Planning Aden,Yemen Smartly. Energy and transport approaches.

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Planning Aden city smartly, Yemen

Phase III 18/05/2020 MONS, BELGIUM


- Sustainable Urban Planning and Buildings - Sustainable Transport in Cities




01 Renewable energy potential in Aden, Yemen A-Solar Energy B-Wind Energy C-Geothermal Energy D-Biomass Energy

02 Feasible approaches A-Energy decentralization B-Transport diversification

03 References



RENEWABLES IN THE ARAB WORLD Egypt and Morocco have the highest capacities excluding hydro with each hold around 27% of the total regional capacities. Jordan and UAE rank first and second in case the per capita share of the installed capacity. Yemen in a fragile and crisis context has shown that PV is of true value to its citizens as a survival solution during the difficult war situation [1].

Source: Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Efficiency,“Arab Future Energy Index: Renewable Energy, 2019�.


Introduction As the fossil fuel based energy sector is collapsing with the ongoing war. In recent years, Scientific research is assuring that Yemen has the potential to transit to alternative energy sources. Renewable Energy technologies have become the most important and promising sources of energy to meet the ever-increasing energy demands. Concerning

Yemen, which is one of the least developed countries in the Middle East, it is depending mainly in the electricity production on fossil fuel . The following slides will focus mainly on the application of four renewable energy resources namely : • Solar Energy

• Wind Energy

Source: T. World Bank,“Report No: 35030-YE”.. 2006.

• Geothermal Energy

• Biomass Energy

“the sun is God gift, so let’s use it”


A- Solar Energy – before 2014 Very limited application of sun energy in Yemen.


[1] Yasmin. Bawazir, “Potentials of Generating Electricity from Renewable Resource in Yemen ” General Authority of Electricity, Research department, vol. 1, 2011.

Rural heating

Rural electrification



A- Solar Energy Utilization of PV is increasingly becoming a trend in Aden. (Yemen Times Newspaper). This Very high demand on solar PV causes prices to double (After to 2014) Satellite images from 2012 and 2016 indicating decline in electricity access and consumption [1].

Electrical equipments local shop in Aden [1] A Glimpse of Light in Yemen: Enabling a booming solar industry through entrepreneurship and innovation Accessed: 2020-05-14


A-Solar Energy “the sun is God gift, so let’s use it”

Yemen is one of regions in the Middle East which has the highest levels of solar radiation of around 5.2-6.8 kW/m2 per day. The shining hours per day is averaged by more than 8 hours. It is feasibly applicable for Yemen to use two applications of solar power supply either centralized (on-grid) or decentralized [2].

Solar energy resources, Yemen is located within the Sunbelt countries.[1] [1] A. S. Rawea and S. Urooj, “Strategies, current status, problems of energy and perspectives of Yemen’s renewable energy solutions,” Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 82, no. June 2019, pp. 1655–1663, 2018.

Yemen s average direct normal irradiation (DNI) ranges from 1900 2500 kWh/m2/year which is sufficiently high to generate electricity from solar thermal power plants [3].

[2]: Qasem AQS (2018) Applications of Renewable Energy in Yemen. J Fundam Renewable Energy Appl 8: 254



A- Solar Energy



100MW 80MW 60MW

9.7GWh 2GWh 2.5GWh 2.6GWh 4.6GWh






The total installed power capacity has increased dramatically in the last two years from 2.4MW in 2014 to 250MW in 2018. Also the total electricity generation followed the same trend from 9.7GWh in 2014 to 193.7GWh in 2017.

IRENA – International Renewable Energy Agency Accessed: 2020-05-13


A- Solar Energy

In Aden, it is estimated that Average yearly global irradiance is between (2118−2264) KWh/m2 with average PV potential (specific yield) of 1680- 1826 KWh/KWp (p)→(peak) and solar energy potential with an annual average of 6.19 kWh/m2 per day. Moreover the average hours of a day sunshine throughout the year, from 7.3 to 9.1 h. That's equal (3000–3500) hours yearly. More illustrations next slide.

Solar resource maps and GIS | Solargis, Accessed: 2020-05-13


A- Solar Energy

Simple simulation of a small residential house in Khormaksar, Aden (focused zone), with PV installed module capacity of 250Wp which is the typical capacity used. The results shows a great annual power output of 430 kWh per year and global radiation of 2286kwh/m2.

