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All references are available through the ABMLQ product request list.  ABMLQ Product request: 1. Travel to the legacy Linc portal; https://portal.thelincgroup.co m 2. Click once on the Corporate forms tab 3. Under information management click once on “ABMLQ Product request” Reference documents:  Brief: Learning | 20110406  Brief: Personal scorecards | 20080418  Brief: Quality | Doing the right things; Doing things right | 20111206  Brief: Strategy | 20060824

     

Concept: SFO through BSC | 20061205 Concept document: Unified Workforce | 20110719 Framework: EASI | 20091101 Framework: Empowered Learning methodology | 20111219 (rev3) Framework: PMO | 20081115 (rev 2.5) Framework: Collaborative Service management | 20020601 (rev 3.2)

Evangelists, Advocates and Supporters Influence (EASI) Framework document Version 1.2 NOV 2009 ABM Learning and Quality

Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework Contents: A.

Framework Document Organization


Revision History


Maintenance Responsibilities

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 1.0

Concept Description  Concept Goals  Framework Document Goals  Why do we need this framework?

Section 2.0

Resources  Framework Expertise or Consultancy  Technical Assets  Orientation and Education

Section 3.0

Framework Structure, Content and Application  Structure and Content  Application  Recognition Program

Section 4.0

Framework Document Guidelines  Use of the Framework Document  Conformance  Governance

Section 5.0

Supporting Documentation  References  Terminology


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework A.

Framework Document Organization This conceptual framework document utilizes a Quality Management System (QMS) quality template for the development and release of an initiative or program framework with the purpose of company-wide implementation. At ABM, all initiatives begin with a concept or charter document; it allows the initiative owner to summarize the objectives, opportunities, risks, and budgetary requirements involved in a new initiative for the purpose of review and approval by corporate executives. A conceptual framework document is a step further than the concept or charter document. It defines the architecture of a strategic program or initiative to present a preferred or reliable approach to a new concept. This framework document is organized into five major sections: o

Section 1 describes the initiative or concept, its goals, and explains why the organization needs this framework


Section 2 provides the resources available or required in order to apply this framework


Section 3 provides the structure and content of the initiative; enumerates the necessary steps for applying this framework and a recognition program


Section 4 provides the guidelines on how to use this framework document including its target audience and conformance to its provisions


Section 5 contains the addendum or additional supporting documents that may assist practitioners in understanding and executing the processes and concepts outlined in this document


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework B.

Revision History QMS Manual Revision: Original Publication Date: Revision Date: Revision History Revision Date 1.0 07/16/09 1.1 09/03/09




1.2 November 4, 2009 Month Day, Year

Description of Change Original publication Modifications based on ABMLQ feedback (see file review for details) Addition of new EASI logo; EASI Kit and link to EASI course

Revised By Melissa Cipriani Melissa Cipriani

Melissa Cipriani

Maintenance Responsibilities It is the responsibility of the owner or author of this framework to maintain this document. All inquiries and revision requests may be sent to the following email address: ABMLQinfo@thelincgroup.com.


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework 1.0

Description of Concept or Initiative: The shared services provided by corporate staff are delivered to all customers at all business unit levels. Customers can be either an internal or external entity in ABM’s vernacular; it is anyone to whom a service or product is provided. Among the shared services provided by ABM corporate are those from our Information Management Group. For the most part, ABMLQ’s customers are internal or other ABM employees. Although this document is focused on ABMLQ’s services, this framework can be applied to any of our corporate shared services groups or a group within another business unit. ABM (ABM) and its business units are committed to empowering employees who exhibit a talent for influencing others in the way services are delivered to customers. With thousands of internal customers and counting, it was inevitable that extensions of the ABMLQ staff had to be developed to better serve our customers’ needs. To formalize this approach, the Evangelists, Advocates, and Supporters Influence or EASI was developed. These extended members of ABMLQ help the organization fulfill its objectives by influencing behavior in their spheres of influence and areas of expertise. The value that EASI participants bring to the organization is of enormous impact to the fulfillment of our strategic objectives and ultimately, to the success of all our employees.


Concept Goals: Prior to the application of the EASI program, new initiatives which equate to changes in process and behavior were difficult to transition from corporate to the business unit. The “hand-off” process was awkward and often received with skepticism. Furthermore, cultural or user adoption issues almost always extended the stabilization period, a time when users are supposed to be getting comfortable with the new product or process. The EASI program was developed as an answer to these challenges. Its goals are:  Improve the initiative transition process from ABMLQ to the business unit by preparing the Evangelists, Advocates and Supporters for post-deployment  Provide the business unit with a “face” they know, thereby decreasing any anxiety or cultural issues  With ABMLQ’s finite resources, business unit employees can have a “go to” person, thereby minimizing issue or request solution time  Use of corporate best practices will be viral and a progression towards standardization will naturally follow  To give participants, the evangelists and advocates, empowerment to affect change at their business unit level and gain a sense of community and pride  Provide a process through which change management is handled at all levels of the organization and the business units


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework 

Promote a sense of community where members with similar expertise and experiences can support each other


Framework Document Goals: This document explains the framework for EASI, how it is applied and the value that is derived from the program and by its participants. Its goals are:  An educational material for identifying and recruiting participants  A guideline for applying the same framework to other shared services or business units  An orientation document for new participants


Why does our organization need this framework?  Since its inception, ABM has implemented and deployed numerous initiatives that provide products and services to its business units, all in an effort to differentiate ourselves from our competition, deliver better services to our customers, and improve the work processes of our employees. All these are in direct support of our Mission and Vision Statements, and ABM Corporate Strategic theme: Customers for Life. In order to keep the momentum, a congregation of employees must be empowered to support and assist in proliferating solutions to their constituents. 

