Alberta Adventist News March Edition 2020

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The Power of Three


Who. Someone. Child of God ELEVATEx: Taking it to the next level Miracles at Chinook Winds Celebrating 60 Years Microsoft 365 for Churches


Harmonious Collaboration: The Power of Three



he development of our children and youth does not occur in a vacuum. Neither is it a haphazard affair. Instead, the development of our children and youth should be an intentional process guided with a prayerful reflection by the caring adults present in the life of the child.

Alberta Adventist News is a print and digital media publication of the Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Communication Director/Editor Eric Ollila; C Communication unless otherwise noted. Submission Guidelines:; Submissions:

Elected Officials/President Gary Hodder; Secretary/VP for Administration Wayne Williams; Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer Keith Richter; Board Members/EXCOM: Gary Hodder— Curtis Letniak, Lara Melashenko, Japheth Ndhlovu, Terri Proud, Melanie Semchuk, Middin Galve-Sumiller, Deborah Silva, Sheldon Trenchuk, Griffin Webster. Departmental Directors/M Resources Officer Vicky Ford; Education Superintendent Ronda Ziakris; Planned Giving & Trust Services/Philanthropy Director Lynn Mc Dowell; Foothills Camp Director Troy McQue Llew Werner. ALBERTA CONFERENCE OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Address: 5816 Highway 2A, Lacombe, AB, T4L2G5. Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:0 ABAdventist, Instagram: ABAdventist, Website:

MARCH 2020 EDITION 04 Message from the President 06 From the Editor 08 Devotional


10 Department News 26 School News 32 Church News 45 In Memory 45 Announcements


46 Means & Meaning

22 Who. Someone. Child of God. Three of the

most potent influences in the life of a Christian child are the home, school, and the church. What an excellent opportunity we have to paint a dynamic picture of love when these three spheres are working harmoniously together.

24 Searching for Gold. The Northwest Territories has

33 communities spread out over 1 million square kilometres. The Adventist work is still in its infancy. We are looking for Adventist professionals to be pioneer missionaries and start new churches in some of the remotest places on the planet.

Co-Editors Jenny Nickel & John Simon; Graphic Design Mishell Raedeke/; Photo attribution: Alberta Adventist

—chair, Wayne Williams, Keith Richter, Benjamin Arias, Miguel Brown, Norman Ewing, Massiel Davila-Ferrer, Vicky Ford, Rayette Hetland, inisterial & Evangelism Director George Ali; Sabbath School, Children's and Personal Ministries Director Olaf Clausen; Human een; Youth Director Lyle Notice; Communication/IT/Media Director Eric Ollila; Risk Management/Project Development Director 0 p.m. Phone: (403) 342-5044, Fax: (403) 775-4482 Email: info@ SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter: ABAdventist, Facebook:




“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field” Matthew 13:44, NASB


his story describes a before they had an opportunity field — probably an to retrieve their treasure. agricultural field. This Here in Jesus' parable, we field has a treasure hidden are told that the man finds in its soil. We are not told the treasure. It appears he was if the treasure is encased not intentionally searching within a wooden chest, for it, as this land belonged sack, or metal container. to someone else. Perhaps We are not told how he was hired to put in a the treasure came to be in crop in the springtime. this field. However, it was When the man found it, he common to hide a treasure for was filled with excitement. safekeeping in case someone This treasure was worth might rob your home while more than his wildest you were away. This need was dreams. He knew he must pressing because banks were have this treasure, but it not readily available at this belonged to another person. time in history. We remember He inquired as to the cost that the foolish servant hid his of buying this field. The master's money in the ground good news is that it is for in the parable of the talents. sale. The bad news is that During times of war or the price was very high. occupation, it was common to He decided to sell hide your treasures in a field everything he had to secure with the expectation that when this field. I wonder what this things were safe, the treasure "everything" entailed. Perhaps it could be retrieved. The land meant selling his home, means of Israel was a place wellof transportation, prized acquainted with wars of all donkey, jewelry, and family kinds. In their past, they had heirlooms. It meant cleaning experienced the Maccabean out his bank account, maybe War, circa 160 B.C., as well as even borrowing from friends. the Roman conquest of 63 B.C. I remember playing around Sometimes people would die in the family barn as a child.


Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2020

On one accession, I found hidden within the walls a large tobacco can (my father smoked). Upon opening the lid, I discovered, to my amazement, that it was filled with coins and paper money. This turned out to be my father's family savings. To him, it was a small fortune. The meaning of this parable is readily apparent. Jesus is the one reflected as the treasure. The value of knowing Jesus as a personal Friend is of more importance than anything we can find in this world. Our attitude toward Jesus should be the same as the man who found the treasure hidden in the field. We must be willing to sacrifice all to secure this treasure of great price.

Gary Hodder

President Alberta Conference


Why It Matters The Alberta Adventist News (AAN) Magazine & the weekly eNews


ecently I had the opportunity to visit the Yellowknife Seventh-day Adventist Church in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. It was amazing! The land, the scenery, and the people were beautiful! It was a highlight for me so far this year. While I was there, the critical importance of our Conference publications (AAN & eNews) connecting our churches, schools, camp, ABC Bookstore, nursing home, and administrative office impressed itself on me. There is much geographic space in the Conference of Alberta and the Northwest Territories. It is physically impossible for us, with such a vast landscape, to stay connected without effective communication channels and mediums through which we regularly share. The Alberta Adventist News (AAN) Magazine and the eNews are those official mediums. I remember when I attended Seminary at Andrews University, one of my professors (Dr. Merlin Bert) shared the keys that made the early Sabbatarian Adventists successful. The early Sabbath-keepers were a small


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group of people, scattered all over North America (and the world), and they believed a message that was not popular. To say they faced challenges, would be an understatement. However, they persevered, and they thrived. They were able to stay connected, encouraged, and they grew. The key elements that held them together were the following: 1. Faith in Christ 2. Regular Bible study & prayer 3. Itinerate & Biblical preaching 4. Soul-winning 5. Weekly worship that included testimonies and lively music and singing 6. Breaking bread together 7. Annual Camp Meetings & other large spiritual gatherings 8. Periodicals It is this last point, PERIODICALS, that I want to highlight here. George Knight has an excellent book called Earliest Seventh-day Adventist Periodicals. Provided in the book, is a republication of the full versions of the early publications. Furthermore, the author highlights the

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importance each periodical played in developing the emerging identity of what would become the Seventh- day Adventist Church. What stood out to me from Knight's book and my class with Dr. Bert, was that periodicals and publications of early Sabbath-keepers served as the connecting link between members of the scattered flock. The regularly published papers helped the individual members and groups stay connected all the while they were separated physically by rugged geography and vast distances. Why it matters is this: the AAN Magazine and the weekly eNews publications of the Alberta Conference are key connectors for our entire Alberta Conference family. Are all the members of your local congregation aware of and receiving them?

Eric Ollila

Communication/IT/Media Director Alberta Conference


16-18 2020



Holiday Inn & Suites, 33 Petrolia Drive, Gasoline Alley, Red Deer County AB, T4E 1B3


$445.00 Total cost per couple. Includes room and meals for the weekend for two.




Mike Tucker is the Speaker/Director for Faith For Today Television, and host of the award winning television program, Lifestyle Magazine.. He also conducts Mad About Marriage Seminars and transformational seminars around the world.

Now available on the Alberta SDA Conference website scanning the QR Code below:

Mike has served as a Pastor, Counselor, Christian High School Bible Teacher, Youth Pastor, Senior Chaplain for medical and psychiatric facilities, and served as a “Pastor’s Pastor” for his denomination.

