W.Taxi : Augmented Reality Head-Up Display for water taxis in Kiel

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Augmented Reality for Kiel’s Clean Autonomous Water-Taxi System

Thesis by Abril M. Villanueva

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts

Industrial Design | Medical Design

Supervised by Prof. Detlef Rhein Prof.in Dr. habil. Christiane Kruse



Statutory Declaration

Statutory declaration

I hereby declare that I have written this Master’s Thesis independently and without unauthorized outside help. I have not used any sources or aids other than those indicated, and I have indicated verbatim quotations and quotations in the spirit of the text. The thesis has not yet been submitted to any examination authority in the same or a similar form.

Statutory Declaration





Acknowledgments Agradecimientos

I want to thank Prof. Detlef Rhein for supervising this master’s thesis and his many years of support. To Prof. Dr. Christiane Kruse for her outstanding supervision of the theoretical part of the thesis. Danke an meine guten Freunde Tobias Zippert und Rosalina Mansfeld für die allgemeine Unterstützung und das leckere Essen, und an meine Kommilitonen Laura Raya, Jingyue Chen, Yigang Shen, Simeon Ortmüller und Stefanie Kalla für die gemeinsam verbrachte Zeit und das wertvolle Feedback. Thanks also to all the other friends that read and suggested changes to the redaction of this paper. Por último, pero no menos importante, un profundo reconocimiento a mis queridos padres, José Luis Martínez y María Luisa Villanueva, por su apoyo permanente y todo su esfuerzo.



The Future of Maritime Mobi

Table of Contents

Urban ility.

01. Generalities

02. Background

09 03. Design Process

15 04. Final Design

23 05. Bibliography




Generalities table of contents

1.1 Abstract

1.2 Introduction



10 Generalities 10

1.1 Abstract

The city of Kiel is living a public transportation transformation era, in which a reliable water taxi system would cover a lot of the mobility needs required nowadays and in the future, particularly if the aim is to respect the city’s sustainable vision, as well as its interest in improving its citizens’ life quality. The design methodology led us to the development of an interface in which the water taxi communicates with the passenger, giving them a sense of security and reliability. The result was the design of a headup display that could perfectly communicate the passenger information on travel conditions. It offers a user-friendly solution to improve user experience. For further development of this project, it is recommended and necessary to prove this interface in a functioning vehicle.

Generalities 11

12 Generalities

1.2 Introduction

Mobility is a crucial topic when we talk about improving life quality, and one of the aspects that will change massively due to technological innovation and behavioral changes. The ownership of private vehicles will decrease; thusly, the combination of multiple modes of transportation will become more prominent in cities. The main objective of this thesis is to propose an autonomous and sustainable transportation system in Kiel. Currently, public water transportation in this city can transport citizens and tourists using ferries exclusively. Therefore, the user must travel through an already designated route; this prolongs the passengers’ time of arrival at their destination. It is not a reliable way of transportation in an emergency.

To be implemented, the system needs an efficient, safe, and attractive vehicle, alongside an appropriate infrastructure and explicit signaling for it. This structure was an insight I stumbled upon during the project’s duration. The development of this thesis led us to a redefinition of the original approach, which was designing the whole system; it then turned its attention into the designing of the information and communications between passenger and vehicle, considering the challenge that an autonomous vehicle presents. Said development required a research phase, in which existing water-taxi vehicles used in other parts of the world were analyzed to provide a starting point for the design of a water-taxi in Kiel. After developing a benchmarking, analog and homolog analysis, and proposing initial iterations of design solutions, it was concluded that this communication system should be an interface consisting of a head-up display with augmented reality technology. Generalities 13

In this chapter, the characteristics of the city in which this project will take place will be reviewed, key points about the city’s history will be aboard, and the origin of the precedent CAPTN projects will be related. In the end, it will also be explained how a water taxi would complete the CAPTN Universe.


Background table of contents

2.1 Origin of the Project

2.2 CAPTN Vaiaro and Wavelab

2.3 Collaboration in a project

16 18 20

2.1 Origin of the Project

The CAPTN project aims to improve connectivity and transportation in Kiel, which due to its geography, has been one of the leading German naval bases since the 1860s. It is the capital of the federal state Schleswig-Holstein, hence the importance of modernizing and improving traffic in the city. Similarly, Ulf Kämpfer and Lutz Kipp, Kiel’s Mayor and former President of the Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel, had the idea of making the water connections more attractive and reducing the natural division of the city from east to west, allowing traffic accessibility. Under the direction of the CAU, in cooperation with Kiel University of Applied Sciences and the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design, the idea grew and turned into a first concrete vision. (Steinhart-Besser & Ortmüller, 2020, p. 20) Since then, this vision has been driven forward in expanded cooperation with local companies and partners. After the project succeeded in its initial phases, the Minis-

16 Background

try of Economy, Transport, Labor, Technology, and Tourism granted additional funds to the project. The additional publications are constantly under the scrutiny of specialists and the local press. Said level of scrutiny makes external communication an essential factor since the CAPTN initiative relies on the help and support of the people, unlike private corporation efforts. Such support is based solely on public funds, which means the project has an essential civil responsibility. Moreover, access to more funds would yield better possibilities. There is a great sense of gratitude from industrial designers towards the community since they owe them their formation; this, in turn, allows them to see this project as a way of repaying society by developing something that will benefit citizens directly. Changing the transportation systems in Kiel has a massive potential to improve its citizens’ quality of life. Public support made the CAPTN project possible to keep growing, which calls for the next step: the implementation phase (Steinhart-Besser & Ortmüller, 2020, pp. 20-21).

