Abbotsfield Post 16 Prospectus

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Post 16

Welcome I am delighted that you are considering joining the Abbotsfield Post 16 Centre.

and careers guidance ensure there is no limit to what our students will achieve in the future.

our goal is to ensure that every one of our students is successful. Through high expectations and outstanding teaching we prepare students for academic success. Our new Post 16 Centre provides modern facilities for our students to thrive in and has been designed to support independent learning in preparation for University. Exciting and valuable enrichment activities address the needs of the whole person, giving students the chance to take up positions of responsibility and make a contribution to local, national and international communities. The highest quality pastoral support

Underpinning everything we do are the strong and positive relationships we build between students, staff and our parents/ carers. Current members of the Abbotsfield community will know this well, and can be confident that this relationship continues into Post 16. For potential members, we hope this prospectus gives you a taste of the Abbotsfield Post 16 Centre experience. I look forward to meeting you. Mr. E. J. Spary Head of Post 16

Making the right choices We offer a wide range of A level and BTEC courses that allow you to create a Programme of Study to suit your aspirations. our applications system is designed to give individual students as much choice as possible and the information they need to make the right choices. Throughout the process, support and advice is given at every stage to ensure students can build on success at GCSE as well as having the entry requirements necessary for University. Some universities will accept any combination of subjects, while others prefer a specific combination of subjects. If you have a particular degree course or career in mind, please take the time to talk to Post 16 staff at the Open Evening before you finalise your course choices. We tailor our curriculum around our students after applications have been received, to ensure we offer a broad range of subjects personalised for our intake. Your course choices should match individual ability, interest and future career aspirations. It is important to be: • • • •

As informed as possible about University requirements Realistic about your expectations Able to ask the right questions Willing to accept advice

Learning Pathways Below is an outline of recommended pathways based on starting points on entry. This is not exhaustive, but gives you an idea of how you will progress through your two years.


Starting Point

4 AS courses + Enrichment


5 GCSE passes at grade A*- A or equivalent. These must include English and Maths.

3 or 4 A2 courses + Extended Project (if taking 3 A2 courses) + Enrichment

Degree courses at Top Universities. Apprenticeship or Employment.


5 GCSE passes at grade A*-C or equivalent. These must include English and Maths.

4 courses which may be AS and/or Level 3 BTEC + Enrichment

3 courses which may be AS and/or Level 3 BTEC + Enrichment

Degree courses at University or College. Apprenticeship or Employment.

5 GCSE passes at grade A*-C grade or equivalent.

3 courses or equivalent which may be AS and/or Level 3 BTEC + Enrichment

3 courses which may be AS and/or Level 3 BTEC + Enrichment

Degree courses at University or College. Apprenticeship or Employment. Additional courses at College.


Year 12

Year 13

Potential Next Steps

In addition: • If you do not achieve a C grade or above in GCSE Maths and English Language, you will be required to re-sit these subjects as part of your study programme. • Please note that only one level 2 vocational qualification can count as one of your 5 A*-C GCSE passes. • Be aware that there are specific entry requirements for each course which are detailed in the course information inserts. For example: A student with all C grades at GCSE may meet the requirements of pathway B above, but AS Maths requires GCSE grade B to get onto the course. Please read the course information inserts carefully.



We believe that educational success should be holistic, therefore whilst academic achievement is at the forefront of what we do, enrichment plays a crucial role in the wider development of our students. Enrichment activities wrap around courses to create a full Programme of Study and offer students the chance to have responsibilities in the wider school community. This is a formalised process that appears on students’ timetables and adds critical depth to University applications in year 13.

Transition between year 11 and post 16 is vital, as students need to be more organised and independent in preparation for University. To support our future post 16 students, we have a comprehensive transition programme in place that ensures our students are fully prepared when they start in September. This starts with Taster Days in the Autumn Term which help students to make the right choices and experience the wide range of courses we have to offer. We also run Transition Days in Summer Term after the GCSE examinations. This is very effective in preparing the students for the rigour of post 16, by focusing on critical thinking, organisation and collaborative working. We also provide preparatory work to be completed over the summer holidays so our students are fully prepared and informed prior to starting. The transition programme continues throughout the first term, with additional study skills support and mentoring for students.

