August 2011 - Edition in English

Page 1 Volume 29, Number 8 august 2011

Long Island, NY home of an ag operator

inside this edition: AAU Argentina Excursion - part 4 • SAIB issued for Ag-Cat SAIB issued for Air Tractor • Application quality What a view! A look at the borescope • Thrush establishes major presence in Brazil

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Something new is going on here. 2A


August 2011


Bill Lavender My check pilot, Robert McCurdy of Flying Tiger Aviation in Oak Ridge, Louisiana.

I’ve read a couple of comments about our Canadian counterparts who felt the need to be stars in the reality show Dust Up. All were negative. Your first clue about the quality of this show should be its title. I have tried to refrain from making any comments since I’ve only viewed the trailers of the show. That was enough to repulse me. The ag-aviation industry has worked for years to dispel a rowdy, cowboy image. For the most part, it has been successful. Then, along comes Dust Up. The ag-pilot actors must not care about image or our industry. Reality television is all about drama. That means it has to portray ag aviation as a dangerous and unprofessional occupation, the opposite of what is desired. I don’t recall having met the pilots in Dust Up. I don’t think I want to. Nothing good for the rest of the industry can come of their self-serving actions. I don’t expect to see them attending any agpilot functions or industry tradeshows. If there is such a thing as black-balling, the stars of this show probably have managed to do that. Let’s hope the rest of the worldwide industry is smarter and refuses to expose itself to the misgivings of reality television. After a whirlwind trip through Brazil this past June, I can report the XX

Dust what?

Congresso Mercosul e Latino Americano de Aviaçáo Agrícola in Florianopolis was a huge success. The Brazilian association SINDAG (Sindicato Nacional das Empresas de Aviaçáo Agrícola) reported over 900 attendees and more than 40 exhibitors participated in the event. Be sure to view the collage of convention photos in this edition of AgAir Update, as well as on AgAir Update’s Facebook Page. South Americans do things a little differently and that is not bad. Unfortunately, we lost two excellent pilots in Costa Rica in June due to a midair collision. I saw the photos and it exemplified the severity of a midair collision. The pilots had no chance of survival. We acknowledge these things and shake our heads in disbelief, resolving not to allow it to happen to us. One thing we don’t often think about is the pilots that barely do survive a terrible accident and what their life is like afterwards. One such U.S. pilot crashed his AT402 this spring. The photos of his accident were just as severe as the Costa Rican midair crash. He survived, but not without severe medical problems from his injuries. I do not know how many surgeries the pilot has received since his accident. I know several. I recently spoke with him

inside this issue Calendar of events .................................................................................................................. 5A AgAir mail .................................................................................................................................... 7A Long Island, NY - home of an ag operator......................................................................................10A AAU Argentina Excursion - part 4 .................................................................................................... 13S SAIB issued for Ag-Cat.......................................................................................................................16A SAIB issued for Air Tractor................................................................................................................17A What a view! A look at the borescope...............................................................................................18A Thrush establishes major presence in Brazil....................................................................................22A Application quality.............................................................................................................................24A Classified ads............................................................................................................................27A


from the cockpit over the phone and found him to be in good spirits, besides the loss of an eye, two completely destroyed knees, broken leg and ribs, and crushed spine with stints to drain fluids from his brain due to swelling. His recovery has been slow, but he believes one day he will return to the cockpit. I surely hope so. In this edition of AgAir Update, you will read about an unusual ag-helicopter operator who is based on Long Island, New York. Many may not understand the significance of an ag-operator spraying crops on Long Island. It is unique. Long Island has New York City on its western shores and the exclusive “Hamptons” neighborhood (for the rich and famous) on its eastern shores. North Fork Helicopters conducts spraying operations in this high-visibility area. Their operations include spraying bugs between parallel runways at John F. Kennedy International Airport! I know you will enjoy reading about North Fork Helicopters. By the time you read this, AgAir Update will have its online “store” up and running. You will be able to securely purchase ag-aviation-related items with a credit card, or through PayPal. Immediately available will be AgAir Update gift cards, DeSpain Pen & Ink drawings, “Last Load” color prints, hats, subscriptions and a variety of ag-aviation books. Be sure to visit often as the store adds more items, especially for birthdays and Christmas gifts. Until next month, blue sky and tailwinds...

P.O. Box 850 • Perry, GA 31069 USA 475 Myrtle Field Rd. • Perry, GA 31069 USA PHONE: 478-987-2250 FAX: 478-987-1836 •

EDITOR / PUBLISHER: Bill Lavender ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR: Deborah Freeman ACCOUNTING: Sandy Lavender ADVERTISING: Ernie Eggler CLASSIFIED ADS: PRODUCTION: Deborah Freeman CIRCULATION: Brittni White IT SPECIALIST: Graham Lavender CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Dennis Avery - Jim Gardner - Carlin Lawrence - Alan McCracken - Robert McCurdy - Sam Miller - Tracy Thurman - LATIN AMERICAN REPS: Ernesto Franzen - Gina Hickmann - Walt Jazun - Pat Kornegay - Virginia Marroni -

© Copyright 2011 AgAir Update retains all rights for reproduction of any material submitted, to include but not limited to articles, photographs, emails and bulletin board posts. All material remain the copyright of AgAir Update. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in part or whole, without the written consent of the publisher. Editorial published do not necessary reflect the views of the publisher. Content within AgAir Update is believed to be true and accurate and the publisher does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions. Unsolicited editorial manuscripts and photos are welcomed and encouraged. We cannot be responsible for return unless submissions are accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Advertising deadline is 12 noon, on the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication. AgAir Update (ISSN 1081-6496) Published monthly by AgAir Update, LLC, 475 Myrtle Field Road, Perry, GA 31069 for $39 USD for one year in the U.S.; International rates are $39 USD for one year. Periodical postage paid at Springfield, MO and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to P.O. Box 850, Perry, GA 31069. AgAir Update, a multiple-award winning publication, is a tabloid newspaper 12.25” deep by 9.5” wide on a 2.25” 4 column format. Contract rates are available upon request. AgAir Update is a proud member of:

calendar of events September 2011 September 3, 2011 Beck Memorial Fly-In Battle Lake, MN Cindy Schreiber-Beck September 8-9, 2011 OkAAA Operation SAFE Clinic El Reno, OK Dennis Gardisser 501-676-1762 Sandy Wells 405-341-3548 September 26-30, 2011 SAFE Analyst Training La Junta Municipal Airport La Junta, CO Dennis Gardisser 501-676-1762 Volume 29, Number 7 august 2011

Long Island, NY home of an ag operator

inside this edition: Long Island, NY home of an ag operator • AAU Argentina excursion part 4 SAIB issued for Ag-Cat • SAIB issued for Air Tractor • Application quality What a view! A look into the borescope • Thrush establishes major presence in Brazil

September 29-30, 2011 CoAAA SAFE Fly-In La Junta Municipal Airport La Junta, CO Dolle Lehrkamp 719-768-3367

October 2011 October 7-9, 2011 NAAA Fall Board Meeting Greensboro, NC Peggy Knizner Tel: 202-546-5722 Fax: 202-546-5726 October 18-19, 2011 MiAAA Convention University Quality Inn and Conf. Center Lansing, MI Polly McKillop 248-760-0732 October 24-26, 2011 KsAAA Annual Convention Grand Praire Hotel Hutchinson, KS Chris Wilson 785-232-2131 October 31- November 1, 2011 M601E Line Maintenance Training Customer Technical Education Center Cincinnati, OH

On the cover... North Fork Helicopter’s Bell 47 sits ready... See story on page 10A.

November 2011 November 6-8, 2011 PNW AAA Convention Red Lion Hotel Pasco Pasco, WA Tara Lea Brown (PNW) 509-989-9098 November 8-10, 2011 CoAAA Annual Conv. & Trade Show Crowne Plaza Hotel Colorado Springs, CO Dolle M. Lehrkamp 719-768-3367 November 8-10, 2011 Mid-States Ag Aviation Conference Isle Casino Hotel Bettendorf, IA Harley Curless 309-759-4826 November 14-16, 2011 CaAAA Annual Convention Tenaya Lodge Outside Yosemite, Terry Gage 916-645-9747 Fax: 916-645-9749

December 2011 December 5-8, 2011 NAAA Annual Convention and Expo Hilton Hotel Las Vegas, NV Peggy Knizner Tel: 202-546-5722 Fax: 202-546-5726

January 2012 January - TBA LaAAA Convention TBA Edward Krielow 337-824-5007 January - TBA TxAAA Convention TBA Susan Bennett 512-476-2644 January 8, 9 & 10, 2012 ArAAA Convention Wyndham Riverfront Hotel North Little Rock, AR Ron Harrod 501-376-3233 January 11-12, 2012 MoAAA Convention Cape Girardeau, MO Mike Lee 573-695-3842 January 15-17, 2012 Northeast AAA Convention Harrisburg, PA Ray Feeney 631-734-5515 January 16-18, 2012 OkAAA Convention Oklahoma City, OK Sandy Wells 405-341-3548 January 17-19, 2012 MsAAA Convention Imperial Palace Casino Biloxi, MS Vicki Morgan 662-455-0070

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agair mail reality show I just read the article about the reality show that the NAAA was against. I agree wholeheartedly with the NAAA. We have enough issues regarding our industry without the help of bad press. We need for the NAAA to be focusing on issues such as one national pesticide applicators certificate. We all have to go to the PAASS and state recertification programs that keeps us up to speed with our ever changing industry. I am not opposed to paying the state licence fee, but as a 31-year professional, I don’t agree that making me take a state test is going to make me a better applicator. Just my thoughts, Regards Bruce Andrews Arlington, GA Hi ya Bruce; Good to hear from you. Hot enough yet? Need a rain? What’s that? About those kooks in Canada, I don’t understand it, other than they see the potential to become TV stars and to hell with ag-aviation in the process. I doubt we’ll be seeing them at any conventions... Your comments about a national pesticide license are on target. Eventually, it’ll all get figured out. Lots of state turf involved with the departments of ag that don’t want to concede. Give all your folks a big “HI” for me.—Bill

Hi ya Reid; To my knowledge, there is no such data and that is primarily due to the wide fluctuations in prices throughout the U.S. My guess would be anywhere from $5 - $10, and that could be for either vol. 5 or 7. The Midwest and West tend to charge more than the South. I know that doesn’t help any, but I don’t know what else to tell ya. If I was operating, I would think about $7 for 5 gal and $9 for 7-gal for herbicide work. That is a little more than I would charge for fungicide or insecticide, etc. due to the additional insurance, timing of applications and liability. I don’t see how you can compare to the U.S., unless your insurance, fuel, labor costs, etc. are the same and no consideration for DR duty on parts/ aircraft. Really doesn’t matter what the U.S. charges, you would have to charge enough to pay your expenses and a reasonable profit, anything less and you will eventually go broke.—Bill

public thank you

I told the Super-Cooper you said hello in regards to the license plate pic! (AAU July 2011) This time I wanted to utilize your paper to publicly thank the Gustin family and their crew in Lewiston, Idaho for the truly perfect job they did on the full frame-out refurb of my 1979 -34 Thrush. I showed up late with it just before Christmas and even with the strain of Steve Gustin being nearly on his deathbed in the hospital for four months they still got her back to me on June 9th. They worked 12-hour days and weekends to get it done and all the while not one of them ever sacrificed quality workmanship for speed. pricing At 31 years old, with 17,500 hours I was wondering if you had an idea, on her, we stripped it to the frame, or if you know where I might find out performed all the welding of airframe the average price guys are getting in updates, bead blasted and powderthe US for applying herbicide at 7 and coated the frame and literally hundreds 5 gal/ acre. I’m trying to calculate of little pieces/parts grey. They then some new prices and I would like to began putting all new side panels, have the current US price for backup. belly skins, and wiring back on it. The Hope all is going well. wing spars and leading edges were Thanks, replaced with new and in addition to Reid Campbell VGs we added a set of Ag-Tips winglets Dominican Republic thanks to my buddy Miles Morris in

Yuma, AZ. We also installed a set of Barry’s “Bayou Lights” in the leading edges. Those, in addition to my custom high visibility paint job, will hopefully keep me and my neighbors safe when working in close proximity. Covington Aircraft Engines built up a LOH -34 for me classed to run in the 4k altitude range, and I had new prop blades installed in my hub. I designed a new instrument panel and installed a MVP-50T as well as an Air Gizmos docking station for an Aera 510 GPS. Everything was either new, overhauled, or refurbished from stem to stern. She hauls a load nicely, and I believe, looks good too! Thanks again to the Gustin family and crew for taking such care in putting this project together, and a thank you to all of the other vendors that contributed to their success, it is truly how I visualized it and I couldn’t be happier. If there was a class for

ag-planes at Oshkosh, I believe this one would win! Sincerely, George J. Parker III Crop Jet Aviation, LLC. Gooding, ID Morning George; Good praises for the Gustins. I am sure they will appreciate it. “Super-Cooper”, I’ll have to remember that! Have a good year in your “new” Thrush!—Bill

school I am trying to find out what the minimums are right now to enter ag aviation as an ag pilot in the Midwest. Or anywhere besides California. I am looking to get my first few seasons in and plan to go to Ag Flight in Georgia for my training. Thank you for your help. Dale Clayborne

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August 2011


Dale; There are no “minimums” per se to fly ag, other than a Commercial Pilot’s License, a proficiency Part 137 signoff, current biannual and 2nd class medical and a state Pesticide License for the state you would fly in. Ag-Flight should be able to help you with those requirements.—Bill Thank you for your response about ag aviation requirements. I would like to pursue ag aviation here in the near future once I finish my final research. I am getting into this industry for many reasons. May I ask you what type of salary an ag pilot can expect in his first couple seasons flying a piston engine and then the salary he could expect after his transition to turbine ? Thank you for your help. Dale Clayborne Dale; Depends on many factors; i.e. hours flown, percentage paid, etc. Most likely, you will nearly starve to death the first couple of years, you may not even get to fly the first year while working on the ground slightly above minimum wage.

But, it is still less money spent than for a four to six-year college degree. After you have 500 to 1,000 hours, again, depending on the hours flown in a season, probably about $80 -$100 a flight hour. Takes lots of “time hours” to get a logged hour; waiting around on the ground for weather, chemical, timing, etc. Eventually, you should be able to make six-figures, again, depending on where and how much you fly. If you are doing it strictly for the money, you probably won’t make it in this business. —Bill

update I need to get my information updated with you. I retired from K-State on Feb. 5, 2011 and have moved back to Illinois to be near family and grand kids.... four of them under 3 1/2 years old. I have started a consulting business with the contact information listed below. I am still doing similar work that I have done for the last 25 years with the application industry including fly-ins and research for aerial concerns, as well as serving the needs of the ground application industry. In fact, I am participating in a large aerial drift

Specialist Rotary Atomiser systems for ULV and Low Volume Aerial Spraying

study at the USDA facility in College Station, Texas next week. The data will be reported at the upcoming NAAA meeting. If you would, have my address changed in the AgAir Update mailing list so I can receive it more timely and direct any emails or other inquiries to this new email address. I really enjoy reading AgAir Update and looking at the pictures. Robert E. Wolf Mahomet, IL Will do. Thanks for the compliments— Bill

MET towers The recent flurry of activity over marking MET towers has been a great idea, for those living and flying around them. However, here in the Southeast, we don’t have any wind farms to my knowledge, but more and more short GPS towers for farmers to use in their auto-steer tractors. Every year, I accidentally discover new GPS towers and have to do avoidance maneuvers to miss them, as well as having a near heart attack!

They’re also just under 200’, unpainted and unmarked with no lights either. I’d really like to see legislation drafted to address this serious problem before they cause any fatalities like the MET towers have already done. Where do we start? Thanks, Pierre Smith Louisville, GA Hello Pierre; Almost flew over the top of you late yesterday evening, ‘bout 7.30p, coming back from Long Island. Anyway, to your question, that’s going to be a doozy. The short and quick is to have a rapport with your growers. I realize some may not be your customers, so maybe there would be some in-roads through the Farm Bureau, Extension Agents, etc. Why not print up some orange flags (triangle 10” x 14”) with your company logo and give them away to the growers to put on their antennae? Just a thought. Have a great Fourth. Hope you got one of those showers passing through yesterday.—Bill



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mystery plane My guess would be that I (we) see three Lockheed P2V (Neptune) fire bombers. Reading this issue of AgAir mail I think the location is Abilene airport. Right? If ever I were in the vicinity I’d like to see the fire fighting in action! Best Regards, Bruno Veenstra, The Netherlands Hello Bruno; You are correct about the identification of the aircraft. However, the location is in New Mexico, instead of Abilene, Texas.—Bill

pawnee I’m currently employed with Heinen Bros. Agri Services, flying a 74 model Pawnee D. I included a picture of it below. I haven’t received my copy of AAUyet , but the company copy arrived already. Great work and thanks! Chad Smith Seneca, KS

Chad, That’s a pretty nice looking metal wing Pawnee, the same type aircraft I flew my first season in 1974. Take care of it, can be a money maker. —Bill

reality show I was almost puking when I was invited to watch this new reality show about crop dusters here in Canada. I use to fly the Pawnee the old man in the show flies now. Having dealt with them, we know what kind of people they are. I guess the warning to get involved in a reality show never made it to Northern Saskatchewan. Hope things are going well in Beautiful Georgia! Ignacio (Nacho) Aguero Contract Pilot - Aerial Applications International Aircraft Delivery Elkhorn, Manitoba Canada Hola Naucho In Brazil this week. Have only seen the trailer and was disgusted. Everyone

works so hard to avoid this stereotype. AAU has been quiet an this, but as more comment on it, I find it necessary to take a position against this sort of thing. The industry has everything to lose and nothing to gain. Maybe the “heat” will be such these guys will refuse to continue to damage the industry that feeds them and gives them a job. Maybe they need a polite phone call before they are completely blackballed! With hopes it won’t continue. Take care amigo.—Bill

mid-air Yesterday two Air Tractors from a same company in Costa Rica had a mid air collision with fatal consequences. One of the pilots was an acquaintance of mine. This is not the first time this has happened in Costa Rica. About three years ago a good friend of mine died in an accident while taking off from a banana airstrip and was hit by a passing fellow duster. Just wanted to let you know about this sad news that involves our industry. Regards Carlos Motta N. Gerente General Atomizadora Panama, S.A. Costa Rica Hola mi amigo; Yes, I learned of this tragic news yesterday. Unfortunately, my guess is the accident may have been avoided. When a pilot has the best maintenance possible done to his aircraft and the engine quits, it is unavoidable. When a pilot drops his attention, even for a second, and has an accident, it was avoidable. Most accidents are avoidable, even in our business. It has been proven, without a doubt, the pilot can enhance his safety dramatically by his actions. However, if he has not been trained to think ‘safety’, then he is at a disadvantage. Many think safety is something inherent. To a degree, yes, but not sufficiently enough to be truly effective. I’m not saying the pilots in Costa Rica are short in their safety training. I am speaking about ag-pilots in general. U.S. pilots have improved their safety record cutting accidents and fatalities by at least 50% since the PAASS program was implemented. When I served on the original Steering committee for the formation and implementation of the PAASS program in the mid-1990s, U.S. pilots

frowned on our actions and did not believe such a program would help. They were wrong at the time and the very ones that complained the most became the best advocates for the program. Maybe ag-pilots worldwide should consider such a program.—Bill

Uruguay Today I received copies of AgAir Update Lationamerica, SeptemberOctober 2010. Thank you, I really liked that you remember me, a friend who is in Uruguay. The newspaper is very good, but your action is worth a thousand words. My son wanted me to send greetings to you. Let me know when you are going to visit our Uruguay again. I would like you to visit my home. I want to show you, my friend, the hospitality that you deserved. I hope to see you soon. I am assured that my children will help us with the communication between English and Spanish. With good wine and Uruguayan beef, you and I will learn some more words. A hug, Nestor Santos Canelones, Uruguay

Hola Nestor; Thank you for your kind words. It was my pleasure to send you the copies of AgAir Update with the picture of you taking delivery of your new AT-402 from Grant Lane of Lane Aviation in Punta del Esta. I hope to visit Uruguay again some time in the future. I do not know when, yet. I appreciate your offer and will most surely visit you when in Uruguay. I love Uruguayan wine and beef! Chau and a big hug to you,—Bill

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August 2011


Long Island, NY

home of an ag operator by Bill Lavender Long Island, New York is a metropolitan area, right? Adjacent to New York City and its 19+ million citizens and home of “The Hamptons” (where the rich and famous play) one doesn’t think there could be an aerial application operation based on it. Think again. John Sondgeroth started flying helicopters while serving in the Vietnam war (UH-1D Huey). After the war, he returned to the States to fly helicopters professionally. Over the next 15 years John flew charter and summer ag for Island Helicopters based in Garden City, Long Island, as well for Art Snyder when he took over the ag-division of Island Helicopters. During that time, Long Island farmers grew a variety of truck crops, but also large acreages of potatoes. With Suffolk County the largest and most easterly of the four counties that comprise Long Island, it also had a large mosquito abatement program. Other counties, Nassau, Queens, Kings and Staten Island (west of Long Island) had

smaller programs, but still treated for mosquitoes. Combined, the two types of applications made an ag-operation on Long Island feasible, especially using a neighbor-friendly helicopter. In the mid-1980s, Snyder of Horizon Helicopters, offered John the opportunity to buy his flying service. Shortly after doing so, John located a Bell 47-G3B2A helicopter with the Soloy conversion (Rolls Royce turbine engine) in Mexico. The helicopter was bought, shipped to Miami to receive U.S. registration and John flew it home to Suffolk County, New York to put into service in his new company, North Fork Helicopters. Based behind a King Kullen Supermarket in Cutchogue, New York for the last 27 years, North Fork Helicopters operates two Soloy Bell 47s, along with piloting and maintaining the New York City’s Bell 206 - set up exclusively for dry mosquito larvacide work. Operating the helicopter enables John to approach and depart his operation over-top a 20-acre landscape nursery, thereby nearly eliminating any noise

Ray Feeney makes an adjustment in the Bell 47 while taking AgAir Update on a tour of the application sites for mosquito control on Long Island.