Global Solar Atlas. Accessed: 2020-05-13


A- Solar Energy Aden has a Solar PV penetration of 30-50% of total household share.

D. Ansari and C. Kemfert, “Yemen’s solar revolution:Developments, challenges, opportunities” , Energy Access and Development Program (EADP), 2019.

“wind energy is inexhaustible and infinitely renewable. It is simple but it’s true” Larry Flowers


B- Wind Energy It can be shown in the map

that the coastal line (2500km) along the Red Sea, and the Arabian Sea from Alhudaidah city in the far northern west through Aden and ending in

Aden Wind Energy density map 50 m [1]. [1] Heil DrOliver, Matthias Drosch Dipl-Ing. Ministry of Electricity Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development Projects P.O. Box No 178, Airport Road, Sana’a -Republic of Yemen, 26/06/; 2006.

Abyan has big potential for electricity generation,

wind the



possibilities exceed 308GW [2]. [2]: Qasem AQS (2018) Applications of Renewable Energy in Yemen. J Fundam Renewable Energy Appl 8: 254


B- Wind Energy The figure shows the results of a study provided by Civil Aviation and







confirmed that wind energy for electricity




implemented in various areas, in both the coast and the highlands

and valleys. These studies have Mean wind speed of study cities scope.[1]. [1A. S. Rawea and S. Urooj, “Strategies, current status, problems of energy and perspectives of Yemen’s renewable energy solutions,” Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 82, no. June 2019, pp. 1655–1663, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2017.07.015.

been shown six most promising areas including Aden.


B- Wind Energy Measurements carried in Atlas on the focused zones: 1- Sira 7.7M/S , 518 W/M2

2- Almaala 7.5M/S , 473 W/M2

3- Altawahi 6.8M/S , 361 W/M2

4- Khormaksar 5.8M/S , 219 W/M2

Wind mean power density map (W/m2) at 150m high [1]. [1] Global Wind Atlas Accessed: 2020-05-13 [2]: Qasem AQS (2018) Applications of Renewable Energy in Yemen. J Fundam Renewable Energy Appl 8: 254

According to the global wind Atlas the wind speed(m/s) ranges from 4 8m/s. the highest recorded wind speed was at the top altitude of the (Shamsan Mountain) and to the west of Aden near Al-Burayqah (low density population). The average wind speed is more than 5 m/s in 80% of the time [2] .

“Geothermal energy, a gift of motherland�


C- Geothermal Energy •

Yemen is situated near three tectonic boundaries which are among the most active areas of the world. These are the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea and the Eastern African Rift System. These three tectonic plates meet in a triple junction which result in high geothermal gradient, and subsequently geothermal energy potential [1].

In Yemen there are many regions characterized by the nature of volcanic and more than seven regions (Aden city) are natural hot springs of water.

In the Red Sea region, geothermal gradients range from 40°C/km to 77°C/km. The worldwide geothermal gradient average is only at around 30 °C/km [2].

World map of heat flow shows heat Yemen and Italy have the same potential of heat flux (60mw / cm2), the total capacity of geothermal power installed to produce electric power using (Geothermal Energy) in Italy more than 500 MW [3].

[1] AL-Ashwal Ali M. All renewable energy applications in Yemen are best practice. ISECO Sci Technol Vision” 2005;1:45–50. [2] .‫الماير‬-‫العمل‬-‫وخطة‬-‫المتجددة‬-‫الطاقة‬-‫“استراتيجية‬pdf.” .

[3] Al-Shabi Mohammed H, Al-Shaibani Rami. The Current Situation and Future Prospects of the Energy Sector in Yemen Ministry of Electricity & Energy, Korea – Yemen Energy Forum; 2014.


C- Geothermal Energy


Global Atlas for Renewable Energy Accessed: 2020-05-13

Global heat flow data points and contour lines in 2015. The high heat flow contour line passes through Aden. This goes identical to the fact that Aden’s lies in the crater of a dormant volcano (shamsan mountain) previously stated in phase 2. This indicates that Aden has a good potential of Geothermal Energy yield (160 - 180 mW/m2).


