Keyandbenefits uw office

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Top Benefit


Dispatch "pull model"

Dispatch "pull model" Work activity based hopper where notifications to participating UW members are prioritized based on qualifications, proximity and past performance.  Those with the best traits are notified first and all others incrementally notified at greater durations from the initial field notification.  Thus, the best field based UW members will receive the best work activity opportunities and those further down the notification sequence will be motivated to improve their performance

Top Benefit


Productivity focused, competitively inspired, work execution

Productivity focused, competitively inspired, work execution People want to do the right thing. Provide the "allotted" time for an activity and most will meet or come in under that expectation. Add a layer of competition between the field workers on who is performing at what levels and you unlock phenomenal productivity.

Top Benefit


Right person, right place, right now

Right person, right place, right now A unique approach needed to be introduced to execute the aforementioned consistently. Our combination of pull dispatch, highly integrated sub functions (PO management, contextual learning, etc.), peer based governance society along with the use of community, labor and supplier points positions ABM to flip over traditional service management.

3 Keys for Turning Unified Workforce into Success

Top Success Key


Blended labor resources

Blending labor resources | increased throughput We have all known, for many years, that the most profitable jobs are those with the perfect crew mix. Leveraging the density of labor within markets and across ABM provide an opportunity to expand that concept one step further, a move towards "Portfolio labor". The power of UW affords us the ability to understand and manage "per activity" actions by the field, regardless of transactional system, industry, skill or service.

Top Success Key


Dispatch models

Dispatch model | reduced overhead One size does not fit all. Our ability to offer a traditional direct assign (push), a taxi cab driver grab your own activity based on skills and proximity (pull) , and our clients having the choice to modify priorities of activities (shuffle) provide one thing, choice.

Top Success Key



Personalization | contract extension You are our most important client! When the client is the center of your universe all actions are focused on differentiating and retaining the customer for life. Once connected to the UW platform we easily configure and broadcast key metrics important to our clients to the field service workers. This industry first "insight" allows our actions, from account management to the execution of service in the field to be one fluid motion. Extending existing contracts terms by offering up this unique functionality helps our clients realize the full value of our integrated facility solution set.

A Few Other Benefits and Keys Worth Reviewing...



Agnostic browser and computing device access

Agnostic browser and computing device access Smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops will all work regardless of internet browser or operating system. Our ability to engage anyone, anywhere without the overhead of managing devices allows us to focus on driving service value within your operation.



Blended, qualified and trusted labor resources

Blended, qualified and trusted labor resources A mix of ABM labor and non-ABM labor (local labor) qualified through the ABM University and ranked in three major skill categories; fundamental, proficient and expert. The UW platform prevents work from going to any labor resource which has not been filtered through numerous levels of qualification.



Community fed contextual learning environment

Community fed contextual learning environment Motivated to contribute practical learning content related to the site or across the UW community. Associating rich media (images, video, audio) to field assets and providing the ability to discuss asset specific content is the path to a perpetual learning environment



Digital communication path

Digital communication path The UW framework boasts a powerful messaging buss. Notifications (news) and Alerts (actionable) are prominently displayed at every UW level once logged in. Peer to peer, application to person, application to application, are all enabled to provide one central hub of messaging. Email and SMS services are also leveraged in an attempt to "leave no stone unturned" with regards to communicating with UW community participants



Proximity based labor alignment

Proximity based labor alignment Labor is added to the UW Community, all carrying specific skills recorded via the ABM University and skills associated to work order types. Now, you do not need to know "who is in the market", instead just what activity needs to be conducted, route it into the UW Hopper and let the system match the perfect resource. All managed by UW with respect to the resources within proximity of the work activity.



Transactional system integration hub

Transactional system integration hub Systems reside literally everywhere. Within a client, especially multi-location, numerous transactional systems (IE: work order management) may exist. Keeping all systems data models up to date while providing a common interface for the field worker, client and office personnel is a core function of the UW platform.

Success Key


Fleet optimization

Fleet optimization | intuitive routing by field Who knows best the traffic patterns within a region than the service employees dealing with it every day? Certainly, we must balance the "convenience" factor where individual priorities may sometimes trump enterprise priorities (managed through the UW points engine). All in all, the combination of "pull" dispatch and "shuffle" dispatch vehicle operating costs and employee frustration will dramatically decrease. Given the opportunity most people will strive to do the right thing, we simply need to create the visibility so they can see what the right thing is in context to their work execution.

Success Key


Promises into action

Promises into action | adaptable delivery mechanism Communication is KING. Reaching field service employees is no easy task and the ability to broadcast alerts and notifications via their service platform is an integral part of the UW solution. Our use of screens and tiles (packaged on a screen) with agents (data feeds from clients exposed on tiles) provides a very agile framework to ensure that what our client says is translated and communicated to the service employee.

Success Key


Zero training model

Zero training model | Win8 standard UW UW has taken our training approach straight from modern-day tablet applications. Make the application VERY intuitive and they will learn how to use it. Our tile based approach, with Windows 8 charms and an "easy as 123 button" make this dream a reality. We are confident that UW participants will embrace the operation of UW in minutes.

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