Sir Keir Starmer has suspended seven leftwing Labour MPs, including former Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, after they voted to abolish the two - child benefit cap
The Scottish National Party (SNP) had tabled an amendment to the King’s Speech calling for the cap to be reversed, but it was defeated with 363 MPs voting against and 103 in favour In response to the rebellion, the f irst of his premiership, Starmer stripped the seven MPs of the whip The suspended MPs are John McDonnell, Rebecca Long Bailey, Richard Burgon, Zarah Sultana, Apsana Begum, Ian Byrne, and Imran Hussain They will lose the whip for six months, after which their status will be reviewed
Zarah Sultana, head of the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs, tweeted: "I have been informed by the Chief Whip & the Labour Party leadership that the whip has been withdrawn from me for voting to scrap the twochild benef it cap, which would lift 330,000 children out of poverty I will always stand up for the most vulnerable in our society "
The Prime Minister had hinted at the potential
R o ber t J enr ic k , To m
Tu gendh at, Priti Patel, Kem i B ad eno c h an d J am e s
C lev erl y h av e o f f ic i al ly entered th e race to become
t h e nex t l ead er o f th e
C onservativ e Party, all three
h a v i ng s ub m i tt ed th ei r nom ination pap ers
The early stages of the race have tilted towards the right, with Tugendhat, the s h a d o w s e c u r i t y m i n i s t e r, indicating his willingness to w i t h d r a w f r o m t h e
Eu r o p e a n C o n v e n t i o n o n Hu m a n R i g h t s ( E C H R ) i f n e c e s s a r y r e fo r m s d o n o t benef it Britain
Je n r i c k , t h e fo r m e r i m m i g r a t i o n m i n i s t e r,
Chairperson Roshni Nadar
scrapping of the two-child benef it cap, acknowledging party discontent over maintaining the policy
While most Labour MPs have accepted the need for patience, Starmer recognised the "ver y strong feeling in the Labour Party" about a policy that denies families benef its for a third or subsequent child
Eliminating the limit would cost £3 5 billion annually, and Starmer has insisted he will not end it without a clear funding plan for the additional benef it payments, worth about £3,400 per child each year
However, the Prime Minister has faced criticism from the left wing of the Labour Party over his handling of the vote
Apsana Begum, MP for Poplar & Limehouse, accused party whips of implying that her support as a domestic abuse sur vivor was conditional on her vote
She described this as “shocking” during an inter view with Times Radio In response, a Labour spokesperson stated, “We do not recognise these allegations ”
declared his candidacy as his campaign manager, Danny K r u g e r, e m p h a s i s e d
need to win back voters lost to Reform and to unite the
Kruger noted that Jenrick has the "energy, temperament, and policy agenda" to challenge rivals and lead the party back to power within f ive years
Suella Braverman on her part has bowed out, deciding not to run She stated t h a t
enough support to enter the race to replace Rishi Sunak but ultimately chose not to run
Telegraph, the former
there was "still
sus" on the causes behind
defeat and that she had been
i n meeting Lammy and praised U
Ke i r Starmer for prioritising the deepening of the India-UK
C o m p r e h e n s i v e St r a t e g i c
Pa r t n e r s h i p Mo d i r e a ff irmed his commitment to elevating India-UK ties and w e l c o m e d a b i l a t e r a l
Te c h n o l o g y S e c u r i t y Initiative and the desire to conclude a mutually benef icial FTA
L a m m y d e s c r i b e d t h e
t r a d e n e g o t i a t i o n s a s t h e starting point for unlocking shared potential and delivering growth He said, “This government will put growth at the heart of our foreign p o l i c y T h a t ’ s w h y t h r e e weeks into the job, I am in D e l h i a n n o u n c i n g a n e w
Te c h n o l o g y S e c u r i t y Initiative to deliver on the p r o m i s e o f t h e U K-I n d i a relationship
“ T h i s w i l l m e a n r e a l action together on the challenges of the future from AI to critical minerals Together
w e c a n u n l o c k m u t u a l g r o w t h , b o o s t i n n o v a t i o n , j o b s a n d i n v e s t m e n t We
a r e a l s o a c c e l e r a t i n g o u r joint work on the climate
c r i s i s – e n s u r i n g b r i g ht e r, safer futures for Brits and Indians This government is reconnecting Britain for our
s e c u r i t y a n d p ro s p e r i t y a t home
External Affairs Minister
S Ja i s h a n k a r e m p h a s i s e d that the India-UK relationship holds immense potential and that realising this potential meaningfully is the current task, as he met with the Foreign Secretar y His visit marks the f irst h i g h - l e v e l e n g a g e m e n t between India and the UK
s i n c e P r i m e M i n i s t e r Ke i r
St a r m e r ’ s L a b o u r g o v e r nment assumed off ice on July
5 A t H C LTe c h’s No i d a campus, Lammy met with
M a l h o t r a a n d v i s i t e d a n
i n n
Cameron, the British High C o m m i s s i o n e r t o I n d i a ,
Harjinder Kang, the British
Tr a d e C o m m i s s i o n e r fo r South Asia, and other representatives from British comp a n i e s L a m m y a c k n o w ledged India as a 21st-centur y superpower, emphasising its g r o w i n g p o p u l a t i o n a n d economy
During his visit, Lammy a l s o a n n o u n c e d t h e U K-
I n d i a Te c h n o l o g y S e c u r i t y I n i t i a t i v e , w h i c h a i m s t o expand collaboration in critical and emerging technologies across sectors like telecoms, AI, quantum technolo g y, a n d s e m i c o n d u c t o r s This initiative, developed by t h e Na t i o n a l S e c u r i t y Advisors of both countries, will guide how the UK and India work together on these technologies
Lammy also agreed with I n d i a n o f f i c i a l s t o r e f r e s h t h e U K-I n d i a
C o m p r e h e n s i v e St r a t e g i c
Pa r t n e r s h i p , fo c u s i n g o n boosting economic growth
a n d c o o p e r a t i o n i n t r a d e , technology, education, culture, and climate A new £7m i l l i o n f u n d i n g c a l l fo r Fu t u r e Te l e c o m s r e s e a r c h was announced under the India-UK science, technology, and innovation partnership
Lammy emphasised that growth is central to the UK's foreign policy and highlighte d t h e p o t e n t i a l fo r j o i n t action on future challenges, i n c l u d i n g A I a n d c r i t i c a l minerals, to drive innovation, jobs, and investment
He also stressed the importance of accelerating joint efforts to address the climate crisis
S e c r e t a r y o f St a t e fo r S c i e n c e Pe t e r Ky l e n o t e d
that the UK and India are g l o b
r s i n s
c e , innovation, and technology, and this new agreement will bring signif icant benef its to citizens of both nations The p a r t n e r
technologies like telecoms, s
nology, and AI, which will
and innovations Lammy and Indian off icials also agreed to deepen climate partnership efforts, i
This includes strengthening investment partnerships to support Indian enterprises
technology, with
focus on
resilient cities of the future was also agreed upon
attending the Association of
(ASEAN) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting On Friday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi
Secretar y David Lammy met there and agreed to enhance
relations During the meeting, Wang, who
that the China-Britain relationship is mutually benef
challenging Budget scheduled for
choices on spending,
sioners, the cancellation of road and hospital projects,
W h i l e s h e c r i t i c i s e d t h e Tories for the f iscal "mess," her backing of above-inflat i o n p u b l i c s e c t o r w a g e increases, including a 22% two-year pay offer to junior doctors, added to budgetar y pressures She announced plans to fully implement the independent public sector pay review bodies' recommendations for 2024-25, which will cost £9 4 billion of the £22 billion f iscal shortfall she attributed to the Tories
The cost-of-living crisis is exacerbating gambling addiction issues, particularly among Asians and other ethnic minorities in Britain Research shows that Asians in the UK are more likely to exhibit signs of problem gambling compared to the g e n e r a l W h i t e p o p u
coping mechanism compared to White British individuals (18% vs 6%)
n g
Prevalence Survey (BGPS) identified being Asian as a predictor of problem gambling, even when controlling for income, socio-economic status, and area deprivation This suggests that Asians who gamble must overcome significant social disapproval Those willing to do so may possess personal characteristics, such as a love of risk, that predispose them to problem gambling
Since January 2024, Harj Gahley has helped nearly 100 people from South Asian communities start their recovery journey and prevented eight people from contemplating or intending suicide In an exclusive interview with Asian Voice (see page 5), Harj shared how he has been gambling-free for over four years and is a strong advocate for recovery and mental health
GambleAware, a leading charity for gambling harm prevention and treatment in Britain, published research in December 2023 that revealed that individuals from ethnic minority communities with gambling problems are 50% more likely to have experienced racism or discrimination (48% vs 32%) Participants linked these experiences to increased gambling behaviour due to feelings of social exclusion, reduced employment opportunities, and heightened mental health risks Additionally, people from minority backgrounds are three times more likely to use gambling as a
Barriers to seeking support include discomfort discussing gambling issues with friends, family, or support services, and a lack of trust in healthcare providers due to past racism and discrimination There was also a lack of awareness about available gambling support services, with some participants feeling disproportionately influenced by gambling marketing and advertising due to limited understanding of the risks involved
A new report from the University of Manchester, the Manchester BME Network, and the Centre for Ageing Better highlights the disproportionate impact of the cost-of-living crisis on older Asian, and other ethnic minorities The report addresses pressures from the crisis, Covid-19, and health and
Manchester The report details issues such as food insecurity, rising fuel costs, mental and physical health deterioration, and inadequate service support due to funding cuts and fewer volunteers Factors like housing insecurity, racism, and language barriers further exacerbate economic hardship and social exclusion for older people from ethnic backgrounds
These intertwined issues of economic hardship tempting gambling addiction for ethnic communities highlight the urgent need for comprehensive solutions And addressing these challenges require coordinated efforts not only from the government, but from community organisations, and healthcare providers ensuring equitable support to prevent further exacerbation of existing inequalities
Martin Luther King, Jr once said, “Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars ” In light of recent incidents in the UK, these words resonate deeply
On Wednesday, 24 July, a video posted online went viral, showing Manchester police officers kicking a limp man on the ground in the head during an arrest The footage also showed officers pointing tasers, stamping on the man's head, pepperspraying a man at close range, and dragging and hitting another man on the floor Many, including a former Met chief superintendent, have condemned the incident, citing racism and excessive force and hundreds have since protested outside the police station in Rochdale This incident has highlighted significant issues within the police force and broader British society
Since the incident, public opinion has been divided over who is wrong and who is right, while the reality is that neither party handled the situation well This incident, along with the riots in Leeds and the Southport shooting, shows that aggression has become a common response to conflicts in the British society
Regarding the airport incident, there are claims that the mother of the British Pakistani men involved was racially abused on her flight and at the airport, leading to a confrontation Fahir and Amaad, the men involved, had an altercation with the Greater Manchester Police when they intervened, escalating the situation
Both men should definitely have shown more restraint in their interaction with the police and their fault in the alterca-
tion cannot be denied However, regardless of the situation, attacking a man who is already restrained and lying on the floor is indefensible and the image of a young man being stomped on while defenceless has outraged the public People trust the police to help and de-escalate situations, not make them worse This incident sends a damaging message to BAME communities, who already struggle to trust the police
The viral video clearly shows police brutality and there is no denying it
There can also be an added layer of cultural nuances that might have been missed For example, in South Asian culture, mothers are revered like gods, often triggering strong reactions when they are involved in incidents like the one at the Manchester airport The police, however, lack sensitivity to these nuances and fail to grasp the significance of such issues to the community This will persist until diversity and inclusion are taken seriously
Another problem this incident has exposed is misinformation Unrelated photographs have been linked to the incident, sparking unnecessary outrage The video has been edited and released in parts, creating confusion and chaos The misunderstandings simply wide the gaps and lead to aggression
As the country progresses as a diverse nation, incidents like these drag us back to the past The South Asian community already feels disconnected from the police force due to a lack of understanding and outreach, we cannot afford to widen this gap Both the public and those in power need to recognise that lawlessness is unacceptable, and changes must be made to prevent such incidents in the future
The Modi government’s commitment to balancing major capital investments with significant welfare spending was emphasised when Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Union Budget for FY 2024–25 This strategic approach aims to foster robust GDP growth while keeping the fiscal deficit under control
India’s economic growth remains stable amid global uncertainties like elevated asset prices, political instability, and shipping disruptions Despite these challenges, inflation in India is low and steady, approaching the 4 per cent target, with core inflation (excluding food and fuel) at 3 1 per cent
The government's proactive measures to ensure adequate market supplies of perishable goods have also bolstered this stability
One of the key highlights was the announcement of $24 billion in new spending on job creation over the next five years This plan aims to boost hiring in the formal sector by covering employees' first month's wages and partially reimbursing employers' social security contributions The budget also introduces new training programmes for women and, drawing from the Congress party's manifesto, proposes a scheme to offer internships at leading Indian companies for 10 million young people The emphasis on job creation indicates that PM Modi is attempting to refine his approach while staying true to the core principles of his agenda
Additionally, the Union Budget promises to enhance development in Andhra Pradesh and Bihar, regions governed by key allies essential to the smooth operation of Narendra Modi's government The Telugu Desam Party, the secondlargest party in the alliance, is based in Andhra Pradesh and achieved a landslide victory in the state elections held in June While the budget did not approve the request for "spe-
cial-category status," which would have secured extra central funding annually for Andhra Pradesh, it did commit $1 8 billion this year
Nitish Kumar, the veteran Chief Minister of Bihar, secured notable concessions for his Janata Dal (United) party, although the government did not grant the requested special-category status, it pledged $3 1 billion for road development in Bihar and support for building airports, medical colleges, sports facilities, and tourist infrastructure for religious sites The Indian government consistently introduces special schemes to foster the development of state capitals, recognising their pivotal role in regional and economic growth
However, the Opposition parties as usual have sharply criticised the budget, branding it as a tactic to "save the Modi government due to the crucial backing of the TDP and JDU, key allies for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Rahul Gandhi, the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, has argued that the Union Budget for FY 2025 betrays the middle class by raising taxes on both long-term and short-term capital gains and eliminating the benefit of indexation Though the Opposition’s rejection perhaps stems from concerns that the budget prioritises political benefits over genuine economic relief for the middle class, undermining broader economic fairness and stability, it remains a fact that economies cannot be built on reliefs and handouts
While this criticism could potentially affect the BJP’s political and public image, future election outcome - necessitating policy adjustments as the government attempts to address and restore support from the middle class, but it remains a constant pattern with India’s current Opposition, who often offer strategies or hypothesis without proper research and actual solutions to existing problems
Alpesh Patel
Progressive Taxation: Implement higher income tax rates for higher earners, which could include pensioners with substantial incomes from private pensions or investments
Adjusting Tax Brackets: Shifting tax brackets to capture more revenue from higher earners without affecting lower and middle-income groups as much
B Pension Tax Relief A djustments
Reducing Pension Tax Relief: Lower the cap on taxfree pension contributions or reduce the rate of tax relief available on pension contributions, especially for higher earners
2 Public Pension Reform s A State Pension Ag e
Increasing the State Pension Age: Gradually raising the state pension age to reflect increased life expectancy, which would reduce the immediate financial burden on the state pension system
B Pension Benefit Adju stments
Adjusting the Triple Lock: Modifying the triple lock guarantee on state pensions (which ensures that pensions increase each year by the highest of inflation, average earnings growth, or 2 5%) to a less generous formula
Means-Testing Pensions: Introducing or expanding means-testing for certain state pension benefits, ensuring that higher-income pensioners receive less or no state pension
3 Wealth Taxes
A Inh eritance Tax
Raising Inheritance Tax: Increasing rates or reducing thresholds for inheritance tax, particularly targeting larger estates which may include substantial pension savings
B Property Taxes
Implementing new property taxes or increasing existing ones, particularly targeting high-value properties which often represent a significant portion of retirees' wealth
4 Spending Cuts
A Public Sector Pensions
Reforming Public Sector Pensions: Reducing the generosity of public sector pension schemes, potentially moving from defined benefit to defined contribution schemes for new employees
B Broader S pending C uts
Efficiency Savings: Implementing broader efficiency savings across government departments, including but not limited to pension-related expenditures
5 P ension Fu nd Investm ents
A Natio nal Pensio n Funds
National Pension Fund Investment: Encouraging or mandating pension funds to invest in national infrastructure projects, which could boost economic growth and, in turn, tax revenues
Co nsiderations and Im pacts
Each of these po licies comes with its own set of adv antag es and ch allenges:
• P olitical Feasibility: Some measures, like increasing taxes or reducing benefits, may be politically sensitive and face opposition from various groups
• Economic Impact: Policies aimed at raising taxes or cutting spending need to balance fiscal consolidation with maintaining economic growth and stability
• Social Equity: Ensuring that any measures taken are f a i r a n d
groups, such as low-income pensioners, is crucial By carefully selecting and implementing a mix of these policies, a Labour government can address a budget black hole while maintaining a focus on pensions and protecting the welfare of current and future retirees
L abour ’ s pla n to impose VA T on priva te schools, star ting
Ja nuar y 1, 2025, could ma ke pr ivat e educat ion un affor da ble for some fa milies, the G over nme nt ha s a dmitt ed
T r e a s u r y d o c u m e n t s reveal that the new 20% tax is expected to drive some parents away from private schools, leading to potential
i n c r e a s e s i n s t a t e s c h o o l enrollments Despite assurances that state schools have adequate space to accommodate these students, there are concerns that the VAT could result in a significant number of students transferring to the state sector
The Treasury stated that local authorities would support families affected by the V A T i n c r e a s e , t h o u g h n o exemptions will be granted for military families or children of diplomats, contrary to some expectations The impact on military families, c u r r e n t l y b e n e f i t i n g f r o m the Continuity of Education
A l l o w a n c
tored closely, with potential a d j u s t m e n t s i n f u t u r e spending reviews
The private school sector was reportedly surprised by the accelerated VAT time-
Government anticipates that schools will manage the cost by reducing surpluses, cutting non-essential expenditures, or slightly increasing
hikes to about 15%
s Council, criticised the lack of consultation with private s c h o o l s a
potential disruptions to stu-
Labour Government argues that ending tax breaks for private schools is essential for improving state education and addressing financial imbalances in the education sector
Meanwhile, the Labour Party faces a £5 billion debt crisis from overspending on Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) services, a legacy of the previ-
quate funding The SEND system introduced a decade ago, is now deemed broken
overspending allowed under a "debt override" arrange-
tem's dysfunction and calls for reform, including shift-
increased spending, educational outcomes have not
Secretary Bridget Phillipson has pledged a comprehensive overhaul but warns it will take time and collaboration
“Introducing VAT without consulting those affected is regrettable Doing so mid-
regret that the Education Tax will force children out of their schools and worsen
an impact assessment at the
schools and parents The OBR must also consider the cost of creating new school places and filling existing ones We have written to t
await a reply ”
A network of mid dlem en is profiting from the m igrant crisis by striking deals w ith run-d own h otels and filling them w ith asylum seekers, a Sunday Times investig ation has revealed
C o m p a n i e s a r e t a k i n g fees and commissions every t i m e a m i g r a n t i s g i v e n accommodation The cost to the taxpayer of housing an asylum seeker ranges from £127 to £148 a day, totalling £8 million daily However,
hotel owners receive only between £40 and £80, with the rest going to the middlemen
According to the latest
100,000 asylum seekers are in temporary accommodat
around 250 hotels At a time of record-high tax burdens, the annual £3 billion cost of housing migrants in hotels is equivalent to adding an
penny to the
Officially, the bill is paid to three companies Serco, Mears, and Clearsprings
contracts with an estimated profit margin of about £7 per person a day They pay hotel owners, who make a small profit
However, between these
In an o pen letter to K eir
S ta rm e r, o v er 5 0 d i s ti n-
gu ish ed actors, artists, camp aig ners, and others from minority ethnic comm unities h av e condemned v oter ID laws as “ an attack on th e demo cratic rights of people o
their repeal
Among the signatories are Sir Lenny Henry, artist Anish Kapoor, actors Sophie O
nBaptiste, David Harewood, Paterson Joseph, Bridgerton stars Adjoa Andoh and India
Kamila Shamsie They argue that there is no justification for the current government to retain these rules
400,000 people may have been unable to vote due to
k i n g t h e r e q u i r e d I D , with those from minority ethnic communities being over twice as likely to face this issue Specifically, 6 5% o f v o t e r s o f c o l o u r w e r e
turned away at least once, compared to 2 5% of white voters This election marked the first time in the UK that ID was required to vote, a
mandating specific photobased documents
The letter, organised by the Runnymede Trust and O p e r a t i o n B
V o t e , describes the ID rules as “ an attack on Black and Brown p e o
marginalised communities
It cites the poll data showing that people from minority
T h e N HS h a s i s s u e d a n at ion al ale rt ove r b lood s hortages f or on ly the second ti me followi ng a cyb erat tack tha t lef t les s th an two days ’ w orth of s ome b lood types in s tock
N H S B l o o d a n d T r a n s p l a n t ( N H S B T ) h a s made an urgent appeal for donors with O-type blood, as national stocks have fallen to unprecedentedly low levels The cyberattack last month led to a 94 percent increase in demand for Onegative blood compared t o t h e s a m e p e r i o d l a s t
year T h e c y b e r a t t a c k i m
c t e d S y n n
s , a pathology laboratory that m a t c h e s b l o o d f o r N H S patients needing transfusions As a result, hospitals had to use up stocks of Onegative blood, which can b e u s e d f o r a n y p a t i e n t NHSBT has now issued an amber alert, urging hospitals to restrict the use of Ot y p e b l o o d t o e s s e n t i a l c a s e s a n d t o u s e o t h e r blood types where safe Dr Jo Farrar, the chief executive of NHSBT, said,
“We urgently need more O g r o u p d o n o r s t o b o o s t stocks to treat patients in n e e d W e ’ r e m a k i n g a n additional 1,000 appointments per week available; please take a moment to go o n l i n e a n d b o o k I f y o u can’t find an appointment immediately, please book for the coming days, weeks, and months ” People with O-negative blood make up 8 percent of the population but constitute 16 percent of blood stocks because O-negative is a "universal donor "
Three years to prepare for war,
Br it ain ha s a three -y ear window t o pre pa re for poten tial co n fl ict wi t h a n " a x i s o f upheaval , " as Russia, China, N o r t h K or e a , a n d Ir a n increasingly coll aborat e, the ne w he ad of t he army ha s warn ed I n h i s f i r s t p u b l i c a d d r e s s , G e n e r a l S i r R o l
The army, currently at a b o u t 7 2 , 5 0 0 t r
smallest number since the Napoleonic era may need to rely on outdated equipment as new vehicles and artillery may not be available in time Addressing the Land Warfare Conference at the R o y a l U
• All Ceremonies (Mandvo & Weddings Ceremonies)
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• Durga puja
• Katha & Kirtan with wonderful music...
Our Services 07756965091 07438248906 pandit_manohar_das Pandit Manohar Das
, who receive taxpayer money and offer booking and asylum hotel management ser-
involving middlemen firms, h o t e l o w n e
charities, and government sources compiled a list of 160 hotels housing asylum seekers and analysed Land R
revealed that many of these firms have expanded rapidly without checks
Despite the costs, there
plaints about the quality of food and the condition of
chief inspector of borders and immigration, has called for the government to scrut
W a l k e r , t h e C h i e f o f t h e General Staff, stated that the army has "just enough time" to "re-establish" a credible land force capable of deterring adversaries from engagi n g w i t h t h e W e s t H e emphasised that regardless of the outcome of the war in Ukraine, Russia will remain a f o r m i d a b l e a n d v e n g e f u l threat
Walker’s warning is the most severe from a serving
m i l i t a r y l e a d e r i n r e c
n t years A former special forces chief who survived a Taliban b o m b i n A f g h a n i s t a n , Walker dismissed concerns a b o u t t h e a r m y
enhance its "lethality" with current resources to counter a force at least three times its size
d S e r v i c e s Institute, Walker highlighted the urgent need for credible hard power to ensure effective deterrence, though he stressed that the UK is not on an “inexorable path to war ” To counter an increasingly aligned axis of adversaries, Walker urged leverag-
market democracies against the weaknesses of their autocratic, command economies
guests expected for th e UKleg of the $600m wedding of Asia’s richest man's son A
Shefali Saxena Harj Gahley battled a gam bling addi ction for over a de cade, starting at age 23 Now in recovery f or three years , he serves as the Director at the gam bling c harity Red C ard Harj began gam bling i n cas inos, even tually trans itionin g to onlin e pla tforms , b etti ng on blac kjac k, roulette , horses, and s ports
week, to once a week and then I started going by myself 2/3 times a week then every day I would typically games such as Blackjack, Three card poker, Baccarat and Roulette
Atwhat point did you realise that your gambling had become a problem, and how did it impact your perception of money and control?
His addiction escalated, leading to significant financial and personal consequences
After his wife discovered his gambling transactions, Harj sought professional help through Gamcare and CBT therapy Today, he shares his story to inspire others, especially within the Indian community, to seek support and overcome gambling addiction
He spoke to Asian Voice about it:
Harj, can you share more about how you first got into gambling at the age of 23 and what types of gambling activities you engaged in?
I was living in Birmingham in 2009 and after a night out on Broad Street, Birmingham, a friend of mine continued the party into a casino where I was told we could get ‘free food and drinks’
My friends took a seat at the Blackjack table where I watched on whilst laughing and joking with them After 10-15 minutes my friend asked me to join him playing Blackjack, I told him I didn’t have a clue how to play, to which he responded, “It’s so easy, just do what I do”
I took £10 out of my pocket and gave it to the croupier; they gave me some “chips” back I started playing and within 30-40 minutes, I noticed my stack of chips had gotten bigger to the amount of £60
My mind immediately thought this is FREE money After that night, I would find myself going to the casino every other
turban-wearing Sikh, I also felt an added level of pressure I felt it was easier for me to stay quiet and suffer in silence rather than share what I was going through
Whatwere some of the biggest challenges you faced when trying to quit gambling, and how did you overcome the feelings of shame and guilt?
“Sharam Kar” (have shame!), are the words that haunted me
Who do I ask for help? My parents, family, friends? NO WAY!!!
The fear of being judged stopped me from opening up about the reality of my situation Not to forget, I also have to tell them that I had begged, borrowed or stolen money from them to fuel my addiction
16 June 2020, my wife’s suspicions about money had become true
We met in 2012 on a flight back from New York, got married in 2014 and shortly after being married she would find overdue bills, debt letters, bailiff letters, not going out to eat or holiday and so much more
On the date mentioned above (during the Pandemic), she discovered the secret I hid from everyone for 12 years Gambling It was at this moment, the reality of my gambling addiction and situation hit me like a ton of bricks
My wife was packing my bags and kicking me out and telling me I could never see my two-year-old son (at the time)
After begging on my knees, my wife offered me a second chance at our marriage only if I got professional help For so long I was chasing a jackpot, not realising I had already hit the jackpot!
How did the stigma around gambling within the South Asian community and your cultural background affect your ability to seek help?
Anyone looking at my life would see a “quoteon-quote” successful guy with a great job, marriage, child, etc Growing up, I always felt pressure from society (not my parents) to be a successful person, if not you are deemed a failure In addition, when it comes to addictions there is a lot of “turning your nose up ” and “looking down on someone ” from the South Asian Community As a
Midlands and Professor of Primary Care Diabetes and
To be honest, the feeling of shame, guilt and lack of self-worth created an inner selfcritic that I have never experienced before, and this led me to attempt suicide on 18 August 2020 by trying to crash my car into a central reserve on the M1 near Leicester services
Eventually, I googled “how to quit gambling”, and I came across a charity called Gamcare I remember calling them and crying for nearly one hour because it was the first time I didn’t feel judged but seen, heard and somewhat understood
It’s been over 4 years since I quit gambling and am a huge advocate for recovery and Mental Health I openly share my addiction and recovery story so that it can be a beacon of hope for those suffering in silence
Asa Director at Red Card, how do you hope to use your story and experiences to help others in the Indian community overcome the stigma and seek support for gambling addiction?