The power to influence positive change is inspiring in of itself; if we work together to inspire others, and they in turn do the same, the results can be astounding. The ability to effectively put a new solution and process in place is tactically difficult but even more so, it is culturally a battle. Having evangelists and advocates make this battle winnable. Having an ABMLQ ally at the business unit level that is familiar to their employees minimizes their anxiety level and focuses efforts on the tasks at hand.

What risks are involved if we do not implement this framework? Although not effective, it is typical of organizations to add staffing to a department when requirements of their time grow. With ABM’s incredible expansion in the last few years through organic growth and acquisitions, the demands on corporate shared services have grown exponentially. This is even more evident of the Information Management Group, who is the primary change agent within ABM. If Evangelists and Advocates were not established, the pace and depth by which new initiatives were implemented would have suffered and will continue to suffer. Not only do they provide support after an initiative is implemented but more importantly, they help prepare affected employees before an initiative begins, both of which are invaluable to our organization’s cultural and user adoption.


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework 2.0

Resources 2.1

Framework Expertise or Consultancy Who are the subject matter experts of this framework? This framework was developed by the Information Management Group and thus, anyone within the team can be consulted for support and guidance. The subject matter experts for the framework itself are the Chief Information Officer and Corporate Quality Manager. Evangelists are identified at the business unit level while Advocates are named for each Movement and each Linc location (see Section 3.0 for framework structure). Due to this structure, the subject matter experts for each specific Movement are: Movement Business Process Management Collaboration Corporate Performance Management Governance

Programs Enterprise Management Financial Management Relationship Management Work Order Management Systems Talent and Education

Subject Matter Expert(s) Workflow and Mobility Solutions Program Manager All of ABMLQ Corporate Quality Manager Chief Information Officer; Director of IT; Financial Management/PMO-IMO Program Manager Enterprise Management Program Manager Financial Management Program Manager Relationship Management Program Manager Work Order Management Program Manager Director of IT Corporate Education Manager Table 2.1

What consulting services are available in the application of this framework? Any consultation related to this framework with the Information Management Group can be categorized as: 

Consultation on the application of this framework by any of our corporate shared services group can be addressed with the Chief Information Officer


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework  

Consultation or guidance on the specific contents of this framework can be addressed with the Corporate Quality Manager Consultation on the advocacy for each movement can be addressed with the subject matter experts listed in Table 2.1

To schedule consultation services with any member of the Information Management Group, please contact ABMLQinfo@thelincgroup.com


Educational or Technical Resources and Assets What resources or assets are available in the orientation or education of the users and members of this program? To assist our EASI participants or anyone who wants to learn more about the program, please refer to the following resources:

Resource EASI Program Page

Location https://ABMpartners.thelincgroup.com/allianceshome/evangelist /default.aspx

Movements Page

https://ABMpartners.thelincgroup.com/apps/lincadvantage/Prog rams/ABMLQ/movements

ABMLQ Program Page

https://ABMpartners.thelincgroup.com/apps/lincadvantage/Prog rams/ABMLQ

EASI Corporate University Course

https://publicportal.thelincgroup.com/education4you/easi/defaul t.aspx

EASI Brief

https://ABMpartners.thelincgroup.com/apps/lincadvantage/Prog rams/ABMLQ/ABMLQ%20briefs/ABMLQ%20brief%20EASI.pub


Framework Structure, Content and Application 3.1

History/Background During the early years of ABM’s formation, there was an aggressive push for the deployment of new solutions to the business units. Although the solutions were successfully deployed at a tactical level and the fruits of those deployments continue to be realized today, we identified a gap in the absence


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework of a formal and standardized transition process. In addition, the business units needed a local “go to� person, someone they are familiar with and have a comfort level and trust. As we continued to evolve and recognize opportunities for improvement, it became obvious that if we were to keep building upon our successes, the Information Management Group must develop allies at the business unit level to assist and in some cases, take over the services that are delivered to our customers. To develop these extended members of the Information Management Group, Evangelists were identified as part of the initiative management process and from there, the EASI program was implemented. What began at first as an informal movement is now a full blown EASI community. 3.2

Structure and Content The following outlines the structure, requirements and application of this program. Program Definition - EASI is an acronym for: Evangelists Advocates and Supporters Influence – is defined as the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on, or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others. This term encapsulates the purpose of the EASI community to affect change within their spheres of influence; it also defines the power that peers have over each other when efforts are focused toward a common goal. Simply put, EASI is a network of Linc employees who have been identified and developed as extended members of the Information Management Group, who support and assist in the promotion, deployment and continuous proliferation of corporate products, programs and best practices throughout the organization. EASI members, who are existing business unit employees, give us the advantage of having additional resources for ensuring the success of implemented programs and realizing the value they bring to the business units and the organization as a whole.


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework 3.2.1

Program Cycles There are two cycles in the EASI Program which define the processes through which transfer of knowledge and responsibility of pushing solutions and products down to their specific business unit or Linc location users are executed. 


What 1. Create awareness through series of announcements and events designed to promote and market new solutions from their pre-planning to deployment.


