Module: Translation
Third Semester - Syllabus 2015-16
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People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research University of Blida 2 – Ali Lounici Faculty of Arts and Languages Department of English
UNDERGRADUATE SYLLABUS Degree: BA in English Language Level : 2 Year ; Semester: 3rd ; Module: Translation nd
Course Code: UED 2.1
Coefficient: 1
Work Load: 90 Hrs + 1h30: 45 class hrs (30 sessions of 90 min each) + 45 hrs of Self-study + (1h30 end-of-term exam) Instructor: Mr. Abdelkader NADIR
(Assistant Professor)
1. Course Objectives: This course aims at: 1. Fostering students’ mastery of English and Arabic Morphology and Grammar. 2. Enhancing students’ skills in translating from English into Arabic. 3. Developing students’ skills in observing, analysing and commenting on translation activities at word and sentence levels. 4. Enabling students to solve the lexical, grammatical and semantic problems in translation as well as the cultural and stylistic ones. 5. Enabling students to distinguish between different types of meaning. 6. Developing students’ critical thinking skills. 7. Developing students’ translation-related skills in doing research and using technology.
2. Course Skills & Sub-skills: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Basic receptive and productive language skills. Note-taking skill. Intermediate-level reading skills of translation-related resources. Appropriate use of monolingual, bilingual and multilingual dictionaries. Translation of words, idiomatic expressions and sentences from English into Arabic. Manipulation of syntactic categories and structures in English and Arabic. Higher-order skills: analysis, synthesis, criticism Intermediate-level skills in academic presenting and writing. Use of computer, Internet research tools, e-mail, … 1
Module: Translation
Third Semester - Syllabus 2015-16
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3. Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Produce equivalent and faithful translation from English into Arabic at word and sentence level; 2. Find solutions to different types of problems in the translation activity at word and sentence level; 3. Shift easily from L1 to L2. 4. Express himself/herself in both languages fluently and accurately.
4. Work Method: Generally speaking, this workshop is mostly based on practical translating from English into Arabic. Therefore, the students are not asked to delve into the theoretical debates over terminology, but they are encouraged to read the available manuals. As for the procedural method, the students are, first, introduced to the different levels of linguistic and stylistic analysis. Second, the students are introduced to translation skills and sub-skills in addition to the different translation methods and techniques. Third, gradually, the students are assigned, in the classroom and at home, to solving translation-related problems by mobilising their background knowledge and the new acquired skills. Fourth, to foster students’ learning, they are asked to do oral presentations on contrastive English and Arabic Morphology and Grammar. Fifth, students’ autonomy is encouraged by giving them the opportunity to do extra activities.
5. Assessment Method 1. Follow-Up/On-going assessment: Attendance + oral presentation(s) + translation(s) + essay(s) + research paper + reading notes + written summaries + Mid-term Test = 20/20 2. End-of-Term Written Exam: Content: two exercises. The first exercise is on the nature of translation (Art, Craft or Science). The second exercise consists of translating 15 sentences which reflect the different problems dealt with in class.
6. Course Content/Instructional Syllabus Week 1
Session 1
Session Objectives/Content Greeting and Introducing Introductory session: Terminology, Translation kinds, types, jobs, …
History of translation Definitions of translation 2
Assignment - Assignments will be determined upon assessment of students’ progress. - Preparing the next session by reading the available books and manuals.
Module: Translation
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Third Semester - Syllabus 2015-16
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Strategies of Translation: Methods & Techniques of translation - Levels of Linguistic analysis - Comparative/Contrastive Linguistics and Stylistics; Terminology - Unit(s) of Translation - Translator’ s Workbench - Main problems in translation: Lexical: Use of Dictionaries, Diction, .. grammatical, semantic, cultural, stylistic, … - Translation of Idiomatic expressions - Translation Techniques (1) - Word & Term formation and translation - Practice 1 - Practice 2 - Parts of Speech in English & Arabic - Practice 1 - Practice 2 - Techniques of Translation (2) - Types of sentences - Mid-term Test - Mid-Term Test Key - Translation of Active & Passive sentences - Translation of Compound Sentences - Practice - Translation of Complex Sentences - Practice - Translation of Complex Compound Sentences - Practice - Tenses & translation - Practice 1 - Practice 2 - Intermediate-level Grammatical Problems in translation - Cultural Problems in translation - Stylistic Problems in translation - Practice - End-of-Term Exam
7. Suggested Readings: The students are encouraged to read the books, handbooks and textbooks (manuals) that are available in the library of the Faculty of Arts and Languages. 3
Module: Translation
Third Semester - Syllabus 2015-16
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