Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
The widower who gave birth to Father’s Day There is a beautiful prayer,
मातृ देवो भव: पितृ देवो भव:
“Pitrudevo Bhava, Matrudevo Bhava” which connotes we consider Father and Mother as our God. The whole world celebrates Father's Day but there are very few people who may know that it was initiated by an American woman who was raised by a widower. Sonora Smart celebrated the first-ever Father’s day in the year 1910. Dodd's father, William Jackson Smart, raised six children after his wife died. While listening to the sermon of Mother's Day from her father, Dodd thought that there should be a day to honour her civil war veteran father who raised her and five siblings alone. She wanted the celebration to be held on June 5, her father's birthday, but planning difficulties pushed the first Father's Day celebration. As Dodd's idea gained huge applaud, president Woodrow Wilson sanctioned the idea of celebrating Father's Day in 1916 and President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea in 1924, as well. President Lyndon Johnson signed the proclamation declaring the third Sunday of June as Father's Day in 1966. President Richard Nixon established a permanent national observance of the day in 1972. As our special magazine Matruvandana 2021 received huge appreciation. To pay a tribute to fatherhood, we are now publishing a special magazine Pitruvandana - 2021 in English and Gujarati entirely dedicated to our fathers and forefathers. 4
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
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Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
a simple life and noble thinking: Swami Gitaprekahanand. BALMUKUND PUJALAL PARIKH “No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.”
meet, she still respected his principles,” Sharad said. Living by Gandhian principles As an activist against societal Mr. Balmukund Parikh Principal in and a staunch Sri Balmukukund Parikh has lived a malpractices Kisumu, Kenya 1953 disciplinarian, Prof Parikh was naturally purpose-driven life of giving; A life inclined towards Mahatma Gandhi. Such was recognised by an English civil dedicated to the pious endeavour of educating young minds. While he no was his fondness for the leader and his servant, Mr Laudman. He urged him to longer remains with us, he has left peaceful methods of fighting settler pursue a further degree at Bristol colonialism, that he even walked the University under a British grant. After behind a legacy worth celebrating. Shri Balmukund had a spark in him Dandi March. The family recalls, “Our achieving a Master’s in Education at so bright, he lit up every life around him. father had joined Gandhiji in his salt Redland College in 1954, Shri Today, his work and achievements are march to protest against the British rule Balmukund faced a choice between carried forward by his family. His sons, in India without informing anyone in our living in England or going back to family. So, when he had not Kenya. His innate will to serve society returned home for five took him back to Kisumu, where the consecutive days, my mother community needed him. was extremely worried about “My father had realized there was his disappearance.” no place like England. But he followed “This highlights the his moral obligations of serving those degree of dedication our who needed his services the most. He father had towards creating took up the challenge and had soon a united community – be it become the Headmaster of Kisumu providing social services or Boys’ High School,” Gitu and Shree relays. sharing knowledge.” His next order of business was to Serving the youth in Africa With colonial Students on the terrace of A year before India recruit qualified teachers from India to Houses of Parliament in 1953 achieved independence in fill in vacant positions as part of his Gitu, Shree and Sharad shares their 1946, an English officer noted Shri expansion plans for Kenya. That having father’s contribution to society. Their Balmukund’s exemplary teachings skills gone well, Sri Balmukund moved to father always believed that good and suggested that he taught in a Thika, a town with only one school, just education is a commodity every child government school in Kenya. There was for boys. A firm believer in the right has a right to. This could have been one a need for good teachers and he was education and female empowerment, of the reasons for him to became, a the perfect person to bring about he arranged for girls to be admitted to change. He boarded a teacher. Born into an ordinary family residing dhow and made a in one of the ancient pols of Baroda, crossing of the Indian Gujarat, Shri Balmukund went on to Ocean from Bombay Mombasa. Sri graduate with a bachelor’s degree in to History and Economics at the University Balmukund’s first stint of Baroda in 1935. Keen on undertaking as an educator in a career in teaching, he earned his Kenya was on the Secondary Teachers Training certificate paradise island of in Baroda in 1936. As a teacher, he Lamu. He enrolled would also provide private tuition to himself in a two-year students and helped them pass exams. teaching course at the “From what I know, my father followed Government Indian his conscience, and never accepted Male Teacher Training fees from students who failed. He felt he Centre, Nairobi. His academic had let them down. While our mother found it difficult to follow his ideology, excellence paired with especially as she had to make ends practical mentorship Hasumati and Balmukund Parikh in Kitale, Kenya 1947
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
In his study - Bristol 1954
Parikh played an important part in getting the boys and girls hostel and persuading the Thika Indian Association to donate a hall to the school.” Professor Balmukund was eventually promoted to the Inspector of schools in Kenya. A journey that brought him back to the UK Shri Balmukund was aware of his duties towards his family. He made safe arrangements to settle his wife Hasumatiben, and children Kalindi, Arun, Gitakumar, Shree and Shared in England. As it wasn't easy to survive in the UK on a headmaster’s salary, he pulled funds from his friends in Kisumu and in 1956 purchased a house in Golders Green, London. “Soon, my father realised that students arriving from India and Africa had difficulties looking for affordable accommodation and therefore he converted the home into a boarding house. Mum worked her day job and we all contributed to household expenses in whatever way we could.” Sharad recalls. It was around the late 50s, that Sri Balmukund moved permanently to the UK and brought with him a strong-willed intent to continue serving in the education sector. He worked as a relief teacher in his initial days, when he was expected to deliver sessions in the absence of regular lecturers. With family in Kitale 1947 (from left to right Arun, However, owing to Balmukund, Kalindi, Hasumati, Gitu, Shree)
the school and educate them to the last grad, Standard 6 at that time. Not satisfied with the system, he made further changes. In a bid to make education accessible to every possible child, he introduced the concept of boarding school for children who lived at greater distances. While the depth of his contribution to changing the education system in Kenya is too deep to measure, Professor’s efforts remain positively permanent. In a letter titled ‘ A Tribute to Mr Parikh, the Chairman of MP Shah Central High School Parents Association, Mr KN Shah eulogised his contribution to the field of education. He wrote, “During the four years as principal, Mr Parikh always helped the parents in their problems and gave guidance from which both parents and pupils have benefited immensely. Mr
cultural differences that formed an integral part of diverse subjects, he chose to devote his time and serve to religion and spiritual education. Recounting one incident at school, Sharad says, “In one of his first jobs as a relief teacher, he was holding a class on what is referred to as “Wet Play Time”. During this hour, the students asked him several questions about football and the meaning of off-side”. Unable to answer my father resorted to dedicate his time to spirituality and wisdom. The Beatles, Britons and Spiritualism There are very few chosen ones who live several lives in one lifetime. Sri Balmukund was one of the special ones - the kind that lived life in a series of adventures. In the UK, he embarked on another journey and contributed his services to strengthening religious and community organisations. Holding seminars, meetings, speeches and public engagements became an integral part of his everyday routine. Shi Balmukund was instrumental in the 1965 inauguration of the Hindu Centre in a church hall in Golders Green. The centre gradually moved to 39 Grafton Terrace where they bought a Church Hall in Belsize Park. A member of the Theosophical Society, he made it his life’s mission to create awareness around the ideologies of the different factions of the Hindu religion. In the ’70s, he joined forces with Yogi Maharaj of the Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan (BAPS) and was elected Secretary when the first premises were converted in Dalston and later moved to Neasden. From drafting the temples Constitution
His school winning the cup, Thika, Kenya 1961
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
to organising the inaugural celebrations. He was the cornerstone in cementing the Foundation. “Such was the success that Yogi Maharaj personally requested my father to leave his Vaishnav religion and join Swaminarayan faith,” Sharad says.
