Silver Star: A Journal of New Magick Vol 3 Issue 1

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Table of Contents 0.

Letter from the Editrix by Soror Iris E.


Cogito by Russel W.B. Kirkby


A Greater Feast, Rite of Passage by Nema Andahadna Art by Matthew Baldwin-Ives


Dr. John Montanee: A Grimoire The BIRTH of a New Orleans Loa: Resurrection In Remembrance by Dr. Louie MartiniĂŠ


Spiritual Banishing, Bolt by Denny Sargent


Report on the Founding of the Budapest Nexus of the Horus-Maat Lodge by Saddie LaMort


Temple Building by Alicia Cole Art by Max K. Grimm


Lucifer and Set: Exploring the Magickal Archetypes of the 18. Rebel and the Outcaste Samhain Night Musing by Chakra 37

Rudra Principal Hieros Gamos Including a Beautiful Pyramid by Paul Hardacre


A Poem at the Moment of Sunrise Words for the Wall The Nu of Nuit How to Sing Yourself into Being by Normandi Ellis


The Litany of Shoa by Sean Woodward


Under the Shadow of Bright Wings Claws of Time (The Sphinx) Ancient Egypt With a Pen of Reed & Ink of Red by Shade Oroborous


Dancing With the Shiva/Shakti All Stars Ganesha Puja-Emerald Zonule Renewal by Hermeticusnath


The Space-marks Confounded by Soror Iris E.


Meditations on the Abyss Untitled (In the Presence of the Knight of Cups Thoth Tarot Card) Untitled (In the Presence of the Magus Thoth Tarot Card) Untitled (In the Presence of the Star Thoth Tarot Card) by Soror CVIII


Ignite the Spark Eye Manifest Scriptures of A NU Aeon From Stardust to Stardust Morning Glories Some Tention to Open the Gates Invocation of Now To Go Re-Evolve Ode to Lady Justice


Heaven For Some, Hell For Others by Gerald del Campo


HERU-AKKER-BENU Woodgod Liber IO by Aion 131


The Path and the Field by William Streek


Di-anna, Painting by Mishlen Lindon


Dachtaphemn Ron Fiasco


The Electric Snake Boogy Cain Marks Dreamer of the Dark Fantastic A Witched Wardrobe In Reverse The Empire Never Ended by Justin Patrick Moore


The Apocalypse of Narcissus by Ariel Saklas


Initiation to Arunachala by KAzIm


Hypermile Prelude, and Hypermile Prelude Archon Gnostic Mix by Shamaniacal

AnimA Motrix (Musick) by Daniel Niehaus 25.

Further Notes on the Elevenstar Working by Frater P.V.N.


A Thelemic Negative Confession by Nemus Irradiatusnath

Image Table of Contents "Upon the Threshold of the 6th Aeon" (Cover) by Matthew Baldwin Ives "Entre l'amour et la mort" (photograph) by Matthew Baldwin Ives "Still Water, Clear as the Mud Settles" (acrylic on canvas) by Don Farrell "A Descent of Nine, Pt. I" (ink on paper) by Don Farrell "X. The Wheel of Fortune (Rota Taro Orat Tora Ator)" (acrylic on panel) by Don Farrell "The Light of the World" (acrylic on panel) by Don Farrell "IX. The Hermit" (acrylic on three panels) by Don Farrell "Vessel" (ink and acrylic on paper) by Don Farrell Stills from Cogito by Russell W.B. Kirkby "Gateway to the Akashic Records" by Max K. Grimm "Gnostics Cross and Lotus" by Max K. Grimm "Lucifer" by Patrick Larabee "At the Heart of It All" by Patrick Larabee "Ophidian Dawn" by Patrick Larabee "Hieroglyphica Naturae" by Patrick Larabee "Hekate Propylaia" by Patrick Larabee "The Tree of Life" by Patrick Larabee "Heaven for Some, Hell for Others" by Gerald del Campo "Tranquility" by Aion 131 "Truth" by Aion 131 "Woodgod" by Aion 131 "To Go" by Aion 131 "Di-Anna" (oil oncanvas) by Mishlen Linden "Bolt" by Denny Sargent "Litany of Shoa" (poetry and image) by Sean Woodward "Meditation on the Abyss" by Soror CVIII "Untitled (in the presence of the Knight of Cups Thoth Tarot card)" by Soror CVIII "Untitled (in the presence of the Magus Thoth Tarot card)" by Soror CVIII "Untitled (in the presence of the Star Thoth Tarot card)" by Soror CVIII

"Still Water, Clear as the Mud Settles" (acrylic on canvas) by Don Farrell

Letter from the Editrix Nema Andahadna, prophetess, and author of Ma'at Magick, has now unveiled Also upon the reception, and delivery of Liber Phoenix by Frater Aion 131, Silver Star Journal of New Magick has exploded with the certain Star Fire of Nu Life; Something like a small Death all of its own, for those intimately aquainted especially with its inception. Firstly, the journal has taken on a newer digital format, as a tail end on the meteorite landing of a new website for the Horus Ma'at Lodge (, accounced this summer, 2013. This is in part of a push for the Journal to come virtually up to date with the times as with the web site which prompted a shift in editors in the journal's ninth year, with an intermittent two year hiatus. The changing of hands means that Silver Star will look different as it evolves, but the Spirit of the journal surely remains the same. Just as the Heart of the Phoenix never dies, some torches of a certain Promethean Fire may be passed on though the source of their force can never be smothered, their flames are Eternal, or at least, Eternal -Seeming. Frater Aion respectively began this periodical in 2004, and it is largely to both him, the inspiration, and he grit of other core members, that we may all toast our chalices of ink, blood, or meta-(possibly fizzical)-liquid of our pick for the opportunity to participate in Silver Star Journal. This publication has been sustained, and manfiested by the participating, practing artists, ritualists, magickians, writers, essayists, and magickal folk who's Great Work has made the journal possible these many years long. Silver Star has helped to solidify the Foundations of the Horus Ma'at Lodge through Time. It has fortified, and stregnthened our virtual esoteric community for Past, and Future generations of Magi/Maga. Through the constant flow of Arte-istic themes, synchronicities are woven from the intentional Web of the Work of the Lodge, and can easily be witnessed. Beyond this having an effect to tighten the bonds of those interested in the Lodge, its members, and the Work thereof, Silver Star has become manifest even as its own seemingly intelligent Egregoric enterprise. Silver Star represents the abundance in personal freedom, ripe for the taking, available to any adept who but reaches out their hand in an effort to make a drop in the pool. For our unsuspecting contributors from Times Yet to Be, do not be surprised when the pool jumps up, and envelops you. We are releasing this Volume III, issues #1 on October 12th, affectionately referred to by Thelemites, and (oc)cultists alike as Crowleymass, the day when Aleister Crowley was born unto this Earth via the loins of a perposterous matron. If there is one thing that I have garnered from Aleister Crowley recently, it is toward the ends of learning to take some enjoyment from being vilified. We are in an age when ignorance is truly an excuse, as we exist heavily steeped in nothing short of the evidence of knowledge. It's like the scent of flowers on the Aire; we only need to pick it up. In fact, quite literally, all that we need do to answer most questions is refer to the internet; The Great Library of Alexandria, re-erected, without walls! Even in the case of metaphorical questioning, where the answers can truly only be found by the Self, the internet can still give us some fantastic indications aiding greatly in the process of our unfolding. Those of us who seek answers ultimately must go beyond the limitations that our soceity has set for us. In the United Kingdom it's being said that come 2014, the internet will be subject to a mass censorship campaign against things like child pornography, buggery, suicide web sites, and other extremely heinous, often illegal activities. In this pile of things to be censored, and cut out of common internet exposure, is broad term " esoteric content." To even have these words put into the same category as kiddie porn, is a sort of vilification of homo veritas, or evolved man, Itself/Himself/Herself/Hir Self. It is a stone hurled from the past, directly into the faces of our Future, and many have heard tell that other countries will be asked to follow suit. The Horus Ma'at Lodge's web site exists on an independent server that we feel can be relied upon come any attempted seige of online consciousness, thankfully though there are no concrete rumors of the United States jumping on board with this just yet. This could hardly be more frightening to those amongst us who realize that here poses an extreme threat to our freedom as people, and as Ssspiritual beings, and practitioners. Regardless, the censorship does not limit us from experiencing our own experiences, or treading our own unique paths, and no government will ever win any war on our very thoughts, expressed without killing the most important parts of themselves in the process. Now, more than ever, we must see how despite our differences we are better when we ban together, as Silver Star Journal has actively encouraged nothing short of acceptance, and inclusion of all creeds. This alleged forthcoming law is not the Law, and may well limit others in the future wishing to follow their own paths, who will not have the priviledge of such easy information plucking from the storehouse of Yesod. It is in this time that we may consider renewed support in our occult book, and magazine publishers. For some, this devastation could be seen as a blessing. For observant others, to see only the blessing is to ignore the great boon that is carried with it, a clear attempt to smother out pagan, and occult knowledge from the masses. Perhaps we've been getting too popular for those in power, with the resurgence of publishing houses dedicated to the work of making the Wisdom of the Craft, and Artes, Understood. I ask that we all stand in solidarity with one, and other, and embrace our connections, as opposed to our distances, and disconnects with the clarity of a gratitude aware of its own witness, as we move farther into this new century. We are absolutely fortunate, some may say destined to have such a vast array of talented individuals on so many various levels, and planes, contributing to this journal whom have all been such a pleasure to be the Messenger betwixt Worlds, Webs, Wells, and Words, to and for.

In nomine N'Aton, homo veritas, Do as thou wilt shall be the Whole of the law, Love is the law, love under will. Sincerely, Soror Iris E. 93.222.696

Cogito A Short Film by Russell W.B. Kirkby

Tag Line: "How do you know what you think you know?

A man narrates his personal deconstruction of his reality as he journeys to an audition to discovers that he is an actor auditioning for the film he is already in.

"A post modern interpretation of Descartes Meditations."

Watch the film at

"Entre L'Amour et la Mort" (photograph) by Matthew Baldwin Ives. Model: Carol Stuart Jones

A Greater Feast Rite of Passage By Nema Andahadna “A feast for fire and a feast for water; a feast for life and a greater feast for death!” Liber AL vel Legis Ch.II v.41

As I write these words, my husband’s mother lies dying. She was a formidable woman, a widow with three sons, a partner in a market research company and a person both generous with her gifts and devastating with her commentary. Although Anita was born and raised a Jew, she didn’t practice a religion. She did practice selective traditions, however, and delighted in the company of children. This ritual is shaping itself as I reach out to her astrally from my home and in the guise of prayer in her care facility. There are times when Magick must be done invisibly and effectively in crowded conditions. A good mask to use is prayer, particularly during deaths, births and weddings. Ceremony eases transitions while it transmits a power to the participants, a power called Tao-Teh, prana, shakti, mana, grace, etc. When possible, have flowers in the room, preferably alive and potted. Since candles and oxygen supplies might not peacefully coexist, use one or more mirrors to reflect light on the ceiling, preferably natural light from a window. If placing a mirror is impossible, visualize light filling the room, soft and shadowless. When the ‘congregation’ (including the dying Goer) consists of magi, then the ritual can be done aloud, with gestures, dance, chanting, and other spiritual aids. When your companions are strangers or are known to you as uninitiate, then speak silently in your mind and imagine your movements, sounds, and surroundings. To avoid conversation, close your eyes, fold your hands, and move your lips silently (optional). The rite begins. [You hang suspended in a pearl gray mist, facing toward the Goer but not straining for an image. You declare: ] ‘This is a time that is not a time In a place that is not a place On a day that is not a day In a space that is not a space— Between the worlds, and beyond.’ [Envision or look at the Goer’s head, listen to his/her breathing, and call: ] Guardians of the watchtower of the East, the powers of Air, clarify the mind of (Goer’s name) in preparation for a new way of seeing and understanding. [Envision or look at the Goer’s arms and chest while invoking: ] Guardians of the watchtower of the South, the powers of Fire, lead (Goer’s name) heart and strength to surrender this phase of existence. [Envision or look at the Goer’s abdomen and hips, then say: ] Guardians of the watchtower of the West, the powers of Water, flow the peace and relief of completion into (Goer’s name) soul and emotions. [Envision or look at the Goer’s legs and feet, while summoning: ] Guardians of the watchtower of the North, the powers of Earth, establish the unity of matter and time in (Goer’s name) knowledge and senses. So mote it be. [Silently, astrally, call his/her name three times, identify yourself, then say: ] It’s good to see you and to be with you. Soon you’ll leave this material world and step into mystery. Gather yourself to a point behind and above your eyes; this is your best gateway. When you feel yourself losing feeling in your hands and feet, in your arms and legs, in your trunk and head, go to that point and leave on your last breath. Soar up and out into freedom when you know that your time has come. For now we wait together patiently. There is no hurry, there is no delay. Rest in the love that surrounds you. [ As the Goer slips into sleep, invoke the godform(s) of your choice, if any. Example: ]


L’Envoi Under a wide and starry sky, Dig the grave and let me lie. Glad did I live and glad do I die, I lay me down with a will. And this be the verse ye grave for me: Here he lies where he wants to be. Home is the sailor, home from the sea, And the hunter home from the hill. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law; love is the law, love under will.


‘A Greater Feast’ was first published in THE FENRIS WOLF, issue no. 6 Edited by Carl Abrahamsson in 2013. Edda Publishing * *

"Gateway to the Akashic Records" by Max K. Grimm

Temple Building by Alice Renard Purpose: Reflections on an Enochian scrying sessions and its potential intersection to Voudon practice. What Follows: (1) A presentation of questions driving the scry session; an analysis of the Bawon veve in light of the driving question. (2) Thoughts on the Angelic working with further connection to section 1. (3) Poetic reflections, by an external author and the author of this writing. (4) A final question. Part 1: Approaching the Angelic Working and an Analysis of the Bawon veve Approaching the Enochian scrying, I came with several questions in mind. Speaking with Baron Samedi in advance, I knew I wanted to investigate his Masonic ties and try to ascertain his connection to Temple building in terms of laying the foundation/firming up the material ties to Earth. Primary Question: What connection, if any, is there between Bawon’s work below and his ability to connect to spirit on the high? Looking at his veve, Samedi’s cross bisects the plains – material and spiritual; all of the veves show the connection between spirit ascending and spirit descending. The foundation of Baron’s cross is interlaced with the square and cross of Masonism, continually meeting, G-d in the center of each intersection.

The veve: G-d at the base of matter; G-d uttermost high. The symbol is praise from the small realm of spirit to the arc of G-d. I’m beginning to think that we, as vodouisant, servers of spirit, are charged with elevating spiritual substance that has been, for generations, enslaved to the impoverishment of substance and the material plane. Because of the poverty that spirit is asked to ameliorate, they too become small and full of need. We approach the veve to elevate the spirit. Each corner of the cross, each apex of each coffin, bears a star. Perhaps through a larger definition of working – giving to spirit without thought of recompense or gaining back – we can help spirit return to something larger and more universal. The star seems to promise where Baron can go. His realm is the water of the dead; why is he not eligible to connect to the universal water? What is death but a returning to the universe? * Part 2: Thoughts on the Angelic Working Through the layers of smoke, small motes of light, then brighter flashes – different spheres of light, radiating outwards from the earth. The layers were something akin to this: ____  God as Thorn ____  God as Smoke from the Mountain ____  Bodies of Light ____  Constructed Desires ____  Matter A hand held a ball to me, a small, brown ball. It peeled from the outside to reveal infinitely smaller layers. Is there a center to our being or does that also peel continuously? Is that center place the echo of G-d within us? Descending and ascending into the central core of what it is to be incarnate – at whatever realm of incarnation we exist at; the hand seemed to encompass the plane where our infinite selves radiate through the spheres. I saw a great fountain of golden water spilling continuously downwards through the layers of the heavens. All we are ever asked to do is drink. Returning to the question of Baron, can the water from above meet the water from below? Can the living and the forgetting water meet? Is this the Bardo Thodol again? Is there a possibility of understanding the cycle through work with Baron as the builder/architect? * Part 3: Poetic Reflections Excerpt from Duino Elegies, The Fourth Elegy Who shows a child, just as they are? Who sets it in its constellation, and gives the measure of distance into its hand? Who makes a child’s death out of grey bread, that hardens, - or leaves it inside its round mouth like the core of a shining apple? Killers are easy to grasp. But this: death, the whole of death, before life, to hold it so softly, and not live in anger, cannot be expressed. – Rainer Maria Rilke

The Secret Shore When I came to the secret shore, the lake water like fire, like ruby, was a thirsty throat chanting. The unraveled well of my soul, lowered down knot upon knot, lapped like a dog adoring a puddle poured out by its master in the yard. Says my soul: my master's flame is a husk of light in my mouth, my body continuously raveling, building itself out of endless water. -Alicia Cole * Part 4: Final Questions “Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the Angelic Orders?” – Rainer Maria Rilke, Duino Elegies, The First Elegy Are Lwa part of the Angelic Orders? If the spheres connect, how do they connect? Who can answer these questions for me?