Please email to register for this event.

He has authored several books, including Journal of a Lonely God; Jesus, esus, He’s All You’ll Ever Need; Meeting Jesus in the Book of Revelation; Every Good Thing; Ten Keys to a Happy Marriage, Mad About Marriage, Marriage Moments, Tears to Joy,, and more. Mike lives with his wife, Pam, in the Dallas, Texas area. He enjoys spending time with his daughters, sons-in-law, and grandchildren.


DEVOTIONAL By Charles Spurgeon


TEMPTED “Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.” Matthew 4:1


holy character does not avert temptation —Jesus was tempted. When Satan tempts us, his sparks fall upon tinder, but in Christ’s case, it was like striking sparks on water; yet the enemy continued his evil work. Now, if the devil goes on striking when there is no result, how much more will he do it when he knows what inflammable stuff our hearts are made of. Though you become greatly sanctified by the Holy Ghost, expect that the great dog of hell will bark at you still. In the haunts of men we expect to be tempted, but even seclusion will not guard us from the same trial. Jesus Christ was led away from human society into the wilderness, and was tempted of the devil. Solitude has its charms and its benefits, and may be useful in checking the lust of the eye and the pride of life; but the devil will follow us into the most lovely retreats. Do not suppose that it is



only the worldly- minded who have dreadful thoughts and blasphemous temptations, for even spiritual-minded persons endure the same; and in the holiest position we may suffer the darkest temptation. The utmost consecration of spirit will not insure you against Satanic temptation. Christ was consecrated through and through. It was his meat and drink to do the will of him that sent him: and yet he was tempted! Your hearts may glow with a seraphic flame of love to Jesus, and yet the devil will try to bring you down to Laodicean lukewarmness. If you will tell me when God permits a Christian to lay aside his armour, I will tell you when Satan has left off temptation. Like the old knights in war time, we must sleep with helmet and breastplate buckled on, for the arch-deceiver will seize our first unguarded hour to make us his prey. The Lord keep us watchful in all seasons, and give us a final escape from the jaw of the lion and the paw of the bear.1

Spurgeon, C. H. (1896). Morning and evening: Daily readings. London: Passmore & Alabaster.

Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2020


Like the old knights in war time, we must sleep with helmet and breastplate buckled on, for the arch-deceiver will seize our first unguarded hour to make us his prey." MARCH 2020

Alberta Adventist News




David & Judy (Top Center) have each had a struggle, as hearing-impaired individuals, to adjust to a hearing world. All the family learned and reached various proficiencies in sign language.

HOW OUR LIVES CHANGED With Two Deaf Children! M y wife began to sense that something changed! Our three-monthold baby was reacting differently since having a high fever with chickenpox. It was after the crisis had passed and in the coming months that we began to suspect that our daughter, Judy, might have a hearing problem. Our doctor scheduled a brain scan. After the scan, I still remember the social worker explaining


Alberta Adventist News

that our daughter was profoundly deaf. She might hear a tiny bit, but deafness would change her life and, of course, our lives too. We began to get in touch with other parents of deaf children. We wondered if maybe God had some plan for our lives that might involve us working with the Deaf in ministry. How could our deaf daughter get an Adventist Christian education? We knew of no

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Adventist schools for the Deaf! My wife decided to take a particular, one-year course in teaching the Deaf, as she already had taught in a BC Adventist school, so mother and daughter both ended up at the Maritime Inter-Provincial School for the Deaf — our daughter as a student and my wife training in Deaf educational methods. As time went by, we began to correspond with North American Division leaders

about the possibility of starting an Adventist school for the Deaf. Eventually, we moved to the BC Hope Campground. We tried to start a school, but it proved too difficult for our family to pioneer. We also took a little deaf boy, David, into our home to be a companion to our deaf daughter. Significant changes came to our home! Our whole family needed to learn to sign. My wife taught our two deaf children sign language as they learned to read. We got two TTY telephone typewriters so we could communicate directly with the Deaf over the phone, or indirectly through a “message relay” operator. We discovered that there were some SDA “camp meetings” specifically for the Deaf in the USA and made a real effort to attend when we could. We finally decided to accept a call for me to become the Director of an Adventist Deaf school in Arkansas. Alberta instructed the younger students, and I taught in the Bible School for the Deaf. This experience involved a significant change. We began to live and work daily with deaf adults. Teaching was our in-depth introduction to the “world of the Deaf” and the unique aspects of “Deaf culture.” Our two deaf children loved being able to freely communicate with most of the people at the Christian Deaf Center [CDC] in their

God has helped us to grow in ministry with Deaf and has blessed in wonderful ways." language — Sign Language! Before moving to the USA, while pastoring in Northern BC, our deaf daughter had felt somewhat isolated. At the deaf center, she began to find herself as a deaf person and not as a misfit in a hearing world. We rejoiced to see both children find acceptance in a deaf society and deaf culture. My wife and I felt that our time at the deaf school was like a post-graduate course in “Deaf ministry.” I continued my particular interest in producing signed video productions for the Deaf. After three years, we returned to Canada to try and help establish a pioneer work for the Deaf, especially in Alberta and Toronto. Our two deaf children grew up and left home. Our daughter married a deaf man and lives near Portland, OR, and they have two hearing children. Their older son has just finished his third year of medical school in Washington State. Our son married a deaf wife and is now a grandfather to two hearing grandchildren. Has deafness been a challenge? Definitely. It has been harder for both our deaf children to find work in a hearing world. With our

deaf adopted son, it has been an up-and-down experience throughout the years. Our daughter works part-time in a nursing home for the Deaf, and she and her husband are active in the deaf SDA church in Portland, OR. My ministry has led to working with Gospel Outreach, and we now have about 50 lay workers for the Deaf in 16 countries. God has helped us grow in ministry to the Deaf and blessed us in beautiful ways. In July 2019, my dear wife passed away, but her legacy in working with the Deaf has touched them in different parts of the world. Now she awaits Jesus’ call on that resurrection morning. As long as God gives me a sound mind and able body, I intend to remain active in some phase of Deaf ministry. There is too much need around the world to sit back and leave it to others! Pastor John Blake, Alberta Conference Deaf Ministry Department PO Box 308, Clive, AB T0C 0Y0 (403) 784-3798 Email: Website:

John Blake

Volunteer Deaf Ministry Coordinator, Alberta Conference

MARCH 2020

Alberta Adventist News



Microsoft 365 in Churches


icrosoft Office 365 is a powerful resource just waiting to be used to its full potential within the Alberta Conference. MS Office 365 is the standard cloud-based software solution provided to all office and pastoral staff in the Alberta Conference. In addition to staff, churches within the Conference can request additional access to a MS 365 subscription for their local leaders.1 What possibilities exist in the local church with Microsoft Office 365? What benefits could it provide? Here are just a few: 1. Communicate, collaborate, and improve productivity 2 2. Manage meetings 3 3. Collaborate on files with Outlook,

Pastor Doe established a Microsoft Team, called "Church Board." Pastor Doe and the Clerk/Board Secretary use the MS Team site and its corresponding Sharepoint location to store and access essential board documents including meeting minutes, OneDrive, Word, Excel, agendas, quotes, proposals, PowerPoint, OneNote, departmental and treasury SharePoint, Microsoft reports, and other data relevant Teams, and others 4 to monthly Board discussions. 4. Record meetings The Church Board members to capture audio, appreciate the MS Team video, and screen because they can reference sharing activity. related Board documents 5. Keep shared files for their monthly meetings, in a single, secure from the cloud. Pastor Doe location that everyone and the Clerk love this setup can access because they know the Board 6. Stay connected from Members can reference any location with chats, materials from anywhere they meetings, and calls. have an Internet connection. Pastor Doe and the Board rests Here are two examples assured that the documents of how Churches have and data are stored securely. used MS Office 365: Additionally, with SharePoint, the Clerk can Example 1: Storing digitize and store current and Files for Church Board historical church records. With Pastor John Doe of XYZ powerful search tools included, Church has MS Office any documents the Clerk needs 365 set up for each of to reference may be located the Board Members. with a few clicks on the keypad.

