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No more shaking, no more shimmy Custom Air Air Tractor tailwheel assembly
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November 2014
keep turning… in this issue VOLUME 32 NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2014
10 Flying on the prairies of North Dakota 15 Make new technologies work for you 18 No more shaking, no more shimmy Rubbert Aerial
AgNav GPS guidance system for ag-pilots
Custom Air Air Tractor tailwheel assembly
22 27 60 years at Chalkling
Schweiss Door makes containers and trailers accessible Makes any container much more user-friendly
New Air Tractors and Thrush aircraft brought into Uruguay
6 From the Cockpit 7 Calendar of Events 8 AgAir Mail 34 The Hopper 36 Classifieds On the cover -Chris Zimmer of Rubbert Aerial in Upham, North Dakota makes a pass in his AT-402B. See story on page 10A.
P.O. Box 850 • Perry, GA 31069 USA 475 Myrtle Field Rd. • Perry, GA 31069 USA PHONE: 478-987-2250 FAX: 478-987-1836 • Scan this QR Code with your smart phone.
PUBLISHER: Bill Lavender - EDITOR: Graham Lavender - ACCOUNTING: Sandy Lavender - ADMINISTRATION: Casey L. Armstrong - ADVERTISING: Ernie Eggler - Michael Conner - CLASSIFIED ADS: PRODUCTION: Deborah Freeman - CIRCULATION: CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Dennis Avery - Carlin Lawrence - Alan McCracken - Robert McCurdy - Tracy Thurman - LATIN AMERICAN REPS: Victoria Blanc Chalking - Ernesto Franzen - Gina Hickmann - Walt Jazun - Pat Kornegay - Virginia Marroni - © Copyright 2014 AgAir Update retains all rights for reproduction of any material submitted, to include but not limited to articles, photographs, emails and bulletin board posts. All material remain the copyright of AgAir Update. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in part or whole, without the written consent of the publisher. Editorial published do not necessary reflect the views of the publisher. Content within AgAir Update is believed to be true and accurate and the publisher does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions. Unsolicited editorial manuscripts and photos are welcomed and encouraged. We cannot be responsible for return unless submissions are accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Advertising deadline is 12 noon, on the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication.
AgAir Update (ISSN 1081-6496) Published monthly by AgAir Update, LLC, 475 Myrtle Field Road, Perry, GA 31069 for $39 USD for one year in the U.S.; International rates are $39 USD for one year. Periodical postage paid at Springfield, MO and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to P.O. Box 850, Perry, GA 31069. AgAir Update, a multiple-award winning publication, is a tabloid newspaper 12.25” deep by 9.5” wide on a 2.25” 4 column format. Contract rates are available upon request.
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November 2014
Bill Lavender
from the cockpit
Sitting in the lobby During a recent trip to Long Beach, California to attend NAAA’s fall board of directors meeting, I was doing some writing in the hotel lobby. Someone walked up and asked could they sit down beside me. It was Bruce Hubler of Valley Air Service based in Idaho. With him was his pilot, Joe Coppick. “Sure,” I said. “Take a seat”. “I bet you thought you’d come down here and get some work done and here we come along,” said Bruce. Well, not actually, I explained. If I had really expected to work, I’d have stayed in the room writing. However, I preferred the company of others. I went on to tell Bruce and Joe that the upcoming week would be the busiest of the year for AgAir Update and myself. I had approximately five days to crank out three editorials (Latin and Show Guide editorials and this one), along with no less than three articles, of which one was the cover story for November. For me, writing is a labor of love, mostly labor. Not being a trained writer, I find it challenging to sit down to write; one of the more important and essential jobs I have at AgAir Update. Typically, I end up procrastinating until I am backed up against a pending deadline, then I go into overdrive. If I had flown my Thrush in the same manner, it would have taken no less than three aircraft to do the work of one! If you are reading this, either online or holding the print edition, then you know I got it all done, despite putting off my duties until the last minute. The wintertime can become the same scenario for an ag-operator, maybe not so much for the ag-pilot. You just completed a stressful season, long days, very little rest and now it is over, for the most part. One of the last things you want to think about is getting ready for next season. Think about it, you should. It will be much more practical for you to begin making those delayed repairs and updating equipment earlier than later. When you wait, you find yourself under pressure, again, to get the job at hand done and that often is not the best way to complete a task. I know, I deal with it every month, writing and meeting deadlines.
Back to the NAAA board meeting; as I was reading through the “board book”, a preparatory document for the meeting, I came upon a page with a list of names. It was the names of the then current board of directors for NAAA in its recently adopted Constitution and Bylaws, circa 1984. As I looked over the names, many dead and none any longer active in the NAAA, I came across one name that stood out, Bill Lavender. Gee, thirty years of attending NAAA board meetings with darn near a 100% attendance record for the spring and fall meetings. I think I missed one of each of those meeting in 1986. When I think about the NAAA from those days and compare it to today, it amazes me how much has changed. I can say improved, but not without giving credit to those that came before the current board. Their wisdom helped to shape NAAA into an effective association of its peers. We in this industry of flying agricultural aircraft are fortunate to have the NAAA, a viable organization looking after the interests of all. I did not intend to get into a pro-NAAA dissertation in my editorial. Remember, I am not a trained writer and this is where I ended up. Know, that without NAAA there would be no Professional Aerial Applicators Support System (PAASS), no annual convention, probably federal fuel taxes and who knows, maybe not even an industry, along with numerous other benefits provided by NAAA to our industry. I am not going to ask those of you who are not members to join. I shouldn’t have to! Until next month, Keep Turning…
calendar of events November 2-4, 2014 PNWAAA Convention The Coeur d’Alene Resort, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Tara Lea Brown 509-989-9098 November 4-6, 2014 Mid-States AAA Convention Isle of Capri Bettendorf, IA Don Younglove 815-538-7717 November 10-12, 2014 CaAAA Convention Harvey’s Lake Tahoe, NV Terry Gage 916-645-9747 November 14-16, 2014 Cropduster United Fly-In Gaston White River Resort (3M0) Lakeview, AR Perry Lowry November 17-19, 2014 Aerial Firefighting Safety Conference The Grove Hotel Boise, ID November 18-20, 2014 CoAAA Convention Embassy Suites Loveland Hotel, Spa and Conference Center Loveland, CO Jessica Freeman
December 8-11, 2014 NAAA Annual Convention and Exposition Galt House & KY Int’l Conv Center Louisville, KY Lindsay Barber Tel: 202-546-5722 Fax: 202-546-5726 January 5-7, 2015 LaAAA Convention HIlton Hotel Lafayette, LA Edward Krielow 337-824-5007 January 7-9, 2015 TxAAA Convention Hilton Fort Worth, TX Susan Bennett 512-476-2644 January 8-9, 2015 MoAAA Convention Drury Lodge Cape Girardeau, MO Scott Rainey 731-446-5938 731-538-2926 January 11-13, 2015 ArAAA Convention Little Rock Marriott Little Rock, AR 501-372-4500 January 12, 2015 AzAAA Meeting TBD Brittany Armstrong 520-705-9692
January 15-17, 2015 MsAAA Convention Beau Rivage Casino/Hotel Biloxi, MS Vicki Morgan 662-299-7836 January 18-20, 2015 NEAAA Convention Dover Downs Hotel and Casino Dover Downs, DE Sandy Carter 609-820-7846
February 6-9, 2015 NC AAA TBD Mike Rivenbark 910-279-7069 February 16-18, 2015 NATA Convention Ramada Inn, Kearney, NE Judy McDowell 402-475-6282
January 19-21, 2015 OkAAA Convention Oklahoma City, OK Sandy Wells 405-341-3548
February 13-15, 2015 NAAA Spring Board Meeting Hilton Old Town Hotel Alexandria, VA Lindsay Barber Tel: 202-546-5722 Fax: 202-546-5726
January 26-27, 2015 AMAA Convention Heritage Inn Great Falls, MT Colleen Campbell 406-781-6461
February 19-21, 2015 Canada AAA Convention Fairmont Winnipeg Winnipeg, MT Jill Lane 780-413-0078
January 28-30, 2015 NMAAA Convention Inn at the Mountain Gods Mescalero, NM Wade Berry 575-640-7258
February 24-26, 2015 TriState Convention Alerus Center Grand Forks, ND Cynthia Schreiber-Beck (ND) 701-642-5777 Laurie Robbennolt (SD) 605-765-2707 Theresa Stieren (MN) 952-226-5874
February 2-5, 2015 SEAF Convention Savannah, GA Marriott Savannah Riverfront Linda Minton 772-971-9980
March 12, 2015 InAAA Meeting Turbines Inc Terre Haute, IN Brian Townsend 574-583-9900
November 2014
agair mail
poll I would be very interested in seeing a poll that shows the age of so many of these pilots that claim to have 20,000+ hrs of ag time. Simple math says that some are not speaking the truth here. I guess we should all accept that big airplanes and high horsepower engines make us all high time pilots. Ha! For me... I’ve spent almost 40 years in this business and have just recently crossed the 20,000-hour mark. I guess I’m doing something wrong! Ron Youngblood
I am sure there are plenty of 20,000-hour plus pilots for no other reason than the median age of our industry is in the late 50s. Also, with the advent of glyphosate applications, seasons have been extended somewhat and pilots are flying more hours than they use to in many places. I often hear of 650-750 hour seasons, that’d be about 25-30 years. However, you are right, 20,000+ is a lot! Thanks—Bill
Hi ya Ron; Good idea. I’ll get with Graham and see if we can word something to that effect in a survey.
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Your season was long. You worked hard.
You deserve it. Hope all is well. This is a picture from the second annual field trip from Cleveland Presbyterian Day School in Cleveland, Mississippi second grade. I thought it might go good somewhere in AgAir Update. We educate them early in the Delta. Lyle Malloy Cleveland, MS Hello Lyle; Way to go! Looks like those kids, at least most of them (poor kid on end got something in his eye), really enjoy being near an ag-plane. Cheers—Bill “Not affiliated with Rolex USA”
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Flying on the
of North Dakota
by Bill Lavender One may not think a lot about flying ag over the prairies of northern central North Dakota, right along the Canadian border. However, there is a successful operation based in Upham that was started in 1948 by Myron Rubbert using a 90 HP J-3 Cub applying herbicides on wheat. Myron flew off his North Dakota farm with Cubs, eventually using the Super Cub. In 1964, he upgraded from spraying with Super Cubs to Pawnees, never losing his love and affection for the Super Cub. To this day, the company uses them, albeit highly modified, for other aerial operations besides spraying. Rubbert Aerial also has a Super Cub rebuild shop that is known throughout the Super Cub community with its STC’d 180 HP engine conversion, along with other bush-aircraft-type modifications. Flying Pawnees, Myron’s three sons joined the company in the 1980s; Loren, Randy and Jan, after naming the company Rubbert Aerial. Until the mid1990s, the main crop treated by Rubbert Aerial was summer wheat with a herbicide. Twenty years ago, insects moved into the wheat and barley. Also, applications were expanded to include corn, canola, soybeans and sunflowers. Today, about 50% of the applications on these crops is a fungicide. The number of acres have steadily increased over the years to where Rubbert Aerial advanced from flying not only three Pawnees, but added two Air Tractors in 2011, an AT402 and AT-502. During a slow period in the late 1980s, Loren moved to Canada to farm and spray, while Randy retired from ag spraying and moved to eastern North Dakota to concentrate on the aircraft
engine overhaul business. Jan stayed on and was joined by Myron’s grandson, Chris Zimmer in 2003. Myron retired and later passed away in 2008. Jan and Chris are the only two pilots flying four Rubbert Aerial aircraft. They kept two Pawnees after two Air Tractors were added, and 2010 was the last year Rubbert Aerial operated Pawnees exclusively. Chris describes, “Before the Air Tractors, we were always behind with the Pawnees. We couldn’t even keep up with oil changes. We would fly the aircraft so long each day that our knees would hurt in the cramped cockpits. We were losing business. Some customers wouldn’t even come by, knowing we would be too far behind. Now, we have found that with Air Tractors, the aircraft actually bring in more business because our customers know we can get their work done in a timely manner.” Chris tells an amusing story about his and Jan’s first turbine ag-plane flights. Having only flown Pawnees for ag flying, they had no flight time in an Air Tractor, or any turbine powered ag-plane. With a new AT-402 on order and bought from Lane Aviation, they visited the company in Rosenberg, Texas to complete a turbine transition course to satisfy the insurance company. Grant Lane told them to take the 200-hour AT-502 he had on the ramp for a test flight. They could hardly believe their ears and looked at each other in hesitation, wondering if this was a good idea. Grant insisted and of course they “took the chance”. That “test” flight was what made Jan want an AT-502.
“We had been looking at dealer support when we were deciding on where to buy an Air Tractor. Of course, that first test flight convinced us that we had made the right decision,” laughs Chris. Jan and Chris left Lane Aviation to return home, now checked out in an Air Tractor and signing the paperwork for a second Air Tractor, a used AT-502. They would have bought a new one, but there were not any available. They operated the used 502 for two seasons and replaced it with a new one in 2013. Lane Aviation is scheduled to deliver a new AT-402B in early 2015. “The 402 and 502 with two Pawnees is the perfect setup for us,” explains Chris. Most of the flying is with the Air Tractors, but whenever the fields are too small or there is a high potential for drift, the slower and smaller Pawnee is used. In Upham, operating within a 25-mile radius, Rubbert Aerial starts its season in mid-May with glyphosate burndown applications, preparing land for planting. Early-stage canola also receives insecticide applications for flea beetles. Next, 2,4-D herbicide applications start on winter and spring wheat, followed by barley. The aircraft return to treating wheat and canola with fungicide applications. With the relatively short season of North Dakota, by mid-August a preharvest burndown application with glyphosate is made on sunflower, wheat, flax and canola. For pastureland, weed control is accomplished with a Tordon and 2,4-D amine mix. The Air Tractors are outfitted with eight AU5000 Micronair rotary atomizers for
all applications at 2 GPA. The aircraft fly a 70-foot swath using AG-NAV GPS units. When applying herbicides, the outboard atomizer on each wing is turned off. The Pawnees are outfitted with CP nozzles using an AG-NAV Guia Silver without flow control units. “We just started using the Micronairs last year,” explains Chris. Previously in 2012, Alan McCracken calibrated their CP nozzles for the best spray pattern. They were so pleased with the results, they hired McCracken again in 2013 to setup the Micronairs on the Air Tractors. Jan and Chris realized low volume applications required precise applications and McCracken was the answer to ensuring that happened with the Micronairs. Also, McCracken worked with them on various tank mixes of adjuvants. All applications use a 1% tank mix of a water conditioner for glyphosate applications. Water at the Upham strip has naturally occurring minerals that need to be considered. The last two years in Upham have been exceptionally wet. Because of this, a unique opportunity presented itself to Rubbert Aerial. Crop insurance requires a crop to be planted in a field at least
Rubbert Aerial’s Air Tractors have unique “N” numbers; N874MR for the AT-402 and N674MR for the AT-502. Myron Rubbert bought a new Super Cub in 1974, N74MR, that still resides in the hangar in Upham waiting on a complete refurbishment. The Air Tractors’ N-number endings, 74MR, is in memory of Myron Rubbert. The “8” in N874MR was for when Myron died in 2008 and the “6” in N674MR was all that was available. The new AT402 to be delivered in 2015 will be N774MR.
once in three years. The wet springs had prevented many fields from being planted. With the third year in a row at hand, and still the fields too wet to plant in the traditional manner, the farmers turned to Rubbert Aerial to sow canola seed. The first year, only 3,500 acres were sowed. However, the results were such that the second year over 13,000 acres were sowed from late May into early June. All crops in North Dakota need to be planted before mid-June due to the threat of a frost in September.
For seeding jobs, the Air Tractors are outfitted with Turbine Conversion’s dry metering system. It takes approximately an hour and a half to install and about the same amount of time to remove the unit. With the metering system, Rubbert Aerial was able to accurately calibrate with varying canola seed sizes because the rollers in the unit are calibrated to a certain poundage. It didn’t matter if there were 120,000 seeds per pound or
(L-R) Chris Zimmer and Jan Rubbert with Rubbert Aerial’s Air Tractors in Upham, North Dakota.
November 2014
87,000, the roller could only hold a certain amount of seeds. To apply a higher rate, the roller speed needed to be increased or a different roller installed. In the past, seed was calibrated by hand for each type of seed and often streaking would occur. Using Turbine Conversion’s
Rubbert Aerial Air Tractors are outfitted with eight AU5000 Micronair rotary atomizers.
metering system, a consistent and even spread of 60 feet was accomplished. It is not often a traditional ag operation using a couple of Pawnees makes the leap of faith to two turbine ag-aircraft and at the same time, still using the Pawnees. No one knows what Myron Rubbert would have thought of a couple of turbine Air Tractors working of the farm where once were Pawnees. But, then, he did upgrade from Super Cubs to Pawnees. He probably would have smiled about it.
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November 2014
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Make new technologies work for you by Lai Nguyen, P.Eng. AG-NAV Inc. If you are old enough, you might see many things have disappeared, like dinosaurs, when technologies changed. For example, black and white TVs, 35mm camera film rolls, dial phones, etc… In the office, you don’t need a secretary to remind you when you have a meeting or appointment. That’s the job of your Smartphone. For aerial agricultural application, when selective availability was removed from GPS signals, the flagman and paper shooter auto-flaggers were gone for good. New technologies have changed our lifestyle. For aerial applicators, every piece of equipment bought for business is an investment. It should be an asset, not an expense. With new technologies, it is natural to expect both more capability and affordability. How can aerial applicators make the new technologies work for them? Computer Technology: Once I told my children that when I attended a university in 1985, I could not afford a Commodore 64 computer. It cost around $700 Cad. They laughed. It actually had a 64 KB RAM, clock speed around 1 MHz and no hard drive. So I had to use the computers at the university, which were IBM 286, the best PC at that time. However, I could select to open a doc file in WordPerfect, only a few kilobytes, and then leave to make a cup of coffee. When coming back, it would still be loading the file. Yes, it was still much better than using a typewriter to make a document. Nowadays, computer engines are 2000 times faster, have a million times more memory and a million times bigger hard drive than the first IBM PC. Joyfully, all these improvements are ready to work for you at affordable cost. Through many generations, AgNav’s Guia Platinum now has the computer engine Intel Core i7 with 1.7 GHz speed. Not only can it provide GPS guidance, but also performs map display, spray on/off control, flow control, atomizer monitor, boom pressure monitor, camera video image display and full data recording. If you want, it can play music as well while doing everything else.
Sure, you could make a more precise polygon but you would have to enter the coordinates manually or use a map digitizing table as big as an office table. Nowadays, you see almost all navigation systems have a moving map display and a touch screen. The advancement in map technology has made flight planning a lot easier and cheaper. Spray polygons can be created ahead of time from satellite images like Google Earth, Bing maps or Open Street maps. For more precise boundaries, you can buy digital maps from the USDA. While you can still spray the AB line to make a new area, you can impress your customers with a spray report showing your work done on the exact boundaries of their farms or fields. When you are ready for even more high-precision applications, you can upgrade your spray system to auto-booms for precise boundaries. Data Communications: When AgNav made the first GPS guidance system for ag-pilots in 1993, floppy disks were used
Map Technology: When GPS was first used in agricultural application, AG-NAV was the first company in the world that manufactured a moving map system for ag-pilots. Other similar guidance system used lightbars. The moving map display allowed a pilot to see where he sprayed and continued the application from where he left off the last time. Every spray polygon was rectangular because it was made by the AB line.
November 2014
for all data transfer. A floppy disk could store 1 MB of data. That was a lot. A pilot could spray a whole week before filling one floppy disk. The main navigation program file was less than 100 KB. The complete AgNav2 installation ,including bootable DOS, could fit on one disk. Today, program file sizes are normally in megabytes, not kilobytes. AgNav then used USB keys, while other companies used the PCMCIA or SD cards, for file transfer. Now, it’s wireless technology. Computer terms may have different meanings; “Windows” is not windows, RAM is not an animal, “Blackberry” is not a fruit and WEB has nothing to do with spiders. Recently, “Cloud” is no longer in the sky. “Cloud” means a system that works behind the scene. You know it works but you don’t know how it works. A simple example is email. When you use Hotmail (Microsoft), Gmail (Google) or Yahoo to send an email, you send your message to the “Cloud”. You probably don’t know how it travels on the Internet
highway, but you know it will reach the recipient’s mail box. In a similar way, Cloud computing technology allows us to send data wirelessly. AG-NAV uses Cloud technology to develop the AgNav Link. With this system or a similar one, GIS or office staff can send area files or flight planning directly to the Guia Platinum and the pilot can send spray data back to office right after the flight or at any convenient time. Everyone can have an account in AgNav Link to send and receive data for free. Everyone working on a job or project can send files to and/or receive files from each other wirelessly at any time. Internet Technology: You might say we depend too much on the Internet. You’re right. If we want to have more young ag-pilots, we have to get Internet into airplanes. This is because the Internet is common sense to them. They may not know how many ounces in a gallon, but they can text a message or surf the Internet a lot better than many older adults.
In fact, the Internet helps to get a spray job done. Let’s say on a work day, early in the morning, or the night before, you send to the guidance system the area files you want your pilot to spray. The pilot turns on the guidance system, he sees a message saying how many files he needs to download. After downloading the files, he’s ready to fly. Just before the flight, the guidance system checks the weather, displays it to the pilot and records it. If everything is good, the pilot begins the flight. At all times, flight data is sent to the Internet for you to view the current position of aircraft, where was sprayed, how much chemical sprayed and the weather at the spray location. When the job is done, the pilot sends all data to you for making a report and invoicing your customer. If your customer wants to see how the job was done, he can view the flight on the Internet, as well. All these things can be done with the Guia Platinum through its Cloud-based AgNav Link.
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What makes a LEGEND? It starts with an idea, it grows with the PURPOSE to delight CUSTOMERS, and it’s born from VICTORY. But the only legends that are truly worth celebrating are those that carry on long after the first victory lap, where VISION, purpose and success are ongoing. This is the legend of the PT6 engine. Visit us at NAAA Booth 921
November 2014
No more shaking, no more shimmy by Bill Lavendeer If there is one pre-takeoff checklist item that always gets the attention of an 802 pilot, it is confirming the tailwheel lock pin is in the locked position. Otherwise, there is a good chance that upon returning to land there will be a violent shimmy in the tailwheel assembly. However, it does not have to be like that, not with the AT-802 or the AT-602. Custom Air, based in Roe, Arkansas and owned by Michael Hutchins, has designed and received an STC for a tailwheel assembly that resolves the shimmy issue for these aircraft. Using experience gained from receiving an STC for the Custom Air Thrush tailwheel assembly, Michael has been
Michael Hutchins, owner of Custom Air, demonstrates how the new tailwheel assembly uses a nylon insert to protect the bearings inside the housing from moisture and the elements.
A comprehensive range of specialist CDA rotary atomiser systems for ULV and Low Volume aerial spraying.
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Custom Air users speak out Brandon Everett E & M Flying Service’s —“We have been changing our wheel every two years. Now, I don’t think we’ll need to do that with the hub caps. Also, the tailwheel runs much cleaner without the excess grease that eventually gets contaminated with fertilizer and causes the locking pin to not fall into place before takeoff. I flew the 802 last week without using the locking pin and the aircraft did fine. You couldn’t do that before, or the tailwheel would shake violently and make landing extremely difficult.
Brandon Everett with the Custom Air tailwheel assembly on E & M Flying Service’s AT-802 at Holly Springs airport in Arkansas.
“I’ve logged about 100 hours with the new tailwheel and have not had a single problem. It must be pretty tough because most of those loads were with 700+ gallons of a heavy sodium chlorate mix.” Barry Wilson - Wil-Co Flying Service in De Witt Arkansas has also been testing the Custom Air tailwheel conversion. “I have about 150 hours on mine (Custom Air tailwheel assembly) and at annual
90 Booth
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we took it all apart. It was in excellent shape. I really like how easy it is to maintain, rather there is no maintenance other than a little grease occasionally,” explains Barry. “We found the tailwheel makes the aircraft track better. Before, when the tow tractor was pulling the 802, the tail would weave. Now, it tracks straight. This is just an example of how it handles on landing without the locking pin in place. Before, you certainly did not want to land with that pin out, or you would experience a violent shimmy. Not so with this new tailwheel.”
Randy Everett, owner of E & M Flying Service — “I believe all that tailwheel shaking on the 802 may be the cause for panel cracking and even with tubing. It can’t be good for an airplane and it creates an unsafe landing. With the new tailwheel conversion from Custom Air, there is no more shimmy.”
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November 2014
able to incorporate several design features that make life easier for the Air Tractor operator and pilot. Although Custom Air’s Air Tractor tailwheel assembly has a locking feature, it is not critical for the locking pin to be in position. Often times, applying dry fertilizer will create a mix with tailwheel grease that keeps the locking pin from falling into place.