"Gnostics Cross and Lotus" by Max K. Grimm

Lucifer and Set Exploring the Magickal Archetypes of the Rebel and the Outcaste by Chakra37 Pondering the psychological forces necessary for effective creation, maintenance, and destruction, it seems that these two, the rebellious one and the outcaste, are perhaps among the least appreciated and most under utilized in magick and psychology. The Luciferian is able to summon the audacity to defy tradition and the Setian is able to bear the consequences of being ejected from the fold. I see these two archetypal energies as skills that one can develop. The Luciferian skill is the ability to go against the grain. The Setian skill is the ability to abide outside the protection of the inner sanctum of family, clan, or tribe. Both of these skills can be applied to enact significant changes in social situations. Lucifer Lucifer is the Latin word for the being in the Hebrew bible said to have been cast from heaven – or as he is often depicted, Satan before the fall. His name in Hebrew is Heylel and he has been depicted as the ‘fallen angel’ in Jewish thought who came to personify evil. He is also the light of Venus as the morning star. Origins of this depiction in the Book of Isaiah from the Old Testament may have been derived from several Near Eastern myths of Babylonians and Canaanites. In any case, Lucifer is cast from heaven for challenging the Almighty God, perhaps as a rival god. So the Luciferian can be seen as one who presents a rival idea to the prevailing one. Thus the rebel can be seen as the challenger. He can be seen as the new voice challenging the old order. In terms of Current 93 and the Aeon of Horus, the Crowned and Conquering Child, the warrior Ra-Hoor-Khuit can be seen as this challenger-rebel as David Beth points out in his essay, Aleister Crowley and the Dawn of Aiwass. In another sense, Lucifer can be seen as the force of scientific thinking that rivals blind faith in religious scenarios. The atheist, the scientist, the humanist, the scientific illuminist, the skeptic – these can all be seen as Luciferian forces against the propagation of narrow-minded thinking. Lucifer is also a god of light, a bringer or bearer of light, and is equated with the wisdom-light of gnosis in some Gnostic texts. Thus in some forms of occultism Lucifer represents the light of wisdom. In LaVey’s Satanism he is seen as the light of intellectualism contrasted with the darkness of blind dogma. Here we have Lucifer shining the light on fakery and forced compliance. In history, it is often the rebels that spur upgrades in human nobility, though not always. Of course, challenging the status quo is dangerous business and many of the Luciferians of that sort did not succeed, or at least did not live to see the results of their efforts. One might think of Bruno, Galileo, William Wallace, Tesla, and many others. Thus, the unconventional paths of uniqueness and perhaps eccentricity, can also be seen as Luciferian. Lucifer, as a fallen angel, is sometimes said to represent a descent into selfishness and the quest for power. One literary archetype of selfishness as a form of ‘evil’ is that of Faust as the dealmaker, trading his future for power in the now. But this Faustian image can also be seen as a fearless foray beyond the confines of dogma-bound belief, into the land of unknown consequence. In other words, what may begin as a selfish pursuit out of fear or desire may become a noble quest. The great Tibetan meditator, Milarepa, noted that he first went into his mountain retreat due to fear of the consequences of his magically violent actions. Thus his initial motivation was selfish but later his motivation became the desire to benefit others. Lucifer can be seen as a balancer, and an adjuster. The Luciferian force can be seen as one that brings to light certain facets of the unseen or subconscious realm, the realm of darkness that is normally hidden from us. By revealing the hidden we can balance the imbalances caused by the hidden mechanisms of the psyche. So Lucifer can also be seen as the revealer of the hidden, bearing the light that exposes. Exposes what? The truth of things. Many of the neuroses and complexes that imbalance us are subconscious. Contemporary medicine often ignores this to the detriment of the patient. It is often the rebellious force that exposes the ineffectiveness of the status quo. Those who advocate more consideration of things like holistic health care are often seen as rebellious. A key to the value of holistic models is that they incorporate subjective data which the objective scientific empirical models tend to reject. Subjective data is difficult to qualify and quantify. To do so often requires shining light on the dark places of the psyche. The Black Mass The use of ‘reversal magick’ as a form of therapeutic subversion can be successfully applied for some people. Kali Black talks about this in her book: ‘Raising Hell’. Anton LaVey also saw his Church of Satan as having a therapeutic value. We often get caught up in sharply contrasted good vs. bad scenarios which seems to be a symptom of narrow-minded views. Reversing the polarity can balance things. As a meditative method one can notice when one dislikes something for possibly biased reasons and examine why. Vice versa one may do this when one likes something for possibly biased reasons. A big part of holding open-minded views is empathizing with the ‘other’ to some extent. The Black Mass as therapy is not about evil but may be about selfishness (as LaVey’s philosophy was influenced by Ayn Rand) or at least an enlightened self-interest. It can also be about breaking away from the embedded social influences of oppressive systems – typically through the insidious cultural memes with which we are infected. The traditions of 'carnival' coming from Medieval Europe can be such a means of reversal magick where one 'tastes' the devil, the opposite way of being to that normally prescribed. Even the Amish have such a tradition - although these mechanisms are certainly open for abuse. Mircea Eliade noted that the days before the renewal at the feast of the New Year in Sumero-Babylonian culture often included a period of reversal where sexual licentiousness, general disorder, and reversal of roles such as masters and slaves occurred. He equated this to a temporary reversion to the original primordial chaos before creation was renewed and the order of the cosmos was restored at the New Year. The antinomianism of Tantra can also be seen as reversal magick but in a different sense since the behaviors are not indulged as a temporary reprieve or as a precursor to renewal, but as a way of seeing all phenomena as the undifferentiated nature of wisdom. Set In many cultures there are rites of passage where one is cast out into the wilderness alone in order to find a vision or develop powers. The Native American vision quests, the utset of the Germanic tribes, and the exploits of the Vratya brotherhoods of Vedic tribes are some examples. The shaman is often an outcaste, both sought out for healing and feared as a dangerous force. Those who go out find visions and songs, dances, stories and yogic practices to heal the tribe. But this is not the only outcaste. Also there is the criminal who is caste out. In Germanic lore these are called wolves or sons of the wolf, the scavenger-dweller on the outskirts. So too is Set the jackal, another scavenger. One is thrown out into the primordial chaos. In Egypt and the Middle East, the wilderness is the desert with its desolation, its heat, its dryness, and other dangers. In other places it is the forest with fierce wild animals. The ‘dweller on the threshold’ roams the twilit gates betwixt the known and the unknown, the liminal zones that are neither this nor that. In cultures reaching back through time one

method of punishment is banishing, of casting the criminal out of the tribe, of shunning, of acting as if that person no longer exists, so that they are cast out into the spirit world and become part of the unseen landscape. This is the world of darkness and loneliness, the underworld itself. It is this casting out that brings a person face to face with the unconscious. The wanderer in the wilderness is effectively turned inside out. The outcaste is also the despised, the scapegoat, the afflicted, and is often considered ritually impure. Penalty or penance, whether imposed by the society or self-imposed by the ascetic, is a means to encounter hardship for the sake of repaying one’s transgressions. This is akin to initiation and its function of de-programming and re-programming. In magick, it is typically the mage who banishes but as Set, one becomes the banished, the outcaste one. As an ascetic practice one may consider that one’s banishing is just, but if one is outcaste by the society one may feel that one was unjustly treated. Feelings of revenge and disgruntled sentiments may prevail. To be cast from the fold can be an emotional experience indeed. And yet to be cast out is merely to go from one situation to another due to the ravages of time and impermanence. In this sense it is natural and perhaps even healthy to be cast out periodically, to have one's beliefs shattered now and then, to keep from the more subtle fetters of a closed and narrow mind splattered with dogma and pretension. Set is also associated with darkness and the “nightside” of things as his sometimes brother, sometimes foe, Horus, is “dayside”. This had to do with the daily path of the sun - in the world by day and in the underworld by night. The word Set, or Sut, may mean ‘black’. Set is also a prototype for Satan. The mother of Set is equated to the Greek serpent Typhon. According to Frater Achad the Set-Typhon mother and son mythic pattern is older than others in Ancient Egypt. Typhon is also considered as the feminine aspect of Set. In modern Typhonian magick there is exploration of deep aspects of the unconscious referred to as the “tunnels of Set”. This has been referred to as exploring the Nightside of the Qabalistic Tree of Life where dwell the Qlippoth, the shell demons. Tunnels are dark, dank, and confining. Shamanic journeys and dreams often involve entry and/or exit through tunnels. We also speak of “reality tunnels” to indicate our own truth complexes. The Setian aspect of the ‘outsider’ is seen in antinomian cults throughout the world. Indian Tantra has many antinomian aspects, being both Luciferian and Setian, where cultural conventions are deliberately reversed. The so-called “left-hand path”, or left-handed Tantra, can be of this sort. Simply being outside of the norm or being a catalyst for change in choosing 'alternative' forms of expression, one can be said to be antinomian. The Saivite Aghori cults of India made an art out of reversing cultural norms. Crowley vowed to make man love and treasure what he scorned and feared. Such reversal magick has both a shocking aspect toward purveyors of the cultural norms and an alienation aspect for the practitioner. Those who break vows and those who eschew rules are often cast out. In the deep past this may have meant being cast out of the safety of the city gates. Some even suggest that there were organized societies of hunter-gatherers who terrorized those who travelled outside the gates of early cities and that these hunter-gatherers became known as mountain gods and the dragons of lore. The elder gods, perhaps those of hunter-gatherers, were often depicted as dragons, giants, or titans. Judeo-Christianity seemed to pioneer the idea of good and evil as God and Devil, where before, the gods could be both kind and unkind, although the Jews may well have picked up the idea from the Persians and Zoroastrian dualism. The Desert of Set is a place of lawlessness and danger. Set was associated with chaos and confusion. He was also a god of storms and a god of foreigners. As a god of foreigners, he appealed to foreigners who came to rule Egypt, namely the Hyksos. After the Hyksos were expelled, xenophobia towards foreigners increased which had the tendency to demonize Set, although the cult of Set survived in Egypt. Set was particularly vilified when Egypt was ruled by the Assyrian and Persian empires, though in outlying regions of Egypt his cult survived. The Setian skill is the ability to dwell beyond the confines of the accepted fold, as an outsider. The ability to be able to handle being despised, misunderstood, and often slighted, can be a valuable skill. Many people cannot do this. The Setian often travels alone and enters alone. Many people have difficulty going into situations and among people where they are not known and respected. There is inertia to overcome. The Setian tends to make peace with restlessness and unease. There is a certain power potential in being an outsider, of appearing from beyond to within, of heightening the suspicion-awareness of those who think of themselves as protectors of the fold. A masked or disguised one may also arouse this suspicion-awareness. The ritual implications could be interesting and perhaps exhilarating as well. Xenophobia is yet a powerful force among groups of humans, even ones who may consider themselves more open and enlightened. Thus, the Setian can challenge the discriminatory aspects of xenophobia. Secret societies, inner circles, and social cliques can feed the Set complex of others by excluding them which is related to xenophobia. The play of insiders and outsiders reaches down to the instinctual level. What evolutionary scientist E.O. Wilson refers to as ‘tribal sentiments’, developed through long periods of cooperation with ingroups and conflict with out-groups, led us to trust insiders and distrust outsiders. He sees this as a form of group selection where humans and other eusocial species such as ants, wasps, and bees, are subject to the forces of group selection as well as individual selection. Set, as the banished, allows the mage (typically the banisher) to identify with the “other”. The heretic, excommunicated one, banished, one with oath-breaker status, scapegoat, defendant, etc., are all examples of the status of the one who identifies with Set. There seem to be two types of Setians: one who is boisterous and fiery who often arouses the ire of the wards and gets fought off and mistreated; the other who is quiet and more hidden, who is often unnoticed, unheard, and dons the cloak of invisibility and loneliness. Finally, the question should be asked: What is the usefulness of cultivating these archetypes of rebel and outcaste? For one it could help free one from the attachment of always seeking and longing for belonging, for fitting in. One could also be freed from the fear of “sticking out”, of not fitting in. We tend to crave acceptance and seek to avoid rejection. In the siddha traditions of India and Tibet, there is the “crazy wisdom” where one displays irrational, unpredictable, and unconventional behavior. At the deeper levels this is a display of siddhis, one’s magical accomplishments. During such display, one goes far beyond the comfort zone of normality and risks ridicule and persecution, and in Thelemic terms, “laughter of the folk folly”. Much like their precursors, the Aghoris, the siddhas forge their realizations in the fires of dissent and disapproval. Further Reading Frater Achad – The Egyptian Revival E. O. Wilson – The Social Conquest of Earth David Beth – Aleister Crowley and the Dawn of Aiwass Kenneth Grant – many works Aleister Crowley – many works Lee Carter - Lucifer's Handbook Stephen E. Flowers - Lords of the Left-Hand Path Mircea Eliade – Cosmos and History Wikipedia - Set, Lucifer

"Lucifer" by Patrick Larabee

Samhain Night Musing by Chakra37 Far far away from the merry month of May Corpse of the grain king torn asunder, turned under Twilit passages pass messages ‘twixt hidden states While fates are strangely woven Hooves cloven stomp barren earths And tread girths of land on lonely forest paths As wintry wraths threaten and growl Now moon dogs howl at milky shimmering stars And wind scars the snowy tenders The veil renders await conditions

Words for the Wall (To Help a Man Pass Through) by Normandi Ellis

This language an old song Some ancient water Words veiled and unveiling Sequences of stars, bird, hand, serpent Palimpsest bearing the scribe's mistake eternally Needing the rest of his life to amend. How long did God search his heart and Hold his tongue before he pronounced The Light? Text and tongue simultaneous The goddess appears at the sound of the voice. Now becomes then and chance gates close again There are eyes observing Back to the world of foes and friends From these chinks in old stone And to a kingdom that merely pretends The whole world behind the words Green Man and Flower Maiden snatched by the lusty royals of Hades Gazing out at you Both men and ladies with thou strangely glowing shades Standing in the dark But high time fades and we are bound to our fates Holding your little candle Our loves and hates with but a smidgeon of luck With pick axe and Open Sesame We wade through the muck of our days Begin to read from left or right With rarely a gaze beyond and between Depending on where you want to go Our programmed sheen of moments All words are a door Joys and laments rising and falling like waves Hands and feet do nothing Enter the caves of the mother’s dark womb It is the Mind Warm silent room of comfort and terror That opens, a trick accomplished And she the bearer is also the changer Without thinking. So safety and danger rarely know one another I dreamed some hieroglyphic world For each is the other and that is the quality of a lover An awakening into the First Age To cross over and explore the unknown And I saw how, at least for myself Conjoined or alone we can only but roam I've grown meat around the stone Deeper into our home, the vastness of here and now Myself for better or worse With each utterance. All words are words of power: Pebble on the banks of the river Cat blinking slowly beneath the chair A Poem at the Moment of Sunrise A knock at the door. by Chakra37 The ache we feel staring at a silent language (Begging to be understood Earth, turn toward me. As if it were plain enough Let my body warm yours. Yet our own hearts indecipherable) My body has no other purpose Begins the work of true translation. than to touch yours with gentle kiss coaxing life to rise, seed to grow. Matter Never mind what it means. uplifted strains into air--a tree of life, perhaps-What is it insisting? leafed and unfolding, sap rising, Light’s dew falling. Dearest clay, striving toward form, let me touch you the way sunlight becomes enflamed upon the hip of Earth, tenderly, irrevocably changing you, illuminating this earthly life. How to Sing Yourself into Being by Normandi Ellis The Nu of Nuit Try not to make any mistakes by Normandi Ellis and you’ll never get there. In order to sing yourself into being The water thirsts for the thirsty you have to open your mouth for the hand that reaches wide enough to let the Goddess in. full of purpose. Your heart becomes her instrument— The two – the water and the thirsty one your music complete with all sorrows and joy shall fill the other, all ecstasy, disappointment and grief become the One. all loneliness and longing for unity. Reach toward me. Let all your full-throated being Receive my starlit liquid become an instrument of grace. longing to fill you. The only wrong note is the one unsung. Drink me in, Beloved. There is no end.

"Heaven for Some, Hell for Others" (120mm real film, Photoshop) by Gerald del Campo

"Tranquility" by Aion131

"Truth" by Aion131


"WOODGOD" (High-fire ceramic mask) by Aion 131

The Path and the Field by William Streek There is always talk of magic or rather the pursuit of magic being a path. A left hand one, a right hand one or even a crooked one, there are just so many paths to choose. In this piece, I aim to give a personal view of the how I view the path that I tread and of the field that my path transverses. What follows is mainly theoretical, but it is a theory that has developed over year and has come to under pin the practical aspects of my magic. It is also a personal theory, and just that a theory which at this stage I have no way to prove or disprove but I hope that it can, in a small way, illustrate how magic could operate. This concept also underpins my own system of practical magic which I call Walking Magic and have written about in the previous edition of Silverstar. In order to illustrate my theory, I wish to start with the idea of paths through physical space and time and then present the idea of paths through a magical field. To this end, as well as being users of magic we also all inhabit (even if sometimes we would rather not) the physical universe and because of this we are subject to the physical laws of the universe. These physical laws involved in space-time place each of us, at any given instant, at a location within space. Even at rest (on a local scale) we are still ploughing a path through the universe. For example, as I sit here writing a draft of this I am stationary, apart from the movement of my pen on paper, however, I am on a planet spinning on its axis and following a path around a sun which is also following a path around a super massive black hole at the centre of our galaxy. Even if I argue that, for this discussion, the movement of our planet, sun or galaxy has no bearing on me, and that while sitting at my desk now typing this article up I am stationary and thus at a fixed physical location, I can be seen, as the second hand ticks round on my watch, to be moving on a path through time. Grant Morrison, in a talk he gave to DisinfoCon in1999, suggested that if an individual was observed from outside of this physical universe and thus outside the circles of time created by the physical universe. Then the individual would be seen as a many legged centipede like being as they moved along their individual path from birth to death. What are these forces that cause us to take such a physical path through the universe? In physical terms they are the forces created as objects travelling through fields. Some of the better understood fields are those of gravity (the first to be discovered) and electromagnetism. One of the latest is the Higgs field, that has been postulated for many years but its existence has been confirmed recently, through the discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN last year. Generally, all fields have one thing in common. That at each point in space and time the field has a value and at any given point in space and time this value may have an effect on matter passing through that point. For example the gravitational field of a dense object in space i.e. our sun, warps the fabric of space time around it. You may well argue what has all that you have just written got to do with magic, and you have a point. The above is just some examples of quite basic physics, and possibly quite badly explained by me. What I want to suggest is illustrated by these physical examples and is as follows. Being practitioners of magic in what ever way that we do our magical Art, we all know that magic shows us that there is more to the universe than the physical reality surrounding us. A magical side to the universe remains hidden to the vast majority. The talk of an occluded black sun behind the physical sun seems to ring true. My view of the reality that surrounds me, whether ‘real’ or ‘imagined’ is informed equally by both science and magic. I feel that both are complementary to the life I lead and that one can help to inform the other. To this end I wish to take the leap and suggest that if there is a hidden magical side of the universe then what is there to say that it would not be subject to similar laws to the ‘seen’ physical universe. I would further suggest that this hidden side of the universe could be in the form of a magical field. If such a field acts like a physical field (for example the Higgs field), then the magical field would suffuse all points of the universe and all matter that moves through it would be subject to the fields effects. In stating this, I make the assumption that the ‘value’ of the magical field is the same at all points of physical reality. This may not of course be the case, (and more fundamentally, how can this be proven?). It could be argued that we can see over time time that magic, as equated by the interest in magic, can ebb and flow. This could be equated to changes in the value of the magical field either at physical locations or over time. Why then is everyone not affected by said magical field? There are two possible answers, firstly they may well all be but due to the subtle nature of magic it may well be that the vast majority are not aware of any of the effects of their path through this field. If, as science is beginning to predict that there are hidden dimensions within our universe; the subtle nature of the magical field within physical reality could be due to a bleed through from a higher dimension where magical force if felt more strongly. Such a postulation has been put forward by science a theory as to why gravity is a weak force compared to other forces. A second and related suggestion is that the effects of a magical field only affect matter that is attuned to it. Very much like the fact that not all metals are magnetic or that some materials are better conductors of electricity and some materials are insulators. It could be argued therefore that some people are more naturally in-tune with the magical field than others, through evolution; while others may become more attuned through practice. If this is the case, then it could be suggested that the aim of the HML is to attune humanity to the magical field and that this would constitute the evolutionary leap. Are there any pointers to the theory of a magical field suffusing the physical universe? To me it could explain one of the fundamental questions. That of how magic works. The body of a magician is not a single point, rather it is a vast collection of atoms that has formed into its present state. These have come from stars and will, when we die, eventually return to stars. Magic, to me, is a mental art. While Crowley suggests that the easiest way to affect change in accordance to ones will is to write a letter, or for that matter using the mediums of language and sound in any medium. I also would suggest that magic can be made by releasing mental ideas or snapshots into the universe. An example the release of a mentally held sigil through ritual or sexual release is one such event. How can such a mental exercise cause change to happen, especially if it is never spoken about or discussed in any medium? The idea of a magical field gives one possible answer. If as stated above, the body of the magician is seen as a collection of atoms rather than a whole. And if a field can pass through every point in the universe, then the field must pass through all parts of the magician, including wherever his or her mind is (which has yet to be confirmed by science); then it can be suggested that the magicians mind is directly linked to the whole of the universe and visa versa. That by undertaking mental activities one can interact with the magical field and by interacting with the field one can interact with all matter

passing through the field. The field is therefore the medium through which magic can operate. The path is the movement through such field. A practical aspect of this discussion is the production of sigils through movement. If we again consider the example given by Grant Morrison, then if viewed from outside of our universe or away from the constraints of time then each of us will seem to produce a sigil of our life’s work a sigil unique to the path of the individual from birth to death, and while this can be mundanely traced in physical space it can also be seen as a path of interactions through the magical field. This by its definition will be the practitioners life work but there are more short term aspects of the great work that can be viewed as sigils in their own right. For example, the act of physical movement within magical ritual. On a mental level, the act of tracing or holding a shape, sigil, picture, thought or ritual in the minds eye will also produce a path through the magical field. In my system, the art of walking to produce a sigil in physical reality through the path traced by feet through a landscape, will, at the same time produce a mental sigil as my mind moves through the magical field. The effects of this can be heightened through the undertaking of mental activities, while walking, to aid interaction with the magical field. Thus I am moving along path, upon a path within the complete field of my perceived reality (or something?).

