General Education for the Associate of Applied Science As part of the Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree, students take courses in General Education. These courses provide students with a knowledge base of historical, societal, and environmental contexts for succeeding in the changing global community. General Education courses represent a full spectrum of communication, humanities and fine arts, social and behavioral sciences, and natural sciences and mathematics courses. General Education courses facilitate student acquisition and sharing of knowledge, encourage social interaction, and promote an educated citizenry. General Education courses also develop broad, cross-curriculum knowledge and skill sets that prepare the student for the challenges of post-graduation endeavors. The General Education Student Learning Objectives at A-B Tech indicate:
General Education for AAS Degrees
Students will critically evaluate information. • Students will demonstrate information literacy. • Students will critique works of human expression. • Students will analyze scientific literature. Students will solve problems. • Students will identify processes. • Students will analyze problems. • Students will interpret results. • Students will recommend appropriate strategies or solutions. Students will effectively communicate. • Students will communicate appropriately for the subject. • Students will communicate appropriately for the audience. • Students will communicate appropriately for the medium. AAS programs require specific general education courses and will vary by program. These courses are listed below. Communication
Humanities/Fine Arts
Social/Behaviorial Science
Natural Science/ Mathematics
COM 110
ART 111
ECO 251
BIO 161
COM 120
ART 114
ECO 252
BIO 163
COM 231
ART 115
HIS 111
BIO 168
ENG 110
HUM 110
HIS 112
MAT 110
ENG 111
HUM 115
HIS 131
MAT 121
ENG 112
MUS 110
HIS 132
MAT 143
ENG 114
MUS 112
POL 120
MAT 152
PHI 215
PSY 150
MAT 171
PHI 240
SOC 210
PHY 110/110A
SOC 225
PHY 121