WELCOME TO ABBOTSFIELD SCHOOL FOR BOYS Thank you for showing an interest in Abbotsfield School for Boys. Here boys have the opportunity to develop and grow into young men. The school offers a supportive but disciplined atmosphere and ensures that every boy develops to his full potential. The wide and varied curriculum we offer helps pupils of all abilities, cultures and backgrounds to taste success and achievement. Abbotsfield places a strong emphasis on pupil achievement both in the academic and social areas. We have high expectations of all our students and support them in their education, personal and social development. They are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and are expected to have the highest standards of behaviour, attendance, appearance and achievement. We also provide excellent enrichment opportunities and experiences out of lessons so the boys can succeed. All of this ensures good examination results with 85% of the boys achieving 5+ A*-C GCSE grades in 2012. We are very proud of what the boys are achieving and that they continue to flourish in an atmosphere of mutual respect and discipline which encourages them to succeed. At Abbotsfield, we aim to provide an education that will prepare the boys for the rigours and demands of the 21st century and enable them to develop into successful, well rounded young men. Pupils, parents and staff who choose to be part of the Abbotsfield learning community are never disappointed. Mark Bland Headteacher “Students worked successfully as independent learners and made good, and sometimes outstanding, progress.” OFSTED, December 2011 “Year 11 students made good progress in English and mathematics,” OFSTED, December 2011
TRANSITION To ensure that the transition from Primary to Secondary is as seamless and stress-free as possible, the school has a very effective and highly regarded transition process. Excellent relationships with local feeder schools ensure that a comprehensive picture of boys coming to Abbotsfield is obtained.This information is then used to plan an appropriate but challenging curriculum within a supportive pastoral environment. In July the school runs a Year 6 transition day that prepares boys for Year 7 with taster lessons, a school tour, and a chance to meet the staff and other boys. We also run a Summer School to provide extra literacy support. Abbotsfield recognises the importance of home-school communication and there are opportunities for parents to meet with staff throughout the year, starting with an informal evening in September, to discuss the boys’ progress. These activities are designed to make starting secondary school a positive and rewarding experience and set them on a path to achievement and success at Abbotsfield. “Effective partnerships with local primary schools ensure Year 7 students make a good start to their education.” OFSTED, December 2011
Abbotsfield recognises the importance of working in partnership with parents and so warmly welcome parental involvement in supporting and encouraging the boys in their school work.
Experience shows that by working with your son; praising and rewarding his successes; monitoring homework through the link book; reinforcing the school’s Code of Conduct; ensuring full attendance and correct uniform and by attending information evenings, parents can make a significant difference to a child’s progress and achievement. We will ensure that parents receive regular updates on all aspects of their son’s school life. Parents can also get involved with the “Friends of Abbotsfield – FAB” by reading our newsletter and attending the events. “Students receive regular updates on their progress and parents and carers greatly value the use of link books for information on their children.” OFSTED, December 2011.
LEARNING Our outstanding curriculum is customised to meet the specific needs of all. All pupils follow the National Curriculum in Years 7 & 8. In Years 9, 10 and 11 all pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum as we blend core subjects that all pupils follow, with option courses they choose. We are extremely proud of the wide range of option choices available to our pupils. These range from history, media studies & hospitality to business studies, construction, motor vehicles & geography to name but a few. At Abbotsfield School our aim is to encourage the development of both independent and collaborative learning within formal lessons but also through applied learning, using experiences beyond the classroom. Teaching and learning is interesting, engaging and motivating. “The curriculum is personalised with vocational and academic pathways. Good opportunities exist through a wide range of partnerships with work-based providers.” OFSTED, December 2011 “Students visibly enjoyed learning, were responsive to well- structured tasks and took responsibility for their learning.” OFSTED, December 2011
PUPIL WELL-BEING The school’s strong pastoral system is at the very heart of our aims and objectives. Support for the well-being and development of all our pupils forms the foundations which underpin their academic success. Our school counselling service and mentoring programme have been introduced to enhance our pastoral support and to ensure that students feel safe and supported and as a result they thrive. “Effective arrangements are in place for the good pastoral support of students. Consequently, students feel valued and safe.” OFSTED, December 2011
POST 16 AbbotsďŹ eld Post 16 Centre is a self-contained building. We offer a wide range of courses for both academic and vocational education and beneďŹ t from class sizes that allow excellent personal attention. In addition the Post 16 Centre runs a transition program that is designed to focus on improving independent learning, study and research skills and public speaking. We have high expectations of our students and support them in their decisions beyond Post I6.All students beneďŹ t from an experienced and dedicated tutor team, careers advisors and full support through the University application process. We aim for all students to reach their full potential and succeed in their education and chosen pathway beyond Post 16.
ENRICHMENT An extensive range of clubs and extra curricular activities are available and provide an added dimension to pupils’ education. Sport, the creative arts and ICT are particularly popular. In addition a well-resourced library is available before and after school and throughout the school day to provide support for pupils with homework and extra reading. The school has a well established Student Council to ensure that the boys have a voice in the running of the school. Our Inclusion department provides focused enhancement sessions that act to further support pupils with a range of needs. The performing arts also form an integral part in the school community with a number of concerts and musical performances taking place throughout the year. As an Applied Learning school we believe that although our main work is done in the classroom, trips and real life experiences have a valuable place in enriching the curriculum and enhancing learning. Regular visits take place abroad and to places such as museums and art galleries, concerts, plays and musical and sporting events. “Extra-curricular opportunities contribute well to broadening students’ social, moral and cultural horizons and help to develop a sense of community. “ OFSTED, December 2011
Abbotsfield School boasts a successful history of sporting success within both Hillingdon and Middlesex County. A full programme of extra-curricular activities utilising our purpose built gymnasium and extensive playing fields are immensely popular. There is a wide range of sports available to pupils which include: football, cricket, basketball, athletics and rugby. “Students participate well in a range of sports activities” OFSTED, December 2011
MATHEMATICS, COMPUTING & APPLIED LEARNING At AbbotsďŹ eld School for Boys we strive for excellence in all that we do with a strong emphasis on our combined specialisms of Maths and Computing and Applied Learning. We focus on developing effective approaches to learning Mathematics so that all pupils attending AbbotsďŹ eld School leave with the knowledge and understanding required by all adults for economic prosperity. ICT is an integral part of our lives so teaching and learning are enhanced throughout the school by excellent ICT facilities including the use of laptops available for use in most classrooms. We believe that it is our duty to equip our pupils with the skills and knowledge required to be successful in the 21st century.
Clifton Gardens, Hillingdon, Uxbridge, UB10 0EX Tel: 01895 237350 Fax: 01895 271995 Web: www.abbotsďŹ eld.hillingdon.sch.uk Email: abbotsďŹ eld@hillingdongrid.org
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