included the former lead guitarist of The Beatles – George Harrison. Sharad reminisces, “My father shared insights into the intricacies of the Hindu culture and educated George Harrison about religious traditions and faiths. Brian Epstein, who was the manager of the group was not interested in the ethos of the Hindu religion. So, George Harrison and others launched their record label – ‘Apple’. “My father was at the recording of the song Govinda at the Abbey Road Studios singing the mantra but his voice was too loud so his vocals could not be Swami Gitaprakashanand used.” Says Shard. Harrison brought Bhakti Yoga to the the Gujarati press Gujarat Samachar West with now the ubiquitous and Asian Voice. A crowd of 30,000 ‘Hare Krishna’ mantra. The Hindus protested the closure of the single sold 70,000 copies on temple in London. The temple was its first day of release. saved by a new access road and the Harrison went on to donate unity of the community. Balmukund Parikh with Ram Bapa his home, Bhaktivedanta Life Moves On Manor near Watford and Sri Balmukund On meeting another spiritual leader, Sri Balmukund second-biggest project of establishing a temple, for the was a key in acquiring the Manor, as a Swami Omkarananda from Switzerland followers of the Vaishnav faith, based gift for the Hare Krishna movement in who aspired to set up in London, Shri 1973. Balmukund and Hasumatiben donated on the worship of God in the form of Saving the Hari Krishna their home and also took the order to Shree Krishna. He took a vow, along Temple - ISKON become Swami Gitaprakasnanda and with Ram-Ram Bapu, not to eat any As Bhaktivedanta Manor became a Swami Omprakash. They spent time cereals until a Sanathan Mandir had popular visiting place for the Hindu between Switzerland, London and been established and by the Grace of population. The increased road traffic Rishikesh, India. God his vow had been fulfilled. As disturbed the life of the villagers. The Gita Foundation Secretary and founder Board of council had permitted ISKCON to be As Swami Gitaprakashnanda, Shri Governors of Vallabh Nidhi Trust UK, he used as a theological college, and with Balmukund founded a UK charity – The was chiefly responsible for drafting the the complaints, the council moved to Hasumati Balmukund Parikh Gita Constitution of the institution and close the place. Association, to propagate the values getting it approved by the Charity This gave birth to the ‘Save Hare and teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. Commissioners. On 2nd September Krishna Temple’ supported by Pastor The charity is currently being operated 1980, the temple situated in Parikh, along with other prominent by his children who make donations in Leytonstone, London E11 was members of the Hindu community and the spirit of their parents. inaugurated. Vallabhnidhi Trust exists to practise the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, to promote goodwill between people of the world, and to serve humanity. In Vallabhnidhi temples, Shree Krishna is worshipped through the image of Shree Nathji. Sometime in the ’80s, Swami Prabhupada, famously known as the founder preceptor of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, or the ‘Hare Krishna Movement’ visited Shri Balmukund to establish a temple in the UK. Sri Balmukund again became the centrifugal force in locating a property in Bury Place, central London. As Press Secretary, he had the chance to introduce and explain Krishna Consciousness to the wider mainstream western world. One of the dispels Both as Swami at Rishikesh, India
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
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Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
Compassionate, affectionate and truthful
assimilated Gandhiji's ideologies as a way of life Some hypocrites’ politicians and social leaders use the name of Mahatma Gandhi and pretend to be a Gandhi lover by hanging pictures of Gandhiji at home or office. However, truth, love, compassion is nowhere visible in these khadi-wearing Gandhi lovers. But recently we met a Gandhi bhakt who was a resident of Wembley. After seeing pictures of Gandhiji in his room’s table and on all the walls, one of the Gandhiji’s motto of life was refreshed in our memories, “True learning is the one with which we recognise the soul, ourself, God and the truth. Truth is a tree. As we water the tree we see it bearing more and more fruits gradually. Honorable Gandhibhakt Manubhai Somabhai Patel, who has embraced these principles and made them a way of his life, was one of the few Gandhi lovers who has self-experienced both the Pre-Gandhi era and current times. This man stood unbeaten in the face of adversity, and achieved ‘Adventurous Success’ walking on the path of truth and non-violence. Shri Manubhai Somabhai Patel, who stayed with his family at West Close near Wembley’s Preston Road, and migrated in the 70s from Uganda’s Kampala along with his wife Shrimati Champaben. Manubhai Patel who was a native of Bhalej situated near Anand in Gujarat state, had graduated with a B.Com degree from Ahmedabad’s H. L. College during the British rule. During those times, there were only five commerce colleges in Mumbai-Ahmedabad. After credible achievements as an accountant in Uganda and working with Prudential Insurance Company, Manubhai made substantial charities in the field of education and citizen welfare. It would be worth knowing some of the interesting information that was shared by the Gandhian Manubhai himself. He was born in 1925 at his paternal uncle’s town Kunjrav. The British Rule was in its full glory at the time of his birth. His grandfather Jivabhai Patel owned a 100 bigha (Bigha is a traditional unit for land measurement equivalent to 1600 square yards) piece of land. The land was contracted to a farmer, who paid 1000 Santh (local currency in those times) every year. Out of this income, 200 Santh went to the government for
Hindu and Muslim communities who had meals sitting in a single arrangement. Witnessing the burden on the daughter’s father during those times, Manubhai decided that, if at all he has a son, he will ensure that his wedding ceremony will Manubhai Champaben be conducted with utmost simplicity. taxes, leaving mere 800 to run the famManubhai completed B.Com. from ily’s livelihood. He needed only Rs. 18 to Ahmedabad’s H.L. College. During this buy a bicycle to travel to school, but, in time the couple gave birth to a son those times spending even a single Ashwin and daughter Anila. Manubhai’s rupee was difficult for them. His mother father was transferred in his job to would fast on auspicious days, but she Kampala. Manubhai’s father wished did not even have money to buy nuts that he went to Africa. He was offered a (nuts are consumable during hindu fasts). As the expenses were higher than job with Rs. 125 salary, though, in the income they were in debt for gener- Mumbai, but that income was too less to ations. In those times his grandfather bear livelihood expenses. Manubhai went to Uganda-Kampala had married his daughters in Karamsad alone in 1950. He worked as an accounand Aud with high expenses on rituals, tant at Damji Kara’s office. Damji Kara putting himself and family in severe debts. The son of Manubhai’s paternal aunt who stayed in Aud, helped Manubhai’s father board a cruise from Porbandar to reach Africa-Kenya’s Nairobi in 1926. He was working with the railways there. At the age of 6 years, in 1931, Manubhai was taken for the first time by his mother Surajba from Mumbai port to Africa. In the meantime, Manubhai’s grandmother died in Bhalej, which left his grandfather alone. He was brought back to India by his mother to look after his grandfather when he was 10 years old. In 1939, his grandfather too left for heavenly abode prompting his uncle Dahyabhai to permanently shift to India. In the meantime, Manubhai studied till Grade 6 in Bhalej. He completed his high school from Dakor. He participated in the freedom movement while studying in Dakor. At the age of 18, while studying in Metric, he married Champaben d/o Naranbhai Bajibhai Patel of Surshamal. In those times, there was a ritual that at the time of marriage, the groom and his guests stayed at the bride's place for three days. The burden of making arrangements including three meals for the groom and guests were on the bride’s family. Manubhai’s uncle was the town’s administrative head of Bhalej town, so for he carried 800 guests of
Daughter Anila, wife Chapmaben, daughter in law Devyani and son Ashwin
had a 400 acre coffee plantation. After working for two years, he started a business of Raleigh cycles. However, he strictly protested the selling of cycles with the Raleigh banner to Africans especially considering the cycle parts were changed to sub-original ones. He worked on a principle to never deceive or adapt to fraudulent practices to the citizens of the land where he earned his bread and cheese. There were also many business peers who sold cotton fabric delivered 10% less weight of products and made 10% less payments in cash. To keep away from maligned business practices he resigned from bicycle business and met Mr. Fox who was the director of Fox & Co. in Kampala. Fox who resembled Winston Churchill had an agency of Prudential Insurance Company. Manubhai worked with him for four years. After getting expertise in business, he bought an agency of the Company. He was able to
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
With Grand son Alpesh, Daughter Anila, son-inlaw Dr. Thakorbhai and Grand son Anish
on excursions, he accompanied them. With an objective to provide good education to the poor child, Manubhai tried to get his admission in Indian school. However, after not being able to get admission, he was put in African school. When Manubhai had to leave Uganda, courtesy Idi Amin, Manubhai made financial arrangements for Phillip’s education, but had to leave him on his own. In 1944-45, when Manubhai used to study in Dakor, one of his fellow student camed from a very poor family. This student paid his school fees by selling ‘sugar packets’ used in rituals outside the Hindu temple. When one of Manubhai’s friends informed him about the student’s condition, Manubhai talked about it with his uncle. The uncle was convinced and paid Ramanbhai’s college fees for graduation. When Ramanbhai got married, Manubhai’s wife Champaben gave her 50 gram gold to make jewelry for Ramanbhai’s wife. Manubhai called Ramanbhai Shah to Uganda after helping him with his permits and Ramanbhai was able to
Grand Son Amit, Daughter-in-law Devyani and son Ashwin
achieve his annual targets in 6 months. believed that a happy family is the one For a record breaking performance in that considers others’ daughters as December he was rewarded with a gold their own. watch by the company. Apart from the Manubhai had a daughter called insurance business, he also dealt in Anila and a son called Ashwin. His sonstocks. He was able to earn a million in-law is a medical surgeon. He orgashillings in the stock business with his nized his son’s wedding ceremony at guts to take risks. his native town and as promised he had In the 70s, Manubhai feared chaos only 10 guests accompanied when he and unrest in Kampala. He had a balreached the bride’s wedding place. At ance of 17000 GBP with himself, earned that time, Manubhai’s father was not from insurance commission and stocks. too happy with the lack of guests and One of his close friends, at that time, stubbornly decided not to attend his Ambalal, a native of Baroda near Aud, grandson’s wedding. Manubhai insisted advised him to send the funds to to his father that he will also not attend London. Neglecting his advice he the wedding without being accompainstead deposited 8000 GBP to nied by him. Manubhai’s daughter-inUgandan Bank. In 1971, when Idi Amin law’s health deteriorated due to kidwas ordering people to leave ney failure at a young age. He was Uganda, he sensed the dangers of worried because of this incurable disthe future and permanently shifted ease. His son got his own kidney testto London with family. ed for donating to his wife, to give her Manubhai’s wife Champaben a new life, and the results were posiwho lived like a queen in Uganda tive. At that time Manubhai and faced many hardships after coming Champaben, happily inspired their to London. She earned livelihood for son, without any grudges, to donate Gujarat Samachar and Asian Voice honouring Manubhai the family by taking up jobs with and Champaben for inspiring their son to donate Kidney his kidney. organisations like, spectacle manuto their Daughter-in-law Devyani Today Manubhai’s family is very facturer ‘Wiseman’, ‘Pitas’ bakery, well settled. At the age of 92, ‘Zenith’ and a company engaged in Manubhai used to say that ‘Bill Gates is become self-sufficient by doing a manufacturing children furniture. After the richest man in the world, I am the stable job as an accountant. that, when Manubhai bought a shop in West London’s Osterley, she worked Ramanbhai and his family shifted to the happiest man in the world’. Manubhai UK in 1972 and settled. Manubhai was who based his life on Gandhian ideolovery hard there. With Gandhian thoughts at the cen- passionate for cleanliness like the gies of experiments with truth and nonter of his being, Manubhai perfectly Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. violence earned with honesty throughpracticed the definition of a There was a lot of dirt on the roads of out his life. He made the best possible Ramanbhai’s native Bhalej. When donations to human welfare services. ‘VaishnaJan’ in his life. In his lifetime, he donated Rs. 75 Manubhai asked the town head and Becoming a Messiah for many needy lacs in the fields of education and seniors why they weren’t cleaning the by spreading happiness health and the needy. He donated Rs. Manubhai, a strong believer of roads in spite of so much dirt? They 25 lacs to Bhavans College of Dakor, Gandhian ideology made each and replied that they are not able to find Rs. 20 lacs to Anuben Ashram at Goraj every hymn of the folk song any ‘Harijan’ (Indian sub-caste whose near Vadodara, Rs. 25 lacs for ‘Patidar’ ‘VaishnavJan’ meaningful. When people do sweeping and cleaning social center in his native region. He Manubhai stayed in Kampala, a 10 jobs). Manubhai asked for a broom and also makes many small and big chariyear African boy, Phillip, worked as a also asked 5-6 youths to accompany ties to social organizations in the UK. In domestic help at his home. One fine him, but none of the local youths line with the proverb ‘Charity begins at day, Manubhai came to know that showed readiness to accompany. Later home’ Manubhai gave GBP 50,000 to Phillip was an orphan. With deep sym- whenever Manubhai went out, he his grandsons Alpesh, Anish and Amit pathies for Phillip he gave refuge to the carried a carry bag with himself, to pick to help them become self-reliant. The kid in his own home. The boy stayed in up garbage of paper and tin that he great help by their 90 year old grandfaManubhai’s son Ashwin’s room, shared found in the way. Manubhai disagreed ther to settle the younger generations is the washrooms along with the family with the social system of drastic appreciable. At the age of 92 also the and also had meals with the family attitude difference between daughter home grown intelligence and common members. Whenever the family went and daughter-in-law in the society. He sense of Manubhai was excellent.