Background 17

Figure 1 Overview of Kiel’s geographical situation.

Figure 2

CAPTN Vaiaro

Part of CAPTN, 2019 https://captn.sh/vaiaro/

Figure 3

CAPTN Wavelab

Part of CAPTN, 2021 https://captn.sh/en/wavelab-en/

18 Background

What is the best way to approach the implementation phase of such a large cooperation project, such as solving the urban mobility problems in Kiel?

2.2 CAPTN Vaiaro and Wavelab Input

What is the best way to approach the implementation phase of such a large cooperation project, such as solving the urban mobility problems in Kiel? CAPTN Vaiario’s approach to the implementation phase is focused on attracting interest in Kiel and improving its credibility in the eyes of its population. In the beginning, the CAPTN Team was working only with visions and images, but in the course of the project, they realized that it was evident that they had to develop something driving on the water. The main question was: What is this vehicle supposed to look like? From a radical point of view, the direct implementation of the designed vehicle would be the breakthrough goal of the project. However, as stated in Steinhart-Bess-

er & Ortmüller (2020, p. 22), the CAPTN Team realized over time that implementing this technology involved much more complex issues that were not feasible at this stage. They based the first visions on many assumptions they made. A wide variety of technical aspects were considered but not checked in practice. The components’ composition would have had to be exhaustively tested since the ferries would be powered by innovative and new energy management systems and propulsion types. The ideal dimensioning could only be estimated through technological tests. In addition, the team could only determine the unique experience of the passengers with a finalized iteration of the ship (Steinhart-Besser & Ortmüller, 2020, p. 22).

Background 19

2.3 Collaboration of different working g cooperation project. Both CAPTN Vaiaro and Wavelab projects were interdisciplinary projects where good teamwork and collaboration were essential; they had team members from different scientific disciplines and many partners from commercial companies and politics, which needed to be integrated into an organizational environment. The various working groups had to structure and exchange ideas. Despite all the exchanges among the groups, precise distribution of tasks was necessary since not all involved members could participate in all steps. The team delimited and distributed the work and tasks fields to clear any misunderstandings. Industrial designers need to understand why it is so relevant to be onboard from the beginning. CAPTN had the opportunity to develop the initiative’s vision together in this project. Due to the tremendous success of the work done and broad public acceptance, the government offered the team an opportunity to continue working; hence it was possible to develop the Wavelab project. From the perspective of this thesis’ design project, the next logical step for the CAPTN constellation is designing a water-based taxi. This vehicle would cover the missing piece inside the CAPTN constellation: A personal, direct, and reliable taxi, available for the citizens when the ferry does not sail anymore.

Multidisziplinarität Figure 4

CAPTN Vaiaro

20 Background

groups in a

Figure 5

CAPTN Wavelab

Part of CAPTN, 2020 https://captn.sh/en/wavelab-en/

The CAPTN Wavelab team debated the following topics: the size of the vehicle and the space it required, the route profile, the dimensioning of the components (for example, the battery and hydrogen capacity), the materials to be used, the shape of the fuselage and the transport of passengers or interested parties. There was a dilemma in the discussion, as mentioned above. Without clear information and direction, the debate often turned in circles. (Steinhart-Besser & Ortmüller, 2020, p. 23)

Part of CAPTN, 2019 https://captn.sh/vaiaro/

Background 21

table of contents

3.1 Brainstorming


3.1.1 Infrastructure 3.1.2 Vehicle 3.1.3 App 3.1.4 Automat / Interface

3.2 Benchmarking


3.2.1 Analogues 3.2.2 Homologues

3.3 First Concept Definition 3.4 First User Journey 3.5 Head-Up Display Foundations


39 42

3.5.1 Fixed Information Layer 3.5.2 Augmented Reality Information Layer

3.6 First Graphic Approach 3.7 First Detailing Phase

44 46

3.7.1 Indication of the vehicle interior space design 3.8 Vector Elements Refinement 3.9 Organization and nomenclature of the elements


3.9.1 Markers 3.9.2 Map 3.9.3 Real-Time Information 3.9.4 Route Lanes 3.9.5 W.Taxi Logo and Identification Number 3.10 The Intersection Situation 3.11 New Organizational Scheme


56 60

3.11.1 Static Layer 3.11.2 Constant Layer 3.11.3 Dynamic Layer

3.12 Color Variation and vehicle lane definition 3.13 The system functioning in a dynamic situation 3.13.1 Feedback and definition of a new graphic design 3.13.2 GIF Animation

62 64


Design Process

3.1 Brainstorming

Brainstorming is an individual or group method to generate ideas and find solutions to all kinds of problems, which generally improves creative efficiency (Wilson, 2013, p. 2). For this, I collected three people from different backgrounds, and during this brainstorming session, I conflated a mental map. Through its development, I understood how complex it is to design a transportation system, especially one that will not be controlled by a human and has to be innovative enough to drastically improve its users’ life quality drastically. When I realized the project was a whole new system integrated by other less complex and smaller projects, I was able to identify four main key points that needed to be developed.