In less than an hour, the old tailwheel The Custom Air all new, STC’d tailwheel conversion assembly on its display stand. The conversion comes complete with new spindle, bearings, yoke, wheel, tire, tube and axle. It takes less than an hour to remove the old unit and replace it with the new one.
assembly can be removed and replaced with the new Custom Air tailwheel assembly. Custom Air’s tailwheel assembly is manufactured and installed with all new components except for the main housing that attaches to the tailwheel spring. The standard one piece tailwheel saddle with its vertical tube is replaced by two pieces; a vertical spindle with bearings on each end and a yoke-style tailwheel assembly. By replacing the upper brass bushing in the tailwheel housing with a bearing and race, the load is better distributed and a retaining nut at the top allows a measured 185 foot-pounds of torque be applied to it. 800-437-5319 16285 5th St. NE, Hillsboro. ND 58045 • 701-636-5880 • fax 701-636-5881 • Ag Cat Parts
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A cover goes over the nut that helps keep moisture and the elements for entering the housing. The lower half of the assembly is attached by four bolts and nuts to the upper half, allowing replacement of one without the other, if needed. The 6.00-6 tire and tube with wheel are tightened to the yoke with an axle nut. This allows for a hub cap on each side of the wheel, keeping out contaminants. Typically, the wheel has to be replaced in less than 1,000 hours of fertilizing. With the hub caps protecting it, this is no longer necessary. The conversion kit comes complete with new tire, tube, wheel and axle. In less than an hour, the old tailwheel assembly can be removed and replaced with the new Custom Air tailwheel assembly. The kit includes the STC and all new components with the exception of the locking pin and housing. Several hundred hours of test flights have been made with no problems. Two operators, other than Michael, have each flown 100 and 150 hours respectfully, maintenance free.
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The vertical spindle in the Custom Air tailwheel assembly is solid 4130 chromoly steel. The spindle is inserted into the Air Tractor tailwheel assembly housing and a nut holds it in place against the new upper bearing and race, torqued to 185 ft-lbs. The yoke is attached to the butt plate with four bolts and nuts, creating a two-piece assembly.
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November 2014
Schweiss Door makes containers and trailers accessible Shipping and commercial containers come in many forms and sizes, but many don’t have door accessibility. Even dealing with conventional containers with a door located at the end can be a hassle. Now, Schweiss Doors can make any container, whether it be for backyard storage, rail or ship transport, or even chemical storage, much more user-friendly by fitting it with one or more hydraulic doors on the sides or both ends for increased, easy access.
Schweiss Doors can make any container much more user-friendly Imagine having to open a container door filled completely full from front to back. Then, you remember you need to get something from the center. This is often the case with agoperators using containers to store supplies, or chemicals. It’s really cumbersome and not easy to get things out of a container once it is stacked full. You could use the option of
Schweiss Doors’ show trailer has hydraulic doors that open up the sides. It allows them to set up and take down their display in a matter of minutes.
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November 2014
leaving an aisle down the center, but that makes storage space even smaller. Containers, or trailers like a semi-truck’s reefer van, with Schweiss Door side or endwall steel doors can easily be opened and closed for loading or unloading with a forktruck or other means. Container doors can be attached to all four sides of a container or even on the top of it. Schweiss Door engineers can work with you to design any configuration you might desire. Schweiss one-piece hydraulic container doors are pre-hung on their own frame with the best compact pump on the market, strong cylinders and spherical bearings. They can be opened and closed by remote control quickly and quietly and have very few moving parts. A hydraulic door that opens from the bottom up also provides a canopy or awning protecting the inner contents from excessive sun or inclement weather. All Schweiss doors are custom made to fit your container to exact measurements. These doors can be designed with windows, walk doors or to accept any exterior cladding or insulation desired. When you close the container doors you can also be assured that your product is burglar-proof and secure, but easy to get to.
You can make a large container like this useful and user-friendly by attaching hydraulic doors to the sides or end walls.
serve as a display booth.The beauty of this is the container is all self- contained and can be set up or closed down secure and fast. When you arrive at a show site, all you have to do is open the door and you are in business. It’s ideal for companies marketing, displaying and selling their wares, and even for food vending containers on wheels. The possibilities are endless.
Schweiss doesn’t just make container doors, they can also build you a customized container or design a container for use at trade shows. A sidewall hydraulic door on a container can also
We get you flying faster.
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November 2014
November 2014
Vote for NAAA! It’s a matter of NAAAtional security A new round of midterm elections took place in early November. As sure as the minute and hour hands meet at noon and midnight on your wristwatch, the American public turns out every two years to elect their federal representatives. The names on the ballot change, but the election cycles follow familiar patterns. American presidents are elected every four years. U.S. Senators face voters once every six years. Members of the House of Representatives are up for reelection every two years. Since all memberships run from Jan. 1–Dec. 31, every year is an election year for NAAA. Even though the midterm elections are over, NAAA’s campaign season remains in full swing. NAAA’s officers have been hitting the stump at state conventions across the country, and the polls are open now. This is your chance to register your support for NAAA in the form of our 2015 membership drive. If you have been a member this year, the association thanks you for your support. The trust you have placed in NAAA means a great deal, and the association is counting on your continued support in 2015. NAAA is fortunate to have the support of a strong base. But to get to Washington and succeed there, savvy candidates understand they cannot rely on their base alone. They need the support of independents and undecideds, many of whom may be reading this now. As an association, NAAA continues to court the undecideds because there is strength in numbers. Supporting the Aerial
Application Party will make NAAA and the industry even stronger. Of the 1,350 Part 137 operators in the U.S., 780 are NAAA members. Besides operators, another 1,430 nonoperator ag pilots work in the United States. Five hundred twenty of them are NAAA pilot members. Taken together, NAAA has a 47 percent market share of operators and pilots. The other 53 percent are up for grabs. If ever there was a time to join NAAA, this is it. 2015 is shaping up as a pivotal period in the history of aerial application. The outcomes of several key issues will have a profound effect on the way aerial applicators work going forward. NAAA is advocating on aerial applicators’ behalf on a slew of critical issues, such as: • Ensuring the safe integration of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) into the national airspace while proactively safeguarding low-level aviation. • Continuing the push for more stringent marking requirements for towers under 200 feet, as well as a national registry listing the location of those towers. • Eliminating NPDES permitting requirements for pesticide applications. • Preventing unnecessary and burdensome potential label restrictions for aerial application. • Opposing efforts to eliminate the agricultural aviation fuel tax exemption and levy a $100 user fee for agricultural aircraft flights. • Obtaining federal funding for USDA aerial application
“I see my NAAA dues as the cheapest insurance policy premium I pay for protecting my business. Take the fuel tax exemption NAAA secured alone—the amount of money my operation saved by not having to pay the federal excise tax on fuel has been unbelievable.”
–NAAA Vice President Perry Hofer,
Doland Aerial Spraying, Doland, S.D.
research, which enhances our industry’s stewardship, effectiveness and efficiency. Politicians have been known from time to time to make empty promises. NAAA doesn’t offer empty promises; it delivers results—results that in this case are indicative of future performance. Offering substantive education and safety programs is a core value of NAAA and its sister organization NAAREF, the National Agricultural Aviation Research & Education Foundation. NAAA and NAAREF have been bringing the PAASS Program to the industry since 1999. The Professional Aerial Applicators’ Support System (PAASS) helps ag pilots mitigate drift, fly safer and make their operations more secure. Need proof? Consider this: Since the inception of PAASS and its Fly Safe message campaign, ag aviation accidents per 100,000 hours flown have dropped 21 percent and drift claims have decreased nearly 26 percent.
redesigned The updated NAAA Professional Operating Guidelines handbook came out last spring, and a new NAAA Convention app debuts next month at NAAA’s annual convention in Louisville.
alone. Join or renew your membership today. It is one of the best investments you can make for yourself and your business. To join, call 202-546-5722 or apply online at membership.
Now more than ever you need a strong voice for the industry in Washington. NAAA is battling on the industry’s behalf, but the association can’t do it
As you cast your ballot, remember this: A vote for NAAA is a vote for your future.
NAAA successfully lobbied Congress to enact legislation providing more than $4 million in annual federal fuel tax relief for U.S. aerial applicators. Ag aviation businesses save thousands of dollars a year at a minimum as a result of these efforts. That’s 10 times greater, on average, than the combined annual dues to belong to NAAA and your state association.
We get it. You’re used to flying solo. But everyone knows you can’t do it alone. And neither can NAAA.
Membership matters. Join NAAA in its efforts to preserve and protect agricultural aviation and your way of life. Call (202) 546-5722 or visit to join the cause.
NAAA continues to add to its already impressive array of services. This year, NAAA launched its new website, the completely membership ad2.indd 1
10/6/11 1:19 PM
November 2014
A successful partnership defies gravity. BASF helps aerial applicators stay aloft. We create chemistry to bring you and your customers more innovative products, including industry-leading fungicides like Headline AMP ® fungicide. BASF proudly sponsors the NAAA scholarship program and Operation S.A.F.E. Fly-ins. We provide your business with the lift it needs to keep climbing.
A lways r ead and follow label dir ect ions . Headline A MP is a r e gister e d tr adema r k of BASF. ©2013 BASF Cor por ation. A ll R ights Reser ve d. APN 13 - PH - 0 0 02
Tracy Thurman
hands-on flying
Agricultural Presidents' council You can’t legislate common sense. The best anyone can do is to try to get common sense into the legislation. That’s what the Agricultural Presidents’ Council (APC) strives to do. The APC is a group of various trade associations and businesses involved in agricultural production and support, of which the CAAA is a member. Their mission is to create reasonable and pragmatic solutions to problems facing California agriculture. Given the current political
Propeller Shop Accessory Shop Fuel Shop
environment in California, that is a mighty big task. Recently, Terry Gage, the President of the CAAA brought a delegation of APC representatives and two elected officials; Assemblyman Marc Levine of Marin and Sonoma counties, and Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia of Los Angeles County to
visit Lakeland Aviation in Corcoran California. The tour was only one of many the APC conducts and the stop over at Lakeland was one of several they had scheduled for the day. The focus of these tours is to reach out to those in political office, to build relationships within the agricultural community and the legislators of their districts. They are a means of putting a face to the industry, and serve as a way to demonstrate the state’s agricultural strengths and needs.
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November 2014
“It’s an opportunity to engage and educate decision makers who have a vote on legislation that affects our industry,” Terry explained. “Sometimes, if we can take a person who might just simply vote their party line, show them what we do, what our farmers and processors do, they might gain enough interest and knowledge to more favorably consider their vote and how their legislation could affect California’s agriculture,” she added. Terry takes her job very seriously. She knows first hand the tendency of a bureaucracy. “If you aren’t in the room, you can’t influence the outcome.” The chain of command was well represented at Lakeland Aviation’s hangar. Lakeland’s chairman of the board, Kirk Gilkey of Gilkey Farms and Lakeland’s director, Erik Hansen of Hansen Ranches, as well as Lakeland’s manager and vice chairman of the CAAA, Reid Potter, were on hand and ready. They welcomed the visitors to the operation and availed themselves to answer questions and discuss the issues facing California farmers and agribusinesses. On board were also a few of Lakeland’s pilots, Senior Pilot Doug Burrow, Pete Anderson and your very own humble correspondent. Roger Hewitt of Blair Air Service and pilot Titus Headings lent their experience and personalities to the group as well. Pilots love to talk to people about flying. Roger brought in his VIP Jet Ranger, piloted by Titus. The guests were treated to an aerial tour of the Central Valley farm lands. The contrast of crop ground left fallow due to drought conditions
and government mismanagement of water resources was a stark indicator of how legislation enacted in an irresponsible way has a much broader effect than what those who dwell in the cities and government offices might ever imagine. I hope it left a lasting impression. By the way, Roger has one of the nicest Jet Rangers you ever saw! The folks at the gathering were genuinely interested in ag aviation. Most had never seen a real crop duster up close. Doug Burrow was prompted to give an overview of the business and what it is like to work as an ag pilot. I noticed several nods and raised eyebrows from the group as he described his profession. I also noticed the demeanor of the elected persons who were in attendance. Mr. Levine, the assemblyman from Marin and Sonoma, appeared to be quite interested, while Ms. Garcia of L.A. County was much more interested in her cell phone. She reminded me of a bored teenager in study hall. This particular situation highlighted to me the uphill battle that APC is fighting. I’m sure it is a battle where small gains are considered big victories. They have been instrumental in curbing much of the madness that works its way into proposed legislation. A couple of years ago, for example, there was a bill in the state capitol that would have required a three-mile buffer between aerial applications and homes. It was the APC’s efforts, that got the bill canceled. Imagine, three-mile buffers! The CAAA represents California ag pilots in the government halls of Sacramento. Mr. George Soares serves as the organizations advocate and presents our claims and concerns before the politicians in the state’s puzzle palace. He also attended the tour, ensuring the arguments he made were validated to those who needed the information the most. To us regular citizens, it doesn’t seem like it would be too difficult to explain
some of these issues to a sensible person. Then again, politics is a strange business. With its own roster of personality types. It’s good to have someone who speaks fluent politician to interpret for us. I am particularly proud to know the CAAA is playing an active role in APC’s mission. As professionals who play a major role in crop production and whose livelihoods depend on a healthy agricultural climate, I believe organizations like this and the work they do is tremendously necessary. They are something we should support at every opportunity. Optimism dictates that efforts of groups like the APC will continue to pay off. It’s a good thing, because common sense in legislation is becoming a rare commodity these days.
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November 2014
Aviation Restraint Technology Seatbelt airbag systems for your ag aircraft
AgAv News from Minnesota Two recent announcements have come out that will be of interest to Minnesota aerial applicators--one on the state level, and one on the national level. These are both worth special attention National front
NAAA Booth # 1204 Visit us and ask about the Show Specials!
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A group of defendants representing tower manufacturing, wind energy, land-owning and farming interests have agreed to pay $6.7 million to the family of California agricultural aviator Steve Allen to settle a wrongful death action brought against the tower entities for failing to mark an unmarked meteorological evaluation tower (MET) or make Allen aware of its location prior to his fatal collision with the tower in 2011. The Sept. 3 settlement establishes a standard of care for METs used for wind prospecting in agricultural areas and puts tower entities on notice of their duty to take safeguards to protect low-level aviators from towers erected in agricultural areas.
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9/21/2012 11:43:17 AM
David Finley 972.248.3108 ext 213 214.649.2288 mobile
Rick Forbes 972-248-3108 ext 302 214-649-2290 mobile
Dallas Office 4550 Jimmy Doolittle Drive Addison, Texas 75001 TEL: 972.248.3108 • FAX: 972.248.3321
This is important news for aerial applicators everywhere and in addition to the FAA Advisory related t0 marking met towers, this court settlement will give wind energy companies even more reason to mark and light the towers.
Once again, good news for commercial aerial applicators--The bottom line: It is the employers responsibility notify workers orally and/or by posting, it is not the commercial applicators' responsibility.
MDA rescinds enforcement action against aerial applicator for failing to post treated fields
The MDA is expected to issue an updated fact sheet related to posting and worker protection requirements in the coming months, and we have also requested they make a presentation re: this topic at the 2015 Tri-State Conference.
This past August an aerial applicator was cited for failing to post a field after applying a pesticide with a label that had this language: "Notify workers of the application by warning them orally and by posting warning signs at entrances to treated areas." The MDA inspector cited the applicator because the label contained the statement above, and the field was not posted. The MAAA received several calls and the issue raised several questions: 1. Who is responsible for the posting? The applicator or the grower? 2. Can the field be posted before the application or must it be posted immediately after the treatment? 3. Can the applicator assign responsibility for posting to the grower via a signed agreement? Continued investigation with the MDA and the pesticide registrant found good news for Minnesota aerial applicators. The EPA has issued a statement saying that "on farms, forests and nurseries, employers must notify workers either orally or by posting of warning signs at entrances to treated areas as required by the pesticide label. "Oral warnings need not be given and posting a pesticide-treated are is not required if no workers will be in the treated area, or will walk within 1/4 mile of the area while the REI is in effect."
November 2014
Fear No Weevil
in my opinion
th Fly wi ! er the tig
Robert A. McCurdy, Chief Pilot / Flight Instructor Flying Tiger Aviation, LLC,
Flying Tiger Aviation offers and end to end flight and ground training program for aspiring ag pilots from zero flight time to refresher course training for experienced pilots. Our fleet includes C172s, Ag GPS equipped Citabrias, Pawnees, Ag Wagons, and Ag Cats. We also have dual instruction in a Thrush S2RT turbine. •
Private, Instrument and Commercial
Turbine option for Basic Ag Training
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Dual Control Ag Cat
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Training on three different ag GPS systems
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Training coming in 2015
Leaving it on the ground Well… politics is not a subject that should be included in my IN MY OPINION column (IMO). My IMO column is dedicated to safe ag flying according to my opinion, which I have developed from 40+ years in this industry
If your brain is overly occupied with anything, so much so that it encroaches on your focus and inhibits concentrating on wires, irrigation pivots, trees, the wind, etc. then maybe you should not be too quick to get back in the airplane. There is a huge segment of citizens who are going to vote a particular way regardless of the candidates qualifications. These voters are politely referred to as the “uninformed voters”. That name, incidentally, does not at all accurately describe this group. But the name itself does not matter. In reality, they could be called the “Blue group,” or “Tree Group,” or anything, because for these people, being uninformed is totally irrelevant, and does not matter at all. They are going to vote exactly as dictated by the likes of a few selfappointed that make a very comfortable living by stoking the fire of agitation. Maybe this particular group of voters comprises 8-12% of all voters. Even if this percentage is off a few points, it is still a very significant number. We all mumble and grumble and repeat what we think we heard from the talking heads on cable TV or conservative talk radio,
but you will not get this information from the network TV. So how does this little dissertation apply to safe ag flying? Until recently, I have been able to leave any controversial stuff on the ground when I climb up on the wing of my airplane. But the recent revelations about the Benghazi, affair has got me boiling mad and terrified of those upperechelon officials who are calling the shots for the security and future of our country. When we combine the “uninformed” voters with those who are responsible for the Benghazi abortion, it’s difficult for me now to leave all this stuff on the ground when it comes time to fly.
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November 2014
twenty years ago
Ayres introduces improved 600 HP "Diet" Thrush by Bill Lavender ALBANY, GA - For years the workhorse of the ag aviation industry was the Ayres Thrush powered by a reliable 600 horsepower Pratt & Whitney R-1340. Rockwell produced the original S2R. The story of how this all came about is common knowledge in the ag aviation industry. During the mid-1970s (certificated in 1976) the Ayres Turbo Thrush was introduced. With that came changes to a proven airframe designed for 600
horsepower engines. These changes enabled the Thrush to be able to accommodate the airspeed and loads that came with the turbine engines.
beefed-up for the Pezetel model. When the turbine engines came along the airframe for the 600 Thrush had gained more than 500 pounds!
Because of these changes, the 600 Thrush, as it was called, suffered. It suffered from weight gain that made improvements which weren’t needed for the R-1340 Thrush. Bigger tires were added to accommodate the heavier loads, as well as a beefed-up gear. The upper longerons were beefed-up for the R-1820 Bull Thrush. The aft airframe was further
Ayres Corporation realized there was a need in the ag aviation market for an economical ag craft powered by a radial engine. Leland Snow’s AT-401 lead the industry with this particular model of ag plane, while Ayres concentrated on their turbine version. The time had come for the 600 Thrush to shed some pounds and return to the ag operator who needed
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a strong, proven and reliable airframe that helped build this industry. A few months ago, Ayres’ west coast dealer, Dave Johnston of Johnston Aircraft Service, coined the phrase “Diet Thrush”. Pete Lewis of Ayres Corporation began receiving several phone calls a week. A six-month study was done by Ayres Corporation on the best way to reduce the weight of the 600 Thrush, introduce new aerodynamic ideas and give the ag-av industry an improved 600 Thrush.
in the turbine years will be removed from the fuselage. The standard tires will be 8.5x10. The 400-gallon hopper will have improved fiberglass thickness control. The leading edge skin and side panels will return to the thickness of the mid-70s 600 Thrush. The airframe will revert to much of the original airframe
configuration 70s Thrush.
The fuel tanks in the wings will return to the original 106-gallon capacity. The extended wing will remain standard with either the 44 feet 5 inches wingspans of the Hoerner Tip or the full chord wing.
Mid-summer of this year, Ayres Corporation will introduce their new light frame 600 "Diet" Thrush. The first one will travel the country demonstrating its ability to compete with any ag plane in its class. According to Pete Lewis, “It should be a good stable ag plane with good performance operating under almost any condition.” The engine mount will return to the shorten variety of the mid-70s. Approximately 50 excess pounds added
Ayres' 600 horsepower "Diet" Thrush promises to bring ag operators worldwide an improved and reliable workhorse.
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November 2014
PRODUCING MORE ON THE GROUND MEANS APPLYING THE RIGHT PRODUCTS FROM THE AIR. For growers, feeding more people means producing maximum crop yields from fewer acres. At FMC, we’re doing our part with innovative
Also, the extended longer full cord wing with a 47 feet 6 inches wingspan will be available. The wing spar will have chromemoly upper and lower spar caps and aluminum webs. The steel spar splice that has been called out in the Service Bulletin # 23 will be included. The wings will have fiberglass wing root fairings improving aerodynamics of the wing and sealing out contaminants. Ayres Corporation has also introduced a new program that will give Thrush customers a production aircraft with a consistent angle of incident for the wings. The empennage will be lighter with improved handling characteristics. The Ayres Corporation aileron servos will enhance the roll rate of the new Thrush. A speed ring will be included as standard equipment for the customer-provided engine. The new 600 Thrush will be certified for both a twoblade and three-blade propeller. The oil cooler will be located inside the engine mount cowling with a forward air scoop for efficient cooling.
crop protection products that effectively control pests that compromise crop yield and quality. Thanks to you, they’re able to put them to work
The goodies Thrush aircraft are known for will remain. The turn windows will still be in the canopy. The spraying system will be the standard Transland gate and pump. The comfortable web seating will still be in the large roomy Thrush cockpit.
in the field quickly and efficiently. To find out more about FMC products like Display® and Shark® H2O herbicides, and Hero® and Mustang® Maxx insecticides, see your FMC Star Retailer, visit or call 888-59-FMC-AG for more information.
This will be the aircraft ag-av has needed for many years. An airplane that will compete with any piston powered ag aircraft; all at a price that can be afforded by operators who don’t want a turbine powered ag plane.
Winglet Technology for Ag–Aircraft
Always read and follow label directions. Hero Insecticide and Mustang Maxx are restricted use pesticides. Display and Hero Insecticide are not registered for sale or use in California. Shark H2O is for sale or use only in California. FMC, Display, Shark H2O, Hero, and Mustang Maxx are trademarks and Investing in farming’s future is a service mark of FMC Corporation. ©2014 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved. F100-035237 4/14
Rick Marburger • 701-572-3514 STC’d for Thrush, Air Tractor and Cessna Email: F100-035237_NationalAgAssociationAd_Vs2.indd 1
F100-035237_NationalAgAssociationAd_Vs2 B-14 (Print Ad) May 23, 2014 12:04 PM Color: 4/color Size: T - 4.583” x 7” No Bleed
5/23/14 12:05 PM
Making pesticide applications correctly the first time By John Garr and Jerry Green GarrCo Products Who owns the aerial application? The grower and a range of experts are often involved in deciding what pesticides to apply, but the aerial applicator is the one most responsible for the application results. The best way for the applicator to get good results is to use his experience, good judgment, and follow the directions on the pesticide label. Remember the directions on the label are the law.
Know your pesticides Applicators should know how pesticides act. Mode-of-action is important for managing resistant pests, and it is important for targeting the spray. Does the pesticide need to get into or just on the plant? If the pesticide translocates
(systemic), then uptake is more important than coverage. The right surfactant and a moist spray deposit will always enhance pesticide uptake. If the pesticide does not translocate or just acts on the surface of the plant, coverage is more important. Small drops can help coverage. However, small droplets do not penetrate very well into the canopy, and small droplets are more likely to drift – the more drift, the less efficacy. A slightly bigger droplet will ensure deposition and improve penetration into the crop canopy.
Calibration and pattern Enhancing deposition and mitigating drift are always important, but are especially important for aerial
applications commonly applied at 10 times the speed with 5 times lower spray volumes. Aerial applications are as effective as any other application method when the applicator sets up the spray system correctly, uses proper application techniques, and applies with the right drift mitigation adjuvant. Best practices always start with the right nozzle at the right orientation, with the correct pressure, good weather conditions, and proper application techniques. Always check the pattern to make sure the distribution is uniform and there is no visible off-target movement. Spray droplets on the windshield are a good indicator of drift. You want the spray to reach the target, not the windshield.
Control™ Boosts Fungicide Performance, Ups Yield Deposition Aid/Drift Retardant
In an aerial, low-volume, fungicide application study: • Adding Control™ to a branded, commercial fungicide increased yield of corn by 10 bu/A over fungicide alone. • If corn is $4.50/bu, that’s an extra $45 per acre on a very small investment. • Contact us for more information on the study and a free sample.
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November 2014
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Label directions
Complex mixtures
Directions on pesticide labels generally fall into mandatory directions and recommendations. Mandatory directions use words such as “must” and “shall.” Recommendations that use words such as “should,” “may” and “recommend” are not mandatory, but will probably help. For example, a pesticide label may recommend but not require a drift mitigation adjuvant. In these cases, the applicator must use their expertise and experience to decide how to make a safe and effective application.
The customer may request a large number of products applied at the same time, but that does not mean it is the right thing to do. The more products and the more concentrated the products are in the spray tank, the more likely there will be unwanted interactions that adversely affect application or pesticide performance. The job of the applicator is to be sure that the pesticides and any other product in the spray tank are mixed uniformly and applied correctly. Applying a complex mixture can save the cost of an application, but if the
mixture creates fine droplets that cause drift or a non-uniform pattern, then two applications are better than one.
Aerial applications are essential Aerial applications have many important advantages; including being the best way to make late applications of fungicides that current research shows can give significant increases in yield. Do not jeopardize your reputation by adding anything to tank that may adversely affect the spray application or reduce product performance.
Fly safe! For more information on adjuvants and aerial application, contact John Garr at 765-395-3441, or visit
November 2014
New lithium “micro” ground power unit launced A unique lightweight all-in-one “micro” ground power unit (GPU) that provides superior engine starts even on aircraft with over voltage sensitivities, as well as continuous power for powering up aircraft systems, has been launched patent pending by leading supplier, StartPac.
started turbine engines especially those aircraft with over voltage sensitivities. It has dual built in, redundant chargers and a recharge time of approximately 4 hours if the battery is significantly depleted.