It’s been over 4 years since I quit gambling and am a huge advocate for recovery and Mental Health I openly share my addiction and recovery story so that it can be a beacon of hope for those suffering in silence Since January 2024, I have helped nearly 100 people from South Asian communities start their recovery journey and have stopped 8 people from either thinking or intent on suicide
A man who esc aped the UK after being c har ge d with t he sexual as sault of a 14-year-old girl has been convic ted f ollowing his extradition from Bul garia
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) brought Shahid Hussain, 48, to trial as part of
Rotherham, South Yorkshire,
spanning from 1997 to 2013 H u s s a i n , p r e v i o u s l y o f Rotherham, was found guilty o
Sheffield Crown Court on 30 July 2024
The charge stems from a 2003 incident when the victim was 14 Hussain drove h
, forced her out of the car,
physically assaulted her and compelled her to perform
efforts by the CPS, National Crime Agency (NCA), and B
Hussain was extradited to the UK to face the charges
L o nd o ne rs sh o u l d f ac e
ch arges if they concrete ov er th ei r g arden s and w i ll be
o ffered incentives to remo ve
p av ing , acco rding to a repo rt
c o m m i s s io n ed by S ad i q
K han
T h e L o n d o n C l i m a t e
Resilience Review, produced by scientists for the mayor, suggests that this measure
w o u l d r e d u c
risk of flooding
T h r e e y e a r s a g o , f l a s h floods caused the closure of hospitals, Tube stations, and roads, worsened by imper-
m e a b l e s u r f a c e s
Additionally, about 43 percent of homes in London are likely to be affected by subsi-
d e n c e b y t h e e n d o f t h e decade "London is especially vulnerable due to its clayrich soil, density of infrastructure and buildings, and high exposure to heat and drought," the report stated E m m a H o w ar d B o yd , ch air of the review, shared the reasoning behind this
r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s t a t i n g , “ M o s t L o n d o n e r s h a v e a l r e a d y e x p e r i
f l o o d s , h e a t w a v e s , w a t e r shortages, storms, wildfires and subsidence We wanted to make sure our recommendations were informed
b y p e o p l e ’ s e x p e r i e n c e s today So, we spoke to indiv i d u a l s , c o m m u n i t i e s a n d organisations including the NHS, Transport for London, L o n d o n F i r e B r i g a d e , t h e
M e t r o p o l i t a n P o l i c e ,
Borough Councils, the GLA, UK government, NGOs, the f i n a n c i a l s e r v i c e s s e c t o r , sports and cultural institutions as well as representatives of vulnerable groups
“The long-term impact o f o u r r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s will be that London is better prepared for more extreme weather and cities around the world can learn from e a c h o t h e r a b o u t h o w t o better prevent harm to people, nature and economies ”
T h e r e v i e w m a k e s 5 0 recommendations, and all of t h e m a r e n e c e s s a r y t o improve resilience and sust a i n a b i l i t y f o r L o n d o n e r s a c c o r d i n g t o M s H o w a r d
Boyd She gave the instance of raising the walls along the Thames in the next 16 years, o t h e r w i s e t h e t i d a l f l o o d risk from the river will be intolerable for many people in some parts of London
S h e f u r t h e r s a i d , “ I w o u l d p a r t i c u l a r l y l i k e t o highlight heat The UK is
c u l t u r a l l y m o r e f a m i l i a r with preparing for cold winters than hot weather, so this is a gap and there are threats to homes, transport
infrastructure, water supply, healthcare services and fire risk The time for action is now, but the good news is that there are many countries around the world that are already hotter than the UK and we highlight good
e x a m p l e s o f t h e t y p e s o f things that the city can do But we need to act fast ”
A c c o r d i n g t o N i lu f er Danis, th e designer of RHS
H am p t o n C o u r t P al ac e G ard en, “ G r e e n i s v e r y important for cities as we need more trees and plants
I f p e o p l e h a v e g a r d e n including more than a turf is beneficial for environment Trees provides oxygen, cooling affects and filter the air and plants are good for biod i v e r s i t y , m a k i n g g a r d e n s important for reducing the UHI affect and enhance biodiversity in cities ” T h e r e p o r t a l s o h i g hlighted that an aging population is at the highest risk
o f h e a t - r e l a t e d m o r t a l i t y , with over 3,000 unexpected
d e a t h s r e c o r d e d d u r i n g h e a t w a v e s i n 2 0 2 2 S a d i q Khan said he would take the p r o p o s a l s f o r w a r d i n t h e coming months
An inques t has revealed th at a m an wh o co nf essed in distu rbing mess ages to h is girlf riend that h e "p unch ed and killed" h is 11-year- old s is ter w as no t p rosecu ted
S c h o o l g i r l F
a q B a b a r died three weeks after col-
l a p s i n g a t h e r h o m e i n Rochdale, near Manchester
P r o s e c u t o r s c o n s i d e r e d
c h a r g i n g h e r h a l f - b r o t h e r ,
S u
m a n s l a u g h t e r b u t d e c i d e d
a g a i n s t i t T h e i n q u e s t revealed that "complex medical evidence" influenced the decision Falaq had been in the bathroom with her two
y o u n g e r s i b l i n g s w h e n
Mohammed "barged" in Mohammed said he used "quite a bit of force" to open the door after hearing Falaq "screaming her head off " The family was getting ready to travel to Bradford for wedding clothes He forced the door open with such strength that he left a hole in the panel and cracks on the inside
During the inquest, it was
r e v e a l e d t h a t M o h a m m e d sent alarming texts to his girlfriend, Sahar Fiaz He wrote, "I've killed Falaq," and when S a h a r i n q u i r e d f u r t h e r , h e added, "I’ve punched her in the head " Sahar asked why he did it, t o w h i c h M o h a m m e d responded, IDEK (I don t e v e n k n o w ) , a n d c l a i m e d Falaq had done "zero" to provoke him He also mentioned that Falaq was "screaming her head off" and was being taken to the hospital because she was "sick" and "unconscious " Falaq Babar C r e d i t
Thousands of modern slaver y v ic tim s ar e f ea re d to hav e r eturned to their traff ickers a f te r s ee k i ng s u ppo r t , a ccording to data s hared
H o m e O f
o b t a i n e d b y A f t e r
Exploitation under freedom of information rules reveals that thousands of potential trafficking victims who were
Referral Mechanism (NRM) lost contact with it Some are believed to have fallen back into the hands of their traffickers, only to resurface and
being referred seven times I
17,004 referrals of potential modern slavery victims to the
December 2023, there were 2,018 referrals that were not first-time referrals, suggesting many had initially been referred before that year
Maya Esslemont, director of After Exploitation, warned that trafficking victims often
A Ro ch dale fam ily is feeling desperate after a mu m's celebratory visit to th e UK turned into a "nightmare "
Maleeha Nadeem's 66-year-old mum, Bushra, left Pakistan for the first time last September to attend Maleeha's graduation
e h e
scheduled return, she suffered a stroke and became bedbound Since then, she has had another stroke and is now unable to speak or swallow
Since Bushra is not a British citizen, Maleeha now faces an unaffordable £30,000 N H S b i l l f o r h e r c a r e T h e f a m i l y h a
launched a GoFundMe, seeking community support to ensure Bushra receives the necessary care
"This has been incredibly distressing for all of us," Maleeha told the Manchester Evening News It was the first time she had ever left Pakistan and she had never been on any holidays before I never imagined this would happen when I planned for my mum to attend my graduation It's been a nightmare for us "
In October, Bushra was admitted to Fairfield Hospital after suffering a stroke S h e w a s d i a g n o s e d w i t h a r
ischemic stroke, post-stroke epilepsy, hyperlipidemia, a UTI with delirium, vascular dementia, and uncontrolled diabetes
M a l e e h a r e c e i v e d a n i n i t i a l b i
f £10,177, which she is still paying off
Karand eep Singh 's rem ains w ere d isco vered in Herschel P ark on July 7, ov er tw o years after his disappearance in December 2021
The homelessness charity Slough Outreach, familiar with Singh and aware he had stayed in the park before disappearing, confirmed his identity Charity founder Shin Dhother said, “I knew him well He had been staying in Herschel Park ”
lack adequate support when they come forward "Reform cannot wait Survivors must be guaranteed access to support, including safe housing and counselling, as soon as they are recognised by the
Mechanism," Esslemont said She criticised the inconsistent support, stating it leaves
d makes it easier for exploiters
m "This data illustrates the UK's failure to sufficiently support survivors," she concluded
“He lost his job and his construction licence, which devastated him He turned to drinking heavily During Covid, he was placed in a B&B, but he eventually lost that accommodation ” Slough Borough Council confirmed that Mr Singh was known to its rough sleeping team after being found in Herschel Park in February 2021 The council provided him with B&B accommodation during the lockdown but lost contact after June 2021 The spokesperson said Mr Singh came to Slough in January 2021, staying with a friend in a one-bedroom property On February 19, 2021, he was placed in B&B accommodation as part of the Covid response, which lasted until June 30, 2021, when restrictions were lifted Despite this, he did not engage with available services, and there was no further contact or sighting of him after June 2021
Violent assaults in prisons have surged by nearly 30 percent over the past year, with ministers acknowledging that the UK s jails are "in crisis " Official figures revealed 28,292 violent assaults among prisoners over the past 12 months, marking the highest number since the pandemic Additionally, the data showed that prisoners in UK jails harmed themselves every seven minutes
According to Ministry of Justice officials, self-harm rates have reached their highest level since records began, with 73,804 incidents reported over the past year Campaigners described the revelations as shocking and argued that they justified the new Labour government s recent decision to reduce overcrowding Updated prison performance ratings showed that more than 40 per cent of prisons were classified as being either of concern or serious concern Officials reported that the number of prisoners in overcrowded conditions has increased for the third consecutive year, reaching a high of 23 6 percent
Hundreds of social workers are being left without an income or stuck in their jobs for up to five years while awaiting investigations into their fitness to practise Social Work England (SWE) has 393 cases pending fitness-to-practise hearings but 364 of these will not be heard until March next year according to data obtained by The Times The figures acquired through Freedom of Information requests reveal that 124 cases are three years old 48 have been ongoing for four years and 41 have been unresolved for five years Most workers under investigation remain in their roles but are unable to receive promotions, and many are unable to work at all For serious allegations, SWE can impose an interim order to restrict or suspend a person's practice SWE has stated that it has cancelled most fitness-to-practise hearings and will not begin rescheduling them until March 2025, citing a lack of resources as the cause of the delays
Research suggests that schoolchildren in England may be unknowingly using vapes laced with the synthetic drug spice A study by the University of Bath analysed 596 confiscated vapes and found that approximately 16 6 per cent contained spice, a synthetic substance linked to severe health risks like seizures and cardiac arrest The study, led by Associate Professor Chris Pudney discovered that spice often referred to as “fake weed” is being used as a cheaper substitute for cannabis oil in vapes The research involved 38 schools across London the West Midlands Greater Manchester and South Yorkshire, with spice detected in vapes from 74 per cent of these schools Ben Davis, head teacher at St Ambrose Barlow RC High School in Salford, Greater Manchester, reported incidents of students collapsing due to spice use, describing the aftermath as difficult, particularly when informing families of life-threatening situations Pudney has collaborated with Greater Manchester police, who have seized numerous vapes in related raids
A group of Indian diaspora i n Sc otland launched the advocacy group ‘Indo Sc ot D irect,’ featuring highprofi le representatives from major IT companies , touris m operators, educational i nstitutions, and aviation authorities
Their campaign aims to es tablis h direct flight routes between Scotland and I ndi a
The official launch event at the Consulate General of India in Scotland on July 24 unveiled a website and survey United as one team, they work seamlessly from India to Scotland and back Regardless of where the airline's journey begins, their collective aim is to ensure the successful launch of each flight
Speaking to Asian Voice, the founders of ‘Indo Scot Direct’, Chetan Sharm a owner of a hospitality business and Puneet D iwedi MBE, a civil servant, discuss the inspiration behind the campaign, data/research supporting the flight and much more W hat in spi red you to start this c ampaign, and what s peci fic benefits do you see i n establishing direc t air travel between Indi a an d Scotland?
Chetan: The campaign was inspired by many Indians living in Scotland who recognized significant gaps between the two countries that could be explored for economic gain This initiative, while community-driven, focuses on business-oriented decisions to ensure its viability Private businesses are not easily swayed by community campaigns alone, so highlighting economic benefits is crucial The anticipated benefits include increased tourism, as Indian visitors already spend substantially in Scotland; enhanced business opportunities through smoother trade exchanges; and strengthened cultural exchange, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation between the nations
Puneet: For me personally, and I believe for Chetan as well, the campaign for direct flights between Scotland and India is deeply personal Chetan’s mom lives in the UK, and my mom visits once every 2 to 3 years The lack of direct flights is a significant challenge, especially for elderly travellers and single parents with children We started this initiative in 2018, beginning with a petition to the Scottish Parliament, which was
rejected as they deemed it outside their jurisdiction
They advised us to contact the aviation team in the Scottish government In 2019, my friends Samir, Ritesh, and I met with the aviation team, who confirmed that direct flights were a top priority This encouraged us, knowing the government also supported expanding direct routes I even handed a letter to Suresh Prabhu, the then Aviation Minister of India, requesting his support Our campaign faced a major setback due to Covid-19, as airlines suffered significant losses Despite this, we remain committed to advocating for direct flights, motivated by personal experiences and community support W hat research or data s upports the need for direct flights between I ndia and Scotland?
Puneet: The 2022 Scottish census reported 53,000 British/Scottish Indians living in Scotland, with estimates reaching up to 80,000 In the year ending May 2024, over 131,000 passengers travelled between Scottish airports and India, a rise from 116,000 in FY23
Skyscanner searches for flights between Edinburgh and Glasgow to/from India have surged 116% since 2019, reaching about 1 3 million per year Outside London, Scotland is the largest UK market for Indian visitors According to averages from 2017-19, 52% of travellers come for leisure, 29% for family visits, 10% for studying, and 8% for business India was Scotland’s 5th largest export market in 2022, with £600 million in exports and is the largest Scotch whisky market by volume Air freight demand from Scotland to India in 2023 totaled £340 million Indirect traffic between India and Scotland surpasses that of China and Scotland, which has direct flights This underscores the need to strengthen our advocacy for establishing direct routes between Scotland and India
H ow has the res ponse been from stakeholders in both In di a and Scotlan d,
inc luding government officials, businesses , and the general public ?
Chetan: Both India and Scotland have shown strong support for the initiative, recognising its potential for mutual economic growth and enhanced diplomatic relations Increased tourism is seen as a key benefit, which will positively impact the community The swift response has been remarkable within just 48 hours, over 2,500 people signed up to support the initiative, reflecting widespread enthusiasm and endorsement W hat message would you like to convey to those who are sceptical about the feasib ility or benefits of this ini ti ative?
Chetan: It's important to address sceptics by emphasising that this campaign is unique in its blend of business and community interests
Unlike conventional approaches, which often focus solely on business-tobusiness or community-tocommunity decisions, this initiative merges both aspects to benefit a broader audience While it may not follow traditional methods, the campaign is backed by solid data and aims to enhance practical travel logistics Its focus on widespread economic and cultural benefits underscores its innovative approach and the significant positive impact it aims to achieve
Puneet: This initiative is driven by solid research and a genuine need Both Chetan and I, despite our busy professional lives, have recognised the strong demand for direct flights
This campaign addresses an untapped opportunity for airlines and offers longterm benefits for both India and the UK It’s not just about convenience but about fostering global connections and enhancing economic and cultural ties
Our data supports the need for direct flights and highlights a valuable market for both Scotland and India We believe this initiative will open new avenues for growth and connection
and Resi dences hosted
the Bangas h family
The soirée was graced
figures from the local community The intimate gathering buzzed with thought-
and a mesmerising performance by three gene
C l a s s i c a l m u s i c i a n s
T h e l e g e n d a r y U s t a d
A m j a d A l i K h a n w a s joined by his talented
s o n s , A m a a n A l i Bangash and Ayaan Ali Bangash, along with his grandsons, Zohaan and A b e e r , d e l i v e r i n g a n e n c h a n t i n g e v e n i n g o f musical brilliance This cele b r a t i o n t r u l y h o n o u r e d the rich history and cultural contributions of Ustad Amjad Ali Khan Along with di ff e rent ra gas, th ey also p a i d t r i b u t e t o M o t h e r
his deep connection with the Tatas and the Taj legacy This event also commemorated the 120th birth anniver-
India with a patriotic score I n t h e a u d i e n c e w a s
Subhalakshmi Barua Khan, w i f e o f U s t a d A m j a d A l i K h a n a n d y o u n g e r s o n A y a a n ’ s w i f e N e e m a S h a r m
m e n c e d w i t h w a r
w e lcome speeches from Taj, SBI UK, and Air India, the event’s co-sponsors, setting a g r a c i o u s t o n e f o r t h e e v e n t D a v i d M
British conductor, played
moderator, introduced the legendary Ustad Amjad Ali Khan The revered Indian maestro shared fascinating insights from his illustrious
later became Air India, and
transformation under the Tata Group continues this legacy, focusing on innovation, service excellence, and global expansion, reinforcing Tata's commitment to elevating India's presence on the world stage
Dhiren Katwa
Legendary Hindu singers
a n d m u s i c ia n s c re at ed an aura at ou r residence last weekend as was s een and h eard decades ago across villages in Indi a
chorus livened the unique experience He remembered
s o m e o f h i s p e e r s –
Pragjibhai Ladva, Juthabhai
V a r i a , D a h y a l a l M o d i , M o r a r b h a
Ancestors had taken this spiritual, cultural and tradit i o n
c a t
Though a dying breed, this rare experience still exists, thanks to the survivors of t
them was Virjibhai Ravat, aged 96, from Leicester who s
across continents
Mohanbhai Parshottam Ladwa brought to life the authenticity of Gujarati kirt a n s , a g
I n d i a n p e r f o r m a n c e a r t s , connoting a musical form of narration His vocals aided by Indian instruments and a
Vara of Thika - by singing their favourites T h
bhajans, or devotional songs, b
reminded him of his childhood days in East Africa
There is still an abundance of singers and musicians of all ages of bhajans a n d k i r t
However, the majority gen-
e r a l l y p r e s e n t t w e a k e d , modernised and edited versions for their convenience and that of their respective audiences which tend not to reflect the true essence and identities of these rich but fading music genres
Rt Hon Justine Greening and Lord Patel of Bradford have been app ointed as the new C h an ce ll or s o f th e University of Southampton
lies, and educators I’m hono u r e d t o b e i n v o l v e d a n d look forward to future ceremonies ” J u s t i n e G r e
They were officially welcomed during the graduation ceremonies on July 23, 2024, held at Southampton’s O
n d Winchester Cathedral Over 4
their degrees and postgraduate qualifications during this year ’ s celebrations Lord Patel, a patron of the University’s India Centre f
n g
a background in social work, academia, and government r o l e s H e r e m a r k e d , “Graduation is a memorable occasion for students, fami-
How does your brain cope with the new environment?
Rohit Vadhwana
One of the essential fu nctions of th e hum an brain is to enable us to cop e with changing situations In the process of ev olution, hu mans have been successful in
mstances Thanks to ou r brain w hich adap ts to new conditions
In daily life, we face a number of challenges requiring our resilient response It is not easy to handle office politics, social tensions, family dramas and financial stress, all at a time But we survive them, and yet grow in life and career Why? Because our brain helps us to sail through them successfully
University of Southampton
a l u m n
w i t h a d
e i n B u s i n e s s a n d A c c o u n t i n g f r o m 1 9 9 0 , s e r v e d a s M P from 2005 to 2019 and as S e c r e t a r y o f S t a t e f o r Education for two years She is a prominent advocate for s o c i a l m o b i l i t y a n d e q u a l opportunity
Professor Mark E Smith, P r e s i d e n t a n d V i c e -
C h a n c e l l o r , n o t e d , “ T h e
a p p o i n t m e n t o f j o i n t Chancellors is a unique step f o r t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Southampton and possibly for the UK I look forward to collaborating with them to s u p p o r t t h e U n i v e r s i t y ’ s growth and success ” L
her first
fficial v isit to Pakistan from Ju ly 28 to A ugust 2, 2024 , at
P akistani g overnment
During her five-day visit, Secretary-General Scotland will engage with Pakistan’s
, youth leaders, civil society
key stakeholders Scotland, a strong advocate for addressing the impacts of climate c
support for Pakistan as it commemorates the second anniversary of the devastating 2022 floods, which submerged a third of the country and caused over $30 bil-
The visit will also focus on strengthening cooperation between Pakistan and the Commonwealth, exploring opportunities to support Pakistan’s national development plan, empower youth,
With 2023/24 designated as the ‘Year of Youth’ by the
Ministers Meeting, Scotland will receive briefings on the P
h Programme and discuss the benefits of Commonwealth membership for young people
Commonwealth, views the
global challenges This visit aims to deepen the enduring
However, the brain may not be effective everytime What happens when our brain directs us in a certain direction in any particular situation, but our previous experiences, emotions and preferences hold us back? If you face such a situation, will you still follow the logical direction given by your brain? Maybe not because other factors would mislead you as if they are more powerful parameters When landed in jail, a prisoner would certainly find it difficult to adjust to the confined environment, strict routine and lack of freedom But after serving his long sentence, let's say seven years, when he has almost become habitual of the prison routine, he would find it difficult to cope with even the new found freedom But the brain helps him to resettle in the free world, the same way it helped him to adjust inside the prison
In office also, when your boss changes, or your team changes or you change the job, it isn't easy to find yourself settled in the new place immediately It is your brain which explains you the situation, people and place, so you can learn faster to fit in there well The brain has ability to analyse the given circumstances, adjust them as per your comfort and explain you in that manner It creates easy-tounderstand type template that develops our thought process in more comforting manner We start making efforts to adapt to the new environment, thanks to rationalisation done by our brain
Did you ever see your brain's role from this change management aspect?
(Expressed opinions are personal)
Successful fundraiser brings in £100,000 for Kisumu Eye Hospital
Th e A s ia n Fo un d a t i on fo r
Hel p, in coll aborat ion with t he Li on s C l u b L on d
by Sneha Makanji
& Group
The event, which was wellsupported by nearly 350 wellwishers, had an electrifying
Prasad at 5:00
Five acre site, that once completed should serve the local population who at present have to travel all the way to Nairobi (approx 5 30hr drive350 Km) even for a minor eye
t r e a t m e n t T h e H o s p i t a l , o n c e c o m p l e t e ( e s t J u n e
2 0 2 5 ) s h a l l n o t o n l y t r e a t a p p r o x 8 0 i n p a t i e n t s a n d
400 Out Patients daily, but will be utilized as a teaching and a referral eye hospital
T h e d a y b e g a n w i t h a puja at 9:00 AM, followed by a m e l o d i o u s r e c i t a l o f 5 1 H a n u m a n C h a l i s a s f
with an evening musical concert at 7:00 PM by Gauri Kavi from India, accompanied by Shashi Rana, lasting late into the night Mr Ramesh Mehta, the Project Chairman who had also flown in from Kenya spe-
addressed the attendees and explained the need and the benefits of the Hospital to the local people In all, it was a very successful and satisfying day for all who had tirelessly worked behind the scenes for over two months to prepare for the big day, resulting in funds and pledges in excess of
A c o ntr o v ers i al c le ri c, S heikh Yasser al-Habib, has
r ai s ed o v er £ 3 m il li o n to
p u r ch a s e th e re m o te
S cottish island o f Torsa AlHabib, w ho soug ht asylum in Britain from Kuwait 20 years ag o , plans to trans -
f o rm t h e i s la nd i nt o an Islam ic state w ith his fol-
l o w er s, es ta bl is h i ng a
s c h o o l, h o s p i tal , a nd
m o squ e wh ile im plem enting sharia law
In a video appealing for donations to reach their £3 5 million goal, the cleric stated he would seek government approval to grant visas
t o M u s l i m s w o r l d w i d e , enabling them to settle in
t h e n e w " h o m e
a n d " Neighbours on the nearby i s l a n d o f L u
d worry after learning about his plans
One resident remarked, " I '
m countries without issue, but t h
alarming " Sheikh Yasser alHabib, accused of inciting s
been raising funds via his
channel, broadcasting from
church hall
Fulmer,' has been allowed to
lectures, spreading hate and
Sunni Muslims both domestically and internationally
The cleric, who preaches
substantial fol-
400,000 Shias and millions globally He now aims to
island of Torsa in Argyll to establish a new 'homeland'
A crim inal gang lead er has been convicted for attempting to sm ugg le m illions of p o u n d s w o r th o f i l leg al d ru g s in to th e U K , co ncealed within a sh ipment of bananas
S a j i d A l i , 5 6 , f r o m Birmingham, orchestrated a d r u g s m u g g l i n g o p e r a t i o n involving four accomplices: Robert Ball, Mirgent Shahu, Arman Kaviani, and Florjan Ibra Their scheme involved transporting a shipping cont a i n e r , w h i c h h a d a
e d from Ecuador with cocaine h i d d e n i n i t s r o o f , f r o m London Gateway Port to an i n d u s t
i a l e s t a t e i n Coventry There, the drugs were intended to be extracted and distributed
In April 2022, National Crime Agency (NCA) officers arrested the four men as they were in the process o f e x t r a c t i n g w h a t t h e y thought were cocaine packets from the roof of the container The NCA seized a t o t a l o f 1 3 9 k i l o g r a m s o f cocaine, which was subsequently estimated to have a s t r e e t v a l u e o f u p t o
As the gang leader, Ali was deemed too senior to
handle the drugs personally during the initial arrests He
o o k e d a flight to Turkey, departing the UK on the same day
Following the arrest of Ball, Shau, Kaviani, and Ibra, t h e N C A ’ s i n v e s t i g a t i o n identified Ali s role in the plot He was subsequently a r r e s t e d a t H e a t h r o w Airport while attempting to return to Turkey Ali denied any involvement in the drug conspiracy, claiming he was merely assisting Shahu with cigarette containers
A njem C houd ary, the lead er
o f th e ba nne d ext rem is t
g ro u p al -M u h aj i ro u n, h a s received a life sentence, with p arole eligibility set beyo nd the ag e of 85
He was found guilty of directing the terror group and encouraging support for it through online platforms
C h o u d a r y , v i s i b l y shocked, swayed on his feet as he received a minimum
2 8 - y e a r s e n t e n c e a t
W o o l w i c h C r o w n C o u r t Convicted of directing a ter-
r o r o r g a n i s a t i o n , h i s c a s e followed a detailed investigation involving detectives from the US, Canada, and
t h e U K M r J u s t i c e W a l l described Choudary’s group a s a r a d i c a l o r g a n i s a t
intent on spreading sharia law globally through violent means
Choudary, a notorious radicaliser in the UK, was apprehended following an i n
operation revealing that his long-banned al-Muhajiroun network was still active in 2021 The group had been attempting to recruit new members under a different n
Emerging in the late 1990s,
linked to numerous terrorist
Choudary has been central to the organisation since its inception, assuming leade r s h i p i n 2 0 1 4 a f t e r i t s founder was imprisoned in Lebanon
A quali fied l awyer i n I nd ia, aged 44 has been d isbarred f ro m practis ing in the UK by th e sol ici tors' regulatory bod y
aware, or should have been aware, that his actions significantly violated his responsibilities to safeguard the public and maintain the integrity of the legal profession In a judgement dated July 5 and recently released, the tribunal noted that Chellam has since returned to India, and his current address there is unknown
Th e wh ole U K w as sh aken w hen a knif e attack in So
en and injured eight oth ers
Th is ass ault, o ne of the wo rst against ch il dren in d
ed event at a dance s cho ol in the seas ide to wn, leaving many stu nned and ques tioning why anyone w ould target children enjo ying their summ er h oliday K
u n d shock” at the “utterly horrific” incident
Police reported that three girls Alice Dasilva Aguiar, 9, Bebe King, 6, and Elsie Dot Stancombe, 7 were killed in the attack, and six of the nine i
e m a i n i n c r i t i c a l condition
Police reported that two adults, critically injured while
trying to protect the children, were among the casualties
T h e a t t a c k o c c u r r e d a t a T a y l o r S
Police received
call for
declared, with 13 ambulances
Rajamohan Chellam to be struck off the roll of solicitors and to pay £4,058 in costs related to the application and inquiry T h e t r i b u
s extremely high, noting that his misconduct was driven by monetary gain, involved deliberate actions like sham marriages to exploit laws, and was entirely within his control
Phillip Lane, highlights
London buses, according
d r i v e r s c h o s e t o r e m
n anonymous This issue was i n i t i a l
y r e p o r t e d i n J a n u a r y , w h i c h r e v e a l e d that drivers are being asked t o u s e f a u l t y e q u i p m e n t and work on buses infested with cockroaches A t t h e t i m e , A r r i v a a s s e r t e d
L o n d o n (TfL) encouraged drivers to reach out to their union or T f L d i r e c t l y i f t h e y f e l t t h e i r c o n c e r n s w e r e n o t being addressed
The recent data revealed that 633 Indian students have died abroad in the past five years, with Canada having the highest number, is deeply troubling This shows an urgent need for better safety measures and support systems for Indian students studying overseas
Many students travel abroad in search of better education, job opportunities, financial security, and an improved quality of life However, they often find themselves trapped in illegal activities or facing racial discrimination Living in a foreign country away from their families makes it challenging for them to cope Many students, particularly those f r o m m i d d l e - c l a s s b a c k g r o u n
While natural causes and accidents are sometimes unavoidable, it is crucial for Indian missions and consulates to enhance their outreach Regular check-ins, safety briefings, and mental health resources are vital to support these students effectively
In short, the Indian government should implement strengthening safety protocols, improving support services, and clarifying visa regulations are essential steps to protect Indian students abroad and ensure their academic and personal well-being
Revathi Nath
A controversial statement by West Bengal’s Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, about offering shelter to Bangladeshis amid their country’s crisis raises important questions about the role of state governments in national and international matters
While Banerjee’s offer may appear compassionate, it risks creating confusion and diplomatic issues Her comments haze the lines between state and central government responsibilities, particularly concerning immigration and international relations, which fall under central authority
This situation raises concerns about state governments overstepping their roles and making international decisions Such actions could damage India’s reputation as a unified and emerging nation
As a country known for its democratic values and cultural diversity, it's crucial that regional leaders’ statements do not undermine our international standing or internal harmony The Prime Minister and central authorities must address these issues to ensure that our actions reflect both respect for democratic processes and the unity of our nation
Rid hima Shah
The UNICEF UK survey sharply illustrates the growing challenges faced by parents, especially those from lowerincome backgrounds The recent Asian Voice article sheds light on these pressing issues, revealing that financial strain, mental health concerns, and the lack of affordable childcare are affecting 66% of families with young children
Joanna Rea's observations about the heavy burdens on low-income families, including debt and cutbacks on essentials, highlight the critical need for enhanced support Additionally, Fair4All Finance’s research underscores the widespread financial vulnerabilities impacting nearly three million people, with minority ethnic groups bearing the brunt of systemic economic disadvantages
It is crucial for the government to act swiftly to address these challenges and ensure that every child and family receives the necessary support for a secure and thriving future
Prashanti Singh
‘Mother Kili’ documentary premiere
I thoroughly enjoyed the Asian Voice article about the documentary “Mother Kili,” premiering during South Asian Heritage Month This film beautifully captures the inspiring journey of South Asian women who conquered Mount Kilimanjaro
The expedition, funded by the community and carefully planned, marks a significant step in breaking stereotypes Rupinder’s initiative to bring together a diverse group of South Asian women not only realised a personal dream but also highlights the strength and determination of women who often face societal constraints
The stories of other climbers Belinder Kaur and Simar Kaur Nyote challenge traditional roles and encourage others to chase their dreams, regardless of societal expectations This documentary deserves widespread recognition for its celebration of diversity and empowerment
Aniket Deshmu kh
It seems the trade profession would go to any length to make a sale, whether it is for goods or services There is “No if or but nor right or wrong ” If you fit the bill, then you are the customer, the unintended scapegoat many elderly would find it difficult to escape from, ending paying hundreds of pounds for the goods or services they neither need nor even subscribed to knolling!
I have the habit of exploring the internet if I want to buy a particular item or sign up for a service, hoping to get the best deal, whether it is for central heating maintenance, emergency repair or such essential services
Although I make sure I never reveal my financial information, like my bank or credit or debit card details I am at least saved from unauthorised payments like standing orders, direct debits etc going out from my account without my consent
This is the most common way to penetrate your bank account without raising your suspicion, starting with a direct debit of just a pound or two for a few months not to raise your suspicion, before raising it in stages until it becomes too obvious not to notice
To banks’ credit, they are vigilant, so often drawing your attention and if found to be forged, banks reimburse money lost through such transactions without hesitation This is at least my experience Then I have been with my bank for more than fifty years without any mishaps It seems loyalty does pay dividends in the end
It is practically impossible not to browse the internet if you want a decent deal So be extra careful, try not to disclose your financial details, address or email, to avoid torrent of mails, emails and telephone calls We are living in a world without morals, honesty or decency It is better to be safe than sorry, as once you lose money, it is indeed very difficult to recover it even if you have a legal policy to cover your legal expenses
Bh upend ra M Gandhi
I am so shocked and saddened to read the obituary of Mansukhbhai I was one of the lucky persons to know him from Kampala and we volunteered together in several community events and especially pre-independence elections in Uganda in 1961 At that time we were campaigning in Kampala West constituency for the parliamentary candidate A G Mehta who was a well known Barrister and who won the election Mansukhbhai will be missed by all who knew him and our prayers for eternal bliss to his soul
Om Shanti
Ravindra Nathwani
Kerala landslide
Saddening to hear about the tragic landslides in Kerala's Wayanad district, which has already claimed over 123 lives till now It’s a grim, reminder of nature's wrath, similar to the devastating floods that struck Kerala in 2018 These events highlight the increasing severity of weather patterns due to climate change
The response from rescue teams and the government's support are commendable, but we must also address the root causes Climate change is making extreme weather events more frequent and intense It s crucial to invest in sustainable practices and robust environmental regulations to protect vulnerable regions
As we mourn the loss of lives, let this be a wake-up call for stronger climate action and greater commitment to safeguarding our planet and communities
T homas Mathew
Last week on 'Soneri Sangat,' we delved into the extraordinary journey of the Gujarati Cultural Society (GCS), established in 1980 For over 44 years, GCS has fostered a vibrant community by offering religious, educational, and cultural activities, all made possible by the contributions of its members Their Garba events have achieved global acclaim, even being recognized as UNESCO Heritage T h
u s s i o n between CB Patel and guest speakers Meera Patel (President of GCS), Dr Amrut Shah, Dr Milind Jani, and Dhiru Gadhvi, who shared the inspiring history and achievements of GCS over the past four decades
For those who missed it, cat ch up on this eve nt and previous episodes by visiting our YouTube channe l @ab pl group8772
Stay tuned for more exciting content coming your way !
