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All references are available through the ABMLQ product request list.  ABMLQ Product request: 1. Travel to the legacy Linc portal; https://portal.thelincgroup.co m 2. Click once on the Corporate forms tab 3. Under information management click once on “ABMLQ Product request” Reference documents:  Brief: Learning | 20110406  Brief: Personal scorecards | 20080418  Brief: Quality | Doing the right things; Doing things right | 20111206  Brief: Strategy | 20060824

      

Concept: SFO through BSC | 20061205 Concept document: Unified Workforce | 20110719 Framework: EASI | 20091101 Framework: Empowered Learning methodology | 20111219 (rev3) Framework: PMO | 20081115 (rev 2.5) Framework: Social | 20120525 Paper: Business process analysis steps | 20120521 (pulled from v2.2 CSMF)

Collaborative Service Management Framework Version 3.2 June 2012 ABM Learning and Quality

Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) Purpose Our progressive and unique business method can be easily applied to any business decision and implemented in any industry. The business method has been tested and proven to create an environment where organizational culture shifts can take place to ensure that business decisions are validated against a Vision and Strategy and can be implemented swiftly in a repeatable and scalable fashion. Although the individual components of our CSMF business method may be obvious to a skilled practitioner, the unique innovative linkage and integration of the components which create strategic leverage are not. Introduction Our success will continue to come from our proprietary business method which has both broken new ground and radically transformed our business environment. We refer to our proprietary business method as the ABM Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF). The ABM CSMF business method enables us to compel outcomes rather than hope for outcomes and has replaced the traditional management approach of proximal command and control. The CSMF was created solely by and for ABM. CSMF integrates a series of business tools to enable personal and organizational success in the management of daily operations, the design and execution of business decisions and initiatives that are aligned with our corporate vision and strategy. CSMF ensures that our corporate business decisions are validated against our Strategic Plan; approved Plans are implemented in a disciplined manner with checks and balances to ensure that the end results are consistent with expected tactical and strategic intent; and due to our fast-paced and ever-changing business environment are redirected as required to meet evolving business needs. Our business method enables strategic and tactical decisions to be made in a precise, accurate and expeditious manner, effectively enabling our intentionally geographically dispersed executive team and workforce by providing the visibility, transparency and real time collaboration necessary to meet customer and stakeholder expectations.


Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) Overview Our success in compelling outcomes through the use of our systems and tools is a direct result of our Collaborative Service Management Framework and its application to business decision making, plan execution and performance measurement while consistently maintaining focus on creating value for our customers. ABM's advantage comes from our “collaborative service management� business method affording rapid, repeatable and strategically aligned decision-making.

Collaborative CSMF creates the framework necessary to foster an environment and culture that encourages collaboration; sharing information, insights, expertise and best practices while encouraging creativity. In a rapidly changing environment, with a geographically dispersed workforce, collaboration is the essential ingredient needed to leverage the collective intellect, make swift business decisions, execute strategies, identify productivity drivers, measure performance, and impact cultural and behavioral shifts and compel outcomes. The collective elements of the CSMF business method enable real-time, transparent information sharing throughout the organization. Service ABM utilizes the latest innovations to deliver service, streamline work processes and increase productivity yielding increased customer value and unparalleled levels of service. With thousands of professionals and tens of thousands of customer locations totaling billions of serviced square footage, delivering unique integrated facility solutions that provide quality and efficiency which save its customers valuable time and money would be extremely labor intensive and costly without the deployment of CSMF. Given a geographically dispersed workforce has and with the adoption of CSMF, ABM will remove behavior variability ensuring that the products and services we deliver are the highest quality in the industry. The coordination, communication and timely decision making required by the service industry are exponentially enhanced with the application of CSMF. Management The CSMF is a framework for managing every aspect of a business; it can be viewed as a management philosophy. The application of ABM's CSMF in its entirety provides each and every employee with the tools, knowledge and experience required to consistently produce expected results. CSMF enables management to compel outcomes by providing the framework necessary to supervise, oversee and direct the continuously growing and everchanging ABM enterprise.


Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) At the core of the CSMF is a systematic decision making roadmap called the ABM Master Business Process. This Master Business Process sets forth the sequential thought process required to achieve and maintain quality within an organization. It forms the basis for the ABM Quality Management System defining a systematic approach to consistently deliver products and services which meet or exceed customer expectations while balancing customer value and productivity, keeping costs low.. This repeatable process has the built-in continuous improvement elements required to achieve and maintain scalability. Framework ABM's CSMF provides the basic structure to successfully create and maintain a collaborative culture within which business decisions are strategically aligned. By simply adopting a single component of CSMF an organization may experience a slight rise in productivity and/or quality which will most likely be short lived. However, the true exponential value of CSMF comes from understanding the elements of the framework, and applying CSMF to every decision, every deal, every project, every business transaction, and every customer interaction. Our belief is there must be an infrastructure that provides all the necessary tools for personal and corporate success in order to create a culture whereby patterns of behavior, such as those represented in ABM's CSMF, can be proscribed, adopted, owned by individuals and executed as a matter of course. Structure To successfully adopt and implement CSMF it is important to understand that the power of the model does not come from any one single component, rather, it is the result of the thoughtful synchronization, integration, execution and application of the components working together in harmonic alignment. Thus, the power of the business method comes not from the parallel application of a single element, but rather the real time application and seamless integration of the elements to achieve strategic and operational objectives. Collaboration is possible with the integration and application of the CSMF strategies, management philosophies, and standard business processes. The marriage of the aforementioned elements maximizes the contribution and value of our people, processes and technology to achieve strategic objectives and through the implementation of decisions day in and day out.


Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) Elements 1.

Master Business Process: A sequential eight step decision making process applied to every business decision, every deal, every business transaction and every internal and external customer interaction

2. Quality Management System: A systematic approach to consistently turn out products and services that enhance customer value and increase productivity 3. Corrective and Preventive Actions: Continual improvement process used to document and manage implementation plans and actions identified by customers and/or employees to correct and/or prevent product, process and quality system nonconformities that ensure strategic alignment of decisions, products and processes 4. Business Process Analysis: Analysis to achieve operational excellence in every business process executed within the organization 5. Project Management Methodology: Providing process with checks and balances to ensure customer and internal expectations are met 6. Enterprise Risk Management: A systematic process for applying risk-based information and decision making to organize and manage countless possible combinations of human errors, equipment failures, and external influences which pose threats to ABM Enterprise businesses and facilities. 7. Strategic Management: An approach to assess the effectiveness of an organization in terms of overall strategic alignment; effectiveness of business method(s) and business processes; and alignment of market strategy with industry and customer demands and expectations. Strategic Management allows an organization to describe, measure, and execute its strategy. 8. Learning Systems: Business process centered learning programs and assessments tailored to job functions presenting both specific task and holistic process view education to ensure that all employees maintain a strategic and process-oriented perspective as opposed to a job function perspective 9. Facilitating CSMF: Present and future tools required to execute CSMF 10. CSMF Culture: As in all things the price of greatness is eternal vigilance. Building Culture is a deliberate act which when executed is the perpetual fuel required to build great companies


Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) Master Business Process The Master Business Process (MBP) presents ABM’s fundamental quality methodology in the form of eight sequential phases to be applied to every ABM decision, project, and deal and process definition. These eight phases are part of the core coding inherent in ABM’s Quality Management System (QMS). It ensures a balance of Customer Value with Productivity while integrating performance measurement elements required for continual improvement. The “leap of faith” that first time adopters of this process must make is to accept that the eight phases can be applied to any decision, project, or business transaction. In some instances, the application of this process to a human interaction may take seconds or minutes to complete the cycle. In other instances, such as product development initiatives or transition initiatives, the application of the process may extend over a much longer period of time.