C- Geothermal Energy •

A study in 1984, funded by the World Bank carried out by Geothermal Inc. This study headed towards the investigation of the potential of geothermal energy in the Dhamar region Fig. 1. (located 100 km from the capital Sana'a to the south). The study concluded that it is possible to build a plant to generate energy electric, using geothermal. Which capable of producing electricity with a capacity ranging from (125−250)MW. This amount of energy is good compared with the total amount of clicks produced in the Republic of Yemen [1].

[1] Al-Sabri A, Al-Kohlani T, Al-Nethary M, Sharian A, Al-Dukhain A, Al-Hosam A, Al- Hosam M, Sultan M. Geothermal Exploration in Some Interesting Geothermal Area in Republic of Yemen. In: Proceedings World Geothermal Congress; 2015.


Figure 1

“keep calm and use Biomass”


D- Biomass Energy Throughout the history, Yemen is famous for being an agricultural country, which is the major sector of the country’s economy.

“traditional” Biomass energy in Yemen is used in the conventional method for cooking and heating purposes without wood processing and flue gas treatment.

The use of inefficient stoves further exacerbates the health and environmental problem. The most commonly used stove is the three-stone open fire called “massad” and half enclosed called “tanoor” [1] A. S. Rawea and S. Urooj, “Strategies, current status, problems of energy and perspectives of Yemen’s renewable energy solutions,” Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 82, no. June 2019, pp. 1655–1663, 2018

Tanoor stove for bread cooking

Harvesting and transporting wood fuels.


D- Biomass Energy •

All these forms of waste can be utilized for the sake of biomass potential to be used for many purposes such as gasification (biogas) and steam production for electricity generation

This technology can be used to substitute plants in major cities such as Sana'a, Aden, to produce electricity from biogas instead of diesel or heavy fuel (Mazut) used mainly in the diesel power plants in Aden.

For example, if we take the garbage waste that is picked up by the garbage trucks on a daily basis in Aden city which occupies more than 800 thousand residents, this will be approximated by 500 tons of trash (Daily waste generation in Yemen was estimated to be 0.55 – 0.65 kg per capita in urban areas [1]) so average of 0.6kg.

This trash can be delivered to specialized digesters to produce biogas which is composed of 60% methane (CH4) and 40% carbon dioxide (CO2). For every ton of waste we estimate to get an amount of 50 m3 of biogas. So, 500 tons of trash will be capable of producing nearly 2500 m3 of biogas every day from the garbage in Aden.

This amount is equivalent to 15,000 KWh (1 cubic meter is 6kwh [2]). Checking the electric bills, I found that our average use of electricity every day is 5-7 KWh. So, the average use of electricity for a Yemeni house is 6 KWh/day.

Therefore, the amount of electricity produced using biogas energy in Aden city alone will power nearly 2500 houses.

[1] O. Forni, A. Short, and B. Grundy, “Emergency Waste Assessment,” Published by the United Nations Development Programme, Yemen. August, 2015.

Note* : personal estimated analysis

[2] Accessed: 2020-05-14.


D- Biomass Energy

The above shows that not only crops residues can be used as a biomass but also Municipal solid waste MSW which is composed of majority of organic materials that can be recycled and reused. The second picture shows the waste crisis in Aden dumpsite called Ber Al Na’ama. “It is a resource rather than a trash” Source: O. Forni, A. Short, and B. Grundy, “Emergency Waste Assessment,” Published by the United Nations Development Programme, Yemen. August, 2015.


Goals Apply the most feasible and cost effective methods to counteract the energy and transport crisis. Investigate the different approaches and compare them according to environmental, economic sociological indices. Aden is already facing a strained level of energy security prior to expansion of crisis. Reverting to expensive, imported, dependent solutions such as diesel or oil for energy won’t solve the crisis but would rather waste the public money and expenses. Looking on the positive side of the picture, Aden has a good opportunity now to develop a long lasting energy strategy solutions dependent on renewables while building foundations for a sustainable energy future.

