The Science of Deliberate Creation
Oct, Nov, Dec, 1998 — QUARTERLY JOURNAL, VOL 6
Feel the Freshness of Your “Eternal Now”
(Page 4)
Scripting an Appropriate Body of 120 Years
(Page 34)
Holiday Gift Special
(Page 13)
Newest Group Series — Spring, 1998 Album (Page 8) Quarterly Quotes (Page 28) Workshop Schedule (Page 3) creators. YOU areare extensions of Source Energy. You have come forth in these bodies intending to evaluate (in the freshness of your Eternal Now) the contrast of your physical time/space reality, with the predominant intention of letting that contrast evoke within you clarity of decision, because it is through the decisions, that you focus the Creative Energy — the powerful Energy that creates worlds. Abraham-Hicks Publications, L.L.C. P.O. Box 690070, San Antonio, TX 78269 Tel. (830) 755-2299 or FAX (830) 755-4179 On line — © Copyright 1998
1998-99 abraham-hicks workshops For details, call Abraham-Hicks Publications at (830) 755-2299. Abraham calls these gatherings co-creation at it’s very best and we certainly agree. It is our intention to bring Abraham to as many cities each year as is physically practical in order to allow as many people as possible to bring any and all questions to this workshop arena. We continue to receive new requests for more workshops in more cities. Of course we cannot accomodate all requests but we document all requests and factor them into the new schedule each year. The workshops vary in size from city to city, and Abraham assures us that no questions go unanswered. These gatherings continue to be the highlight of our glorious experience. They certainly are the basis for the continuing stream of information that flows forth from Abraham. We are so appreciative of the steady stream of askers who attend these gatherings, plying Abraham with questions, helping us to take thought beyond that which it has been before.
Most Exhilarating Two Days. I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU! for the recent weekend in Austin. Those were the most exhilarating two days I have experienced in my whole life. I was on such a high I felt as if I could soar and fly. I’m sure you get these comments all of the time, but I wanted you to also hear it from me. I also appreciated being able to talk to you in person for a few moments. You have lots to read, so I won’t keep you. I just had to tell you how wonderful the weekend was for me. If they are all that way, I can see why you both enjoy your work as much as you do! I finally understand the Biblical terminology of being “reborn”. I experienced that last weekend. Thank you so much. S.M. — TX Each Workshop Gets Better. Thank you for scheduling the extra workshop in Dallas. We really appreciated it! It was even nicer this time because at least a dozen of my friends were there, too. I am always convinced that each seminar is better than the last — but maybe I/we are just a bit more receptive each time. Love, SD — Dallas From time to time there are changes in our scheduling, so please reserve with our San Antonio office at (830) 755-2299, before attending any function. Pre-paid reservations required. 2
1998-99 general workshop schedule Please reserve in advance with our San Antonio office at (830) 755-2299. Prepaid reservations are required. Following is general information for up-coming workshops. Specific location and other details will be provided when you make your reservation or you may request this information at any time. Time Format for 2 day event: 1st day 10AM to 4:15PM 2nd day 10AM to 12:45PM Time Format for 1 day event: 10AM to 4:15PM
10/10&11/98 . . . . .Boston, MA ............Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 10/13/98 . . . . . . . .Syracuse, NY ..........Tuesday, 1 day Event ......$115.00 per person. 10/15/98 . . . . . . . .Philadelphia, PA.....Thursday, 1 day Event ....$115.00 per person. 10/17&18/98 . . . . .Tarrytown, NY .......Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 10/31 & 11/1/98 . . .Chicago, IL .............Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 11/14&15/98 . . . . .El Paso, TX ............Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 12/12&13/98 . . . . .Hawaii....................Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 1/9&10/99 . . . . . . .Orlando, FL ............Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 1/16&17/99 . . . . . .Boca Raton, FL .......Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 1/30&31/99 . . . . . .Los Angeles, CA .....Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 2/6&7/99 . . . . . . . .San Diego, CA........Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 2/20&21/99 . . . . . .San Francisco, CA ...Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 2/27&28/99 . . . . . .San Rafael, CA........Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 3/13&14/99 . . . . . .Dallas, TX..............Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 3/20&21/99 . . . . . .Phoenix, AZ ...........Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 4/3&4/99 . . . . . . . .Virg. Beach, VA......Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 4/10&11/99 . . . . . .Sil. Springs, MD.....Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 4/24&25/99 . . . . . .Chicago, IL .............Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 5/8&9/99 . . . . . . . .Albuquerque, NM ..Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 5/15&16/99 . . . . . .Tarrytown, NY .......Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 5/22&23/99 . . . . . .Albany, NY ............Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 5/29&30/99 . . . . . .San Antonio, TX ....Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 6/5&6/99 . . . . . . . .Boulder, CO ...........Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 6/12&13/99 . . . . . .Fort Collins, CO .....Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 6/26&27/99 . . . . . .Cleveland, OH........Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 7/3&4/99 . . . . . . . .Seattle, WA ............Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 7/10&11/99 . . . . . .Portland, OR..........Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 7/24&25/99 . . . . . .Los Angeles, CA .....Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 7/31 & 8/1/99 . . . . .San Diego, CA........Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 8/14&15/99 . . . . . .San Rafael, CA........Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 8/21&22/99 . . . . . .San Francisco, CA ...Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 8/28&29/99 . . . . . .Kansas City, MO ....Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 9/11&12/99 . . . . . .Detroit, MI.............Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 9/18&19/99 . . . . . .Atlanta, GA............Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 9/25&26/99 . . . . . .Asheville, NC .........Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 10/9&10/99 . . . . . .Boston, MA ............Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 10/16&17/99 . . . . .Syracuse, NY ..........Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 10/30&31/99 . . . . .Tarrytown, NY .......Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 11/6&7/99 . . . . . . .Philadelphia, PA.....Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person. 12/11&12/99 . . . . .Maui, HI ................Sat/Sun, 2 day Event.......$175.00 per person.
Feel the Freshness of Your “Eternal” Now (Excerpted from Abraham-Hicks Workshop Recordings) Most physical beings, even though There is an option that few physical they know we want them to appreciate beings identify early on or easily. And the contrast of their time and place, do that is to take your attention from whatnot quite yet. Most physical beings, ever it is that is not pleasing and then to because they are predominantly observers give your attention to something that is. of what-is, like it better when what they And yet, sometimes the thing that is not are observing is exactly as they would like pleasing is so pressing in your experience. it to be. And we understand that, because It’s so in your face. It is so much affecting when you are giving your attention to your physical senses that it seems nearly something that is pleasing to you, its impossible for you to take your attention pleasing vibration from it. And we reverberates withsay, in that case, in you. There is, just ride it out, and We want you to get then, no contraat your first oppora very clear sense diction between tunity take a nap or your vibration go to a movie or of the powerful now and your Source meditate. Do anyin which you stand. vibration — and thing you can to so you feel very break the “evil The Universe, good. spell”, so to speak, purely and simply, We underbecause Law of stand your desire, Attraction is a by Law of Attraction, or your seeming powerful thing. matches the signal need, to control Isn’t it? circumstances so When you’ve begun of whatever it is that that what you to give your attention you are offering. observe makes to something, it conyou feel good. So what we want you to do tinues to come into But that is a big your experience — is feel the freshness task. In fact, it’s because by Law of an impossible Attraction it must. of where you now stand. task, because you When you give cannot control your attention to anywhat others want. And so, what is the thing, it is already vibrating, and by your alternative? attention to it, you begin to include its vibraIf you look out into the physical tion in your vibration — and by Law of realm that you are living, or even someAttraction, it and you become very close times right in the middle of your own friends. By Law of Attraction, it cannot get experience, and as you look at this reality, away from you if you are holding it in your you see something that you really do not vibration — and as you are holding it in want, what are your options? To look at it your attention, you are holding it in your and feel the discord of it or to change it? vibration.
conditions, feeling vulnerability because they have two properties neighboring this property, and there is a mini forest fire taking place, Jerry begins to use some words to describe what is happening, and he said, “They are careless.” So, as Jerry and Esther talk to the owner of the land, they express their apprehension about the carelessness of these new tenants, who have managed, within two or three days of being there, to take Jerry and Esther’s fence down and not replace it and to set the forest on fire. A day or two later, they hear the sirens again. Another forest fire. Same group. Same pile. Same scenario. And now, Jerry and Esther can hardly stand not to notice. In other words, now they are really talking about it. And so, a few days later, as they are driving past the property, they notice that the fence has still not been repaired, and as they are observing what seems to be the characteristics of these well-meaning but very careless neighbors, Jerry finds a new word to describe them. He calls them, “a bit reckless.”
Life Experience Teaches Words really do not teach. It is only life experience that teaches. And so, we are always appreciating you when you are living contrasting experiences, and through them, coming to understand the Laws of the Universe as they are. It is the way you decide to become Deliberate Creators. The manifestation, which is always a perfectly matching by-product of whatever it is you are offering, is the very best way we know of for you to fine-tune the vibrational offering of your being. Jerry and Esther have purchased some property on the interstate highway. Very lovely land. Has some big oak trees on it and lots of cedar trees on it. And then there is a five acre parcel between their 20 acre commercial property and their residential property. They have been trying to purchase the five acres between the two, but the people who own it are not ready to sell it, and so, they it to a landscaping company who began to clear out some of the cedar trees in order to make more room for their equipment. Which is perfectly all right. In other words, it is part of the process of the unfolding of the land. One day, Jerry and Esther came to their commercial property and they saw a big pile of smoldering cedar. Their new landscaping neighbors had been clearing the land, and they have made a very big pile of the trees that they do not want, and the trees had been burning. But now the pile is smoldering, and on top of the smoldering pile, these youngsters are piling bags of leaves. As Jerry sees this, he is aware that this is not a good idea. He knows that the pile, even though it is not in flame, is still hot. He knows that there is potential for them to ignite, and sure enough, later that day, they do. And the wind catches them and carries them off into the trees — and now the fire department is there putting out a rather large fire. As Jerry and Esther observed these
Gatecrashing Landscapers And then they get a phone call from their office. Their business property is on the same street but down about threequarters of a mile, and Jerry and Esther’s staff called, breathless, and said, “You’re not going to believe what happened. A truck with a trailer with a big piece of equipment has just crashed into our gate, and they have it completely blocked.” And Esther said to Jerry, “I wonder who that could be?” Because without even seeing the name on the truck, they knew, without question, who it was. So, they went down to assess the damage, and sure enough it is the same landscaping company, who have not tied their big piece of equipment down properly on the trailer. So as they are going down the hill, it slides forward and causes the truck to jack-knife right into the gate — right into the gate! It was wedged continued on page 25
Hello from Jerry & Esther •
• Here we are with you in this moment, consciously, deliberately sharing this moment together — and I want you to know how pleased Esther and I are, and how blessed we feel with this opportunity for our role in the contribution of Abraham’s words to this time/space reality. From over 2,500 questions, asked of Abraham during this past decade, during workshops in which no questions have been placed off limits, we have produced and published more than 300 ninety minute cassette tapes. And through the love and generosity of teachers like you, the teachings of Abraham are circling this earth and being attracted to those who are asking the questions that are being answered. Here are a few new vehicles for these teachings: • The newest book, Sara and Seth, Solomon’s Fine Featherless Friends — is nearly ready for the printer. This
is the most delicious experience yet! furnishes an opportunity for you to input your comments (for future readers to consider) regarding the Abraham-Hicks materials. We have engaged a talented and knowledgeable foreign rights specialist, and so we are now ready to consider requests to publish the Abraham-Hicks materials in other nations and in other languages. Should you be planning to excerpt Abraham-Hicks materials to use in your publications, within copyright laws, send us the exact passage you intend to use and the calendar, book page or tape you have excerpted it from and we will respond to you. Esther and I want to use this opportunity to speak of our appreciation of our San Antonio Staff. Because of them, we are able to reach so many thousands of you in such an efficient manner. Our love,
In Optimism There is Magic!