Enrichment Activities include: • • • • • • • • • • •

Prefect system Peer reading Peer mentoring World Challenge to Uganda and Morocco Working with local and national charities Sports teams including football, cricket and rugby Level two national coaching qualification Coaching opportunities of lower school teams Leadership Award (Level 3) Duke of Edinburgh A variety of clubs for example: debating, film and chess

Support Pastoral care We pride ourselves on personalised and supportive pastoral care, not only from form tutors but also from the Head of Post 16. As in lower school, the whole team work with students to nurture and support students to make their time at our post 16 centre safe, secure and successful. In addition, the School Counsellor can provide confidential advice with medical and emotional issues.

Academic Review At Abbotsfield Post 16 centre, all students will participate in our comprehensive Academic Review programme. This involves monitoring of work and progress with tutors, and creating action plans for improvement. This ensures all students are receiving personal attention and advice that will challenge them to meet their full potential. Academic Review takes place following assessment weeks enabling us to intervene to address any underachievement early and immediately.

UCAS & Careers Students receive rigorous and up to date support with Careers Education, Higher Education and Apprenticeship applications throughout the year. In Year 12, ‘Futures Week’ concentrates on preparing students for UCAS applications or applying for jobs, with a particular focus on Interview Skills and Personal Statements. Students applying for university are encouraged to go to university Open Days and we annually visit the UCAS Convention. Not only do we work with students, but also parents and carers to wade through the complexities of Student Finance and UCAS applications, with planned information evenings and sessions.

Finance Bursaries are available for students.The most in need are eligible for compulsory figures, others can apply to receive a discretionary bursary. More, and the most up-to-date, information is available on our website.

Communication with parents/carers We believe strongly that it is crucial for us to work together with parents and carers to support our students. Parents are kept closely informed of progress with Information, Advice and Guidance Evenings that are held throughout the year, not only do these focus on progress and course requirements but also University entrance and careers information. Four progress reports are issued across the year, meaning parents and students can see the progress taking place. We also hold two Parents’ Evenings over the two years.

Facilities Please visit our Post 16 Centre to see the modern, specialist facilities we have to offer. These include: • A silent study area • State of the art Science laboratories • Pod style ICT suite • Brand new Mac suite • University style art space • Common Room

Course guide

Contents AS/A2 Level Courses Art and Design 3 Applied Science 4 Biology 4 Business Studies 5 Chemistry 6 Economics 7 English Literature 8 Film Studies 8 French 9 Government and Politics 10 History 10 Maths 11 Further Mathematics 12 Media Studies 13 Performing Arts 13 Photography 14 Physics 15 Psychology 16 Level 3 Courses Media Studies (Cambridge Tech) BTEC Diploma in Business BTEC Sport (Performance and Excellence) 2

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AS/A2 Level Courses

Art and Design Level: AS/A2 Examination Board: AQA Introduction: Students will be introduced to a variety of experiences exploring a range of two- and three-dimensional media, processes and techniques. They will explore both traditional and new technologies, relevant images, artifacts and resources relating to a range of art, craft and design, from the past and from recent times, including European and non-European examples. This will be integral to the investigating and making process. Their responses to these examples will be shown through practical and critical activities, which demonstrate their understanding of different styles, genres and traditions. Visits to London Galleries and Studios occur and could include a visit abroad to observe art, craft and design from a variety of cultures. Where Does It Lead? The course can lead into an Arts foundation course, leading into a degree in Fine Art, Fashion,Textiles and Design etc. Careers include the media industries, design, education, galleries, architecture and fashion design. What Do I Need? Students should have studied Art at GCSE level and gained a grade B or higher. Students should have displayed an enjoyment of art and demonstrated the ability to work independently and generate their own ideas. Students must also be aware that the course requires written, theoretical work to support practical work.

Course Details: Students will become aware of the four assessment objectives and will explore drawing using a variety of methods and media on a variety of scales. Students will use sketchbooks/workbooks/journals to underpin their work where appropriate. AS AS modules: 1st year of study