“Aden is undergoing a solar Revolution”


Overview large projects and investments in the field of renewable energy can be evolutionary not only in Aden but also Yemen. Distributed generation method (decentralization)

can meet the energy needs of rural areas. Renewable energy technology in recent times is developing rapidly. This research will present some potential solutions the problems of Aden’s electric power sector by using renewables.


Aden energy baseline situation Losses

Aden Demand



400 mw


Yemen Ministry of Electricity

The public grid received insufficient investments and attention, leading to high losses.




The national grid collapse leads to a total demand deficit of 220MW

The CO2 emissions per capita recorded is the lowest in Yemeni history since 1990* (0.5 tCO2/capita). * Due to fuel shortages

Adeni people are unsatisfied with the poor service with 8 hours average of outage.


Aden energy Economic baseline situation- 2018

USD/ton •

Aden city total rehabilitation cost for physical infrastructure and restoring fuel supplies

180 MW


228m USD$

Cost of one ton of diesel for electricity generation in Aden. 575$/ton for Mazut. The average efficiency of plants ranges from 0.23 to 0.3 liter/kwh.

Source: ministry of energy and electricity,, “Annual report of 2018, Aden governorate“, 2019.

Total Diesel fuel consumed (liters) for electricity generation in Aden in 2018: 408,643,204

Total HFO fuel consumed (liters) for electricity generation in Aden in 2018: 109,379,318

1m USD Cost of fuel for electricity generation per day in Aden according to the minister of electricity in July/2018.


Aden electricity subsidies

Petro Products Prices as of 2013 According to the World Bank, Yemen spends more on the fuel subsidy than on health, education, and

social protection combined→ low resilience. The subsidized price of Petro products adds a heavy load to the already poor budget. Instead this subsidies should be directed to incentivize renewable energy. Source: ministry of energy and electricity,, “Annual report of 2018, Aden governorate“, 2019.


Energy emissions baseline situation

Total CO2 emissions in Yemen 1990-2007

CO2 emissions by sector in Yemen 1990-2017

It can be concluded that Yemen is not contributing a lot into the anthropogenic GHG emissions but stands highly vulnerable to climate change‐related impacts because of its fragile socio‐economic development and inadequate adaptive capacity. Both the transport and the electricity generation comprise the majority of emissions (3 MT CO2 each). Since there is no specific data in Aden about emissions, according to [2], burning diesel emits 0.27 kgCO2 / kWh ∴ 1832GWH x 0.27 x106 = 494640 Ton Co2/ year Data & Statistics - IEA Accessed: 2020-05-16

[2] Specific carbon dioxide emissions of various fuels Accessed: 2020-05-18


Mitigation strategy– (Pilot project) Approach

A- Promote PV programs and Link existing distributed solar systems to the grid

With the fragile energy situation, Adeni residents switched to solar PV, inverters and battery storage. The inverter charge the batteries on grid electricity during night and PV during the day.

B- Switching to natural gas with (CHP) for existing power stations

C- Deployment of decentralized mixrenewable energy The energy sent to distribution network in Yemen has reached 6513.1 GWh in December 2012 . However the energy sold is 4165.9 GWh, while the total loss ratio in the same period reached of 36 %. This losses is so high and impose to seek decentralized methods.


A- Promote PV programs and Link existing distributed solar systems to the grid •

Instead of building large power plants and securing subsidized fuel, there are around 30- 50% of the total residents in Aden who owns solar panels (typical installed capacity ranges from 50w to 1KW). These distributed generators can be connected through the introduction of microgrids.


Reforms and different legislative polices to institutions, owners and suppliers can be done to further increase solar

power. A Peer to peer trading mechanism can be set to promote clean production.

A- Promote PV programs and Link existing distributed solar systems to the grid


“Policies” Feasible polices/projects to implement Trade policy

Lowering trade tariffs, taxes, and customs for importing renewables.

Monitor PV panels fluctuation in price and set penalties on violators.

incentives policy

Awareness raising

The introduction of financial incentives to qualified PV owners to boost clean energy production in Aden.

Raising awareness through campaigns on the various sustainable advantages of renewables will reduce dependence on fossil and accelerate transition.

Stakeholders cooperation The ministry of electricity “MOE” in Aden has a limited human personnel capacity to manage everything. Thus, it is a must to strengthen different stakeholders groups (private sectors) to develop comprehensive renewable energy strategy. This can include building a database on technologies, job training and highly qualified technicians, develop a process to systematically review issues.