The project’s original o 24 Design Process

Figure 6 Clean Autonomous Water Taxi System for Kiel: general mental map

objective was to develop an autonomous vehicle that could transport a small group of people from one harbor directly to another, making the connection between the east and west shore easier. Design Process 25

3.1 Brainstorming 3.1.1 Infrastructure Because the taxi is essentially a boat, it essentially needs a harbor so that people can ascend and descend from it. In Kiel, there are already 13 small harbors that are used for the ferries that belong to the SFK (Schlepp- und Fährgesellschaft Kiel mbH, in English: “Towage and ferry company Kiel”). In Figure 16, we can see the existing harbors in Kiel and how they are interconnected by the three existing ferry lines and the bus connections for each one of them. These harbors are only equipped to operate with the type of ferries used by SKF. This led me to consider whether it would be coherent to keep the existing infrastructure or if it would be more appropriate to build new harbors designed to cover the necessities of an autonomous water taxi system.

Figure 7

Ship lines with bus lines connections

26 Design Process

Pondering upon what infrastructure is and which qualities it must have to achieve an adequate infrastructure drove me to essential insights, such as the importance of developing attractive, clear, and aesthetically pleasing signaletics. Signage or Signaletics (from the French signalétique, meaning signifying) is a visual communications system used for people’s spatial orientation in a complex space. This insight was crucial for the development of the thesis because signaletics design is essential for infrastructure design and the vehicle itself, as it has to interact with the passenger in some way.

Figure 8 Infrastructure Mental Map

3.1.2 Vehicle The Center of Research in Industrial Design of the National Autonomous University of Mexico considers four main aspects of any industrially produced object design: aesthetics, function, ergonomics, and manufacture. (Fernando Fernández, 2004, pp. 11-13) Depending on the project, the importance order of these factors varies. In this case, the function of the vehicle is the most critical aspect to solve since it has to interact with the passenger directly and not through a driver. Aesthetics follow nearly in importance since the vehicle must be attractive and aesthetically disruptive enough to increment tourism in the city. It also had to adapt to the already established governmental image. In third place, the ergonomics must be respected and adapted to be inclusive. Finally, manufacturing was the least important factor in this project because I could propose futuristic manufacturing processes and techniques.

The vehicle is the crucial element around which the whole system will be designed. Since I set the thesis topic, I decided that the water-taxi would be clean and autonomous, just as its predecessors.

Figure 9 Vehicle Mental Map Design Process 27

The use of a mobile application is contemplated in the initial stage, which would allow booking and tracking of the taxi service.

3.1 Brainstorming 3.1.3 App

During the brainstorming, I identified certain essential services that a possible app for this system should cover. Some of them are observed in other traveling apps such as payment, availability, possible traveling times, nearest station, and others observed in other taxi apps such as sharing travel and a GPS Live Feed.

Figure 10 App Mental Map

28 Design Process

3.1.4 Automat / Interface

It was unclear whether a different interface integrated into the infrastructure or even an automat would also be necessary for the system. I discarded this idea fast.

Figure 11 Short ideation of an automat

Design Process 29

3.2 Benchmarking The elaboration of a benchmarking came after the brainstorming phase was done. It started with general research of other existing autonomous transportation systems, especially other water-taxi systems worldwide. I proceeded to catalog and identify its components. These components were directly involved with the characteristics that this project uses as a leitmotif: environmental respect and autonomous driving.

3.2.1 Analogues The Center of Research in Industrial Design proposes to begin by researching and analyzing analog examples of the object being designed. An analog refers to all other projects that share any characteristic with our project. It can be, for example, that both of them are aquatic transportation systems, autonomous vehicles, or even simply taxis. The figure above is an overview of the CAPTN Vaiaro project, which also deals with an autonomous aquatic vehicle designed for Kiel. It differentiates from W.Taxi mainly in its passenger capacity and ability to sail in a predestined route which the user has to adapt to. During the development of the benchmarking, It became apparent that the most used propulsion system is the propeller. A propeller is a device with a rotating hub and radiating blades that are set at a pitch to form a helical spiral that, when rotated, exerts linear thrust upon a working fluid, such as water or air. (Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “propeller,” Unknown year, https://www. britannica.com/technology/propeller) In the analog analysis, the projects from the design company PriestmanGoode were beneficial. PriestmanGoode is a London-based product and transport design company whose aim lies in designing a better, more sustainable future. “New Car for London” (PriestmanGoode, n.d., www. priestmangoode.com) is one of their exciting projects from which I recollected a lot of valuable graphic data. Significantly, there were creative solutions for the interface and interior design. Figure 12 Analogue Analysis Moodboard

