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Absolute Thai JUNE / JULY 2010

Johnny Depp A True Professional


Tahiti & Her Islands

Porsche 9 1 8 Sp y d e r






Contents 8 W h at ’ s O n

51 T r a v e l

Festivals in Thailand

Tahiti and Her Islands

12 H e a l t h & W e l l - b e i n g

63 G o l f R e v i e w

Your Daily Schedule of Happiness

Royal Gems Bangkok

19 A b s o l u t e Sa n s a b a i R e s o r t & Spa

75 P o r s c h e Sp y d e r

Porsche 918 Spyder Hybrid

The Next Level in the Ultimate Holiday Experience

33 C o v e r F e at u r e

83 Fa s h i o n

Johnny Depp

Thai Silk

43 P a m p e r e d P o o c h e s It’s a Dog’s Life


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aving just watched Alice in Wonderland before I wrote this, I am in awe of what a versatile and talented actor Johnny Depp is. The Mad Hatter, John Dillinger, Sweeney Todd, Captain Jack and Willy Wonka have all been performed with astonishing professionalism; and that is only going back just 5 years into his career! It is hard to know when a star is at their peak, but Depp’s star just keeps rising. Read our cover feature about him, and become even more impressed with his long list of accomplishments. While you are perusing our fine magazine, you will notice that we have created new layout themes to enhance our readers’ viewing pleasure. As Absolute Thai magazine becomes ever more popular throughout Thailand, you can rest assured that we are doing our best to bring you interesting and entertaining articles along with astonishing photographs. The pictures and specifications of Porsche’s new 918 Spyder are jaw dropping.


Also, don’t just skip over the advertisements. Thailand is packed with things to do and places to see, but if you don’t know about them then you cannot enjoy them. Cover to cover and page by page, Absolute Thai magazine is worthy of a thorough read.

33 TIM KNIGHT E D I T OR C RE D I T S CHAIRMAN: Bryan Lunt Bryan.Lunt@AbsoluteThai.com MANAGING DIRECTOR (THAILAND): Andrew C. Parker ap@AbsoluteThai.com EDITOR: Supachart Ruamsamu Supachart@AbsoluteThai.com FEATURE EDITOR: Tim Knight TimKnight@AbsoluteThai.com GENERAL MANAGER: Callum Mckay Callum@AbsoluteThai.com PUBLISHER: Absolute Group PRINTING: Phongwarin Phongwarin@inet.co.th

A d v e r t i s i n g Sa l e s Callum Mckay (Phuket) Callum@AbsoluteThai.com Mobile: +(66) 083 596 7537 Tassaporn Songserm (Thai Sales) Tassaporn@AbsoluteThai.com Mobile: +(66) 083 691 8784 Loran Wanigasooriya (Samui) Loran@AbsoluteThai.com Mobile: +(66) 086 267 8235 Tim Knight (Northern Sales) TimKnight@AbsoluteThai.com Mobile: +(66) 084 689 9680 Vinda Kallayanamitr (Bangkok) Vinda@truemail.co.th Mobile: +(66) 081 889 7482

Absolute Thai is published by San, Sea and Sand Co. Ltd. Registration Number 8837354810366. Registered address 42/11 Taveewong Road, Kathu, Patong, Phuket. Printed by Phongwarin LTD., Samutprakarn. All material is strictly copyrighted and all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without prior permission of the copyright holder. All information and data are correct at time of publication.

The Island’s Best Shopping Center


What’s on

Thailand festivals June-July 2010

P hi Ta K h o n F esti val June 12 - 14, 2010 Dan Sai District, Loei District and Province



colours, and features the characteristic long pointed nose. This completes the transformation. The clanging sound of the square cowbells worn around the waist announces the presence of the spirits who wield phallic-shaped long-handled swords decorated with red paint. The good-natured, fun-loving spirits mingle among the crowd, teasing and amusing all who take part in the procession. Spectators and visitors are welcome to join in the fun.

he Phi Ta Khon festival is unique to the Dan Sai district in Loei Province and reflects the local Isan belief in ghosts and spirits. Held once a year, it is part of a grand merit-making festival known as the “Boon Luang” festival. The origins of the Phi Ta Khon Festival can be found in the tale of Lord Buddha’s last great incarnation before attaining Enlightenment. In Buddhist accounts, it is said that when Prince Vessandara, the Buddha’s penultimate incarnation, returned to his city, it was such a joyous occasion that the village spirits came forth to join the welcoming parade. This very colourful and vibrant Phi Ta Khon procession is the central focus of the celebrations.

There are two types of “spirits” featured in the Phi Ta Khon procession namely the “Phi Ta Khon Yai” — the supreme Phi Ta Khon, and the “Phi Ta Khon Lek”, the ones that are commonly found. The making of the Phi Ta Khon Yai involves the performance of a sacred ritual to seek the blessings of the supreme powers before work on the Phi Ta Khon Yai masks can be initiated. It is also a task reserved exclusively for the descendants of families in which the tradition of making Phi Ta Khon masks has been practiced for several generations. The Phi Ta Khon Yai is made of bamboo and is dressed in either male or female attire.

In a lively re-enactment of the tale, the young men of the community dress up as “spirits” wearing long trailing costumes made from colourful strips of cloth sewn together. The hideous-looking Phi Ta Khon mask which is made of dried sticky rice husk is painted in bright red, green or other


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T hailand T o urism F esti val Date: Venue:

June 2010 Challenger Hall 1-2, Impact Muang Thong Thani Exhibition Centre Pakkred District, Nonthaburi


t 40,000 square metres, the Thailand Tourism Festival (TTF) is billed as the country’s largest travel and tourism showcase event that includes a vast range of activities to promote the preservation of Thai culture, traditions and local way of life.

For first-time visitors to Thailand, TTF provides an excellent introduction to the Thai kingdom. A visit to TTF is also a quick and convenient way to get the latest updates on new tourism products and services, as well as to compare prices and shop for the best bargains and attractive deals — all in one stop.

Spectacular stage performances and live demonstrations of local arts and crafts add a colourful festive feel to the event as hundreds of professional travel and tourism operators and service providers from all regions of Thailand offer quality tourism products and services and travel specialists help individual travellers and families to plan their trips.

Given the popularity of the event with Thai travellers, especially families, travel and tourism operators and service providers, particularly small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which are noted for their unique one-of-a-kind niche product offerings, turn up in strength.


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Admission is free.


H ua H in J a z z F esti val

H ua H in R egatta 2 0 1 0

Date : 18-20 June 2010 Venue : Hua Hin Beach, Prachuap Khiri Khan

Date : July 2010 Venue : Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan



usic lovers, from Bangkok and neighbouring countries keep their calendars free, mid-June, so they can head south from Bangkok down Highway 4 to the small upscale resort town of Hua Hin where they can enjoy a music festival that delivers the best jazz and blues bands from around Asia. The 8th Hua Hin Jazz Festival will be held, 18 to 20 June, at two sites at Hua Hin, 200 km south of Bangkok, in Prachuab Khiri Khan Province.

t the close of the month, 30 July, sailors gather for the annual Hua Hin Regatta 2010 that will test their skills over three days of competition. The coveted trophies are the Royal Vega Rudder trophy of His Majesty the King, Super Mod National Championship trophy from HM the King, OK Dinghy National Championship trophy from HM the Queen, and Princess Cup for Optimist Championship of the late HRH Princess Galyani Vadhana.

Hua Hin has been associated with the country’s jazz community since the 1950s and the jazz festival is organised annually in honour of the musical talents of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Organisers also point out that the event celebrates the occasion of Hua Hin’s 100th anniversary. The festival draws on the inspiration of HM the King, who has penned a host of jazz compositions and is a fine saxophone player in his own right. The town is justly proud of its royal heritage, second only to the Thai capital, Bangkok. A seaside location and its variety of accommodations, across all categories, help to make it an ideal venue to host a music festival. The International jazz scene will be represented by three bands – Shakatak from the UK, Malene Mortensen, Denmark and Popsanova, Brazil. Out of Asia the audience can enjoy the music of Noon a famous band from Japan, Estrella from Malaysia and the ever popular Brass Monkeys from the Philippines. More than 15 Thai jazz bands are booked to perform including, Infinity, Bangkok Connection, Gail Dila and Mellow Motif. Bands will perform on three stages on the beach and at Phonkingphet Public Park in the town centre. Performances during the three day festival are free and continue from 1530 until midnight.

Entrance to all performances is free.

I nternati o nal Wa x S culpture Date : July 2010 Venue : Thung Si Mueang District, Ubon Ratchathani


oin the alms-giving for Asalha Puja and the Khao Phansa Buddhist ceremony. Participate in the ceremony of welcoming His Majesty the King’s royal candle and the international candle-carving competition from various countries, as well as taste “Pha Khao Laeng” , a local food especially prepared for tourists.


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Your Daily Schedule of Happiness T

here’s nothing like having the wind taken out of your sails to make you sit back and take stock of where you’re at in life. It’s moments like these that catch you off guard and seriously question what you’ve been doing with your life and what you have to show for it. Of course, there are many of us that will always be thankful for our families and children and deny ever changing a thing because it could change their future outcome. But what if we were happier? What if we could say, at least I’m happy? Is happiness something that can be conjured up in the morning before we set off to work or pack off our kids to school or even before we plonk ourselves down in front of the computer? And if it is will it really make a difference?


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The answer is simply, yes! I have complete faith and can honestly say that I am now a believer. It may not work every time with everyone, there may be moments that you feel that gut wrench in the pit of your stomach for feeling foolish, but believe it or not happiness is available to everyone and it’s contagious. The most important thing about happiness is not to wait for that life changing moment before you decide to make it a bigger part of your life -- that would be the worst thing to do, why miss out on what can make you happy right now at this very moment? Enjoy the things you have around you, in your home, your closet or even your kitchen. Probably not one of the first things you would think about, but how many things have we purchased because we loved them and then put them away never to be appreciated again? It could be anything a dress, a piece of jewellery or even a piece of technology. It’s funny because we don’t often associate material things with true happiness, but what we’re looking for at this moment is instant gratification and when we look at something that makes us smile that’s the beginning to a happy day. Everybody has something that makes them smile even if it’s a teddy bear. A simple act of kindness, whether it is opening the door for someone, giving a heartfelt compliment or just a loving hug. Many people will say that donating money is a tricky thing because you’re not sure where the money ends up, but the fact is, just by giving spare change in your pocket or at the bottom of your bag whether 50 cents or a dollar doesn’t matter, it’s a feel good gesture. These are the little things that not only make other people feel good but they are effortless things to do that lift our spirits and make us smile on the inside. Don’t question every little thing-- sometimes you have to just do it.