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
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Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
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Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
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Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
CHAROTAR WILL NEVER FORGET THE OBLIGATION OF THE GENEROUS NRI MR. D. Z. PATEL by: Kokila Patel Before several years many adventurous people, who left from Charotar for foreign land where able to achieve ‘success as a result of adventure’. One such
adventurous Patel had left for East Africa to test his fortune at a very tender age. This patidar farmer who had left for Africa with high ambitions, carrying the fragrance of the land of Charotar’s Ramol town in heart, was able to achieve ‘success through adventure’ by travelling the lesser known paths of business, with the help of sincerity, hard work and wisdom. Inspite of having flourishing business and a happy family in Uganda’s Kampala, he lived with a heavy heart. Similar to the way he educated his children and settled them in business, there are poor, helpless parents back home who also wish their children attend higher education and get settled into appropriate business or job. This Charotari farmer’s son who lived a highly prosperous life heard the inner voice of helpless brothers from his motherland and left for home country showing his readiness to help wherever possible. This Charoatari Patel was none other than the humanist, kind hearted Late Shri Dahyabhai Zaverbhai Patel of Ramol town. Shri Dahyabhai Zaverbhai Patel who has made substantial charities to society, education and religion is more popularly known as D. Z. Patel in Africa and his community ‘Sattavish Patidar Samaj’. In 1994, he donated a substantial amount of Rupees 51 lacs to ‘Charotar Moti Sattavish Patidar Kelvani Mandal’ for establishing ‘D. Z. Patel (RamolLondon) higher secondary school’ on Anand-Vidhyanagar road. The school that has been operational since 1996 provides high quality higher secondary education in
D Z Patel Higher Secondary School
Mahagujarat Hospital-D Z Patel Cardic Hospital : UK Address : :
English medium teaching subjects like Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and languages. The school also has science labs and library. Students are taught chemistry, biology and mathematics using effective audio visual software multi-media project. School Principal Shri Rajeshbhai Kachhia acknowledges that the school gives highest attention to Grade 11 & 12 science faculty education. Through systematic management that could enable best results and highly educated, expert staff the school has been able to achieve higher success rate for students. ‘D. Z. Patel higher secondary school’ operates under the aegis of ‘Charotar Moti Sattavish Patidar Samaj Kelvani Mandal’ whichi is systematically managed by office bearers – President Surendrabhai Patel, Secretary Dr. M. C. Patel, Co-ordinator Shri Maheshbhai G. Patel and Treasurer Shri Kiranbhai Patel (Comfy). Shri D. Z. Patel has also shown generosity in the field of health also. In 1995 he was instrumental in setting-up cardiology center equipped with all advanced equipments for cardiac ailments in Nadiad’s Mahagujarat Hospital by donating Rs. 50 lacs. This cardiac center which has been a blessing for heart patients of Charotar region provides treatments like angiography and open heart surgery. Impressed with the wonderful results of surgeries and medical treatments by expert cardiac surgeon Dr. Anil Zha, at Nadiad’s Mahagujarat Hospital’s Cardiology Center, Late Shri D. Z. Patel’s son Shri Ashokbhai Patel, who currently resides in Surrey’s Wellington, donated additional 30 lacs rupees to this cardiac center to add even more advanced equipments. Apart from services in the fields of education, society and health, Shri D. Z. Patel has also earned blessings by helping the under privileged promising girls of the society, get married. This NRI Patel has done the divine job of helping the girls from underprivileged families of ‘Sattavish Patidar Samaj’ by organizing glittering group marriage ceremonies. He lovingly sent the girls to their in-law’s house by giving them precious takeaway gifts.
Shri Charotar Moti Sattavis Kelavni Mandal-AnanadVidyanagar Road, Anand; +91 2692 247768 College Road, Nadiad Dr. Anil Jha 0091 98240 16219 77 Mitcham Lane, London SW16 6LY 9 Mallard Way Wallington, Surrey, SM6 9LZ Email: ashok77@btinternet.com ASIAN VOICE & GUJARAT SAMACHAR
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
By Meenal Sachdev, Mira Manek and Hridya Manek It felt like an end of an era as we bade final farewell to Babhai, our Grandfather, at Golders Green on a cold and wet January morning. With the background scores of Raghupati Raghav and Vaishnav Jana, we felt it was a fitting send-off for our Babhai. Winter, Spring and now Summer; we have felt a big void, but we’ve also spoken about him, listened to our grandmother’s vivid stories of their time in Kampala and celebrated his beautiful life – all 95 years of it. Babhai, it might seem an odd name, but Prabhudas Manek somehow dissolved into Babhai and almost everyone called him that. He passed away peacefully and with all his family by his side on January 25th 2021. In the months that ensued, we delved with our Grandmother, Bhabhi, and the rest of the family, into stories spanning three continents, stories of hardship and happiness, stories of love and friendship. We realise that this is how we will keep him alive, not only for us, but especially for Bhabhi. Losing a life partner after 71 years of marriage and not a day apart is difficult to comprehend. A love that in many ways, eternal. After the funeral, we remembered his vivid expressions, his habits, such as his concentration and mindfulness while eating. We remember peeking into his room at night as he prayed to say a quick hello. He sat in bed with his eyes closed, a bright lamp shining from his left and if he heard us, he would open his eyes and happily be disturbed to have a quick chat. But what were his prayers? There are so many questions that we didn’t ask, that we didn’t record. Babhai was a man of few words - everybody knew this - it was often a challenge to extract answers out of him, but if we asked about Kampala or something historical, about his younger days or the family’s story of coming to London from Uganda, the words would just flow. He could talk endlessly and he remembered each part in great detail. HISTORY It was in Kampala that the seed of Babhai’s love for India and culture was sown. His elder brother Tulsidas, who Babhai was very close to, founded the Shree Yuvak Sangh, a youth organization which was set up to promote Indian culture. Sadly, Tulsidas Ada passed away at the age of 25. Babhai and his younger brothers remained an integral part of this
organization until they left Uganda. It was their father Rughnath Jeraj Manek, born in 1893, who like many others, left Jamjodgpur his native village in Gujarat for Uganda before the first world war, initially spending some time in Mombasa before making his way into Uganda by road. Many years later when we visited Kampala, we peeked into the second floor flat that was home for our grandparents and their three sons; two bedrooms with a concrete floor. He was pleasantly surprised to see that his last oil painted rangoli pattern was still visible, albeit faintly. We were children then and this was all most fascinating for us. Now, those memories are precious, imagining their life then, having heard the stories, the family history. Though Kampala, like many towns in East Africa then, was also a mini-India, Kampala had acquired a reputation for being a center of excellence for cultural activities. In 1958, when their three boys were just two, four and six, Babhai and Bhabhi took off for India, almost a month-long journey from Uganda by train and then by ship from Mombasa to Mumbai. They spent around eight months touring India. Hearing stories of their time there, imagining the India they travelled through, takes us on a journey but also makes us appreciate why we, two generations on, are so rooted in our culture and history and why India has always had a magnetic draw for us. Babhai encouraged his sons to listen to Gujarati folk music from a young age. When we were children, my Dad fell in love with the voice of the legendary folk singer Praful Dave and then visited Gujarat to meet him. Thus began Prafulbhai’s relationship with our family and of course with Babhai who had nurtured my Dad and my uncles’ keen interest in folk music and stories of Saurashtra. In 1999, Prafulbhai and his wife, Bhartiben Kunchala, also an accomplished singer, came to London to perform at a concert held for Babhai and Bhabhi’s 50th wedding anniversary. Prafulbhai said, “Babhai was a big fan of the folk songs of Zaverchand Meghani. Whenever I used to sing Meghani’s songs, Babhai would invariably get emotional. Babhai believed that folklore teaches us the way of life. A popular folk song, ‘Tara anganiya puchine koi aave to aavkaro mitho aapjere; ene dhire dhire bolva deje re.’ has been perfectly epitomised by Babhai’s family.”