Some charges may apply. Microsoft Modern Workplace Training 3 Microsoft Modern Workplace Training 4 Ibid. 1 2


Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2020

Example 2: Easy Worship Announcement Loop Sample Church1 set up all its departmental leaders with a free Microsoft 365 E1 subscription. The church also set up a shared folder where each department can place announcements. Each week, when the Visual Media Technician sets up the Sabbath morning announcements slide show to project on the screen, all that is required is to open the shared folder/file, then copy/ paste all the announcements into the slideshow. It takes about 10 minutes or less per week. The Visual Media Technician loves this setup because he doesn't have to spend time tracking down emails, or retyping handwritten notes. The pastor and department leaders love the structure because they can add announcements in the shared folder on the fly, and the Visual Tech will get them immediately. If you're interested in getting MS 365 for your church, contact the Alberta Conference IT Department. We will be happy to assist you. — Written by Eric Ollila Communication/IT/Media Director, Alberta Conference

Want to know what’s happening in the Alberta Conference? Get the latest news and updates with Alberta Adventist Weekly eNews! Subscribe here:





Alberta Adventist News

TAKING IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL O ver 180 postmodern millennials between the ages of 18–35 gathered together in Banff, AB during the weekend of November 15–17, 2019 for a power-packed and uplifting experience that took attendees to the "next level" on their spiritual trek with God. ELEVATEx is a worship, discipleship and transformation conference for postmodern thinkers with the primary goal of attracting and engaging urban, postmodern, millennial, young adults from across North America. The weekend event was held on the campus of Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, a learning organization built upon "an extraordinary legacy of excellence in artistic and creative development and located in the stunning Canadian Rocky Mountains."1 Featured guest presenters included Pastor Eddie Hypolite, an internationally known speaker who specializes in the area of church and culture, who spoke on "Christianity and Culture." Tara Vincross, a pastor from Grand Terrace, California, talked about "Urban Discipleship." Kymone Hinds, a sought-after presenter and life coach, presented "Christian Entrepreneurship and Finance."

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Other relevant and highly sensitive topics were addressed in seminars such as "God and Sexuality" by Orlando Pule and "The Black Experience from a Personal Place" by Cheri Notice, a teacher at the Mamawi Atosketan Native School in Ponoka, AB. Additionally, Steve Yeagley, who specializes in youth and young adult ministry and serves as Assistant Vice President for Campus and Student Life and Director of Co-Curricular Education at Andrews University, presented an engaging session on "LGBTQ+ and Inclusion." Keynote speaker, Pastor Damian Chandler, invited guests to a life of transformation that allows one to experience real communion with God and community with people. He taught attendees that as we experience this kind of authentic community, we become passionate champions for Christ and dare to follow The Lamb wherever He goes. The weekend featured musical guests West of Here, Jamie Browne (and choir), B Zap (and band), and additional seminar speakers such as Pastor Kyle Smith, Pastor Colby Maier, and Nwamiko Madden.




(1) Pastor Damian Chandler, the keynote speaker for ELEVATEx, preaching Sabbath morning. (2 & 3) BZap and band leading out praise and singing. (4) Dr. Lyle Notice, Youth Director for Alberta Conference and director for ELEVATEx sharing final words, Sunday morning. (5) The dining room view from the window of the Cafeteria at the ELEVATEx venue, Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity.


Dr. Lyle Notice, Youth Director for Alberta Conference, spearheaded the event, along with an assembled team of Alberta Conference colleagues, pastors, Burman University staff, musicians, videographers, and other technicians. Future plans include ELEVATEx pop-up churches to occur throughout Alberta in 2020 and another ELEVATEx conference tentatively planned to take place in 2021. To learn more about ELEVATEx or participate in upcoming events, stay tuned by visiting or the Alberta Conference website at albertaadventist. ca. Updated information will be posted as it becomes available. —Written by Eric Ollila Communication/ IT/Media Director, Alberta Conference




West SDA Church 7 pm on Friday, March 20th, 2020

Red Willow Community SDA Church 4 pm on Saturday, March 21th, 2020



April 16, 2020

Northwest Area Place and time to be determined Grande Prairie/Peace River/ Surrounding areas and Yellowknife (Live Stream)

May 4, 2020 A L B E R TA C O N F E R E N C E

Central Area Place and time to be determined

Celebrating Our



Bentley Seventh-day Adventist Church

MARCH 2020

Alberta Adventist News



Harmonious C The Power of Three

The development of our children and youth does not occur in a vacuum. Neither is it a haphazard affair. Instead, the development of our children and youth should be an intentional process guided with a prayerful reflection by the caring adults present in the life of the child.


he task of developing our children and youth involves "the whole person, and with the whole period of existence possible to human beings." Where the "whole person" and "whole period of existence" is defined as someone whose mental, physical, and spiritual faculties have been harmoniously and optimally developed throughout the lifespan of the person's existence (White, 2000). The Adventist Ecology Adventism has historically emphasized the importance of home, school, and church in the development of our youth. Each venue plays a unique and important role. However, no one venue is sufficient to carry the entire responsibility for the development of our youth. It takes an intentional creation of environments or ecologies that provide the warmth and nurture that our children and youth need. That is why we have to


Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2020

understand that the continued sustainability of Adventism is predicated on the important role that each venue plays in sustaining the growth of the other venues; thus the need for an “Adventist ecology.” This “Adventist ecology” can best be defined as the set of relationships that exist between the people belonging to the home, school, and church and their mutual interdependence to each other in promoting the harmonious development of the children and youth of our church. The Adventist home needs the support of the school and church; the Adventist school needs the support of home and church; the Adventist church needs the support of home and school. We are a system that is mutually interdependent and sustaining, and at the center of it all is the child. However, in order to accomplish the task of creating a child-centered Adventist ecology, there must be harmonious collaboration, but before considering the ways in which home, school,

Collaboration: By Josué M. Anguiano-Vega, Ed.D.

