Arc GIS- Aayushi Sejpal

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Languages other than English spoken at home

The above map analyses the percentage of people who talk in languages other than english at home in 2016. It can be observed that different languages are spoken in the sydney CBD as well as in the extreme outskirts of greater sydney like Strathfield, Bankstown, Fairfield and Cumberland. Places in North Sydney and the East mainly speak english at home. Sutherland shire also has an english speaking population only 0-30% talk in a different language as compared to english. This could mean that there are more people from different cultural backgrounds in these areas that have people talking in other languages. But this does not give any proof of migration, or migration patterns of the people. On some further research it was found that some of the most spoken languages other than english are Mandarin, Cantonese, Arabic, Hindi and Vietnamese.

0 2 4 6 8 1 Kilometers ¯ Legend Languages_home_SA1_GrSyd PC_LOTE 0% - 30% 31% - 50% 51% - 70% 71% - 100% LGA_2018_AUST Languages other than english spoken at home LEGEND

Percentage of Apartments in Sydney

This map addresses the number of apartments in greater Sydney, 2016. The most number of apartments are concentrated in the Sydney CBD except for the places that have public spaces and parks. North sydney also has a higher concentration of apartments. The number of apartments in the suburbs of greater sydney are much fewer and has more of standalone houses in those areas. This suggests that areas with a higher percentage of apartments might have a higher population and a denser urban fabric as compared to the suburbs.

¯ Legend SA1_2016_NSW PCAPT 0 - 25 26 - 50 51 - 75 76 - 100 LGA_2018_AUST 0 2 4 6 1 Kilometers
LEGEND Percentage of people staying in apartments in Sydney

Accessibility to proposed community centre sites

County of Los Angeles, California State Parks, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, FAO, METI/NASA, USGS, Bureau of Land Management, EPA, NPS

The map demonstrates proposed sites for new community areas, and studies accessibilty of the census tract area to each of the new sites in relation to the population. The accessibilty score takes the distance as well as number of people into consideration, the number of people are in terms of the number of people that dont speak english at home. This means that the population taken into consideration are non english speaking and could possibly be migrants. The map shows that Burbank is the most accessible site to build a community centre for the migrant population of LA in terms of distance as well as population. This does not take into account any public transportation. This would make a vast difference in the outcome of the study as distance can be negotiable if public transport is taken into account.

¯ 0 4 8 12 16 2 Kilometers Legend La_tracts access4 0 - 68 69 - 150 151 - 263 264 - 11471 LEGEND Accessibility to proposed community centres in LA

Housing Affordability Through GIS


Housing is an important factor and plays a role in economic and social development. Housing reflects an areas government policy, society, resources and quality of life of the people. Access to safe and affordable housing is a humans rights, housing opportunities have a lot of influence education, employment, crime rates and environment. Sydney has been economically prosperous since the 1990’s but the crises in housing has had an impact on the single person households and low-income families. (Yu, 2005)

1: Rise in Housing prices: There was an increase in prices of 77% in late 1980’s. post that in 2003 there was a further increase of 106%. Sydney was becoming one of the most expensive cities in Australia in terms of growth in housing rates. (Yu, 2005)

2: Decline in affordability and ownership: The prices of houses in sydney over the last few decades have risen substantially as compared to real incomes, this has resulted in low-income renting. In 1996 17.7% households were low-income homes in Sydney which increased to 18.4% in 2001 and increases further in the coming years. (Yu, 2005)

3: Shortage of low cost housing: There is a shortage of housing for low income groups in both the private and public sector. From 1996 there has been a decline of more than 380,000 dwellings. Only 0.36% of the total housing stock was provided for in 1997. People in sydney make majority of the list of the waiting list for affordable housing because of the growth in population as well as increased housing prices.(Yu, 2005)

“Housing affordability is arguably the most pressing issue right now affecting communities across the state,” Cr Turley said.

The local government of NSW is seeing the impact of rental vacancy rates on a first-hand basis and the fact that they have reached an all-time low and a large portion of the community doesn’t have home ownership. (Local Government NSW, 2021).

The maps below analyse the Housing situation in NSW till the years 2016.

