Discipleship and Biblical Spiritualit
In this five-part series, we will be exploring the meaning and method of disciple in ancient times and ask ourselves how we might live better lives as modern dis
Forgiveness and Healing: There is a Balm in Gilead
n our modern discourse, the concept of divide and conquer is commonplace and widely practiced. Consequently, anti-monopoly laws are pervasive in Western nations because we all know what happens when too much power accrues to one entity, be it a person or organization. When businesses get too powerful, governments force
Alberta Adventist News
them to divide into smaller, independent units to allow for a fairer playing field. Militarily, if a force can be divided, it can more easily be overcome by one division at a time. This strategy has come to be known as “divide and conquer” after the ancient Roman tactic of divide et impera (“divide and rule”). Taken in a biblical context, this word
“rule” clarifies and amplifies what Adventists understand to be the great controversy between Christ and Satan: a battle for universal rulership. As Bible students, we can trace the source of this battle to the Garden of Eden. In the same way Satan had so successfully planted strains of discord in one-third of the angelic host (see Rev.