30 Design Process

3.2.2 Homologues

Also, as part of this methodology, homolog analysis is very similar to analog analysis. Still, homologues are those examples that share most or all of the characteristics with the project being designed. I synthesized the information also in the benchmarking and got exciting insights from the process. One of the first insights was the approximate size and ergonomic design of the water taxi. The Roboat (Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, n.d., https://roboat.org/) is the perfect homolog project to get this information. More information about this project can be read in chapter 5. From this project, I could understand that the most efficient taxi organization in the harbors are the lines and that taxis should always be available and prepared for being booked.

Figure 13 Roboat Moodboard

Design Process 31

3.2 Benchmarking Projekt



Energiequel Electric

Boot Propeller








Jet Capsule


Hydrogen Boat (electric shuttle) The Bubble H2 by SeaBubbles

Electric (Hydrogen fuel c Propeller

Tragflügelboat (Hydrofoil) Hysucat Water Taxi

Electric Piercing Propeller Technology

Boot Roboat

32 Design Process

Electric Ruderpropeller






Length overall 5,2 m Beam overall 2 m Height (Planning Mode) 1,4 m Height (Foiling Mode) 1,9 m Displacement (Lightship) 800 kg Displacement (Full Load) 1200 kg

1 Pilot(in) 3 Passagiere

Länge 7,5 m Breite 3,5 m 5-9 Passagiere



Länge 18,0 m Breite 8,0 m 50 Passagiere 10 Fahrräder

Länge 7,9 m Breite 3,5 m Höhe 3,1 m

8 Passagiere


Länge 10,0 m Breite 4,0 m Höhe 2,5 m

1 Pilot 11 Passagiere


Länge 4,0 m Breite 2,0 m

4-6 Passagiere

cell) Manuell

Design Process 33


34 Design Process

3.3 First Concept Definition

In this phase, I defined the objective of the project:

“Develop a transportation system that complements the current CAPTN system in Kiel. This system consists of autonomous, zero-emission, electric-powered vehicles that will transport a maximum of six users quickly, safely, and reliably from one designated port to another.” I also set the system’s characteristics to achieve the previously mentioned objective. It should be flexible, inclusive, intuitive, secure, fast, 24/7 accessible, affordable, and adapt to the already employed Kiel identity. Yet, the main challenge was to develop an easy, efficient, and enjoyable (user-friendly) interaction system between vehicle and passenger. The space where these interactions happen is called “interface.” I designed precisely this interface in the practical part of this thesis. In this project phase, I realized that the system was formed by three main parts: Infrastructure, Vehicle, and Signaletics. I defined infrastructure as the architecture of the stations and divided it into harbor, pier, and waiting area. I narrowed the design of the harbors exclusively to the ones near the central train station and Friedrichsort. I chose Friedrichsort because it is an exciting location that can attract more tourism to Kiel because of the primarily unknown beach at Skagerrakufer street. It will also significantly develop in the real-estate branch in ten years. The vehicle was understood as a constellation conformed by excellent performance, an adaptive, radical aesthetics, a pleasant atmosphere—where the user could feel safe—and an efficient information transfer between system and user. The Signaletics were also defined in three essential elements: font type, pictograms, and arrows. These elements must be understandable, clear, legible, accessible, and logical to communicate well between the system and the passenger.

Design Process 35

3.3 First Concept Definition




ästhetik schiffart



leistung kontrast zwischen drinnen und draußen

interaktion mit dem benutzer

head-up display




What must be considered under the vehicle design?

Friedrichsort: Problematic

Veraltete Materialien

36 Design Process

Winkel des Baus


Keine Signaletik

Gestaltung des Wartebereichs

Wohnungsmarkt anschließen an die Innenstadt

Tourismus ausbaufähig

Zukunftige Bauprojekte

Friedrichsort: Why is it and will be an important place in Kiel?

What is understood as “infrastructure”?




Design Process 37


The user forgot that he has a train to catch in 20 minutes. He totally forgot it and he’s still in Friedrichsort. The user search for the nearest station to take a W.Taxi.

The user searches in the W.Taxi App how lo much will it cost.


The user comes to the port. He can see the available taxis at the port and also the connection to the CAPTN Vaiaro Ferry.

The user pics a free taxi and scans the QR C the vehicle.



The user aboards the vehicle. The W.Taxi will welcome him with the proper atmosphere and signage.

The Head-Up Display shows the route and t on the system.


ong will the trip last and how


The App shows where is the next W.Taxi Station and how many W.Taxis are available.