Unit 1 — Art and Design Portfolio

50% of AS level mark 25% of total A level mark

Unit 2 — Art and Design Externally Set Assignment

50% of total AS level mark 25% of total A level mark 5 hour timed examination

A2 A2 modules: 2nd year of study


Unit 3 — Personal Investigation

25% of total A level mark

Unit 4 — Art and Design Externally Set Assignment

25% of total A level mark 15 hour timed examination

For Further Information Contact: Miss K Eves – Head of Art


AS/A2 Level Courses

Applied Science Level: AS/A2 Examination Board: OCR Introduction: This course will enable the student to appreciate and evaluate the social, economic and environmental impact that scientific work has on society, identifying ethical issues that may arise. It will also prepare students for further study on a course in science or in a science-related subject or for training in a science-related occupation. What Do I Need? All students need to have achieved a C grade in Double award Science or achieved at least a Merit certification in the Applied BTEC course. Where Does It Lead? Gaining a qualification in this course could lead into Higher Education in areas such as: Biological Sciences, Natural Sciences, Sports Science and Nursing. Course Details: AS G620 Science at work 33% of AS grade – Portfolio based G621 Analysis at work 33% of AS grade – Portfolio based G622 Monitoring the activity of the human body 33% Examination A2 Modules to be confirmed For Further Information Contact: Mrs C Roderick – Head of Science

Biology Level: AS/A2 Examination Board: OCR Introduction: The aim of this course it to enable candidates to develop their interest in and enthusiasm for biology, including developing an interest in further study and careers in biology including: • how society makes decisions about scientific issues and how the sciences contribute to the success of the economy and society; • a deeper appreciation of the skills, knowledge and understanding of How Science Works; • developing essential knowledge and understanding of different areas of biology and how they relate to each other. What Do I Need? A*-B grade in GCSE Science Where Does It Lead? Gaining a qualification in Biology at this level can lead into Higher Education in areas such as, Biological Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacology, Dentistry, Veterinary, Dietetics, Nursing, Forensics, Sports Science, Psychology, Teaching and more. Students of Biology have also progressed into other less related areas such as Business and Law. Course Details: AS Unit 1 – Cells, Exchange and Transport (exam 30%) Unit 2 – Molecules, Biodiversity and Human Interactions (exam 50%) Unit 3 – Practical Skills in Biology 1 (coursework 20%) A2 Unit 4 – Communication, Homeostasis and Energy (exam 30%) Unit 5 – Control, Genomes and Environment (exam 50%) Unit 6 – Practical skills in Biology 2 (coursework 20%) For Further Information Contact: Mrs C Roderick – Head of Science


AS/A2 Level Courses

Business Studies Level: AS/A2 Examination Board: EDEXCEL Introduction: Do you have a real interest in enterprise or business? For example, if you want to become the next Alan Sugar or if you see yourself being a Managing Director then Business Studies is for you. We will help you learn what is needed to be successful in business and support you as you develop key business skills. What Do I Need? • 5 C+ Grades including English or Maths • It is not necessary to have studied GCSE Business Studies for ‘A’ Level Business Studies • Genuine interest in business – reads a newspaper regularly, watch business programmes such as Dragons Den, Apprentice or BBC Breakfast News • Ability to listen to and consider the point of view of others • Ability to justify and support your own points Where Does It Lead? • A University degree Business course – courses range from: Accounting, Marketing/Advertising, Business Management, Law and Banking & Finance to name a few • Business related apprenticeship • Business Employment • Business start-up Course Details: The course is examined via two units at AS and two units at A2. All four papers contain short and extended questions. There is no coursework however there is a pre-release aspect that students will need to prepare for.

Over the course we will look at: AS Unit 1 – looks at how businesses go about developing new business ideas for products or services. This unit looks at how they go about testing their ideas so to measure their potential for success. Unit 2 – considers how to manage a business regardless of its size. This unit will look at key activities, tools or models that a businessman may need to use when managing and leading a business. A2 Unit 3 – focuses on understanding the international context that businesses face. This unit looks at the international issues that need to be considered. Unit 4 – looks at business decision making. This unit looks at how these decisions can be taken effectively through the use of strategic analysis. For Further Information Contact: Mr N Yale or Mr A Lazarevic


AS/A2 Level Courses

Chemistry Level: AS/A2 Examination Board: AQA Introduction: Chemistry is an exciting but challenging course well suited to bright, inquisitive students who are willing to work hard. Chemistry will be studied in a modern context and encourage an appreciation of the importance of the subject in the wider world. Where Does It Lead? A qualification in A level Chemistry leads to the way to studying many scientific courses such as Forensic Science, Medicine, Pharmacology, Sport Science & Engineering. There are many degrees in these areas which require A level Chemistry. Even if students go on to study other courses, the skills & knowledge learnt in A level Chemistry will still serve students well. What Do I Need? A*-B grade GCSE in Core & Additional Science or Triple Science Chemistry