Quality Management System


Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) ABM’s Quality Management System (QMS) is the heart and soul of the CSMF and is a key competitive differentiator. It defines a systematic approach to consistently deliver products and services which meet or exceed customer expectations while balancing customer value and productivity. With a geographically dispersed workforce which has adopted QMS, ABM will removed behavior / variability ensuring that the products and services we deliver are the highest quality in the industry. The four principles of QMS are: o Focus on Customer value  Quality in perception  Do the right things o Focus on Productivity  Quality in fact  Doing things right o Standardization  Master business process  ISO and Baldrige frameworks o Performance measurement  Customer value  Process performance  Six Sigma framework

ABM’s QMS enables ABM to effectively and efficiently manage its processes by systematizing them. This ensures that nothing important is left out and that everyone is clear about who is responsible for doing what, when, how, why and where. Therefore, QMS requires that standards are present, and further requires that all aspects of managing are recorded and documented. Additionally, ABM QMS standards are required to document HOW ABM will manage compliance to the standards. Each ABM business vertical has written procedures, instructions, forms and records that “set forth a specific

way of conducting business and managing compliance which is unique to each Business Unit and its respective management systems”. ABM’s QMS gives each Business Unit a central repository to store their standards that is easily accessible to employees and customers, while also providing a vehicle to identify best in class processes that can be shared amongst Business Units. Corrective and Preventative Actions (CA / PA) This process is the cornerstone of our commitment to continual improvement. The ABM Master Business Process Measurement and Verification Phase, and the Customer Scorecard and Industry Benchmark Phase, require that every process, business decision, customer interaction and/or internal interaction be evaluated against Productivity and Customer expectations respectively. The Corrective and Preventive Actions are a


Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) direct outcome, or by-product, of the Corporate Performance Management processes used to evaluate expectations. The Corrective and Preventive Action Process is a standardized process used to document opportunities for improvement. These opportunities are born of many scenarios, including; internal assessments of performance related against the documented Work Instruction for specific processes. Phase seven of the ABM Master Business Process, measuring internal performance focuses on the effectiveness of our people, process and technology to meet internal value on investment and gross margin expectations; while Phase eight of the ABM Master Business Process, measuring customer expectations focuses on our ability to create customer value. In all cases, inconsistencies or opportunities for improvement along with action plans are evaluated, managed and implemented in a standard fashion using the ABM Corrective and Preventive Action process. Business Process Analysis ABM is a “process” enterprise—a business focused on the effectiveness of core processes not individual job function effectiveness. This fundamental shift stresses teamwork, collaboration, and customer focus over hierarchy, departmental management structures and individual performance. ABM’s Business Process Analysis embodies process focused methodologies and philosophies to ensure operational excellence.

The BPA tool is the cornerstone of ABM’s process definition and reengineering projects. It is applied to evaluate, enhance, strategically align, document and improve business processes. The output from this process typically generates: o New and/or enhanced business processes o Potential productivity improvements o Potential automation and/or technology tool opportunities o Potential business opportunities with Strategic Plan and/or Tactical Plan implications o Potential organizational change opportunities


Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) The major tenets of ABM’s QMS BPA are: 1. Emphasis on entire processes rather than individual tasks. Processes designed or refined as an outcome of the BPA will undergo detailed analysis combining related tasks from different departments and eliminating those that do not add value. 2. Raises awareness of potential failure points in a process and focuses team members on evaluating their contribution and impact to successful outcomes and interdependencies. 3. Focused on measuring the effectiveness of an entire process as it relates directly to the outputs of a process rather than individual organizational metrics. 4. Focused on impact to productivity and the delivery of services to internal and external customers. 5. Provides input to ABM’s Executives identifying organizational management changes needed to focus our best resources on the management of an entire process such as the Product Management and Risk Management positions responsible for “end-to-end” success of their respective processes. QMS Business Process Analysis Steps may be found linked at the end of this framework document. Project Management Methodology The ABM Project Management Methodology is applied to every idea generated as a result of a Business Process Analysis (or any other method). The first step is used to assess the business impact of an idea in terms of strategic and financial value. If the idea is approved, the methodology guides the Project Manager and team members through a series of phases aimed at delivering the expected outcomes. The Project Management Office (PMO) is the professional level of external project management practices influencing success with our customers and internal business practices. A few components exist in PMO: o Consultancy capacity providing training, guidance and best practices for project managers and project participants o Centralized project and portfolio management tools o Portfolio management referencing strategic objectives from strategy map and then objectively determining the best "next project" for the business o Proposals (pending projects) and business logic and workflow when escalating to projects o Resource management, loading and balancing across all proposals and projects The operational objective for a Project Management Office (PMO) is to position itself as a business integrator, that is, to encompass all the people, processes and tools which manage or influence project performance. ABM and its business units are committed to adapt and integrate business interests into the project management efforts. The goals are to: o Apply professional practices for project management o Increase clarity by implementing standards o Knowledge management tools employed within the PMO create a well-informed project management environment that operates efficiently, and communicates effectively in providing client and business solutions.


Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) Enterprise Risk management The ABM Master Business Process Business Case Development Phase requires that a detailed business case presenting risks and opportunities be developed and documented for all business decisions including project initiatives, potential client contract, merger and acquisition, technology implementation, etc. Creating a culture focused on risk management is a primary element of the CSMF. ABM has committed to ERM primarily by the design and deployment of a seven step Risk Management Process. The fundamental premise of the ABM ERM is that wherever objectives are defined, there will be risks to their successful achievement. Objectives are both Strategic and Tactical. The ABM ERM process is applied to ALL objectives helping us to identify risks at all levels of the organization as well as validating strategic alignment of all objectives. THE 7 STEP RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS 1.

Risk Identification

Identify as many risks to the objectives and key stakeholders as possible. Identify the risk, source, impact and stakeholders. Determine if an existing Risk Management Process or SOP exists to treat Risk.


Risk Analysis

Using the ABM ERM Risk Matrix analyze risk in terms of Frequency and Severity.


Risk Treatment Plan

Based on Risk Analysis, determine best treatment(s) for identified risks in terms of: Risk Control, Risk Avoidance, Risk Transfer, and Risk Retention. Recommend Risk Treatment Approach for approval.


Risk Communication and Risk Treatment Plan Execution

Create Plans to Implement Risk Treatment Plan


Risk Treatment Plan Deployment

Implement Risk Treatment Plan


Risk Management Reporting and Measurements

Ongoing Risk Management Analysis


Risk management audit and change analysis

Audit / Validate / Enhance Risk Treatment Plan Approach and Process

Strategic Management ABM will embark on a company-wide implementation of "Strategy Focused Organization through Balanced Scorecards" because we believe that sustainable growth is only possible when we are able to communicate our financial, human, process and technology resources to long term strategy with the shorter term immediate pressures of day-to-day tactical operations. As a Strategy Focused Organization (SFO), our goal is to attain that balance by providing enabling technology, tools and education to: 1. 2. 3.

Make strategy the central organization agenda (Strategy) Create an incredible focus on the strategy (Focused) Mobilize employees to be guided by strategy (Organization)


Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) Quality Management, Collaborative Service Management Framework; will create the balance required to achieve breakthrough performance. ABM integrates strategy as a check and balance in business planning with an enabling toolkit made up of a combination of Balanced Scorecard and Strategic Focused Organization elements. The toolkit is consistently applied at all levels of the organization: Corporate, Business Unit and Functional Areas. We are continuing to deploy tools to achieve our desire of becoming a SFO, the depth of that deployment and therefore approach to Strategy Formulation depends on the unique culture and business environment of the operating business unit. The primary components are: Strategy Map Strategy Maps are used to describe an organization’s strategy using the four Balanced Scorecards perspectives: Financial (Stakeholder), Customer, Internal Process and Organizational Learning and Growth. Strategy maps typically have a three to five year cycle. Balanced scorecards are reset annually providing a level of predictable long term planning (Strategy Map) with an agile annual (BSC) execution. Balanced Scorecard (BSC) The Balanced Scorecard is a comprehensive framework that translates a company’s vision and strategy into a coherent set of both strategic and operational performance measures. Balanced Scorecards have four basic components: 1) strategic objective (pulled from Strategy Map); 2) measures; 3) targets; and 4) initiatives. Scorecards are updated annually working in concert with the aforementioned strategy map. Strategic Focused Cultural Tools Strategic Cadence provides the framework to align business plans and budgets with strategy when a BSC is not present. We interpret Strategic Cadence as a team acting in unison, providing members with the inspiration and motivation toward a common goal, during a normally arduous process. A team member approach is applied during which members can provide their input on how they feel their defining objectives are performing. One of the key aspects of this process is it allows us all to communicate the idea that “we are what we do” and we will only be as good as we strive to be. During a Strategic Cadence session, a unanimous and negative review may result in the termination of a defining objective and the introduction of a new objective. The most evolved practitioners of SFO BSC will also deploy personal scorecards. Personal scorecards are a vehicle put in place to allow the impact of corporate strategy maps and balanced scorecards to touch each and every one of us. The personal scorecard aligns an individual’s personal objectives with those of their business unit or vertical.


Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) Learning Systems ABM has fully embraced the notion that the vast majority of workplace learning by knowledge workers occurs informally and that learning occurs in some fashion during every interaction. ABM’s successful acceptance, adoption and application of CSMF will continue to be directly linked to our ability to provide learning opportunities and access to all employees in an on-demand fashion. Formal Learning The Empowered Learning Methodology applies to both the content development and delivery of education. Content developers, trainers, and presenters are expected to use a variety of methods in addition to lecture for delivering instruction or affecting development. Guidelines are provided for instructional design and for matching the most appropriate delivery method to the content and the audience. Empowered learning principles: Prepare  Learners engage in pre-training activities that increase their ability to receive and later apply their new knowledge Participate  Learners are actively involved in the learning experience through such techniques as discussion, role-playing, case study, and simulations Perform  Learners are encouraged and given direction about how to successfully integrate new knowledge, skill or attitude when they return to work Measurement  Means of evaluating the success of training should be applied at several levels and time frames Informal Learning Some of our deployed tools may not appear, at first glance, as traditional educational toolsets. Yet, when we think about learning our mind focuses on two key components, trust and contribution. Our Corporate University is a small piece of an overall learning strategy, interestingly the more powerful tools are found where the employee contributes at a greater pace than they consume. Key examples include our SharePoint MySites; Insight social tools like ASK and BUZZ; QuickTips, IMPACT, MTube and TubeCast. Compulsory education will always be required within an Enterprise. Social learning cultures are all about empowering each employee with the same opportunity to share his current challenge with others motivated by the same context (ASK and QuickTips). Once you move away from the push of information to the pull of learning, you liberate creative powers in your people to succeed in this rapidly changing environment. The more engaged people are, the more effectively they learn. In


Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) other words, the more questions they ask, the stronger their learning process becomes. Social learning is about making it easier for people to find both their questions and their voice. Benefits  Self-perpetuating culture which makes learning a part of everyday interaction  Integration of the quest for learning which extends to our customers, employees and partners  Creation of true service professionals as defined by the creator of the "barefoot college": Competence, Confidence and Belief (Sanjit "Bunker" Roy). Barefoot College: Rural men and women irrespective of age, who are barely literate or not at all, and have no hope of getting even the lowest government job, are being trained to work as day and night school teachers, doctors, midwives, dentists, health workers, balsevikas, solar engineers, solar cooker engineers, water drillers, hand pump mechanics, architects, artisans, designers, masons, communicators, water testers, phone operators, blacksmiths, carpenters, computer instructors, accountants and kabaad-se-jugaad professionals. http://www.barefootcollege.org/

