy...................................2D S & T Aircraft Accessories, Inc.........21D Serv-Aero Engineering, Inc...............24D Smyrna Air Center............................. 25D Southeastern Aircraft Sales................4D Southwest Airmotive..........................18D Tennessee Aircraft Co Inc.................19D Texoma Turbines, Inc......................... 23D Turbines, Inc.........................................17D Valley Air Crafts..................................12D Zee Systems Inc...................................11D
June 2010
Remember 1986? NAAA in Acapulco
National Convention in Acapulco in 1986 at the Princess Hotel which I attended with my then boss Vern Trueman. —Otis Perera/Aero Engines
June 2010
GE Aviation’s Czech operation is now GE Aviation’s Business & General Aviation Turboprops EVENDALE, OHIO—GE Aviation has renamed its Czech operation to GE Aviation’s Business & General Aviation Turboprops. “The new name will better represent the organization’s strategy, which is to develop, manufacture and support turboprop engines for the Business and General Aviation segment,” explained Brad Mottier, Vice President and General
Manager of GE Aviation’s Business and General Aviation operation. GE Aviation has decades of experience in the turboprop and turboshaft segments. GE Aviation’s Business & General Aviation Turboprops has more than 1,600 M601 engines in service that have accumulated a combined 17 million flight hours. The newest turboprop engine in
development is the H80 engine, which will produce up to 800 shaft horsepower (shp) for business and general aviation, utility and agriculture aircraft.
The H80 engine combines the elegant, robust design of the M601 engine with GE’s 3-D aerodynamic design techniques and advanced materials to create a more powerful, fuel-efficient,
turboprop engine with no Make your visual inspections easier!
calendar limit and no hot section inspection.
Machida, Inc. offers a variety of flexible borescopes, videoscopes, accessories, and approved kits for the internal inspection of various engine models.
The H80 engine will also feature an extended service life of 3,600 flight-hours and 6,600 cycles between overhauls, significantly enhanced hot-day takeoff performance and high-altitude cruise speeds. The engine will provide the option of a single or dual acting governor, allowing customers to select their propeller. Certification testing on the H80 began in March, and five development engines are scheduled to take part in such testing. The turboprop engine will enter service on the Thrush 510 later this summer. The engine will be the first of the new H80 engine series family. GE Aviation, an operating unit of GE (NYSE: GE), is a world-leading provider of jet and turboprop engines, components and integrated systems for commercial, military, business and general aviation aircraft. GE Aviation has a global service network to support these offerings. For more information, visit us at www.
Engine Mounts And Other Tubular Steel Components (Fuselage, Landing Gear, Control Surfaces, Etc.)
Engine mounts are repaired using precise fixtures in our specialized repair facility • All makes and models • Check our capability list at Serving agricultural aviation for over 34 years. Over 32,000 engine mounts have been repaired in our shop, the largest engine mount repair shop in the world. • Permanent PA-25 Pawnee Fuselage/Wing Modification Kit • • Aeronautical Engineering Services; FAA/DER • • Parts Manufacturing Services •
Actual Image taken by Machida’s 3mm Videoscope.
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Kosola and Associates, Inc. 5601 Newton Road, P.O. Box 3529 • Albany, GA 31701 USA
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AG-NAV’s GUIA Air and AG-FLOW used from Canada to Argentina by Ignacio (Nacho) Aguero I have been in the industry for 10 years and currently work as the Pilot Manager for two companies; Prairie Ag Air in Elkhorn, Manitoba and Salvucci Aviation in Argentina. These companies have been in business for 20 and 27 years respectively. In Manitoba we are currently flying two aircraft equipped with AG-NAV technology. The S2R Thrush 600 and the Weatherly 620B are both
Ignacio (Nacho) Aguero
equipped with a Guia Gold system and an AG-FLOW flow controller. In Argentina, we currently have one Garrett Thrush equipped with a Guia system after upgrading from the AG-NAV II. I have been using AG-NAV for eight years in Argentina and three in Canada. We use these systems for swath guidance in aerial spraying and data logging to be able to provide it to customers on request. Reliability, good product support and performance are what I would tell others about AG-NAV. In Manitoba we operate both systems coupled with the AG-FLOW Flow Controller. The AG-FLOW Automatic Flow Control is a system designed to ensure a steady distribution of product by automatically adjusting its flow. The AG-FLOW system consists of a flow metre or sensor, a controller box, a valve and DC motor to adjust the valve position. The flow rate is adjusted automatically by the valve position, thus controlling the
Specialist Rotary Atomiser systems for ULV and Low Volume Aerial Spraying
TULSA AIRCRAFT ENGINES INC. Call for prices or information Rex Vaughan Luis Corado
� Forestry � Migrant Pest Control � General Agriculture
The AG-FLOW also comes as a standalone system. This system comes with a controller box and a state-of-the-art computer, which has a built-in GPS receiver, serial ports and a display to show the application rate, target rate and flow rate. All controls and displays are easily accessible by a keypad. The simple and easy installation process guarantees that the AG-FLOW is ready to use within a short time. The AG-FLOW is also equipped with CAN bus technology used for communication with other navigation systems.
Specializing In Pratt & Whitney R-985-1340 Major Overhauls
� Public Health
� Plantation
required output. We are very pleased with the performance of the AG-FLOW. It works very well with both high and low volumes (one-five GPA). Our systems required little calibration on the planes. Before the first installation in Argentina, I was a bit sceptical about the benefits of this technology. However, after using the product and seeing how valuable it was for our operations, it convinced me and the companies I work for. For the pilots who are not flying with the help of a flow controller in today’s fast paced environment, I would say it’s a necessity with one less thing to worry about while you are flying, instead of looking at your hopper gauge. It’s fire and forget! An even application rate allows you to perform your job more efficiently; which in turn saves your customers money in the long run. Every ground sprayer in the country has flow control; every agaircraft should have one too.
Micronair AU5000
From the original pioneers of Controlled Droplet Application For more details contact: Micron Sprayers Limited, Bromyard Industrial Estate, Bromyard, Herefordshire HR7 4HS, UK. Tel.: + (44) 1885 482397 Fax: + (44) 1885 483043 E-mail: Web:
Micronair Sales & Service Inc., 10833 N.W. 50th Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351, USA. Tel.: (954) 578 5555 Fax: (954) 578 5566 E-mail:
Se Habla Español 9311 East 44th St. North Tulsa, Oklahoma 74115
918-838-8532 Fax: 918-838-1659
June 2010
Air Tractor fires successful AT-802U gun test Olney, TEXAS—Air Tractor has conducted live fire tests of General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products’ GAU-19/A .50-caliber Gatling gun on its AT-802U expeditionary close air support aircraft. The gun tests are part of an ongoing weapons integration research and development program for the turbine-engine aircraft, which is designed for counter-insurgency close air support and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions. According to Lee Jackson, Air Tractor’s design engineer for the AT-802U, the gun tests were successful and went as expected. “This was a feed system verification test with the GAU-19/A Gatling gun. Working in conjunction with General Dynamics’ technicians, we expended more than 2,600 rounds during a series of live fire tests,” Jackson
reported. “The ammo feed system worked well, transporting the linked .50-caliber ammo to the gun from two 1,300-round capacity ammo canisters located forward of the cockpit. The tests confirmed that the wing structure and gun mount make the AT-802U a very stable gun platform. Consequently, we experienced good accuracy from the gun,” Jackson said. The AT-802U is designed to carry two externally mounted GAU-19/A Gatling guns—one on each wing. The GAU-19/A three-barrel Gatling gun delivers devastating air-to-ground firepower against area suppression and point targets, such as light armored vehicles, with a system reliability 10 to 20 times that of competing single-barrel solutions. Because of its high rate of fire, reduced weight and compact size, it is
Live fire testing General Dynamics’ GAU-19/A Gatling gun on the Air Tractor AT-802U at the Olney, Texas municipal airport. ideally suited for light fixed wing aircraft such as the AT-802U. The gun system features an internal recoil system that reduces forces on the airframe. Air Tractor’s AT-802U debuted at the 2009 Paris Air Show, where it quickly gained the attention of military officials from a number of nations.
“We saw there was great interest in the ability of the AT-802U to loiter up to 10 hours over a potential target area, while carrying a 2,500-pound payload,” says Jackson.
“This is a very rugged, low cost aircraft that has proven itself since 2002 in USSOUTHCOM AOR counterdrug operations for the U.S State Department.” Compared to sleek jet fighters, the AT-802U requires far less maintenance and can operate closer to ground forces in forward combat areas, notes Jackson. With loiter times similar to those of UAVs, the AT-802U can stay with ground force commanders, providing overwatch and close air support for a fraction of the cost of current UAV systems, with the flexibility and eyes-ontarget discrimination that helps reduce collateral damage. In addition to the dual .50-caliber GAU-19/A Gatling guns, the AT-802U can be configured with a large arsenal of weaponry, including dual M260 7-tube rocket launchers and 500 pound Mk-82 bombs on ten wing and fuselage hard points. Jackson noted that
laser guided ordnance, helmet mounted displays, fire control systems, survivability systems, and sensor payloads can all be added to the AT-802U to meet specific mission requirements. In the coming weeks, Air Tractor will continue its weapons integration activities, with more live fire ground testing as well as air-to-ground tests, Jackson reports. For more information about the Air Tractor AT-802U, contact Leland Snow, President or Lee Jackson, AT802U Design Engineer at Air Tractor, Inc. Telephone: 940-564-5616. Email:
about Air Tractor, Inc. Based in Olney Texas, Air Tractor is the world’s leading manufacturer of agricultural spray aircraft, with payload capacities ranging from 3,600 lbs. to 10,800 lbs. Air Tractor® aircraft are powered by Pratt & Whitney piston or turbine engines. In addition to aerial spraying, Air Tractor aircraft are used for wildland aerial fire fighting, narcotic crop eradication, fuel hauling to remote locations, fighting locust plagues, mosquito control, and oil spill clean up in coastal waters. Air Tractor aircraft can be found working around the globe, in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, North and South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Croatia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and China.
Stocking distributor of PT6, JT15D & PW100 parts and engines • NEW, OH and SV condition We buy TURBINE AIRCRAFT, ENGINES and INVENTORY. We manage ENGINE OVERHAULS and REPAIRS.