A- Promote PV programs and Link existing distributed solar systems to the grid


“From Individualism to Collectivism” 1- Yemeni electricity paradigm can be described as centralized public grid where electricity is generated in larger scale power plants (fossil fuels) and then transported via long transmission lines (36% losses). 2- The transition to solar PV among home owners needs a transition in electrical power grid that support sharing.

3- In the current case, as solar PV systems cover individual demand, equipment's have to be oversized to meet user’s short term peak load. A network requires multiple users to flatten the demand peaks. M. M. Hoffmann and D. Ansari, “Simulating the potential of swarm grids for pre-electrified communities – A case study from Yemen,” Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 108, no. February, pp. 289–302, 2019.

Illustrations of different connection modes. The swarm grid (microgrid) can be introduced to benefit residents at larger scale.

4- The LOCE can be lowered by combining different users in a local grid which leads to synergies. Thus the existing capabilities can be used more efficiently.

A- Promote PV programs and Link existing distributed solar systems to the grid


“PV Projects: Challenges” The most barriers to increase PV systems installations are: • • •

High costs due to high demand and little supply (price-fixing between importers). No PV financing mechanisms. Low expertise with PV maintenance and operation.

Photos of damaged and fake solar equipment in Aden. The lack of maintenance skills and quality control leads to dangerous malfunction of solar equipment.

The common way to finance solar PV systems for residential sector in Yemen is through private savings in the form of cash payments. Until now no presence of any specific business models for selling solar PV systems exists (only little initiatives by private banks and NGOs to support solar irrigation systems and commercial activities). | ‫الطاقة الشمسية في اليمن ـ نقطة ضوء وسط ظالم الحرب الدامس | ثقافة ومجتمع| قضايا مجتمعية من عمق ألمانيا والعالم العربي‬DW | 14.01.2018 Accessed: 2020-05-17

No quality assurance for PV modules (performance certification).

A- Promote PV programs and Link existing distributed solar systems to the grid


“understanding PV Supply chain� Most of the key solar PV system components are imported from Asian manufacturers especially china. The products are either imported from China directly from the factory or through commercial offices. As a result of importation constraints due to the current blockade, the sea ships are required to go to Djibouti for security inspection processes before it can enters Aden port. Thus the delivery time is increased up to 40 days. So, the fast delivery option is to ship the products from china to UAE and then it can reach Yemen through land transportation.

Recently, due to the foreign currency shortage and increasing transportation costs, many PV business investors switched to retailing from importing. Manufacturer (abroad)


Commercial offices



A- Promote PV programs and Link existing distributed solar systems to the grid “Average PV system cost”

Cost of PV system for small to large residential use,2018. (2285 USD ►Average GDP per capita in 2018) ‫عسكران‬ Accessed: 2020-05-17


A- Promote PV programs and Link existing distributed solar systems to the grid


“Financing Mechanisms of PV Projects: Challenges and solutions� Proposed business model The major obstacle in financing solar PV projects is not the lack of funds as much as it is the guarantee provision that borrowers should provide. Therefore, the following model is to mobilize the financial potential to solve the lack of borrower guarantees. Supply of solar PV system

International financial institutions (IFIs)



* Provisional business model

Islamic banks or micro finance investment funds

Rent/sell solar PV system

Request for proper solar PV system and quotation

Qualified suppliers Financing request, documents submissions, repayment

Price quotation of the agreed system, installation and maintenance service


The core idea of the business model relies on renting the PV system directly instead of capital needed to buy the system. The bank buys the system and rents it to the client in installments. The full property is transferred to client when the paid rent balance the initial cost borne by the bank plus an agreed rate.


B- Switching to natural gas with (CHP) for existing power stations A- FUEL SWITCHING •

In 2018, Electricity in Aden mainly depends on Diesel and Mazut: 413GWh from Mazut, 493GWh from Diesel.

Natural gas is abundant in Yemen and is less harmful to the environment compared to heavy oils. Thus, Switching from diesel and residual fuel oil “Mazut” to natural gas in power generation would be a good step for generation stabilization.