The North Fork Helicopters crew with the company Bell 47-G3B2A Soloy conversion helicopter. (L-R) John Sondgeroth, Regina Holmes and Ray Feeney. Regina has been North Fork Helicopters’ bookkeeper and secretary for 15 years. Ray has been with the company for the last six years. complaints. John summarizes most people don’t realize the flying service is there. With the overall increase in operating costs, which are even higher in New York State, several years ago John was forced to raise his application rates to his potato farmers. Many were selling out and for some, treating by helicopter was not feasible. This increase in price left John with one 350-acre potato farmer and little additional row crop work. This has led to North Fork Helicopters becoming dependent upon mosquito and other government contracts to survive. Long Island is not an easy place to be in the ag-aviation business. In the last six years, John has mentored helicopter pilot, Ray Feeney, bringing him onboard as a pilot for North Fork Helicopters. Ray was flying sightseeing tours and charters in the New York metropolitan area, as well as instructing in an R-22. He felt his career wasn’t getting anywhere and decided maybe

crop and mosquito treating by helicopter would be better. It has worked well for Ray and helped John ease back on some of his workload. Both Ray and John are active in the Northeast AAA. John has served as past president and currently serves as secretary/treasurer. Ray is a board member and recently became the “business administrator” for the Association, helping to organized CEU credits for 32 states when attending the NEAAA convention in January. This has been a big boost to convention participation with 110 pilots in attendance at this year’s convention. “It is kind of like a one-stop-shop for multiple state certifications due to our agreements with 32 states,” explains Ray. Mosquito abatement is the primary focus of North Fork Helicopters’ applications. It includes liquid applications of adulticides like Anvil and Scourge, both synthetic pyrethroids with the addition of piperonyl butoxide

(a pesticide synergist that makes Anvel and Scourge more effective) and, of course, ULV formulations of malathion. Most adult applications contain Scourge. Larvacides are generally applied as a liquid. Typical products used are Altosid (a growth regulator that prevents larvae from metamorphosing into adult mosquitos) and Vectobac AS (Bacillus thuringiensis / Bti). North Fork Helicopters is not new to spraying over congested areas like the Bronx, Queens, or Staten Island. In 1999 when the West Nile Virus outbreak occurred with its associated deaths, NYC Department of Health had been using the services of North Fork Helicopters, which they promptly called to help organize a control effort for mosquitoes carrying the virus. With the help of Clarke chemical company, Gerald Racey/Shenandoah Helicopters, Rick Farwell/Helicopter Applicators and Ag Rotors, the project covered 230,000 acres in Queens, the Bronx, Westchestert and Staten Island. Malathion (ULV grade) and Anvil were used at label rates, 0.62 to 3.0 ounces per acre. The treatments were flown off for several weeks with a few breaks in between. Spraying for mosquitoes potentially

carrying the virus continues, but on a smaller scale, beginning in September. These applications are flown at night when the night biter West Nile Virusborne mosquito is active. Mosquito control is usually flown at 300 feet with a swath of 400 feet at 70 mph. A representative of the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC) is always at the application sites. Adulticide applications must subscribe to an FAA Congested Area Plan that is submitted as required. The NYDEC also evaluates the droplet size for adulticide applications with the helicopter shut down and positioned on the ground. It does this using a spray droplet analyzer. Originally designed to analyze droplet sizes for ground mosquito fogging machines, John convinced the NYDEC the droplet analyzer would work for evaluating and measuring the droplets from his helicopter’s Beecomist spray rig. With a fan simulating air flow over the spraying Beecomist rotary atomizer, the NYDEC agent measures droplets with the spray droplet analyzer and certifies they are within the droplet range required for the chemical being applied. Otherwise, it would be impossible to accurately capture and measure from a flying helicopter droplet sizes less than 100 microns.

The NYDEC requires data logging of all their applications for mosquito control. North Fork Helicopters uses an Ag-Nav GPS unit. For mosquito adulticiding, an ADAPCO Wingman GX aerial application management system is used. This system can receive and process real time multilevel meteorological data from Aventech AIMMS-20 for an application, establishing an offset swath for ULV applications. For potato fungicide applications, the flight is typically 10-15 feet above the crop using a 39-foot swath. The nozzles are Tee-Jets with D8s producing very large droplets to insure deposition control at five GPA. “Some applicators believe smaller drops are key to fungus control. I have found, at least with our potato applications, a bigger drop works better. It is always windy on Long Island. With large drops, I know all the fungicide is making it to the target, in essence putting more chemical where it should be without drifting,” explains John. “Because we have four basic types of applications; dry mosquito larvacide, liquid

mosquito larvacide, liquid adulticide and liquid crop applications, North Fork Helicopters has to segregate its application systems’ tanks. We can change the Isolair unit in less than 15 minutes. Additionally, the liquid adulticide chemicals are strained through a hydraulic spin-on filter preventing atomizer clogging.” Passengers flying into John F. Kennedy International, approaching one of parallel runways 13/31 Right or Left may notice a Bell 47 spraying. It will be North Fork Helicopters. Grass between the runways harbor insects that attract birds. Every other Sunday morning between 5a and 6a, from May through September, North Fork Helicopters treats the grass with an insecticide, working with the controllers while the airport remains open for airline traffic. It is just another day’s work on Long Island, New York for John Sondgeroth and Ray Feeney at North Fork Helicopters.

August 2011



AAU Argentina Excursion - part 4 by Bill Lavender Thursday was the last leg of our 1,700 km trip through Argentina. We departed Venado Tuerto on our way southeast to Pergamino. Here, Walt and I stopped at the La Noria airstrip, home base for AgSur Aviones, an Air Tractor dealer for Argentina and Brazil. AgSur Aviones is a consortium of four partners; Moreno brothers Alejandro and Pablo, Stiefel brothers Arturo and Raul, Santiago Seiler and Hugo Vergnano. John Mishler, Crossroads International, LLC based in Arlington, Texas, represents AgSur’s U.S. interests. AgSur Aviones was formed in January 2007 when it became the exclusive Air Tractor dealer in Argentina, as well as an Air Tractor dealer for Brazil. Since then, the company has sold over 50 new and used Air Tractors with the AT502 being the most popular model in Argentina and the AT402 and AT802 the most popular in Brazil. AgSur has an in depth understanding of the ag operator and his needs. The four partners have their own spraying services along with farming operations.

Between the four spraying companies, 12 AT502s and an AT602 are owned. Typically, AgSur orders new Air Tractors with the following engine combinations; AT402-15AG, AT50234AG, AT802-67AG. However, the customer may choose any certificated engine combination. Most of the new Air Tractors are ferried by a professional ferry pilot from the U.S. to Argentina.

The customer has the option of installing accessories in the U.S., or in Argentina. Argentina has a 10.5% VAT imposed on imported aircraft. For Brazil, the tax is 4-6%, depending on which state the aircraft is delivered. As part of the sales agreement, AgSur helps with the logistics of delivering and registering the aircraft. AgSur has it primary maintenance facility at La Noria in Pergamino.

“I would like to emphasize how grateful I am to our customers for making AgSur Aviones a success in Argentina and Brazil,” says Alejandro Moreno from his desk at La Noria near Pergamino, Argentina.

However, the customer may take his aircraft to any, reliable maintenance facility and AgSur will work with that shop for support. Gustavo Carreras is AgSur’s Air Tractor factory-trained service manager. Lucero Anibal is a sheet metal specialist who assists AgSur customers with repairs and wing modifications. His training included wing spar replacement. German Costa, a former P&WC trainer, has conducted two-week training courses in Argentina (La Noria) and Brazil (Cuiabá) for PT6A heavy maintenance for AgSur customers. AgSur’s Mato Grosso facility

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August 2011


also stocks a comprehensive line of Air Tractor parts. Argentina operators call AgSur directly at its La Noria facility and speak with sales and service representative Alejandro Moreno for their Air Tractor needs, while Brazilian operators call either John Mishler in the U.S. or Jeroni da Silva of Aviopecas in Sao Paulo State. Due to exponential growth in Brazil, most recent aircraft sales have been in the states of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Parana Brazil. In Brazil, aircraft sales competition is very strong with the Ipanema being a national production aircraft. However, AgSur projects for 2011 its Air Tractor sales to increase by 20% in Brazil. Financing terms are typically 25% down with five-year payment plan at 3% interest. However, with any economy, these terms are subject to change. AgSur can facilitate financing and insurance for the aircraft it sells. It uses banks in Argentina and America. There are two-three insurance companies in Argentina that will insure operators who have low accident rates. AgSur will accept trade-ins. However, it is better for the customer to sell his aircraft. AgSur will assist the customer

in conducting the sale. Although Air Tractor, Inc. has upped its annual production schedule to 170 aircraft, there is still about a six-month waiting period for the delivery of a new Air Tractor. The Air Tractor brand of ag-aircraft continues to gain a strong foothold in Argentina and Brazil. Recently delivered new Air Tractors have been turbinepowered. This directly reflects on the impact these countries have on the world agricultural market. AgSur Avionies is a large component in meeting the demands of the increasingly growing ag-aviators of Argentina and Brazil. Leaving AgSur after an excellent lunch with Alejandro Moreno, Walt and I pointed the rental car towards Buenos Aires. Arriving near dark, we checked into the El Conquistador Hotel, trying to catch our breath after a week of hectic travel and visits. After we make our last visit with Argenprop, SRL the next day, Walt would return to the U.S. and I would follow in Saturday. Argenprop, SRL came to acquire the operations of Pignolo, SA in July 2007, with a strong commitment to providing a reliable and efficient alternative in the maintenance, inspection and repair of

(L-R) Hugo Olmi and Engineer and Technical Representative Maximiliano de la Campa pose with a newly overhauled Hamilton Standard prop for a R-1340 Thrush owned by Argentine operator, Martin Bossart. aircraft propellers. In November of that year, Argenprop obtained the qualification as Aeronautical Repair Workshop by the ANAC Argentina (1B-454). The same month, Argenprop was authorized to overhaul the Hartzell propeller. Later that year and during the first months of 2008, it obtained approval of the shot peen processes required by Hartzell. In

January 2009, it was recognized by the DGAC Chile (E-447) and a month later, by the Administrator Uruguay (H217E). The completion of other overhaul procedures were approved in July 2009. The list of propellers Argenprop is approved for maintenance and overhaul include: Hartzell, McCauley, Hamilton Standard, PZL, Sensenich, and Dowty, as well as specializing in non-destructive • 800-437-5319 16285 5th St. NE, Hillsboro. ND 58045 • 701-436-5880 • fax 701-436-5881 •

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testing and dynamic balancing of propellers. All of this was achieved in less than 18 months. The workshop comprises an area of approximately 920 square meters on two floors located at the now closed Don Torcuato airport in the Buenos Aires Federal city. There are separate areas for reception, disassembly, inspection and reassembly, cleaning parts, polishing and filing of propeller blades, painting of components, stock parts, electroplating, non-destructive testing, shot peening

and other offices. The company also has a space on its property for the future expansion of 101 square meters. With many of the same technical staff from Pignolo, the company has a combined experience of over 50 years in servicing metal aircraft propellers. Company employees, Maximiliano de la Campa and Hugo Olmi, son of the Managing Partner, also provide factory training courses. The technical staff consists of an aeronautical engineer, three aircraft

Looking from an above catwalk is an overview of the main, lower level of Argenprop’s facility in Buenos Aires.

mechanics (of which two were added recently) and nine aeronautical specialists (three formed in November 2010). Half of the staff has over 20 years of experience in maintenance and overhaul of metal propellers. Those who recently joined the staff, have between five and ten years of experience in maintenance and inspection of aircraft with MTOW exceeding 5700 kg. It was really a pleasure for Walt and I to finish our tour of Argentina in the workshop of Argenprop. After a hearty

lunch with Maximiliano and Hugo, I dropped Walt off at the Aeroparque domestic airport for his flight to Mendoza before returning to his home in Colorado. For me, I returned to the hotel after getting turned around more than once with the rental car in city traffic. It is very frustrating to try to read signs written in Spanish when you can’t read Spanish. However, I found the hotel, like I always do and prepared for the long 10-hour night flight home to Georgia.

Argenprop’s personnel at the Buenos Aires facility located on the now closed Don Torcuato airport.

Chip Kemper, President

Air TrAcTor SAleS & Service

Your Northwest Air Tractor Dealer 800-736-7654 Fax 208-745-6672 Office 208-745-7654

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SAIB issued for Ag-Cat The FAA has issued a Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin (SAIB) to inform owners, operators and maintenance personnel of Allied Ag Cat Productions, Inc. G-164, G-164A, G-164B, G-164B with 73” wing gap, G-164B-15T, G-164B-34T, G-164B-20T, G-164C, G-164D, G-164D with 73” wing gap model airplanes (under Type Certificate Data Sheet 1A16) about potential cracking in the rudder. At this time, the airworthiness concern is not an unsafe condition that would warrant Airworthiness Directive (AD) action under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 39.

The FAA Flight Standards District Office, FSDO-21, Fargo, North Dakota reported cracks being found on the rudder of the Allied Ag Cat G-164 airplanes. Cracking was located in the rudder main spar tube in the area immediately above the upper hinge attach point of “Tall Tail Conversions”. Typically the cracks are discovered during aircraft inspection and/ or when recovering the rudder. The root cause of cracking has not been determined, but some contributing factors may be: high rudder operational loads, no gust lock during tie-down, “Tall Tail Conversions”


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(STC tail extensions), or various field repair scenarios. Review of the Ag-Cat Maintenance Manual confirms 100-hour and annual inspections for breaks and damage in steel structure, but does not provide a detailed inspection that would identify this rudder cracking issue. This bulletin informs maintenance personnel of an inspection procedure that has been demonstrated successful in identifying cracks. The FAA has had discussions with the type certificate holder who concurs with the following recommended procedure. Apply

light hand pressure in both left and right lateral directions as shown in the Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3 while looking for any deformation or wrinkling of the fabric in the noted area. If any deformation or wrinkling is noted, the rudder should be considered non-airworthy until it can be determined by further visual or other non-destructive inspection of the internal structure of the rudder that no cracking or failure of the structure has occurred. For more information, contact Paul Chapman, Aerospace Engineer, FAA Wichita ACO, 1801 Airport Road, Room 100, Wichita, KS 67209, telephone: (316) 946-4152, fax: (316) 946-4129, e-mail: paul.

SAIB issued for Air Tractor • FAA Aviation Safety • Fuselage, Wing Attach Fittings • This is information only. Recommendations aren’t mandatory. • Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin SAIB: CE-11-41 • June 29, 2011 This Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin (SAIB) informs registered owners/ operators of all Air Tractor, Inc. AT-300, AT-301, AT-302, AT-400, AT-400A, AT-401, AT-401A, AT401B, AT-402, AT-402A, AT-402B, AT-501, AT-502, AT-502A, AT-502B, AT-503, AT503A, and AT-504 model series aircraft (under Type Certificate Data Sheets A9SW and A17SW) of an airworthiness concern. Specifically, this SAIB provides general and detailed inspection for fatigue cracking of the fuselage frame wing attach tube. At this time, this airworthiness concern has not been determined to be an unsafe condition that would warrant airworthiness directive (AD) action under Title 14 of the Code of Federal

Regulations (14 CFR) part 39. Background—The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) received reports of a fatigue crack at the upper bushing location in the fuselage frame wing attach tube on two Air Tractor, Inc. AT502B model airplanes. Both airplanes had factory installed gussets around the upper bushing area and earlier production thinner walled tubing. Left unaddressed, cracks can continue around the perimeter of the wing attach tube and result in loss of connection of the fuselage wing attach tube with the remainder of the fuselage frame. The wing attach angles that bolt to the fuselage wing attach tube are also known to crack in the radius of the attach angle. In response to these concerns, Air Tractor, Inc. recently issued Snow Engineering Co. Service Letter #296 to conduct directed visual inspections of the right and left hand fuselage wing attach tubes and wing attach angles. The service letter specifies recurring directed visual inspections every 100 hours using

a borescope with a more thorough inspection at each annual inspection with the attach angles removed. If cracks are indicated, confirm by removing the paint and performing a dye penetrant inspection and contact the Air Tractor Service Department if any cracks are found to obtain a repair method. The FAA recommends you inspect your Air Tractor, Inc. airplane fuselage frame

wing attach tubes and wing attach angles at the time intervals and using the inspection procedures directed in Snow Engineering Co. Service Letter #296. Repair or replace any cracked structure found during any inspection in accordance with Air Tractor Service Department instructions.

To Do List–due dates for aircraft re-registration If you’re an aircraft owner, by now you probably know that sometime within the next three years, you will have to re-register your aircraft. But, do you know where, how, and when? AOPA has a video that takes the mystery out of the process to help you complete the paperwork on your own and it also explains the AIC Title Service in case you want someone to do it for you. For those whose aircraft were registered in April of any year, you are almost out of time to re-register, so this video is a mustsee. If it was registered in May, you can get started on the process now to ensure there are no glitches at the end. Watch AOPA Live

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ATS keeps repair costs low by evaluating and repairing (not replacing) parts if possible. We are not an invoice driven company. Our company was founded in 1979 to specifically focus on the unique needs of the PT6A Ag Aviation industry. Taking the time to get to know our customers, their operation, and the environment in which they run their aircraft are the keys to providing repair, overhaul and modification services designed to keep operating costs down and planes in the air. We are committed to supporting the Ag Aviation industry and want to be a friend of your company. J.D. Dunson • Reagan Lehmann • Chris Carson • Augie Lara

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August 2011


What a view!

A look at the borescope by Graham Lavender The borescope. Literally defined as an optical instrument consisting of a fiber bundle with an objective lens at one end and an eyepiece at the other; used for viewing objects not accessible to direct viewing. The latter part of the word, scope, conjures images of medical offices and invasive procedures, not 100-hour inspections for aircraft. Boreoscopy for general (ag) aviation is a relatively new concept. Once reserved for government aircraft and jet engines, the adaptation of the turbine engine in ag aviation has opened the door for the use of the borescope to just about every operator. The past 30 years have witnessed an explosive growth in the need for nondestructive testing and remote viewing inspections. Visual inspection, the most basic method of nondestructive testing, has seen amazing technological advances. The primary problem encountered with visual evaluation has always involved the limits of

accessibility to the inspection areas. Industrial borescopes help fill this need. Borescopes allow for internal inspection without disassembly - saving time and money. Originally designed to meet the needs of the medical industry, industrial borescopes are now used in a variety of applications. These applications include aviation, aerospace, sanitation, automotive, weaponry, casting, law enforcement, electronics, refining and power generation. To meet the needs of the individual industries, these scopes come in an assortment of diameters and working lengths. They can be customized with side view adapters, battery packs, outer coverings and working channel tools. There are two different types of borescopes – fiberoptic and video. Both are used to view objects that are not accessible for direct viewing. By illuminating an object and relaying a magnified optical image to an eyepiece or video processor the viewer is able to see the inside of the object. They differ in how they are constructed. Fiberoptic

Make your visual inspections easier!