Now the dust has se tt led , a nd the n ew Labour G over nme nt is in power , we ca n consider what we nt wrong for the Torie s Is t he gr and old pa rty dea d in th e wat er? Is t her e a Tory lea der who can e mer ge not just to unite the par ty , but to lay the found ation s for a new forwa rd lookin g,focussed an d unite d par ty r ead y to en te r the bat tle fie ld in 2029?
Before I indulge in my customarypractice of performing open heart surgery on the Tories, without the use of anaesthetic and with blunt instruments, let me give you the timeline to get a feel for what you can expect
Nominations for the Tory leadership ended on 29th July The candidates areKemi Badenoch,Dame Priti Patel, Mel Stride, Robert Jenrick, Tom Tugendhat and James Cleverly The former Home Secretary Suella Braverman will not be running, I understand she did consider it but was unable to secure enough Tory MPs to nominate her By September the Tories will select four candidates, though I am of the belief that it might be wiser for them to narrow this down to only two candidates The advantage being that you don’t allow for too much internal discord which can often get out of hand and create factions Factions always tend to create intragroup conflict which is the last thing any new incoming leader wants So my advice to the 1922 Committee and the Tory Parliamentary Party is simple, how you conduct yourself now, how you read the room (the national mood) and how you take decisions that are in the national interest will be crucial There are big egos at play, maybe those need to be set aside given the monumental beating the party took at the elections
The Conservative Party conference starts on 29th September and over those few precious days, the selected candidates will get an opportunity to put their case to the party and to the nation This is when the final two candidates will be confirmed
The members on-line ballot will open thereafter and those eligible will have until 31st October to cast their vote for their preferred leader And on 2nd November the new leader will be announced
So who will the final two be from Kemi Badenoch, D a m e P r i t i P a t e
Tugendhat and James Cleverly?And is there one person who stands out as a possible leadership front runner?
You will see many polls telling us who the favourite is of the public, or not Currently it seems Tom Tugendhatis liked more than the others However, don’t be taken in by such polls These moments in time rarely express true voter sentiments Even more importantly, they rarely tell us who might really be a good leader for a party that’s in such a mess
The Tories need to understand one simple rule, they are meant to be a centre-right party Indulging in woke stupidity is utter madness, and pandering to factions from the days of Brexit and thereafter are not electorate friendly
The nation is no longer in the traditional sense of defined left and right politics The red wall that PM Johnson secured, was because those traditional Labour voters rejected the politics of appeasement Not securing our streets from the madness of hate marchers and other extremists loses you your core supporters Ministerial behaviour in governmentthat disrespects commonsense will be rejected by all sections of society I can go on, but let me assure all Tories, if you think you know everything just because you are a politician, then think again Remember you just got your butt kicked for your indiscretions and lack of political nous
The next leader of the Conservative party has less than two years to establish a renewed sense of purpose, a united disciplined message and of course, command over policies that matter to the British public
In the next two years the wheels will begin to wobble and might even come off for the Labour government PM Starmer was lucky to be in the right place at the right time He was lucky that even when he changed his mind every other week the electorate ignored it Labour was lucky that the Tories basically threw away every advantage they had by their sheer incompetence But in the real world, those big pre-election promises will be difficult to deliver We will see Labour blaming the Tories for all the ills in society, folks that is politics The question is, are you stupid enough to be hoodwinked?
Illegal immigration will not go away Labour will probably allow most illegals to remain andgerrymander the data for public consumption
They will not make any dent on the housing crisis, or on the cost of living, or in reducing the hate marches or the anarchy on our streets Their indulgence with extremists on the global stage will come back to haunt them Their own members in their factional groups will protest for not delivering on their core mad ideology
Will the Tories be ready to take advantage? That all depends on who they choose as their leader
In my view, they need a leader who is clearly on the right of British politics Whoever it is, they better be pretty clued on with the task in hand
Our cultural backgrounds shape us, but they do not have to define us
Fo r the first time in recent years, there are no w more ch ildren i n need of adoption th an tho se co mi ng forward to adopt Many p eople
h o ld ba c k fr o m s ta rt i ng
t h ei r ad o p t io n j o u rn ey s becau se they’re waiting for the ‘ perfect’ time o r circumstances - but for a child in need of adop tio n, the perfect time i s no w
New statistics show that for nearly half of the children (46%) in need of adop-
t i o n , i t n o w t a k e s m o r e than 18 months to find their forever home This underscores how important it is f o r m o r e p r o s p e c t i v e adopters to come forward and take that first step to provide a child with a stable, loving home
We spoke to Satvinder about her adoption journey How can adoption provide a stable and loving home for children in need, and what are the emotional rewards for adoptive parents?
Adopting our son was the best thing we ’ ve ever done We know how many children there need adoption, and the ability to provide a loving and stable for a child who needs it is incredibly rewarding
W h e n g o i n g t h r o u g h the adoption process, we were quickly matched with our son, Arran, and soon
f o u n d o u r s e l v e s c a l l i n g around friends and family
a s k i n g f o r a n y h a n d - m edowns or bits of equipment
t h a t c o u l d h e l p u s o u t Luckily, my brother came to the rescue, and we soon had a car piled full We’ll never forget our first outing
w i t h A r r a n i n t h e p r a m , strolling under the cherry blossom of a nearby park
a n d t a k i n g i n e v e r y moment with our new baby boy That moment was so special and just the start of our incredible adventure as a family of three
B e f o r e o u r s o n c a m e i n t o o u r l i v e s , w e d i d n ’ t know anything was missing The car is now definitely much louder than it was before, but that’s the
b e s t s i g n N o w w e c a n ’ t imagine him not being the DJ in the front seat, singing s o n g s t o g e t h e r i t m a k e s
t h e w h o l e j o u r n e y a l o t more fun It’s so rewarding watching him grow and to be providing him with the home he needs to thrive
If I was to advise people thinking about adopting a child, I’d say that while the
p a t h m a y n o t a l w a y s b e smooth, the rewards of giv-
ing a child a loving, stable home are unparalleled All you need to do is take that first step I did, and now I can’t imagine a life without him
How can adoption strengthen a couple's relationship and promote a sense of shared purpose and unity?
W h e n g o i n g t h r o u g h the adoption process, your social workers want to find out lots about you, to get to know you and get the best match for you While we initially feared the social w o r k e r ’ s q u e s t i o n s m i g h t feel intrusive, we enjoyed t h i s p a r t o f t h e p r o c e s s , recognising that self-reflection was a way to build a s o l i d f o u n d a t i o n f r o m which to start a family Our social worker was particularly supportive throughout this, finding the perfect bala n c e b e t w e e n t h
g hness and empathy We also weirdly enjoyed facing the panel, especially when we realised that everybody in the room wanted to say yes!
A s a c o u p l e , i t a l s o b r o u g h t u s m u c h c l o s e r together We learned a lot about each other, the way we wanted to parent, and talked more about our past – it strengthened our relat i o n s h i p W e f o u n d t h i s journey helped us unders t a n d o u r s e l v e s a n d u l t imately become better parents
What are some of the long-term positive impacts on society when more families choose to adopt children?
There are children all over the country who need a lifelong family There are s o m a n y w a y s a d o p t i o n helps society, but from our experience, giving a child a loving home to thrive in, with the tools to do so, is just wonderful Our son is doing well at school and has a list of dream jobs he wants to do when he grows up telling us he mostly just wants to help people, which makes us so proud
We k n o w h e ’ l l go o n t o m a k e h i s m a r k o n t h e world Being able to give him the chance to reach his full potential is just wonderful
Why do societal norms often stigmatise couples who choose not to have biological children, and how can this stigma be challenged?
While we initially went d o w n t h e I V F r o u t e , w e eventually decided to close that door and try adoption
We were so lucky to have t h e s u p p
friends, family, and incredible adoption agency, who e n c o u r a g e d u s a l o n g t h e way and were there to talk about any of our worries or concerns Now, we cannot imagine our lives unfolding any other way We’ve seen that families come in all
shapes and sizes – and now more than ever, there is so
make a family – love does
This is why campaigns, like You Can Adopt, are so
ways to have a family, the
adopting a child can bring t o p a r
importantly, the impact it can have on their lives
How can society better support and validate the decision of individuals and couples who choose to adopt instead of having biological children?
We have formed some great new friendships with
way who continue to be
liant, we also rely on close
children for the ‘Is this normal?’ moments Recently, we reached out to social services for some support for the first time, seeking
behaviour whose emotions have changed since turning 7 We were so grateful for the efficient response we r
and have since been signposted to the relevant sup-
s school has also been amazing, providing us with tons of guidance and support I would encourage anyone who’s thinking about adopting to just go for it If you ’ re worried about the lack of support, we ’ ve been supported so well all the way through, from social services, his school, family, and other adoptive parents who we can share experiences and advice with It’s the best thing we ’ ve ever done
What role does cultural background play in the perception of adoption versus having biological children, and how can crosscultural understanding help in reducing the taboo?
a c kgrounds shape us, but they do not have to define us
For me, it was not important to adopt a child from a
around his individual story
I know it can take children from certain cultural
families This is why I’m encouraging adopters from
forward and find out more about starting their adoption journey
To find out more about starting your adoption journey, visit youcanadopt co uk
Sir Keir Starmer has named Varun Chand ra as a top City adv iser as his main liaison with corp orate leaders and international investors, aiming to strengthen his party’s connections w ith th e business world
Varun Chandra, managing partner at Hakluyt a London consultancy founded by former MI6 officers
Labour sources
To assume the role, 39year-old Varun Chandra has
where he was the highestpaid director with
using stolen credit cards
Narinder Kaur, 53, also known as Nina Tiara from Chosen Hill, Cleverton, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison by Gloucester Crown Court She was convicted on 26 charges, including fraud, possession and transfer of criminal property, and perverting the course of justice
“Narinder Kaur employed a s y
approach to exploit situations for her gain Her persistent dishonesty in executing refund fraud turned into a highly profitable full-time
determination to continue her crimes led her to fraudulently amass over half a mill
tried to deceive the criminal justice system Collaborating with police, we meticulously examined all available evidence It was only by looking at the broader patterns that
nature of her crimes became evident Today, justice has been served, and Kaur has been held accountable for her actions ”
Authorities have urged the public to remain calm as an independent investigation continues
The disturbing footage, recorded on July 23 at Terminal 2, shows an armed officer kicking and stamping on a man's head during an attempted arrest Police reported they were responding to an 'altercation' when the incident occurred The video, widely circulated on social media, captures a male officer aiming a taser at a man lying on the ground before assaulting him Onlookers can be heard shouting for the officers to stop, while a
public domain, but that is because this is a live investigation
“People now need to step back and allow the Independent Office for Police Conduct’s (IOPC) criminal investigation into the officer’s conduct to
Radio 4 ’ s Today programme, Babu stated that the force used was “totally excessive” on a man who was “effectively defenceless,” and added, “I think racism played a significant part in this ” He emphasised the
female officer aims her taser at other individuals
The dramatic footage quickly garnered thousands of views, prompting the GMP to acknowledge concerns about the conduct depicted The incident is now under review by the Professional Standards Directorate
Two sides to the stor y
New video footage surfaced over the weekend showing the events leading up to a now-viral scene where a police officer appears to kick a man in the head
The new 30-second clip depicts a group of people around a ticket machine in the Terminal 2 car park
Three police officers, one male and two female, are seen restraining a man in a light blue top and shorts Another man, wearing a black T-shirt, circles the male officer and seemingly begins to attack him The two men appear to start punching each other while the first man strikes the two female officers multiple times
Gr eater Manchester m ayo r Andy Bu rnham commented on the new footage, stating, "This is a complicated situation with two sides to it" and urged people "not to rush to judgement " Mr Burnham said, “Following incidents in the lead-up to the footage people have seen, four individuals were arrested and are now on police bail
It is frustrating that we have not been able to put more video into the
move forward, alongside the parallel GMP investigation into other potential offences, so that a complete picture can be presented ”
Depu ty Mayor o f Greater Manchester, Kate Green said, “The footage that emerged over the weekend gives people a more complete picture of the events that led up to the incident we all saw last week As both the Mayor and I said, this was a complex situation that escalated very quickly and there are issues for both sides
“The Mayor and I are determined that the right processes are being followed In parallel to this, the IOPC will continue its criminal investigation into the police officer’s conduct The most important thing now is to allow these investigations to move forward without interference or prejudgement. We all want to see the investigations concluded as quickly as possible, but it’s right that we now step back and allow both GMP and the IOPC to carry out their work ”
Racism at play behind t his br utality?
Racism played a “significant part” in the incident at Manchester Airport, according to a fo rmer Metr opolitan Po lice Chief
Su perintendent Dal Babu, who served for over 30 years in the Met, described the video of the arrest as shocking and “totally appalling ” Speaking on BBC
seriousness of the incident, noting that it comes at a time when trust in the police is already very low
Babu remarked, “This is a very, very serious incident, and at a time when trust in the police is so low, this is another example of an incident where people will be further concerned In the old days, it used to be minorities, LGBTQ people, and young people who had less confidence in the police, but now, more and more people, regardless of their background, are losing trust ”
He suggested that the Home Office would likely take a keen interest in the case “This is a really significant incident that needs to be dealt with effectively, and I’m not sure that Greater Manchester Police has the skills necessary to manage working with the communities to try and reduce the tension,” Babu added
Following the incident, hundreds of people, including members of Stand Up to Racism, protested outside the police station in Rochdale Nahella Ashraf, from Manchest er S tand Up to Racism, said, “The footage of a group of armed police officers brutally attacking a family at Manchester Airport highlights why so many people across this country no longer trust the police They are clearly not there to protect us We demand the racist police officers be sacked and a full
investigation of GMP be carried out This is not an isolated example of brutal force being used on Black people Clearly, GMP has a racism problem ”
There is a wider problem within GMP, she told Asian Voice Citing a separate racial discrimination investigation in Bury, she said, “In a 2021 report, commissioned by Andy Burnham, it was concluded that GMP was ‘institutionally racist’ What is worrying is the fact that this finding was rejected by GMP Chief Constable Watson
“The inflammatory remarks made by Reform MPs, in particular, Lee Anderson MP who “applauds the actions of the police officers” and would “give a medal to the officer” filmed kicking and stamping on the man ’ s head is just another indication of racism in wider society Someone in his position should not get away with making such comments.”
Nahella does not believe that do this incident would have happened if it was not a Muslim family “We also don’t believe that Andy Burham, MPs, the home office, etc would be talking about the context, if it wasn’t for the high level of Islamophobia and general racism in society at this time
“The most basic demand we have is that all the police officers involved in the airport incident be sacked and criminal proceedings brought against them They should never be allowed to be a part of the police force We also want Andy Burnham to sack the police constabulary for allowing this toxic culture to exist in the police force that is not only, institutionally racist but is misogynistic ” While she demands strong action, she does not believe diversity and inclusion within the force to be a problem “If you look at the family who was so brutally attacked by the police at the airport, some of their members are in the police force This does not stop the police because we believe they are rotten to the core and this comes
from the top of the organisation This is about GMP Police Constable Watson leading a force that is not fit for purpose ” , she said Baro ness Shaista Gohir, C EO of Muslim W omen ’ s Netw ork UK (MWNUK) said, “This incident has remnants of the George Floyd murder, and is a stark reminder that minority communities are more likely to face police brutality What is further concerning is that on social media many have praised the police response, including Richard Tice MP of the Reform Party, who described the police
response as 'reassuring ' When police brutality is applauded by influential public figures, it is likely to fuel further racism and Islamophobia " Asian Voice reached out to In dependent Office for Pol ice Conduct for their statement regarding the racism claims The independent body responded stating, “On the question of discrimination being a factor, we are still in the very early stages of our investigation and this will be under consideration during the investigation Any determinations on this will be made when lines of enquiry are concluded ”
The family of a man who was kicked and stamped on during an arrest at Manchester Airport have requested "no further protests," according to their local MP Rochdale MP Paul Waugh stated that the family has asked for calm and for "due process" to be allowed to take place
Mr Waugh posted a statement on X titled "Rochdale Family Plea to Communities," which read, "The family involved in the Manchester Airport incident has issued an appeal for calm and healing, requesting that people refrain from attending the planned demonstration at Manchester Airport this weekend
"We would also not like anyone to be inconvenienced as a result." The statement added that the family "appreciated the support given" but "urged everyone to respect their wishes during this difficult time "
Mr Waugh noted that a meeting held in Rochdale on Friday "made clear that this is a community that strongly believes in the rule of law, that the criminal justice system should follow the evidence wherever it leads, and that offenders should be punished appropriately " He added, "Those present also rightly stressed that the law should be applied equally to everyone and that no one, particularly the police, should be above the law."
The Green Lane Masjid & Community Centre(GLMCC) has also called for an independent investigation while encouraging Birmingham residents to remain calm In a statement released on July 26, GLMCC said: "GLMCC is appalled at the recent incident that took place at Manchester Airport The violent assault by Greater Manchester Police officers, with one officer in particular, has shocked and disgusted us ”
The statement welcomed GMP's decision to suspend the main perpetrator and its self-referral to the Independent Office for Police Conduct, urging necessary actions “We encourage our congregation to remain calm This incident was close to us all, and there has been a real sense of mistrust in the system It is now the responsibility of GMP to act accordingly and swiftly to rebuild trust in the community and professionalism in the Force,” the statement read
Shefali Saxena
As m ita K he mk a ha ils from Sura t, G ujar at , In dia, bor n
and engaged in var ious artis-
After marriage, she pursued further studies with her husband's support but even-
t u a l l y d e d i c a t e d h e r s e l f t o homemaking Living in Saudi Arabia and later the UK, she explored spirituality and self-
d e v e l o p m e n t , b e c o m i n g a
C e r t i f i e d N e u r o g r a p h i c a
I n s t r u c t o r a n d K r i y a Y o g a
Practitioner, teaching art and n e u r o a r t S h e ’ s t h e o n l y
I n d i a n o r i g i n a l
Neurographica Instructor in the UK She spoke exclusively to Asian Voice about it: How did y our journey as a Ne ur og r a ph ic In s t r uc t o r begin, and what drew you to this unique form of ar t?
M y f o r m a l j o u r n e y t o qualify as a Neurographica
I n s t r u c t o r b e g a n i n 2 0 2 2 when I was looking for some inspiration to share in my monthly free inspiring classes for women which I started i n M a y 2 0 2 0 d u r i n g t h e
Pandemic I came across a random YouTube video and it hooked me I had a deep intuition that this is what has been the missing link in me to become a fully qualified professional artist who can bring a positive change in the p s y c h e o f m a n y b e i n g s through Art I realised that the discord which I felt in me while growing up and later in married life, must be in many Indian women of my genre
Neurographica can help us to c r e a t e b e n e f i c i a l p o s i t i v e changes in our psyche I have explored so many different ways to keep myself away from depression and anxiety
In what wa ys do you incorporate elem ents of Indian culture and he ritage int o y our Neurogra phic art and teac hings ? I am privileged to be the f i r s t a n d s o f a r o n l y
Neurographica Instructor of Indian origin in the whole of
t h e w o r l d N e u r o g r a p h i c a w a s d e v e l o p e d b y R u s s i a n
P s y c h o l o g i s t D r P a v e l
Piskarev in 2015 It is very much prevalent in Russia and Eastern European countries
Neurographica started being
t a u g h t i n E n g l i s h o n l y i n 2 0 2 1 I w
e a k i n g instructors With my unique blend of deep spiritual studies and mind management
t e c h n i q u e s , I c a n c r e a t e unique drawings on various topics I have been an ardent follower of Sanatan Dharma and my artworks in all forms
narrating stories from script u r e s S i m i l a r l y , c h u r c h e s feature altarpieces with fresc o e s a n d g l a s s p a
sacred geometry Art across cultures and religions serves as a soul expression, speaking the universal language of the s o u l N
grates this concept, allowing
reflect that My first drawing a s a n i n t e r v i e w w i t h t h e Institute after qualifying as an Instructor was based on
t h e a l l e g o r y o f B h a g a v a d
G e e t a t o r i s e a b o v e o u r d o w n w a r d p u l l i n g t e n d e ncies (Kauravas) and focus on the upward pulling tendencies (Pandavas) Drawing session with Asmita instructor (youtube com) I keep looking f o r w a y s t o i n t e g r a t e o u r I n d i a n c u l t u r e w i t h N e u r o g r a p h i c a d r a w i n g s H a v e c r e a t e d d r a w i n g s o n
t h e t h e m e s o f B u d d h a
P u r n i m a , G u r u p u r n i m a , Ganesha, Navdurgas, and Sri
R a m N e u r o S k e t c h s o f a r along with many others on d i f f e r e n t t o p i c s S o , i n Neurographica drawings we work to imbibe the essence of these topics into our psyche We are not just working on the aesthetic beauty of the drawing We are taking the essence of the topic in us, like c a l m n e s s f r o m B u d d h a , devotion and gratitude for G u r u P u r n i m a a n d m a n y more
C a n y ou e x p l a in wh at a N e ur og r a ph ic In s t r uc t o r does, and how this rol e cont r i b ut e s t o b ot h pe r s o na l d e v el opm e nt a n d a r t i s t ic ex pres sion?
A N e u r o g r a p h i c a Instructor has deeply transformed themselves through extensive self-reflection and learning They overcome limiting beliefs and face their a u t h e n t i c s e l v e s , d r i v e n t o share Neurographica's benef i t s s e l f l e s s l y I n s t r u c t o r s teach certified courses, create
c o n c e p t u a l d r a w i n g s , a n d guide personal development through this artistic method, w h i c h c o m b i n e s t h o u g h t s , e m o t i o n s , a n d k i n e s t h e t i c expression, promoting neuroplasticity
H o w d o yo u s e e
N e ur og r a ph ic a rt he l p in g p re s e r ve t r a dit io na l I nd ia n ar tis tic te chniques and cult ur a l na r r at i ve s whi l e a l s o adapting to a c ont emporar y gl obal audienc e? Traditional Indian artist i c t e c h n i q u
, W a r l i , K a l a m k a r i , K e r a l a Mural, Tanjore, and Pichwai, adorn homes and temples,
Do nna Ockend en, lead i ng th e largest NHS inqu iry into a si ng le s erv ic e, re p o rte d th at expectant mothers at No tt i ng h a m U n i v er si ty Hospitals NHS Trust faced “ d is cri m in ato ry and raci s t beh avi our, ” includ ing staff m i m i ck i ng a cc en ts an d refusing interpreters
Her team is reviewing
maternal deaths, and brain damage in babies, and has u
n g reports of racism from families and 744 staff members
Ockenden reported that both families and staff have h
and racist behaviour at the trust She noted that Asian
a simple drawing to transform into soul work Each artist's unique interpretation and meaning bring individuality to the art Unlike symb
shapes and lines to connect
conscious change This scientific art form spans globally, reflecting personal resonance in its conceptual drawings The foundational algorithm ensures self-transform
e and unique art modality Wha t im pact do you hope to have on your stude nts and t he br oad er c om m un ity i n the UK through your work, particularl y in ter ms of f ost e r in g a n a p pr e c i at i on f or b oth ne urogr aphic ar t an d Indian cultural herit age?
I have a very big vision for the impact of my work using Neurographica, especially in Indian communities as the awareness about it is negligible I feel I have a very
b e a u t i f u l p u r p o s e a n d responsibility to bring awareness about Neurographica in our Indian communities as t h e o n l y N e u r o g r a p h i c a Instructor of Indian origin I bring with me the best of the essence of our sacred scrip-
t u r e s a n d N e u r o g r a p h i c a principles together into the d r a w i n g s I h a v e s o
topics in my mind I feel
ideas to imbibe the Indian c
h Neurographica For example, my last drawing session was on a Water Lily as the flower of July I happened to draw three lilies and for me, they resonated with the Trinity aspect as I am the creator of my thoughts (Brahma), preserver of my good thoughts (Vishnu) and destroyer of the not-helpful thoughts (Shiva) Until I drew, I did not know how I would be directed to create this insight in my psyc h e S o e a c h d r a w i n g i s imbibed with deep meaning So, one thought, one line, one conjoining is the term we use in our drawings Line by line, thought by thought we are Creating Conscious Change
treated less kindly compared to white patients, with staff mimicking their accents and
woman described having a sheet thrown at her when requesting a bed change
Ockenden reported that
women often couldn't give informed consent for procedures due to a lack of interpreters, with staff dismissing their needs She noted that women from deprived b
reported very negative experiences
The Nottingham mater-
September 2022 following a campaign by affected fami-
previous investigation into the Shrewsbury and Telford N H S
inadequate care led to 300 babies dying or being braind a m a g e d O
revisiting Shrewsbury after families reported no followup since her report
Po l ice ch ie fs h a ve w ar n e d that violen ce aga in st women by men has r eached e pide mic l evel s, with an estima ted two mill ion wome n a ffected annual ly, describing it as a "nat ional emergen cy " C r i m e s l i k e s t a l k i n g , harassment, sexual assault, and domestic violence now impact one in 12 women in E n g l a n d a n d W a l e s Recorded offences have risen b y 3 7 % o v e r t h e p a s t f i v e y e a r s , w i t h p e r p e t r a
becoming younger T
s ’ C o u n
l s ( N P C C ) first national analysis of viol e n c e a g a i n s t w o m e n a n d girls (VAWG) also highlighte d c o n c e r n s a b o u t y o u n g m e n b e i n g
s u c h a s Andrew Tate Police chiefs a r e c a l l i n g f o r t e c h n o l o g y companies to act more swiftly against extreme content
T h e r e p o r t e s t i m a t e s
t h a t a t l e a s t o n e i n 1 2 women (2 million) will be a victim of violence against
women and girls (VAWG) each year, while one in 20 adults (2 3 million) will be a perpetrator
These figures are conservative, as much of the crime remains unreported and only the tip of the iceberg is seen in policing In response to the rising conc e r n , t h e K i l l e d W o m e n Count project was launched this year to document every woman allegedly killed by a man in 2024, highlighting often overlooked stories
A 17-year-old stud ent fro m London has earned a silv er medal for Team India at the Euro pean Girls' Olympiad in Informatics (EGOI) held in th e Netherlands
This marks the Indian team's best performance to d a t e , w i t h t w o b r o n z e medals and one honourable m e n t i o n A a n y a G o y a l , a student at Alleyn's School in Dulwich, competed against top coders from 50 count r i e s a t t h i s p r e s t i g i o u s i n t e r n a t i o n a l e v e n t f o r young women in computer science, which concluded in Veldhoven over the weekend
With her keen interest in mathematics and prob-
lem-solving, Goyal tackled a series of challenging problems with innovative solutions “I am very proud to have won a silver medal for India at the Girls' Olympiad in Informatics,” Goyal said
“Competitive programming is rapidly becoming a
, a n d being part of this movement is truly exciting”, she added A c c o r d i n g t o E G O I r u l e s , p a r t i c i p a n t s m u s t complete a series of subtasks within two to four seconds, requiring exceptional math skills and creativity in problem design and solut i o n s f o r h i g h l y e f f i c i e n t coding under intense time pressure “Once I made the team, I was thrilled to be part of the best team in the world My teammates Nehas, Mansi, and our team leader Sonia m a ' a m a r e t r
d ible,” Goyal said, dedicating her silver medal to Team
choose private IVF A
women in England are turnin
v at e I V F tr ea tments as NHS funding for fertility serv ices dim inishes According to the Human F e r t i l i s a t i o n a n d E m b r y o l o g y A u t h o r i
With declining birth rates, t
s from academics and charities for a national policy on f
Care Excellence (NICE) reco m m e n d s t h a t w o m e n under 40 who have been trying to conceive for two years should be offered three full cycles of IVF on the NHS, while those aged 40 to 42 should be offered one cycle H o w e v e r , i n t e g r a t e d c a r
boards (ICBs) are not legally obligated to adhere to these guidelines, resulting in significant regional disparities in IVF funding In 2022, the NHS funded just 16,200 of an estimate d 6
are observed in other parts of the UK, with NHS funding for IVF falling from 62% to 53% in Scotland and from 3 9 % t o 3
between 2019 and 2022
Shefali Saxena
A ccord ing to a recent su rvey by th e Reading Agency, h alf
o f adu lts in the UK do not reg ularly read for pleasure
T he stud y rev eals that 15% of adu lts have nev er been reg ul ar rea d er s, and 3 5 % a re lapsed readers who rarely or never read for pleasu re anym ore
The report, The State of the Nation’s Adult Reading, highlights that young adults, particularly those aged 1624, are the least likely to
readers In contrast, 62% of adults aged 55 and over read periodically
The survey also notes a
readers since 2015, with an 88% increase in those who
readers Among 16-24-yearolds, 39% feel underrepresented in reading materials
Respondents cited lack of time, social media distractions, and mental health reasons as barriers to reading
Many also reported diff i c u l t y f i n i s h i n g b o o k s o r focusing on reading To help lapsed readers, respondents
s u g g e s t e d m o r e p e r s o n a l
t i m e , s h o r t e r w o r k i n g hours, and better guidance on book selection
C o m m en ti ng o n th i s subject, Bijal Shah, a bibliot h era p i st , c o u ns el lo r a nd author told Asian Voice, “It
is alarming to see the rate of r e a d i n g d e c l i n e i n a d u l t s ; however, in the backdrop of competing leisure activities such as Netflix and Social Media, this is not a surprise
M a n y o f u s e i t h e r b a r e l y read or only turn to books during those long summer
h o l i d a y s o r s i m i l a r
However, to engage in reading, we need to read what we enjoy, and what gives us pleasure and also read more
r e g u l a r l y T o d o t h i s w e need to build a regular reading habit We can enhance
our reading habits through several strategies First, set aside a short amount of time daily to read, whether it's 10 minutes during your commute, at breakfast or lunch, o r b e f o r e b e d t i m e
Additionally, setting annual, quarterly, or monthly reading challenges can help keep us motivated Finally, holding ourselves accountable by teaming up with a reading partner or joining a book club ensures we commit to our reading goals and follow through 4o mini
“And if you ’ re struggling with what to read, a person-
a l i s e d b o o k p r e s c r i p t i o n (which is a tailored reading report of what you might
e n j o y r e a d i n g ) m a y h e l p
This is one of our signature s
recommendations based on
e r e s t s , n e e d s a n d reading habits Many of my c l i e n t s w h o a r e p a r e n t s , have been extremely conc e r n e d a b o u t t h e i r teenagers, and kids over the a g e s o f t e n y e a r s , w h o s e reading literary drops off a cliff This is also echoed by the heads of many London s c h o o l s , w h o n o t e t h e increase in the use of video games and smartphones as competing activities
“This is then exacerbated by the closure of many local libraries, once commu-
n i t y h u b s , e n c o u r a g i n g many young readers to read more My response to these parents is that young children and teenagers need to be drawn to reading – they need to connect with the lit-
e r a t u r e , c h a r a c t e r s a n d authors in some way, and for this, a level of persona l i s e d i s r e q u i r e d A r o l e often played by librarians once
“ M y o w n p e r s o n a l i s e d book prescription service at B o o k T h e r a p y p r o v i d e s r
t a i
e d t o t h e i n t e r e s t s , needs and reading habits of t h e s e c h i l d r e n T h i s i s a report with a list of 7 to 10
b o o k r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s designed to get young readers back into reading This c o u l d t h e n s e r v i c e a Summer Reading challenge
w h i c h g e t s k i d s e n t h u s e d i n t o r e a d i n g a g a i n T h e other thing is that children need to see their parents read, who serve as role models and for this, I would sug-
gest the same tips and techn i q u e s m e n t i o n e d a b o v e E s s e n t i a l l y , w e l o s e o u r capacity for reading if we do not use it ”
Aasha C hauh an, a UKbased Ind ian who runs an initiativ e called ‘ A Box o f S
helping bookworms discover new authors since 2018 told Asian Voice, “The publishing industry was ecstatic in 2023 The UK fiction market (revenue) grew by 8 per cent And now suddenly we h
reading less So what these trends combined are saying is, that more books are selling, and fewer people are reading This does not make sense There is a joke, very popular in our 8,500-member online book group that might explain it Book buying and Book Reading are two very separate activities It rings true
“If you ’ re doomscrolling social media on your phone, reading books is now a comp e t i t i o n B o o
m , BookTube and BookTok are primarily about how to read 100 books every year Or 5 new book recommendations by an influencer 3 days a week It’s no surprise people find it all formidable and under pressure when they can’t seem to finish a book
The fact is - reading isn’t about books Recipes, blogs, short stories, poems, audiobooks They count as much 30 minutes of reading in a week is hugely beneficial But the popular consensus is that a minimum of a 350page fiction novel will earn you mental health benefits and the approval of your literary-inclined friends What s h o u l d w e d o ? R e a d i n g needs a re-brand Take the c r o w n a w a y f r o m ‘ B o o k s ’ and hand it back to the Joy of Reading Because reading is the gateway to the world of books and not the other way around ”
Win ner of X Factor In dia (2011) G eet Saga r is set to join th e ca st of R ifco
The atr e Compa ny ’ s musica l specta cle, Fr an kie Goe s t o Bollywood, for the conclud in g phase of its n ation al t our Ge et , who will port ray the char acte r Ra ju King , ha s a lso work ed a s a play ba ck sin ger in Bollywood films such as ‘C hhichhor e ’ an d ‘Ter i Bhabi Hai Pag le’ , as well as in v arious telev ision commer cia ls
His diverse career in the entertainment industry also includes appearances on television shows, highlighting his versatility
Speaking to Asian Voice, Geet spoke about the dynamic between Raju King and other characters, working with the director and much more
Howwould you describe the dynamic between Raju King and other characters in the play?