5 3.4 First User Journey

Code in order to start to use


the location of other W.Taxis

The user journey map (also customer journey map) considers the entire “journey” of a user along all touchpoints (contact points) with a product or service. All steps and actions of the user are recorded. (Usability.de, n.d., para. 2). This map is a sequence of snapshots taken from the start of the activity until the user accomplishes their objective. Through it, I can better observe the difficulties and necessities. The user journey map was the logical step because it helps develop empathy for users and their goals and uncover potential for optimization. In this way, this map can give the user’s behavior and needs more significant consideration in future design decisions. A user-friendly design is based on its use. The central insight was the importance of the right atmosphere and the vehicle’s feeling to the user. Before and during the boarding process of the vehicle, communication with the user is of primary importance – for example, welcoming them aboard. Once inside, they see directly through the windshield, because, as mentioned above, the vehicle is autonomous. Thus, the presence of a driver will not block direct contact with the user. This visual freedom enhanced the communication between the vehicle and the passenger through a smart glass. This augmented-reality approach consists of two graphic elements on a smart glass. The first one is a map. The user would receive GPS Live Feed information of their trip, whilst the second is a graphical indication of the vehicle’s track until the final disembarkation point. The graphic information design is vaguely illustrated. The need for identification for every vehicle is also observed.

Design Process 39

3.4 First User Journey


The Head-Up Display shows the route and the location of other W.Taxis on the system.


The user arrives succesfuly and punctually to his destiny.

Figure 14 Head-Up Display first mood board and benchmarking 40 Design Process

Besides the visual interaction with the passenger, I was also able to observe that auditory information would improve the clearness and understandability of the system´s language. I discovered the necessity of a head-up display; therefore, I created a moodboard and conducted general research into designing this kind of display. At this point in the design process, the project focused on developing a suitable, clear, and precise head-up display for the water taxi system.

Design Process 41

3.5 Head-up Display Foundations

Head-up/heads-up displays (Oxford Dictionary of English, Angus Stevenson, Oxford University Press, 2010, p. 809), or HUD as it is more commonly known, display information on the screen without requiring the user to lower their head. In this position, the user does not required to look away from their usual viewpoints. The origin of the name stems from a pilot viewing information with the head positioned “up” and looking forward instead of angled down looking at lower instruments. Unlike the head-up displays used to operate airplanes or boats, this display will accurately communicate travel information. The display encompasses two layers of information:

42 Design Process

3.5:1 Fixed information layer It will contain data about speed, remaining travel time, vehicle´s direction, short text indications, time and date.The display will be updated constantly in real-time according to the new traveling conditions.

3.5.2 Augmented-reality information layer This layer will contain the Augmented-Reality (AR) data of the trip. A is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information. It can be defined as a system that incorporates three essential features: a combination of real and virtual worlds, real-time interaction, and accurate 3D registration of virtual and real objects. (Wu, Lee, Chang & Liang, 2013, pp. 41-29) The overlaid sensory information can be constructive (i.e., additive to the natural environment) or destructive (i.e., masking the natural environment). This experience is seamlessly interwoven with the physical world to be perceived as an immersive aspect of the real environment (Rosenberg, Louis B, 1992). Therefore, augmented reality alters one’s ongoing perception of a real-world environment, whereas virtual reality completely replaces the user’s real-world environment with a simulated one.

Figure 15 Example of Head-Up Display with both information layers Design Process 43

3.6 First graphic approach

I focused the visualization of the project on illustrating different snapshots of the travel sequence. The hierarchy of elements in information design was still centered on messages in the form of words addressed to the user, such as “Welcome” or “Have a good trip.” Using graphic elements and semi-transparent surfaces instead of only vector elements was still under experimentation. I still did not define the vehicle lane perspective thoroughly enough. The auditive information was also shown simultaneously on the screen in text.

Besides the written message, I also attached a photo of the person supporting the user on the other side of the system. For the vehicle’s lane-design first approach, I experimented with basic geometry to give a sense of orientation. Unfortunately, the graphics were too crudely drawn, and the perspective did not map onto reality correctly.

Leicht bewölkt

Tobias Rohe

6° C

Hallo, mein Name ist Tobias und ich werde Ihr Assistent während der Reise sein. Wenn Sie Fragen haben oder etwas brauchen, zögern Sie nicht, auf der Knopf "Assistenz" zu drücken. Sagen Sie mir dann einfach was Sie benötigen.


Friedrichsort WIR KOMMEN AN IN

28 min DISTANZ

8.66 km

12:40 MONTAG, 17. JANUAR 2022

Figure 16

A first graphic design approach for the head-up display. 44 Design Process

6° C Ihre Reise fängt jetzt an. Bitte vergessen Sie nicht, Ihren Sicherheitsgurt anzulegen. Genießen Sie Ihre Reise.