How 1. Through ABMLQ’s series of announcements and marketing collateral: Impact Awareness, Comin’ Around the Corner, Something New, Ready to Flip the Switch, ABMLQ Brief, Get Excited, It’s Alive, and Final Note 2. First Look Call

2. Provide tools and references to the EASI members to equip them with the resources to


1. Corporate University Training Course (includes LincTube links)


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework properly apply the solutions in their own business units and Linc locations.

2. 3. 4. 5.

QuickTips Lexicon Library QMS Standards Movements page – examples and demos 6. Case Studies 7. For Enterprise Management (EM) related solutions, provide list or site templates when applicable

3. The theoretical application of solutions is necessary during the implementation process. A simulation of the solution’s practical use is done through test environments or pilot test sites, in order to work out all the bugs and obtain user acceptance.


1. Pilot test site 2. When applicable, provide a sandbox for EM related solutions

4. The empowerment of our EASI members is where the strength of this program is evident. This has proven to be a most effective way to gain cultural and procedural user adoption.


1. Transition Plan Document 2. Support Plan Document 3. “Hand-off” Event

5. It is ABMLQ’s responsibility to follow up with the EASI member in order to provide a continuous improvement cycle and validate that the objectives are being met and the business value of the solution are being realized.


1. Feedback process 2. PDIs or Post Deployment Indicators = 0 to 90 days after go live 3. KPIs or Key Performance Indicators =/> 90 days after go live


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework 

EASI to Users Cycle


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework Although these guidelines have proven to be effective, EASI members are encouraged to try their own innovative ways (the “How”) to implement the steps listed below. What 1. Create excitement towards a new solution. In order to create a receptive audience, the Advocate must promote an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation by spreading the word on upcoming releases.

Who  EASI

How 1. Upon awareness of a new solution or product, deliver or spread the message within BU or Linc location to create a “buzz” or sense of anticipation 2. Personalize the message to suit your BU or Linc location culture and/or personality 3. Provide “real life” applications or examples to get users excited to see the solution in action 4. Explain the value that the solution brings to the BU

5. Once the audience is mentally prepared for the release, provide education that will help them put the solution into practical application as soon as they are available. This will help sustain the excitement around the solution.

 EASI  Advocates – movement specific  Supporterssolution specific

1. Sign yourself and others up for Corporate University Courses 2. Follow up on completion of courses

6. Anticipation and education together make an ideal preparation for the practical application of any solution. Putting a solution into practice as soon as it is available helps it stay fresh on users’ minds and keeps the momentum going.

 EASI  Advocatesmovement specific  Supporters – solution specific


At “go live”, oversee first use of solution 2. Monitor day to day use 3. Monitor and manage issues reported 4. Review any changes or enhancements with ABMLQ


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework 5. Begin cascading the use of the solution throughout the business unit and/or Linc location to promote its merits and get everyone on board. This is where cultural adoption starts to take hold as users witness first- hand how their peers benefit from released solutions.

 EASI  Advocatesmovement specific  Supporterssolution specific

1. Rely on advocates and supporters to push solution down to users 2. Develop incentives to compel user adoption

6. Sustain the momentum derived from the release of a solution through constant and consistent affirmation of its use within an EASI member’s sphere of influence.



Monitor use through alerts, reports, PDIs and KPIs 2. Use of QMS Corrective and Preventive Actions to promote continual improvement 3. Participate in quarterly management review process


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework 3.2.2

Program Value As each level of the EASI Lifecycle is completed even if through several iterations, the results are ultimately enjoyed at the organizational level. The process diagram below demonstrates the EASI Lifecycle “left to right” and “top to bottom” steps, starting with the “Creation of Awareness” by ABMLQ and culminating in a “Productive” organization as a whole.


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework 3.2.3

Program Members

Evangelist s

•1st Level (Gold) •By Business Unit


Supporter s

•2nd Level (Silver) •By Movement •By Business Unit •By Location

•3rd Level (Bronze) •By Solution •By Location

There are three levels of membership in the EASI program: A.

Evangelists – Gold Level

Evangelism literally comes from the three words 'bringing good news' and it justly draws from the religious sense, as followers are essentially driven by their beliefs in a product or service, which they preach in an attempt to convert others. The first step in the implementation of this program was to identify one Evangelist for each business unit, someone who exhibited the ability to lead or rally employees at the business unit level. Evangelists are the first or highest level of EASI participation. All ABMLQ members are Evangelists by default as an inherent result of their roles. At the business unit level, our current list of Evangelists can be viewed by visiting this link: https://ABMpartners.thelincgroup.com/allianceshome/evangelist/Lists/Evangelists%20and%20Advocat es/Evangelists.aspx