120 Grouby Airport Road Prattville, Alabama 36067 T 334 361 7853 F 334 361 0290
June 2010
The direction of Thrush: an interview with Payne Hughes
Payne Hughes, CEO and President of Thrush Aircraft, Inc. Earlier this month AgAir Update met with Payne Hughes, co-owner and President of Thrush Aircraft, Inc. at the Thrush Factory in Albany, Georgia. Payne wanted the opportunity to update the ag-aviation industry on recent developments in the company. Larry Bays and Payne Hughes bought Thrush Aircraft in 2003. Bays worked at the company running day-to-day operations, while Payne served as an investor working in the background. In February of this year, when Bays passed
away from a sudden heart attack, it became obvious to Payne the company needed his leadership right away. He adjusted his calendar and is now in Albany managing the business. Payne Hughes and I have a little in common. In 1978, his family started a real estate publishing business. In 1983, Payne and his brother bought all the interests in the company and in 2002 sold it. At the time, it was the world’s largest real estate publishing firm. Today, he has ownership in Walton Press, a large printing company based in Monroe, Georgia. Notably, Payne’s publishing interests are somewhat larger than mine. However, there is common ground between us (plus the fact I flew Thrush aircraft for over 20 years). Knowing Payne’s background, I asked him what prompted him to become an ag-plane manufacturer. He simply said, “Larry presented me with an opportunity to buy the assets and restart the business. My grandfather worked at Ayres years ago. Larry was Ayres’ accountant and he
wanted to get into a real business. I saw an opportunity that had a great product but needed capital and leadership, so I put up the money to purchase it.” Payne is confident that with his business experience and leadership, he will move the Thrush product forward. Arriving on the scene in February, he began analyzing the company structure and implementing changes to insure the business is on a solid footing. He expects by fall of this year for the restructuring to be complete. In looking at the brand, the key to a successful product is the reliability of the company and its service to the customer. Spare parts to an ag plane owner are crucial to keeping his plane in the air. Payne is making a pledge that all current production parts are available and ready to ship overnight. Regarding non-production airplane parts, a renewed sense of urgency is spreading throughout the factory. Payne is examining the buyer’s wants and needs. Feedback he receives will permit him to further develop
product support, as well as new products. “Bill, I have both short and long term goals for the company. Today, I am determining where we (Thrush) are and how I can make the company efficient, while serving our customers needs,” said Payne. “At the same time, we have to fill orders for our current production run of 34+ aircraft a year. Earlier this month, we delivered the first 550-G10 Model Thrush in eight years to a U.S. operator. The 510 Model Thrush is our most popular model, but we have also delivered 710 and 400 Models in the past several months.” Payne has his plate full. Thrush Aircraft is about to complete certification this fall on the new H80 powered 510 Model Thrush. He expects to have a certificated engine by the end of summer. Thrush has hired additional engineers to be ready for the engine when it arrives from GE Aviation. The airframe has been extended six inches forward of the firewall and the empty weight reduced by 200 pounds. This improved the aircraft’s center of
gravity location. The 510-H80 Thrush will have more SHP than its sister PT6A-34AG powered 510 and as a result of the installation will be lighter with improved performance. Several new modifications by Thrush Aircraft will be available for the 510-H80, including an Electronic International glass panel, stainless steel dual steps to the cockpit and low voltage, long life LED airframe lighting throughout. “We want to provide the customer choices when it comes to engines for our aircraft. GE Aviation has been wonderful to work with during the development of the H80 program. Equally, P&WC has been working with us offering enhanced support for our customers from their group. We expect to have a certified H80-powered Thrush and a PT6A-powered Thrush at this year’s NAAA convention in Savannah.” Payne feels the operator should fly the 510-H80 Thrush to properly evaluate the aeronautical improvements. He wants to develop a way for operators to work it while demonstrating its capabilities to their growers. This will require traveling to different operations with the 510-H80. Payne is evaluating the branding of the two larger model Thrush aircraft. He plans to “grow” the 550 model into a 600-gallon
aircraft. The 660 Model Thrush is already a 710-gallon aircraft, but the model name does not imply its capacity. At some point, the 550 may become the 600 Model Thrush and the 660 a 710 Model Thrush. “The expense of ownership of a Thrush Aircraft is less than our competitors. This type of information is not readily available to the operator. I believe the Thrush can be operated as cost efficiently as any ag-plane built,” said Payne. “Cost of ownership is not limited to the purchase price of the aircraft. Operators need to consider the cost of fuel a plane burns per acre, its airspeed to, from and across the field and the size of its hopper. Expenses should include calculating long-term costs of ownership. For example, the Thrush has the longest (29,000 hours) life limit wing spar in the business. It has no recurring airworthiness directives (ADs). In the big picture of cost of ownership, these are very important factors.” As we concluded our discussion, I asked Hughes about flying the 510-H80. He told me to expect the invite this summer after certification is complete. I have a significant amount of time in a variety of Thrush aircraft. I look forward to loading it full on a hot summer day. I’ll be sure to tell you all about the flight!
Become a fan today
Air Conditioning
Environmentally Safe Ag-Aircraft Air Conditioning Systems
Inverter Powered Systems for Turbine Thrush & AT
Engine Drive Systems for most P&W 1340 Ag-Aircraft
Collin’s Aircraft Dynamic's Inc. 1107 Calle Naranja • Alamo, Texas 78516
PH: 956-787-6720 • FAX: 956-787-5409 Manufacturer of Aircraft Air-Conditioning Since 1980
June 2010
Tracy Thurman
hands-on flying
The county fair! Carnival rides and corn dogs, candy apples and clowns. The sights and sounds, the fragrances of popcorn and cotton candy are all a part of our American culture and a part of every kid that lives within and around us. The best part of the fair, however, is beyond the lights and noise where the fragrances are a bit more pungent and the youngsters are scurrying about, not for ride tickets or games, but to prepare for their FFA or 4-H showings and auction. It is a great show and being a fortunate parent of an FFA kid, I can tell you that there isn’t much that can compare to this culmination of months of a lot of hard work and not just a little strain. One of the best parts of ag-aviation is the “ag” part. Being affiliated with and participating in the agricultural
community is in itself a benefit of the job. The people and the lifestyle of the American farm is the heart of this great nation and the FFA and the 4-H are organizations that preserve this heritage and help to pass along the knowledge and values that have held together generations of those who enjoy the rural lifestyle that our business provides. Agricultural aviation is an industry that has always been deeply involved and supportive in the communities where it lives and works. Walk into most any operator’s office and you will see somewhere on their walls photographs of beaming kids and curried critters, blue and purple ribbons proudly displayed. Pictures of kids who many times shrugged off a trip to the mall with their friends instead to tend
to chores and details that pertain to raising their animal or preparing their project; pictures of kids who strived for and reached a goal, and learned, perhaps for the first time the real meaning of accomplishment. Just as ag-aviation brings together people of a common thread so do the FFA and 4-H. These organizations support healthy lifestyles and moral prudence, common sense, and rationality. Nowadays, with all the distractions, materialism, and temptations that face our young people, there is something to be said about seeing a teenage girl who isn’t throwing a fit over having poop on her shoes, or a young man who will sit down in a muddy pen to cradle the head of a tired pig. You most likely won’t find the “Hollywood” types in a livestock pen. • 800-437-5319 16285 5th St. NE, Hillsboro. ND 58045 • 701-436-5880 • fax 701-436-5881 •
SPH4 with communications Slide up Visor ANR and Cellsets
Level 3 Service Center New Intellistar M3 - Intelliflow – Litestar 2 Systems in stock!
We are very proud of our Service after the sale
We have a LARGE parts inventory. If it’s for Ag Aircraft, give us a call! We offer friendly, knowledgeable staff, and SAME DAY SHIPPING!
Online mapping –save $100
Sky Tractor Supply your COMPLETE ag aircraft dealer 32
Associate Dealer Queen Bee Air
Agriculture is a process that creates renewable wealth, and ensuring the promise of a bountiful tomorrow. Being involved and supporting our communities in organizations such as the FFA and 4-H, is an investment in the renewable wealth of our subsequent generations. There are future ag pilots in that crowd of kids just as there are future farmers. I have had several opportunities to talk to youngsters and their parents about the life of a “crop duster” (seems that term is here to stay). They always ask many questions and are eager to know and learn about our industry. It’s interesting to see the face of a young man light up and his mother striking an impression of fear. The grand finale of the ag season is the FFA and 4-H auction. A lively event that draws crowds of spectators, parents, and the local business people to cheer on the kids and bid sometimes ridiculously high prices for what might otherwise be a low value animal. It’s all part of the show, the kids, their clubs and admittedly a portion of local politics. It is part of our lifestyle and our livelihood, a great part of Americana, our past, present and future and an opportunity for those of us who live the
fortunes of agricultural aviation to give back a little to those who give us a life that we love. I once had a somewhat heated discussion about the state of America. The person I was talking to decried the nation as poisoned and lost, basing his opinion on government and politics. “How could you love a country like this,” he asked? Are you kidding? This country isn’t in Washington D.C.! It’s in Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Montana and Oklahoma. Scattered across farmlands and towns, “From sea to shining sea”, it’s in the heart of the man who spends fourteen hours aboard a tractor and in the low growl of a 600 Ag-Cat turning on a wing tip over a flooded rice field in Northern California, it’s carried closely in the breast pocket of a soldier far from home. America is a nation of flowing green farm lands and grazing animals, small towns and communities. It’s at the county fair and grows within the soul of that freckled kid with the curried cow.
Spectrum Electrostatic Sprayers, Inc.