Friedrichsort 28 min 0 km

0 min



6° C


Friedrichsort 18 min 3 km

10 min



6° C

Ihre Bus Verbindungen sind: 12, 12N, 13, 90S, 91, 745

An der Schanze

Friedrichsort 18 min 3 km

10 min



Design Process 45

3.7 First Detailing Phase

This first iteration taught me to change the “surface” graphic design for “vectorial” graphic design to achieve clearness and precision. This new graphic language approach can be identified in the vehicle lane design and the empty rectangles instead of transparent surfaces. A first idea of the user perspective is made, but the size, representation, and proportions were still not satisfactory.

Figure 17

Sequenced illustration in the first detailing phase.

46 Design Process

Figure 18

Sequenced illustration understanding of the interior space of the vehicle

3.7.1 Indication of the vehicle interior space design

To correct the proportions and improve the comprehensibility of viewer position, I decided to build a model of the front part of the vehicle using a 3D software. Later on, I rendered it from the passenger’s view and used it to complement the new graphic design of the head-up display.

The vectorial design of the vehicle lane was an experimental geometrical pattern, made by the repetition of circles in lines and columns. The proportion of the elements didn’t have harmony or order. I questioned the use of the color blue and suggested the development of color variations.

Design Process 47

3.8 Vector elements refinement To change the focus of the thesis, I stopped designing the elements that did not have a graphical influence on the headup display, such as time, date, and written messages directed to the passenger. I had to concentrate on those elements that needed the development of an entirely new graphical element.

48 Design Process

Figure 20

Further development of the lane’s pattern

. The vehicle’s lane was the crucial element to design, which resulted in several pattern and color variations. The insight led me to use a geometrical pattern just for the lane of the water taxi to avoid overlapping different textures that resulted in graphical chaos. I also understood that using a short and compact group of information for every ship instead of a general board with the information of all the ships was more convenient. The other vehicle lanes were imagined as simple white/black transitions from solid to transparent surfaces. The variations showed clear superiority of the white over the black color. Geometrical pattern experimentation continued. It resulted in arrows in different forms, and size variations formed by circle sets.

for streets was unnecessary. Also, at this stage, I discovered that green was a beneficial color to achieve clearness in the graphical language of the system. Geometrical pattern experimentation continued. It resulted in arrows in different forms, and size variations formed by circle sets. In this phase, I finally developed a first approach to the first vectorial design of a map. I observed that the use of indications for streets was unnecessary. Also, at this stage, I discovered that green was a beneficial color to achieve clearness in the graphical language of the system.

In this phase, I finally developed a first approach to the first vectorial design of a map. I observed that the use of indications

Figure 19

Variations of textures and colors of the vehicle lane. Design Process 49

3.9 Organization and nomenclature of the elements inside the Head-Up Display To have a more organized overview of the project, I sorted the insights and interface elements in a mental and graphic map. I divided the elements into four principal groups: markers, map, real-time information, and route lanes. In the following paragraphs, I will describe the interface elements illustrated in the graphic map of Figure 34.

Figure 21

Graphic map of the elements inside the head-up display

3.a 2




3.c 1.a



50 Design Process


weiß durchlässig transparenz prozentsatz

Helles Grautone

Kein Verlauf


Hintere Teil

Projektion Fahrichtung

Andere Fahrzeuge

+ Hell



Außere Linie

Kein Verlauf



Vordere Teil

Form Experimentation vor dem Schiff




Pfeil gestalten Lucke ändern Uhr beobachten

keine Punkte


Fehlende Zeit

Geschwin digkeit


W.Taxi Logo Anzahl Symbole

Richtung Symbol gestalten

Head-Up Display

Abstand Entfernung

Richtung Mit Buchstaben Ohne Buchstaben

Marker andere Hafen markieren

Pin Point


Karte keine Straße

näher rücken (-) sich entfernen (+)

Start Ziel

Strecke keine andere Schiffe zeigen



Figure 22 Mental map of the elements inside the head-up display

3.9.1 Markers I named “markers” the elements on the interface that were pointing at objects in the real world. At this point of the design process, I identified two kinds of markers: “Distance/Orientation Markers” (1.b) and “Place” Markers (1.a). The “Distance/Orientation” markers indicate how far the other ships from W.Taxi are and the direction they are traveling. The Place Markers indicate the name of the places shown in the interface.

3.9.2 Map I designed the map so that the user could see his real-time location and the real-time position of the other W.Taxis in the fjord. The most crucial element of the map was the representation of the travel route, which included starting point and final destination. The final destination graphic had a higher place

in the design hierarchization of elements.

in any conventional round analog clock.

3.9.3 Real-Time Information This information layer comprises three elements that give the user a general idea of the travel most relevant real-time information: travel direction, speed specification in km/h, and remaining time in - X minutes. Their design was made as if said three elements had the same order in the system’s hierarchy. I developed five different vector graphics and realized that the simplest graphic achieved the consciousness that the system required. In this design, the cardinal points in the travel direction element were represented by letters. The speed specification vector graphic is a circle with the bottom part cut-out. This design resembles the speedometers found in most cars. The “Remaining Time” vector is inspired by the representation of time passing by

Figure 24


3.9.4 Route Lanes There are two different Route Lane hierarchies inside the system’s interface: the W.Taxi Lane and the nearby vessels lane. The color and geometrical pattern design dictate the importance of these elements.

