Alberta Adventist News March Edition

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MARCH 2024 EDITION My Expectations of Our Alberta Conference Pastors! Sermon on the Mount IV Bring Your Doubts to Jesus Wholistic Biblical Stewardship Safety Sabbath Marriage Enrichment Activities ALBERTAADVENTIST.CA/AAN Wholistic Biblical Stewardship



Marriage Enrichment Activities

Marriage enrichment, especially within the Seventh-day Adventist Church, emphasizes fostering a relationship that embodies and upholds our shared beliefs while bolstering the bond between partners. This approach prioritizes nurturing a union deeply rooted in faith, aiming to cultivate mutual understanding, support, and spiritual growth. Through shared values and commitment to each other's spiritual well-being, couples strive to create a harmonious and fulfilling partnership that reflects the teachings and principles of our faith.

Alberta Adventist News is a print and digital media publication of the Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Editor Troy McQueen; Co-Editor Ruby Casipe; Graphic Design Mishell Raedeke/; Photo attribution: Alberta Adventist Communication unless otherwise noted. Submission Guidelines:; Submissions:

ELECTED OFFICIALS: President Jeff Potts; Executive Secretary/VP for Administration Melissa Cooke; Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer Keith Richter. DEPARTMENTAL DIRECTORS: Ministerial & Evangelism Tyler Rosengren; Human Resources Officer Jennifer Williams; Education Superintendent Gail R. Wilton; Planned Giving & Trust Services/Philanthropy Lynn McDowell; Foothills Camp Ken Harrington; Youth Roberson Dorelus; Communication/IT/Media Troy McQueen; Risk Management/ Project Development Llew Werner ALBERTA CONFERENCE OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH: Address: 5816 Highway 2A, Lacombe, AB, T4L2G5. Office

Hours: Monday-Thur 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Phone: (403) 342-5044, Email: info@ albertaadventist. ca SOCIAL MEDIA X: ABAdventist, Facebook: ABAdventist, Instagram: ABAdventist, LinkedIn: ABAdventist, Website:

15 Wholistic Biblical Stewardship

When you hear the word “stewardship” what comes to your mind? Do you first think about money? Do you have visions of offering appeals being made from the church pulpit? Or fundraising campaigns for special church projects? Truly, that’s all that some have known of “stewardship.”

40 A Winter Celebration of Indigenous Ways and Alumni Achievements

Traditionally, the Cree of Maskwacis spent the long evening hours of winter telling and listening to stories told by elders. As an oral culture, many of these stories had very specific element and words.

04 Message from the President 06 Sermon On The Mount: Part IV (Final) 08 Bring Your Doubts to Jesus 10 Department News 20 Safety Sabbath 22 Marriage Enrichment 24 Making Music in Heaven 26 Church Life 38 Education News 42 Philanthropy News 44 In Memory 45 Announcements 48 Calendar of Offerings 50 Means & Meaning 40 15 MARCH 2024 EDITION
Cover photo: Pocaterra Ridge Kananaskis, courtesy of David Beaudoin

My Expectations of Our Alberta Conference Pastors

Post-pandemic burnout is taking a toll on pastors. According to a study published recently by Harvard Institute for Religion Research, 40% of Christian Clergy in the USA have seriously thought about leaving their congregations at least once since the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020. About 33% of US pastors have seriously thought about leaving ministry altogether. The majority of pastors in North America are working 55-75 hours per week. Overwork is taking a toll on our pastors’ health, and on their family relationships.

To address these concerns, I though it would be helpful for me to give our Alberta Conference pastors a list of realistic expectations. I shared

this list with our pastors last summer. I think its important for our church members to also understand what is expected of their pastors. Here is my list of 10 expectations…

1. I expect that you will maintain a close relationship with Jesus by prioritizing your time alone with Him each day. My expectation is that you will have daily unrushed communion with God.

2. I expect that you will maintain a healthy relationship with your spouse and with your children. Maintain appropriate boundaries, so church work doesn’t intrude on family time. Make time for your family.

We spell love T-I-M-E. Keep dating. Have fun together. Raise your children in such a way that they will be grateful to God they were PKs.

3. I expect that you will take care of your health. Get adequate rest, exercise, fresh air, sunshine, etc… Take care of your mental health. If you’re struggling, get professional help. Make time for a hobby something you enjoy doing. If you’re struggling with an addiction, get help for that. I expect that you will normally work about 45 hours per week. This will help prevent burnout. It will help keep you healthy, happy, and productive.

4 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024

“Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you.”—

Hebrews 13:17 NIV

I expect that you will love your church members and do what is in their best interest. Pray for them. Visit them. Encourage them. Take them with you on your visits and Bible Studies. Establish a network of small groups in your church(es) so your members will benefit from Authentic Biblical Community (ABC). Help them experience the joys of serving others.

5. I expect that you will prioritize evangelism. Set an example of relational evangelism. Make time for friendships with people who are not yet followers of Jesus. Enjoy these friendships, without strings attached. Establish an annual cycle of evangelism for your church(es). Disciple your members and involve them in evangelism. Remind them that evangelism is not an event, but a lifestyle.

6. I expect you to be accountable. Identify an accountability partner with whom you connect weekly. I encourage you to ask each other 4 questions:

(1) How are you doing in your relationship with Jesus? (2) How are you doing in the area of temptation? (3) How are you doing with your souse? (4) How are you discipling your kids?

7. I expect that you will mentor one or two individuals whom you select. Invest yourself in those individuals, just as your mentor is investing in you.

8. I expect you to multiply your influence by being a leader of leaders. It is one thing to lead followers. It is another to lead leaders. Equip them. Empower them to lead with excellence. Ensure that your church never becomes pastor dependent.

9. I expect you to develop a strategic plan for your congregation(s) in collaboration with your church board. Keep it simple. The plan should include: (1) A Clear, Compelling Vision Statement. You are the primary vision caster for your congregation. (2) A Mission Statement that

is short enough for your members to remember. (3) A statement of core values.

(4) A list of goals no more than 3 of them.

(5) Written strategies to help you achieve your goals. Think steps.

10. I expect that you will speak to me if you have an issue or concern. Speak to me, not about me.

I’m committed to doing all I can to care for our pastors. I urge you to do the same. Pray for them. Love them. Appreciate them. Encourage them. “Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you.”

(Hebrews 13:17 NIV)

5 MARCH 2024 Alberta Adventist News
Jeff Potts President Alberta Conference


As Jesus spoke on the mountain that day, we began to realize that we were not as righteous as we thought we were. But He gave us encouragement in the thoughts He shared next. “Don’t give up, keep on asking, keep on seeking and you will find. If you ask,” He said, “you will receive; if you seek you will find; if you knock the door will be opened to you. If parents know how to give good things to their children, then how much more your Father will be happy to give good things to you when you ask.” He portrayed God as someone who really cares about people. “Do to others what you would like them to do for you.” That principle I needed to apply. Andrew complains because I give him all the dirty jobs. Jesus talked about the road to Heaven. “The road to hell is wide but the

road to Heaven is narrow and few people find or even look for the difficult path to Heaven. You can tell people by the fruit they produce just like plants and trees,” He continued. “You can’t get grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles. Trees that produce no fruit or bad fruit are cut down and thrown into the fire. The same will happen to people who produce bad fruit in the end.” Then He said something that caught everyone’s attention, especially the Pharisees. “Not everyone who calls to me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the Kingdom. Only those who do the will of my Father. They will argue, ‘But we did wonders in your name.’ I will tell them, ‘Get away from me, I never knew you.’ In the final judgment they will be lost because they break God’s laws.” He ended His sermon with a story. “Those who listen to my words and apply them are like a man who built a house on solid rock. When the floods came the house stood firm. But those who ignore my teachings are like a man who built his house on sand and when the floods came, down it crashed.” The people were amazed at His teachings because they were unlike anything they had heard before. Jesus touched their hearts.

Dennis Nickel was pastor for 30 years in Alberta, British Columbia, and Upper Columbia (US) conferences. It was during his morning times with God that he wrote his book A Day in the Life of Jesus.

6 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024
Part 4

Bring Your Doubts to Jesus

Do you ever have doubts? John the Baptist did, and he was, according to Jesus, the greatest man ever born (Matthew 11:11). If he could not just doubt but doubt if Jesus was even the One, surely, we are foolish to think we will never doubt.