"Di-Anna" (oil on canvas) by Mishlen Linden

Dachtaphemn by Ron Fiasco The original of this rite was lost, somehow through the passing of time, the energies of the Dragons dissipated and the few left spread out amongst Terra's Face. With the Veils between the Worlds thinning and more and more Adepts finding their voices, the Dragons have decided to communicate their WORD. This word is "DachtaPhemn" being two words, "Dachta," the Wind, the Fire and Force of the Father. The Alpha Dragon from which the form of the Majestic Beast arises. Yet, alone He has no power, He is energy without substance. The substance and vessel of the force arises in His consort, "Phemn". "Phemn" is the Holy Queen, the Mother of Dragons. Her name means "Healing." Within Her the force becomes a creative force which begets the Egg of new DragonKind, of Life. As mentioned earlier, Dragons are few and secret. They are Harbingers of Wisdom and of passion in the highest point possible. They are points of potential within the adept's immortal core and inmost being. The Dragon as a symbol is one that transcends barriers between culture and sect. The Dragon as a being transcends the symbolic concept and lives and breathes Magick. We as adepts explore the world and worlds seeking the true evolution of our species and all sentient life for the greatest gift to all mankind, "Healing Wind". In this we are universal. The work that the author proposes is to bring oneself into alignent with the living breath of these creatures, (beings) and to transcend the symbol so widely known and revered from continent to continent and beyond. To this end their is in preparation a bibliography of Rites and a language, with Qabalistic attributes and true potential for those drawn to the Dragonkind and to "Healing Wind". In our current cultural climate, who wouldn't be? "Et Aeida Del Ana Sui, Bei On Alarda Mei Mayamar" "Come join the feast of manifested beauty with Us" (Author's note: It was hoped that the "Rite of Phemn" to be published after this introduction. The rite was partially channeled but not complete when misfortune arose, and halted the work temporarily. It is hoped that the work will see it published soon, and results in its use will be shared.) We stand at a nexus point where all the available information of those who seek the Dawn of the Aeon of MAAT will stand up and bring us to the Golden Dawn envisioned by our forebearers; By the people, for the people. Aum-Ha! (Gila In Manu Dominae-44)

"The Hermit" (acrylic on three panels) by Don Farrell

The Electric Snake Boogy by Justin Patrick Moore The Fakir had cultivated the venom of his winged cobra with such care and erudition that connoisseurs of the ecstatic delights gained from poison came from all corners of the kingdom to sample its bite. As is frequently the case among addicts there were those who overestimated their resilience to tolerate the effects of the reptilian substance. Feeling the pinch of the Uraeus at the base of the spine and subsequent flooding of the sensorium with inexplicable tinglings, sensing the emanations of the stars, was known, in some, to cause madness and death. So the Fakir Srikanth was never surprised when his assistant Legrange, a dirty French emigre, had to drag another casualty down to the bone yards alongside the river. The first time a corpse came back, blackened but not burned, revivified, breathing, intact, it did surprise him. It was a strong venom indeed which took a man so deep into a coma as to resembled death. Of these cases, and there were only a few, the celebrant of the serpentine mysteries often reported such vivid encounters in the supernal realms as to defy even the the Fakir’s ratiocination. With supreme dread and fear he reluctantly sent the poisoned back out into the world. They had been torn apart and were in need of healing. Yet he was no healer. His hand was not for mending. They walked away from his shack, back into the desert, wounds gaping wide. He rued that word from these few fortunate unfortunates would somehow spread, and the respect he had earned for genetically engineering such fine specimens as the winged snake would be ruined. Only the opposite was true, and those who had been so close to becoming ash came back to test once again their temper and strength against the fire of the serpents venom. And they brought with them devotees eager to submit themselves to the hand of chance, people fervent to partake of the miracle themselves. So it was that many pilgrims began slithering to the Fakir’s once humble dwelling. And so his pride began to swell as did his purse with gifts received from the many petitioners desirous of the ineffable poison. Indeed, his now frequent visits to the brothel, his commanding swagger and sway among the people of the nearby village who feared his art, all combined to attract the attentions of the Heresiarch. The electric chair of the inquisitors had been sitting dry for many a year as the populace had finally succumbed to his lashings. Yet the Heresiarch was eager for the high he got when he made another man taste the juice. There was nothing quite like watching eyeballs boil to a blister in the socket. When he want to the Fakir’s dwelling he hadn’t counted on being taken in by the strange rhythms of the circle of snake charmers whose somnolent pipings now attended the increasingly elaborate services of the Fakir. Soon he was among them, the sweating poor and merchants alike, among the warriors and converted priests, among the flying reptiles amidst the celebrants. All burned with violent inebriation. The snakes were hungry and ready to pounce.

"A Descent of Nine, Pt. I" (ink on paper) by Don Farrell

CAIN MARKS by Justin Patrick Moore For those of us marked by Cain there may be no outward sign just an awakening of the blood a tingling of the brain as once silent voices whisper memories of the violent choices made by the founder of our line. For such whose eyes have been swaddled for those who now dwell in the dark from the recesses of an ancient cave comes the shower of anvil sparks! The hammer cries out resplendent on the steel forged in fire & ice the swords sting is unrepentant till turned into a plowshare to furrow fields as the first farmers sow the grain of life. For such as you who are bread makers or know the ways of the horse stirrers of the cauldron & keepers of the hearth who despise the wealth of tyrant kings and their minions who tear down woods be firm in your knowledge, in your second sight even as you become soil, food for the growing worms. You have known toil and trouble watching as boughs break, as hunters make spoil only to find yourself in the kitchen, dough in your hand wandering when the soldiers will depart the Land and leave these Seven Hills in peace. Or will they continue to plunder until all is asunder, until the fields are barren with grief? This is the mark of care on our shoulder the burden and exaltation we take from life to life we sow plants in the garden under new moonlight; as cast outs from Eden we saved seeds from the first a song of serpents is on our tongue, as cloven as our feet. Ours is the gnosis transmitted in dream from the origin of fire to this waning age of steam, marked out, the Flaming Sword setting us aside we Zig-Zag back and forth on our lightning trail to the Grail, in shadows we grow, and in shadows we stride!

"X. The Wheel of Fortune (Rota Taro Orat Tora Ator)" (acrylic on panel) by Don Farrell


by Justin Patrick Moore Lafcadio, your Irish eyebrows pour over paper while your classic Greek hand unfurls spindly writing beneath diminutive lamplight. Your one good eye is scrunched, myopic your fingers cramped, back sore head full of fantasy and folk lore, the perfumed dreams of a fairy in a Tea garden. You were a spiritual ambassador for your final home in Japan, adopted by the Kami as much by the people from your birthplace on Lefkada, by way of Dublin, Cincinnati the West Indies and New Orleans. Your gift was to tease out the soul of a place, to translate the genius loci into a liquid language soluble to friends left behind in the West. You were locked away as child, shut in a closet, a punishment to cure fears of the dark. With age you end up going nearly blind, befriending many ghosts along the way. Your gift was inner sight. In a playground game you lost an eye but like Odin, became a seer peering into Other worlds, more at home in the Mittelmarch then under the smoky towers of industry. Your pen was made of foxfire and all your words were goblin. Washed up penniless in the Queen City you slept on paper shavings at the local printers, nourishing your dreams in the library, breathing in a host of fantastic heterodoxies. Bootstrapped up from the pavement you eventually landed behind a news desk. Never afraid you stared down the barrel of horror, from violent cremations to tan yard murders; immersing yourself in haunted landscapes, listening for echoes, voices of ancient ancestors.

You did not mind bucking authority even when it bucked you back. Three glasses down, coming home from the beer garden into the kitchen at the boarding house, your eyes fell on Mattie, a black skinned storyteller. The world wasn’t ready for your illegal love, cast upon the rocks of social disdain you couldn’t reach a safe harbor, and your marriage, void under law, dissolved. So you slinked on down to New Orleans and simmered yourself in Creole cuisine, hacking away at the papers again, scribbling down many a fanciful sketch, making attempts at translations from French, growing your powers, pouring your light into newsprint, denouncing corruption, disabusing fallacy, penning obituaries for Doctor John and Marie Laveau. Then tiring of the Southern scene, waxing weary of the socials while wanting the weird you traveled even deeper south, skipping off for two years to Martinique, where you wooed the Muse of the odd in search of tropical flavors to quill your cryptic travelogues. Then off again, pit stopping in New York to wrangle with editors, publishers, magazine men; before tacking along on a train to Vancouver to step aboard the good ship Abyssinia on a Pacific passage dark as any of yours and step off on St. Patrick’s day in Japan 1890, Yokohoma, among people who smiled, wishing you well during the days torrential rain dreaming at night of ideographs and insects soundless visions running on phantom wheels. In Matsue you married during the frozen winter Setsu the warm daughter of a Samurai, who melted the coarser aspects of your nature. There wasn’t much language between you so she spoke in the shared sympathy of Shinto in the grave voice of her countries oldest chillers, breathing life into ghosts, awakening cruel demons who slept close to Earth. Finding home at last you were made a citizen, became professor Yakumo gave birth to a son Kazuo unleashed yourself on paper letting the local spirits do the writing, as your blood boiled under oil lamplight, possessed, prolific, a passionate interpreter. On good terms with Kitsune the last years of your life were happy. You made a boat of words to crest over this rocky world of men, and resting, sailed beyond them your final voyage off to visit the Hare in the moon one last stop on the river to Heaven.


The Faun once lost in darkest night steered by the glow of the lamppost light through the acres and fields of snow, to walk through worlds, a weary traveler shifting frequency to Earth slipping on the ice stained mirror falling down a Witched wardrobe in reverse. The door from the wardrobe opens inwards to a household estate in a sorry affair laundry is in the oven, dried spaghetti clings to sauced dishes on the stair. Someone threw an old car part down the tainted well. I wasn’t prepared for visitors. I was feeling far from swell. Yet it was still delightful to receive a visitation, to entertain a cloven hoofed house guest. I swept out the sitting room and dusted off Grandma’s best china, blue porcelain cups, elegant lace I conjured a pot of Darjeeling tea and a platter of quick bread and marmalade. “So much to catch up on since the last time” the Faun said “I’m still distraught the Lion is dead.” He rubbed the graying fur over his breast. “Yes, the King of the Wood is gone. Things don’t seem much better round here. Look at all this wretched mess.”

The tea turned to urine the cups trembled in their saucers a wyrd breeze slithered hearts fluttered like mad and spider senses prickled. She slammed her fist on the table words flew with white foam spit. “Your house is a battered woman on the eve of her blood tide! She’s ready to brew up a hurricane hurl down a tornado and slam her foot. Have you not seen her, exhausted and enraged? She was supposed to be your bride. The flame in the bed chamber is now an ember. As she shakes the ground I hope you choke on the coal dust of your miserable life. If I were you, I’d open up this place and run it as a home for beaten wives.” “But Father wouldn’t-” but she cut me off “You can’t live in a storybook forever. Didn’t he move into the Hotel Six? Did you not make a troth, and tie your wrists with the weavers finest bolt of cloth?” She scratched the stiff booger off her upper lip.

“I must admit I think I made a slip,” steam rose off my voice, the room had grown “It’s not at all my fault,” I said. “Mother left, cold as the hull of an arctic ship. and Father went to the coal mine, bereft “I must say I was hoping for a bail out only to dig up clay that does not hold its and I thought this was a place to set sail from. shape. I’ve been feeling rather glum. The grape vine was torn down I can’t afford the gardener, let alone the maid. and now the arbor is fallen over.” All my efforts are exercises in escape.” The Faun considered, smiled. “You must let the Witch back inside and you must kiss her warts unfreeze the Winter, else the sick rose will grow ever more poisonous in your heart. Wake again your own joy to sing and wonder this happenstance Earth. Unpluck the loathsome dart.” Then creeped another creature through the open door down through disused rooms her veiny fingers on a brittle cane broom with the face of a frog and the smell of a hog she bristled, and helped herself to a spot of tea.

The witch fanned herself as sweat boiled off her nose she turned up the lamp and shapes menaced from the paint peeled walls as a host of wicked elves knocked oat tins from the shelves. “When did you last kiss a girl?” she asked her breath was like minced garlic soaked in a snake oil flask. Her lips puckered to reveal her gangrene teeth as the rat ducked back into her soot gray hair. Crowned with mistletoe, her robes still reeked as she cackled “do you not think me fair?” The Faun shoved me forward in my seat until I was tangled with the Witch I could feel the pull of my own heart thread the wrinkled smell of her, familiar, filling me with dread. I felt where I had darned the ninth stitch, over my tweed heart, not made in time. Then my hands explored the ridges of her hips and my mouth groping, found her warts, found her tongue. It was then she shed her skin. With her old rags dropping my blood beat was near to stopping and I could hardly smell the sweet primroses perfuming her auburn hair. Her toady warts dissolved alongside the lapse in my resolve. A Lion stirred in my aorta, his tail the twitch of my ventricle and I could see now

The Faun placed the last log into the fire grate relit his pipe, scratched his horns. “It was nice when you visited us so young when your liver was free from glass and your heart unbruised by thorns. Whatever happened to that bonnie lass who you sallied over? I remember catching you two frolic amidst the sun warmed clover.”

where the wardrobe had been hedged grown over here, with junk and a wedge left in on the other the glimmer of a way a home on either side

“I knew her well,” I said “though I’ve now forgot her name. So much of that summer was buried and I a must admit I am a bit ashamed about the way I tarried when I should have asked her hand that we sealed the door once opened that led into your land. But she stayed. She ate the grape off a faery plate.”

the Faun held out his broom and we both jumped over.

I could feel the ice clouds recede. On my knees, I did not have to plead as our power joined together in a true love knot

-November 28, 2012

THE EMPIRE NEVER ENDED (CITIES OF REFUGE) by Justin Patrick Moore I. We seek the light of other realms, to cast new light on these despotic ruins. We hope to catch times wrinkle tesseract into some Otherworld Neverland, and tap its keg of untold wonders. We are in need of a traveling improviser to slip from one sector to another by the turn of a coin, a tip of the magic hat, the flash of a tarot card, or the play of smoke across crystal. (Do not be deceived by the amethyst.) Morphing and remorphing from here to there, you will come back whispering about a life of constant disappearance about how you branched out along sidereal lines only to reappear among membraned roots in an Underworld city. There the street patterns are tracings left by gnawing butterflies & the languages heard sound only as deafening noise. Weren’t you warned? II. All roads lead to Babel & the Goddess of the Tower is many tongued. In the places we cannot hear, you were our ears. So tell us how, after reckless nights in spent oblivion haggard as a ghost among lowlifes, carousing with damsels in a tavern of crossed destiny you still managed to break the curse of the black iron prison. Compose for us a picture, of your circling paths of your perambulating trajectories. innumerable unimaginable secret visitations You penetrated cities known only to dream refugees made murky maps of little known territories. Your attempts at transcription met little success. Each avenue was disparate & every road the echo of another. You returned to us only out of desperation, like a wayward dog to an unfit master. Your family was in crisis. Yet the way you walked helped untangle the skein. Traveling you passed through the mouth of the sphinx on a dare & forged your will to know the silence of riddles.

III. Magic is a strange science. You sought the doctorate on a world whose concept of time, jangled. A million disparate clocks joined together no working moments, or waking, rather reverie awake against thieves who would steal the ever present always vigilant for smugglers breaching times walls selling parcels of seconds, bags of minutes, and trunks stashed with misplaced hours. Mute statues were arrested from participation. outside the circles of time there are no fractal ripples One bar melted from the rigid chronology. From there you went forth to a city of islands, a burned out archipelago in a dying star system, whose ports had been taken over by enclaves of pirates. All become savages all are obliterated in cultural fugue. The time bandits go there, it is after all a place to stash their non-material goods. Vultures come to harvest relics as the burned out towers fall badges from ambassadors left in the high-rise embassies of decay where the wrecking crews ornament the streets with the skulls of gargantuan house cats. IV. Who returns when transient is the default mode for home? Does it matter whether you visited in flesh, dream or book? Drunk with the dust of foreign lands on your lips you remain insatiable, incorrigible a thief whose honor we can always respect we drink your every word, distilled into a pastel liqueur from the radiant gas cloud of a tipsy moon. Staying home will always be different now in this place of gardens, drainpipes, sewer grates in this culture of terminal beaches, endless roped off docks & barred harbors. We will only taste echoes of the faded memory of your taste as we string glass beads together night after night in this holographic bazaar. For us, the bastard children of the high court our love for the other, for the alien, for strange seafaring gods, must always be secret, subliminal. We send our chosen vagrants forth, playthings of our game while our hearts look to spires falling in the sunset. Our delight is in the capsized crown so you go out to reassure us, all empires crumble all towers do fall down.