7500 San Felipe, Suite 860 Houston, TX 77063 USA Website: Southern US & Other Countries
Phone: 713-783-5771 Fax: 713-783-5772
Northern US and Canada Newberg Electrostatic Spraying
320-848-2745 320-848-2745
Airforce Turbine Service
F.A.A. Approved Overhaul Station • C.R.S. TQZR133K for the PT6A Turbine Engine
We are the only overhaul shop in America that has Ag flying experience. ATS knows the aerial applicator business. Our company was founded in 1979 to specifically focus on the unique needs of the PT6A Ag Aviation industry. Taking the time to get to know our customers, their operation, and the environment in which they run their aircraft are the keys to providing repair, overhaul and modification services designed to keep operating costs down and planes in the air. We are committed to supporting the Ag Aviation industry and want to be a friend of your company. J.D. Dunson • Reagan Lehmann • Chris Carson • Augie Lara
TEL 361-547-3386 • FAX 361-547-7273
11557 Hwy 359, Mathis, TX 78368 • P.O. Box 146, Tynan, Texas 78391 • “Se Habla Español”
June 2010
featured classified ads
600 Gal. Reconditioned Aluminum Tank. Ideal for Jet Fuel, AV Gas, Chemicals & Etc. $1,250.00 For more tanks & vehicles go to Sales 719-336-9416. Ask for John
2009 510 Thrush S2R-T34, SN 510-312, N5298H. Brand new aircraft with new Pratt & Whitney PT6A-34AG turboprop engine. $769,850 Contact ASI Jet Center Aircraft Sales. 952-941-6255 or,
1976 G-164B, PT6-20, 9700 TTAF, raised wing, 350 gal., LiteStar II, A/C, tall tail, new side panels, Call 870-572-9011,
1989 Thrush 510, -34AG, N3098C, 12K TTAF, “0” SHOT, CK-AG-41 kit just installed, fresh annual, A/C, Satloc, CPs, $165,000 OBO. Call 870-572-9011,
Auger Truck for sale. 1995 FL70, all stainless steel hopper, bed and auger. Folding System, hyd gate adjust, hyd fuel, air brakes, auto transmission and A/C. Scales. New Auger and PTO drive shafts and bearings last year. Two identical trucks, take your pick, but can only sell one. 40,000 OBO. 870-225-3698
1958 Cessna 182 for sale or possible trade for ready to use 450 Ag Cat. Cessna priced at $60,000 940-937-8650 or cell 940-585-9359
Highlight your ag aircraft for sale with a
1983 DC Thrush Walter 601E-11 29,000 HR spar caps, no ad’s, VG’s, winglets, 80’ swath, Satloc M-3, CP’s, electric brake, SS spray valve, Crophawk, smoker, ac/heater, fuel flow, single pt fuel, strobes, wingman, spreader, intercom, paint 09 $310,000 912-384-6466
Toll Free Tel: 888-987-2250 • Tel: 478-987-2250 •
classified ads ag-cat
G164-C Model King Cat, firewall forward conversion includes R1820-71 engine and Hamilton Standard propeller Model 33D50-119. Engine mount cowling, oil cooler and plumbing, instrument panel also included. For more details contact Matt at Avag Inc. 530-882-4286 (0 6 -10)
1996 AT-502B, N6160G, 7116 TTAF&E, “0” SHOT, fresh annual, M3, wingman, CPs $365,000, Call 870-572-9011, A 0 6 -10
Save money. Buy used. Parting out several Air Tractor 402, 502, 602, and 802, Thrush and , Ag Cats. Call Chad Stuart. Airplane Services, Inc. 850-380-6091 (0 6 -10)
1993 AT 402, PT6A-15AG ,” 0.0” SHI, Zee Air Conditioner, Del-Norte 325g-Gps, Load Hawg, Bottom Fuel Load, New Smoker, Flow Control, New Wind Shield Washer, Aluminum Boom, 49 Cp Nozzles, Cool Seat, Annual 03-11. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-325-0885 06-10
AT-401B: Power and payload at the right price. The economical 400-gallon capacity AT-401B carries a piston-engine price tag and all the reliability, durability, safety features and ease of flying that made Air Tractor the industry leader. Step up to a highly productive, low maintenance piston engine ag plane for a price that makes solid business sense. For qualified buyers, Wells Fargo has attractive and flexible terms available. See your Air Tractor dealer soon.
air tractor 1976 G-164B, PT6-20, 9700 TTAF, raised wing, 350 gal., LiteStar II, A/C, tall tail, new side panels, CALL Call 870-5729011, A 0 6 -10
2008 AT-802A-67AG, Approx. 1000TTAE, 10” Hyd Gate w/Del Norte Controller, Wingman, Bottom Fuel, Hopper Rinse, Smoker, GPS dash, Ram Air, Del Norte w/ Flow Control, Shadin, Lane Fan w/ Elec. Brake. Available Nov. 2010 870-338-1504 (06-10)
1972 Ag-Cat Model A, R-1340, 100 hrs. since Covington overhaul. 100 hrs. Hamilton Standard Prop. Wing extensions, 335 gallon tank, Automatic Flagman, SS booms, oil filter conversion. Contact: 956-239-2511 (0 6 -10)
2008 AT-502B-34, 650 hrs TTAF&E, M3 Satloc w/flow control, elect br. gr adj, smoker, SS pumps and booms, CPs, breckenridge spreader. $700,000 Frost Flying Inc. 870-295-6213 A t f n 1988 AT402-15, $335,000.00, 6989hrs TTAF, 263hrs SLOH, 0hr SPOH, New Paint, AC, Heat, AG NAV GPS, Crop Hawk, 126gal SP Fuel, Smoker, Elec Fan Brake, SS Spray System, Work Lights, Nav Com Radio, Transponder, Contact Mid State Aviation 1-800-771-6004. (0 6 -10) 1979 G164-C, N8341K 509 SHOT on -34AG, Frakes Inlet,500 gal. hopper, Satloc, Fresh Paint, Metalized Wings, $275K needs to move, make offer. 870-572-9011, A 0 6 -10 A+450 300 gal DAF GAAC Combo, 585 E&P, Mint $95 A+600 350 gal DAF TL combo 0-AF/E/P $139K A+600 Tower/Writer 1200-SMOH AF&E&P $49K B-TPE-1: 350 gal DAF TL comb, 0-HSI engine, w/3000 RC’s, Fresh annual $259K SB+TPE331-1: 400 gal DAF TL Comb, 482 HSI 5000 RCs, all SBPlus mods plus air & load hog, new paint & anual, Heavy duty $279K AmAg 870-886-2418 (2489F) t f n
2006 AT-401B, 124 TTAF, 124 SMOH, 3 blade prop, Comm & Transponder, like new $340,500.00 1998 AT-802A, 6,050 TTAF&E, -65AG, fresh hot & annual, wingman, M3, well maintained $650,000.00 Lane Aviation 281-342-5451 or FAX 281-232-5401. t f n
1988 AT-401-0692 8095.0 TTAF 113.0 SMOH (Covington). Prop 351.0 TSOH. M3, VG’s, Flagger, Smoker, CP nozzles, Large fuel, Lane brake, SS booms, Fresh Annual $150,000 Call Wendel @ North Star Aviation Inc. KS 620-356-4528 or 1988 AT402A 401-0702 N1008Q Airframe T.T. 4862.7 Engine PT6A-21 258.4 Hrs. S.H.S.I. 12,178.2 Hrs. T.T. 258.4 since new factory firewall forward kit with eng.instruments and main gear & hardwareHarbour Air, Cockpit Heater, M3 Satloc, Smoker, Turn Windows $355,500.00 Southeastern Aircraft Sales 800-441-2964 or tfn
AT-401s several units 2006 and 2007 year models. Less than 200 hours TT. Like new. 3-blade prop. Contact for prices:, +34667102184. 06-10
AT-502B: Improved performance equals improved profit potential. With plenty of power and a big, 500-gallon payload Air Tractor’s AT-502B is designed to please both pilot and operator. The AT-502B’s Pratt & Whitney PT6A-34AG turbine engine delivers efficient, high-end performance for shorter ferry times and fewer takeoffs and landings. Since 1987, AT502s – with their legendary reliability and versatility – have set the standard as one of the industry’s most popular ag planes. And, with Wells Fargo’s attractive financing options, you can own one. Talk to your Air Tractor dealer soon.
Classified Advertising Order Form
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June 2010
• Classified Ad Rates: $40.00 USD for AAU Subscribers, $45.00 for Non-Subscribers, 250 characters (minimum, including spaces and punctuation), $5.00 USD each additional 50 characters. Pricing includes placement on AAU Online in real-time (upon receipt of payment) • Classified Ad Photo Rates: Additional $20.00 USD • Bold Ads: Additional $10.00 USD. • Blind Ads: Additional $25.00 USD. • Logos: Additional $65.00 per column inch. • eEdition: New classifieds are included in eEdition one time FREE, additional weeks are $10.00 each.
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AgAir Update, P.O. Box 850 • Perry, GA USA 31069 • Tel 478-987-2250 • Fax 478-987-1836 • June 2010
piper Piper airframe parts, continental and Lycoming engine parts and a few spray system parts, new surplus, big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330698-0280. Check stock at tfn
AT-602: Raise the bar for productivity. You’ll reduce your overhead and increase profit margins when you scale a multi-plane operation down to a single-plane operation. The Air Tractor AT-602 can make that a very practical choice. Its big 630-gallon payload moves you up to economical, high volume production with one plane; reducing loads, saving time and cutting operating expenses compared with two smaller planes. For 5-gallon work on center-pivot circles the AT-602 is the ideal solution. Find out all the advantages of the AT-602. Visit your Air Tractor dealer. Large inventory or Air Tractor Parts. Surplus to our needs. Call for list. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662843-0811 tfn
1958 Cessna 182 for sale or possible trade for ready to use 450 Ag Cat. Cessna priced at $60,000 940-937-8650 or cell 940-585-9359 (0 6 -10)
AT-802: Power that creates profits. An 800-gallon hopper, up to 190 mph ferry speeds, and greater working capacity than any other ag airplane on the market - what else is on your wish list? With the AT-802 you’ll ferry faster, stay on the spray site longer and do bigger jobs all in one load. That’s a major advantage that only Air Tractor can offer you. Talk to your Air Tractor dealer about the AT-802. And when you do, ask about special Air Tractor financing now available from Wells Fargo for qualified buyers.