Facilitating CSMF Today In an efficient environment, the fundamental technology tools of a process can be readily identified, adapted, and deployed to address ever-changing corporate requirements – a capability termed as business agility. By definition, business agility is an organization’s systemic ability to fluidly marshal and reconfigure resources in response to business requirements and opportunities. It is no accident that the tools and methodologies for managing business processes exemplify the modular, integrated, and exposed paradigm that characterizes the processes themselves. This paradigm is fundamental to every aspect of the ABM CSMF environment, where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. The mass of individuals’ contributions need to be organized; however, so they connect, combine, and grow, to create something robust and reliable. This calls for a mechanism that permits collaboration, for sifting good ideas from bad, and better theories from worse. Idealistic digital communities, like so many communities and co-operatives before them, will collapse into an avalanche of diverse perspectives, rants, gossip, falsehoods, and hearsay. Instead at the core of CSMF is building deep business purpose and a forum where participants may express themselves. A foundation built on collaboration and trust; laser focused on building value for our clients. Several factors influence a service company’s ability to run efficiently. One of those factors is how we leverage and mix labor resources. The challenge has always been getting the right qualified person, to the right job, at the right time. It is not uncommon to see within a service business natural grouping of resources, maintenance, service, projects, etc. This so called "grouping" happens at the location level and across regions. At ABM, a new initiative or integrated service delivery known as Unified Workforce is currently underway. , Our Unified Workforce platform is all about how to leverage labor resources to


Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) provide responsiveness to our Customers and opportunity for our employees. As indicated in the image below, Unified Workforce is where work activity connects with the most compatible resource.

Our ability to identify and create career path opportunities for employees will reduce attrition and create a distinctive competence not easily matched. The path of monetizing and mixing up our large diverse workforce will require the identification of candidate employees, creation of formal and social learning tools, and mapping initial regions by assessing our greatest cluster of services and will be facilitated by utilizing CSMF.


Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) Tomorrow The landscape of technology is changing all around us. Our ability to consume, contribute and control metadata (information about information) and web services (ability to exchange information between systems) in unique ways will allow us to rise above the competition, empowered by data and the application thereof. Creating a distinctive position via complex monolithic ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems is a thing of the past. An aggressive move to dump non-value added transactional computing loads (email as an obvious example) will continue to sweep enterprise IT organizations. These specific application moves to the cloud will also cause a shift in traditional IT personnel skill sets. Powered by components of CSMF, ABM will be positioned for an easier transition. Our ability to connect to federated resources in a secure, repeatable and scalable manner will become one of our greatest talents. Focusing employees on common objectives via scorecards empowers them and leverages many aspects of CSMF. Common focus and consistent messaging enable employees to be successful and limits levels of management. Domain understanding and multi-skilled team members will be critical in a future environment of consulting and project integration. Essentially a pool of skill committed to one another with "letters of understanding" on how they will contribute to the objectives and most importantly to one another. Focus them on business measurement components which drive innovation and customer dependency. Functions in 2015…  Quality driven, domain integrated, application governance  Service decentralization, a balance between internal and external resources  Process integration, masters at reengineering and integrating new process Business value in 2015...  Agile software integration  Mobility  Hybrid of on and off premise cloud solutions


Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) Creating a CSMF culture Embodiment of Leadership Team As with the success of any discipline and cultural change, acceptance, ownership and adoption must begin at the highest levels of the organization. Each member of the Leadership Team sets the example by the visible adoption, acceptance and ownership evidenced by their personal commitment to collaboration. Our leadership team must prove that they have the “will” to see change through its natural course of resistance during implementation and refinement by showing their continued support of the CSMF in conducting business as set forth in ABM’s QMS. As our organizations and business methods evoke we will see the momentum of cultural change gain velocity and breadth as a direct result of our leadership team’s alignment around our Collaborative Service Management Framework. Adoption During the early years of CSMF formation, there was an aggressive push for the deployment of new solutions to the business units. Although the solutions were successfully deployed at a tactical level and the fruits of those deployments continue to be realized today. In addition, the business units needed a local “go to” person, someone they are familiar with and have a comfort level and trust. As we continued to evolve and recognize opportunities for improvement, it became obvious that if we were to keep building upon our successes, the ABMLQ must develop allies at the business unit level to assist and in most cases, take over the services that are delivered to our customers. To develop these extended members of ABMLQ, Evangelists were identified as part of the project management process and from there, the EASI program was implemented. What began at first as an informal movement is now our robust EASI community. EASI is an acronym for:  Evangelists  Advocates and  Supporters  Influence – is defined as the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on, or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others. This term encapsulates the purpose of the EASI community to affect change within their spheres of influence; it also defines the power that peers have over each other when efforts are focused toward a common goal. Simply put, EASI is a network of employees who have been identified and developed as extended members of ABMLQ, who support and assist in the promotion, deployment and continuous proliferation of corporate products, programs and best practices throughout the organization.


Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) Principles at work All of the technology and process in the world won't compel people voluntarily share information and knowledge. Only when their work environment encourages the sharing of ideas and know-how will people volunteer their unique insights and expertise. We define work environment holistically to include management style, principles and philosophy as well as enabling process and technology. The following management principles are at work within CSMF and are both enablers and by-product of ABM’s adaptation of existing technology to effectively guide thought process and decision making. Over the years CSMF has rallied folks around a few common objectives: o People want to make a difference, day in and day out o Everyone is trying to do the right thing; however, sometimes that path in an Enterprise is not that clear o Do what you say and be able to prove it (at the nucleus of an obsequious hoop-jumping culture) Hawthorne Effect Our business method success is attributable, in part, to the power of The Hawthorne effect - an increase in worker productivity produced by the psychological stimulus of being singled out and made to feel important. Our primary use of “public” workspaces for all meeting, initiative and project correspondence, documentation and task tracking creates an environment where all work is “visible” to all allowing for individuals to be publicly recognized for their contributions both directly and indirectly. As people become more comfortable with the enabling technology we see higher levels of participation and contribution. Using the portals to log all tasks, actions and outcomes provides a tool to easily recognize both positive and negative contributions creating an environment where the results of the Hawthorne Effect can be witnessed. Immediate Feedback The portal environments provide team members with the autonomy to work independently while also compelling collaboration. Since all discussions are held online, not only is there a recorded history of how decisions were made or issues were raised and/or resolved, Project Leaders/Managers can get a clearer understanding of each team member’s level of understanding by reading and participating in discussions. Using these tools dramatically reduces the need and cumbersome nature of e-mail and associated attachments and document versions. Personal Power and Ownership Applying the tools of the CSMF encourages team members to not only identify actions and tasks, and determine target dates for completion, but to actively participate in projects and initiatives to which they can contribute. We have found that giving such responsibility to every employee results in a sense of personal power and ownership which leads to a higher level of collaboration visibility and commitment to complete tasks and exceed expected results.


Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) Meeting Methodology A meeting management process and meeting notes template establishes the protocol to be followed for scheduling, conducting and documenting all meetings. This protocol ensures actions are defined, assigned, documented and managed using the collaborative tools. This disciplined approach to meetings promotes respect for each meeting participant’s time, commitment to actions and follow-through. Quality cycle In some form or fashion all of the components can be tied back to one overarching principle; plan-do-actcheck. A simple but powerful recipe promoted by William Edwards Deming (OCT 1900 to DEC 1993). Deming is often credited with starting the "Total Quality Management" movement. Summary The deployment of the ABM proprietary Collaborative Service Management Framework (CSMF) has been the key contributing factor to our successful management of our stationary and mobile workforce providing the visibility, transparency and real time collaboration necessary to meet customer and stakeholder expectations by affording rapid, repeatable and strategically aligned decision-making. This proprietary framework was created solely by and for ABM in a fashion that has kept the framework “pure” in the sense that it can be applied to any business in any industry, Although the individual components of the business method may be obvious to a skilled practitioner, the unique innovative linkage and integration of the components which create strategic leverage are not. The framework has both broken new ground and radically transformed our business environment opening up a sea of opportunities that either may not have been within our reach in the near term or may have been impossible to achieve. Compelling outcomes rather than hoping for outcomes has replaced the traditional management approach of proximal command and control. Reference documents:  Brief: Learning | Insight to our learning process and tools | 20110406  Brief: Personal scorecards | 20080418  Brief: Quality | Doing the right things; Doing things right | 20111206  Brief: Strategy | 20060824  Concept document: SFO through BSC | 20061205  Concept document: Unified Workforce | 20110719  Framework: EASI | 20091101  Framework: Empowered Learning methodology | 20111219 (rev3)  Framework: Project management office | 20081115 (rev 2.5)  Framework: Social | 20120525  Paper: Business process analysis steps | 20120521 (pulled from v2.2 CSMF)


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