Machida, Inc. offers a variety of flexible borescopes, videoscopes, accessories, and approved kits for the internal inspection of various engine models.

Actual Image taken by Machida’s 3mm Videoscope.

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borescopes use bundles of fibers no larger in diameter than a strand of hair and lenses to display the image in the eyepiece of the viewer. Videoscopes, however, use microcamera chips and electronic image signals to send a digital image to an LCD display. Machida, Inc. is a leading borescope manufacturer located in Orangeburg, New York, 20 miles north of New York City. Established in 1975 as a joint venture between Katsumi Oneda and Machida Endoscope Company of Tokyo, Japan, its charter was to assemble and market the full line of medical fiberoptic endoscopes. In 1978, Machida was approached by Pratt & Whitney Government Products Division and the United States Air Force to design a flexible borescope for the F-100 engine. Starting with no development funds and working within the unfamiliar world of military specifications and Department of Defense regulations, Machida successfully developed one of, if not the first, flexible industrial endoscopes in the world. This later became known as the flexible borescope. Currently, Machida, Inc. has been a wholly owned subsidiary of Vision-Sciences, Inc. (VSCI) since 1987 and employs approximately 120 people. Warren Bielke has led the company as interim CEO since 2009. Bielke comes from an extensive background in the medical device industry, enabling Machida’s industrial borescopes to meet rigorous medical standards. Most employees of Machida have been with the company for over ten years. Jitu Patel signed on with Machida in 1975 and currently serves as the Vice-President of the Industrial Division. Jitu takes pride in the quality and customer service Machida provides. AgAir Update visited Machida the latter part of June to get a firsthand look at its facility and the manufacturing process. Jitu Patel and Jim Bradley, Senior Operations Manager, were our guides as we witnessed every stage of the manufacturing process. Each borescope is assembled by hand, mostly using a microscope, enabling Machida to adhere to rigorous quality control standards. The borescope that is

used to look inside a PT6 engine, or tight, non-accessible areas of the airframe, is manufactured to the same quality standards as the borescope used in the medical field, but is priced much lower. The advantages a borescope offers the ag-operator are immeasurable. Being able to peer into the interior of the engine, for the turbine engine, blade condition is easy to determine, as well as other components inside the engine. The same applies to the piston engine operator, checking for burnt valves, damaged cylinder walls and cracked cylinder heads. However, the advantages of the borescope for the ag-operator does not stop with the engine. Often, it is necessary to see behind visually blocked areas to inspect a wing spar or fuselage tubing. A recent Air Tractor SAIB suggests using a borescope to comply with the SAIB. The ability to view where the naked eye cannot see without disassembling is invaluable, easily justifying the cost of a borescope. Both types of scopes have image capturing capabilities. The video version allows videos to be taken and emailed to a service center for further advice. Even the eyepiece version has been used to take limited quality photos through the eyepiece. Concluding the tour, AgAir Update departed the Machida facility with a new respect and understanding of the borescope and the realization it is not just a miniature camera; it’s a very complex and necessary business tool.

Microscopes are used to assemble each borescope by hand.

Aero Engines’ Nickolas Mangel passes March 14, 1947 to June 20, 2011 Nick “Nifty” Mangel, President of AeroEngines, Inc. of Los Angeles, CA passed away in his sleep on June 20, 2011. His association with Aero-Engines, Inc. began in February 1969 as an employee, later to become a partner in 1980 and president in 1992. He is survived by his wife Kristine, daughters Jennifer and Jamie, sister Colleen, mother Betty, two granddaughters and two grandsons. He was a well-known figure in the radial engine industry and was befriended by many over his many years of service to the industry. His knowledge and friendship will be hard to replace. Our thoughts and prayers go with his family.

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August 2011



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Who we are People get confused Bout who they think we are, Cast from what they see of us As they pass by us in their cars.

We all must take care To what the public calls our face, We all know too well Opinions change at rapid pace.

Some call us “cowboys” For we fly so near the ground, Yet others so often complain If we make a couple turns too close to town.

So if your not a “crop duster” But your eyes catch these words, Of all the things we ask of you One is the most preferred:

A few think we lay out late drinkin Like some of us did in the past, They don’t realize our love of the job And that we strive to make it last.

The next time you see one of us As we swoop down from up above, Please don’t admire us from the end of our next pass And show us hard workin guys some love! Anonymous by request

Our job is not easy There are many very long days, But we show up every mornin And not just to get paid.

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Ag pilots are professional by nature Just tryin to do the farmer’s right, Beyond the wings and wind We all wanna make it home every night.

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August 2011


Carlin Lawrence

wing and a prayer

Get rid of the ungodly things in your life “Consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire and greed, which amounts to idolatry” (Colossians 3:5). If Christians didn’t live in their body of flesh we wouldn’t have any of the desires of the flesh and there would be no need of [by faith] considering ourselves to be dead to sinful desires. But as long as Christians are in their earthly body of flesh we will have fleshly desires. Paul tells us that a Christian’s sinful flesh will fight against the Holy Spirit that dwells in us (Galatians 5:17). When these temptations of the flesh come upon us we are [by faith] to consider ourselves to be crucified with Jesus Christ and

dead to these fleshly temptations. Satan can’t tempt the Holy Spirit that is within us, but he can tempt our flesh. Christians can take up the shield of faith and extinguish all the flaming arrows of Satan’s temptations (Ephesians 6:26). To defeat the demonic forces of Satan, we must use spiritual weapons. The weapons of our warfare are powerful through God for demolishing Satan’s power, bringing our every thought and action into obedience to Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 10:1-6). “But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, slander, filthy language out of your mouth” (Colossians 3:8). Before a person becomes a Christian, they

naturally lived according to worldly customs which are motivated and led by satanic forces and the desires of their sinful flesh (Ephesians 2:2-3). After a person has put their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, they receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. As believers we are to live our life by the power of God’s Holy Spirit, not by our sinful flesh and the customs of this sinful world. This takes an action on our part, we are to, “Put off anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy and filthy language out of our mouth.” Christians are to stop living like they did when they were unbelievers—they now have AgAirUpdate 4.66" x 6.03 God’s Holy Spirit to guide their life.

The words “put off” are the same words that are used for taking off filthy clothes and putting on clean clothes. These words could be used to tell a beggar to take off the worn out rags he has on and put on new clothes. As unbelievers we are like a beggar in filthy and ragged clothes, but when we come to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, He takes the filthy rags of our old life and gives us a new life in Jesus Christ, dressed in the white robes of His righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21). For a Christian to dig up those filthy rags of our old life and put them back on again is totally inconsistent with being a child of God. The apostle Paul is telling


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every Christian to throw away the evil actions of their old life and live in the new life led by the power of God’s Holy Spirit. Whatever is not from faith is sin, because without faith it is impossible to please Him (Romans 14:23; Hebrews 11:6). The Greek word “Orgay” is translated into our English word “anger,” and it means deep-seated anger that resides in our mind and it rises up every time we see a person or situation we don’t like. It’s like a fire that is lingering under the surface of dry grass and all it takes for it to break out into an uncontrollable wild fire is something to stir it up. The next word is “wrath” which comes from the Greek word “tumas,” which is the by-product of this deep-seated anger; it is the fire that breaks out because of this anger breaking out into its rage—a rage that is usually destructive. The Bible says, “Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Therefore put off all filthiness and wickedness (James 1:19-21). When Christians allow the Holy

Spirit to rule their life, they will exhibit the characteristics of the Holy Spirit, which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Slander is so common in our world today that we have come to think of it as normal—but slander shouldn’t be a part of a Christian’s life. When you slander a person you are actually slandering God! God made that person in His image just like He made you in His image. When you look judgmentally at a person and say such things as, “Look how stupid that person is!” Or you say, “He sure doesn’t know how to dress!” Or you say, “He/she sure is ugly!” When you criticize someone because of their race or the color of their skin, you are actually criticizing a creation of God! People didn’t choose the color of their skin and some people are born with a low IQ. Some people are born physically handicapped—many things of a person’s physical and mental makeup are in their DNA; they didn’t have a choice in being born with these characteristics. Jesus warned us not to make rash judgments about other people (Matthew 7:1-5).

Death by crucifixion is not an instant death; it is a slow and painful death. And the desires of our sinful flesh will usually die very slowly; it takes a strong commitment of faith to allow our bodies to be controlled by God’s Holy Spirit. But how wonderful it is when we have gone through this process of denying our sinful flesh in an area of our life where we normally had failed. Suddenly you realize that God has given you victory over an area of your life where before you didn’t have control. Now you have victory over your fleshly desires

by the power of God’s Holy Spirit working in you. This is not a onetime event; it is a daily walk of faith, depending on God’s Holy Spirit to do His work in your life. Considering our self [by faith] to be dead to sinful desires is not easy, but the rewards are fantastic. All Christians are commanded to live their earthly lives by faith (Romans 1:17).

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FAA issues final notice related to MET towers by Terry Stieren, MnAAA Recently the FAA published its official Advisory Circular related to MET Towers. I am pleased to be able to inform you that we have reached a successful conclusion concerning the marking and identification of meteorological evaluation towers (MET towers). The June 24 Federal Register, published the long awaited policy statement. The Federal Register pages that refer to the FAA’s decision are attached for your reference. In short, the FAA’s Advisory circular recommends: • paint stripes of aviation orange and white (top to bottom) • one high visibility sleeve on each guy wire anchor point plus a second sleeve on the outer guy wire • eight spherical marker balls (4 within 15 feet of the top wire connection to the tower, and 4 marker balls at or below the mid point of the structure on the outer guy wires) • all markings should be replaced when faded or otherwise deteriorated

It is important to note that the FAA’s decision is in the form of guidance, not in regulations. But, in the aviation industry, it is typical that FAA guidance is viewed by stakeholders as if it is statute because of the potential of liability if not followed. As an association, the MnAAA is disappointed the FAA’s Advisory Circular did not support the creation of a national database for logging the location of MET towers, nor did the circular specifically support the lighting of MET towers. However, we will continue to work with the appropriate officials to push for these changes. There were 460 comments filed with the agency and only three of those opposed the recommendations. The collective input to the FAA has had significant impact. Lives will be saved and safety of flight will be enhanced. The following quotes are lifted from the Federal Register announcement to supplement the above summary: *** The FAA agrees that painting the entire structure will provide the best visibility for pilots.

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*** Therefore, the most effective painting scheme would entail painting the entire structure with alternating bands of aviation orange and white paint, as described in Advisory Circular No. 70/7460– 1, paragraphs 30–33. These provisions also recommend that the paint should be replaced when faded or otherwise deteriorated. *** The FAA recommends one high visibility sleeve on each guy wire anchor point that will reach a height well above the crop or vegetation canopy, and another sleeve installed on each of the outer guy wires. The FAA recognizes that certain weather conditions may affect the

placement and use of high visibility sleeves on guy wires, and that the length should be determined on a case-by-case basis. *** As a general recommendation, that FAA recommends a total of eight high visibility spherical marker (or cable) balls of aviation orange color attached to the guy wires; four marker balls should be attached to guy wires at the top of the tower no further than 15 feet from the top wire connection to the tower, and four marker balls at or below the mid point of the structure on the outer guy wires. *** ...the FAA did not receive sufficient data on the use of flags on the guy


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wires that support METs to provide recommendations on their use for these towers. *** Lighting studies indicate that red lights are difficult to see during the day and that the most acceptable lighting configuration would be the use of a high intensity white strobe. The FAA acknowledges that the addition of lights may make METs more visible to agricultural and other low flying operations. *** The FAA concludes, however, that it would not be practical to recommend lights for the METs addressed in this document. The remoteness of many MET locations does not allow for pre-existing power sources and strobe lights require more power than red lights. While solar lights may be a possible option, the FAA has not studied solar lighting and therefore, cannot provide recommendations for flight visibility. *** It is not feasible for the FAA to maintain a national database for structures that are less than 200 feet AGL and otherwise not subject to the notice requirement in part 77. The FAA does not object to a state or local jurisdiction maintaining or providing a source of information that would inform pilots as to the location or planned location of these towers or for some other zoning, planning

or public welfare purpose. *** As stated previously, the FAA is not amending the regulations to require notice for structures less than 200 feet AGL in non-airport environments. The FAA is providing this information to enhance the visibility of structures that otherwise may be difficult to see due to the terrain and the nature of specific operations conducted around these METs. While this guidance is not mandatory, the FAA anticipates that in the interest of aviation safety, developers and landowners will consider this guidance for METs erected in the environments described in this document. *** The FAA recommends voluntary marking of METs less than 200 feet AGL in accordance with marking guidance contained in this document and Advisory Circular 70–7460–l, Obstruction Marking and Lighting. *** ...the FAA believes that voluntary marking of METs less than 200 AGL in remote and rural areas enhance the visibility of these structures to low level agricultural operations in the vicinity of these towers. Thank you to all that commented on the marking and identification of MET towers, and for all of your assistance with these important issue

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money talk

Samuel L. Miller,

Doomsday or opportunity? “There are always opportunities through which businessmen can profit handsomely if they will only recognize and seize them.” J. Paul Getty The general economy continues to struggle. Fuel prices are high, stock market is volatile, housing market

questionable, credit market remains tight, big banks are still in business due to government intervention. We have the declining dollar, high commodity and food prices, high used aircraft inventories and declining values. The “Tax Relief, Unemployment

Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010” allowing 100% bonus depreciation may be changed to totally disallow any tax deductions for aircraft ownership or usage. Thousands of employees remain jobless. The government is attempting to stimulate

the economy by printing money. The remainder of this year will be critical to the survival of many businesses. Check with your tax advisor concerning possible changes in the aircraft tax laws before making any aircraft ownership changes. So what should you do? The answer is simple. Concentrate on what you can control. Recognize and seize your opportunities. “Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.” Concentrate on your business and plan your success by knowing your cash flow. Determine the changes necessary to keep your operation profitable. The importance of cash flow cannot be over emphasized. Preparing a sound financial plan requires the projection of cash flow. The key to survival is meeting the cash flow requirements of your business. For the commercial aircraft

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operator, this means evaluating the financials of each aircraft in the operation. Concentrate on your cash flow and the calculation of Return on Investment (ROI). Prepare budgets and financial plans for each aircraft in your fleet. How? Review the expenses on each aircraft over the last several years. Identify any large upcoming cash requirements or expenses (aircraft improvements, overhauls, special inspections, etc.) for each aircraft. Will cash be available to pay the large expenditures? If not, then additional capital will be required. Project the normal annual fixed expenses as well as the hourly operating expenses. Be especially careful to adjust expenses that might change significantly. Examples could be fuel or increased aircraft maintenance expenses due to aircraft being out of warranty or just being older aircraft. Evaluate the revenue of each aircraft. Has the revenue exceeded operation expenses? Was utilization and revenue rate high enough to cover the fixed expenses as well as the variable expenses? Are adjustments in rates or utilization required to maintain a profit? Identify any areas where

adjustments are required to survive. Analyze the financial impact that different scenarios produce in your business. Concentrate on the cash flow of each aircraft you operate. To answer the financial impact question, compare the after-tax cash flow of keeping your present aircraft against trading for another aircraft. The after-tax cash flows should consider: capital expenditures, down payment, principal and interest payments or lease payments, fixed expenses, hourly expenses, major upcoming expenses, warranty, utilization, depreciation, tax rate, revenues and resale value. Use a financial model to simulate the cash flows by varying different items that have major impacts on cash. Use Net Present Value (NPV) to provide the relative values of the different cash flows in today’s dollars. Remember; concentrate on what you can control and seize opportunities. AircraftCostAnalysis is a financial model that can perform this type of analysis. It will save you many hours of building and checking the math in your own financial model. See for the details.

or Just starting out? CP’s Nozzles are the BEST CHOICE! Which nozzles will work best for you? CP-11TT #25 40° Flat Fan 5 gpm—40 psi

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AOPA’s Fuller testifies before joint congressional hearing on GPS by Chris Dancy Frederick, MD – Craig L. Fuller, president and CEO of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), likened a proposed nationwide wireless broadband network to a “toxic drug” that needs to be recalled. Testifying at a

Overnight Service, Competitive Pricing for the PT6A AG Keep your PT6A AG engine running at peak efficiency with our fuel nozzle exchange kit*. We’ll overnight a kit containing nozzles, O-rings and gaskets. You simply switch out nozzles and return your used ones to us. We offer industry-competitive pricing and the backing of more than 75 years of service to ensure your satisfaction.

Clean, Check, Return If you’re not AOG, you can choose to save extra dollars by sending your fuel nozzles to us. We’ll clean, flow-check and return them to you in a one-day turn time. Either way, we offer OEM-standard kits and guaranteed satisfaction. A Full Range of Service Dallas Airmotive delivers a full spectrum of support, including 24/7 field service, OEM parts, repair and overhaul. We have eight PT6A-qualified regional turbine centers in the USA to ensure that you’re never far from a center of engine repair excellence. Major and Minor Repairs Whether you need a fuel nozzle exchange, lightningfast field repair to get you back in the air, or an end-of-season major repair to get you ready for next year’s flying, Dallas Airmotive has the people and experience to get the job done – right. We’ll get you airborne again and help keep you there.

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joint hearing of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s subcommittees on Aviation and Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, Fuller noted the innovation and nimble nature of the network’s developer, LightSquared, but said, “My biggest beef is with the agency that controls the policy,” referring to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), suggesting that the agency had failed in its responsibility to “do no harm” and protect a vital national resource, the Global Positioning System. In written testimony prepared for the hearing, Fuller said, “For one agency of the federal government to have engaged in a procedural process at an accelerated pace that puts our GPS system at risk is confounding. That the same agency actually issued waivers to allow a company to proceed in the face of clear and substantial objections from users, including multiple federal agencies and millions of citizens, is inexplicable.” During his oral testimony, he noted that when evidence mounts that a drug that has been brought to market is actually harmful, the Food and Drug Administration issues he recall. He suggested that the time has come for the FCC to do the same and rescind the waiver that it issued to LightSquared. The LightSquared proposal would create a nationwide wireless broadband network using a satellite and a system of as many as 40,000 ground stations at up to four billion times the effective radiated power of GPS satellite signals on frequencies adjacent to those used by GPS. On the panel with Fuller was Phil Straub, vice president of aviation engineering for Garmin International. He likened the LightSquared proposal to “running a lawnmower in a library.” In the conclusion of his written testimony, Fuller said, “We … ask that Congress require the FCC to obtain concurrence from FAA and DOD before approving any new or revised LightSquared application. Further, we ask Congress to investigate the process that has brought us to a point where the nation’s entire GPS system is threatened.”


ag training. We offer our students a one-on-one mentorship, yet still provide a qualified course syllabus (approved by insurance underwriters) that offers ag pilot skill building while emphasizing good judgement and risk management.” Additionally, a turbine transition course is now available in an Air Tractor 504. Randy is authorized by Air Tractor to provide this course. Randy is also Chief Pilot for Southeastern Aerial Crop Service, Fort Pierce, FL.






Randy Berry, owner of Eagle Ag, (division of Eagle Vistas LLC) announces additions to his ag pilot training program. A Pawnee PA 25-D-260 C/S has just been brought on board for our ag training programs. Randy says, “with custom modifications like adding a constant speed prop, installing a Hemisphere Bantam GPS, used in either the front or back seat and installing a smoker to provide enhanced swath simulation, this is the best platform available for


Eagle Ag adds additional aircraft to ag training program


Randy Berry

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August 2011


Let the engines tell the story

From Safety to Efficiency to Proficiency Robert A. McCurdy Turbine Transition Instructor 318-649-1007 318-680-9149 Flying Tiger Aviation

in my opinion

Robert A. McCurdy, Chief Pilot / Flight Instructor Flying Tiger Aviation, LLC,

Wires I was sitting at my desk preparing to debrief my latest turbine transition student, when he mentioned something about wires, referencing a section in our basic ag syllabus book called Wire Traps and Wire Tips. He had just completed his first season flying 300 hours in a 600 HP radial engine Thrush. He told me about an accident involving one of their high-time pilots from last summer while flying a turbine Thrush. The pilot had hit some wires leading to an abandoned house in the middle of a corn field. According to my student, the wire deflector was on the airplane, but the hardly visible wire was not deflected and the entire vertical stabilizer and rudder was ripped clean off the airplane. The plane then rolled inverted,

hit the ground and killed the pilot My student arrived on the scene shortly thereafter and was shaken to the point that he seriously considered getting out of ag aviation altogether. I think there is more than one lesson to be learned here. It should go without saying that when you are going to a new field, take your time carefully circling the field looking for any kind of obstructions, especially if there is an old house site in the field. If the farmer tells you that there are no wires in the field, “trust, but verify” and still look very carefully. It would be better to drive out to see the field from the ground, No matter how much experience you have as an ag pilot, one tiny slip-up can cost you your life. As mentioned in a

previous In My Opinion article, it is so easy to get complacent. I believe this is true among even the best of ag pilots.