We’re asking you to trust in the Well-being. In optimism there is magic. In pessimism there is nothing. In positive expectation there is thrill and success. In pessimism or awareness of what is not wanted, there is nothing. What you’re wanting to do is redefine your relationship with the Stream. We do not ask you to look at something that is black and call it white. We do not ask you to see something that is not as you want it to be and pretend that it is. What we ask you to do is practice moving your gaze. Practice changing your perspective. Practice talking to different people. Practice going to new places. Practice sifting through the data for the things that feel like you want to feel and using those things to cause you to feel a familiar place. In other words, we want you to feel familiar in your joy. Familiar in your positive expectation, familiar in your knowing that all is well, because this Universe will knock itself out giving you evidence of that Wellbeing once you find that place. We have enjoyed this interaction immensely. There is great love here for you. We are complete.
We see that you are doing extremely well. We feel your enthusiasm for your newly applied knowing. We acknowledge your desire to connect with other like-minded friends. It is truly delicious to come together with others like yourself, who consciously acknowledge that all truly is well. • Come together in joy. • Bask in the utter deliciousness of your variances or differences. • Come rested, with your valves wide open. • Love those, unconditionally, who come with their valves closed. • Begin, happily, soar to new heights together, and then close while still soaring. • Decide to benefit from the contrast without crossing the line into resistance. • Gather data of successes between gatherings to share with others. Enter into a group agreement that the primary objective of the gathering is: • To come happy and leave happier. • To arrive feeling great and leave feeling better. • To arrive with knowing and to leave wiser still. Make a decision that these gatherings truly be co-creation at its very best! There is great love, here, for you.
Abraham G-3/4/98 — San Rafael, CA
! W E N G-SERIES TAPES — SPRING, 1998 Feel The Freshness of Your “Eternal” Now You are perfect and ever-changing. You are loved by all that exists as the Source of your Universe. You are adored by your Inner Being and all that surrounds there. You are doing just fine right where you are. There is so much before you that will surprise and delight you. You live in a world of free-will where you may choose to be a part of the Energy Stream that is your Source and legacy, or not, but in either case you are still adored. You cannot get it wrong and you never get it done. Two words we want you to roll across your mind for the next few days. “Fresh. Ah. I stand in this fresh place.” Oh. We love it when something aggravates you to a decision — as you stand in that place of decision, decision and desire burning within you — because we can feel the Energy that creates worlds focused on you. So, as you stand in that fresh place, no longer explaining how you got there. Just saying, “Universe, hear my vibration! Hear it! Hear my signal!” And watch how fast the Universe can answer your desire when you’re no longer trying to explain how you got there. And the other word is “Eager. I am eager. Just like the day I was born.” Watch those little ones. They want to touch. They want smell. They want to eat. They want to try. They want to feel. They want to know. They’re eager. And that’s the way you came forth, and some of you will go out that way. Abraham — G-5/16/98 — Tarrytown, NY G-3/4/98 — After the Place Mat, then do what? Will vibration of joy bring only good? Which of these thoughts feels best? Focus Wheeling creations of a slender body. Addressing the concept of wasted natural resources. But, what if everyone wasted resources? My abundance does not deprive anyone else. G-4/4/98 — Learn to consciously feel your Creative Tension. Can he harness and utilize his Energy? Are you driven by inspiration or by motivation? To enjoy the process of becoming organized. Focus Wheeling preparing her taxes in joy. Is “poormouthing” kin out prospering prosperity student? How many dollars could you spend tomorrow?
G-series tapes SPRING, 1998 G-4/5/98 — Dream contact with essence of dead friend. Medicate child or beat him down? Balancing “I’m not safe” with “All is well”. Resolving the enigma of her migraine headache. Concerning depending on an undependable relationship. Positive language question about “Wanting to try”. Wants quantum leap in other aspects of life. G-4/11/98 — Insight into the Non-physical part of you. Chances of achieving a lawsuit victory? Jerry and Esther’s gate-crashing landscaper. What is life like without physical bodies? Seeking the easiest way to appreciate self. Why Abraham doesn’t see that “all’s not well.” The thing that will serve you best. G-4/14/98 — Feel the Freshness of Your Eternal Now. The healing power of your connected thought. Does your illness allow another’s wellness? Will group think world into peace? Can Inner Being’s desire conflict with ours? Questioning the source of communicative Thought Forms. If it feels good, it is good. G-4/25/98 — Make more eager decisions in every day. Was rusty skyscraper in Jerry and Esther’s destiny? How decision resolves relationship discomfort. Can she have time and dollars too? Focusing one’s thoughts on pleasing prosperity binge. Can new environment alleviate nurse’s health issue? Significance of recovering alcoholic’s recurring dreams? G-5/10/98 — Why is her new secure money evoking fear? Can we learn channeling from a book? Understanding specific versus general attracting scenario. When the children ask about suicide. Act much less and imagine much more. Abraham discusses her child’s “learning disabilities” label. G-5/16/98 — How about that June 18th asteroid crash? Can dream career replace her realistic job? Considering a focus on diverse religious icons. Tears of overjoyment or of overwhelment? What isn’t Abraham yet telling us? Her suicidal, school loathing, teacher hating child. Wants an overall view of his direction. G-5/18/98 — Discover the freshness of your powerful now. Magical points of intersection of our thoughts. Focus Wheeling his career hampering fears. Conflicting emotions regarding their joyous divorce. What pre-birth choices are made from Non-physical? Seeking a dividing line between Source and selves. Prosperity game for practicing the flow of Energy. G-5/23/98 — When the manifestation spark goes “pop”. Can a child be spoiled by well-being? She specifically desires a specific lover. Wanting a slender body in two months. Scripting an appropriate body of 120 years. My body will always match my intentions. She feels resistant to her teacher’s criticism. ORDER: SPRING, 1998 CASSETTE ALBUM — $77.50 + S/H
Co-Creation ❥ Co-Creation To Live In Trust Instead of Fear
passed over: “Are there any other questions?” I was now hearing what I recognized as instructions to help me, once again, live in a state of trust which I had long ago replaced with a state of fear. I listened to those four tapes at least four times each that week! Then I went to your web site and ordered your catalog — then about twenty tapes and a reservation for the Phoenix workshop, April 4-5. I listened to all but two of the tapes before the workshop, and went to it full-to-the-brim with questions, but wanting only to be open to whatever I might learn. I found the workshop to be very peaceful, relaxing, funny, and fulfilling. But when friends asked me later what I learned, I said, “I don’t have the foggiest notion.” “Well, what did they say?” “I don’t know. And if I remembered, I wouldn’t dare try to repeat it yet. But you can borrow some of the tapes!!” Little Hannah Meets Solomon and Sara Now. All that set-up to tell you the main two things that, so far, have come of my new acquaintance with y’all.... I looked at the SARA book, and it struck me as being really good for 9-13 year old kids, and adults, too, of course, as an “Abraham summary.” But what I really wanted was for it to be “right” for Hannah, my four year old niece. I bought the book and tapes and after reading the book, I thought, “Man, I don’t know; this is pretty heavy stuff for a four year old!” HA! My sister and Hannah came to visit me two weeks later, and after a few days in Tucson, the three of us ‘bago-ed through Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Kansas, Kansas (I’d rather drive through Texas!), and on to North Carolina where they live. While there I showed Lori the book and told her I wanted to read it to Hannah, then showed it to Hannah. We agreed to read at least two chapters a
The time had arrived to sign my contract with the university for another year, as Assistant Director of the Women’s Studies Program, and my hand would not pick up the pen! Some little voice said, “Now’s the time; pull out your retirement and go!” I had felt homesick for the Southwest since an earlier vacation trip, but had felt I would never have the money to afford to move. A few months after I moved, sightunseen, to Tucson, the years of HIGH contrast in Ohio, coming to know myself, the joy of good friends, the negativity of political activism, the strange and surreal world of university life, culminated — I am convinced — in serious illness. Eventually, the condition improved, but the residual depression and “Prozac days” continued in varying degrees. Until recently. Some Stuff To Listen To In March, a friend, staying at my house until her next residence would be available, laid four tapes on my kitchen counter: “You might want to listen to these.” To my question of what they were, she replied that they were some “stuff” someone gave her, and she thought I might like them. They laid there for three or four days, and then, on my way to drive around town on errands, I picked up the Intro tape. Soon, after Abraham began describing some of the Laws, I realized I could hardly drive for the tears in my eyes. Here, from “nowhere”, had come words that felt a perfect fit for WHAT I KNEW I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN I KNEW, but barely, if ever, could articulate, let alone exercise in practice. I was hearing questions answered that I had asked as a child in my fundamentalist church, only to be chuckled at and
Co-Creation ❥ Co-Creation night. By the third night she was telling me she was “ready for Solomon”. We finished the book, on the road, and each night, Hannah related incidents in the book, Sara’s experiences, to her own experiences with other children in her Montessori school. She had pitched one tizzy-fit at Zion National Park, and that night we talked about how things are when our valves are open and when they’re closed. Every other day on the trip — ten days in a mini-motorhome! I would occasionally see her starting to “close up” and then catch herself: I’d smile at her, and she’d grin; sometimes I’d whisper, “Doin’ valve work?”, and she would smile and nod, “Yes.” The night we arrived at their home, she told her daddy she had a book she wanted him to read to her (I had told her I hoped she would read it at least once a year). The next day, one of her little friends came over to visit and was pretty whiny. We saw Hannah take her by the shoulders, and say gently, “Sara Burton, we just need to keep our valves open!” That was about five weeks ago, and Lori says that Hannah has hardly missed a night listening to her Solomon tapes. So, when y’all say it’s “hardly a children’s book”, I reckon I beg to differ. Lori and I both saw almost instant growth in that child as she learned from Solomon and Sara. A Mutually Beneficial Miracle Another “miracle”: the same friend who introduced me to you has a friend who got out of prison in December, after 24 years (of a life sentence). I had met Richard while Judy was staying here in March, and when he walked in, I felt I’d found a long-lost brother, a wonderful person who is very aware of his spiritual path, interesting, skilled, and talented. Fresh out of prison, I can only imagine he feels like he’s been dropped onto a strange planet, so much to get accustomed to, new ways to relate to people (so different from prison communications, etc.); fortunately, he has a large
group of wonderful people who have stood by him for many years and are now enjoying and sharing his freedom. Wanting and needing a job, he didn’t want to go back to construction work and be exposed to the same “life” he left so many years ago, and he was getting a little frustrated and worried about what he could do. Two days after the workshop in Phoenix, I was sitting at IHOP, reading A NEW BEGINNING, when I realized I’d been holding the book but staring out the window for a good thirty minutes, as I saw the future unfolding! I rushed home. I had hired Richard to do some work for me around here, and I yelled, “Richard! Judy! C’m’ere!! We’ve got to talk!!!” I told them that for years I’d wanted to make folding screens and decorative boxes, but I hadn’t felt I could do woodworking as well as I wanted the items to be made before I decorated them. I was going to start a business, I’d do the designing and decorating, Richard could do the woodworking, help with the stained glass, etc. Within two years I want NiemannMarcus to be selling our work!! Would he do it? Tears came in his eyes.... It’s A Beautiful Journey The garage is almost a workshop today: with a new table saw, drill press, etc. Because of previous travel commitments, we’ll be ready to start producing by September. And Richard is a man doing what he loves, humming while he works! And I see myself finally doing what I’ve wanted to do for so long. Not there, yet, but as Abraham says, “on the way”!! It’s a beautiful journey! I went back to the friends who had asked what I learned at the Abraham workshop. I said, “Now I can answer you....” I am eternally grateful to all of you, and I will meet you in another workshop. Please plan one for Tucson. LA — AZ
Sara receives the Award of Excellence Body Mind Spirit Magazine, one of the widest known publishers of New Thought materials, has recently informed us that our beloved Sara has received their Award of Excellence as one of last year’s outstanding books in print. And, as such, has been included as one of the forty-six books recognized in their magazine’s Books to Live By selection. Esther and I were most pleased to learn that our dear friend Louise Hay’s Hay House publication of another dear friend, Alan Cohen’s book, A Deep Breath of Life, has also received the recognition.