"The Light of the World" (acrylic on panel) by Don Farrell

The Apocalypse of Narcissus by Ariel Saklas, submitted by Justin Vaughn

The enclosed is a full and accurate copy of Ariel Saklas' 'the Apocalypse of Narcissus' as it was found at the foot of the god, in the temple of the Eye, in Washington, during the commander's inspection. As for they who read it, may there be strength of understanding in them. VANITAS It begins with a state that is really quite impossible to describe. There is no past. The sequence of events has been singularly disrupted. Think of it, you could have picked up this book and begun reading from any point, but suddenly there you are. Amnesia has the affect of driving the audience from the scene. The curtain is opening to an empty theatre, and there is light and shadow, but for whom? Perhaps it was this chance reflection, or some motion of the eye, which first caused our hero to question his involvement in the scene. It was as if he could have been born in this very moment; and seeking answers, yet finding nothing, he called its name: 'VANITAS!' 'I like it so far,' interjects Renee, who has been helping students with the college's creative writing program this semester. Renee, whose name signifies 'reborn' in some child of Latin. Jeremy, whose name signifies either 'Yahweh rises', or 'exalted of Yahweh', continues, 'I don't really understand this character; but he awakes on the battlefield in the valley of the Albis river in Marcomanni territory unable to remember who he is, and becomes obscessed with this point in time, as if he craves amnesia. There is a dent in his helmet. Then a soldier in the background cries out:' ''Narcisse!' 'No, that is not the name I was born with, but that's what they call me now,' thinks Narcissus silently to himself. That is the name they have called him for a very long time; either for his boyish looks, or the mirror, which is one of his few personal belongings. 'You may have noticed a change of voice just now,' he continues ', Yes, there is always that problem of the voice, the voice from nowhere, the hand writing on the wall, the thunder.' 'Are you alright?' asks Renee with a smile intending to convey humor. 'I'm just saying that I've been having a lot of trouble with the beginning. For one I want to try to explain the feeling of waking up in the middle of a battlefield with amnesia, which is very difficult to describe to someone who isn't one of the few to have experienced it personally. For another, one of the recurring characters is this sort of disembodied voice, whose origin can't really be identified. There are reasons for including this character that are hard for the author to explain.' 'That's alright. It's like Margarette Atwood said,' and then a defining moment, she pulls down a copy of the Oxford Orations. No, not just a copy, but the copy of which Jeremy himself had been reading in the original Latin that very evening before she arrived. Yes, it would have had to be some moment like that. She must have said, or done something clever. 'That's how she got my attention.' 'Are you talking to yourself?' 'I've been thinking out loud a lot since I began writing. I feel like I have to pay more attention to how things sound.' 'I could see that. Maybe that will help. Anyway, as Margarette put it ', When one is in the midst of a story, it hardly seems like a story at all.'' 'Especially when it's a non-linear narrative set in three time periods, but it always seems to come back to that moment, when Narcissus cries out 'vanitas' on the battlefield.' 'Vanitas, that's the other thing I wanted to ask you. What does vanitas mean?' 'It's Latin for emptyness, or nothingness.' 'Is he going to be speaking Latin the entire time?' 'Well, the character would have been speaking Latin most of the time, but I see what you're getting at. It does present certain difficulties.' ======================================================== [then insert the other beginning] ======================================================== .... UBI IOHANNES VIVIT .... ANGUIS PATEFACTA



A thought on Non-Duality :

When One is in perfect alignment with the Universe, as the Buddha wrapped in silence and the diamond shining in the hearty petals of the lotus, when the Forces align naturally, revolving around the axis of an eternal Instant of boundless creativity, Reality is perceived as both a Presence and an Absence. Where the Black Hole of fecund darkness contemplates the projection of its True Will through the four arms of the great Spiral of Life and Death, there the interstellar dancer plays the mystery song of creation and destruction, rhythmed by the lightning notes of the Damaru`s Circles of Eternity. Without leaving any trace he goes, as the camel trooper walking in the desert sand, for thus is the way of the ever wandering Magician, crossing an Abyss that never came to Manifestation.

”Nataraja is Stillness and Motion wrought together”


After the fulfillment of the Global Chakras Working instigated by Orryelle Defenestrate Bascule, in which participated both brethren of the Chaorder of Silver Dusk and of the Horus Maat Lodge, leading to a wonderful physical and trans-local magical gathering, and being well reminded of the non-linearity of time and interconnectedness of all things, specially as the last working finished for the 21st December 2012 (see Current 13 for more infos) I would like to present two reports taken from my personal journey in India, during a lunar month passed on the Sacred Hill of Arunachala, which were going to prepare myself to this workings. Situated on a natural place of power of the Earth, the mountain constitutes a powerful nexus of shiva ïte energies and a place of Naga worship over which practitioners of the Art and wanderers to India may want to connect to. Linking the individual experience to the collective one, i wish thus to contribute to a network of resources of inner and outer energetic exchange which may inspire further investigations.

In ‘The Magical Revival’ Kenneth Grant considers Arunachala as one of the chakras of Planet Earth and, more precisely, he states that: “The supreme seat of energy - the Sahasrara Chakra - is not located within the physical body at all, but above the cranial suture, where, figuratively speaking, the Lotus of Infinite Light blooms and bathes with its perfume the subtle anatomy of man. The Sahasrara is the seat of the Atman, the True Self in Man which is known as the Brahman in the Cosmos. It is the Abode of Siva and is represented on earth by the Sacred Hill of Arunachala in South India. This is the cult-centre of the most profoundly spiritual Path now open to humanity, the Advaita-Marg or Path of Non-duality." The mountain, beyond its mythical comparison to the tibetan Mt Meru, is said to be the place where Shiva appeared before Brahma and Vishnu and transmitted the basis for his cult in India. It also became famous through the teachings and life of the s ādhu and master of the Advaita Vedānta, Ramana Maharshi, who has been living in the mountain and meditating in its caves for more than 15 years. The two reports i have chosen to present, beside a more regular practice, have marked two important steps of my personal sadhana there. The first one presents my impressions and progressive steps on the mountain, its particular energies and history, and ends with a narrative of a spontaneous ritual performed inside the temple of Dakshineshwar, the city bordering Arunachala. It served for me to establish an energetic link with the temple and the mountain which may be reactivated by people visiting the site or who want to connect to the temple for energetic workings (Shiva is also associated with the Ajna Chakra : the trishula being amongst other a representation of the meeting of the 3 energetic channels ida, pingala and sushumna at the place of the brow. The central sushumna channel and arrow is thus said to be longer because it continues to the Sahasrara, giving an interesting symbolism linking the two chakras). The second report describes a ritual dedicated to a Naga deity living in a hidden magickal lake at the border of the mountain and transmits the particular feeling i had with “the Path” at this moment. Both have been key-moments of my practice there, marking for the first one the apotheosis of a month of dedication to Shiva, and for the second an unexpected connection with a Naga deity which became a powerful ally and guide to my personal tantric practices on the place. /*\ Chapter 1 : Arunachala Lighting Arunachala, the mountain of Shiva possess this sanctity of certain places in India where an energy constantly fed by centuries of prayers and devotions inevitably takes you toward unexplored horizons to an unpredictable travel and encounter with the Self. Arunachala, Sacred Mountain where Shiva appeared in the form of a Lingam of Pure Light: During a conflict between Brahma and Vishnu to know which one of the two possessed the superiority, Shiva, who didn't yet reveal his true nature, appeared before them in the form of a cosmic Pillar of Fire between the waters. The gods threw a challenge : the first who would successfully reach the end of the column of light would prove his ascendancy over the other and permanently establish his superiority. Vishnu turned into a boar and plunged into the depths while Brahma took the form of a swan and flew as high as possible. But the column rose and descended beyond any limit, so that the two gods failed in their attempt. Shiva, remained silent till this moment, revealed his presence to the two gods and proved his supremacy. He established from that day the principles and origins of his worship. This mythical place where Shiva appeared is located in South West India near the city of Tiruvanamalai : its mountain has for name Arunachala.

Black Moon - Arrival at Tiruvanamalai

The Lands of Lord Shiva open their doors before me.. Shiva is a lunar god, majestic, far beyond the limitations of men, he carries with him the overcoming of the limitations and habits of the ego, and ultimately leads you to leave the ties of a daily routine for a travel at the core of the Self, beyond the boundaries of the world of forms. His is the play of all energies. He is the cosmic dancer, the stillness in motion beyond the revolution of cosmic cycles. He is the Lord of Time, of Death and Rebirth, and the rhythm he plays on his damaru leads with each drum beat to the creation and destruction of a new world.

Virupaksha Cave and the Maharshi Appointments are made with Morgan to go for a walk in the sacred mountain, where lived and meditated for many years Shri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, Hindu sage, master of the Advaita and great prince of Non-Duality. The first thing that strikes me about his story is that the Maharshi describes an experience of complete death of its different bodies (physical, astral and mental) and dive into the Self at the age of 16, experience which undoubtedly changed his all life and awoke within him the yearning for a life of meditation and mystical devotion. Shiva had made his call heard. For a one way travel to the Unknown. For a journey leading to leave one’s profane life to devote entirely oneself to the pursuit of an Ultimate Reality. After an hour walking on the side of the mountain, we behold Virupaksha cave where the Maharshi meditated for over 15 years. The caves are adorned with photos of the Hindu Master. His eyes emit an impression of luminous deepness, infinite plenitude and absolute serenity. It is even difficult to write about them as they surely invite one to contemplate in silence. The Maharshi is present everywhere: in the mountains, in the city, on the walls, and in the minds. The first meditation makes me quickly feel the breath of his benevolent presence. The breath of an Unity revealed in the depths, which opens the doors to the soul and makes the bells of melodies from another perspective ring the songs of the dakinis and pour down the light of the stars.

Shri Bhagavan Maharshi

I should also immerse myself in those energies Walk on the mountains, walk the corridors of the temple. Know the Lord Shiva in all its forms. God of Time, Lord of Creation, Destruction, Of Mystic Intoxication and of Cosmic Rhythms. Forget, Die, and Be Reborn.

Ritual in Arunachaleschwar Temple After shaving my head, I'm heading to the Temple without particular intention aside from visiting and getting accustomed to the place. Behind the halls of the market of the city, where gather vendors, saddhus, women and rickshaw drivers, stands the Gopuram (a tower marking the entrance of the pyramid temples in South India) of the main entrance. With its 13 floors, all in white stones, it stays imperturbable and stoic before the hubbub of the city and the mantras that resonate from the music stores around. A month of visits in different Shiva temples behind me and I am still surprised to find myself in this particular and unique atmosphere that reminds me of my first contact with the fiery energy of Shiva, a year earlier, in the temple of Trimbakeshwar in Nasik. In this small pilgrimage town fringed with more than 200 religious edifices stands, at the top of the valley, one of the 12 jyothir lingams. Temple of black basalt with absolutist lines that gives the impression to belong to another world ; Furthermore its inhabitants and the few tourists there, the city welcomes thousands of pilgrims who sometimes walk hundreds of miles to pray a few seconds before the main statue of the sanctuary. There is a two-hour queue before entering, the excitement of the people is at its peak, the fervor of the moment hitting you in the guts. In the main hall, the crowd is chanting the divine names and mantras of Shiva, making them resonate as thousands of drumbeats in his honor. The electricity of the atmosphere is amplifying as the crowd rejoices and comes closer to the main room. I can now see the altar approaching... people walk and make gestures there ; Arriving at the statue, I get one of the most intense energetic charge I ever felt in a temple. A good introduction to the experience of Arunachala..

After the main entrance comes a first inner temple dedicated to Kaala Bhairava, a fierce manifestation of Shiva associated with annihilation, who beheaded the fifth head of Brahma for his pride saying he was the only Supreme Creator. The pieces of sandalwood and cups of ghee keep the flame alighted and the smoke of incenses. All are dedicated for the prasad, the spiritual nourishment. I behold before me a chiromancer saddhu woman that I met the day before. Her fiery eyes and expressions seem to respond to my attempts, inviting me to go further. As part of my daily exploration, I continue by greeting each representations of the divinity. There must be twenty little monuments scattered in the main enclosure. In them usually stand stone lingams, statues of Shiva and of the bull Nandi, the vehicle of the God, and of various animals associated to the divinity such as peacocks and cobras, plus a few altars dedicated to Ganesh. The sun is in full swing, the ground is of fire, sÄ dhus all wear magnificent clothes of bright red, embroidered with golden motifs. Flames are lit before each altar. Everything is radiating with vibrant and solar energy around me. As I now look to the North-East corner of the temple's enclosure, I can notice a little steep stairs that leads to the heights. Going this way, I find myself quite quickly on what form the round tower of the triple enclosure of the Temple. The area is normally closed to the visitors and serves for the technicians to adjust the lightings in the evening. From this space above, I have an amazing view of the temple complex and its surrounding turmoil. As a graffiti painter i was carrying with me a black marker. Time stops. This moment was going to mark the apotheosis of a lunar month of dedication and rituals to Shiva.

Om Namah Shivaya!


I thus inscribe a first sigil in the lower right corner of the wall connecting me to the field of pure potentiality. Everything comes together in a state combining excitement and ecstatic release, total Liberation of being. Continuing along the wall, I plan now to draw a second sigil on the South side to form an energetic network based on triangulation. Downstairs, a guard saw me and makes a sign that i shall come down as soon as possible, I doubt that my presence on the enclosure of the temple is particularly appreciated. I make a sign that I understood and head then to the Northwest corner. Arriving at the apex of the triangle, a platform stands on the roof of the first temple. The place offers a magnificent view of the central shrine, the gopuram and the sacred mountain. The incredible energy radiating added to the uniqueness of the situation leads me to seize the opportunity to unite further myself with this place and build a link with the opening of the Eye of Shiva, the quintessential combustion of energy by Divine Fire. Everything is accelerating, I draw the last sigil ahead of the platform, facing the mountain, and improvise a dedication to the Lord of the place and the natural lingam that stands before me, invoking by all ways the burning energy of the god. Everything is bright around, and before the Lord of Destruction Time has no take. In the excitement, I let my entranced soul and body perform a dance dedicated to the Sun shining over the roof of the temple in the postures of Nataraja (Shiva in its form of cosmic dancer) while I keep on chanting his name and reciting his mantra. My soul and my body ablaze, I now turn on myself to create a cone of power in the manner of the whirling dervishes. At the height of the load, I offer in full intoxication of shivaite energy my semen to the Sun and the sacred mountain on the roof of the temple and trail on the ground a last personal sigil, reinforcing the energetic link made with the temple. At the center of three sigils is situated the sacred statue of the innermost Sanctuary, Seat of Consciousness, the Divine Fire that transmutes All. Thus is fulfilled the energetic triangulation that contains in its center the opening of Shiva's Eye. I thank the Gods for this moment of eternity. Above is the sigil i've been using for people who would like to connect to the temple and Arunachala mountain for further energetic workings.

End of the first chapter

"At the Heart of It All" by Patrick Larabee

Hypermile Prelude, and Hypermile Prelude Archon Gnostic Mix by Shamaniacal This is an audio entry. Please go to Shamaniacal is Adam Smientana

to listen to it.

"Ophidian Dawn" by Patrick Larabee

DR. John Montanee - A Grimoire by Dr. Louie Martinié The BIRTH of a New Orleans Loa: Resurrection In Remembrance

This is a working draft of the first conjure in a grimoire dedicated to the calling and feeding of Dr. John Montanee, a nineteenth century voodoo spiritual doctor and drummer. The conjures in the book ask nothing of Dr. John, they are offerings designed to feed him if it be to his will to eat of the essences of the voodooist performing the conjure and once again walk among the living. I am delighted that this grimoire will soon find a place in the growing New Orleans Voodoo Heritage Edition series published by Left Hand Press ( and Black Moon Publishing ( I am grateful that it is being disseminated by HML. The New Orleans Loa are Great Mysteries, always near, always but one step away. Dr. Louie Martinié FIRST CONJURE: THE PELICAN This conjure builds on the understandings, aspects, and attributes of the NEW ORLEANS VOODOO TAROT (Martini é, Glassman 1993), personal rituals and conjures, the workings of Bate Cabal, and the words and teachings of the ancestors. Two rocks may be purchased or found before the beginning of this conjure. Black rocks or fed loadstones are effective, I will use loadstones in describing the conjure Hold the stones for a time, a number of hours is best. Imbue them with your essence using sweat, blood, or other fluids you have produced. The loadstones may be placed in a cooker (Mishlen Linden) the night before performing the conjure or on a full moon night. The signature of Dr. John Montanee and a variety of talismans can be cooked with the stones. Along with these two loadstones, obtain enough rocks to construct a small pile. PREPARATION: Cleansing: In order that you may be purified of all that is not of essence, offer your self however that self may manifest in this exact present to Ti Zaraguin, or other spider loa. May your bones may be picked clean and that you may shine in the Visible and Invisible Worlds with a brutal elegance. The insect loa are close and easily summoned once you have established a relationship with them. I have found that this relationship at the least includes not heedlessly taking the lives of these magnificent loas children. If you see one of this nation in distress, help it and charge it to tell its Grandmother or Grandfather of your help. I remember a man who began the rites and was horribly bitten; it is best not to ask for more than you are willing to give. To take a beings life is to subtly invite that being to, in turn, take your life. Assume an open stance, vulnerable, head back a bit. Offer your bodies midsection. For the spider loa, with your eyes half closed and half open, create an image of a familiar spider in the dark upper half of our vision. See it move. Trill / vibrate the tip your tongue against the roof of your mouth while imbuing the image of the spider with 2 important attributes I have come to know through my possessions by the insect loa. The first being the overwhelming impulse to protect the stomach from harm. The stomach is shielded before the head. There is food being digested in the stomach, it must be protected. The second being “a fierce allegiance to life.” Life is movement and even if only one small feeler or fang can be moved it will strain to perceive or attack. There is much that can be learned from the insect loa, “Never surrender, never give up.” being not the least of their admirable traits. Allow the self that manifests as you at this moment to be fed upon. Dedication: Before beginning, place the two loadstones on a pile of rocks. The stones will live at the top of the pile. Manman Brigitte often sits on top of such a pile. See Manman Bridgette in her role as great judge. She is seated on the pile of stones. These stones are her past judgments and their firmness and fairness support her authority. One rock supports the other and the pile (or “stupa” literally meaning “heap” ) supports Manman. Call to Manman Bridgette to judge and to rule in favor of this mystical work of art. Explain as a lawyer would the “why” of your conjuring of Dr. John. Your explanation will be individual, your own. That is how it must be. My successful explanations in the past have been based on community and benefit to the community. Leave the dedication with the two loadstones, confident not in your success but in her wisdom to judge fairly. An Indifference to Outcome: Place your actions and their success (in ancient usage … “any outcome or result”) under the governance of the most complete spiritual being that is most real to you. Again, this is individual. For me, this is the union of “my” Ti and Gros Bon Ange, the Holy Guardian Angle of Thelema, and the Buddhas of the Tibetan Practices.