Raju King has been a Bollywood superstar for three decades, but now he's on the decline In the play, you will see his struggle to maintain his status and how he is willing to go to any length to stay on top I think Raju King is a very interesting character He offers insight into the struggles of those who are famous and at the top We often see their names, luxuries, and success, but beneath the surface, they are human too This role explores what drives them and the lengths they will go to maintain their fame, wealth, and stardom It s a compelling look at the hidden aspects of their lives
Canyou describe your approach to embodying the character of Raju King?
negative shades because they have much more to say and tell No one is born bad or evil, so understanding why they become that way is fascinating There’s much more to explore in a negative character These characters are not always purely negative; they are human, with layers and emotions It's intriguing to see what makes them vulnerable and why they became the way they are The journey of a negative character is always very exciting to delve into
Howdid Pravesh Kumar’s direction influence your performance and the overall production?
incredibly supported, and it's something I will remember for a long time Everyone, from Pravesh the director to Amit and the rest of the cast, as well as the off-stage crew, has been so supportive They’ve all had my back and constantly encourage me, making me feel like I truly belong This support is something I will cherish and take with me, along with other valuable experiences
What key messages do you hope the audience will take away from your portrayal of Raju King?
lenges her to balance her heritage and her heart The
Simran can stay true to both her heritage and her heart and if Roger can win over her traditional father Cultures collide in
Playing characters who are very different from myself always presents specific challenges When a character is further from who I am, it requires a lot of preparation I have to learn how the character stands, talks, walks, and most importantly, thinks For example, I would never think of people as my subordinates or look at them with arrogance and lack of humility I like to believe I possess these qualities, but my character does not He views himself as the star, the most important person in the room This stark difference means I have to work hard to embody his mindset and mannerisms, which is why it’s such a demanding role I like characters with
I think Pravesh has a very clear vision, which is an incredibly valuable quality Usually, in different work environments, you encounter people who are sometimes confused or still exploring their approach, which can add to your own confusion But with Pravesh, I've realised that he knows exactly what he wants He has a deep understanding of his characters, including how they walk, talk, stand, think, and who they are at their core
Canyou share any memorable moments or experiences from the set of Frankie Goes to Bollywood?
I’m fairly new to the set right now, but I can definitely say that I feel like I've joined the cast at the perfect time The most touching and overwhelming aspect is how I'm treated As the newest member of the cast, everyone looks out for me with utmost care I feel
There are a few key messages I take away from this First, don’t idolise people Stardom is not the whole truth; there’s much more behind it Learn to see beyond the glamour and recognise the human aspects, both good and bad, of those who hold power over your mind, heart, and emotions This is why many actors become politicians later on The message is to look beyond the facade and understand what’s truly right and wrong
Another important message is that it’s never too late to bring about change If you decide you want to change something about yourself or the world, you can start that journey anytime Lastly, believe in yourself To change the system, you must be part of it You can t sit comfortably on your sofa and criticise everything If things are bad, someone has to get involved and make things right It’s never too late if you genuinely believe in yourself and your cause; change can happen
Subhasini Naicker
With 17 years of experience in marketing , A bby Gh afoor is the founder and CEO of Arc
M anagem ent C onsu lting S he h as earned triple F ellow distinctions from the Chartered Institute of M arketing ( CIM), the Institute of Consulting ( FIC), and th e C hartered M anagem ent Institute ( CIM) Ad ditio nally, Abby
serv es as an am bassad or for the Londo n Ch am ber o f C omm erce
Speaking to Asian Voice on South Asian Heritage Month, Abby emphasised that her South Asian heritage has greatly influenced her business and leadership
She said, “Growing up, my father’s entrepreneurial spirit in London and the values instilled by our community have shaped my outlook on life The South Asian emphasis on education and hard work is fundamental to our success, and it’s this combination of grit and perseverance that drives us forward Our community's empathy and strong work ethic, along with a ‘can-do’ attitude, are integral to overcoming challenges and achieving our goals Celebrating South Asian Heritage Month is crucial for recognising the talents of South Asian professionals and promoting a more inclusive and dynamic business environment ”
“As the global business landscape continues to evolve, South Asian Heritage Month is increasingly valuable in promoting cultural intelligence and economic collaboration This celebration provides insights into the South Asian approach to business highlighting our customer-centric mindset, work ethic, and innovative practices It offers the global business community valuable data and examples of how we drive product development, foster customer relationships, and build businesses By bringing together diverse South Asian communities, this month not only celebrates our heritage but also encourages economic growth and collaboration”, she added P owering th e future fo r w omen entrepreneu rs
Abby is deeply passionate about the importance of mentorship for women
entrepreneurship in the South Asian community
She said, “For me, having a mentor has been invaluable, especially as a female entrepreneur While I’ve received support from both men and women, the backing from other women has been particularly significant I’m actively involved in initiatives like the Asian Business Association within the London Chambers and a committee focused on women in business My goal is to support female entrepreneurs in overcoming challenges similar to those I faced While female entrepreneurship has progressed significantly, issues like access to funding, mentorship, and representation remain We need a stronger support system, including targeted funding programs, particularly within the South Asian community I’ve benefited from strong mentors of all genders and believe in fostering an inclusive support system where everyone's contributions are valued ”
“We are all part of the same business landscape, regardless of gender or ethnicity Mentorship and learning from diverse experiences are crucial South Asian business practices often blur professional and personal relationships, treating teams like family, but it's important to maintain clear professional boundaries Learning from Western practices can help bridge these cultural gaps Training and development are essential, especially for South Asianled businesses and female entrepreneurs I envision a world where women entrepreneurs are not only supported but also recognised as vital drivers of economic growth and innovation,” she added
Abby emphasised that successful South Asian women leading businesses, and amplifying their stories is crucial She said, “By sharing their
experiences and mentoring others, these women not only celebrate their heritage but also pave the way for future entrepreneurs South Asian women ’ s role in entrepreneurship is expanding, particularly in tech, where more females are entering engineering and technology fields
Universities and support programs are nurturing these talents, fostering future leaders who will serve as role models for everyone As women continue to ascend to top leadership roles, they bring valuable qualities such as compassion and a customer-centric approach This shift is driving change in business practices and will likely lead to a more inclusive environment over the next decade We can anticipate seeing women playing a central role in driving economic growth and innovation, reflecting the seeds that are being sown today ”
Giving advice to young women looking to start their own businesses, Abby said, “My advice is straightforward: Just do it Taking risks is always crucial for growth and it is better to invest around 30% of your budget in marketing to drive business expansion
Another key piece of advice is to keep your business decisions separate from personal emotions Remember, every business is potentially for sale, so approach decisions with a clear, objective mindset rather than viewing your business as a personal project It's important not to get stuck in the operational details
Instead of working in the trenches handling HR, invoicing, and daily tasks delegate those responsibilities Your role as a CEO or founder is to work on growing your business, not getting bogged down by day-today operations Focus on strategic growth and let others manage the operational aspects ”
M aya Shulz and Niti n G anatra OBE, both im migran ts who have shattered boun daries and borders to achieve succ ess have c ome together in "Beyon d Borders" to showc ase a fusion of talent and resili ence
From Maya's intricate storytelling to Nitin's transition from screen to brush, the exhibition promises to be a celebration of artistry and perseverance 'Beyond Borders,' features their unique artistic journeys, creating a captivating dialogue that transcends borders and resonates with audiences of all backgrounds
Nitin Ganatra OBE, known for his successful career in Film and TV, has now turned his hand to painting, embarking on a journey from camera to canvas Talking about his background and passion for art, he said, “I have been painting and drawing since childhood; it was my primary form of expression during a period of significant change in my young mind Born in Kenya and arriving in the UK was a profound shock and a painful adjustment for both me and my family Racism, bullying, and unfamiliar food forced me to keep my head down and channel my emotions into art, which truly saved my life
“Then, for about 18 years, I suddenly stopped painting without understanding why This deep disconnect in my life re-emerged during the lockdown, prompting me to start painting again Since then, I haven’t stopped Stories now flow from my pen and paper, and I have found a new career alongside my acting I hope to achieve as much, if not more, success as an artist as I have in my acting career ”
He feels that having been a professional actor for 30 years, it is inevitable that his paintings have cinematic story elements to it His unique
Sikhs, The 1928 Institute and South Asian Heritage Month organised a Summer Reception at the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Room in the Parliament on Monday 29 July
In this picture: Lord Karan Bilimoria CBE and Catherine West MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary for the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office attended the event
Full story next week
perspective and diverse experiences are evident in his artistry and he describes this perspective stating, “Much of my work centres around a central character, a boy, who often gazes out over vast spaces with a subtle, emotive undertone I also like to explore themes of nature and society in relation to the boy's placement within the scenes
“The feedback I receive has been profoundly moving, as viewers often interpret their own stories through the eyes of the boy Coming from a storytelling background, I hope you can find your own narratives within my artwork ”
Like Nitin, Maya also has also journeyed from corporate to canvas This journey is reflected in her dynamic and thoughtprovoking pieces and she describes this transition as “ a decision driven by my deep-rooted connection to art as a source of solace and self-centring ” A personal tragedy involving a dear friend battling bipolar disorder highlighted the profound link between mental health and art for her and using her art training to support her friend during dark times reinforced this connection “Tragically, her passing in 2021 marked a turning point for me, prompting a shift towards prioritising art as a means of healing and expression”, Maya said
In the 'Beyond Borders' exhibition, the pieces being showcased by Maya
hold deep personal meaning and narratives
“One of the central themes in my work is the exploration of human connection and the breaking down of barriers I often depict diverse individuals from different cultures and backgrounds, symbolising the beauty of diversity and the universality of human experiences These pieces aim to transcend borders both literal and metaphorical, highlighting our shared humanity and the power of empathy and understanding”, she said
Both Nitin and Maya also draw from their experience as immigrants As a Bengali artist, Maya’s cultural identity and heritage have played a significant role in shaping her artistic journey
“Drawing inspiration from the vibrant traditions and unique elements of Bengali culture, I incorporate them into my paintings in meaningful ways My cultural identity and heritage have played a significant role in shaping my artistic journey”, she said
Nitin’s journey as an immigrant has been one of finding a place to fit in, too Indian to be British and too British to be Indian with Africa being another migrant story of dislocation “This leads to many psychological and spiritual problems on identity and belonging My art is telling my own personal journey in the search for a place to belong Which ultimately is alone”, he said
Subhasini Naicker
Sur ya Pr asad Subedi OBE
KC DCL is a Br it ish -
N epa lese jur ist and Pr ofe ssor of Inte rn ation al L aw at t he Un iv ersity of L eed s He is a ba rr ist er in L ondon, a member of the In st itut de Droit
In ter na tiona l, an d a visitin g pr ofe ssor at the Unive rsity of Ox for d Sube di serv ed as t he UN Spe cia l R apport eur for Human R ights in C ambodia (2009-201 5) an d a dvised t he Br itish For eign Se cret ary on human rights ( 201 0-2015)
He was appointed legal procedural advisor to the World Conservation Congress in 2021 and to the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement arbitrators list in 2022 Subedi has authored numerous works on international law and human rights and has acted as counsel in international courts In an interview with Asian Voice, Surya discusses balancing his responsibilities, educational institutions playing in promoting the objectives of South Asian Heritage Month and more
1How do you balance your responsibilities as a professor, a barrister, and a member of the Institut de Droit International?
Efficient time management has guided my journey from a Nepalese village to becoming a global citizen in Britain My Sanskrit education instilled a drive for wisdom that I continue to uphold I've earned many qualifications, taught at numerous universities, and worked long hours in various national and international roles within and outside academia
Academic life involves nonstop thinking, writing, and researching As the distinguished lawyer Elihu Lauterpacht said, "international law is both work and hobby," a sentiment I share The following verse from Ecclesiastes rings true for academics – and particularly for international law and human rights academics such as myself: “For in much wisdom, There is much sorrow, And who gathers knowledge, Gathers pain ” In gaining knowledge, I learned much of people’s suffering around the world; and I made it my mission to help alleviate this however I could This drive sustained me while fighting for human rights in Nepal, working for the UN in Cambodia, and advising the British foreign secretary However, success has come at a cost As the Nepalese saying goes, "what you do when your hair is black will come to haunt you when it
turns grey "
2What role do you see educational institutions playing in promoting the objectives of South Asian Heritage Month?
South Asian Heritage Month enhances understanding of South Asian contributions to British society by celebrating its diverse cultures and histories Held from 18 July to 17 August, it spans several Independence Days in the region (Maldives, Bhutan, Pakistan, India) and coincides with Saravan/Sawan, the monsoon month of renewal
Educational institutions are doing and could do more to harness expertise in research and education to help shape a better future for humanity Such institutions can strengthen the vital link between South Asia and the UK by conducting impactful research that addresses global inequalities, highlights the significant contributions of South Asian countries on the international stage, and makes a tangible difference in the world
3How can students and academics alike contribute to the goals of South Asian Heritage Month, particularly in the context of international law and human rights?
South Asia, a vast and populous region, has faced many human tragedies, including the 1947 Partition, the largest human migration in history
Despite being home to peaceful religions like Buddhism and Hinduism, it remains the only continent without a regional human rights treaty or mechanism to protect people's rights and hold governments accountable
South Asia lacks the regional human rights protections enjoyed by other continents Autocratic governments in Asia often evade their UN human rights obligations, citing cultural relativism This raises questions about the nature and basis of socalled "Asian values" compared to Western values To address these issues, I saw the need for a forum where scholars from diverse backgrounds could debate these topics and promote the rule of law, democracy, and human rights in Asia
In 2007, I helped
establish the Asian Society of International Law at the National University of Singapore I became the founding executive editor of its flagship publication, the Asian Journal of International Law, in 2010 After five years, I was elected chairman of its board of editors, serving until 2022 This Cambridge University Press journal addresses contemporary rule of law challenges in South Asia and beyond Students and academics already contribute and can contribute more to the goals of South Asian Heritage Month by studying and analysing the situation of human rights in South Asia and disseminating their knowledge as widely as possible so that the governments and people from South Asia can benefit from it
4What are your hopes for the future of South Asian representation and advocacy within the field of international law?
I worry about the future of human rights, both nationally and internationally While international law guarantees human rights, this is not the reality for many, including in South Asia The rise of populism, weakened multilateralism, and autocratic governments are undermining global efforts I foresee significant challenges ahead for the international human rights agenda and the effectiveness of its protective mechanisms I remain optimistic about the future of human rights in South Asia My research shows that Hindu and Buddhist values, as derived from ancient scriptures, align with modern human rights principles Secularism in domestic affairs, universalism in international relations, and peaceful coexistence with foreign powers are key elements rooted in ancient Hindu-Buddhist political thought Hindu scriptures composed at the dawn of human civilisation promote the idea of universal fraternity and the equality of all human souls Peaceful coexistence and tolerance have been at the core of both Hinduism and Buddhism since time immemorial In fact, South Asia’s cultural, moral, religious, and philosophical heritage is one of pluralism, universalism, personal liberty, tolerance, secularism, and nonviolence in the conduct of domestic affairs, and of Panchsheela in the conduct of foreign affairs
Pr it en Pat el, a Lon don-born British Indian and found er of Tr ish ul Consult ing with ove r 23 y ea rs in the pr oper ty
Con sultin
fit-out projects, supported b y t
e A P M P
t Management Qualification and experience with a global c
Trishul Consulting, Priten a d v i s e s U l t r a - H i g h N e
Worth Indians and Indian brands, using his strong network and focus on sustainable growth to drive exceptional success in the property sector
I n a n i n t e r v i e w w i t h
A s i a n V o i c e , P r i t e n s p o k e about the future of UK-India
b u s i n e s s r e l a t i o n s , s o u t h asian businesses becoming an integral part of the UK economy, and much more How do you see t he future of UK-India busin ess r elation s e volv in g, and wha t r ole doe s y our compa ny play in this? The future of UK-India business relations is promisi n g , w i t h b o t h n a t i o n s e m p h a s i s i n g t r a d e a n d
i n v e s t m e n t p a r t n e r s h i p s leading to deeper economic integration The UK excels i n a d v a n c e d t e c h n o l o g i e s , financial services, and educ a t i o n , w h i l e I n d i a o f f e r s vast market opportunities, a robust IT sector, and a large talent pool
O n g o i n g t r a d e a g r e e -
m e n t n e g o t i a t i o n s a i m t o b o o s t b i l a t e r a l t r a d e b y reducing tariffs and enhancing market access The focus o n t e c h n o l o g y , r e n e w a b l e e n e r g y , h e a l t h c a r e , a n d infrastructure presents subs t a n t i a l o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r i n v e s t m e n t a n d c o l l a b o r at i o n J o i n t v e n t u r e s i n research and development, p a r t i c u l a r l y i n t e c h n o l o g y a n d p h a r m a c e u t i c a l s , c a n drive innovations benefiting both economies Enhanced cultural and educational ties w i l l f o s t e r m u t u a l u n d e rstanding and create a skilled workforce to meet market demands
As for our company, we play a pivotal role in this evolving landscape by facilitating trade and investing in growth We provide vital serv i c e s t h a t h e l p U K a n d Indian businesses navigate each other's markets, including market research, regulat o r y g u i d a n c e , a n d t r a d e facilitation through partnerships Our strategic investm e n t s i n b o t h c o u n t r i e s u n d e r s c o r e o u r c o m m i tment to fostering economic ties By helping set up infrastructure operations, we contribute to local economies, create jobs, and build skills In essence, our company acts a s a b r i d g e , e n a b l i n g smoother and more efficient b u s i n e s s i n t e r a c t i o n s between the UK and India, a n d c o n t r i b u t i n g t o t h e robust growth of bilateral relations
South Asian businesses ar e becoming a n in teg ral pa rt of the UK economy How do you see this tre nd e volv ing in the comin g ye ars?
The integration of South Asian businesses into the UK e c o n o m y w i l l c o n t i n u e t o
s t r e n g t h e n T h e g r o w i n g
S o u t h A s i a n c o m m u n i t y provides a robust customer
b a s e a n d e n t r e p r e n e u r i a l spirit, supporting business growth across various sectors
S o u t h A s i a n e n t r e p r e n e u r s , k n o w n f o r their business acumen and resilience, have successfully established enterprises from s m a l l b u s i n e s s e s t o l a r g e m u l t i n a t i o n a l s I n i t i a l l y prominent in retail, hospitality, and textiles, they are n o w m a k i n g s i g n i f i c a n t s t r i d e s i n t e c h n o l o g y , h e a l t h c a r e , f i n a n c e , a n d r e n e w a b l e e n e r g y , d r i v i n g sustained growth and integ r a t i o n i n t o t h e b r o a d e r economy
S t r e n g t h e n i n g U KSouth Asia trade relations and increasing foreign direct investment will further bols t e r t h i s t r e n d I n i t i a t i v e s e n h a n c i n g t r a d e p a r t n e rships and reducing barriers will provide more opportunities for South Asian busin e s s e s t o f l o u r i s h E m p h a s i s i n g d i g i t a l t r a n sformation and technological innovation, these businesses are poised to play a key role in the UK’s tech landscape
T h e U K g o v e r n m e n t ’ s support for diversity, inclusion, and entrepreneurship w i l l c o n t i n u e t o c r e a t e a conducive environment for S o u t h A s i a n b u s i n e s s e s P r o g r a m m e s w h i c h o f f e r f u n d i n g , m e n t o r s h i p , a n d r e s o u r c e s f o r m i n o r i t yowned businesses will further facilitate their growth As they integrate culturally and socially, their participation in mainstream business networks will enhance their visibility and influence, fostering more collaborations and partnerships within the UK
W h a t r o le d o y ou t h i n k South Asia n Her itag e Mon th p la y s in h i g hl ig h t i n g t h e contr ibution s of South Asia n busine sse s in the UK economy ? S o u t h A s i a n H e r i t a g e Month is vital for showcasing and celebrating the sign i f i c a n t c o n t r i b u t i o n s o f South Asian businesses to the UK economy It highl i g h t s t h e i r a c h i e v e m e n t s , i n n o v a
economic impact, providing e
visibility across various sectors
It celebrates South Asia's rich cultural heritage, fosteri n
and unity within the UK It offers educational opportunities on the history and successes of South Asian businesses, leading to increased s u p p o r
from various communities
networking and collaboration opportunities, inspiring young South Asians to pur-
policy makers to address the specific needs of South Asian businesses, leading to targeted initiatives and policies for
ability By drawing attention to the contributions of South Asian businesses, the month
creating jobs, and fostering innovation This recognition
tance in the UK’s economy and fosters greater community engagement and solidarity By celebrating both cultural heritage and eco-
edged, valued, and supported within the UK economy How do y
se e the r ole of South A sia n Her itag e Mon th ev olvin g in the fut ure, especia lly in the conte xt of busine ss an d economic growt h? I
businesses It will focus on detailed case studies, economic impact reports, and success stories that highlight h o w S o u t h A s i a n entrepreneurs drive growth, i n n o v a t i o n , a n d e m p l o yment in the UK It can become a prime time for organising business n e t w o r k
and investment opportuni-
transformation, and international trade
Establishing awards and
nity, inspire
and provide role models for aspiring
public awareness campaigns can amplify the stories of South Asian businesses and
Anusha Singh
The Society o f A sian Lawyers ( SAL) , th e largest org anisation representing Asians in the legal pro fession, was established in the early 1990 s Its President, Ranjit Sond, is an experienced solicitor with a deep commitment to diversity within the legal profession He has been a driving force behind SAL’s recent "Diversity and the Judiciary" campaign, which has hosted multiple events
In an interview with Asian Voice, Sond discussed the presence of South Asians in the legal profession, shared insights from his personal journey, and expressed his hopes for the future
Can you share your journey into the legal profession and what inspired you to become a lawyer?
My interest in becoming a solicitor was sparked during a one-week work experience at a local law firm when I was in Year 10 This high street firm in East Ham served as a central hub for the local community’s legal needs I was deeply impressed by the solicitors’ dedication to providing assistance and advice on a wide range of legal matters, both minor and significant This experience inspired me to pursue a career in law, with the goal of helping and supporting my local community
What have been some of the most rewarding aspects of your career so far?
The most rewarding aspects of my career have been the opportunities to make a tangible difference in people’s lives and to contribute positively to my community It has been incredibly fulfilling to provide legal support and guidance to those in need, reinforcing my commitment to the legal profession I am proud to continue this ethos of serving the community in my current role at the Government Legal Department (GLD), where I can contribute to the public good on a broader scale
What are some common stereotypes about South Asian lawyers that you have encountered in your career?
One prevalent stereotype is the perception that South Asian lawyers are not as capable as their peers in securing positions at prestigious city law firms or handling high-value corporate and commercial
work When I began my career, many Asian lawyers were often pigeonholed into high street practices, focusing primarily on family law and criminal law
However, significant progress has been made since then Today, an increasing number of Asian lawyers are practicing in diverse areas of law, breaking away from these limiting stereotypes
Stereotypes can naturally be discouraging and may dissuade individuals from pursuing careers in certain areas of law This is why role models are incredibly important I am a firm believer in the notion that “if you can see it, you can be it” There are more role models today for the younger generation than when I was starting out, which is a positive development For instance, we now have an Asian Court of Appeal Judge In 2022, 8% of barristers and 12% of solicitors came from an Asian background, which is encouraging compared to the national population of 9 3%
While progress has been made, there is still more work to be done to fully overcome these stereotypes and ensure equal opportunities for all Alternatively, are there any stereotypes or preconceived notions about lawyers within the South Asian community itself? How do these stereotypes affect individuals pursuing a legal career within the community?
Within the South Asian community, the legal profession is held in high regard as a noble and prestigious career The popularity of law among South Asians is evident from the significant number of individuals pursuing qualifications as solicitors or barristers However, there remains a pervasive sense within the community that we are still “playing catch up ” and that we must be twice as good to succeed This sentiment can create additional pressure on individuals pursuing a
legal career, potentially leading to feelings of inadequacy or the need to overcompensate It is my hope that future generations will not experience these sentiments and will feel confident in their abilities and opportunities without the burden of these preconceived notions
What advice would you give to young South Asians aspiring to enter the legal profession?
To young South Asians aspiring to enter the legal profession, I offer the following advice: persevere and remain dedicated to your goals Seek out mentors and role models who can provide guidance and support Embrace opportunities for networking and professional development, and always strive to excel in your chosen field Remember, your heritage and background are strengths that can enrich your professional journey
What does South Asian Heritage Month mean to you personally? How do you see South Asian Heritage Month impacting younger generations within the community?
South Asian Heritage Month (SAHM) holds significant personal meaning for me as it provides an opportunity to celebrate our rich heritage and foster mutual learning within our community It also serves as a platform to showcase to the world the essence of being South Asian For the South Asian community, SAHM represents a recognition that we are seen and heard, and that our contributions to wider society are valued Representation is crucial I believe that SAHM will instil confidence and pride in younger generations, reinforcing the idea that their history and heritage are worthy of celebration Additionally, it serves as a timely reminder to all members of the South Asian community, both young and old, of our identity, our journey, and our collective achievements
Tony M atharu, th
Blu e Orch id Hospitality, has established num ero us successful start-up s and earned wid espread acclaim for his contributions R
a Special Recognition Award for his significant role in London's success a former Hotelier of the Year, recipi-
& Innovation Award, and an
Letters, Matharu is a prominent adviser and commentator on entrepreneurship and hospitality Beyond his business acumen, he intertwines his hospitality ventures with philanthropy and c o m m u n i t y
l y i n L o n d o n , where he has established the C e n t r a l L o n d o n A l l i a n c e
CIC, embodying a holistic approach to success and service
I n a n i n t e r v i e w w i t h Asian Voice, he discusses his businesses, lessons learned and South Asian Heritage
C o u l d y o u p r o v i d e s o m e background on what led to the founding o f your businesses? How has yo ur Sou th A s i an h er it ag e i nf lu en c ed your life?
Initially, my drive was born out of my necessity rather than a clear, longt e r m a m b i t i o n E m p i r e building was not, is not and has never been my plan My m o t h e r , w h o s e v a l u e s remain as significant today as they were when I started, greatly influenced me
A g e n e r a l i s e d v i e w i s t h a t A s i a n s , p a r t i c u l a r l y immigrants into the UK, are encouraged to enter profess i o n s ; d o c t o r s , l a w y e r s , accountants for example, or they are encouraged to join a f a m i l y b u s i n e s s i f o n e exists In my case, having c o m p l e t e d a L a w a n d Economics degree, it was a case of starting rather than joining a business – some-
thing my mother encouraged and has supported in many ways
H e r A s i a n c u l t u r a l a t t r i b u t e s : p l a c i n g a h i g h value on hard work, dedication, collaboration and selfsacrifice are values that she p e r s o n a l l y d e m o n s t r a t e d and which I witnessed Her, some might call, Asian values have been a continuous feature of my life and my business
A s a f i r s t g e n e r a t i o n immigrant it is unsurprising that she and others Asian i m m i g r a n t s d e m o n s t r a t e t h e s e p o s i t i v e a t t r i b u t e s , having made the significant sacrifice of moving country away from their friends and families in order to progress a n d s u c c e e d T h e y o f t e n work hard and are prepared to commit their time, energy and resources to achieve positive outcomes
In yo ur p hilanthropic w ork, what are some causes you ar e p as s i o nat e ab o u t an d actively suppo rt?