When you find yourself in a mentally overloaded condition, make a conscious effort to pay close attention to the task at hand. In our VS-24 navy squadron ready room, there was a poster that read, “Flying is hours and hours of sheer

Experience the TRACE advantage of all the performance with less hourly operating costs in fuel consumption and overhaul costs. Our 600 horsepower engines can be installed in Air Tractor 301, 401 and 402 aircraft. Schedule a factory tour to see our conversions by calling (432) 618-7223. Safely move yo ur ag airplane by yourself with the remot e-controlled T R A CE Towbot! Built to accom modate many di fferent aircraft and w heel carriage ty pe s. For more information, ca ll (432) 618-26 87 or visit:


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boredom, punctuated by moments of What is an extra two minutes? stark terror.” This is so true... usually, In retrospect, I believe my student but is not so in ag aviation. “Hours having seen the results of this terrible and hours of sheer boredom” does accident will make him a lot more not apply. However, complacency can conscious of keeping safety foremost in occur, especially when your mind is mind when he is ag flying. overloaded with other matters. The And so, as always, be safe, have fun point I want to make is when you find and make money. yourself in a mentally overloaded condition, make a conscious effort to pay close attention to the task at hand. Look the field over twice and pay close attention to the possibility of wires crossing the corners of the HardyAvIns_AgAirUpdate_38Pg_Color_04 10/2/09 10:31 AM Page 1 field where there are no poles visible.

In these tough economic times We can Save you money on; Engine Repairs Hot Sections Parts Repair Fuel Nozzle Exchange Insurance Claims Lightening Strike Inspection Engine Overhaul Using the approved Pratt & Whitney testing program First Class work accomplished by experienced Professionals For immediate Service Call Jim or Jason 812-877-2587 812-877-4604 Financing available on major repairs and engine overhauls

At Turbines Inc. we repair your airworthy parts, not replace them. From Agricultural Aviation to Fixed Base Operations and Personal Aircraft... Call Randy, Tim, Dick, Angie, Melinda, Peggy or Rita with all of your aviation insurance needs. We’ll make a satisfied customer out of you the old fashioned way...

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August 2011


Tracy Thurman

hands-on flying

California rice country - part two Driving north on I-99 in northern California I saw a bumper sticker on an old pickup truck that stated “Eat more

rice, potatoes make your butt big.” That is a pretty good hint that you’ve just entered the California rice country.

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Having cut my ag pilot teeth in the rice country of northern California, I jumped at the chance to get back to the Sacramento Valley and re-learn the art of rice flying. Clarence Williams of Williams Ag Service in Biggs, California offered me a seat in one of the prettiest super B Ag Cats you ever saw. I first met Clarence back when the ink on my commercial ticket was still wet and I was working under the instruction of another great operator across the valley. Clarence gave me a lot of encouragement and guidance and even gave me some valuable time in his 600 Ag Cat. You could say that I was a very fortunate newbie ag pilot. This is one area where the venerable old Ag Cat is still king. Although most

are now sporting the aristocratic pointy noses of turbine conversions, there are still several round engines snarling across the countryside. Air Tractors and Thrushes are present but they haven’t quite broken the code on California rice country work. Most of the short, narrow, satellite strips that are scratched into the ground throughout the region can be quite rough and play havoc with machines that do not enjoy the scaffold like support of a Grumman biplane design.

Clarence Williams of Williams Ag Service in Biggs, California offered me a seat in one of the prettiest super B Ag Cats you ever saw.


You could say I’m mighty fond of these machines and that kind of flying. Regardless of your affiliation, you have to respect the design and capabilities of an airplane that came out of the same minds that brought us the great ace making war birds of World War II. The Ag Cat is a staunch old bird that stood by and smirked as most of modern day’s technical progression marched on by. Though they have entered the turbine world and enjoy the benefits of GPS guidance, I can’t help but think that the first Ag Cat to be configured so must have done it under severe protest. The Super B is a four hundred gallon machine, you can fill it up until it splashes out and it will get off the ground using less runway and less power than its mono wing successors. It’s not quite as downwind friendly as the others so a pilot needs to be ready to make the back taxi decision quite a bit sooner. It’s

a nose heavy, light tailed airplane that will get up on its tip-toes quick if not handled right. In the air, however, the Ag Cat will scoff at a downwind turn as though it wasn’t even there and come around just as steady as a bird dog. All bi-planes suffer from frontal blindness more so than any other tail wheel airplane. Add a big light bar and the bulbous nacelle of a Mills conversion and forward visibility on the ground is all but gone. The Super B’s raised wing opens up forward visibility in the air but it is still a bi-plane and a pilot needs to move the upper wing around in order to visually clear the air around him. The sky gets pretty busy. On the ground slow taxiing and “S” turns are mandatory especially when working on the outlying strips mentioned earlier. Most of these strips are narrow with dense brush or ditches on either side so lower case “S”s is sometimes all you get. Vigilance is a necessary trait for any ag pilot, but even more so if that pilot is in the seat of an Ag Cat on a close quarters runway. Rice work is hectic. Due to the proximity of the runway to the field and the high application rates the cycle rate is under ten minutes per load. Ground time is minimal dumping and stuffing the

hopper full of rice or fertilizer in less time than it takes for the PT-6 to spool back up for takeoff. It’s a good idea to brief the ground crew early on and designate the staging area and the loading area and keep it consistent throughout the job. In their haste to be ready the ground crew might creep up to far on the runway. There’s usually not much elbow room as it is. If another airplane and crew are sharing the strip coordination is essential to maintain safety and a smooth operational flow. One thing I can’t go without mentioning is the absolute beauty of northern California. As an ag pilot I’ve had the opportunity to see a lot of places from a vantage point not so high up in the air. The Sacramento Valley, flanked by the Sierras to the east and the west coast mountain range to the west is as diverse and fertile a land as one could ever imagine. It’s a place where eagles still soar.

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Frederick, MD – “While AOPA’s team continues to pore over details, our initial review finds nothing in The Working Group report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission today that leads us to believe LightSquared is any closer to engineering a system that protects GPS.

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“We continue to call on the FCC to rescind its waiver for the LightSquared proposal. The Commissioners cannot rely on statements in news releases. They must utilize experienced third parties and carefully conducted tests to determine what works and what put our nation’s GPS system at risk. “At the same time, we renew our call to Congress to investigate how we got into this mess. “While LightSquared clearly wants to protect its own investment, the company seems perfectly willing to put at risk billions of taxpayer dollars already spent by the federal government to develop the GPS-based Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). “That LightSquared is trying to blame it all on the GPS community for following rules that LightSquared is now trying to change is unfathomable. They are clutching at straws.”

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ntsb reports

NTSB Identification: *CEN11CA287* Date: April 13, 2011 Location: Telephone, TX Aircraft: AIR TRACTOR AT503, Injuries: 1 Minor. The pilot reported he was maneuvering at low altitude on an agricultural application flight when the left wing stalled, the nose dropped, and the airplane descended out of control. The airplane then impacted trees and terrain, and came to rest upright about 450 feet from the initial impact location. There was substantial damage to the fuselage, wings, tail surfaces and all control surfaces. The pilot reported no preimpact mechanical anomalies with the airplane. NTSB Identification: *CEN11CA294* Date: April 17, 2011

Dallas • Hyannis • Pittsburgh

Location: Horseshoe Lake, AR Aircraft: AIR TRACTOR INC AT-802A Injuries: 1 Minor. While spraying a field, the agricultural pilot reversed course for another pass. During the pass, the pilot misjudged his altitude and impacted a tower with the airplane’s propeller and inboard section of the right wing. As the tower fell, it separated the airplane’s right horizontal stabilizer and right elevator. Unable to maintain altitude, the pilot performed a forced landing to a cornfield. The airplane came to rest in an upright position in an irrigation canal. The pilot reported that there were no mechanical malfunctions or failures with the airplane prior to the accident. NTSB Identification: *CEN11LA296A* Date: April 18, 2011 Location: New Madrid, MO Aircraft: AIR TRACTOR INC AT-802A Injuries: 1 Serious,1 Uninjured. On April 18, 2011 an Air Tractor

the County Memorial Airport (EIW), New Madrid, Missouri. NTSB Identification: *CEN11CA174* Date: May 10, 2011 Location: Walnut Ridge, AR Aircraft: Gulfstream-Schweizer G-164B Injuries: 1 Uninjured. The pilot reported that while

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AT-802A and an Air Tractor AT-502B were involved in a midair collision while both airplanes were engaged in aerial application flights. The pilot flying the AT-802A suffered serious injuries and the pilot flying the AT-502B was not injured. The AT-802A came to rest in a farm field after the collision and the pilot of AT-502B was able to land his airplane at


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August 2011




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attempting to land his tail-wheel equipped airplane in a left-quartering tailwind, he encountered a strong gust of wind and subsequently lost control of the airplane and flipped over. Both wings, the vertical stabilizer and fuselage were substantially damaged. The pilot stated there were no mechanical problems and the accident could have been prevented if he had executed a go-around and landed in the opposite direction. NTSB Identification: *CEN11CA330* Date: May 10, 2011 Location: Garwood, TX Aircraft: AIR TRACTOR INC AT-301 Injuries: 1 Uninjured. According to the FAA inspector, the pilot reported that he was maneuvering at low-altitude to apply applicant to a field. Transmission wires were located near the beginning of his job area. The pilot stated that while overflying the wires, the airplane encountered a gust of wind which shifted the airplane’s flight path towards the wires. The pilot unsuccessfully attempted to fly under the wires. The wires struck the airplane’s propeller and vertical fin. Aircraft control was lost and the airplane impacted terrain. Substantial damage was

sustained to the fuselage, both wings, the vertical fin and empennage. According to the FAA inspector, the pilot did not report any mechanical malfunctions prior to the collision. NTSB Identification: *CEN11LA396* Date:May 27, 2011 Location: Oak Ridge, LA Aircraft: GRUMMAN G164 Injuries: 2 Minor. On May 27, 2011 a Grumman G-164A, was substantially damaged when it impacted trees near Oak Ridge, LA. The CFI reported that he was flying the airplane and was demonstrating a pass to the pilot. He made a flat tear-drop turn to reenter the field when he noticed a slight loss of altitude. He leveled the wings to stop turning and maintain altitude. The descent continued and the airplane impacted the tops of several trees and forward movement briefly stopped. Then fell nose first through the thick wooded canopy. The pilot reported that they had been flying about 80 to 90 MPH during the low passes with the engine power set at about 22 to 23 inches of manifold pressure. The pilot said the CFI did not increase the engine power setting

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before impact and the pilot was 100% certain that the airspeed was 60 MPH or less immediately before the airplane impacted the trees. Both pilots exited the airplane unassisted. The operator reported that as they were recovering the wreckage they were able to successfully test run the engine before it was removed from the airplane. NTSB Identification: *WPR11LA238* Date: May 28, 2011 Location: Hazelton, ID Aircraft: Grumman-Schweizer G-164A Injuries: 1 Uninjured. On May 28, 2011 a Grumman G-164A, collided with a ditch after losing engine power near Hazelton, Idaho. The airplane sustained substantial damage to the rudder, lower wing and forward fuselage. The pilot reported initiating a climb after making an application pass over a field. During the climb the engine began to lose power, the pilot then heard a loud bang and observed white smoke issuing from the engine. He attempted an emergency landing in a pasture, however, during the landing roll the right main landing gear struck a ditch and the airplane rotated 180 degrees. Post accident examination revealed

that the engine could only be partially rotated at the propeller by hand. The engine oil was drained from the sump, and fragments of gear teeth were observed in the chip detector. NTSB Identification: *CEN11LA404* Date: June 16, 2011 Location: Athleimer, AR Aircraft: Ayres Corporation S2R-T34 Injuries: 1 Minor. On June 16, 2011 an Ayres Corp. S2R-T34, sustained substantial damage when it made a forced landing to a soybean field after an uncontained engine failure and in-flight fire. According to the pilot, he departed with 2,400 pounds of fertilizer and flew to a 23-acre field approximately onemile from where he departed. Just as he started his first pass and without any warning, the engine “exploded” and the propeller “slammed” to a stop. He also saw flames around the cowling and exiting the exhaust stack. The pilot immediately established best glide speed and headed toward a soybean field while dumping the fertilizer. He said that as he was approaching the field, there was a lot of black soot coming from the engine and he could still see flames and

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NTSB Identification: *WPR11LA253* Date: June 02, 2011

Location: Pine Bluffs, WY Aircraft: CESSNA A188B Injuries: 1 Uninjured. On June 2, 2011 a Cessna A188B, was substantially damaged during a forced landing shortly after takeoff. According to the pilot, he reported that the engine run-up was normal and he then initiated the takeoff. The initial portion of the takeoff roll seemed normal to the pilot, but it then “seemed to continue for an abnormal length.” The airplane lifted off, but then the engine seemed to experience a partial loss of power and the airplane was unable to climb out of

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pieces of metal exiting the exhaust stack. As he touched down in the field, he wanted to avoid hitting a canal, but the smoke was too thick for him to see. The landing gear struck the canal and was torn off the airplane. It then skidded for approximately 75 feet before coming to a stop and the pilot was able to exit the airplane before it was consumed by fire. The airplane and engine were recovered and taken to a secure salvage facility for further examination.

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ground effect as it crossed the departure end of the runway. At that point, the pilot jettisoned about 40 gallons of water in order to clear some powerlines. The airplane still would not climb, so the pilot elected to conduct an off-airport landing, in order to preclude striking the powerlines. The airplane touched down in soft terrain and then struck a ditch. The right main landing gear fracture-separated from the fuselage, the propeller tips were bent, the cowling was wrinkled and the right wing sustained substantial damage. NTSB Identification: *WPR11LA260* Date: June 13, 2011 Location: Buttonwillow, CA Aircraft: GRUMMAN G-164A Injuries: 1 Uninjured. On June 13, 2011 a Grumman G-164A, sustained substantial damage when it departed the runway and collided with two dumpsters at a private airstrip in Buttonwillow, California. The pilot stated that on the day of the accident he had conducted numerous landings on the accident airstrip and the brakes where “a little worn out,” but had operated well enough to allow stopping on the runway. On the

accident landing the pilot reported that he was slightly fast on the approach with a tailwind of approximately 5-10 knots. Upon touchdown he was unable to stop the airplane before the end of the runway and exited the right side. After the airplane exited the runway the airplane’s right wing struck a dumpster. The initial impact with the dumpster caused the airplane to spin into a second dumpster with which the airplane came to rest against. Immediately after the accident the owner/operator checked the brakes and found them to be operating normally. Three days after the accident, an inspector from the FAA noted that the right brake would not hold pressure and was leaking brake fluid from the right master cylinder. The left brake would hold pressure after about eight pumps, but was leaking brake fluid from the b-nut at the hard line to the flex line at the caliper. The continuity of the brake system was not checked at that time. NTSB Identification: *WPR11CA261* Date: June 14, 2011 Location: Pullman, WA Aircraft: Grumman-Schweizer G-164B Injuries: 1 Minor.

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The pilot stated that he was spraying a swath of field bordered by power lines. After making a pass, the pilot’s attention was focused on a pole and he struck nearby power lines, which wrapped around the propeller. The pilot noticed a sudden loss in power and thought he could make it back to the airport. The power loss increased and the pilot initiated a forced landing into a field, resulting in a hard landing. The engine detached from the airplane and both wings and fuselage sustained substantial structural damage. The pilot reported no mechanical failures or malfunctions that would have precluded normal flight. NTSB Identification: *CEN11LA399* Date: June 17, 2011 Location: Highmore, SD Aircraft: PIPER PA-36-300 Injuries: 1 Fatal. On June 17, 2011 a Piper PA-36-300, collided with the terrain following a loss of control in Highmore, South Dakota. The pilot received fatal injuries. The airplane received substantial damage. The flight originated from the Highmore Municipal Airport. The operator stated the pilot departed for the flight and when he did not return they sent two airplanes

out to look for him. They discovered the airplane in an open field. There are no know witnesses to the accident. NTSB Identification: *WPR11LA267* Date: June 19, 2011 Location: Lost Hills, CA Aircraft: HILLER UH-12E Injuries: 1 Minor On June 19, 2011, about 0740 Pacific a Hiller UH-12E impacted the terrain near Lost Hills, California. According to the pilot, while applying chemicals to an agricultural field, the helicopter’s engine suddenly stopped producing power. Because he did not have sufficient speed or altitude to execute an autorotation, he maintained a level flight attitude until the helicopter contacted the terrain. The impact resulted in substantial damage to both the main rotor blades and the airframe. NTSB Identification: *WPR11LA273* Date: June 21, 2011 Location: Marysville, CA Aircraft: Schweizer Aircraft Corp G-164B Injuries: 1 Uninjured. On June 21, 2011 a Schweizer Airplane Corp. G-164B departed the runway during landing at Yuba County Airport,

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Marysville, California. The pilot reported that during the takeoff roll, just prior to rotation, the right main landing gear separated from the fuselage. He continued the takeoff and elected to land at Yuba County Airport. During the landing roll the airplane departed the runway sustaining substantial damage to the lower left wing. NTSB Identification: *WPR11LA278* Date: June 21, 2011 Location: Blackfoot, ID Aircraft: AIR TRACTOR INC AT-502 Injuries: 1 Uninjured. On June 21, 2011 a Air Tractor AT-502 sustained substantial damage when it impacted trees during takeoff. The pilot said that prior to takeoff; he had about three-quarters of a tank of fuel in both the left and right wing fuel tanks and about 320 gallons of chemicals within the hopper. The pilot stated that during takeoff roll on runway 1, he reached his normal rotation point about three-quarters down the runway and applied back pressure for takeoff. The pilot said that it felt like the engine wasn’t producing enough power and that the airplane would not lift off of the ground. The pilot further stated that he was unable to abort

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August 2011


domestic advertiser index A.E.R.O. (APS).................................................8B Aero Engines, Inc..........................................1B AeroFlow, Inc.................................................5B Ag Air Turbines, Inc......................................7B Ag Sync........................................................... 9B Agrinautics.................................................. 22B AgriSmart Information Systems..............16B Air Repair....................................................... 7B Air South Insurance....................................19B Air Tech Coatings Inc. ................................3B Airplane Services........................................12B Auger Dan’s Trucks................................... 23B BASF................................................................. 2B Blue Stripe Distributing.............................21B Bright Portal Resources.............................18B Cascade Aircraft Conversions...................1B Central Florida Ag Aero..............................6B Compton’s Flying Service............................1B CP Products..................................................11B Curtis Dyna-Fog Ltd.................................. 20B Dallas Airmotive.........................................12B Davidon........................................................16B Davidson Solid Rock Ins........................... 22B Eagle Vistas LLC.........................................13B Electrode Aviation..................................... 22B Electronics International...........................13B Falcon Insurance Agency, Inc. .................8B Farm Air Inc.................................................24B Flight Grip, LLC.......................................... 23B Garrco Products, Inc....................................4B Hardy Aviation Ins Inc. ............................14B Joe Vaughn Spraying Inc. .......................21B Kimmel Insurance Agency..........................7B Kugler Co.....................................................18B Lane Aviation....................................... 6B, 10B NAA Museum..............................................15B NorthStar Aviation.......................................8B OctaFlex........................................................18B Prime Turbines ..........................................19B Professional Fibreglass Repair...................3B Professional Insurance.................................4B PropWorks Propeller Systems, Inc.......... 23B RT Turbines Inc........................................... 20B Robert McCurdy.........................................14B S & T Aircraft Accessories, Inc................21B Serv-Aero Engineering, Inc...................... 22B Skeet-R-Gone................................................11B Southeastern Aircraft..................................3B Tennessee Aircraft Co Inc........................17B Texoma Turbines, Inc....................................5B Trace Engines...............................................14B Turbines, Inc.................................................15B USAg Recycling Inc....................................10B Valley Air Crafts..........................................17B Zee Systems.................................................. 6D


the takeoff due to the remaining amount of runway and decided to lower the nose in an effort to gain more airspeed. As the airplane approached the departure end of runway 1, the pilot applied back pressure and the airplane became airborne about 10 to 15 feet above ground level (agl). Subsequently, the airplane struck multiple trees beyond the departure end of the runway and came to rest upright on a golf course. The pilot added that after the airplane came to rest, the engine was running at idle and that he had to pull the fuel shut

off valve to shut the engine down. NTSB Identification: *WPR11LA288* Date: June 24, 2011 Location: Lewistown, MT Aircraft: AIR TRACTOR INC AT-502 Injuries: 1 Uninjured. On June 24, 2011 an Air Tractor AT-502 sustained substantial damage during a forced landing .The pilot reported that upon completion of his aerial application on a nearby field, he was returning to the staging area to refill the hopper. While in cruise flight about 800 feet above ground level, the engine lost power

and he initiated a forced landing to an area of open, uneven terrain. During the landing roll, the left wing struck the ground and the airplane ground looped. Examination of the airplane by the pilot revealed that the outboard left wing was structurally damaged and buckling was observed on the fuselage between the cockpit and empennage. Local law enforcement reported that fuel was present in both wing fuel tanks. The wreckage was recovered to a secure location for further examination.

