Strategic Plan
2017 - 2021
Our Vision A transformative leader for a vibrant horticultural industry in Tanzania
Our Mission To champion horticulture transformation for improved income, nutrition and employment
Core Values In pursuit of our Vision and Mission, TAHA in collaboration with stakeholders shall be guided by the following six core values: • Social and business oriented Promoting entrepreneurship, improved livelihoods and nutrition. • Integrity - Being an efficient, effective and honest broker for service delivery. • Timeliness - delivering top quality services on time. • Inclusiveness - Serving all value chain actors in the sector. • Teamwork Collaborative involvement of the secretariat, members and other stakeholders in delivering the strategic objectives. • Commitment - Dedicated excellence and performance.
In Tanzania Commercial production begun in
Employs about
million Tanzanians, about
Export value grew from
US$64 in 2014 to US$545.5 million in 2015 It estimated that by 2020 the subsector will generate equivalent of US$ 1,850 million through exports Contributes about
38% of overall agricultural exports in the country
Youth employment
60%-70% being women
ABOUT TAHA The Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA) is an apex private sector member based organization that advocates for the growth and competitiveness of the horticultural industry in Tanzania. Since its inception in 2004,TAHA has been an effective voicing platform for producers, traders, exporters and processors of the horticultural products mainly; owers, fruits, vegetables, horticultural seeds, and spices and tubers. The Association safeguards the interests of the private sector and ensures that the industry issues are well mainstreamed in the national and international agenda. TAHA works to strengthen the Tanzanian horticultural industry by uniting and coordinating the industry value chain actors under one roof. The overarching objective of TAHA is to promote and develop the horticultural industry in Tanzania for inclusive growth, viability, and sustainability.
AREAS OF OPERATION TAHA MAP TAHA, TAHAFRESH Handling Ltd. and Fresh2Sokoni Ltd. TAHA implements its commercial activities to complement its development thrust by promoting and mainstreaming business oriented mindsets and practices in the sector and enhancing the financial sustainability of the Association. The current commercial division of TAHA is in the provision of industry logistics (air and sea freighting, trucking, clearing and forwarding, cargo handling) and marketing services through TAHAFRESH Handling Ltd and Fresh2Sokoni Ltd respectively. The companies provide TAHA with additional strengths and resources to reasonably provide and maintain quality, reliable, affordable and sustainable demand-driven services to the industry.
Key Result Area 3. Technical Support for the Industry
To achieve the Vision and fulfill the Mission, TAHA through the situation analysis and stakeholder consultations identified several critical issues to be dealt with in the next five years i.e. 2017 – 2021. The critical issues were then grouped under nine (9) key results areas (KRAs). The KRAs are the areas of impact that TAHA has to absolutely and positively deliver for transformative results/change.
Strategic Objective
Strategic Initiative
Expected Outcomes
SO 1. Policy, legal, regulatory and infrastructural framework improved
1.1 Pro-active Strategic Engagement
Increased effectiveness and efficiency in addressing policy related issues in a timely manner
SO 3: Value addition practices and technologies promoted
4.2Farmers mobilization & capacity development
Increased easy access for service delivery and creating economies of scale Expansion of the production critical mass
5.1 Targeted Local and International Investment Promotion Campaigns
Increased foreign and local direct investment into the horticulture industry
Stronger and unifying voice for winning advocacy initiatives
Strategic Objective 6: Stakeholders’ access to industry information enhanced
6.1 Improvement of TAHA information Platforms
Increased investor awareness of the available opportunities in the sector
Creating synergies and harnessing resources for maximum output
Key Result Area 5. Access to Productive Resources and Finance
2.1 Local, Regional and International Market Linkages
Expanding the market base for Tanzania horticultural products
2.2 Market Infrastructure Development
Reduction of post-harvest losses and increasing access to markets
2.3 Access to Reliable and Affordable Logistical Services
Reduction of market access costs
3.1 Capacity Development for Standards, and Improving access to markets and reduction of postQuality Compliances harvest losses and food waste 3.2 Innovative Value Addition Technologies Promotion
Increased availability of reliable and demand driven technical services to farmers
SO 5: Investments in horticulture increased
Key Result Area 2. Market Access and Value Addition SO 2: Market access for horticultural products enhanced
4.1 Enhancement of Extension System
Key Result Area 4.Investment Promotion & Industry Information Access