StartPac’s new lithium 26 volt micro GPU, the Li2700QC SUPER PAC, is just as powerful as traditional GPUS but weighing in at just 32 kilograms (71lb) and coming in a much more compact size* it provides better mobility. The Lithium batteries used in the GPU last up to twice as long as lead-acid batteries and are on average 42 percent lighter and 32 percent smaller. The Li2700QC SUPER PAC utilizes StartPac’s proprietary Quick Change technology, which enables the user to replace the starting battery in a matter of seconds, combined with a lightweight 50 amp (28.5VDC) power supply. The full 26VDC battery pack will provide superior starts on all electrically-
Bruce’s Flying Service We Replace Spar Caps Repair Wings and Landing Gear Complete Line of Used Serviceable Thrush Parts
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Mark Marar at StartPac said: “At StartPac, we are always looking for innovations that will allow us to provide superior products for our customers. This new ground power unit is lighter and smaller than usual but just as powerful making it a very good alternative to the more cumbersome GPUs customers might be used to. Since we are using lithium technology, it will also last twice as long as traditional lead-acid units.
Since we are using lithium technology, it will also last twice as long as traditional lead-acid units. He added: “The Li2700QC SUPER PAC embodies the innovative and client-focused approach that is core to our business.” StartPac has designed and manufactured ground support equipment for the aviation industry since 1997. The Li2700QC SUPER PAC is available from today for purchase. More information please visit aviation/super-pac-portable-gpu/
W E ’V E G O T
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November 2014
wing and a prayer
Carlin Lawrence
God’s Bowl judgments on sinful humanity, Part 2 The Bible teaches that God rules His universe for His own eternal purposes. God allowed Satan and one-third of the angels to rebel against Him (Isaiah 14:12-15, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12). God allowed Satan to tempt Adam and Eve to disobey Him in the Garden of Eden. God said He planned to destroy Satan and his demonic forces from the very beginning of Satan’s rebellion
(Genesis 3:15). The consequences of Adam and Eve’s sin caused all their descendants to be born spiritually dead and natural born sinners. God has allowed Satan and sinful humans a
certain amount of control on His earth, but ultimately God’s eternal purposes will be fulfilled. God allows humans to know some of His purposes, but God has hidden many things from us (Isaiah 55:89). God prepared the lake of fire for Satan, antichrist, the false prophet, and Satan’s demons, and humans who reject Jesus Christ will also be there (Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:15).
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The Bible is a book of hope with hundreds of verses that tell of God’s great love, grace and mercy toward humanity. There are hundreds of messages of comfort, joy, refreshment, peace and eternal life in God’s heaven for all the people who become children of God through faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. But the Bible is also a book of judgment against humans who reject God’s love and grace, and reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Jesus said, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28). Paul wrote, “When the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power” (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9). “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31).
him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory” (Revelation 16:8-9). God created the sun to give light, warmth, grow food and energy to humanity; but now the sun becomes a killer of Christ rejecting humanity. Planet earth will become too hot to grow food, with very little water to drink. The heat scorches humans, animals and plants. God says, “They
made Me jealous by what is no God and angered Me with their worthless idols… For a fire will be kindled by My wrath…It will devour the earth and its harvests and set afire the foundations of the mountains” (Deuteronomy 32:21-22). People demand laws that allows them to live immoral and ungodly lifestyles. “For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Someday God will reward all unbelievers with eternal separation from God in the lake of fire with Satan and his demons (Revelation 20:15).
“Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to
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November 2014
Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues because of the pain. They blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and did not repent of their deeds” (Revelation 16:10-11). The phrase “full of darkness” has the idea of pitch black darkness. Antichrist is now ruling a large part of the earth, and his complete kingdom will become total darkness. Joel wrote, “For the day of the Lord is coming, for it is at hand: A day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness” (Joel 2:12). Jesus said, “In those days the sun will be dark and the moon will not give its light” (Mark 13:24). Because of their pain these people gnaw their tongues, blaspheme God, and refuse to repent of their evil deeds. This is the condition of sinful humanity when God turns humans over to their own evil heart (Jeremiah 17:9). In those final days ungodly people will be so engulfed in the riches and pleasures of this satanically worldly system that they refuse any offer from God to save them. The defiance of sinful humans toward God is hard for the Christian mind to grasp. Their heart is hardened to God and Jesus Christ; like Pharaoh, they continually refuse God’s love, mercy and grace and God eventually destroys them. Most Americans have all the water and food we need. We can go anywhere in America and into
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most of the world with very few restrictions. how many Americans get up each morning and thank God for His love, grace, and mercy toward America? Instead, we complain about our life’s circumstances; about the government, about our job, about our neighbors, and etc. Too many Americans are complainers, and not worshipers of God and Jesus Christ. Are we chasing the things of this world so passionately that we have forgotten about God, and made the riches and pleasures of this world our God? (Revelation 18:3-8). Jesus said to store up riches in heaven where moths and rust cannot destroy them, and thieves cannot steal them, for where our treasure is, that is where our heart is (Matthew 6:19-21). Jesus warns us that we cannot serve God and money (Matthew 6:24), and tells us about the rich man who built larger barns for his big crop and he died that night and left all his worldly riches to someone else (Luke 12:16-21). Paul said that the desire to be rich can cause us to fall into many foolish and harmful lust, and pierce ourselves with many sorrows (1 Timothy 6:6-10). We can serve our sinful flesh, this ungodly worldly system, and Satan. Or we can serve God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. One will lead us into the lake of fire with Satan and his demons, and the other will take us into God’s presence in His heaven. The choices we make have eternal consequences!
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November 2014
All school then work for Ag Aviation School graduates by Graham Lavender Nestled in the southwest corner of Missouri, amidst a working ag operation and busy private airport is Ag Aviation School, owned by the Kingsley brothers and operated by Bruce Dance and his son, Brett. The school started from a need for pilots in the Kingsley brothers aerial spraying operation, Plane Cents Aviation. Brett Dance sprayed for Plane Cents Aviation his first year. After completing his first season with Kiman Kingsley, Brett moved on to a larger operation, leaving an empty seat at Plane Cents Aviation. So, Kiman requested that Brett interview and train pilots for the upcoming season. This was an easy task, as Brett knew the operation and what the new pilots would need to know to be successful. So, he created an organized syllabus and had it approved through the insurance company. The program worked well for training and interviewing pilots for the company, so Kiman decided to expand the operation to include a flight school that would train pilots for ag aviation, and then offer these new pilots a seat for their first season. Ag Aviation School’s first student graduated in 2010.
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Kiman Kingsley (center) stands with the Ag Aviation School team at their operation in Miller, Missouri.
Ag Aviation School’s primary instructors are Bruce and Brett Dance. Bruce was trained to fly ag at Ag Aviation School by his son, Brett. Since then, he has logged four seasons flying an AT301, radial Ag-Cat, turbine Brave, AT-402 and turbine Ag-Cat. He flew his first season in a Pawnee under the guidance of Kiman Kingsley at Plane Cents Aviation. The school also offers zero time to a commercial pilot’s license with the ag course as an accelerated school all in about six months of time. All students are offered their first flying seat at Plane Cents Aviation upon completion of the course. The school prides itself in being able to place all graduates to work in an ag-plane. The flying seat at Plane Cents Aviation is not always a full-time seat, but a good one for the first-year pilot to improve his ag-pilot skills. “It is not a destination, flying here at Plane Cents Aviation, but a doorway to a full-time ag seat elsewhere,” comments Bruce. The school has graduated eight students in four years. All training is one-on-one, thus limiting the number of students at any one time during the off spray season. The syllabus is broken down into six stages. The first three stages are conducted in a Luscombe tailwheel aircraft for 15-17 hours of dual instruction. Students first learn to spray visually, looking outside the cockpit; then they are introduced to the GPS lightbar. The ag aircraft are outfitted with SATLOC LiteStar II GPS systems. The remaining flight time is in the Pawnee, about 25 hours. It takes 3-4 weeks to complete the course, depending on weather and the how well the student applies him/herself. No partial courses are offered. Other aspects of the syllabus are loading and mixing chemicals, calibration of loads and aircraft, knowledge of spray systems, spraying with and without GPS, lightbar use, field location and identification, identifying hazards including obstacles, animals and people, proper entry/exit and trimming of a field, choosing best spray pattern, load management, protecting the
Photos (L-R): Bruce Dance and student review LSU's Aerial Applicator Manual, Ag Aviation School/Plane Cent's operation includes four Pawnees and one turbine Ag Cat environment and knowledge of weather factors, emergency procedures and proper cleaning of aircraft and the spray system. The training syllabus was modeled after the LSU Ag Center Research and Extension Service’s Aerial Applicator’s Manual. Student housing is available on site at Kingsley Field, as well as full RV hook-ups. It is part of the tuition and includes a private room in the pilots’ dorm for housing up to three students, internet, washer/dryer, refrigerator/freezer/microwave. A restaurant, the Hangar Kafe, is located on the airfield. Nearby is a convenience store, a grocery store and a Super Walmart. Ag Aviation School incorporates a guarantee for all areas of training under Part 137. If a potential employer, or the FAA, feels that a student's training is insufficient in any of these areas, they will give additional training at no additional charge to the
student. Ag Aviation School will not let students graduate until they are satisfied with their performance. Plane Cents Aviation, where five Pawnees and one turbine AgCat are used for spraying, compliments Ag Aviation School by providing working ag aircraft for training. Plane Cents Aviation also incorporates an on-site maintenance facility that includes engine overhauls, airframe repairs, sheet metal fabrication, welding, dope and fabric work and painting. The shop has completely rebuilt Pawnees from the ground up. Bruce and Brett Dance, the Kingsley brothers, and the entire Ag Aviation School team welcome potential students to drive over or fly-in, sit down and have a great lunch at the Hangar Kafe, tour the facility, airfield, inspect the aircraft and plan their future in ag aviation. For more information on Ag Aviation School, visit
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2014 NAAA board meeting by Graham Lavender with contributions from NAAA The Fall 2014 Board of Directors meeting for the National Agricultural Aviation Association was held in sunny Southern California October 9-12, 2014. The Westin Long Beach provided meeting facilities and accommodations for the group. Long Beach will be the site for the 2016 NAAA Convention.
NAAA Executive Directors Report Andrew Moore, NAAA’s executive director, started the meeting off with a broad overview of events affecting the aerial application industry over the past eight months. A major emphasis was placed on government relations efforts by NAAA. Many environmental regulations have been proposed that would unnecessarily burden the industry from more restrictive drift assessments on agri-chemicals to additional Worker Protection Standards, to expanding jurisdiction of the Clean Water Act by broadly redefining what a “Water of the U.S.” is. NAAA has responded by submitting detailed comments to the EPA on the negative effects of these proposals to our industry. FAA is also near to proposing rules allowing Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) into the airspace. NAAA has been actively pushing that they be lighted, equipped with ADS-B tracking and other safety provisions before being allowed in the airspace.
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Moore also discussed accident numbers in the FAR Part 137 category so far this year and NAAA’s response to the NTSB since they completed their special investigation report on ag aviation accidents in 2013. The NTSB mentioned fatigue issues association with our accidents and other industries that have flight time limits but stopped short for ag aviation because of safety programs such as PAASS that have controlled accidents. Moore also discussed a number of communication initiatives NAAA has been working on such as an increase in NAAA eNewsletters that have been issued this year, social media postings to expand the industry’s reach and an increase in communications with mass media outlets this year on topics ranging from UAVs to towers. These news outlets include the AP, New York Times, NPR and a number of large circulation newspapers and talk radio stations that have reported positively on our issues. Moore also discussed the status of the NAAA finances, convention plans for Louisville, and membership numbers. He urged Board members help bring in new members as NAAA only has 45% of the current ag aviation operators and pilots in the U.S. He closed his presentation listing challenges facing the industry such as large federal debt numbers possibly affecting ag aviation research spending, the implementation of user fees and the elimination of current tax exemptions. With that said he referenced a number of positive forecasts for our industry from population increases to crop pest increases forecast over the next 35 years that will depend on our industry to control. President Leif Isaacson introduced Paul Romero of the Long Beach Area Convention & Visitors Bureau to say a few words about Long Beach. Paul spoke about the hotels, convention center and the many reasons why Long Beach is a great destination. The city has invested more than $1 billion in improvements in downtown Long Beach over the last few years. Several NAAA board and committee members had toured the convention center and hotels before the board meeting began. President Leif Isaacson called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m., Secretary Glen Wharam called the roll and a quorum was declared present.
Treasurer’s Report – Craig Craft (2014 Treasurer) 2014 NAAA Treasurer Craig Craft provided the Treasurer’s report. A motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s Report, the motion carried.
Allied Industry Committee – Harley Curless (Allied – Dealer/Parts) Chairman Harley Curless reported on the Allied Industry Committee meeting. Randy Hardy (Convention Co-Chair) provided the 2014 NAAA Convention updates, reporting 2,689 room nights booked at the Galt House and currently there are
143 exhibitors. There will be six airplanes (Air Tractor, Allied Ag Cat Productions, Cascade Aircraft Conversions, Thrush and one helicopter (Isolair).
Awards Committee – Tom Harkin (Appointed) Chairman Tom Harkin reported on the Awards Committee. The committee discussed rules for dealing with nominations for non-members, as well as nominations for members who are not in good standing. There was also a discussion regarding the awards ceremony in December, which will begin at 5:45 p.m. Rod Thomas (NAAREF President) and Tom Harkin will be the award presenters.
2014 NAAA Award Recipients: • • • • • • • •
Agrinaut Award – Rod Thomas Allied Industry Individual Award – Doug Davidson Delta Air Lines “Puffer” Award – Doran Rogers John Robert Horne Memorial Award – JT Capers Larsen-Miller Community Service Award – Kyle Scott Most Active Woman Award – Jessica Freeman Opal & Bill Binnion Memorial Award – Elaine Gustafson Evans-Christopher Operation S.A.F.E. Award – Clarence Williams • Outstanding Service Award – Karen Allen • Related Industry Award – Mary Beth Schwaegel • William O. Marsh Safety Award – Craig Bair No motions from the committee were presented to the board.
Constitution & Bylaws Committee – Dominique Youakim (IL) Chairman Dominque Youakim reported on the Constitution & Bylaws Committee. Dominique provided an explanation on why NAAA is updating the Constitution & Bylaws document. Recently, Washington, D.C. came out with the District of Columbia Non-Profit Corporation Act, which set-forth updated rules on how non-profit associations incorporated in DC should be set up. NAAA is incorporated in the District of Columbia. After a review of the NAAA Constitution and Bylaws, it became apparent that the Association was not set up in accordance with some of these new rules and the committee started a process at that time to update the document. After WNAAA President Leslie Craft met with WNAAA and based on their comments, the committee proposed to change the name WNAAA to Support Committee. Those members will be called Support Members and their committee will be called the Support Committee. The motion “The Constitution & Bylaws Committee recommends to the Board that the Governing Documents as presented be submitted for ultimate approval at the General Business Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky 2014” was presented and passed. With passage of the motion, the documents must be mailed to voting members of NAAA, 45 days before the NAAA Business Meeting. At the Business Meeting in December, a quorum (10%
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November 2014
of the voting membership in the Association) is needed at that meeting. Two-thirds of those voting members present must vote for the motion in order for the new Bylaws to replace the current Constitution and Bylaws.
Communications & Public Relations – Gavin Morse (WA) Chairman Gavin Morse reported on the Communications & Public Relations Committee. The committee reviewed the communications survey results and determined to reduce the frequency of Agricultural Aviation magazine from six to four issues per year to reallocate NAAA’s communications resources and allow staff to devote more time to other PR projects that need to be focused on. The motion “to alter the frequency of Agricultural Aviation magazine from 6 issues to 4 issues in an effort to focus more attention on other media and public relations projects to further promote the aerial application industry.” was brought before the board and passed. NAAA is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2016 and the committee discussed some celebration ideas.
Budget & Finance Committee – Craig Craft (2014 Treasurer) Chairman Craig Craft reported on the Budget & Finance Committee.
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The motion “the NAAA will absorb the financial resources and obligations of the WNAAA upon implementation of the new NAAA Bylaws, to be available to the new Support Committee in that same amount in accordance with the 2014 WNAAA Budget” was brought before the board and passed.
Convention Committee – Bob Bailey (Appointed) Co-Chairman Bob Bailey reported on the Convention Committee. Lindsay Barber (NAAA Staff) provided an overview of the 2014 convention. Lindsay Barber is designing a new NAAA Convention App, which will have its own button on smartphones and tablets. Future Convention Sites: • 2014 – Louisville • 2015 – Savannah • 2016 – Long Beach Sites under Consideration: • 2017 – Savannah • 2018 – Possibly Orlando or Reno • 2019 – Open. Committee may consider Louisville again, if it is successful in 2014. • 2020 – Savannah Additional cities that are being researched are Nashville and Indianapolis; both would require the trucking in of aircraft, but they have enough convention center space, have large hotels (would be able to fit into one hotel and possibly have one for overflow) and both have a good amount of flights into their airports each day. It was determined that after 2020, we should only go back to Savannah every three years. The committee has moved to accept a weather related exhibitor cancellation policy to include a 50% credit towards the next NAAA Convention, if an exhibitor is unable to attend the convention due to weather related issues.
Government Relations Committee – Brian Rau (Past President) Chairman Brian Rau reported on the Government Relations Committee meeting. The committee primarily discussed UAVs. Andrew Moore and Sterling Wiggins (NAAA staff) provided an overview of NAAA’s efforts on the UAV situation and what the Association has done on this effort. The committee agreed that NAAA should push for the following requirements for UAVs: • White/clear strobe lighting when the UAV is in operation • White/clear strobe lighting for the vehicle of the UAV operator • UAV pilots to be distraction-free when operating the UAV • UAV operators to have a radio tuned to a locally defined frequency to alert traffic • Requiring the operator to immediately ground the UAV if an ag aircraft is detected • UAV pilots hold a commercial pilot certificate • The UAV operator maintain line-of-sight view of the UAV • The UAV be certified airworthy • The UAV be marked in a highly visible color
• The UAV be equipped with ADS-B Out technology • Require Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) for UAV operations as an interim measure until the final UAV rule is established
Insurance Committee – Rick Boardman (NE) Chairman Rick Boardman reported that the Insurance Committee had discussed insurance articles for the 2015 issues of Agricultural Aviation magazine. The committee discussed whether the insurance industry might be able to find numbers for drift incidents to help judge the effectiveness of the industry in mitigating drift. No motions will be presented to the board.
Long Range Planning Committee – Rod Thomas (NAAREF President)
The committee is looking for assistance to staff the NAAA Membership Booth at this year’s NAAA Convention. Persons should contact NAAA staff to assist on Tuesday and/or Wednesday in the exhibit hall of the NAAA Convention. The committee chose two NAAA/BASF Agricultural Aviation Scholarship winners: Andreas Geist ($5,000) and Robert Dopp ($2,500). Confirmation from BASF is the company will continue the scholarship in 2015. The motion “the Membership Committee recommends the NAAA Board accept those listed in the briefing materials for full membership in the NAAA” was presented and passed.
The committee discussed potential future legal burdens and other issues where the industry may need legal help in the future. One of those being the recent case in California involving Steve Allen who died after hitting a MET tower. The lawsuit was against the landowner, tower owner, tower constructor and the farmer. His wife, Karen Allen, settled for $6.7 million before it went to trial. NAAA provided assistance and technical support for this case and several ag pilots assisted with the case and testimony.
Membership Committee – Tim Tyree (KS) Chairman Tim Tyree reported on the meeting of the Membership Committee. As of September 2014 month’s end, there were 1,836 members, compared to 1,821 members at month’s end in September 2013.
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November 2014
Museum Committee – Brenda Watts (AR) Chair Brenda Watts reported on the Museum Committee. Lise Foy, the Director of the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum, which includes the NAA Museum, attended the committee meeting and answered the committee’s questions about the future of the museum and the campus.
Nominating Committee – Dana Ness (Past President) Chairman Dana Ness reported on the Nominating Committee’s recommended slate of NAAA officers for 2015. The nominees who will be voted on at the December Board of Directors Meeting are: • President – Rick Boardman (NE) • Vice President – Harley Curless (Allied – Dealer/Parts) • Treasurer – Gary Jerger (MN) • Secretary – Scotty Meador (LA)
Research & Technology Committee – Carolyn Baecker (Appointed) Chair Carolyn Baecker reported on the Research & Technology Committee meeting. USDA-ARS provided an update on their projects; there will be new models that calculate droplet spectrum available at the time of the NAAA Convention. They will calculate the spectrum at speeds up to 180 mph and will include the most common nozzles currently in use. Rotorcraft models will be done next year and although speeds are slower, the process is more complicated to produce those models.
The committee discussed FAA approval of night vision goggles (NVGs) that Bruce Hubler (ID) has been working on with Aviation Specialties, Inc. (ASI) for at least three years. He now has all certifications required for his pilots and aircraft (Thrush and Dromader). They have done 800 hours of flying with NVGs this season and the goggles improved their efficiency by 25%. There will be more information about this at the NAAA Convention. The committee discussed ISO standards. The European Union has decided ag aviation isn’t nearly as bad as they thought and they may want to do applications again in Europe (most applications are currently prohibited today). An ISO is currently being developed on aerial application and we feel that it should be written in a manner we can live with in case it ends up being referenced in the U.S. Once developed, the standard could be applied to aerial application products sold or exported from the U.S.
Safety & Federal Aviation Regulations Committee – Perry Hofer (NAAA Vice President) Chairman Perry Hofer reported on the Safety & Federal Aviation Regulations Committee. Ken Degg (NAAA Staff) provided an accident report and thus far in 2014, there have been 54 accidents and 10 fatalities for the current spraying season. The committee was provided with an update on tower marking, lighting and Advisory Circular (AC) printing report. AC printing has still not taken place. Ken Degg reported on FAA Part 137
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interpretations and it appears the operations specification controversy is coming forth again and NAAA will stay aware of this issue. Harley Curless provided the committee with his experience of obtaining a one year waiver to operate off of controlled airports (in accordance with FAR 91.313). Board members were encouraged to visit with him, if it is something someone is working towards.
NAAREF Report – Rod Thomas (NAAREF President) NAAREF President Rod Thomas reported on the NAAREF Board Meetings which met twice during the Board meetings. Program Development Committee – This is the committee where the PAASS Program curriculum comes together for the PAASS program. There are many different people who participate and anyone is welcome to attend. There will be a section on security, drift and setting up your airplane and the model dealing with the higher speed, which was discussed in the Research & Technology report. The Human Factors Module will deal with helicopter ag operations and how they may or may not work in ag operations. The Drift Mitigation Module on spray system maintenance will show dirty pumps, broken nozzles, suck back problems, etc. The Hangar Flying Module will discuss 2014 accidents and the NTSB SIR.
WNAAA Report – Pat Stamps (WNAAA Vice President) WNAAA Vice President Pat Stamps reported on WNAAA activities. The WNAAA Convention plans are underway and almost finalized. The Fundraising Committee will sell raffle tickets for two guns and a necklace. Guns will be given as gift certificates to Cabella due to raffle rules for guns. The WNAAA Nominating committee presented the slate for 2015 WNAAA Officers. The nominees who will be voted on at the December Board of Directors Meeting are: • President – Pat Stamps (TX) • Vice President – Leslie Craft (NC) • Secretary – Sue Stewart (TX) • Treasurer – Katie Baker (ID) The WNAAA will not award a scholarship this year. The 2015 WNAAA Scholarship topic will be “Why the Agricultural Aviation Industry Supports the Marking of MET Towers”.
State Director Reports Gavin Morse from Washington State reported on a PBS television series in his state called Washington Grown. They recently did a full episode on aerial application and how aerial application plays a role in food getting to the fork. The episode is expected to air soon. The meeting then went into Executive Session at 4:05 p.m
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November 2014
EPA restricts new chemical to ground apps only EPA says in future to apply this approach WASHINGTON--The EPA is registering the herbicide, Enlist Duo with first-time ever restrictions to manage the problem of resistant weeds. The pesticide is for use in controlling weeds in corn and soybeans genetically-engineered (GE) to tolerate 2,4-
D and glyphosate. The agency’s decision reflects a large body of science and an understanding of the risk of pesticides to human health and the environment. The herbicides 2,4-D and glyphosate are two of the most widely used herbicides in the world for controlling weeds. Dozens of other countries including Canada, Mexico, Japan and 26 European Union Members have approved these pesticides for use on numerous crops and residential lawns. Last year, Canada approved the use of Enlist Duo for the same uses that EPA is authorizing. EPA scientists used highly conservative and protective assumptions to evaluate human health and ecological risks for the new uses of 2,4-D in Enlist Duo. The assessments confirm that these uses meet the safety standards for pesticide registration and, as approved, will be protective of the public, agricultural workers, and non-target species, including endangered species.
The agency evaluated the risks to all age groups, from infants to the elderly, and took into account exposures through food, water, pesticide drift, and as a result of use around homes. The decision meets the rigorous Food Quality Protection Act standard of "reasonable certainty of no harm" to human health. The approved formulation contains the choline salt of 2,4-D which is less prone to drift than the other forms of 2,4-D. The Agency has also put in place restrictions to avoid pesticide drift, including a 30-foot in-field “no spray” buffer zone around the application area, no pesticide application when the wind speed is over 15 mph, and only ground applications are permitted. This action provides an additional tool for the agricultural community to manage resistant weeds. To ensure that weeds will not become resistant to 2,4-D and continue increased herbicide use, EPA is imposing a new, robust set of requirements on the registrant. These requirements include extensive surveying and reporting to EPA, grower education and remediation plans. The registration will expire in six years, allowing EPA to revisit the issue of resistance. In the future, the agency intends to apply this approach to weed resistance management for all existing and new herbicides used on herbicide tolerant crops.