Take time out for yourself, it could be a fifteen minute walk in the park, a cat nap in the afternoon or maybe twenty minutes listening to your favourite music or reading a book. You might even want to call a friend and chat, the important thing is to make it about you and how you enjoy your fifteen minutes of personal fame. I can’t tell you how many people complain about never having enough time, well.., hogwash! I am the first to admit I used to be just like that, but the fact is we all have fifteen minutes, it’s your choice, you can take them and be happy or you can squander them but as you do – remember you can’t get them back!

Do something for you, splurge on that mocha chocca latte or glossy magazine, read a low brow newspaper without feeling guilty that you’re not actually learning anything. Some days are just about doing something you’re not supposed to be doing. That doesn’t mean we have to go out and raid a liquor store all it means is that we should remember that life is about give and take, about the here and now and if one small act of selfishness on your behalf can in turn make you happier, then make the move -- the happy momentum will sweep across everything you do and everyone you see for the rest of the day.

Make your moments count, breathe them in and enjoy every second. Soak up the little things surrounding you, things you take for granted every day and smile at those pictures that bring back fond memories because when you feel and reveal happiness -- the world returns the emotion in waves and that’s the real secret -- the happier you are, the happier all those around you will be and who doesn’t like the sound of that? You’ll get it sooner than you think, it’s a happiness thing.


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Wellbeing within reach at

Samui Wellness Spa


consultant as well as a yoga teacher and is present throughout the client’s journey to wellbeing.

visit here could be exactly what’s needed to set you up for life. Though there’s no such thing as a quick fix, according to the spa’s wellness manager, Mike Cooper, the programs here are very much about helping you make changes that are permanent. At Samui Wellness Spa, Mike makes sure you’re well prepared for when your detox program is over – no need to slip back into your old ways; the transformations you make here are designed to last.

With such personalized attention, it’s far easier to overcome hurdles to good health and find the very deep sense of wellbeing that the inclusive packages provide. Samui Wellness Spa offers programs that include pre- and post-cleanse consultations, detox drinks plus herbal supplements, far infrared sauna, lymphatic drainage massage, colon hydrotherapy, yoga and meditation and either fasting or deliciously healthy raw food cuisine.

The spa is Koh Samui’s newest, and aims to give clients a much more personalized experience than is usually the case. Mike doesn’t rely on separate trainers for the detox programs, yoga, meditation, and nutrition consultations; he does it all himself and is therefore able to individually help each client. He’s a lifestyle and weight management

As in most spas, you’ll find a variety of massages and beauty treatments, which are all performed in private VIP rooms, which is ideal for couples.


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It isn’t necessary to enroll in a course to savor the benefits of Samui Wellness Spa: drop in for a yoga session. Your body will thank you for doing so. Yoga calms the mind and relieves stress and tension as well as enabling you to become extremely fit. Meditation, too, is a calming influence, and in combination with yoga, these practices can change your life radically. Mike has been practicing yoga for a dozen years, and spent 12 months in India as part of his training to become a teacher. You’ll be in excellent hands. While at the spa, be sure to try a healthy raw food lunch or dinner at their excellent café, or try some of their amazing raw food snacks that are prepared using a dehydrator, which dries the food but keeps the nutrients and taste. Their delicious raw food cuisine is prepared using only fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds that have not been heated above 42° C. In their raw form, plant foods are the richest source of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. They cleanse and strengthen the body, and the more raw foods we include in our diet, the better we will look and feel. Not everyone, says Mike, is able to consume a diet that’s 100% raw. He doesn’t himself, and is content to eat about 60% of his food raw, saying life is about balance and moderation, not extremes. He’s definitely not a food faddist, and you won’t find him promising miraculous results from weird and unpalatable dishes. He knows about nutrition and is able to guide his clients into making better food choices. The restaurant serves some of the healthiest food on Samui, and is highly appetizing. It also literally does you good, as do the pampering massages. The spa has a range of treatments, and whether you just want an indulgent massage, or relief from stress or physical pain, you’ll find the masseuses extremely professional and competent. Choose from aromatic relaxing massage, lymphatic drainage massage, sports massage, classical Thai massage, aloe vera sun soother massage, or upper body relaxing massage. There are also body scrubs and wraps, facial treatments, and, for relaxation, try the amazing foam baths. The spa also offers various packages ranging from 2 hours up to 5 hours in duration or even a 3 day nourishing skin package. The signature package is the Honeymoon package for two where couples will undergo body pampering of epic proportions for a full 5 hours. There are plenty of reasons to come to this spa, and most of them can be summed up in the idea of wellbeing, feeling alive and reaching optimum health.

Samui Wellness Spa 17/16 Moo 3, Chaweng Beach, Bophut, Koh Samui, Surathani 84320

Details: Samui Wellness Spa is on the Chaweng Beach road in the south of Chaweng, past Poppies Resort. Tel: 07741-4332 Web: www.samuiwellnessspa.com Email: info@samuiwellnessspa.com for spa treatments and general information or mike@samuiwellnessspa.com for cleansing programs, yoga and meditation

Tel: 077-422 433 or 077-414 332 Fax: 077-414335 Website: Email:


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www.samuiwellnessspa.com info@samuiwellnessspa.com mike@samuiwellnessspa.com




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The Absolute group of companies embarks

he Absolute Sansabai Resort & Spa is situated in the very heart of Patong, which is considered the center of Phuket’s tourism. Leisure and entertainment venues, attractions, travel tours, arts and culture, beach life activities, hotels and restaurants, bazaars and malls, and where all other holiday activities imaginable could happen. It is the perfect choice for tourists who want a taste of the ultimate Phuket holiday paradise.

on another powerful and prestigious investment in the hotel & resort business with the unveiling in the coming months of the Absolute Sansabai Resort & Spa. A potent combination of perfect location, exceptional and luxurious designs and professional management has made

The hotel’s au courant designs are amid immaculate white and cream color schemes tunes; in with the trendy tourists who expect unconditional pleasure, total comfort and complete convenience in their Phuket holiday. It has 105 suites, all imaginatively designed with high ceilings to provide clean and spacious open living space, that caters to the diverse needs of its guests ranging from the Family suites, Sansabai suites, Deluxe pool access rooms, Deluxe rooms, Studio rooms and the Sansabai rooms. This 4-star hotel provides 5-star amenities, services and accommodation to its guests with all rooms fully equipped with all the necessary facilities to ensure a pampered and contented stay: secure key-card locks, IDD telephone, electronic safety deposit box, individual temperature controls, cable TV and DVD player, WiFi internet connection, fully stocked mini bar, hot and cold shower with bathtub, bathrobes and slippers, hair dyer, umbrella, tea and coffee makers, and a lot more. Most rooms have their own private balcony where guests can enjoy the gust of the sea breeze from the scenic Andaman Sea. For those who want easy access to the stylish pool, one can choose the pool access rooms which are just a few steps to the pool. For smokers, guests can also ask for the non-smoking floors or the smoker’s floor which is situated at the ground and second floors of the hotel.

this latest project another milestone in Absolute’s more than a decade of steady and unprecedented success in property development and hotel and resort management as well as their unyielding commitment to promote tourism in Thailand.

The hotel facilities include a spa and massage service, a restaurant and bar, room service, laundry and dry-cleaning, 24-hour security, daily housekeeping with turn down services, 24/7 concierge service, free shuttle bus to Patong beach and two swimming pools with bars at the ground floor and another pool located on the roof top of the hotel.


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stylish bar provides a choice of exciting cocktails and wines served by attentive and professional staff to make your dining experience a memorable event. A function room is also available for small private parties or special functions such as birthdays and anniversaries, or it can serve as a boardroom for business purposes or small group events.

At the ground level, a restaurant and bar is elegantly set in ultra-chic and avant-garde designs, an epitome of modern style and open ambiance in fine dining, serving International and Thai cuisines cooked by reputable food specialists. Guests are allowed to choose from an array of delectable food options to satisfy each and everyone’s appetite. A


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After an exhilarating Soi Bangla night, or an awesome rafting and island hopping adventure, indulge yourself with the hotel’s Thai massage and spa, managed by the Royal Spa, a distinguished spa development and management company established ten years ago with a proven record of the leading spa and health management throughout Thailand. The peaceful setting of earth colors blending in with Thai and Bali interior designs fused with contemporary trimmings has a calming effect to guests who want to taste a total Thai spa and massage. Its professional health therapists can provide the de-stressing, rejuvenation and cleansing treatments needed to release physical fatigue and emotional tensions, or the negative energies in your mind and body. Enjoy a complete traditional facial and body Thai healing massage and spa in the hands of professional health therapists that induces guests into a deep state of relaxation that generates beneficial self-healing to create calm and harmony within you.

Absolute Sansabai Resort & Spa’s excellent location is just three minutes to Jungceylon Shopping Complex, the Banzan Market and Carrefour Grocery for a delightful shopping spree, or five minutes to the pristine beach of Patong for a daily swim or to an assortment of restaurants of varied choices, or a stroll to appreciate the novelty items in the shops and the unique art in the galleries of Patong, allowing its guests to nip back to the comforts of their rooms for a quick nap in between. For those who want a guided tour on the diverse activities that Phuket can offer, the cordial reception staff can recommend and arrange whatever your heart desires from jungle trekking, bungee jumping, safari tours, rafting, elephant trekking, island hopping, yachting or sailing, canoe adventures, and much more. What’s more, just a few steps from the hotel, convenient stores that are open 24 hours abound, as well as banks and ATM machines. For golf enthusiasts, the Phuket Country Club Golf Course is just 20 minutes away while those who want to explore Old Phuket Town, a thirty minute ride will take you to the old district of Phuket where ancestral homes are still preserved and dwelled in by the relatives of its original occupants.

Indeed, Absolute Sansabai Resort & Spa is absolutely ideal for all types of guests including fun loving travelers, business tourists, leisure seeking families, or vacationing and honeymooning couples. A booking at the hotel will assure every guest a superb holiday experience that will never go wrong.