“Dear Mr. & Mrs. Hicks: It is my pleasure to inform you that Sara, and the Foreverness of Friends of a Feather has received a 1997 Body Mind Spirit Award of Excellence as one of 1996’s outstanding books in print... “Chosen from hundreds of excellent books in print in the areas of spirituality, natural healing, relationships and creativity...each book makes a valuable contribution to our selfknowledge and self-transformation...We commend the authors for these outstanding works...” And Esther and I feel both appreciative of and blessed by the recognition of our Sara.
IT GETS BETTER & BETTER I finished the audio book of “Sara” and wanted you to know how GREAT it was. I especially like Jerry’s voice and hope that he is considering reading the “A New Beginning” books, too. I listen to Abraham every day as I’m walking my dogs, driving in my car, or working in my garden. And it’s the only way to be stuck in traffic, do laundry or sit in waiting rooms. Each Abraham tape just gets better and better and seems to be made for me personally. Thank you so very much for all the wonderful changes you have made possible in my life. I am looking forward to attending my first workshop in April (Detroit, MI) Also, the people who take the phone orders there are Abraham-Hicks are delightful and such a pleasure to talk to. Thanks again, L.P. — @worldnet
A Holiday Gift Special Order Sara, The Book on Tape And receive the book, “Sara and the Foreverness of Friends of a Feather”, FREE! Here is a life enhancing, lifetime gift for someone you truly care about. Through December 23, 1998, for each Sara, The Book on Tape album that you purchase (at the regular $30 plus S/H price) you will also receive — free of charge — a copy of the unabridged 185 page book, Sara, and the Foreverness of Friends of a Feather. We have adequate stock on hand to fulfill your order on the next working day after we hear from you — and the offer closes on 12/23/98. Order: The Sara Book/Tapes Gift Set Special $30.00 plus S/H.
Excerpted from phenomeNEWS “Mixed Reviews”, 9/9/98 ...Sara and the Foreverness of Friends of a Feather is a wonderful gift to give to anyone who wants a greater understanding of life. We highly recommend the book, and the book on tape, and all of the Abraham-Hicks material...” Sara and the Foreverness of Friends of a Feather is a novel about a young girl, Sara, who learns the simple yet poignant lessons about life through a wise owl named Solomon. This is the book you can give to all of your friends who are starting to question the meaning of life. Actually, Sara serves as a good touchstone to seasoned travelers on the spiritual path, also. Readers will understand, and come to know, how they, too, can become the magnificent creators they were born to be and that all really is in divine order ... all really is well. When Sara comes to this knowing in the end of the book, she asks her wise mentor, “Solomon, how ever will I ever explain this to anybody? How will I ever make them understand? And Solomon speaks to all of us as he answers, “Sara that is not your work. It is enough, Sweet Girl, that you understand.” Sara is also available on audio cassette tapes. Jerry Hicks brings his show business background to a delightfully orchestrated version of the book as he breathes joy and vitality into each character. This album is for children of all ages, from 5 to 105. Sara and the Foreverness of Friends of a Feather is a wonderful gift to give yourself or anyone who wants a greater understanding of life. We highly recommend the book, and the book on tape, and all the Abraham-Hicks material. Reviewed by Cindy Saul (and I helped, too! — Gerri Magee) Order Sara, The Book on Tape, and Receive Companion Book, FREE!
In response to your many requests!
Sara is on tape! B
y the time you read this, Sara and the Foreverness of Friends of a Feather will be available as an unabridged book on tape. Containing three audio-cassettes, this album offers over three hours of inspiring, uplifting and entertaining listening. Here is the opportunity to feel as though you are living side-by-side with Sara and Solomon as they evoke from each other questions and answers regarding the most valuable perspectives of this physical life experience. At the wheel of your vehicle or doing mundane chores or relaxing with closed eyes, you can now comfortably absorb the pleasure of this extraordinary relationship between young Sara and her ethereal old feathered friend, Solomon. As you listen to Jerry’s reading of this delightful book onto the recordings, you will be able to hear the tones that Esther was “hearing” as she received this delicious material. You will deeply feel the fun, the drama, the pathos ... and the unconditional love of Solomon as chapter after chapter of Sara’s childhood experiences lead to Sara’s universal questions that, in turn, evoke provocative perspectives from Solomon of what makes our lives work in joy. If you have read Sara, and have found it to be of value to you, you can expect a paradigm shift in your level of experiential knowing as you hear Sara. and the foreverness of Friends of a Feather Prepare to bask in another level of knowingness. Prepare for an underBy Jerry & Esther Hicks standing of the Power of Pure Appreciation, the Stream of Pure The book Positive Energy and of the deeper on audio meaning of “Birds of a Feather Flock cassette Together” as you have never understood them before. As you begin to incorporate Solomon’s 4 Step Process of breaking the Chain-of-Pain ... (or for creating and manifesting whatever is important to you) you can expect to begin taking giant steps toward the joyously successful life that you have come here to experience.
Order: S-3 — on tape $30 plus S/H — ISBN 0-9621219-6-7
A Synopsis of Abraham-Hicks’ Teachings • • • • • • • • • • • •
You are a Physical Extension of that which is Non-physical. You are here in this body because you chose to be here. The basis of your life is Freedom; the purpose of your life is Joy. You are a creator; you create with your every thought. Anything that you can imagine is yours to be or do or have. You are choosing your creations as you are choosing your thoughts. The Universe adores you; for it knows your broadest intentions. Relax into your natural Well-being. All is well. (Really it is!) You are a creator of thoughtways on your unique path of joy. Actions to be taken and money to be exchanged are by-products of your focus on joy. You may appropriately depart your body without illness or pain. You can not die; you are Everlasting Life.
P.S. It is not necessary for even one other person to understand the Laws of the Universe or the processes that we are offering here in order for you to have a wonderful, happy, productive Life Experience — for you are the attractor of your experience. Just you! Jerry & Esther Hicks — 11/95 15
SPECIAL SUBJECT TAPES — VOL I Focused into our now — the only point in which we have the power to create — neither speculating into the future nor reminiscing into the historical past — ABRAHAM speaks, primarily, toward that practical information which we can personally learn to deliberately apply to our current experience and thereby gain beneficial results....From their broader perspective — unencumbered by your cultural beliefs — ABRAHAM reaches into a place, within you, of clear primal acknowledgement, from which you will repeatedly hear that enthused inner "voice" reminding you, "I knew that!" As you experience these Special Subject tapes, expect a fresh state of joyous becoming—for ABRAHAM'S words will stimulate you to a new beginning. Retain the beliefs that are of value to you, and learn to become unaffected by any acquired beliefs or influences that have been a hindrance. ABRAHAM guides us, first, to harmony with our Inner Being, and then all else falls into perfect alignment. In order to build a foundation of an understanding of Abraham’s teachings, begin with the tapes AB-1, Free Introduction To Abraham, through AB-6, Great Awakening and Blending, and then progress through the Special Subject Tapes Series—as per the order of your interest. Each tape addresses different levels of awareness, and as you repeatedly listen to them, as you are moving forward, you will continually be achieving new insights and experiences. Order a single at $9.95, 3 or more at $7.75, or order 5 or more, and receive a complimentary (while available) 12 space cassette album. Order any complete set of 10 tapes for only $77.50 (plus S/H)
AB-2 LAW OF ATTRACTION * — The most powerful Law in the universe. It affects every aspect of your daily life. A Law which is, whether you understand that it is or not. Specific processes are offered here to help you learn how to harness this Law — to get what you want. AB-3 LAW OF DELIBERATE CREATION * — Discover the ecstasy of understanding universal Laws which are absolute — no matter what the circumstances. Without an understanding of this universal Law, it is as if you are playing in a game where the rules are not understood, so it is not only impossible to know if what you are doing is appropriate, but you do not know how to win the game. The rules of the game of life are clearly offered here.
SPECIAL SUBJECT TAPES — VOL I AB-4 LAW OF ALLOWING * — Of all things that you will come to understand through this physical life experience, nothing is more important than to become an allower. In becoming an allower, you are free of the negativity that binds you. Learn the joyful difference between tolerating and allowing — and experience the blissful difference in every relationship you have. AB-5 SEGMENT INTENDING — Our futures are individually paved by the steady stream of thoughts we set forth. We are literally creating our future life as we direct our thoughts of this moment into the future. Discover the magnificent power you hold in this moment — and learn how to use that power always to your advantage. AB-6 GREAT AWAKENING, BLENDING — You have deliberately and excitedly chosen this time to be physical beings upon this planet, because you knew in advance that this would be the time when many — not all — physical beings would recognize the broadness and great value of their being. Follow this step-by-step process for awakening. AB-7 RELATIONSHIPS, AGREEMENTS — We are all creators as we individually think and plan, but we are also often co-creators as we interact with others. Most relationships with others are far less than we want them to be. Find out why. Discover how to rejuvenate unhealthy relationships and attract new harmonious ones. AB-8 BODILY CONDITIONS — Nothing is more important to us than the way we feel and look, and yet so many do not look or feel as they would like to. There is not a physical apparatus, no matter what the state of disrepair, that cannot have perfect health. Discover the powerful processes to bring your body to the state of being that pleases you. AB-9 CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS — While it can be satisfying to read and remember the teachings of the great ones who have gone before us, it is ever more joyous to discover the power of that knowledge within our own being. Learn the process to go within — as Christ encouraged — to experience the blissful oneness with Christ. AB-10 ADDICTIONS — Habits, or compulsions, or addictions can range from annoying to destroying. Often, long after they are no longer wanted, they can bind and control your life. As you listen to this recording — you will for the first time understand exactly what the addiction is, and the simple process offered here will free you from it. AB-11 JOYOUS SURVIVAL — While there are seemingly earth shattering events occurring in greater frequency upon your planet, you need not be affected by them. Discover how to create and control your experience in this seemingly unstable environment.
SPECIAL SUBJECTS TAPES — VOL II AB-12 PIVOTING & POSITIVE ASPECTS * — If I am the "Creator of my own experience", why don't I have more of what I want? Fostered by an action oriented world, most of you do not understand your true nature of attraction, thus the confusion in why you are getting what you are getting. These processes of pivoting and the book of positive aspects will assist you in the self-discovery of what is important to you, and will put you in the strong, clear place of well-being, so that you can allow what you want into your experience. AB-13 SEXUALITY — Love, sensuality and the perfect sexual experience — pleasure vs. shame. This misunderstood issue lies at the heart of more disruption in the lives of physical beings than any other issue. Discover the true nature of your being, and release yourself from the negative turmoil that surrounds the subject of sexuality. AB-14 DEATH — Aging, deterioration and the perfect death experience — choices vs. chances. The gathering of years is a natural experience. However, deterioration of your physical body is neither natural nor necessary. Be healthy and productive and active and happy until the very day of your chosen re-emergence into the nonphysical. AB-15 DOLLARS — Abundance, in perfect flow — gaining the freedom that dollars can bring vs. losing your freedom while gaining your dollars. As there is an abundance of the air you breathe, so there is an abundance of the dollars you seek. Listen and learn how to relax and breathe in the fresh air of freedom offered to you through the abundant flow of dollars. AB-16 HEALTH, WEIGHT & MIND — The perfect states of weight, health and mind — how can I get there and stay there? Diet plans abound and research continues and yet the number of those unsuccessful at maintenance of satisfactory bodily and mental conditions increases steadily. Understand how your body functions and why you are as you are — and then begin your swift and steady progress toward that which you desire. AB-17 MATING — The perfect mate: getting one, being one, evoking one — Attracting vs. attacking. While it is your natural endeavor to cocreate with others, there are few who have discovered the bliss of magnificent relationships. Find out how you can experience the joy of a perfect union. AB-18 PARENTING — Perfect harmony between my children and me — and me and my parents. Harmonizing vs. traumatizing. While often disconnected from parents, either by death or by distance, your parent/child relationships often have great influence in your experience with your children or with your current life experience. Learn how to perceive what has been in a way that is beneficial to your now rather than destructive. Let that which you have lived be of value.