EPA has evaluated the safety of
once more in 2012 and now again in 2014 in response to the current application. EPA is registering the pesticide in six states: Ill., Ind., Iowa, Ohio, SD., and Wis. The agency is accepting comments until Nov. 14, 2014 (30 days) on whether to register Enlist Duo in ten more states: Ark., Kan., La., Minn., Mo., Miss., Neb., Okla., Tenn., and ND. The EPA’s final regulatory decision document is available in EPA docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2014-0195 at
2,4-D and the safety finding is consistent
t oud o be d Pr
ely to
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ROBERT BAKER KATIE BAKER 2245 Airport Rd., P.O. Box 155 Midvale, Idaho 83645 Phone: (208) 229-8340 • Fax: (208) 355-1114
This assessment is the third time in recent years that EPA has evaluated the safety of 2,4-D and the safety finding is consistent with past assessments that EPA has performed for 2,4-D. EPA comprehensively reviewed 2,4-D in 2005, and
26/08/13 1:23 PM
November 2014
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The worth of life insurance is I write this article as an insurance broker, but more importantly as the wife of a long time ag pilot and operator. Each time I hear of an ag accident with a fatality, my heart sinks and I think, “I sure do hope that pilot had life insurance for his family”.
• Food on the table for a crying baby. • Mortgage payments so the spouse and children have a roof over their heads. • Education for the children. • Maybe a little breathing room for the wife or husband while putting the pieces of their family back together. • But most of all, life insurance is a means to show love for family!
What does life insurance mean to a family whose loved one does not walk through the door one night? It could mean:
There are many myths about life insurance, such as being too expensive especially since I am a pilot, or I don’t need life
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insurance now as I don’t have a lot of debt, or I am healthy and nothing will happen to me so I will buy life insurance later on. More often than not, many of us simply think, “I am too busy today and buying life insurance can wait until tomorrow!” Tomorrow may never arrive. To be honest, I really don’t think any of us “plan” on a car accident, a plane accident or cancer at any age, do we? Make a quick life insurance needs calculation for your family if an income earner (a husband or a wife) were removed from the family due to death. How much money would it take for your family to sustain a comfortable standard of living? Include in your calculation funeral expenses, mortgages, education needs, vehicle, boat, business and airplane debts and finally an annual income replacement. You ask, “How would I calculate income replacement or how to calculate what four years of college will cost when my three-year old child turns 18?” That is where an insurance broker becomes part of the calculation. Don’t hesitate to contact your agent, or me, for a quick conversation on the steps you need to take to secure life insurance for you and your family. No matter if you are a young couple just getting started or someone with grown children, the future can seem boundless. Keep in mind that loving your family means taking responsibility for your family so that they will be provided for financially, no matter what life may bring. Safe flying.
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November 2014
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EPA seeks input on improvements WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has posted additional data and added new functions to ChemView, EPA’s publicly-accessible, one-stop online tool to find information for chemicals regulated under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). “In the absence of TSCA reform, EPA is moving ahead to improve access to chemical health and safety information, and increase the dialogue to help the public choose safer ingredients used in everyday products,” said James Jones, Assistant Administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention. “The additional data along with a customer satisfaction survey will make chemical information more readily available for decision-makers and consumers.” The enhanced data functions include: improving the display and content for the Chemical Data Reporting information, adding a new link that displays the pollution prevention
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information generated as part of the Toxics Release Inventory program, and launching an administrative tool that will save EPA resources by streamlining the loading of future information.
Chemical Abstracts Service number, use, hazard effect, or regulatory action and has the flexibility to create tailored views of the information on individual chemicals.
The updated database now includes the following new information: 244 consent orders, an additional 1,205 Significant New Use Rules (SNURs) for new and existing chemicals, 16 additional chemicals with test rule data, and updates to the Safer Chemicals Ingredient List. This is the first time EPA has posted consent orders and new chemical SNURs to ChemView. With these additions, ChemView now contains information on almost 10,000 chemicals.
By increasing health and safety information and identifying safer chemical ingredients, manufacturers and retailers will have the information to better differentiate their products by using safer ingredients. To complete the survey, or to view and search ChemView, visit: index.html
EPA is also encouraging people to complete a ten minute customer satisfaction survey to help guide future improvements to ChemView. This survey asks about how people use ChemView, the usefulness of the tool, how it can be optimized to help advance chemical safety, and suggestions for additional content and functionality. EPA will use the information from the survey to continuously improve ChemView. ChemView was launched in 2013 to increase the availability of information on chemicals as part of a commitment to strengthen the existing chemicals program and improve access to and usefulness of chemical data and information. The tool displays key health and safety information and uses data in a format that allows quick understanding, with links to more detailed information. Searches can be conducted by chemical name or
For over 30 years, ISOLAIR has been manufacturing industry leading helicopter systems for the firefighting, forestry and aerial application industries. With a broad line of certified and custom For over 30 years, ISOLAIR has been manufacturing industry leading helicopter systems for the helicopter equipment, ISOLAIR has the system to fit your company’s needs. From agricultural spray firefighting, forestry and aerial application industries. With a broad line of certified and custom systems andequipment, bucket spreaders firefighting grapples torches, ISOLAIR can helicopter ISOLAIRtohas the systemsystems, to fit yourforestry company’s needs.and From agricultural spray and will do it forestry all! systems and bucket spreaders to firefighting systems, grapples and torches, ISOLAIR can With competitive pricing, quality assurance, to itinstall andeasy will do all! products, and an ongoing commitment to customer service, we welcome you to contact us.toOur friendly and and knowledgeable staff is ready to With competitive pricing, quality assurance, easy install products, an ongoing commitment answer your questions help you the ISOLAIR best meet your to customer service, weand welcome youfind to contact us. Oursystem friendlythat and will knowledgeable staff isoperational ready to answer your questions and help you find requirements. the ISOLAIR system that will best meet your operational
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November 2014
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ntsb reports NTSB Identification: *WPR14CA293* Date: July 14, 2014 Location: Marysville, CA Aircraft: GRUMMAN ACFT ENG COR-SCHWEIZER G 164B Injuries: 1 Uninjured. The pilot reported that while on takeoff roll with the wind calm, he noticed that the airplane had failed to gain enough speed to lift off. He then added throttle and attempted to dump the load, but the dump-stop prevented him from jettisoning the load. The pilot stated that at the very end of the runway the airplane lifted off, followed by the tailwheel impacting a small ridge, which slowed the airplane. The aircraft subsequently cleared a ditch and then started impacting young trees, with large trees directly in front of him. The pilot added that he then pulled the power off and landed in a field of young trees. The upper and
lower wing panels were substantially damaged. The pilot stated that the accident could have been prevented had he made sure that the dump stop was flipped over prior to takeoff, which would have allowed the load to be dumped faster. The pilot also stated that due to the temperature having increased from what it was earlier that morning, he should have reduced his chemical load. The density altitude at the time of the accident was calculated to be about 2,042 feet mean sea level (msl); the elevation of the airstrip was about 90 feet msl. The pilot reported no mechanical malfunctions or failures with the airplane that would have precluded normal operation. NTSB Identification: *CEN14CA403* Date: July 31, 2014 Location: Allen, NE Aircraft: ROBINSON HELICOPTER R44
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November 2014
Injuries: 1 Minor. The helicopter pilot was conducting an agricultural spray operation to a sloped field with several hills and valleys. As he approached a set of midfield power lines on about his fortieth pass, the pilot encountered stronger winds with significant turbulence and lost control of the helicopter. The helicopter struck a guy-wire for the midfield power lines and subsequently impacted the ground nose first.
On August 10, 2014, about 1115 central daylight time, a Bell 47G-2 helicopter impacted terrain near Jeanerette, Louisiana. The commercial rated pilot, sole occupant, was fatality injured and the helicopter was substantially damaged. The helicopter was under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 137, as an agricultural flight. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed for the flight, which operated without a flight plan.
NTSB Identification: *CEN14LA415* Date: August 10, 2014 Location: Jeanerette, LA Aircraft: BELL 47G 2 Injuries: 1 Fatal.
A witness, who was driving northbound, reported that he noticed the helicopter flying west to east, at about 200 feet. The helicopter changed altitude, descended to just above the sugarcane tops, then pitched down. He then observed smoke and assumed the helicopter had crashed. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) inspectors responded to the accident site and documented the wreckage. The wreckage was then recovered for further examination.
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NTSB Identification: *CEN14LA480* Date: August 16, 2014 Location: Hearne, TX Aircraft: CESSNA 188C Injuries: 1 Serious. On August 16, 2014, about 0950 central daylight time, a Cessna 188 agricultural airplane sustained substantial damage when it collided with a fence line and the ground while applying
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herbicides to a field. The commercial pilot sustained serious injuries. The agricultural flight was conducted under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 137. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed in the vicinity. The flight originated from a private agricultural airstrip near Burlington, Texas at 0830. According to the operator, the airplane was being used to apply herbicides to a milo crop field. As it passed over the field, the bottom of the airplane came into contact with the heads of the milo. The airplane continued through a six-strand wire fence and struck a metal post with the left wing, continued across a farm road and ground looped.
three times before impacting the ground. The pilot reported no preimpact mechanical failures or malfunctions with the helicopter that would have precluded normal operation. NTSB Identification: *ERA14FA399* Date: August 20, 2014 Location: Parsons, TN Aircraft: AIR TRACTOR INC AT-802A Injuries: 1 Fatal.
NTSB Identification: *CEN14CA444* Date: August 18, 2014 Location: Saint Peter, MN Aircraft: HUGHES 369HS Injuries: 1 Uninjured.
On August 20, 2014, about 1500 central daylight time, an Air Tractor AT-802A was substantially damaged when it impacted trees and a bean field near Parsons, Tennessee. The commercial pilot was fatally injured. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed, and no flight plan had been filed for the flight, which departed Beech River Regional Airport (PVE), LexingtonParsons, Tennessee. The local aerial application flight was conducted under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 137.
During an application flight, the pilot maneuvered the helicopter in order to conduct another pass, maintaining vigilance of the high lines and trees in the vicinity of his operations. The pilot stated that he did not see the two wires spanning from across the road into the bean field where he was applying insecticide. He flew right into the wires which subsequently entangled around the mast of the helicopter. During the forced landing to the field, the "controls locked up" and the helicopter spun to the right
The debris path was located on flat terrain and began with an initial tree impact about 50 feet above ground level, was oriented on a 107 degree magnetic heading, and was approximately 340 feet in length. In the immediate vicinity of the initial tree strike was an impact separated propeller blade. Approximately 65 feet beyond the initial tree impact point, there was a 1-footdeep, 5-foot-long crater in the field. There were several yellow paint chips located on the ground between the initial tree strike
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Air Tractor AT-802 Powered by Honeywell TPE331-14GR 1650 SHP 4500 HSI/9000 CAM November 2014
and the initial ground impact point. The main wreckage came to rest inverted on a heading of 208 degrees. An odor similar to aviation Jet A fuel was noted in the vicinity of the wreckage. The soy bean plants in the vicinity of the main wreckage exhibited blight along the plant leaves. The airplane was impact fractured into multiple sections and pieces. All flight control surfaces were located throughout the debris field. Rudder and elevator control continuity was confirmed via the control cables from the cockpit to the respective flight control surfaces. Aileron continuity was confirmed from the control column, through push rods and bellcrank fractures, to the ailerons. Examination of the engine revealed that the axial turbine blade tips exhibited smearing. The axial compressor disc outer rim and blade platforms exhibited circumferential rubbing. Several portions of the engine that encased the turbines exhibited rotational scoring. The five propeller blades that were impact separated from the propeller hub were located along the debris path and exhibited torsional bending and chordwise scratching. In addition, several pieces of the impact tree were recovered that exhibited an approximate 45 degree angle cut and exhibited black paint transfer along the cuts. NTSB Identification: *CEN14LA450* Date: August 24, 2014 Location: Natchez, LA
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Aircraft: AIR TRACTOR INC AT 401 Injuries: 1 Uninjured. On August 24, 2014, about 1730 central daylight time, an Air Tractor AT-401 was destroyed by a post-impact ground fire after a forced landing due to a loss of engine power near Natchez, Louisiana. The pilot was not injured. The airplane was under the provisions of the 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 137 as an aerial application flight. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident. No flight plan was filed. The airplane was departing from a private grass airstrip near Natchez, Louisiana, at 1730 on a local flight. The pilot reported that during climbout about 75 feet above the runway, he heard a loud "pop" and the engine started to lose power. He dumped the 250 gallons of chemical that weighed about 2,000 pounds. The airplane continued to lose altitude. He executed a forced landing to a cotton field, and during the landing roll the airplane hit a ditch which spun the airplane around. A post impact engine fire ensued and it consumed the airplane. NTSB Identification: *CEN14LA487* Date: September 06, 2014 Location: Macedonia, IA Aircraft: ROBINSON HELICOPTER COMPANY R44 II Injuries: 1 Serious.
On September 6, 2014, about 1245 central daylight time, a Robinson R44 II helicopter impacted a suspended power line near Macedonia, Iowa. The pilot sustained serious injuries and the helicopter was substantially damaged. The helicopter was under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 137 as an aerial application flight. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident and no flight plan was filed. The local flight originated at an unknown time. The responding Federal Aviation Administration inspector stated that witnesses observed the helicopter strike the power lines and then impact terrain. The pilot was able to egress the wreckage and was flown to a hospital for treatment. A GPS was recovered from the accident site and was sent to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Recorders Lab for download. NTSB Identification: *WPR14LA371* Date: September 09, 2014 Location: Buckeye, AZ Aircraft: AYRES CORPORATION S2R T34 Injuries: 1 Uninjured. On September 9, 2014, about 1000 mountain standard time, a Ayres S2R-T34 airplane was substantially damaged during an off airport landing, following a loss of engine power during the takeoff initial climb from a private agricultural airstrip, about
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November 2014
domestic advertiser index AeroFlow, Inc..................................37B AgAir Turbines...............................33B Ag-Tips............................................14B AgAviation School..........................24B AgriData..........................................42B AgriSmart Info. Systems...............16B AgSync.............................................44B AgTelligent......................................22B Air Repair........................................23B Air South Insurance.......................11B Air Tech Coatings Inc. ...................32B Aircraft Accessories of OK..............5B AMSAFE.............................................8B Auger Dan.......................................42B APS..................................................41B ASU..................................................17B BASF..................................................4B Blue Stripe Distributing.................43B BrightPortal....................................23B Bruces Flying Service.....................18B Chester Robert Supply..................40B Corporate Aviation Insurance......36B Curtis DynaFog...............................31B Dallas Airmotive...............................7B Davidson Solid Rock Ins................43B Dunn & Dunn Financial.................34B Eagle Vistas.......................................6B Electronics International...............35B Enstrom Corp.................................10B Falcon Insurance Agency, Inc. .....31B Farm Air, Inc...................................21B Flying Tiger Aviation......................10B FMC Corp........................................14B Garrco Products, Inc......................15B Hardy Aviation Ins Inc. .................29B Houston Airmotive........................29B Hunter AgriSales............................18B Insero................................................1B Intercontinental Jet Corp..............34B Isolair Inc........................................37B Kimmel Insurance Agency..............8B Lane Aviation........................... 9B, 11B Mid Continent....................... 36B, 38B Mint Turbine...................................25B NAAA.................................................3B NationAir Insurance......................40B Northstar Aviation...........................6B OctaFlex..........................................30B Pickett Equipment.........................39B PIM Aviation Insurance..................19B Prime Turbines..............................12B PropWorks Propeller Sys, Inc.......17B RT Turbines Inc..............................20B Reabe Aircraft Improvement.......28B Regions Insurance.........................12B Rocky Mountain Propeller............30B Roy Neal Insurance.......................32B S & T Aircraft Accessories, Inc......22B Southeastern Aircraft....................35B Southwest Airmotive.....................36B Start Pac..........................................19B Tennessee Aircraft Co...................22B Trace...............................................27B Turbine Aircraft Services................8B Turbine Installations.....................41B Turbines Inc....................................43B Valley Air Crafts..............................13B Wayne Handley..............................26B Zee Systems...................................16B
30 miles west of Buckeye, Arizona. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed, and the solo commercial pilot was not injured. During a telephone conversation with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigator-in-charge (IIC) on September 9, a company representative said that the pilot and airplane had flown 2-3 hours that morning, and no problems with the airplane had been reported. He said the pilot told him that during the accident takeoff, all systems were normal as the airplane lifted off the ground. Upon reaching about 30 feet above the ground, the engine's rpm dropped as though someone had pulled the power lever to idle. The pilot flew the airplane straight ahead, and it descended into a field. During the off airstrip landing, the airplane sustained structural damage to the wings and fuselage. The airplane is being recovered to a storage facility for further examination. NTSB Identification: *CEN14LA519* Date: September 19, 2014 Location: Woodburn, IN Aircraft: PIPER PA 36-285 Injuries: 1 Uninjured.
On September 19, 2014, about 1900 eastern daylight time, a Piper PA-36-285 airplane sustained substantial damage during a forced landing following a loss of engine power on takeoff from the Steinman Airport (53II), Woodburn, Indiana. The pilot was not injured. The airplane was under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 137 as an aerial application flight. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed for the flight, which was not operated on a flight plan. The flight was originating at the time of the accident. NTSB Identification: *CEN15CA001* Date: October 01, 2014 Location: Yankton, SD Aircraft: PIPER PA 25-235 Injuries: 1 Uninjured. After conducting an aerial application flight and attempting to return to the airport, the pilot noticed that the fuel float gauge displayed a low quantity. The airplane's engine experienced a total loss of power. The pilot performed a forced landing in a cornfield about 3 miles west of the airport. The airplane sustained substantial damage to the left wing. The pilot reported in a postaccident statement that he ran out of fuel.
years at Chalkling
by Bill Lavender Uruguay is a relatively small country with about 3.5 million citizens and around 130 ag planes owned by 30 ag-aviation companies. In 2013, six new Air Tractors and two new Thrush aircraft were brought into the country. Aerial applications are important for the country’s 180,000 hectares of rice farmed by slightly more than 500 growers (International Rice Research Institute) and approximately 1 million hectares of soybeans (MercoPress). Besides rice, soybeans and miscellaneous other crops, cover crops have become an important application for aerial applicators with Uruguay’s implementation of “The Green Bridge”. The Uruguayan MGAP (Ministerio de Ganaderia, Agricultura y Pesca / Minister of Animal Husbandry, Agriculture and
Victoria Chalkling Blanc, Charles Chalkling S.A.’s International Business Manager and the granddaughter of founder Charles Chalkling and Juan Chalkling, President of Charles Chalkling S.A. and AT-502B pilot, with the company’s AT-502B in Paysandu, Uruguay.
November 2014
In 2009, Charles Chalkling S.A. bought this 1982 B-Model Ag-Cat with only 450 hours total time. Today, the aircraft has considerably more hours and still looks new.
Fish) implemented a new ruling that requires all soybean land to be planted year round. This means instead of farmland being fallow in the winter, it has to be planted with a cover crop, such as barley. Furthermore, soybeans cannot be planted on the same acreage for more than three consecutive years. Uruguayan farmers have decided the best and most economical way to comply with this law is to spread the cover crop seed by air in the maturing leaves of soybean plants. This has brought a significant amount of new flying to Uruguayan operators and during a very good time of the year. Several operators have bought new airplanes with larger capabilities to be able to handle this increase in workload. One of the oldest and leading aerial application companies in Uruguay is Charles Chalkling S.A., formed in 1948 by Charles Chalkling as an air taxi service. However, even before the formation of Charles Chalkling S.A., Charles Chalkling, coming from a family of farmers, was
This Brantley helicopter, in storage in Paysandu, was bought by founder Charles Chalkling and used in the 1970s to compete with the ground machines. It was not a profitable business venture. Today, there are no helicopters spraying in UY.
flying milk to the market when rainfall hindered farmers with roads that were too muddy to travel to nearby Paysandu. Today, Charles Chalkling S.A. operates from the same airport in Paysandu that its founder built in 1960. At that time, sugar beets were a major crop in the Paysandu area and there was a need for aerial applications. Chalkling bought serial number 17 Ag-Cat with a 220 HP engine and imported it into Uruguay. It was one of the very first Ag-Cats to be exported to South America. The aircraft was set up to apply 100 l/ha (10 GPA) for fungicide applications on the beets. The hectares that could not be treated by air were sprayed with ground machines owned by the beet companies. Chalkling realized an opportunity and bought a Brantley helicopter that is now in storage in one of the Paysandu hangars. Chalkling partnered with Fernando Moreno to buy and learn to fly the helicopter, each receiving the second and third helicopter
ratings in Uruguay. Their instructor held the first helicopter rating. When Charles Chalkling passed away in 1982, his wife, Susana, and five children, Juan, Carlos, Susana, Cecilia and Carolina, followed in his footsteps pursuing his vision for a family business. Nowadays, the family team members are Juan Chalkling (president), Cecilia Chalkling (finance manager), Juan AndĂŠs Blanc (operations manager), Carolina Chalkling (Legal representative), Eduardo LetamendĂa (regional manager Treinta y Tres), Patricia Blanc (administration manager) and Victoria Blanc (International Business Manager). They are convinced that the only way to succeed is to keep moving forward. Carlos Chalkling passed away in April 2011. Charles Chalkling S.A. bought out Fernando Moreno and eventually closed down the helicopter operation when the beet companies closed in 1988. This
required the company to expand its spraying operations to include wheat. It further expanded in 1992 to Treinta y Tres where it primarily treats rice. With the expansion, the Ag-Cat was upgraded to a 300 HP Jacob and in the late 1990s that engine was exchanged for a 600 HP R-1340. This was mainly to be able to meet the demand of the rice work in Treinta y Tres. The company continued its growth and
William Lopez cold rolling the shank of a Hartzell propeller blade.
expanded further by adding ground machines in 2004. Wheat acreage was declining in Paysandu while rice acreage was on the rise in Treinta y Tres. The ground machines complimented the aircraft, giving growers a complete onestop service for applications. In November 2010, Charles Chalkling S.A. added its first turbine-powered aircraft to its fleet, an AT-502B sold by Frost Flying Service from the U.S. In June 2013, a second new AT-502B was added, sold
(L) William Lopez and (R) Fernando Lopez assembling a McCauley propeller in the Charles Chalkling S.A. propeller shop.
With 12 ground machines, one AT-502B, four 600 HP B-Model Ag-Cats and a 300 HP A-Model Ag-Cat used for training and ag-flying, Charles Chalkling S.A.
Carlos Chalking working on a propellor in the prop shop.
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by AgSur Aviones based in Argentina. In December 2013, one of the AT-502B pilots was involved in a tragic fatal accident while spraying. Rodrigo Carbo was an excellent ag-pilot and a longtime team member and friend of everyone at Charles Chalkling S.A. He is missed by everyone who knew him.
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Micro VG Kits Available for: Air Tractor: AT-300, AT-301, AT-302, AT-400, AT-400A, AT-401,
AT-401A, AT-401B, AT-402, AT-402A, AT-402B, AT-501, AT-502, AT-502A, AT-502B, AT-504 Thrush: S2R, S2R-T11, S2R-T15, S2R-T34, S2RHG-T34, S2R-T45, S2R-T65, S2RHG-T65, S2R-R1340, S2R-R1820, S2R-R3S, S2R-G1, S2R-G5, S2R-G6, S2R-G10, S2R-H80 (510G) Cessna Models: 188B, A188B, T188C Dromader : PZL M18, M18A, M18B Piper Brave: PA-36-285, PA-36-300, PA-36-375 Weatherly: 201, 201A, 201B, 201C, 620, 620A, 620B
November 2014
spray season in 2014. There are also two flight instructors.
(L) Andres Heinzen - Systems Administrator for GPS units, computers, mapping and other IT work. (R) Sebastian Masalles, a new ag-pilot with Charles Chalkling S.A.
is positioned to handle any amount of spraying, fertilizing or seeding needed. There may even be a second AT-502B bought in the near future. Today, there are five pilots, including Juan Chalkling and a student pilot about to start his first
The 300 HP Ag-Cat is used primarily for training. All Charles Chalkling S.A. pilots graduated from the company’s flight school. It is a five-year program from the first flight to the ag-seat and includes teaching the pilots English taught by Victoria Blanc Chalkling, granddaughter of Charles Chalkling. Victoria is also the company’s International Business Manager. A student receives up to 140 hours of flight training, the first hours in a Cessna C-150, with the last 100 hours for the Commercial Pilot’s License at a flight school in Montevideo. The student returns to Paysandu for at least 10 hours of ag flight training in the company Luscombe to hone his tailwheel skills and learn the GPS. Next, the student advances to the 300 HP Ag-Cat for another 10 hours or more of ag flight training. By the time
Happily receiving the new AT-502B: (L-R) Hugo Vergninano (Ferry Pilot), Ignacio Boffano (Pilot), Juan José Perez (Ag-Pilot), Eduardo Letamendía (Regional Manager Treinta y Tres), Juan Andrés Blanc (Operations Manager Paysandú-below), Rodrigo Carbo (Ag-Pilot), Victoria Blanc (International Business Manager), Cecilia Chalkling (Financial Manager), Juan Chalkling (President). On wing: Thomas Chalkling (Juan’s son) and Juan Carlos Blanc (Cecilia and Juan Andrés’ son).
the student is ready to start spraying, he will have logged approximately 500 hours total time.