For my entire life I thought John doubted because he was rotting in prison and Jesus wasn't helping him. As far as we know, He didn't even visit him!

However according to Luke chapter 7, that is not the thing that triggered John to send two of his disciples to ask Jesus if He was really the One. The trigger was that Jesus was helping foreigners! He even helped a Roman centurion and followed that up with the declaration that He hadn't found anyone with

as much faith in all of Israel!

Come on. Seriously?! Jesus wasn't just crossing the nationality line, He wasn't just fraternizing with the enemy, He was insulting Israel while He was doing it, and insulting John himself!

John was so shaken by what Jesus was doing and saying that He started to doubt the man he baptized himself, and declared to be the Lamb of God, was even legit.

John had definite ideas about who the Messiah should be and what he should be like, and Jesus crossed those ideas.

Now we are getting to it.

The most likely event that will cause you and I to doubt is when Jesus crosses our certainties. When Jesus

dares to shake our box or even step out of it. How dare He be other than what we believe Him to be?

I can tell you this from personal experience. If you are serious about following Jesus, prepare to be shaken and to doubt. Then do what John did. Be honest and take your doubts to Jesus.


you are serious about

following Jesus, prepare to be shaken and to doubt. Then do what John did. Be honest and take your doubts to Jesus.

8 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024

10th Annual Convention


May 3–5, 2024

College Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church

Friday, May 3 @ 9:30 am

• DEVOTIONAL Pastor Thorp

• OUTING & LUNCH (Pre-registration required)

• BANQUET - 5:30 pm (for ages 50+) (Preregistration required)

College Heights Christian School Gymnasium

• Meeting after Banquet at CHCS Gym - Business Mtg & Pastor Thorp


Pastor Thorp is President of the BC Conference, Kandus is the Director of Digital Evangelism

Sabbath, May 4

• SABBATH SCHOOL @ 9:30 am

• CHURCH SERVICE Pastor Thorp @ 11:00 am

• AFTERNOON @ 3:30 pm Pastor Thorp Hope Channel including Q&A

• GOSPEL CONCERT @ 7:00 pm

Sunday, May 5 @ 9:30 am

• DEVOTIONAL Pastor Thorp

EVERYONE of ALL ages from all churches are invited to attend ALL meetings in the church. You do not have to be a SAGEr!

If you have questions, you may contact Pastor Don Corkum, (403) 669-0706 OR

Seniors in Action for God with Excellence


New Conference Employees NEWS DEPARTMENT

We’re thrilled to introduce you to ten new employees who have joined our Alberta Conference team since January 1, 2024:

Michelle Mitchell has been hired as a part time Religion teacher at Parkview Adventist Academy. Her start date was Jan 8, 2024.

Joy Salavante has been hired in January as a Marketing/Customer Service Representative at the ABC Christian Store. She has been working in Customer Service since 2012. With a passion for people, leadership, office and organizational skills, Joy is an asset to the ABC.

Cassia Mohns has been hired as the junior high Art/PE/ Humanities teacher at Chinook Winds Adventist Academy. Her start date was Jan 8, 2024.

Clerona Felicien has been hired as the junior high Religion/ Science/PE/Humanities teacher at Chinook Winds Adventist Academy. Her start date was Jan 8, 2024.

Shernan Landicho has been hired in February as a Temporary Maternity Replacement for Accounts Payable at the Alberta Conference. Shernan has experience working in Accounts Payables for Choice Hotels and comes to us from a background as a Health Care Aide. His love for people and his gentle and caring nature is felt by all who interact with him. He is currently pursing a Diploma in Payroll and Accounting at Rosewood College in Calgary.

Jon Olson has been hired in February as a Shipper/Delivery Truck Driver for the ABC Christian Store. Jon brings a wealth of experience in shipping and delivery since 2004.

10 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024



Joel Telis has been hired as a part-time Bible Worker at the Fort Saskatchewan Church. Joel’s start date was January 1, 2024. Raised in an Adventist Church in Toronto, Joel walked away from the church in his teens. But over the past few years, God has intervened dramatically to changed Joel’s life, and bring him back into a thriving relationship with Jesus. Both Joel and his wife Nataly are now members of the Fort Saskatchewan Church. Joel works at Costco in addition to his part-time Bible Work.

Pastor Volodymyr

Pastor Grant

Fajilagot has been hired to serve the Lethbridge Church, starting April 1, 2024. Since 2016, Pastor Fajilagot has served as a Teacher, Bible Worker, and an Academy Chaplain. Prior to that, for seven years, Lyle enjoyed a successful nursing career. However, when God called him to be a pastor, Lyle went back to school to study Theology. Lyle now has four degrees — a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, a Master’s degree in Nursing (Major in Adult Health and Aging), a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology, and a Master of Arts degree in Church Ministry. Last year Lyle and his wife Eunice were blessed with a baby girl, Elayna.

Melys has been hired to serve the Fort Saskatchewan / Smoky Lake / Boyle district. His start date is April 1, 2024. Pastor Melys and his family arrived in Alberta from Ukraine over a year ago. He and his wife Ludmila have four daughters. Pastor Melys is a seasoned pastor and has served as a Ministerial Director in Ukraine. He is passionate about mentoring youth and was a summer camp director in Ukraine. Ludmila Melys is a gifted artist. Pastor Melys is an excellent carpenter and has been temporarily working in construction in the Edmonton area. He looks forward to returning to pastoral ministry.

Lottering has been hired to serve as pastor of the Lloydminster / Bonnyville district. He started his ministry there on February 1, 2024. Pastor Lottering has a passion for providing spiritual care and leading people into a saving relationship with Jesus. In addition to pastoral work, he has worked as a researcher at the Ellen White Estate in South Africa where he developed resources for the world church. Grant’s wife Sahana is a pharmacology professor.

11 MARCH 2024 Alberta Adventist News DEPARTMENT NEWS

Alberta Pastors Who Have Recently Been Re-assigned

Pastor George Ali served as the Ministerial Director of the Alberta Conference for 14 years. Starting on January 1, 2024, Pastor Ali became the Interima Pastor of the Leduc / Drayton Valley District. He is gearing up for retirement this summer.

Pastor Wayne Williams served as the Executive Secretary of the Alberta Conference for six years. He became the Interim Pastor of the Hanna/Loyalist District on February 1, 2024. Pastor Williams will become the Lead Pastor of the Calgary Garden Road Church on September 1, 2024.

Pastor James Wesley has been the Lethbridge Church Pastor for four years. He will become the Lead Pastor of the Edmonton South Church on April 1, 2024.

Pastor Jinwook

Lee served the Parkdale/Gladys District for 8 years (six years at Gladys). On February 1, 2024, he became Pastor of the Parkland/ Onoway District.

Pastor Ishmael Ali has been Lead Pastor of the Calgary Garden Road Church for 21 years. On September 1, 2024, Pastor Ali will transition to a new role -- Rural Church Evangelism Coordinator for the Alberta Conference.

Pastor Samuel Cadiz has been pastor of the Calgary METRO/ Southview District for almost 6 years. We have realigned that district. As of February 1, 2024, Pastor Cadiz is pastor of the Calgary METRO/ Gladys District.

12 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024

Pastor Paul Antunes has served as Chaplain of Chinook Winds Adventist Academy for the last five years. Following this school year, he will become Pastor of the Calgary Parkdale/ Southview District.

Pastor Keith Samuels has been serving in the Edmonton North/Boyle District for approximately 8 years (3.5 years at Boyle). We have realigned that district. As of February 24, 2024, Pastor Samuels is leading the Edmonton North/Ghanaian District.

Pastor Ryan Reeves has been serving the Medicine Hat/Brooks district for almost 4 years. On July 1, 2024, Pastor Reeves will transition to the Leduc/ Drayton Valley district.

Pastor Ian Bramble served the Parkland/Onoway district for six years. As of January 2024, Pastor Bramble is working with a dedicated core group in preparation for launching a new church in Edmonton. The focus of this new community is reaching unchurched young adults.

Pastor David Guzman was Lead Pastor of Red Willow Community Church for three years. As of February 1, 2024, Pastor Guzman is Lead Pastor of the West Edmonton/African Fellowship district.