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August 2011


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Photos by Bruno Giraldi / and AgAir Update.


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August 2011


Thrush establishes major presence in Brazil

there” said Payne Hughes, president of Thrush Aircraft. “By creating Thrush Aircraft do Brazil, we can now offer operators the level of support they need to handle the amazing growth we’ve seen in agricultural productivity in the country – all in the language and culture of the region and all provided by a staff that understands the unique needs of Brazilian operators,” he continued.

“We can now offer operators in Brazil the level of support they need.” – Payne Hughes Thrush Aircraft do Brazil is led by Jim Cable, president of the new company, and a native of the Anapolis region. “I am so very proud to be a part of bringing Thrush Aircraft to Brazil” said Thrush Aircraft do Brazil opened its doors July 13, 2011 in Anapolis, Brazil and began serving customers with factory Jim. “I’ve known the Thrush aircraft well authorized sales and support for Thrush operators in Brazil. This 11,200 square meter facility will be the first of several for many years and believe it is perfect across Brazil to be operated by Thrush Aircraft do Brazil – each stocking parts and expertise to ensure customers’ needs for our agricultural aviation market here, are served with the quality and dependability Thrush is known for worldwide. particularly as we see many operators shift to larger, more capable and reliable aircraft than they are currently flying. Brazilian partnership By offering customers a one-stop-shop created to serve operators capability, along with the level of service across the country Thrush is famous for, I strongly believe we’ll give customers an unmatched Thrush Aircraft continued to aggressively combination of the best aircraft and expand its global presence with the the best support available anywhere in opening of Thrush Aircraft do Brazil, a Brazil.” full service company created specifically About Thrush Aircraft to serve Thrush owners and operators company throughout Brazil. The company is headquartered in Anapolis, Brazil, a city Headquartered in Albany, Georgia, deep in the heart of the agricultural rich Thrush Aircraft manufactures a full range of aerial application aircraft used state of Goias. inverter Powered Systems for turbine thrush & at in agriculture, forestry and fire fighting Thrush Aircraft do Brazil will handle roles worldwide. Today’s Thrush Aircraft, aircraft sales, service, training, and support for all Thrush aircraft operating founded in 2003, is well-known for building the most durable aircraft in the in the country and will soon oversee final assembly of the company’s popular aerial application industry, as well as the best flying – from both pilot and operator Thrush 510P models at its main facility. perspectives. All Thrush models provide The company is also in the process superb visibility, light control response, of establishing a network of factory authorized, fully stocked service facilities and a high degree of maneuverability Engine drive Systems for most P&W 1340 ag-aircraft across Brazil, with the first scheduled and speed, along with superior efficiency and low direct operating costs. Today to open in August of this year. These there are more than 2,200 Thrush new facilities are important to the aircraft operating in some 80 countries company’s tradition of personally 1107 calle naranja • alamo, texas 78516 around the world. servicing operators worldwide at a very local level. PH: • faX: “Having a major feet-on-the-ground manufacturer of aircraft air-conditioning Since 1980 presence in Brazil is critical to properly supporting our growing customer base

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EnvironmEntally SafE ag-aircraft air conditioning SyStEmS

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2011 S.A.F.E. Analyst Training by Lynn Baxter, WRK of Arkansas, LLC The 2011 Operation S.A.F.E. Analyst training will be held September 26 – 30 in La Junta, CO. The training provides potential analysts with the certification standards required by the NAAA. Dr. Dennis Gardisser (WRK of Arkansas), Dr. Richard Whitney (WRK of Oklahoma), Dr. Scott Bretthauer (University of Illinois Extension), and Dr. Bob Wolf (Wolf Consulting and Research) will be conducting the week long training. The trainees will be given “real world” situations as the Colorado AAA will conduct their annual fly-in during the last two days of the training. The students will be conducting the fly-in along with the instructors. This hands-on experience provides the students with a more detailed look at the operations of a fly-in. This training is supported by many people in the industry that knows the importance of the Operation S.A.F.E. clinics. John Garr, GARRCO Products, and Carolyn Baecker, CP Products, Inc., has donated resources and time to make the S.A.F.E. Analyst training successful. During the week, students are instructed on fly-in preparations, field equipment, the Dropletscan V2.4_9 software, the WRK Granular Analysis Software V4.0, equipment setup, aircraft setup, and nozzle models for aircraft

setup. The last two days of the training will consist of the CO AAA fly-in. The training will be concluded Friday night at the Hogs Breath Saloon in La Junta with graduation ceremonies. If anyone is interested in attending the Operation S.A.F.E. training please contact Dennis or Lynn at WRK of Arkansas (501) 940-4472 or (501) 676-1762 or contact them through their website at

1. Previous analyst training students at the S.A.F.E. school participating in a written exercise to evaluate their skills. 2. Dennis explaining the equipment used on the flight line during a fly-in 3. Bob works with students in the computerized analysis center 4. Students at the S.A.F.E. school during a detailed analysis of ag planes spray system setup. 5. An aerial view of students working the flight line from a helicopter flying over the flight line





Available Now! “Guide to Flying South America” Only $15.00 “My One Hundred Loves” Only $17.95 Or order both at $27.95 and Save Add $5.00 S&H MasterCard/Visa Call or Fax your order TODAY!!! 478-987-2250 Voice • 478-987-1836 Fax

5 August 2011


Application quality formulation that replaces the oil currently used with its adjuvants that have these properties: adhesive, antifoam, penetration of canopy and surface tension and a uniform droplet spectrum. Water-sensitive cards are used to evaluate the quality of the spray application, while taking into account several variables including: coverage, card difference, droplet size, uniformity, and efficiency

Silicone NG and 50cc of Drift NG. Environmental conditions at the time of each treatment were as follows: T1 , T2 and T3 respectfuily - Relative humidity 69%, 68% and 65%. Temperatures - 18.3°C, 19.1°C and 19.5°C. barometric pressures (hPa/”hg) - 1013/29.91, 1011/29.86 and 1012/29.88. Winds (km/hr) 23 (14 mph), 22 and 24, all NNE. Over fallow ground, the aircraft made three passes over 10 water-sensitive cards positioned horizontally in a straight line perpendicular to the flight path of the


by Professor Alberto Etiennot Daireau, Argentina The aim of this study was to assess the mix quality by using SpeedAgro’s Silicone SpeedWet and Drift SpeedWet NG to replace oil in agricultural aerial spraying. The intended use of adding agricultural crop oil to the spray mixture of air applications aims to provide an anti-evaporante property. SpeedAgro has developed a unique

(theoretical ratio of the volume collected in water-sensitive cards and the actual volume applied by the sprayer). Tests were conducted using an Air Tractor provided by Grupo Fumigation Rodriguez. The aircraft was fitted with 12 rotary atomizers (fine droplet) configured to deliver a total volume of three liters per hectare.. Three treatments were performed, of which: T1 contained two liters of water and one liter of vegetable oil. T2 contained 2.95 liters of water, 50cc of Silicone NG. T3 contained 2.90 liters of water, 50cc of

Coverage min.

Coverage average

Coverage max.

• Coverage - Between T1 and T3 there was no significant difference in the average number of drops. T2 had an average increase in droplets of 33%, with 258% minimum and 35% maximum droplets.


• Coefficient of Varibility (%CV) - In the two treatments using SpeedWet NG (T2 and T3), there was a significant decrease in the CV.

Droplet Size

aircraft. The data collected, coverage (# of drops/cm2), Coefficient of Variation (%), uniformity (diameter of drops) and efficiency (theoretical volume vs. actual volume) was analyzed using Stainmaster software v.1.0.8. By observing and analyzing with the appropriate software, concludes that under field conditions, the use of SpeedWet NG can replace crop oil used in a spray mixture. Adding NG Silicone SpeedWet at 50cc/ha a greater coverage rate was observed over a greater number of droplets per unit area

and with a substantially lower Coefficient of Variability. Also, the uniformity of the droplet size spectrum increased. The outcome doubles the efficiency of the spray mix with adjuvants, compared spray mixes using agricultural crop oil. This improvement in the quality of application is achieved at a lower cost per acre than when using agricultural oil, as well as improving the logistics of handling the product, e.g. one liter of Silicone SpeedWet NG = 20 liters of crop oil.



• Uniformity and droplet size - Uniformity increased in the two treatments that used the SpeedWet adjuvants. In the case of T2, it was clearly superior in its uniformity.

• Efficiency was achieved by 95% (T1) and 26% (T2).

Center Boom

• Spreaders

• Meterates

• Pumps

• Stainless Steel Booms

• Fire Gate Boxes

• Strainers

• Stainless Steel Valves

• Bomb Bay Fire Gate

• Swathmasters

Boxes 1206 Hatton Road, Suite A, Wichita Falls, TX 76302 Tel: 940-687-1100 • Fax: 940-687-1941 Se Habla Español Call Your Authorized Transland Dealer Today

August 2011


classified ads ag-cat

1977 B Model Ag Cat, 4300TT, 696 SMOH Aero, AG-100, 290g hopper, Airstar 99.5 w/Aerial Ace, Sky Tractor oil filter kit $87,000. 1-800-437-5319 ( T F N ) 77 G164B, 10,400TT, 1175SMOH Eng, 720 prop, 350 gal hopper, April 2011 annual, 830-334-3373 (0 8 -11)

Ag-Cat 1976 A model with B model windshield, windshield washer, extended wings, 85gal fuel, 5576 airframe, 520 smoh P&W 600hp, current annual, always hangared, excellent compressions, Trimble satloc with moving map, crophawk, air-conditioner, kn66 flip-flop radio, transponder, servos, oil filter, double puck brakes, heavy gear, new 8.50-10tires, sterling tailwheel, smoker, stobe &nav lts, chip detector, new mag, new starter, s/s airfoil booms with cp nozzles, spreader, 26” transland gate, all around great airplane. CURRENTLY WORKING IN IOWA, PRICED REDUCED. AND ADD $95,000.00. email Call 307-331-1112 (0 8 -11)

PRICE REDUCED 1978 G 164 C SN 19 C. Rebuilt to better than new condition. AF TT 4090 Garrett super 1 turbine TSC 174 CSC 44 by AG AIR Turbines. Spray ready, Electronics International Digital Engine Display. This aircraft flies excellent and has not been worked since rebuild. Everything on this aircraft has been gone through including 500 gallon hopper refurbishment. Contact Brian Lee - SKY TRACTOR SUPPLY, Broker - located Hillsboro, ND USA Telephone: 800-437-5319, 701-636-5880 Fax: 701-636-5881 (08-11)

G164-C Model King Cat, firewall forward conversion includes R1820-71 engine and Hamilton Standard propeller Model 33D50-119. Engine mount cowling, oil cooler and plumbing, instrument panel also included. For more details contact Matt at Avag Inc. 530-882-4286 (0 8 -11)

1994 AT-802A-011 8980TTSN 2080SMOHE by P&WC. Engine has been in continuous tbo by P&W since new. 0SHSI by P&W. Red/White paint. Everything on AF&E and prop within tbo. Fresh Annual and equiped your choice with purchase. 870-897-4548 (0 8 -11) 2011 AT 502B -34AG, Fall Deliveries $CALL$; 2012 AIR TRACTORS, ALL MODELS $CALL$; 2011 AT-802A, -67AG, FTO, 308 FUEL, LANE FAN & BRAKE, SMOKER $1,272,400 Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-342-5451 or FAX: 281-232-5401. t f n 2005 AT-602-60 Ready Nov. 2011 current 3650 est hours in Nov. 4200+ Del Norde variable rate, elec. brake, wingman, smoker, spreader, CP’s. Call 662-588-6002 ( 0 8 - 11 )

‘71 AgCat, G-164A, 9171.7TTA/F, R-1340AN-1 w/740.7SMOH, Satloc 99.5 w/Flow Control, Extended Wings, Hershey Tips,82 Gal Fuel, Locking Tail Wheel, Grumman Gate, Weathaero Fan, Drop Booms, CP’s, Elevator Servo, Automatic Flagger, Strobe Lights, Hydromatic Prop, Speed Ring. Call for Quote. Darryl 870-572-9011 ( 0 8 - 11 )

Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of the Turbine Ag Cat today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. has the remnants of one A-model Cat with 4 decent wing cores and a center section. Can send pictures. Call Sid or Jerry 800-542-8565 or emial A 8 -11

Gulf Coast aG airCraft sales & serviCe 1992 Ayres 510 D C - 7,600 Hrs. TT; Garrett -6 Engine Low Time; M-3 with Variable Rate Flow Control, C.P. Nozzles; SS Spray System with Lane brakes; Air Conditioner; Smoker; Low time Prop; Nice clean airplane that is ready to work ................................................................................ Priced To Sell

Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of the B Model Ag Cat today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at A+ 450, 300gal DAF TLAnd Comb, 300-SMOHE, 64 Fuel, almost “original” SuperCat.......................................$65K. A+ 600, 300 gal DAF Tland Conb, 194SMOHE, 419 SOH Hyrda-Prop, SatLoc Lite, Fresh AAI LIC., Ready 125K A+600, Tower/Writer w/1200-SMOH AF&E&P best of the Rosies O’Gradys, flyway.............................................$55K B+600 (AN2) 350 gal DAF Tland Conb, 306 SMOH/OSIRANE. OHC 23D40/6529A 15 prop, AACP/AAI rebuilt, 80 fuel, TST, Hvy Gear, Big Tires, M-3 Satloc, CropHawk............$185K SB-Walter-FatCat, 950-SMOH AF&E&P, hiwings, TST, HVY GSW, M-3 GPS, A41” TLand Spra 515 Hopper, 125 fuel, Super Value....$325K SB-TPE331-1 ‘08 Queencat Damaged @468 hours, AAI repaired w/468-Scam/ 0-Iran Exec. engine & New prop, 400 hopper, 114 fuel, all SB+ mods and Mint condition throughout!..............................................................$395K A450 2-holder project, OH fusellage ready for front seat, 792 SMOHE, no prop.$35K C182B Skylane 3300 TTA, 100 SMOHE & P, S-TEC auto pilot, Nice Trade for AgCat $79K A450 2-holer Project, OH fuselage ready for front seat, 792 SMOHE, no prop $35K AmAg 870-886-2418 (2489F) AmAg 870886-2418 (2489F) t f n

air tractor 1999 Air Tractor AT-402A, approximately 6,500 TT. 1 owner since new, this airplane has spent it’s life on boll weevil contracts. All available options. Keeter Aerial Spraying, Inc. Olney, Texas. 940-564-5893 ( 0 8 - 11 ) 1991 AT-502 PT6A-34AG Better than average, Crophawk, Satloc, Collins Air, New CP Nozzles, WeathAero Fan March 2011 Annual, Hot Section Scheduled. $390,000.00 Southeastern Aircraft, Rick Stone, 800-441-2964. tfn

AT-504: Learn and earn. With side-by-side cockpit seating and 485-gallon capacity, the AT-504 is a great way to train new ag pilots and earn while they learn. Powered by the Pratt & Whitney PT6A-34AG turbine engine, you’ll get working speeds and performance like the tried and true AT-502B. And when the training day is done, you’ll see that it was productive workday, too. Wells Fargo financing for qualified buyers is available; just visit with your Air Tractor dealer. T F N

Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of the AT-802 today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at 1996 AT-502B 7,900 horas tiempo total. 900 horas desde sección caliente y reparación de caja de potencia. 900 horas desde reparación hélice. Vigas nuevas instaladadas en fábrica, Equipado para combate de incendios con compuerta hidráulica y radios. SATLOC M3, aire condicionado, abanico variable con freno eléctrico, boquillas CP. $460,000Sun Valley Dusting, 956-399-5323, Fax 956-399-2320 tfn 2007 Air Tractor AT-401B, ¡65 Horas desde nuevo! Satloc M3, Medidor de flujo Micronair, Helice hydromatica de 3 palas, en condiciones de nuevo. $355,000 Sun Valley Dusting, 956-399-5323, Fax 956-399-2320 t f n

1976 Ayres 400 Gal. Thrush with -6 Garrett Engine; Satloc; Air Conditioner; Smoker; 29” Wheels and Brakes; New Paint; Fresh OH Prop; SS Spray System; Lane Brakes. Garrett TPE331-6-252M Please call for info. Engines available Garrett TPE-331-10-511M 2 engines available with lots of time and cycles remaining. Call for info.

S.T.C. approval for “Century” wing spar for Thrush S2R aircraft. Lifetime spar without inspections, economical and easy to install.

92 Air Tractor 502, 11,725 TT A/F, -34AG 226.0 SHOT w/8065 TT eng, Recent Annual, M-3 w/Flow Control, Zee air conditioning, Aluminum Booms w/CP Nozzles, 3” Side loader, Spreader, Right Hand boom shut off. Call for Quote. Darryl at 870-572-9011 (0 8 -11) 1981 AT-400 PT6A-15AG TT airframe 2809.4 Hrs. TT eng. 2843.9 Hrs. SHS 17.4 Hrs. Prop SMOH 0 Hrs. 2010-2011 complete airframe refurb. Bantam Satloc with Intelliflow, Harbour A/C, landing light, turn windows, metal tail, 29” tires, grd adj fan, electric fan brake. $395,000.00 Southeastern Aircraft, Rick Stone, 800-441-2964. t f n

AT-602: Trim your overhead. You’ll reduce costs and increase profit margins when you scale a multi-plane operation down to a single-plane operation. Air Tractor’s AT-602 makes it an easy choice. The big 630-gallon payload moves you up to high volume production, reduces loads, saves time and helps trim operating expenses compared with two smaller planes. The AT-602 is the ideal solution for 5-gallon work on center-pivot circles. Step it up with an AT-602. Visit your Air Tractor dealer. T F N

Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of the Turbine AT-402 today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at

Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of the AT-401 today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at

Call For Details.

