How Timidity, Indecision, and Lack of Focus Will Negatively Impact Your Life
The Tortoise & The Hare I recently watched the Youtube video of a tortoise racing a hare.1 It was impressive to watch the hare blast off and reach the halfway point on the track in just a few hops, while Ms. Tortoise had barely gotten off the starting line. But it was Source 1
astounding to see the tortoise win the race. I've always heard the saying that "slow and steady wins the race." And, probably like you, dear reader, I've listened to the story of the tortoise and the hare since I was a little kid. But seeing it in real life hit me like a ton of lead. It permanently elevated the importance of the lesson in my heart. You see, what the tortoise had
You see, what the tortoise had that the hare didn't was perseverance, consistency, staying power, and, in a certain sense, endurance." 6
Alberta Adventist News
that the hare didn't was perseverance, consistency, staying power, and, in a certain sense, endurance. Was the tortoise slow? Yes. Awkward? Yes. She looked a little stiff, lugging her heavy shell down the track. But did she let up? No. Did she get distracted? No. Did she