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework Characteristics What are the characteristics of an Evangelist? Although most of these are subjective in nature, through frequent interaction with members of our business units, the Information Management Group has been able to identify current Evangelists who have exhibited these characteristics.  Charismatic - as the name would suggest, an Evangelist must be charismatic and influential; someone who inspires positive reception and cultural adoption, similar to “Influential Irene” from our Collaboration Personas.  Liaison - An Evangelist must have the ability to serve as the liaison between corporate implementations and his/her business unit leadership. The Evangelist must be able to explain the impact that solutions will have on the business unit and the value on investment (VOI).  Open Mind - an Evangelist must have an open mind; as new solutions and processes are introduced to the organization, an Evangelist must be receptive enough to listen to their merits and also have the foresight to envision their long-term impact to the organization.  Strategic - an Evangelist must understand the strategic objectives of the organization and the business unit goals that drive them to fruition; he/she must fully comprehend why we do the things we do and be able to articulate it to others.  Trusted Partner - An Evangelist must be recognized by the business unit as a respected, trusted, and familiar member of their organization. Skills: What skills are required of an Evangelist? An Evangelist must have a competency in the following areas to ensure a successful tenure. Soft Skills:  Lead by example - the best way to convert a non-believer is to practice what you preach. If you conduct yourself in a manner that is congruent with the practices of the Movements, the proof will be in the quality and level of your productivity that others will witness and want to emulate.  Motivate – the ability to inspire others to do the right thing is critical to the success of an Evangelist. This means that care must be given in the way you interact with others.  Nurture – sustaining the momentum of behavioral and cultural changes is a daily responsibility of an Evangelist. Old habits are difficult to change especially when the perception is there was nothing wrong with them to begin with. An Evangelist must be conscious of and sensitive to members of the business unit who may require constant guidance and nurturing. Hard Skills:


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework    

Collaboration Skills - a proficiency in our various collaborative tools which are essential in the fulfillment of responsibilities Effective Communication Skills – consistent, constant communication without inundating your audience is a balance that must be handled by Evangelists to effectively deliver their message Knowledge of Movements - an Evangelist must have a well rounded knowledge of all the Movements in order to provide support to his/her advocates and clearly explain their content and purpose Organizational and Time Management Skills – the ability to juggle your existing and Evangelist duties will be critical to your success


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework Responsibilities What is an Evangelist responsible for? This matrix lists what’s expected of or the responsibilities of an Evangelist and the estimated effort involved. Responsibilities Complete the ABMLQ Evangelist orientation session Attend ABMLQ annual planning session Read and absorb all ABMLQ announcement series (Get Excited, It’s Alive, Final Note) Guide or remind relevant Advocates on how to spread the news from ABMLQ announcements Attend “First Look” calls for the release of new solutions Prepare business unit advocates on the pending release of new solutions Continuously promote best practices according to the guidelines of the different Movements In addition to his/her own, set alerts on behalf of Advocates in:  Solutions Status Board  Systems Status Board  ABM Portal Announcements  Movements Team Site  QuickTip Library  LincTube  Lexicon Library Attend and conduct “Shorties” Attend kick-off meeting of new implementations within their business unit Participate in initiative transition process Oversee stabilization of new solution

Effort 1 day session (face to face or via web conference) 2 day session in Irvine 15 minutes per announcement 15 minutes per announcement 30 minutes per meeting 30 minutes per new solution Integrate with daily interaction 5 minutes per item

30 minutes per Shortie 30 minutes per meeting

As required depending on complexity of initiative or solution As required


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework within business unit Guide/support Advocates in the initiative transition process Submit budgetary requirements for long-term maintenance and support of solution Completion of the following corporate university courses:  Enterprise Management  LincTube  Quality Management System  EASI Program Course

As required As required

As applicable

Acquisition of Evangelist Role How does one become an Evangelist? Since the inception of the evangelist role at ABM, our current roster of evangelists were nominated by the Information Management Group and submitted for the Business Unit President’s approval. ABMLQ’s selection of our current Evangelists was based on observations through initiative and ad-hoc interactions. Tenure: An Evangelist’s tenure is in effect as long as the Evangelist is willing to continue with the role and as long as the business unit continues to support the position. If an Evangelist were to leave the company, ABMLQ will discuss the replacement with the Business Unit President. The list of Advocates will be used as possible candidates for the Evangelist role for the business unit. Requirements: There are only a few requirements in order to be considered for the Evangelist role:   


Consistently personify the characteristics listed in this section. Demonstrates a proficiency in the skills listed in this section. Approval of Business Unit President and direct supervisor

Advocates – Silver Level

Promoter, backer, supporter, campaigner, activist, sponsor…. These are some of the words that are synonymous with the word Advocate. All these words point to one thing: a belief in something so strong that it compels you to act on it. At ABM, our Advocates are the second level of ABMLQ’s extended services. Whereas Evangelists oversee the proliferation of the Movements, Advocates are the foot soldiers who filter it down to the masses.


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework In order to best leverage our Advocates and their expertise, they are identified and categorized based on our seven Movements.       

Business Process Management Collaboration Corporate Performance Management Governance Programs Systems Talent and Education

To see our current listing of Advocates, please visit this link: https://ABMpartners.thelincgroup.com/allianceshome/evangelist/Lists/Evangelists%20and%20Advocat es/Advocates.aspx Once our Evangelists were identified, we began identifying and developing advocates in each of our seven Movements for each Business Unit. This gives the EASI program the ability to leverage the talents and expertise of employees who already had a proclivity towards a certain Movement and more importantly, were already applying their principles, albeit in an informal manner. In the confines of the EASI program, Advocates are guided and supported by their business unit Evangelist. Characteristics What are the characteristics of an Advocate? In any role or position, each employee has the responsibility to consistently deliver products and services that enhance customer value and increase productivity. A customer can be anyone we provide a service or product to; most are our peers or co-workers. And to continually meet this responsibility, we must always strive to improve our solutions and processes. There are those who have a natural ability to embrace new products, solutions or processes because they believe that we can always do better. An Advocate must personify such a characteristic or quality and those listed below:  