Course Details: AS AS modules: 1st year of study


Unit 1 – Atoms, Bonds and Groups

15% of total A level mark Written examination 1hr

Unit 2 – Chains, Energy and Resources

25% of total A level mark Written examination 1hr 45

Unit 3 – Practical skills in Chemistry 1

10% of total A level mark Coursework & written examination

A2 A2 modules: 2nd year of study


Unit 4 – Rings, Polymers and Analysis

15% of total A level mark Written examination 1hr

Unit 5 – Equilibria, Energetics and Elements

25% of total A level mark Written examination 1hr 45

Unit 6 – Practical skills in Chemistry 2

10% of total A level mark Coursework

For Further Information Contact: Mrs C Roderick – Head of Science


AS/A2 Level Courses

Economics Level: AS/A2 Examination Board: EDEXCEL Introduction: Do you have an interest in how the world works? The study of economics focuses on the ways in which limited resources such as labour and technology is put to use. It helps you understand a wide range of issues in the news affecting everyday life – poverty, oil prices, recessions, unemployment, stock markets, government and international policies, exchange rates and more. You will gain a greater understanding of the world and news around you, as well as invaluable skills; including analysis and evaluation, presentation and communication, team work and independent learning. A valuable skill set to have for further education and future jobs! What Do I Need? • 5 C+ Grades including English or Maths • Genuine interest in the news and what is happening in the world around you • Ability to listen to and consider the point of view of others • Able to justify and support own points It is possible for students who have not studied GCSE Business or Economics to take Economics at AS/A2 Level, but students should be confident formulating written responses and using data.

Where Does It Lead? A level Economics is well regarded by universities. The model-based approach of the subject gives a good mental framework for almost any degree, such as: Maths, Politics, English, Psychology, Law, Marketing and other Business related courses. Course Details: The course is exams only – 2 in the first year, 2 in the second year. All four papers contain short and extended questions. Over the course we will look at: AS Unit 1: Micro Economics – Looks at how markets work, why they fail and the methods of dealing with this, such as the National Minimum wage and price changes. Unit 2: Macro Economics – Examines the economies of different countries and government policies to manage them, such as interest rates and inflation rates. A2 Unit 3: Micro Economics – This develops Unit 1 and looks in detail at how prices and competition affect markets and what governments can do. Unit 4: Macro Economics – This develops Unit 2 and looks at the trends and development of the global economy, the reasons for this and what policies are used. For Further Information Contact: Mr N Yale – Economics teacher


AS/A2 Level Courses

English Literature Level: AS/A2 Examination Board: AQA Introduction: English Literature will enhance your analytical skills and sharpen your overall writing ability. The vast range of reading materials will evoke debate and dialogue and a keen interest in research. The course will enable you to look at poetry, plays and novels and encourage independence and the ability to read extensively around your subject. What Do I Need? To study English Literature at AS and A2 you will need to have a C grade or above in English Language and English Literature. You will also have a desire to read and have an enquiring mind. Where Does It Lead? The skills gained from studying English Literature will prepare you for university and the world of work. It is particularly favourable for law, medicine and the media. Course Details At AS you will study 2 units: Unit 1 ‘Aspects of Narrative’ which is an exam worth 60% and Unit 2 which is two pieces of coursework worth 40%. At A2 you will study an additional 2 units: Unit 3 ‘Gothic Genre’ which is an exam worth 60% and Unit 4 a comparative essay for coursework worth 40%. For Further Information Contact: Mrs G Cook – Head of English


Film Studies Level: AS/A2 Examination Board: WJEC Introduction: The AS/A specification in Film Studies is designed to deepen students’ understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of film, the major art form of the twentieth century, and one developing new modes of expression and exhibition in the first decades of the twenty-first century. The specification builds on the cine-literacy learners have developed informally since childhood. What Do I Need? • A*-C English GCSE • Good ICT Skills • Creativity • The ability to work independently and as a team • An interest in film Where Does It Lead? Animator, Film/video editor, Lighting technician, broadcasting/film/video, Location manager, broadcasting/ film/video, Runner, broadcasting/film/video, Film camera operator, Film Production. Course Details: 50% Coursework consisting of creating a short section of a film and a 1500 word micro-analysis of a film sequence. 50% Examination on two chosen film forms and the representation of their character with questions based on film institutions. For Further Information Contact: Mr R Curley – Head of Media

AS/A2 Level Courses

French Level: AS/A2 Examination Board: AQA Introduction: The duration of the course is either one year to gain an AS award or two for the full A level qualification. Under exceptional circumstances it may be possible to do a full A level in one year (e.g. if you have lived in the country). What Do I Need? All students will need to obtain an A*-B grade at GCSE in order to continue with this subject at Post 16, or have the language as part of their culture. Where Does It Lead? A range of opportunities arise from studying this A level. Some students choose to do degree courses in languages; others pursue a higher education course in another subject which may have a language option with it. It greatly improves your employability, especially in companies with international markets.