thrush 1975 Thrush 400 gal -34 10670TT, 600 SPOH plus 4 blades ram air inlet, wing ext. New fabric last year fresh hot section, & annual, wings removed and repaired, electric pump brake, AgNav. Silver 229-220-6343 $230,000 (0 6 -10) 1976 S2R-T34 400 gal Thrush. TTAF 14,042, TTE 15,947. Load hawg, air cond, weath-aero fan, SATLOC, metal tail, fresh annual (eddy current good, 1600 since wing o/h), new tires, booms, breck spreader, good paint. $260,000 obo. 662-745-2616 (0 6 -10)
1973 Cessna Ag Truck, 6205 TTAF, 31 SMOH IO-520D, 31 SPOH, Satloc Lite II, recent paint, glass, VAR crank, CALL Call 870-572-9011, A 06-10 Cessna airframe parts, Continental and Lycoming engine parts, and a few spray system parts, new surplus, big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-6980280. Check stock at t f n Cessna 337, several units, very low flight hours, perfect state, extremely careful maintenance, fully equipped, long range tanks, fully IFR, contact for prices and specs. info@, +34667102184 06 -10
1989 Thrush 510, -34AG, N3098C, 12K TTAF, “0” SHOT, CK-AG-41 kit just installed, fresh annual, A/C, Satloc, CPs, $165,000 OBO. CALL Call 870-572-9011, A 06 -10
1992 Thrush 510 PT6-41- , 0 HSI, 4750 SMOH, new vane ring, shadin fuel flow, Satloc M3, Sprayer with CPs new annual. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-325-0885 Atfn
1984 M-18A,TTAF:5042, 514 SMOH by Factory, 939 SNEW Prop, 750 gal. Hopper, A/C, Servo’s, Wag, Crophawk. 870572-9011, A 0 6 -1 0 1999 PZL M18B Dromader-1700 TT AF, engine 700 hr, very clean, NDH, Satloc, air-conditioner, sprayer, CP’s, VG’s, auto flagger Mid-Continent Aircraft Hayti, Mo. 800-325-0885 t f n
1999 510 Thrush 7182 TTAF & engine. 300 since OH Gearbox & new prop, new wings installed at factory, ag nav, electric pumpbrake, heat & air AgNav Cold, crophawk, fresh annual, prop balances by Jim Jefferies. new tires, new paint, 229220-6343 $375,000 (0 6 -10)
PZL Dromader M18A, several units, good shape, from 1989 to 1991 year models, around 1000 hours TSN. Ready for immediate export. Contact for prices: info@, +34667102184. 0 6 -10
Extensive Inventory of the following aircraft Cessna 180-185-188, Piper Brave & Pawnee, Citabria, Dromader Aero Commander Lark & Darter Scott & XPM Tailwheel Parts, Continental, Lycoming, Transland, Hardware Champion & Citabria, Mcfarlane, Ag Fiberglass And A Lot More. Having trouble findng those difficult parts!!! Let our staff find that hard to locate part for you. Airport Road #14 • Thomas, OK 73669
800-542-8565 • 580-661-3591 (OK) • 580-661-3783 (FAX) • email address:
Diner Club
The 660 Thrush with its innovative wing design and 54 foot wing span and over 400 square foot wing area ensures unmatched stability and control during Ag maneuvers. The combination of a solid airframe and powerful engine creates an airplane that outperforms the competition. Thrush is known for their structural durability and excellent performance under extreme conditions. 1969 S2RW601/400 (751 SHP) Hatfield Walter Conversion - 9465 TT - 2175 S factory OH eng. - 400 gal hopper, Lane Fan and elec brake, SS booms, ext wings, lights, 29” tires, Servos, Serv Aero Turtleback, Satloc M3 GPS. $225,000 JAS 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: t f n
1990 Ayres 510 High Time Airframe, 15,000 hrs. Mid-time -6 Garrett engine. Good clean well maintained aircraft, Satloc, air conditioning, smoker, SS spray, electric brake, ready to work. Call Eugene 979-532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night A 4-10
1976 Cessna 180F 5391 TT, 1367 SFRM, 468 SPOH (2007), KX 125 nav/com, PM 6000 4 pl. intercom, 300 ADF, 359ATransponder, 75 gal fuel, stainless screw kit, steps & handles, recovered seats, useful load 1006, July Annual, Transponder and Altimeter test due 8-10 $63,000 Call Chip or Henry at 478-788-3491 ( 06 -10)
1994 Ayres 510 Garrett -6 Conversion, 7800 TT, good paint and well maintained aircraft. Satloc, Air Conditioner, Rinse system, Smoker, Stainless Steel Spray Systems, Electric Brakes, Landing lights & Strobe. Call Eugene 979-532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night 0 4 -10
1983 DC Thrush Walter 601E-11 29,000 HR spar caps, no ad’s, VG’s, winglets, 80’ swath, Satloc M-3, CP’s, electric brake, SS spray valve, Crophawk, smoker, ac/heater, fuel flow, single pt fuel, strobes, wingman, spreader, intercom, paint 09 $310,000 912-384-6466 (0 6 -10)
1996 Ayres PT6-45, 510 gallon, air, 228 fuel, Satloc, recent spar cap replaced, smoker, flagger, crop hawk, spray system. Make offer. Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. 800-325-0885 www. t f n
2010 Slots Available Call New AT-802A, -67, 10” hyd gate, white or yellow paint Call New AT-602 -60, Call New AT-502B -34 Call Frost Flying Inc. 870-295-6213 t f n
Cessna airframe parts, Continental and Lycoming engine parts, and a few spray system parts, new surplus, big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-6980280. Check stock at t f n
1979 Ayres 500 Garrett -6 Conversion, engine fresh IRAN, prop fresh OH, new fabric on tail, new paint, Satloc, air conditioner, will be ready end of March. Call Eugene 979532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night A 4 -10
2009 510 Thrush S2R-T34, SN 510-312, N5298H. Brand new aircraft with new Pratt & Whitney PT6A-34AG turboprop engine. $769,850 Contact ASI Jet Center Aircraft Sales. 952941-6255 or, A 11-10
The 550 Thrush offers new sturdy hopper and innovative large hopper door to improve access when loading dry chemicals, while providing a 550 gallon capacity. Fuel economy, low acquisition cost and proven performance makes the 550 Thrush a great option for operators. The 550 Thrush offers a choice of power plants, allowing you to tailor the aircraft to meet the demands of your particular operating environment.
Looking for that missing piece? Classifieds has it all!
2004 710 THRUSH W/ 844 TT / 2231 PT6A-67 ENG & 68 S. H.S.I 70 nozzles, Lane Fan & Brake, Satloc M3, Air / Heat, fuel flowmeter, D.G. attitude indicator, smoker, flagger, crophawk, Garmin radio/GPS. JOHNSTON AIRCRAFT SERVICE, INC. 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: www, t f n
Unlimited Racer project: 85% complete Yak11, 3350 turbo compound with many spare parts including engine. Call with best offer. For pictures and details call Frost Flying Inc. 870-295-6213 t f n
engines PT6A-20B S/N PCE22511. TT 7430.7, SOH 4214, 0 SHOT (Covington). Including new CT blades, New Segments, Rebuilt vane ring & burner can. Removed from AT-402 for upgrade. 507-525-3068 or 1-507-526-7264 (0 6 -10) New PT6-34 ag engine in stock Call for price Frost Flying Inc. 870-295-6213 A tfn
The 510 Thrush has sent the standard in Ag Aviation for dependability. With rugged construction, simplified system and low maintenance, the 510 Thrush is the aircraft any operator can depend upon. Low maintenance, maximum loads, superior pattern makes the 510 Thrush a profit machine. All Thrush Aircraft models provide superb visibility, light control forces, and unmatched speed and maneuverability.
R1340 S3H1-G geared engine 90.0 TTSOH (Tulsa) $45,000. Ham Std 3D40 three blade propeller “0” TSOH $15,000. will sale both together $55,000 save $5,000 call Wendel North Star Aviation Inc. 620-356-4528 GARRETT TPE331-1-101Z, 2050 TT, 825 SHSI, 3rd stage stator run out. $40,000, Contact: Kyle Scott 970-867-8414 (06-10)
For sale 3-600 hp Rockwell Thrushes, current annuals, always hangared, excellent condition, Call 306-861-0177. (06-10)
PT6A-65AG Engine for sale. Only 2025 TT, 183 TSO. Ready for immediate delivery. Call Gary or Steve 210-924-5561. (0 6 -10)
Large inventory of Thrush parts surplus to our needs. Call for list. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-8430811 t f n
Garrett TPE-331-6-252m with 1500 hrs, fresh hot section on CAM engine Call Eugene 979-532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night A 4 -10
weatherly Weatherly Headquarters - 1993,1994,1996 - In Stock. Also available 1974. Performance, low fuel burn. The ideal inbetween airplane. , 800-325-0885 t f n
bell-hiller 1971 OH58C 7380.3TT, 5734.1TT C20C, 550SOH Comp, 0SOH fuel control, 804 left on MR blades, 250TT TR blades, 250 since 1200hr Trans, hyd spray, Isolair belly tank and boom, M3, Auto Cal, Com, 310K, Call 601-668-6200 for Specs (06-10)
miscellaneous aircraft
Universal Turbine Parts has serviceable PT6 engines for sale. 2 ea PT6A-20 TSO 0, 4010 2 ea PT6A-21 TSN 1767, 1767 5 ea PT6A-28 TSO 0, 0, 2098, 3268, 3791 PT6A-34 TSO 0 PT6A-34AG TSO 0 PT6A-41 TSO 4961 3 ea PT6A-42 TSN: 2986, 3124; TSO 0 2 ea PT6A-50 TSO 3137, 3869 PT6A-65 TSO 816 PT6A-67 TSO 5222 We also buy PT6 engines in all conditions. Please call Bill or Joel at 334-361-7853 or email 06-10 R1340 FWF Complete as removed from Thrush - 1014 S.O.H. Engine and 524 S.O/H AG100-2 Propeller. Very Good Condition $25,000.00 - Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 559686-1794, t f n Garrett TPE-331-10-511m, Part 135 engine with lots of time and cycles remaining Call Eugene 979-532-1718, 979-5331720 Day or night A 4 -10 PT6A Engines: Deal Direct with ATS to buy, sell, lease or exchange ~ view our current inventory at www.PT6A.Aero (FAA C.R.S. TQZR133K) tfn
1988 A36 Bonanza. 3,683 TT, 493 SMOH on 300 hp IO-550 (STC for 2,000 hr TBO). All ADs up to date and complied with, NDH, KFC200 autopilot w/ flight director, Dual Garmin GNS430W (WAAS upgraded), panel mounted Garmin 696, XM weather and radio, stormscope, Garmin GMA340 audio panel, Garmin GTX 327 transponder, 6 place ICS with 2 panel power Bose headeset jacks, dual PTT switches, electric trim, factory air conditioning, JL Osborne tip tanks (20 gallons each, gross weight increase STC included), GAMIs, JPI EDM700, leather seats, executive writing table, Rosen visors, custom cover by Bruce’s Custom Covers. Maintenance done by Bob Ripley, an ABS advisor. $265,000 / trade for later model 58 Baron. 478-256-2048. See this aircraft at t f n
Cylinders For Sale – Overhauled complete assy’s with new pistons installed. Ready to install. R-985 $1250.00 each Two or more less 5%: R-1340 $1950.00 each Two or more less 5%: Outright price: includes all gaskets. Sun Air Parts. 661-257-7708 fax 661-257-7710 T F N TPE331-PC (2.5 Cores) the Lot..$5,000 TPE331-6-252M (Dmgd Core) Good Logs... $7,500 TPE331-2-201A 0-GSI/HSI 2700RCs....$115,000 R985 ANI (API), 792-SMOH....$10,500 R985-14B (Pickett) 0-SOH...$29,500 R1340-AN2 (Cov) 1115-SMOH...$19,000 .....also Radial and Turbine Accessories. AmAg 870-886-2418 (2489F) t f n
Souther Field Aviation, Inc. Visit Our Website
South Delta Aviation, Inc. 124 Phillips 204 Rd. West Helene, AR, 72390 Phone: 870-572-9011 Fax: 870-572-6005/0045 1996 AT-502B, 7116 TTAF&E, “0” SHOT, fresh annual, M3, wingman, CPs........................................................... Call 1973 Cessna Ag Truck, 6205 TTAF, 31 SMOH IO-520D, 31 SPOH, Satloc Lite II, recent paint, glass, VAR crank,.CALL 1976 G-164B, PT6-20, 9700 TTAF, raised wing, 350 gal., LiteStar II, A/C, tall tail, new side panels,..................CALL 1989 Thrush 510, -34AG, 12K TTAF, “0” SHOT, CK-AG-41 kit just installed, fresh annual, A/C, Satloc, CPs,........CALL 1984 M-18A, 5042 TTAF, 514 SMOH (by PZL factory), 939 Snew Prop, 750 gal hopper, A/C, WAG, Servo’s, ......CALL 1987 Thrush DC 400 gal, -34, TTAF 4880, SHOT 326, M3, Intelliflow, Cascade Inlet.....................................$335,000
Phillips AV & Jet a FULL SERVICE FBO
WeathAero Fans • Auto Flagger • Transland • Agrinautics Pump and Valves Thrush Parts • Covington Radial & Turbine Engines • Compro Smokers WAG • SATLOC • AgNav Phone: 229-924-2813 Office Fax: 229-924-4356 e-mail: Parts Fax: 229-924-2066 e-mail: Web:
1979 G164-C, 509 SHOT on -34AG, Frakes Inlet, 500 gal. hopper, Satloc, Fresh Paint, Metalized Wings,.$275K,OBO
Frankie Williams President Paul Pearson Maintenance Souther Field Aviation, Inc. 223 Airport Road, Americus, GA 31709
June 2010
Johnston Aircraft Service supporting ag aviation since 1947!!!