Consistency – an Advocate must be consistent in the content and manner in which information is delivered to the users. Any deviation from the stated principles and norms of the Movements may be perceived by the users as “permission” to do the same. Enthusiasm – an advocate must first build excitement around a new solution or product in order to engage users who may otherwise not even have an awareness of these new solutions. This requires an enthusiastic personality fueled by the Advocate’s true belief in the solutions. Tenacity – the ability to sustain cultural and user adoption can be achieved through persistence and unyielding commitment


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework Skills: What skills are required of an Advocate? Similar to an Evangelist, an Advocate must have a competency in the following areas to ensure a successful tenure. Soft Skills:  Lead by example - the best way to convert a non-believer is to practice what you preach. If you conduct yourself in a manner that is congruent with the practices of your specific Movement, the proof will be in the quality and level of your productivity that others will witness and want to emulate.  Motivate – the ability to inspire others to do the right thing is critical to the success of an Advocate. This means that care must be given in the way you interact with others. It is always easier to get the desired results if employees are motivated to willingly “drink from the fountain” after being led to it.  Nurture – sustaining the momentum of behavioral and cultural changes is a daily responsibility of an Advocate. Old habits are difficult to change especially when the perception is, there was nothing wrong with them to begin with. An Advocate must be conscious of and sensitive to members of her business unit who may require constant guidance and nurturing. Hard Skills:  Collaboration Skills - a proficiency in our various collaborative tools which are essential in the fulfillment of responsibilities  Effective Communication Skills – consistent, constant communication without inundating your audience is a balance that must be handled by Evangelists to effectively deliver their message  Knowledge of Specific Movement(s) - an Advocate must have an intimate knowledge of the Movements he or she are identified with, in order to provide support to his/her users and clearly explain their content and purpose  Organizational and Time Management Skills – the ability to juggle your existing and Advocate duties will be critical to your success


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework Expectations What is expected of Advocate? This matrix lists what’s expected of an Advocate and the estimated effort involved. Expectations Complete the ABMLQ Advocate orientation course

Read and absorb all ABMLQ announcement specific to Movement (Get Excited, It’s Alive, Final Note) Guide or remind relevant Supporters on how to spread the news from ABMLQ announcements Attend “Shorties” pertaining to Movement Prepare business unit or Linc Location users on the pending release of new solutions Continuously promote best practices according to the guidelines of the different Movements In addition to his/her own, set alerts on behalf of affected users in:  Solutions Status Board, Movement Specific  ABM Portal Announcements  Specific Movements Team Site  QuickTip Library  LincTube  Lexicon Library Participate in initiative transition process Monitor and manage stabilization of new solution within business unit or Linc Location

Effort 30 minutes Advocates Orientation 30 minutes per Movement Orientation 15 minutes per announcement 15 minutes per announcement 30 minutes per meeting 30 minutes per new solution Integrate with daily interaction 5 minutes per item

As required depending on complexity of initiative or solution As required


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework Guide/support Solution Supporters in the initiative transition process Completion of the following corporate university courses:  Enterprise Management  LincTube  Quality Management System  EASI Program Course Movement specific responsibility – refer to “Movements” page

As required As applicable

As applicable


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework Acquisition of Advocate Role How does one become an Advocate?  Advocates are identified in both an informal and deliberate manner. Some are identified informally through daily interactions with users who have demonstrated a desire in following, and practical application of, the principles of one or more of the seven Movements.  Others are identified in a formal or deliberate manner through the initiative transition process during which an Advocate is identified at the Linc Location level. Today, the addition of the “Supporters” level of the EASI program provides for another level of advocacy at the “solution” level (see Supporters section of this document).  Employees can also volunteer to become an Advocate. Use this form to submit yourself or others as an Advocate candidate: https://ABMpartners.thelincgroup.com/allianceshome/evangelist/Lists/Advocate%20candidat es%20checklist/Allitemsg.aspx Tenure: An Advocate’s tenure is in effect as long as the Advocate is willing to continue with the role and as long as the business unit continues to support the position. If an Advocate were to leave the company, ABMLQ will discuss the replacement with the Business Unit Evangelist. The list of Supporters will be used as possible candidates for the Advocate role in each Movement. Requirements: There are only a few requirements in order to be considered for the Advocate role:   


Consistently personify the characteristics listed in this section. Demonstrates a proficiency in the skills listed in this section. Approval of Evangelist and direct supervisor

Supporters – Bronze Level

Supporters are advocates who are specific to a solution and location. They are the allies or devotees of Advocates responsible for ensuring the success of a very specific solution within a Linc Location. For example, in the Movement of Programs/Work Order Management at Linc Facility Services, there are several solutions available and thus, supporters are required for each solution at each location. The two diagrams below illustrate the hierarchy from Evangelist down to the Supporter.