Passion is an interesting concept and my passions are not necessarily reflected in the philanthropic and community activities I support If I was to connect my values to my support for certain causes in a single word it would probably be integrity, rather than passion Integrity
i m p l i e s b e i n g w h o l e a n d without compromise – so d o i n g t h e r i g h t t h i n g i s always the best thing to do Contributing in whichever way you can without seeking or obtaining any direct
mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little ” Assisting others always has positive impact Its not about personal reward or even feeling good or satisfying a personal passion As I have progressed I am now better placed to do more for more people than I was able to in earlier times Wh en you reflect on you r journey, what are som e of th e m ost sig nificant lesso ns yo u ’ ve learned ? O f t
, one is that despite the challenges and difficulties I may face, it's crucial not to lose sight of one ’ s values If you r
committed, and if integrity is an integral part of your
those values They cannot b e
hard-earned Like respect P
degree of respect based on your title, business card, or perceived success, but lasting respect comes from your behaviour and your conduct in different environments S o
lenges and obstacles is significant and fulfilling If you c
u e s despite challenges and you can make a positive differences in others' lives then this is important Finding, surrounding yourself with and supporting good people is crucial W a r r e n B
f e t t o n c e said he looks for integrity, intelligence, and energy in the people he hires, stating that without integrity, the other two qualities can be detrimental Integrity matters above everything else, and that is a significant lesson learnt through my experience
A s Wandswo rth p repares to take on the ro l e o f L o n d o n Borough of C ulture 2025, it will kick off its celebrations with a series of ev ents for Sou th Asian Heritage Mo nth R u
Heritage Month highlights the cultures, histories, and contributions of communi-
Lanka Deputy Council Leader Kemi Akinola expressed the c
inclusivity, stating, “As we b
London Borough of Culture, we are dedicated to ensuring diverse voices are central to o u r p r o g r a m m i n g a n d opportunities We are excite d t o s u p p o r t a r a n g e o f a c t i v i t i e s a n d e v e n t s t h a t share the stories and experie n c e s o f p e o p l e o f S o u t h A s i a n h
Wandsworth and encourage everyone to participate
The council has funded
fostering engagement with culturally signific a n t e v e n t s a n d enhancing community understanding Additionally, there will be displays in borough libraries, includi n g a f r e e e v e n t a t B a l h a m L i b r a r y o n July 20 from 2pm to 4pm, featuring exhibitions, henna designs, food, and stalls T h e M a y o r o f Wandsworth, Cllr Sana Jafri, who is Wandsworth’s firste v e r B r i t i s h P a k i s t a n i M a y o r , w i l l a l s o h o s t a r e c e p t i o n t o h o n o u r k e y members of the South Asian community for their posit i v e c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o t h e borough in various sectors, including the arts, business, and voluntary work
Alpesh Patel
The Power of Resi lien t Stocks to Make a Res ili ent
I write from vacation in Spain The markets fell Was I worried for my pension? No
Resilient stocks are the bedrock of a solid portfolio
These are stocks that not only trend higher over time but also exhibit fewer and shallower declines during market
Strong Fundamentals: Companies with solid balance sheets, consistent earnings growth, and low debt levels tend to be more resilient They can withstand economic shocks better than their highly leveraged counterparts
Stable Revenue Streams: Firms operating in essential industries such as healthcare, utilities, and consumer staples often enjoy steady demand regardless of economic conditions This stability translates into more consistent stock performance
Competitive Advantage: Companies with a strong market position, proprietary technology, or significant brand loyalty are better equipped to maintain profitability during turbulent times
Dividend Payouts: Dividend-paying stocks provide a cushion during downturns, offering investors regular income even when stock prices are volatile This income can also be reinvested to compound returns over time
Strategic Cash Management
While resilient stocks form the foundation of a solid portfolio, cash management plays a crucial role in navigating market cycles Holding cash might seem counterintuitive in a bull market, but it can be a strategic move during times of heightened uncertainty, as seen in 2022 Here’s why:
Opportunistic Buyi ng: Cash reserves allow investors to take advantage of market corrections by purchasing high-quality stocks at discounted prices This strategy, known as "buying the dip," can significantly enhance long-term returns
Risk Mitigation: During periods of extreme volatility, holding cash reduces exposure to market risk It acts as a buffer, preserving capital that can be deployed when the market stabilizes
Ps yc hological Comfort: Holding cash can provide psychological comfort, reducing the urge to make impulsive decisions during market turmoil This emotional stability is crucial for adhering to a long-term investment strategy
Recognizing Rare Signals to H old Cash
Market signals indicating when to hold cash are rare but crucial to recognize These signals often come from a combination of economic indicators, market sentiment, and technical analysis:
Economi c I ndi cators: Signs of an impending recession, such as inverted yield curves, declining manufacturing activity, and rising unemployment rates, can signal the need to hold cash
Market Sentiment: Extreme levels of market euphoria or fear, as measured by indicators like the VIX (Volatility Index) or investor sentiment surveys, can suggest that the market is overextended and due for a correction
Technical Analysi s: Technical indicators, such as moving averages and relative strength indices, can help identify overbought or oversold conditions When these indicators align with negative economic signals, it may be time to increase cash holdings
The Rari ty of Market Crises
It’s important to remember that significant market downturns prompting large cash positions are rare events Overreacting to short-term market movements can lead to missed opportunities and lower long-term returns History has shown that markets tend to recover f r o m c r i s e s , o f t e n e m e r g i n g s t r o n g e r t h a n b e f o r e
Maintaining a long-term perspective and staying invested in high-quality, resilient stocks is generally the best approach
Conclus ion
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Dhiren Katwa
Five com munity hu bs in the West M
region’s Com bined Authority
The funds will enable the community centres to foster business growth by serving as local hubs to help connect ethnic minority businesses
made by the region’s Mayor, Richard
Excellence in Birmingham
He announced the names of the five hubs: Legacy Centre of Excellence
Sparkbrook, Birmingham, The Highlife
Sandwell and Access to Business in Wolverhampton Representatives from each hub took part in a panel discus-
Sharonjit Clare, Independent Chair of the Race Equalities Taskforce (RET)
This pilot project is set to further enhance the partnership between the RET – whose strap-line is ‘One Region,
region’s diverse business community
According to a RET report, 45% of people living in the West Midlands do not identify as being from a White British background It also found that u
people is two times higher compared to White British and 1 3mn residents are likely to experience race inequality in their daily lives
As summ er holidays b egin in the UK , the M one y an d Pe ns ion s Se r vic e ( M aPS) encouraged parent s to tea ch their childr en about money, off ering s ix tips f or the s ix wee ks of the break
T e a c h i n g m o n e y m a n a g e m e
reveals that only 1 in 4 (24 per cent) children have received a meaningful financial education at home Since 2016, there has been a significant rise in children s u
accounts Additionally, some parents are less familiar with the digital platforms their children use
While digital money offers benefits, it also poses risks, exposing children and young people to financial harms earlier MaPS’ digital tool, Talk Learn Do, available on their website, provides parents and guardians with free, simple guidance, including fun family activities The content is designed to help children develop good money habits that will benefit them throughout their lives
To help parents and guardians make the most of the six-week summer holiday, MaPS has developed six tips to inspire and teach children about money:
Start E arly: It’s never too early to
money MaPS research shows that children begin developing money management skills, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors between the ages of three and seven These skills continue to develop
years You are the most important influ-
towards money Better financial understanding comes from enhanced conversations Talk to them!
Discuss Digit al: The way children learn about money has evolved with digital platforms playing an increasingly influential role With the decline in
cash usage, children are less exposed to physical money exchanges Your children’s understanding of the value of money is shaped by these new interac-
about digital money Learn how to have a digital money conversation Get Them In volv ed: Most children (91 per cent) already have some responsibility for how they spend their money One way to increase this is by involving them in the weekly food shop Children can help make the shopping list by checking what’s already in the cupboards and what’s running low Give them a small amount of money to spend in the supermarket and explain that the food they choose needs to be suitable for your family size for a week
Ma ke R ules a nd St ick to The m: Only around a third of parents or carers (35 per cent) say they set rules about how their child’s money is spent When teaching children about money for the first time, it’s important to set and stick to rules One way to do this is to set a maximum budget within their pocket
amounts of regularly received pocket money increase children’s ability to budget Sticking to rules and giving pocket money can also reduce pestering in the long run
All the steps mentioned, from having conversations to giving responsibility, will have a huge positive impact, especially when combined
T he Bo dy Shop is on the verge of being rescued from ad ministration after entering exclusive talks w ith a co nsortium led by British cosm etics m ogul Mike J atania
UK's administrators for the chain, which entered administration in February, resulting in the closure of over 80 stores and hundreds of
through, Charles Denton, former CEO of Molton Brown, will head the new management team A joint statement from Auréa a n d t h e a d m i n i s t r a t o r s , F R P Advisory, confirmed that after a c o m p e t i t i
Jatania’s company is now conducting due diligence, with a sale anticipated soon The statement read: “While the deal is not yet finalised, we
believe the consortium’s extens
e existing management team, offers the best outcome for creditors and will ensure The Body Shop’s long-term success ” Founded in 1976 by the late environmental and human rights a
Body Shop became a prominent name on the British high street for its ethically produced cosmet-
Over a third ( 36 per cen t) of UK adults cite n ot s avin g cons isten tly from a young age as thei r biggest finan cial
Managem ent
across age groups, with 35 per cent of 18-34-year-olds, 42 per cent of 35-54year-olds, and 33 per cent of those over 5 5
Women feel this regret more acutely than men, with 40 per cent versus 32 per cent Following closely, not starting a pension early ranks as the second b i
respondents This is followed by incurring too much debt (19 per cent), missing the chance to get on the property ladder (13 per cent), and missing out on high-interest savings accounts (13 per cent)
Interestingly, a quarter of respondents reported no financial regrets at all, with this figure rising to 39 per cent for those aged 60 and above, suggesting greater financial security with age Conversely, getting on the property ladder stands out as the most sig-
across all age groups, with 35 per cent of individuals naming it their biggest
plishments include paying off debts Alasdair Wild, Area Manager at
younger generations may shy away from thinking long-term, building a solid, tailored financial roadmap at an early age can provide a real sense of security and purpose, helping individuals progress further on their journey to achieving their financial goals ” Pound expected to reach $1.35 by year-end
The pound is set t o ri se to i ts hi ghest leve l a gai nst
two ye ars,
lled by growing o ptimi sm about the UK economy and g reat er poli tical stabili ty compar ed to Euro pe and Ameri ca
According to Amundi, a French fund manager with £1 8 trillion in assets, sterling could reach $1 35 by the end of the year, up from just under $1 30 today This would mark a roughly 7 percent increase against the dollar since the start of the year
A n a l y s t s a r e i n c r e a s i n
mistic about the pound's performance against other major currencies due to
g expectations and the greater political stability following Labour’s landslide v i c
Additionally, there is an expectation that the Bank of England will gradually lower interest rates from 5 25 percent for the rest of the year, making
ics and skincare products The company fell into administration after its previous owner, Aurelius, who had purchased it for £207m just three months earlier, failed to turn around its fortunes At the time, The Body Shop owed creditors over £276m S
been shuttered, leaving 116 operational, with 489 shop jobs and 270 office positions cut
price index inflation has remained steady at the Bank of England’s 2 percent target for the past two months, services inflation, a closely watched measure by the central bank, remains
anticipate the Bank of England will reduce rates twice this year, starting in
Sachs noted that they "have been flagging sterling’s attractiveness relative to other ‘risky’ currencies" due to the UK’s "less uncertain political outlook than the euro area" and lower exposure to the downturn in the Chinese economy
A pple is fina lly set to ma ke
P r o se r ie s o f i Ph o n e s i n
In dia, in a n affir mation to t he countr y ’ s Mak e in In dia
i n i t i a t i v e H ow e v e r , t h e r e
a re “ n o imme diate plan s ” to
a sse m ble i Pa d t a b le t s a n d M a cBo ok la pt o ps i n In d ia for n ow The iPhone Pro devices
w i l l b e a s s e m b l e d f o r t h e first time in India when the latest iPhone 16 models hit stores globally around Sept
t h i s y e a r , t h o u g h t r i a l production will begin a little earlier, the sources added
A p p l e h a s a l r e a d y b e e n assembling non-Pro models
i n I n d i a , t h e l a t e s t b e i n g iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus variants
O n c e i P h o n e P r o ’ s assembly stabilises in India, the models would also be exported to various global m a r k e t s , s i m i l a r t o w h a t
Apple does with the non-Pro series “The plan has been in the works for the past one
y e a r , w i t h e f f o r t s t o streamline the supply chain for new devices The results have been positive and the
company will assemble t h e P r o m o d e l s , something it had been able to do so far,” one source said In fact, “trials for Pro devices will begin soon ” , the source said,
between the company ’ s all three makers in the country - Taiwanese duo of Foxconn a n d P
player Tata group
T h e a d d i t i o n o f P r o c o
iPhone models being made in India Interestingly, Apple has decided to assemble Pro
mobiles phones from 20% to 15% in the Budget A p p l e
with import of iPhones in
assembling devices in 2017
Karnataka (this was acquired by the Tata group in 2023)
In a st rat eg i c m o v e to bo l st er h i s p o s i ti o n a s
In d i a ’ s l arg e s t b u il d i ng materials maker, billionaire Kumar Mangalam Birla has st ru c k a d ea l w it h N Srinivasan and his fam ily to ac qu i re th e ir c em e nt business for £395 4 mn
U l t r a T e c h C e m e n t , a part of the $65-billion Aditya
commitment in India, which
K e n ya A ir p o r t s Au t h o ri ty (KAA) s aid it has rec eived an investment pro pos al fro m the A da ni G ro
nt p r o po s al u nde r th e pu b licp rivate partnersh ip h as been s ubmitted by Adani Airport
H o l d ing s Lt d (AA HL ) f o r
N ai r o bi ' s J o m o K e n ya t ta I nternational Airpo rt (JK IA)
C u r r e n t l y , A A H L m a n a g e s s e v e n a i r p o r t s i n India and is also developing the Navi Mumbai airport
I n a s t a t e m e n t , J K I A Managing Director and Chief
E x e c u t i v e O f f i c e r H e n r y Ogoye said the proposal came f o l l o w i n g t h e K e n y a n g o v e r n m e n t a p p
t plan for the upgradation of t h e p a s s e n g e r t e r m i n a l b u i l d i n
JKIA was built in 1978 and is a strategic national asset "Its ageing infrastructure is a t h r e a t
competitiveness," he said A
and cannot be funded with t
l constraints without recourse to private funding AAHL's proposal will be subjected to technical, financial and legal
due processes in compliance w i t h t h e P u b l i c P r i v a t e P a r t n e r s h i p s A c t 2
said As per the statement, the project agreement will be
approval from the National T
General clearance as well as the Cabinet approval Adani Green operationalises wind po wer generation
A d a n i G r e e n E n e r g y Limited (AGEL) announced
power generation at Khavda in Kutch region of Gujarat K
energy park with a capacity of
k W h / m 2 o f h i g h s o l a r irradiation and is one of the best wind resources in India, with speeds of 8 metre per second With this, 2,250 MW o f c u m u l a t i v e c a p a c i t y h a s been made operational at the Khavda plant, AGEL stated in a regulatory filing
K h a v d a R e n e w a b l e
Energy plant is equipped with one the world’s largest and most powerful onshore wind turbine generators (WTG) of 5 2 MW capacity each
M arkets regulator Sebi has b anned fugi tive billionaire Vijay M allya for three years f or illegally routing funds
t h rou gh l a y er e d tran sactions usi ng foreign entities and banks to jack u p pr i c es of h i s o wn c ompanies and also profi t f r om t he s a m e A l l hi s h ol d i ng s i n s t oc k s a n d mutual funds in India have also been frozen while he h a s be e n ba r re d fr om as soci ating with any listed I n d i a n c om pa n y as a director
S e b i i n v e s t i g a t i o n s f o u n d t h a t M a l l y a h a d a b u s e d t h e f o r e i g n i n s t i t u t i o n
(FII) route to trade in the d o m e s t
c m
k e t b y concealing his identity in t h e n a m e s o f v a r i o u s overseas registered entities, in whose names the bank accounts were opened with UBS This was done even though Mallya allegedly was the actual beneficial owner of each of the front entities “in a fraudulent manner by
e m p l o y i n g m a n i p u l a t i v e a n d d e c e p t i v e a r t i f i c e b y indulging in purchase and s a l e o f s e c u r i t i e s o f Herbertsons /United Spirits detrimental to the investors a n d w i t h a n i n t e n t t o
defraud them,” Sebi said
S e b i i n v e s t i g a t i o n s found that between January 2006 and December 2008, Mallya had made gains of c l o s e t o $ 5 7
According to Sebi’s FII
g u l
resident outside India are allowed to have an exposure
market through this route
From the scheme devised by M a l l y a ,
M ukesh Ambani's Reliance Ind ustries h as received ap prov al from th e United States to r es u m e im p o rti ng o i l fr o m V en ez u el a d espite Washing to n ’ s sanctions, a sou rce familiar with the matter said The United States in April re-imposed
failure to meet his election commitments but said some firms would be authorized to trade and operate in Venezuela
imposed on Venezuela in 2019, Reliance was
after China
Reliance had re-submitted a request to the US in May for authorization to import c
Reliance, following the easing of sanctions in October
I n d i a n r e f i n
intermediaries, until the sanctions kicked in again in June
India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corp has also sought a waiver from the US Office of Foreign Assets Control to lift crude oil from Venezuela, an industry source said
established that (he had), by way of a design, abused the F I I m e c h a n i s m / r o u t e f o r investing his surplus funds kept abroad and had not revealed the same to the i n v e s t o r s o f t h e s e companies in India,” Sebi report noted Mallya had also traded in the shares of his group c o m p a n i e s w i t h o u t disclosing the same to the s h a r e h o l d e r s o f t h o s e c o m p a n i e s “ S u c h a c t s o f ( M a l l y a ) a r e n o t o n l y f r a u d
integrity of the securities market,” Sebi said
B i r l a c o n g l o m e r a t e , w i l l acquire about 33% stake in India Cements, valuing the Chennai-based company at Rs 390 a share This adds to
Additionally, UltraTech will make an open offer to India
C e m e n t s ’ p u b l i c shareholders to acquire an extra 26% stake at the same p r i c e i n l i n e w i t h I n d i a ’ s takeover norms, raising the total cost for UltraTech to £710 mn
I f a p p r o v e d
lu ti o ni z e t h e e le ct ri c vehicle landscap e T h e c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i l l p r o v i d e s e a m l e s s d i g i t a l e x p e r i e n c e s t o 2 - w h e e l e r users, says Kiran Thomas, P r e s i d e n t a n d C E O , J i o Platforms “ T h i s c o l l a b o r a t i o n firms up our commitment
t o w a r d s I n d i a - l e d g l o b a l innovation and enhancing customer experiences in IoT
t e c h n o l o g y , i n t e g r a t i n g MediaTek’s advanced chip set with our cutting-edge digital solutions to set new b e n c h m a r k s o f f e r i n g seamless performance and u n p a r a l l e l e d c u s t o m e r experience tailored for the future of mobility,” he said Smart Digital Cluster & O p e r a t i n g S y s t e m w i l l change the landscape of 2w h e e l e r e l e c t r i c v e h i c l e
Electric sc ooter s tartup O la Electric’ s £614 6 m n I PObi gges t this year - i s s et to to open on Aug 2 Thi s w ill be the first IPO by an auto c o m p a n y s i n c e M a r u ti S uz u k i ( th e n M a r u ti Udyog) wen t public i n mid2003 The bidding for the IPO will start on Aug 2 and end on Aug 6 at a price band of Rs 72-76 per share At the u p p e r e n d o f t h e p r i c e band, the implied valuation of the firm is $4 billionlower than the $7-8 billion
valuation it was targeting a few months ago It’s also lower than the $5 4-billion valuation at which it had r a i s e d f u n d s i n i t s l a s t round in Sept 2023 “We wanted to price it a t a t t r a c t i v
, a g g r e s s i v e l e v e l s s o t h a t t h e y ( i n v e s t o
Bhavish Aggarwal, founder & chairman of Ola Electric said Aggarwal said there is no slowdown in the India EV story “Three years ago, w h e n w e l a u n c h e d o u r p r o d
’ s w
n I believe the EV story began I do not see any slowing down in the story there are cyclical ups and downs, b
year our growth is 90% ( F Y 2 4 o v e r F Y 2 3 ) T h e growth story is consistent and secular,” he added He a l s o s a i d t h a t a s m
r e c o m p a
e s
h e E V market and more products are launched, the scope will only expand
DH AK A: Ba nglade sh w as cr awling back to norm alcy with lim ite d int ern et and office hours a ft er mor e tha n a wee k of chaos tr igge red by stude nt pr ote st s over g o v t j o b qu o t a s N e a r l y 2 00 de ath s wer e repor te d in t he violent clashes
o s t o f t h e c
a c c e s s , b u t t h o u s a n d s o f c a r s were on the streets of the capital Dhaka after authorities relaxed a curfew for 7 hours Offices and banks opened for a few hours, while authorities restored broadband internet in some areas in Dhaka and the second largest city of Chattogram Officials said the curfew would continue in Dhaka and elsewhere until the
situation improves
Since July 16, at least 197 people have been killed in violence,
minister for I&B, said that official casualty figures would be
While the govt has pledged
face legal action or harassment, media reports said that nearly 2,700 people had been arrested in recent days across the coun-
including opposition supporters, were sent to prison pending fur-
Sheikh Hasina pledged that per-
petrators would face justice
since July 15 between the police and mainly student protesters demanding an end to a quota that reserved 30% of govt jobs for kin of veterans who fought in
Court, meanwhile, ordered that the war veterans’ quota be cut to 5% The govt issued a letter saying it was ready to implement the ruling The protesters said the decision was in favour of the protesters, but the govt should answer for the bloodshed
Stu dents v ow to resume protests unless lead ers freed A Bangladeshi student group has vowed to resume protests
unrest unless several of their leaders are released from custody Last week’s violence killed at least 205 people according to an AFP count of police and hospital data Army patrols and a nation-
week after they
paign against job quotas precipitated the unrest, said they would
in th
t i on d i s as ter to
Him alayan nation
T h e B o m b a r d i e r C R J - 2 0 0 aircraft of Saurya Airlines, carryi n g 1 9 p e o p l e , i n c l u d i n g t w o
c r e w m e m b e r s a n d t e c h n i c a l staff of the airline, was bound f o r P o k h a r a I n t e r n a t i o n a l Airport for regular maintenance
s e r v i c e w h e n t h e a c c i d e n t occurred
“Shortly after takeoff from runway 02, the aircraft veered off to the right and crashed on the east side of the runway, ” said a statement issued by the civil aviation authority of Nepal It said rescue operations were initiated immediately and fire was b r o u g h t u n d e r c o n t r o l “ O n e injured person (Captain Manish Ratna Shakya) was rescued and taken to the hospital, and 18 p e o p l e w e r e f o u n d d e a d , ” i t added The deceased were identified as co-pilot S Katuwal, the e m p l o y e e s o f S a u r y a A i r l i n e s a n d a Y e m e n i n a t i o n a l ( A r e f Reda) Manu Raj Sharma, a technician of the airline, his wife Priza
NEW D EL HI : Thirteen Ind ians,
w h o w ere lu re d i nto c e rta in c y ber -s c am m in g c en tre s in L a os , h av e been resc u ed and s e nt ba ck h o m e , th e I nd i an embassy in the Southeast A sian cou ntry said
“In our continued work to ensure safety & well-being of Indians as top priority, Embassy successfully rescues 13 Indians from cyber scamming centres in Laos & ensures their safe return to India,” the mission posted on
‘X’ “So far, Embassy has rescued 5 1 8 I n d i a n s W e t h a n k L a o authorities for their cooperation,” it said
On May 7, the embassy came out with an advisory cautioning Indians against fake job offers
“Victims are illegally taken across the border into Laos from Thailand and held captive to work in Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone in Laos under h a r s h a n d r e s t r i c t i v e c o n d itions,” the advisory said
ISLA MA BA D: At le ast 43 peopl e have been kill ed and m ore than 200 injured af ter a land disput e tu rn e d in t o a wi de r s e c t a r ia n conf lict between Sunni and Shia trib es in Pakis tan’s res tive northwe st ern K urra m tr ib al dis tr ict , bo r de r in g Af gh an i s t a n
Authorities c onfirm ed 43 peopl e we re dea d and ov er 2 00 hur t since the clas hes st arted on Jul y 24
The warring tribes, with the support of a local tribal jirga, a t r a d i t i o n a l a s s e m b l y o f t r i b a l elders, announced a temporary c e a s e f i r e f o l l o w i n g i n t e n s e shelling and firing in the morning
T h e v o l a t i l e m o u n t a i n o u s K u r r a m r e g i o n h a s w i t n e s s e d deadly conflicts among tribes and religious groups as well as sectarian clashes and militant attacks over the past several decades According to the govt, there are
eight major conflicts underway in Kurram and several of them date back to pre-Partition era
T h e l a t e s t c l a s h e s e r u p t e d last week between two familiesone Shia and another Sunniover ownership of a property, and the hostility swiftly spread to several villages and settlements before engulfing the entire district
Among the dead, authorities said, 34 were from Shia tribes and eight belonged to Sunni tribes Firing continued through Sunday night and Monday morning in Maqbal and Teri Mangal areas of upper Kurram; Para Chamkani in central Kurram; and Balish Khel in lower Kurram According to locals, Sunni tribes were getting support from across the border since the same families live on both sides of the Durand Line, a d
Pakistan and Afghanistan
Khatiwada and their four-yearo l d s o n w e r e a m o n g t h e deceased P l a n e w a s f l y i n g a l i t t l e a b o v e r u n w a y , t h e n t i l t e d t o right before crash Videos posted online showed the plane being enveloped in fire and smoke F i r e e n g i n e s a n d a m b u l a n c e s were rushed to the spot after the incident
Of the deceased, 15 died on the spot while three died during treatment at a local hospital, authorities said The bodies of the deceased have been shifted
t o T r i b h u v a n U n i v e r s i t y
T e a c h i n g H o s p i
Kathmandu Model Hospital
ministers take aim
TO KY O : The foreign minist er s o f Q ua d r i l at e ra l S ecu ri ty Dialogue (Quad ) on Monday to ok ai m at China i n t h ei r jo i nt st a te me nt , d ef endi ng the ri gh ts of The P h i li p p i ne s i n th e S o u t h C hina Sea d isp ute, as well as o p p o s i ng any “ un i l at e ra l actio ns ” to c hange th e status quo by “ force o r coercion”
“We are seriously concerned about the situation in the East and South China Seas and reiterate our strong opposition to any u n i l a t e r a l a c t i o n s t h a t s e e k t o change the status quo by force or coercion We continue to express our serious concern about the m
tures, and coercive and intimidat-
e S
u t h China Sea,” said the joint statement It outlined the leaders’ serious concern about the “dangerous use of coast guard and maritime militia vessels, the increasing use of v a r i o u s k i n d s o f
manoeuvres, and efforts to disr
resource exploitation activities”
They said maritime disputes must be resolved peacefully and in a
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
While the statement did not directly name Beijing, the actions detailed in the statement indicated actions in the South China Sea in recent months, which has seen
Three students from Punjab were killed in a road accident at the city of Mountain in Canada According to reports among the victims were two siblings from Malaud village in Ludhiana - identified as Harman Somal (23) and Navjot Somal (19) The third victim was a girl named Rashmdeep Kaur (23), daughter of Bhupinder Singh and Suchet Kaur from Samana in Sangrur district Sharing details Chamkaur Singh uncle of Rashamdeep Kaur said that the students were returning by a taxi after submitting their PR files in Mountain City when one of the car tyres busted and led to toppling of the vehicle All three students died, while the taxi driver survived the incident Chamkaur Singh said that Rashamdeep Kaur had gone to Canada four years ago
An Indian student who went missing while swimming in the Latvian capital is feared to have drowned media reports said News portal LSM quoted friends of Albin Shinto from Kerala, who went missing while swimming in the Jugla canal in Rīga as saying that they feared the worst after he disappeared beneath the waves The portal said eyewitness Arhik Haries said Shinto was one of five friends who swam in the canal on July 18 in the evening "Albin got into difficulties and was sinking from view Two of his friends tried to save him and almost succeeded but they, too, got into difficulties " A passing fisherman managed to save the rescuers with his boat but unfortunately, Albin Shinto was lost beneath the waves, it said
In a disturbing incident of racial aggression, an elderly Sikh man on a walk was allegedly harassed in a park in Canada In a viral videoshot by the accused--is heard making annoying voices trying to agitate the elderly The Sikh man is heard asking to be left alone, but the man continues to disturb and follow him At one point of time the Sikh man almost fell trying to walk away from the assaulter The incident has ignited widespread outrage and condemnation with calls for justice and increased awareness about the alarming rise of harassment and racial attacks The video has over 1 2 million views and social media has expressed concern for the safety of Sikh community in Canada
P h
i p p i n e s a n d C h i n a , w h i c h s e r i o u s l y i n j u r e d
one Filipino sailor in June
The Russia-Ukraine war, the situation in Myanmar, the IsraelHamas conflict and also China’s a g g r e s s i v e a c t i o n s i n t h e E a s t China Sea figured in the discussions held between S Jaishankar, Yoko Kamikawa, Antony Blinken and Penny Wong in Tokyo The strong statement on respecting the UNCLOS and the July 2016 arbit
Philippines with India’s approval comes as New Delhi and Manila have in recent years seen a convergence of interests in the IndoP a c i f i c a n d b o r d e r i s s u e s w i t h China
Speaking to the media after t h e m e e t i n g , J a i s h a n k a r s a i d ,
“The overall messaging is that our f o u r c o u n t r i e s ( I n d i a , J a p a n , Australia and the US) all democratic polities, pluralistic societies a n d m a r k e t e c o n o m i e s a r e working together for a free and open Indo-Pacific, for a rulesbased order and for global good That by itself is a powerful stabilising factor in an uncertain and volatile world ”
Air India said its A350-900 aircraft will operate on the Delhi-New York JFK route from November 1 and will begin Delhi-Newark flights from January 2, 2025 The A350 will introduce the airline s Premium Economy class for the first time on the
Unidentified gunmen shot dead a dentist belonging to Pakistan s persecuted minority Ahmadi
Former South African president Jacob Zuma has been expelled from the African National Congress after backing a rival party in May's parliamentary election, the ANC said Zuma was suspended from the party in January after announcing he would support the new uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in the general election He later became the leader and face of MK MK did better than expected in the poll and won about 15% of the vote a major factor in the ANC's loss of its majority for the first time since the apartheid era The ANC won 40 18% of the vote in the election down from 57 50% it gathered in 2019 forcing it into a coalition government for the first time since it took power at the end of white minority rule in 1994 MK is now the official opposition
Japan’s total population marked the 15th straight year of decline according to govt data, dropping by more than a half-million people as the population ages and births remain low Births in Japan hit a record low of 730,000 last year The 1 58 million deaths last year were also a record high Japan s population was 124 9 million as of Jan 1 The data also showed that the 11% increase in foreign residents helped their population surpass 3 million for the first time They now make up nearly 3% of the total population and are mostly of working age from 15 to 64 Surveys show that younger Japanese are increasingly reluctant to marry or have children discouraged by bleak job prospects, the high cost of living and a gender-biased corporate culture
Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro won reelection with 51 2 per cent of votes cast on Sunday, the electoral council announced, after a campaign tainted by claims of opposition intimidation and fears of fraud Elvis Amoroso president of the CNE electoral body in its majority loyal to the government told reporters that 44 2 per cent of votes had gone to opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia who had been leading in polls Maduro, 61, won a third six-year term at the helm of the once wealthy petro-state where GDP dropped by 80 per cent in a decade pushing more than seven million of its 30 million citizens to emigrate
At least one person has been killed and six others injured following a mass shooting at a park in New York s Rochester city local media said According to the Rochester police they went to the Maplewood Park responding to the report of a large gathering with shots fired, and found several people suffering from gunshot wounds and a large group of people fleeing from the scene According to the police, a 20-year-old died, and another is in a life-threatening condition Five people have been hospitalised with "relatively minor injuries" Police said some people were transported to the hospital by private vehicles through the night and others by ambulance
Trash carried by North Korean balloons fell on the South Korean presidential compound, raising worries about the security of key South Korean facilities during North Korean provocations The rubbish that landed on the compound in Seoul contained no dangerous material and no one was hurt Authorities did not say exactly how many had reached the compound one of the most tightly guarded places in South Korea South Korea has retaliated for the balloons by turning on loudspeakers along the Demilitarized Zone to blast K-pop songs and news into North
W AS H IN G TO N: The Obamas, the former First Couple - hugely influential among Democrats - f or ma l ly e n do rs e d K am a l a
Harris for the party nominat i on , s ay i n g t he y w oul d “ d o everything we can to elect her as the ne xt pres i dent of t he
United States ”
In a video released by the
K a m a l
Barack Obama is heard saying,
“We called to say Michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office ”
Michelle adds, “I can’t have this phone call without saying to my girl Kamala: I am proud of you
This is going to be historic ” “ O h m y g o
Barack, this means so much to m e I ’ m
doing this with the two of you,
D o u g a n d I b o t h , ” H a r r i s responds
Bags enough delegates
K a m a l a h a s p r e t t y m u c h wrapped the Democratic nomination for the presidential election well before a formal process and the party convention on Aug 19, belying expectation in some quarters of internecine warfare The party’s leadership, l a w m a k
s , backroom operatives, and most of all the nearly 4,000 delegates who will formally vote for the n o m i n a t i o n q u i c k l y l i n e d u p behind Kamala after a day of tumult when Prez Biden bowed out of the race
An unofficial survey of delegates showed Harris with more than 2,500 delegates, well over the 1,976 needed to win a vote in the coming weeks The nomi n a t i o n w a s b e q u e a t h e d a n d blessed by President Biden himself when Kamala travelled to the Democratic campaign headq
Delaware, Biden’s home state
All-female billionai res club leaps into action
Silicon Valley billionaires has
tions pour in for the vice-president’s White House challenge
The group of donors, many f
i e n d s o f H
i s f r o m California, had mobilised funding and support for a potential r u n e v e n b e f o r e J
announced he was quitting the race
o secure the Democratic nomination and launch her challenge to Donald Trump, her female backers are set to play an influential role They include the billionaire philanthropist Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of the Apple co-founder Steve Jobs and one o f
h i e s t women Harris’s campaign raised $81 million in donations over the f i r s t 2 4 h o u r s B y M o n d a y evening, a Democratic fundraising committee brought in a further $150 million ActBlue, the platform for Democratic candidates and causes, reported that over 888,000 donors made contributions of less than $200 in t h e d a y a f t e r B i d e n d r o p p e d out So far more than 1 1 million i n d i v i d u a l s h a v e c o n t r i b u t e d , according to US media Leads over Trump Kamala is narrowly beating
n a l poll released last week She holds a two-point lead over Trump, 44% to 42%, according to the Reuters/Ipsos poll It was conducted in the two days after Biden a n n o u
s d r o p p
n g o u t o f t h e race In the previous w e e k ’ s p o l l , H a r r i s , 5
Trump, now the elder in the prez race at 78, were tied at 44% B
polls’ margins of error Team drawn from Hollywood to Wall Street Kamala’s sudden ascent has put the spotlight on the advisers, allies and donors who will shape the campaign A new cast
of aides, confidants and supp o r t
s h a s a r r i v e d D o u g Emhoff, her husband, has been active both in the campaign and
Harris remain close to her too Tony West, Maya’s husband, is a confidant
A number of central figures are advising Kamala on policy Phil Gordon, a senior diplomat and official who specialised in Europe and the Middle East, has been her closest adviser on
sherpa, remains close Rohini Kosoglu, her former domestic policy adviser, has been helping with debate preparations, is also influential in her circle
Group that backed Hailey over Trump now supports Kamala
De mocr at's Kama la Harr is
The political action comm
n , known as PIVOTPAC, rebranded from 'Haley Voters for Biden' to 'Haley Voters for Harris' after President Joe Biden quit the presidential race The PAC encourages Haley s u p p
Kamala Harris for the race to the White House This comes after Nikki Haley sent a cease and desist letter demanding the group stop using her name to support Harris "Kamala Harris and I are total opposites on every issue Any attempt to use my name to support her or her a g e n d a i s d e c e p t i v e a n d
O T T A W A : A p r om i n en t
Cana dian M P of Indian origin sa id the c ountry was being “poll ut ed” by K halis ta ni e xtr em ist s who were “abus ing” the f reedom s guar anteed under the Char ter of Rights , days af ter a Hindu temple wa s vanda lised in Edm onton Amidst rising Hinduphobia
i n C a n a d a , t h e B A P S
Swaminarayan Mandir was vandalised with alleged hateful and anti-India graffiti last week in Edmonton in Alberta state, about 3,400 km west-northwest of here
Chandra Arya, a Member of Parliament from Nepean in the
House of Commons, said in a post on his X account that separatist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun of Sikhs for Justice released a video demanding that Arya and his Hindu-Canadian friends go back to India after he (Arya) cond e m n e d t h e v a n d a l i s m o f t h e Hindu temple and other acts of hate and violence by Khalistan supporters in Canada
“We Hindus have come to our wonderful country Canada from all parts of the world From e v e r y c o u n t r y i n
wrong," Haley stated firmly Haley, a former Republican primary challenger, served as t h e U S A m b a s s a d o r t o t h e United Nations in Trump's first tenure as American President She has now endorsed Trump for president and her lawyers argue the group's use of her n a m
Harris, which is false "I support Donald Trump b e c a u s e h e u n d e r s t a n d s w e need to make America strong, s a f e a n d p r o s p e r o u s , " H a l e y said The 'Haley Voters for H a r r i s ' g
We will not be suppressed T h e P A C
$ 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 f r o m a n t i - T r u m p groups and claims they don't speak on behalf of Haley and will continue to support Harris, c a l l i n g h e r t h e " c l e a r b e t t e r choice" for the country
Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party, wrote
“We have made and continue to make immense positive and productive contributions to the socio-economic development of Canada With our long history of Hindu culture and heritage, we have enriched the multicultural fabric of Canada,” he said
“Our land is being polluted by Khalistani extremists abusing our freedoms guaranteed by our
Caribbean, and many other parts of the world, we have come here and Canada is our land,” Arya, a
Arya added
against the backdrop of severe strain in India-Canada ties over the killing of Khalistan extremist Hardeep Singh Nijjar, who was gunned down in Surrey, British Columbia, in June last year
, a store clerk here , has b een a ccused of s tealin g a $ 1 million wi nni ng lotte ry ticket from its rightful own er an d attemptin g to cash in on the priz e The Rutherford County Sheri ff’s Offi ce a nn oun ce d that Pate l, 23, has bee n arres ted an d charged w ith theft over $250,000
Investigators revealed that the rightful owner, a father from Antioch who wishes to remain anonymous, purchased two winning lottery tickets on July 13 at a Shell gas station The father handed both tickets to Patel, who was working as the clerk Patel provided cash for the lesser-valued ticket but allegedly discarded the $1 million win-
headquarters, arousing the suspicion of employees Surveillance footage from the store showed Patel disposing of the trash, retrieving the lottery ticket, and placing it in his pocket
“Patel is then seen later in the video celebrating in the store after scratching off the front of the ticket and learning it was a $1 million winner,” authorities said in a n e w s r e l e a s e U s i n g t h e s u r v e i l l a n c
footage, investigators identified the father who owned the tickets Initially skeptical, the father was eventually informed about the alleged crime Patel remains in custody as the investigation continues
S trong ly defend ing the A gnipath
s chem e that h as faced
of trying to
Vijay Diwas celebrations at Drass,
Agnipath scheme rolled out in June 2022 was meant to save pension money
“The fact that the average age of Indian soldiers was higher than the global average was a major concern discussed in Parliament
power to address it The aim of Agnipath is to make the armed f
continuously fit for war, ” Modi said, in his first public response to attacks on Agnipath scheme by opposition which made the shorttern recruitment scheme one of the key themes of the Lok Sabha election campaign
undertaken by the military, PM stressed
sensitive issue related to national
worth thousands of
not want IAF to get modern fighter jets (Rafales) They had also made
(indigenous) Tejas fighter in a box,”
previous UPA govt by recalling that the Army lacked bulletproof jackets before he took over and the UPA govt allocated £50 mn for one rankone pension scheme
T h e v e r y s a m e p e o p l e a r e spreading the canard that the govt came with the Agnipath scheme to save pension money, said Modi, s t r e s s i n g t h a t t h e q u e s t i o n o f
4 BJP-ruled states announce job quotas for ex-Agniveers
F ou r BJP-governed states - U P, Chh attis garh , Gujarat and O dish a - said th ey wou ld give w eightage to Agniveers f or rec ruitme nt to th eir s tate unif ormed services o nc e the yo uths h ad finis hed their m ilitary s ervice
Odisha also said it would reserve jobs for A g n i v e e r s , a s d i d M a
priority in police jobs for ex-Agniveers had
Agneepath scheme was announced by the
h Chouhan was chief minister
S i m i l a r d e c i s i o n s h a v e a l r e a d y b e e n announced in other states, including Haryana (10% reservation in police, mining and forest
guards), Uttarakhand, and in the UT of Jammu & Kashmir (10% quota in police) There exists also 10% reservation for former Agniveers in the RPF, CISF and BSF U t t a r P r a d e s h c h i e f m i n i s t e r Y o g i
Adityanath said former Agniveers would be recruited to the UP police and Provincial Armed Constabulary, while Chhattisgarh CM Vishnu Deo Sai said they would be recruited as c o n s t a b l e s a n d j a i l w a r d e n s i n t h e p o l i c e department and as forest guards
In Gujarat, CM Bhupendra Patel posted on X saying the “Gujarat govt will give priority to [former] Agniveers in the recruitment of armed police and SRP (State Reserve Police)”
Rifleman M ohit Rathour w as killed and a M ajo r along with three o ther soldiers were w ou n d ed i n an u n p ro v o k ed at tac k by P akistan’ s Border Action T eam (BAT) on an Indian forward p ost last w eek du ring an o p e rat i o n ag a in st a g ro u p o f ter ro ri s ts attempting to cross the LoC at K am kari in M achh al sector of north Kashm ir’s Kupwara d istrict In the cou nter fire fro m the Indian sid e, a Pakistani intrud er was killed
This attack raises the military toll in terrorist violence in J&K to 12 this month
Earlier fatalities included Naik (Gunner) Dilwar Khan near the LoC in Kupwara on July 24 and Lance Naik Subhash Chander in Poonch district on July 23 On July 15, a Captain and three soldiers from 10 Rashtriya Rifles died in Doda district, and five soldiers from 22 Garhwal Rifles were killed in an ambush on a two-truck patrol in Kathua district on July 8
BAT, composed of Pakistani military personnel and terrorists, frequently provides cover fire for intruders attempting to cross t h e h e a v i l y g
Pakistani personnel exploited poor weather and low visibility to cross the LoC and attack the Army post with grenades and gunfire from close range
The ensuing gunfight lasted for hours, critically wounding two soldiers, one of whom later died at a military hospital in Srinagar The second wounded soldier is reported to be in stable condition
“This is part of a pattern of similar
abetted by the Pakistani Army, exploiting thick foliage and poor visibility conditions T
thwarted by alert Indian troops,” a military spokesperson said
In response to the recent surge in terror
According to reports, govt is deploying two BSF battalions, comprising more than 2,000 personnel currently engaged in anti-Maoist operations, to the Union territory
Bombay HC imposes cost of £400,000 on Patanjali for breach of court order
T he Bom bay Hig h Co urt imposed a cost of £ 400 ,00 0 on Patanjali A yurved Ltd for th e alleged breach of a 20 23 interim order that r estra ined th e c om p any fro m s elli ng i ts camph or prod ucts in relation to a trademark i n fr in g em e nt ca se fi l ed b y M ang ala m Organics Ltd
A single bench of Justice R I Chagla noted that there was a "wilful and deliberate" breach of the court order by Patanjali
The bench said it has no doubt in its mind that Patanjali had an intention to flout the court order The bench disposed of a petition filed by Mangalam Organics Ltd
seeking contempt action against Patanjali for selling its camphor products despite a restraining order from the court
deposit £400,000 within two weeks This was in addition to Rs 50,00,000 the high court had directed the company to deposit earlier this month
In August 2023, the high court, in an
selling or advertising its camphor products
Mangalam Organics had filed a suit against
infringement of their camphor products
pension for those being recruited today would arise after 30 years P M M o d i s a i d , “ B y t h e n , I would be 105 Why would the govt take a decision for it today and face abuse? We could have left that for the govts in the future But we respected this decision taken by the forces because for us, t h e s e c u r i t y o f t h e c o u n t r y i s paramount, not party or politics
e Agnipath scheme will increase the country’s strength and the c
earlier been made about giving priority (in jobs) to Agniveers in t h e p r i v a t e s
d paramilitary forces ” T
y had no regard for the armed f
till now, and the construction of the national war memorial
Stressing the importance of upgrading military technologies
forces not only need the latest weapons and equipment, but also “
arrangements” “In the last 10 years, defence reforms have been
more capable and self-reliant,” he said A major stake in defence procurements is now being given to the Indian defence industry, while 25% of the defence R&D has also been reserved for the
defence production has crossed the £12 5 bn mark,” the PM said
In one of th e worst natural disasters in K erala, at least 1 23 perso ns were killed and 1 2 8 i n j u re d i n m a ss i v e l an ds l i des tr i gge re d b y torrenti al rains in Wayanad on Tu esday Wi th h undreds trap pe d u nder th e debri s, sp arking fears o f mounting f at al i ti e s , r es c u e ag en c i es were raci ng against time to p ull o ut any survi vors Indian Army has been c a r r y i n g o u t r e s c u e operations in the landslide h i t a r e a s o f W a y a n a d i n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h N D R F and other agencies Around
1 5 0 p e o p l e h a v e b e e n
r e s c u e d f r o m M u d a k k a y i village, provided medical aid a n d e v a c u a t e d t o s a f e r places Apart from the four c o l u m n s w i t h a t o t a l strength of approximately
2 2 5 p e r s o n n e l , a l r e a d y deployed for the operation, two more columns having a strength of approximately
1 4 0 p e r s o n n e l a r e o n
s t a n d b y i n Thiruvananthapuram to be airlifted on a short notice, in case the need arises
K e r a l a g o v e r n m e n t announced that two days, J u l y 3 0 a n d 3 1 , w i l l b e observed as state mourning
A l l s t a t e g o v e r n m e n t p r o g r a m m e s h a v e b e e n deferred
T h e I n d i a n A r m y w a s
r o p e d i n a s a t e m p o r a r y
b r i d g e t h a t l i n k e d t h e affected area to a nearest
t o w n w a s a l s o d e s t r o y e d
T h e A r m y h a s m o b i l i s e d f o u r c o l u m n s , i n c l u d i n g two columns of 122 Infantry Battalion (Territorial Army) and two ex the DSC Centre, Kannur
Two helicopters of the Indian Air Force have also
b e e n m o b i l i s e d , s a i d a statement from Kerala chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan's office A rescue official said
r e s c u e e f f o r t s r e m a i n challenging as there was no internet connectivity in the area
State forest minister AK
S a s e e n d r a n s a i d t h a t t h e
situation is serious, and the government has pressed all
a g e n c i e s t o a s s i s t r e s c u e
o p e r a t i o n s A s p e c i a l control room has been set
u p b y t h e d i s t r i c t administration at the police h e a d q u a r t e r s i n Thiruvananthapuram
P r i m e M i n i s t e r
N a r e n d r a M o d i s p o k e t o Kerala chief minister Vijayan and assured all possible help from the Centre The Prime Minister has announced exg r a t i a o f ₹ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 f r o m
P r i m e M i n i s t e r ' s N a t i o n a l Relief Fund (PMNRF) for the next of kin of each deceased i n t h e l a n d s l i d e s , " P M ' s office said in a post on X The injured would be given ₹50,000 11 killed in Pune d ist
At least four people died in Pune as record-breaking
r a i n l a s h e d c e n t r a l
M a h a r a s h t r a l a s t w e e k , causing widespread flooding
a n d l a n d s l i d e s I n P u n e ’ s
D e c c a n G y m k h a n a a r e a , t h r e e m e n w e r e electrocuted while trying to move vessels and furniture
f r o m t h e i r e a t e r y i n t h e Mutha riverbed A 30-yearold man died and another was injured in a landslide along Pune-Kolad road in
T a m h i n i G h a t s e c t i o n , about 60km from Pune city
A u t h o r i t i e s r e p o r t e d four people missing Pune fire brigade is conducting a search for two men feared swept away by the surging w a t e r s r e l e a s e d f r o m
K h a d a k w a s l a d a m i n t o Mutha river, which merges with the Mula in the city In Lavasa, at least two people are suspected to be trapped
u n d e r d e b r i s f r o m a landslide Army and NDRF units e v a c u a t e d a t l e a s t 1 1 0 people from their homes in E k t a N a g a r i , n e a r t h e Mutha off Sinhagad Road 8 k illed in Guj arat A t l e
were killed in rain-related i n c i d
villages and inundated lowlying areas in several parts
Ur gin g state s to provide an
on -
m e nt , PM N a re n d ra Mo di a sk ed govt t hink t ank Niti Aa yog to prepare an “invest-
m e n t - fr ie nd l y ch a r t e r ” of p a r a m e t e r s w hi ch w ou l d i n cl ud e po l i ci e s, p r ogr amme s a nd processes for a ttra cting investment s Modi said states may be monitored on the achievement of the parameters to p r o m o t e h e a l t h y c o m p
tion among them for attracting investments
Speaking at the 9th gov-
e r n i n g c o u n c i l m e e t i n g o f Niti Aayog, he underscored the importance of law and order, good governance and i n f r a s t r u c t u r e a s v i t a l f o r a t t r a c t i n g i n v e s t m e n t s , rather than just incentives
The meeting was attended by 20 states and 6 Union Territories while some opposition ruled states opted out “Viksit Bharat in 2047 is an ambition of every Indian States can play an active role to achieve this aim as they are directly connected with t h e p e o p l e , ” t h e P M s a i d , asserting that that the aspir a t i o n
t B h a r a t should reach the grassroot l e v e l a n d
c h d i s
c t , block, and village He said the dream of Viksit Bharat can be realised only if the s
exhorted them to prepare
selves and their districts
This was the first meeti n
India is progressing on the path to fulfil the vision of a d
7 through the power of coop-
focus on jobs, the PM emphasised skilling and t
ment-ready as the world
l o o k
l y towards India for skilled human resources
Modi said that this is the decade of change
sectors and encouraged
and make policies and
grammes that are conducive
Mamata wal ks out
Mamata Banerjee walked out o
alleging her microphone was “switched off after five min-
govt, with finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman stating every CM was given their “due time” to speak Mamata, after storming
reporters, “At the beginning, Rajnath ji had said ‘five to seven minutes’ I was not allowed even (those) seven minutes I would have completed all that I had to say, even if the seven minutes were allowed But they rang the bell at five minutes, and I said, okay then I shall leave and I left ”
“I was the only one (from opposition-governed states) present there; they should have allotted at least half-an hour for me and I am not an irresponsible person that I will not maintain my time,” she added
S h e f u r t h e r s a i d , “ C h a n d r a b a b u N a i d u (Andhra Pradesh CM) presented his views for 20 minu t e s a n d C M s o f A s s a m , Arunachal, Chhattisgarh and G o a a l s o p r e s e n t e d t h e i r views for 15, 16, 17, 20 minutes But I spoke only for five minutes, and people started interrupting me by ringing the bell I said, okay, you d o n ’ t w a n t t o l i s t e n t o Bengal, and I boycotted the meeting and left ”
The Gujarat high co urt has i ss u ed s u mm on s t o th e
B harati ya Janata Party (B JP)
M P from the Surat Lok Sabha c onsti tuen cy, Mukesh Dalal, ov er two petition s challeng ing hi s un con tested v ictory
The court of Justice JC
D o s h i i s s u e d s u m m o n s t o
D a l a l , d i r e c t i n g h i m t o respond by Aug 9, after the matter came up for hearing on July 25, the lawyer for petitioners PS Champaneri said
D a l a l w a s d e c l a r e d t h e winner on April 22, the last date for withdrawal of nomination, after Congress pick
Nilesh Kumbhani's nomination was rejected and other c a n d i d a t e s w
w f r o m the race The remaining 25 Lok Sabha seats in Gujarat went to polls on May 7 in the third phase of general elections BJP won 25 seats in the state, with Congress bagging one
T h e p e t i t i o n e r s h a v e challenged the legality and validity of the decision of the Surat collector and returning officer to reject Kumbhani’s nomination
The two petitions, filed by four voters from the Surat p a r l i a m e n t a r y c o n s t i t u e n c y
who are also Congress members, question the decision of the returning officer to reject Kumbhani’s form under the provisions of Section 36 of
scrutiny of the nomination forms The petitioners have
before the deputy collector that they would be signing as proposers on his nomination
while applying for the certifi-
The Indian government has s la s h e d th e f i n a n c i a l a i d p r ov i d e d t o s o m e n e i g h -
b ourin g countries, in cludi ng the M aldi ves, M yanmar, B a n gl a d e s h , a n d A f gha ni s ta n , f or t he y e ar
2 024-2
us , Seyc helles
and Nepal
provided to this nation of islands has been cut by 48 per cent for the 2024-25 fiscal when compared to last year The budget has allocated £40 mn as “grants” to Maldives during the current fiscal which is a far cry from the £77 mn extended a year ago T h i
aid has been proposed to be given to Bhutan The tiny
cate declaring them voters of the same constituency, a precondition for proposers
Furthermore, the verification of signatures is not a collector’s job, they contende
t h e Congress, being a national party, doesn't have any shortage of proposers for its candidates in a given constituency
D a l a l b e c a m e t h e f i r s t candidate in the last 12 years to win a Lok Sabha contest unopposed His was the first victory for the BJP in the recently concluded general elections whose results were declared on June 4
S up re m e C ou rt ap pr ov ed the J hark ha nd high court order gran ti ng b ail to chief m inis ter Hemant Soren i n a m on e y la u n d e ri n g c a s e related to an alleged land s cam and sai d the well- reas on ed order did n ot require an y interferen ce
The court said the HC o
while giving valid reasons for disregarding these “We d o n o t w a n t t o o b
a n y t h i n g
observe anything further, you will be in difficulty A v
ment has been rendered by the judge,” the bench said
As the ASG said the trial court was right in rejecting
A bench of Justices B R Gavai and K V Viswanathan dismissed ED’s plea seeking the quashing of bail granted to Soren, who had to q u i t a s C M a f t e r b e i n g arrested in the case The bench wasn’t convinced by additional solicitor general S V Raju’s argument that the HC had erred by not considering the statements made by witnesses before the agency
Soren’s bail plea, the bench referred to Chief Justice D Y C h a n d r a c h u d ’ s r e c e n t statement that trial judges n o w a d a y s p l a y e d s a f e b y not granting bail
A f t e r a b r i e f h e a r i n g , the bench passed the order a n d s a i d , “ W e a r e n o t inclined to interfere with the impugned order We c l a r i f y t h a t t h e o b s e r v ations made by the learned single judge are relating to the consideration of bail and the same would not influence the learned trial judge in trial or any other proceedings "
Soren was arrested by ED on Jan 31 on money laundering charges ED has accused him of manipulati
r d s a l o n
w i t h other accused via fictitious t r a n s a c t i o n s a n d f o r g e d documents to acquire 8 86 a c r e s o f l a n d i n R a n c h i w o r t h m i l l i o n s H e w a s granted bail on June 29, almost five months after he was arrested While granting bail, the HC had said “ t h e r e e x i s t r e a s o n s t o believe” that Soren is “not g u i l t y ” o f t h e P M L A o f f e n c e h e h a s b e e n accused of
I n a bid to enter th e U S il legally, app roximately 150 indiv id u a l s o f G u ja r at i o ri gin h ave been ap prehended wh ile attemp ting to cros s th e USM exico bo rder, repo rts said T hese individu als are said to f ace depo rtatio n to India
According to reports, the detained group was found
attempting to cross the border on foot While the specific districts in Gujarat from which these individuals hail a r e y e t t o b e c o n f i r m e d , reports indicate a significant number may belong to North Gujarat
T h e r e c e n t i n c i d e n t highlights the growing num-
ber of individuals seeking to migrate to countries like the United States and Canada
This surge in migration has led to a parallel rise in illegal border crossings, with indiv i d u a l s o f t e n r e s o r t i n g t o dangerous and unauthorised routes to reach their desired destination Agents and bro-
kers have been capitalising on this trend, facilitating illeg a l m i g r a t i o n f o r a h e f t y p r o f i t N o t a b l y , t h e U SMexico border has been a focal point of immigration debates for years, with form e r U S P r e s i d e n t D o n a l d T r u m p a d v
stricter border controls
£206 8 mn during 2024-25, which includes a grant of £107 8 mn and a loan of £98
This is 14 per
£239 9 mn given by India during 2023-24
Afghanistan and Myanmar are also slated to get fewer grants Among the coun-
include Nepal, Sri Lanka, Seychelles and Mauritius M
continue to provide a grant of £10 mn for the Chabahar port in Iran, for which India and Iran recently signed a
operations It will also
countries”, £3 mn to Latin American countries and an
Eurasian countries
Law against child marriage applies to all faiths: Kerala HC
Kunhikrishnan also made it clear that the Act su persed es Mu slim personal law that allows marriage
girl at puberty, pointing out that citizenship was primary and relig ion secondary
The single bench issued the directive recently while dismissing a petition by an accused in a child marriage case in Palakkad in 2012 The accused, including the father and purported “husband”, had moved HC to quash the case The bench had earlier appointed an amicus curiae in the case The ruling comes at a time when scores of men have been arrested in BJP-governed Assam over child marriages, most of them from the minority community
Citing Muslim personal law, petitioners argued that a Muslim girl who has attained puberty could marry and such a union wouldn’t be void According to the petitioners, Muslim personal law prevails over Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, which was illegal as it curtails their rights and prescribes punishment
However, HC rejected the contentions It cited Section 1(2) of the Act and said it applied to all Indian citizens within and beyond India
BE NG ALUR U: Th e Bh aratiya J anata
P arty (BJP ) MLAs in Karnataka last
w ee k s ta ge d a " d ay - an d- n i gh t " dharna in both Legislative Assembly
a n d Co u nc
d i s cu ss i o n
i ng t h e al le ge d fraudulent allo tment of sites to land l o s e rs by My s u ru U rb an D e ve lo p me n t A u th o ri ty ( M UD A )
T he alleged scam involves p lo ts given
t o Ch ie f M
In a video clip, the protesting MLAs are seen carrying pillows and blankets The Opposition was not allowed to discuss the issue in both the Houses Assembly Speaker UT K h a d
' s adjournment motion notice on the m a t t e
e Opposition legislators to stage a dayand-night protest
While the ruling Congress urged the Speaker not to allow discussion
o n t h e i s s u e c i t i n g r u l e s , t h e opposition BJP claimed that a needle of suspicion is pointing to the family of the most important person of the s t a t e , a n d d e m a n d e d t h a t i t b e allowed
political motive behind formation of the inquiry commission to probe the
denying the House an opportunity to debate the issue
"After hearing both sides, as the
opposition has given is not an urgent matter and as an inquiry commission has been constituted under a retired judge to probe the charges, also as the
occurrence, it has been rejected," the Speaker ruled
It is alleged that compensatory sites were allotted to Siddaramaiah's wife Parvathi in an upmarket area in Mysuru, which had higher property value as compared to the location of her land which had been "acquired" by the MUDA MUDA had allotted plots to Parvathi under a 50:50 ratio scheme in lieu of 3 16 acres of her
residential layout The controversial
cent of developed land to the land loser in lieu of undeveloped land acquired for forming layouts
N E W D E LH I : J oined by I N D IA bl o c le a de rs , YS RCP chief Jagan Moh an R ed dy l a st wee k l ed a p ro test against th e ruling
T D P o v er d et er i o ra ti n g law and order situation in Andh ra Pradesh Reddy was joined by Sanjay Raut of the Shiv
S e n a ( U B T ) a n d Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav at Jantar M
Y S R C P leader questioned the state of governance in Andhra Pradesh
“What is the plight of A n d h r a P r a d e s h t o d a y ? Whatever is happening in Andhra Pradesh today, is it fair? Can a CM’s son (Nara L o k e s h
book? Pictures of him are on many hoardings across the state What message
will this send to the police d
complains, you make false cases Now, he has started vandalism in the state,” he s
TDP for inciting violence and creating lawlessness “ T h i s
people are being hacked using swords and knives
T h e c o p s a r e m u t e spectators More than 30 p e o p l e d e a d , m o r e t h a n
300 murder attempts, over 100 incidents of assault in the state,” he said
d i s m an tle d an i n ter nat i on al narcotic netwo rk follow ing a 15d ay o peratio n, lead ing to the ar res t o f e i g h t p eo p l e fr om v arious locations and seizure of a substantial quantity of d rug s, arm s and am munition
T h e a r r e s t e d i n d i v i d u a l s have been identified as Jagroop Singh from Tarn Taran, Bhavjot Singh from Jalandhar, Ravinder Singh from Amritsar, Anil Gupta from Kartarpur, Bikramjit Singh
a n d T a r s e m S i n g h f r o m
A m r i t s a r , S u m i t C h o l e f r o m Uttar Pradesh and Pratap Singh from Amritsar
An FIR has been registered
under Sections 25/54/59 of the Arms Act and 29/22-61-85 of the NDPS Act at New Baradari Police
S t a t i o n , J a l a n d h a r T h e p o l i c e have seized 100 gm of heroin, a 32-bore pistol, two live cartridges, 1,06,860 narcotics tablets, 4,320 capsules and a car C o m m i s s i o n e r o f P
operation, stating that the
based on a tip-off Jagroop Singh and Bhavjot Singh, involved in selling illegal
e d near the Account Office, Railway Colony Jalandhar, w i t h 1 0 0 g m o f h e r o i n found in their car Jagroop Singh confessed to t h e i n v o l v e m e n t o f R a v i n d e r Singh and Anil Gupta, who were subsequently arrested Ravinder Singh’s interrogation led to the arrest of Bikramjit Singh and the r e c o v e r y o f o v e r
0 capsules Lster, Bikramjit Singh’s links
K O L K A T A : A n In d i a n n ational depl oy ed by the R ussia n army in t he war a gainst Uk raine has said t hat 13 of the 15 n on-
R u ss ia n s in hi s g r o up hav e b een kill ed a nd has pin ne d hope on Pr ime Minister Naren dra Modi for his rel ease an d sa fe return to his home country
Urgen Tamang, 47, a resident of Kalimpong in West Bengal, has made the statement in a fresh video released by him He sent the video to Rabi P r a d h a n , c h a i r m a n o
Municipality on July 11 He had sent his first video from the war zone in the last week of March, saying that he was forcibly sent to the war zone after a weapon-training of 10-12 days
“I have been stuck in the RussiaUkraine war since March this year
T h e r e h a v e b e e n s e v e r a l c a s u a l t
There were 15 non-Russians with me Out of them 13 have been killed Only we two are alive – me and another one from Sri Lanka,” Tamang said in the latest video
A former defence personnel and the
father of two minor
had served the Indian A
before going to Russia in March His agents
Russia allegedly cheated him, and he was sent to the war against Ukraine “ I h
chairman (of board of administrators) of Kalimpong Municipality He used to
informed me that Modi visited Russia a n d h
President so that all Indians may be released at the earliest I am very happy I think I would be able to reach home alive,” he said in the video “ I w o u l d a p p e a l t o
I n d i a n government to secure the release of all Indians at the earliest,” he added Pradhan said, “Almost every day I speak with Tamang For the last couple of days, he has been near Crimea He and a few other non-Russians were sent to Crimea for rest and are in a bunker, but they will again be sent to the war front ”
t o T a r s e m S i n g h a n d S u m i t