One of the best reasons to choose Absolute Sansabai Resort & Spa is its close proximity to Soi Bangla, which is just a stone throw away across the road from the hotel. Soi Bangla is a sensational venue for fun and leisure with its plethora of pubs, cocktail bars, music lounges, disco, rock or country bars; a nightly frenzied and bustling exciting experience that is sure to wow your nights away. Novelty items and souvenir crafts on the sidewalks can be a great bargain if you are skilled in the art of haggling prices.

For more information on this exceptional vacation in Patong visit its web site at www.absolutesansabai.com or email at info@absolutesansabai.com for your advance bookings and reservations.


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Look cool in the hottest weather with Sunglass Hut

Sunglass Hut opens at Samui Park Avenue - Samui Airport


ince we’re in the tropics, sunglasses are a lot more than just image accessories. A pair of sunglasses is also a health investment, says specialist Sunglass Hut, and should guard against the perils of UV light. It’s easy to find a cheap pair anywhere on Koh Samui, but they may not be very professionally made and you need to make sure you have adequate protection.

Sunglass Hut have opened up the first of their stores on the island at Samui Park Avenue, the outdoor shopping mall attached to the Samui Airport. The brand new store is open for business and stocks some of the finest names in eyewear. Try on brands such as Prada, Ray-Ban, Oakley, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana and more. These are luxury goods and the most professional looking sunglasses that you can find. It’s also a highly convenient way to buy glasses. Customers are sure to find the perfect look to suit their needs; whether it be polarised lenses for sports, fashion glasses for a day out or a classic pair of Ray-Bans for driving. The staff are always happy to help and you’ll find them extremely attentive and friendly. They also speak enough English to be able give you advice. There are some further perks to shopping here, too. Every product comes with the guarantees that make Sunglass Hut the place to shop for designer shades. There are half-price replacements if you break your sunglasses, plus, find the same pair cheaper somewhere else, they’ll refund the difference. For those who struggle to make a decision, Sunglass Hut also offers a generous 14-day right of exchange. So you can be sure you love your look, and if not, you’re welcome to bring the eyewear back. Glasses are available in a whole spectrum of styles and materials to choose from. The store also offers children’s sunglasses. You may think that they don’t need them, but young eyes can be damaged by sunlight, and this can have an effect over a person’s lifetime. Your children will enjoy choosing sunglasses that will able them to go out and about on the brightest of tropical days. If you try polarized glasses, you’ll be able to look out across the water and have a view that’s unhampered by glare, especially if it’s coming off horizontal surfaces which are notorious for bouncing light direct into your eyes. With polarized lenses you’ll be more comfortable not just by the sea, but also when driving and playing sports. As for the actual colors of the sunglasses, gray, brown and green are the best if you want to see colors in their truest form.

The store is located at Samui Park Avenue in Samui Airport. For more information please call

+6677 601 315

“Over the years we have been in business, we have steadily been building Sunglass Hut into an increasingly premium destination for customers seeking fashion and luxury in sun eyewear,” says Fabio d’Angelantonio, Marketing Director for Luxottica Group, a leader in eyewear and Sunglass Hut’s parent company.

E nj o y y o ur sh o pping and see the latest style o f hip sunglasses .


A True Professional

Johnny Depp W O R D S : Tim Knight


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ctor, director, musician. Born John Christopher Depp, Jr. in Owensboro, Kentucky, on June 9, 1963, to parents John and Betty Sue Depp. Johnny’s father worked as a civil engineer, and his mother came from full blooded Cherokee stock, and worked as a waitress and homemaker. The youngest of four children, Depp was withdrawn and a self-admitted oddball. “I made odd noises as a child,” he later revealed in an interview. “I just did weird things, like turn off light switches twice. I think my parents thought I had Tourette’s syndrome.”

In 1983, at the age of 20, Johnny met and married 25 year old makeup artist Lori Allison. That same year, the couple moved to L.A. with Depp’s band in the hopes of striking it big. Still living on a shoestring budget, Depp and his band mates supported themselves by selling pens for a telemarketing firm.

Johnny and his family moved frequently to accommodate his father’s job, finally landing in Miramar, Florida, when Johnny was seven years old. The family lived in a motel for nearly a year, until his father found a job. Depp hated his new home and, by the age of 12 began smoking, experimenting with drugs, and engaging in self harm due to the stress of family problems. “Puberty was very vague,” he has said. “I literally locked myself in a room and played guitar.” In 1978, when Depp was 15, Johnny’s parents divorced. As the youngest of four, it became Johnny’s job to go to his father’s office and pick up the weekly child support money. The split caused a rift between Johnny and his father. At 16, Depp dropped out of high school and joined the garage band, The Kids. The group became successful enough to open for the Talking Heads and the B-52s, but they barely made ends meet. Depp lived for months in a friend’s ‘67 Chevy Impala. A year later, Depp fell into acting when his wife introduced him to her ex-boyfriend, actor Nicolas Cage. Cage saw potential in Depp, and introduced the hopeful musician to a Hollywood agent. After several small roles as a film extra, Depp landed his first legitimate movie role in the horror film Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). By 1985, the Kids had broken up, and so had Depp’s marriage. After his split with Allison, Depp met actress Sherilyn Fenn, whom he met on the set of the short film, Dummies (1985). The couple dated, and were briefly engaged, but split shortly after. After their break-up, Depp then met and proposed to actress Jennifer Grey; their romance was also short-lived. Depp started to study acting in earnest, first in classes at the Loft Studio in Los Angeles and then with a private coach. The lessons paid off in 1987, when he replaced actor Jeff Yagher in the role of undercover cop Tommy Hanson in the popular Canadian filmed TV series 21 Jump Street. The role thrust Depp into almost immediate stardom.


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In 1990, Depp starred in the John Waters 50s-kitsch musical, Cry-Baby (1990), which became a cult hit, and succeeded in changing his image. That same year, he received an opportunity to exhibit his versatility as an actor in the title role of Tim Burton’s fantasy film, Edward Scissorhands. It was during shooting for Edward Scissorhands that Depp finally met co-star Winona Ryder, whom he had been eyeing since a brief meeting at the premier for her film Great Ball of Fire (1989). The two began dating on the set, and soon became a Hollywood power couple. Five months after their first date, Depp and Ryder became engaged. To solidify their love, Depp even had “Winona Forever” tattooed on his right arm. The couple split, however, in 1993 after Ryder’s parents forbade their 17-year-old daughter to marry. In August of that year, he and two business partners bought The Viper Club in L.A., which instantly became the hippest spot on the Sunset Strip. Depp began using the club as an opportunity to introduce patrons to music from his newly

Johnny Depp became a teen idol overnight; a title that he greatly resented. When his contract on Jump Street expired in 1989, he leapt at the opportunity to pursue weightier roles. formed band, P, which offered popular shows at the venue. But tragedy hit the club on October 31 of that same year, when teen heartthrob and critically acclaimed actor River Phoenix suffered a drug overdose outside the club. Phoenix died later that evening. Depp’s life began losing control as the star dabbled with drugs and spiraled into a deep depression. Around this time he also started a very public, destructive relationship with the waifish supermodel Kate Moss. Depp and Moss constantly made headlines for their passionate and unpredictable behavior; in 1994, Depp famously trashed a New York hotel room after one of the couple’s many fights. Johnny Depp’s wild behavior didn’t seem to have an effect on his professional life. In 1994 he re-teamed with Burton in the biopic Ed Wood, about the famously awful B-movie director. The film won Depp critical acclaim, and another Golden Globe nomination. Other notable films in the late 90s include Don Juan DeMarco (1995), in which Depp plays a character who believes he is the famous fictional character Don Juan, and Donnie Brasco (1997), which featured Depp as an undercover FBI agent seeking to infiltrate the Bonano crime family.


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In 1998, Depp split from long-time girlfriend Moss, and took the role of journalist Hunter S. Thompson’s alter ego in Terry Gilliam’s adaptation of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. During filming, Depp cultivated a strong friendship with Thompson, which lasted until Thompson’s death in 2005. Depp would later finance the writer’s funeral.

Outside of his personal life, Depp continued to flourish, gaining critical acclaim and increasing popularity for his work. Several of his most notable roles included his role as the social

For Depp’s next film project, he tried his hand at sci-fi horror with The Astronaut’s Wife in 1999. The same year, he teamed up with Burton once again on Sleepy Hollow, starring as a prim, driven Ichabod Crane. He appeared the following year in the small but popular romantic drama Chocolat, followed by a big-budget role as real life cocaine kingpin George Jung in Blow in 2001. Depp’s next film was the terror drama From Hell in 2001 and Robert Rodriguez’s Once Upon a Time in Mexico in 2002. In April of that year, Paradis gave birth to the couple’s second child, Jack.

misanthrope Sam in Benny & Joon (1993), which earned him a Golden Globe nod, and Gilbert in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? (1993), which cast him as a young man dissatisfied with the confines of his small-town life.

The movie not only established Depp as an A-list actor, but it also grossed more than $54 million at the box office. Following the film’s success, Depp carved a niche for himself as a serious, somewhat dark, idiosyncratic performer, consistently selecting roles that surprised critics and audiences alike.

In 2006, Depp returned as Captain Jack Sparrow for the sequel Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, which broke a box office record in reaching the highest weekend tally ever. The third installment fared well too. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (2007) was released on Memorial Day weekend, bringing in $138.8 million.

Disney Studios also announced that a fourth installment of the Pirates series is in development, in which Depp would reprise his Captain Jack Sparrow role.

Saying goodbye to Captain Jack, Depp took on one of theater’s most notorious characters in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, also in 2007. Directed by Tim Burton and co-starring Helena Bonham Carter, the dark and gory musical tells the tale of a barber kills some of his customers who then turned into pies made by his downstairs neighbor. Depp netted a Golden Globe Award for his work on the film.


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In 2004, Depp earned an Academy Award nomination for his starring role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the family adventure Pirates of the Caribbean. The film was a box office smash, and led to the creation of a Pirates franchise. At the end of that year, Depp also turned in a critically acclaimed performance in Finding Neverland, in which he starred as Peter Pan creator J.M. Barrie. The film earned him more than 10 award nominations, including both Academy and Golden Globe nods.


