Consecutive Interpreting Syllabus 2016 2017

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Module: Consecutive Interpreting

Seventh Semester - Syllabus 2016-17

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‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬ People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research University of Blida 2 – Ali Lounici Faculty of Arts and Languages Department of English

‫وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي‬ ‫ – علي لونيسي‬2 ‫جامعة البليدة‬ ‫كلية الاداب واللغات‬ ‫قسم اللغة النجليزية‬

GRADUATE SYLLABUS Degree: Master’s in Translation Arabic – English - Arabic Level : M1 ; Semester: 7th Module: Consecutive Interpreting Course Code: UEM 1



Coefficient: 1

Work Load: 19h30h hrs (Class hrs: 13 sessions of 90 min each) + 1h30 (Mid-Semester Test & Test Key Session) + 27h30 hrs of Self-study + 1h30 (End-of-Semester Exam) = 50h Instructor: Mr. Abdelkader NADIR

(Assistant Professor)

1. Course Objectives: This course aims at: 1. Fostering students’ mastery of English and Arabic Listening and Speaking Skills. 2. Familiarizing students with the different modes and types of interpreting and enhancing their skills in Interpreting consecutively from English into Arabic and vice versa. 3. Developing students’ skills in note taking, memorizing, paraphrasing, analysing and speaking at discourse levels. 4. Enabling students to cope with listening problems in order to deliver high-quality equivalent speeches which meet performance standards in the interpreting industry. 5. Developing students’ critical thinking and synthesis skills. 6. Developing students’ interpreting-related skills in doing research and using technology.

2. Course Skills & Sub-skills: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Advanced level in receptive (listening) and productive (speaking) language skills. Memorization and Note-taking skills. Paraphrasing and Cuing skills. Intra-lingual Consecutive Interpreting (English-English; Arabic-Arabic) Advanced-level reading skills of interpreting-related resources. Appropriate use of monolingual, bilingual and multilingual dictionaries. 1

Module: Consecutive Interpreting

Seventh Semester - Syllabus 2016-17

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7. Manipulation of syntactic categories and structures in English and Arabic. 8. Higher-order skills: analysis, synthesis, criticism. 9. Inter-lingual Consecutive Interpreting Skills (English-Arabic; Arabic-English). 10. Advanced-level skills in academic presenting and writing. 11. Use of computer, Internet research tools, e-mail, ‌

3. Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Express himself/herself in both languages fluently and accurately. 2. Shift easily from L1 to L2 and vice versa. 3. Produce equivalent and faithful consecutive interpreting from and into English and Arabic at paragraph/discourse levels (5-minutes long maximum); 4. Find solutions to cope with the different types of problems in listening and the interpreting activity at paragraph/discourse levels such as coping with quick delivery; 5. Listen selectively by focusing on the main ideas instead of the original wording of the message. 6. Listen critically by analyzing the details of the message and making decisions on their relevance in the delivery. 7. Take notes while listening for gist or details. 8. Express himself/herself clearly by controlling the prosodic features such as voice, tone and pitch. 9. Have self-confidence and professional contact with the audience. 10. Paraphrase and Summarize if necessary. 11. Develop strategic and intercultural communication competence by using the appropriate register and style.

4. Work Method: Due to the short length of the course and the specificity of its objectives, this workshop (TD) is mostly based on practical Interpreting from and into English and Arabic. Nonetheless, in the first part of the semester, the students are introduced, with some theoretical background, to the skills, sub-skills and techniques. Thus, in each lesson, the students will be introduced to the different skills, sub-skills and techniques of consecutive interpreting, and then they will be given activities for practice. In the second part, which is after the mid-semester test, emphasis will be on the output rather than the process. The students are introduced to the criteria and standards of quality in consecutive interpreting performance. In order to reach the learning outcomes listed above, It is worth noting that the students are assigned, in the classroom and at home (Self-study), to solving consecutive interpreting-related problems by mobilising their background knowledge and the new acquired skills. In addition, to foster students’ learning and their synthesis and critical thinking skills, they are asked to do oral presentations related to the topics mentioned below. Therefore, they will have to read, analyse, take notes and synthesize. Furthermore, students’ autonomy is encouraged by giving them the opportunity to do extra activities. 2

Module: Consecutive Interpreting

Seventh Semester - Syllabus 2016-17

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5. Assessment Method 1. Follow-Up/On-going assessment: Attendance + oral presentation(s) + class written notes + Feedback essay(s) + reading notes + Mid-term Test = 20/20 2. End-of-Semester Consecutive Interpreting Exam: Content: Two exercises. The first exercise is a Consecutive Interpreting of a short speech from English into Arabic. The second exercise consists of interpreting consecutively a short speech, from Arabic into English. The two exercises reflect the different problems dealt with in class.