(L) Charles Chalkling helps a farmer get his milk to the market with the airplane. (circa 1960s)
Charles Chalkling and Fernando Moreno (both standing) land in a beet field to check the crop with the Brantley helicopter. (circa 1960s)
The student pilot works as an employee of Charles Chalkling S.A. in the various shops of the company and with ground operations. Charles Chalkling S.A. has the only propeller overhaul shop in Uruguay for ag, general and military aviation. The company also has a full-rebuild shop for aircraft that includes recently beginning the process of becoming a certified Thrush Service Center. Charles Chalkling S.A. certificated two new Thrushes that entered Uruguay in 2013. The company is also a DINACIA
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(equivalent to FAA) certified repair station AMHC 118 for aircraft, engines, propellers and accesories. The DINACIA has approved the company to repair both Class 1 engines (up to 400 horspower) and Class 2 engine (more than 400 HP). Although not currently certified by Pratt & Whitney Canada to work on PT6A engines, there are plans for this to happen in the near future. Of the 60 employees at Charles Chalkling S.A., 14 work in the repair and propeller shops. All are young and enthusiastic, living nearby in the Paysandu area. They receive on-the-job training and are offered English classes, as well. The employee donates 1/2 hour of his lunch break and the company contributes another 1/2 hour for an hour of English class each day. Aerial applications are made with the guidance of three TrimFlight Trimble GPS units with Auto-Cal flow control. The company also uses SATLOC Bantam and Ag-Nav GPS units. A Trimble unit is used for training.
Brothers Carlos Martin and Juan Daniel Chalkling working on the Luscombe used to train Charles Chalkling S.A. ag pilots. The primary crop treated in Paysandu is soybeans, followed by cover crops and wheat. Typical application rates for soybeans are 5 l/ha (1/2 gpa) for insecticides and 10 l/ha (1 gpa) for fungicides. In Treinta y Tres, approximately 75% of the flying is over rice, while the remainder is
soybeans. Typical application rates are 15 l/ha (1.5 gpa) for insecticides and 20 l/ha (2 gpa) for fungicides. Some burn-down applications are made with glyphosate, but it is not a common practice because there are too many sensitive crops. Only about 40% of the rice fields will receive an application of glyphosate. The first application over rice is a herbicide at 10-
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The cockpit panel of the Charles Chalkling S.A. AT-502B. The Garmin GPS is used for cross country flying with a SATLOC Bantom GPS using an Intelliflow flow control in the center for crop spraying and a real time tire gauge that alerts the pilot of low tire pressure.
The cockpit panel of a Charles Chalkling S.A. Ag-Cat with a Trimble TrimFlight GPS unit mounted. Note the lightbar is inside the cockpit. The Charles Chalkling S.A. shop designed and built the panel.
15 l/ha using CP-3 nozzles on the Ag-Cats and the CP-T11 on the faster Air Tractor. The following applications on rice are dry urea with two applications a couple of weeks apart, 50-60 kg/ha (5060 lb/a) each, or one application at 200 kg/ha. The typical yield for Uruguayan rice is about 10,000 kg/ha(5 tons/acre).
Cover crops are seeded by air using a Breckenridge spreader. The seed comes in bags and is loaded with a boom truck, pictured here. Chalkling has seven service trucks to support six ag-aircraft and twelve service trucks to support twelve ground machines. Trucks have 4000 and 5000-liter water tanks with 2000-liter fuel tanks. All ground personnel have radios to be able to talk to the pilots.
Approximately 30% of the spraying the grower anticipates needing is contracted. This forward contracting of hectares is vital for the company to be able to plan and meet the demands of its customers. Juan Chalkling figures it takes at least 40,000 hectares (100,000 acres) a year for five years to justify an airplane like the AT-502B.
Growers contract work with Charles Chalkling S.A. in advance.
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To further challenge Uruguayan ag-operators, the DINACIA has enacted a new RAU137 (Federal Aviation Rules Part 137). These new rules create unnecessary burdens on Uruguayan operators because they apply more to Part 121 and Part 135 or military operations than a small agricultural aviation company. Before, operators were regulated by the same rules as the U.S. Part 137 with a low accident rate and only one fatality in more than 15 years. These rules were doing a good job for the operators and now it is difficult to understand why the DINACIA changed them. Today, an ag operation in Uruguay is required to have numerous and often unnecessary job positions, The new regulations require an ag-aviation company to have a General Director/Manager, an Operations Manager (must be a current pilot), a Director of Maintenance, a technician for agriculture operations, a Chief Pilot with a minimum of 1,500 hours, engineers on staff and a Safety Director. It is possible for the owner to hold one or maybe two of the positions, but to comply with the new regulations more people will have to be hired for full time jobs that do not require a week’s work. Even for a large company like Charles Chalkling S.A. with its 60 employees, the new RAU 137 creates a financial burden. Despite any hardships endured by an ag-operation in Uruguay, Charles Chalkling S.A. sets a good example for ag-operations worldwide to follow. The company has been in business for over 60 years, located at its main base in Paysandu for over 50 years. It is a premier example of a family business providing jobs and opportunities for others.
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November 2014
Used Parts Buy or Sale
1974 G164 A, 5200tt, 0 SMOH, on 985, Leech Engine, O SMOH hydro. prop, new blades, 80 gal fuel, wind ext., Aeron Servo, drop SS booms. Fresh paint and fabric on tail & wings, New tires. $105,000. For more information call 979-257-6695 (11-14)
G-164 B AgCat. N48485. 2883.3 hours since Hershey Rebuild. 0 TSHSI from Ag Air Turbines. 683.6 SMOH prop, 9.8 starter generator OH. Equipment list: TPE 331-1151A installed Agri-Jet STC. Raised Wing, Centerline Vertical Tall Tail, 330 Hopper, Aero Mod Wing Extensions, Aileron, Elevator, and Rudder Servos, Heavy Gear, 115 gal. Fuel, Turbine Conversions Single Point Fueling System, Sat Loc, Right Boom Shut Off, Smoker, Air Conditioner, Swathmaster Spreader and Duke Metering System, Fuel Flow/Totalizer, No Corrosion and Current Annual at the time of sale. Truly is the nicest AgCat on the market and ready to go to work. Contact Jared Storm at 402-443-7979 or Hershey Flying Service at 308-368-5556. 01-15 AmAg B600 rebuild- NEW fuselage & HFS, 335 gal hopper, Fresh metalized wings, 80 gal fuel, 0 SOHAF&P, 356 SMOH/ 0 IRAN Engine, TSTail, M3 Satloc w/ CropHawk, TLand gate, DAF SSS spray system. $215K or $145K your E&P. Frank Kelley 870-8862418 or -2489FAX. Email agcat@bscn. com, AgCat Sales/Service/Parts since 1971 tfn
Fleet Sale: 3A+, 2B-600’s. Clean, Well maintained. All 5 fob France for $500K w/CofA s ; I n d i v i d u a l l y $10 0 -14 0 K . AMAG B600 rebuild- NEW fuselage & 335 gal hopper, M3 Satloc, T. S.T m i n t w/0 - S O H , A F/E/P $215 K o r $145K your E&P. 870-886-2418/2489FAXAgCat Sales/ Service/Parts since 1971 * tfn
1976 -27 B model 400 gallon Ag-Cat. 375 SIRAN on compressor and PS, LPFP fcu and wet spline on starter, raised wings, 114 gal fuel, new vfin and hstab fabric, repainted major panels and engine cowl, sp fuel, smoker, ac, drop booms, ss spray valve, ss tailwheel. With or without Bantam. $315,000. 409-2964300 or 409-659-6415. (11-14)
G-164B Sn# 194B TT: 14220.7 R-985AN14B . Sn#: JP-211364 323.5 hrs. Covington Major O. H Annual due: 01- 02-15. Prop IR AN on 02/03/14. Del Nor te GPS D drop booms & CP nozzles Fan Bake, Grumman Gate & Spreader, Windshield Washer. SS belly skin, Wingman Tall centerline tail, Smoker, Landing lights, 80 gallon fuel sys. Sealed cockpit, 1” main gear Tail wheel lock, 289 gallon Hopper.$125,000 For more information call Darryl Riddell 870-5729011 days or 870-995-1323 nights and weekends (11-14)
1976 G164B; 420 Gal. Maxicat conversion; 11528 TT; Engine TTSN 9622 always overhauled NEVER exchanged. Same log book. Great turbine candidate, engine and prop worth $50,000 plus. 1118 SMOH Tulsa; Albartoss blades, Satloc M3 Intellaflo, 3 booms, superboom with ceramic disk and core, AFS rotary, ULV; wire cutters, bottom load fuel, Oregon Aero soft seat, tall straight tail and much more. Never wrecked, Owner flown since new, owner retiring. Price reduced. Call 509-429-2217 or email BillLockwood2@ (11-14)
O r d e r y o u r Tu r b i n e A g C a t P e n and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at TFN 1978 Ag Cat G164B, PT6-20, 749 SHOT, 749 since prop overhaul. 330 Hopper, GPS with flow control, CP nozzles, Fabric in good cond. For more information call 229-724-9155 or 229-768-3181 (11-14)
O rd e r yo u r B M o d e l Ag C at Pe n and Ink Drawing From our DeSpain Collection today for $60. plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at TFN
2012 AT-802 1200TT-65, 308 gl fuel, smoker, Amsafe restraints, ac/heat, Lane electric brake/fan, 10” Trans hyd gate w/ controller, Shadin, night working lights, G-4 w/flow control, single point fuel, load hawg, no damage, hopper rinse, CP-11 nozzles, great condition. Call 573-4212573. (11-14)
Looking for a 400 gal Super B model Ag cat fuselage frame. Call 701-636-5880 ask for Jay. t fn)
D Model Ag- Cat -34 P&W, 550 gal hopper, 120 gal fuel, too many other modifications to list. Serious inquires only. For more information call EF Lyon. 337-526-4850 (11-14)
1978 G164B Queen Cat 350 gallon h o p p e r, 8 6 2 4 T T, 1 3 4 0 e n g i n e 0 SMOH,Hydromatic Prop IRAN 6/2/14,New Carb,New GOV, AC,M3, Weather Aero fan, Spreader Booms Cps,Load Hog,one New Mag. Ready to Fly $170,000. Call Dan Shannon 662-6246695. (11-14)
J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. has the remnants of one A-model Cat with 4 decent wing cores and a center section. Can send pictures. Call Sid or Jerry 800-542-8565 or emial At fn
1975 –N8788H - AgCat 450A, Zero Covington Eng, hydromatic, 80 fuel, extended wing, Smoker, 2650 TT. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573359-0500 tfn
air tractor 1990 AT-402 PT6-34 available, AFTT 8712, 197 TSHSI Covington. AmSafe Restraints, Reabe Hopper Qty, Satloc M3, over 7500 hours remaining on spars by Air Tractor, New Paint, many new parts and pics on request. Call or email Jarrod at 701-845-2100 or (11-14) 2013 Air Tractor AT-502B -34, 1170 T TAFE, SATLOC G 4 w/ Intellif low, single point fuel, Wingman, cabin A/C heat, hopper wash, smoker, shoulder restraints w/ airbags, CP-11 nozzles w/ swivels, 3” bottom load system, Swathmaster spreader, fresh annual and HSI w/ sale. $750,000. Call Brent 662-7197519 (11-14)
2003 AT-502B-34, 6265TT, 300 SHOT. Bantam gps with g4 screen, flow control, load hawg, comm radio with audio panel, spreader, cp check valves with cp-11’s, flashing landing lights. New paint in 2011 and gone through with new landing gear, new prop, wing redone with newer 9000k wing, 8000k hrs left. Airplane is ready to work. Call Brent 573-620-1815 or email (11-14) 2012 Air Tractor 602-65, 2000 TTAFE, variable rate gate, wingman, SATLOC G4, and many other extras. Call Lyle at 662588-6002 (11-14)
1992 AT-502-34, TT 11224, 216 Gal. Fuel, G-4 Flow Control, Air conditioning, Cabin Heat, Drop booms, CP’s 11 nozzles, Factory ram intake, Custom radio box, Smoker, Right boom cut-off, Electric fan brake with soft stop, Night working lights, Dual side load, and Side load fuel. Well maintained and ready to work. Comes with fresh annual. Call Garret at 580-748-1977 or email (11-14)
1979 AT-301 N8764S. TTAF 9513 hrs. P&W R-1340-AN1 Engine TSMOH 85 hrs. Covington, 2000 Hrs. Remaining on wings, 12D40 Prop 235 hrs. SOH, 126 gal. Fuel, short tail w/good fabric, Good Clean Northern Airplane no Corrosion, Ag N av G u ia w/f l ow co n tro l, n ew aluminum booms, CP-03’s, smoker Fresh Annual on purchase. $115,000 OBO call 308-991-3432 or email rdwells@gtmc. net (11-14)
1991 AT-401 $223,000. 4373TT. 727 S M O H . G e are d 13 4 0. H yd ro m ati c prop 182hrs SIRAN. Bantam GPS with Intelliflow. AC. Smoker. Agrinautics spray pump with Lane brake and fan. RT boom shut-off. Complete logs. Very clean and well equipped northern 401. Contact Dave at 402-761-2322 or rasinc@windstream. net (11-14) 2012 AT-802A, N2065S, -65, 1100 TTAFE, single point, elec. brake gr. adj., air, heat,10” hydraulic gate w/ Del Norte controller, Del Norte w/ Flowcontrol, W ingman..... $1,150,0 0 0. For more information call 870-295-6213 tfn 1996 AT-502B-34, very clean no damage o n e ow n e r K S . air p lan e, 5 65 0 T T AF&Engine, 225 hrs since Covington hot section. Air Tractor pressure cowl, CP nozzles, lane fan & brake, hopper rinse, shadin fuel flow, new G-4 satloc & flow control, factory heat & A/C. $480,000.00 Call Chuck 620-260-6268 (11-14)
1992 Air Tractor 401 N1554K Clean MidWest Aircraft TT- 4925.8 Engine time since Covington overhaul 361.3, Satloc M3, Crophawk 7, CP11TT nozzles, Lane fan brake, smoker, side load, airconditioning, single point fuel, large fuel tanks 126 gallons. $220,000 OBO. Call Stan at 308-883-0047 or email stan@ (11-14)
2011 AT-802A, N2022B, S/N 802A-0433, 2300 TTSN, G4, Flow Control, Hydraulic gate, Wingman, RH Boom Shutoff, Lane Brake, Smoker, Single point Fuel, Gate Box Faring, Annual with sale. $1,050,000. Call Mike Lee 573-695-3842 (11-14)
20 08 AT-502B -34AG T TA&E 2630, 850SHOT, 850SPOH by Hartzell, Hatfield bottom load fuel system, New style air intake w/ Brackett filter, air bag shoulder harness, Garmin comm & transponder, business band radio (frequency maybe reprogrammed), Satloc M3 w/ flow controller, fuel totalizer, new tires, Lane electric brake, strobe lights, factory AC and Heat, 216 fuel, smoker Phone: 260367-1091 (11-14)
2015 Air Tractor slots available, call Rick Stone, Southeastern Aircraft Sales 800441-2964. tfn 2014 Slots Available Call Frost Flying Inc. 870-295-6213 tfn AIR TRACTOR 602 • $425,000 • PRICED FOR FAST SALE • 2000 AIR TRACTOR 602. N9125P S/N 602-5068. Total Time Air fr ame 6263.1. P&W PT6 - 6 0AG . s/n PCE RG0077. Garmin audio panel, KY196, Garmin transponder , ELT, horizon indicator, Lane pump fan. Satloc M3 Engine has overhauled CT blades, vane ring & segments, New #1 & #2 Bearings, O/H oil cooler, O SMOH on propeller, w/ new blades, a steal for $425,000. • Contact George F. Mitchell - M & M AIR SERVICE INC., Owner located Beaumont, TX USA • Telephone: 409-656-5998 . 409-7942352 . • Fax: 409-794-2958 (11-14)
2012 Air Tractor 802A-65AG For Sale: Approx. 1000 TT Airframe & Engine. Bantam GPS w/ flow control, Single point fuel, Hydraulic gate, Wingman, Elec. fan brake, Smoker, radio package, CP 11’s, Ag laser, 308 gal. fuel, NDH, and much more! Call ASI JET AG Division for pricing, pictures, and more details; or visit our website ASIJET-AG.COM. 952-941-6255 (01-15)
1998 AT402A: N5047H, S/N 402A-1062, 6500TT, 2600 SNP & OH, 700 SHOT, PT6A15AG S/N PCE-RH0027, Hartzell 3 blade prop HC-B3TN-3D/T10282N+4, Blade S/N J12927, J12929, J12932, 2” stainless system, T-Boom, Davidon 53 nozzles, Transland 38” gate, 170 gal fuel, Smoker, A/C, VGs, Horner wing tips (51’ wing span), Flow control, Shadin fuel, Wingman, Bantam touchscreen, Windshield washer, 18 gal washout, Lane fan brake, Wing spar repl. in 1500 hrs., Chrome exhaust, LED nose lights. $450,000 w/ Annual. Call Robert Ferguson 501-581-9769 or Stan Ferguson 501-516-6156 (11-14) 1991 AT-502-0152- PT6A-34AG,N1515G, times since engine light O/H, 2050.8, SHSI 0.0, TTAF 10268.7, Refurbished airframe, Satloc Bantam, electric fan and brake, A/C, late model paint scheme looks and runs great, ready to work! $395,000 Rick Stone, Southeastern Aircraft 800-441-2964 tfn
N6003G 1994 Model 502B Air-Tractor, Serial No. 502B-0249. Completely rebuilt by Cascade Conversions. Wing life now rated at 9400 hrs. Hopper was refurbished by John Hurr in California 7/15/2006 and looks like new. New Gill batteries in April 2012. All new tires in 2013 (not used since). All new landing gear, including tail spring at time of rebuild. Engine: Walter M601 E11 (750 hot & high rated) Serial No.: 843 243. 977.8 hrs SMOH by G.E. factor y. Current inspection completed by Premier Turbines (Bruce Carlson) 11/24/2013. Equipment: M3 SATLOC GPS Guidance System, Intelliflow flow controller, Stainless steel booms - right hand boom shut off, 39 Carousel (CP-111TT) nozzles, Single point fuel system, Smoker, Windshield wiper, Agrinautics Spray Pump (WeathAero 5 blade pump drive), King KY 196 Com Transceiver. Jim Schick, Aero Spray Service, Inc., Miller, SD. 605-853-2777, 605-871-3833. (11-14)
2014 Slots Available ............................................... Call
2012 AT-802, N20718, 1000 TTAF&E, -67, smoker, elec. brake gr. adj., air, heat, 10” hydraulic gate w/Vondran controller, Bantam w/flow control, CP 11’s, single point fuel, Wingman .......................................... $1,200,000 2010 AT-802, N422BR, 1910 TTAF&E, -67, smoker, elec. brake gr. adj., air, heat, 10” hydraulic gate w/Del Norte controller, Del Norte w/flow control, single point, Wingman, fresh annual, fresh HSI ............ $1,100,000
1999 AT-502B P&W PT6-34 Ag 9500 TTAF&E, 6856 hrs left on spar caps, 1131 since hot section, 3000 hr prop 25” or 38” Transland gate, wingman, CP-11 nozzles, fact heat and cooling, 600 hrs on main gear, hopper rinse smoker, drop booms, nov annual, starter gen 558 hrs, plenty cycles left, Satloc M3 with key pad, Lane brake, 58 nozzle, windshield washer 3” bottom load, 25” Swathmaster or 38” ten vane Transland, price neg. Call Wayne 337-789-3529 (11-14) 1989 AT-402A, 8375TTAF. 525 Since Covington light overhaul on PT6A15AG,Fresh Hot Section Inspection, 1250 hrs since wing and aircraft refurbishment, 525 Since Prop IRAN with new blades. Harbour A/C, smoker, single point fuel, Satloc M3 with flow control, load Hawg, Shadin Fuel Flow, Washer fluid and wiper, Lane Electric brake and VGs. This airplane is in good condition and problem free. Fresh Annual $435,000 Call Steven Taylor 501-516-5874 (11-14) 1997 AT-602-60AG, $525,000. July 2014 Annual. Ready To Work Now!! For more information call Rick Stone, Southeastern Aircraft Sales, 800-441-2964 or mail@ t f n
Complete Air Tractor Parts And Accessories Dealer For Every Major Ag Aviation Parts and Supplies Large Selection of PT6 Accessories New Turbine Props and Blades 0 SMOH 1340 Younkin S/S Pumps, Booms and Center Boom for Air Tractor
Jack Frost Frost Flying Inc Office 870-295-6213 Fax 870-295-6674
Weath-Aero Compro
Target Spray Variable Rate Nozzles
Garrett Frost Parts 870-295-6218 Fax 870-295-6237
Large inventory of PT6 and Air Tractor parts • Financing Available Call for Wingman installation For AgAv Parts & Accessories Call Matt Ashburn
IA and A&P mechanics needed November 2014 A-37
2005 Air Tractor 402B,1599 TT,Annual Due: 1/2015. Hot Section @ 1249, PT634,Hi-Tech Fast Start System, Factory A/C & heat, 216 gal fuel w/ bottom load capability, Lane Electric Brake & Adjustable Fan, 2” spray system & aluminum booms, CP nozzles,Transland 38” Gate, Ground start receptacle, Pump shut off valve, 3 piece windshield w/ washer and wiper,Smoker, Horner wing tips,ELT,Strobe lights, Shadin fuel flow meter, 18 gal hopper rinse tank, Garmin SL 40 w/ Garmin GTX320A Transponder & encoder. Call 605-875-3375 (11-14)
2009 AT-502-B, PT6A-34AG, N42210, TT 1027, Spar cap replacement due at TTA of 9,800.0, 38” gate, hopper rinse, factory A/C and heat, smoker, flow control, M3 Satloc. Call Darryl for pricing. South Delta Aviation - 870-572-9011 days or 870995-1323 nights and weekends (11-14)
2012 Air Tractor AT-402B, 500 TT, Bantam, smoker,CP’s,Lane brake, air/heat. For more information call Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 tfn
1998 AT 502-34, N5180W, TT AF&E 7105, Prop fresh Iran, Fresh HSI, New starter generator , Vortex generators, Crophawk, Single point fuel, Cp nozzles, Transland spreader, NO GPS, 900 hrs left on wings, $350,000. Wade 318-282-7292 (11-14)
2009 AT-602-60 3,300 TT AF&E M-3 with Intelliflow, spreader, wingman, smoker, dual load valves, dual side load fuel. Full set cp’s. Loaded. Fresh annual and hot section with sale. $720,000 Wade 318-282-7292 or 318-552-6533 (11-14)
1982 AT-400, 9597 TT, SATLOC M3 GPS, Smoker, hopper auger system, MICRO VG’S. For more information call Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573359-0500 tfn
2009 AT-502B, N662JK, 1350 TTAF&E, -34, smoker, elec. brake gr. adj., heat, load hog, 23 4 gallon f uel, vor tex generators........$725,000 For more information call 870-295-6213 tfn
1977 AT-301 Short tail with PW-1350 Crophawk Wagflagger 2 Right boom shut off. Lots of par ts to go with it, hopper gaskets, guages, ect. ACTT:8090, ETT12098, TSMOH:748, Prop TSO;1255.1. Two patched spots on tail fabric(all in pictures). Asking $92,000 Will Consider trading up for turbine. Also have a Cessna low volume spreader for $1000 Call Chance O’Hare575-749-2150 (11-14)
Don’t miss a great deal on these beautiful models, great addition to your growing collection. Makes a great gift. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at t f n 2009 AT 502-B, PT6A-34AG, annual inspection due at 3/1/14. Spar cap replacement due at TTA of 9,800.0 (in 9013.2 hrs)38” gate, hopper rinse, factory A/C and heat, smoker, flow control, M3 Satloc. Call Darryl for Pricing South Delta Aviation - 870-572-9011 days or 870-9951323 nights and weekends (11-14) 2012 AT-802 N20718. 1050 TTAF&E, -67, smoker,elec. brake gr adj., air, heat, 10” hydraulic gate w/Vondran controller, Bantam w/ flowcontrol, CP 11’s, single point fuel, Wingman..... $1,200,000. For more information call 870-295-6213 tfn 2006 AT 602 N4257R; 2354 TT; 2354 SNEW; 610 SHSI; VFR; 1 Seat; Air Tractor 602 w/ -60AG, 2354 TT A/F, 610 SHOT, SS booms, CP nozzles, dual side loader, single point fuel, 6 Blade... Call for more information on Monthly Lease South Delta Aviation - 870-572-9011 days or 870-9951323 nights and weekends (11-14) 2010 AT- 8 02, - 67, 26 0 0 h r s T T, 0 since HSI, hydraulic gate w/Del Norte controller, elec. brake gr. adj., Del Norte w/flowcontrol, smoker, dual single point fuel, Wingman, fresh annual $1,025,000 Call 870-672-1044 tfn
1983 AT-400, PT6A-34AG, 25” gate, Stainless Steel Booms with CP Nozzles, 4 blade Lane fan with electric brake, Harbour A/C. M3 Satloc. For more information call Darryl Riddell 870-572-9011 days or 870995-1323 nights and weekends (11-14) 1985 Air Tractor 301 TT5300 R1340, 1230 since Covington, SMOH prop 703, CP nozzles + CK valves, Bantam w/flow control, A/C, electric fan brake, oil filter, smoker strait clean 301 $125,000. Call 715-409-6204 (11-14)
1982 AT-400. PT6-15 Wing spars done, VGs, 3-piece windshield with nose light, ac, elec. brake, Lane fan, drop spray system with ss booms. smoker, sp fuel, Garmin SL40, with or without Bantam. $305,000 409-296-4300 or 409-658-4695. (11-14) 1993 AT-401 GEARED, 6,304 TT, AIR, 400 gal hopper, speed ring, cool seat, smoker, flow control, outside baggage, 126 gal fuel, strobes & LT LDS lights, spreader. For more information call Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573359-0500 tfn
2010 AT-502B-34, Owner Flown Dealer Maintained 2100 Hrs TT 979 -5435712 (11-14) 1991 AT-402-34 10,650 TT, PT6-34 TT 7,750 hrs, 360 hrs since IRAN gearbox, wing spar due @ 17,378 hrs, single point fuel, hopper quantity indicator, new SATLOC Bantam GPS, new Intelliflow Flowmeter, AC, low fuel warning system, smoker, fresh hot & prop overhaul at annual Feb. 2014, working now. $340,000. Call Michael at 229-8811253. (11-14) Air Tractor 402 for more information and price call Darryl or Bill 870-572-9011 2014 AT-502B-34 FTO ext engine warranty 2010 AT-502B-34 2200 TT $690 2012 AT-802A-67 1500 TT $1,040 1998 AT-602 –65 7800 TT, spar change $560 1999 AT-802A-67 6300 TT red/white G-4/flow, Hatfield, $675 1997 AT-402A-27 6400 TT $400 Large selection of par ts, for more information contact Farm Air Inc. 877715-8476 or Carrie or Randy at your Air Tractor parts at 309-759-4646. tfn
I have 3 Air Tractor 401B Walters for s ale. They have all been ver y well maintained and are ready for the 2014 season. Please contact me for more information. or call 204-867-3147 (11-14) 2002 Air Tractor AT-802A -65, 4153 TT. single place, 308 gallon fuel. See @ TFN
Order your AT-502 Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace. com TFN 2014 & 2015 AIR TRACTORS , RESERVE YOUR POSITION NOW $CALL$ 2014 AT-502B, FERRY TIME ONLY, SMOKER, LANE BRAKE $838,400.00 2014 AT-502A, - 60AG, FERRY TIME ONLY $1,038,400.00 2014 AT-602, -60AG, FERRY TIME ONLY $1,098,400.00 2014 AT-802A, - 67AG, FERRY TIME ONLY $1,388,900.00 2014 AT-802A/67AG, 250 AF, 1,650 ENGINE, HYD, WINGMAN, SPREADER, LIKE NEW $1,275,000.00 2013 AT-502B, 800 TTAF&E, G4/FLOW, WINGMAN, COMM/TXP, SPREADER $750,000.00 2012 AT-802A/65AG, 1,100 TTAF&E, HYD, NDH, FRESH HOT & ANNUAL $1,195,000.00 2 0 1 1 AT- 5 0 2 B , 2 , 2 0 0 T TA F & E , INTELLISTAR/FLOW, HEATER, VG’S, SMOKE $660,000.00 2010 AT-502B, 2,200 TTAF&E, WINGMAN, M3/FLOW, LANE BRAKE, FRESH HOT & ANNUAL $630,000.00 2005 AT-402B, 1,600 TTAF&E, -34AG, LOADED, VERY CLEAN $595,000.00 Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-342-5451 or FAX: 281-232-5401. tfn
Don’t miss a great deal on these beautiful models, great addition to your growing collection. Makes a great gift. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at t f n 1976 AT-301 SN 0030. 4736 hrsTT. 1322 engine SOH. Prop 1101 hrs SO. 126 Gals Fuel, flagger, smoker, Satloc litestar 2, Have 0 time since overhaul engine and prop available. Make an offer. bha2@ call Robert Eisele 307-6723421 (11-14) 2010 AT-802, N422BR, 2050 TTAF&E, -67, smoker, elec. brake gr. adj., air, heat, 10” hydraulic gate w/Del Norte controller, Del Norte w/flowcontrol, single point fuel, WIngman, fresh annual, fresh HSI..... $1,050,000. For more information call 870-295-6213 t f n
AT-401B: Power and payload at the right price. Step up to a highly productive, low maintenance piston engine ag plane for a price that makes solid business sense. The economical 400 -gallon capacity AT- 4 01B ha s a piston - engine price tag, plus all the reliability, durability, safety features and flying ease that make Air Tractor the industry leader. For qualified buyers, Wells Fargo has attractive and flexible terms available. Call your Air Tractor dealer. TFN
J ohnston A ircrAft s ervice
“Century” Thrush Spar Caps with 60,000 hr fatigue life at 10,500 lbs. gross.