13 MARCH 2024 Alberta Adventist News DEPARTMENT NEWS


Andrews University

Aka Dr. Bubbles, Andrew University’s Chemistry Professor since 2009, has dedicated 30+ years to learning and teaching chemistry. Passionate about understanding materials and showcasing God’s design for Earth, he collaborates with his wife Suzi (Ms. Fizz) and their three children.


Come experience a new way of seeing God’s love through amazing experiments, mind blowing facts, and interactive demonstrations that will deepen your awe of the great Creator!

JUNE 7-9 2024

Registration closes May 7, 2024

Wholistic Biblical Stewardship

When you hear the word “stewardship” what comes to your mind? Do you first think about money? Do you have visions of offering appeals being made from the church pulpit? Or fundraising campaigns for special church projects? Truly, that’s all that some have known of “stewardship.” For others, it’s a word or concept they have no familiarity with at all.

What if stewardship wasn’t perceived to be just about money and offering appeals? What if it was about the life we lived every day as a disciple of Jesus? What would it be like if, as Christ followers, we understood and practiced stewardship in a new and refreshing way?

Stewardship shouldn’t be a boring theme, because stewardship is all about an active and dynamic trust relationship with God. It’s about living our lives under the Lordship of Christ. Stewardship is reflected in the attitude we display toward God and the many and varied gifts (including, but not limited to finances) that He has entrusted us to manage and care for. It is the daily practice of godly living and caring in harmony with the principles of God’s Word. When we see and

understand stewardship to be about more than money, and actually be a wholistic way of life and partnership with God, we can experience stewardship in a whole new way.

In the great master plan of God, we have been created and redeemed to be faithful stewards for Him that is, partners with God and faithful managers for Him of all aspects and dimensions of our lives. Stewardship is our calling!

During this conference term, our vision in the Stewardship Ministries department is:

God’s people living in wholistic faithfulness to God recognizing the Lordship of Jesus, and living a life of partnership with God, and cooperation within the body of Christ.

Each believer is entrusted by God with abilities and possessions, resources, and opportunities, to bring God’s blessings and the knowledge of His plan of redemption to the world. These blessings and opportunities are often summarized within the Seven

15 MARCH 2024 Alberta Adventist News
God’s people living in wholistic faithfulness to God — recognizing the Lordship of Jesus, and living a life of partnership with God, and cooperation within the body of Christ."

Ts of Stewardship - Trust, Truth, Time, Temple, Talents, Treasure, and Testimony. We each have these blessings from God and can cooperate with Him in blessing the world!

Stewardship Ministries of the Alberta Conference exists to help you, as Christ followers, to identify with your God-given calling as a co-labourer with Christ, and knowing how you can support the great effort of preparing a people to meet Jesus at His soon return. It is the goal of this department to inspire and encourage each and every believer to practice wholistic Biblical stewardship, carefully managing and generously sharing all that God has committed to our care. This is the experience of Christ-centred, faithful, and dynamic discipleship.

Thus, our departmental mission:

To help leaders and members alike develop the habits and practices necessary to grow, live, and give as dynamic and faithful disciples of Christ.

In this conference term, by the grace of God, Alberta Conference Stewardship Ministries aims to encourage our church family members throughout the conference towards a total commitment of the entire life and all gifts, talents, and resources to the lordship of Jesus Christ in a lifestyle of partnership with God. We aim to encourage and support our pastors and local churches in

their journey of believe in and the practice of wholistic Biblical stewardship with resources, training, and educational opportunities for young and old.*

All of us, young and old, have been called by God to a blessing of living generosity. We are called to live out the “God First” principle in our lives each day. We are invited to experience hope and wholeness in our own lives, and to freely share what we have received with others. This is living as faithful and dynamic disciples of Christ.

May God bless you in your journey of wholistic Biblical stewardship in 2024!

*If you would like to learn more about the goals and objectives of the Alberta Conference Stewardship Ministries department, or learn about resources available to help you or your church grow in faithfulness, please visit, or contact Pastor Jason Williams at

16 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024
17 MARCH 2024 Alberta Adventist News OPEN! Registration is now Let your friends & family know! - Click/share the following link to anyone who is interested in registering for any of our summer camp sessions for the coming summer! 2024 Summer Camp Schedule June 30 - July 5 Camp for the Visually Impaired July 21-28 Family Camp July 28-Aug 4 Junior Camp Aug 4 -11 Teen Camp Costs for Camp Camp for the Visually Impaired: $40 Junior Camp: $365 Teen Camp: $365 Family Camp 1 person - $300 2 people - $400 3 people - $600 4 or more family members - $700 max FOOTHILLS SUMMER CAMP JULY 12 -20, 2024 ALBERTACONFERENCE • CAMPMEETING 2024 PSALMS 139:10 even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. ...even there your hand will guide me your right hand will hold me fast.

Sherwood Care's 2023 Annual Report

Dear Church Family

Iwant to take this opportunity to thank you for partnering with Sherwood Care, in a variety of ways to assist us in achieving our goal of being the “Best Place to Be” and “The Best Place to Work.”

I am excited to share with you our 2023 Annual Report, virtually—letting our residents, families and staff share with you the ways that we have thrived this past year, while moving forward with our strategic plan.

Sherwood Care has a long history of providing compassionate holistic care in a Seventh-day Adventist christian environment. Through the quality of nursing care, daily worship services, exceptional therapeutic activity programs, and a warm family environment, our residents experience the love of Jesus on a daily basis.

We are humbled by your support of Sherwood Care and aware that many of the successes and programs that the Care Centre is involved in, are only possible because of our relationship with you, our faith community. We are grateful for your prayers and participation in our programs and ask that you will continue to lift up our organization in prayer as we move into a New Year.

Wishing you God’s abundant blessings in this New Year as you seek Him.

Sincerely Yours,

18 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024 DEPARTMENT NEWS

A Crisis Racking Our Continent

Millions throughout North America are struggling with their mental health. In fact, over 20% of Americans and Canadians experience mental illness in any given year. What’s causing this epidemic—and more importantly, what can be done to help fight it?

Join Pastor Alex Rodriguez for MindFit as he seeks to shed light on our current mental health crisis. The problems run deep . . . but there is REAL hope, for both those who are struggling and those who love them. With

19 MARCH 2024 Alberta Adventist News
details and sign up at
Host MindFit at your Church It’s Easy
by Scan code to to sign up Scan code to watch trailer
Four sessions. Plug + play. Sponsored

Up Coming Annual SAFETY SABBATH and Fire Drill

For a number of years, the North American Division and Adventist Risk Management have designated a Sabbath near to the end of March as Safety Sabbath and recommends that each Church conduct a Fire Drill on that day.

Unfortunately, the winter season is longer in Alberta and the weather is still likely to be cold at that time; therefore the Alberta Conferences has designated SAFETY SABBATH (on an annual Standing Basis) to occur on the Sabbath following Victoria Day in May. This year the Alberta annual SAFETY SABBATH will be on May 25, 2024.

A Fire Emergency Preparation Checklist has been sent to each church that will assist in ensuring that your church/buildings are well positioned to avoid fire and that procedures are in place to exit the building fully and safely should a fire occur.

I would also like to draw your attention to section 8 of the Checklist – Emergency Procedures and Evacuation Plans. Key items in this section indicate that:

• Emergency Procedures and Evacuation Plans should be posted on every level of the church, including the building layout showing exit routes.

• Emergency contact information should be posted on every level.

• Meeting spaces/rooms with capacity of 60 or more:

must have two exit doorways to ensure that an alternate exit is available if one exit is blocked by fire,

20 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024 MAY 25 2024
MAY 25 2024

must have a sign posted stating the maximum capacity for the room,

must have the room layout posted in the room along with exit routes.

• Exit routes throughout the building should be kept open and uncluttered.

• Muster points must be determined and identified.

In preparation for Safety Sabbath, each church should use the checklist to review the readiness for a fire incident and the “practice” fire drill.

I would also encourage each church congregation to liaise with the local fire department for advice on improving the “fire readiness” of their facility. Most fire departments welcome that opportunity and are very willing to come to the site and get to know the facility/staff. Quite often they are

also able to assist in determining the maximum occupancy for large rooms so that a sign can be posted (if it was not posted previously).

I realize that quite a number of the congregations do not own a church facility and meet in rented locations. As such, the focus on safety will likely need be scaled back as compared to those who own their church facilities.