Chole were uncovered, leading to their arrests Pratap Singh was a l s o a p p r e h e n d e d b a s e d o n f u r t h e r c o n f e s s i o n s , w i t h t h e s e i z u r e o f a d d i t i o n a l 6 , 4 0 0 narcotic pills
Swapan Sharma added that t h e i n i t i a l i n v e s t i g a t i o n s u g g
m a n u f a c t u r e d i n G u j a r a t a n d d i s t r i b u t e d t o w h o l e s a l e pharmaceutical owners in Agra, who had also been implicated in this case The drugs were shipped to Amritsar via courier services, w i t h e v i d e n c e s u g g e s t i n g i n t e r n a t i o n a l d i s t r i b u t i o n a s w e l l H e s a i d f u r t h e r investigations were underway
K O LKAT A: C alcutta h igh cou rt held th at Bengal C M Mamata Banerjee h ad the righ t to m ake statem ents agains t governor C V Ananda Bos e as l ong as th ey were no t defamatory in nature
The cou rt lifted th e interim res traint on Banerjee from making statements against th e go vernor pro vided the statements were not def amatory
A division bench of Justices IP Mukherji and Biswaroop Chowdhury passed the order acting on Banerjee’s appeal against the interim order of an HC s i n g l
construed as defamatory in nature, till August 14 The governor had filed a defamation suit against Banerjee and others following the CM’s claim that women had told her they were scared of visiting Raj Bhavan amid claims of sexual harassment against him
The division bench took note of the fact that the single bench had not declared the statements made by the CM and a few others as “incorrect” or “defamatory ” It held that no one was standing in the way of people making “correct statements ” “A person ’ s reputation is important to him and law gives him power to protect t
n d expression is confirmed, subject to restrictions One such restriction is on words spoken or written to defame others,” the bench held “Every member has the right to know the truth, and if it is in public interest, a member has every right to expose it If this is vested in every c
responsibilities,” the bench added
Two political workers from Tamil Nadu have been murdered in less than 24 hours - one of them in neighbouring Puducherry Selvakumar a BJP worker from Sivaganga district was found murdered In neighbouring Puducherry Padmanabhan AIADMK s ward secretary from Cuddalore district was killed Selvakumar was president of the party s district cooperative wing and an accused in a murder case Investigators have said the murder had its roots in personal enmity Padmanabhan was first hit by a car while he was returning on a motorbike Then he was hacked to death Investigators from Puducherry have rushed to Cuddalore Police sources suspect this to be a revenge killing This is the third murder of a political functionary this month in Tamil Nadu A few weeks ago, Armstrong, the state chief of Mayawati s Bahujan Samaj Party, was hacked to death by a six-member gang
The Karnataka govt appointed Shalini Rajneesh as the new chief secretary She will succeed her husband Rajneesh Goel who retires on July 31 The 1989 batch IAS officer s appointment was finalised by chief minister Siddaramaiah who was authorised by the cabinet to take the decision, state law and parliamentary affairs minister HK Patil said Shalini is the fifth woman to occupy the chief secretary s post in the state after Teresa Bhattacharya (July 2001 - March 2002), Malati Das (Oct 2006-Dec 2006), K Ratna Prabha (Dec 2017-Dec 2018) and Vandita Sharma (May 2022-Nov 2023) Shalini and her husband are the third couple to hold the top post after BK Bhattacharya and Teresa Bhattacharya, and BK Das and Malati Das Regarded as an able administrator, Shalini has handled various responsibilities and has a history of driving policy innovations
Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) president Sukhbir Singh Badal visited the Sri Akal Takht Sahib in Amritsar more than a week after Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Raghbir Singh asked him to do so Badal had been asked to appear in person before the supreme temporal seat of the Sikh community within 15 days and submit a written explanation on the allegations levelled by some senior SAD leaders that he “has not represented the sentiments of the Panth” The Akal Takht Jathedar will now take a call on whether to accept Badal s clarifications or not Earlier, rebel Akali Dal leaders had appeared before the Jathedar and apologised for the “mistakes” committed when the party was in power in the state between 2007 and 2017
A man attacked a woman post-graduate student with a knife inside a university in West Bengal's Malda district, before trying to kill himself with the same weapon, an official said Both were admitted to Malda Medical College and Hospital in critical condition The second-semester Mathematics department student of Gour Banga University was stabbed in the neck by the man a former student of the varsity, outside her department Soon after, the man also thrust a knife into his own neck trying to kill himself Deputy Registrar Rajib Putitundi said the reason for the attack is not yet known The knife used in the attack was recovered
PM Nar end ra Mod i may v isit
Ky iv n ex t month in an ot her
balan cin g a ct on t he RussiaU kra ine con flict , hoping it
w ill ca lm fr ay ed n er ves in
W a sh i n g t o n a n d m a j or
E u r o p e a n ca p i t a l s, w hi c h
ha ve been d isma ye d by the t iming of his visit to Moscow e ar lier this mon th
According to diplomatic sources, both sides are in talks to finalise a date for the visit in the last week of Aug
If it happens, it will be the first visit by an Indian PM to Ukraine It will come in the middle of some seri-
o u s s t r i f e , i n c l u d i n g t h e
“tough conversations” that US says it is having with India over Modi’s embrace
o f R u s s i a n P r e s i d e n t Vladimir Putin that coincided with the Nato summit in Washington, and Moscow’s reported bombing of a chil-
d r e n ’ s h o s p i t a l i n K y i v Modi’s choice of Russia for his first bilateral visit since the inauguration of his third term also fuelled the out-
Ukraine visit had been in the
Organising the visit will also be a logistical challenge, as a source said Like others who have visited Ukraine, Modi will probably have to undertake an overnight train journey from Poland to Kyiv A few of the dates under discussion are close to Aug 24, Ukraine’s national day President Zelensky had termed PM Modi’s embrace of Putin as a huge disap-
pointment and a devastating blow to peace efforts
India did express its displeasure to Ukraine over the remarks but without publicly saying so
Jaishankar also spoke to his
Dmytro Kuleba after Modi returned from Russia
F o l l o w i n g t h e r e m a r k s by Zelensky, and with US raising concerns even in the middle of the Russia visit, Modi had specifically raised the issue of violence against children with Putin the next morning
I nd i a n sp i ri t ua l le ad e r
Mo rari Bapu w ill recite Ram Katha for the first tim e at th e U N h ea d qu
Ne w Y o rk
ti m e les
Ram ch aritm anas, one of th e mo st rev ered Hindu scriptures
T h e R a m c h a r i t m a n a s
c a r r i e s a g l o b a l m e s s a g e , transcending religious and cultural boundaries, Morari Bapu, who has been reciting Ram Kathas for over 65 years
d r a w i n g f r o m V e d i c Sanatana Dharma, said "It speaks to the universal values that are needed in today's world - truth, love, and compassion," he said "Recitation of Ram Katha at the UN is a divine grace and a step towards global harmony," he said on the eve of t h e s t a r t o f t h e n i n e - d a y recitation of Ram Katha at the Delegates Dining Room at the UN Headquarters in New York This is the first
t i m e t h a t R a m K a t h a i s b e i n g o r g a n i s e d a t t h e United Nations headquar-
t e r s i n N e w Y o r k , s a i d
M o r a r i B a p u , n o t i n g t h a t this is a dream come true
Morari Bapu, 77, so far has conducted Ram Kathas in numerous cities and pilg r i m a g e s i t e s a c r o s s t h e world, including Sri Lanka, I n d o n e s i a , S o u t h A f r i c a , Kenya, the United Kingdom, t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , B r a z i l , Australia, Israel, and Japan
" W e a l l n e e d t o w o r k together for peace, love, and truth in the world, especially on this dear earth which we c a l l V a s u d h a i v a Kutumbakam By performing the Ram Katha here, we pray for supreme peace and well-being for all,” Morari Bapu said
In addition to promoti n g p e a c e , R a m K a t h a , according to the Indian spiri t u a l l e a d e r , w i l l h e l p i n showing the path to address
contemporary issues such as mental health, environment a l d e g r a d a t i o n , a n d t h e need for sustainable development
" T h e t e a c h i n g s o f t h e R a m c h a r i t m a n a s a r e v e r y
m u c h a l i g n e d w i t h t h e
United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, emphasising the need for global
c o o p e r a t i o n a n d c o m p a ssion, he said
"We must tackle mental health issues exacerbated by s
Satsang, is a powerful therapy for mental distress The
these teachings, advocating for a harmonious and balanced life," he said
M o r a r i B a p u s a i d t h e event is part of a broader vision to spread the message of the Ramayana globally
T h r o u g h R a m K a t h a , w e aim to unite people beyond b o u n d a r i e s , f o s t e r i n g a sense of global brotherhood
more such events to spread
leader from Gujarat noted
The De fe nce Rese arch a nd De v elo pme n t O rg a ni sa ti on (DRDO) la st week successfully flight -test ed t he second pha se of it s Ballistic Missile De fe n ce Sy s t e m , w hi ch i s capa ble of defen ding ag ainst hostile missile s with a ran ge of 5,0 00 km
The missile defence syst e m w a s t e s t e d a t t h e Integrated Test Range (ITR) in Chandipur, Odisha, and it fully met all the trial object
plete network-centric war-
, t h e
Defence Ministry said
The target missile, mimicking an adversary's ballistic missile, was detected by the w
deployed on land and sea, w
system The Phase-II AD Endoa t m o s p h e r i c m i s s i l e w a s then launched from LC-III
The flight test fully met all the trial objectives, validating the complete networkcentric warfare weapon sys-
Range Sensors, a low-latency
Defence Ministry added The Phase-II AD Endo-
threats within the altitude bracket of endo- to low exoatmospheric regions “A number of state-of-
nologies developed by various DRDO laboratories have been incorporated into the missile system,” the ministry noted The performance of the missile was monitored through flight data captured
Deepinder Singh Goyal, the f oun d e r a n d CE O of Zom ato, has b ecome a billionaire af ter a rec ord rally in Z om a t o s ha r e s s in c e l a s t year The s tock has jumped over 300 per cent since the low of July 2023 Goyal curre
founder and CEO
T h e s t o c k s e t a n e w record of Rs 230 on the BSE and gained as much as 2 per cent during the day, with its market cap surging past Rs 1 8 trillion With this, Goyal, 41, has become India’s riche s t p r o f e s s i o n a l m a n a g e r with his net worth surging p a s t £ 8 3 0 m n C u r r e n t l y , Goyal has 369 5 mn shares or 4 24 per cent stake in the company
The stock surged since the start of 2023 amid expectations its quick commerce business Blinkit may continue to outperform peers and turn profitable earlier than expected The company had earlier said Blinkit may turn EBITDA break even in the first quarter of fiscal 2025 The food delivery business being a profitable unit has also boosted investor sentiment
Zomato's Blinkit quick commerce business is growing rapidly, ahead of peers like Swiggy Instamart and Z e p t o , w i t h n o s i g n s o f s l o w i n g w h i c h i s f u r t h e r
c e m e n t i n g i n v e s t o r o p t i -
mism Recent reports indic a t e t h e c o m p a n y w i l l increase investments even further, likely after Blinkit achieves break-even in Adj
E B I T D A T h i s s t r a t e g y i s expected to propel Blinkit to surpass Zomato's food deliv-
e r y b u s i n e s s i n t e r m s o f g r o s s o r d e r v a l u e ( G O V ) s o o n e r t h a n a n t i c i p a t e d , while also strengthening its position against increasing c o m p e t i t i o n , a n a l y s t s expect Analysts anticipate the
c o m p a n y p r i o r i t i z i n g g r o w t h i n v e s t m e n t s o v e r i m m e d i a t e p r o f i t a b i l i t y expansion to seize untapped
m a r k e t o p p o r t u n i t i e s a n d establish long-term dominance As a result, Blinkit's
p a t h t o s u s t a i n a b l e A d j EBITDA margins (4-5% of GOV) may take longer compared to its food delivery m a r g i n s p o s t - b r e a k - e v e n H o w e v e r , v a r i o u s f a c t o r s l i k e a d v e r t i s i n g i n c o m e , take-rates, operating leverage at store/warehouse and c o r p o r a t e l e v e l s e n s u r e g r a d u a l p r o f i t a b i l i t y e n h a n c e m e n t , e v e n w i t h reinvestment
A t e am of ph ys
s f rom N A SA 's J e t Pr o pul s io n Laboratory at the California Inst itute of Technol ogy has p r e c is el y c al c ul a t e d h ow
m uc h fas ter time pas ses on t he m oon compared to E arth
Their findings, detail ed in a paper on the a rXiv preprint s erver, highl ight the need for
a s t a n da r d iz e d
s ys tem
A s l u n
d economic activities ramp up, t
lunar time system becomes
critical This system would s
o n the moon's surface and with spacecraft in orbit or travelling between the moon and Earth According to the gen-
, necessitating precise calculations for effective communication, docking, and landing procedures
The research team calcul
both bodies and the solar system's barycenter They found that time on the moon ticks
0 0000575 seconds faster per day (57 50 microseconds/day) than on Earth
This work is a preliminary step towards establishing a standardized lunar time system Future meetings and a
activities will be essential to ensure everyone operates on the same schedule
e d - o f which 16 were passenge r coaches, one power car and o n e p a n t r y c a r R a i l w a y officials said that the incident occurred after a goods t r a i n c o m i n g f r o m t h e opposite side derailed and i m p a c t e d t h e p a s s e n g e r train passing by from the opposite side M e a n w h i l e , W e s t B e n g a l c h i e f m i n i s t e r Mamata Banerjee expressed condolences to the families of the deceased and also hit out at the Centre over the rail incident
S e v e r a l i n c i d e n t s o f t r a i n d e r a i l m e n t s h
v e been reported this month On July 18, at least four p e o p l e w e r
l l e d , a n d a r o u n d 2 0 s u s t a i n e d injuries after several bogies of the Dibrugarh Express derailed in Uttar Pradesh's Gonda A few days later, a g
S ix-hun dre d a nd thir ty -t hr ee in cide nts of
r epor ted in the last fiv
yea rs due to var ious
C ana da t opping t he list with 172 cases, t he g over nme nt said in Lok Sabh a
Separately, a total 19 Indian students died abroad due to attacks in the period with the highest of nine deaths reported from Canada followed by six in the US, according to details provided by Minister of State for External Affairs Kirti Vardhan Singh
Out of the 633 incidents of deaths, 108 were reported in the US, 58 in the UK, 57 in Australia and 37 were in Russia, the data showed
E i g h t e e n i
n Ukraine, 24 in Germany, 12 each in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Cyprus and eight such cases were reported in China
“Providing safety and security to Indian students abroad is one of the top most priorities of the government of India Indian m i s s i o n s / p o s t s a
contacts with Indian students enrolled in universities abroad,” he said
To a separate question, Singh said a total of 48 Indian students have been deported from the US over the last three years
officially shared by the US authorities,” he said
expulsion and suspension, and failure to
employment are some of the possible reasons
student’s visa resulting in unlawful presence ” and eventual deportation,” he added
Santosh Ku ar Gangwar was appointed as governor of Jharkhand while ex-Lok Sabha M
inc luding M anipur, which has bee n gripped
b y et hnic violenc e for over a yea
governor of Sikkim, was appointed as Assam governor He has also been given additional charge of Manipur, replacing Anusuiya Uikey who was Manipur governpr from Feb 2023
Haribhau Kisanrao Bagde, an RSS veteran, was appointed governor of Rajasthan while former Tripura deputy CM Jishnu Dev Varma was made governor of Telangana
The President appointed ex-Rajya Sabha M P O m P r a k a s h M a t h u r a
governor of Chhattisgarh Gangwar, a seventime MP from Bareilly, was denied a ticket for Lok Sabha polls this year F
Vijayashankar was appointed governor of Meghalaya C P Radhakrishnan, who was governor of Jharkhand, was made governor o f M a h
Ramesh Bais Assam governor Gulab Chand Kataria was appointed governor of Punjab and administrator of the UT of Chandigarh Former IAS officer K Kailashnathan has been a p p o i n t e d l i e u t e n a n t g o v e r n o r o f Puducherry
Les s than a m ont h af ter retiring
a s c hie f pr in c ipa l s e c r et a r y a t G ujar at c hief m inis te r ’ s of fic e , K un iyi l K ai la s hna th an, 72, has b een a ppointed as the lieut enant g ov e r n or (L G) of Pu duc he r r y T he P r e s id e n t a pp oin t e d K ailas hnathan as Puducherry LG
e v e n a s g ov e r no r s of s e v e r al s ta te s an d LG s of t wo Uni on t erritories were change d KK, as he is popularly known, served in the state administration for 45 years and was a r g u a b l y o n e o f t h e m o s t p o w e r f u l bureaucrats in the state bureaucracy He is the second bureaucrat of Gujarat, who served in the CMO and has been named LG G C Murmu was named LG af J&K earlier Kailashnathan remained chief principal secretary to the CM from 2013 to 2024, and served in this capacity during the tenure of f o u r c h i e f m i n i s t e r s - N a r e n d r a M o d i , Anandiben Patel, Vijay Rupani and Bhupendra Patel Kailashnathan retired way back in May 2013, however, he was given the posting on the d a y o f r e t i r e m e n t a s t h e c h i e f p r i n c i p a l
secretary to the CM
After a remarkable 45 years with the Gujarat govt, the 1979-
extended tenure with the Gujarat
this year KK joined the Gujarat CMO in 2006 as the principal secretary to then CM Narendra Modi Ever since, he remained at the core of the state’s top administration He was a bridge between the bureaucracy and the political wing all these years, and remained a trusted aide of the PM when Modi took over as the PM in 2014
overseeing planning and execution of PM
ensuring that the foundation stone of the £120 mn project was laid earlier this year, after it had been mired in legal tangles PM Modi laid the foundation stone of the project in March this year Sources said KK is likely to
redevelopment project
T he Himachal Pradesh Hig h C ourt issu ed no ti ce to K ang ana Ranau t, th e BJ P Lo k S abha member from Mand i, on a petition filed by a Kinnaur resident for setting aside
h e r e le ct io n o n th e g ro u nd s th at h i s nom ination papers to contest from th e L ok S abha constituency w ere alleg ed ly w rongly rej ected Issuing the notice, Justice Jyotsna Rewal directed Ranaut to file a reply by A ugust 21
Ms Ranaut had won the Mandi Lok Sabha seat, defeating her rival Congress c
votes She had polled 5,37,002 votes against Singh's 4,62,267 votes
Pleading for setting aside the election of Ranaut, the petitioner, Layak Ram Negi, maintained that his nomination papers were wrongly rejected by the returning officer (Deputy Commissioner, Mandi) and also made him a party
certificate" from the department along with nomination papers to the returning officer
A 24-year-old man in Uttar Pradesh's Fatehpur was allegedly bitten by a snake for the seventh time in 40 days The man has been identified as Vikas Dubey Reacting to the incident, Chief Medical Officer Rajiv Nayan Giri said that the victim came to the collectorate and sought financial help as he claimed to have spent a lot of money on his treatment “I advised him to visit a government hospital where he could get anti-snake venom free of cost," Giri said He added that it is very strange that a person is bitten by a snake every Saturday "We still need to figure out if it is actually a snake that's biting him We also need to see the competence of the doctor who had treated him A person being bitten by a snake every Saturday and that person being admitted to the same hospital every time, and recovering in just one day seems strange," he said The CMO said that they had formed a three-member team to investigate the matter “After the team investigates the case, we will be able to tell people about the truth,” he added
Nine-year-old Svara Menon, a resident of Bengaluru, recently achieved success at the 46th World Whistling Championship in Kawasaki, Japan Competing in the Recorded Accompaniment Category–Child Division, she secured second place Out of 125 participants, only three were from India, with Svara being the sole child contestant Svara’s mother, Binitha Shajesh, expressed surprise at her daughter’s journey into competitive and professional whistling, initially pursued as a hobby Discovering potential after watching a YouTube video of a girl from Chennai setting a Guinness World Record in whistling, Binitha decided to provide her daughter direction by seeking out for a coach Finding a coach proved challenging, as professional whistling is not widely recognized in India Svara was guided by Nikhil Rane, a two-time world champion, who encouraged her to participate in the championship Svara, currently a fourth-grade student, shared her excitement and gratitude for the opportunity to compete internationally
Chile family halts funeral to watch football match
In a very unusual turn of events, a family in South America halted a funeral to watch a football match A video of the same is doing rounds online and is receiving several reactions on the internet
In the now-viral clip, the family can be seen watching a Copa America game between Chile and Peru on a big screen projector while sitting next to a dead relative's coffin Further, the coffin is decorated with flowers and jerseys of football players, as per Morocco World News A poster in the prayer room near the coffin stated, "Uncle Fena, thank you for all the joyous moments you gave us We will always remember you and your Condorian family " The video was shared on X by user Tom Valentino He wrote in the caption, During a funeral that happened at the same time as a Chile vs Peru Copa America match, the family paused the service to watch the game on a big screen in the prayer room They even decorated the coffin with player jerseys for good luck " Since being shared, the post has garnered mixed reactions online
Man bites back snake, reptile dies
Railway worker Santosh Lohar was laying tracks in the dense forests of Bihar’s Rajauli After a day’s work, Lohar, 35, was getting ready to sleep when the snake bit him Quick to react, Lohar grabbed the snake and bit it twice His bites were fierce enough to kill the reptile This action stemmed from a myth that biting a snake back could reverse the effects of the venom Fortunately, Lohar’s colleagues rushed him to Rajauli subdivision hospital According to the report, Dr Satish Chandra Sinha treated the man Lohar was kept overnight for observation and was discharged the next day Sinha confirmed that Lohar responded well to the treatment However, the specific type of snake that bit the railway employee remains unknown
Leopard enters lab, creates scare among students
The students of the College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology at Junagadh Agriculture University (JAU) will never forget the close encounter they had with a leopard that ventured into their laboratory The sub-adult leopard was rescued after nearly an hour's effort and taken to the Sakkarbaugh Zoo However, the presence of the leopard inside the institute's building triggered panic among students and staff on the campus “When the students reached the lab for practicals at about 8 30 am, they saw a leopard inside They quietly went into the adjacent lab and informed the college authorities,” said V P Chovatiya, vice-chancellor of JAU The university authorities then contacted the forest officials, who arrived with a veterinary doctor The leopard, estimated to be around 2-3 years old, was seen moving in the corridor, said forest officials Upon seeing the foresters, the leopard rushed inside the lab Forest officials locked the doors and opened a window to tranquilize the leopard According to forest officials, their first attempt to tranquilize the leopard failed, resulting in the animal becoming agitated It climbed on the furniture and tables in a bid to find an escape route and, in the process, damaged lab equipment “We tranquilized the animal on the second attempt Once it lost consciousness, it was put in a cage and sent to Sakkarbaug Zoo It will be released into the forest after a medical examination,” forest official said Man adorns buffalo with 10 kg gold chain
A man who seems to have mistaken a buffalo for a cow has gone viral on social media Wondering why he has become the centre of attention among internet users? The man claims to have bought a 10 kg gold chain for the buffalo Yes, you read that right Instagram user Muhammad Danish Yaqoob posted a video of the buffalo and a man adorning it with the expensive gold chain The video opens to show a buffalo sitting on the ground and two men surrounding it One of them takes out the 10 kg gold chain from a red coloured box and puts it around the buffalo's neck The video ends with one of them tying the chain around the cattle While sharing the video, Yaqoob, in the caption of the post, wrote, "Mashallah 10kg gold chain for cow Kitne ki ho gi? (Mashallah 10 kg gold chain for cow How much does it cost?) After reading the caption, many people pointed out that it was not a cow but a buffalo Numerous others were also stunned to see the gold chain and commented on it
Jay Vala
It is important for two reasons
First, because we know that our connection to history and beauty and nature makes our lives better It provides new perspectives, shares lessons that we mi ght want to follow, and help us to reali se the context and landsc ape we sit in - no one i s an island
Second, we have a duty to pass on nature, beauty and history to those who come after us and learning about them is the first step in being able to do so
World Conservation Day 28 July 2024 A
reflect on the critical importance of preserving our natural environment This day serves as a global reminder of our collective responsibility to protect and nurture the Earth for current and future generations
However, conservation is not merely a task for organisations like ours; it is a collective responsibility that transcends borders and ideologies Each one of us has a role to play – whether through reducing our carbon footprint, advocating for policy changes, or supporting local conservation efforts Together, we have the power to drive meaningful progress and protect the n
n Earth
On this World Nature Conservation Day, let us recommit ourselves to the cause of environmental conservation Let us celebrate the beauty and diversity of our planet’s landscapes, from the towering mountains to the vast oceans Let us honour the interconnected web of life that sustains us all
As we move forward, let us remember the words of Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, commit-
anbul is indeed a paradis e f or his tor y lover s It is the l argest city in Turkey, part of it in Asia and the other in Europe with an airport on each side, divided by the B os phor us Str ait that links
Bl a c k S e a w it h t h e S e a o f Marm ara
It is considered the country's economic, cultural and historic capital The city has a population of over 15 million residents, comprising 19% of the population of Turkey, and is the most populous city in Europe It is the world’s 15th largest city and 1 31 times bigger than London in size
My favourite part of Istanbul
w a s t h e B o s p h o r u s s t r a i t
Though tourists spend all their
t i m e i n t h e O l d C i t y (Sultanahmet) and around Blue Mosque, a personal suggestion will be to check out the Ortaköy - E m i r g a n l i n e a l o n g t h e Bosphorus It has a scenic walk by the sea and covers multiple neighbourhoods
I w o u l d s u g g e s t g o i n g t o
O r t a k o y f i r s t , t o s e e b o t h European and Asian sides and have enjoy sea air You can grab a Kumpir (street food with stuffed
p o t a t o ) f r o m t h e e n t r a n c e o f
O r t a k o y a n d g o t o t h e b o a t
Afterwards, you can take a bus and go to Arnavutkoy and walk from Arnavutkoy to Bebek along the seaside
Of course, Taksim (Beyoglu and Istiklal Street) and Galata are
ted citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has ” Together, let us be the change-makers, the guardians of our planet’s future ”
Buffelsdrift Game Lodge in the Klein Karoo
One of my wish was to do some conservation work in my retirement and a wonderful opportunity aroseto do so in South Africa – The Rainbow Nation
On 24 June Nileshwari and I we arrived at George airport from Joburg and were picked up by Tanica and Juan from the airport and driven to the Game Lodge
Our accommodation was a tent with 5 beds with a toilet and shower There is a communal kitchen with the basic facilities It is winter in South Africa the nights are very cold An electric blanket is provided to keep warm in the evening
During the course of the week Tanica had arranged for us to enjoy the game drives and we learnt a lot about the animals via the various guides
In addition, we prepared food for the elephants and lions as well as interacting with a group of children who had come to spend half a day to learn about nature and undertake tasks like cleaning the elephant a r e a , p r e p a r i n g f o o d a n d p l a n t i n g
Spekboom a plant that is enjoyed by so many animals
Throughout the week we were very warmly welcomed by all the staff and the experience was dreamlike
One very special experience was spotting a female cheetah and her 3 cubs We were on foot and saw them from close range until one of the cubs decided to surround us at which point under the guidance of the guide we safely retreated to our vehicle
T h e c o n s e r v a t i o n w o r k d o n e a t
Buffelsdrift is to be admired and it was a joy to behold being with nature for 10 days
Kruger National Park
Prior to that we spent 3 days in Kruger and we were blown away by the variety of
animal and bird life to be seen It has to be a must see place for lovers of nature We would like to extend our sincere thanks to our host Prathmesh Desai who planned the trip so well and whetted our appetite for the conservation week
South Africa
A country with so much unrivalled natural beauty in the world and warm people It offers fantastic value for money and at half a dozen trips are recommended to enjoy what the country offers Our first trip was the Garden Route in 2022 which is the most popular amongst all tourists I was completely blown away by the natural beauty and the infrastructure along the Garden Route
also great You can start tour at the Galata Tower, Pera and then walk to Cihangir through Istiklal Street You can also look at the nice and hip art galleries at the Istiklal street
huge and a nice spot to understand the city’s history, old lives and enjoy some panoramic view of the Bosphorus Entry is free of cost at the B l u e M
i c timings and queues are usually quite long Women are expected to cover head and everyone is asked to remove shoes, and carry them along The Grand Bazaar and The
remember to bargain before buy-
largest and oldest covered markets in the world, with 61 covered
On day 3 and 4 you can check out the Old City It is home to the Faith district including the S u l t a n a h m e t s q u a r e a n d t h e famous Sultan Ahmed Mosque or Blue Mosque It is recommended to buy tickets ahead to enter the Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque and museum (a stone's throw away from t h e B l u e M o
entrance is not free and often i n v o l v e s m i l e - l o n g q u e u e s
Hiring a paid guide is recommended The Hagiq Sophia was a church first, converted into a mosque, then to a library and b
entrance is a new addition Next to Hagia Sophia, is the Topkapi palace and museum, which is
p s attracting between 250,000 and 400,000 visitors daily The Spice Bazaar is part of the New Mosque complex The revenues obtained from the rented shops inside the bazaar building were used for the upkeeping of the mosque The Spice Bazaar has a total of 85 shops selling spices, Turkish delight, different types of tea and other sweets, jewellery, souvenirs, and dried fruits and nuts
• If you take a taxi, keep your navigation/map on There are many scams to get more money out of tourists In fact, it is better to use Uber/Getir app or ask hotel concierge to book you a taxi
• Turkish drivers usually do not stop at zebra crossings Please pay attention while crossing the road
• Avoid the Tarlabasi neighbourhood
• Tap water is not drinkable
• Better to use public transport to beat the
Psychologist Mamta Saha
I often he ar from m y clie nts that the y se t he althy boundarie s a nd then feel a w av e of gui lt in the afterm ath The y b egi n to rumina te an d overthi nk the effect of your boundary on the pe rson an d the im pact that this b ounda ry will hav e on the rela ti on shi p They ma y start to q ue stion the boun dary, and m ayb e eve n ba cktrack If you fe el lik e this, y ou a re not alone
Unlearning unhealthy behaviours can be very challenging and can bring a whole array of negative thoughts and fears that you have for yourself and towards those around you The good news is that with a few simple actions you can become stronger a
relationship toward yourself and others
Sometimes, we feel so guilty that we break our own boundaries We make exceptions We spit out a slew of I’m sorrys We start insulting ourselves ”
“ P
prioritizing their own needs over someone else’s needs After all, our society glorifies self-sacrifice, and caring for oneself first may be seen as selfish (versus what it really is: healthy)
In some families, particularly in collective societies like in South Asia, boundaries are interpreted as disconnection, as disrespectful, and as unloving ”
Here are 3 ways to reduce the guilt that comes with setting boundaries:
1 It’s i mportant not to jump to self-j udgmen t
When you feel guilt coming on, keep telling yourself statements or mantras like: “It’s OK to set boundaries” or “You d i d a g o o d j o b s e t t i n g a b o u n d a r y e v e n t h o u g h i t ’ s uncomfortable” or “Just because I feel guilty doesn’t mean I’ve done something wrong ”
“When we realize that we are punishing ourselves for being protective of ourselves it’s an opportunity to investigate why Feelings Needs Boundaries
What are your feelings? As a result of those feelings what do you need? What boundary did you set in order to honor those feelings and needs? Self-validation is critical to surviving blaming, shaming and gaslighting
Your feelings are valid Your needs are important Your boundaries? Iconic ”
2 Ide nti fy y our pe rsonal re asons for settin g a boundary
“Pick reasons that speak to your personal values and writing them down or telling them to a good friend When feelings of guilt start to surface, reconnect to your own reasons For instance, your reasons might be: increasing my self-worth; r e d u c i n g s t r e s s a n d r e s
relationships ”
“Boundaries are for your own wellbeing, not to control others ”
“Shame makes us question ourselves Am I a selfish person? Am I too sensitive? Guilt makes us question our actions Did I overreact? Should I just forgive and forget?