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Depp will also appear in a film version of writer Hunter S. Thompson’s book, The Rum Diary, portraying the main character Paul Kemp. Depp signed on to play one incarnation of the Heath Ledger character in the 2009 film, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus along with Jude Law and Colin Farrell. All three actors gave their salaries from the film to Ledger’s daughter, Matilda. He portrayed the Mad Hatter in Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, and will play Tonto in a future Lone Ranger film.

Around this time, Depp also met another person who would become an important figure in his life; while filming the sci-fi drama The Ninth Gate (1999) in France, Johnny met French actress, singer and model Vanessa Paradis. Paradis became pregnant with the couple’s first child

Forever testing himself and his audience, Johnny Depp is still on the run from 21 Jump Street. In the process, he’s become one of the very, very few film stars whose movies are unmissable. Indeed, he’s arguably the most fascinating and professional actor at work today.

later that year. In May of 1999, the couple welcomed daughter Lily-Rose Melody Depp.


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Pampered Pooches W O R D S : Dan White


et me run this by you. There is a Chihuahua in Florida named Conchita who had a choking incident. Obviously it is a distressing experience for any owner of a beloved pet to see their pooch’s eyes bulge as they struggle for air. Conchita, however, was slightly different from your average pooch in that she wasn’t choking on a bone, a slipper or your favourite album cover. She was choking on her very own Cartier necklace worth thousands of dollars. Traumatised by the experience, the little furry Princess, who her owner calls ‘the boss,’ now refuses to wear diamonds at all.


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Undeterred by the mutt’s obvious lack of material consciousness, Conchita’s owner still spends $7000 per month to provide her with Louis Vuitton handbags (it’s a well known fact that dogs feel naked without a handbag), bikinis, pearls, dresses and makeup.

Despite this learned advice, Miss Posner is not alone in attributing human qualities to her pet despite the fact that poor Conchita would probably be far happier if she was credited with being the dog she is rather than mini-human her owner wants her to be.

It doesn’t stop there. Conchita also has a private bathroom, a pink four-poster bed shaped like a racing car, a widescreen TV and she lunches daily at the posh Miami Shore club, her preferred dish being grilled chicken. Conchita has her own minder (a man, not a dog) and enjoys weekly manicures with her publicist.

Here in Thailand too a few selected dogs are lined up for lavish attention whilst the vast majority languish at the end of sois licking their festering sores. The fact remains that Bangkok is not a very ‘dog friendly’ metropolis. It’s hard to find places to run, roam free and consistently fail to catch frisbees in your mouth. Pavements are uneven when they exist, and more often than not you are pinned to the wall by the constant stream of traffic roaring up the all too narrow streets. To add insult to injury, many of the parks that do exist don’t even allow dogs entry.

One thing is obvious; this one-year-old 500g Chihuahua is living the deeply unnatural life of a neurotic and very human heiress. The second thing that is obvious is that her owner is a total idiot. One Miss Posner, the numeracy of whose father’s dollar bills quite obviously outweighs the numeracy of her own brain cells points out, “I am enamored by her and so is everyone else.” She goes on to fantasize, “She is a demanding diva. She cries like a baby if she thinks she isn’t going to go to the Shore Club.”

The Thai dog-pampering industry has come up with answers to combat these gross injustices. Situated near the end of Sukhumvit soi 28 in Bangkok’s upscale Emporium district, Ozono is a hybrid shopping mall, doggy playground and meeting place for the city’s upper echelons and the dogs they adore. Ozono founder, Khun Dhanesha, explains that the inspiration came from watching the frustration of pet owners at the woeful inadequacies of Bangkok for those both with privilege and four legs. “I have had dogs all my life,” he says, “but Bangkok is not a dog-friendly city. You can’t bring dogs anywhere.”

Is Miss Posner deluded? According to eminent animal psychologist Dr Werner Krugar, “Dogs do not think they are people, they think people are dogs. As the owner, you need to relate to the dog as another dog, rather than a furry person!” The inference of this is that Conchita should shed the penthouse lifestyle and Miss Posner would better earn Conchita’s love by bounding about pointlessly chasing inanimate objects and publically licking her own private parts.

Except to Ozono. There are trendy shops, chic cafes and plenty of green grass, all presented with a friendly nod and


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what they are denied are known to gather at the entrance and bark menacingly at poodles stepping out of Mercedes.

a wink to our joyfully surprised canine buddies. They bound blissfully, seemingly in slow motion, ecstatic in the freedom that Ozono provides. Tiny dachshunds frolic playfully with mighty deerhounds in a utopian bonanza of doggy joy. Owners cavort too, caught up in the sheer exuberance of being at Ozono.

Ozono isn’t the only dog-friendly hangout in the Thai capital. Another popular establishment is the aptly named Doggiedo swimming pool in another upscale part of town – Yen Arkat (meaning Cool Wind) in leafy Sathorn. This giant pool is full of toys for dogs and several decidedly resentful looking staff members in wet suits, swimming with their doggy guests and indeed doing their every bidding in terms of flinging things repeatedly. Owners sit at nearby table taking photos. Prices vary depending on the size of the dog. 50 baht for a ratty looking midget you can carry in your handbag, moving up 800 baht for a huge German shepherd.

Feel like you are looking a bit manky? Ozono’s ‘Aqua Dog’ Beauty Salon is a place for you and your dog to relax in bliss while enjoying the huge number of treatments on offer. The standout feature of Ozono is that the owner may be pampered in parallel with their beloved beast. Both you and Fido can sit about under the hair dryers reading magazines and making idle chitchat about all those things you have in common. You can swap manicure or pedicure tips (well really only pedicure tips in the case of Fido) whilst ordering lattes.

Pooch can’t swim? No matter. Life jackets are provided. Does Fido understand life jackets? Of course not. The psychological scars will last a lifetime.

Once you are both groomed to the zenith of perfection, step out into ‘Petropolis Park.’ This 3,200 square meter, purpose-built pet-park is an enclosed oasis planted with tall trees, lush plants and thick shrubbery. Dogs can lounge at tables whilst owners cavort, defecate and run around to their little heart’s content.

And what would this beautiful country be without the ever-ubiquitous spas that have become such an integral part of the lives of the privileged. Dogs, thankfully, are not excluded.

The price for all this freedom not to be a dog? A 20,000 baht annual fee allows you and your pet to enter Ozono only on any pre-selected two days of the week between Tuesday and Friday. If you want to repeat the experience at the weekend that will be another 30,000 baht annually!

After a tough day choking on diamonds and frolicking in idyllic pastures, a better class of canine can now soak in a fragrant tub scattered with orchid flower petals, or recline on a massage table as an expert masseur (trained not quite sure where) attends to those tired and aching muscles.

There is a dark side to Ozono though. Huge gangs of swarthy soi dogs lost in resentment at the sheer injustice of

“The special selected blend of herbs help to make the dogs unwind with even fierce dogs able to relax here at our


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Spa,� points out veteran dog trainer Jare Jansrisuriyawong, who conceived Thai Dog Resort and Spa. Set on a leafy acre area of land, just on the outskirts of town, pampered dogs belonging to an even more pampered human elite appreciate treatments using a complex and secret blend of special herbs from Thailand, China and India. “I bred dogs for more than 8-years before noticing that some dogs experienced tension too,� adds Jare, before pointing out the medicinal properties these very expensive treatments impart to his patients. Treatments include a lemongrass rub and the Ayurvedic application of hot stones. We are assured that the dogs really do appreciate this because they tend to fall asleep in the middle of it. Allowances are also made for the international nature of the clientele and most dogs are relieved to discover that the staff at Thai Dog Resort and Spa speak perfect English. What does all this say about the dogs on the receiving end of this lavish, complex attention formed by the projections of their owners? Well the simple answer, of course, is nothing at all. Dogs love to eat. They love to run about. They love to sleep. They love affectionate attention from those they trust. According to their breeding dogs will naturally simulate their programmed tasks. Sheep dogs without sheep will naturally herd anything that appears to move, be that a football a chicken or a child. Pointers point. Retrievers retrieve. Despite their reputation as useless ornaments poodles were actually originally also bred as retrievers and have a natural agility in water. After border collies, they are also considered the most intelligent breed of dog. German shepherds guard and attack. Pit Bulls also attack, but only if accompanied by really bad rap music. Most dogs are bred for a purpose and the really bright ones (most of which probably live on the street) are a mixture of many. Dogs are actually quite simple and loveable beasts. They are dogs. Their owners, however, are often rather more complex.


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An Odyssey in French Polynesia W O R D S & I M A G E S : Peter Holthusen


t is sunrise, and on the ivory white sand a solitary figure is greeting the dawn. He lifts a conch shell to his lips and it releases a low cry across the lagoon to the mountain beyond. Then something moves. As if from nowhere a tiny pink crab appears, scuttling sideways across the beach. It skims the surface, barely making an impression in the wet sand.

Tahiti, Mo’orea, Bora Bora, Huahine, Raiatea are high, mythical islands with deep green valleys that exude the heady fragrance of the Tiare, an ephemeral gem worn behind the ear as you walk along the winding paths through the luxuriant

And then they are gone and once more the beach is totally deserted, proof that in a crowded world there are still some places that remain unspoilt. Welcome to Tahiti and her Islands.

vegetation. Rangiroa, Manihi, Tetiaroa, Fakarava, Tikehau, atolls at the end of the world, tiny islets dropped like a string of

There could scarcely be a corner of the world further removed in both distance and spirit from the everyday than these South Pacific islands.

pearls across their lagoon casket.


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Tahiti and her Islands, otherwise known as French Polynesia, lie approximately 17,700 kilometres from the United Kingdom and span four million kilometres of ocean – an area equivalent to the size of Europe. Tahiti itself, which is one of the Society Islands, lies half-way between California and Australia. In all, there are 118 islands, scattered across five archipelagos: the Marquesas (to the north), the Society Islands and the Tuamotu (in the centre), the Austral Islands (to the south) and the Gambiers (to the southeast). The vision of these islands, open to the ocean, is an experience to behold. The eye cannot tear itself away from the basaltic mountains that rise out of the abyss, those dark peaks towering to the sky, so elegant and proud that one doesn’t know whether to defy or salute them. The culture of this luxuriant land at the end of the world mirrors the strength and power of their landscape. Neither the first Europeans who reached the archipelago in 1595, nor the sandalwood traffickers and whalers who followed them, not even the catholic and protestant missionaries of the 18th and 19th centuries have managed to stifle the cultural wealth of these islands.