However, many aspects of preparedness are still applicable even though you do not own and fully control the building. Please speak with the rental property owner to see if it may be feasible to conduct a fire drill.

Thanks very much for your support and diligence on these matters.

Adventist Risk Management has provided a number of documents to assist in preparing for the fire drill. pics/Planning-for-Safety-Sabbath

21 MARCH 2024 Alberta Adventist News

MMarriage Enrichment Activities

Weekly Sabbath Walks

Celebrate the Sabbath by going on a nature walk together. This might be a moment to unplug from the stresses of everyday life and reconnect with one another and God’s creation. Use this time to share your opinions on the Sabbath School topic and to explore the week’s blessings and difficulties.

Prayer Partners

Bible Study Date Nights

Schedule a date night once a week to study the Bible together. Choose a book or theme to investigate. Talk about how the lessons apply to your life and marriage. This can be a significant method for a couple to grow spiritually and intellectually.

arriage enrichment, particularly within the context of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, focuses on cultivating a relationship that honours and reflects our beliefs as well as strengthening the tie between spouses. Here are some ideas that combine spiritual development, deeper connection, and shared experiences: 2 3

Make a commitment to be each other’s prayer partners. Set aside a time each day to pray together, not just for your own needs, but also for the needs of your community, church, and family. This shared spiritual exercise can strengthen both your faith and your marriage.


https://changeyourlifeforever. marriage-enrichment-activities-ideasfor-strengthening-your-relationship/ 1 22 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024

Marital Retreats and Seminars

Attend marital retreats and seminars sponsored by the Adventist Church. These events give essential insights into sustaining a healthy, Christcentered marriage as well as the chance to meet and fellowship with other couples.

Sabbath Afternoons for Memory-Making

Use Sabbath afternoons for special, restful activities that generate lasting memories, such as exploring new locations, trying out a new recipe together, or working on a puzzle.

Couple Service Projects

Participate in community service or church outreach projects together. Serving others can be a great way to unite and live out your faith’s beliefs.

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Adventure to Health and Wellness

Begin a health adventure together, keeping in mind the Adventist emphasis on health and well-being. This could involve cooking nutritious meals together, exercising together, or joining a church health ministry.

Love Letters and Affirmations

Write each other love letters or affirmations on a regular basis. This is a practical way to convey your love and appreciation while maintaining the romance.

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Make a Special Sabbath

Devotional Journal for Couples

Keep a devotional journal together in which you can both record comments, prayers, and thoughts. This diary has the potential to become a treasured chronicle of your spiritual journey as a couple.

Every month, set aside one Sabbath to do something special to honour your relationship and your beliefs. It could be going to a different church, holding a fellowship lunch, or simply spending the day in prayer and thought.

Remember that keeping Christ at the centre of your relationship is the key to marriage enrichment. Each action should bring you closer together as a couple, but also closer to God. Also, personalise these activities to what resonates most with you as a couple to ensure that they enrich your specific marriage path.

Making music

Red Deer Gospel Chorale was part of the mass choir during the Sabbath culmination service at 2015 General Conference session in San Antonio, Texas. You can imagine my excitement being one of them praising God with the thousand voices singing harmoniously at the gigantic Alamo dome. It was a moving experience sensing that we were singing with the unseen angels making music for heaven. When we

in Heaven

name by making joyful music (Psalm 100:1,2).

As followers of Christ, we make music to bless His name when we intentionally engage in the rescue mission of the perishing world. It is our call to be His Light in the dark world as His hands and feet, yet we need to be watchful not to be self-absorbed in waiting with idle expectation. When we are in the business of investing our energy and resources in the ministry of providing the need of others,

ourselves with the suffering world, to everyone in need of His grace and love (Matthew 25:31-46). The love of Christ is not restricted to any class as He identifies Himself with every child of humanity that His love embraces. Paul writes that it is God’s desire that “all people will be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). Let’s remember that God has started a good work in us and will continue to complete it, till the world has been

May our duties and devotion everyday be part of His great plan so that “every act, every deed of justice and mercy and benevolence, makes heavenly music in Heaven.”

The North American Division’s statistical report for 2022 has registered a negative growth in its membership despite the selfless ministry of the members and workers alike. However, the result was the effect of reflecting the huge adjustment made for that year. It was noticeable in the report that the giving pattern of members’ tithes and local church support have been steadily increasing, while the world mission giving has been decreasing. However, let us not forget, God wants His church to go forward with urgency, that “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). The church needs the means


and the labourers to fulfill our global mission. “The Lord calls upon those who are in positions of trust, those to whom He has entrusted His precious gifts, to use their talents of intellect and means in His service” (7T, 112). When there is submission of our will uniting with His own, He transforms us of becoming generous with time and the way we serve others.

God wants us to exercise our faith in God’s standing promise that when we “honour Him with our substance then our barns will be filled with plenty” (Proverbs 3:9,10). He has given His precious life to establish a community of believers; believers whose utmost interest and priority is to save the perishing souls

(DA, 640). God’s desire for us is not to wait idly. He longs for the manifestation of His true character in His church to hasten His coming (COL, 69.2).

May our duties and devotion everyday be part of His great plan so that “every act, every deed of justice and mercy and benevolence, makes heavenly music in Heaven” (ChS, 100.6). May the wealth of eternity Christ came to give compels us to be active participants in the great work of redemption. Let us join the “global mass choir” in creating neverending music in heaven!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take part in the 2024 Alberta Conference Evangelism Shark Tank Proposals.

Out of all the applications, eight proposals will be chosen by the Alberta Conference Evangelism Shark Tank planning team for presentation at Camp Meeting, 2024.

There are four prizes to be won.

1st Place: $5000

2nd Place: $2500

3rd Place: $1500

4th Place: $1000

Please visit tank to view the guidelines and submit your proposal. The submission deadline is May 1.

25 MARCH 2024 Alberta Adventist News
Alberta Conference Shark Tank Form link

New Pathfinder and Adventurer Clubs in Medicine Hat

November 4, 2023, was a very special Sabbath in Medicine Hat. We were blessed to induct two new clubs into the Alberta Conference Club Ministries; the Higher Ground Pathfinder Club and the Higher Ground Adventurer Club. In the summer, our Adventurer Region Area Coordinators, Uzzie and Divina Bhuia, came to visit and shared a presentation with our church family. Interest sparked, and we left

the meeting hopeful. Much prayer ensued, teachers and leaders volunteered, children joined, and when we were hoping to get an Adventurer club off the ground, we also got a Pathfinder Club. God led the entire way! Our clubs have been meeting regularly with strong church family support and committed leaders paving the way, the future is bright.

— Submitted by Pastor Ryan Reeves

Pathfinders and Adventurers at Medicine Hat Church. Adventurers at Medicine Hat Church.
26 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024 CHURCH LIFE
Pathfinders at Medicine Hat Church.
27 MARCH 2024 Alberta Adventist News Alberta Conference STRATEGIC PLANS 2023 - 2028 Watch for printed copies of The Alberta Conference Strategic Plans 2023-2028 booklet at your local church. Website: Email: PAGE 8 | ALBERTA CONFERENCE QUINQUENNIAL PLAN The graphs show the Alberta Conference total membership and membership additions from 2018-2023. 240 67 129 181 33 147 80 129 243 30 86 116 45 82 160 58 146 Alberta Conference Membership 452 Membership Additions 2018-2023 Membership by Year 436 232 287 12240 12246 12297 12436 12704 361 361 11942 PAGE 4 | ALBERTA CONFERENCE QUINQUENNIAL PLAN Message from the President If we fail to plan, we plan to fail! nothing, we’ll hit it every time! Therefore, our Alberta Conference Strategic Planning Team has put in writing our vision, priorities, goals and action plans for the current quinquennium. Strategic Planning Team: Pastor Melissa Cooke, Pastor Roberson Dorelus, Pastor Reynold Ferary, Pastor Tyler Rosengren, and Pastor Moises Ruiz. These are the individuals who will oversee our Strategic Plan during this 5-year term. Together, we will cast vision. Together, we will encourage our conference to stay focused on our priorities and our goals. Together we will report outcomes and share the stories of exciting things God is doing in the Alberta Conference. One thing is clear. We need the Holy Spirit to move powerfully in the Alberta Conference. We will never accomplish in our own power Jeff Potts President Alberta Conference the mission God has given us. So I’m calling on the membership of the Alberta Conference to pray earnestly for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Jesus once said, “If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Please join me in praying daily for the Holy Spirit to be poured out with great power. STRATEGIC PLANS 2023 - 2028 OUR VISION: TO LIVE AND LOVE LIKE JESUS Church Planting MISSION To plant healthy churches within the Alberta Conference by recruiting, training, and supporting leaders through functional structures, Biblical principles, and godly mentoring.