Thrush / Piper Brave / Pawnee / Cessna Ag / Ag-Cat / AirTractor sales / service / parts / modifications
R-1340, zero time since overhaul by Covington $53,500.00 New PT6 -11, 15, 34, 60, 65, 67 outright or exchange call Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-342-5451 or FAX 281-232-5401 t f n 10,000 P/N of Continental & Lycoming parts, 50% discount on most new! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330698-0280. Check stock at t f n JJETSET AIRMOTIVE has the following PT6 engines for sale, lease or Exchange. M.O.R.E ready to TBO 8000 hours. PT6A-11 TSO Zero PT6A-28 TSO Zero PT6A-34 TSO Zero PT6A-114A Zero time overhauled PT6A-41 TSO 974 Email or Khris or Max at 305-8252001 or Email (0 6 -10) Covington Turbine Engines Available. PT6A-20 2800 TSO PT6A-15AG 0 Time Since Covington Light Overhaul PT6A-34AG 1789 TSO PT6A-34AG 780 TSO PT6A-34AG 0 TSO PT6A-34AG 0 Time Since Covington Light Overhaul We are also interested in buying or exchanging for any core you may have regardless of condition. Contact: David Hamilton at 918-756-7862 or davidh@ At fn Pratt & Whitney R-985 & R-1340 Overhauled Engines in stock. Props, carburetors, magnetos, alternators, & accessories for above engines. Call Chester Roberts Supply Company, Collinsville, TX Tel: 903-429-6805 Fax: 903429-6047 A 0 4 -11
We convert ag aircraft to Walter Power and install Ram Air Inlets using cascade aircraft conversion units!!
The Thrush wing fatigue A.D. 2009-26-11 has been issued and we stock two SOLUTIONS:
40,000 Hour Life Avenger Spar Cap Kit! New Factory Lower Spar Caps with 5400 or 6200 hour life limits We repair / modify / Thrush and Brave wings and control surfaces
including avenger
& Factory spar cap installation / sales.
Brave 4,100 Hour Kit Installation and Sales. Thrush Fuel Capacity Increase Thrush Landing Gear Repair and Rebuild Distributor / Rebuilder of Emco Wheaton Dry Break Equipment Distributor / Dealer For All Ag Equipment Tremendous Inventory of Parts Parts & Services Catalog Available
Distributor for APS “Black Steel” Brake Discs and Linings 24 HR. PHONES: (559) 686-1794 or 686-2161 FAX: (559) 686-9360 P.O. Box 1457, Tulare, CA 93275 Email: WebSite: Se Habla Español 38
JETSET AIRMOTIVE Buys and Sells all models of PT6 engines and has an extensive inventory of materials in various conditions. Call Paul at 682-738-3031 Email preeves@jsamiami. com or Khris or Max at 305-825-2001or Email krod@ (0 6 -10)
dispersal equipment Two 41 inch Breckenridge Spreaders. 13 vane. Used. $2500.00 each. Chad Stuart Airplane Services Inc. 850-3806091. (0 6 -10) CP NOZZLES AND CHECK VALVES. Distribuidor en Argentina: ArAvia S.A. -Venado Tuerto (Sta Fe) T.E. 54-3462-433540 FAX: 438344 tfn 10” hydraulic Transland Gate assembly complete. $12,500 OBO George 409-656-5998 (0 6 -10) ASC Rotary Atomizers - See and April 2009 issue of AAU, A. McCracken. Made in USA. asc@, 317-896-2561 A 0 1 -11 ASC Rotary Atomizers - Consistent droplets, large flow openings, easy to mount without changing your existing pump, boom and flow control method. Made in USA. asc@dynafog. com, 317-896-2561 A 0 1 -11 Everything you need for fixed wing or helicopter JAS 559-6861794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: www, t f n TRANSLAND 10 vane sprder for 38” gate, new $8200 Agrinautics, root, Crophawk, Transland, others Lane Aviation 281-342-5451 or FA X 281-232-5401.t fn
Newberg Electrostatic Spraying LLC is the exclusive distributor for Spectrum Electrostatic Spray Systems. Do more acres with better performance. Call Ed Newberg 320-848-2745. Serving northern US and Canada. For southern US and other countries call Spectrum Corp. office 713-783-5771. (06-10) CP NOZZLES AND CHECK VALVES “The Drift fighters”. Plus they improve your spray pattern. Contact Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: t f n Transland and Agrinautics, overstock sale. Call Danny for listing 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc. com t f n ASC Rotary Atomizers - Why use old hydraulic nozzle technology? Rotary Atomizers are proven as the most accurate method to apply both low & high volume formulations. Made in USA., 317-896-2561 A 0 1 -11 SprayTarget variable rate nozzles in stock. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 t f n Variable Rate OC and engine driven hydraulic spray control systems. Coming soon variable rate dry for standard gate and hydraulic flaps. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 t f n Dispersal Equipment: Weathaero Feathering Fans, Crophawks, Smokers, Flaggers, Nozzles, Transland, Breckenridge Spreaders, Airfoil Booms, Dry Breaks, Stocking All Aircraft Styles. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-3250885 tfn Agrinautics, Inc. Best spray pumps, valves, and strainers in the business! For service w/ a smile,call us at 435-586-1200. e-mail: t f n Stainless Steel Fabricators, Inc. ---Stainless spreaders and accessories new and used. We manufacture 12 vane,13 vanes and 10 vane spreaders. Call us at 800-736-3433 or 870-217-9232. (0 8 -10)
gps Two Ag Nav Guia Gold systems w/ antenna and light bar, hardly used in good shape. Contact Ted or Cameron for pricing at 575-763-4300 (07-10) Ag Nav GUIA Silver with light bar $8000 or best offer 435671-3455 (0 6 -10) Intelliflow Flow Controls -in stock, now shipping! Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319 tfn Wanted: Trimble AgGps 23 Lightbar. Call Dave at 574-8624392 A tfn Hemisphere GPS systems in stock, Intellistar, M3, Intelliflow, and Litestar2. We did it again, leading Level 3 Service Center/ Dealer 2009. Why buy anywhere else, we’ve got what you need, and service after the sale! Call now 800-437-5319 Sky-Tractor Supply Company tfn Used Satlocs. Litestar 1 and II. Airstar. New M3s in stock Prompt repair service Compton Flying Service 888-336-3924 t f n Satloc, Intelliflow Variable rate application. The Satloc Level III Service repair center. Mid-Continent aircraft Corp. Hayti, Mo 1-800-325-0885. t f n
Productions, Inc Q u e e n C at s
N997QC ‘10 400 gal “SB-Plus” TPE331-1 Deluxe*. $245,000
N936QC ‘10 360 gal “SA-Plus” TPE331-1 Deluxe*. $175,000 N995QC ‘10 350 gal “B-R1340” Deluxe/complete . $205,000 N992QC ‘10 320 gal “A+R985” Deluxe/complete... $155,000 * Your TPE331-1 engine and accessories
Jigged Frames — Fully Warranted More Versatility, Safety and STOL Performance Less Debt, Maintenance and Depreciation Costs P.O. Box 482, Municipal Airport, Walnut Ridge, AR 72476 USA Tel: 870-886-2418 • • Fax: 870-886-2489
Satloc and Del Norte Air Repair Inc, is the worldwide leader in sales and sercece. Call Danny (sales) or Dallas (service) 662846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 tfn Hemisphere GPS & Flow Control Dealer Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: t f n Authorized AgNav Distributors. New and used systems. GIS Spray data services/conversion. Summit Helicopters Inc. Call Gary at 816-633-1519 or 816813-0442. (0 6 -10) TRACMAP GPS has great features, easy to use, large screen, racetrack guidance, usb key easy import of files, competitive pricing. Now available from Turbine Conversions call 616-837-9428 0 6 - 1 0
parts For Sale: As removed Zee SZ45-002-1A Motor and condenser assembly. Removed to install factory air. $2000. Call Tommy, Matt or Bryan @ 870-295-6218 0 6 -10 3 sets new heavy gear for S2R Thrush. $10,000 per set exchange for core. Many other S2R parts/components. Call or fax Bruce’s Flying Service, Inc. 229-725-4150, fax 229725-5135. E-mail ( 0 6 - 1 0 ) Cleveland Wheels and Brakes. Buy used and save money. Air-Tractor, Thrush, Ag Cat. Chad Stuart Airplane Services Inc. 850-380-6091 (0 6 -10) Loadhog hydraulic hopper lid system from AT-402. Excellent condition. $3,000. Airplane Services, Inc. Chad Stuart 850380-6091 (0 6 -10) Used serviceable PT6 starter/generators. Wet or Dry spline. Guaranteed to work. $3,500 Chad Stuart. Airplane Services, Inc. 850-380-6091 (0 6 -10) Complete Thrush Factory Metal Tail W / Updates.Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 559-686-1794 / Email t f n 1set serviceable S2R wings. Group 1 Wing. 196 gal. fuel/ wing extension yellow. Eddy Current inspected. Found no cracks. These wings were removed from a 600 Thrush. 9000 hrs. $40,000 Call or fax Bruce’s Flying Service, Inc. 229-725-4150, fax 229-725-5135. E-mail (0 6 -10) Vacuum Meters ready to ship. Clean, accurate, closed system. Why pay 50,000 for a accurate system when you can do it for a fraction of the price and require no computers. Compton Flying Service 888-336-3924 tfn 1 set S2R wings, Group 5 Wing. 2000 year model. 6000hrs TT. New factory spar caps. 0 hours with new spar caps. 228 gal fuel. $80,000 unpainted exchanged or 485,000 painted to your specification and exchanged. Call or fax Bruce’s Flying Service, Inc. 229-725-4150, fax 229-725-5135. E-mail (0 6 -10) Rebuilt Thrush 510 hopper with Jon Herr door. $8,000. Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 t f n Smoke Systems. Used In great condition. $250. Airplane Services, Inc. Chad Stuart 850-380-6091 (0 6 -10) Air Tractor Parts New and Used (Associate dealer for Lane Aviation). FWF cowlings 402,502,602 many to chose from, removed for Factory and Cascade P-cowl conversions. New and used (Factory Rebuilt) Aileron, Flaps, Elevators, Rudders, Horz/Vert stabs in stock and ready to sale or trade. Call Wendel or Steve North Star Aviation 620-356-4528 We have all fibreglass parts for Weatherly and Ag-Cat (A, B and Super B). Call for prices. Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 t f n For Sale, M18 wings, ailerons, flaps. 0 since new, propeller still in box, for sale or trade on people airplane. 573-2463216, 573-225-8019 (0 6 -10) Retrofit Hopper Door for AT502 and AT602. Available Spring 2010. Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 t f n New 510 Thrush Hopper, Long Door, Dual Glass, Dual Latches, ready to be Installed. Call for Price 870-572-9011, www. A 0 6 -10 GPS Antenna Mount, for specific ag aircraft, Performance and looks, slip stream design delivers peak signals. Contact Terry Barber 605-258-2743. (0 9 -10)
Emco Wheaton/Buckeye Dry Break Couplers and adapters, Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: t f n Thrush rebuilt extended wings with 40,000 hour approved Avenger spar cap kit installed, 192 gal fuel, new leading edge H.D. ribs and leading edge skins. Will paint your color(1). Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 559-686-1794, t f n
Frost Flying Inc.
