How it wor ks
ABM Energy Services understands our customers business and their need for lowering energy and operational costs. A reduction in metabolic costs translates into an improved bottom line and greater asset value.
Facility and Service Manager Users Understand your facility for better energy management
c2 Pr oduct Brief Weaving a social fabric that compels inherent collaboration.
Full navigation dashboard with access to buildinginSITE is a web-based Energy Management System aggregation tool available with a number of customization capabilities. It can support multiple locations, leveraging a special dashboard to allow visual depiction of company buildings with integrated floor plans. The system can serve the needs of government, healthcare, higher education and property management organizations, to name a few.
specific data Graphical, real-time control interface Any and all components can be saved into userdefined dashboards for quick retrieval. Executive Level User Features Metabolic single site or multi site information at the tip of your fingers
Platform for the centralized aggregation of enterprise
With a powerful analytics and diagnostic engine, inSITE
-wide disparate systems
will monitor building parameters, alarms and events, automatically notifying key personnel so actions can be
High level analysis tools
taken in real-time and the problem solved.
of the particular information required
inSITE organizes data in a logical hierarchy, by campus, building, floor, room, equipment and so forth.
Metric-specific dashboards geared towards the needs
allows for data aggregation and normalization, and the ability to roll information up the tree to see metrics on the global scale.
inSITE Energy Management and I nt elligent Aggregation Platform
IT, Operations, Energy Manager Features Actionable information for quick decision-making View of total energy usage, PUE calculations, comparison trends of equipment utilization and consumption
Energy strategy built into accessible control functions
inSITE in conjunction with ABM’s energy services can
Intelligent Data visualization
help optimize these costs without expensive mechanical upgrades and typically drive sustainable savings greater than 6 – 18% in energy costs
Web-based reporting
Reports can be hosted or stored on client servers
Customizable by users Built-in security access Reports can be viewed from any PC connected to the internet
Cultural Cohesion (c2) Primary location: 152 Technology, Irvine CA Brief code: 20120213
Cultural Cohesion (c2) Perpetual results. EASI adoption.
Cultural Cohesion (c2)
Data sheet | Back-end overview
inSITE is an EMS platform which includes software,
inSITE is based on a open architecture industry lead-
ABM has developed a live demonstration of the inSITE
ing web-based software platform with thousands of installations capable of communicating with virtually
EMS/ BMS portal that shows connectivity to many different types of existing EMS/BMS systems. All of
any hardware of software application regardless of vendor.
the data being displayed in the demonstration is live from our hardware panel located in the ABM Irvine
hardware and services that revolutionize the way our customers interact with their facilities metabolism. Delivering real-time and historical information on virtually every aspect of the facilities consumption of ener-
California office. The goal is to show connectivity to
gy, gas, water, waste and carbon. Geographical reporting of HVAC, lighting, fire and security systems via a web enabled device will dramatically improve the decision making capability for managing operations, reducing costs and driving sustainable metabolic savings.
many different types of legacy EMS/BMS systems. HVAC Systems
All environmental and mechanical systems can be monitored and controlled
Exterior Systems
HVAC, Lighting, Power, Security and a Data Center. All have additional drill down screens that show sam-
ple functionality
Seamless communication with smoke, contamination monitoring and biological detection
Utility Monitoring
Manage usage, analyze rates, and reduce costs.
Tenant billing and usage reporting
Interior Lighting
Optimize lighting for energy conservation and
comfort. Set holiday and after hours schedules
Digital Signage
Digital signage to broadcast real-time safety and emergency communications throughout your facility
Building Access & Control and Surveillance
some of the functionality of the inSITE EMS/BMS system. There are five main areas for demonstration;
Parking, Security, Camera systems and Land-
Gas / Contamination
The Web based demo has been developed to show
Real-time management and control over your building access, surveillance, and visitor management systems
The panel leverages the following technologies:
Honeywell Tridium Spider Tridium Security Jace Cisco Systems Watt Stopper Emmi Avionics Programmable logic controller (PLC) SATEC power meter Vykon security interface
The following protocols are being used:
BACnet IMSTP Ethernet RS485 BACnet IP Modbus TCP