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Yet for many decades, the tattoo, language, traditional clothing, and dance were banned. In the late 1800s, the artist Paul Gauguin denounced the death of Polynesian culture and resolved to fight alongside a people seemingly crushed by an imported civilization. At the dawn of this new millennium, singing, dancing and tattooing are practised once again in these islands which resonate with the sounds of paradise. The first port of call for most visitors is the capital Pape’ete. The town is the main political and economic centre of French Polynesia, and only 5 kilometres from Faa’a International Airport. Here you will find a plethora of shops teeming with local handicrafts and broad, palmlined avenues dotted with numerous cafés.

Tahiti is a mountainous island dominated by the summit of Mount Orohena, flanked

Pape’ete has a vibrant, friendly feel, and one of the best places to meet the locals is along the waterfront where you will find the bustling little food caravans known as “les roulettes”, that rock the quayside every evening. The public market in Pape’ete, between rue du 22 Septembre and rue F Cardella, is the heart of the town and vey Polynesian. It’s bursting with flowers, local produce, tropical fruits, fish, patisseries, handicrafts, and numerous souvenir stalls

on either side by the famous silhouettes of Aorai, the Diademe and Mount Marau. The island is divided geographically into two circles: the larger and more populated Tahiti Nui (literally ‘Big Tahiti’) to the northwest is linked by an isthmus to the smaller Tahiti Iti (‘Little Tahiti’) to the southeast.

The circular volcanic land mass of the large island of Tahiti Nui is criss-crossed with beautiful deep valleys, and is connected by the narrow isthmus of Taravao. For the curious visitor, the mountains offer charming walks in wild valleys of shade and light, with cathedrals of fern trees, impressive waterfalls, mysterious grottos and archaeological sites infused with legends. The high valley of Papenoo leading to the Maroto Pass and the crater lake of Vaihiria with its sacred eared eels or the nature reserve of Fenua ai’here and the spectacular costal cliffs of Te Pari on Tahiti Iti, will marvel ramblers and lovers of unspoilt nature.


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Matavai Bay to the east of the capital was the favoured anchorage of early European explorers, including Captain James Cook and William Bligh of the Bounty. On its western boundary, Taharaa Point offers fine views of Pape’ete and Point Venus, the promontory that makes the bay’s eastern end, was the site of Cook’s observatory, built in 1769 to observe the transit of Venus as it passed across the face of the sun. A visit to the nearby district of Arue is a must, for here you will find ‘La Maison James Norman Hall’, a museum dedicated to the life of James Norman Hall, the legendary adventurer, soldier, aviator and author who, along with Charles B. Nordhoff, wrote the 1932 classic Mutiny on the Bounty. Today, one can pay a visit to the museum which was once his home and where his daughter Nancy Rutgers and her devoted husband Nick still live on the hillside above as living testimonies to the past. From Tahiti, turn your gaze west across the Sea of Moons. Those tall, dark and handsome peaks 20 kilometres in the distance belong to the neighbouring island of Mo’orea. If French Polynesia is paradise, Mo’orea is the jewel in the crown. Transport from Tahiti is absurdly easy, so you’ve no excuse but to spend, at the very least, a day or two on this veritable gem of an island. You can stroll down to the quay in Pape’ete, hop on one of the high-speed ferries, and be on Mo’orea in less than half an hour. Alternatively, you can go out to the airport, get on an Air Mo’orea flight and be there in less than 10 minutes. To the visitor, Mo’orea appears as a tropical garden filled with pineapple fields, the main agricultural product of the island. In the midst of this fairytale landscape, light rays pierce the Mou’a Puta (“the pierced mountain”). Was it just natural eccentricity, or, according to legend, made by the arrow of the demigod Pai? This enchanting island has one of the most beautiful lagoons in the world. Its turquoise waters reflect the sumptuous harmony of the underwater world where divers might meet turtles, lemon sharks, manta and leopard rays or even some scorpion fish amidst gardens of coral ‘roses’. Here you will find The Lagoonarium, a spectacular marine park where you can swim with the rays, feed the sharks or view the lagoon from the Aquascope, the island’s semi-submersible.

When you spy an island on the horizon, a powerful force takes over. It’s as if the human psyche demands that we discover

Although the island retains a palpable air of traditional Polynesia, and locals pride themselves on having avoided the jam-packed development of Bora Bora; the island is dominated by tourism. Nevertheless, Tahiti of yesteryear can still be discovered at the Tiki Village Theatre, where you can observe the Tiki sculptors at work, the tattoo artists, the vahines making flower crowns, stringing shell necklaces, weaving baskets and hats from pandanus or discover the

and explore. If that island is Mo’orea, you’ll be well rewarded for charting a course to her shores.


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secrets of the Tahitian black pearl by visiting the Pearl Farm. After sunset, your Tahitian hosts will proudly show you their village, let you participate in the opening of the traditional underground oven (“ahima’a”), and dine before joining them in a spectacular Polynesian dance show performed in the natural setting of the open-air theatre.

The most famous of the Society Islands is undoubtedly Bora Bora, home to a population of only 5,767 and the world’s largest, most beautiful lagoon. A

The spectacular Cook’s Bay (Baie de Cook) on the north shore of Mo’orea, is something of a misnomer because Cook actually anchored in neighbouring Opunohu Bay (Baie d’Opunohu). With Mount Rotui as a backdrop, Cook’s Bay is a beautiful stretch of water; it is also one of Mo’orea’s main tourist centres. There are no chain stores or shopping malls on the island. There are, however, many boutiques, galleries, clothing stores and curio shops to satisfy your shopping itch. Because the lagoon is such a strong focus here, the majority of the larger resorts, such as the InterContinental Beachcomber Resort & Spa, and the Sheraton Mo’orea Lagoon Resort & Spa are located on the north shore.

mythical island which was, according to legend, once known as “Mai te pora” (‘created by gods’).

Today, this ancient extinct volcano is survived by the immense silhouettes of its two peaks, Mount Pahia and Mount Otemanu, whose verdant masses contrast sharply with the shades of sapphire, jade and turquoise of the lagoon which encircles the island. This is where the rich and famous come to play, and hotel chains come to open more and more resorts, resulting, it would seem, in perpetual development. 55

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Notwithstanding this, Bora Bora displays one aspect of the traditional way of life in the Polynesian architecture of her luxurious hotels in the form of their famous overwater bungalows. Foremost among them is Bora Bora Lagoon Resort & Spa on Motu Toopua; the perfect destination for honeymoon couples. The island is also the final stage of the most important canoe race in the South Pacific: The Hawaiki Nui Va’a. Bora Bora is 270 kilometres northwest of Tahiti and can be reached by air or boat from the capital. There are 2-3 sailings per week, and the journey takes around 10 hours. However, the majority of visitors arrive by air for there are at least six flights a day from Tahiti, and they take little more than 50 minutes to reach the island. It would be impossible to report on every island in French Polynesia, but I have strived throughout the text to devote my attention to the main tourist destinations. However, should you ever decide to visit these islands and have more than two weeks at your disposal, you really should endeavour to visit some of the smaller islands and atolls such as Huahine, Raiatea and Tetiaroa, and if at all possible take a cruise to Nuku Hiva in the Marquesas Archipelago or the low-lying coral atolls of the Tuamotus, Australs and The Gambier. Huahine is made up of two volcanic islands split by an arm of the sea, although at low tide you can walk from one to the other. Like the other Society Islands, Huahine is green and lush with a vanilla, melon and citrus fruit agriculture. With ancient sites at Fare, Maeva and Faaie, the island is a treasure of Polynesian archaeology.

Raiatea is the largest of the Leeward Islands with an area of 280 square kilometres. As it has few beaches, tourism

The closest atoll to Tahiti is Tetiaroa, the ancient royal residence of the Pomare Dynasty. The island boasts a shimmering lagoon in privileged, protected surroundings. It is not surprising that the late Marlon Brando, its owner since 1966, fell under its spell when filming on the set of Mutiny on the Bounty.

is little developed. The island was the religious centre of ancient Polynesia, and visitors to the island can see the great temple of Taputapuatea dating back to 1600.

The Marquesas Islands or “Enua Enata” in the local language, comprise a group of islands that rise up like lush green fortresses against the wide indigo blue of the Pacific ocean, right next to the Equator and some 1,500 kilometres from Tahiti. Of the twelve Marqueasas islands, only six are inhabited. The best known are Nuku Hiva, Hiva Oa and Ua Pou. This is an ideal world for sailing, the natural means of transport from one valley to another. The Marquesas have very few beaches, so they are all the more precious! Pigs, goats, sheep and horses roam freely across the splendid landscape.


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The Tuamato Archipelago to the east of Tahiti consists of some 77 low-lying coral atolls. Only 45 of the islands are inhabited, ranging from large islands such as Rangiroa with a population of around 2,000 to small, secluded islands such as Hereheretu and Tematangi. Rangiroa is home to French Polynesia’s only vineyard! The Tuamotus remain relatively untouched as tourism did not begin until the 1970’s when the airstrips were built. The islands are the heart of the Tahitian black pearl culture, and it is here that visitors can observe the grafting process at the many black pearl farms.

Where to stay: www.fourseasons.com Bora Bora Four Seasons Hotel www.hilton.com Hilton Bora Bora Nui Resort and Spa www.accorhotels.com Sofitel Bora Bora Marara Beach www.clubbalihai.com Club Bali Hai Hotel

To the extreme south of French Polynesia lie the islands of the Australs group, only 5 of which are actually inhabited. The Australs were the last of the Polynesian islands to be settled and are perhaps best known for their association with the Bounty saga, when the mutineers led by Fletcher Christian unsuccessfully tried to establish a settlement on the island of Tubuai. Just a few hours from Tahiti by air, the magnificent beaches of Mangareva and her sister islands of Aukena, Akamara and Taravai unfold their infinite, dazzling whiteness on the peaceful shores of the most remote archipelago of French Polynesia –The Gambier. There are only three guest houses to choose from on Mangareva, the only inhabited island of the group. The climate is relatively mild and winter can be quite cool. If you have a touch of romance in your soul, close your eyes and imagine a South Pacific island. You might see a thatched-roof bungalow perched above the crystal clear waters of an inviting blue lagoon. And then you become part of the vision, adorned in hibiscus and bathing in the warmth that surrounds you. Come to Tahiti and her Islands and find yourself in this dream, and it’s just possible that you’ll never want to say goodbye.