Used Thrush Parts

Several sets of late model wings • Metal Thrush tails • Many other items


979-532-1718 • 979-533-1720 26A

2011 AT602 PT6A-60 AG available December 2011 Southeastern Aircraft S&S 800-441-2964 Air Tractor Dealer t f n

Large inventory or Air Tractor Parts. Surplus to our needs. Call for list. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662843-0811 tfn


FOR SALE: USED AT 401 & 1340 ENGINES & ACCESSORIES We are converting our spray planes to turbines, therefore we have the following for sale: (1) 1340 engine--with 830 TT................ $25,000.00

AT-401B: Power and payload at the right price. Step up to a highly productive, low maintenance piston engine ag plane for a price that makes solid business sense. The economical 400-gallon capacity AT-401B has a pistonengine price tag, plus all the reliability, durability, safety features and flying ease that make Air Tractor the industry leader. For qualified buyers, Wells Fargo has attractive and flexible terms available. Call your Air Tractor dealer. 1987 AT-301 TT 5375 engine 1021 SMOH, prop 139 SOH, 126 fuel, 350 hopper, A/C, CP nozzles, SS spreader, and more 843-586-9422 cell 843-454-6206 ( 0 8 -11)

AT-502B: More performance; more profit potential. With Air Tractor’s AT-502B there’s plenty of power and a big, 500gallon payload to please both pilot and operator. The Pratt & Whitney PT6A-34AG turbine engine delivers efficient and effective performance that shortens ferry times and reduces takeoffs and landings. Since 1987 the AT-502 series has set the standard as the industry’s most popular ag plane. You can own one with attractive financing options from Wells Fargo. Talk to your Air Tractor dealer. TFN

Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of the M18 Dromader today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at

Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of the AT-602 today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at Save money. Buy used. Parting out several Air Tractor 402, 502, 602, and 802, Thrush and , Ag Cats. Call Chad Stuart. Airplane Services, Inc. 850-380-6091 ( 0 8 -11) 2007 AT-401B, 65 TTAF, 65 SMOH, 3 BLADE HYD, COM, TXP, LIKE NEW $355,000.00 Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-342-5451 or FAX: 281-232-5401. t f n

cessna 1975 Cessna Truck-beautiful paint, immaculate cockpit, 5 pt. harness, streamline boom, M3, always hangered. 5630 TT, Large Propellor blades, Special pre season price. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 t f n

(2) Hamilton Standard props model 12D40, Ag 100 (1) Hamilton Standard prop model 12D40, Ag 200 blades ....................................................$11,000.00 (1) 1340 used alternator ......................... $1,200.00 (2) sets of 1340 exhaust pipes........... $3,500.00 ea (2) Air Tractor speed rings .................... $800.00 ea

piper AT-402B: Go turbo. The AT-402B, with the time-proven Pratt & Whitney PT6A-15AG turbine engine, offers impressive climb rates and overall performance. The AT-402B’s light handling characteristics help reduce pilot fatigue – while delivering the payload, speed and productivity that helps create profits. Visit your Air Tractor dealer and learn how Wells Fargo’s financing options for qualified buyers make owning an Air Tractor more affordable than you might think. T F N

Overhaul ............................................... $52,000.00 blades .............................................. $10,000.00 ea

Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of the Flying Dromader today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at

Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of the Dual Cockpit Air Tractor, today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at

(1) 1340 engine--with zero time--Tulsa Aircraft

(1) dry spreader for Air Tractor with 28” gate$400.00 (1) dry spreader for a Brave....................... $400.00 (1) dry spreader for a Pawnee ................... $200.00 (2) magnetos for a Brave IO-540-Lyc ... $800.00 ea (1) starter for a Brave IO-540-Lyc ........... $1,200.00 (1) 1340 Air Tractor engine mounts ........ $2,000.00

1969 Pawnee 235, 1800 SMOH, 3 New cyl at annual 10 hours ago. Satloc, stainless steel Booms- full nozzle set, good paint. Has been Illinois. corn plane $40,000 Call 573-246-3216 or 573-481-0474

(1) 1340 Air Tractor (Pacific Oil) oil cooler . $800.00

1982 Piper PA-18-150 Super Cub, 500 horas desde nuevo!!, Tela nueva, pintura nueva, micas nuevas, recién inspecionado, GPS, Comm, Transponder. El PA-18 más nuevo y bonito en el mercado, $160,000 Sun Valley Dusting, 956399-5323, Fax 956-399-2320 t f n

John Holzmeister, Aviation Mgr. 201 Airport Drive Oakley, KS 67748

Piper airframe parts, continental and Lycoming engine parts and a few spray system parts, new surplus, big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330698-0280. Check stock at tfn

phone: 785-672-4662 fax: 785-672-4536 cell: 785-672-0147

Frontier Ag Aviation

1969 Cessna 188 Ag Wagon, 2500 TT, 55 SMOH, Motor da caixa Continental, Satloc Lite, duas pares de barras inox (CP & rotativos), Spreader e mais. Muito bem conservado e arrumado Pronto para trabalhar. R$280.000,00 Homoligado em Brasil em 2005, Localisado em Goias ( 0 8 -11) 1955 Cessna C-170B 2050TTSN, 350SMOH by High Performance Aircraft Engines of Mena, AR. Very nice 170B. Excellent trainer for ag pilot. 870-897-4548 ( 0 8 -11) 1977 Cessna 150, 3,100 Horas desde nuevo, “0” horas desde reparación mayor – motor. GPS, Nav-Com, Transponder w/encoder. Recién pintado. $35,000 Sun Valley Dusting, 956-399-5323, Fax 956-399-2320 tfn

AT-401s several units 2006 and 2007 year models. Less than 200 hours TT. Like new. 3-blade prop. Contact for prices:, +34667102184. tfn

Will trade nice 1972 Super Viking for flying Ag Truck or Pawnee. Will consider projects. Call Jerry at J & C Enterprises Aviation, Inc. 1-800-542-8565 A 8 -11 WE have the largest NEW inventory of Cessna 188 AG Truck & Ag Wagon parts in the USA. Parting out many other air crafts as well. J & C Enterprises Aviatiion INC 800-542-8565 or Email Sid or Jerry at A 8 - 11 Cessna 337, several units, very low flight hours, perfect state, extremely careful maintenance, fully equipped, long range tanks, fully IFR, contact for prices and specs. info@, +34667102184 t f n

AT-802: Capacity that creates profits. An 800-gallon hopper, zippy 190 mph ferry speeds, and greater working capacity than any other ag aircraft on the market - the AT-802 is simply a hoss. With the AT-802 you’ll ferry faster, spray more fields and do bigger jobs all in one load. That’s production that only Air Tractor can offer you. Visit with your Air Tractor dealer about the AT-802. And ask about special Air Tractor financing now available from Wells Fargo for qualified buyers. T F N 2011 Slots Available Frost Flying Inc. 870-295-6213

Call t f n

Cessna airframe parts, Continental and Lycoming engine parts, and a few spray system parts, new surplus, big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-6980280. Check stock at t f n J & C enterprises Aviation Inc. Wants to buy your Cessna aircraft, New & Used part of any kind. Call Jerry 800-542-8565 or email A 8 -11 1977 Cessna 150, 3,100 Horas desde nuevo, “0” horas desde reparación mayor – motor. GPS, Nav-Com, Transponder w/encoder. Recién pintado. $35,000 Sun Valley Dusting, 956-399-5323, Fax 956-399-2320 tfn

August 2011


J & C Enterprises avaition Inc. Wants to buy your Piper, Pawnee or Brave aircraft. We are also looking for parts inventory, or derelect aircraft as well call Jerry at 800-542-8565 or email A 8 - 11 1946 Piper PA-12 Nice airplane, many mods, nearly Alaska ready, must see call Rick for pictures & more info., Southeastern Aircraft 800-441-2964 t f n Turbine Thrush fuselage with PT6-34 engine mount and ballis, Stainless steel belly, control stick tubes, canopy, 500 Gal hopper. Asking $26,500. Call 530682-7668 ( 0 8 - 11 )

Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of the Piper Pawnee today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at

thrush 510 Factory -6 Thrush, 9998TT, CAM TPE331-6, 0 since hot, new paint, and fresh annual & all ad’s, by Agair; new Harbor A/C. Satloc, SSF. combo, CP nozzles. $340,000. USD.870-886 8331 (0 8 -11)

93 Thrush T34-510, 9643 TTAF, Recent annual & HSI, M-3, A/C, Smoker, VG Kit, Lane 4, Brake, SS Booms, CP nozzles, Super Clean, Call for quote. Darryl at 870-572-9011 (08-11)

N752WC 2010 J.A.S. REMANUFACTURED WALTER CONVERSION THRUSH 130 Total Time Since Complete Rework of Aircraft, Factory Hot and High Remanufactured Engine, (751 SHP), Cascade Conversion, New Avia High Performance Propeller, 510 Gal. Hopper, Weath-Aero Fan, Stainless Steel Booms, CP Nozzles, 3” Left Side Load, Wing Extensions, 40,000 Hr. Avenger Spar Cap Kit, New H.D. Wing Leading Edge Skins and Ribs, 192 Gal. Fuel, Vortex Generators, Wing Root Fairings, Aileron Servos, Bottom Load Fuel, 29” Tires, Spring Steel Tailwheel with 5.00 X 5 Tire, Air conditioning, New Intellistar GPS with Intelliflow Flow Control, Smoker, Flagger, Garmin COM Radio, Nav / Strobe / Instrument / Landing Lights, Oregon Aero Seat Cushions, New Side Panels with Stainless Steel Fasteners, New Custom Paint, Excellent Tires / Glass / New Poly Fiber Fabric. Tulare, California. 559-686-1794 / Email t f n

Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of the Thrush 660 today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at

1970 S2R Thrush 600 Turn windows, Ailero servos, extended wings, new main tires and brakes, 763 SMHOE, 430 SPOH, 14785 TTAF, $50,000 229-886-8592 (08 -11)

Thrush Aircraft has two Radio Magnetic Indicators – K1 229, Part # 066-3038-00, 14/28 vol to sale. New and only asking $4005 each. Email or call 229.789.0453. (tfn)

WORLD WIDE THRUSH Sales Exclusive U.S. dealer Canada, Mexico- New/Used Ag Thrush, 34-510, 550-60, 660-67. *FINANCING AVAILABLE*Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO/ (573) 359-0500. tfn

For sale 2-600 hp Rockwell Thrushes, current annuals, always hangared, excellent condition, Call 306-861-0177. (08-11) Large inventory of Thrush parts surplus to our needs. Call for list. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-8430811 t f n


J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. has 29” wheel sets. We will accept your 10” wheel and brakes in exchange. Call Jerry or Sid 800-542-8565 or email A 8-11

1994 S2R 510-45, 6800 TTAF, Fast start, Load Hog, spreader, Lane brake & fan, new cp11TT, right boom shut off, M3 w/ flow control. All new glass, tires & brakes. Heat & AC. Working everyday. Very Fast & Clean! 870-692-8305 ( 0 8 - 11 )

The 510 Thrush has sent the standard in Ag Aviation for dependability. With rugged construction, simplified system and low maintenance, the 510 Thrush is the aircraft any operator can depend upon. Low maintenance, maximum loads, superior pattern makes the 510 Thrush a profit machine. All Thrush Aircraft models provide superb visibility, light control forces, and unmatched speed and maneuverability.

1992 Ayres 510 D C - 7,600 Hrs. TT; Garrett -6 Engine Low Time; M-3 with Variable Rate Flow Control, C.P. Nozzles; SS Spray System with Lane brakes; Air Conditioner; Smoker; Low time Prop; Nice clean airplane that is ready to work Priced To Sell Call Eugene 979-532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night A 4 - 12

Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of the Weatherly today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at

bell - hiller For Sale (1) Bell 47 Mark 5 Tom Cat with trailer and SS spray gear $90,000 (1) Bell 47 G-5 with spray gear with trailer and GPS $110,000. Call 717-334-0280 or 863-6756919 ( 0 8 -11)

It’s Practically

one world

The 660 Thrush with its innovative wing design and 54 foot wing span and over 400 square foot wing area ensures unmatched stability and control during Ag maneuvers. The combination of a solid airframe and powerful engine creates an airplane that outperforms the competition. Thrush is known for their structural durability and excellent performance under extreme conditions.

Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of the Bell 206 Helicopter today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at

miscellaneous aircraft

Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of the Radial Thrush today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at

“The World Center of Ag Aviation” Distributors - New Thrush, Cessna, Satloc, Weatherly So whether it’s ag-craft sales, services, parts or insurance

1976 Ayres 400 Gal. Thrush with -6 Garrett Engine; Satloc; Air Conditioner; Smoker; 29” Wheels and Brakes; New Paint; Fresh OH Prop; SS Spray System; Lane Brakes. Call Eugene 979-532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night A4-12

King Air A90, N10YP, 7420 TT A/F, PT6A-20 w/igniter, 945 SHOT left, 30 SHOT right. Garmin 340 Audio, 430/530 Moving Map w/ TAWS and Traffic, GTX 330 Mode “S” txpd, GTX 320 Mode “C” txpd, WX500 Stormscope, H-14 A/P w/ altitude alerter, Lead Acid battery, Cabin A/C, Known Ice, Entertainment Center. Call Darryl or Bill 870-572-9011 ( 0 8 - 11 )

We are Big enough to serve you Anywhere - Anytime - PromPtly Small enough to need and appreciate your business

1601 Hwy 84 • Hayti, MO 63851 800-325-0885 • 28A

The 550 Thrush offers new sturdy hopper and innovative large hopper door to improve access when loading dry chemicals, while providing a 550 gallon capacity. Fuel economy, low acquisition cost and proven performance makes the 550 Thrush a great option for operators. The 550 Thrush offers a choice of power plants, allowing you to tailor the aircraft to meet the demands of your particular operating environment.

1946 J3- 85 HP TT Unknown Time since overhaul- 600 hrs Time since prop overhaul- 600 hrs Cleveland wheels and brakes. Asking $30,000 Call 530-682-7668 ( 0 8 - 11 ) 2000 Beechcraft Bonanza ¡Turbohélice!, 200 horas desde nuevo con radios Garmin (530,430), y King. Motor-Rolls Royce 450hp. ¡Rapido! Como nuevo. $740,000 Sun Valley Dusting, 956-399-5323, Fax 956-399-2320 t f n

Unlimited Racer project: 85% complete Yak11, 3350 turbo compound with many spare parts including engine. Call with best offer. For pictures and details call Frost Flying Inc. 870-295-6213 t f n

Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of In-Formation today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at

Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of the Stearman today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at

B1-A Callair Manufacturing Rights. Available now is the type certificate, drawings, jigs, tooling, aircraft par ts, and proper ty associated with this 300 gal Pratt and Whitney 985 powered sprayer. Start your own aircraft company or expand your line. Call for details. Airplane Services Inc. 850-675-1252, 850380-7268, 850-380-6091. ( 0 8 - 11)

Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of the Clipped J3 Cub today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at

engines PT6A engines for Sale or Exchange. PT6A-28 TSO 3684 Fresh HSI PT6A-28 TSO Zero PT6A-34 TSO Zero PT6A-114A Zero time overhauled PT6A-41 TSO 974 PT6A-42 TSO Zero Phone: 305-825-2001 Email Email ( 0 8 - 11 ) FOR SALE: PT6-15AG TTSN 3980, “0” time since light overhaul by Timken Aerospace, Prop Gov, Prop Overspeed gov, Starter Gen. fuel pump.$235,000.00. Cascade Aircraft Conversion 509-635-1212 ( 0 8 - 1 2 ) PT6-45R, “0” Since Light O/H power section, 3264 SOH power section, 1498 SOH gas generator, “0” SHOT, OHC prop gov., $250K. AR/870-572-9011 (0 8 -11)

FOR THE LIFE OF ME (MY ENGINE) Cascade Turbo inlets Saves fuel -lower ITT Distributor: Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 t f n



Plan for the










0 0 0

0 0 0

PT6A-67R Serial No. PC-E 106108/ PS 106108 0 PT6A-65 (Can be run as AR/R or B) Serial No. PC-E 32355 / PS 32355 0 PT6A-65R Serial No. PC-E 97127/ PS 97080 0 PT6A-45R (3) Serial No. PC-E 84309 / PS 84254 3694.8 Serial No. PC-E 84087 / PS 84363 4880.6 Serial No. PC-E 84002 / PS 84295 3498.1 PT6A-27 / 28 Hot Section Kit CT Disk 8179 CSN New 3045741-01 CT Blades Overhauled PT6A-27 / 28 Hot Section Kit CT Disk 7118 CSN New 3045741-01 CT Blades Overhauled

new Air Tractor in your future. YOUR #1 AIR TRACTOR DISTRIBUTOR IN SALES AND SERVICE AIRCRAFT 2011 AT-502B, -34AG, FALL DELIVERIES, ................................................................. $CALL$ 2012 AIR TRACTORS, ALL MODELS .......................................................................... $CALL$ 2011 AT-802A, -67AG, FTO, 308 FUEL, LANE FAN & BRAKE, SMOKER .............$1,272,400 ENGINES R-1340, ZERO TIME SINCE OVERhAUL By COVINGTON .................................$57,500 NEW PT6 -11, 15, 34, 60, 65, 67 OUTRIGhT OR ExChANGE ...........................$CALL$ PROPELLERS hARTZELL 3 BLADE AND 5 BLADED PROPS – New And Used .........................$CALL$ DISPERSAL EQUIPMENT TRANSLAND 10 VAIN SPREADER FOR 38” GATE, NEW ......................................$9,400 AGRINAUTICS, ROOT, CROPhAWK, TRANSLAND, OThERS .............................$CALL$

Contact: Jim Germek

800-253-1711 ext 7122 Cell: 414-322-2025 Air Cargo Carriers, an operator of Shorts 330 and 360 freighter aircraft for over 25 years, is making available engines that are surplus to our current needs from our airline rotable pool. These engines were maintained by our in-house PT-6 Engine Overhaul Facility Midwest Turbine Services. Repair Station #DATR119D.

Lane Aviation, Inc. “Specializing in Turbine and Piston Air Tractors”


281-342-5451 TEL • 281-232-5401 FAX e-mail: • P.O. Box 432 • Rosenberg, Texas 77471 August 2011


11 ea PT6A-27/28 TSO 0, 0, 691, 2425, 3482, 3502, 3502, 3598, 3614, 3882,7993 PT6A-34 TSO 0 2 ea PT6A-34AG TSO 0 PT6A-41 TSO 0 3 ea PT6A-42 TSO 3440, 4643, 4662 5 ea PT6A-50 TSO 3137, 3869, 5297, 6205, 7051 We also buy PT6 engines in all conditions. Please call Bill or Joel at 334-361-7853 or email t f n

Garrett TPE-331-10-511M 2 engines available with lots of time and cycles remaining. Call for info. 979-532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night A 4 -12 PT6A Engines: Deal Direct with ATS to buy, sell, lease or exchange ~ view our current inventory at www.PT6A.Aero (FAA C.R.S. TQZR133K) tfn TPE331-PC (2.5 Cores)........................................ $5,000* TPE331-6-252M (Dmgd Core Nice Logs).............. $7,500 TPE331-1-101Z 468-Scam/0-Iran (Exec) ........ $155,000 R985 AN1 792 SMOH (API),................................ $10,500 R1340-AN2 (Cov) 1115-SMOH..............................$19,000 R1340-AN1 1258 SMOH (Cov/W12-1 Blower)......$19,000 AmAg 870-886-2418 (2489F) t f n New PT6-34 ag engine in stock Call for price Frost Flying Inc. 870-295-6213 A tfn

Mid-Time PT6A-65AG available. TSO-1331, TSN 3830. Rare find. Avoid the middle-man and buy directly from ATS. All engines listed are owned by us and in our inventory. To see full inventory visit t f n

J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. has the largest selection of Lycoming and Continental engine cores in stock. Over 100 to choose from. Call Sid or Jerry for your parts or engines needs. 800-542-8565 or email A 8 - 11

Garrett TPE331-6-252M Please call for info. 2 engines available. 979-532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night A 4-12 R-1340, zero time since overhaul by Covington $53,500.00 New PT6 -11, 15, 34, 60, 65, 67 outright or exchange call Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-342-5451 or FAX 281-232-5401 t f n 10,000 P/N of Continental & Lycoming parts, 50% discount on most new! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330698-0280. Check stock at t f n Covington Turbine Engines Available. PT6A-20 2800 TSO PT6A-15AG 0 Time Since Covington Light Overhaul PT6A-34AG 1789 TSO PT6A-34AG 780 TSO PT6A-34AG 0 TSO PT6A-34AG 0 Time Since Covington Light Overhaul We are also interested in buying or exchanging for any core you may have regardless of condition. Contact: David Hamilton at 918-756-7862 or davidh@ At fn

Pratt & Whitney R-985 & R-1340 Overhauled Engines in stock. Props, carburetors, magnetos, alternators, & accessories for above engines. Call Chester Roberts Supply Company, Collinsville, TX Tel: 903-429-6805 Fax: 903429-6047 (0 4 -12) Cylinders For Sale – Overhauled complete assy’s with new pistons installed. Ready to install. R-985 $1250.00 each Two or more less 5%: R-1340 $1950.00 each Two or more less 5%: Outright price: includes all gaskets. Sun Air Parts. 661-257-7708 fax 661-257-7710 T F N

dispersal equipment Newberg Electrostatic Spraying LLC is the exclusive distributor for Spectrum Electrostatic Spray Systems. Do more acres with better performance. Call Ed Newberg 320-848-2745. Serving northern US and Canada. Now STC’d for all 400 and 500 series Air Tractors. (0 8 -11)

J ohnston A ircrAft s ervice supporting ag aviation since 1947!!! hrush / PiPer Brave / Pawnee / Cessna ag / ag-Cat / air traCtor • airCraft sales / serviCe / Parts / modifiCations


n752wC 2010 Jas remanufaCtured walter Conversion thrush This aircraft immediately available and N753WC available soon!