Chair, Associate Professor/Department of Administration & Leadership

and church can harmoniously collaborate, let’s consider the benefits of a child-centered approach to home, school, and church. To begin with, let’s focus on the home. What happens when we let our children take the lead in our family worships? The evidence from ValueGenesis3 suggests that those children are more likely to develop a more vibrant faith maturity, which means that they embody the behaviors and dispositions of active faith such as prayer, Bible study, and caring for others. They are more likely to develop a personal life of devotion, share the gospel with others, be altruistic, remain affiliated with the church, make sensible choices regarding dress, diet, and entertainment, embrace and adhere to our doctrinal beliefs, and develop an intrinsic religious disposition, which means they are more likely to live a life congruent with their beliefs. Additionally, children that do take a lead in family worship have been found to be less likely to develop an extrinsic religious outlook (using their religion to obtain status) and partake in delinquent behaviors like indulging in substance abuse (Anguiano-Vega, 2019b). Now, let’s consider the school. What

happens when we have warm and caring teachers that place children at the center of their work? The evidence from ValueGenesis3 suggests that those children, once again, are more likely to develop a vibrant faith maturity and personal life of devotion, share the gospel with others, be altruistic, remain affiliated with the church, make sensible choices regarding dress, diet, and entertainment, embrace and adhere to our doctrinal beliefs, and develop an intrinsic religious disposition. Additionally, children that have warm and caring teachers that place them at the center of their work have been found, once again, to be less likely to develop an extrinsic religious outlook and partake in delinquent behaviors like indulging in substance abuse (Anguiano-Vega, 2019c). Lastly, let’s consider the church. What happens when we let our children take the lead in our church worships? The evidence from ValueGenesis3 suggests that those children, yet again, are more likely to exhibit the positive patterns and avoid the negative patterns listed above. Thus, it is imperative for us to recognize that the harmonious development of our youth is an intentional process that home, school, and church have to create in collaboration with each other (Anguiano-Vega, 2019a). SEPTEMBER MARCH 2020 2019

Alberta Adventist News



The Exponential Power of Three What happens when all three venues are harmoniously collaborating in being child-and-youth-centered? Consider the exponential impact of home, school, and church harmoniously collaborating with each other on the likelihood of our children and youth considering themselves Adventists by age 40. Among those children and youth who reported that their home, school, and church were not supportive in any way, only 22% would be likely to identify as Adventist by age 40. I want to remind you that this data is taken from children attending Adventist schools. The likelihood increases to 36% when children and youth report they have one supportive environment, to 55% when two of those environments are supportive of the child and youth. When

all three environments harmoniously collaborate, the likelihood increases to 62% (Bailey, Donahue, Boyatt, & Gane, 2004). The children and youth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church represent the church now. They are our “present truth,” if you will. They are telling us, in many cases and no uncertain terms, what the reality is that we face. Let’s be perfectly clear: we are one generation away from extinction and irrelevance. I do not intend to be pessimistic about our reality, but I do feel it is important that we know where we stand. How then do we best face this reality? It is important that we are intentional and committed to having homes, schools, and churches that are perceived by our children and youth as warm and caring, interesting, and where they are safe to explore for themselves the great questions of their faith journey.

References Anguiano-Vega, J.M. (2019a). Church Climate, Youth Worship Participation and its Relationship to Spiritual Development. Unpublished monograph presented at the Alberta Conference of Seventhday Adventists Summer Camp meeting, July 2019.


Alberta Adventist News

Anguiano-Vega, J.M. (2019b). Family Climate, Family Worship and its Relationship to Spiritual Development. Unpublished monograph presented at the Alberta Conference of Seventhday Adventists Summer Camp meeting, July 2019. Anguiano-Vega, J.M. (2019c).

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School Climate, Caring Teachers and its Relationship to Spiritual Development. Unpublished monograph presented at the Alberta Conference of Seventh- day Adventists Summer Camp meeting, July 2019. Gillespie, V.B., Donahue, M.J., Boyatt, E., & Gane,

B. (2004). ValueGenesis Ten Years Later: A study of two generations. Riverside, CA: Hancock Center Publications, La Sierra University White, E.G., (2000). True Education: An adaptation of Education. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press


Activities include: • Vacation Bible School • Evangelistic Series • Church Building Project • Cultural Exchange • Historical Exploration

Project: Church Building Place:

Empangeni & Durban South Africa


May 10-24, 2020



For more information contact Lyle Notice, Youth Director Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (403) 342-5044 ext 227




By Ronda Ziakris

Education Director, Alberta Conference

Three of the most potent inuences in the life of a Christian child are the home, school, and the church. What an excellent opportunity we have to paint a dynamic picture of love when these three spheres are working harmoniously together.


e are likely aware of the account in Luke about a woman afflicted with a physical ailment who touches Jesus' garment in hopes of healing. I recently attended a meeting in which the devotional from Pastor Wayne Williams challenged me to hear this story from a different perspective and, even more importantly, apply this story within the context of the youth in our Adventist schools. The story begins in Luke 8:43 with the woman seeking to touch Jesus' robe — a simple, anonymous touch. However, Jesus stops and responds by asking, "WHO touched me?" (verse 45). When Peter questions Him about this, being as they are in a crowd of people, Jesus says, "SOMEONE touched me" (verse 46). Notice that Jesus refers to the woman as "Who," then, after power has escaped Him, as "Someone," and then, after the woman identifies herself (because she realizes her touch won't go unnoticed), Jesus says, "DAUGHTER, your faith has healed you" (verse 48). 22

Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2020

Jesus took this meek and ashamed woman from being a "who" to a "someone" to a "daughter." In a single moment, she went from being an unknown person in a crowd to a woman who was loved and valued beyond measure as a child of God. How does this Biblical narrative translate to our Adventist school system? Let me illustrate using the Latin phrase omne trium perfectum, which means that "everything that comes in threes is perfect, or, every set of three is complete." We have examples of the strength of three all around us (tricycles, tripods, braids, etc.), but we also have a power of three within our Adventist framework: the home, church, and school. I want to suggest that three of the most potent influences in the life of a Christian child are these three entities. What an excellent opportunity we have to paint a dynamic picture of love when these three spheres are working harmoniously together! I would encourage us to be the ones who make each child in our care feel like they have journeyed from being a "who" to a "someone" to ultimately a "child of God." Jesus did just that.

MARCH 2020

Alberta Adventist News


FEATURE By Jonathan Geraci Pastor

Gold! Gold! Gold! The news spread from person to person. Gold was being weighed by the hundreds of pounds.


Boat coming into Seattle was reported to have one ton of gold on it. It was 1897, and there was an excitement that was building amid massive unemployment, banks in financial closing, farms and businesses on the brink of collapse. Many people, still reminiscing about the California gold rush of 1849, had another gold rush on their minds, this time in the Klondike. Thousands of men, women, and boys streamed north. Striking it rich was the hope for which they were looking. They crowded on the Pacific docks, waiting for a boat that would take them to the land of promised fortunes. In their journey north, they would have to transport a heavy load and face hunger and black flies. Each miner was required by Canadian law to bring a year’s worth of supplies — about 2,000 pounds. Carrying those supplies up and down mountains would require trip after trip. Then


Alberta Adventist News

there would be 600 miles of floating along the Yukon River to get to Dawson City and the goldfields of the Yukon. In 1898, Jasper Sylvester, a miner-blacksmith from Iowa, caught a bit of that gold fever. He had a reputation of hammering gun barrels into horseshoes. As Jasper travelled into the Northwest Territories and Yukon, his desire was for more than just the gold that glittered. He had a burden to share Christ with people. As he would travel into the Canadian North, he would share the gospel and baptize people along his path. Churches sprung up along his way to the gold. That would be an incredible story in itself, but the legacy that Jasper left was even more incredible. His grandson was

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H.M.S. Richards, the founder of Voice of Prophecy, one of the very first Christian radio programs, which has brought thousands of people to Christ over the years — a legacy that continues today. What are you doing? While you are looking for gold, paying the bills, going to work, and raising children, will you be like Jasper Sylvester? While you pursue financial goals, will you go for something of higher value? Will you look for the spiritual gold in people’s hearts? What legacy will you leave? Jasper left an impact on his family, and his witness left an influence on his grandson. God is calling you to be a missionary as well. The Northwest Territories has 33 communities spread out over 1 million square kilometres. The Adventist work is still in its infancy. Many people are craving for the hope that you and I have. People come to the Canadian North to make money, pay off debt, and leave a legacy. It attracts people from all around the world. We are looking for Adventist professionals to be pioneer missionaries and start new churches in some of the remotest places on the planet. If God is nudging your heart to be part of this missionary movement, contact Pastor Jonathan at jgeraci@

SAFETY SABBATH 2020 IS MAY 23 FOR ALBERTA It’s time to start planning to conduct an annual safety drill for your church.