Community Focused Evangelism in Fort Saskatchewan

“Public Evangelism is an inseparable ongoing component of the church planting process,” says pastor Darrell Beaudoin. Last November, the Fort Saskatchewan Seventh-day Adventist Church completed another prophecy seminar conducted by pastor Beaudoin.

Joel and Nataly - Pastor Darrell Beaudoin received a request from It Is Written Canada to contact Joel who grew up Adventist and left the church when he was 16 in Ontario. Last after 14 years away he came to a new conviction and returned with his wife. Nataly was not an Adventist but Joel's influence upon her and their integration into our church family lead them to baptism and church leadership.

Over the past several years, the Fort Saskatchewan Church has reached out to its community with a variety of ‘felt needs’ programs, including depression recovery, healthy choices workshops, trade show booth ministries, family gym nights, seniors’ hymn-sing programs, and

along with various door to door initiatives. God has richly blessed these activities with the predictable fruits of a growing and dynamic church family.

Beginning January 1, 2024, the Alberta Conference invited Joel Telis to serve as a part-time Bible worker

(continue on next page)

Mike and Rose - Moved to Fort Saskatchewan and decided to look for a church to attend. Mike had been influenced as a young person by a Seventh-day Adventist family in BC and suggested they look for an Adventist church. They fell in love with Jesus and our church together.

All of them are regularly attending the Fort Saskatchewan Church.

Eugene - After years of a troubled and violent past, Eugene was invited by a church member to attend our recent prophecy seminar and decided to make a full commitment to Christ.

DonnaRequested Bible studies through It Is Written and after two series of in-home Bible studies requested Baptism.

28 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024 CHURCH LIFE

in the Fort Saskatchewan district, which is expected to yield more fruit for God’s kingdom.

“Our challenge at present is to have our own church building to worship in,” says Pastor Darrell.

“We are limited in space while renting our facility.” A church building fund

has been started with $25,700 received to date, which we thank God for.

Please pray for the Fort Saskatchewan Church family as they present Jesus to their community in the context of the Three Angels Message.

—Submitted by Pastor Darrell Beaudoin

Ukrainian-Canadian Church Plant Hosts Musical Concert

Back in December, the Ukrainian-Canadian Church Plant held a Christmas concert on the evening of Saturday, December 9. The Ukrainian choir “Pereveslo” from Calgary, the musical group “Gloria” from Red Deer, and local musicians were invited. The atmosphere was absolutely amazing, and the hall was full of people. For the first time, we encountered the problem of a lack of parking spaces. But let that be our biggest problem.

Over 100 people attended the concert, of which over 70 were not members of the Church.

Rejoice with us and keep us in your prayers. Thank you for your support and the opportunity to do the mission for many people came. This is inspiring!

—Submitted by Pastor Viktor Kononenko, Ukrainian- Canadian Fellowship Group

In the photo, Pastor Darrell Beaudoin stands at the podium, as he concludes yet another impactful prophecy seminar. His teachings have sparked numerous baptisms and welcomed returns to the church, marking a powerful recommitment to faith and spiritual growth among attendees. Google, Youtube or Facebook search: Fort Sask SDA Church Ukrainian-Canadian Church Christmas concert.

Gladys Church Music Ministry

In November 2023, the Gladys Seventh-day Adventist Church choir performed at Calgary Central Seventh-day Adventist Church during the memorial service of Richard Thorarinson. One of the attendees happened to be our guest speaker from the Gladys Community during our church inauguration in September 2023. After hearing the church choir sing, she approached Pastor Jinwook Lee and said she wanted to hear more singing from the choir. She promised that she would bring some people from the Gladys Ridge Community. Because of her request, the Hallelujah Sabbath was organized and presented on December 9, 2023. The church choir, the ladies quintet, the ladies adult group, the ladies ensemble, and the children’s strings all participated. Some families

from the church praised the Lord through songs, and other members through their testimonies and poems.

The benches in the church were all packed, and members were glad that 13 visitors came from Gladys Ridge Community. We praise God for His goodness and constant leading. Through songs, we were able to share the love and birth of Jesus in our new neighbourhood.

After the fellowship lunch, the choir proceeded to Tudor Manor in Okotoks to serenade and give gifts to the residents. They also enjoyed the musical presentation and are looking forward to another visit from us soon.

Also, for six nights last December, the Gladys Church choir visited pre-arranged homes of friends and acquaintances in Calgary to serenade. The choir visited

30 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024
Church Choir at Tudor Manor December 9, 2023.
Hallelujah Sabbath - Church Choir and some members together with our visitors from Gladys Ridge Community.

three homes per night. The musical presentation was less than 30 minutes, talking about the love of Jesus and His birth. After the musical presentation, Pastor Reuel Manlongat and Pastor Jinwook Lee offered a prayer to the families. The purpose of this ministry is to share God’s love and raise funds for our church building expansion project and for the training of our youth to become strong leaders of the church. We would like to thank our acquainted friends, who are non-Adventists, our Adventist friends from Calgary Parkdale Church, Calgary Fil-Can Church, Calgary Northwinds Church, Calgary METRO Church and some members of our church who supported our project in 2023. It is our prayer and wish that God will continue to work in the hearts of His children, working together for the good of His ministry.

—Submitted by Sally del Socorro, Church Treasurer/ Communications

Sherwood Park Bids Farewell to Pastor Rob and Thaksheela

Pastor Roberson Dorelus and his wife, Thaksheela, started their journey with the Sherwood Park Seventh-day Adventist Church in January 2023. On their inaugural Sabbath, the church was full of people coming to welcome them into their new role. Their love for God and people was evident from the beginning. They embraced their new church family, and in turn, their church family embraced them.

As the year unfolded, the church witnessed a surge in attendance. Young and old felt this couple’s energy and passion for God and their desire to share that love with others.

On their final day (December 16, 2023), Pastor Rob and Thaksheela once again embraced their church family with love and kindness. New family members joined the church through baptism, a special potluck was held in their honour,

and the day concluded with a special business meeting in the evening facilitated by Pastor Rob. He encouraged members at the start of the meeting to “Speak honestly but in kindness.” I believe this is also how he lives. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for the positive mark Pastor Rob and Thaksheela left on our church. As they move forward to a new adventure that God has called them to, our church has bid farewell to a dynamic couple, but not goodbye.—Submitted by Corinna

Gift giving at Tudor Manor Pastor Hodder and Pastor George Ali speaking with Pastor Dorelus and Thaksheela. Pastor Dorelus speaking at Sherwood Park Church. Photos by Andrew Shipowick and Daniel Madden

International Sabbath: Pastor David Hamstra, lead pastor at Edmonton Central, preached a sermon entitled, “The Demon Defeater.”

Edmonton Central International Sabbath Celebration

Ihave always believed that people have incredible influences on our lives. The relationships we have with others can become our greatest blessing. The Edmonton Central Church International Sabbath program was accomplished successfully because of the cohesive relationship we embraced at the church. The program began with a procession of children from the Sabbath School departments followed by musical performances from various groups and cultural backgrounds.

Every one of us is uniquely gifted for God’s service. When these gifts are combined in a cooperative relationship, and every part does its share, we can accomplish much (Ephesians 4:16).

As Adventists looking for the second coming, we embrace all people of all races, no matter their educational and economic levels. This celebration concluded with a feast of different cultural foods from the various groups.

Lead Pastor, David Hamstra, addressed the congregation with a sermon entitled, “The Demon Defeater.” One of the Bible verses quoted by

Pastor Hamstra was found in Isaiah 38:21. He emphasized that God has revealed laws of mental health to us. He has us develop mental treatments that are much more effective than poultices.

But the disorder of our contemporary society is to think that the natural and the supernatural

We were extremely blessed with beautiful music from our own Edmonton Filipino choir group. Ethiopian choir celebrating International Sabbath at Edmonton Central Church with beautiful music. The song is quoted from Revelation 7:13
32 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024 CHURCH LIFE

are two separate layers of reality, but they are together. He stated that we need to have both approach prayer and medical assistance.