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ecently opened, Impiana Private Villas Kata Noi located on the stunning holiday Island of Phuket is surrounded by nature and the stunning vistas of the Andaman Sea, this boutique resort of only 4 private villas and 7 luxurious suites, each with a private pool and 24hr butler service, will play the perfect host to your next private holiday.

you want. Treat yourselves to a customized spa treatment on your private deck anytime and the memorizing sounds of lapping waves below serenade your journey to total wellbeing. Whether you like the refreshing outdoors or the comfort of the air-conditioned indoors, the picture-perfect view is yours in all its glory.

As with all our villas & suites here at Impiana Private Villas and especially with our Royal Villa, indulgence in space is clearly evident. Our grandeur Royal Villa with its 2 oversized bedrooms each with a private Jacuzzi sprawls an impressive 260sqm, covered in plush details that are a mix of modern furnishing accentuated with the sophistication of classics. With its location and the entire sea-front wall made of glass, this villa commands the best view of all. The Royal Villa comes with its own infinity pool and an outdoor deck perfect for alfresco dining or a soothing massage.

Our other Classic Villas and Suites are available in sizes ranging from 60 to 170 sqm and characterized by its respective interior design concepts. All are tastefully furnished with a mix of contemporary chic, accentuated with minimal pieces of classic furniture that elegantly transform the mood to differentiate one from the other. You can immerse in this artistic refinement in air-conditioned comfort or soak in the natural splendor that is just a glass door away. This sea-facing full-glass partition opens up to your private pool, your private deck and your private views of the Andaman Sea.

Our themed Honeymoon Suite luxuriates in romance with special facilities and complimentary gifts to celebrate the occasion. Attention but intuitive butler service ensures that you have everything you need, with all the privacy that

For further information, please contact; IMPIANA PRIVATE VILLAS, KATA NOI, PHUKET www.impiana.com

Anna Natthaya Matwungsang, Aime Yodkaew, Jacqueline Kannan, Carol Wright, Svetlana Kostromitina, Shilpa Ganguly, Theresa Navoa, Karen Fraser

Michael Jackson Lookalike

One Night in May‌ was a truly amazing night at the Sheraton Grande Laguna Hotel. The women really shone in their finery and some of the men were even wearing their kilts! The eyes of the children of Phuket will also shine for a long time thanks to the generosity of all.

children in need who are served by Phuket Has Been Good To Us Foundation. Absolute donated a marvellous auction prize of two nights in a Penthouse Suite with a Champagne jacuzzi and breakfast at Absolute Bangla Suites.

The Sheraton Grande Laguna Hotel pulled out all the stops and made this an unforgettable night with sumptuous food and great service. There was spectacular entertainment from the Boat Bar and Michael Jackson even flew in from Bangkok to show off some of his moves. Then the guests rocked the night away with music from Dj Doris.

Over 200 guests from Phuket and some who flew in from Hong Kong and Singapore were full of praise for the event. Absolute took a table:

The night was only a success due to the generosity of numerous local businesses who donated everything for the night so that all of the proceeds from the event goes to Phuket’s

The night was filled with delicious food, fabulous entertainment and amazing auction and raffle prizes. Tables will be at a premium next year!


The Royal Gems Golf and Resort W O R D S : Graham Haslam


t is a lengthy drive from downtown Bangkok to Royal Gems Golf and Resort, but golf enthusiast should not let this deter them from making tracks to this fine course in Nakhon Pathom. This area, just 35 kilometres from the capital, boasts 5 top-class golf courses all within a 30 minute drive of the Royal Gems facility, prompting this author to investigate the Royal Gems Hotel and play 72 holes of golf over a three day weekend. The 3-star hotel has fairly basic rooms with most having views of the golf course, but all are quite spacious. If you have time whilst here, the fitness room is well equipped and they have a

fabulous swimming pool that is almost Olympic sized. For a true golf overload weekend, you could certainly do worse than spend a couple of nights here at Royal Gems, play 2 rounds of golf, one round at Suwan (host of an annual Asian Tour event) and then play Rose Garden. This is likely to cost you less than 2 nights at a fancy 5-star hotel in Bangkok. Although the clubhouse is starting to show its age (established in 1989) the course itself is in magnificent condition – as you would expect of a course that has just hosted the first European Seniors event ever held in Thailand. The Royal Gems is a traditional course with


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many trees identified with common and scientific names, a treat for the botanist in you. It also has generous and well maintained fairways, excellent greens and fairly moderate rough. I personally like the golf course because of its playability; if you hit the ball well, you will score well. I make golf hard enough already to shoot good scores. I don’t need trees in the middle of the fairways, ‘crazy golf’ breaks in greens, or raised greens that only hold an approach shot if it drops in vertically from above the green. I really enjoyed playing the very popular Royal Gems because it gave me a chance to shoot a good score, and that is truly what you want from a golf course.


Unusually, the course starts with a full set: a par-5, a par-4, and then a par-3. These holes are all surrounded by water so it is worth using the excellent practice driving facilities before teeing off to ensure you are hitting the ball straight from the word go. Another excellent feature about this

The following three holes are a good example of what you can expect at Royal Gems, and details how, with good and honest ball striking, a fine score can be obtained from the blue tee box.

course is the choice of 5 tee boxes on every hole. This is quite common in Thailand and really helps to speed up play if all players are encouraged to

The first hole that caught my eye was the 4th: a slight dog-leg right, 420 yard par-4. There are trees down the right that you can carry if you are a 280 yard bomber off the tee, but otherwise you need to play a good straight shot. A 3-wood is fine, as it is very important to be in play for your second shot. There is a bunker well positioned down the left at about 210 yards, so even a slightly wayward 3 wood can bring this into play. The second shot needs to be thought through, there are 2 grass bunkers or deep mounds just short of the green, and you are better to be 20 yards short

play from the correct tee box based on handicap. This way all golfers get to enjoy a great golf course, and everyone gets to play a course that suits their own playing ability.


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Feel comfortable to take an extra club, there is no real danger long, and you want to ensure you clear the water and the bunkers in front of the green. There is a bunker over the back left, but with a 40-plus yard green you would really need to over club to bring it into play. The green slopes considerably from back to front, making it very accommodating to a lofted short iron shot since it should stop quickly, possibly even setting up a birdie.

of these and have a routine pitch shot than trying to play out of these from and uneven stance. Decide to either take on the green or layup just short depending on how far back you are. As I have said in other reviews, this is a handicap 1; so unless you are a scratch golfer then use your shot and play smart. Remember, this is only the 4th hole, and you want to stay away from the big numbers this early on. Use a hybrid or long iron, and leave yourself a simple pitch onto the green for your net par.

There are a lot of good golf holes that follow, but the best hole on the course is the new signature hole, the tricky par-5 18th handicap 4. At only 543 yards, it is not a long hole, but it requires 3 accurate shots to find the green in regulation. Your best way to approach this hole is to tee off with the straightest club you have that sends the ball 200-plus yards. There is water on the left and right with bunkers down the left as well.

The 6th is handicap 7 but only 370 yards, which is moderate for a par-4. However, you have a double water hazard to carry and the second water is reachable but cannot be carried off the tee, so you need to think a little. The first water is only a 160 yard carry from the tee, but you want to keep the shot short of 225 yards to stay well away from the second water. For length and space aim to the left; the bunker down here doesn’t really come in to play. Once you have negotiated the tee shot, with a 3 or 5-wood, you will have only a short or mid iron to the generous kidney shaped green.

The second shot is the money shot as you will always be tempted to take on the water, but the landing area is quite narrow with water close to the fairway on both sides.


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The Royal Gems actually has 2 signature holes, it used to be the 6th and it is now the 18th. Both are great golf holes, and this is how you should play them.

The carry over the water should only be 130 yards after a reasonable drive, so again, hit a club that you are confident that goes straight. Don’t just blast away with a 3-wood because you are over 200 yards from the green. After your second is safely high n’ dry, you can start to enjoy the hole and the scenery that surrounds it. The club house comes into sight on the right, the fairway is lined with Alamander trees, and you can get that Arnold Palmer feeling as you walk over the small stone bridge heading towards the last green; very reminiscent of the Swilken bridge on the last hole at St Andrews. The approach shot will vary depending on what you have used to get there, but it won’t be more than a wedge of some description. There is more water behind the green, making this some kind of an island fairway never mind island green, and the front of the green is like an inverted bowl that slopes away from the middle and towards the front fringe ensuring that even after all your toils thus far not even a simple two putt is guaranteed. Once you have shaken hands on the 18th enjoy the first rate locker facilities and a meal at the restaurant. The clubhouse restaurant Focus has a great selection of Thai, Japanese and Western meals all at excellent prices, and they also have a selection of good wines on offer. At this stage you will hope to be checked in to the hotel so you can lazily wander into the huge swimming pool rather than endure a 2 hour bus trip back to your Bangkok hotel.

THE ROYAL GEMS GOLF AND SPORT CLUBS 98 Moo3 Salaya-Bangpasi Rd., A.Phuthamonthon, Nakhonpathom, 73170 Thailand Tel: +66 2 429-8066 Fax: +66 2 429-8070 Website: www.royalgemsgolf.com E-mail: rsvn_golf@royalgemsgolf.com


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Stop hitting Shanks Shanks are generally caused by an inside to out swing and the ball shooting of the hozel. W O R D S : Graham Haslam

Try these easy practice drills: Place a towel under both arms. Take your swing and ensure you keep the towel under the arms. This will ensure your body keeps turning and not letting your front elbow ‘fly away’.

Place a towel under the arms

Ensure the towel stays in place

Notice the elbow away from the ribs

Now place a bit of wood (a cardboard box or an old club will do) along the target line right by the toe of your club. Ensure when you hit the ball you are not hitting the box or wood, this ensures you are no longer swinging on an inside to out plane. “Again, in the second photo you can see I have turned the upper body and the elbows are against the ribs, keeping the head of the club inside the target line (club shaft).” Do these two things and you will stop hitting shanks and shave shots of your score.