We can completely rebuild / refurbish YOUR Thrush
Thrush FacTory Wing spar caps Sales and Installation We sell and install Cascade Pressure Cowls Thrush Reinforced Wing Leading Edge Sales and Installation Thrush Fuel Capacity Increase. We are rebuilding two sets of extended Thrush Thrush Landing Gear Repair/Rebuild and Sales. wings with 230 gallons fuel and H.D. leading Thrush Fuselage Repair and Modification. edge skins and ribs. We stock Thrush fabric tail.
Air Tractor AT-502
• Brave We repair, rebuild and modify, plus parts sales and engine overhaul. • Distributor / Rebuilder of Emco Wheaton Dry Breaks • Distributor / Dealer for All Ag Equipment. • Parts & Services Catalog Available.
Turbine Brave
We sell and install P&W PT6A-20 Souther Field Turbine Conversion
P&W PT6A-41/42 Cascade Conversion 850+ Horsepower up to 106 degrees
We now have Thrush NEW CONTINUOUS DUTY 6000 hour airframe fuel pump/motor combo’s.
Distributor for APS Brake discs and linings
24 HR. PHONES: 559-686-1794 or 686-2161 FAX: 559-686-9360 P.O. Box 1457, Tulare, CA 93275 Se Habla Español •
November 2014
Large inventory or Air Tractor Parts. Surplus to our needs. Call for list. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-8430811 tfn
1975 – N9482R - Cessna Ag Truck, 3500 3600TT, 300 SMOH, NEW Crankshaft, Bantam, SL40. 573-359-0500 tfn
Order your AT-602 Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace. com TFN AT-402B: Go turbo. The AT-402B, with the time-proven Pratt & Whitney PT6A15AG turbine engine, offers impressive climb rates and overall performance. The AT-402B’s light handling characteristics help reduce pilot fatigue – while delivering the payload, speed and productivity that helps create profits. Visit your Air Tractor dealer and learn how Wells Fargo’s financing options for qualified buyers make owning an Air Tractor more affordable than you might think. TFN
AT-802: Capacity that creates profits. An 800-gallon hopper, zippy 190 mph ferry speeds, and greater working capacity than any other ag aircraft on the market - the AT-802 is simply a hoss. With the AT-802 you’ll ferry faster, spray more fields and do bigger jobs all in one load. That’s production that only Air Tractor can offer you. Visit with your Air Tractor dealer about the AT-802. And ask about special Air Tractor financing now available from Wells Fargo for qualified buyers. TFN
Order your AT-802 Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace. com TFN
AT-502B: More performance; more profit potential. With Air Tractor’s AT-502B there’s plenty of power and a big, 500gallon payload to please both pilot and operator. The Pratt & Whitney PT6A34AG turbine engine delivers efficient and effective performance that shortens ferry times and reduces takeoffs and landings. Since 1987 the AT-502 series has set the standard as the industry’s most popular ag plane. You can own one with attractive financing options from Wells Fargo. Talk to your Air Tractor dealer. TFN Save money. Buy used. Parting out several Air Tractor 402, 502, 602, and 802, Thrush and Ag Cats. Call Chad Stuart. Airplane Services, Inc. 850-380-6091 tfn
1976- Cessna Bonaire,-A188B, 3227.0TT, ENGINE TIME: 456.0, New Tail Wheel Assembly, S.S. Boom, Satloc Lite Star II, Smoker, Locking Tail Wheel,Nozzles 42 Ea Tee Jets, new motor in hydraulic manual pump w/ new housing Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573359-0500 tfn We have the largest NEW inventory of Cessna 188 AG Truck & Ag Wagon parts in the USA. Parting out many other air crafts as well. J & C Enterprises Aviatiion INC 800-542-8565 or Email Sid or Jerry at At fn 1982 - N9996J - Cessna Husky, 5100TT, 130 STOH, 1250 SMOH, new cylinders, air, Satloc, smoker. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 tfn
AT-602: Trim your overhead. You’ll reduce costs and increase profit margins when you scale a multi-plane operation down to a single-plane operation. Air Tractor’s AT-602 makes it an easy choice. The big 630-gallon payload moves you up to high volume production, reduces loads, saves time and helps trim operating expenses compared with two smaller planes. The AT-602 is the ideal solution for 5-gallon work on centerpivot circles. Step it up with an AT-602. Visit your Air Tractor dealer. TFN
PA-25 P3 BY LAVIASA-NEW TO MARKETWhat used to be the PIPER Pawnee is now the LAVIASA PA-25 P-3. Updated type certificate & certified airworthy in the US. This is a brand NEW ag airplane with many new improvements like a fuel injected 260 HP Lycoming IO-540-D4A5, with 3 bladed constant speed prop, 53 gal fuel tank, 180 gal hopper, spring aluminum landing gear. Just the right size for small jobs for a commercial operator, training new ag pilots, & for corporate farms to do their own aerial application. This is the Prius of Ag Airplanes! Ready for DEMO flights! New OEM Parts available for all models. NEW OWNERSHIP! For more info call EAGLE VISTAS LLC at 772-285-5506-see YouTube: LAVIASA 2014 (02-15)
1979 Brave 400, 4353 TT, 820 SMOH, 270 STOH, 270 SPOH, new spar, new Bantam with Flow control, pump brake, smoker, great cond. Half the fuel for those half size jobs, $135,000. Call Arnold Terhune 806-435-0599 (11-14)
Cessna airframe parts, Continental and Lycoming engine parts, and a few spray system parts, new surplus, big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at tfn J & C enterprises Aviation Inc. Wants to buy your Cessna aircraft, New & Used part of any kind. Call Jerry 800-542-8565 or email Atfn Will trade nice 1972 Super Viking for flying Ag Truck or Pawnee. Will consider projects. Call Jerry at J & C Enterprises Aviation, Inc. 1-800-542-8565 At fn
1977 PA-25 260 Pawnee D. Lyc 0-540.. AFTT 5460, Eng 1100 since new (300 since bulk strip & 15 since Top OH). Prop 560 Since new. 180 Gal hopper, New sealed lift struts, drooped wing tips and wing mod done. Recent fuselage paint and airframe tidy up. VHF/UHF. Australian Aircraft. Email: (11-14)
dromader O r d e r y o u r Tu r b i n e AT- 4 0 2 Pe n and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at TFN
cessna AT-504: Learn and earn. With side-by-side cockpit seating and 485-gallon capacity, the AT-504 is a great way to train new ag pilots and earn while they learn. Powered by the Pratt & Whitney PT6A-34AG turbine engine, you’ll get working speeds and performance like the tried and true AT-502B. And when the training day is done, you’ll see that it was productive workday, too. Wells Fargo financing for qualified buyers is available; just visit with your Air Tractor dealer. TFN
1978 Ag Truck, 7000 TT looks like 2000, 25 SMOH, 7th stud case, 856 SPOH, air foil booms, CP nozzles, Crophawk, A/C , new paint & windows, Kevlar leading edges, hydraulic pump. For more information call Jeff Priewe 662-501-5559 or email miraclesallaroundsound@gmail. com (11-14)
1966 Cessna Ag Wagon A188 4184 Total time with 1130 SMOH and 574 SPOH. Aero fan, CP 11 nozzles, satloc lite, smoker and automatic flagman. Call Rex Kelley; 308-214-1516, Ord, Ne. (11-14)
Order your M18 Dromader P&I from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60. plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order at TFN
Order your Flying Dromader only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at TFN
Order your Piper Pawnee Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S &H. Call 478 - 9 87-2 2 5 0 o r o r d e r o n l i n e at TFN
PA-25-235, 6919Z, 7606TT, 725 TSMO, Full hutch conversion, SS sprayer, CP nozzles, weath aero fan, Crophawk, smoker, flagger, low time prop. May consider trade for Skylane. Email rickh@ or call 785-282-0218 (11-14)
1981 300 Brave - 4855TT/ 962 hours since new engine/ 67 hours since new propeller: Big hopper, Weathaero fan, super booms with CP nozzles, 2” left side load, nav/ strobe/instrument/landing and taxi lights, 90 gal fuel, Satloc Lite GPS, smoker, com radio, left entry step, left wing spar caps have 1532 hours remaining and right wing spar caps have 3532 hours remaining, good paint/tires/glass. $98,500 559-6861794/ / www. tfn Piper airframe parts, continental and Lycoming engine parts and a few spray system parts, new surplus, big discounts! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at tfn 1982 Piper PA-18-150 Super Cub, 620 horas desde nuevo!!, Tela nueva, pintura nueva, micas nuevas, recién inspecionado, GPS, Comm, Transponder. El PA-18 más nuevo y bonito en el mercado, $135,000 Sun Valley Dusting, 956-399-5323, Fax 956-399-2320 tfn
thrush 2010 Thrush 510P, 1350 TT, Single Point Fuel, Smoker, VG’s, Satloc Bantam w/ Flow Control, Comm, Lane Fan, Transland Spreader, Pulsing LED Wing Lights. Call Donnie 361-920-1005 or email (11-14)
2010 Thrush 510P, 980 TT, Hatfield Single point fuel, MVP50 display, Smoker, VG’s, Satloc Bantam w/ flow control, Xpdr and Comm, delivered with fresh annual, and More! Call ASI JET AG Division for price, pictures, and details. ASI JET AG Division is an authorized Thrush Dealer! Selling NEW and Used aircraft ASIJET-AG.COM or give us a call 952.941.6255 (01-15)
For sale 660 Thrush, Health issues forces change in Operation. 660 Thrush -65 engine for sale, or will consider partial trade of small turbine ag plane. Aircraft total time 8090, engine 7485 s/n 330 shot, Great work horse, has all the extras, AC, Load hog, Flow control, Hatfield bottom load fuel, etc. call 870-926-7165 or 870-926-6354 (11-14) 2011 – N70060, Thrush S2R-T34, 1080 TT SNEW, 228 GAL FUEL, WEATHAERO FAN, 60 CP’S NOZZLES, S.S.BOOM, FAN BRAKE, LOAD HAWG, VG’S, SMOKER, LED LIGHT, BANTAM GPS W/INTELLIFLOW, MVP-50, 3” SIDE L. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 (tfn)
2010 Thrush S2R-T34, Ser. #T34-334, N7022F. PT6A-34AG, Ser. #PCE-PH0569. Har tzell prop model HC- B3TN -3D/ T10282N+4. 1400 T.T. Air frame & Engine. LED leading edge landing lights, VG’s Load Hawg, Smoker, Bantam GPS with flow control. SS booms with CP’s, Weathaero fan, SSF spreader. Annualed 04/08/2014, No damage history. Please call 870-479-3737. (11-14)
2012 Thrush 510P, 1750 TTSN, NDH, hangared, original owner since new. $680,000.00 without Satloc. 520-4253557, cell 520-251-1577 (11-14)
2013 Thrush 510P - 600 TT, PT6A-34AG Engine warranty remaining, G4 GPS w/flow, Hatfield Single point, Hopper Rinse, Elec. Fan Brake, SS Spreader, SS Booms, Smoker, VG’s, Com radio, LED lights, Boom shutoff switch, and much more! Call ASI JET AG Division for price, pictures, and details. ASI JET AG Division is an authorized Thrush Dealer specializing in NEW and Used aircraft! Visit ASIJET-AG.COM or give us a call at 952.941.6255 (01-15)
1980 T34-037DC, 400 gall hopper, dual controls, dual cool seats. Smoker, Vg’s ,spring TW, 190 fuel, K&N filter, shadin fuel flow, extended tips, big butterfly wings, VHF com/txpdr, intercom, electric fan brake, ground adjustable pump,dual landing light, Agnav 2, SS booms, 8 micronairs EW 4030 lbs, TT airframe AND engine 4960 hrs/cycles,TT SOH 1760 hrs, TTsHSI 600 hrs, Prop OH June ‘13, ttsn1740 hrs, wing eddy current due at 5316 hrs (300+hrs rem)All AD’s and SB’s C/W. Owner retiring, driving around South America. contact Dudley Beek tel 876-997-7221 dudleybeek@cwjamaica. com (11-14)
For Sale 2011 S2R-T34ag 510, 1600 t t af/eng, N DH, a/c, heat, smoke, vg’s, cascade inlet, load hawg, elec turn coord, led nose and wing lights, bantam w/intelliflow, lane elec brake, a u t o - c a l , s w a t h m a s t e r s p r e a d e r, aluminum booms, single point fuel, 3” side load, fresh annual, his, some spare parts. $780, 000 obo Glenn 662721-7931 (11-14)
Plan for the
J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. Wants to buy your Piper, Pawnee or Brave aircraft. We are also looking for parts inventory, or derelict aircraft as well call Jerry at 800-542-8565 or email jcaviation@pldi. net At fn
AIRCRAFT 2014 & 2015 AIR TRACTORS , RESERVE YOUR POSITION NOW .................................... $CALL$ 2014 AT-502B, FERRY TIME ONLY, SMOKER, LANE BRAKE ..........................................$838,400 2014 AT-502A, -60AG, FERRY TIME ONLY ..................................................................$1,038,400 2014 AT-602, -60AG, FERRY TIME ONLY ....................................................................$1,098,400 2014 AT-802A, -67AG, FERRY TIME ONLY ..................................................................$1,388,900 2014 AT-802A/67AG, 250 AF, 1,650 ENGINE, HYD, WINGMAN, SPRD, LIKE NEW .....$1,275,000 2013 AT-502B, 800 TTAF&E, G4/FLOW, WINGMAN, COMM/TXP, SPREADER ..............$750,000 2012 AT-802A/65AG, 1,100 TTAF&E, HYD, NDH, FRESH HOT & ANNUAL .................$1,195,000 2011 AT-502B, 2,200 TTAF&E, INTELLISTAR/FLOW, HEATER, VG’S, SMOKE ................$660,000 2010 AT-502B, 2,200 TTAF&E, Wingman, M3/FLOW, Lane brake, Fresh hot & annual ..$630,000 2005 AT-402B, 1,600 TTAF&E, -34AG, LOADED, VERY CLEAN .....................................$595,000
ENGINES R-1340, ZERO TIME SINCE OVERHAUL BY COVINGTON ...........................................$64,500.00 PT6A-34AG, 6,434 TTSN, P/S LIGHT OVERHAUL, NEW CT BLADES, O/H VAIN ......$260,000.00 NEW PT6 -11, 15, 34, 60, 65, 67 OUTRIGHT OR EXCHANGE ......................................... $CALL$ PROPELLERS HARTZELL 3 BLADE AND 5 BLADED PROPS – New And Used ........................................ $CALL$ DISPERSAL EQUIPMENT TRANSLAND 10 VAIN SPREADER FOR 38” GATE, NEW .....................................................$9,500 AGRINAUTICS, ROOT, CROPHAWK, TRANSLAND, OTHERS ............................................ $CALL$
Lane Aviation, Inc. “Specializing in Turbine and Piston Air Tractors”
281-342-5451 TEL • 281-232-5401 FAX e-mail: • P.O. Box 432 • Rosenberg, Texas 77471
November 2014
78 THRUSH SUPER -1, 865 HP, 4308 TT, 640 SCAM by CD, 640 SPOH, extended wings, M3 w/flow control, EI Digital Gauges w/fuel flow, Garmin 496 panel mo unt, Reabe H opper Q t y gauge, AMSAFE Airbag Seat belts, cool seat, VG’s, Night working lights, ZEE A/C, bleed air heat, Serv-Aero fastback w/Large baggage, SERV AERO Airfoil Tail, Big Fuel $400,000 Call Kyle 970-867-8414 (11-14)
800-542-8565 SPECIALISTS IN CESSNA 188
Cessna 180-185-188, PiPer Brave & Pawnee, CitaBria, DromaDer, aero CommanDer Lark & Darter, sCott & XPm taiLwheeL Parts, ContinentaL, LyComing, ChamPion, anD a Lot more. Aircraft Hardware
1998 Thrush S2R G -1(Super)/400: Approx. 4400TT airframe, 4400 Since CAM, 1400 hrs. Since Super conversion on Garrett -1 (many New and Overhauled Parts), 400 Gal, Single Point, FAST Start, FF Meter, A/C, Smoker, Hopper Rinse, Comm, Dual Landing light, Cool mesh seat and More! Call ASI JET AG Division for price, pictures, and more details. ASI JET AG Division is an authorized Thrush Dealer! Selling NEW and Used aircraft ASIJET-AG. COM, give us a call! 952-941-6255 01-15 1973 1820 Thrush Super Doer conversion. 11530TT, 1110hrs engine,273 on prop. Pacific Northwest Plane, Metal Tail,M-3 Satloc. $150,000 For more details call Mark 509-988-0075 (11-14)
1996 Thrush S2R-G6 4897 TTSN Prop 0.0 TSOH Engine 2236 TSOH New Avenger wing spar caps. New paint inside and out. Complete airframe refurb. Call for price. 870-857-3744 or 870-919-1855 (11-14)
Your Authorized Transland Dealer
Newer Thrush 510P for lease – Dry lease rate or with pilot. Available immediately until May 2015. Email to blindads@ subject: Thrush for lease (11-14)
LET OUR STAFF FIND THAT PART FOR YOU. Airport Road #14 • Thomas, OK 73669
800-542-8565 • 580-661-3591 (OK) • 580-661-3783 (FAX) • email address:
1996 Ayres Turbo Thrush, G10 -125, 6966.5 TT, 1817 TT engine since cam, 1100 hours remaining on spar caps, Hartzell propeller. 333 hours SMOH, A/C, Strobes, Electric fan clutch ground adjustable, Aluminum booms, Davidon triset nozzle tips, Spraying systems check valves, 3” side load valve, Bottom load fuel, ATS Vg’s, Smoker, Auto Cal, KY96A, Transponder, Guia GPS with P500 box, Selling price for this aircraft is $440,000 Call Bruce’s Flying Service 229-725-4150, fax 229-725-5135. bruceandrews62@ 06-15
2013 Thrush S2R-H80, dual cockpit, full dual controls, GE H80 engine model H80-100. Hartzell propeller HC-B4TN. 50 hrs TT MVP-50T glass panel. Standard alum booms with 32 CP nozzles, Lane fan and electric brake, Wing tip strobe and Nav lights. 228 Gal fuel, K & N filters, windshield wiper and washer, 29” high flotation tires and wheels with dual caliper Cleveland brakes, Zee A/C, cabin heat. Satloc G4 w/intellaflow comm transponder FM/XM radio. Call Souther Field Aviation 229-924-2813 tfn 1994 S2R-510 Thrush. 9500 TT, 2800 TT Walter E-11. Satloc M-3, load hawg, smoker, air con, spreader, booms. Call for more info. $195,000 OBO. 662-7217931 (11-14)
1974, Thrush w/1820 Wright, Stewart D av i s co nve r s i o n , (h i n g e d e n g i n e mount). TT 8800 hrs. with 700 plus hrs, SMOH. (Anderson Airmotive) NEW in 2013-- exhaust system/carb. box; complete new ignition harness; fresh OH prop; tires; number new panels; also comes with Trimble GPS, smoker, flagger, two sets booms (incl. A SC rotaries) metal tail, Weathaero fan on Transland pump etc. Make great turbine conversion or parts. Contact Jock @ 36 0 -378 - 88 0 0 or ho ot sm onjo ck @ (11-14) 1974 S2RG5/525(Goering conv.-750 SHP) - 12,624 TT/ 94 since IRAN engine/ 2704 since new 4 blade prop: 525 gal hopper, Simplex pump and electric fan brake, stainless booms, 2” left side load, extended wings, droop tips, aileron servos, vortex generators, 192 gal fuel, bottom load fueling, nav/strobe/instrument and landing lights, spring steel tailwhl gear w/ 5.00x5 tire, air cond., Satloc M3 GPS with Raven flow control, Big butterfly wing splice plate with new factory lower SPAR caps, good paint/tires/glass/ fabric. fresh annual 559-686-1794 / Email www. tfn 2000 S2RT65/660(1300 SHP) - 5985 TT/ 90 since O/H engine and 5 blade prop: 660 gal hopper, factory spray system, Lane fan and electric brake, stainless booms, 3” left side load, 26,000 hour life wing, 230 gal fuel, bottom load fueling, aileron servos, quick start system, nav/ strobe/instrument and landing lights, Satloc Bantam GPS with Intelliflow, air cond., Shadin fuel flow meter, Load Hawg, good paint and glass, new tires and brakes. PRICE REDUCED! 559-686-1794 / Email www. tfn
2000 660 Thrush 5000 TT 0 time PT6A65 Zero time prop. New blades, load hot fast start, bottom fuel, new batteries, new tires and brakes. Spray system. Fresh Annual 812-877-2587 jim@turbinesinc. com 06 -15
2014- N30620, Thrush, S2R-T34, Factory NEW call for information. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 tfn The 660 Thrush with its innovative wing design and 54 foot wing span and over 400 square foot wing area ensures unmatched stability and control during Ag maneuvers. The combination of a solid airframe and powerful engine creates an airplane that outperforms the competition. Thrush is known for their structural durability and excellent performance under extreme conditions. tfn
Order your 510 Thrush Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Order online at TFN
PA irparts referred
AG Aircraft parts in stock! Discounts ranging from 25% to 85% off!
