Ingles portafolio

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Honorato Rojas Erick Abraham 2° “A” Lengua extranjera II Laura Verónica Briones Lima Portafolio (Semestre A- segundo parcial) 2015-2016




1. - MAKIN REQUESTS AND ASKING FOR PERMISSION CONVERSATION AGREEING Would you mind Of course…. opening the window not Could you take off your Yes, of course shoes? Can you clean up your Sure. No problem room?

GIVING PERMISSION Do you mind if I play my No, not at all. Go ahead guitar? Is it ok of I turn of the Sure, no problem radio?

REFUSING I´m sorry but … I´m cold I´d rather not I´m afraid, i´m busy

RESUSING PERMISSION I´d rather you didn´t Sorry, but i´m listening to it

-Hi Richard -Hey -Would you mind turning down the music please? -Ohh i´m sorry, but I coul can´t -Why? Because i like listening to music strone. -okay! Dou you mind if I turn off five of the garbaje? -oh, yes of course. This theme serves to make suggestions for something we not particularly liking and you can tell the person that suggestion of the problem and also on how we answer this question we.

2. – PHRASAL VERBS A phrasal verb is afobweb by one or more partides that can be a preposition, an adverb or a combination or both, is a unit with a special meaging, other that the words what are taken separately. VERB+PREP/ADV. PUT AWAY THE GAME FROM THE TABLE TURN OFF THE TV TAKE OUT THE GARBAJE The phrasal verb help us have a more everyday language when we speak in English to give a suggestion, an order, a good way to do it according to an activity that is done.

3. – THE IMPERATIVE Is used to give orders It is followed by the base from of the verb It does not have a subjet The negative is formed with DON´T It ends with an exclamation mark -TURN OFF THE MUSIC! -OPEN DE DORR! -DON´T TOSS THE GARBAJE! -DON´T TELL LIES! The challenge is similar to the phrasal verb as these and now combined to formulate a correct and if as a examation order, these do not carry a subject only these two combinations.

4. - SHOULD- SOULDN´T Are used to give advice Are modal verbs The main verb must be in the base form. -THE SHOULD SPEAK LOUDER IN CLASS -WE SHOULDN´T TOSS THE GARBAJE -RITA ISNERROUS, SHE SHOULD TAKE A PILL -DANIEL SOULDN´T TALK LIKE THAT MANAGER: HI! Good afternoon I hope that he find good this menssage is for remember that his the restaurant is something impolite your personal are something moody and it is rude. He should speak with they form be good, they shouldn´t contrite this personal. Thank you bye and I wait that improve.

As I mentioned there are different ways to make a suggestion on this issue was seen as a suggestion we can do using the "should" to be done when any action is to implement this suggestion.

4. –PAST SIMPLE We use it to talk about action that started and finished in the past + I played soccer- they walked in the beach - I didn´t play in the park- they didn´t walk in the park ? Did I play in the soccer?- Did they walk in the park “El pasado es una forma de estructura que nos habla del pasado, existen diferentes formas, se habla positivamente con un verbo con terminación ED, en el

interrogativo llevara solo in DIDN´T con un verbo normal para todas las personas y en el interrogativo llevara el auxiliar DID al principio igual con un verbo normal, pero hay que tener cuidado BECAUSE hay verbos irregulares.

5. - TIME ESPRESSION There are many words and expressions to refer to time. You can use these to sequence events and to make stories and anecdotes more interesting. ° Yesterday in the morning ate hot cake with my family ° My family to traveled for two weeks to France ° I was born in January 01 ° Ago two days was my birthday an I was happy ° I went to a concert last Friday

6. – COPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES COMPARATIVES ° Are used to compare two things ° Add “er” to short adjectives Tall- taller Small- smaller Big- bigger ° Add “more” to long adjectives More expensive More fantastic More beautiful ° irregular adjectives Bad- worse Far- further Good- better -The dog is smaller than cat -My phone is more fantastic than you -My house is worse than you

SUPERLATIVES ° Are used to point at one out of a 3 or more in a group ° Add “est” to short adjectives Tall- tallest Small – smallest Big- biggest ° Add “most” to long adjectives Most expensive Most fantastic Most beautiful ° Irregular adjectives Bad- worst Far- farthest Good- best -My house is tallest of the city -The red car is more beautiful of the word -She is my the best friend

In English there is a topic that is to buy things or people they are called comparative and superlative these can help us to compare a more grammar way these issues help us a lot as there are levels to compare these things or people.


This song the message of the world is worst than a few years ago and the people don´t do nothing about than situation and people to make something to change. Sometimes the people don´t know live in the world in pace for it then war is best live in pace.


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