Median Prices in NSW

The Prices of dwelling in the city of Sydney and along the coast is much higher as compared to in the interior and regional areas of NSW. The reason for these higher rates is because they have higer accessibility to amenities and more attractive surroundings, these regions are also well connected by public transport, better job opportunities and education. These aspects raise the rates in these regions. Sydney has been the most expensive city in Australia and have reached a new high, 29 of the suburbs now exceed $4 million median purchase price up to more than $9 million. And a couple dozen of suburbs exceed $3 million and more areas are predicted to join this band width. (Dobson 2022)

0 170 85 Kilometers ¯ Legend POA_2016_NSW MED_PRICE 22500 - 150000 150000 - 400000 400000 - 700000 700000 - 900000 900000 - 20000000 Median Prices in NSW

Percent of Rent Stress in NSW

Through the above Map it can be observed that there is an increase amount of rent stress along the coast and closer to the city as compared to the interios and regional areas in NSW. This is because there is an increase in the amount of rent along the coast causing more rent stress along the coast and in the city. In 2021, 45.7% of Australians that were receiving rent assistance from the government were spending more than 30% of their income on rent. This is what defines it as rent stress (Dobson 2022). Mostly 39-53% of the people are under rent stress along the coast and in the city. The suburbs have 13-26% of people under rent stress.

0 170 85 Kilometers ¯ Legend SA2AUS2016 PCR_RS 0.0 - 0.13 0.13 - 0.26 0.26 - 0.39 0.39 - 0.53 Percent of Rent Stress in NSW (0-13%) (13-26%) (26-39%) (39-53%)

Proportion of Affordable Dwellings NSW

The above map shows the proportion of affordable dwellings throughout NSW and within the City of Sydney. It can be observed in the map that there are very few affordable dwellings within the city CBD and along the coast, even though these places have the most amount of population. The supply of social housing is growing slowly as compared to the population growth. Since 2012 the growth rate of population has been 13.2%, but the growth rate of housing has only been growing at a slow rate of 4.5% (Dobson 2022). According to a survey taken in 2021 by Australia Talks, 65% of Australians think that young Australians won’t have an option of owning a home. And the dream of owning a home is out of hand for future generations (Dobson 2022).

0 170 85 Kilometers ¯ Legend POA_2016_NSW PROP_AFFORD 5 - 20 21 - 40 41 - 60 61 - 80 81 - 100
SYDNEY Proportion of Affordable Dwellings NSW

Accessibility to Health and Education Precincts


The report focuses on innovation precincts particularly Health and education in greater Sydney and the maps study places where health and education are highly concentrated. The maps also study the linkages of health and education centres to train networks. The report also analyses the benefits of innovation precincts. Innovation precincts are emerging as new technologies emerge and transform existing industries. This innovation is helped through collaboration, by sharing knowledge infrastructure and services. This has led to a creation of hubs and clusters and lead to innovation precincts. (Barilaro,2018).


Innovation precincts are springing up everywhere across the Australian urban and rural landscape, Including Sydney and Melbourne. “The benefits of concentrating knowledge-intensive activities in an Innovation District are that new products and services developed within them cascade through the supply chain, where the products and solutions are then produced at scale, benefiting other support industries and suppliers.” (Gilbert, Tobin 2021) To make an Innovation precinct successful is Collaboration, this sets it aside from business parks or independently operating businesses. Innovation precincts consist of three kinds of networks that have the essence of collaboration:

1: networks of individual workers collaboration with Labourers

2: Organisation networks collaborating together

3: Physical urban environment networks distributed across, which help and support the economic fabric such as Railway networks (Gilbert, Tobin 2021).

Governments have a bigger vision in mind when they promote innovation precincts. They try to place innovation precincts in economically or socially backward areas with the hope that they will generate more economy in that and the surrounding areas. But the government fails to realis that many times innovation precincts act as “citadels of privilege” with no upliftment of the surrounding areas. To avoid failure, it is necessary to have a connection with the humans in that region. “If an Innovation District does not offer equal opportunities to its citizens, it will not sustain a productive ecosystem in the long run.” (Gilbert, Tobin 2021).