Register to get important resources for Safety Sabbath 2020 Safety Sabbath Take the Survey and To register Put


Talk to Your Pastor and Church Safety Officer Calendar After the drill, take the Safety Tell your church leadership and share why you want your church to Sabbath survey at SafetySabbath. Work with your pastor team and about Safety Sabbath Encourage your to church your your church at to access com. Share experience on safety officer have leadership to register free SafetySafety Sabbath planning resources. your personal social media Sabbath approved by


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Take the Survey and Share on Social Media After the drill, take the Safety Sabbath survey at Share your experience on your personal social media using #SafetySabbath2020. Tag your church and tag Adventist Risk Management, Inc. on Facebook and @SafetySabbath on Twitter.



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CHURCH EMERGENCY PLANNING RESOURCES At Adventist Risk Management,® Inc., our ministry is to protect your ministry. Use the resources online at AdventistRisk. org to help protect your facility and those under your care.





At Adventist Risk Management,® Inc., our ministry is to protect your ministry. Use the resources online at to help protect yourSeventh-day facility and those Adventist® under your care. ALBERTA CONFERENCE


Adventist Risk Management,® Inc. © 2019




Student's of Coralwood Adventist Academy collected over 700 pairs of socks during "Sock-tober."

We are Coralwood!


eam mentality unites the talents and efforts of individuals to accomplish a common goal. So much can be accomplished through the synergy of expertise. As a multi-constituent school, it is difficult to pull together a widespread, diverse community to identify under a common banner, especially with so many entities competing for allegiance. At Coralwood, we strive to rally ourselves, our families, and churches to benefit our community at large. We recognize that we cannot ask others to join us if we ourselves are not united. In efforts to rally our troops and promote our team brand, we as a staff spend time outside of class in fellowship. On Tuesdays, our staff members drop in to gather for “Tuesdays More Merry” (themed after the book Tuesdays with Morrie) after school. In the office area, there are some snacks to munch, comfy seating to enjoy, and smiles to share every Tuesday. Our in-reach (social) committee also organizes get-togethers where we can hang out, laugh, and play together on weekends. United, we


Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2020

can more easily bear one another’s burdens. As a school, we work together on various projects to help raise awareness, build community, and help our neighbours. For example, in October, we had Sock-tober, a sock collection campaign. Our students competed for top division in collecting the most pairs of socks. Teachers motivated their students with food and bragging rights. Our lower elementary division came out on top, but as a whole we collected over 700 pairs of socks and donated them to local missions and shelters around Edmonton. Our community is becoming more comfortable congregating here at the school for Edmonton-wide functions. A recent success was an event focused on gathering the pastors, elders, church board members, and school faculty for collective prayer. Our Home & School entity organized the simple supper of various soups, salads, and breads for the occasion. All the churches were encouraged to suspend their individual Wednesday night prayer services to corporately come


District-wide prayer and soup supper.

together to pray for Edmonton at large, our school, and upcoming 2020 Edmontonwide evangelistic series. Our gym filled with the leaders of the churches, and we had a blessing-filled time as we joined in prayer for the work God has ahead of us. We hope to continue to build on what we have started. We hope our families and constituent churches recognize that they are just as much Coralwood as are our student

The Coralwood leadership team.

and staff population. Ultimately, Coralwood is just a subset of the larger family of God. To drive this ultimate point home, we have reserved and been promoting the second Tuesday after we arrive in heaven, beside the tree of life, as our heavenly Coralwood reunion. We hope to celebrate together with our team, past and present, how God had chosen us to be Coralwood. — Submitted by Leidamae Muse, Principal

The Coralwood in- reach (social) committee organizes get- togethers where we can hang out, laugh, and play together on weekends. MARCH 2020

Alberta Adventist News



Miracle $140,000+ RAISED at Chinook Winds Adventist Academy When it comes to how we manage our resources, the Bible gives many promises. Here is a well-known one: "'Test me in this, says the LORD Almighty, 'and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it'" (Malachi 3:10, NIV). All that we are required to do is step out in faith.


e have been blessed at Chinook Winds Adventist Academy over the years, and this past year is no exception. I am humbled by the outpouring of love from everyone and the miracles I have witnessed since school began in September 2019.

Miracle #1

Significant financial donations came in through several faithful people in late August and early September, which allowed families in need an opportunity to attend our school. Some children would not have had the blessing of an Adventist Education this year, had it not been for the working of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of select private donors. I want to say "Thank you" to those who gave. May God continue to bless you and the families!


Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2020


Miracle #2

Miracle #3

Following consultations with senior pastors of our constituent churches, donations came in through our constituency, in addition to the planned annual subsidies that allow for school operations to continue. We had a few unplanned emergency events that came our way in the fall of 2019. The decisions by church boards for additional financial contributions were significant and unexpected. Also, additional funding was given by the churches to support select families in need (outside those mentioned in Miracle #1) who wanted their children to have an Adventist education. I want to say "Thank you" to the churches. This type of giving shows our collective strength under God's leadership, and it demonstrates His continual leading among His people.

Ten weeks ago, we began our Double Debt Down Fundraiser for a need to find financing to replace our school hot water boiler (furnace). The Alberta Conference agreed to partner with us and offered to double any funding we raised. At the close of business yesterday, our business manager reported to the Alberta Conference that we have collectively raised $70,097.25. This morning, I received word from the treasurer of the Alberta Conference that they will be sending a matching cheque of $70,097.25. That brings our fundraising to an end total of $140,194.50. That's a miracle!!!! I want to say "Thank you" to the many people who were engaged in this effort. I am humbled once again to see how you are letting the Holy Spirit move in your lives in support of Chinook Winds Adventist Academy. Thanks to everyone for this miracle!

On behalf of the teachers and staff at Chinook Winds Adventist Academy, I want to say “Thank you” to all who gave financially and through the support of prayer. The strength of our school community is grounded in all groups under the plans that God has for us. As we let the Holy Spirit lead us, we will achieve His plans for these times. —Submitted by  Bruce Fillier, Principal

A Miracle Within a Miracle


n just nine weeks leading up to Christmas Break, with the generous support of the Alberta Conference and the members of the constituent churches (which make up our School Board), Chinook Winds Adventist Academy conducted a fundraising campaign that raised over $140,000. This effort was part

of God‘s plan for CWAA to have a proper furnace to keep the students, staff and other facility users warm during the cold winter months in Calgary. The CWAA Board would like to express their appreciation to all pastors, church members and the Alberta Conference for their faithful support! Without these partners, there

would be no miracle!!! While many things stood out about this fundraiser, there was one initiative of two individuals from one of our churches worth mentioning. These two advised us of their plans to sponsor a squash tournament in support of the fundraising campaign. Oleg Lutso and Dex Gittens,