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
As well as music and fine arts, Babhai had a deep love for literature. Sitting upright in his chair, he sat for hours (no matter who was in the house!) reading all the English Sunday papers, Gujarati weeklies and magazines. This would of course include the Gujarat Samachar! He shared a close relationship with Vipulbhai Kalyani and sometimes wrote for the Opinion Magazine. He had immense respect for and was very fond of the founder and editor of Gujarat Samachar, C. B. Patel, who would sometimes come for dinner and spend hours talking with Babhai. Such interactions invigorated him. SOWING SEEDS OF CULTURE Growing up, Diwali, Bestu Varash and Navratri held much significance in our family - in fact, we would always take New Year’s day off from school. In the run up to Diwali, we would fill rangolis drawn by Babhai, with vibrant powder colours he would help us to choose. We would attend most, if not all nine days of Navratri. Festivals were and still are a way to keep the flame of Indian culture alive, something that is so easily forgotten as time passes, especially when living abroad. But that was what we found so fascinating – that this suitcase of culture, traditions, language, rituals and food was so intact, so true to its origin, even so many years later. Going back to the villages of India, the khichadikadhi tasted the same as it did at home in London, the Gujarati we spoke at home was the same, albeit with a slight accent, and the rituals and traditions came to life in a different way, but in many ways were so similar. They safeguarded our culture in Uganda and thereafter in the UK. Besides Indian culture, we also benefited from Babhai’s wealth of general knowledge, spiritual knowledge (Babhai and Bhabhi regularly attended weekly lectures at the Theosophical Society in Kampala), his artistic and DIY skills, his interest in photography and making home movies in the 50s, and a wealth of wisdom. If there is something we learnt from watching him everyday, it is that learning never stops, no
matter how old you are. He was a voracious reader until his last days. BALANCED LIVING There was calmness and consistency in everything Babhai did. It was his daily routine being so particular about his food and his timings, praying and doing pranayama and exercise first thing in the morning (trying not to disturb Bhabhi, though he often did and she would jestingly laugh about), having his vegetable juice before breakfast, drinking warm water at night, eating meals on time, that allowed him to stay in such good health right until his final days. And of course, with a remarkable memory that never failed him! Health is something that we only appreciate the true value of when something goes wrong, but the way he lived each day showed us the power of ritual and the power of instilling good practices early on and never wavering. He was quiet, he never preached but he was the epitome of moderation and simplicity and lived a truly ayurvedic way of life. Babhai and Bhabhi used to enjoy travelling and they travelled extensively with the family, including spending weeks at a time at ayurvedic resorts in India. Babhai also had the privilege of visiting Uganda in 2008 with all six of his siblings (in their 70s and 80s) and the extended family. Babhai’s last trip was to Virpur in Gujarat in 2018 at the age of 92. SHARING STORIES Now as we sit with Bhabhi, listening to all the stories, we cherish and record a lot of them. We used to speak to Babhai about his life but didn’t always capture enough. It is these stories and memories that brings them to life and this is what we would encourage and implore any grandchildren to do with their grandparents – ask them questions, be interested, make them feel relevant, write their stories down. It lifts them, it keeps them alive, it brings them joy; as does family coming together, which is something we did more of as they became older. He was beaming as we celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary with his siblings and the extended family, including his great-grandchildren by his side. We celebrated their every birthday, leaving us a treasure trove of memories, photographs and videos and leaving him, we hope, with a heart full of joy, each time. Soon after Babhai left us, our grandmother said, “He’s left me with so much, but he has also left me with grandchildren who can communicate with me in Gujarati.” Their insistence on speaking Gujarati in our home and with them is something we cherish and hold so dear now. We feel that Babhai lives on in us as we carry forth his values and beliefs and pass them on to our children. This suitcase of culture, traditions, recipes and language, is the most valuable gift we have inherited from them. Above all, we have one thing in our hearts for Babhai – and that is GRATITUDE.
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
PRAMOD THAKKAR FOLLOWING IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF HIS FATHER, SHANTILAL RUGNATH THAKKAR: Unconditional Sewa, through Religious, Social & Community Service (a sub-region of Saurashtra region) is a land of kindness, reliOur eternal religion (Sanatan Dharma) does not just gion and principles. This is a land where you come across mean visiting temples or worshipping God’s shrine places of new talents every mile with rulers who nurture saints, courageous individuals and poets. worship. The real meaning of religion In 1880, a boy was born to the is humanity. Religion is the true art of Vaishnav family of Jerambha Morjaria, in living life. Religion means living in the small village of Vervada, a few kilohappiness with others. Religion is a meters away from Porbandar. His family ‘live and let live’ proposition. was known for following the virtues of Many saints believe and preach patience, and sheer dedication. This boy that ‘Service to Man is Service to God’. was named Rugnath Jeram Thakkar These eight words have huge (Morjaria). From a young age, he was surpower. The great saint, Jalaram Bapa, rounded by saints, devotees, and who was born centuries ago in the Brahmins. He also had a keen interest in land of Virpur in Saurashtra and who bhajans and other religious and commubelonged to the Raghuvanshi community activities. He had been watching nity, followed a similar religious prinpeople travel abroad by sea and he too ciple and religion in his life “To feed had the ambition of travelling to a foreign the hungry and to quench the thirst of land and to explore the world. With that the parched.” Pramodbhai Thakkar deep seeded desire, and by the grace of As a result of this, he had the God, his dream turned into reality when he travelled to opportunity to serve the Lord Shri Ram in person. Lord Ram Kenya via Zanzibar in 1898. He decided to settle down in always blesses he who supports the poor and provides shelNakuru, Kenya as this seemed to be an ideal base for busiter to the needy. In this article, we want to talk about one such religiously dedicated man of the Raghukul community, ness and Hindu integration. Naturally, in the beginning he faced a lot of hardship, but and his family, who have adhered to the principles of revwith great courage and faith in the Almighty, his determinaerend Jalaram Bapa as a way of life by actively participating tion strengthened, and he overcame many hurdles to start in social service at food shelters in the U.K. The popular proverb in Gujarati language - ‘Kuvama Hoy his own business. His business prospered tenfold over the To Havada Ma Aave’ - explains that the family, environment years, and he built a well-respected and reputable name in the community and society. Despite being busy with growing and sacraments of childhood play a major role in building a his business, he never neglected his society duties and conman's personality. We will talk about tinued his selfless service. In 1915 his one such religious person, who in first child Maganlal was born folspite of having been brought up for lowed by four more sons, namely two generations on foreign land, has Shantilal, Natulal, Chimanlal and maintained the respectful legacy and Chhotubhai. Each of them throughout traditions of his forefathers. their own lives earned great respect The great majority of Gujarati, in the Community. Indians and Hindu Communities know They contributed towards the Shri Pramodbhai Shantilal Rugnath regeneration of a rundown ‘Thakorji’s Thakkar, chairman of the Leicester Haveli’ and went on to build a based Shri Jalaram Prarthna Mandir, Gaushala in the village of origin, who has committed himself to the Vervada in India. The family, later studies of the ever-lasting Hindu reliknown as the ‘Thakkar brothers’, are gion in Leicester, London and was a now well known and respected in Board Member of Oxford Centre for business, political and social circles Hindu Studies. in Kenya. Maganbhai and Shantilal This article attempts to provide a Bhai, the eldest sons, participated in detailed introduction in English, for politics. Shortly after Kenya’s our young generation of a man who Independence in December 1963 worked as the protector of our religion they were both appointed as the first and has dedicated his life to the serAsian Councillors in Nakuru. Shantilal vice of Community. His dedication will Bhai was the first Asian known to be an inspiration for our future generhave owned a farm in the popular Rift ations. His contributions towards reliValley area. With their political gion, culture, and the welfare of strengths, the Thakkar family were able to make great conhumanity around the world will serve as outstanding exam- tributions to the development of Nakuru. ples for us all. A crematorium was built for all Hindus, along with other Before introducing Shri Pramodbhai, we shall offer a pre- huge achievements such as a Hindu Association being view of his family history. The land of Gujarat’s Kathiyawad founded, where they established a large hall for the Lohana Mitul Paniker
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
