The Gryphon Magazine - 2021/2022

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A FOUNDATION OF INTEGRITY IN PRESCHOOL Our Values When I began my writing on the topic of integrity in early childhood, I first thought about how I define integrity. I defined it as an attachment to personal moral and ethical values and being a better person today, in this moment, than I was yesterday. Acting within my definition takes an awareness of my emotions and energy/mood level, a sense of others’ emotions, a desire to contribute to the long-term sense of “good” in society and an openmindedness towards others’ opinions. This, for me, has become a practice, because in order to have integrity, we have to build the skills to evaluate our PAGE 26

feelings and then think, act and speak in a way that is in balance. As Gandhi said, “Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do is in harmony.” When we are in harmony, our choices are thoughtful, our emotions are in check and we can then act with integrity from a secure stance. This involves presence and taking the time to respond to the things that happen in life rather than react. When we can act with integrity, that also brings contentment, a peaceful and calm demeanor.

“Children are not born with integrity or the behaviors we

associate with it, including humility, social responsibility, and the courage to stand up for what they believe is right. It is derived through a process of cultural socialization— influences from all spheres of a child’s life.” Marilyn PriceMitchell, PhD As I thought about integrity in our preschool environment, I realized that it is a crucial part of what I have been teaching young children every year throughout my career. In the Aberdeen Montessori environment,

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