MARCH 2020

Alberta Adventist News


SCHOOL NEWS made their arrangements for a private donor to match any funds they raised at their squash tournament up to $5,000.00. This arrangement turned into $10,000 of funds raised. All because of the idea of two faithful servants. A miracle within a miracle! It was a blessing in action, and the picture shows the expressions of joy in the faces of those who came out to support this event. The Holy Spirit is at work among our people!!! There are so many that gave towards the campaign. The Board would like to express their sincere gratitude to everyone who supported the purchase of a new furnace. The result of

Squash Tournament sponsors Dex Gittens and Oleg Lutso with Chinook Winds Adventist Academy Principal, Bruce Fillier.

this fundraising campaign was the best Christmas gift ever and demonstrates that the Holy Spirit is alive and moving among the constituent churches in Calgary. Indeed,

miracles happen every day. The CWAA Miracle of the Christmas Furnace is evidence of how God is looking after His people. —Submitted by  Bruce Fillier, Principal

Sylvan Meadows Adventist School Bell choir performed several beautiful songs both at the Legacy Senior home and at the Christmas concert —Submitted by Jai Dubyna


Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2020


Feeding the Hungry


n February 8, 2020, our students took part in the "Feeding the Hungry" program with which our church is involved in our community. Once a month, our church family prepares a meal for the needy and homeless in town and serves it out of the St. Barnabas Church. For February, the HGCS students participated by helping prepare food and serve the 35 people who came to eat. Our students made Valentine cards that they handed out, as well as cookies that were prepared by the teachers. It is so vital that we teach our students how to live a life of service to others, and we are so grateful for the excellent example our church provides. We are so blessed to have had this opportunity to serve our community. — Submitted by Catherine Rosengren

Higher Ground Christian School students, "Feeding the Hungry." MARCH 2020

Alberta Adventist News



We're Celebrating 60 Years! I

Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days. Eccl. 11:1 NKJV


Alberta Adventist News

t will be a time for many to renew old acquaintances, make new friends, discover the many ministries and programs that the church provides, and reflect on our history. Although we have been located at our present address for 60 years, the seeds for our church were planted many years earlier, while Alberta was still a district of the Northwest Territories. George W. Sowler and Thomas Astleford, two young colporteurs who

MARCH 2020

Join Calgary Central for our 60th Anniversary Celebration and Rededication Weekend found inspiration in the above verse, were the first to spread the Adventist message in Alberta, arriving from Winnipeg in May 1895. Sowler was the field agent for Manitoba and the Northwest Territories. Astleford traveled to Edmonton, while Sowler stopped in Calgary, visiting various homes and selling about two hundred copies of Bible Readings.1 From Calgary, he travelled south, canvassing ranchers along the way to Fort Macleod.2


I have covered many thousand miles by rail, boat, horseback, buckboard and on foot leaving books and other literature…I thank God that here and there people took hold of the blessed truth..." Brother Sowler

The first evangelistic meetings in Calgary were held in private homes in 1902 and later in rented halls. In 1903, the first converts to the message were four members of the Gerlitz family. The church was organized as a company by 1910 and then as a church in 1914, with 27 charter members who met in the Odd Fellows Hall on the corner of 6th Avenue and Centre St SW. Robert Kitto was an elder of that early church. In 1918, he wrote an article for Western Canadian Tidings in which he tells of receiving a letter from George Sowler. He goes on to say that he “had often heard my father talk of a Brother Sowler who had left Bible Readings and other books in our home, these books being the means of convincing my parents of the truth.”3 Robert and his parents had been convicted of the truth sown by George Sowler 23 years earlier! In 1920, construction of the church building that would be home for the next forty years began at the corner of 14th Avenue and 4th Street SW. On June 22, 1959, the Mayor of Calgary, along with representatives from the Canadian Union, Alberta Conference, and our church, participated in a sod-turning ceremony at the present site. Construction got underway and progressed quickly, allowing the grand opening service for the new Calgary Central Church building to take place on February 20, 1960. Official membership was 198. Sixty years later, the membership at Calgary Central has surpassed 1,000. For a more detailed history of our church, please visit calgarycentraladventist. ca/ aboutus and scroll down to “Our Local Church History.”

In his letter written in 1918, Brother Sowler said, “I have covered many thousand miles by rail, boat, horseback, buckboard and on foot leaving books and other literature … I thank God that here and there people took hold of the blessed truth, and told it to others, and in the great gathering day I hope to meet a little company who have called a halt to examine the books I sold, and have laid hold of the truth they bore.”4 What an honor it will be on that great gathering day when the members of Calgary Central can sit down and thank George Sowler and our early pioneers for their sacrifice and commitment to spreading God’s Word! To help celebrate our history and service to the community, Calgary Central invites all members and families, former members, pastors, and friends to join us for our 60th Anniversary Celebration and Rededication Weekend, May 29–30, 2020. Our theme will be Moving Forward in Hope. An open house and reception on Friday afternoon, featuring our ministries, history, tours of the church, and plans for the future, will allow members and community neighbours to socialize and interact. —Submitted by Terry Lachance, 2020 Organizing Committee 1

home_circle.php 2

Robert Kitto, “Pioneer Colporteurs in Western Canada,”

Western Canadian Tidings, vol. 8, no. 23, Dec. 4, 1918, p. 5 WCT19181204-V08-23.pdf#view=fit, accessed Month Date, Year? 3




MARCH 2020

Alberta Adventist News


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Weekend celebration at Edmonton Central Seventh-day Adventist Church with Nwamiko Madden

Something’s Missing


t was Friday evening, and we welcomed nature. Nevertheless, God continues to offer us the Sabbath hours with songs of praise. forgiveness of our sins and the presence of the The guest speaker for the weekend was Holy Spirit. We were reminded of King Saul in Pastor Nwamiko Madden. The message for the 1 Samuel 10:6: The Holy Spirit fell upon Saul, evening was entitled "Something's Missing," and he prophesied. In 1 Samuel 16:14, the Holy with the key text being Acts 19:2. There was a Spirit departed from King Saul (and went to sense of stillness; the audience was captivated David). Pastor Madden challenged his audience by those words — "something's missing." to invite God's Spirit to live in their hearts. Pastor Madden passionately shared a heartstirring message as he gave two articulate "Save the Best for Last" accounts of his experiences with God. He noted Our weekend celebration carried on with that God had taught him a valuable lesson Sabbath School and into the divine service, through those experiences and emphasized with Pastor Nwamiko Madden preaching a that there is something in the heart that lets sermon entitled "Save the Best for Last." Our you know that without the Lord, something is hearts were lifted in praise as we united with missing. As Christians, we live in this world the Ubuntu Choir from Burman University as that's material, but we also live in awareness of they poured out their souls in praises to God. the spiritual. Madden also emphasized that God Again we were challenged and encouraged. never gives up on us. Even if we have made poor Our weekend celebration concluded choices in the past, He never stops loving us. with a concert by the students from Burman University. What a choir! What He Wants to Live in Our Hearts a concert! We thank God for beautiful We were also reminded never to underestimate music, for it's like a preview of heaven, the power of sincere prayer to God. However, where His glory will dwell forever. we need to seek Him earnestly. He desires to — Submitted by Ina Martin, Edmonton live in our hearts, but sometimes, as believers, Central Seventh-day Adventist we reject that offer because of our human Church, Children's Sabbath School MARCH 2020

Alberta Adventist News



Blue Zones and Dinner Clubs:

Airdrie’s Goal to Become Canada’s Healthiest City


n January 19th, after only two weeks in Airdrie, I walked into the Airdrie Town and Country Centre and was pleasantly surprised with what I found. I saw more members from the community than I saw members from my church. For 19 years the Airdrie Seventh-day Adventist church has been hosting the Vegetarian Dinner Club. Each month, the club meets to share a delicious vegetarian potluck followed by a professional talk on a variety of health and wellness topics. This day was no different. I had the pleasure of sitting down with some of the members from the community, including the Jane family. As we got to know one another better, they shared with me that they, given their Indian family background, have been vegetarian their whole lives. Atul, the eldest son, added how much he appreciated Adventism’s commitment to a healthy, holistic lifestyle. As a new resident and pastor in Airdrie, I was so impressed with the dozens of community members who were enthusiastically connected to the club. This ministry is such an important outreach in Airdrie, and, perhaps, now more than ever. The city of Airdrie is committed to becoming


Alberta Adventist News

Rolling out the dough at Airdrie Seventh-day Adventist Church's Vegetarian Dinner Club. Canada’s first Blue Zone, with the initiative launching citywide this May. The Vegetarian Dinner Club is just one of the many ministries that the church here in Airdrie is offering to the community that fit right in with the city’s goal. Our church currently offers a number of health and wellness programs through the Better Living Center. Given our history as Adventists with Blue Zones,

MARCH 2020

we want to invite all those in the Calgary Metropolitan Region to join with us, at this significant time, to reach out to our community with the right arm of the gospel. To find out more about the Vegetarian Dinner Club, other events and ways in which we are working in Airdrie to aid it in becoming Canada’s first Blue Zone, please visit our website at

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada is now accepting nominations for the 2020 Excellence in Education Awards DEADLINE APRIL 15, 2020 The Process for Nominators:

Must be a stakeholder (superintendent, principal, school board member, teacher, pastor, school staff member, parent, student, or church member). Must not be immediate family members of the nominee.

If the nominee is a teaching principal, the nominator must select either Teaching or Administrator Award. For Administrator Award nominee must be .50 FTE in administration. All letters of recommendation must support the appropriate award they are being nominated for. *Important- please check with local conference or boarding academy to see if the teacher and/ or administrator that you want to recommend fulfills the requirements for the Nominee noted below before you start the application process. Must complete the Nomination Form, Letter of Recommendation Form, and a Letter of Recommendation. Must find two other stakeholders (one from each of the two other categories), unrelated to the nominee, to complete the Letter of Recommendation Form and write Letters of Recommendation. For example, if the nominator is someone from the School Leadership category (Superintendent, Principal, or School Board Member), the remaining two letters of recommendation must be from each of the remaining categories, one from Colleagues (Teacher, Pastor, or School Staff Member) and one from School Community (Parent, Student, or Church Member).


Must have a valid Standard, Professional, or Administrator denominational teaching certificate.

Recipient of teacher award must have a minimum of one full year teaching experience in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada school system. Recipient of the administrator award must be a principal or vice-principal (.SO FTE in administration) and have a minimum of two years of administrator experience at the current school to be eligible for the administrator award. Must be a teacher or administrator who is employed at least half time for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada school system. Must not have received an Excellence Award within the last five years. (A list of teachers who have received awards are posted on CAT~net - It is our hope that the SDACC Excellence in Education Award will inspire our teachers and school administrators to always strive for excellence in teaching and service, and that those who are presented with this prestigious award will truly appreciate it as a token of our thanks for having them as excellent teachers in our school system. Please take the time to nominate your Adventist School teacher or principal today. Nomination forms can be found on CAT~net, under Resources- SDACC- Excellence in Education Award or you may call the SDACC Office of Education at (905) 433-0011 x2072.


District Fellowship AY activities.

Joy and Celebration

in the Okotoks SDA Church

O Nichole Cedilla told the Lamb's Story.

District Fellowship; Sally del Socorro sharing a message.


Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2020

n January 25, 2020, the Okotoks and Parkdale churches united for district fellowship. The children and youth departments were filled with happy sounds during Sabbath School. At the worship service, the sanctuary seats were all filled. The theme for the day was “Love Like Jesus.” The presentations were exciting and convincing. Theresa Flores, very much young at heart, spoke about Jesus’ love on the cross. She was followed by Sally del Socorro, who shared “Jesus’ Love in Public Ministry.” She shared how church members cared for her when her need was great. Sharing the love of Jesus in this way is much needed in the community. Pastor Jinwook Lee shared the final message entitled, “The Love of Jesus.” Jesus loves us so much and is our Defender in the heavenly sanctuary.


The Edmonton Filipino Seventh-day Adventist Church would like to invite you and your friends to our special Easter musical, “Festival of Faith” Calvin Powell baptism.

Lorna Huber baptism.

The program included beautiful sacred music, messages, and prayer. The worship service was followed by a delicious luncheon. Spiritually and physically well-fed, the congregation then enjoyed the youth program. Everyone was excited to travel to witness a baptism. The Garden Road SDA Church in Calgary has been so kind as to let the Okotoks Church use their baptistry and they appreciate this very much. The two baptismal candidates, Calvin and Lorna, had been longing for this day and joyfully left their sinful lives behind in the warm water. Pastor Jinwook Lee had the privilege of baptizing them both. People agreed that it had been a wonderful and special Sabbath. —Submitted by Ria Schurig Communication Director


ravel with Jesus down the dusty roads of Galilee and the ancient stone streets of Jerusalem. Then climb the windswept hill of Calvary and enter the garden of resurrection. Experience the mystery and majestry of Christ’s redeptive love through this beautiful musical. Be inspired to live your life as a joyful festival of faith.

• • •

Location: Kirk United Church, 13535 122nd Ave., Edmonton Date/Time: Saturday, April 4, 2020, 11:00 a.m. Presented by: The Edmonton Filipino SDA Church Choir and the Edmonton SDA Orchestra

The Edmonton SDA Orchestra was initially begun by Dr. Harold Zinner some ten years ago in the little town of Wetaskiwin. In the years since, it has grown to include instrumentalists from not only Edmonton and the surrounding area, but also from as far away as BC and Saskatchewan. The skill levels vary from beginner to professional, and the ages range from preteens to seniors. If you enjoy worshiping through music and play an instrument, come and join us. Let's praise God together. For more information, call or text (780) 891-3221 or (780) 319-9988. — Submitted by Ben Barboza, Head Elder, Edmonton Filipino SDA Church MARCH 2020

Alberta Adventist News



International Sabbath: Edmonton Central Adventist Church


hough there are so many things in this world that divide us as a people, I am so proud to be a part of an organization that unites us together despite our differences in cultural diversity, perspectives, race, or social standing. At the Edmonton Central SDA Church, we take the time to acknowledge and embrace the rich cultural dimension of our church families by setting aside one Sabbath per year — "International Sabbath" — for reconnection. This event is an opportunity


Alberta Adventist News

for our church families to express their praise and gratitude to God with their talents, whether it's an assembly of musicians, a trio, or maybe just families personalizing their expression to God in worship. At Edmonton Central, the Rwanda families, Filipino families, Indian families, Canadian families, and Jamaican families have blessed us. As followers of Christ, whether we are in small groups or a large congregation, giving praise to God is an essential part of our worship. I believe,

MARCH 2020

as children of God, we are all gifted uniquely for His service, and when we combine our gifts in a comparative relationship, we can accomplish much in our worship to God despite our cultural diversity. I also believe that as His children, the fruits of the Spirit should be evident in our lives as we relate to each other. Scriptures tells us, "Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain" (Psalm127:1, ESV). — Submitted by Ina Martin, Edmonton Central SDA Church — Children's Sabbath School Department