To promote fuel transitions, gradual phasing in different fuel prices and sequencing them can be an appropriate step. Also, removing subsidies on specific Petro products particularly (diesel and mazut) and moving subsides progressively to natural gas.


B- Switching to natural gas with (CHP) for existing power stations B- Adding combined heat and power cycle or second cycle (low pressure turbine)

CHP (combined heat and power) using natural gas is highly

efficient process compared to traditional simple cycle plant. It produces 50% more electricity for the same fuel. Thus, less emissions and cost.

MWM | Cogeneration & Trigeneration Accessed: 2020-05-17


B- Switching to natural gas with (CHP) for existing power stations C- Energy efficiency (demand - side management) •

Introduction and widespread penetration of efficient compact fluorescent lighting and efficient refrigeration in the residential sector.

Load shifting and valley filling are some of the techniques to mitigate peak loads.

Applying DSM to electricity systems provides significant economic, reliability and environmental benefits.


C- Deployment of decentralized mix-renewable energy A- 50 MW solar Power Plant

Aden has a vast land of desert to the west. This area can be utilized to install groundmounted large scale PV panels. In Kenya, Garissa Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant. A 50MW solar plant acquire an area of approximately 1km2 and cost over $120m [1].

China commissions 50 MW solar plant in Kenya - Power Engineering International Accessed: 2020-05-16

According to solar global atlas, a 50MWp plant in shown area in Aden, can yield to 90 GWh of energy which can contribute to small portion (5%) of demand with estimated cost around 35m$ to 50m$.


C- Deployment of decentralized mix-renewable energy B- 20 MW wind Power Plant After installing the 60MW windfarm in Mocha city (coastal city with almost same weather characteristic as Aden). I proposed to install a wind farm located on Shamsan Mountain. This can be performed in stages and upgraded in the future to construct offshore turbines.

Aden has a strategic location where wind speeds average about 6 meters per second.


C- Deployment of decentralized mix-renewable energy B- 20 MW wind Power Plant The upfront capital cost (CAPEX) is high for wind turbines as any renewable technology. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency, 84% of the total cost is for the upfront cost including towers and installation. Wind turbines prices have declined significantly since their peak in 2007/2008. The installed cost currently ranges from 1700USD/KW to 2450USD/KW for onshore wind farms which depends on the country location and number of units ordered [1]. So the 20MW x 2000USD x 1000= 40m USD 40m USD x 16% →6.4mUSD (other cost) ∴ Estimated total cost is 46.4m USD This corresponds to the same cost of 47 days to generate electricity in Aden currently. V. P. Sector, “Wind Power,” Green Energy Technol., vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 231–256, 2012, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-20951-2_8.

“Let bikes spread like a wildfire”

Mitigation strategy


â–şlow cost and efficientâ—„ Approach

Promote bike sharing and create a pedestrian/bike friendly walkway.

Limit personal cars and improve existing public buses

With the fragile energy situation, Adeni residents switched to solar PV, inverters and battery storage. The inverter charge the batteries on grid electricity during night and PV during the day.

The introduction of other forms of transportation such as metro or tram or electric vehicles in the first stage would not only be costly but also unfeasible given the small area of Aden city and affordability. Thus, Aden needs a legal framework to regulate the existing buses and improve their outreach lines.


A- Promote bike sharing and create a pedestrian/bike friendly walkway Aden has a total area of 740 km2. Yet, the populated area (4 focused districts) represents only 88 km2. On the other side, Adeni people, Teenagers particularly commute with bikes or walking. Bicycle share is a network of bicycles and automated kiosks that allows users to make short trips (1-5km) quickly, conveniently and affordably. Bicycle share is a component of a strong transportation network. To diversify the mobility modal, an introduction of affordable bike sharing system can be implemented with the Public-Private partnership. This will alleviate congestion and avoid enlarging costly infrastructure projects as bikes only require little space and reduce pollution. The distance from Altawahi (focused district) to the west to Khormaksar district to the northern east is 10.7km (longest distance). That’s around 48min by bike supposing bike speed is 15km/h


A- Promote bike sharing and create a pedestrian/bike friendly walkway Proposed scenario: 200 Bikes, 10 Kiosk. According to OBIS project in Europe [1],

• average Bikes per 10,000 inhabitants → 14.8, • average Stations per 10,000 inhabitants → 1.5.