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework

Supporters at times have the heaviest responsibility in pushing the solution down to the user level. However, if the Evangelist and Advocate have done their job, the Supporter should have an eager and prepared workforce. Supporters have the day-to-day responsibility of not only ensuring released solutions are being used but also that no other “unauthorized” solution is being used in place of. To see our current listing of Supporters, please visit this link: https://ABMpartners.thelincgroup.com/allianceshome/evangelist/Lists/Evangelists%20and%20Advocat es/Advocates.aspx Characteristics What are the characteristics of a Supporter? A supporter’s role is very specific to a solution and the Linc location or office to which he or she belongs. This gives the Supporter two objectives: (1) to effectively implement the use of the solution and (2) to tailor the approach according to the “personas” present within the location. A Supporter can work hand-in-hand with an Advocate when


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework appropriate or required. To successfully meet these objectives, a Supporter must have the following characteristics: 

 

Accessible – with any new solution or change in process, users are inherently anxious and intimidated; there is always the fear of the unknown. A Supporter must be accessible or approachable by users in order to allay their fears and offer support where necessary. A user must never be made feel inferior because there are questions or doubts about his/her use of the new solution. Detail Oriented – a Supporter is concise and precise in everything; the accuracy of information delivered to users is of utmost importance. Any perceived error or misinterpretation can impede successful user adoption. Flexibility – sustaining cultural and user adoption can be achieved through a chameleon-like ability to adapt to each persona that is present within a Linc location. A Supporter must be able to respond to the user’s needs and learning capacity, according to his or her persona. The transition plan document defines the personas that may be present within a location specific to a solution or initiative and the recommended approach to each.

Skills: What skills are required of a Supporter? Similar to an Evangelist and Advocate, a Supporter must have a competency in the following areas to ensure a successful tenure. Soft Skills:  Lead by example - the best way to convert a non-believer is to practice what you preach. If you conduct yourself in a manner that is congruent with the applications of your specific solution, the proof will be in the quality and level of your productivity that others will witness and want to emulate.  Motivate – the ability to inspire others to do the right thing is critical to the success of a Supporter. This means that care must be given in the way you interact with others. It is always easier to get the desired results if employees are motivated to willingly “drink from the fountain” after being led to it.  Nurture – sustaining the momentum of behavioral and cultural changes is a daily responsibility of a Supporter. Old habits are difficult to change especially when the perception is, there was nothing wrong with them to begin with. A Supporter must be conscious of and sensitive to members of her Linc location who may require constant guidance and nurturing. Hard Skills:  Collaboration Skills - a proficiency in our various collaborative tools which are essential in the fulfillment of responsibilities


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework   

Effective Communication Skills – consistent, constant communication without inundating your audience is a balance that must be handled by Supporters to effectively deliver their message Knowledge of Specific Solution and Movement(s) - an Advocate must have an intimate knowledge of the assigned Solution and the Movement to which it aligns, in order to provide support to his/her users and clearly explain their content and purpose Organizational and Time Management Skills – the ability to juggle your existing and Supporter duties will be critical to your success


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework Expectations What is expected of a Supporter? This matrix lists what’s expected of a Supporter and the estimated effort involved. Expectations Complete the ABMLQ Supporter orientation course

Read and absorb all ABMLQ announcement specific to a Solution (Get Excited, It’s Alive, Final Note) Guide or remind relevant users on how to internalize the news from ABMLQ announcements Attend “Shorties” pertaining to Solution Prepare Linc Location users on the pending release of new solutions Educate users on enhancements or added features of solutions In addition to his/her own, set alerts on behalf of affected users in:  Solutions Status Board, Solution Specific  ABM Portal Announcements  Specific Movements Team Site  QuickTip Library  LincTube  Lexicon Library Participate in initiative transition process Manage stabilization of new solution within Linc Location Guide/support Users in the initiative transition process Completion of the following corporate

Effort 30 minutes Supporter Orientation 30 minutes per Movement Orientation 15 minutes per announcement 15 minutes per announcement 30 minutes per meeting 30 minutes per new solution As required 5 minutes per item

As required depending on complexity of initiative or solution As required As required As applicable


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework university courses:  Solution Specific Course  Enterprise Management  LincTube  Quality Management System  EASI Program Course Acquisition of Supporter Role How does one become a Supporter?  Supporters are identified in a standardized process known as the Initiative Transition. During the transition process, the ABMLQ Program or Project Manager, together with the Advocate must identify a Supporter specific to the solution that is being deployed. The Supporter must then review, acknowledge and execute the responsibilities stated in the Initiative Transition Plan.  A Supporter could also be informally identified by an Advocate or another Supporter who has solicited the assistance of a Linc location user who may display a proficiency in the use of the solution, after the transition or hand-off process is concluded. A Linc Location can have more than one Supporter per solution depending on its complexity or number of impacted users.  An employee could also volunteer to be a Supporter. Use this form to submit yourself or others as an Advocate candidate: https://ABMpartners.thelincgroup.com/allianceshome/evangelist/Lists/Advocate%20candidat es%20checklist/Allitemsg.aspx Tenure: A Supporter’s tenure is in effect as long as the Supporter is willing to continue with the role and as long as the Linc location continues to support the position. If a Supporter were to leave the company, the Advocate will discuss the replacement with the Business Unit Evangelist. The list of known users will be used as possible candidates for the Supporter role for each solution. Requirements: There are only a few requirements in order to be considered for the Supporter role:    3.3

Consistently personify the characteristics listed in this section. Demonstrates a proficiency in the skills listed in this section. Approval of Evangelist, Advocate and direct supervisor

Collaboration Personas To successfully deliver the most valuable collaborative tools and solutions to our business units, the ABMLQ team and EASI members must be able to quickly and accurately assess the needs and goals of all its users – including employees, franchisees, customers, vendors and others. With such a large and culturally diverse user base, this can be a difficult task. To better meet this challenge, the use of


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework personas was established. Personas are fictional profiles that represent the characteristics and needs of large groups of users. Based on real company data, personas are created and used as models when planning, promoting, and deploying new solutions. For our EASI members, Personas must be considered to have a successful cultural and user adoption. And because it is through collaboration that most solutions are deployed to employees, the ABM ABMLQ Personas listed below are our first consideration. Consider these items when a new solution is about to be implemented and deployed, relative to your user population:   

Try to identify your user group by their Personas. Similar to profiling target audiences in a marketing program, this will help you tailor your approach to a specific Persona. When you have grouped your users according to their Persona, use the table below to tailor your approach to each. At the end of the process, your purpose is not the conversion of one Persona to another. If your approach or mitigation plan is successful, they will adjust their own Persona as a matter of personal growth.