A WORLD CHURCH WHAT DOES IT MEAN? SCHEDULE Thursday, April 30 @ 7:30 pm Friday, May 1 @ 9:30 am and 7:30 pm (Friday afternoon is reserved for SAGErs age 50+ who register for an outing and / or banquet)


Sabbath, May 2: Church Service @ 9:15 am Sabbath School @ 10:30 am Sabbath afternoon @ 3:30 pm (includes Q&A) Gospel Concert @ 7:00 pm

General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

Sunday, May 3 @ 9:30 am


Canadian –born and a retired Vice-president of the



Fort Sask Baptism Report


ollowing another prophecy seminar conducted by Pastor Darrell Beaudoin and supported by the church members, the Fort Saskatchewan SDA Church family is overjoyed to welcome three new members, and several other new friends attending church regularly. Praise the Lord for the privilege of evangelism and the mighty work and power of the Holy Spirit. What a blessing it is to witness the joy and transformation in the lives of new believers in Christ! As God continues to bless the Fort Saskatchewan Church family, it is our ongoing strategy to keep the evangelistic flame burning bright with another Bible prophecy seminar beginning in February. Please continue to pray for our church family. We are in vital need of owning a church building in order to expand and facilitate our growing needs.—Pastor Darrell Beaudoin

Pastor Beaudoin with the new baptized members of the family of Jesus. Congratulations to all of them.


Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2020



• • • • • • • •

Caring Teachers Low Student Teacher Ratio Strong Academics ​Christ Centered Education Athletics Mission Trips Student Leadership Opportunities Student Room and Board




Violet Cooper November 23, 1925 December 13, 2019


iolet Cooper, Lacombe resident since 1960, passed to her rest at the Lacombe Hospital on December 13, 2019 – three weeks past her 94th birthday. Violet was born on November 23, 1925, to Fred and Emily Boschee, who lived in the Robinson District of southeastern Alberta. She was the seventh of eight children in this family. Violet married Charles Cooper in 1945. So their children could attend a Seventh-day Adventist School, they moved from their farm in Irvine, Alberta, to an acreage just north of Lacombe. Violet owned and operated Manna Mart (a health food and Christian bookstore), in Lacombe for 15 years. Violet is survived by one brother Edgar Boschee of Medicine Hat; her children Stan (Connie), Lowell (Rae), Desmond (Trudi), Karen Hawes (Brian), and Kathy Patterson (Lee); her nine grandchildren; and ten great-grandchildren. Violet’s family extends their gratitude to Dr. Keller and the Lacombe Hospital nursing staff for their excellent and compassionate care during Violet’s hospitalization. Appreciation also goes to Pastor Jeff Potts and the pastoral team of College Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church for their ministry to Violet and the family. A Memorial Service was on Friday, December 20, 2019, at the Ponoka Funeral Home.

New Health Benefits Director On December 11, 2019, the Board of Directors for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada voted Jeremy O’Dell as the new Health Benefits Director. O’Dell began his duties on January 15, 2020. The Health Benefits Department provides service to over 2,800 people as well as over 850 retirees. President Mark Johnson states, “I have appreciated Jeremy’s leadership skill and clarity as I’ve watched his excellent work over the years. I believe that he will serve well as he joins us in the field of health benefits. We recognize that his insight and concern for people will be important to this new role.” Jeremy O’Dell has previously served as Vice President of Finance at Kingsway College and District Director for the General Conference Auditing Service in Canada. — Megan Mootoo, Circulation and Ad Manager, Canadian Adventist Messenger, Secretary, Office of Communication MARCH 2020

Alberta Adventist News



SCRAPS, STEWARDSHIP AND A NEW BLUE BOX AT FOOTHILLS CAMP Turning scraps into something useful is part of our Adventist DNA. Here’s a recycling project that can benefit us all.


f you, your parents, or grandparents grew up during World War II, you know that “recycling programs” have been a necessary part of prairie life for generations. Ingenuity often showed itself on Alberta farms as mothers turned window curtains into dresses for themselves first, then skirts for their little girls, then doll clothes, then wash rags. Men modified motor cars into “Bennet Buggies” drawn by horses because the car couldn’t be fixed or gas couldn’t be purchased, and families still got where they needed to go. I’m sure many a sermon was based on the feeding of the 5,000 and Jesus’ instruction to gather up the scraps “so that nothing be wasted.” Recycling — gathering up and using scraps — is a really old, biblical concept that’s integral to Alberta Adventist culture. We’re more affluent now than during the World War II era, but it would be rare to find a person under the age of 30 who doesn’t throw his or her trash into


Alberta Adventist News

the appropriate recycling bin if the option is available. Whether the motivation is thrift or concern for the environment, our responsibility as stewards for what’s in our hand (or more to the point, what’s about to be thrown into our trash bins) seems to have made a deep impression across the generations. That’s a relief! And more than that, it’s encouraging. The fact that we want to use blue boxes to recycle today’s trash into tomorrow’s useful implement is evidence that Alberta Adventists of all ages understand everyday, practical stewardship. We can all agree that saving money and material resources is the right thing to do, especially when it comes to our common assets, like Foothills Camp. Recycling Metal On-site: A Three-way Saving Even though stewardship isn’t part of my job description, it’s part of my Adventist DNA, so I got excited about the Executive

MARCH 2020

Committee’s approval of Troy McQueen’s proposed pole shed structure for heavy equipment and supplies, which uses the metal roofing replaced last summer by insurance for hail damage done in 2015. Recycling all that metal on-site? How ecologically responsible is that! However, when I saw how much money will be saved by building this way and, in the future, on machinery and maintenance by investing $40,000 now. Well, that was the icing on the cake. Ingenuity in Recycling When Troy became camp director last year, he observed that all of the equipment necessary to run the camp — f rom tractors to buses — had never been sheltered from the elements. There was no place but the great outdoors to do maintenance on them either. However, there was a lot of metal on-site — enough to construct a building. So, Troy and Conference Treasurer Keith Richter did

the math to confirm that they could substantially reduce the cost of a machine shop and shelter by turning the salvageable roof metal into walls and a new roof. Not only that, but they would also reduce maintenance costs and extend the life of existing machinery 15-20 years. Ensuring Future Summer Camps and Camp Meetings Everyday stewardship is alive and well in Alberta. We want Foothills Camp to continue to serve an ever-growing number of young and old Adventists in our province. Let’s start planning now to contribute to the many Pathfinder weekends, summer camps, retreats, and camp meetings of the future through the 2020 Blue Box Machine Shop offering at Foothills Camp Meeting on July 25. This is one recycling project that can truly benefit our entire community and the next generation!

Special Offering

JULY 25 Divine Sabbath Service Foothills Camp Meeting

...and Save a Bundle for our Kids Summers at Foothills Camp make great memories, but the weather is brutal on our equipment. We need to protect our investment in • tractors & attachments • snow blowers • people movers • tools & materials A simple pole structure of Recycled Camp Roofing Metal will add 15-20 years to the life of essential equipment, save thousands of dollars in maintenance costs & downtime, improve grounds maintenance & lower upkeep bills, pay for itself in 5 years but last for 40+ years. Estimated saving over 10 years: $100,000

Lynn McDowell, JD, CSPG

The Blue Box Machine Shop

Director of Planned Giving | Philanthropy Alberta Conference (403) 342-5044, ext. 233

MARCH 2020

Alberta Adventist News







20-27 2020

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