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Bandara Suites Silom, Bangkok


nstead of the smaller hotel rooms typically found in the city, the Bandara Suites guestrooms are studio suites with spacious rooms, including a full kitchen featuring a full-size refrigerator, stovetop, microwave and the cabinets are stocked with pots, pans, plates, glassware and utensils. The room also has a comfortable recliner, large workspace with desk chair, and deluxe bedding. Unlikely most Bangkok midscale hotels, The Bandara Suites offer the characteristic amenities found in an apartment building, including a complimentary 24 hours fitness center complete with cardio and weight machines.

The Bandara Suites provides a practical alternative for guests looking to stay in the epicenter of Bangkok by offering a total of 243 guestrooms, including 22 Bandara Suites and 118 Business Suites with fully appointed kitchens. Our rooms facing north have a breathtaking view of the Thai landmark Lumpini Park.

Guests at The Bandara Suites Bangkok can stay connected to the world with our complimentary high-speed internet access. Additionally, guests of The Bandara Suites can visit the free lounge where a library of books, magazines, newspapers and music are available for use in the guest rooms that all feature a DVD and CD player.Executive facilities including a meeting room are available for 550 THB for a half-day or 700 THB for a full day per person. This low price includes 1 coffee break and buffet lunch.


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Each of the hotels 243 guest suites ensures a good night rest with upgraded mattresses, fluffy duvet and soft feather pillows. Luckily, the view is inspiring enough to draw you out of bed in the morning; otherwise, you might want to snooze your day away. The Bandara Suites is conveniently located within walking distance to Lumpini Park, Suan Lum Night market, Silom shopping and Sathorn Central Business districts. An average of 14 million people a year visit Bangkok and The Bandara Suites is a welcome gateway to the city’s biggest tourist attractions.

243 rooms comprising of: n 28 Superior rooms n 22 Deluxe rooms n 22 Bandara Suites n 118 Business Suites n 4 Penthouses n 49 Residential Suites Facilities include: n 2 Swimming Pools, one with Jacuzzi n Fitness centre and Sauna n MAISON CHIN – Modern Asian Cuisine (www.maisonchin.com) n CHIN CHIN, Sensational Wine Bar and Lounge n SHINE SPA - An Urban Rejuvenation of Inner and Outer Beauty (www.shinebandara.com) n Executive Board Room & Bandara Business Lounge n WI FI available

Understated Property in the Prime Location… Experience our sophisticated and well-appointed suites that have been designed to provide a comfortable and relaxing stay. Situated in a quiet locale away from the main bustle of the city, Bandara Suites Silom, Bangkok is located on Saladaeng Road (Soi 1) right in the heart of Silom. Just a 5 minute walk down from Saladaeng BTS station and Silom main road or the Sathorn business area. Our convenient location allows you to maximize your precious time in the exciting city of Bangkok by avoiding traffic and utilizing the convenient Sky Train or Underground. Easy access to world class shopping malls and endless dining choices will add much adventure to your stay in this exciting metropolis.

Bandara Suites Silom, Bangkok 75/1 Saladaeng 1 Rd. Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Tel. +66 (0) 2266 0505 Email: info@bandarabangkok.com www.bandarabangkok.com

A hidden santuary in a frenetic city that epitomizes urban lifestyle Bandara Suites Silom, Bangkok comprises of 2 high rise buildings. Bandara Suites is a 27 storey building offering spectacular views of the Bangkok skyline. Each unit is well appointed to maximize your comfort with an air of understated elegance. Accommodation choices range from Superior to Bandara Suites where the luxury of space is most certainly a highlight. Adjacent to the main building is Chin House. This 17 storey structure has been refurbished to provide 49 units for monthly or long term stays.


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Bandara Resort and Spa, Samui


ne such property that masterfully befits its seaside setting is Bandara Resort and Spa. Situated along the mellow Bo Phut Beach, Bandara attracts families and honeymooners who come especially for the solace offered on this part of the island, and for the resort’s near complete array of amenities.

“Barefoot Luxury” Samui has plenty of places to spend your precious leisure time. Here’s our recommendation for one of the best returns on your investment.

It’s not remote however. Twenty minutes away you’ll find Chaweng Beach which has the liveliness some crave, though many short-term guests to Bandara venture no further than the so called ‘Fisherman’s Village’. Just a ten minute stroll along the sand, it’s quaint, well- suited for basic necessities and souvenir shopping, with a number of drinking and eating establishments.

The approach by air to Samui is breathtaking, giving you an enchanting taste of the beauty to be found throughout this stunning island, known originally for its fishing and coconut plantations.

An information chat with General Manager, Steven Berger, revealed that the resort’s accommodations are divided among 22 superiors and 98 deluxe rooms, 28 well-appointed villas equipped with plunge pools, and at the top end, 2 grand deluxe rooms for the ultimate in privacy and comfort.


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Over half of the property’s seventeen rai is adorned by tropical plants and velvety lawns that are a pleasure to stroll about. At the centre of all this is the lavish 10 x 40 metre pool, while closer to the beach there are two additional pools as well as one for kids. Complementing all this liquid, dedicated pool and beach bars ensure you’re never far from your drink of choice; and, by the way, the “Ling” (Monkey) Lounge near the lobby is a great place to end off the day with a nightcap while listening to live music. Visits to the spa were our main highlight. So many choices, too little time, but we love coffee, so the “Coffee Body Burnish” seemed just the ticket. This was preceded by a Herbal Milk Bath laced with fresh cut bai nart, kaffir lime and tamarind leaves. An “after sun soothing facial” rounded off the remarkable session. The next day was followed up with a spa course of “Asian Philosophy”, a four-handed massaged that sent yours truly on a ninety minute trip to nirvana. Along with feeding the soul, Leelavadee is the anchor for breakfast and has all-day dining in an alfresco-like atmosphere. We got plenty of exercise there while making repeated trips to buffet stations. They lay out a wide assortment of “farang” oriented items like muesli, yoghurts, cheese and cold cuts, tons of rolls and pastries, along with Thai and Asian breakfast staples. For pure ambiance Chom Dao, the resort’s beachfront terrace restaurant, is your best bet. In addition to the numerous Thai dishes, which we found to be superb, the chef’s recommendations include baked oyster Rockefeller; rock lobster salad with lemon grass; roasted rack-of-lamb provincial; and tuna sesame steak. On our final morning, we had room service deliver a whopping American breakfast tray that we barely managed to polish off before heading back under the covers for some quality time. The best investment of all…

Bandara Resort and Spa , Samui 178/2 Moo 1, Tambol Bophut, Koh Samui, Surat Thani 84320 THAILAND Tel. +66 (0) 7724 5795 Fax : +66 (0) 7742 7340 E-mail: samuisales@bandarasamui.com www.bandarasamui.com www.bandarahotelsresorts.com

No longer the exclusive privy of backpackers, the last decade has seen the island transform itself into a ‘boutique destination’ – a toned down, miniaturized version of Phuket, but one that still offers an abundance of lifestyle pursuits.


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Porsche 918


The supercar of tomorrow is here! This is Porsche’s 918 Spyder, a hybrid performance car built to give the best of both worlds, offering a near-200mph top speed, yet managing almost 100mpg. W O R D S & I M A G E S : Andrew Parker

ABSOLUTE PERFORMANCE “Things are a changing in the motor world” and thankfully for the benefit of the environment. If you thought the world of hybrid cars was lifeless, boring and not worthy of the performance car market, then think again! Top Motor Companies are now starting to use state of the art technology to produce Hybrid cars, combining both the internal combustion engine with one or more electric motors. Up until now these cars have been, (dare I say it) ugly, uninspiring and very costly. Well, let me introduce you to the new Porsche 918 Spyder, certainly not ugly or uninspiring, but before you get your cheque book out, this beauty has a price ticket of £300,000. Well, 2 out of 3 can’t be bad and at least it’s a step in the right direction and who knows, in 5 years time we could all be driving one!!! 75

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n March 2010, Porsche demonstrated that you really can have your supercar cake and eat it with the unveiling of its 918 Spyder concept. Using hybrid power, this car can lap race tracks quicker than a Carrera GT supercar yet still deliver 94mpg consumption. What's all the fuss about? Geneva is used to its share of amazing concept cars, but the 918 Spyder is a serious statement of intent from Porsche. The feeling on the firm's stand is not that the 918 Spyder will fade away after the show but that it will form the basis of all future Porsche supercars.


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WHAT IS A HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE? A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) combines a conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) propulsion system with an electric propulsion system. The presence of the electric powertrain is intended to achieve either better fuel economy than a conventional vehicle, or better performance.


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Any new technology? Where do we start? The body is made from carbon fibre to save weight, and the 918 Spyder uses petrol-electric hybrid power. The electric motors contribute 218bhp, with one each driving the front and rear wheels. There's also plug-in charging for the batteries, while the 3.4-litre V8 petrol engine comes from a Porsche racing car. Then there are the ceramic brakes, seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox, different engine settings and even electric-only running. But what makes this new car special is the addition of two hybrid motors, which add a further 160kW (218bhp). One drives the front axle through a fixed transmission, and the other is sandwiched between the conventional engine and a seven-speed PDK gearbox. The motors are powered by a lithium ion battery pack located behind the passenger cell. Around town, E-drive mode allows the car to travel up to 16 miles on electricity alone. Next is Hybrid mode, which uses both power sources in moderation, giving claimed fuel economy figures of 94mpg and 70g/km of CO2. Sport Hybrid mode offers more aggressive power delivery and a torque vectoring function for improved dynamics. The most aggressive mode is Race Hybrid, which gives the most power and features a push-to-pass function. In this mode, Porsche claims that the 918 can sprint from 0-62mph in 3.2 seconds, hit 198mph and can lap the legendary Nurburgring Nordschleife in less than 7.3 seconds, making it faster than a Carrera GT. The performance is helped in part by the comprehensive use of lightweight materials in the car’s construction. Carbon fibre reinforced plastics, magnesium and aluminium feature throughout, meaning the 918 Spyder tips the scales at a light weight of 1,490kg. Finally, Porsche has confirmed that the concept’s look is not just a technological showcase. The interior of this car is set to dictate the look of the next generation of Porsches, beginning with the next 911 in 2012.

The hybrid system has four modes, so depending on whether speed or economy

Spyder’s estimated release date: Sooner than you might think; possibly 2012.

is your priority, the car is always operating at its most efficient.