We were reminded that a personal relationship with Jesus is the key in Acts 19:15-16. We need to bring Jesus into the situation; however, you and I need to know who Jesus is if we choose to use His name. It is not enough that someone else is able to do things in His name. Again, I have to know Him for myself.

Closing thoughts from Pastor Hamstra, “Demon’s experiences are real,” it can happen. Still, when we follow God’s plan in James 5:14-15, the Pastor states, we are not just

talking about physical healing; we are not just talking about mental healing; it’s about complete spiritual healing. Jesus is the Demon Defeater... Bring Jesus into the situation.

— Submitted by Ina Martin, Edmonton Central Church

Choir Members Bring Cheer to Residents of Sherwood Care

Recently, choir members of the Edmonton Central Adventist Church visited Sherwood Care retirement home. The purpose of this visit was to entertain the residents with some social activities and a musical concert. Seeing the number of residents that came for the program was very satisfying. The attendance was excellent! This response gives us the momentum to carry on with the program.

But also, the support from the staff and family members was amazing to watch as they transported each resident to the program and lent their support when needed.

The other day, I came across an interesting statement by Ellen White

from the book Christian Services. She stated, “Whatsoever is done out of pure love, be it ever so little or contemptible in the sight of men, is wholly fruitful; for God regards more with how much love one worketh, than the amount he doeth.” — Testimonies, vol.2, p.135

As I read these words, I am reminded that you and I will

always have a role to play in sharing God’s word until Jesus comes. He has placed the responsibility on all of us.

We sincerely thank the administration, staff, and family members for connecting with the residents at Sherwood Care Home.— Submitted by Ina Martin, Edmonton Central Church

The Rwanda group giving praise to God on International Sabbath. Bobby George and family providing entertainment for residents. Sherwood Care residents receiving specially made greetings cards from their visitors
33 MARCH 2024 Alberta Adventist News CHURCH LIFE

Recognizing Our Volunteers

On October 2, 2023, a special lunch was hosted for the volunteers of the Edmonton Central Church and served by the pastors and their families. Visitors and extended family members of the volunteers were also invited to attend. Serving others is more than keeping up with your to-do list. To be a servant means we genuinely need to care about people. In a church setting, the most valuable resource is our members, especially those who volunteer to support the ministry of the church. However, when we investigate God’s word, it mentions those who freely serve. Not as volunteers but in whatever capacity they are gifted. In Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, and 1 Peter 4, we learn that Christ has distributed His gifts to His church. Our responsibility is to learn what our gifts are and use them where we are comfortable to serve others. Let’s ask God to help us determine how we can serve Him in this capacity. talking about physical healing; we are not just talking about mental healing; it’s about complete spiritual healing. Jesus is the Demon Defeater... Bring Jesus into the situation.

— Submitted

Mountain View Adventist Church Celebrates

It was such a wonderful experience to welcome friends back to Mountain View to celebrate our 50 years of ministry in Calgary. Reminiscing, worshipping through music and the Word, enjoying great food prepared by Zeny and her crew, looking forward to the future with plans to build our own worship centre, and much, much more, made the day full and rewarding. The evening culminated the event with gym night, many staying to play gym and table games, or just visiting. The Pathfinder Club offered burritos, taco in a bag and sweet treats, to complete the experience.


Pastor David Hamstra and his wife Heidi dressed in aprons and prepared to serve volunteers.
Pastor Honey and Clinton, to our 50th—the church you served for 16 years. 34 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024 CHURCH LIFE
Excellence in Education Awards 2024 Nominate your Adventist school principal or teacher Deadline April 15 Nomination forms can be found at Resources - Awards, Scholarships & Internships Excellence in Education or you may call the SDACC Office of Education at 905-433-0011 S eventh-day A dventist C hurch in C anada

Beauvallon Church Celebrates Five Baptisms

Following Andy Weaver’s revival series in Two Hills, we saw God reach the hearts of many who attended. As part of the follow-up and a growing commitment to Christ, five Mennonites have chosen to be baptized by immersion into the Beauvallon Seventh-day Adventist Church. The significance of this spiritual milestone underscores their commitment to living out the truths of the Bible as they embrace the gospel message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Mennonites are known for their devotion to Jesus’ practical teachings, valuing peace, community, and a simple way of life. The decision by these individuals to join the Seventh-day Adventist Church underlines a serious and prayerful consideration of biblical truth. The risk

of rejection from their community is a real fear they wrestled with before taking this step. But these baptisms represent a public declaration of their commitment to following what they believe is the most accurate interpretation of biblical teachings, especially baptism by immersion and the Sabbath.

Beauvallon Adventist Church members celebrated this occasion with much joy. We recognize the courage it takes to make such a life-changing commitment. Their baptism is a testament to the power of the Holy Spirit in leading people closer to Jesus. It gives us great pleasure to welcome them into our growing congregation!

—Submitted by Pastor Jeremy Wellman

Andrew and Linda Klassen baptised by Pastor Jeremy Wellman. Esther Guenther Herman Guenther Daniel Klassen Left to right: Daniel Klassen, Esther Guenther, Herman Guenther, Linda Klassen and Andrew Klassen
36 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024 CHURCH LIFE

Ptarmigan Foundation Gives Go Ahead to Construction Shop Upgrade

With more spaces to accommodate student demand, made -at-MANS Tiny Houses are the next frontier.

When Jonathan Belinsky, a Red Seal journeyman carpenter and certified high school teacher, was hired this fall to head the CTS/Industrial Arts program at MANS, Dr. Richard Bird expected good things. The speed at which they are happening is the surprise. After being at MANS for less than four months.

Jonathan proposed a reorganization of the Bird Building Technologies Shop that would allow MANS to participate in Skills Canada competitions and to offer a dual credit carpentry track that shaves a year off any carpentry program MANS graduates apply to.

Bird, whose grandfather founded the national Bird Construction company, was one of the generous donors who saw the need to add a teacher at MANS through the December 2022 “Add a Teacher” Campaign, which funded Jonathan’s position. A major donor to the building of Mamawi Atosketan Junior and Senior High School, Bird has the methodical approach to investing and stewardship that one would expect of someone named Canada’s

Top CFO by his peers, and he has continued to watch and support the constructions technologies and cultural studies programs he invested in. The proposal Jonathan put forward this December

made sense to Bird: upgrade and make more space for students to work in the shop, and give students incentive to make the most of their time in it by earning college as well as high school credit.

38 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024 EDUCATION NEWS
Grade 11 student Kascey Crier, designated Leader of the first semester carpentry class, works on her second skateboard project amid other student projects that she assisted with in December. Photo by Jonathan Belinsky
“ Let Jonathan know that [the $98,000] is coming and he should get busy ordering."

Within days of receiving the proposal, Bird wrote, “For now I will send along a cheque for the $98,000 requested for the wood shop program so please let Jonathan know that it is coming and he should get busy ordering.”

Jonathan was ecstatic and wasted no time in obeying Bird’s “orders.” He shared the good news about the dual credit program he hopes will be in place this fall with Kascey Crier, who earned “Leader” status in the first semester carpentry class (see The Bridge Update Newsletter No. 12). Kascey, a Grade 11 student, can’t wait to get on track with dual credits and is spreading the word. By

39 MARCH 2024 Alberta Adventist News
Avoid disappointment Reserve NOW “NO COST” WILLS at Foothills Camp Wills@Camp Classic Lawyer-drafted Will • 2 appointments required • $100 rebate means No Cost to You! To make an appointment for your “No Cost” Will or a no cost, no obligation Personal Charitable Life Annuity Calculation, contact Rupa Manoj at (587) 815-8776 or rmanoj@ EDUCATION NEWS
Jonathan Belinsky came to MANS in September 2023 from the public school system in Southern Alberta, where he had many talented Indigenous students. Jonathan is a rarity in the teaching profession: a certified tradesman whose passion for teaching overrides the significant difference in pay. Photo by Trevor Boller

A Winter Celebration of Indigenous Ways and Alumni Achievement

Traditionally, the Cree of Maskwacis spent the long evening hours of winter telling and listening to stories told by elders. As an oral culture, many of these stories had very specific element and words. The “Long Story” took three weeks to tell, though shorter versions also existed.