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework This table lists the opportunities on how to approach each Persona: Persona Avid Andy

Influential Irene

Overwhelmed Oscar

Reluctant Ruth

Opportunities  Support Andy’s enthusiasm to contribute to the company; it will help newcomers feel excited about the tools and feel comfortable asking questions  Help him thrive by identifying him as a Solution Supporter  Pair him up with Overwhelmed Oscar; it will motivate him and help Oscar  Help Irene keep the environment in which she can be an advocate for positive collaboration  Take advantage of her leadership qualities by publicly recognizing her contributions and those of her direct reports  Solicit her input as a subject matter expert  Do NOT underestimate her influence over her peers; use it to your advantage by making sure she is a believer at the onset  Encourage tool adoption and learning by making sure he has the proper training and mentors  Prioritize what he has to learn and give him the relevant training materials in the appropriate medium  Show him why collaboration is crucial to the success of the solution  Pair him with Avid Andy so he has someone to go to for questions or concerns  Awareness is the key to Ruth’s success; she does not initially see the values in new solutions and feels they are disruptive to her work  Show her concrete examples of how the solution can help her as an individual  Align the benefits to her goals and pair her


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework


up with someone like Irene to show her it’s not just using new tools for the sake of new tools Praise her whenever possible and publicly thank her for the great work she does when she uses the new solutions and tools

Value of Participation What’s in it for me, my business unit, and ABM? This framework document seems to suggest a great deal of effort by, and expectations of the participants. However, the investment in time at the onset will save precious resources in the end through decreased issues and increased user adoption. The tables below illustrate the value derived from the EASI program from three different points of view. The list of values is also organized by the Balanced Scorecard perspectives which paint a balanced picture of how EASI contributes to the organizational well being.

What’s in it for the EASI participants or members? It makes sense that the value derived from EASI by the participants is mostly aligned to the Organizational Learning and Growth and Internal Process perspectives. An EASI participant who already has his/her own responsibilities in addition to the expectations of the EASI program must be incentivized with personal and career growth. This table is arranged alphabetically by Value. Perspective Organizational Learning and Growth Organizational Learning and Growth Internal Process

Value Career Growth



Definition Adds value to your current position leading to career growth and added opportunities within the organization Provides a sense of community where members with similar expertise and experiences can support each other Gives EASI participants the power to affect


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework

Organizational Learning and Growth Organizational Learning and Growth Organizational Learning and Growth Organizational Learning and Growth


Organizational Learning and Growth Internal Process


Learning Events

change at their business unit level and gain a sense of community and pride Inclusion in a network of people with exclusive knowledge of strategy and the solutions that help execute them Attend ABMLQ learning events through roundtables, “First Looks”, etc.

Networking Events

Attend business unit events to solidify the group’s alliance within the program

Personal Fulfillment

The personal satisfaction of helping your business unit or office, take advantage of products, solutions and processes that increase productivity Rewards based on EASI participation through the EASI Recognition Program

Strategic Influence

Contribution in the ABMLQ strategic planning process which means EASI members can impact the direction of ABMLQ’s annual strategic objectives from their strategy map

What’s in it for the Business Unit or Linc Location? In the business unit or Linc location point of view, it is logical that the “Customer” perspective is dominant as to the value the EASI program brings. ABMLQ’s primary customers are employees from the business units and as such, their satisfaction is a critical objective. This table is arranged alphabetically by Value. Perspective Customer

Internal Process

Value Additional Resources

Definition With ABMLQ’s finite resources, the business units can have the confidence that their own EASI members can take care of requests and issues without waiting for ABMLQ’s availability and still have a process for escalation when necessary Business Unit “Go A “go to” staff member is recognized which To” eases the anxiety level of business unit users; users will have a better comfort level


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework Financial



Minimize issues


Solution Stability

when trying or using new solutions Financial incentives from number of EASI participants per business unit and Linc Location and other metrics will be established by the EASI governance body Lower number of issues during an initiative transition process or the deployment of a new solution. Lower issues = Higher acceptance and productivity Shorter amount of time for stabilization of new solutions (typically 90 days)

What’s in it for ABM? From an organizational point of view, the value derived from the perspectives of Financial and Internal Process is evident. ABM must be able to quantify in terms of value on investment (VOI), not necessarily in terms of dollars and cents, the advantages of the EASI program. This table is arranged alphabetically by Value. Perspective Internal Process Organizational learning and growth Financial Internal Process Financial


Value Camaraderie

Definition Builds camaraderie among EASI members and by osmosis among business units Cross-business Expertise and subject matter experts are unit Expertise developed across business units thereby blurring the lines in the organizational learning perspective Maximize Staffing Savings by leveraging existing resources for support Standardization Compels standardization of solutions and use of best practices User and Cultural Minimizes the cultural and procedural issues Adoption in the proliferation of solutions and processes down to the user level at each business unit

EASI Recognition How are EASI members awarded and recognized?