130 TT Since Complete Rework of Aircraft Factory Hot and High Remanufactured Engine (751 SHP), Cascade Conversion

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

510 Gal. Hopper Weath-Aero Fan Stainless Steel Booms, CP Nozzles 3” Left Side Load Wing Extensions 40,000 Hr. Avenger Spar Cap Kit, New H.D. Wing Leading Edge Skins and Ribs 192 Gal. Fuel Vortex Generators Wing Root Fairings Aileron Servos Bottom Load Fuel 29” Tires, Spring Steel Tailwheel with 5.00 X 5 Tire Air Conditioning New Intellistar GPS with Intelliflow Flow Control Smoker / Flagger Garmin COM Radio Nav / Strobe / Instrument / Landing Lights Oregon Aero Seat Cushions New Side Panels with Stainless Steel Fasteners New Custom Paint Excellent Tires / Glass / New Poly Fiber Fabric

distributor for aPs “Bla ck Steel®” Brake discs and linings the thrush wing fatigue a.d. 2009-26-11 has Been issued and we stoCk two solutions:

40,000 Hour Life Avenger SpAr CAp Kit! new fACtory Lower SpAr CApS very reASonAbLe priCe / 6200 Hour Life 24 HR. PHONES: 559-686-1794 or 686-2161 FAX: 559-686-9360 P.O. Box 1457, Tulare, CA 93275 Se Habla Español • 30A

Stainless Steel Fabricator, 38 in. 12 Vane spreader $3500 Call 870-866-6151 (0 8 -11) Transland and Agrinautics authorized distributor – Call us with your needs. Sid or Jerry @ J & C Enterprises 1-800542-8565 or e-mail A 8 - 11 CP NOZZLES AND CHECK VALVES. Distribuidor en Argentina: ArAvia S.A. -Venado Tuerto (Sta Fe) T.E. 54-3462-433540 FAX: 438344 tfn ASC Rotary Atomizers - See and April 2009 issue of AAU, A. McCracken. Made in USA. asc@, 317-896-2561 A 0 1 -12 Stainless Steel Fabricators, Inc. ---Stainless spreaders and accessories new and used. We manufacture 12 vane,13 vane, and 10 vane spreaders plus...... Call us at 800-736-3433 or 870-217-9232. (0 8 -11) ASC Rotary Atomizers - Consistent droplets, large flow openings, easy to mount without changing your existing pump, boom and flow control method. Made in USA. asc@dynafog. com, 317-896-2561 A 0 1 -12 Everything you need for fixed wing or helicopter JAS 559-6861794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: www, t f n TRANSLAND 10 vane sprder for 38” gate, new $9400 Agrinautics, root, Crophawk, Transland, others Lane Aviation 281-342-5451 or FA X 281-232-5401.t fn CP NOZZLES AND CHECK VALVES “The Drift fighters”. Plus they improve your spray pattern. Contact Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: t f n Transland and Agrinautics, overstock sale. Call Danny for listing 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc. com t f n ASC Rotary Atomizers - Why use old hydraulic nozzle technology? Rotary Atomizers are proven as the most accurate method to apply both low & high volume formulations. Made in USA., 317-896-2561 A 0 1 -12 SprayTarget variable rate nozzles in stock. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 t f n Variable Rate OC and engine driven hydraulic spray control systems. Coming soon variable rate dry for standard gate and hydraulic flaps. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 t f n Dispersal Equipment: Weathaero Feathering Fans, Crophawks, Smokers, Flaggers, Nozzles, Transland, Breckenridge Spreaders, Airfoil Booms, Dry Breaks, Load Hawgs All Aircraft Styles. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-325-0885 tfn Agrinautics, Inc. Best spray pumps, valves, and strainers in the business! For service w/ a smile,call us at 435-586-1200. e-mail: t f n

gps Used Satloc M3 GPS for sale was removed for upgrade. $8,500 call Kyle at 620-805-1364 anytime! 620-805-1364 (08-11) TRACMAP GPS has great features, easy to use, large screen, racetrack guidance, usb key easy import of files, competitive pricing. Now available from Turbine Conversions call 616-837-9428 1 2 - 1 1 Intelliflow Flow Controls -in stock, now shipping! Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319 tfn Hemisphere GPS systems in stock, Bantham, Intellistar, M3, Intelliflow, and Litestar2. We did it again, leading Level 3 Service Center/Dealer 2009. Why buy anywhere else, we’ve got what you need, and service after the sale! Call now 800-437-5319 Sky-Tractor Supply Company tfn

New Record Inlet System Asking $15,000 Call 530-6827668 (0 8 -11)

FRoST FlyiNg iNc.

Load Hog. Used and in good condition. $2750. Chad Stuart. Airplane Services Inc. 850-380-6091. (0 8 -11)

Used Satlocs. Litestar 1 and II. Airstar. New M3s in stock Prompt repair service Compton Flying Service 888-336-3924 t f n Satloc, Intelliflow The leading edge Satloc Level III Service repair center. Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, Mo 800325-0885. t f n Satloc and Del Norte Air Repair Inc, is the worldwide leader in sales and sercece. Call Danny (sales) or Dallas (service) 662846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 tfn Hemisphere GPS & Flow Control Dealer Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: t f n Authorized AgNav Distributors. New and used systems. GIS Spray data services/conversion. Summit Helicopters Inc. Call Gary at 816-813-0442. (08-11)

parts 1 set serviceable S2R extended wings 228 gall fuel. TTSN 2600hrs. sb AG-39 big butterfly c/w at 1811 ttsn. last eddy current at 2100 hrs -no cracks. VG’s fitted. (08-11) Air-Tractor 402 main landing gear. 600 hrs since new. $1500 for pair. Chad Stuart. Airplane Services Inc. 850380-6091 (0 8 -11)



irparts LLC

Chosen for value and service

Pressure Cowls for all PT6 Air Tractor and Thrush. Reduce ITT 35 to 70 degrees. Reduce fuel consumption. Save on Hot Section Inspections. Easy access to fuel nozzle & air filter. Reduce NG 1 to 3%. Make your -15 perform like a -34. ELIMINATE ONGOING AIR FILTER PURCHASES! Now taking deposits and scheduling deliveries for mid-late 2011 and early 2012. Please contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509-6351212 or . (08-12) Air Tractor 402 main landing gear. 600 hrs since new. $1500 for the pair. Chad Stuart. Airplane Services Inc. 850-380-6091. ( 0 8 - 11 ) New M3 (LAST ONE) Intellistar, Bantum, Litestar II, Intelliflow Systems. On the shelf ready to ship. Used Litestar II, Used Airstar. READY Compton flying Service 888-336-3924 t f n Thrush Aircraft has surplus inventory – interested? 19500T010 Plate Outside Finger, 19500T011 Plate Top, 19500T012 Plate Cross Bay, 19500T013 Plate Clevis Wrap, 19500T014 Plate Cross Bay, 19500T015 Plate Clevis Wrap 19500T035 Plate, 10734T001 Plate, 10734T002 Plate, 19530T013 Plate Cross Bay 19533T002 Plate Muff End Liner, 19533T007 Plate Muff End, 19533T008 Plate Muff End Outer. Email or call 229.789.0453. (tfn)

AG Aircraft parts in stock! Discounts ranging from 25% to 85% off!

Announcing Extended Sales Hours! Starting January 31st we will be extending our office hours to 8:00pm EST. to help us better serve our customers. We will still open at 7:15am EST. and are able to ship until 5:15pm EST. Now we will have a small staff here to answer your calls and give you quotes until 8:00pm EST.

New surplus aircraft parts in stock for: Cessna, Piper, AG Cat G164A/B-600 and many others, fixed and rotor wing! • • • • • • • •

Airframe parts Accessories and parts Dispersal system parts Wheels, brakes and parts Propellers, blades and parts Spark plugs, filters of all kinds Engine parts, piston and turbine Hardware: AN, MS, NAS

line Free on arch! ry Se Invento

800-433-0814 Toll free, U.S. & Canada

Tel. 330-698-0280 - Fax. 330-698-3164

We Buy Worldwide! Inventories of new parts for almost anything.

2011 Slots Available ..................................................................Call 2008 802A, 1,322 Hrs TT AF&E, -67, Smoker, Electric Brake Ground Adjust, Single Point Fuel, CP’s with Swivels, Satloc with Flow Control, Wingman, 10” Hydraulic Gate with Del Norte Controller, Fresh HSI, Fresh Annual, Prop, Iran.............................................. $1,150,000


OLD S 2008 AT-802A, 1030 TTAF&E, -65, smoker, single point fuel, elec. brake gr. adj., 40 extra nozzles, Del Norte Gate controller, Wingman, 10” D L O hydraulic gate, fresh HSI, fresh annual............................ $1,060,000 S 1995 AT-502B, 8159 TTAF&E, -34, 0 SHSI, 441 hrs on spar, 441 hrs LD on gear, smoker, CPs, load hog, air Satloc, 3”side load, ..O S $365,000

2008 AT-802A, 923 TTAF&E, -65, smoker, single point fuel, elec. brake gr. adj., 10” hydraulic gate, fresh HSI, fresh annual .......... $1,060,000

Unlimited Racer Project: 85% complete Yak 11, 3350 turbo compound with many spare parts including engine. Call with best offer. For pictures and details ........................................................CALL

Complete Air Tractor Parts And Accessories Dealer For Every Major Ag Aviation Parts and Supplies


Large Selection of PT6 Accessories New Turbine Props and Blades 0 SMOH 1340 Younkin S/S Pumps, Booms and Center Boom for Air Tractor

Jack Frost Frost Flying Inc Office 870-295-6213 Fax 870-295-6674


Target Spray Variable Rate Nozzles

Parts 870-295-6218 Fax 870-295-6237

Large inventory of PT6 and Air Tractor parts • Financing Available Call for Wingman installation For AgAv Parts & Accessories Call Tommy Allen

August 2011


Thrush Aircraft has surplus inventory. Dishpan Brackets 19520T010, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22;Dishpan Top 19520T005; Dishpan Cuff 19519T001. Email thrushac@ or call 229.789.0453. (t f n)

Thrush Aircraft has excess inventory – ready to move. Circuit Breakers, Transformers, Studs, Bolts, Rivets, Starters, Gauges and more. For complete listing of inventory, email or call 229.789.0453. Be sure to check out our website at under service and parts. (t fn) Starter, Generator and Quad Kit for a G6. Email thrushac@ or call 229.789.0453. (t f n) Kulite Model APTE 211 1000-70D Transducer for a G5, G6 or G10 engine. Voltage 28 OVDC and Torque Gauge part #21743101. Email or call 229.789.0453. (tfn)

Cascade Aircraft Conversions Barrier Filter System for the Soloy Turbine Converted Bell 47/Hiller 12 Helicopters. See decreased TOT by up to 38 degrees C. Pull full torque at lower TOT temps, burn less fuel, extend the life of critical turbine parts. Contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509635-1212 or . (08-12) Thrush Aircraft has surplus inventory - Tube Engine Control: 19561T004, 19561T005, 19561T006, 19561T007, 19561T008, Gussett Engine Control: 19561T009, 19561T010, 19561T011. Email or call 229-789-0453. ( t f n ) Angel Personal Flight Assistant - in stock, shipping today. Premium quality Bluetooth interface for the cockpit. Noise free cell phone use without fumbling for your phone. Caller ID, direct dial, redial, voice dial, download phonebook and call list entries, dial direct., Stream bluetooth music and control, E6B flight computer, Stopwatch, fuel and approach timer. Large full color easy to read backlit screen, intuitive menus, automatic cut out with radio transmissions, ambient light sensor. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319 A t f n Fitting Engine Attach 15019T002, Doubler – Engine Attach 15019T906, 1340 Engine Mount, 19500T001, Engine Mount Ring Assy, 15019T906.Email or call 229.789.0453. (tfn)

J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc has purchased a large new inventory of Citabria GCBC part in late 1977-79 rnge. Lots of common everyday parts. Landing gear, wheels 7 brakes, engine parts etc. call Jerry or Sid today 800-542-8565 or email A 8 -11 For Sale: As removed Zee SZ45-002-1A Motor and Compressor assembly. Removed to install factory air. $1500. Call Tommy or Matt @ 870-295-6218 or email frostparts@ tfn 1 set new heavy gear for S2R Thrush. $10,000 per set exchange for core. Many other S2R parts/components. Call or fax Bruce’s Flying Service, Inc. 229-725-4150, fax 229725-5135. E-mail ( 0 8 -11) ITT Gauge for a G6 (100-5812-01) and 67 (PT6A-67 Ag, part#590-40020, range 200-1200’C) engine, 100-5812-01 Email or call 229.789.0453. ( t f n ) Spend your time doing what you do best “SPRAYING” and let us find those parts for you. Part numbers are really important. Call Jerry or Sid 800-542-8565 or email A 8 -11

Um par de asas estendida 95% completa do Thrush S2R. A pair of extended wings 95% complete Thrush S2R. Brazil. / 16 36274879 (t f n)

Remember J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. Is a Transland, Black Steel Brake and McFarlane dealer. We have a large amount of these brands inventory in stock as well as Cleveland. GE Lighting, Cessna, Piper etc. give us a call for all your parts needs at 800-542-8565 or email us at A 8-11

LOAD HAWG-The modern, efficient, safe, perfect way to improve your solids application. Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800-325-0885 TFN

Cleveland Wheels and Brakes. Buy used and save money. Air-Tractor, Thrush, Ag Cat. Chad Stuart Airplane Services Inc. 850-380-6091 ( 0 8 -11)


985-868-1477 AUTOCALFLOW@AOL.COM 32A

Used serviceable PT6 starter/generators. Wet or Dry spline. Guaranteed to work. $3,500 Chad Stuart. Airplane Services, Inc. 850-380-6091 (0 8 -11)

Retrofit Hopper Door for AT502 and AT602. Now available for fall and winter installation Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 t f n

Bendix/King GPS, KLN900, Part #066-04034-0104. TSO C129 Class A1 DO-178A Level 12 Power 18-33 VDC/3.3A Max . Email or call 229.789.0453 ( t f n )

GPS Antenna Mount, for specific ag aircraft, Performance and looks, slip stream design delivers peak signals. Contact Terry Barber 605-258-2743. ( 0 8 - 11 )

1set serviceable S2R wings. Group 1 Wing. 196 gal. fuel/ wing extension yellow. Eddy Current inspected. Found no cracks. These wings were removed from a 600 Thrush. 9000 hrs. $40,000 Call or fax Bruce’s Flying Service, Inc. 229-725-4150, fax 229-725-5135. E-mail (0 8 -11)

Vacuum Meters ready to ship. Clean, accurate, closed system. Set of new Thrush Aircraft current production wings featuring the 29,000 hour life limit on low spar caps. Upper and lower 4340 Chrome-Molly steel spar caps with 114 gallon fuel tank on each wing, 0 SNEW. Contact Thrush Aircraft Spares Department 229-883-1440,

Vacuum Meters ready to ship. Clean, accurate, closed system. Why pay 50,000 for a accurate system when you can do it for a fraction of the price and require no computers. Compton Flying Service 888-336-3924 tfn

Complete Thrush Factory Metal Tail W / Updates.Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 559-686-1794 / Email t f n

J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. still has one of the largest Cessna, and Piper Ag Aircraft inventories in the USA and has a huge inventory of Lighting and wheel and brake inventory. Let us be your total part provider. Call in your needs - Sid or Jerry 800-542-8565 or A 8-11 Air Tractor Parts New and Used (Associate dealer for Lane Aviation). FWF cowlings 402,502,602 many to chose from, removed for Factory and Cascade P-cowl conversions. New and used (Factory Rebuilt) Aileron, Flaps, Elevators, Rudders, Horz/Vert stabs in stock and ready to sale or trade. Call Wendel or Steve North Star Aviation 620-356-4528 t f n We have all fibreglass parts for Weatherly and Ag-Cat (A, B and Super B). Call for prices. Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 t f n Accessories & Parts! 100’s of new and OHC accessories, parts for just about everything. Big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. t f n J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. has 29” wheel sets. We will accept your 10” wheel and brakes in exchange. Also have 29” Thrush Landing Gear. Call Jerry or Sid 800-542-8565 or email A 8 - 11

Superbooms for Cessna, Piper, Thrush, Air Tractor and custom manufacture; THRUSH AILERON SERVOS-STC’d kits. TSA 800-642-5777 or (TFN) O/H’D Thrush 29” Landing Gear & We Can Repair / Rebuild Yours. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 559-686-1794 / Email t f n PARTS, PARTS, PARTS. For all your ag aviation needs, please call Southeastern Aircraft Sales & Service 800-441-2964 Air Tractor Dealer tfn 8 Million new surplus parts for Cessna, Piper, and other aircraft; Continental and Lycoming engines; and a few spray system parts, big discounts. Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330698-0280. Check stock at t f n Emco Wheaton/Buckeye Dry Break Couplers and adapters, Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: t f n Jasco Alternator kits in stock. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 tfn PARTS, PARTS, PARTS... For all your ag aviation needs, please call Southeastern Aircraft Sales & Service (800) 441-2964 Air Tractor Dealer A TFN

Cessna Ag Parts. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 t f n

Hamilton standard 12D40 AG 100-2, with Governor, $7500. Call 701-454-6588 ( 0 8 - 11 )

10,000 P/N of Continental & Lycoming parts, 50% discount on most new! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330698-0280. Check stock at t f n

IA200/FA8452, NEW $4,500 2D30-6101A20, A/R. $3,500 2D30-6101A12, O-IRAN $10,500 22D30-AG200-2 OHC $15,500 12D40-AG100-4S, OHC $15,500 22D40-AG200-2, OHC, $21,000 22D40-AG200-2, 190 SOH, /new blades... $23,000 33D50-7005A, A/R-Knocked Down. $6,500 HC-B3TN-3D/5M, OHC/+4NB’s. $19,500 23D40-7005A-17 502-SIRAN &ADCW...$15,000 HC-B3TN-3D/5M OHC w/NEw+4 blades....20,000 AmAg 870-886-2418 (2489F) t f n

World-one stop Ag aviation center, all parts and accessories for everything in Ag Aviation for 62 years. MidContinent Aircraft Hayti, Mo. 800-325-0885 tfn Cessna Parts - Engine, propellers, authorized service center. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: A tfn Cessna Authorized Parts Center: Prompt, World-Wide Parts Service, Engines, Bonaire 550 Conversions, Wings. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-325-0885 t f n

1986 F350 Stainless Steel Auger Truck, $9,500. OBO Call 870-866-6151 ( 0 8 - 11 )

miscellaneous Serious Horse Power. War Horse Grease and Scuz Remover cleans turbine soot residue and bugs with one spray and wipe. Dandy Products and Services, Inc. 800-999-6130 (08-11)

NEW! CP11TT/w-3 Tips & Shutoff in stock ready to ship today.1-800-437-5319 Sky-Tractor Supply Company t f n Thrush parts - Wings, props, tail feathers, batteries, tires - we have the inventory. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@ web site: Brave and Pawnee parts - engines, props, spar kits, fuel cells and foam kits, and much more. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: t f n S & T Aircraft Accessories, Inc. specializes in the overhaul of Radial and Turbine engine accessories. We have most items in stock ready to ship for exchange. Give us a call @ 830-625-7923 or fax 830-625-4138. t f n Agrinautics, Automatic Flagman, Aero Engines, Arrow prop, Air Tractor (Associate dealer Queen Bee Air Specialties) CP Nozzles, Compro Smoker, Crophawk, Covington Aircraft Engine, Collins Air Conditioner, Cleveland, Chip Detector, Hot Stuff, Honda Engines, Johnson Sidewinder, Nieto Products, New and used aircraft, (large) Parts Inventory, Schweizer, Spraying Systems, Co., Superbugs, APH-4 Helmet, Simplex, Tires, Transland, WeathAero. Sky Tractor Supply 800-4375319, 701-436-5881. t f n