F e a r o f
uncertainty and self-criticism through the roof
Your feelings are valid Your needs are important, and your boundaries are critical for your well-being ” 3 Be li eve in infin ite possibi lities a nd b et on a bundance
“Setting boundaries is a skill, which gets easier the more you practice And the more you practice, the less guilt and fear you’ll feel and the more accustomed people will become to your boundaries ”
“What makes setting a boundary so terrifying is the fear that you are might lose something An important relationship, an opportunity, anything that you truly desire can be used against you The fear of missing out and the potential of scarcity can pose a major threat
M e e t t h a t t h r e a t w i t h t h i s f a c t : ‘ T h e r e a r e i n f
e possibilities and some of those possibilities are absolutely fantastic ’
If you ’ re at risk of losing a relationship after setting a boundary, maybe relationships that require you to betray yourself are not actually good for your mental health Lower the stakes by remaining open to good things happening
It’s hard to imagine our lives differently but it’s helpful to invest in the positive potential of the unknown When we set boundaries we take a risk and sometimes those risks come with unimaginable rewards ”
Lavender offers relief from migraines, headaches, anxiety and general stress. Inhaling lavender, drinking lavender tea, or keeping a lavender satchel handy during stressful times can promote relaxation and ease anxiety As an essential oil, lavender can also be used in aromatherapy often blended with other plant oils One study even found that lavender, when combined with sage and rose, was effective in relieving premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms W O R K P L A C E W E L L N E S S
T he w orkplace, wh
emotional su pport
As such, the workplace is
equipping workers to manage daily stress and handle inevitable challenges
evidence shows that failing to support employees psychological well-being is often far more expensive Employees experiencing high levels of stress are more likely to miss work or show lower engagement and commitment,
organisation’s bottom line
Positive and supportive workplace
morale, and the bottom line Fostering
available can also attract top talent Here are five practical ways to support
Train managers to prom ote health and well-being Leadership needs to be committed
supervisors who work directly with employees are key to implementing and sustaining supportive policies and procedures Research shows t
absenteeism Training managers in s
improve job satisfaction and reduce turnover intentions
Increase flexibility in w ork options
Today's employees desire control over where, when, and how they work Providing flexibility, such as remote or h y b r i d w o r k o
essential to give employees the agency to select from reasonable options that b a l a n c e b u s i n
Listen to Emp loyee Feed back
When employees feel they have a voice in organisational decisions, they a
anonymous surveys, suggestion boxes, and focus groups to gather feedback on policies and create opportunities to
Red ucing fat aroun
lower the r isk of de ve loping A lzheime r's and Park inson's diseases, accor ding
The study highlights specific body
h o r
m s h a v e a h i g h e r likelihood of developing diseases such as Alzheimer's Conversely, high muscle strength appears to reduce this risk
Dr Huan Song, who led the study,
suggests targeted interventions such as resistance training, reducing sedentary behaviour, and adopting a balanced d i e t c o u l d b e m o r e e f f e c t i v e t h a n general weight control or weight-loss drugs
The study, published in the journal Neurology, analysed data from 412,000 people in the UK Biobank, with an a v e r a g e a g e o f 5 6 , o v e r n i n e y e a r s
During this period, 8,224 participants developed neurodegenerative diseases, p r e d o m i n a n t l y A l z h e i m e r ' s , o t h e r forms of dementia, and Parkinson's T h e r e s e a r c h e r s s u g g e s t t h e l i n k b e t w e e n f a t a n d n e
diseases may be due to an increased s
diseases, which elevate the risk of these conditions Excess abdominal fat, in particular, often surrounds vital organs, exacerbating health risks
Additionally, a separate study by researchers from Australia and the UK found that reducing anxiety levels can lower the risk of developing dementia
Among 2,132 participants, those with high anxiety levels had up to 3 2 times higher risk of dementia compared to l
increased risk of dementia
A d aily g lass of w ine may not be the h ea lt h to n ic m an y h a d h o p ed fo r, according to new research
Previous studies had suggested that a regular drink might help people live l o n g e r , w i t h c o m p o u n d s c a l l e d polyphenols, especially in red wine, thought to boost health for moderate drinkers
However, a recent study published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs has found that much of the
pro-drinking research was flawed It
with alcoholics or those who had given up alcohol for health reasons, creating a skewed picture “That makes people who continue t
comparison,” said Dr Tim Stockwell f
University of Victoria Dr Stockwell’s team analysed data
abstainers However, when looking at high-quality studies that did not count
supposed health benefit disappeared
“If you look at the weakest studies, that’s where you see health benefits,” Stockwell noted “There is simply no completely ‘safe’ level of drinking ”
A si mple b lood tes t could s oon tell us our ri sk of sufferi ng from a ra nge of diseas es, than ks to a new di scovery of protein si gn atures that c an predi ct the li k e l i h oo d of c on
n g o v e r 6 0 conditions up to a dec ade in advance
This method, which analysed the blood of 40,000 people in Britain, has
n assessing the risk of diseases such as multiple myeloma and pulmonary fibrosis Julia Carrasco Zanini Sanchez f
researchers aim to adapt the method for high-priority diseases “We are
d e t e c t i o n a n d u l t i m a t e l y i m p r o v e d p r o g n o s i s f o r m a n y d i s e a s e s , including severe conditions,” she said
The test offers a risk assessment r a t h e r t h a n a d e f i n i t i v e d i a g n o s i s Researchers hope it could be used to s c r e e n h i g h - r i s k p o p u l a t i o n s e a r l y , a l l o w i n g f o r r a p i d d i a g n o s i s o r lifestyle changes to lower the risk It
c o u l d a l s o e n a b l e p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n clinical trials for preventive medicine
However, before the test can be u s e d a s a g e n e r a l s c r e e n i n g t o o l , f u r t h e r r e s e a r c h i s n e e d e d t o determine the accuracy of negative t e s t r e s u l t s a n d t h e r a t e o f f a l s e positives compared to other methods
The findings, published in the journal Nature Medicine, are based on an analysis of UK Biobank data The UK B i o b a n k i s a l o n g - t e r m s t u d y involving half a million volunteers who underwent various tests and have been tracked over the years, providing researchers access to their medical records
By examining a range of proteins in the blood of 40,000 participants and comparing these to subsequent diagnoses, scientists identified a few dozen proteins that could serve as markers to improve the prediction of 67 diseases These include dementia, coeliac disease, heart failure, and type 2 diabetes
given icy warning’
In an interview, Rajeev Khandelwal shared his casting couch experience with a producer who had recently delivered a Rs 100 crore hit The producer tried to serenade him and make advances, but Rajeev refused and walked out, receiving a chilling warning. Rajeev noted, “I didn’t make a scene, but I as good as gave him a middle finger and left.”
Recalling the harrowing experience, Rajeev Khandelwal shared, “He wouldn’t show me a script but insisted on singing a song for me Imagine the situation: you ’ re sitting across from someone who says, ‘I was told you ’ re a dropdead gorgeous man, but I don’t see it However, there’s something very masculine about you ’ I got the hint He asked if I wanted to do his film, but I told him I needed to see a script first He responded, ‘I don’t give my scripts to anybody, but I like you, so I’ll sing a song for you ’ Rajeev Khandelwal recounted listening patiently as the producer sang, even asking him to "look into my eyes while I sing " Rajeev joked he felt like he was on MTV Bakra Despite the producer singing well, Rajeev insisted on seeing a script before committing to the film The producer then showed him the door, walked him to his car, and said, "I was going to sign you for a two-film deal Let me see where you reach in life "
Janhvi Kapoor shares her thoughts on joining
‘Mr India 2’, sequel to her late mother’s movie
Actor Janhvi Kapoor has addressed the possibility of starring in ‘Mr India 2’, a sequel to the 1987 cult classic ‘Mr India’ In an interview with Pinkvilla, Janhvi shared her thoughts on whether a sequel should be made. The original film featured her late mother, Sridevi, and her uncle, Anil Kapoor, in the lead roles.
J a n h v i K a p o o r e x p r e s s e d h e r thoughts on the potential sequel, saying, "Mr India is one of the best films to have come out of Indian cinema I don't know if a film like that should ever be remade or touched again I don't know what the plans are for that Again, I think the makers know best Whoever the director would be, he will know best Something
as pure as that, you can't enforce things on that " Discussing her trust in her fatherproducer Boney Kapoor's decisions, she added, "Never have I been like, 'No, I don't want to do this film' I trust his judgement too much I never reject it But I have never put that pressure on him to have me in his film I am his daughter first and an actress speaking to a producer, second It's not even in my head As a daughter, I want him to make decisions that are best for his business model; for his movie And I only want him to operate in that way, so I haven t ever been like, 'Please take me (in your film)' "
With director Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s ‘Animal’, Ranbir Kapoor says he transitioned from a “boy to a man,” but at what cost? For the first time, Kapoor has detailed the mixed reception of the revenge epic, which, despite harsh criticism, became the biggest hit of his career
‘Animal’ sparked a social media debate, with voices like Javed Akhtar and Swanand Kirkire criticising its perceived misogyny and violence Similar to Vanga's previous hit ‘Kabir Singh’, the film's gender politics remained a hot topic after its December release In an interview with Nikhil Kamath, Ranbir Kapoor discussed the fallout, revealing industry insiders expressed disappointment in his involvement Kapoor defended the film's intent as entertainment but acknowledged the criticism, stating, "Social media played havoc The hard work gets diminished by these tags " He added, "I quietly apologise and say, 'Sorry, I won't do it next time ' I don't argue; I just aim to do better "
Ranbir Kapoor revealed that despite ‘Animal’ becoming one of the highestgrossing Hindi films ever, he was initially "very scared" when offered the role He took on the film to break free from his "good boy" image and challenge himself with a bold, adult-rated story While the film did well, it faced criticism for perceived misogyny Asked if he would do it again, Ranbir affirmed he would "I was stagnating in my career, often called the 'next superstar,' but without continuous blockbusters, I couldn't claim that title ‘Animal’ was the right film at the right time, helping me transition from a boy to a man and boosting my confidence "
studying abroad to work on the 1995 film ‘Prem’ However, Shekhar left the project, which was eventually directed by Satish Kaushik
frequent meetings with Shekhar Kapur
during her teenage years Shekhar cast her in ‘Dushmani’ even before she f
project was soon shut down Tabu noted, “He was sure he wanted me for the film, but despite his convincing, the film was ultimately cancelled and went through many changes ” ‘Dushmani’ (1995), starring Sunny
partially directed by Shekhar Kapur before Bunty Soorma took over Tabu recounted another near-collaboration with Shekhar on ‘Prem’ After starting college, Shekhar persuaded her to take the role despite her desire to study abroad She agreed to do just that one f
which dragged
for 5-6 years, leaving Tabu regretting her decision
Actor John Vijay, who has appeared in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi films, faces harassment accusations from several women Singer Chinmayi Sripaada has shared screenshots on X (formerly Twitter) detailing these complaints
A d d
u t e reporter covering sexual misconduct in Malayalam cinema, related to Dileep’s 2017 case, alleged that John made inappropriate advances while waiting for an interview Chinmayi Sripaada has shared
'uncomfortable' in various settings A journalist also alleged inapprop
Chinmayi commented, “Following t
other women have come forward a
interviewed him on camera
accused by several women, including VJ, RJ, and singer Sriranjani, who criticised his behaviour The singer expressed her gratitude for S r i r a n j a n i ' s c o
g e i n s p
g out, writing, “Thank you Sriranjini for speaking up I know you shared your story with me last week I did receive 3 other girls narrating their own incidents about John Vijay Find the strength girls Speak up Doesn't matter if he is friends with your dad ”
ActorVishal, who recently held the position of President of the Tamil Film Producers Council, has been accused of misusing the organisation's funds
According to a report by India Glitz, the council alleged that Vishal misappropriated Rs 12 crore, leading to significant financial losses In their statement, the council urged producers and technicians working with Vishal to consult with them regarding these allegations In response to the allegations against him, Vishal took to social media to deny misusing funds and affirmed his commitment to continuing his film career On platform X, he stated, "Don't u know that it is a collective decision which includes the person in your team,“Mr kathiresan” and the funds were used for the welfare works of the old/struggling members of the producers council that includes providing education, medical insurance and basic welfare during the festivals which benefited the council members and their families Do your jobs rightly and there is so much to work for the industry Vishal will always continue to do films Try and stop me, all u so called producers who haven't and will never produce films "
Vishal was last seen in the film ‘Rathnam’ , directed by Hari, which received mixed reviews He is now set to make his directorial debut with ‘Thupparivalan 2 ’ , a sequel to the detective thriller by Mysskin. Following creative differences, Vishal took on the directorial role himself Filming began in London a few months ago, with more details to come
Several A-listers from the Indian film industry attended the Paris Olympics, including South Indian icons Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan. A photo of Ram Charan with his family, taken ahead of the event, has gone viral on social media, capturing significant attention alongside other international stars
On social media, Chiranjeevi announced that he and his family will be attending the Olympics ceremony by sharing an adorable family photo from London The image captures the actor strolling through Hyde Park with his wife Surekha, son Ram Charan, daughter-in-law Upasana Konidela, and granddaughter Klin Kaara Another viral photo shows Ram Charan, his wife, their daughter Klin Kaara, and their pet dog Rhyme enjoying a sunny day out in London
A fan page of Ram Charan shared an unseen picture of the
London He was accompanied by his wife, Upasana Kamineni, and their pet dog, Rhyme The photos show the couple posing with the restaurant s owner, Asma Khan, and several staff members For their day out, Upasana and Ram Charan coordinated in white casual t-shirts, adding a charming touch to their outing
Upon their return, Chiranjeevi will resume work on his film "Vishwambhara," while Ram Charan will start preparations for his upcoming project, "RC16 "
Dhanush names Pawan Kalyan as favourite actor, expresses desire to act with Jr NTR
Dhanush recently visited Hyderabad to promote his upcoming directorial *Raayan*, in which he stars alongside Sundeep Kishan and Kalidas Jayaram During the event, Dhanush expressed his admiration for Pawan Kalyan and Jr NTR
release event in Hyderabad When asked about his favourite Telugu actor and whether he’d prefer a multi-starrer with Mahesh Babu, Jr NTR, Ram Charan, or Allu Arjun, Dhanush briefly pondered before replying, “Tarak, Jr NTR,” which drew cheers from the audience
He was also asked who his favourite hero is He replied, “I will answer, but other fans, don’t hate me I love cinema, but I love Pawan Kalyan sir ” The audience screamed so loud that Dhanush and the host’s voices couldn’t be heard Dhanush was last seen in ‘Captain Miller’ earlier this year His upcoming film ‘Raayan’, releasing this Friday, features him in an intense role alongside SJ Suryah, Selvaraghavan, Prakash Raj,
Sarathkumar He will also appear in Sekhar Kammula’s bilingual ‘Kubera’, starring Nagarjuna, Rashmika Mandanna, and Jim Sarbh
Sandhya Suri, a BritishIndian filmmaker, won Best First Feature at the Jerusalem Film Festival
2024 for her film ‘Santosh’
Set in India and featuring a local cast, the film follows a female police officer, hired compassionately after her husband's death, who becomes entangled in local social and political drama.
The screenings of ‘Santosh’ and the awardwinning film ‘All We Imagine as Light’ have been sold out, according to Anat, an India enthusiast Anat praised both Indian entries, noting that the actors handled the intense plots with remarkable ease Co-produced by India and supported by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting’s Incentives Scheme, ‘Santosh’ received high praise ‘All We Imagine as Light’, which won the Grand Prix at Cannes this year, also attracted full audiences at the Jerusalem Film Festival, with organisers commending the strong response to Indian films
"I am proud to announce that both Indian entries ’All We Imagine as Light’ and ‘Santosh’ are completely sold out It's also noteworthy that both films were directed by women," said a JFF official at an event organised with the Indian embassy before the screenings
*All We Imagine as Light*, a co-production involving multiple countries, centres on India with an India-centric storyline and cast Written and directed by Payal Kapadia, the film made history by winning the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival and received global acclaim for its sensitive portrayal of a poignant human story
Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna are currently enjoying a holiday in Africa, where they shared a lively video of themselves dancing with the Omahe tribals. Both stars were full of energy and enthusiasm in the rare and entertaining footage.
Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna were spotted dancing enthusiastically with the Omahe tribals during their African holiday They shared a fun video of the experience, with the actor-turned-author commenting, "We moved our feet and massaged our souls with Omahe, who used
marvellous instruments made of feathers, skin, and sisal for a traditional dance called Ritunga Who do you think danced better, Mr K or I? When was the last time you danced your heart out? Let me know in the comments below (sic) "
Akshay Kumar shared a snapshot from their African
safari, writing, "Uss din ek sher daala thaa, aaj haathi dekhlo (That day, I posted about a lion; today, take a look at the elephant) Saw this majestic creature during our safari in Tanzania and couldn’t resist sharing #AfricanSafari (sic) " On the work front, Akshay Kumar has faced a slump, with recent films like *Selfiee*, *Bade Miyan Chote Miyan*, and *Sarfira* struggling at the box office All eyes are now on his upcoming film *Khel Khel Mein*, set to release on August 15 and facing a box office clash with ‘Stree 2 ’
Adam J Graves’ ‘Anuja’ tells the compelling story of two sisters battling exploitation and exclusion The short film follows nine-year-old orphan Anuja, who, working in a garment factory with her older sister Palak, faces a pivotal opportunity that could change their lives. Premiering at the deadCenter Film Festival, ‘Anuja’ will also screen at the HollyShorts Film Festival in LA
superstar Shah Rukh Khan is set to
receive the prestigious Pardo alla Carriera award at the Locarno Film Festival on Piazza Grande on August 10 Recently, he was also honoured with customised gold coins by Paris' Grevin Museum, making him the first Indian actor to receive such an accolade
The Grevin Museum of Paris issued customised gold coins featuring Shah Rukh Khan's picture and name to celebrate the ‘Jawan’ star This recognition adds to Khan's extensive list of accolades, as he is already immortalised in wax at museums worldwide, including those in the US, UK, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Thailand, India, Singapore, and Australia
The Grevin Museum, located on the Grands Boulevards in Paris, is renowned for its wax statues of celebrities
Along with this unique honour, Shah Rukh Khan will receive the prestigious Pardo alla Carriera at the 77th Locarno Film Festival On the work front, after a standout 2023 with hits like YRF’s ‘Pathaan’, Atlee’s ‘Jawan’, and Rajkumar Hirani’s ‘Dunki’, Khan is currently preparing for Sujoy Ghosh’s ‘King’, which also features his daughter, Suhana Khan
‘Anuja’ was produced in collaboration with Salaam Baalak Trust (founded by Mira Nair’s family) and SHINE GLOBAL, known for Emmy and Academy Award-winning films Lead actress Sajda Pathan, who grew up in the streets of Old Delhi and begged outside a Hanuman temple, was later invited by SBT to attend their non-formal education centre in Yamuna Bazaar
Adam J Graves, a philosopher-turnedfilmmaker with a B A in South Asian Studies and a Ph D in the Philosophy of Religion from the University of Pennsylvania, is a professor of philosophy at MSU Denver, where he teaches film and philosophy He is the writer, director, and producer of the awardwinning short ‘Cycle Vérité’ (2021) and produced and edited ‘The Other Side of the Sun’ (2024) He is married to acclaimed visual artist Suchitra Mattai, producer of ‘Anuja’
M a n u B h ak e r b e c om es t h e
athlete f rom Indi a to win multiple
d al
Sin gh clinc hed a bronz e medal i n the 10m Ai r Pis tol mix ed e ve nt of the Paris O lympics 2 024 on July 30 This is I ndia's s econd medal in the ongoi ng Paris Olym pics as B ha ker clin ched the c ountry's fi rst when she won a b ronz e i n the 10m Ai r Pis tol in dividual event on July 28
Manu Bhaker and Sarabjot Singh, who advanced to the bronze medal match on Monday, defeated South Korea 16-10, thereby doubling India's m e d a l c o u n t i n s h o
The 10m air pistol mixed team e v e n t a t t h e P a r i s O l y m p i c s 2 0 2 4 followed a race-to-16-points format and saw Korea initially lead 2-0 India equalised at 2-2 and then took a 4-2 l e a d A f t e r K
a extended their lead to 8-2 but Korea fought back to 14-10 Despite this, India clinched the bronze with a 16-10 win in the final series
After the match Sarabjot Singh expressed his happiness after their
throughout the course Manu Bhaker
support and blessings The 22-yearold Bhaker mentioned that while they cannot control the outcome, they will always strive to do their best She
whatever they may be, and focusing on giving their best effort
Indian hoc key in quarters India have gone on top of men's
hockey Pool B at Paris Olympics 2024 with a 2-0 win over Ireland India captain Harmanpreet Singh scored both the goals to take his tally to four goals in Olympics 2024 as India stayed unbeaten for the third straight match Harmanpreet Singh first scored from a penalty stroke in the 11th minute and then scored again in the 19th
India got back to winning ways in style The top 4 from Pool B will enter quarter-finals
India will hos t the m en ’ s Asia Cup in
2 02 5 , an d it’ ll be pl ay ed in t he T20
f or m a t , a s pe r t h e A s ia n C
k e t Counc il ’ s (ACC) releas e of Invita tion f or E x pr e s s i on s of In t e r es t ( IE O I) d oc um e n t Thi s d oc u m e n t in vi t e s interes ted par ties to s ubm it t heir IE OI
f or ACC Spon s or s hip Rig hts f or t he period fr om 2 02 4 to 2027
The 2023 men ’ s Asia Cup was hosted
b y P a k i s t a n a n d S r i L a n k a a n d w a s played in the 50-overs format
The 2027 edition of the men ’ s Asia Cup will switch to the ODI format and w i l l b e
India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, A
determined through qualifying event and will comprise 13 matches
The next edition of women ’ s Asia Cup (15 matches) will also be played in the T20 format and is scheduled for 2 0
concluded in Dambulla on Sunday, with Sri Lanka winning their maiden title There will be four editions of the Under19 men ’ s Asia Cup in this period with
each edition staging 15 matches Nay ar to overs ee ODI specialist s nets Meanwhile, former India allrounder
w assistant coaches with Team India, has left Pallekele for Colombo to oversee the nets of the team’s players who arrived from India for the ODI series against h o s t s S r i L a n k a A m o n g t h e O D I specialists are skipper Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli, Shreyas Iyer, Kuldeep Yadav, and Harshit Rana The ODI series will start in Colombo on August 2 with all 3 games at the R Premadasa Stadium
The Engl and and Wales Cric ket Board (E CB ) hosted its Tas te of Cricket event
a t S he p he r ds B us h Cr i c k e t Cl u b (Shepherds Bush CC) The lates t in a s eries of comm unity events happening t his summ er as part of the Taste of Cricket cam paign The eve nt was pa rt of S hep her ds B us h’s own l on g-s t an din g a nnual Memorial Day Car ibb ean Cr ic ket M atch It s aw the c lub ope n its doors to n e w a nd di ve r s e c om m un it i e s a n d c elebr ate a ll thos e who work ha rd to m ake cricket m ore inclusive in the area
Sponsored by Remitly, each special match tea event taking place across England and Wales this summer will s h o w c a s e d i f f e r e n
s t o r i e s o f community clubs and volunteers who are driving positive change within the game and improving access to cricket C h a l
milky tea, all Taste of Cricket events will demonstrate the true variety of cuisines that are often shared during a m a t c h t
Harriott, TV presenter Chris Bavin, and E
dishes Ainsley’s journey is intertwined in cricket
Suryakumar Yad av -led Ind ian cricket team clinched th e three T20I series ag ainst Sri Lanka by 3 -0 at P allekele on Tuesday, as they match end ed in a Super Over
Chasing a target of 138 runs, Sri Lanka managed to tie the score, despite losing Kamindu Mendis and Theekshana But lost the match in the Super Over as they could only score 2 runs
India's Shubman Gill and Suryakumar Yadav came for the Super Over, while Maheesh Theekshana came to bowl SKY slammed a four on the first delivery and thereby won the match With this, India also win the series
In the super over, Sri Lanka's Kusal Parera and Kusal Mendis arrived at the crease, while Washington Sundar bowled for India Parera lost his wicket in the second delivery as Ravi Bishnoi took the catch Nissanka also walked back to pavilion Sri Lanka scored 2 runs in the Super Over
For Sri Lanka, Kusal Perera (46) and Kusal Mendis (43) played a stable knock and led the team from the front, while Pathum Nissanka (26) scored a beautiful knock While other batters could not score more than 10 runs
For India, Washington Sundar, Ravi Bishnoi, Rinku Singh and Suryakumar Yadav picked two wicket each
Earlier, after losing the toss, India posted a 138-runs target for Sri Lanka to chase in the 3rd T20I at the Pallekele International Cricket Stadium
With rains delaying the match, India did not have a steady start and lost wickets at continued interval However, managed to score 137 in 20 overs after losing 9 wickets
For India, Shubman Gill scored 39 off 37 balls, while Riyan Parag (26) and Washington Sundar (25) made some important contributions
For Sri Lanka, Maheesh Theekshana took three wickets and Wanindu Hasaranga took wickets While, Chamindu Wickramasinghe, Asitha Fernando and Ramesh Mendis clinched one wicket each
Following the T20I series, India will play a three one-day international series with Sri Lanka, and the Indian team would be led by Rohit Sharma
was the Head Chef of
Ground in the early 1990s – making the Shepherds Bush event a return to his cricketing roots
f Communications Officer commented, “Being one of the only sports that breaks play to eat, cricket and food are intrinsically linked Shepherds Bush Cricket Club has a long history of welcoming players from all corners of the world, making the club a natural
i a n t c e l e b r a t i o n o f t h i s p r o f o u n d connection and the power it has to unite communities, both this summer with our Taste of Cricket event series, and beyond with the cookbook ”
f Harsh ith a Samarawickrama as a resilient Sri Lanka carved an eight- wicket win o ver def ending ch ampions India to bag th eir maiden wo men ’ s Asia C up title at Dambu lla o n Sunday
This is the second time in nine Asia Cup editions (WODI and W T20I) a cross formats that India have lost a final The last time India lost the final was against Bangladesh in 2018 in Kuala Lumpur
T a s k e d w
target of 166, Sri Lanka served well by
Athapaththu (61) and Samarawickrama (69 not out) and finished at 167 for two in 18 4 overs
Athapaththu and Samarawickrama added 87 runs as Lankans always stayed ahead of their opponents Athapaththu f e t c
Samarawickrama went past her mark in 43 balls and their shot selection too was
through almost every reachable place on the field, and her assault on left-arm spinner Tanuja Kanwar, who she biffed for two fours and six in her first over, was
power of her senior but she offset that
Sharma and Radha Yadav But she picked up the tempo when Sri Lanka reached a rather safer zone, muscling a slog-swept six off Yadav over mid-wicket Brief scores: Sri Lanka 167/2 in 18 4
( S
v e
Athapaththu 61, Dilhari 30*) beat India 165/6 (Mandhana 60, Ghosh 30, Dilhari 236) by eight wickets
Be ngal ’ s under-21 side which ar rived he re to pa rticipate in t h e N e x t G e n C up in Engla nd Many of them were w e a r in g t he cl u b 's je r se y Be side East Benga l, Punjab FC and Muthoot FA we re the other t wo teams from India which wil l fa ce y outh s id e s o f P r e m ie r L e a g ue c l ub s A st o n Vi l l a , T ot t e n h a m H o t sp u r a n d Cry sta l Pal ace and defending cham pion Ste l le nb osch FC from South Africa
E a s t B e n g a l f a n s W e l c o m e d t h e s i d e w i t h banners and flags, with the p l a y e r s p o s i n g w i t h t h e m after arriving in England “East Bengal’s legacy is o v e r 1 0 0 y e a r s a n d t h e i r fanbase is one of the biggest i n t h e
Senior Integration Architect and has been in the UK for over eight years, said Some fans arrived at the team hotel with a cake, a g