Innovation precincts usually need highly skilled workers. Few smaller roles can be played by lower skilled workers from surrounding areas, it is more difficult to find skilled workers in regional areas due to a lack of educational opportunities. So, it will make it difficult for a knowledge/ economic spill over to take place if the skilled labour is commuting daily from better of areas in the city. During the review of international experience of innovation precincts, the NSW Innovation and Productivity Council understood that in a number of regions local start-ups have a low level of success. . This is possible due to a lack of business planning, management capabilities. In the way the workers commuted from elsewhere so do the start-ups. There is also a viewpoint that even if an innovation precinct is majorly dependant on commuting skilled workers from wellestablished areas, there can yet be a spill over of knowledge over a longer period of time into the local community and surrounding areas. This can be possible because of social networks that progress out of the innovation precinct can produce learning outcomes through the diffusion of knowledge, increasing productivity and knowledge in the surroundings. The report below studies areas where health or education as an industry is concentrated. Health and education precincts usually involve a university collaboration or location close to a hospital. The growth of such precincts includes commercialisation of research, development of research institutions, multidisciplinary university, and an active innovation system. With evolving precincts, the economic productivity of that area is also foreseen to increase by a large margin over time. The greater Sydney Commission recognises 13 health and education precincts at various development stages in the greater Sydney region. The health and education precincts aim to strengthen the collaboration between health and education personnel. To give an example the University of Sydney has a long -term relation with clinical teaching and research units at public hospital settings like Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Concord Hospital, Westmead Hospital. (Balasubramanian, 2021)

The Above map shows the areas where Health care and social precincts are concentrated. It can be observed through this map that the regional areas in the west have very few areas with health and social assistance provision. The regions along the coast and the center have a bigger concentration of health and social precincts. There are quite a few metropolitan areas that have an increased amount of research and local health districts that can collaborate with universities in that area. These can be addressed as medical innovation districts and research in Sydney locations like, Randwick and Camperdown-Ultimo and Westmead (NSW Government 2018).

¯ 0 23 46 12 Kilometers Legend SA2 Health Care and Social Assistance 0 - 56 57 - 108 109 - 173 174 - 282 283 - 569 LEGEND
Sydney Palm Beach Norah Head Parramatta Springwood Liverpool Campbelltown Somersby

The Above map shows the areas where Health care and socil precincts are concentrated along with the train lines. It is clearly seen through the map that the health precincts are along the train lines and well cnnected to the centre through the train. This shows that there is a corelation betweenthe the train lines and the health precincts. It can be noticed through this that the regional areas dont have any access to the health and social care districts. This reduced accessibility makes it more difficult to have a knowledge spillover from the precincts to other reginal areas defeating the idea of innovation precincts.

¯ 0 23 46 12 Kilometers Legend Train Stations SA2 Health Care and Social Assistance 0 - 56 57 - 108 109 - 173 174 - 282 283 - 569 LEGEND
Train Lines
Healthcare and Social Assistance
Sydney Palm Beach Norah Head Parramatta Springwood Liverpool Campbelltown Somersby

Education and Training

The Above map shows the other aspect of health and education precincts. It shows the parts that have a high concentration of education and training institutes. As seen in the map the education districts are concentrated more along the east while the west the insides of NSW has very few education institutes. and the people living there don’t have access to high quality education. Whereas the city surroundings and the east have a good amount of education institutes. One of the examples is Charles Sturt University in Bathurst that is turning into a center for innovation and digital technology industries along with communication. It is along with CenWest Innovate providing business accelerator training and support. Anther example is Innovative precincts being formed around the University of Newcastle and the University of Wollongongs innovation Campus (NSW Government 2018).

¯ 0 23 46 12 Kilometers Legend SA2 Education and Training 0 - 83 84 - 155 156 - 234 235 - 355 356 - 835 LEGEND
Sydney Palm Beach Norah Head Parramatta Springwood Liverpool Campbelltown Somersby

Education and Training

The Above map shows the parts that have a high concentration of education and training institutes along with the Train Lines. In this map it can be observed again that the education precincts are along the train lines and only accessible to people along these lines with very less provision of educaion institutes in the remote areas. To spread knowledge it is necessary to make the precincts accessible to all and not just certain groups of people and thus it is important to think about their placement and onnectivity to ther regions. The eduction institutes in this map are not accessible by all and will thus inhibit sharing and spill over of knowledge.

¯ 0 23 46 12 Kilometers Legend Train Stations SA2 Education and Training 0 - 83 84 - 155 156 - 234 235 - 355 356 - 835 LEGEND Train Lines
Sydney Palm Beach Norah Head Parramatta Springwood Liverpool Campbelltown Somersby

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