Vacuum Meters ready to ship. Clean, accurate, closed system. Set of new Thrush Aircraft current production wings featuring the 29,000 hour life limit on low spar caps. Upper and lower 4340 Chrome-Molly steel spar caps with 114 gallon fuel tank on each wing, 0 SNEW. Contact Thrush Aircraft Spares Department 229-883-1440, Complete exhaust system for R1340 as removed from Thrush in good condition. Call 870-572-9013 t f n New Thrush -34, -60,-65 models. 600 HP, Your Thrush distributor. Portable Air conditioner Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800-325-0885. tfn Superbooms for Cessna, Piper, Thrush, Air Tractor and custom manufacture; THRUSH AILERON SERVOS-STC’d kits. TSA 800-642-5777 or (TFN) O/H’D Thrush 29” Landing Gear & We Can Repair / Rebuild Yours. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 559-686-1794 / Email t f n PARTS, PARTS, PARTS. For all your ag aviation needs, please call Southeastern Aircraft Sales & Service 800-441-2964 Air Tractor Dealer tfn 8 Million new surplus parts for Cessna, Piper, and other aircraft; Continental and Lycoming engines; and a few spray system parts, big discounts. Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330698-0280. Check stock at t f n Accessories & Parts! 100’s of new and OHC accessories, parts for just about everything. Big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. t f n Jasco Alternator kits in stock. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 tfn PARTS, PARTS, PARTS... For all your ag aviation needs, please call Southeastern Aircraft Sales & Service (800) 441-2964 Air Tractor Dealer A TFN Cessna Ag Parts. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 t f n 10,000 P/N of Continental & Lycoming parts, 50% discount on most new! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330698-0280. Check stock at t f n Upgrade Your Existing Building with Schweiss Bi-Fold Doors & the NEW Hydraulic Bi-Fold Doors - Zero Headroom - New Lift Straps, Auto Latches, Remote Controls, Fast Delivery & Proper Installation Available / / 800-746-8273. Cessna: largest new and used 188 cessna inventory in u.s. call for quotes. Portugese and spanish ok. J&C Enterprises at 800-542-8565 Dromader: largest new and used inventory in the u.s. call us for quotes.J&C Enterprises at 800-542-8565 tfn Piper: we have many new parts for braves,pawnee, and super cubs. Call for Quote.J&C Enterprises at 800-542-8565 t f n World-one stop ag aviation center, all parts and accessories for everything in Ag Aviation for 54 years.MidContinent Aircraft Hayti, Mo. 800-325-0885 t f n Cessna Parts - Engine, propellers, authorized service center. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: A tfn Cessna Authorized Parts Center: Prompt, World-Wide Parts Service, Engines, Bonaire 550 Conversions, Wings. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-325-0885 t f n NEW! CP11TT/w-3 Tips & Shutoff in stock ready to ship today.1-800-437-5319 Sky-Tractor Supply Company t f n Air Tractor:1996 502b set of 29” wheels, brakes, and axles. 13 hours t.t. will Sell as a set or as single spare. $2,000.00 ea. Or $3750.00 for pair. J&C Enterprises at 800-542-8565 t f n
2010 Slots Available...........................................................Call 2010 AT-802A -65 May delivery . ..................... call for price 2008 AT-502B-34, 650 hrs TTAF&E, M3 Satloc w/flow control, elect br. gr adj, smoker, SS pumps and booms, CPs, breckenridge spreader................................................................. $700,000 New AT-802A, -67, 10” hydraulic gate, white or yellow....... Call New AT-602 -60, ............................................................Call New AT-502B -34............................................................Call New PT6-34 ag engine in stock....................... Call for price Unlimited Racer Project: 85% complete Yak 11, 3350 turbo compound with many spare parts including engine. Call with best offer. For pictures and details.........................................CALL Complete Air Tractor Parts And Accessories Dealer For Every Major Ag Aviation Parts and Supplies
Large Selection of PT6 Accessories New Turbine Props and Blades 0 SMOH 1340 Younkin S/S Pumps, Booms and Center Boom for Air Tractor
Target Spray Variable Rate Nozzles
12D40 0 SMOH New 6101 blades
Jack Frost Frost Flying Inc Office 870-295-6213 Fax 870-295-6674
Parts 870-295-6218 Fax 870-295-6237
Large inventory of PT6 and Air Tractor parts • Financing Available Call for Wingman installation For AgAv Parts & Accessories Call Tommy Allen
June 2010
Gulf Coast Ag Aircraft Sales & Service SOL D
1997 Ayres G-10 5100 Hr. TT. Fresh IRAN on engine & airframe. New paint, Satloc, Air Conditioner, Rinse system, Smoker, Stainless Steel Spray Systems, Electric Brakes, Landing lights & Strobe............... Call for Price 1994 Ayres 510 Garrett -6 Conversion, 7800 TT, good paint and well maintained aircraft. Satloc, Air Conditioner, Rinse system, Smoker, Stainless Steel Spray Systems, Electric Brakes, Landing lights & Strobe. . Call for Price 1979 Ayres 500 Garrett -6 Conversion, engine fresh IRAN, prop fresh OH, new fabric on tail, new paint, Satloc, air conditioner, will be ready end of March .................................................................................. Special Price 1990 Ayres 510 High Time Airframe, 15,000 hrs. Mid-time -6 Garrett engine. Good clean well maintained aircraft, Satloc, air conditioning, smoker, SS spray, electric brake, ready to work. ....................................Priced to Sell Garrett TPE-331-6-252m with 1500 hrs, fresh hot section on CAM engine.............................................................................................Call Garrett TPE-331-10-511m, Part 135 engine with lots of time and cycles remaining
Thrush Parts
Several sets of late model wings • Three Thrush metal tails • Many other items
979-532-1718 • 979-533-1720 It’s Practically
One World
“The World Center of Ag Aviation” Distributors - New Thrush, Cessna, Satloc, Weatherly So whether it’s ag-craft sales, services, parts or insurance We are Big enough to serve you Anywhere - Anytime - Promptly Small enough to need and appreciate your business
1601 Hwy 84 • Hayti, MO 63851 800-325-0885 • 40
Thrush: have a used set of 29 inch axles, wheels, and brakes for turbine Thrush. Will split for spares or sell as set. Great for conversion. $2,000.00 ea. Or $3750.00 for pair.J&C Enterprises at 800-542-8565 tfn Thrush parts - Wings, props, tail feathers, batteries, tires - we have the inventory. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@ web site: Air Tractor: ten inch set of wheels and brakes for 401. Would split for Spares. $1200.00 ea. Or $2200.00 for set. J&C Enterprises at 800-542-8565 tfn Dromader: two o/h and tagged stock propellers for sale. Almost new Dimensions with 8130. Will sale for $14,000.00 ea. Call J&C Enterprises at 800-542-8565 tfn Brave and Pawnee parts - engines, props, spar kits, fuel cells and foam kits, and much more. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: t f n S & T Aircraft Accessories, Inc. specializes in the overhaul of Radial and Turbine engine accessories. We have most items in stock ready to ship for exchange. Give us a call @ 830-625-7923 or fax 830-625-4138. t f n Agrinautics, Automatic Flagman, Aero Engines, Arrow prop, Air Tractor (Associate dealer Queen Bee Air Specialties) CP Nozzles, Compro Smoker, Crophawk, Covington Aircraft Engine, Collins Air Conditioner, Cleveland, Chip Detector, Hot Stuff, Honda Engines, Johnson Sidewinder, Nieto Products, New and used aircraft, (large) Parts Inventory, Schweizer, Spraying Systems, Co., Superbugs, APH-4 Helmet, Simplex, Tires, Transland, WeathAero. Sky Tractor Supply 800-4375319, 701-436-5881. t f n
propellers Prop for sale Ham Std 3D40 three blade prop “0” TSOH $15,000. R1340 S3H1-G geared engine 90.0 TSOH (Tulsa) $45,000. will sale both for $55,000 save $5,000 call Wendel North Star Aviation Inc. 620-356-4528 Prop for Sale: New 4 Blade Hartzell Propeller for Garrett. Call for Details. 870-572-9011, A06-10
Props for Sale: 2D30-6101A-18 OHC 23D40-7035A-12S OHC 22D40-6533A-12 OHC 23D40-6533A-18 Serviceable cond. 23D40-6533A-18 Serviceable cond. Call: PropWorks, Winnipeg, Canada Tel: 888-679-2965 email:
A12 -1 0
For Outright Sale: Overhauled 5-Blade Prop. Hartzell HC-B5MP3C. Fits AT-502A, AT-503, AT-602, AT-802, Thrush S-2R-T65 & S-2RHG-T65.’06 Hartzell Overhaul. TSN: 1379.5 (TSO:0). Call Steve or Gary 210-924-5561. ( 0 6 -10) IA200/FA8452, NEW $4,500 2D30-6101A20, A/R. $3,500 2D30-6101A12, IRAN $9,500 2D30-6101A12, OHC $14,500 22D30-AG200-2, OHC $15,500 2D30-AG100-2, OHC, $11,500 22D40-AG200-2 OHC..$20,000 22D40-AG200-2, 190 SOH, /new blades... $21,500 HC-B3TN-3D/5M, OHC/+4NB’s. $19,500AmAg 870-886-2418 (2489F) t f n Hartzell 3 Blade and 5 blade Props, new & used $CALL Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-342-5451 or FAX 281-232-5401 t f n .