Chosen for value and service
New surplus aircraft parts in stock for: Cessna, Piper, AG Cat G164A/B-600 and many others, fixed and rotor wing! Order your Radial Thrush Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S &H. Call 478 - 9 87-2 2 5 0 o r o r d e r o n l i n e a t TFN
Order your Dual Cockpit Thrush Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60. plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at T F N
• • • • • • • •
Airframe parts Accessories and parts Dispersal system parts Wheels, brakes and parts Propellers, blades and parts Spark plugs, filters of all kinds Engine parts, piston and turbine Hardware: AN, MS, NAS
Free online h! rc Inventory Sea
800-433-0814 Toll free, U.S. & Canada
Tel. 330-698-0280 - Fax. 330-698-3164
We Buy Worldwide! Inventories of new parts for almost anything. The 550 Thrush of fers new sturdy hopper and innovative large hopper door to improve access when loading dry chemicals, while providing a 550 gallon capacity. Fuel economy, low acquisition cost and proven performance makes the 550 Thrush a great option for operators. The 550 Thrush offers a choice of power plants, allowing you to tailor the aircraft to meet the demands of your particular operating environment. TFN FAA repair station for all ag equipment. Thrush spar replacement, annuals. MidContinent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800325-0885 tfn
The 510 Thrush has sent the standard in Ag Aviation for dependability. With rugged construction, simplified system and low maintenance, the 510 Thrush is the aircraft any operator can depend upon. Low maintenance, maximum loads, superior pattern makes the 510 Thrush a profit machine. All Thrush Aircraft models provide superb visibility, light control forces, and unmatched speed and maneuverability. www.thrushaircraft. com tfn
Order your Thrush 660 Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S &H. Call 478 - 987-2 25 0 o r o rd e r o n l i n e at TFN
Order your Weatherly Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S &H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace. com TFN
helicopter New 2014 Thrush 510 with a PT6A34AG or GE H80 engines available, 2014 Deliveries available now. ASI JET AG Division is an authorized Thrush Dealer for North America! We specialize in NEW and Used aircraft sales. ASIJET-AG.COM or Give us a call! 952-941-6255 01-15
HILLER SOLOY $325,000 AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE: Hiller Soloy 12E, Good Times, C20B, Recent paint and bubble, rebuilt tail boom, Isolair spay tanks, simplex air foil booms, kwack hydraulics system, trimble moving map GPS, com radio, belly hook, transport trailer, many spares Contact Mark 530-682-4363 (11-14)
Export Experts Authorized Turbine Brave Conversion • Transland • Covington Engines • Ag Nav • Turbine Conversions • Single Point Fueling
• Agrinautics Pumps & Valves • Wag • Cascade Conversions • TracMap
And So Much More… Frankie Williams - President — Paul Pearson - Parts & Maintenance — Stephanie Williams - Exports —
223 Airport Road, Americus, GA 31709 Phone: 229-924-2813 Fax: 229-924-4356
November 2014
WORLD WIDE U.S. Dealer New/Used Ag Thrush, 34-510, 550-60, *FINANCING AVAILABLE* Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO 800-325-0885 t fn
G E ARED 13 4 0/ A LBATROS S PRO P $69,000 Geared 1340 all accessories removed for turbine conversion, clean g o o d r u n n i n g e n g i n e . 26 0 S M O H Covington, Prop with Albatross blades. Contact Dean L. McClain - AG FLYERS INC. Torrington, WY USA Telephone: 307-532-4744 or 307-532-2236 (11-14) 1975 Bell 206B Jet Ranger For Sale: N111PM - Price: $475,000 - Serial# 1770 - Engine: Rolls Royce 250-C20J Very clean helicopter, ready to spray and has good component times. It includes: M3 Satloc touch screen with Auto Cal flow control, Isolair spray system, Air Conditioning, Wedged windows and Range Extender. Please call Matt Fieldgrove at: 928-9209873 or 928-627-8292 (11-14)
Order your Bell 206 Helicopter Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60. plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at TFN
B1-A Callair Manufacturing Rights. Available now is the type certificate, drawings, jigs, tooling, aircraft parts, and property associated with this 300 gal Pratt and Whitney 985 powered sprayer. Start your own aircraft company or expand your line. Call for details. Airplane Services Inc. 850-675-1252, 850-3807268, 850-380-6091. tfn
Order your AT-802F Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace. com tfn
Take advantage of our biggest inventory of Turbo prop ag planes. Special buys and trades welcome. PT6, Garrett, GE even Walters. Mid Continent Aircraft Corp Hayti, MO 573-359-0500 tfn Engine Overhaul Services (EOS) E.O.S. is a F.A.A. approved PT6 repair station, offering a wide range of COMPLETE overhaul and repair capabilities on the Pratt and Whitney PT6A model engines. We produce quality engine work with quick turnaround time. Call us today 305888-4596. Visit us at www.pt6engine. com (09-15) R985-AN1-14B Tulsa Overhaul, New Pistons, Bosch mags. Ignition harness, carb, with warranty outright/exchange. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-4296805 10 -14
misc. aircraft
DECATHLON • $144,750 • AVAILABLE FOR SALE OR TRADE • American Champion 2006 8KCAB Decathlon. 290 TTAE. MT prop 290 SNEW. Fresh Annual. Nebraska based aircraft since NEW. Please call Stan Jones. (308) 883-0047 or email stan@ (11-14)
Order your Stearman Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace. com TFN
R1340 Engine Overhauled, New Pistons, New Bearings, mags. Ignition harness, carb, with warranty outright/exchange. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-4296805 10 -14
Order your Clipped J3 Cub Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Ask about our Gift wrap option. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at agairupdatemarketplace. com tfn Order your Boy and AgCat Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Order online at tfn
Commander Rockwell 112TCA - 1977S/N 13194 TT: 800 hours, fresh annual, all paperwork updated new paint, tires, windscreen and windows green tinted, always hangared.- All ADs complied with.- All instruments inspected.- Radio Nav/Com OK Engine: Lycoming TO-360C1A6D; TT 800 hours TSOVH: 22 hours (TBO calendar) New three blade propeller (STC); new governor Asking U$S 140.000.- Airplane is in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia Owner: Verly Valdez Please email to: (tfn)
Jetset Airmotive can take care of all of your PT6A engine needs with engines, parts, accessories, and a knowledgeable staff. We have engines for sale or exchange. Quality work with a quick turnaround. Call us today for your PT6A engine needs at 305-825-2001. Visit us at www.jsamiami. com . (09-15)
Order your In-Formation Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S &H. Call 478 - 987-2 25 0 o r o rd e r o n l i n e at TFN
engines (1) Pratt & Whitney PT6-34AG, 266 hrs SMOH Call for cycle info. Bruce Andrews 229-725-4150 $235,000.00 06-15 For Sale: Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A67AG turbine engine. Less than 3000 TTSN. Call 979-320-7718. (11-14)
R985 AN 1/14B OHC new pistons chrome cylinders new bearings, Bosch mags warranty outright or exchange. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-4296805 10 -14 (2)TPE 331-6-251M engines with recent hot sections and GB inspections by service center, about 3600 SMOH, (2) TPE3315-252M engines. Dave 561-241-6111 or (11-14) Universal Turbine Parts 1 ea PT6A-11AG TSO 3976 2 ea PT6A-21 TSO 1000, 3312 10 ea PT6A-27/28 TSO (5) 0, 1639, 1744, 4143, 4891, 4933 1 ea PT6A-114A TSO 0 3 ea PT6A-135A TSO 653, (2) 758 3 ea PT6A-34 TSO (3) 0 6 ea PT6A-41 TSO (2) 0, 537, 863, 1568, 4147 7 ea PT6A-42 TSO (5) 0, 2509, 2864 1 ea PT6A-45R TSO 1012 1 ea PT6A-50 TSO 0 2 ea PT6A-65B TSO 0, 10449 3 ea PT6A-67D TSO 0; We also buy PT6 Engines in all conditions. Please call Bill or Joel at 334-361-7853 or email bmershon@ or Pratt & Whitney PT6A-34AG. 10,064 TT engine, 81 SHOT, good cycle times remaining, Fresh Hot Section with sale. $155,000. South Delta Aviation - 870572-9011 days or 870-995-1323 nights and weekends (11-14)
R-1340 Engine, 0 SMOH by Aero, $54,000 OBO 12D40-211 Propeller, 0 SMOH. $12,500 OBO call Robert Eisele 307-672-3421 (11-14) Jet Set Airmotive PT6A-28 TSO 0 PT6A-34 TSO 0 PT6A-34AG TSO 0 Email Email
Garrett TPE-331-10 -511M 2 engines available with lots of time and cycles remaining. Call for info. 979-532-1718, 979-533-1720 Day or night A4-15 Covington Turbine Engines Available. PT6A-15AG 32 TSO; PT6A-21 0 TSO; PT6A-135A NEW; PT6A-34AG NEW; PT6A-34AG 94.5 TSN; PT6A-34AG 0 Time Since Covington Light Overhaul; PT6A-34AG 0 TSO; PT6A-34 2309 TSO; PT6A-34 1908 TSO; PT6A-41 3196 TSO; PT6A-41 3511 TSO; PT6A-42 2107 TSO; PT6A-42 2066; PT6A-60A NEW; PT6A-65AG 89 TSN; PT6A-67AG 2788 TSN; Contact us for New Engine prices. We are interested in buying or exchanging for any core you may have regardless of condition. Contact: David Hamilton at 918-756-7862 or R1340-AN2 Airmotive Overhaul, New Pistons, mags. harness, carb, with warranty outright/exchange. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-429-6805 10-14 Pr at t & W hi tn ey R- 985 & R-13 4 0 Overhauled Engines in stock. Props, carburetors, magnetos, alternators, & accessories for above engines. Call Ches ter Rober t s Supply Company, Collinsville, TX Tel: 903-429-6805 Fax: 903-429-6047 10 -14 J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. has the larges t selec tion of Lycoming and Continental engine cores in stock. Over 100 to choose from. Call Sid or Jerry for your parts or engines needs. 800-5428565 or email Atfn R-1340, Zero Time Since Overhaul by Covington $64,500; PT6A-34AG, 6,434 TTSN, P/S light overhaul, new CT blades, O/H vain $260,000; NEW PT6 -11, 15, 34, 60, 65, 67 outright or exchange, $CALL$; Lane Aviation 888-995-LANE 281-3425451 or FAX 281-232-5401 TFN 10,000 P/N of Continental & Lycoming parts, 50% discount on most new! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at tfn R985-AN1-14B Tulsa Overhaul, New Pistons, mags. Ignition harness, carb, with warranty outright/exchange. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-429-6805 10-14
dispersal equip Transland 10 vain spreader for 38” gate, new, $9,500; Agrinautics, Root, Crophawk, Transland, others, $CALL$; Lane Aviation 281-3425451 or FAX 281-232-5401.. tfn
D i s p e r s a l E q u i p m e n t : We a t h a e r o Feathering Fans, Crophawks, Smokers, F l a g g e r s , N o z z l e s , Tr a n s l a n d , Breckenridge Spreaders, Airfoil Booms, Dry Breaks, Load Hawgs All Aircraft Styles. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800325-0885 tfn Standard Grumman Gate Spreader. 9 vane 24” inside measurement on the throat. Motivated to sell make an offer. or call 270-3052749 (11-14)
Everything you need for fixed wing or helicopter JAS 559-686-1794, FAX 559686-9360, e-mail: info@johnstonaircraft. com web site: www,johnstonaircraft. com t f n
New Gate Keeper tm technology controlled seeding gate - Pilot friendly, ea sy calibration, and accurate distribution. TCL’S variable rate gate it the most versatile on the market- Applies from ultra fine product like herbicide impregnated sand all the way up to coarse seed accurately. Contact Turbine Conversions - 616-8379428 12-14
ASC Rotary Atomizers - Why use old hydraulic nozzle technology? Rotary Atomizers are proven a s the most accurate method to apply both low & high volume formulations. Made in USA., 317-896-2561 A01-15
Hi-Tek Rotary Atomizer - Rotary atomizer Nozzle delivering Uniform Droplet Spec trum, Low Drag, Low Maintenance, Dependable performance. Made In USA. Davidon, Inc. 229-645-3605 tfn Boom Clamps - The Davidon Boom Clamp was designed with simple form and workmanship for ease of use and ease of mind about function. Aluminum construction for 2” and 3” inch airfoil booms. The one you’ve been looking for. Made in USA. Davidon Inc. 229-645-3605. tfn Tri -S e t Hydr aulic N oz zle - Three Deflection angles, Three Orifice sizes, Quick Easy Adjustment, USDA Performance Tested and data Available. Made in USA. Davidon, Inc. 229-6453605. tfn Custom Boom Systems – Specializing in 2” and 3” Airfoil Aluminum Booms custom built to your specifications. Length, Nozzle Spacing, Attachment ends, all tailored to your specific needs. Stainless Steel Available also. Made in USA. Davidon Inc. 229-645-3605. www.davidononline. com tfn D R P - 9 5 5 D R I F T R E TA R D E N T PENETRATOR-SPREADER/STICKER-UV Protectant For drift reduction, deposition increase, University tested. Big Gun in the war on Drift! Made in USA. Davidon, Inc. 229-645-3605. www.davidononline. com tfn
Stainless Steel Fabricators, Inc.-- Spreaders and Accessories. We are the manufacturer of “original” 10 vane, 12 vane & “the 13 vane” spreaders plus many more. We also manufacture a 13 vane 10” hydraulic gate. Call us for all of your spreader needs. We do repairs on all models. Call Us today 800-736-3433 or 870-217-9232 (11-14) CP nozzles and check valves. Distribuidor en Argentina: ArAvia S.A. -Venado Tuerto (Sta Fe) T.E. 54-3462-433540 - FAX: 438344 t f n Transland and Agrinautics authorized distributor – Call us with your needs. Sid or Jerry @ J & C Enterprises 1-800-542-8565 or e-mail At fn
CP Nozzles and check valves “The Drift fighters”. Plus they improve your spray pattern. Contact Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FA X 559 - 686 -936 0, e - mail: info @ web site: www. tfn Newberg Electrostatic Spraying LLC is the exclusive distributor for Spectrum Electrostatic Spray Systems. Do more acres with better performance. Call Ed Newberg 320 -848-2745. Serving northern US and Canada. Now STC’d for all 400 and 500 series Air Tractors. (tfn) A SC Rotar y Atomizers - See w w w. results and April 2009 issue of AAU, A. McCracken. Made in USA., 317-896-2561 A01-15 Agrinautics, Inc. Best spray pumps, valves, and strainers in the business! For service w/ a smile,call us at 435-586 -1200. tfn Transland and Agrinautics, overstock sale. Call Danny for listing 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@airrepairinc. com tfn ASC Rotary Atomizers - Consistent droplets, large flow openings, easy to mount without changing your existing pump, boom and flow control method. Made in USA., 317896-2561 A 01-15
We have 4 M3 Satlocs for sale. $5000 dollars US each. They have had 5 seasons use. Each season only 6 weeks. Also available are 4 of the bracket mounts for the R44. Please email at or phone 0064-3689-6035 (11-14)
FOR SALE: SATLOC Bantam GPS with flow control and light bar. New, never used. $13,000 USD. Contact: +59899567688 or (03-15) SATLOC GPS sales and repair center. Call for all your SATLOC needs. North Star Aviation, Inc 888-272-1417 tfn Satloc, Intelliflow The leading edge Satloc Level III Service repair center. Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, Mo 800-325-0885. tfn Intelliflow Flow Controls -in stock, now shipping! Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-4375319 tfn Hemisphere GPS systems in stock, Bantam, G4, Intellistar, M3, Intelliflow, and Litestar2. We did it again, leading Level 3 Service Center/Dealer 2012. Why buy anywhere else, we’ve got what you need, and service after the sale! Call now 800-437-5319 Sky-Tractor Supply Company tfn Hemisphere GPS & Flow Control Dealer Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: tfn
parts PMA Piper Brave and Weatherly tailsprings in stock. Contact Hershey Flying Service at 308-368-5556 01-15 Engine Overhaul Services (EOS) E.O.S. is a F.A.A. approved PT6 repair station, offering a wide range of COMPLETE overhaul and repair capabilities on the Pratt and Whitney PT6A model engines. We produce quality engine work with quick turnaround time. Call us today 305-888-4596. Visit us at (09-15) 1 set of Thrush wings 8687 hours total time with 272 hours left on spars. 719-3401430 (11-14) Jetset Airmotive can take care of all of your PT6A engine needs with engines, parts, accessories, and a knowledgeable staff. We have engines for sale or exchange. Quality work with a quick turnaround. Call us today for your PT6A engine needs at 305-825-2001. Visit us at www.jsamiami. com. (09-15) FAA approved STC’d wire cutters for Air Tractors. Storm Cutters are the newest advancement in wire cutter technology (Patent Pending). These cutters mount to the landing gear and have adel clamps positioned along the trailing edge of the gear to secure the brake lines which do away with the standard black zip ties currently used. They are available for the 500 series of Air Tractors and will available for every model of Air Tractor this fall. Contact Hershey Flying Service at 308368-5556 to order your set, or check us out at (01-15)
New 8.4” M3 Touchscreens in Stock – $1395 each. Buy as an upgrade, a replacement or for inventory. New Satloc Systems - Bantams, G4s, IntelliFlows and more in stock. From Insero - Call Anthony 480-285-4367. TFN Satloc G4, M3, and Bantam. Air Repair inc, is the worldwide leader in sales and service. Call Danny (sales) or Dallas (service) 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-8430811 tfn
New reinforced Thrush Leading Edges – Guard against bird strikes with bonded aluminum line replacement Leading Edges. STC process. Call Turbine Conversions 616-837-9428 est for quote. 12-14 Thrush S2R STC battery retrofit kit. 300% longer battery service life. 200% faster starts. Battery replacement cost 25% of original. Kawak Aviation Technologies 541-385 -5051 w w w.kawakaviation. com (09-15) Tools for reaming attach bolts Wing Main (Centerwing to Outboard wing) attachment joints for Dromader M -18 p e r r e p a i r s e r v i c e b u l l e t i n #e/02.170/2000 Available for rent. Contact Nancy at Turbine Conversions 616-837-9428 12-14 Cockpit adjustable flow control kit. Manual control or GPS variable rate ready. Integrates into existing hydraulic systems. More info at Kawak Aviation Technologies 541-3855051 (09-15) Air Tractor auxiliary hydraulic system. 20lbs/hr LESS fuel burn, improved spray pattern, reduced maintenance cost, cockpit adjustable flow controls. Inquires call 541-385-5051 or www.kawakaviation. com (09-15) Let us help you meet increa singly stringent precision application demands. Our systems meet those demands, lower operating costs, and increase your profits. Call 541-385-5051 or www. (09-15) Superbooms for Cessna, Piper, Thrush, Air Tractor and custom manufacture; Thrush Aileron Servos -STC’d kits. TSA 800-642-5777 or (TFN) Cessna Authorized Parts Center: Prompt, World-Wide Par ts Service, Engines, Bonaire 550 Conversions, Wings. MidContinent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-3250885 tfn Air Tractor Parts New and Used (Associate dealer for Lane Aviation). FWF cowlings 402, 502, 602 many to chose from, removed for Factory and Cascade P-cowl conversions. New and used (Factory Rebuilt) Aileron, Flaps, Elevators, Rudders, Horz/Vert stabs in stock and ready to sale or trade. Call Steve @ North Star Aviation 620-356-4528 tfn Call Bruce’s Flying Service for all of your Thrush parts needs! 229-725-4150, fax 229-725-5135. E-mail bruceandrews62@ 06-15 Accessories & Parts! 100’s of new and OHC accessories, parts for just about everything. Big discounts! Please have par t numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at tfn O/H’D Thrush 29” landing gear & we can repair / rebuild yours. Johnston Aircraft Service, INC. 559-686-1794 / Email www. tfn PARTS, PARTS, PARTS. For all your ag aviation needs, please call Southeastern Aircraft Sales & Service 800-441-2964 Air Tractor Dealer tfn
Lockable full swivel tail wheels for Thrush or Ag Cat, 500-5 or 600-6 wheel available all STC approved Call Turbine Conversions 616-837-9428 est to order. 12-14
Um par de asas estendida 95% completa do Thrush S2R . A pair of extended wings 95% complete Thrush S2R. Brazil. g arci av i ag r i co l a @ u o l .co m . b r / 16 36274879 (tfn)
November 2014
Remember J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. Is a Transland, Black Steel Brake and McFarlane dealer. We have a large amount of these brands inventory in stock as well as Cleveland. GE Lighting, Cessna, Piper etc. give us a call for all your parts needs at 800-542-8565 or email us at jcaviation@ Atfn
11 Million new surplus parts for Cessna, Piper, and other aircraft; Continental and Lycoming engines; and a few spray system parts, big discounts. Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at www. tfn
LOAD HAWG-The modern, efficient, safe, perfect way to improve your solids application. Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800-325-0885 TFN
Pressure Cowls for all PT6 Air Tractor and Thrush. Reduce ITT 35 to 70 degrees. Reduce fuel consumption. Save on Hot Section Inspections. Easy access to fuel nozzle & air filter. Reduce NG 1 to 3%. Make your -15 perform like a -34. ELIMINATE ONGOING AIR FILTER PURCHASES! Now taking deposits and scheduling deliveries for mid-late 2011 and early 2012. Please contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509-635-1212 or tom@cascadeaircraftconversions. com (09-15) Thrush parts - Wings, props, tail feathers, batteries, tires - we have the inventory. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: web site: tfn
Cascade Aircraft Conversions Barrier Filter System for the Soloy Turbine Converted Bell 47/Hiller 12 Helicopters. See decreased TOT by up to 38 degrees C. Pull full torque at lower TOT temps, burn less fuel, extend the life of critical turbine parts. Contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509-635-1212 or tom@ . ( 09-15) We have all fibreglass parts for Weatherly and Ag-Cat (A, B and Super B). Call for prices. Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 tfn Spend your time doing what you do best “SPRAYING” and let us find those parts for you. Part numbers are really important. Call Jerry or Sid 800-542-8565 or email Atfn Large inventory of Thrush parts surplus to our needs. Call for list. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 tfn
S & T Aircraft Accessories, Inc. specializes in the overhaul of Radial and Turbine engine accessories. We have most items in stock ready to ship for exchange. Give us a call @ 830-625-7923 or fax 830-625-4138. t fn
J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. has 29” wheel sets. We will accept your 10” wheel and brakes in exchange. Call Jerry or Sid 800-542-8565 or email jcaviation@pldi. net At fn
Accessories & Parts! 100’s of new and OHC accessories, parts for just about everything. Big discounts! Please have par t numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at tfn
NEW! CP11TT/w-3 Tips & Shutoff in stock ready to ship today. 1-800-437-5319 SkyTractor Supply Company tfn
The mid-west Air tractor dealer, Farm Air Inc. has expanded its parts department. Call Carrie or Randy for all your Air Tractor parts needs at 877-715-8476. tfn Retrofit Hopper Door for AT-502 and AT-602. Now available for fall and winter installation Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 tfn Agrinautics, Angel Flight Assistant, Automatic Flagman, Aero Engines, Arrow prop, Air Tractor (Associate dealer Queen Bee Air Specialties) CP Nozzles, Compro Smoker, Crophawk, Covington Aircraft Engine, Collins Air Conditioner, Cleveland, Chip Detector, Hemisphere GPS, Hot Stuff, Nieto Products, New and used aircraft, (large) Parts Inventory, ServAero, Spraying Systems, Co., Superbugs, SPH-4 Helmet, Simplex, Tires, Transland, WeathAero. Sky Tractor Supply 800437-5319,, email@, 701-636-5881 (fax) TFN Replacement parts. New and used for all Ag Cat models. Also carry New Piper and Weatherly tailwheel springs and Transland Dealer. Call Hershey Flying Service 308-368-5556 (01-15) J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc ha s purchased a large new inventory of Citabria GCBC part in late 1977-79 rnge. Lots of common everyday parts. Landing gear, wheels 7 brakes, engine parts etc. call Jerry or Sid today 800-542-8565 or email At fn Cessna Par t s - Engine, propellers, authorized service center. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-6861794, FAX 559-686-9360, e-mail: info@ web site: www. tfn
601-432-4500 800-844-TOUR
This project is partially funded through a grant by the Jackson Convention and Visitors Bureau
10,000 P/N of Continental & Lycoming parts, 50% discount on most new! Please have part numbers when contacting us. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/ Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at tfn Brave and Pawnee parts - engines, props, spar kits, fuel cells and foam kits, and much more. Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FAX 559-6869360, e-mail: web site: t fn Angel Personal Flight Assistant - in stock, shipping today. Premium quality Bluetooth interface for the cockpit. Noise free cell phone use without fumbling for your phone. Caller ID, direct dial, redial, voice dial, download phonebook and call list entries, dial direct., Stream bluetooth music and control, E6B flight computer, Stopwatch, fuel and approach timer. Large full color easy to read backlit screen, intuitive menus, automatic cut out with radio transmissions, ambient light sensor. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319 A tfn Air Repair Inc. is the source for the Fast Start Kit to get yours today call Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-8430811 tfn
Complete Thrush factory metal tail w/ u p d a t e s . J o h n s t o n A i r c r a f t Service, INC. 559- 686 -1794 / Email i n f o @ j o h n s to n a i r c r af t . co m w w w. tfn Jasco Alternator kits in stock. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-8430811 tfn J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. still has one of the largest Cessna, and Piper Ag Aircraft inventories in the USA and has a huge inventory of Lighting and wheel and brake inventory. Let us be your total part provider. Call in your needs - Sid or Jerry 800-542-8565 or jcaviation@pldi. net At fn Cessna Ag Parts. Air Repair, Inc. Phone. 662-846-0228 Fax. 662-843-0811 sales@ tfn Remember J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. Is a Transland, Black Steel Brake and McFarlane dealer. We have a large amount of these brands inventory in stock as well as Cleveland. GE Lighting, Cessna, Piper etc. Give us a call for all your parts needs at 800-542-8565 or email us at jcaviation@ At fn Emco Wheaton/Buckeye Dr y Break Couplers and adapters, Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc. 24 hr. Tel 559-686-1794, FA X 559 - 686 -936 0, e - mail: info @ web site: www. tfn
propellers McCauley Prop for Stearman. Like new and comes with an authorized release certificate from Maxwell (7/9/14) to comply with AD. Part number 41D5926/ SS135-6 Serial Number AC-40-4859. Contact Jared Storm at 402-443-7979 or Hershey Flying Service at 308-3685556. 01-15 12D40, 40 hours SIRAN, $8,000. Call 662247-0056 (11-14) 2D30 6101A12, 0-SIRAN... $12K; 22D30-6533A12, 0-SOH...$15K; 12D40-6101A12, 175-SIRAN... $11k; 12D 4 0 - AG10 0 - 4S , 375 - S O H/0 IRAN...$17K; 22D40-AG200-2, 60-SIRAN...$20K; 22D40-6533A12, 852-SOH... $21K; 22D40-AG200-2, 0SIRAN... $19.5K; 870 -8862418/2489FAX AgCat Sales/Service/Parts since 1971 * 1Hamilton Standard, 22D40 Hydromatic Propeller 6533A Blades overhauled complete with distributor valve and prop, Governor. Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-429-6805 10 -14 3 D 40 6101 blades Ham Standard 3 bladed. Overhauled. For more information Call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-4296805 10 -14 12D40-6101-12 Overhauled with 8130 Form. for more information call Chester Roberts Supply Co. 903-429-6805 10-14
For Outright Sale: Overhauled 5-Blade Prop. Hartzell HC-B5MP-3C. Fits AT-502A, AT-503, AT-602, AT-802, Thrush S-2R-T65 & S-2RHG-T65.’06 Hartzell Overhaul. TSN: 1379.5 (TSO:0). Call Steve or Gary 210924-5561. (11-14)
Hartzell 3 Blade and 5 blade Props, new & used $CALL Lane Aviation 888-995LANE 281-342-5451 or FAX 281-2325401. T F N J & C Enterprises has a Cessna 188 props in Stock Y.T. Also offer some STC’d propellers. Call Jerry or Sid 800-542-8565 or email Atfn
GE M601- E11 751 HP TURBOPROP Conversions for Air Tractor and Thrush. Increased Reliability. No Hot Section Inspections. No Nozzles to Service. Cascade Pressure Cowl – Standard Equipment with Lifetim08Serviceable Air Filter System! 3,000 HR Engine TBO. Auto Start Systems. Lower Operating/ Maintenance Costs. Improved Safety. Ease of Maintenance Access. Warranty: 1,000 Hr / 1,100 Cycles or 2 Years. Now taking deposits and scheduling deliveries for mid-late. Please contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509-635-1212 or . tfn Props for Sale: 2D30-6101A-18, 22D30-6533A-12 12D40-6101A-12, 12D40-AG100-2 22D40-6533A-12, 23D40-6533A-18 23D 4 0 -70 05A-12, Call PropWork s, Winnipeg, Canada Tel: 888-679-2965 email: 12-14
Air Tractor financing can put an Air Tractor in your hangar. Air Tractor offers competitive financing options in the U.S. and Canada from Wells Fargo Equipment Finance. Fly now and take seven years to pay, 10 years to amortize and have a fixed interest rate for the life of the loan. Other attractive term periods are available, too. These financing options are available on both new and used Air Tractors purchased through Air Tractor dealers. See your Air Tractor dealer today! t f n
vehicles Auger Trucks For Sale (Trade-Ins) Also list of customer trucks. Call Auger Dan Office: 870-578-6133 Cell: 870-9192317 A 12-14
Need to sell something? Try AAU classified’s new category.