SPECIAL SUBJECT TAPES — VOL II AB-19 CAREER — The perfect career. What, where and when is it — and what can I do about it now? With so many exterior standards or rules regarding the appropriateness of your behavior or choices — in most cases more confusion than clarity abounds. Use this process to discover and attract that which is perfect for you. Stop the futile backwards approach — and begin creating from the inside out. AB-20 SELF APPRECIATION — If I am so "Perfect as I am" — then why don't I feel better about me than I do? Selfishness vs. selflessness. Your awareness of your perfection was intact as you emerged into this physical body, but it was soon sabotaged by the critical, comparing, judgmental world that surrounded you. Rediscover your true sense of value and wellbeing and perfection. AB-21 INNER GUIDANCE — Tell me more about my Inner Voice? Because you have thought in terms of being dead or alive, you forget that you are, simultaneously, physically focused while another part of you remains focused from nonphysical perspective. Once remembering that the inner you exists, you may begin to listen to what your Inner Voice is offering. Here is the process for re-establishing that important conscious connection.
Free 90 Minute Introduction To Abraham Tape A stimulating overview of Abraham’s basic message: How to consciously harmonize and interact with your pure, positive Inner Being...How to realize who you are and why you have chosen to be physical in this time...How to joyously and deliberately utilize the Laws of the Universe to Attract all that you are wanting to be or have or do....Also, Jerry & Esther summarize the process of their introduction to Abraham. This cassette is a comfortable means to share Abraham with those who seek a new way of realizing a successful life experience. (Order AB-1. * Include $3.45 S/H) ...I am a medical doctor and have not, before, run across material that has this much potential to create health...Have enjoyed Abraham’s books and tapes beyond any expectations I had when my mother originally sent them. I would like to subscribe to your “Weekly Tape Program”. Thank You. CHRISTIANE NORTHRUP, MD. — MAINE
VARIOUS SERVICES AND PRODUCTS Workshops & Weekends Discuss whatever you are wanting to more clearly understand, ie: Your state of becoming. Finances. Bodily conditions. Relationships. Business/Career. Metaphysicality. Your state of being/having/doing.... To participate in an open group conference with ABRAHAM, contact Abraham-Hicks Publications at (830) 755-2299 for dates, locations, reservations, etc. Conference fees vary with location, duration and materials. • ...My experience with ABRAHAM has provided me with hours and hours of feeling good. ABRAHAM is so patient and loving—with no hint of judgement...I feel so safe and cared about when speaking to ABRAHAM....It is a message of hope and self-empowerment...such a small cost to me for the service you have so lovingly provided.— Montana • ...Since receiving ABRAHAM’S Free Introductory Tape, I’ve listened to it 3 or 4 times. It is concise and very recreatable both in my life and in my work as a consultant...I wanted to thank you for so much value in this one small tape. I am impressed and moved...Enclosed is my first “real” order.—Texas Weekly Tape Program For those who want to learn as much as they can “to be and have and do” as fast as they can— and are not in the position to personally attend ABRAHAM’S ever evolving gatherings—we offer this Weekly Tape Program: We choose, each week, what we consider to be, the 3 hour session with the most stimulating, practical new ideas—or significant ideas presented from a new perspective—and we form a 90 minute composite tape and ship it to our subscribers. Four cassettes equal one month’s billing. Fill your spare moments with upliftment, flow and forward motion. Subscription fee: $41.00 per month (or $10.25 per week). • ...Enjoy your tapes and appreciate all that is coming through. I have an ABRAHAM tape playing whenever I drive in my car, and it sets a positive state of emotion for the day. Thank you. E.S. Monthly Tape Program We select and edit, from as many as 20 new Group Session Tapes that ABRAHAM produces in a month, a 90 minute cassette—of what we feel contains the most new, inspiring and thought provoking material—and we ship that 90 minute composite tape to the subscribers to the Monthly Tape Program. A gift that keeps on giving. Subscription fee: $12.00 per month. • ...I’m getting thirsty for more of ABRAHAM, so, enclosed, please find a check for a one-year subscription to the Monthly Tape Program. One of these days I hope to make it out to Texas again to re-experience the exuberance and exhilaration in person—in the meantime, I find the tapes of endless value...Every time I replay any one of those tapes I have, I realize that it has a whole new meaning for me and offers ever changing insights. What a great way to start the day! My profound gratitude to you for sharing this wonderful way of life. — New Jersey
HOW TO ORDER ORDERING Our order forms are for your convenience, and we will send a replacement order form back to you with each shipment. In order to assist in our efficient process of your order, please: • Print all information clearly, or type. • List each item, its stock number (i.e. AB-1) and its price. • Pay with your personal check, money order, or use your MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover credit card.
PRICE CHANGES Our posted prices may vary without notice as those who supply us with services or materials may change their prices to us without notice. TELEPHONE CONSULTATIONS Currently this service has been discontinued. Any further change will be announced in our publications. DEFECTIVE OR DAMAGED TAPES OR BOOKS Should you ever receive, from us, a book that is damaged or a tape that is garbled, blank, bound or broken, please call or write and tell us the title or the series date, and we will replace the item — or refund your cost. Due to the spontaneous group interaction with Abraham, the GSeries, or W.T.P. or M.T.P. tapes can sometimes be varied in volume, so we just take the best — and ignore the rest. (We are experiencing continual tape quality improvement as we move forward.) ORDER BY MAIL, PHONE, FAX OR INTERNET By telephone — (830) 755-2299 By fax — (830) 755-4179 By Internet — Secured transaction.
INTERNATIONAL ORDERS Orders outside of the continental U.S. will be shipped US Postal Service (unless UPS is specified) and the additional shipping cost will be charged. Send U.S. funds only. WE SHIP UPS OR US POSTAL On larger orders of multiple tapes or books, UPS is usually the fastest, safest, most economical way, but we ship most smaller orders by U.S. Postal. Your order is normally packaged and shipped within 2 working days after we receive it.
Up to $10.....................$3.45 .......................$5.45.............................$8.45 $10 to $30 ...................$4.95 .......................$6.95...........................$11.95 $30 to $50 ...................$6.80 .......................$9.80...........................$16.80 $50 TO $100 ................$8.45 .....................$13.45...........................$23.45 Over $100 ....................$8.45 .....................$15.45...........................$33.45
We are most appreciative of the many suppliers of services and materials who make it possible for Abraham’s words to reach you so efficiently. As costs of doing business are increased, or decreased (taxes, inflation, etc.) to any of our suppliers and passed on to us, we, in turn, through our varied business transactions, reflect those changes back into the international economy.
price list CASSETTE TAPES — $9.95 each. Order 3 or more at $7.75 each — or order 5 or more (in same “Set”, “Volume” or “Season”) and they will be shipped to you in a complimentary, (a limited offer) convenient 12 space cassette album. Abraham’s “AB Series” – Special Subjects 90 minutes, and their “G-Series” 90 minute group session composites are all priced the same: $77.50 for the album sets of 10, $9.95 singles or $7.75 each when ordering 3 or more. (Plus shipping and handling.) BOOKS — $15.00 each. Pay $11.25 when ordering 3 or more. (Plus shipping and handling) Study groups, teachers or dealers, call for discount when ordering 9, or more, books. MONTHLY TAPE PROGRAM (M.T.P.) — $12 per month. One 90 minute composite, each month, that presents the most new practical material from Abraham, is selected and mailed to a group of subscribers. WEEKLY TAPE PROGRAM (W.T.P.) — $10.25 per week. 90 minute composites of group sessions. WORKSHOPS, WEEKENDS, SEMINARS — Fees vary with times, lengths, & locations. Details are posted in our Quarterly Journal. Call for activities in your area. VIDEO CASSETTES — For prices and details of offerings see page 26 & 27 of our complimentary Catalog which includes all materials created from 1988 to 1998. QUARTERLY JOURNAL — “The Quarterly Journal of The Science of Deliberate Creation” — Published 4 times a year by Jerry and Esther Hicks. Complimentary. CATALOG — A complimentary 76 page compendium of Abraham-Hicks published teachings from 1988 to 1995. Over 300 cassettes, books and videos. TRANSCRIPTIONS — As per numerous requests, twenty-two 90 minute Abraham recordings have been transcribed and are now available for $10 each (plus S/H). Identify them by the asterisk (*) next to their titles in our 1988 thru 1998 Catalog. Or order them on-line at DAILY PLANNING CALENDAR/STUDY GROUP WORKBOOK — A 772 page planning, envisioning, implementing and manifesting calendar to utilize for your personal creation, or use it as a Course Workbook for a 12 month Group Study. $25.00 (plus S/H). WEB SITE — Visit our Web Site: Please make all checks payable to: J & E Hicks
order form TO ORDER BY TELEPHONE: (830)755-2299 or FAX (830)755-4179 Abraham-Hicks Publications, L.L.C. — P.O. Box 690070, San Antonio, TX 78269 Name Address City State Zip Tele: (HOME) (WORK) (FAX) Referred by: (TO SHIP BY UPS, WE NEED YOUR STREET OR RR NUMBER — NOT A P.O. BOX) QUAN STOCK# ITEM DESCRIPTION PRICE AB-1 Tape: Free Introduction To Abraham (S/H only) $3.45 ANBI Book: A New Beginning I @ $15.00 ANBII Book: A New Beginning II @ $15.00 SARA Book: Sara and the Foreverness of...@$15.00 ABVONE Tape Album: 10 Special Subjects @ $77.50 ABVTWO Tape Album: 10 Special Subjects @ $77.50 G SERIES Tape Album: 10 Group Series Tapes @ $77.50 (specify which) EACHES Individual Tapes ($9.95 each or $7.75 if 3 or more) CALEND. Abraham-Hicks Daily Planning Calendar @ ADD TOTAL OF ITEMS Shipping & Handling Continental USA $25.00 Additional for International Orders ADD SHIPPING AND HANDLING S-3 Up to $10 . . . . . . . . . . . . .Add $3.45 ( SUBTRACT ANY QUANTITY DIS SARA...the book on tape @ $30.00 $10 to $30 . . . . . . . . . . . .Add $4.95 $30 to $50 . . . . . . . . . . . .Add $6.80 COUNTS ) GIFT SET Sara Book/Tapes Over $50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Add $8.45 TEXAS 6.25% Gift SetRESIDENTS @$30.00, ADD (ends
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THANK YOU! Our thanks to you for your role in this joyous cocreation. Your thoughts as we interact, your pondering, questioning, recognizing, knowing, wanting...your thoughts add to our forward motion and to the fulfillment of our purpose. We intend to allow ABRAHAM’S words of perspective, positive guidance, and stimulation of thought, to go as far and as fast as they are wanted, and at the same time, we intend to continue our abundant positive mental and material and spiritual experience — and we do appreciate your contribution of “thoughts, words and deeds.” Do you have a friend who would enjoy our quarterly journal? Name (Please print) Address City/State/Zip Your name
* EDUCATORS—TEACHERS—STUDENTS * Are you involved in education and interested in an uplifting perspective? We can mail to you (at no cost) a copy of Daniel Greenberg’s Free At Last, highlights of the first 20 years of the remarkable Sudbury Valley School experience. We have a few remaining copies (not for sale) just let us know if you would like one and we’ll get it off to you as soon as it is practical.. This book will make your heart sing!
