The Gryphon Magazine - 2021/2022

Page 18


Senior Boys Soccer Team at Valley Playoffs. Photo by Grant Ozechowsk

It is pretty easy to see why kindness found its way onto our list of core school values. Acts of kindness are central to building positive school culture, to enhancing our sense of belonging, and contributing to our overall well-being. However, I wanted to find out more about what kindness really means, to help determine where and how kindness can be found in our school. It turns out that the term kindness found its roots in the word “kin”, which refers to one’s family or relations. It can also be traced back to the Old PAGE 18

English word “kyndnes” meaning nation, or people. On learning this, my interest suddenly peaked. In my head, the concept of kin harkens images of tartan kilts, bagpipes and Robbie Burns. Nothing is more “kin” than the Scottish clans. When I was younger I spent a year

in Scotland studying to be a teacher. Since then I’ve been enamored with the place. There is something magical about the misty green hills, rugged beaches and battered old castles that intrigues me still. Let’s be honest, I even work at a school with a Scottish name. So, it’s not

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