Each of our actions excite universes of probabilities. Let go of that which you have never had and accept the heavings and bellowings of the World Elephant, pregnant with possibilities. Choose to act for no reason. Pure will lies beyond the guttering light of “because.” Reasons for actions rise and fall and crumble. They provide little stability upon which to base conjures. Call upon something more deeply rooted in the very essence of being. Do what you must. THE PELICAN FIRST SIGHT Dr. John is seen before you as in a dim light, a reflection in the glassy eye of a cat, ephemeral as a softly heard grace note in a great symphony. Indistinct as in murky waters, his figure slowly revolves with legs and arms spread, limbs falling, drifting one into the other. Closer inspection reveals a lack of vitality and both external and internal coherence. His face, while living, shows no emotion or understanding. This is a mere apparition. There are a number of useful techniques for calling this vision. An old mirror is effective as are half closed eyes where the vision is seen in the upper, darkened part of the eye. PULLING During the conjure, hold a loadstone in each hand with your palms up and open in a welcoming gesture toward the apparition. With this specter of Dr. John fixed in your mind you will, “pull” him through the elements that existent within you one after another. If you are using loadstones, this pulling looks and feels like the magnetic attraction a lodestone exerts on iron. Welcome Dr. John Montanee and invite him to pass through your body. The image will begin to move and pass into and through your body. During this passing, the powers of the chosen element flow into the specter. You are a microcosm of all the Greater and Lesser Assemblies. Now the worker is well prepared to add strength, body, substance and presence to Dr John by taking his spectral self through the 4 elements and spirit. The alchemical pelican, as depicted on the Great Seal of Louisiana feeding its young with its own blood, is a proper image for this part of the conjure. Earth: While holding the loadstones in the palm of the hands with your fingers, take a pinch of earth using the thumb and the index finger of both hands. Using the Right hand, sprinkle the earth in blessing on the stone held in the left hand. Repeat the process with the opposite hand. “Honor and Respect to Baron Samedi, Baron le Crox, Baron Cimeterie, Guede Nimbo, Ti Jean Millipead. Lend your graces to this holy work. Give to Dr. John Montanee the weight and solidity of earth.” The apparition of Dr. John floats before you. Beckon to Dr. John with both hands in welcome holding the lodestones blessed with earth. Pull Dr. John through your body, pull him through the element earth as it exists within you. Here Dr. John Montanee gains a solidity of self and the virtues of earth. The purposeless spin of the apparition lessens. Waters: Hold the loadstones now blessed with earth in the palms of the hands and dip the thumb and the index finger of both hands into a chalice of water. Using the Right hand, sprinkle the water in blessing on the lodestone held in the left hand. Repeat the process with the opposite hand. “Honor and Respect to Olokun, to la Balaine, to la Sirene, to Agwe of the Waves. Olokun whisper to la Balaine, la Balaine whisper la Sirene, la Sirine whisper to Agwe of the Waters…Carry the Holy Name of Dr. John Montanee from the ocean floor through the abysmal waters, through the waters that know light, to the waves, the great messengers of the sea. Agwe of the Waves carry the name Dr. John Montanee both far and wide. Lend your graces to this holy work. Give to Dr. John Montanee the fluidity and virtues of water.” The apparition of Dr. John floats before you within the aethrs. Beckon to Dr. John in Welcome with both hands holding the stones blessed with earth and water. Pull Dr. John through your body, pull him through the element water as it exists within you. Here Dr. John Montanee gains the delicious moist texture of life. There is now a fluidity of self and the virtues of water. Fire: Rub the thumb and the index finger of each hand together to produce heat while holding the lodestones blessed with earth and water in the palms of the hands. Move the heated thumb and index finger of the right hand transferring their heat to the loadstone in the left hand. Repeat the process with the opposite hand. “Honor and respect to the great bearers of light, Ogun of the Forge, Erzulie with lips red as blood and hot as fire. Damballa la Flambeau bring the light and strength of your sky fire. Guedeh la Flambeau freely rain the fires of orgasm. Legba la Flambeau bring words ablaze dancing to spells falling like fiery embers. Simbi la Flambeau intellect bright bestow.” Welcome Dr. John with the heated loadstones. Pull him through your body on waves of heat. Offer the heat within your body for him to fuel a presence. The specter quickens; now it must breathe. Air: Share your breath with the loadstones. Blow gently then forcibly upon the loadstone held in the right and then on the loadstone held in the left hand. This is a most intimate offering in that your breath is moist with fluids which contain essences individual to you alone.

“Honor and respect to le Grand Zombi bringer of magick and wisdom. Simbi impart your connaissance to heal and to curse. Nan Nan Bouclou grow herbs that heal the body, the mind, and the spirit. Legba speak the Word that opens the gate to all words. Welcome Dr. John with words carried on the wings of air. Winds of life surround him as he passes through your body. Offer your airs pregnant with life. No longer a simple specter, Dr. John stirs. Spirit: Self among Selves The loadstones are now heavy with earth, water, fire, and air. An amazing and critical possibility arises at this point. The elements can mix creating a whole greater than the sum of its parts. Bring the palms of your hands together and join the loadstones. Cup your palms loosely to form a dark space around the loadstones. This is a womb. The two loadstones now stand as the Marassa, the divine twins from which all that is arises. The space around the twins is both empty and filled with the Waters of Return. This is not so much a contradiction as a mysterie. Creation takes place as the elements mix within these waters. Hold your cupped hands out before you to Dr. John. Open a space between your cupped hands for Dr. John to enter this womb world. Now The Waters, not you, beckon to Dr. John. The soft swirl and the security of the luminescent darkness reaches out to sooth. Here there takes place not so much an imbuing of essential qualities as a recognition (re + cognition is a “re knowing” or to “know again” )that the combination of earth, water, fire, and air can mix and create the conditions for a sentient being to exhibit not only knowledge but a special kind of wisdom commonly called connaisance which is an esoteric knowledge of and from the loa. Move your cupped hands containing the Marassa to your forehead and then to the back of your neck. Open them a bit for Dr. John to enter. Move your cupped hands once again to your forehead. Dr. John moves through your head. Imbue Dr. John with the essence of your Guardian Spirit. This Guardian Spirit may manifest on Many Ways. Some are: Master of the Head, Holy Guardian Angel. Imbue Dr. John with the essence of your Will which may be seen to manifest as the Ti Bon Ange, destiny, or Ka. Imbue Dr. John with the essence of your Love….called by some the Gros Bon Ange, Ba, Great Spirit, Goddess, God. Duing this passage Dr. John is exposed and imbued with three essences, not individual manifestations, of connaisance. This is critical in that connaisance takes on different aspects in different practitioners. It is the essential ground of connaisance which is imbued. Here it may be helpful to focus on function rather than the form that function takes. Again, Dr. John does not take on your Guardian Spirit, your Will, or your Love. It is the essence, the fertile ground from which these great qualities arise that is shared with Dr. John. If the aspects are emphasized, all you will have is a rather predictable and boring dopleganger of your self. Close your eyes, open your hands, and move out of the way. The next move, whatever that may be, is up to the Good Doctor. Place the loadstones on the pile of rocks under the protection of Manman Bridgette ready for the next conjure. EndNote: Complexity is the playground of fools and I have long since tired of such amusements. This conjure has but few essential qualities. The conjure exists as an offering to Dr. John Montanee; not an entreaty or a command. The voodooist cleanses, dedicates their actions, and releases their focus from a lust for result. Dr. John is first imagined. This imagining is given substance with the elements in the crucible of the voodooists body. In the last step a womb is created, Dr. John enters that womb and is then passed through the voodooists head. Now it is up to Dr. John. Place the loadstones / black rocks in a jar or bag on the pile of stones for the next time the conjure is performed.

Dr. Louie Martinié On the Waters of Mar Assi Saint John’s Eve June 22, 1913

"Bolt" by Denny Sargent,

SPIRITUAL BANISHING by Denny Sargent An excerpt from the book "CLEAN SWEEP, Banishing What You Don’t Need to Get What You Want " ( Weiser Publishing)

“We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.” Stephen Covey As we look at Banishing of ailments and demons from the Body, the Heart and the Mind, we are led to the inescapable conclusion that all three are interconnected. What interconnects and interpenetrates them all, the aura and electricity of our life, we call Spirit. So many images and ideas does this concept spark in everyone who discusses it, I will simply wave the white flag and admit to defeat in pinning down the term! Let us agree on this: Spirit is the Other, the manifestation of the spiritual, the energetic, the divine- it is really up to you! But we can say it is beyond static definition, it is the mysterious and mystical part of our universe and us. It is within and behind and throughout all we are and do and perceive. Whatever your faith (or non-faith!) the fact is, you, as a human being, are more than your body, heart and mind. I have alluded to a Self, others say Sour or Atman or Higher Self. Some preferring non-religious or spiritual language use terms like Energy or Orgone. Whatever we call it, however we face it and deal with it, it is what has been the core focus of ‘Banishing’ for centuries. The theory was simple and still is: If Spirit infuses our universe, then when something evil or wrong or harmful manifests, it can be eliminated (Banished) by removing the spiritual basis or source of that fault. I have been using the symbolism of this world view throughout the book by using the term for one of these personified evil spirits in reference to any concept or thing to be banished: demon. You have the luxury of NOT believing in actual evil spirits, demons, elementals, forces and so on, feel free to merely thing of them as symbols of something else. Buddhists would remind us that ‘all is generated from the mind’ and that therefore all ‘demons’ are internal problems to be dealt with by detaching from them. Why? Because they are not real, do not exist and so are merely illusions generated from the mind and so can be banished. Maybe true, maybe not, this is a Big Question. Yet in the end, it doesn’t matter! For the sake of our quest in this book, using Banishing as a practical and useful tool to make your life better, the ‘reality’ of these ‘demons’ is neither here nor there. The fact is, perception or real thing, you have issues and stuff and emotions and problems that you want to BANISH! If these things or ‘demons’ seem to be of a real that is of the physical, emotional or mental or if it seems beyond these areas, then Spiritual Banishing is called for. It may also be that your view of a particular situation is Spiritual in nature, even if it deals with, for example, physical problems. Again, a spiritual banishing is useful, no matter what the ‘symptom’ might be.

Ritual, rites, ceremonies and other forms of Spiritual Banishing bypass the conscious mind and the Ego; they bypass our view of the physical body and circumvent emotional states. Spiritual focus, understanding and Banishing thus literally can work wonders because it SUPERCEEDS all other sorts of banishing, if you BELIEVE. Belief is thus key, and focused belief, a combination of Love and True Will, can move mountains. Ritual has been defined as the acting out of myth, thus the symbolic creation or recreation of a spiritual event that is mirrored in the physical world of phenomena. Therapy can be considered a form or ritual as can playing a baseball game or massage. Any set of actions that is luminous, that is, has a spiritual or transcendent basis, can be an effective banishing ritual. This is the skillful active using of Spirit to accomplish real results, sometimes called ‘magic’ (or magick) as Perdurabo said: “Magick is the art of causing change to occur in conformity with Will” One could argue that all conscious AND unconscious sets of actions that cause a desired reaction is magic! Thus spiritual Banishing can be defined as any ritual action that removes or gets rid of something in your life or in your reality through INDIRECT (spiritual, energetic,) means. This can mean, as you will see, everything from prayers to spells and chants to dances and invocations. The wide panorama of global spirituality is rich with thousands of ways people have Banished what is wrong or harmful or evil. This chapter will give a general overview of types of Spiritual Banishing and then give a number of specific techniques that have been adapted for your use here and now. First, we must look at WHAT we are banishing spiritually, what sorts of things require or call for Spiritual ritual work to ban them or drive them away? They can be categorized into three types:


Malignant or harmful beings of a supernatural sort. Every culture believes in demons, devils, imps, elementals, sprites, and dark spirits that cause harm or problems. They may be truly evil, like traditional demons that cause sickness or steal kids, or they may be simply alien and enjoy causing mischief and trickery like dark elves, Japanese Oni and the like. In any event, they are seen as entities with a specific character and existence, personified with a spirit-form. Often they are Banished by invoking a higher power, by threatening them or by somehow tricking or diverting them away from causing harm


Ghosts or the dead. For many eons, in many cultures, the line between ancestor spirits and deities has been blurred. The amazingly popular Goddess Kwan Yin, found in temples all over Asia, was said to have been originally a young woman who attained enlightenment and became a goddess. Then there are the unhappy or even evil dead, those that seek to cause problems or even curse or kill the living. Fear and banishing of the dead, of ghosts and of the ‘pollution’ of death makes up a large part of global folklore! Virtually every culture has ways of banishing those who have died but refuse to leave. They include freeing ‘trapped’ souls, blasting the evil shades away or appeasing them in such a way as to divert their attention from the living. There are also a number of ways to banish the PALL or ENERGY of Death itself.


Negative spiritual or psychic energy. Some places are seen as just bad, emanating evil energy, often due to a past tragic history. Other forms of negative energy originate from people ‘cursing’ other people, casting the ‘evil eye’ or even just directing venomous anger at them, maybe using a voodoo doll, maybe using email! Yet another kind of Negative energy (Negative Chi) can come from negative actions, like bad karma, or from simply being ‘out of sync’ with the universe. This is perceived as bad luck or bad vibes. People who are ill or who have holes in their aura, psychic vampires and the like, are also generators of negative spiritual energy. Banishing this sort of energy can be seen more as deflecting, averting, sweeping away or cleansing. Often calling for a specific type of banishing called ‘purification’ it also takes thousands of forms

A SURVEY OF WORLDWIDE SPIRITUAL BANISHING Spiritual banishing may be the first and foremost ritual activity created by mankind. In the ancient world, and even today if one looks below the surface a bit, all ‘luck’ is seen as divine blessing and ‘bad luck’ is seen as a spiritual pall. Note how people say ‘God hates me!’ or ‘the universe is not with me today’ when things are going badly. People often refer to themselves as ‘cursed’ or ‘hexed’ when a number of inexplicable bad things happen to them. In fact, most people, if you really talk to them, strongly believe in a spiritual basis for much of what happens in their lives, but they often do not feel that they can control such a lofty energetic reality. In fact, all banishing is spiritual or energetic. Simply believing that things have shifted, that ‘negative energy’ or ‘bad luck’ has been swept away changes a person’s whole life. We use phrases like ‘a black cloud has lifted’ when we speak of this removal of bad luck, vibes or energy. Our problem as a modern society is that, except for a few very religious people, we have consigned the idea of spiritual banishing to that of folklore or superstition. In doing so, we have removed our power over our spiritual health and well being in many ways, assuming that we do not have any sort of control over those ‘black clouds’ that shadow our lives at times. In fact, many cultures around the world did and still do offer techniques, rituals and practices for taking control in this arena and spiritually sweeping those bad vibes, blues and negative energies away! I have seen such things first hand and experienced them as well, the work! Banishing, to reiterate, means, in a spiritual sense, the elimination of unwanted thoughts, energies, spirits, spiritual pollution or bad luck. The idea is to clear the air (maybe literally!), clear the ground, and clear the launching pad! This can be simple to do, as it is in Japan, where before a person enters a Shinto shrine he or she washes the hands and rinses the mouth from a fountain provided for this before going through the Torii or gate that marks the beginning of the sacred space. The act of banishing can also be far more complex. Some Native American rites demand days of fasting and purification in sweat lodges. The type of need or situation helps to determine what kind of banishing is to be used. A Zulu clan initiation, for example, marking a child's coming of age, will probably involve a complex and intense banishing. And purification. A prayer for good business at a Hindu

Shiva shrine, however, will probably involve a simple and easy banishing. When thinking on spiritual banishing, we need to meditate before hand on 'how deep' we are going to go. If this involves a significant life-change, something radical and powerful a very intense and thorough banishing should be designed and strictly followed through with. If, on the other hand, the situation is less intense, say, a simple healing, then that banishing need not be so intense. Each situation, indeed, requires a different degree of cleanliness and concentration. When we discuss ritual banishing, a set of actions that will spiritually "purify" the place, person or persons involved, we should understand that the real and important activity going on is a clearing of the inner self on all levels. With all this in mind, lets take a quick look at some ways spiritual or ritual banishing is done in other countries: Let me once again use the handy concept of the 5 elements within which to present a variety of methods and modes of spiritual banishings used by Shamans, magicians and priests of all faiths and religions. Air; Many forms of smoke and incense have been used throughout the ages, both to banish an area of malignant energies or beings and as offerings to the Gods or Spirits. It is hard to think of a single church, temple or sacred shrine that does not have a form of incense burning in it. Many Native Americans, especially those from the Plains, use wild sage wrapped into smudge-sticks to drive away evil. The "Peace pipe" used by Native Americans is well known as part of folklore, but the purifying and ritual importance of this ceremony is rarely examined. In this rite the pipe is extended to the four quarters of the World and thus the participants and area are made clean as well as offerings given to the Great Spirit. The Mayans used herbs and copal when clearing a temple of negative beings. Tibetans use a special mixture of herbs and resins as well as pine boughs to banish demons and wandering ghosts, as well as for offerings. The Catholic and various Orthodox churches use their own sacred blends of resins, frankincense and Myrrh being two of the most famous. Those religions that seem to retain the "Spirit" in their traditions all seem to use incense or smoke. And there are still more ways to banish using the element of air; Some traditions use fans. In Shinto a wand of paper streamers and rice straw is waved above the space or people to be banished, Tibetans use prayer flags and bells while in other Asian faiths, Taoism for example, a sacred fan with Spiritual symbols on it is waved about to purify an area. Various forms of breathing, exhaling, rhythmic or, "dragon power" breathing are also used. Think of Yoga ‘prana yama’. The Kwakiutl or Bella Bella Native Americans of the Northwest use ceremonial whistles to banish unwanted spirits and other whistles to call the Spirit desired, be it the Cannibal Raven or Wild Woman of the Woods Dzonqua. Each whistle is keyed to each function; each tone or note summons or banishes certain things. The possibilities of tonal banishing are limitless, as some modern musical Shamans are well aware. The Hopi and other tribes use a variety of substances to banish and purify that are all air born. Corn pollen is very important and sacred in that it is literally the life-essence of that which keeps the tribes alive. Plains and Central Native Americans use Eagle down and a number of other feathers and feather products in a variety of ways to purify. The Sacred Bird which brings blessings and removes uncleanness, problems or evil, is an amazingly prolific myth around the world and is thus ritually utilized in many cultures in the form of bird fetishes (feathers, down, talons) or imagery. Many cultures use wind-swept places such as mesas, cliffs and mountaintops as Sacred Spaces. The wind is the instrument of purification and is often recognized and invoked as such. Many cultures throw various powders to ritually swirl and purify people and places. In India during the Holi festival, colored sandalwood powders are constantly being tossed and blown about, mixed with the sacred mantras and shouts. In many different cultures the final purification of a person who has died, the final release of that person from this world, is in the form of ashes scattered into the wind. Indira Ghandi found her final release as her ashes were tossed into the winds out of a helicopter over Mount Everest. Then there are the pole divers of the Vaanatu tribe in central Africa who use a unique and very effective method of ritually purifying with air. They climb very tall structures and, after looping a very resilient vine about their ankles, leap. They plummet headfirst until the vine brings them up only a few feet short of the ground and they bounce up and down until they settle. What a rush that must be! A truly cleansing experience and one that is now available to all. Bunjy jumping is now a popular sport where people leap off of bridges using modern rubber and plastic ropes instead of vines. Or maybe something tamer but also exhilarating is more up your alley. Swings have been used ritually for purification for thousands of years. In Indian mythology Krishna and Radha are often pictured on a swing and all over India there are festivals and rites dedicated to these two that use swings. In Bangkok, Thailand, up until 30 or so years ago, there was a huge swing-festival of purification dedicated to Shiva. This must have come out of India centuries ago, thus attesting to its ancient origins. Swings have often been used in the West as well. Sometimes known as "Witches Cradles", certain swings are kinds of early sensory deprivation tools. In many Shamanic traditions, before initiation or illumination, the Shaman-to-be must be hung from a tree, or dangle from poles on a Sacred Lodge (as in the Sun Wheel ceremony of the Plains Indians) or hang from a tree upside down as in the Odinic mysteries of the Norse. All of these methods of personal purification and banishing use the imagery of air and wind to open the psyche, 'blow away' the debris and unwanted ideas and conditioning. Thus the mind and soul are left as clean as a wind-blown cliff. Australian Tribal people use bullroarers to purify an area, call spirits and communicate with each other. The bullroarer is a magickal piece of wood (usually) tied onto a string. This is whirled overhead, creating a sacred space of wind and sound that truly sounds like the voice of elementals. Many Pagan peoples wave sacred tree branches to purify an area or people. This ancient rite, combined with heat and water, is today in Scandinavia called a Sauna, amongst Native Americans it is known as a sweat lodge. The tree spirits and the wind that speaks through their swinging boughs affect the initial cleansing. Inuit peoples (called Eskimos by many) toss people in a blanket as high as they can to cast off the bad and bring in the good. This is also a very ancient ritual that has probably left us the trampoline today! There are many other examples of air-oriented banishing I can discuss, but I’ll leave this to the reader. Any and all of these methods are usable NOW with a little Imagination.