Design Process 51

3.9 Organization and nomenclature of the elements inside the Head-Up Display 3.9.5 W.Taxi Logo and Identification Number There is a fifth element contemplated in the mental map, but it was not developed during this phase of the design process because of methodological ends. This element is the W.Taxi System Logo and the vehicle’s identification number. This element can still be observed in Figure X but not in the following stages of the design. Its presence in the interface was just interfering with the design of the active elements on it, so I decided to remove it from the active screen, but, nevertheless, to keep in mind that this element must be added to the information of the system—probably as part of the vehicle’s interior design. Through this draft, I realized the importance of developing an image that simulates an actual scene where two or more ships’ lanes intersected. It was essential to develop the graphic representation of an intersection situation because it is a pervasive circumstance during a trip through the Kiel Fjord. The graphical representation was still not graphically clear enough. This inaccuracy was mainly observed in the interpolation of the vehicle’s lane with the other ships’ lane.

Figure 29

Detail of one version of the map vector design 52 Design Process

Figure 25

Design variants of “Place” Markers .

Figure 26

Design variants of “Distance” Markers

Figure 27

Design variants of the “Real-Time Information” layer

Figure 28


Design variants of the real time map

Design Process 53

3.9 Organization and nomenclature of the elements inside the Head-Up Display An image was made with all the elements together to see if they worked harmoniously in the Head-Up Display.

54 Design Process

Figure 29

Choosing the best vectorial graphic elements to achieve aesthetic harmony

Design Process 55

PANTONE 16-5907 Granite Green


3.10 The Intersection Situation

The following design stage began by developing an image where it was clearer to understand that the ships’ lanes would cross at a certain point of the trip. I achieved this by constructing a 3D Scene which I thereafter rendered. Then, I continued developing the interface, experimenting with three different kinds of greens. I had previously observed that green was an adequate color to communicate that the vehicle was in motion, so at this stage, we continued experimenting with different greens. The design of the markers was also still in progress, and I decided that the use of indicative lines exerted too much visual noise in the graphic design of the interface. I made a first approach to the intersection symbol. Its aesthetics was based on the design of the previous markers.

56 Design Process

At this point of the process, I realized that the critical point of the project was the design of the graphic solution for this intersection situation If this is properly solved on a graphical level, the user will be able to virtually look into the future, in a manner of speaking. The interface will show the exact place and time where the lanes will cross, assuring passengers that the ships will not collide. Up to this point, I developed the design of the intersection situation over a static image. This exercise allowed me to realize that the representation of other ships crossing with other ships was entirely unnecessary for the W.Taxi’s interface because it resulted in a very chaotic display. At the same time, it also limited the development of a realistic vector design of the intersection situation, which is the next and last step to achieve good communication between system and user.

“Through the vector graphic implementation of the intersection situation in the interface, how do I communicate the sense of security and, moreover, that the system has everything under control?”

Figure 30

on 1: Intersection Situation

PANTONE 13-0550 TCX Lime Punch Figure 31

Variation 2: Intersection Situation

PANTONE 16-6127 Greenbriar Figure 32

Variation 3: Intersection Situation

Design Process 57

3.10 The Intersection Situation After the first “Intersection Design” appraoch, I realized that the exact place of the intersection had to be more exactly indicated. This would be achieved throiugh the refinement of the vectorial graphic design of both vehicle lanes: the one from the taxi and the ones from the other ships.

58 Design Process

Figure 33

Variation 1: Intersection Marker

Figure 34

Variation 2: Intersection Marker

Design Process 59

3.11 New Organizational Scheme

3.11.1 Static Layer This layer contain all the graphic elements that are actually not phisically part of the head-up display but that help to understand the perspective of it. There elements are: a) User Representation b) Taxi Structure Representation For this layer it had to be considered an element that was until this point of the process not designed: A place for the water taxi number identification and the system’s logo,

3.11.2 Constant Layer This layer contains the information that stays in the same place of the head-up display but the graphics (numbers and direction of the arrow) constantly changes depending on the vehicles circumstances. These elements are c) Map d) Direction e) Speed f) Remaining time In the next stage of the design, the map had to be necesarily separeted from the other elements in order to bring clarity to the display.

3.11.3 Dinamic Layer This layer contain all the other information that constantly changes depending on the exterior situation. This layer is composed by the following elements. g) Place marker h) Destination Marker i) Distance and direction (other ships) j) Intersection marker k) Lane W.Taxi l) Lanes other ships

60 Design Process

Figure 35

Scheme of the new organizational organization

Design Process 61

3.12 Color Variation and vehicle lane definition

In the last feedback session, through new graphical experimentation, I determined the color tone of the W.Taxi Lane, as well as the form ot the other lanes and all the other elements, guided by the organization explained in the previous subchapter. Unfortunately the herarchie of the layers was not clear.