While their homes are no longer teepees and electricity

provides light and other options for entertainment, winters can still be long for the students at MANS. So the Indigenous Winter Carnival at MANS was instituted last year—a fun introduction for many students to the storyteller tradition and other traditional activities that they may not have exposure to, along with some plain old

rambunctious and artistic fun to break up the long cold days spent mostly indoors.

This year, shortly after the carnival, on March 2, the College Heights Church celebrated International Sabbath and Indigenous youth were part of it. Along with flagbearers of the Treaty 6 flag of 1876, MANS alumna and class of 2020

40 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024
Jade Rabbit, MANS Class of 2020 valedictorian, confidently shares her experience at MANS with the College Heights Church on International Sabbath, March 2. Jade, who was the first recipient of the Emilie Schafer Family Scholarship, has gone on to distinguish herself academically in the very competitive business administration-accounting program at NAIT, earning a place on the Dean’s List. Jamie Buffalo, daughter of Chief Randy Ermineskin and education practicum student from Maskwacis Cultural College, assists Elder Bernice with the elementary school story circle.

Cree elder Bernice Stoney shared her wisdom on Feb 12 and 13 with groups of elementary and high school students, including the values associated with coloured ribbons each child received.

Burman University education students assist elementary kids with beading, hockey, and coloured snow constructions as part of their education department fieldtrip to MANS.

Captured in a heartwarming moment, a young girl beams with attention and delight as she proudly displays the ribbons gifted to her by Elder Benice.

Making bannock, a stapple of the student diet, proved to be a popular group activity for both young men and women.

valedictorian Jade Rabbit, who shared the distinction with her classmate and best friend Shaneek Roasting, joined her former teacher Kim Harrington in sharing insights about what attracts

Maskwacis families to MANS. Jade, who is now studying business administration and accounting at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) in Edmonton, is excelling academically and

is on the NAIT Dean’s List. Ken Wiebe’s interview of Kim and Jade can be viewed at chsda. The MANS section commences at 27:30 in the livestream recording.

41 MARCH 2024 Alberta Adventist News

An Indigenous Family and Entrepreneurial Affair — The Wilkins family of Indigenous entrepreneurs has supported MANS for more than a decade. Larry acted as honorary chair of the Bridge Campaign to build the high school and was top donor to the campaign. L-R: Samantha (Sam) Wilkins (daughter of Larry and COO of External Affairs), patriarch Roger and wife Marie Wilkins, Larry Wilkins, Gary Smith and Jamie Smith (daughter of Larry’s deceased brother). Not pictured: Danny Chase, founder and owner of Chase Office Interiors, Vancouver, BC.

Wilkins Family Tradition of Support Continues at Client Event

Sovereign's Medal awardee Larry Wilkins shares his father's passion for MANS along with his daughter Sam, new COO of the family business

With the example of her father and grandfather looming large, Samantha “Sam” Wilkins, chief operating officer of External Affairs Medical Spas in Edmonton, St. Albert, and Kelowna, took the initiative to make the spa’s client appreciation event in October a fundraiser for MANS and its partner venture adjacent to Samson Cree Nation territory, the Mamawi Atosketan Centre (MAC). All ticket sales went to benefit MANS and MAC.

Sam, who has accompanied

her father at every major MANS event in the past eight years, brings the same passion to her work and her relationship with MANS and MAC that attracted the attention of the Governor General of Canada and earned Larry the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers, awarded at Government House in Edmonton in 2019.

The CBC interview “Larry Wilkins Volunteers to Change Lives” aired on Daybreak Alberta with Russell Bowers on Nov. 8, 2019, the day before he received the

Sovereign’s Medal, which recognizes the extraordinary dedication of a select few Canadians to causes that makes Canada a better place.— By Lynn McDowell

Read what Larry, an Indigenous businessman and founder of External Affairs Medical Spas, had to say about what his medal and the opening of Mamawi Atosketan High School mean to him at in the News Posts section: Honorary Campaign Chair Recognized by The Queen.

42 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024

Made-in-Maskwacis Valentine

MANS Textile Arts students warm hearts with hand-knit projects

High school teacher Evelyn Razafiarivony loves her job and she loves knitting, so teaching Textile Arts is a match made in Heaven for her and her students alike.

Besides learning the hands-on knitting that produced beautiful heart-shaped coasters in three sizes, students created a business plan for a business based on knitting and other hand-made textile products, including business location, marketing, and budget.

The hearts were such a hit that they became the Valentine’s Day greetings card cover from MANS to its supporters.— By Lynn McDowell

April 2024 Adventist Journey to Feature the MANS-MAC Story

This April Adventists across North America will be scrambling for their maps of Alberta. Months in the making, a feature by staff writer Christelle Agboka, formerly of the Ontario Conference, will be shining a light on the Alberta Conference’s work of First Nations reconciliation that started with literature distributed on reserve by Cree convert Ed Dejarlais and his friends, including Ed Reimche and Alfred Breitkreuz, in the 1960s.

“I really wanted to share the spirit of the people who work in Maskwacis and at MANS,” Christelle told Lynn McDowell, who assisted with interview arrangements. “It’s really a special place. I’ll be back.”— By Lynn McDowell

43 MARCH 2024 Alberta Adventist News MASKWACIS NEWS
for this April
Cover (courtesy of Adventist Journey)

Marty (McCreery) Kandt

November 27, 1947 ~ December 16, 2023

Marty will be lovingly remembered by her husband of 51 years, Randy Kandt; her daughter Karla Tataryn, son-inlaw Jeff, and grandchildren Avery and Ashlyn; her son Leonard Kandt, daughter-in-law Joyce, and granddaughters Kaley and Kamryn; her siblings and in-laws Ike (Valerie) McCreery, David (Bonnie) McCreery, Loma (Bruce) Boyd, Roger (Lindsey) Reimche, Wayne Reimche, Linda (Randy) Ferguson, and Calvin (Rose) Hagen; as well as many nieces and nephews and their families.

Marty was predeceased by her parents Alexander McCreery and Alma Reimche; her step-father Oscar Reimche; her parents-in-law David and Harriet Kandt; siblings Carroll (Leona) McCreery, Danny McCreery, and Benny McCreery; and her step-sister Linda Hagen.

A Funeral Service to celebrate Marty’s life was held at the College Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church on Thursday, January 4, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.

Re-published from

Glen Dalbert Brown

August 5, 1933 ~ February 20, 2024 (age 90)

Glen Dalbert Brown was born in Saskatchewan on August 5, 1933. He was adopted at birth by Hazel and Bert Brown and lived his childhood on a farm near Nipawin, Sask. He died at the age of 90 in Sherwood Park, Alberta on February 20, 2024.

Glen was a bio-chemist working most of his career for the City of Edmonton. He was the Gold Bar Waste Water treatment plant lab director for 42 years. Glen married Josi Kostyk on August 25, 1957. They had two children, Jeff and Shelley. Josi died in 2007. Glen married Sharron Ford in 2008.

Glen is survived by his second wife, Sharron. He is also survived by his son Jeff and his wife Lorna, their children, Kassie (Steve), Kelcie (Tarick) and Kaitlyn (Evan), his daughter Shelley and her son MacKenzie, and his one great grandchild, Nora. He is also survived by his sister Iris Shipowick (Tom) and her family. Later in life Josi and Glen found Glen’s biological mother and he was welcomed into their family. The survivors are his half brothers Wilf and Ross and his half sister Marge.

Glen’s funeral was held at the Edmonton South Seventh-day Adventist Church on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 12:30 p.m.

Re-published from

44 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024 IN MEMORY


Mission to Reach Unchurched Youth in Edmonton

Pastor Ian Bramble has been given an important assignment to plant a new church in Edmonton to reach unchurched youth and young adults. This church planting project has the full support of our Edmonton pastors. Pastor Ian and his wife Lauren have a passion for reaching young people who have left the church. They are currently working with a core group of dedicated church members in preparation for launching the new

Bring a new student to Burman and receive $1,000 for your church budget!

Hello! Burman University is excited to share a new collaborative opportunity for all Seventh-day Adventist churches across Canada.

Do you want to contribute to the development of Seventh-day Adventist education by shaping the educational future of our children while also supporting your church’s budget?

Follow these simple steps!