community. The Thakkar Brothers also built the unique temple of Radha Krishna in Nakuru. The family proudly continued the same selfless service to their community and saints which was paved by their father Rughnath Jeram Morjaria who passed away in 1967 in Nakuru. Rameshbhai Thakkar, son of Late Shri Maganbhai Thakkar and Pramodbhai’s first cousin is still currently residing in Nakuru, and like Pramodbhai in the UK, has expanded the sphere of the family activities in their home town. He has devoted a great amount of time and has been supporting various charities in East Africa. Rameshbhai also Late Pujya Shantilal Thakkar presently sits on various advisory boards in Nakuru such as Moi Primary School, Shri Krishna Mandir, Lohana Mahajan of Nakuru, Hindi Council of Kenya and the Lohana Community of East Africa. Shri Shantibhai left Kenya in 1972 and came to the United Kingdom and settled in Leicester with his wife and ten children. Like his father, he also faced much hardship in the transition between countries. But with patience and self-belief, righteousness and good virtue, coupled with his firm faith in God, he started - with the blessings of various saints - his business. Along with the business interests in the UK which were developed with his four sons, he wanted to continue his work from Nakuru by developing religious activities. Social work truly was close to his heart. He was given the responsibility by a group of the Sarvoday Satsang Mandal headed by Bhanuben Kakkad and was instrumental in starting the first Jalaram Temple in the UK on Mere Road, Leicester in 1979. His wife, the late Shri Lalitaben (daughter of the late Shamjibhai and Late Ramkuverben Gheewala) was equally dedicated to her husband’s selfless services to the community and was a core pillar of strength and support for her husband who passed away in April 1991. The late Shri Shantilalbhai’s family have been blessed to host various saints from India who have stayed with the family at their Leicester and London homes during their visits to the UK. Their four sons, Prakashbhai, Pramodbhai, Sudhirbhai and Vijaybhai continue the religious work, building on the foundations left behind by their late father and mother. They are Inspired by the life of Jalaram Bapa, and his devotees all over the world who follow similar principles of providing sewa to the needy. In India there are over 200 Bapas Temples which continue to serve free meals, whilst temples in Africa follow similar ethos but also provide medical camps, building charitable hospitals, providing subsidised and affordable health care needs, blood donation etc. Temples in the western world, Canada, Australia, and UK support the needs of the local charitable organisations as well as continue with Bapa’s ethos of serving food (prashadi). Pramodbhai Thakkar has been the Chairman and Trustee of Shri Jalaram Charitable Trust since the Trust acquired its charitable status in 1982. The temple was re-located from Mere Road to a larger corner property on Narborough Road in 1982. As Chairman of the Trustees, and the head of the Building Committee,
Pramodbhai and Bhadrasilbhai Trivedi, a co-Trustee had the mammoth task of fulfilling the dream of the devotees. Between 1992 and 1995 with three and a half years of tireless efforts on their part, a unique place of worship for the devotees of Shri Jalaram Bapa was built at a cost of £1 million. It was the first such (unique) temple in Europe and has since become a place of pilgrimage for Jalarambapa devotees from all over the world. The temple was transformed into one of the most spectacular visions of spiritual architecture, and includes picturesque paintings by specialist painters from India, Europe and UK. It Late Pujya Lalitaben Thakkar has also become an international tourist and educational attraction, regularly visited by religious Saints, Authors and students. In 2001, a library was built at the temple both for the benefit of future generations and for the elderly. Under the Umbrella of Jalaram Charitable Trust Temple, a separate charity, Jalaram Bal Vikas which runs Gujarati language classes and achieves 100% due to dedication of the Teachers and the students. As a 1st Milestone - On the occasion of the 10th Anniversary celebrations of Jalaram Temple, the Jalaram Charitable Trust was graced with the opportunity to host Param Pujya Sant Morari Bapu’s recital of seven day Ram Katha. With the help of 600 dedicated volunteers, over 50,000 visitors including the then Prime Minister Hon David Cameron MP, Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan, other Parliamentarians, members of the various faith communities as well as devotees of Bapa and followers of Morari Bapu attended the katha over a seven day period. As a 2nd Milestone - In July 2016, to mark 20 years of the opening of the Jalaram Temple, a new Community Centre was inaugurated opposite the temple by the Trust. Bapa’s Community Centre is designed in such a iconic way that the total complex along with the present Temple is commonly known as ‘Bapa’s Gateway to Leicester’ The Centre is used by Jalaram Bal Vikas to promote Gujarati classes alongside various religious and multicultural activities. Over last few years, with the dedicated support of volunteers it helps 'One Roof', a charity for the homeless, which houses and facilitates shelter, beds, food and heating for the homeless people during the freezing winter months from November to March each year. Recognising Virbai Maa’s devotion the centre will be installing a murti of Virbai Maa & Jalaram Bapa serving the Sadhus as well as changing the name of the community centre to ‘Virbai Maa Jalaram Community Centre’ which will be the first centre of its kind in the UK dedicated to Virbai Maa. Various community-based activities are also held on a regular basis, namely Annual Medical camps which are organized in conjunction with Charnwood Lions Club. The community centre prescribes to David Attenborough’s Green Planet project, which includes the banning of the use of single plastic in the community centre - thus helping to protect the environment. In recent years The Trust has started promoting organ
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
donations, as Pramodbhai Thakkar has been the vice chairman of the Jain Hindu Organ Donor (JHOD) steering committee since its inception. Together with both Bharat and Avril Patel (living organ donors ) he promotes the project with NHBT and encourages Hindus not to opt out, but to register as organ donors. Under the slogan “Jalaram Bapa leads the way on Hindu Organ Donation” they have been working with NHSBT and JHOD with remarkable results. Jalaram Bapa’s Temple in Leicester recognizes the fact that when it comes to donating our organs Indian people do not want to engage with the subject of Ang Daan (organ donation). There is an urgent need for society to respond positively not only by engaging, but by addressing the barriers and myths and thereby encouraging our faith members to say YES to Ang Daan. An administrative office for Organ donors has been opened at the Jalaram Bapa Mandir, where in the future plaques will be installed in memory of all organ donors. This will help in promoting the virtue of every Hindu registering as an organ donor on the auspicious day of Jalaram Jayanti. Kirit Modi, Chair of JHOD said: ”It is a pleasure to work collaboratively with Pramodbhai to promote organ donation both in Leicester and nationally. In his role as Vice-Chair of JHOD, Pramodbhai's vast experience and contacts are invaluable. We have established JHOD as a trusted partner for 'NHS Blood and Transplant' and I am most grateful to Pramodbhai for his commitment and Support” For the benefit of devotees during Covid- 19 and as part of their 25th Anniversary Celebrations the Trustees of Jalaram Charitable Trust had conducted various activities via numerous Social Media platforms. The trust has been supporting society and indeed the needy in various ways including serving Bapas Tiffin Prashadhi during Covid period. During Covid restrictions whilst Bapas Temple was closed Pramodbhai ensured the Devotees benefit from weekly Bhajans by International and local Bhajans Singers and also supported the family’s that unfortunately lost their loved one’s by hosting Zoom Prayers. Tiffin service was also provided from the Community Centre by the dedicated Volunteers. Pramodbhai Chaired the World Wide Jalaram Jayanti with a core committee of four and appointed 8 country coordinators who were appointed to cover all the world's continents! Leicester's Jalaram Temple was instrumental in hosting the first ever international Jalaram Jayanti Worldwide Celebrations in November 2020, as part of their 25th Anniversary celebrations. The event was a great success, with Temples in 72 towns and cities all over the world taking part in the programme. Many thousands of devotees worldwide watched the 11 hours of coverage both on Ashtha Television worldwide and through various social media channels which showcased the activities of Bapa’s Temples, along with Darshans from all the Temples which presented the unique Yatra. The vibrations of Bapa’s prayers were felt globally as over 75,000 viewers joined in on 22nd November 2020 for the darshans and events, taking it to one million in the following days. The feather in the cap for these major worldwide events was UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's and India Prime Minister Narendrbhai Modi’s Messages of Congratulations during the pandemic Covid 19. Messages from world religious leaders were also presented. During the difficult period of the second wave of Covid-19 in India, a fundraising event was started on social media platforms and an online Bhajan programme by Saileshbhai Raja.
The organisation generated an enormous response from the devotees enabling them to raise enough funds to purchase two ambulances which were donated to Ashirwad Charitable Trust, Rajkot, providing free service to Covid patients within Rajkot and the surrounding villages. Back in 2011, under the guidance of Dwarkeshlalji Mahodayshri (Pujya Je Je Shri) Kadi - Ahmedabad, Pramodbhai played a pivotal role in the purchase and project management of the building works of Vrajdham Haveli Leicester and ‘was summoned back’ and appointed Acquisition Consultant by the Trustees of VSUK in 2018 to negotiate the purchase and deal with the professionals whilst also arranging loan finance for the acquisition of the ex-Jasper Centre, a strategic Community centre and abode for Thakorji in Harrow for £4m. Ten months later, it was established as the Shrinathdham Haveli and Community Centre! With the grand opening from 30th August to 1st September 2019, Pramodbhai led as Event Co-Ordinator. Thousands of Vaishnavs from the UK and from all over the world attended the opening and were blessed by Pujya Dwarkeshlalji (Je Je Shree) Thakorji has always found a way to call him back. As Pramodbhai says, it must be the blessings Pujya Dwarkeshlalji (Je Je Shree), his Late Parents Shri Shantilal &
Pramodbhai, Sanvika, Meera, Ruhani, Sunny & Jasuben Shrimati Lalitaben Thakkar and, even more, his late grandfather Shri Rugnath Jeram Morjaria Thakkar from Nakuru, Kenya, who was a staunch Vaishnav and an ardent devotee of Shrinathji. These blessings have been passed down the generations within the family and help them to continue the Sewa for Thakorji. Pramodbhai’s personal achievements also include developing ‘Meera Nursing Home’, the first Asian Vegetarian nursing home for the elderly in North West London, which was named after their daughter Meera. Both Pramodbhai and his wife Jasuben continue in the footsteps of the family by serving the community in the UK and the needy in India and Africa. The fourth generation of the Thakkar family have become torch bearers of good, righteous and virtuous deeds in the name of community, sociable and charitable work and Pramadbhai has served as board member at the Oxford Centre For Hindu Studies (OCHS). He is also an active member of the Leicester Council of Faiths which participates in multi-cultural activities in Leicester. Pramodbhai gives the credit of his success and achievements to Pujya Jalaram Bapa and Thakorji, his Sud Guru, late Ramswarupdas Ji from Jamnagar Je Je Shree and blessings of his late grandfather Pujya Rugnath Bapa, his father, mother and the unconditional support of his wife Jasuben Thakkar and daughter Meera along with his son in law Sunny Ruparelia who helps with Sewa to society. Pramodbhai further re-iterates that the Sewas would not have been possible without the support of his co-trustees, devotees, friends, well wishers and volunteers.