Course Details: AS modules: 1st year of study


Unit 1 – Listening, Reading & Writing

35% of total A level mark Written paper 2 hours

Unit 2 – Speaking test

15% of total A level mark Oral exam 15 minutes

A2 modules: 2nd year of study


Unit 3 – Listening, Reading & Writing

35% of total A level mark Written paper 2 hours 30 minutes

Unit 4 – Speaking test

15% of total A level mark Oral exam 15 minutes

For Further Information Contact: Miss N Fallon – LOLC for Modern Languages


AS/A2 Level Courses

Government and Politics Level: AS/A2 Examination Board: EDEXCEL Introduction: Do you have a keen interest in current affairs? Do you have lots of opinions and hope to back these up with secure political knowledge? Have you been inspired by recent elections in the UK and the USA? If so, the Government and Politics course is for you. What Do I Need? A high level of literacy and at least five A*-C grades at GCSE including English. Having studied GCSE History is desirable. Where Does It Lead? A qualification in A level Government and Politics is highly regarded by Universities and can lead to careers in areas such as: law, politics, journalism, teaching, broadcasting, architecture, museums, market research, the armed services, the police, or business management. Course Details: AS course Unit 1 – People and Politics (1hr 20min written exam, 25% of A level) Unit 2 – Governing the UK (1hr 20min written exam, 25% of A level) A2 course Unit 3 – Key Themes in Political Analysis (1hr 30min written exam, 25% of A level) Unit 4 – Extended Themes in Political Analysis (1hr 30min written exam, 25% of A level) For Further Information Contact: Mr E J Spary – Head of Post 16/Teacher of History


History Level: AS/A2 Examination Board: EDEXCEL Introduction: The course focuses on modern history and examines some of the key events which have shaped Britain, Europe and the world over the past 150 years. War, technology and people power are all examined as catalysts of change. This provides an essential insight into the world in which we live, with powerful connections to current affairs. What Do I Need? A high level of literacy and at least five A*-C grades at GCSE, including a minimum of B in History. Students without GCSE History will be considered if they have at least a grade B in English. Where Does It Lead? A qualification in A level History is highly regarded by Universities and employers as a traditional subject with academic rigour. There is a wide range of careers to which History can make a contribution such as: law, politics, journalism, teaching, broadcasting, architecture, museums, market research, the armed services, the police, or business management. Course Details: AS course Unit 1 – Pursuing Life and Liberty: Equality in the USA, 1945-68 and Politics, Presidency and Society in the USA, 1968-2001 (1hr 20min written exam, 25% of A level) Unit 2 – The Experience of Warfare in Britain: Crimea, Boer and the First World War, 1854-1929 (1hr 20min written exam, 25% of A level) A2 course Unit 3 – A World Divided: Superpower Relations, 1944-90 (2hr written exam, 30% of A level) Unit 4 – Historical Enquiry (Two 2000 word assignments) For Further Information Contact: Mr E J Spary – Head of Post 16/Teacher of History

AS/A2 Level Courses Course Details: AS Option1 Mathematics – aimed at students taking Business Studies, Psychology, Accounting, Chemistry, Biology and other subjects not directly related to Engineering or Architecture.  AS modules: 1st year of study

Maths Level: AS/A2 Examination Board: EDEXCEL Introduction: Mathematics is a world of pattern and order, where you take what you know and apply it to solve new problems, developing higher order thinking skills. It lies at the heart of many subjects - physics, chemistry, geography and economics to mention a few. It opens the door into many careers and has been proven to increase earning potential in the future. What Do I Need? GCSE Grade B at Higher Tier. Where Does It Lead? Mathematics A level is regarded as an entry requirement qualification to Scientific, Engineering, Information Technology, Architecture, Accountancy and many other degree subjects and careers.


