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Our special industry groups meet regularly to identify issues, formulate action items and report results to respective governments
Health Sector Committee
AmCham Dubai’s recently formed Health Sector Committeewillbringtogetheradiversegroupof membercompaniesinvolvedininnovativehealth sectors who aim to contribute to the quality, efficacy, and efficiency of the U.A.E. healthcare system by creating an optimal environment for innovation public-private collaboration The committee’s mission is to work with the government and private sector to identify common issues and move reform to the next level
Sustainability Committee
Sustainability is a core driver of business productivity and growth in the 21st Century and the public’s heightened expectations for companies have dovetailed with the growing interest of investors in environmental, social and governance(ESG)factors,whichincludediversity and inclusion (D&I) At AmCham Dubai through the Sustainability Committee we are working to help define responsible business as the new normal and to support the business model that hassustainabilityandinclusivityatitsveryheart