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
"India's diversity is like the colours of a rainbow.Its charm and beauty would be diminished if one were removed".
Shaheed Sardar Nanak Singh was Shaheed Nanak the father of Lord Rami Ranger CBE and was born on 11thSeptember 1903, in Rawalpindi, now in Pakistan. He was born to Dr Wazir Singh and his wife, Jeevan Kaur. Shaheed Nanak Singh, BSc (Hons) L.L.B, was a prominent Sikh leader of West Punjab, Vice President Bar Association, General Secretary Akali Jatha, Multan, President Post & Telegraph Union, Multan, Vice President Communal Harmony. He delivered his last public speech on 4th March 1947, at Kup Mandi, Multan City, along with Dr Saifudin Kichlew, President, Punjab and stressed the need for getting independence as a united India. The next day, he was martyred at 43 secular and democratic country with whilst saving 600 students from one person, one vote, and as a D.A.V College, Multan. On that day, result, together, we would make the students had taken out a our destiny. He warned that if we peaceful procession against the went our separate ways, we division of India but got caught in would have nothing in common communal riots. He managed to save and would become rivals and as the students but lost his own life for a result, would never experience Hindu Muslim unity in India. He was peace in the area. Shaheed Nanak Singh was a survived by a young widow of 35 years and eight young children, the dynamic Police Inspector with the British Police and received 29 eldest being only 14 years old. Commendations Shaheed Nanak Singh was a Gold Certificates for his excellent well-known figure of West Punjab, discharge of duty. He threw now in Pakistan. He dedicated his away his illustrious police entire life to India's freedom, career when he was ordered communal harmony, and unity. He to open fire on unarmed opposed the partition of India peaceful freedom lovers based on religion as he could in Sargodha, now in foretell the consequences of Pakistan. religious He refused disharmony. He to obey his warned the then superior's Muslim leaders not immoral to fall for the British orders as he Divide & Rule policy, declined to be which had turned part of another into Divide & Run. He incident similar pleaded with the to that of Muslim leaders that Jalianwala after Independence, Bagh. India would be a Statue in Amritsar
Singh 19031947
As punishment, he was posted to Dera Gazi Khan, a tribal area on the North-West Frontier. Having been disillusioned by the British authorities, he resigned from the police force and started a legal practice in Multan. He was a successful and well-respected advocate in the area. He took up cases to defend prisoners of the Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fauj) started by Subhash Chandra Bose and General Mohan Singh. No other solicitor would dare take on such cases for fear of reprisals by the British Authorities. Shaheed Nanak Singh dedicated
On their wedding day his entire life to India's peace, integrity, and unity, and he sacrificed his life for the same principles. His portrait hangs in the Golden Temple in Amritsar. The Punjab Government has also erected his statue on a road named after him.
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
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- Rishi, Zinal, Shyam, Priya, Hina & Sapna.
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Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
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Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
The support of our lives, the pillar of the family, our inspiring guide Daddy were did you go…!
We may have the opportunity to see God one day or not, but, if you see God, alive and kicking, in front of you as you wake up in the morning, he is none other than Dad. A dad is a person from whom you can seek guidance without hesitation; you can discuss all your troubles without any embarrassment. A father is a steady influence that nurtures the family like a steady mountain. Father is the one who says “Don’t worry. I will take care” whenever there is trouble or sorrow. A child learns from his dad the difference between good and bad in life and how to behave or talk with others in different circumstances. We have witnessed the struggles you passed through and difficulties you faced in your life. You taught us to fight for self-respect. Dad, you are our pride, our respect. You are the iconic personality that our family is proud of. Your principles were our guiding lights. Your lifestyle of simple liv-
ing and high thinking, your kind heartedness and selfless attitude will be an inspiration for us. You were the best gift given to us by the Supreme Being. Dad, your memories have made our eyes pour, where did you leave us and go …….! Wish there will be a day when you would enter through the door and spread the joy in our house once again. Please bless us so that we fearlessly progress on the path shown by you along with the principles and ethics instilled in us. Dad, your wonderful caring nature and generosity touched us and much more. You will always have a special place in our hearts. We love you. We miss you Daddy. - Rishi, Zinal, Shyam, Priya, Hina & Sapna.
As spring season passed away, all the fun and enjoyments of life came to a standstill Lakhani Family has been successfully achieving newer peaks in businesses of East London and Essex. When the Lakhani Family’s sun has been shining at the top, suddenly, the cruel hand of destiny named ‘Corona’ striked on Lakhani Family’s ‘Spring’ , suddenly creating darkness over the family. Everything in the house and family where sweet winds of ‘spring’ flowed became stagnant. Vasantbhai Dahyabhai Lakhani was the founder, Vasantbhai with Sons Rishi (L) & Shyam (R) owner of Millennium Group in QED apart from the City Pavilion in a massive space in Essex’s Romford editor Shri C. B. Patel and the Gujarat Samachar family. A and Millennium Cash and Carry in Barking. He was admitted popular proverb in Gujarat’s Kathiyawad region goes as in hospital for Covid-19 treatment and successfully overcame ‘Kathiyawad ma kok di bhulo pad bhagwan, tane swarg the disease. But unfortunately he had a massive heart attack bhulavi dau’ (God,even if you mistakenly visit Kathiyawad, we and sadly passed away on 25 December, 2020. He was just will ensure that our hospitality will make you forget the heav72 when he parted for heavenly abode, leaving all his loved en). Connecting aptly with the proverb, this Kathiyawadi Lohana couple used to order starters, Gujarati cuisine and ones behind. Whenever there is a wedding reception or a musical or Punjabi cuisine in their own restaurant and sit to have a meal social event at City Pavillion’s Grand Banquet Hall, with us and lovingly offer us the choicest food. We have been Vasantbhai and Pannaben Lakhani used to pay special atten- to many events organized at City Pavilion, where we have tion to everything like hall decoration, table arrangement, seen Vasantbhai and Pannaben visiting every table and stage, food display, drinks. Most Gujarati and Asian families meeting people co-cordially ensuring that nobody had any know their family. I had a close friendship with Pannaben, grievances. Polite speaking Vasantbhai helped the client since the time when Vasanthbai purchased this building of organize their wedding reception or any other event so well City Pavillion in Romford and was into redesigning it using the and seamlessly, that the client used to become his close latest technology. We have enjoyed the loving hospitality of acquaintance by the end of the program. Vasantbhai Dahyalal Lakhani, belonged to Rajkot, was Vasantbhai and Pannaben, when we used to visit ‘Panna born in Malawi, and London was the land where he prosRestaurant’, which resembles a British hamlet, alongwith our pered. The history of struggles, successes and achievements of Vasantbhai is worth knowing. After arriving from Malavi, Vasantbhai started his business with a small shop in East London. Later in 1999 he bought a warehouse on Barking’s River road. He used to purchase goods wholesale and distribute them by personally visiting small shops. While talking with me, Pannaben was remembering that ‘our son Rishi used to study in school, in those days, when we used to buy goods in wholesale and go to shops distributing them. However, Vasantbhai & Pannaben on holiday with family Rishi always tried to be helpful to parents after coming back
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
from school. Once to visit Dad’s bedroom and discuss business. The father-son while we were trav- duo conversed with each other through eyes, leaving me clueelling in a van, Rishi less. Rishi has been regretting daily that he was not able to spotted a board of take proper care of his dad. We used to take utmost care of ‘Warehouse for Vasant, but we were left with no option as the devil called Sale’ on A13, he corona took him. With the help of family manpower and busiimmediately revert- ness acumen Vasantbhai and Pannaben Lakhani’s business ed to his dad to buy achieved the highest levels of success. City Pavilion, it. After that Vasant Millennium Cash and Carry and Millennium Group in QED began his foray in became operational. In this family business Vasanthbhai, the real estate busi- Pannaben, Son Rishi, Daughter in law Zinal, Son Shyam, ness. With support daughter in law Priya performed their duties at different desfrom his two sons ignations. Vasantbhai-Pannaben’s daughters Heena Dr. Ian and wife with his and Sapna Zoshe reside in Canada and London respectively. own self confidence and positive attitude Vasant succeeded Pannaben Vasantbhai has eight grandchildren. The grandin his venture.” children include Rishi-Zinal’s Kyara, Veer & Viyan, Shyam’s Vasantbhai got a life partner who could not only share his Sai & Shaan, Heena’s Damini, Laila and Dilan. work responsibilities, but also had the mind of a business Dedicating a cow shelter home in the name of woman. Gradually, two sons Rishi and Shyam of the Lakhani Vasantbhai, a man with a kind heart for religion, couple, were mature enough to help in business. As work and public service. Pannaben puts it, “Barking’s Millennium Cash and Carry purLohana citizens who are known as Raghuvanshi are seen chased in 2000 made us even more to be more inclined to religious worshipeconomically prosperous. In the meanping, kind heartedness for animals and birds and activities of people’s service. time, Rishi started looking for a place, Vasantbhai who belonged to the since the time he came across City Lohana community was also spiritual Pavilion in Romford. In 2009, he heard and highly social service oriented. that City Pavilion’s grand building on Inspite of his age of 72 years, whenever Romford’s Collier Row Road was out for he personally met his father, he ensured sale. At that time, Vasant was in keeping his eyes looking down respectJamaica to watch a cricket