Weekend celebration at Edmonton Central Seventh-day Adventist Church with Nwamiko Madden
Something’s Missing
t was Friday evening, and we welcomed nature. Nevertheless, God continues to offer us the Sabbath hours with songs of praise. forgiveness of our sins and the presence of the The guest speaker for the weekend was Holy Spirit. We were reminded of King Saul in Pastor Nwamiko Madden. The message for the 1 Samuel 10:6: The Holy Spirit fell upon Saul, evening was entitled "Something's Missing," and he prophesied. In 1 Samuel 16:14, the Holy with the key text being Acts 19:2. There was a Spirit departed from King Saul (and went to sense of stillness; the audience was captivated David). Pastor Madden challenged his audience by those words — "something's missing." to invite God's Spirit to live in their hearts. Pastor Madden passionately shared a heartstirring message as he gave two articulate "Save the Best for Last" accounts of his experiences with God. He noted Our weekend celebration carried on with that God had taught him a valuable lesson Sabbath School and into the divine service, through those experiences and emphasized with Pastor Nwamiko Madden preaching a that there is something in the heart that lets sermon entitled "Save the Best for Last." Our you know that without the Lord, something is hearts were lifted in praise as we united with missing. As Christians, we live in this world the Ubuntu Choir from Burman University as that's material, but we also live in awareness of they poured out their souls in praises to God. the spiritual. Madden also emphasized that God Again we were challenged and encouraged. never gives up on us. Even if we have made poor Our weekend celebration concluded choices in the past, He never stops loving us. with a concert by the students from Burman University. What a choir! What He Wants to Live in Our Hearts a concert! We thank God for beautiful We were also reminded never to underestimate music, for it's like a preview of heaven, the power of sincere prayer to God. However, where His glory will dwell forever. we need to seek Him earnestly. He desires to — Submitted by Ina Martin, Edmonton live in our hearts, but sometimes, as believers, Central Seventh-day Adventist we reject that offer because of our human Church, Children's Sabbath School MARCH 2020
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