GE M601-E11 751 HP TURBOPROP Conversions for Air Tractor and Thrush. Increased Reliability. No Hot Section Inspections. No Nozzles to Service. Cascade Pressure Cowl – Standard Equipment with Lifetime Serviceable Air Filter System! 2,000 or 3,000 HR Engine TBO Available. Auto Start Systems. Lower Operating/Maintenance Costs. Improved Safety. Ease of Maintenance Access. Warranty: 1,000 Hr / 1,100 Cycles or 2 Years. Now taking deposits and scheduling deliveries for mid-late 2011 and early 2012. Please contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509-6351212 or . ( 0 8 - 1 2 ) Hartzell 3 Blade and 5 blade Props, new & used $CALL Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-342-5451 or FAX 281-232-5401 t f n .


propellers Complete Hamilton Standard Prop 6101-12 blades Zero since overhaul & yellow tag by San Antonio Propeller $16,500. Call 254-749-8820 (0 8 -11) Props for Sale: 2D30-6101A-18 OHC 23D40-7035A-12S OHC 22D40-6533A-12 OHC 23D40-6533A-18 Serviceable cond. 23D40-6533A-18 Serviceable cond. Call: PropWorks, Winnipeg, Canada Tel: 888-679-2965 email:

A12 -11

J & C Enterprises has a Cessna 188 props in Stock Y.T. Also offer some STC’d propellers. Call Jerry or Sid 800-542-8565 or email A 8 -11 For Outright Sale: Overhauled 5-Blade Prop. Hartzell HC-B5MP3C. Fits AT-502A, AT-503, AT-602, AT-802, Thrush S-2R-T65 & S-2RHG-T65.’06 Hartzell Overhaul. TSN: 1379.5 (TSO:0). Call Steve or Gary 210-924-5561. ( 0 8 -11)

Air Tractor financing can put an Air Tractor in your hanger. Air Tractor offers competitive financing options in the U.S. and Canada from Wells Fargo Equipment Finance. Fly now and take seven years to pay, 10 years to amortize and have a fixed interest rate for the life of the loan. Other attractive term periods are available, too. These financing options are available on both new and used Air Tractors purchased through Air Tractor dealers. See your Air Tractor dealer today! t f n


Order your DeSpain Pen and Ink Drawing of The AgOp Collage today. $60.00 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at WANTED Owners/Aircraft S2R-T41 Ayres Turbo Thrush with the Pratt & Whitney PT6A-41. Cascade Aircraft is in the final stages of development for improvements to the S2R-T41 Ayres Turbo Thrush. Owners in the area of Eastern Washington / the PNW are encouraged to contact us. We need an aircraft to complete the final installation – if you are interested in reduced ITT 30 to 70 degrees, improved fuel efficiency, 15 minute filter replacements with lifetime filters then please contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509-635-1212 or . (0 8 -12) English to Spanish Technical Translations Former A&P and Ag-Pilot, Carlos Retamosa Specializing in translating:  • Aviation technical manuals • Airworthiness Directives (ADs) Contact 598-53-24376



Productions, Inc Queen

N999QC N997QC N936QC N995QC N992QC

C at s

500 gal “SB-Plus” TPE331-6 Deluxe* ..... $525,000 400 gal “SB-Plus” TPE331-1 Deluxe* ..... $450,000 360 gal “SA-Plus” TPE331-1 Deluxe* ..... $375,000 350 gal “B-R1340” Deluxe/complete** . $225,000 300 gal “A+R985” Deluxe/complete** ... $175,000

* CAM’d Executive Engine, New 106” Prop **0-SMOH Covington Engine/OHC Hydramatic Prop

1500 gal Jet A refueler; Nissan UD 3300 truck; epoxy lined steel tank: Liquid Control counter with predetermining counter (new 2003); single point and over the wing nozzles: automatic reel. Truck and pump work well; good rubber $15,900 Call 501-985-1484 AR location. tfn

Jigged Frames — Fully Warranted

Auger Trucks For Sale (Trade-Ins) Also list of customer trucks. Call Auger Dan Office: 870-578-6133 Cell: 870-919-2317 A8-11

P.O. Box 482, Municipal Airport, Walnut Ridge, AR 72476 USA Tel: 870-886-2418 • • Fax: 870-886-2489

More Versatility, Safety and STOL Performance Less Debt, Maintenance and Depreciation Costs

Souther Field Aviation, Inc. Visit Our Website Phillips AV & Jet a FULL SERVICE FBO

WeathAero Fans • Auto Flagger • Transland • Agrinautics Pump and Valves Thrush Parts • Covington Radial & Turbine Engines • Compro Smokers WAG • SATLOC • AgNav Phone: 229-924-2813 Office Fax: 229-924-4356 e-mail: Parts Fax: 229-924-2066 e-mail: Web:

Frankie Williams President Paul Pearson Maintenance Souther Field Aviation, Inc. 223 Airport Road, Americus, GA 31709

August 2011


J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. Is always looking for all types of derelict aircraft, parts inventory, both new and used. We will buy small or a shop full. Contact Jerry Buster 800-542-8565 or email A 8 - 11 Reduce Drift, Increase Deposition and Retention use Control™ For FREE SAMPLE go to freesample Call 765-395-3441, t f n One-acre-square house lot for sale in new Plane Living Sky Park neighborhood with 2,000 s.f., all brick, covenants. Lot is one of 13 directly on new sod runway. Taxi out of your hangar, directly onto the runway. Located in Peach County, Georgia. Public water, septic sewer. paved streets, curb and gutter, street lights. Less than five miles west of I-75, Exit 142, approximately five miles to Fort Valley, GA and approximately 10 miles to Warner Robins, GA. Google It! South side of Hwy 96 at 50 Lane Rd., Fort Valley, Georgia 31030 (Google photo before development). Save thousands and buy from owner. $50,000 OBO, includes closing costs. 478.987.2250. AG Operators can calculate your breakeven, % investment return, profit potential, and produce annual & monthly cash flows. Project your financials without spending hours of your time. All reports are produced automatically and accurately after you provide your cost inputs and gross application fees. Types of analyses performed include: Company/ Individual Ownership, Managed with/without Leaseback, Commercial Operation, Agricultural/ Fire/Ambulance Operations, Joint Ownership, Fractional Ownership, and Charter/Rental. AG sales organizations can provide prospects with customized & professional ownership cost analysis. This program is a great sales aid and management tool. FREE sample reports. Click REQUEST INFORMATION on the website or call 281-419-7443 SUPERBUGS A safe and economical way to speed up Mother nature! Dispose of hazardous waste in loading and spill areas, ponds and ditches. SUPERBUGS disposes of insecticides, Fungicides, herbicides, and petroleum products Such as waste oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, solvent or anything of organic nature. Blue Stripe Distributing Toll Free 877-924-5025 t f n AFS Check Valves- Make the switch to AFS check valves, Find out what many operators already know, increased productivity, eliminate leaks and drips, long life, and no moe trying to find buckets!!! To help clean up your operation today call 800833-2013. or Fax 574-862-4669. t f n

Crop Duster Video - “The Crop Dusters - The Early Years 1921-1955”; the era of Stearmans and Cubs flying the fields will never be seen again. Available in VHS or DVD. Only $20.00, plus S&H. MC and Visa accepted. Call 478-9872250 Fax 478-987-1836 Historical Video Productions. tfn HELMET with slide up visor $850. Deluxe Kevlar Helmet with ANR, Softskins, Oregon seals $1200. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319 Atfn

Beautiful 2.73 ac wooded lot in upscale Pine Ridge Equestrian Estates, located in Citrus County, Florida only five miles from Crystal River. Covenants, 27 miles of horse trails, community center, pool and golf course. Nicer homes and mini-ranchettes. Zoning allows up to three horses and stables permitted on lot with your house. Horse trail borders back end of lot that is 298’ wide and 400’ deep on 3620 Stirrup Drive, Beverly Hills, Florida (Google it!). Public water and septic sewer. $64,900 Contact Bill Lavender 478-9872250 HOTSTUFF AG AIRCRAFT CLEANER Call to order the # 1 Ag Aircraft cleaner in the country, Used by over 400 operators Coast to Coast. Blue Stripe Distributing 877-924-5025 Atfn

software PC SPRAY Dedicated Application Software, Version 3. Fullyfunctional program. Buy it once, use it forever! No annual fees. Technical support for the life of the product. Call or email for demo today. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319. tfn

insurance INSURANCE from the Leading Ag Aviation Brokers. 62 Years Risk Management, Lowtime Pilot Coverage. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-325-0885 t f n

Wheels up. PIM Aviation Insurance is one of the oldest and most experienced ag aviation insurance providers in the industry. We provide access to creative negotiation and problem solving for all your risk management needs. Our passion to keep you flying is deeply rooted, resulting in knowledgeable recommendations and cost-sensitive pricing. For a free, no-obligation quote, call 800.826.4442 or visit us online at Proud member of NAAA. tfn The Right Aviation Insurance Broker makes all the difference in the world. A 35 year professional pilot and former Ag Insurance underwriter work together to give you the experience and knowledge to get you the right coverage for the least cost. We work for you, not the insurance companies. Jim Gardner and Rick Langley @ Insuramerica Aviation, Inc. 978-936-4000. 800-654-7892 ext 4108 or 4104. jgardner@ t f n “Insurance from a name you can trust, at a price you can afford”, is what we do and it’s our motto. Hardy Aviation Insurance, Inc, is centrally located in Wichita Kansas and has been servicing the aerial application market for years now. RANDY HARDY established Hardy Aviation Insurance in 1995 with aerial application as his main focus. Prompt courteous service from a staff dedicated and knowledgable includes ANGIE BANZ and RITA ETHRIDGE, both of whom have years of experience servicing the aerial application business. Give us a try, you might be suprised. Call 1 800 721-6733 or fax us at 316-945-2330. Get an online quote from our web site at or e-mail us at t f n DOUG DAVIDSON, aircraft owner and commercial pilot, has served the unique insurance needs of the agricultural aviation community since 1982. He founded Davidson Solid Rock Ins. in 1995 on Christian principles, honesty, integrity, and the commitment to provide insurance products as solid as our name! One call is all it takes to shop all available markets for your specialized aviation insurance needs. We welcome the opportunity to talk with you at 800-358-8079. Or visit our website at .t fn

services FAA repair station for all ag equipment. Thrush spar replacement, annuals. Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800-325-0885 tfn

Let us sell your Ag plane! Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. 1601 Hwy 84 East Hayti, MO 63851 800-325-0885 T F N Penderson Powder coating. Custom Colors and two tone available. For more information Call 706-604-4934 (08-11) !!Attention Thrush Owners!! North Star Aviation Inc is now the new STC holder of the Thrush Reinforce Leading Edge Skins. If you are getting ready to rebuild your Thrush wings due to AD09-26-11 or tired of bird strikes and ugly leading edges!! Now is the time to install North Star Aviations new Thrush heavy duty reinforced leading edge skins fully STC’d SA03518AT no Field approval required. For more Info contact Wendel or Steve @ North Star Aviation Inc. 620-356-4528 t f n Cascade Conversion for Thrush and Air Tractor. Fuel Saving, Cooler running, more power available. 800-325-0885 t f n We rebuild and refinish any fibreglass part for Weatherly, Cessna, Piper and Ag-Cat (A, B and Super B,C and D). Call for prices. Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 t f n Stainless Steel Fabricators, Inc. --- Stainless spreaders and accessories new and used. We repair all models including Transland and Swathmaster. Call us at 800-736-3433 or 870-217-9232. ( 0 8 - 11 ) Dynamic Propeller Balancing with Chadwick Helmuth engine printout equipment. Jeffries Airworks, Dynamic Balancing, Vibration Analysis. Much more than just a balance. Call Jim Jeffries, A&P/IA, 985-507-9981, Nationwide service on your location. (tfn)

wanted to buy WANTED: AG-CAT 450hp extended wings with export C of A. 63082234-8843 ( 08-11) Wanted prop for R985 on AG CAT. repettis1@yahoo. com ( 0 8 - 11 ) Ag Husky Wanted. Australian operator seeks a good low time T188C Cessna Ag Husky. Prefer low time, NIL accident history with good paint. Would also consider a good airframe without engine or prop. Please email details to geoff@ ( 0 8 - 11 )

Trade with members of NAAA

1981 AT400-0372 PT6A-15AG Available immediately. Completely refurbished 2011. Call or visit our website for more information. ................................................ $395,000 2011 AT602 PT6A-60 AG available December 2011 2012 slots available – all models.

800-441-2964 Ask for Chuck Stone or Rick Stone F O B Fort Pierce, FL



Office: 772-461-8924 • Fax: 772-461-9050 • •

EXHAUST Wanted: R-1340 and R-985 Exhaust Send Old Exhaust segments for exchange or Sell them! Call Daryl @ 940-902-0797 tfn Ag Aircraft Wanted: Immediate cash for Ag planes - All considered - Contact Darryl Riddell at 870-572-9011 (08-11) Wanted to Buy Air Tractor AT-301 or AT-401, Ferriable Southeastern Aircraft Sales 800-441-2964 or t f n

vacation rentals

Doctor’s Orders: A pilot’s vacation home with a pilot discount! St. George Island, Florida. Directly on private beach with expansive views of the Gulf of Mexico, three levels of covered furnished decks. Spacious open living/dining/kitchen area. Five bedrooms including two master suites and four baths, multiple TVs/DVDs/VCRs/wireless Internet. Occupancy 12, beds: three kings, four twins, one queen sleeper sofa. Underhouse concrete parking, 15’ x 30’ pool (heated for a fee), enclosed hot/cold outdoor shower, fish cleaning area, parkstyle grill. Paved 3339’ airport on island (F47) a quarter mile from the house. Ask for “pilot’s discount” Major discounts for Spring and Fall! Visit for photos, 877.272.8206. AgAir Update “Endorsed”. ( t f n)

operations Great deal for small ag business in Oregon.50x80 hanger on paved airstrip. With PA36 Piper Brave. $200,000 541-2964906 ( 0 8 - 11 ) Flying service located south of Beedeville, Arkansas. Nice 1,800 ft paved strip with parallel burmuda strip, Late 90’s office, two large storage trailers, covered mixing area with ss vats and extra steel vat, large concrete/asphault loading pad, large newer vertical fuel with large electric pump, plenty of acres to build large hanger/hangers on. Base crop is rice, and there’s plenty of potential for someone starting. Send Response to AR Operations C/O AgAir Update PO Box 850 Perry Ga 31069 or email blindads@ Subject AR Operations (0 8 -11)

schools Ag Pilot Training-One-on-one training w/ 40 Yr Ag Pilot. Now utilizing Pawnee PA-25/260 Dual Cockpit, Dual & Solo Flight Time in Ag Plane. DGPS LIGHTBAR. Insurance approved Syllabus. See our videos at: EAGLE VISTAS LLC 772-285-5506 (0 2-12) Tailwheel endorsements and time building in south Texas for aspiring ag-pilots. C-170 available for training and rental with discounts for block time. Contact Clyde at 956-202-2094 or t f n Learn To Fly Ag In Sunny Brazil!!! Eight flight hours dual DGPS equipped (C170) plus 23 hours solo in EMBRAER 300 HP Ipanema (Similar To Brave 300HP) or CESSNA 188 AG TRUCK. 100 hours ground school (chemicals, crops, calibration DGPS, etc.) - Instructors are English/Spanish/ Portuguese Spoken. Only $6,500.00 USD - Contact phone/fax 55 51 3723 7000 in Cachoeira Do SuL, state of RIO GRANDE DO SUL - BRAZIL tfn

seat wanted Pilot looking for seat TT-2,503 Ag-1,949 Turbine- 300. Satloc and M3 Ag Wagon, truck, Ag Cat, AT-301, 401,402,S2R -1 looking for something on the corn run as well as next season. Please call Roger 870-573-0187 ( 0 8 - 11 )

help wanted Operator in Central South Dakota looking for pilot with turbine experience. A&P a plus. Hardworking, qualified applicants can call 605-852-2220 for more info or fax resumes and references to 605-852-2354. ( 0 8 - 11 ) Immediate full time position for entry level or experienced A&P/IA mechanic to maintain turbine AgCat and Air Tractor aircraft. Business is located in southwest Louisiana. Pay commensurate with AG experience. Fax resumes to 337753-2518.or call 337-753-2569 ( 0 8 - 11 ) Wanted Individual who is qualified for chief inspector position for US repair station. contact Jim Mills at turbines@abcs. com ( 0 8 - 11 ) Experienced AG or fire suppression pilot for rotation employment in Colombia. Minimum requirements: 2000 fixed wing hours; 1000 flt hours AG or fire suppression; FAA Cass II Medical; Must speak to ACTFL Intermediate Low or IRL Level 1 Spanish proficiency. Background check required. E-mail resume to: An Equal Opportunity Employer ( 0 8 - 11 )

AT-802 IP needed at PAFB, FL. Minimum requirements: 2000 fixed wing hours; 1000 flt hours AG or fire suppression; FAA Class II Medical; CFII; Must speak to ACTFL Advance High or IRL Level 2+ Spanish proficiency. Background check required. E-mail resume to: An Equal Opportunity Employer. ( 0 8 - 11 ) Full time A&P or A&I needed for Mid-West Air Tractor maintenance shop. Applicate must be highly motivated and willing to work, especially during the spraying season. Shop is new with top of the line working conditions. Position available immediately. For more info, send resume to blindads@ (tfn) Resumes accepted to fill A&P position, 30 Miles SW of Houston, TX, PT6 and Air Tractor exp.a plus, IA a plus, fax: 281-232-5401, email: T F N Best Classified Buy In The Industry. Read By More Ag Pilots Than Any Other Publication. 888-987-2250. Fax: 888-382-6951.

Best Classified Buy In The Industry. Read By More Ag Pilots Than Any Other Publication. 888-987-2250. Fax: 888-382-6951.

Acorn Welding...................................... 33A Ag - Nav, Inc. .........................................3A Air Cargo Carriers.............................. 29A



Air Tractor Inc................................6A, 21A Airforce Turbine Service......................17A American AgViation............................ 33A Apollo Spray Systems.............................7A Auto-Cal, Inc......................................... 32A Collins Aircraft Dynamics, Inc.......... 22A Covington Aircraft Engines............... 36A Desser Tire & Rubber Co................... 16A


DynaNav................................................ 23A Frontier Ag Inc...................................... 27A Frost Flying.............................................31A


GE Aviation - Walter Engines...............5A Gulf Coast Ag Aircraft SS.................. 25A

Cessna 180-185-188, PiPer Brave & Pawnee, CitaBria, DromaDer aero CommanDer Lark & Darter sCott & XPm taiLwheeL Parts, ContinentaL, LyComing, transLanD, harDware, ChamPion & CitaBria, mCfarLane, ag fiBergLass anD a Lot more.

Hemisphere GPS...................................19A

Having trouble finding tHose difficult parts!!!

Lane Aviation, Inc................................ 29A

Isolair Inc................................................15A J & C Enterprises, Inc......................... 35A Jet Link Turbines......................................9A Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc........... 30A Machida Borescopes........................... 18A

LET our STAff fINd ThAT hArd To LoCATE PArT for you.

Micron Sprayers Limited.......................8A Mid - Continent Aircraft Corp.......... 28A

Aircraft hardware

Orsmond Aerial Spray Pty. Ltd......... 27A Preferred Airparts.................................31A Queen Bee Air Specialties..................15A Sky Tractor Supply Co..........................14A Southeastern Aircraft.......................... 34A Souther Field Aviation, Inc................. 33A

your Authorized Transland dealer wE buy SALvAgE & NEw PArTS INvENTorIES

Spectrum Electrostatic Sprayers....... 16A Speed Agro SRL.....................................24A Sun Air Parts......................................... 33A Thrush Aircraft Inc........................2A, 32A TracMap NZ LTD..................................12A Transland ............................................. 25A

Experienced pilots with AT-502 and AG Cat available July, August in Nebraska - Iowa, or wherever 360-202-6271 ( 0 8 - 11 ) Pilot with 2500 +TT, 2200 AG, 1000 Turbine, and plenty of herbicide, fungicide, insecticide, and fertilizer experience. Can get licensed in any state required. Experience with satloc, satloc m3, and wag flagger on. 903-949-4966 ( 0 8 - 11 )

international advertiser index

Tulsa Aircraft Engines..........................13A

Se habla Español Airport Road #14 • Thomas, OK 73669

800-542-8565 • 580-661-3591 (OK) • 580-661-3783 (FAX) • email address:

Turbine Conversions Limited..............13A Universal Turbine Parts Div..................8A Diner Club

August 2011



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