OUR UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION We are aware that due to technical or personal idiosyncrasies you may receive a damaged or defective item from us — but we will replace it or refund your money (whichever you prefer) just as soon as you call or write and give us the details. Please don’t bother with shipping the item back to us. Just toss it away. We want you to be completely satisfied with our products and our service. Jerry & Esther 24
Continued from page 5
into the office gate. Those inside could not get out. Those outside could not get in. Jerry and Esther began to laugh as hard as they have ever laughed about anything — as the manifestation had given them very clear report on what their vibrational offering has been. No matter how much attention you give to something that is happening, or even peripherally happening, in your experience, you achieve vibrational harmony with whatever it is — and it is our promise to you that Law of Attraction will give you more.
enormous amount of information that they give you. Certainly, it is nice if you are able to hold yourself in pure positive vibration all of the time so that you are only attracting pure positive experience. But, so often, we see you tentative and guarded, afraid to offer your thought for fear that you will not create some perfect creation.
You’ll Never Get It Done The essence of what we will give you today, in fact, the theme of our gathering together is: You will never get it done, and you cannot get it wrong. You are constantly molding your experience, and the manifestation that occurs is there specifically to give you the information — or the contrasting information — that helps you more clearly to identify what you are wanting. You are creators. You are creators. You are extensions of Source Energy — and you’ve come forth in these bodies intending to evaluate the contrast. And we didn’t say conflict. Contrast. Differences. You’ve come forth to evaluate the contrast of your physical time/space reality, with the predominant intention of letting that contrast evoke within you clarity of decision, because it is through the decisions, that you formulate, that you focus, or channel or harness or flow or extend, or point the Creative Energy — the powerful Energy that creates worlds. Everything is about Law of Attraction, which means, it’s about what comes to you. There is no such thing as assertion. In other words, those young men, reckless little buggers that they are, do not have the power to assert themselves into Jerry and Esther’s experience. It cannot happen. That’s why Jerry and Esther are perfectly willing to take responsibility for their part in this co-creative experience. Because, if Jerry and Esther had been vibrationally different about them, they could not be having this experience. So, where did it begin? How did this reckless bunch end up next door to Jerry and Esther? In other words, Jerry
Perfect Vibrational Manifestational Matches The young man is very embarrassed. He does not realize that Jerry and Esther have that property, too. He knows they are the neighbors he threatened with his forest fire, not once, but twice. His eyes got very large as he saw that they were the same people that have this property. Jerry and Esther smiled at him, and said, “Are you all right?” He said, “Yes.” He could barely speak. He was shaken to the core of his being. He had narrowly escaped a very harrowing experience. Jerry and Esther were not angry with him, for they accept, wholly, their part in this co-creative experience. In other words, they know, especially after the fact, that there is not another person on that street more a vibrational match to that accident, on its way looking for someplace to happen, than they were. They were perfect vibrational matches to it. Now, the thing that we want you to hear from this is: Manifestation is always a perfect by-product of whatever your vibrational offering has been. In every moment, you are offering your signal, and your signal is about what you are perceiving, what you are musing, what you are imagining, what you are remembering, what you are focusing on in this moment. Your signal is about what you are giving your attention to. We want you to begin to enjoy and appreciate your manifestations for the
Continued on page 38
PRESENTING A POWERFUL 365 DAY COURSE IN SPIRITUAL PRACTICALITY Here is a delicious, new adventure into a study of Spiritual Practicality. This is a one year experiential study of twelve evolving segments, of increasing intensity, of imagining and planning and manifesting. There may be Study Groups that would prefer to experience these materials in as little as a twelve week period — and those decisions are for each individual or group facilitator to make relative to their cocreational desires. Habits are usually created slowly. And since a major aspect of the value to you of using this material is the changing — often slowly — from unwanted habits of thought to habits of thought that are more appropriate to your current conscious desires — the most common use of this calendar will be as a joyous 365 day journey into a new world of leading edge thought and experience. You can begin experiencing the power of this calendar at any time throughout the year. You don’t have to wait until the first of next year. However, in order to get into time sequence with the calendar it is best to start at the beginning of any month. Just let the first day of your first month be day one (page three) of this calendar. After over 30 years of studying and teaching and enjoying the art of personal fulfillment, I have long understood the power of clarifying and writing out my decisions in appointment books, journals, organizers, etc. But as the years passed, I became aware that at the most joyous and highly productive segments of my life — I simply carried, daily, a fresh, updated sheet of paper in my pocket. This works! The second sides of the pages are designed to accommodate your daily list of things to do — but as the course progresses, you will discover that they will be offering processes and techniques to fit the advancing stages of your progression within these materials. Your only power to create your life is in this moment, and the Abraham-Hicks Daily Planning Calendar is designed to focus the purest of your intentions to your todays, the time in which you have your power. • The Abraham-Hicks Calendar/Workbook is a tool. Utilize it to create, and to teach others to create, the perfect (by your ever changing standards) adventure in living. • Use it as a medium of exchange: Exchange any habits of thought, word or action that no longer serve your best interests. Exchange them for bright fresh habits that are more appropriate to who you are in the current moment. • Exchange any patterns of interaction that are not allowing of each individual’s freedom, growth and joy — for continually changing cocreational interactions that allow the very best from every life you touch. • Exchange any restrictions to your flow of health, relationships, abundance...Exchange them for an open flow — to and through you — of all that you will come to see as your perfect state of Well-being. One day at a time you will be giving your attention to that which feels best to you, and you will, thereby, be creating for yourself the most progressively wonderful life that you can imagine. From our hearts, Jerry and Esther
“If you want to change what you are living, you only have to change the balance of your thought.” — Abraham
The Science of Deliberate Creation Abraham-Hicks Daily Planning Calendar and Study Group Workbook A 365 Day Course in Spiritual Practicality • The material in this calendar/workbook has been specifically intended as an experiential guide to comfortably change your balance of habits of thought to that which will enrich every aspect of your experience. • Begin in any month. The pages are left to be dated by you. • This is a study to do. Not a study to simply peruse. It is a study to have fun with in every way that you can imagine. • The pages are the size of two $100 bills, side-by-side. Tear out a page a day. They are portable. Fold them into your wallet or checkbook, or simply carry them in a pocket. On one side you will find life enriching reminders of some things you may have forgotten and on the other side you can write intentions, ideas, names, numbers...Post them on your mirror, refrigerator, the sun visor of your car... • Carry a seven day segment, or a vacation segment, with you when you are away from home. — Let the Magic Begin — SELF HELP FROM YOUR TOTAL SELF
768 PAGES $25 USA
Dear Jerry and Esther, My clients (I’m a psychotherapist) love the “Calendar/Workbook.” First it was A New Beginning I, A New Beginning II, Sara and the Foreverness of Friends of a Feather, and now it’s The Science of Deliberate Creation...what a magnificent progression of learning aids to supplement the dazzling Abraham events and tapes! I was excited when I heard about the planned calendar and study group workbook, but the completed project literally takes my breath away! This is a treasure! The wealth of so many beautifully stated truths makes us eager to participate in the accompanying exercises, and there is immense appreciation for the careful and loving effort with which each excerpt was thoughtfully selected from the vast body of Abraham knowledge, to be re-presented to us on these happy pages. The compact size is easily the little folded pages slip into a wallet, or purse, or date book. This portable adventure in Spiritual Practicality is wonderfully userfriendly! The effect of this extra daily measure of Abraham Energy is truly stunning. Manifestation of our creations comes faster and faster. Life feels better and better. We all thank you, Jerry and Esther and Abraham, for this latest in an amazing assortment of tools for growth! With love, A.B. — NY
Quarterly Quotes from Abraham-Hicks
new language in the way man approaches his connection to Nonphysical. —
et what you’re living right here and now in this environment be the process that evokes the desire that summons the Life Force that provides the creation of anything. Whatever you have the ability to conceive, this Universe has the ability to provide. Anything, without exception. So your work is on the conjuring of the idea — period. The Universe has the stuff to deliver the goods, and will.
G-5/10/98 — Albuquerque, NM
t is so wonderful, when someone gets an idea and is able to hold it purely enough that an entire movement or corporation will follow in behind it — because the movement of that Energy benefits everyone. G-3/4/98 — San Rafael, CA
G-4/4/98 — Phoenix, AZ
our Inner Being is always guiding you toward what you are wanting. It is never protecting you from something else.
ou’re not ever going to get it done. Every time you evaluate contrast and conclude and then line up your Energy and allow it into your experience... at the same time you are achieving the result that you intended, you also achieve a new perspective from which to intend. You can’t stand still. In every moment, there is a whole new set of stuff... new ideas, new desires being born.
G-4/14/98 — Philadelphia, PA
our Inner Being would want you to manifest everything that you decide that you want. Your Inner Being would want you to know that you have value and the ability to have or be or do anything. Your Inner Being would want you to fulfill every wish and whim that you could identify.
G-4/25/98 — Detroit, MI
G-4/14/98 — Philadelphia, PA
hether it is a castle or a button, if you are using it as your object of attention, it is summoning Life Force. It is the feel of the Life Force that life is about. The reason that you are summoning it is inconsequential.
ou did not say, “Let’s go forth into this physical experience and take all the ideas that exist and whittle them down to just a few good ideas that we can all agree on and peacefully cohabitate.” Instead you said, “Let’s go forth and take the ideas that exist and expand them to more. Let’s let the contrast be more so that the desires can be more, so that the Energy will have more avenues to which to flow.”
G-4/4/98 — Phoenix, AZ
here is a Stream that flows to you, and this is a Stream of clarity, a Stream of wellness, a Stream of abundance... It is the Life Stream. It flows to you, and in any moment, you are allowing it or not. But what someone else does with it, or not, does not have anything to do with how much of it will be left for you. This Stream is as abundant as your ideas allow it to be. — G-4/4/98 — Phoenix, AZ
G-4/14/98 — Philadelphia, PA
here is not something you’re supposed to do. There’s not something that you should do. There is only that which you are inspired to do. And how do you get inspired except by the contrast? It’s the life experience that gives you the idea of the desire, and then as you focus upon the desire, the Energy flows.
sther has literally received this knowing and built new language. Not new words and not new meaning of words but new combinations of words that are building a
G-4/14/98 — Philadelphia, PA
Quarterly Quotes from Abraham-Hicks
f there is something that you have to do, resist the temptation to do it under duress. Ask yourself, “What’s the worst thing that would happen if I didn’t do this?” And if you can get away with not doing it at all, don’t do it. And then imagine what would it feel like to have this done. Spend a day or two, if you can — just 15 minutes here, 5 minutes here, 2 minutes here, here and here — imagining it completed in a way that pleases you! And then, the next time you decide that you’re going to take action about it — the action is going to be a whole lot easier.
ou are on the leading edge of thought, taking thought beyond that which it has been before. Who cares what thoughts have led up to this. You’re standing in the fresh now, and many of the thoughts that you vehemently oppose are the very thoughts that have given you the desire that has attracted the clarity of where you now stand. No matter how awful you think they might be, all were of value in the evolution forward. Every one of them. G-4/14/98 — Philadelphia, PA
G-4/5/98 — Phoenix, AZ
hysical pain is just an extension of emotion. It’s all the same thing. There are two emotions. One feels good and one feels bad. Which means, you’re connected to your Energy Stream or you’re not allowing your Energy Stream.
egin modulating thought in terms of the way that it feels rather than in terms of the results that it will net you. The tendency is to flow a little Energy and then take score. Well, the problem is, as you flow the Energy, the Universe responds instantly. But when you take score — you’re right back in that reality again.
G-4/5/98 — Phoenix, AZ
nything you do to overcome or prevent, causes a spotlight on the very thing you are wanting to overcome and prevent. You cannot take enough action to compensate for the Energy that you’re flowing.