Figures 36, 37 and

Variations made to find the correct hierarchy of the 3 different information laye 62 Design Process

d 38


Design Process 63

3.13 The system functioning in a dynamic situation 3.13.1 Feedback and definition of a new graphic design After a short feedback session with people of different backgrounds, I createtd a short animation in order to see if the vectorial design of the lanes worked in a intersection situation. In order to do that I firstly made a new variation of the head-up display by mixing the three previous variants.

64 Design Process

Figure 39

Head-up display obtained in the last feedback session

Design Process 65

A real 3D situation

66 Final Design

3.13.2 GIF Animation This is the sequence of images used in order to create the GIF animation in the last meeting of the master thesis process. Here it’s possible to appreciate how the graphical elements do not function smoothly in a visualization situation. Final Design 67


Final Design table of contents

4.1 A new understanding of the intersection situation


4.1.1 Maximal Simplification 4.1.2 Creation of an animation

4.2 Head-Up over new renderings 4.3 User Journey

4.3.1 Conditions variation

74 76

4.1 A new understanding of the intersection situation 4.1.1 Maximal simplification

For the final design, I under- see the crossing of the two roads stood that the map had to be indicated in yellow color. separated from the other three elements of the constant layer. For this new version, just the information of the closest ships would I also redesigned the illustration be showed, and through this, a of the vehicle interior to create a cleaner and more understandable specific place for the logo and augmented reality would be creatidentification number of the ve- ed. hicle and a place to create short messages to the passenger. The distance between ship and I traced exactly the lanes of the intersection point was eliminated, vehicles vectographically, which because it was not understadable allowed me to create a new enough which diestance was indigraphic system in which we can cated in this marker.


70 Final Design

35.2 m

82.3 m


37.4 m


#00a38f Final Design 71

72 Final Design

4.1.2 Creation of an animation In order to represent the new headup display design in an actual crossing situation, I created an animated video of an actual crossing situation. Afterward, I used several frames from it and traced over 18 of them, how the head-up display would change in these 18 different situations. This vectographical development was used to create a short video, where the behavior of the vector graphic elements can be seen. Final Design 73

4.2 Head-Up Display over new renderings Once the new vectographical development was made, I decided to prove it over different renderings that I developed. In each of these renders, different circumstances are shown, both intersectional situations and diverse weather conditions. This resulted in the further development of new specifications that the system will have depending on the circumstances in which the trip is made, as well as the position of the vehicle and its position related to other ships.

1 40.5 m


74 Final Design

22 °



-7 Laboe


Final Design 75

4.3 User Journey

76 Final Design

Ana has to go from the center of the city of Kiel, to her office in Friedrichsort.

She aboards the vehicle and confirms her trip.

The taxi welcoms her aboard.

The taxi indicates her that the travel begins by wishing her a good trip.

Final Design 77

The travel begins and the taxi indicates perspectively where is it heading to.

On her way, she feels safe because W.Taxi indicates her when a ship is coming towards her and blinks red when intersecting.

The vectographical design is clear and simple

78 Final Design

She can always see the precise distance of the closest ships near to her.

The taxi is GPS live tracked and she can always see her position on the dynamic map in the right lower corner

The system indicates a possible future crossing in yellow color and an iconic symbol.

Final Design 79

She can see exactly the place where the other ship will cross its way with the route ov W.Taxi

She enjoys the show that this technology offers her.

She´s about to come to her destination and prepares herself to descend from the vehicle

80 Final Design

She’s now just 100 meters away from her destination, so the system shows where she’s arriving to.

She came to her destination safe and fast. During the trip, she enjoyed the experience of traveling in an autonomous vehicle.

Final Design 81

4.3.1 Conditions variation

The information on the display changes according weather, time, speed, direction and travel conditions.

82 Final Design

Final Design 83



86 Conclusions

5. Conclusions

This thesis aimed to give an approach on how a water taxi can be implemented in Kiel. Throughout its development, the question which triggered this research changed in order to solve the main challenge of developing such a system. It finally became: “How can we achieve an efficient communication method among passengers and vehicles through the design of an interface?” A Head-Up Display with augmented reality was the logical answer. Creating a graphic language that enables said communication – by combining such diverse fields as industrial, information and interface design – is the main contribution of this thesis. The final design had to contemplate and integrate the qualities the water taxi aims to provide, which mainly are a sense of security and reliability, considering the challenge an autonomous vehicle proposes. We decided to explore different technologies to display the content of the interface after pondering upon the state of the art. Augmented Reality proved to be the obvious solution for it is the most intuitive and most accessible option, while also allowing gamification: the easier it is to manipulate, and the more it allows the user to identify with itself, the better the experience it offers. In conclusion, the Head-Up display for Kiel’s Clean Autonomous Water-Taxi System provides a user-friendly solution in order to improve the overall experience an innovative water-based public transportation project has to offer By all means, testing of this interface in a functioning vehicle is recommended and necessary, and should be further developed and even possibly implemented in the existing ferries.

Conclusions 87


Bibliography table of contents

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