match. Rishi fully. He had organized a Shrimad communicated with him that the properBhagvat Katha (multi-day religious ty was worth buying. Vasant had recogpreaching program as per hindu rituals) nized the vision of his son, he replied that “I will be back from Jamaica in a Charming couple Vasantbhai & Pannaben for the divine souls of forefathers at Rajkot in 1995. He sponsored 200 peoweek, post that we will consult the agent.” The wonderful chemistry between the father-son duos ple from the UK for the Rajkot event. According to Pannaben, led Vasant to realize his dreams in due course. While City the happy families of both sons and daughters made Pavilion’s Bowling was kept operational, Vasantbhai renovat- Vasantbhai extremely delightful. Vasantbhai had a dream ed the entire building as per modern standards to have facili- that after his sons and daughter in laws are capable of hanties of two banquets and two restaurants open for people. dling the business properly, he and his wife would go and stay Millennium Banquet on the top had a sitting capacity of 1000 in Rajkot for six months and to holiday in Dubai for six months. people, while Manhattan Banquet was decorated with mod- However, the dream remained unfulfilled. Two years back, Vasantbhai and Pannaben went to ern amenities to have a sitting capacity of 300 people. In Wanakaner on special invitation of Dr. Ramnikbhai. At that 2010, Millenium Banqueting hall was opened to the public, with the engagement ceremony of Rishi and Zinal as the first time, he had conceived to do something for the cows who were struggling for food in the summer heat. However, in the and auspicious event.” meantime Vasantbhai suddenly had a call from heaven. The soul that gained happiness in Pannaben and his family have recently sponsored setting up serving rather than earning a cow shelter home with a lodging space for 150 cows under Human nature can be judged from his expressions and the name ‘Vasantlal Dahyalal Lakhani’. actions. Pannaben describes the kindness of Vasantbhai who had a quiet, innocent and ever smiling face as says, “We started a Banqueting and Restaurant business in City Pavilion. The food order menu for wedding, reception and other occasions may be of five items, but Vasantbhai used to add another 2-3 new items to the menu. Due to his kindness for clients, the restaurant manager used to tell me not to bring Vasant Sir to the hall as, due to his liking to serve people, he did not allow them to charge half of the clients. As Vasant departed, a kind of darkness took charge of our home. I never knew that the sudden demise of Vasant would transform my life from ‘spring’ to ‘fall’. While Rishi and Shyam still have their eyes pouring, my grandchildren who are lovingly habituated to him, started asking me, when will Dada return from God’s home…?!!! How do I reply to these innocent children!!! Every morning when Rishi started for work, he used
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
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Pitru Vandana 2021
The inspiring history of Maher Community’s
salute to fathers
Vimalji Nathaji Odedra The people of the Kathiawaad region in Saurashtra who are also known as the Maher (Mer) are a community of people who have evolved from the Kshatriya or Rajput. They have a rich and varied history involving many battles, valour & sacrifices to uphold their honour & Vimalji Odedra ideals. Maher Community is also active in the UK and tries to promote and preserve the culture, heritage, language, social and cultural awareness, and respect of Gujarat and India while serving the community needs. One such prominent leader of the Maher Community is Mr Vimaljibhai Odedra, President of 'National Council of Gujarati Organizations' (NCGO), which leads the Gujarati’s of Britain. In 2013-2018, he was in the Board of directors of NISA, where he gained good corporate experience. Nisa was £1.50 Billion pounds turnover company. He was also a President of the National Federation of Retail Newsagents (NFRN), Parent Governor and Social Governor in Barnhill Community High School and is the President of International Maher Supreme Council. Vimaljibhai Odedra is a chemical engineer by profession and being a passionate and highly determined businessman, he owns four Mini Super Markets and three post offices. Being a soft-hearted and helpful person, he always denies publicizing himself. In a conversation with Vimaljibhai, he shared his father’s journey and paid tribute to him. On 1 January 1912, Nagajibhai Odedra and Makiben Nagajibhai Odedra gave birth to my father in Porbandar’s Fatana village. My father had seven brothers and one sister. My father married Jethiben at a very young age and used to help my grandfather in farming for 33 years. In
Nathaji Odedra
1945, my father left Porbandar and sailed to Africa. For 29 long days, he sailed and meanwhile infected with a fungus in his hands. The fingers started turning green due to infection. After a lot of struggle, he reached Uganda’s Lugazi via Zanzibar and Dar es Slaam. He worked as a supervisor for five years at Lugazi Sugar Factory’s Sugarcane Mill. Then, my mother Jethiben and two brothers, Muruji and Sajanji came to Lugazi and my father moved to Kakira and started to work with Madhvani Group’s Sugar factory for a tenure of ten years. We are five siblings born in Africa, including (me) Vimalji, my two brothers Navghanji and Keshuji, two sisters Hiraben and Liluben. According to Vimaljibhai, “My uncle had a shop in Utengule in Tanzania and my father joined him, but later on, he started his own shop.” “In 1970, my parents left Tanzania and moved to our native Fatana in Saurashtra. Their three children settled in the UK. My parents, my sister, and I lived in India for 17-18 years and my father did farming and worked very hard, and managed to provide us education. My elder brother, Navghanji pursued B.Sc and I studied at L.D. Engineering College, while my sister pursued a degree in Electrical Engineering. In 1974, she worked at GEB Ahmedabad office at a senior-level post. In 1988, my parents moved to the UK with us and spend their remaining years with my family. In 2008, at an age of 96 my father Nathaji passed away and after 10 years my mother Jethima also left us. I believe I am very lucky I had the opportunity to serve my parents for my whole life. Today, with their blessings our family is happy, peaceful, and prospered. ”
From left to right Vimalji Odedra with wife Smita, daughter Minal, mother Jethiben and son Ketanji Odedra
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
I’m so lucky to have such an amazing dad. I’m talking uneducated lady from a small village in Gujarat with the about the person who was always there for me as a iron willpower to make sure you became a doctor against all the odds. The lady father. So many memories surround whose story inspired us that it’s hard to encapsulate them. the creation of You had taught me and your Devdaya and whose grandchildren so much that will take name Dayaben will with us through our lives. You taught live on forever us to always respect people and treat through the charitable them respectfully whether they are a trust you built. You driver or a billionaire. You taught me were the most to never give up on anything I am amazing son who did passionate about. That fighting spirit everything in your that pulled you through two heart All eye patients were getting excellent service at power to make sure operations and a massive spine N R Doshi Hospital, Wankaner. her wishes became a operation, made all of us think you In this photo we can see their smily and hopeful faces. reality. Anything Baa were indestructible and makes your passing so hard too comprehend. You somehow instilled in wanted was done without question and regardless of me the same faith that you have, not through asking me to whether you agreed with it or not, and people would fear pray or even cajoling me to, not through asking me to for anyone that dared to come between Dayaben’s wish come to Navratri. It came naturally by just watching you. and the son who would make it happen for her. For 50 years you were the rock for our entire You got your strength from your faith and gave us strength extended family. The go-to person, the problem solver. and in turn strengthen our faith. I remember too the dad who played cricket with me in You had done lots of good work in your life. Since I was a the garden and watched most of my school cricket kid I have watched people troop o see you with their matches. In later life when it was abundantly clear that I problems and leave with confidence that things would be was not going to be the next MS Dhoni, my dad took me to sorted. I have heard them say that they are lost and don’t cricket matches and watched cricket on TV with me. Who have anyone to help them and you would say “you have made sure I never wanted for anything. Who was always me so you don’t need anyone else” and they would leave so proud of every small achievement of mine. I will miss with a relieved heart. You helped them by reaching into you every single day, I will miss going to you if I was ever your pocket to solve the problem financially, or by solving worried about anything and I will miss you putting your the problem through your wisdom, experience and multiple hand on my head and ruffling my hair, the ultimate connections or by simply instilling confidence in them that indicator that all would be fine. You were my guiding light they could solve it themselves, you did it without asking for and inspiration. I always worked hard but never to make thanks. For my mum you were a kind, loving and adoring money as the main goal but with the goal to make you proud. It will be hard to find the will to work hard again husband. Yes in your younger days you had a fiery temper and up to your last days you could still display the without you here but I will. You were always there for your grand- children and I stubbornness that so often accompanies a self-made man. know you enjoyed every moment of watching them grow But she knew you loved her with all your heart and what a up. They were blessed to grow up at the Goldings and life you enjoyed together. She was your constant companion and your strength, in certainly when they were younger and I was fact the only time I remember you working stupid hours in the city they saw more two being apart was when mum of you than me. They were blessed to visit so climbed Kilimanjaro and you many beautiful parts of the world with you and waited for her in a nice hotel at they all know how much you loved them. the bottom drinking red wine with Rajeev, your grandson has started the Harbhajan. From the day you first journey of fulfilling one of your dreams and saw her dancing at a college becoming the next Dr. R Mehta. function to the almost immediate Your love for family stemmed from Our proposal in the canteen at Nair Baa, the mother you adored. The tiny
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