Fire! In India, amidst the loud chanting and throbbing music of a festival, dozens of people sway back and forth in ecstatic trance as the flames die down, suddenly they walk forward across the burning coals, some dance and others pick coals up and put them on their tongues. Their flesh is not burned and there is no pain. In Japan, near New Years Day, a group of Buddhist monks in white robes chant the Lotus Sutra and bang gongs repeatedly, suddenly several of them pick up burning sticks and begin to rub them all over their bodies, some of them place these brands in the their mouths. There is no pain; there are no wounds. Rites similar to these occur all over the world; currently fire walking has become popular even in Western countries. Many who go to these seminars may not be conscious of the ancient ritualistic purposes of this rite but, in short, it is spiritual banishing. Fire, the source of light, the origin in a million ways of civilization, is maybe the most powerful and potent purifying force. Even in cultures that do not have fire-walking rites use fire as a direct source of banishing and purification. In countries of Celtic and Scandinavian traditions the "Need-fires" or great sacred bonfires are kindled on mountaintops at the sacred festivals. Often people leap over the fires at the peak of ritual excitement. This scary and potent leap purifies the spirit and banishes all bad luck. In cultures where cremation is the norm, fire has a whole new meaning and significance. It frees the spirit or soul, it removes dross and reduces matter to its essentials. In fact, burning a thing leaves nothing but the salts and carbon associated with Earth, a potent mystical idea in and of itself. In alchemy the sacred fire used in the Work was called the Alkahest, this was not just seen as the tool for chemical and industrial development that it later became. It was also the spiritual Will, the passion and power of the human and divine essence that transmutation made possible. And so it is still seen in many cultures and rituals and fire always activates deep and powerful awe within us. The ancient Hebrews called this primordial universal fire "Qadosh" and the Vikings called it Muspelheim. Fire is, in fact, what protected us from "the Great Beast" always lurking outside the circle of light at night, whether it was the wolf, saber-tooth tiger, bear or lion. Volcanoes, those meetings of fire and earth, are always sacred; people climb them, bathe in their fumes and sacrifice to them. One common form of purification witnessed in thousands of places is the symbolic burning of prayers, sins and desires in the sacred fire. In Japan a paper doll is rubbed over the body to absorb evil and then it is burnt with prayers. In Tibet branches and butter images are burnt as offerings and to banish evil. In many cultures the New Year is marked by thorough cleaning and elimination of old things, amulets, charms and other things in a sacred fire. Fire is often considered the essence of all things, as Hereclitus said; "All is fire". Many philosophers agree and, if we consider fire the outward symbol of all energy, so do modern scientists. Kundulini, as Shakti or power when activated, is said to bathe the aspirant in the purifying fire of consciousness. Simply visualizing the aura a light causes the temperature to rise and the blood to flow quicker. Candles, fires, lamps and torches have always been an important part of almost every Spiritual ritual. Mystics and others peer into the fire to see the future or to commune with spirits and gods. Chinese create noise and flame to drive off evil spirits and banish misfortune with firecrackers and rockets! These were/are magickal tools. Birthday candles point to another ancient form of banishing evil, this has come to us today as an extinguishing of "old age" but it once was potent banishing and wishing. Since E=Mc2, energy and matter can never be destroyed; only transformed from one into the other. Thus the flame is extinguished and really is it is "gone" from this perception and takes our wish/prayer/sin with it. Candles, lamps and fires are lit in many rituals for an even simpler reason, the sacred light, just by its existence, banishes the dark, the realm of shadows. Nothing does this better than the sun. The sun may be the source of all energy and all purification, but most cultures have indeed seen fire as the "little sun" or "the son of the sun.� Burning herbs like sage, bundles of cedar bark, sacred lamps of oil, candles with runes carved into them and combustible images all of these and more are traditionally used to banish or purify an area or a person Spiritually. The Vajra wand of Tibet symbolizes lightning which possibly was the origin of all fire millennium ago, the fire from heaven. Any sudden burst of neuro-energy is referred to as "lightening" in many traditions. The simple banishing in Tantrika striking the palm of the left hand, often accompanied by the power-mantra PHAT!, is called "the lightning bolt� and is very effective. Fire is motion, action, dance; the leap of the flames finds echoes in many sacred dances, which purify, charge and banish the mundane. Often the simple presence of fire is enough to cleanse or banish an area for ritual work; the imagination is aflame with possibilities! And what of Water? Almost all religious and spiritual traditions use water in one way or another as a purifying medium. As Tibetan monks prepare for a puja (ritual of devotion) to Tara or Mahakala, they pour water from a silver vessel, suck it into their mouths and, after swishing it around, spit it out, often with mantra. In Japan every Shinto shrine has a water trough with sacred emblems on and over it. Before entering the shrine one must take a dipper of the water and wash the fingers of both hands and, as in Tibet, also clean out the mouth before proceeding. As deep meditation and chanting continue in an ashram in India, the Guru walks about the people and, using a beautiful peacock feather fan-wand, performs "shaktipat" and sprinkles/purifies the people. Om Namah Shivaya! A Greek Orthodox priest, chanting sacred prayers takes an apergillum from the altar and sprinkles holy water over the sacred area and altar before the ritual proper commences. A simple sprinkling of water, or a light washing of hands and mouth; these ritual clensings are often practical and brief substitutions for the most common method of banishing with liquid; ritual submersion in water.

The Zen monk sits under the icy waterfall for two days, washing away attachment. A thousand miles away hundreds of people are chanting to Shiva and immersing themselves in the Ganges River whose blessing, they believe can wash away sin and attachment. A black Baptist preacher submerges the girl in a river, baptizing her, cleansing her of sin and bringing her into the faith. A Cherokee Indian, 3 days into his fast, stands in a stream washing away the veil between himself and his vision. In New Zealand the Maori tribesmen have just finished the three days of funeral vigil for a member who has recently died. Several of them go to the deceased man's home and sprinkle every corner with water while chanting in Maori. In this way the contamination of death is dispelled. The Orthodox Jew sprinkles sacred herbs into a bath of hot water while chanting a Hebrew prayer. He will bath in this before doing his ritual while a tantrik magician half a world away is doing almost the same thing, except the herb he is using is Tulsi and the chant is "Aim." As the shaman, priest or magician of each culture bathes, whether it is in a sacred African river or in a candle-lit bathtub, the process of banishing by bathing is similar. The medium is seen not just as water but as sacred water. This is accomplished by either it already having been accepted as sacred (i.e.; the Ganges) or being made sacred with herbs, oils, salts, minerals, a sacred object, mantras, prayers and so on. Other practices such as gestures (mudra) may also be used. Emerging from the bath, clean clothes are often put on and the bather is renewed, clean and free of negative energy. Why is this bathing ritual so prevalent? We can see it in Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America; in short, wherever water is plentiful enough to use for such a purpose! Possibly it is because we are created in the water of the womb. Genetic memory, via the everhandy group unconscious mind, tells us that we came from the primal ocean. We are, of course, over 75% water ourselves and the constant need to replenish that personal supply is a key factor in human life. In almost all creation and destruction myths, water plays an important part. Water from the sky has always been seen as sacred, not to mention important for raising the crops that kept the people alive. Rain was seen in many ways, as the sacred sexual fluid coming from the mating sky-Father and Earth Mother (or visa versa in the case of Egyptian mythology) and rainstorms always heralded a change in weather, attitude, tension and emotions. There are many other liquids that are used for banishing or purification besides water. Blood, both menstrual and otherwise have been used for thousands of years to bless, purify and charge an area for ritual work. In Santeria ceremonies a chicken or other animal is sacrificed and the blood sprinkled over an area or person to remove negative energies. In Bali almost the same rite is done for similar reasons and blood spilled during numerous rites of passage, from African medicine huts to North American medicine circles, is thought to cleanse the body, soul and spirit while preparing the initiate for the transformation of initiatory experience. One has but to go no further than the local Catholic Church to see a Spiritual ceremony where the Blood of God is manifested and given to others. Blood is the life, as many sacred texts say. Blood contains the DNA and projects monumental amounts of orgone instantly. We are a part of the Earth (Gaia) and patterned after her in form. Many myths say that the rivers and oceans of the Earth are Gaia's blood and thus all sacred water, being Gaia's blood, connects deeply with the constant use of blood in rituals all over the world. This author does not advocate animal sacrifice or self-mutilation, though those practices have been and are still being practiced today as modes of banishing by very powerful ritualists. It is merely a deep and constant theme that runs through ritual history again and again and thus we must take it into account. Other liquids that have been used for banishing and purification are sperm, vegetative saps and juices, various oils, saliva and even urine! In Kenya the Masai bathe newborn children in cow urine ritually. Though this seems vile to many, it actually has a highly antiseptic quality and is quite beneficial. Oils combine the qualities of air in their scents and water in their form. They are used by many different sects and traditions, each wearing his or her oil is best. These oils often served the dual purpose of ritually purifying the area or the person as well as being practical. Many kept the ritualist warm or ‘banished’ insects away. Sap is the essence or spirit of the pine tree and rose oil is indeed the essence of the rose. Thus we identify with and, in a sense, become these other living beings in order to remove ourselves momentarily from the mundane sphere and become clean and purified of it's entanglements. The animal or plant "spirits," (and notice the word "spirits"!) are conjured by the sacred menstrum of their essence, and thus purify us in order that we may live free of negativity. Returning to the concept of "spirits," wine, beer and liquor are also seen as the blood of the grain or grape ("John Barleycorn" or "Bacchus" respectively), with a Spiritual transformative element added; fermentation! Needless to say these liquids have been used for centuries to banish melancholy, inspire the Muse, wash the blues away and drown troubles! Banishing by the Water Element in one of its most pervasive forms! Earth; Sacred places are Earth -oriented in nature; sacred springs, grottos, woods, mountains, caves etc. Thus it is not surprising that ritual practices connected with the Earth and things symbolizing the awesome powers of the Earth are commonly used in banishing and purification. To begin with, certain places imbued with Earth-power have been visited since the dawn of time by people looking for purification, healing or blessings. Mount Kailash in India, The Kuala Lampur Caves, Mount Arat in the Middle East, The Grand Canyon

and Mount Fuji in Japan; all of these and many other sacred Earth "powerspots" are even today inundated with people looking to spiritually banish or purify aspects of their lives. Here we have the origin of the pilgrimage. Yet this ceremony need not lead one to the actual place, often a symbol will do. In Japan there is a ceremony every year near Tokyo where the participants walk down an isle of piles of sand, thus they symbolically make the difficult pilgrimage to dozens of sacred Temples without going very far. Simply having a representation of Mt. Meru in the form of the Shri Yantra (visualized or made in the form of a 3D Yantra) invokes the purifying force of this sacred mountain. In certain forms of Taoist meditation the seated self is visualized as the Mountain and, when the identification is intense enough, this banishes unwanted thoughts and creates stillness. For a key to this Yoga read the I CHING hexagram "Mountain over Mountain." Mountains can rarely be moved, but stones can and people have been moving and using them ritually since man began using rituals. Circles like Stonehenge, the Sacred Wheel in America, the sacred stones in Machu Picchu, Peru, or the stones in Palanque, Mexico, are a few examples. Smaller sacred henges, lings, menhirs, altars etc. have been made and are even today being made by shamans, magicians and priests all over the world. Then there are the more personal uses of stones. In Tibet or Nepal if you climb the sacred hills and mountains you will find piles of stones with prayer flags fluttering from them here and there. One traditionally takes a stone and places it on the pile as one passes. Thus you symbolically "leave behind" a part of yourself, maybe something you don't need to "carry," and also leave an offering to the spirits. The stuff of Mother Earth is sacred to most peoples, it is the flesh and bones of the Great Spirit. Hopi use blessed colored sand to demarcate the sacred area and purify it. Then the artistic miracle of the sand painting occurs. Often people who are sick or in need of cleansing are placed on the sand painting. The "mud people" of Papua New Guinea plaster colored earth on their faces and in their hair as a banishing of negative energy before ritual action. In Tibet huge and complex Mandalas are created with colored sand as part of a long and intense ritual that is to purify and bless all the people in the area. Then other "flesh" of earth, plants and minerals, are rolled and charged as sacred "precarious" pills, to banish evil, remove negative Karma and even heal physical complaints. The Hopi and Navaho use corn meal in similar ways, blue, white, yellow and red forms are all natural and all used. In the Middle East and parts of India a person who is suffering under great grief or under the weight of a great sin often touches the earth, sometimes with his or her head and may cast dirt over his or her head and body. In India and ancient European cultures people often cover themselves with "sack cloth and ashes," or just ashes. Covering the self with ashes is actually common to many cultures, Shaivite aesthetics and others in India banish unwanted ideas and egoic attachments by becoming identified with cremated people, that is, by rubbing them all over the body, attachments to life are symbolically removed. By scattering sacred earth over oneself or a given area problems and guilt are "earthed" and thus removed. Such a primal and unconscious act! Within the earth have always been found special Earth symbols that have been used throughout time to banish and manipulate energies. In Neolithic pit burials, along with ocher and bones have been found "special" stones, especially precious and semiprecious stones. In this time of crystal-mania the real and fascinating shamanic history of the sacred uses of crystals and other "power" stones is often overlooked or misrepresented. Needless to say, they are some of mans earliest sacred objects and were (and are) used in many cultures to ceremonially banish and purify people and areas. Double-terminated crystals have been found in burials and in sacred places from Scandinavia to Peru, In Nepal and the surrounding area the "Vajra" or thunderbolt wand was originally patterned on the doubleterminated crystal. The same is true in ancient Norse Shamanism. The "wish fulfilling gem" of ancient Indian Tantrik mythology can not only banish all evil, but also grant all wishes. Stones found with natural holes in them have been considered sacred and purifying in many cultures such as the Celtic. Australian Aboriginal peoples have many sacred inscribed stones that contain such power that for the uninitiated to look upon them is death. Simply bringing these stones into a given area makes them sacred. We could go on but my stone-weary readers get the idea and I'm sure can think of other examples of Earth banishing rituals. If you spill some salt, don't forget to toss some over your shoulder! (A simple earth-oriented banishing with roots in far antiquity.) In Shinto shrines, branches of bamboo are attached to the Torii or gates to purify the shrine and people who enter it. Kwakiutl Indians in British Columbia always tie rings of fresh cedar bark around their arms and necks before the Winter Ceremonial. The Yule tree, a traditional Earth blessing stolen by the Christians from Pagan Norse religion, is a prime example of tree-worship and bringing the Earth Spirit into the dwelling to bless, banish and empower it. Then the Yule log is burned a symbol of removing the clutter of the old year and cleansing the tribe for a new start at the New Year. In China certain "singing stones" are powerful Spirit tools that produce banishing sound and energy when struck, sometimes sheets of inscribed jade are used in this way. Many forms of Earth-power are used for cleansing and creating Spirit spaces. Chalk is often used as is sand, pollen, rice, flour and many other substances. In Haiti veves or sacred diagrams are traced in the dirt floor of the Temple to banish the area and prepare it for the visit of the Loa or presiding spirit. Of course one could go endlessly on, chatting about carvings, stone animal temple guardians, rune stones cast or thrown, rune staves driven into certain places etc. Needless to say the possibilities are limited only by the imagination and the materials of the Earth that are produced and offered by Nature.

Spirit; The realm of the spirits, the Astral Plane, Nirvana, Prakriti, Heaven, "the beyond-place," Celestial Sphere, Quantum Universe, inbetween, Spiritual Sphere, Ain Soph, Tao, KI, electro-magnetic spectrum, Inner mind or "spirit world;" whatever one wishes to see as the menstrum or "sphere" of energetic working, this is the reality of spirit. Everyone who does specific spiritual practices to banish is looking to cause effect in the mundane world, but they are using intangibles such as Will, Love and Imagination to cause these things to happen.

And why not? The banishing or purification of Spirit is the inner work of all that has been previously discussed. The "Greater Mind" must concentrate and, on a very deep level, transform the outward ritual actions into meaningful Spiritual actions with deep reverberating symbolic power. Easier said than done! The Purification of the Spirit is, in fact, the Great Work; the focusing on intent, on the aspects that are to be banished, on these things that must be "removed" from our reality or sphere before other serious work can be done. There are endless ways to do this but, as we have seen from our quick tour of banishing around the world. In essence, the process of spiritually banishing anything is simple. The key to any spiritual banishing, whether using ritual techniques or practices that manipulate Air, Earth, Fire or Water, is the intent or Will of the person doing the banishing. And simply using Will or focused real intent is not enough unless it is backed up with Love. Love of self, Love of others Love of the state you wish to be in and Love of the world in which we live. By accepting our situation, willing to banish something spiritually, it is through an act of love combined with this spiritual focus that we can banish or change anything. Faith really does move or even banish mountains!