C1 - Core Mathematics 1 Algebra and functions; coordinate geometry; sequences and series; differentiation; integration

Module exam in January contributes 1/3 towards AS grade

C2 - Core Mathematics 2 Same topics as C1 plus: trigonometry; exponential and logarithmic functions

Module exam in June contributes 1/3 towards AS grade

S1 - Statistics 1 Mathematical models in probability and statistics; representation and summary of data; probability; correlation and regression; discrete random variables; discrete distributions; normal distribution

Module exam in June contributes 1/3 towards AS grade

Option 2 Mathematics with Mechanics – aimed at students taking Physics and interested in careers involving Engineering and Architecture. AS Modules - C1 and C2 are the same for both options, however for option 2 substitute S1. AS Module: M1 Mechanics 1 Mathematical models in mechanics: vectors in mechanics; kinematics of a particle moving in a straight line or plane; statics of a particle; moments

Module exam in June contributes 1/3 towards AS grade


AS/A2 Level Courses

A2 A2 modules: 2nd year of study


C3 - Core Mathematics 3 Algebra and functions; trigonometry; exponential and logarithmic functions; differentiation; numerical methods

Module exam in January contributes 1/3 towards A2 grade

C4 - Core Mathematics 4 Algebra and functions; coordinate geometry; sequences and series; differentiation; integration; vectors

Module exam in June contributes 1/3 towards A2 grade

One additional applied module M1 for those doing option 1 and M2 for those doing option 2.

Module exam in June contributes 1/3 towards A2 grade

You are strongly advised to check entry requirements for degree courses you are interested in BEFORE deciding which option to choose Mathematics in.  For Further Information Contact: Mrs A Andhee – Head of Maths


Further Mathematics Level: AS/A2 You must do this alongside AS/A2 level Mathematics. This qualification is very useful, particularly to those wishing to go on to degree courses in Mathematics or Engineering. For most degree courses, Further Mathematics to AS level is sufficient. You will be studying Further Pure Mathematics modules alongside Applied Mathematics modules. What do I need? Grade A* preferred at Higher Tier Mathematics or an A Grade.

AS/A2 Level Courses

Performing Arts Level: AS/A2 Examination Board: EDEXCEL

Media Studies Level: AS/A2 Examination Board: OCR Introduction: This modern specification enables students to engage with contemporary media, and now truly reflects the importance of Media Studies as a subject. Combining theoretical and practical approaches to Media Studies, the new OCR specification offers improved opportunities for progression and greater relevance and appeal for today’s learners. What Do I Need? • A*-C English GCSE • Good ICT Skills • Creativity • The ability to work independently and as a team • An interest in media and film Where Does It Lead? Further study at University, Animator, Broadcast engineer, Broadcast journalist, Film/video editor Lighting technician, broadcasting/film/video, Location manager, Production designer, theatre/television/film, Programme researcher, broadcasting/film/video, Runner, broadcasting/film/video, Television camera operator, Television/film/video producer, Television floor manager, Journalism. Course Details: 50% Coursework consisting of Research, Planning, Creating a short video clip and Evaluating. All saved and stored on the pupils own website. 50% Examination using an unseen TV drama clip to demonstrate the pupils knowledge of the genres codes and conventions, with an extended essay on the UK music industry. For Further Information Contact: Mr R Curley – Head of Media

Introduction: You will enjoy this course if you wish to develop: • your own skills, with an opportunity to specialise in either performance or production support. • an understanding of all aspects of performing arts e.g. drama, music, design, music technology, production, dance, marketing. • an insight into the nature of the performing arts industry: • employment opportunities, and the issues facing professionals working within the sector. • a knowledge of the working methods used by professionals: as an individual in teams, with clients, commissioners and audiences. What Do I Need? It is suitable for pupils who either have: • a GCSE in Dance, Drama or Music or Expressive Arts at Grade C or better. • Level 2 qualifications such as Intermediate GNVQ in Performing Arts; Edexcel BTEC First Diploma in Performing Arts. • Grade related qualifications in Dance, Drama and Music. Where Does It Lead? Pupils who complete the qualification will be equipped to move onto degrees or BTEC Higher National Diplomas in any of the Performing Arts. Pupils would be able to gain employment in the performing arts industry in a number of roles. Course Details: You will be encouraged to demonstrate your skills and talent by being assessed in practical ways with no written exams.You will be assessed solely through portfolio and performance by your teacher.Your work will be moderated by a visiting moderator. AS Unit 1 - Exploring Skills for Performance Unit 2 - Planning for an Event Unit 3 - Performing to a Commission A2 Unit 4 - Employment Opportunities in the Performing Arts Unit 5 - Advanced Performance Practice Unit 6 - Advanced Production Practice Unit 7 - Production Delivery For Further Information Contact: Mrs Dennis or Ms Ellis