Air Tractor Financing can put an Air Tractor in your hangar. For a limited time, Air Tractor is offering competitive financing options in the U.S. and Canada from Wells Fargo Equipment Finance. Fly now and take seven years to pay, 10 years to amortize and have a fixed interest rate for the life of the loan. Other attractive term periods are available, too. These financing options are available on both new and used Air Tractors purchased through Air Tractor dealers.
vehicles 2 Loader Trucks for sale. Both all stainless steel, both all hydraulic, both have aircraft fueling systems and tanks. One running with 8000 lb hopper, $15,000. One not running 6000 lbs hopper $5,000. Call 870-222-4556 (0 6 -10) 1984 Ford F700 diesel Allison automatic 12” mild steel folder 7000lb hopper 300 gal. fuel Honda pump. Call Auger Dan Office: 870-578-6133 Cell: 870-919-2317 A 0 6 -1 0
HOTSTUFF AG AIRCRAFT CLEANER Call to order the # 1 Ag Aircraft cleaner in the country, Used by over 400 operators Coast to Coast. Blue Stripe Distributing 877-924-5025 A 12-10 Load hog,with hyd. Installed in a 510 gallon hopper. Good shape. Both for $14,400.00 JOHNSON @ 218-437-6415. (0 6 -10) Reduce Drift, Increase Deposition and Retention use Control™ For FREE SAMPLE go to freesample Call 765-395-3441, t f n Soft stop pump brake . No more sheared keys. Fast start engine system. cut starting heat and time. A must. MidContinent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800-325-0885. tfn Schweiss Bifold Doors / Hangar Doors, T-Hangar Doors, Bottom Rolling Doors, with the New Lift Straps, Windows, for Airparks, Airports, Agriculture & FBO’s. We install - We Deliver / / 800-746-8273 .
Auger Truck for sale. 1995 FL70, all stainless steel hopper, bed and auger. folding System, hyd gate adjust, hyd fuel, air brakes, auto transmission and A/C. Scales. New Auger and PTO drive shafts and bearings last year. Two identical trucks, take your pick, but can only sell one. 40,000 OBO. 870-225-3698 (0 6 -10) 2 to choose from! 1992 model of International 4700. DT466 diesel, a/c, standard transmission, PTO chain drive, well maintained, aluminum wheels, your choice for pipe and hopper. 640 stainless fuel with gasoline engine fuel pump. Call Auger Dan Office: 870-578-6133 Cell: 870-919-2317 A 0 6 -10 1500 gal Jet A refueler; Nissan UD 3300 truck; epoxy lined steel tank: Liquid Control counter with predetermining counter (new 2003); single point and over the wing nozzles: automatic reel. Truck and pump work well; good rubber $15,900 Call 501-985-1484 AR location. tfn Auger Trucks For Sale (Trade-Ins) Also list of customer trucks. Call Auger Dan Office: 870-578-6133 Cell: 870-9192317 A 0 6 -1 0 1993 Peterbilt folding BAG truck, built for Air Tractor 802. Loads 6,000 lbs, has fuel tank and reel. Great shape. Call Brandon 318-303-3147 (0 6 -10)
miscellaneous Original DeSpain Pen and Ink cropduster printer’s proofs now available by artist Richard DeSpain. Several to choose from, reduced sale price, $1000 each. These are the originals that the signed and numbered prints are made from. Contact Richard DeSpain 501-573-3291 or 06-10
600 Gal. Reconditioned Aluminum Tank. Ideal for Jet Fuel, AV Gas, Chemicals & Etc. $1,250.00 For more tanks & vehicles go to Sales 719-336-9416. Ask for John (0 6 -10) HELMET with slide up visor $850. Deluxe Kevlar Helmet with ANR, Softskins, Oregon seals $1200. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319 Atfn English to Spanish Technical Translations Former A&P and Ag-Pilot, Carlos Retamosa Specializing in translating: • Aviation technical manuals • Airworthiness Directives (ADs) • Service Bulletins (SBs) Contact 598-53-24376
tfn AG Operators can calculate your breakeven, % investment return, profit potential, and produce annual & monthly cash flows. Project your financials without spending hours of your time. All reports are produced automatically and accurately after you provide your cost inputs and gross application fees. Types of analyses performed include: Company/ Individual Ownership, Managed with/without Leaseback, Commercial Operation, Agricultural/Fire/Ambulance Operations, Joint Ownership, Fractional Ownership, and Charter/Rental. AG sales organizations can provide prospects with customized & professional ownership cost analysis. This program is a great sales aid and management tool. FREE sample reports. Click REQUEST INFORMATION on the website or call 281-419-7443
One-Piece Hydraulic Bi-Fold Doors - Zero Headroom, New Lift Straps, All Sizes! Doors & Windows for FBO’s, T-Hangars, Fly-In Homes, and Airparks. We install - We Deliver, Any Size - Anywhere., / 800-746-8273. SUPERBUGS A safe and economical way to speed up Mother nature! Dispose of hazardous waste in loading and spill areas, ponds and ditches. SUPERBUGS disposes of insecticides, Fungicides, herbicides, and petroleum products Such as waste oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, solvent or anything of organic nature. Blue Stripe Distributing Toll Free 877-924-5025 t f n Hangar Doors, T-Hangar Doors & Bottom Rolling Doors by Schweiss Bi-Fold Doors. Any Size Door, Walkdoor or Window. Works Great for FBO’s, Fly-In Homes, and Airparks. Delivery & Installation Available / / 800-746-8273. Schweiss Bi-Fold Doors & the NEW One-Piece Hydraulic BiFold Door - Zero Headroom, New Lift Straps, Auto Latches, Any Size Door, Custom Made for FBO’s, T-Hangars, Fly-In Homes, and Airparks. Delivered & Installed / / 800-746-8273. AFS Check Valves- Make the switch to AFS check valves, Find out what many operators already know, increased productivity, eliminate leaks and drips, long life, and no moe trying to find buckets!!! To help clean up your operation today call 800833-2013. or Fax 574-862-4669. t f n Crop Duster Video - “The Crop Dusters - The Early Years 19211955”; the era of Stearmans and Cubs flying the fields will never be seen again. Available in VHS or DVD. Only $20.00, plus S&H. MC and Visa accepted. Call 478-987-2250 Fax 478-987-1836 Historical Video Productions. tfn
Beautiful 2.73 ac wooded lot in upscale Pine Ridge Equestrian Estates, located in Citrus County, Florida only five miles from Crystal River. Covenants, 27 miles of horse trails, community center, pool and golf course. Nicer homes and mini-ranchettes. Zoning allows up to three horses and stables permitted on lot with your house. Horse trail borders back end of lot that is 298’ wide and 400’ deep on 3620 Stirrup Drive, Beverly Hills, Florida (Google it!). Public water and septic sewer. Contact David A. Wiland with Realty Select, 352-563-5313, fax 888-834-9437 citruslevyland@gmail. com One-acre-square house lot for sale in new Plane Living Sky Park neighborhood with 2,000 s.f., all brick, covenants. Lot is one of 13 directly on new sod runway. Taxi out of your hangar, directly onto the runway. Located in Peach County, Georgia. Public water, septic sewer. paved streets, curb and gutter, street lights. Less than five miles west of I-75, Exit 142, approximately five miles to Fort Valley, GA and approximately 10 miles to Warner Robins, GA. Google It! South side of Hwy 96 at 50 Lane Rd., Fort Valley, Georgia 31030 (Google photo before development). Save thousands and buy from owner. $50,000 OBO, includes closing costs. 888.987.2250.