"Hieroglyphica Naturae" (acrylic on panel) by Patrick Larabee

Report on the Founding of the Budapest Nexus of the Horus-Maat Lodge by Saddie LaMort

The air filled with anticipation at the Witchcraft Museum of Budapest, on the 20th of July, 2013 as we gathered for the first official meeting of the Budapest Nexus. When I joined the Horus-Maat Lodge, I started translating texts to understand them better, and with a hope to get some people interested, but it outgrew all my hopes and expectations. First it was just a cyber thing, a couple of people doing the NU Moon rite. Then as Hungary was so much lacking the magickal power, we saw the need to double the rite, doing a special working at Full Moons to bring the country up to speed. Our Hungarian language Facebook group grew, and is now 35 strong (31, plus four esteemed non-Hungarian speaking guests). Anita, the owner of the Museum was kind, as always. When we explained to her our intentions, she generously gave access to the ritual / lecture room for our purposes. One by one people arrived - all with the intention to join in ritual, to reaffirm their alignment with the Double Current and to found a core group in the heart of Hungary. Many people could not make it, although they were there in heart - they are eagerly awaiting the next possibility to join in with us. The Altar was set up in a simple, and intentionally chaotic way - a candle, incense, a bell, a mirror and the ritual feathers of people were arranged on top, with the Vulture Feather of the Nexus at the centre. We begun with a chat - established that we are equal and none is to claim leadership, shared our experiences with Maat Magick and the 11*, and talked about possibilities for a future that looks really bright. We then drew the outline of the ritual, went through certain postures and concepts for the benefit of less experienced members, then entered the ritual. The Spacemark Banishings cleard our way. The room was crackling with power as we danced in the circle, each coming into the Constellation by sheer force of Will, holding hands. We raised energy with the chant "ABRAHADABRA IPSOS N'ATON" (for which we would like to express our gratitudes to Aion), consulting Ma'at by Nema's most powerful Feather Rite, then went into the Full Moon section. As we closed the veil after the ceremony, we all felt a sense of renewed resolve. The Double Current is now firmly established in the ancient land of Pannonia.

"The Tree of Life" by Patrick Larabee

Rudra Principle by Paul Hardacre

Hieros Gamos by Paul Hardacre

Including a Beautiful Pyramid by Paul Hardacre

“Slowly, slowly, I drew her hand towards my lips, stripping from it the white, fragrant glove, hearing as I did so the catching of her breath. Then, half crazed with love, I pressed my teeth into the ball of her little thumb.” – Gustav Meyrink, The Golem

“Heaven above, Heaven below Stars above, Stars below All that is above, Also is below Grasp this, And rejoice.”

including a beautiful pyramid

“For him the priest and the warrior are but food, and death is the condiment. Who knows when he will come?”

– Katha Upanisad 2.25 made of gamebooks hands he clings & falls below the SS trundle lost he melts the ark a wall or ‘river of blood’ outside all hips with wings & drinking horses / tears from a conch or just born weeping pampered clutching of air his robot fear & voice of early keyboards star-sponge! rips her bra & hair now golden (elemental collection failure) fruit he steals & rips again & smells like death her bra & skin the mixture strove to swamp the surge or fall hermetic / wand or rose & light (brotherhood of meat the ginger noise the life of sun & fish flakes from 2000 (massive darkside comes to rest as risingson cipher for (lies) mohammed / tail as fan he rests in ocean arrows earth & sea her curve her cosmic egg in halves (totality, female imps) & something about ogresses: overrated ‘eaters of raw flesh’

– Athanasius Kircher, Prodromus coptus sive aegyptiacus “Cover your heads and throw the bones of your mother behind you.”

– Zeus to Deucalion and Pyrrha, after the flood red earth taste of young or nascent gold & death into the world the tree he cried the yellow river fruits & flowers in her skirt & bones the rising source of sighs against the night the cold star rays & ages dark its rays are dark & formed of blood she stored her maw-like womb she clawed the sky & nothing to the east no moon or poisoned milk & all was water wide & had no shores or birds the fire is secret equal to itself he bridges rain with fronds & creepers dons the crawling lion in her hand a sun & then her eyes she feeds the stone her hair or hidden beauty in the caverns in the afterdarkness light a kind of metal earth she quickens many-eyed & royal red to blackness sick with love the art of not-hot fire a crest of fish fins occult dryness from the edge the shape of egg whose shell was night

“Inside, room succeeded room, each as glacial as the last, each carved in granite and surmounted by a vaulted roof, not unlike the hold of a boat; from these rooms, by means of spiral stairways, one could go up or down into another identical set of chambers linked by a network of cellar passageways in which deep nooks and crannies, the purpose of which was lost in the mists of time, had been hewn.” – Joris-Karl Huysmans, Là-Bas “Visit the Interior of the Earth, purify it, and you’ll find the hidden stone (Visita Interiora Terrae, Rectificandoque, Invenies Occultum Lapidem).”

– Emblem of Vitriol artificial tree he fed by fire & gold when ripe the citrine wood or skin of lions dread he beats the air with wings & sweats the grave its eggs a red a saffron ashen black & white his milky food a hill with club & clouds a blackened dog or heart & ringed by stone the greatest joy a brute he split in half this chaos has six keys her neck a gold-set diamond clawed her face a beast unlike the moon her sublime arch of pubis to the west when she was near & dark in colour mossy road or cave of peach all intertwined & winding round her breasts in crooked knots of sticks & reeds & striped with mud she craved the dung & bones the well of sky was green & stretched the yawn of sun his trunk of snow or ermine-coated frost: a layered horn compacted soot of pumice-flesh

Under the Shadow of Bright Wings by Shade Oroboros I stand at the helm of the ship of the Sun, I hold the steering oar guiding the journey of day and night. I am the Hand of Ra, I am the Eye of Horus, I am born from the lotus of infinite time. I am Amon the brilliance of the dawn, I am the Heart of the Sun. I rise in the form of a Lion, I am the Light that creates all life. I am the High One of noon, the Hawk-lord soaring. I rise above all, I am Shu, the holy breath of the wind. At the dusk I am Atum, the Ram, the Complete One; I enter the darkness under the world, sailing womb-waters of infinite space. In the night I am Khephra Scarab-beetle, I journey with the primal Ogdoad in the form of frogs and snakes, the gods who renew the world.

Most Excellent One, Ancient Sphinx, I stand between your paws of stone a toy for your delight! Eternal Feline, the gods fear Time, but Time fears your sharp claws. Tribes and cities pass away watched by your dreaming emerald eyes, kings and palaces turn to dust while you cat-nap away the centuries, snoozing away the aeons as they pass, unwinding them like a ball of yarn... Ancient Egypt by Shade Oroboros Silence, then opening. Words begin, the sacred names, they circle into infinity with unbegining and no ending. The spheres: world, moon, sun, stars, galaxies, the diamond void. The circle is the center of everything and nothing. The serpent devours her tail.

I swim in Chaos and the coils of the Serpent, I am the Child born every day in cycles of Eternity. I arise with the Sun, I change with the Moon, I dance with the Stars I sleep in Space.

Spiraling in emptiness, nothing is ever lost. Mystery of sand and sky, sun and shadow, infinite time splinters history. I stand where gods made world, brought time, being self.

I am born eternally, I can never die; I am the rhythm of songs, I am the Child of all gods.

The river winds in curves the sun moves in circles the winds turn in cycles around the spinning globe.

I sail on the all-giving River above the skies, I am guided by Thoth and his wisdom.

In this endless moment I am whole under the shadow of the ageless Sphinx.

I stand at the helm of the ship of the Sun, In my hand I hold the steering oar guiding the journey of life and death.

With a Pen of Reed & Ink of Red by Shade Oroboros

Edfu Temple, Egypt Oct. 31, 2012

The Ibis God, the sacred Scribe, the mocking Ape of Thoth. Recording angel, history, message, art and poetry. The pages scroll, the tale is told, the moment is inspiration, the book is eternal.

Claws of Time (The Sphinx) by Shade Oroboros Great Cat of the Gods,

Here I stand with ready hand to hear the words of Magick.

"Shakti Spiral." by Hermeticusnath DANCING WITH THE SHIVA/SHAKTI ALL STARS by Hermeticusnath Om And So It Was On Mount Kailasa‌.. Shiva laughed Kali folded her arms and snarled Shiva raised an eyebrow; "What's the matter with YOU baby?" Kali vented Shiva bought her something nice Kali stomped Shiva tickled her Kali huffed and turned around Stars exploded, civilizations fell Shiva sighed And then he got an idea He danced He danced like a Fool Like the hanged man, the magus, the priest and charioteer and the World He danced outrageously

Hips wiggling, standing on his head, crushing evil Maya dwarves and scattering rabbits, ghosts and skeletons he was outrageous and obscene and drunkstonedtrippin and howling barking laughing Like a pagala nut case. And She couldn’t help it Kali Shakti snickered She let a grin slip through her fingers She laughed then, smiled and her eyes bloomed the sun came out, the thunderclouds broke, the birds sang and she joined him and they boogied and waltzed and pogoed and salsaed and pirouetted and all was destroyed and all was recreated and the cosmos again was birthed Stars, galaxies, comets flying and the lovely earth and all upon it did awake with a sigh and a leap and FUN was had And they made passionate love and the stars fell and the humans danced and partied and sang along and the animals cheered and everything rocked And later floating upon the milky sea in a raft of empty wine bottles and bundles of hemp The two lay entwined ah and then Shakti Kali Maha Devi Wearing that blessed Lakshmi-Gauri-Parvati visage jumped up and said: “Im hungry- what do you want to eat?” And Shiva said '”EVERYTHING!” And Lakshmi said- “Right! With everything on it, right?" And so the Feast began… And later, as the day came to an end- as all things do they wondered together: "What should we do TOMORROW?"

"To Go" by Aion 131

Ganesha-Pula Emerald Zonule Renewal by Hermeticusnath * Banishing: PHAT 5x (4 directions and center) * Bow to Ganesh: OM GAM GANIPATAYE NAMAH 3X * Bow to the Guru/Lineage etc:: OFFERINGS TO THE GURU! GURU OM x3 OFFERINGS TO THE GODS, THE SPIRITS, THE ANCESTORS * Circle Cast: OM MANI PADME HUM 11 x * Circle Centered: OM NAMAH SHIVAYA 108X- Offerings to the Shivaling of ashes * Removing all negativity: Each adept anoints 3 Centers/Gunas invoking Devi: HRIM SHRIM KRIM PARAMESHVARI SVAHA 3x * MAY ANY ERRORS WE MAKE IN THIS RITUAL, ANY SLIGHTS, ANY NEGATIVITY GENERATED BE AS RAIN STRIKING THE OCEAN, DISPERSED, FORGIVEN AND FORGOTTEN- BY OUR EFFORTS MAY ALL ATTAIN THE LIGHT OM!!! * Preliminary Invocation: Narada Said: *1. With head bowed let him unceasingly worship in his mind the god Vinayaka, the son of Gauri.The refuge of his devotees, for the complete attainment of longevity, amorous desires and wealth. OM: 2. Firstly, as the ONE WITH THE TWISTED TRUNK; Vakratundam secondly, as the ONE WITH THE SINGLE TUSK;Ekadantam Thirdly, as the ONE WITH THE FAWN COLORED EYES;Krsnapingaksam forthly as the ONE WITH THE ELEPHANT'S MOUTH;Gajavaktram 3. Fifthly, as the POT-BELLIED ONE; Lambodaram sixthly, as the MONSTEROUS ONE;Vikatam Seventhly, as the KING OF OBSTACLES; Vighnarajam eighthly, as the SMOKE-COLORED ONE;Dhumravarnam

4. Ninthly, as the MOON-CRESTED ONE; Bhalacandram tenthly, as the REMOVER OF HINDERANCES; Vinayakam Eleventhly, as the LORD OF HORDES; Ganapatim twelthly, as the ONE WITH THE ELEPHANT'S FACE.Gajananam Here ends, in the holy Narada-Purana, the hymn to Ganipati called 'Destroyer of Difficulties.' * OM GAM GANIPATIYE NAMAH! 108x * Visualization/Invocation Om Gam Gam Gam Gam Ganeshaya Namah! The earth appears caught in the web of many stars and a handful of jewel-planets in the pattern of a 6 rayed star And this hexagram Cast in celestial star stuff coalesces upon the Earth And it becomes at the MOMENT of synergy A Pantacle Formed of four dimensions Height, length, depth and Time And it is a Yantra And it is the Yantra of Ganesh And the moon and Sun mate And 2=0 and the dragon eats his tail And there is an orange tinged eclipse darkness A circular shadow and halo of New Aeonic fires And it is the orange-gray skin of the awakening Ganesha Four dimensions, four arms Om Gam! Manifest upon the Throne of Earth! Om Gam! Weaving planet-gems about you Om Gam! You preside over the removing of obstacles Old aeons and patterns Old thinking and living Om Gam! You break through Restrictions As you have for aeons and aeons Since before humans and when humanity was formed And our bond was sealed When the first neanderthal spear Pierced the first mastadon And the thundering filled the valleys And the mountains trembled And with the last gasp HE whispered 'I am the maker and remover of obstacles You can partake of me You can become anything you wish' In the scintillating vision The 12 names are offered as sparkling gemstones The chants, the offerings, the orgasmic Union And the offering of the moon tears and the heart blood and the mind forms In the darkness And Ganesh reveals his glory Right hand held aloft in the mudra of the sword The Aeonic energies of Heru that cut the slave chains In his left hand upraised is a lotus The image of all humans as one Of all beings as one

Of the flowering of Groupmind and harmony Free of fear and full of healing The lower right hand forms the mudra of Giving That our visions of healing and unity are granted The last hand is raised in the mudra of dispelling fear So that the cataclysmic shaking of the earth As age changes to age Is the gentle laughter of the mighty god And offerings done, puja done, three powers extinguished The chant merges all into the removal of obstacles So that World Groupmind may manifest And all is ever as it was And all beings are Free And all will be Open. * Blessing of the offerings: OM GAM SVAHA! : Vibrated by all The food is charged and blessed and offered to Ganesh Arti Tray is passed around and each Partakes/invokes/offers/prays to Ganesh requesting what they Will. When it returns to the altar- meditation and quiet chanting: OM GAM! VAKRATUNDAM MAHA KAYA KOTI SURYA-SAMAPRABHA AVIGHNAM KURU ME DEVA SARVAKAYYESHU SARVADA “O Lord Ganesh! You with a big belly and of monsterous size and power- come! O light of a hundred thousand suns- fill us with your energy! Always remove all obstacles to our True Will!! Offering of all merit to the enlightenment of all beings: HEALTH, WEALTH, PROSPERITY & LIVERATION TO ALL BEINGS! MAY ALL BEINGS ATTAIN PEACE THE WILL TO LOVE IS THE LAW TO LIVE And now we relax and offer kusa to Ganesh etc. OM NAMAH GANESHAYA ‌. When done: OM! To see the delusion of the material world, its involvements, and its bondage, but also to understand its relative reality as a matrix for development. The Cosmic People have only one precept: "Not to cause harm, loss or suffering to any other living creature beyond that of dire necessity." To develop the powers and wisdom of the supraconscious mind; to become awake and aware; to attain freedom on all levels. We came from God and to divinity we must return. To establish contact with our Guardian Spirit and to live in harmony with it. Thus we attain divine grace and guidance. To live in accord with the natural law of Earth and Cosmos. This is the Way of Life of Cosmic People and is without frustrations and oppressions. Let us never forget that in our True Nature we are Divine and Immortal. To study the Secret Sciences, to gain esoteric Knowledge and Guidance. To do the experimental work to confirm our beliefs and make all this possible. To be free, to live free, and maintain freedom; to live by our own Will and enjoy real happiness on all levels. To spread our Wisdom and Work so that all worthy people may be enlightened by it and live in harmony and enjoy peace, freedom and happiness.

This is the Magnum Opus of all Magick and Esoteric Sciences. It should be our objective, aim and Way of Life. Thus, we should live by this Magick and when we are ready to leave this earthly life we can truly say, "All my Life, Love, and Learning has been dedicated to the most noble cause in the world - Real Peace, Real Freedom, and Real Happiness for all Mankind." - From The Organon of the Magnum Opus by Shri Gurudev Dadaji Mahendranath OM SHANTI SHIVA SHAKTI 3X * All touch the Earth: HEAL THE EARTH, REBIRTH 3x> * Banish; PHAT! X5 (at 4 directions and center) * THE WILL TO LOVE IS THE LAW TO LIVE!

"Hekate Propylaia" by Patrick Larabee,

The Space-marks Confounded by Soror Iris E. This is an extremely simplified, albeit confounded version of Nema's Spacemarks, and Eightfold Banishment Ritual, abridged. It was indeed inspired by Liber Al vel Legis, Chapter I, verse 52. It was also created with the intention of simplifying the ritual, so as the names used in the original version would still be uttered in silence. What will be spoken aloud now becomes more relateable to those who are completely unfamiliar with Thelema or its concept of deity, acting as an excellent introductory ceremony. In names, and in silence, is there power. As with the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, drawing the O's, and the X's in coloured flame is one suggested visualisation, weather pre-determining the colour of the flame beforehand, or not. I have still borrowed heavily from the physical gestures suggested by Nema Andahadna, though these descriptions are the result of their use, and some personal adaptions, some parts of this ritual have remained untouched from the original. Through play, and practice, this has been made customized to my use, though suggestions, and comments on choice of alternate words are always welcome. In the name of improvisation, alteration, of course, and as always, selfinitiation. Power to your Work.

"If this be not aright; if ye confound the space-marks, saying; they are one, or saying they are many; if the ritual be not ever unto me; then expect the direful judgments of Ra-Hoor-Khuit!" -AL.I.52 Instructions: X - Draw an X (sometimes, encircled with an O), envisioning this in any way your creative imagination prefers. Make the visualization of the impression this leaves strong in your mind's eye. Cast symbols using the wand mudra, unless otherwise inclined; Thumb between middle, and forefinger of dominant hand.

Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law, South: (X) In the name of Nature. *draw the letter 'S' on its side* Shaitan South-East: (X) In the Name of ........ *Sign of Silence; Step forward, placing fingers to lips* ............. East: (X) In the Name of the Force, and Fire. *step forward, stomp with right foot, raising both arms straight out, palms flat, facing away* Ra-Hoor-Khuit North-East: (X) In the Name of SOMETHING. *Step forward, stamp foot gently or loudly, touching the forehead three times with finger(s)* Hadit North: (X) In the Name of NOTHING. *Raise left hand, bent at elbow, palm facing up, bringing the right hand over to it, tracing an arch, from the left to the right, finishing with both palms open, on opposite sides* Nuit North-West: (X) In the name of Truth. *Make fist of the left palm, facing upwards, bent at the elbow, open right palm, bent at elbow, bringing the center right forearm to the left hand fist; As they are joined, the closed fist opens, and the open fist, closes; This is a very elegant movement* Ma'at

West: (X) In the Name of Lust, and Love. *cups hands as a chalice, before you* Babalon Southwest: (X) In the name of Communication. *Raise hands in 'Devil' gesture, with middle and ring finger closed up to the palm, the pinky, thumb and index finger pointing upwards, arms above the head* Aiwass Express these forcefully, or with power, and trace the 'O' counter clockwise:

South: (OX) Begone all Elementals out of place! East: (OX) Begone all malignant entities! North: (OX) Begone all those who work contrary to the Magickal Current! West: (OX) Begone all those who would interfere! Southwest: Facing South, whirl your tool overhead chanting thrice, (In the name of) NATURE! (And) COMMUNICATION! Think or say: "The Nature of Communication." Shaitan, Aiwass Hold your tool at your chest, pointing to the Heart Chakra, and turning deosil 360 degrees, shout, aloud or astrally: ANATHAMA! Go back to each station, tracing not only an X, but an O encircling it. I suggest drawing the O deosil, if you intend to do any invokation within your circle, and widdershines, if you do not want other energies or entities present. To close the banishment, call these words again, in opposite order, also drawing the O+X. and repeating the Divine Names internally, or the revised mundane terms aloud.