AS/A2 Level Courses

Photography Level: AS/A2 Examination Board: AQA Introduction: Students will be introduced to a variety of experiences exploring a range of photographic media, techniques and processes. They will explore relevant images, artifacts and resources relating to Photography and a wider range of digital media and art. This will be integral to the investigating and making process. The responses to these examples will be shown through practical and critical activities, which demonstrate the understanding of different styles, genres and traditions. What Do I Need? It is desirable but not essential that students have studied Art at GCSE level and gained a grade B or higher. Students should have displayed an enjoyment of art and photography and demonstrated the ability to work independently and generate their own ideas. Students must also be aware that the course requires written, theoretical work to support practical work. Students are also expected to provide their own digital camera, which is 8mps or higher and although a DSLR is not compulsory it is desirable. Students will also need access to a good quality printer. Where Does It Lead? The course can lead into an Arts foundation course, leading into a degree in Photography, lens based media courses etc. Careers include the media industries, design, education, galleries and fashion design.


Course Details: AS AS modules: 1st year of study


Unit 1 – Photography Portfolio

50% of AS level mark

Unit 2 – Photography Externally Set Assignment

50% of Total AS level mark 5 hour timed examination

A2 A2 modules: 1st year of study


Unit 3 – Personal Investigation

25% of A level mark

Unit 4 – Photographic Externally Set Assignment

25% of Total A level mark 15 hour timed examination

For Further Information Contact: Miss K Eves – Head of Art

AS/A2 Level Courses

Physics Level: AS/A2 Examination Board: AQA Introduction: Physics is a fascinating subject which takes you from the minuscule to the massive. You will need the ability to grasps theoretical concepts whilst also enjoy designing and conducting practical experiments. The course has included the opportunity of a trip to CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. On top of this, Physics is a highly regarded subject by Universities and beyond. What Do I Need? • A*-B grade in GCSE Science • A keen interest in the subject • A strong mathematical ability Where Does It Lead? Studying Physics can lead to careers in: Engineering, Architecture, Science, Teaching, Nuclear Industry, Dentistry, Medical,Veterinary, Computing, Accountancy.

Course Details: AS AS modules: 1st year of study


Unit 1 – Particles, Quantum phenomena and electricity

20% of total A level mark Written examination

Unit 2 – Mechanics, Materials and Waves

20% of total A level mark Written examination

Unit 3 – School assessment of practical work

10% of total A level mark Coursework completed and marked internally

A2 A2 modules: 2nd year of study


Unit 4 – Fields and further mechanics

20% of total A level mark Written examination

Unit 5 – Nuclear and thermal physics + option

20% of total A level mark Written examination

Unit 6 – School assessment of practical work

10% of total A level mark Coursework completed and marked internally

For Further Information Contact: Mrs C Roderick – Head of Science


AS/A2 Level Courses

Psychology Level: AS/A2 Examination Board: AQA Introduction: Do you often wonder why people do the things they do? Are you interested in finding out about how people think and how our past can influence decisions we make now? If so, the course is for you. Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. The course covers the basic approaches to the subject and discusses how these are studied in a scientific manner. Students then get the opportunity to apply this knowledge to a variety of areas including gender, child development, abnormal behaviour and forensic psychology. What Do I Need? Minimum C grade in GCSE English and Maths and two C grades in GCSE Science. It is desirable to have a grade B in Maths, English and Science as it requires an understanding of basic statistics, learning scientific terminology and research and the skills involved in evaluation, analysis and essay writing skills. Where Does It Lead? You could continue your study of Psychology to University and become an educational, occupational, forensic, or research psychologist. Psychology is also useful in many other areas of work such as medicine, social work, teaching, law and business management. The subject can be combined equally well with science, humanities, or arts subjects to provide a balanced A level study programme.