G-3/4/98 — San Rafael, CA
ow do you feel about those things that you are giving most of your attention to? If there is something in your life that gives you negative emotion almost every time you think about it, we would do anything that we could do to get that negative thing out of our awareness.
G-4/14/98 — Philadelphia, PA
f you’re not thinking about a negative thought, your vibration is going to raise to its natural positive place.
e easy about it. Don’t rush into things. Savor them more. Make more plans and be more deliberate and specific about the plans that you are making, and in all that you do, let your dominant intent be to find that which pleasures you as you imagine it. Let your desire for pleasure, your desire for feeling good, be your only guiding light. As you seek those thoughts that feel good, you will always be in vibrational harmony with the Energy that is your Source. And under those conditions, only good can come to you — and only good can come from you.
G-4/11/98 — Virginia Beach, VA
G-4/14/98 — Philadelphia, PA
G-4/5/98 — Phoenix, AZ
he only problem with leaving and going someplace else is that you take yourself with you. You take your vibrational habits and patterns with you. G-5/18/98 — Albany, NY
book: a new beginning I This extraordinary book is powerfully offered by a group of teachers who call themselves Abraham. They express clearly and simply the laws of the universe, explaining in detail how we can deliberately flow with these laws for the joyful creation of whatever we desire. Abraham describes this as the time of awakening, explaining that each of us chose, with very deliberate intent, this specific time of great change to participate in this physical experience. An empowering, life-changing book that will assist you in seeing your personal life experience as you have never seen it before. COMMENTS: • Thank you for a delightful book—A NEW BEGINNING I—a life changing book...a joyous do-it-yourself book...I have always known this was an “inside job”, but I’ve not known, before, how to communicate well with the “inside.” — Germany • We are thrilled with the data. Everyone we have sent the book to thinks it is the best book they have ever read. — California • The feedback I’ve gotten on the many ABRAHAM books that I have distributed has been phenomenal and it has come from all over the world. — California • The first edition of A NEW BEGINNING I sold out because readers love the practical ideas of Abraham. In the tradition of Jane Roberts, this refreshing new book reveals a unique blend of new-age thought with the Western desire for “more.” An inspiring self-help classic that gets results. Softcover. $15.00. 218 pages. ISBN 0-9621219-3-2.
book: a new beginning II An uplifting book that strikes a chord with the very core of your being. Written by Abraham to assist you in understanding the absolute connection between your physical self and your inner self. Abraham puts this physical life experience into perspective as they explain and define who we really are and why we have come forth as physical beings. This book is filled with processes and examples to assist you in making a deliberate conscious connection with your own Inner Being, that you might find the awesome satisfaction with this physical life experience that can only come once this connection is made. COMMENTS: • Your book, A NEW BEGINNING II, has been my constant companion, now marked and circled on page after page...So— UP with the “Fairies of the Universe” and beautiful music and laughter! — France • ..I hugged the book; I couldn’t put it down for two days....You should see my metaphysical library—and of every book I have, this is the clearest! — Germany • Thank you so much for the book—it is the best yet. I like to open it at random and see what the good word is for the day. — California • Like the book before it, A NEW BEGINNING II is clear, practical, inspiring and empowering with more focus on how to realign with your Inner Being. The bottom line for AbrahamHicks is to choose to feel good in every moment. From that base of joy you will naturally and easily create what you want for yourself and the world. Softcover. $15.00. 258 pages. ISBN 0-9621219-1-6
Love ❥ Appreciation ❥ Love Dear Esther & Jerry, Thank you so much for the Abraham workshop in Boulder, June 6 & 7. We have been listening to your tapes for a long time — many years. This was our first time to be with you in person. Thank you again. With love, W&MF — CO
I want you to know how excited I get when I feel a big fat package from you in my mailbox! I love it when it is too good to edit and you send us a bonus! My single weekly tape is so great, but three as a surprise — too much!!! Even if you don’t see this note, I know you’ll pick up on my good feelings towards you! Thanks oodles! Love — AG —FL
First Time In Person
Mail Box Excitement
Unity Study
Our Unity Spiritual study group is currently using your A New Beginning II as the basis of our Wednesday night book study. Thank you for the inspiration. Sincerely, MAS — AR
Free And Fantastic
I received your Free Introduction to Abraham cassette about 4 or 5 months ago but didn’t really listen to it until just last week. The message was fantastic and very stirring! Thank you (everyone) for sharing the wisdom of Abraham and the enthusiasm and generosity of the Hickses — all of you are wonderful. Sincerely, MH — MN
I facilitate an ongoing study group of many years. We will now b e studying your Abraham material starting with A New Beginning II which I ordered and read recently. I love the brevity and simplicity of the material and think the “Science of Deliberate Creation” can quantum leap our group into a higher vibration of more joy, and for longer periods of time. Thanks, JR — WA
A Quantum Leap
Your web site is wonderful!! It’s great to be able to contact you like this. I am loving the monthly tapes and continue to get so very much out of them. I listen to them as I walk in the mornings. It’s perfect inspiration and a great way to start my day! Thanks so much for being there. You are always in my thoughts. With love, LS — AR
Loving That Monthly Tape
We Have All Been Blessed
I love what you are doing with the life force you possess and your free willingness to share this information with others. The good that has already come into my life, as a result of understanding where my true power lies, is so magnificent. I love you both for allowing Abraham to find a voice in you. For they have blessed my life, my husband’s and my 19 month old daughter’s. What a precious gift. Love you both, SF — OR
Web Site Progression
I reviewed your teachings on the web site called Sun Angel. I am so overwhelmed with the results of your tapes, that I have been ordering, that I must keep in contact with you.
Love ❥ Appreciation ❥ Love growth, and the joy within. Thank you for your offerings! SA — CA
Jerry and Esther, you are a delight to listen to. I am so very happy that I came across the web site either by just scanning or by being deliberately guided by someone or something to enter such teachings. Thank you so much. BN — IN
This Poem Is For You
There is great love here for You All! I’ve been touched by your teachings for a couple of years and I’m looking forward to attending my first “gathering” in ‘99 in Dallas! I am a 31 year young female from Houston and our circle is growing here. Attached is a poem I wrote you. See ya in Dallas! TS — TX
A Science of Mind Minister
We met at your workshop in Maui this past December. I am a Science of Mind minister, and I hold Abraham discussion groups in my home. I have listened to that Maui tape a hundred times, and although I left thinking I had not gotten all that I had come for, I have gotten it a thousand fold since. How true Jerry’s statement is that if you listen to the tape you will find that your question is answered at least 15 times. All of my questions were answered at least 15 times. I am looking forward to seeing you again this year. I think you will have a few new friends from Maui at the Hawaii gathering this December. I was surprised and delighted to find the number of people from other states here, even Canada. I hope we can get to know each other this year. Until then. Aloha mai e, LG — HI
Our Loving Teacher What Abraham teaches — Really Reaches The Corners of my Soul... Truths I feel — Wisdom so real Things I already know... Thanks to “The Three”
A Journey In Growth & Joy
I am so happy to have been led to you! I had the great fortune to hear a portion of your introductory tape last weekend, and I immediately knew that the next step in my journey has been presented to me, and that the timing of this discovering was perfect. I know not where this journey will lead, but I trust that you have made a presence in my life for a very good reason. I look forward to this journey, this
For uplifting me— To Joy, Freedom & Growth.. Your voice stays Near — There’s Great Love Here For what you are and show... Love, Terrie
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Scripting An Appropriate Body of 120 Years
thing that you have said to us. So, what you decided to do was to write a Script that would match the expectations that others had given you? What we are getting at is, when you decide that you will reach a certain age and then, as you have previously stated, rather than take your pleasure from your body you will, instead, take your pleasure from your mind, the reason that you made the decision to do that is because you assumed that your body was going to be less flexible, less pliable, less strong. And so, you actually began writing a script that acquiesced to what you thought your body was going to do. You looked at the reality, and mentally wrote a Script to match it. And what we are encouraging, and what you are asking for here is: “Do I let my body Set the Tone, and I write a Script to match it, or do I write a Script, and my body will then acquiesce to the Script?” And the answer must be: Everything in the Universe responds to your Vibrational Tone. If we were standing in your physical shoes, we would be writing Scripts about everything. We would make a decision that we are going to exercise our creative control about anything that matters to us, and certainly your physical body is that. So, what do we think is a good Script for you to write about your body when it is a hundred years old?
JERRY: Esther and I went to the Cirque de Soliel, in New York City, the other evening. Our friends, who are show business folks also, wanted us to go because of my circus background. And it was really fun watching folks do the things I used to do. All the somersaults and the flips, and the trapeze kind of stuff, and all of the other business... clowning around. Then I got to thinking, “Well, I don’t really have the urge to do all that stuff, anymore.” Every now and then I kind of half feel like doing a flip and don’t do it. What I’m considering: When I was a kid, I looked around at older people, like over thirty, and I saw them — the old ones — complaining that their bodies weren’t doing what they used to do. And I would say, “Well, mine doesn’t do like it used to do, either... I remember when I used to get almost my whole foot in my mouth... when I was five or six months old. So, my body doesn’t do what it used to do, either.” Before I met you, I had decided what I wanted... I knew my body was going to change, given observable circumstances, and that I wanted to live to be 120 years old, feeling good about it. Then I thought, “Well, I need to find a way to get my mind patterned, along the way, so I’ll always be happy with what my body does”, provided my body keeps doing happy things, which I expected that it would. Now, here’s my question: How would a person Script their body to be when they’re at one hundred years of age? What would be an appropriate Script to write for a hundred year old body?
JERRY: An appropriate body. ABRAHAM: By whose standards? JERRY: I mean like, once the caterpillar gets those little wormy feet on it, it’s like your “jumping without a parachute” anaology. It’s kind of hard for the bug to make a whole lot of decisions about whether it’s going to be a butterfly next or not. Isn’t it? Am I not clear? ABRAHAM: Very clear. What you are saying is, “Have we not set into motion
ABRAHAM: We want to do that, but before we do, we want to amplify some-
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS this thought? Have I not begun this Creation from a broader Nonphysical Perspective, and am I not here as a physical being working for the continuation of that?”
An Appropriate Body “Appropriate”? We think that it would be inappropriate for someone who is really not having much fun in this physical experience, who looks around and doesn’t find much that interests them... it would be inappropriate for them to decide to design a body that would live to be 120 years old, because now what they’re saying is, “I’m going to hang around in this body, but I have no desire here in this physical experience — nothing that’s going to summon the Life Force.” And so, that would be inappropriate. But if this were someone eager about life, still exploring and finding new things to focus upon, someone who had practiced floating their cork, who knew about accessing the Energy, who was digging through or sifting through the data of this physical time and space, having endless things that they were focused upon and excited about... In that situation, we think it would be most appropriate for them to Script a body that would live to be 140, 150, 160, 170. What is the potential of your body? You make a very good point. You’ve been changing, constantly. From the day you were born, you were changing. Let’s use the word “change/evolve/becoming” rather than “change/evolve/declining.” Let’s talk about change in terms of evolving/becoming. Is it possible for a physical being to maintain their wellness for as long as they have reason to focus through this apparatus? Yes. Because your cells are constantly regenerating.
If you are Setting the Tone, if you are Setting the Tone and writing the Script — your cells will acquiesce to the Tone that you have set.
Your Cells Are Observing Now, you’re really going to like this. You know how we talked about how most people are offering their vibration almost exclusively in response to what they are observing? Your cells do that, too. So, if the cells of your body are observing decline, then the new cells that are generated take on those same characteristics. That’s why when you cut your leg, or your hand, the scar remains, even though different cells are replacing those cells. They acquiesce to the memory. And yet, there are those who can heal. There are those that can focus their Energy and change the vibrational expectancy of those cells. If you are standing in your physical body and you have practiced connecting to the Core Energy and you have plenty of things that are causing you to eagerly continue to summon the Energy, you could turn that creative hose back on your physical body, use your physical body as your object of attention — and you could redirect the youthful attitude, or the regenerative attitude, of the cells. Toward what end? And this is the thing that is most interesting. How long would anyone want to remain in the physical body? Well, we would tell you, from your Nonphysical Perspective, as long as the exploration is still interesting and leaving you in an eager place. Better said: As long as the contrast is still creating new desire within you.