software PC SPRAY Dedicated Application Software, Version 3. Fullyfunctional program. Buy it once, use it forever! No annual fees. Technical support for the life of the product. Call or email for demo today. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319. tfn
June 2010
Wheels up. PIM Aviation Insurance is one of the oldest and most experienced ag aviation insurance providers in the industry. We provide access to creative negotiation and problem solving for all your risk management needs. Our passion to keep you flying is deeply rooted, resulting in knowledgeable recommendations and cost-sensitive pricing. For a free, no-obligation quote, call 800.826.4442 or visit us online at Proud member of NAAA. tfn The Right Aviation Insurance Broker makes all the difference in the world. A 35 year professional pilot and former Ag Insurance underwriter work together to give you the experience and knowledge to get you the right coverage for the least cost. We work for you, not the insurance companies. Jim Gardner and Rick Langley @ Insuramerica Aviation, Inc. 978-936-4000. 800-654-7892 ext 4108 or 4104. jgardner@ t f n INSURANCE from the Leading Ag Aviation Brokers. 61 Years Risk Management, Lowtime Pilot Coverage. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-325-0885 t f n
• Beautiful 2.73 acres wooded lot • 298’ wide and 400’ deep • Pine Ridge Equestrian Estates • Public water and septic sewer • Five miles from Crystal River, Florida • Covenant exclusive neighborhood • Community center • Pool & golf course
Mini-ranchettes with zoning that allows up to three horses and stables with your home. 27 miles of horse trails with access at rear of lot. • GOOGLE IT! Citrus County, Florida 3620 Stirrup Drive Beverly Hills, FL
David A. Eiland with Realty Select Phone: 352-563-5313 • Fax: 888-834-9437 Email: Website:
“Insurance from a name you can trust, at a price you can afford”, is what we do and it’s our motto. Hardy Aviation Insurance, Inc, is centrally located in Wichita Kansas and has been servicing the aerial application market for years now. RANDY HARDY established Hardy Aviation Insurance in 1995 with aerial application as his main focus. Prompt courteous service from a staff dedicated and knowledgable includes ANGIE BANZ and RITA ETHRIDGE, both of whom have years of experience servicing the aerial application business. Give us a try, you might be suprised. Call 1 800 721-6733 or fax us at 316-945-2330. Get an online quote from our web site at or e-mail us at t f n DOUG DAVIDSON, aircraft owner and commercial pilot, has served the unique insurance needs of the agricultural aviation community since 1982. He founded Davidson Solid Rock Ins. in 1995 on Christian principles, honesty, integrity, and the commitment to provide insurance products as solid as our name! One call is all it takes to shop all available markets for your specialized aviation insurance needs. We welcome the opportunity to talk with you at 800-358-8079. Or visit our website at .t fn
A&P licensed Regional Service Rep with experience on PT6A AG engines. Perform customer contact, field service, troubleshooting, engine change, minor engine repairs. Based in central U.S. Domestic travel. Dallas Airmotive. See full listing at: 07-10 !!Attention Thrush Owners!! North Star Aviation Inc is now the new STC holder of the Thrush Reinforce Leading Edge Skins. If you are getting ready to rebuild your Thrush wings due to AD09-26-11 or tired of bird strikes and ugly leading edges!! Now is the time to install North Star Aviations new Thrush heavy duty reinforced leading edge skins fully STC’d SA03518AT no Field approval required. For more Info contact Wendel or Steve @ North Star Aviation Inc. 620-356-4528 We rebuild and refinish any fibreglass part for Weatherly, Cessna, Piper and Ag-Cat (A, B and Super B,C and D). Call for prices. Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 t f n Stainless Steel Fabricators, Inc. --- Stainless spreaders and accessories new and used. We repair all models including Transland and Swathmaster. Call us at 800-736-3433 or 870-217-9232. (0 6 -10) Borescope and Videoscope Repair Services. Any brand or any model. Your one stop source for the best value visual inspection equipment since 1981. Check out our new products and rental units at www.Borescopesrus. com or call Borescopes-R-Us at 931-362-4009. (06-10) The NEW Hydraulic Bi-Fold Doors by Schweiss Bi-Fold Doors- Offering Zero Headroom with Auto Latches, Remote Controls, Walkdoors for FBO’s, T-Hangars, Fly-In Homes, and Airparks. Delivery & Installation Available / / 800-746-8273.
Jeffries Airwork Dynamic Propeller Balancing with Chadwick Helmuth engine printout equipment. Jeffries Airworks, Dynamic Balancing, Vibration Analysis. Much more than just a balance. Call Jim Jeffries, A&P/IA, 985-507-9981, Nationwide service on your location. (tfn)
Now taking deposits on 2010 Air Tractors 2010 AT-502B-2705 PT6A-34AG, for price 2010 AT-802-0376 PT6A-67AG, Aug 2010 for price
800-441-2964 Ask for Chuck Stone or Rick Stone F O B Fort Pierce, FL
Office: 772-461-8924 • Fax: 772-461-9050 • Home: 772-461-3661 • •
ENGINE MOUNTS AND TUBULAR STEEL COMPONENTS Repaired for Ag airplanes (landing gears, horizontal tails, fuselages, etc.); Some Components in stock for exchange. FAA approved Repair Station HE4R229M. Piper PA-25 Pawnee wing/fuselage attach kits to comply with AD. Kosola & Associates, Inc. Albany, Georgia Phone 229-435-4119; Fax 229888-5766 e-mail:; website: t f n
wanted to buy EXHAUST Wanted: R-1340 and R-985 Exhaust Send Old Exhaust segments for exchange or Sell them! Call Daryl @ 940-902-0797 tfn Wanted to Buy Air Tractor AT-301 or AT-401, Ferriable Southeastern Aircraft Sales 800-441-2964 or t f n
vacation rentals
Learn To Fly Ag In Sunny Brazil!!! Eight flight hours dual DGPS equipped (C170) plus 23 hours solo in EMBRAER 300 HP Ipanema (Similar To Brave 300HP) or CESSNA 188 AG TRUCK. 100 hours ground school (chemicals, crops, calibration DGPS, etc.) - Instructors are English/Spanish/ Portuguese Spoken. Only $6,500.00 USD - Contact phone/fax 55 51 3723 7000 in Cachoeira Do SuL, state of RIO GRANDE DO SUL - BRAZIL tfn
seat wanted Ag Pilot Seeking Seat. Available Immediately. Licensed in NJ. Will license in any state. Willing to relocate. TT 5000+ hrs; Turbine 3000+ hrs;. ATP, CFI CFII MEI AGI,. Flying Tiger Aviation Graduate - Basic Ag and Turbine Transition - May 2010. Hard working & dedicated. Contact: Frank Booth 254722-3223 or email: (0 6 -10) AG Operater/Pilot with Thrush 510-34 seeking fungicide work in July-August. I have 18,000 hours Ag time and licensed in Nebraska and Ohio. Can license in your state. Bruce 251978-2729 (0 6 -10) Ag Pilot 16,000 hrs. 6,000 ag, all ag aircraft, almost all crops, hebacide and Government experience. No accidents, incidents, violations or claims. Non Drinker, Non Smoker. Midwest - call 314-968-8815 email (06-10)
Doctor’s Orders: A pilot’s vacation home with a pilot discount! St. George Island, Florida. Directly on private beach with expansive views of the Gulf of Mexico, three levels of covered furnished decks. Spacious open living/dining/kitchen area. Five bedrooms including two master suites and four baths, multiple TVs/DVDs/VCRs/wireless Internet. Occupancy 12, beds: three kings, four twins, one queen sleeper sofa. Underhouse concrete parking, 15’ x 30’ pool (heated for a fee), enclosed hot/cold outdoor shower, fish cleaning area, parkstyle grill. Paved 3339’ airport on island (F47) a quarter mile from the house. Ask for “pilot’s discount” Major discounts for Spring and Fall! Visit for photos, 877.272.8206. AgAir Update “Endorsed”. ( 06-10)
operations 33 year established ag operation in SW.Ontario, Canada. Little or no competition. Room for expansion if desired. Aircraft is a P.A. 25 Pawnee, bought new & meticulously maintained since. 388 factory new standards.All AD’s complied with, no accidents. 250 hp. 90” prop. Must sell due to increasing arthritis. Asking $150,000. 519-842-3898. ( 0 6 - 1 0 ) GREAT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! Well established Ag Aviation business available in the beautiful Hood River valley in Oregon. Includes hangar and equipment located on paved municiple airport. Can be sold with or without PA36 aircraft. $225,000 or with plane $300,000. Seller Financing Available. Call 541-296-4906 (0 6 -10)
schools Ag Pilot Training-PERSONALIZED INSTRUCTION Initial and Re-current. DGPS LIGHTBAR, Tailwheel, and Spin/Upset Recovery by Mentor,Randy Berry, 40 Yr CFI and Active Ag Pilot. See our web site at: EAGLE VISTAS LLC PH 772-285-5506 (0 6 -10) Tailwheel endorsements and time building in south Texas for aspiring ag-pilots. C-170 available for training and rental with discounts for block time. Contact Clyde at 956-202-2094 or t f n
Classifieds are only a phone call away!
I have two “400” Braves with pilots ready for work. They are experienced pilots and the airplanes are restored to new. Contact Brent: (701)330-6946 or ( 0 6 -10) Experienced ag pilot, Seat wanted. 18,000 + ag, 3000+ turbine, AT-802 thru 402, Thrush 660. Firefighting 300+ drops. Start immediately. Steve 405-542-3993, cell 580574-7084. (0 6 -10) Qualified Ag Pilot Seeking Seat. Available Immediately. Licensed in SD. Will license where needed. Willing to relocate. TT 1100 hrs., 600 tail wheel. CFI, A&P mechanic. Hard working & dedicated. Contact: Collin Davis @ 831-262-0259 (0 6 -10) Ag Pilot seat wanted. Fixed wing CFI, CFI-I, MEI. Rotary Wing CFI, CFI-I. 1,400 hours total time. Ag Flight graduate. Trained in AT-301 and Pawnee. Available immediately. Will relocate as needed. Contact Keith at (775)292-0493 or kjorge2002@ (0 6 -10)
Needing a piston aircraft to lease for fungicide/insecticide season. Prefer Brave, Ag Cat, 188, 301, or similar. Would also consider dual cockpit turbine with pilot. Email agairspray@ (0 6 -10) Cessna 300 or Thrush 600 for lease during insecticide/ fungicide season. Satloc, experienced. Neb/TX license, insured, Wayne 806-781-7476. (0 6 -10) I’m looking for a seat for 2010. I have about 14,000TT; 8400 Ag and 1200 Turbine; Turbine Thrush and Turbine Air Tractor . Experienced in round and flat engine powered airplanes including Cessna, Thrush & Dromader. Licensed in Kansas and Illinois and certified in Arkansas. GPS experience includes Satloc, Ag-Nav, Wag. Available April 5 - October. 870-217-2261 (0 6 -10)
help wanted
international advertiser index Acorn Welding......................................... 24
Wanted Full time AP/IA mechanic located in SE Texas. Maintain nine company ag planes, airframe maintenance, engine work sent out. Must have turbine ag plane experience. Current AP/IA retiring after 43 years with company. Accepting written applications only send to Send to Mechanic C/O AgAir Update. PO Box 850, Perry, GA 31069. or Fax to 888-382-6951. ( 0 6 - 1 0 )
Ag - Nav, Inc. ............................................3
Immediate Opening - IA/AP Director of Maintenance. Industryleading firm has an immediate position available. Turbines, round engines, agricultural aircraft maintenance. Highly successful company. Join our team, we have decades of experience. Send resume, and pay requirements. 800-4375319 t f n
American AgViation............................... 38
Wanted: Spanish speaking aircraft mechanic. A&P not necessary, will help with getting A&P license. Agricultural Aircraft & Turbine experience a plus. Contact: andy@ A 0 6 -10
Ag-Flight, Inc............................................ 43 Air Tractor Inc.............................................5 Airforce Turbine Service........................33 Auto-Cal, Inc............................................ 32 Collins Aircraft Dynamics, Inc............. 31 Covington Aircraft Engines..................44 Desser Tire & Rubber Co......................29 Dyna Nav Systems, Inc. .......................23
Wanted: A&P Mechanic, Ag plane experience a plus, Turbine exp. a plus, good pay/benefits. Send resume/salary requirements to: A 0 6 -10
Frost Flying............................................... 39
Best Classified Buy In The Industry. Read By More Ag Pilots Than Any Other Publication. Only $45 888-987-2250. Fax: 888-382-6951.
Gulf Coast Ag Aircraft SS..................... 41
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