Estimated cost: Don't expect change from £300,000 ($405,000).


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KC Resort And Over Water Villas, Koh Samui’s Most Stylish Resort Luxurious, self indulgent and sensual - a place where dreams can come true and where fantasies can become reality. At the KC Resort and Over Water Villas it’s all about you. Just 95 rooms, suites and unique Over Water Villas, in a secluded estate enjoying stunning views over the cobalt blue sea and outlying islands.

โรงแรม เคซี รีสอร์ท และ วิลล่า, เกาะสมุย ที่สุดสไตล์ของรีสอร์ทหรูหราและน่าหลงไหล กับที่ที่ฝันจะเป็นจริงดังเช่นในเทพนิยาย กับ เคซี รีสอร์ท และ โอเวอร์ วอเตอร์ วิลล่า ทุกอย่างนั้นสำหรับคุณ 95 ห้อง และเอกลักษณ์ของเคซีคือ โอเวอร์ วอเตอร์ วิลล่า ในอนาบริเวณของความสงบ ซี่งให้คุณเพลิดเพลินไปกับ วิว ทิวทัศน์ เหนือ น้ำทะเลสี ฟ้าเข้ม และเกาะมัทลัง The View - Wine Lounge Restaurant

Mayang Sari Spa

Nestled on the hillside with an outstanding 360° view of Chaweng and Big Buddha, The View Restaurant & Wine Lounge offers a great selection of both Thai and Western cuisine. The food focuses on Home-Crafted Cuisine, so expect to find house-cured beef brisket, freshly baked breads, as well as crafted sauces and preserves. Look out for weekly specials and Kopi Luwak Coffee (the most exclusive coffee in the world) served in the Wine Lounge. Whether you choose to dine indoors or on the open air terrace, the addition of prompt service and a well kempt menu will help to create an unforgettable experience.

“KC Wellness” brand embodies the roots of traditional healing and takes the next step to a new era in Spa experience. Not only do we offer the only open-air floating pool with dead-sea-salt, where our therapist performs the Watsu treatments, but a myriad of energizing, healing and relaxing treatments to sooth your body and soul, that will reawaken your senses.

เนินเขา และมุมมองที่โดดเด่นกับ 360องศาวิว ทั้งในเฉวง และพระใหญ่, กับอีกทางเลือกในการรับประทานอาหาร ไม่ว่าจะเป็นที่ระเบียง, หรือในห้องพักปรับอากาศ ส่วนตัว, กับอาหารไทย และแบบเมดิเตอร์เรเนียน อาหารของที่นี่จะเน้นในแบบของ Home-Crafted Cuisine ที่นี่ The View - Wine Lounge คุณจะพบกับสิ่งที่เลื่องลือของชาวโมร็อคโกกับเมนู “Kopi Luwak” เนื้อแกะหมักเครื่องเทศ แหากคุณกำลังมองหาอาหารไทยปรุงในสไตล์ดั้งเดิม, เสริฟในแนวทางที่ทันสมัยกับเชฟมือหนึ่งของเรา

ไม่ซ้ำกับที่ไหนแน่นอนในประเทศไทย มีสระที่ลอยตัวในสถานที่โล่งโปร่ง สบาย. เพ่ิมเกลือบริสุทธิ์จากทะเลใต้ ซึ่งดูแลโดยผู้เชี่ยวชาญ กับการทำ Watsu จากเบลเยียม ซึ่งจะทำให้การพักผ่อนของคุณสมบูรณ์แบบที่สุด. ไม่ใช่เพียงแค่วิวอ่าวไทย แต่สิ่งที่คุณจะได้รับคือที่สุดของการบำบัด โดยนักบำบัดของเราเองและได้รับใบอนุญาตจากแพทย์, ซึ่งทุกอย่างเตรียมไว้สำหรับการเดินทางที่ ไม่รู้ลืมที่จะชุบตัว ร่างกาย และ จิตใจของคุณ.

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Elegant Thai Silk W O R D S : Steve Bossel


hai silk is an ancient home industry. It was for a long time an occupation of people in the northeast of Thailand, where cloth weaving is a traditional folk craft. To follow in the footsteps of their ancestors, northeastern women used to rear their own silkworms, spun and dyed the yarn using the primitive methods for their family needs and sometimes for sale in the markets. Unfortunately, from the latter part of the 19th century onwards, the Thai silk industry went on the decline due to the influx of Chinese and Japanese cheaper, factory produced fabrics into the Thai markets. During the reign of King Chulalongkorn (Rama V), there was an attempt to improve silk production, but it achieved limited success. It was only after World War II that Thai silk found its way into the world market when an American named Jim Thompson revived the industry and made Thai silk known to the outside world.

Natural Thai silk can have a variety of colors, ranging from yellow to green. Even though most of the time light golden is characteristic of the region. The next step is to dye the silk thread. In the past, the only dye used was from aniline plants which made the fabrics blue. Today many chemical dyes are used and more colors are possible.


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The Chinese guarded the secret of silk production for millenniums by putting to death anyone found guilty of smuggling silkworm eggs, cocoons, or mulberry seeds. Silk became the cloth of emperors and royalty and a great source of wealth. However, about 4,000 years ago a Chinese princess who married an Indian prince is reported to have successfully smuggled silkworm eggs out of China in her headdress and then fed them with the leaves of Indian mulberry trees.

Empress Si Ling Chi of China is credited with discovering silk. While sitting under a mulberry tree in a palace garden having tea, a silkworm’s cocoon reportedly fell out of the tree and into her cup. While removing it from her tea, she discovered

Every piece of hand woven Thai silk is a timeless, unique work of textile art from the hands of a rural Thai woman. Since it is art work produced by a human, it forever carries an imprint of the character, thoughts, emotions, feelings, spirit and life of the weaver. Its imperfection is the heart of its beauty and the proof of its human creator. Machine woven silk is a wider, monotonously “perfect” industrial fabric that can be produced to ISO standards and is more suitable than hand woven silk for some purposes. Thai Silk has triangular fibers which reflect light like prisms. It also has layers of protein that gives it a natural sheen and makes it lustrous and smooth. Silk is an insect fiber and superior to any animal or plant fiber. Thai silk fiber is strong but lightweight, elastic but supple.

the fine silk filament of the cocoon beginning to unravel.


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Thai silk, like any other silk in the world is made from the cocoons of silkworms. Silkworms are the caterpillars or larva of the domesticated silk moth (Bombyx mori, family Bombycidae). At this stage the cocoon is taken from the mulberry plant and boiled, to separate the silk thread from the silk worm. Since a single thread of silk from the cocoon is too thin to be used alone, Thai weavers combine more threads to obtain silk thread for handmade weaving. To do this silk weavers hand reel the threads onto a wooden spindle to produce a uniform strand of raw silk. The process is very labor intensive, as it takes nearly 40 hours to produce a 0.5 kg (around 1 pound) of Thai silk. Did you know that a single cocoon can produce up to 1.5 km (almost 1 mile) of silk thread!

Since then, silk production has spread to other Asian countries and archaeologist have found silk 3,000 years old in the ruins of Baan Chiang, Thailand, which many of them consider the earliest civilization in Southeast Asia. Thais have developed a type of silk that is considered

The silkworms of Thailand are grown primarily on the Korat Plateau in the northeast region, although the majority of silk production takes place in the Chiang Mai area. At some of Chiang Mai’s silk centers in the Sankampaeng factory district, visitors have the opportunity to watch the entire silk making process from threading the original fiber off the cocoons all the way to the weaving of the final fabrics. On the small hand looms at these factories, one skilled weaver can produce only about four meters of cloth in a single day.

one of the finest fabrics in the world. They use a unique manufacturing process and have unique patterns and colors.


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Sleeping under a silk blanket, wearing a silk shirt or blouse or lying on a silk covered pillow is a real treat. Whether for yourself or a loved one, Thai silk is the finest gift.

Most of these silk weaving centers have their own factory showrooms with an incredible array of products for sale with a wide variety of colors, styles, patterns and textures to select from. There are also many noteworthy fabric shops located in the city proper, which often feature designs from the different weaving centers around north Thailand, and sometimes Laos as well. One of the most unique characteristics of Thai silk is the color variation depending on the angle you look at the silk fabric from. This shimmering appearance is given by the triangular prism like structure of the silk fiber which allows Thai silk fabric to refract incoming light at different angles thus producing different colors. Thai silk fabric is then produced with a bamboo loom. The techniques vary depending on the type of silk that is being produced. For instance, plain weave is the simplest method of weaving; the weft thread passes over and under each ward thread, then under and over on the following line. Fine embroidery is one of the traditional crafts of the northern hill tribes, with the Hmong and Yao people being particularly skilled at creating splendid, boldly colored geometric designs. In long strips, these are used to edge a skirt or jacket, in squares to enhance a vest or shoulder bag, or in larger pieces to make a handsome quilt. Her Majesty Queen Sirikit has long been an admirer of tribal embroidery and has helped to promote the craft, particularly on homespun cloths such as cotton and local hemp that produces a fabric resembling linen, among fashionable ladies in Bangkok and in other countries as well.


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How to recognize real silk: The four basic methods for determining true silk are by consider the price; looking carefully at the weave and luster; and by burning a piece! 1 Pure real silk costs 6-10 times as much as imitation silk made from polyester. 2 Real pure Thai silk weave is completely handmade and the filament is a natural fiber with clearly visible small flaws and joins in the thread along the warp and the weft. Imitation silk made from polyester is a machine made fabric and has a perfect surface with no flaws or bumps.

The production of Thai silk begins by raising silkworms on a steady diet of white mulberry leaves (Morus alba). This process is known as sericulture. For

3 Luster also shows whether a fabric is real or imitation. Pure Thai silk is made with one color for the warp and another color for the weft. This produces the sheen and luster of silk and creates the unique two tones and blends which change depending on the angle of light. Imitation polyester silk shines white regardless of the angle of the light.

the first year the silk worms feed on mulberry leaves. Only after the whole year of growing do the caterpillars form the cocoon containing the silk.

4 If you burn Thai silk (a thread or two is enough) with a flame, it leaves fine ash and smells like burning hair. When you take the flame away it stops burning. If you burn imitation polyester silk with a flame, it drips, burns with a black smoke, and continues to burn after the flame is taken away.


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