QJ 12

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The Science of Deliberate Creation A Quarterly Journal and Catalog Addendum

April, May, June, 2000 — VOL 12

Moving Up The Vibrational Stick!

(Page 6)

Newest Group Series — Fall, 1999 Album (Page 10) Who Makes the Universal (Page Laws? 12) Quarterly Quotes (Page 30)


e would bless and appreciate every religion, no matter how diverse or how weird it seems to us. We would say, “There is something in everything for everyone... in this magnificent environment of such diversity, where we, as a people, can continue to take thought beyond that which it has been before!”— G-7/25/99 Abraham-Hicks Publications P.O. Box 690070, San Antonio, TX 78269 Tel. (830) 755-2299 or FAX (830) 755-4179 On line — www.abraham-hicks.com © Copyright 2000

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