∴ focused district inhabitants = 226642, →335.43 bikes and 34 stations. Thus, proposing 200 bikes,10 kiosk for phase 1. According to UNO Transportation Institute in New Orleans, the capital costs for a 200 bike, 20 kiosk system that would be required for a

successful start up would cost approximately $1.5 million (depends on design and technology) compared to the cost of infrastructure and other public transit, where costs can run into tens of millions of dollars per km, bicycle share is a very effective use of resources. Distribution and Redistribution is needed in all Bike sharing Systems. Thus it is important to analyze traffic flows before and after implementation and after that to optimize station planning, not only in terms of mobility needs, but also in terms of the redistribution capacity of the system. J. Büttner, H. Mlasowsky, and T. Birkholz, “Optimising Bike Sharing in European Cities,” p. 90, 2011, [Online]. Available: projects/files/projects/documents/obis_handbook_en.pdf

A- Promote bike sharing and create a pedestrian/bike friendly walkway



1 – 4m

Change to pedestrian-bicycle-oriented instead of car-based design to make Aden more Walkable and Bikeable. This includes Landscape Buffers, signs, crossing ‌etc


B- Limit personal cars and improve existing public buses A- Energy Efficiency •

Introduction of fuel economy standards for light and heavy duty vehicles (10% and 15% improvement in fuel economy gradually)

Implement scrappage policy for old less fuel-efficient vehicles.

The above policies shall first target personal cars to limit congestion in the first place and to promote the use of public buses.

B- Road tolls •

Introduction of Expressway network privately funded through Build–operate–transfer (BOT) financing mechanism. This strategy can be applied to connect Aden city to neighboring cities to increase accessibility and trade.

C- Paid parking spaces •

Creating more parking spaces won’t solve traffic congestion, therefore, enforcing paid parking tolls in specific zones in Aden can reduce traffic problems, increase revenues and improve user convenience.


B- Limit personal cars and improve existing public buses •

Based on the number of registered private vehicles in Aden (80,000), and bearing in mind that average family size of around six per household, with two-three trips per day associated to each household, there would be some 450,000 trips per day made by the population. On this basis, some 75-80% of trips would currently be made by public transport.

Aden population 900,000/6= 150,000→ 150,000x2 (or 3 trip) = 300,000 to 450,000 trip /day x 80% = 360,000 trip/day. •

A developed future transportation policy

Almansora roundabout, Aden. 12/2018

Considering the current and potential future low

will need to incorporate significant support

average household incomes, emphasis will need to be

for public transportation system

placed on providing, then enhancing a comprehensive

improvements to cater for the anticipated

public transport system in Aden, in order to facilitate

1.9 million population of Aden and curb

access for the majority of the city’s population to job

down private ownership of vehicles.

opportunities and leisure and recreation pursuits.


B- Limit personal cars and improve existing public buses The strategy will be based on the following pillars: Develop outreach routes and expand network for public buses to enhance accessibility and competency. Adapt an affordable fare that corresponds to people financial ability by relying on incentives of using public transport.

Because of high fragmentation of roles and responsibilities by The Ministry of Public Works and Highways. It is optimal for road planning and programming to rely on partnerships and private entities instead of Government for design and supervision. (MPWH) shall outsource road work to local consultants whenever feasible due to the lack of capabilities and expertise.

With the anticipated gradual growth in population and economic activity growth both in and around existing centers as well as some new growth zones, an integrated transportation system will be required to reduce reliance on car travel. In this context, provision of some form of Light Rapid Transit (LRT) system between the Districts of Ma’alla, Crater, Al Mansoura and Al Qahera may become necessary, gradually extending northwards towards the newly developed areas of Aden. A network of feeder bus services will also be needed to transfer people from the less populated areas to the LRT stations.

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Due to the data discrepancies available currently, some numerical results may be inaccurate. The presentation aims to propose and examine feasible proposals. It needs to be further investigated to overcome the challenges and bring tangible energy and transport projects into reality in Aden particularly and Yemen generally.

Last words‌.

Thank you Abdul Mohammed

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