• Register your church for the program.

• Submit the names of potential new students to Burman.

• Earn $1,000 for each student who enrolls at Burman University.

Conditions of the Program:

• The student must take at least 12 credits (80% course load) in a bachelor’s degree or the 2-year Education after-degree program.

• Incentives do not apply to students enroling in online programs.

• There is no limit to the number of incentives a church can receive.

Additional details:

• Register your church here today to participate in the program. Based on the information

church. It normally takes about nine months of groundwork before a new church is birthed. The date for the Grand Opening of this new missional congregation will be announced in the spring. Please pray for Pastor Ian and his team, as they prepare to launch this new congregation. If you are interested in being a part of this new church plant in Edmonton or for more information, please contact Pastor Ian by email

provided, the BU promo box will be sent to your church. Burman’s advisor will contact the church representative for more details.

• Submit the names of prospective students who will enter university in the 2024/25 academic year in the form provided.

• You will receive confirmation from Burman University that these students are eligible. Churches will be eligible only for students not currently in Burman’s prospective student database.

• Motivate students to request info from the Burman website.

• Receive $1,000 for your church budget after the eligible student has enroled in their program.

Have more questions?

Please feel free to contact Mario Parchment at mario@ or call him at (587) 438-9244. He’ll be happy to assist you further.

Join the program today and let’s work together to fulfill the mission that God has entrusted to us and contribute to a better future for our children!

45 MARCH 2024 Alberta Adventist News

Prescription for Love Sylvan Lake Retreat

March 29-30

Learn and experience how to connect with each other God's way. Whether you are 16 or 60, this seminar will help enrich your relationships and establish or re-establich the foundation for marriage and family. Together you'll gain the tools to make plans that give you a hope and a future. For more information go to


Safety Sabbath, May 25, 2024

Please prepare for a fire drill on Safety Sabbath, slated for May 25, 2024. Additional resources will be furnished to aid in safeguarding the well-being of congregants. Let's prioritize safety in our places of worship and communities. Your cooperation and dedication to upholding a secure environment for all are greatly appreciated. For further details, refer to page 20 of this Alberta Adventist News

Coralwood Adventist Academy looking for a Grade 5 Teacher

Coralwood Adventist Academy is looking for a full time Grade 5 Teacher for the 20242025 school year. Interested candidates are invited to submit their resume, cover letter, and teaching philosophy.

Join us in shaping the future of education and inspiring the next generation of leaders! We look forward to welcoming you to our team at Coralwood Adventist Academy. Accepting resumes until June 28th or until position is filled.

Prairie Adventist Christian eSchool (PACeS)

We are looking for a full-time temporary (maternity leave) High School Science (Physics) teacher for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year starting April 15, 2024. Applicants must hold (or be eligible to hold) a valid Alberta Teacher’s certificate and SDA certification. Applicants with experience teaching in an online environment, proficiency using G-Suite applications, Zoom, and other online learning tools are preferred. However, we will be willing to train and help develop these skills with the chosen candidate.

Interested applicants are asked to send a cover letter and resume, which includes three references, to the contact information provided below.

We thank all applicants keeping in mind that only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

46 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024


Seventh-Day Adventist Church In Canada 2024

48 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024 JANUARY Local Church Budget January 06 Religious Liberty* (NAD) January 13 Local Church Budget January 20 Alberta Advance January 27 FEBRUARY Local Church Budget February 03 Canadian Media Outreach * February 10 Local Church Budget February 17 Alberta Advance February 24 MARCH Local Church Budget March 02 World Budget Adventist World Radio* (GC) March 09 Local Church Budget March 16 Alberta Advance March 23 Local Church Budget March 30 APRIL Local Church Budget April 06 Hope Channel International, Inc.* (GC) April 13 Local Church Budget April 20 Alberta Advance April 27 MAY Local Church Budget May 04 Disaster & Famine ADRA Canada* May 11 Local Church Budget May 18 Alberta Advance May 25 JUNE Local Church Budget June 01 Women's Ministries* (NAD) June 08 Local Church Budget June 15 Alberta Advance June 22 Local Church Budget June 29 JULY Local Church Budget July 06 GC Offering: Digital Strategy for Mission* (GC) July 13 Local Church Budget July 20 Alberta Advance July 27
49 MARCH 2024 Alberta Adventist News AUGUST Local Church Budget August 03 Christian Record Services Canada* August 10 Local Church Budget August 17 Alberta Advance August 24 Local Church Budget August 31 SEPTEMBER Local Church Budget September 07 World Budget (Emphasis: Radio Ministries) (GC) September 14 Local Church Budget September 21 Canadian Indigenous Ministries* September 28 OCTOBER Local Church Budget October 05 Alberta Advance October 12 Local Church Budget October 19 Burman University* October 26 NOVEMBER Local Church Budget November 02 Annual Sacrifice for Global Mission* (GC) November 09 Local Church Budget November 16 Alberta Advance November 23 Canadian French Ministries* November 30 DECEMBER Local Church Budget December 07 ADRA Canada* December 14 Local Church Budget December 21 Alberta Advance December 28 THIRTEENTH SABBATH OFFERINGS-2024 Southern Asia Division (SUD) March 30 + Euro-Asia Division (ESD) June 29 + Inter-American Division (IAD) September 28 + North American Division (NAD) December 28 + MISSION INVESTMENT PROJECTS-2024 Atlantic Union + Canadian Union + Southwestern Union + *Special Materials Provided +Special Project Development

Surprise! It’s Planned Giving

You can make big things happen locally with planned giving

Planned Giving/Philanthropy makes more happen in Alberta than we’ve let on. There are lots of faithful people who include God’s church when they’re thinking about making a significant “Thank You.” Sometimes it’s in their will, sometimes it’s while they’re alive while they can enjoy seeing the good their gift is doing. Either way, they’re spreading joy and making a difference!

Surprising things you may not know about Planned Giving

Surprise #1: The Mamawi Atosketan Centre (MAC) and MANS high school unique projects in the North American Church that are attracting real attention in Silver Spring— are largely funded by gifts coming from outside the Conference membership.

Surprise #2: Projects outside of Maskwacis —like evangelistic series—are the major beneficiaries of gifts left through wills and living planned gift tools.

Surprise #3: Your local project could benefit from using a planned giving tool. The Conference is happy to see members investing in their local congregation. Planned gifts helped bring the MAC project close to its goal, to the point where architects from Berrien Springs were excited about getting involved.

The architects facilitated a focus group with Maskwacis community members Dec. 18-20 and improved the usefulness of the space. The Andrews U architecture program is willing to help your congregation too!

50 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2024 MEANS & MEANING
Planned Gifts played a significant part in funding the new MAC building. Rendering by Andrew von Maur, architect and focus group facilitator.

2024 Conference Priority Projects

The 2024 projects were selected for the widespread benefit they provide to a big cross section of Alberta members. This doesn’t mean that local projects have to suffer. Planned Giving tools and staff can help you make local donations work locally:


Education School computer replacements (1000 units) $325 per unit

Foothills Camp Accommodation expansion (Folding Container Houses) $4,000 per unit

Lawn mower replacement $25,000

New siding (various buildings) $30,000

New decks for Lodge and foundation work $100,000

Everyday Adventists use Planned Giving. This Camp Meeting, look for 5-minute premeeting talks about Planned Giving tools and the big things they helped make happen right in Alberta.

Three Basketball/ Pickleball/ Badminton courts and pole roof $100,000

For more details on Alberta Conference Charitable Gift Annuities, contact Lynn or read the “Frequently Asked Questions” in the Annuity link of the Planned Giving page at

51 MARCH 2024 Alberta Adventist News
(587) 815-8785
McDowell, JD, CSPG Director of Planned Giving | Philanthropy Direct Line
(587) 815-8776
Rupa Manoj Assistant Director of Planned Giving | Philanthropy Direct Line

International Pathfinder Camporee GILLETTE 2024

Alberta Pathfinders are gearing up for the 2024 International Camporee themed 'Believe the Promise,' that is set to take place in a brand - new location: Gillette, Wyoming!

Camporee is right around the corner, and it's important that individual clubs and local churches make every effort to prepare for this monumental, once-  in- a-lifetime experience for our Pathfinders.

Visit and subscribe to our website newsletter to stay up to date with events, initiatives, access resources.

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