David & Judy (Top Center) have each had a struggle, as hearing-impaired individuals, to adjust to a hearing world. All the family learned and reached various proficiencies in sign language.
HOW OUR LIVES CHANGED With Two Deaf Children! M y wife began to sense that something changed! Our three-monthold baby was reacting differently since having a high fever with chickenpox. It was after the crisis had passed and in the coming months that we began to suspect that our daughter, Judy, might have a hearing problem. Our doctor scheduled a brain scan. After the scan, I still remember the social worker explaining
Alberta Adventist News
that our daughter was profoundly deaf. She might hear a tiny bit, but deafness would change her life and, of course, our lives too. We began to get in touch with other parents of deaf children. We wondered if maybe God had some plan for our lives that might involve us working with the Deaf in ministry. How could our deaf daughter get an Adventist Christian education? We knew of no
MARCH 2020
Adventist schools for the Deaf! My wife decided to take a particular, one-year course in teaching the Deaf, as she already had taught in a BC Adventist school, so mother and daughter both ended up at the Maritime Inter-Provincial School for the Deaf — our daughter as a student and my wife training in Deaf educational methods. As time went by, we began to correspond with North American Division leaders