Appropriate Longevity “What is the appropriate longevity of your physical body?” The appropriateness of the longevity of your body is directly and absolutely related to your ability to glean desire from contrast. Many people shut down, and don’t
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS glean desire out of contrast, early on. There are plenty of people who are teenagers who have already stopped gleaning desire from contrast. They are beaten down, already. They have already decided that “this is good and this is bad, but this is bad, and this is bad, and this is bad...” and they are no longer letting the contrast produce a new desire within them. And there are those that are well into their hundreds that are still finding desire. So it really has to do with your understanding of the Law and your willingness to explore the contrast in order to discover new desire. And once you do that, there are no limits. You can expect your body to maintain it’s vital, healthy, resilient, flexible, enduring, (youthful, meaning all of those other words that came before, in many cases) condition.
old.” But all of that is decisions that you are making along the way. JERRY: So appropriateness would be relevant then to...? ABRAHAM: The individual desire.
When Will You Die? JERRY: In other words, for me to decide that I’m going to die on the day I’m 120, is not necessarily appropriate to begin with. Is that it? ABRAHAM: We would say to you, this is the way that it is: You will die when you are no longer desiring to live — and the desire is produced from the contrast. JERRY: Is it basically inappropriate, then, to even consider Scripting a body for an age of one hundred? ABRAHAM: Oh, we would Script it. It is not inappropriate at all. We would begin, today, telling the Universe who we are in this body: “My body will always maintain the balance of my desire, and as long as I am...” You see that’s the way that it happens. When you are deliberately saying, “It is my intention to stay alive and interested. It is my intention, cells of this body, that you respond to my interest”, you’re more likely to stay alive and interested.
JERRY: Well, I remember, as a kid in New Orleans, that Pop Levan, out at Lake Pontchartrain, used to keep a regular aerial trapeze, set up, the regular rigging, with the net about 60 feet below it, all year round. And Pop was 77 and still flying...doing the flying trapeze. And for some reason, that got my attention. And it still holds my attention. Also, my gym teacher, Mr. Pierce, was about 70, and I remember, he was still doing somersaults and stuff, but he was kind of grunting a little when he did a lot of it, and he would mention how old he was, every now and then, which I thought had some bearing to him.
JERRY: For instance, I’ve noticed that every now and then I’ll just spontaneously break out running across the yard, I’ll just break into a straight out run, and then I’ll think about it. I’ll think, “Well, that’s odd, because, normally, if I’m just standing here thinking that I’m going to run, I almost have to get going, and push to get a run going, but when it comes spontaneous within me...
ABRAHAM: As you are standing in your now, and lots of people are sort of saying, “How are you doing?”, there’s a tendency to try to explain why you’re where you are. And so, it’s a common thing to explain, “Well, I’m not excelling in this moment because I’m sick,” or “I’m not excelling in this moment because I’m
ABRAHAM: That’s because, for a moment, you forgot that it is not spontaneous for you to run, and when you don’t think about it, it is spontaneous for you to
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS run. Think about it. How many times have you seen young ones in their teens behaving very differently? Some of them run everywhere they go. Some of them you will never see them run. Does it have anything to do with age? It has to do with intent or interest in the moment. JERRY: In other words, to Script a body, then, 20 or 40 or 60 years down the road, I’d almost have to know what my intentions would be then? Is that it? ABRAHAM: Yes. And so, that is why we would say, “My body will always match my intentions.” And then, if, each day, you are eagerly deciphering the contrast and finding new desire — the new desire will summon the Life Force and the Energy and everything else that is necessary.
Age is Irrelevant If we were standing in your physical shoes, we would not assign age to anyone. We would never tell anyone how old we are. We would never ask anyone how old they are. We would start a new movement, and the movement would be, “Age is irrelevant.” We would have another category on the driver’s license, or on the application, and that would be “vibrational average”, or we would have a mood meter: “Which of the following is true: Am I more likely to be joyful or despondent? Am I more likely to be eager or bored...?” We would gauge everything by Energy, and we would never again approach life in terms of age — because age is irrelevant. Age, or what you call age, is only a by-product of your utilization of the Energy Stream. The Energy Stream exists. There is one Stream, and one Stream only, and your relationship is two-fold: 1. How much of the Stream am I summoning, which means, how much desire do I have? 2. And, of the Stream that I am summoning, how much of it am I allowing to flow? And everything that you
live and everything that everybody else lives, everything that exists in this physical time and place, is about somebody’s relationship to that Stream. How much are they summoning and how much are they letting flow through? So you might see someone that is very decrepit who has strong desire. So they are summoning all kinds of Energy, but they’ve got beliefs that don’t let the Energy flow, so they’ve got this tug of war going on inside of them all the time. They look old and decrepit before their time. In other words, they’re summoning, but they’re not letting it flow. Then, you might see somebody else who doesn’t have a desire in the world. They are carefree, actually peaceful, contented. They are summoning almost no Energy, whatsoever. They have no resistance. They’re just sort of placid and limp. They won’t live long, either. Because they’re not summoning Energy. They’ll have a nice life. When they’re gone, you’ll put on their tombstone, “Lived a good life. Short but good.” But if you are sifting through the data and constantly finding things that cause you to make a decision, and you can feel that desire boiling in your belly, and you are eagerly thinking about it, and you have discovered how to modulate your Energy so that you are excited as you think about it, not frustrated... If you’ve played this game and you’ve learned how to float your cork — you could literally live indefinitely. The question is, how much do you allow this time/space reality to evoke new decision and desire from you? And as the desire comes, how much of it do you then allow to flow through? Excerpted from Dialogues with Abraham G-5/23/98 — San Antonio, TX
Continued from page 25
would say to you... He has said this to us on many occasions — as he has been witness to something not wanted, and the more he focused upon it the more it occurred — “But, Abraham, I was not vibrating there before they did that.” In other words, “I was not calling them reckless before I met them. They showed up and be-ed reckless before I called them reckless.” And we say, there is always something in your vibration — always. And it is evidenced to you, if it is something that you do not want, by uneasiness or by apprehension or by negative emotion.
have been given an opportunity. Nothing terrible happened. The whole forest didn’t burn down. They can’t even see the char from their home. It will be repaired, and it will be of little consequence to them. The gate was easily repaired. Nothing has happened, that is not easily repaired, except that Jerry and Esther have been now alerted to the fact that they had within them a vibration that was attracting stuff they don’t want. Now they have an opportunity to say, “Hey, wait a minute. I know what I don’t want. I mean, I really, really know what I don’t want. What is it that I do want?” Now they have an opportunity not only to understand, more clearly, how directly the Universe is responding to their vibration but, most importantly, what has been the vibrational content of their vibration. How nice that is.
Why Do You Want It? So, as Jerry and Esther ponder this, they realize they had been wanting to buy that land because it is commercial land that borders their residential property, and they have given talk to wanting whoever utilizes that land to utilize it in a way that is pleasing to them. But they have made those statements not from a vibrational place of expecting that but from a guarded, fearful place that something other than that might happen. They have made several bids on this property, wanting very much to purchase the property. They have talked about building a very big fence to buffer them from whatever awful thing might be there. They’ve talked about buying just a 50-foot strip of the land to give them a buffer from what awful thing might be there. Their vibration, without even realizing it, relative to that land, is, “Something awful might take place right next door to us.” It was a subtle vibration. It wasn’t something that they thought about every day, but it was something that they talked about quite often. That vibration brought to them the closest thing to match the vibration of what they do not want. For Heaven’s sake, these people came in with their bulldozers and knocked trees down and then set the forest on fire. What could be worse? In other words, it is a perfect match to the vibration that they have been offering. But now they
Your Fresh Eternal Now How wonderful it is that you have the opportunity to live here in a physical time/space reality where the Universe will give you vibrational manifestational matches that are perfectly matched to your vibrational offering. How else, as creative creatures, are you ever going to know what you are outputting. But, so often, you, in a tentative way, output carefully because you don’t want to mess up some manifestation. Afraid that you might manifest something that somebody might see, and then they might say, “Hm, not a very good creator over there.” And that’s why we say to you, you never get it done. Every moment that you are attracting unto you, and as it is manifesting, that’s just the launching place, that’s just the jumping off place for much, much, much more. We want you to get a very clear sense of the powerful now in which you stand. We want you to feel the freshness of the now in which you stand. Think about it. Think about how important and powerful your now perspective is. Oh, sure, you got here because of this and this and this. In other words, a forest fire or two, someone crashing into
your gate. It’s not hard to understand, as you look back to what you’ve been living, why you stand where you stand. But what we want you to do is to not try so hard to explain how you got here. Just be here, in this fresh place, feeling the freshness of the desire that is burning within you.
hard. Contrast helps you to do that. But once you’ve identified the desire, then your work is to vibrate the same as your desire vibrates — and when you are a match to your desire, Law of Attraction puts you and your desire in the same place. You would not set your radio dial in The Universe And You your car on 101 FM and expect to get The Universe does not know or care 98.6. You know that if there is a signal why you are vibrating as you now are, and being offered, that you have to set your it does not know if you’re vibrating, as tuner to receive it. That’s how the Law of you are right now doing, in response to Attraction works. So if you’ve got a desire something you’re observing or in response that’s vibrating here and a belief or a habit to something you are imagining. The of thought that’s vibrating there, they’re Universe does not question why you’re not going to come together. In other offering the vibration that you’re offering words, you have to be a vibrational match — or whether you should be offering it or to your own desire. not, or whether it is even a match to You cannot love your children and worry something you want. The Universe, purely about them at the same time. It’s two different and simply, by Law of Attraction, just matchvibrations. You cannot want something and es the signal of whatever it is that you are now notice that you don’t offering. So what we have it and get it. You want you to do is feel the Stand here can’t say, “This is freshness of where you something that I would now stand. in the freshness love to have, but I don’t Jerry and Esther of where you now stand, have it”, without holdcan just now feel the ing it apart from you. power of the clarity of and simply say, Talk about what the decision that they “Universe, I’ve lived all of it’s like. Imagine have reached as a that you have it. result of all they have that, and as result of Pretend that it’s lived, and they can that, I now know this. already there. Find resist the temptation the feeling place of This is the desire that of dipping back into what it is. justification or burns in my belly Jerry and Esther explaining anything did not find the feelright now. which would drag ing place of lovely that stale stuff in and Answer this desire!” neighbors, respectful cause their fresh now of land... Instead, they to be stale and just worried that their neighbors wouldn’t be like it was before, so nothing new haprespectful of the land, until they got some pens. Stand here in the freshness of where you that weren’t. And then they observed that now stand, and simply say, “Universe, I’ve they had neighbors that were not respectful of lived all of that, and as result of that, I now the land, and then they brought out aspects of know this. This is the desire that burns in my their neighbors in stunning proportion. belly right now. Answer this desire!” Their neighbors have not ever known, Matching Your Desire before, how irresponsible they are. They’re The formula for getting anything scratching their heads. “How can we be says, “Identify the desire.” That’s not this bad in such a short period of time?”
We are wanting to, as creators, offer a vibration that matches our desire rather than offering our vibration that matches our observation. That’s really the key. Isn’t it? We call it Setting the Tone. Offering the vibration that is in harmony with what you want rather than offering the vibration that is in harmony with what you’ve got — and little by little, Law of Attraction will make masterful creators of you. It doesn’t take much flowing and noticing what you are getting, before you really get the sense of how this all works.