6. Course Content/Instructional Syllabus Terminology:




SOP: Students’ Oral Presentation RA: Reading Assignment SSA: Self-Study Assignment


Session Objectives/Content

Part One: Focus on the Skills, Sub-Skills & Techniques of CI - Greeting and Introducing - N.B.: - SSAs will be determined upon - Introductory session: (Lecture): assessment of students’ level and progress (e.g. Summaries,  Terminology (Translation; Interpreting; Process of Synthesises, etc) Translation; Unit(s) of Translation & Interpreting, etc)    

Translation Studies Vs Interpreting Studies Translation & Interpreting kinds, types, jobs, … Definition of Consecutive Interpreting Standards in International Conferences and International Organizations  Code of Ethics




- Planning Presentations - Assignments; Assessment matters, etc - SOP 1: Review of English & Arabic Sentence

1) RA: a) English & Arabic Grammar b) Sight Translation/Interpreting &

2) RA: Listening & Speaking Skills

Structures - SOP 2 & 3: Sight Interpreting & Summerization Translation Practice: - Practice 1 English – Arabic - Practice 2 Arabic – English N.B.: No classroom reading is planned. Therefore, for the theoretical part, all the students must prepare for the next lesson/session by reading and presenting their notes in the discussion. The preparation also includes using the available practical manuals. 3

Module: Consecutive Interpreting


















Seventh Semester - Syllabus 2016-17

SOP 4: Listening and Speaking Skills Practice 3 English - Arabic Practice 4 Arabic - English SOP 5 & 6 : Memorization and Story Telling in CI Practice 5 English - Arabic Practice 6 Arabic - English SOP 7: Note Taking Strategies Practice 7 English - Arabic Practice 8 Arabic - English SOP 8 & 9: Paraphrasing and Use of Linking Words Practice 9 English - Arabic Practice 10 Arabic - English SOP 10 & 11: Cultural & Stylistic Problems in CI Practice 11 English - Arabic Practice 12 Arabic - English Review & Intensive Practice: Practice 13 English - Arabic Practice 14 Arabic - English Mid-SemesterTest Mid-Semester Test Key

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3) RA: Memorization & Story Telling 4) RA: Note taking

5) RA: Paraphrasing & Use of Linking Words 6) RA: Cultural & Stylistic Problems in CI 7) RA: Quality Criteria in CI

Part Two: Focus on the Quality Criteria & Standards 9















SOP 12: Quality Criteria Practice 15 English – Arabic Practice 16 Arabic - English Practice 17 English - Arabic Practice 18 Arabic – English SOP 13: Quality Standards Practice 19 English – Arabic Practice 20 Arabic - English Practice 21 English - Arabic Practice 22 Arabic – English Review & Intensive Practice: Practice 23 English - Arabic Practice 24 Arabic - English Practice 25 English - Arabic Practice 26 Arabic - English End-of-Semester Exam


8) RA: Consecutive Interpreting QS

Module: Consecutive Interpreting

Seventh Semester - Syllabus 2016-17

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7. Suggested Readings: The students are encouraged to read the books, handbooks and textbooks (manuals) that are available in the library of the Faculty of Arts and Languages. Besides, invaluable sources are available online: ANGELELLI, Claudia (2004). Revisiting the interpreter’s role. A study of conference, court and medical interpreters in Canada, Mexico and the United States. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. l’Association Internationale des Interprètes de Conférence. [Website :]. BOWEN, D. & BOWEN, M. (1984). Steps to Consecutive Interpretation. Washington: Pen & Booth. GILLIES, Andrew. Note-taking for consecutive interpreting: A short course. HERBERT, J. (1952). Manuel de l’Interprète. Genève: Université de Genève – École d’Interprètes, Georg. ILG, Gerard; LAMBERT, Sylvie (1996). Teaching consecutive interpreting. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing company. MATTHEWS, J. (1984). Notes on Consecutive Interpretation 1. In Cuadernos de Traducción e Interpretación. 4 : 85-90. Barcelona : EUTI. MOSER-MERCER, B. (1994). Aptitude testing for conference interpreting: Why, when and how. In Lambert, S., Moser-Mercer, B.. Bridging the gap: Empirical research in simultaneous interpretation. Philadelphia: John Benjamins,57–68. PÖCHHACKER, F. (2002). Researching interpreting quality: Models and methods. In Garzone, G., Viezzi M.. Interpreting in the 21st century: challenges and opportunities. Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 95–106. RUSSELL, Debra (2002). Interpreting in Legal Contexts: Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation. Burtonsville: Linstok Press. SELESKOVITCH, Danica (1968). L'interprète dans les conférences internationales, Cahiers Champollion. :


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