1 Item 1 Price Until It’s Sold! 478-987-2250 Each classified must contain one specific item with a sale price under $500. The classified will be charged a one time fee of $40.00 and will run until the ad is cancelled. Classified must be renewed monthly. Once classified is online no refunds can be issued.
Trade with members of NAAA
All new Air Tractors now include P&W 2500 Hour, 5-Year Extended Warranty 1997 AT-602-60AG, July 2014 Annual Ready To Work Now .......................................................... $525,000
800-441-2964 Ask for Rick or Chuck Stone
F O B Fort Pierce, FL November 2014 A-47 Office: 772-461-8924 • Fax: 772-461-9050 • •
H ar t ze ll m o de l H C- C 2Y K-1B F, s/n CH-16579E. For more information email (11-14)
1981 GMC 6000 Fuel truck – for sale: Used for 100LL. Approx. 1,200 gallon capacity, Re-painted in 2006, dual over wing hoses, located close to MSP international. MAKE OFFER - Call for more details 952.941.6255 (01-15) Heavy duty 25’ nurse trailer(30,000 GVWR) built by Texas Pride Trailers in 2013 with dual 2 speed jacks. 1600 gallon fresh water & 800 gallon batch tank, Honda engine & pump, inductor, storage box mounted under landing platform easily accessible from crow’s nest, 30 gallon drum storage racks at rear of trailer. Tires are like new. Used for 1 season and worked great. Call 830-4266150. (11-14)
1987 International 2500, VIN- HH509568, Fold/Over Auger Truck, S/S Hopper & Tube, Adjustable Sock, Hopper Vibrator, 450 gal Fuel tank, A/C, A/M-F/M Radio, Air ride seat, Weight Scales. Contact: Off: 662-254-9311 or Cell: 662-2995620 (11-14)
2-2001 Adams Field Loaders • For Sale • 2-2001 Adams Field Loaders: Honda Gx670 Engines, Rear Hydraulic Drop Drive, Front Steer Wheels, Hopper Ladder, Stainless Shields, Stainless Spout, Wide Load Fins, Stainless Engine Covers, Reinforced Framing, Anti-Choke Plate, Catch Pan, Tarps, Spare Tire And Bull Dog Hitches $10,000 EACH • Contact George F. Mitchell - M & M AIR SERVICE INC., Owner - located Beaumont, TX USA • Telephone: 409-656-5998 . 409-7942352 . • Fax: 409-794-2958 (11-14)
We build loader trucks to your specifications. Stainless Steel Straight and Fold Up. Mild Steel Straight and Fold Up. Mild Steel Hopper w/Stainless Steel Tube. Been in loader truck business since 1980.
Custom Color Prop Tether and Exhaust covers made to fit for Air Tractor 402 502 602 and 802. Poly-Vinyl coated 28 oz. material. Handles for pulling covers off on 602 and 802 covers. Wraps up neatly and compact for storage in baggage compar tment out of sight and out of mind. $135 for 402-502 and $150 for 602-802, Plus shipping. Dont forget to ask for your custom color! Will ship to almost anywhere. Let us know! Email or call 306-497-7401. (11-14)
Vino? They do say ag pilots age like w in e . Place yo u r f avo r i te w i n e i n these high quality Rolf wine glasses etched with an ag plane, sold as a Set of 4. Makes a great gif t. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at t fn
• Youth • Elite • Softball
Fight rodent infestation with Cascade’s i n n ov a t i ve a n d e x t r e m e l y s i m p l e solution, Mouse Pants! Hand crafted from the highest quality 2024-T3 aircraft aluminum (lighter and not as likely to carve up an operator like galvanized steel). Quick action Wing nut CAMLOC aircraft grade fasteners. Rubber trimmed to protect your aircraft’s finish and the flooring surface. Order your set of three for only $599.00 plus shipping and handling. Please contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509-635-1212 or tom@ (09-15)
Keep your drink hot or cold in this insulated 16oz Air Tractor Tervis Tumbler. Made in the USA, Makes a great gift. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at tfn
Get these photo mats before they fly off the shelve. A great way to display your favorite photos. Makes a great gift. For more info visit our Market Place at tfn
NEW to the DeSpain Collection, Customized Note Cards featuring your favorite Pen and Ink drawing. For more information visit our Market Place at t f n
Call Pat Ballard Office:870-697-2004 Fax:870-697-3568 185 Hwy. 42 West , Hickory Ridge, AR.
79.95 Free Shipping $
20 0 4 Inte r national 430 0. 162, 20 0 miles. Fresh engine overhaul, 1 year lef t on warranty. Manufactured by Ballard Manufacturing. 800 gallon fuel tank, Honda fuel pump. Purchased in 2014. $53,000 obo. Call 501-2694661 (11-14) 2005 International Auger Truck, scales, fuel, flip over. Randy Mink Poor Boys Flying Service 870-931-8485 (11-14)
Pitcher’s Nightmare Swing Trainer
Toy pla stic model Air Tractor. 12” wingspan, removable stand. Great toy for the kids or desktop model. $15 + s/h order online at or e-mail tfn Help your little pilot fly high in dream world with these Bi-Plane PJ’s... Assorted sizes available. Visit our Market Place at tfn
P C S P R AY D e d i c a te d A p p l i c a t i o n Software, Version 3. Fully-functional program. Buy it once, use it forever! No annual fees. Technical support for the life of the product. Call or email for demo today. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800437-5319 tfn Crop Duster Video - “The Crop Dusters - The Early Years 1921-1955”; the era of Stearmans and Cubs flying the fields will never be seen again. Available in VHS or DVD. Only $20.00, plus S&H. MC and Visa accepted. Call 478-9872250 Fax 478-987-1836 Historical Video Productions. tfn SUPERBUGS A safe and economical way to speed up Mother nature! Dispose of hazardous waste in loading and spill areas, ponds and ditches. SUPERBUGS disposes of insecticides, Fungicides, herbicides, and petroleum products Such as waste oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, solvent or anything of organic nature. Blue Stripe Distributing Toll Free 877-924-5025 tfn Reduce Drift, Increase Deposition and Retention use Control™ FREE SAMPLE Call 765-395-3441, mrfoam1@garrco. com t f n
Order your The AgOp Collage Pen and Ink Drawing from our DeSpain Collection today for only $60 plus S&H. Call 478-987-2250 or order online at tfn New from our DeSpain Collection, Pen and Ink Thirsty Stone Coasters. These high quality coasters will look great on any desktop or table. Set of 4. Makes a great gift! For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at tfn
Specialty belt buckles, show your pride in style. Makes a great gift. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at tfn
Fly through your mail with our Airplane Letter Opener! Makes a great gift. For more information call 478-987-2250 or visit our Market Place at t f n English to Spanish Technical Translations Fo r m e r A &P a n d Ag - Pi l o t, C a r l o s Retamosa Specializing in translating: • Aviation technical manuals • Airworthiness Directives (ADs) • Service Bulletins (SBs) Contact info 598-53-24376 retamosa@ tfn
HOTSTUFF AG AIRCRAFT CLEANER Call to order the # 1 Ag Aircraft cleaner in the country, Used by over 400 operators Coast to Coast. Blue Stripe Distributing 877-924-5025 Atfn HELMET with slide up visor $850. Deluxe Kevlar Helmet with ANR, Softskins, Oregon seals $1200. Sky Tractor Supply 1-800-437-5319 At fn J & C Enterprises Aviation Inc. Is always looking for all types of derelict aircraft, parts inventory, both new and used. We will buy small or a shop full. Contact Jerry Buster 800 -542-8565 or email At fn One-acre-square house lot for sale in new Plane Living Sky Park neighborhood with 2,000 s.f., all brick, covenants. Lot is one of 13 directly on new sod runway. Taxi out of your hangar, directly onto the runway. Located in Peach County, Georgia. Public water, septic sewer, paved streets, curb and gutter, street lights. Less than five miles west of I-75, Exit 142, approximately five miles to Fort Valley, GA and approximately 10 miles to Warner Robins, GA. Google It! South side of Hwy 96 at 50 Lane Rd., Fort Valley, Georgia 31030 (Google photo before development). Save thousands and buy from owner. 478.987.2250 tfn
insurance INSURANCE from the Leading Ag Aviation Brokers. 64 Years Risk Management, Low-time Pilot Coverage. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 800-325-0885 www. tfn
“Insurance from a name you can trust, at a price you can afford”, is what we do, and it’s our motto. Hardy Aviation Insurance, Inc. is centrally located in Wichita, Kansas and has been servicing the aerial application market for years now. Randy Hardy established Hardy Aviation Insurance in 1995 with aerial application as his main focus. Prompt courteous service from a dedicated and knowledgeable staff that includes Angie Banz, Tim Wiebe, Dick Russell and Rita Ethridge, whom have years of experience servicing the aerial application business. Give us a try, you might be surprised. Call 1 800 721-6733 or fax us at 316-945-2330. Get an online quote from our web site at or e-mail us at tfn
services Cascade Conversion for Thrush and A i r Tr a c t o r. F u e l S av i n g , C o o l e r running, more power available. MidContinent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO 800-325-0885 tfn
Engine Overhaul Services (EOS) E.O.S. is a F.A.A. approved PT6 repair station, offering a wide range of COMPLETE overhaul and repair capabilities on the Pratt and Whitney PT6A model engines. We produce quality engine work with quick turnaround time. Call us today 305888-4596. Visit us at www.pt6engine. com (09-15) Let us sell your Ag plane! Mid-Continent Aircraft Corp. 1601 Hwy 84 East Hayti, MO 63851 800-325-0885 tfn
Jeffries Airworks Dynamic Propeller Balancing with Chadwick Helmuth engine printout equipment. Jeffries Airworks, Dynamic Balancing, Vibration Analysis. Much more than just a balance. Call Jim Jeffries, A&P/IA, 985-507-9981, Nationwide service on your location.
We rebuild and refinish any fibreglass part for Weatherly, Cessna, Piper and Ag-Cat (A, B and Super B,C and D). Call for prices. Professional Fibreglass Repair. 530-735-6264 tfn
Aerial Application...
FTO extended engine warranty
2010 AT-502B -34AG 2300 TTSN 2012 AT-802A -67AG 1500 TTSN 2011 AT-802A -65AG 2600 TTSN
It can be quite a challenge, but it helps keep the world growing. At Mid-Continent, we feel it’s our responsibility to help keep the world growing. That’s why we provide new and used ag aircraft and ag craft parts to aerial applicators everywhere.
P.O. Box 540 - 1601 Hwy 84 Hayti, Missouri 63851 USA
Tel: 573-359-0500 800-325-0885 Fax: 573-359-0538
877-715-8476 40’ 15.649, 90’14.306
2007 AT-802A -67AG 5600 TTSN Check out our wed site at www. Large selection of parts, call Carrie at 877-715-8476 or
November 2014
DOUG DAVIDSON, aircraft owner and commercial pilot, has served the unique insurance needs of the agricultural aviation community since 1982. He founded Davidson Solid Rock Ins. in 1995 on Christian principles, honesty, integrit y, and the commitment to provide insurance products as solid as our name! One call is all it takes to shop all available markets for your specialized aviation insurance needs. We welcome the opportunity to talk with you at 800358-8079. Or visit our website at www. tfn
Jetset Airmotive can take care of all of your PT6A engine needs with engines, parts, accessories, and a knowledgeable staff. We have engines for sale or exchange. Quality work with a quick turnaround. Call us today for your PT6A engine needs at 305-825-2001. Visit us at www.jsamiami. com. (09-15) Southeastern Aircraft Sales and Service. Late model aircraft sold by Southeastern Aircraft Sales & Service will have a New Annual Inspection, Fresh Hot Section Inspection and a 100 HOUR OR 90 DAY WARRANTY. Now That’s Peace Of Mind! Call Now 1-800-441-2964 tfn Jeffries Airworks Dynamic Propeller Balancing with Chadwick Helmuth engine printout equipment. Jeffries Airworks, Dynamic Balancing, Vibration Analysis. Much more than just a balance. Call Jim Jeffries, A&P/IA, 985-507-9981, Nationwide service on your location. tfn !!Attention Thrush Owners!! North Star Aviation Inc is now the new STC holder of the Thrush Reinforce Leading Edge Skins. If you are getting ready to rebuild your Thrush wings due to AD09-26-11 or tired of bird strikes and ugly leading edges!! Now is the time to install North Star Aviations new Thrush heavy duty reinforced leading edge skins fully STC’d SA03518AT no Field approval required. For more Info contact Steve @ North Star Aviation Inc. 620-356-4528 srice@pld. com tfn Best Classified Buy In The Industry. Read By More Ag Pilots Than Any Other Publication. Only $29 478-987-2250. Fax: 478-987-1836.
wanted to buy Ag Aircraft Wanted: Immediate cash for Ag planes - All considered - Contact Darryl Riddell at 479-935-4891 (11-14) Looking for tired AT-502. Please contact Cascade Aircraft Conversions at 509 635 1212 or (09-15) Looking for a 400 gal Super B model Ag cat fuselage frame. Call 701-636-5880 ask for Jay. tfn EXHAUST Wanted: R-1340 and R-985 Exhaust Send Old Exhaust segments for exchange or Sell them! Call Daryl @ 940-902-0797 or evans.daryl@sbcglobal. net tfn
Paved runway with parallel grass runway, large paved parking and concrete loading pad, large vertical fuel tank with high flow pump, two stainless vats, office building, small storage building, and all sitting on 10+/- acres. Plenty of space for large hangers. Located in McCrory, AR, and has a great potential customer base. Main crops include rice, beans, corn, and winter wheat. Asking $80,000. 662-402-8949 (11-14)
Gulf Coast aG airCraft sales & serviCe Thrush S2R aircraft.
Lifetime Spar (60,000 Hr) without inspections. It is economical and easy to install.
I’ve been in the business 6 years and I’m looking at purchasing my own flying service. I’m open to working with the current owner for the next 1-3 years to provide a smooth transition for the customers. I’m looking for an operation with a 4-5 month season and prefer a state with mountains but will entertain all offers. I also have a manager/loader/ secretary. Please email barcasil28@ with a phone number. (11-14) Diverse zoned property with 2100 foot landing strip and large Airplane Hangar! 56.44 acre property located in Bowie AZ, Cochise County I-10 east frontage. Barn. Stor age sheds. Well. Septic. Electric. Grapes, Walnuts, Pecans and Pistachios are grown locally. Whether you own an airplane or not this property has a lot of potential. Build a house or bring in a manufactured home. Plant a vineyard, grow an orchard. Operate a business. With all this property you can sell some of it. Ideal investment for ag operation. $225,760 Call Rick Frank 520-403-3903 or email rick45ap@vtc. net JS Real Estate, LLC. (11-14) S i n g l e P i l o t 1 35/1 37 H e l i c o p t e r Operation, Clean record, Can be sold separately and relocated. Why wait years to get these certificates? R44 and all equipment included. Send inquires to subject 135/137 operation or Fax to 478-9871836 subject 135/137 operation ( 11-14) Ever wanted to star t your own AG OPERATION (Under Part 137)? As Ag Aviation Consultants we can help you find an airplane, train you. We can help you get your Operating Certificate-Part 137, Private or Commercial. Call Eagle Vistas LLC 772-285-5506 (02-15)
schools Ag Aviation School - Get the best flight training available by learning at a real commercial spray operation. Safe, experienced instructors, highly maintained aircraft, new student pilot dorm with private rooms. Learn to mix, load, fly the light bar and all skills associated with ag aviation. Call Bruce now for more information or to get on the schedule: 770-329-4410. Also check out our Guarantee on our website at www. (12-14)
Call Eugene For Details at 979-533-1720
The “Century” Wing Spar is now Available! Sold in kit form or installed here at our facility. Call today to purchase your kit!!! We want to say
Thank You
for all the customers who have purchased the “Century” Wing Spar.
979-532-1718 • 979-533-1720 A-50
Start to finish Ag pilot training utilizing Pawnee PA-25/260 CS Dual Cockpit& PA-25 Single for Solo/Dump/Spray. Satloc GPS. Ag Aviation Consultants for Ag Operating Certificate Part 137. See videos at: EAGLE VISTAS LLC 772-285-5506 (02-15)
seat wanted AG pilot available, experience 1 year AT-301, 1 year AT-402, 4 years AT-802 / A. Multi-engine, Instrument, Commercial rated. Licensed in Indiana and Illinois. A&P mechanic AT and PT6 qualified. Clean record. Cell # 812-350 -7709 (11-14)
New Ag Pilot/A&P seeking an opportunity for a start. Farm Background. 6 years Ground Rig experience. Ready to work on ground or in the air. NAAA member, PAASS attendance. lancasteraero@yahoo. com (11-14) Ag Seat wanted. 9800 TT 5000+ ag time, 125 hours Cessna turbine time, Ag turbine transition training, A&P / IA Single & Multi-engine instrument flight instructor. Experience Air Tractor, AgCat & Cessna. Experienced corn, cotton, rice, wheat & soybeans. Heavy herbicide experience. Email glenbrownracing@ or 662-678-3947 (11-14) Looking for an ag operator who needs two highly experienced pilots. Father-son team with 23,000 hours combined ag experience. Hard working, dependable, and insurable. Licensed in AR,LA, and IL. Complete resumes on request. Contact us at 318-418-2441 or 318-926-3681. (11-14) Lo o k i n g to s e e w h at ’s o u t t h e re . Experience in many turbine ag makes up to PT6-60, and have a little experience with Garretts. Cotton, Rice, Corn, beans, and most everything between. I am entertaining all options, but looking primarily anywhere from the Bootheel of MO to South Delta, TX, or West Louisiana. Also looking at work in the Midwest right now if there is need for a pilot. Send information to blindads@ subject: seat wanted or Fax information to 478-987-1836 subject: seat wanted (09-14)
help wanted Looking for full time turbine ag pilot for rice, cot ton, pa sture work . Air Tractor experience a plus. Please email to Subject: Tubine Ag Pilot or fax to 478-987-1836 or mail C/O AgAir Update PO Box 850 Perry GA 31069 (11-14) We are looking for fire fighting seasonal pilots that are type rated on AT-802. Pilots with EASA license are preferred. Other pilots with any ICAO license will be examined. Minimum experience must be 300 HRS fire fighting experience. Pilot s will be based in Europe. We are also looking for AT-802 engineers that will be employed on a daily basis (5 days per week) and they will be offered a 2 year contract. Salaries to be offered according to qualifications and experience. Please send your CV to All applications will be examined confidentially. (11-14) A&P Mechanic needed for growing business. Super Cubs to Conquests. Fabrication, sheet metal, piston and turbine experience all a plus. Quality workmanship and willingness to learn a must. Forward your resume to and explore your future. (11-14) A & P Mechanic needed for a multi plane and helicopter Ag operation. Please call Matt at 866-627-8292 or 928-920-9873 (11-14) Aircraft Sales position for experienced Ag, Turbine, CR II, super salary and benefits. Call: Dick 800-325-0885 @ Mid Continent Aircraft Corp. Hayti, MO t fn IA and A&P mechanics needed. Call 870 -295 - 6213 Salar y depending on qualifications and experience t fn Best Classified Buy In The Industry. 478-987-2250. Fax: 478-987-1836.
Advanced Aerial Guidance
SATLOC Key G4 Features
L7 Lightbar
• Wireless transfer of logs and jobs • Access the G4 remotely through the Internet
The L7 Lightbar with new Hi-Bright LEDs, 4 Displays and other new features including optional sun visor
• Ability to receive job files from AgSync & Flight Plan Online
HQ™ Instant Data Push/Pull
• FAA obstacle warning database
• Hot keys enable you to quickly toggle to full map screen
• Live view of any aircraft or asset
• Laser altimeter support
• View, print or email as-applied spray maps
• Nearest swath feature
• Enter Section/Township/Range
• Create, view, manage and send job files to any aircraft with a G4
• Various weather layers including US & Canadian Radar and Wind 8444 N. 90th Street, Suite 130 Scottsdale, Arizona 85258 USA
Phone: (480) 348-9919 Toll Free 800-247-3808
SAT-116.indd 1
10/17/14 8:26 AM
Acorn Welding........................................ 34A Ag - Nav, Inc. ...................................... 3, 18A Agrinautics.............................................. 16A Airplane Services................................... 35A Air Repair................................................ 25A Air Tractor Inc........................................... 5A American AgViation............................... 34A Apollo Spray Systems.............................. 8A Arnold’s..................................................... 9A ASI Jet Sales............................................ 32A AutoCal..................................................... 9A Battleford’s AirSpray............................. 19A Cascade Aircraft Conversions.............. 12A Central Florida Ag Aero......................... 34A Collins Aircraft Dynamics, Inc............... 22A Covington Aircraft Engines................... 52A CP Products............................................ 14A Custom Air.............................................. 19A DataSmart / ChemMan......................... 34A Davidon................................................... 34A Desser Tire & Rubber Co...................... 31A DynaNav................................................. 26A Electrode Aviation................................. 34A Farm Air Inc............................................ 49A FireBoss.................................................. 30A Flight Grip............................................... 35A Frost Flying............................................. 37A GE Aviation............................................. 21A Gulf Coast Ag Aircraft SS....................... 50A Hershey Flying Service............................ 8A J & C Enterprises, Inc............................. 42A JetSet Airmotive..................................... 35A Johnston Aircraft Service, Inc............... 39A Kawak Aviation Technologies............... 28A Lane Aviation, Inc.................................. 41A Lavasia.................................................... 27A Machida Borescopes............................. 16A Micro Aero Dynamics............................ 29A Micron Sprayers Limited...................... 18A Mid - Continent Aircraft Corp............... 49A NAA Museum......................................... 46A Orsmond Aerial Spray Pty. Ltd............. 15A Pratt & Whitney Canada....................... 17A Preferred Airparts................................. 43A Queen Bee Air Specialties.................... 24A Robert McCurdy..................................... 35A SanAg...................................................... 35A SATLOC................................................... 51A Schweiss BiFold Doors.......................... 34A ServAero Engineering........................... 35A Sky Tractor Supply Co........................... 20A Southeastern Aircraft............................ 47A Souther Field Aviation, Inc.................... 43A Spectrum Electrostatic Sprayers............ 9A Thrush Aircraft Inc................................... 2A TracMap NZ LTD.................................... 23A Transland ............................................... 13A Tulsa Aircraft Engines........................... 22A Turbine Conversions Limited............... 31A Universal Turbine Parts Div.................. 24A
November 2014
The Satloc® G4™
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