You understand vibration pretty well through your physical senses. What you see with your eyes is an interpretation of vibration. What you hear with your ears, is an unconscious interpretation of vibration. Even what you smell or taste or feel with your fingertips, this is all your sensual interpretation of vibration. The reason that red looks red and green looks green is because they are different vibrations. They are similar vibrations, but they are different vibrations. The reason that one thing smells one way and one thing smells another or one thing tastes These Wonderful Times one way and one thing tastes another is You live in wonderful times, friends. because they are vibrationally different, The Energy of your planet is so signifiand you have the ability to discern the difcant. Many of you have been asking, even ference. What we though many of you want to assist you in are not a vibrational doing is awakening match to that which — bringing forth to The better you feel, you are asking for... your conscious So, even though the higher the vibration. awareness — the senyou’re asking, many sors in your Energy of your desires are not Center. being satisfied. Still, The emotions your asking is summoning quantities of that you feel are your indicators of these Nonphysical Energy, the likes of which more subtle vibrations. Some call it the we have never witnessed in the physical sixth sense. We call it sixth, seventh, arena. It means the manifestation time is eighth, twentieth, two thousandth, four shorter. The time between the conception thousandth...These vibrations that you of the idea and the achieving of the vibrabegin to sense through your emotion centional harmony between the idea and the ter are infinite. To make it easy to undermanifestation, is the shortest that we’ve stand: The better you feel, the higher the vibraever seen and getting shorter all the time. tion. It is much easier to have a thought, get a
What Floats Your Cork?
manifestation, and then make the association that the thought caused the manifestation, when the buffer of time is shorter. And so, that is our strongest message to you here today: We want you to begin to be infinitely aware of the signal that you are offering.
Imagine a cork bobbing on a body of water. It’s up there in that Pure Positive Energy — high, clear, pure, no resistance, vibration. Now take hold of the cork and hold it under the water. That’s what negative emotion is. The good news is, in the moment that you take your attention away from whatever it is that has caused your cork to go under the water — as soon as you take your attention from it — the cork bobs right back up to the surface. We want very much for you to hear us when we say, it is natural for you to vibrate in
To Understand Vibration Everything is about vibration. Physical beings sometimes are uncomfortable talking about vibration. They say, “Abraham, never mind vibration. Tell me what to do.” And we say, “All right. Vibrate. Vibrate on purpose.”
that pure positive place — and if were not for thoughts that you’ve picked up along your physical trail, you would all be vibrating up there in that place of clarity, in that place of wellness, in that place of abundance, in that place of Pure Positive Energy. It’s who you are. It’s natural unto you.
Imagine a room fan blowing air at you, very quietly. You know it’s on. You feel the air. You can’t hear it, but you can feel it. Now stick your pencil in the fan. That pencil in the fan would make quite a racket. Wouldn’t it? That pencil in the fan would slow the fan. So you would say the pencil in the fan is resistance. In other words, it slows the motion, or lowers the speed, of the fan. Well, resistance, in your physical realm, in terms of Energy, is the same thing. When you introduce a lower, slower vibration to a higher, faster one, the result is a slowing of the faster vibration. So when you give your attention to something that is in vibrational harmony with who you are — there is no resistance.
You Are Eternally You As you stand here in your physical bodies, you are an extension of Nonphysical Energy. You are not here as physical beings sometimes and in the Nonphysical realm, as souls or spirits or ghosts or dead ones, at other times. You are always Nonphysical Essence or Energy or Perspective or Perception or Consciousness... The Nonphysical part of you is an eternal existence, just like sometimes you choose to come here and sometimes you choose to go to the movie and sometimes you choose to go to work — sometimes that Nonphysical Consciousness chooses to perceive or to exist or to flow into a conscious physical perspective — and that’s what is happening with you here. You are extensions of Nonphysical Energy. The Nonphysical part of you, which is your Source Energy, is the essential, eternal part of you. Your Nonphysical Energy could exist without the physical extension — but the physical extension could never exist without the Nonphysical Energy. You are an extension of that.
When You Appreciate When you are praising, when you are appreciating, when you are acknowledging value, when you are looking for positive aspects, when you are laughing, when you are applauding, when you are joyous, when you are feeling that feeling of appreciation pulsing through you — in those times, there is no resistance within you. You are, in those moments, vibrationally up to speed with who you really are. When you are feeling anger or frustration or fear or loneliness or guilt, or those feelings that you describe as negative emotion, what that always means is, you are looking right at something that you do not want. Since there is no such thing as exclusion — no such thing as law of get it away from me, no such thing as law of detraction — as you are giving your attention to the thing that you do not want and you are shouting, “No!” at it, you are not sending it away. You are calling it closer. And as you calling it closer, or including it, the inclusion of this lower, slower vibration slows the overall vibration of you, and you are filled with resistance. You are no longer up to speed with who you really are, and the negative emotion that you feel, is your indicator that you are off your mark. You have just set your tuner on a different station than your Source Energy.
You Are Consciousness Now, that Nonphysical part of you is all vibration. In other words, not physical stuff, not matter, not flesh, blood, or bone. It is a Consciousness. Electricity. Energy. The Nonphysical part of you is Consciousness. It’s a bit like the you that you know in your dream state. This Nonphysical Consciousness that is you or that is your Soul or your Spirit, or the God that is within you, that part of you vibrates at a very high, fast frequency — and the reason that it is high and fast is because it is pure.
Why do we want to help you with this manifestation? Is it because we want you to have all of those things you think you want? Certainly, in part. We want you to have the manifestation of all things that are important to you. But the manifestation is really not what it is all about.
sive.” Contradictory Energy. You don’t get anywhere. But when you say, “I want a new red car, and I love the way it smells, and it is wonderful the dependability of the newness, and I love the way it drives.” When you stay focused upon what it is you do want, without contradicting it with what you don’t Desire Summons want, now your Life Force vibration lines up The desire for Life is nothing with what it is, and the manifestation is the Energy flows without desire just your way of through you. focusing so that you because desire Sure, you get the can summon Life summons the Life Force car, and that’s great. Force through you to importantly, it. and when that Life Force More you get the enthusiDesire is life. is flowing through you asm of that feeling of Contrast is what Energy flowing causes you to decide, that’s when through you on your and that decision is you are truly alive. way to that. And the asking. Have you when you get there, heard the expression, the good news is — “Ask and it is you’re still not done because you never get given?” Well, that desire that burns it done. within you is the asking. Once you get the manifestation, not only have Life is nothing without desire because you fulfilled that manifestation, not only is that desire desire summons the Life Force and when that now checked off your list, but now you have a new perLife Force is flowing through you — that’s spective from which to want. Now you have another when you are truly alive. vantage point from which to find something else that Can’t you feel yourself more alive you want to flow the Energy toward. And it is the when you have a project or an interest? Energy flowing through you that you are all about. Remember that lover that you wanted or The formula for creating anything is a that mansion that you were working on, very simple formula. It is simple to underor that hike out into the woods that you stand. It takes a little practice to implement. had planned? Don’t you always feel betThe formula says, “When my desire and my ter when you have an object of desire and habit of thought or my thought in this no resistance in your vibration, and your moment or my belief...” A belief is just a object of desire is summoning life thought you keep thinking, isn’t it? “When through you? That’s your natural state of my desire and my vibration in this moment are being. a match, then my desire must be.” Nothing is more delicious than to be When I am offering a signal that is a vibraphysically focused, letting the contrast tional match to my desire, then, by Law of Attraction, help you to define whatever it is that, in we are vibrating in the same place — and the Law this powerful now, you are wanting to of Attraction will bring whatever my desire is to give your attention to. And when you me and me to it.” give your attention to something in a non-diluted fashion... Rather than saying, “I want it but... I want it but... I want a new red car, but it is too expen-
Excerpted from Abraham-Hicks G-4/11/98 — Virginia Beach, VA G-4/14/98 — Philadelphia, PA
ABOUT THE AUTHORS Excited about the clarity and practicality of the translated word from ABRAHAM, Jerry and Esther Hicks began, in 1986, disclosing their ABRAHAM experience to a handful of close business associates. Then, recognizing the practical results being received by those persons who began plying ABRAHAM with meaningful personal questions regarding their finances, bodily conditions, and relationships...the Hickses made a conscious decision to allow ABRAHAM’S teachings to become Esther & Jerry Hicks available to an ever widening circle of seekers. And that circle continues to expand — even as you read this page. Jerry and Esther have now published more than 300 Abraham-Hicks books, cassettes and videos, and have been presenting open group interactive workshops in about 40 cities a year to those who gather to participate in this progressive stream of thought. Although worldwide attention has been given by leading edge thinkers to this Science of Deliberate Creation who, in turn, incorporate many of ABRAHAM’S concepts into their books, lectures, sermons, screenplays, scripts...the primary spread of this material has been from person to person — as individuals begin to discover the value of these materials in their practical, personal experience. ABRAHAM, a group of obviously evolved teachers, speak their broader Non-physical perspective through the physical apparatus of Esther. Speaking to our level of comprehension, from their present moment to our now, through a series of loving, allowing, brilliant yet comprehensively simple, recordings in print and in sound — they guide us to a clear connection with our Inner Being — they guide us to self-upliftment from our total self. COMMENTS FROM READERS & LISTENERS: ...It’s hard to believe that life could be so simple and so joyous and that it could take me so many years to find out how to do it...So, thank you, so much, for making an already good life even better! (With lots of good feelings) SC — PA ...I’ve been a “searcher,” “seeker,” “sharer” since I was a teen. My middle name was purported to be “Why?” The information from Abraham is so down-to-earth, useful, compelling, exciting, sensible, practical, empowering, clear, usable. I’m a marvelous deliberate creator now. Thanks for putting the “fun” back into physical life. JS — AZ ...Am so delighted to be reading your books, listening to your tapes, attending your seminars and talking to each of you on the phone. I am so happy and getting happier and clearer every day. My life has been leading to this point, and it feels like the icing on the cake. I know everything will just get better, although it’s hard to know how. What a powerful gift you’ve given us — the recognition of our ability to create the life we want, and the tools to carry out the plan. Thank you for sharing. — CA
HIGHLIGHTS OF CONTENTS 1998-99 General Workshop Schedule..............................................................3 Article: Feel the Freshness of Your “Eternal” Now ............................................4 Hello From Jerry & Esther ................................................................................6 NEW! Group Series Tapes, Spring, 1998 .........................................................8 Co-Creation: To Live in Trust Instead of Fear .................................................10 “Sara” Receives the Award of Excellence ........................................................12 Holiday Gift Special........................................................................................13 SARA on Tape! ...............................................................................................14 Synopsis of Abraham’s Teachings...................................................................15 Special Subject Tapes, Volume I .....................................................................16 Special Subject Tapes, Volume II ....................................................................18 Various Services and Products........................................................................20 How To Order...............................................................................................21 Price List ........................................................................................................22 Order Form ...................................................................................................23 Guarantees and Referrals...............................................................................24 Daily Planning Calendar/Course Workbook....................................................26 Quarterly Quotes...........................................................................................28 Book: A New Beginning I .............................................................................30 Book: A New Beginning II ............................................................................31 Love & Appreciation ......................................................................................32 Questions & Answers.....................................................................................34 Jerry & Esther’s Evolutionary Process ..............................................................43 Contents .......................................................................................................44
We do love receiving your messages , and reading your letters and notes that come by the thousands! We are currently set up to comfortably process workshops and orders for Free Introduction tapes, brochures, albums, books, etc., because we have been able to add other minds and hands for that. But we can't add more Jerry or Esther or hours to a day. And so, we will continue to personally respond to what we can when we can — and we will continue to read and listen to, and relish your wonderful responses to Abraham's materials...And we will continue to expect you to be aware of how very much we appreciate your delightful addition to our delicious physical experience — and to the upliftment of All-That-Is. From our hearts, Jerry & Esther © COPYRIGHT 1998