medical school what a beautiful partnership you two formed. You had the guts in conservative 1960s India to go and see her dad, my grandfather and say that you wanted to marry his daughter and that you didn’t have any money so if he wanted a big wedding he would have to pay for it. All you had was your medical qualification and the confidence that you would always look after his daughter. My grandfather was a lovely, kind and gentle soul but maybe not the greatest businessman. In seeing something special in you and going against some of his own family and allowing the love marriage to go ahead, he cracked the best deal of his life as you not only built a beautiful life with mum but became the rock for her whole family. In our own house your love for mum shone through every day. If you didn’t see her for literally an hour you would wander around asking us all where’s mum? where’s grandma? all of us who lived with you here at the Goldings will never forget that. You were both born in Wankaner not that you knew that when you first met her in Mumbai how lucky is Wankaner that this wonderful pairing was formed. How much have the two of you given back to your birthplace. Fifty four amazing years together and no one will ever forget the way you two were as a couple. The man with an unshakeable faith in his goddesses and the woman who to this day never tired of singing and dancing to the garba songs written in her honour. All the patients to whom you provided excellent care ultimately as a consultant Anesthetist at Harold Wood, Queens, Nuffield and the Hartswood will always remember your professional excellence as well as your charm and kindness. Not just the patients but the hospital staff all adored you too, from your most senior consultant peers to the most junior nurses and support staff. It was your nature to never differentiate. All your dear friends would thank you for being a loyal, generous and charismatic friend, someone they enjoyed spending time with, at the many dinners and parties you attended, the summer barbecues at the Goldings, the holidays, the days and nights at our family home in Wankaner. It is testament to your ability to form friendships that many of the people I refer are people I have known all my life. It wasn’t a one way thing by the way all those people repaid you in kind always going the extra mile for you. Not all your friendships were the lifelong ones, you also formed amazing bonds over the last ten years and those people are equally devastated calling us to say that it may have only been a few years but they felt as though they knew you all their lives. All the children in Wankaner and the small surrounding villages for building twenty schools for some of the poorest children. providing them with opportunity and in many cases simply a decent meal a day and some safety from the harsh reality of their world. These are children who are exposed to child marriages and unfortunately also the disgusting traffickers who prey on the poor. We can't save them all but we have saved many and at the very least provided hope. The children and adults who have visited NR Doshi eye hospital (a million people to date) and especially those where operations or early screening from the mobile units have saved their eyesight. All the people who work so hard in Wankaner to keep all the Devdaya operations running like Dhawal and also
those who supported you and our family more personally like Aswinbhai, Amar Bhai and of course Kano Bhai. You might have been their boss and visionary but they rarely called you by your name, simply Bhaijee. They saw you as an elder and respected family member more than a boss and the reason was that you always took time to find out about their lives, their families their issues and help them wherever possible and they repaid you with their hard work but also a genuine love and care for you. The hundred years of Navratri celebrations in our Wankaner house will be maintained with all the traditions and genuine worship you and your parents and Haku mama before you laid down. I will take over the helm of Devdaya as you wanted and whilst many people have spoken about maintaining everything you started, I am my father’s son, and maintenance would be a laughable ambition for you. So we will do everything you had still wanted to do and had documented in detail and then go on to do more. I don’t know anyone who could have built everything from
Dip lighting ceremony by pujya Gurudev Chitrabhanuji, from L to R Mr Anubhai Mehta, Manharbhai Mehta & Ramnik Mehta.
scratch like you did but I am confident we can continue to grow from the amazing platform you have built and we will help more and more people in need. And of course we will look after mum just like you looked after Baa. Thank you Dad for everything, I will miss you very much. All those whose lives you touched also will miss you very much.
Devesh, Ami, Esha, Rajeev and Rhea www.devdaya.org.uk ASIAN VOICE & GUJARAT SAMACHAR
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
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Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
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Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
Lt Gen FN Bilimoria PVSM AD.
ome of the earliest memories of my father were waiting all year for him to come home to Hyderabad from being posted at high altitude in Ladakh as a young Major, for his annual leave. He had already had an illustrious career as a young Captain having been commissioned into the famous 2nd / 5th Gurkha Rifles (Frontier Force) which had been awarded 3 Victoria Crosses in the 2nd World War; 2 of them, GajeGhale and Agansing Rai VC , served with my father from the day he was commissioned into the battalion. They were both living legends and had a huge influence on my father and on me. My father had been posted as ADC to India’s first President, Rajendra Prasad and my parents were married during his tenure - their first marital home was Rashtrapati Bhavan, the Presidential palace. Throughout our childhood we were privileged, whenever my father was posted in Delhi, to be allowed to use the palace facilities including my brother Nadir and I learning how to swim in the palace pool, play tennis there and ride with the President’s bodyguard. My father was also posted as a Captain with the UN Peacekeeping Force in the Congo. My father hailed from a prominent and high achieving Parsi family from Gujarat and Bombay with several Generals, an Admiral, a State Governor and Ambassador amongst his cousins and relatives. His own father was one of the few Indians who was a King Commissioned Indian Officer from Sandhurst, Brigadier N.D Bilimoria, who as a Colonel spent months in Calcutta protecting Mahatma Gandhiji at the time of India’s independence and had a wonderful and close relationship with Gandhi. Ironically my father’s grandfather Dhunjishah Bilimoria Khan Badur, was a senior police officer in Gujarat who had the unpleasant task of arresting Mahatma Gandhiji 3 times; in spite of this they too got along well! My father rose through the ranks and eventually reached the top as General Officer Commanding in Chief of the Central Indian Army, Colonel of his regiment, the 5th Gurkhas, as well as President of the Gurkha Brigade. As a Lieutenant Colonel he commanded his battalion the 2nd / 5th Gurkhas in war and played a major role in the liberation of Bangladesh. I remember how worried I was as a 10 year old boy wondering if my father would come back from war alive, fortunately he did, sadly he lost several of his troops. He was always known as a soldier’s soldier and loved and respected by everyone he commanded. He always told me that there was no point having an efficient team, you needed to have a happy and efficient team. He was an absolutely amazing father to my brother Nadir and to me, immersing us in army life from a very young age. Whether it was experiencing live firing and shelling on exercise at the age of 8, learning how to box with the Gurkhas and fight my first exhibition match against a Victoria Cross holder’s 12 year old son at the age of 8, to camping out and going on exercise in tanks, to visiting border posts 15,000 feet high in Sikkim on the Chinese border, they were all amazing experiences!
My father was always a very proud Zoroastrian Parsi and a proud Indian. When I came to study in the UK as a 19 year old in the early 1980s my father said to me ‘wherever you live in the world, integrate into the community you are living in to the best of your ability, but never forget your roots’. He always said that you had to be cool, calm and collected in a crisis situation. When I was going to start my first proper job, training to be a Charted Accountant in the London office of what is today EY (Ernst and Young), my father gave me advice about work and the best advice was ‘when you’re given a task, do it, and then also do that little bit extra that you were not asked to do’. What he was saying was to always take the initiative, be creative, be innovative and always go the extra mile. After he retired, my father and my mother Yasmin, who was an invaluable support and was throughout my father’s eminent career, a true army wife. They settled in Dehradun, in the foothills of the Himalayas, a city that my father had known well from the time he was at the Doon school, the Indian Military Academy. He was later posted there with the Gurkhas and much later, as a Major General when he was Chief Instructor and Deputy Commandant of the IMA (Indian Military Academy) and then later on Dehradun came under my father’s command as Army Commander. They led an active retired life with my father taking up various board positions. He was always very supportive to me as I built my business and loved visiting my wife Heather and me and his beloved grandchildren here in the UK and reconnecting with his several British Army friends including his friend, contemporary and fellow Gurkha, Field Marshall Sir John Chapple, who has also been the President of the Cobra Foundation. Sadly, my father’s life was cut short due to cancer and he passed away having been a very active and energetic man at the young age of 72, 16 years ago. There isn’t a day when I do not miss my father, he died just a year short of my appointment to the House of Lords and I know how much he would have enjoyed visiting Parliament with me over these past years. As someone with leadership responsibilities be it as the founding Chairman of Cobra Beer, Chancellor of the University of Birmingham or President of CBI (Confederation of British Industry), I am truly fortunately to have learned firsthand from my father who was a truly outstanding and inspirational leader by any standards anywhere in the world. Thank you, Dad, for all you have done for me and for being an eternal inspiration to us all. - Lord Karan Bilimoria
Pitru Vandana 2021 salute to fathers
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