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework As an extended partner of the Information Management Group, we recognize that EASI members also have their existing responsibilities in addition to their EASI participation from time to time. We also understand that in order to give them the visibility they deserve and require in order to have the authority to influence change, instant recognition of their EASI participation is necessary. To this end, all EASI members are awarded the following at the time of their submission as an EASI member:   

Added to the EASI Membership List https://ABMpartners.thelincgroup.com/allianceshome/evangelist/Lists/Evangelists%20and %20Advocates/AllItems.aspx Automatic entry into the EASI Recognition Program which will reward outstanding achievements by Evangelists, Advocates, and Supporters EASI Kit which includes: o Hardcopy of this framework document for all Evangelists o Framed certificate of EASI Participation (Evangelists, Advocates and Supporters respectively): https://ABMpartners.thelincgroup.com/allianceshome/evangelist/EASI%20Kit/For ms/AllItems.aspx o EASI Medal for all Evangelists and Advocates o EASI Pins which are Movement Specific for all Advocates o EASI Supporter Badge for all Supporters


What is the EASI Recognition Program? The EASI Program relies on its practitioners to put its principles into action. Through our Evangelists, Advocates and Supporters, we are able to cascade services and implementations at the business unit and location level at a much more efficient pace. This efficiency enhances customer value and improves overall productivity. The hard work and tenacity of our EASI members must be recognized and heralded to give all employees an awareness of their contribution to each department, office, business unit, and the organization as a whole. To this end, we are establishing an EASI Recognition Program.


Purpose of the EASI Recognition Program:  Recognize and reward outstanding achievements of EASI Members  Provide awareness to their role in the EASI Program and of the Program itself  Provide the business units with an incentive to promote EASI participation within their organization


Eligibility:  All current members of the EASI Program are eligible


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework



Criteria: A. Subjective Criteria o Consistently demonstrates the characteristics of their role within EASI o Meets at least 50% of expectations outlined in this Framework Document. o Affects change at business unit, office or department level pursuant to ABMLQ implementations and standards. B. Objective Criteria o Provided during the voting process


Nomination Process: The nomination process is initiated by the Information Management Group at the end of each year. Nominee submissions are solicited and voted on by the Information Management Group and the Evangelists.

Framework Document Guidelines This section describes how this framework document may be used and by whom; it provides guidelines on how a Linc employee can leverage the document for application within their spheres of influence. 4.1

Use of the framework document: As an ABMLQ member, use this framework document to:  Continually challenge yourself in looking to the business units as our extended partners.  Educate prospective members on the EASI program.  Reference in the course of initiative management. As a manager or leader, use this framework document to:  Challenge yourself on how you can offer support to your EASI participants.  Educate yourself on the EASI program and the value it brings to your group.  Model a similar program within your business unit, shared services group or Linc location. This framework is not exclusive to ABMLQ. As an EASI member, use this framework document to:  Challenge yourself to influence others to become an EASI member.  Educate others within your spheres of influence on its content and merits.  Remind yourself of the EASI program provisions. As a Linc employee, use this framework document to:


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework   

Challenge yourself on how to make the tasks of your evangelists, advocates, and supporters easier which will benefit your Linc location in the end. Find out how all employees can benefit from the EASI program. Learn about the EASI program.


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework 4.2

Conformance: Describe the parameters in conforming to the provisions of this framework. What is the scalability of this framework? Can portions of this framework be omitted or scaled down? This framework document is specifically tailored for the use of the Information Management Group and thus, its application in the same context must not be scaled down or portions omitted. If another business unit or shared services group were to use this framework as a model for a similar application, ABMLQ can be consulted in its development. Compliance to the provisions of this framework is the responsibility of all participants and primarily, of the Information Management Group. Any matters contested or in question must be escalated to the Chief Information Officer.


Governance: Framework: Who will be the governing body for the maintenance and long-term application of this framework? What is the process for applying changes to the provisions of this framework? The governing body for the maintenance and long-term application of this framework consists of:    

Chief Information Officer Corporate Quality Manager Corporate Education Manager Business Unit Evangelists

Any and all changes to this framework document must be submitted in writing to the Corporate Quality Manager, at which time the governing body will be consulted. EASI Members: A quarterly review call with all Evangelists will be conducted by the Information Management Group with the following objectives:   

Review current EASI membership for each business unit Review program application within each business unit Discuss opportunities for improvement


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework 5.0

Supporting Documentation or References: Visit the EASI Portal team site for all references and additional information: https://ABMpartners.thelincgroup.com/allianceshome/evangelist/default.aspx


Terminology List any special terminologies and add their definitions in the lexicon library.

Link to ABM Lexicon Library: https://ABMreview.thelincgroup.com/qmslinks/Lists/ABM%20Lexicon%20Library/Alpha%20Grouping.aspx Terms Advocates Avid Andy Balanced Scorecards BSC Perspectives Business Unit Collaboration Cultural Issues EASI Evangelist Framework Governing Body ABMLQ Influential Irene Initiative Initiative Transition Lexicon Linc Location LincTube Overwhelmed Oscar Personas Quality Management System QuickTip Reluctant Ruth Shortie


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework Solution Strategic Planning Strategy Map Supporters User Adoption


Evangelists, Advocates, Supporter Influence Framework


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