Course Details AS AS modules: 1st year of study


Unit 1 – a) Memory b) Development c) Research Methods

25% of total A level mark Written examination 1hr 30

Unit 2 – a) Stress b) Social Influence c) Psychopathology (abnormality)

25% of total A level mark Written examination 1hr 30

A2 A2 modules: 2nd year of study


Unit 3 – Biorhythms and sleep, aggression, and relationships

25% of total A level mark Written examination 2hrs

Unit 4 – a) Psychopathology schizophrenia b) Psychology in action - Addiction c) Research Methods

25% of total A level mark Written examination 2hrs

For Further Information Contact: Mr M Walker – Head of Humanities

Level 3 Courses

Media Studies (Cambridge Tech) Level: Level 3 Examination Board: OCR Introduction: The creative industries are an important growth area in the UK, bringing significant cultural and economic benefits. The Level 3 Cambridge Technicals in Media offers a wide range of units to reflect the range of opportunities available within the Media sector. It is an ideal foundation for students, providing them with understanding of Media through engagement with media products, production processes and technologies. This leads to the application of practical and creative skills that transfer easily into the workplace. What Do I Need? • A good level of written English • Good ICT Skills • Creativity • The ability to work independently and as a team • An interest in film and Media Where Does It Lead? Animator, Broadcast engineer, Broadcast journalist, Film/video editor, Lighting technician, broadcasting/film/video, Location manager, Production designer, theatre/television/film, Programme researcher, broadcasting/film/ video, Runner, broadcasting/film/video, Television camera operator, Television/film/video producer, Television floor manager, Journalism. Details: The double option or Diploma is comprised of 12 different units based on a number of media disciplines covering a wide range Video, Radio, Print design and web design. The course holds the equivalent of 2 A levels. The triple option comprises of 18 units and is equivalent to three A levels. For Further Information Contact: Mr R Curley – Head of Media


Level 3 Courses

BTEC Diploma in Business Level: Level 3 Examination Board: EDEXCEL Introduction: This is an ideal course for those students who want to explore the ever changing world of business in a practical and investigative manner. The qualification is a specialist work-related qualification and provides students with knowledge, understanding and skills that are needed to prepare for either employment or higher education. The course is highly interactive and encourages application to real business situations. What Do I Need? Students are required to have 4 GCSEs at grade A*-C (including GCSE Business Studies) or a Level 2 qualification such as BTEC First at grade Merit or distinction. Where Does It Lead? On successful completion of a BTEC National qualification you will be well prepared for going into a job related to business. You will also be well prepared for Higher Education for courses in Business such as Management, Public Relations, Human Resources and Marketing.

Course Details: This is a Level 3 course which can be selected as a Single, Double or Treble option. Level 3 Single (subsidiary diploma): 6 units Level 3 Double (diploma): 12 units Level 3 Treble (extended diploma): 18 units Depending on the qualification level that you chose to opt for, this will determine the number of units that you will study. There are four mandatory units that ALL groups would study: • The Business Environment • Business Resources • Introduction to Marketing • Business Communication For the Double (Diploma) you would then be required to select a further 8 units of study. For the Treble (Extended Diploma) you would be required to select a further 14 Units of study. All units are internally assessed through coursework. There are no external examinations. For Further Information Contact: Mr N Yale or Mr A Lazarevic


Level 3 Courses

BTEC Sport

(Performance and Excellence) Level: Level 3 Examination Board: EDEXCEL Introduction: This is a Level 3 course. It can be selected as a single, double or triple award option (equivalent to 1, 2 or 3 A levels). The BTEC Nationals in Sport have been developed in the sport and active leisure sector to: • Provide education and training for sport, leisure and recreation employees. • Give opportunities for sport, leisure and recreation employees to achieve a nationally recognised Level 3 vocationally specific qualification. • Give full-time learners the opportunity to enter employment in the sport and active leisure sector or to progress to higher education vocational qualifications such as the Edexcel BTEC Higher Nationals in Sport or related areas. • Give learners the opportunity to develop a range of techniques, personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in working life.

Course Details: There are 4 core units that ALL students will study: Unit 1: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology in Sport Unit 2: The Physiology of Fitness Unit 3: Assessing Risk in Sport Unit 7: Fitness Testing for Sport and Exercise Single award students will study an additional 3 topics, double award an additional 9 topics and triple award an additional 15 topics. Work is assessed continuously throughout the year; students will achieve a Pass, Merit, Distinction, or Distinction* for each award taken. For Further Information Contact: Mr S Priestley – Head of Sport

What Do I Need? Students will have passed a majority of their GCSEs and have an inherent interest and enjoyment in sport. Students must also be prepared to take a full practical role in a range of sports. Where Does It Lead? The BTEC Nationals in Sport provide an introduction to the sector for learners looking to build a career in sport, within one of its occupational areas. These areas include careers in exercise and fitness, teaching PE, coaching and leadership, sports development and the outdoors.


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