Love is the Law, love under will. (Love begets worlds.) "This Space-Marks banishing is used by Horus/Ma'atian Magickians. Soror Andahadna (Nema) developed the Maat/Banishing to 'permit clarity of transmission.' Later, Fr. Aossic Aiwass suggested the above space-marks arrangement for the Banishing. You trace a large 'X' with the sword or knife point at each direction at each of the compass points, beginning at the South and working counter clockwise. What is between the four cardinal points of the compass could very well be a source for reactivating ancient atavisms!"

- *Special thanks to Fr. O.D.B., for his constructive insight.

"Meditation on the Abyss" by Soror CVIII

"Untitled (in the presence of Knight of Cups Thoth Tarot card)" by Soror CVIII

"Untitled (in the presence of The Magus Thoth Tarot card)" by Soror CVIII

by Soror CVIII, "Untitled (in the presence of The Star Thoth Tarot card)" See more at

"Ignite the Spark" by Patrick Larabee

Ignite the Spark by Daniel Niehaus Ignite the Spark, Bring the Fire from the Heart, Learn to create with Art. To cause the world to change first you must start... To begin first breathe out all tensions of self. Empty ones selves into a bottomless pit and seal the vacuum of space with a kiss. Open the inner senses and listen to the voice of silence. All things form out of this void. And this is the deepest level of conscious experience, it is only filled with the creative power of your imagination. So fill it with focus , for the dreams you birth into existence will be yours to claim. Often first we must give life to demons to understand our own fears and know their names. One must then accept them as extensions of ones human self. And thereby bless them and transmute them into true power. For in this is alchemy and transformation of Fear into Love. With Love all things are conquered and connected. An unending strength is born in the center of ones being, and the knowledge of Eternal Life has become an inner and outer actuality. As Light is shown forth to brighten external realities. And this is just the beginning of the journey. The trek is infinite, and the rationality of the intellect and language will never be a completely accurate map to reflect the process. Take a deep breathe and don't stop the motion, this tantra is a ritual of dance wherein the dancefloor is an unexplored ocean. Its waves are the guides. Your obstacles , your opportunities. Your rhythm to fluctuate in perfect timing with the perfection of change. Progress to better the skill of the Dancer, the speaker, the thinker, the singer, the painter, and the lover. Invite the challenges awaiting around each corner. Shrink not , dive deeper.. Eye Manifest Eye Manifest As AmagusTerra Wrist of my mind making matter. Like Waves Watery words Splatter and sputtered. Inspired like Doves descending Spirit Birds. With Simplicity of Ease Eye flow windlike, and bellowed breath breeze. Foaming Forth from fluid mouths Woden. Many Mens Will mutter, eroding corroded controlled Modes. Most Masterfully Articulated Morphonetic Dialectics Decisively dealt inform infinitely freeversed and born. Dispersing intellect in directed eternal inflections. Spoken in slippery sleek streaked and shiny speech spat. Variations of vocalizations venomous like a serpent. With endlessly layered lattices of linguistic scripts. Cycles of synonyms in symbols packed and stacked in synthesis. This Depth of speech may never quit.

Mind, Heart, Hand and Eye, freaking oracular tweaks cause souls to fly. Frequently aspected facets forked in fractal tongues witch twist and contort. A Wizard Weaving Webs, Forever talking in Polyrhythmic rhymes designed with intentions refined. Sacred Sounds split Allways that flow and ebb. Time and Space divided into parts to describe , map, and chart. A perfect connection expressed from both Mind and Heart. Witness this As Eye resurrect an Antient Word Art. Abstracting poetic stylizations , to urge an Evolution of Consciousness, to shift a start. Expanding the known, Ever Again to uncover the Tomes, to Discover our Place Within this zone. Scriptures of A NU Aeon The Scriptures of A Nu Aeon will not be spoken by the limited linguistics of linear minds. Not muttered in the muddled cries of mens be-causes.. This is an Extra- Dimensional verbatium. A multidimensional form of language. We are building a neolinguistic structure. It is multisensory and experiencable in both a visual and auditory context. If one wishes to communicate with intelligent life whose existence is not limited to our current concept of physical form. We need a new tool of communication. A tool which is a vehicle and propels our consciousness into a multidimensional format. Therefore it is comprehensive on multiple dimensions..... From Stardust to Stardust Create me again, even in Death i find new Life. Oh Stardust droppings of infinities seed. Make new this birth of words witch craft worlds. All Pangenetrix of matters atomic expression. Bring not into form... From Beyond! Beyond! I invoke creative presence. To fill an empty cup, to quench and drench the thirst of desires hunger. Running over chalice brims drips an intoxicating brew. Life force fire burns. A time to twist, A chance for change, A flick of the wrist...

"Vessel" (ink and acrylic on paper) by Don Farrell

Oscillations and alternations fluctuations in continuous torodialations. Concrescent in essence, the vortextual currents of flowing formations. A geometry of presence. Morning Glories Rivers overflow for joy. Rushing fluidic trails for changes sacred sake. To place a throne for the Son upon Highlands mounds. A placement of clear view chosen and found. Solid yet fluid, anew form flown free word. Winglike and waving feather balanced bird. Slippery in essence, Aetherial in presence. Inspiration dribbles floods of unborn potentialike extraterrestrial presents. An infinite array of avenues for you to behold. Sequentia of summers glories morning to be foretold.

Some Tension to Open the Gates Pain is pressed as if a tension. A self inflicted pressure. A gift of reluctant reception, A presence presented to invent. An Inversion of perfect symmetry inserted forcefully, and out of necessity . Acts swiftly worded, Airly sworded in a slashing cleave. To cut away at the root of instabilities. Oh whipping world maat her matters mother. Oh licking lascivious lady lover granting gracious treasure, a gift of pain for the sake of finding pleasure. Wedged between extremities of being. The Self is sifted its contents outpoured. Dissolving into the fluid body of a sensatory stream. To return on the tides of shifting sands, an arrival beyond the shore. Where crystal fragments glisten in gleam. Shining in life and light, reflecting the glory of their Centering Star King.

Release me from this waking dream. Wed me to thee to aid two to be one. Mended in seams. Tattered and torn in trials of time. Worn and weathered in patterns of rhyme. A fallen angel has lost its wings. And now with but love willed the awakening children shall climb. Upraising themselves as warriors conquering to claim as air born heirs, As Morphogenetic Descendants to the throne of self ruling Kings. Bridging many worlds by method of synthesis. Giving birth to a metamorphosis. A transformative regeneration, As I shed old skins. As the Serpent becomes an Eagle by virtue of experience. Each memory shall show its innate value. And all realizations Had shall be added as tender to feed the fire. To bleed the toxins in purification gaining discernment in matters of love and desire. Eliminating dis-tractions. Inseminating new growths with purposefully planted actions. To Seed the future realities by the perfection of consistency and simplicity. In Openess to all energetic beneficence, abundant forever as infinite possibility. Invocation of Now In the Beginning of this Journey A i wass a Riter, A Righter scripting the ritual of Life with A Pen as Mighty as A Sword. Animating with my Imagination conformed into the stratum of Prophecy in Action. Then i submerged into the Dream i had awakened with my Will dancing it into Being and Echoing it with Truths of deed. Now i was a Lover taking pleasure in the joining of the Dream made reality, sensously coalescing with the essence of the Goddess in multifarious forms of Beauty incarnate. Nuit blessed me with gifts for my Fortuna as a sign of our Union. As Isis she gave me Children so i could learn to Father and to teach me to Father my own Creations. Again i am the maker the medium and the message. A spawn to shine Her glory through the purposeful reconnection of the scattered pieces. To collect the sparks into a cauldron for the processing of transformation. To urge the sleepers with the motive of initiation. I AM ALWAYS A LOVER AND A HERMIT , A reflector of the Creatrix her seven heads to be upraised in praise , her descent is no more, Kundalini arise and open the gates to the Heavens door. Behold the glory of the stars in the hearts of humanity, the proof of eternal connection , the endless surfing of the information always twirling about the Event Horizon. Endless Nameless Glory of Forever more.

To Go I am the dance the ritual of Love, all fear and doubt run in the sight of Love, all distraction, Love. Love. Love. Love. there is not but Love in All, the Truth of all connection and the power of Immortality of the Collective Human Soul, Is Love. There is nothing that can harm or come in the way of the total focus of Love in the Heart of Ones Being. For in this is the Power of All to Remember and the Power to Go, Love.

Seeking to progress through a synthesis of combined understandings. Amalgumating the antient and the present with the preconception cognitized. Versing versions not yet known to ears or eyes. Thereby spawning innumerable children of astral animaati. Birthing order announcing through truth of word and deed inacted as one. Balancing left and right, death and life, moon and sun. There is no direction here for all is none. Complete and resolute, forever a work of Art left unfinished. The Artist cannot sign his or her name for he/she is the work of Art its not self, forever free and changing. Aside from all attachments to any particular particle. Ode to Lady Justice

RE-EVOLVE Returning to revolution, evolving progressions of future forms now freed. Saturns sickle slicing time constraints. Dissolving matters bonds by force of assimilation through adaptations to the currents of change. Draw out your daemons from the shadowy depths and make love to them. Dancing the dream of Death. Make the inanimate animate by dis-covering the hidden. To know the unknown. Draw deep in breath and hold the steady gaze. Defocus the mind and unpeal the lense of conditioned belief structures. Create new conditions by way of a contortionists sweeping hands. Ever altering the stagnant states within the flow. There are no solids only temporary terms and trials of forevers formless face. Forever born the unborn all ways fits into place.

Justice reaps her rewards with a severing sword. Taking to balance, while giving weight to bring forth equal measure. Equilibriating the constant interchange of information. To keep structure and to preserve the perfect symmetrees of Nature. Once I Thoth, taught thought, my pen most mighty among Men. Now I wield only the Memory of my Muse to inspire my mind in revelery. A i was a rebel even against my own Beauty of Being. I had tarnished my most sacred and pure dreams. Just so I could have a foe or a goal to achieve. A Crown to Claim, A Country to Conquer. All without Reason, but out of ignorance. Now I know it was for the sake of learning. And now I have gained something unexpected. Understanding and Wisdom, as the smoke clears I have clarity of vision.

Plutonian entropies bear new life through decompositions of pastly tensed composures. The musick of what was then now in a compost heap, recycling itself into the fluid spiral, giving fresh nutrients to feed the sounds of a future universe. Uranian vibrations shattering open craniums. Cerebellums swelled with psychical storms striving for something more. To stir the elders from their sleeping slumber. I will Love, May this potion be my pyromancy, I will Strength, to torch the wooden idols with Wotans burning eye. I will Compassion, Drilling new avenues into your subconscious to build I will Beauty, yet uncharted neuropathways. I will Reason, To clear away the clutter left over from the antient of days. The Ancient Daze now no longer washed over with illusions glaze. I find Truth within after the storm. To find ye a new voice in a futuristic phase. To deconstruct the worn out compasses of intellects delusive de-vice. For I have gained knowledge of my purpose and place. I will Harmony and create Balance. Giving forth a clean slate of unmarked phrasologies. I will direct and perform poetically with graceful action. Non-linear logistics leapt into view. I will Life into form, Envisioning neopsychic tools, I will Live Forever energetically dancing endlessly. technoshamanic techniques designed to unglue limitations of previous magickal interpretations. For I am Existence itself. We expand for the sake of stretching out our potential forms

AnimA Motrix - The Musickal Workings of Daniel Niehaus

Further Notes on the Elevenstar Working by Frater P.V.N./Alobar Greywalker

Note: This article written by Frater P.V.N. (now known as Alobar) in 1983 references the beginning time of the on-going work known as the Elevenstar.) The main bulk of the Eleven Star Working has been dictated and the work of earthing the idea has already began. The thrones are awaiting those who are ready to fulfil the office of the Gods. Lest there be any confussion, let me state once again that the thrones are not to be filled by persons, but by Gods. An individual or a group of individuals does not fill a particular station or throne. An individual or group of individuals will come to the Eleven Star with a specific task for which he/she/they have been preparing for thousands of incarnations. That task is the earthing of a particular magickal current, which, although it has been operative in an occult manner over the millenia, has never before been manifested by individual who have had the understanding to comprehend the vast scope of the overall plan. Before an individual or group of individuals can activate any of the Thrones, they must take responsibility for all of their many many lives & direct their various incarnations in such a way as to influence all of them in occult ways so that their past experiences in all of these lives will be suffieient for the task at hand that of waking up. Waking up is the taking of responsibility of one's own life, both in the present & throughout all of time. When one is sufficiently-awake, one perceives the common thread in all of ones lives as a magickal linkage which transcends time & space. In effect, one becomes aware of what he/she perceives to be the ONE real magickal Order. By definition of past experience one sees this Order as having profound occult influence on the lives & cultures of peoples around the world & in every conceivable moment of time. This stage of being half-awake is a very dangerous time. Because one perceives the common thread throughout ones own incarnations does not make it historically accurate for anyone else. By waking further, one perceives that (for all intents & purposes) that ones own very magickal past has led one to the position of being the head of The Order. Megalomania & the founding of vast conquering empires often result from an individual gaining access to such vast personal power.

It is here that the Eleven Star becomes crucial. Every Star in creation ad is the head of a very specific magickal Order. By waking-up, one gains access to ones own magickal path & the accumulated power of innumerable incarnations. Such persons are candidates for the Eleven Star. But being the head of one's own personal magickal Order is not enough. Each of the persons who are candidates for the Eleven Star are very very imbalanced. The only way that they could have come so far (leaving the rest of the race far behind) is through gross overspecialization. Each of the candidates has the very specific Keys to unlock the True God-head in all of the others, but not in him or herself. The imbalanced individual cannot have access to the key to his or her own Godhead for the temptation to use that key before balance is achieved would be far too great. One achieves Godhead (& thereby the ability to fill one of the thrones) by going to each of the other candidates & becoming an initiate in their personal magickal Order. In return for this, you must then initiate the initiator, so that the power shared by both of you is doubled. When sufficient mutual initiations have occured, powerzones will form & the task of a particular Throne will become obvious. This is a time of Terror & Nightmare, for the sleeper does not want to wake fully, for to wake fully means taking full responsibility for all that is wrong with the world. At this stage, those who have passed through it will guide (by force g & violence if need be!) to confront the sleeper with his or her particular task & will rub his or her nose in it until the sleeper either gives up all thought of magick, or is born as a godling. Many are called but few are chosen. All Stars are indeed equal, but for the purpose at hand (the Eleven Star) inequalities must be exadurated in order that the candidates may more easily learn from each other. The working knowledge/tasks/grade-papers of each of the candidates is important to all. It will not be possible to do all of the tasks outlined in the various grades in a single lifetime. Each candidate & godling must choose carefully. To avoid a task because it is 'not in my area' is a serious mistake. The candidates & godlings are not permitted the luxury of overspecialization any longer. There are great areas of underdevelopment which must be cured or the candidate will perish. If there is a particular key to godhead which you fear greatly, or which you dismiss as being unimportant, it is probably the very task neccessary for your development. Avoid the tasks which evoke no strong emotion in you, taking upon yourself only those tasks which evoke hatred, fear, love, trust, or any other strong emotion. If you are truely able to be compleatly honest with yourself (as few candidates or godlings can be expected to be) then proceed according to will. At all other times, listen to advice of the other candidates. When advice is sought, it must not be ignored simply because it goes against your grain or is contrary with what you believe. The act of asking for advice binds you to undertake the tasks of the grade imposed by the God who has spoken through the candidate or godling. Such tasks may be in the form of a daily practice over a period of brief time (say 3 months), or may be a one-time initiatory ceremony involving ritual, drugs, or sex (or any combination thereof). In certain rare instances one must accept long term guidance from another candidate which involves a series of initiations inter-penetrated with a series of practices. Such long term guidance is a severe test of the egoic discipline of both the master & the chela & is therefore a potent key to Godhead & also (if done awry) a potent tool for weeding-out the unfit. If such a long-term guidance fails, both the guru & chela feel the consequences & are weakened thereby. But no matter how badly it goes, all is not lost, for others have the key to thy total recovery. Copyright Š 1983 Frater PVN

A Thelemic Negative Confession by Nemus Irradiatusnath This Thelemic Negative Confession draws from Spell number 125 of The Papyrus of Ani: more commonly known as The Egyptian Book of the Dead. Traditionally, the spirits of the deceased, having entered The Hall of the Two Maats, made their negative confession before an assembly of forty-two gods and goddesses who judged the truth of each deed proclaimed. The usual sources tell us that the negative confessions of the deceased were a declaration of purity and readiness for Initiation into the afterlife. Other opinions suggest however that the forty-two lines of The Negative Confession comprise a potent magical spell to be uttered not just in the afterlife but in the earthly life as well. And with this point of view in mind, I’ve often wondered what a Negative Confession might look like in the Aeon of Horus. What would be different? What would remain intrinsically true to the original content and form of Spell number 125? Would the tense of these passages change with the procession of equinoxes? I share here, only a preliminary exploration of what this Spell might look like for a Thelemic magickian. Here, I have chosen to maintain a traditional structure of 42 lines uttered in past tense. The content almost exclusively paraphrases verses from Liber Al vel Legis. And so we “paste the sheets from right to left and from top to bottom: then behold!” once again.

I did not neglect the worship of the Khabs. I did not lose the key of the rituals. Nor did I reveal the secret word I was given. I bound nothing. I made no difference between any one thing & any other thing. I spoke not of Thee as One but as None. I spoke not of thee at all, since thou art continuous! I did not avoid the ordeals of knowledge. I did not in one letter change this book. I have refused not my wife when she willed. I did not unite what is not divided for love’s sake. I had no right but to do thy will. I never failed to take my fill and will of love. I did not confound the space marks. Nor did I mistake love and love, serpent & dove. I did not forget that all the sorrows are but as shadows. I was never outcast or unfit. I thought not, upon that lie: That Thou Must Die. I committed no folly against self. There is no God where I am. I did not make a great miss. I did not fall into the pit of Because. I did not perish with the dogs of reason. I did not ask Power why. I had no dread hereafter.

I was not of the slaves that perished. I veiled not my vices in virtuous words. I fell not in swoon of the excellent kisses. I was not animal. The Stele did not fade in my Kiblah. I deemed not too eagerly to catch the promises. I feared not to undergo the curses. I knew not this meaning all. I feared not at all. I feared neither men nor Fates, Nor gods, nor anything. Money I feared not, nor laughter of the folk folly Nor any other power in heaven or upon the earth or under the earth did I fear. I spared not (I was upon them). (The ordeals) I refused none. I argued not; I converted not; and I talked not overmuch. I turned not back for any. I did not seek after this, nor did I fall from it. I knew no law beyond do what thou wilt.


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