Key Results Area 1: Business Enabling Environment
1.2 Strategic Partnership for Addressing Industry Challenges
SO 4: Production, productivity and quality improved
Reduction of food loss and waste and expanding market base
SO 7: Access to affordable and reliable financial services and productive resources improved
7.1 Establishment of Revolving Fund and partnership with PASS
Increased sector access to affordable capital
7.2 Strategic Linkages & Partnerships with Financial Institutions & with Institutions Addressing Access to Productive Resources
Broadened sources of reliable funding for horticultural enterprises
7.3 Capacity Building & Information Sharing on Financial Aspects and Access to Productive Resources
Increased access and management of available finances in the sector
Broaden horticultural value chain actors’ to productive resources
Increased access to available sources of productive resources
Key Result Area 8: Promotion of Environmental Smart technologies
Key Result Area 6. Institutional Capacity SO 8: Institutional management, service delivery and sustainability improved
8.1 Establishment of Horticulture Centre of Excellence
Provision of a one stop shop for horticulture services
8.2 Establishment and Execution of Sustainability Strategy (including commercialization of services & operation of commercial wings)
Creation of a self-reliant institution
8.3 Strategy for Recruitment and Retaining of Top Quality Staff
Enhanced and sustained TAHA’s efficiency and productivity
8.4 Marketing and Promotion of TAHA
Increased visibility of services for expanded partnerships and support
8.5 Establishment and strengthening of zonal chapters
Enhanced TAHA’s reach out capacity and ground services to the industry
Key Result Area 7. Membership Management SO 9: Membership recruitment and retention improved
9.1 Expansion of membership base
Strengthened TAHA for inclusive growth
9.2 Establishment of membership feedback mechanism
Better service and information for members
9.3 Membership fee collection improvement
Empowered TAHA for better service to the members/ industry
9.4 Category-based membership services improvement
Enhanced responsiveness to specific and cross cutting needs, interests and demands of different membership categories
S0 10. Environmental Smart technologies promoted and adhered to by farmers
10.1 Establishment and development of Improved understanding and compliance protocols to guide farmers compliance to environmental aspects 10.2 Capacity Building on Compliance Issues, Environmental Sustainability and climate smart agriculture
Increased compliance with health and safety practices as well as greater conservation and sustenance of horticulture
10.3 Facilitate access to quality and safer inputs
Quality and safe food produced for better access to markets
10.4 Strategic Linkages & Partnerships with Environmental Led Organizations
Enhanced responsiveness to specific environmental issues Creating synergies and harnessing resources for more compliances
Key Result Area 9. Cross cutting issues: gender, nutrition, employment and environment SO11: Integration and mainstreaming of gender, nutrition, and employment aspects
11.1 Establishment of a Vibrant Gender and Nutrition Unit
Increased mainstreaming of gender and nutrition in the TAHA undertakings
11.3 Target Initiatives for Youth & Women Engagement in Horticulture
Enhanced inclusivity in the horticultural value chains
11.4 Promotion of Horticulture Nutrition Values
Improved healthy living and consumption of horticulture products
THEORY OF CHANGE TAHA Strategy seeks to contribute to substantial vibrancy of the horticulture industry in Tanzania. That is, it strives to increase the contribution of the sector to economic growth and poverty alleviation in Tanzania TAHA’s delivery approach has two integrated and complementary dimensions: developmental and commercial dimensions.This is line with the growing appreciation of the role of Social Entrepreneurship1, which is “about applying practical, innovative and sustainable approaches that benefit society in general, with an emphasis on those who are marginalized and poor.” 1
through increased production, productivity, quality, health safety and profitability of the sector. This envisaged contribution of TAHA is expected to stem from the following (intermediate) results sought by the Strategy:
Improved enabling environment
Improved market access and value addition
Improved/ increased technical support for the industry
Increased investment & industry information
Increased access to productive resources and finance
Increased adoption of Environmental Smart technologies by the industry
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Reach out to us Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA) Head Office, Kanisa Road, House No.49 P.O. Box 16520, Arusha-Tanzania Tel/Fax: +255 27 2544568 FB: Twitter: taha_tanzania View our photos through:
Dar es Salaam
Rita Tower, Makunganya Street, PLOT NO. 727/11 Floor 21 P. O. Box 7666, DAR ES SALAAM Tel/Fax +255 22 211 2943
Road Fund Building, Kikwajuni Gofu P. O. Box 2834, Zanzibar.
Morogoro Regional Hospital Road, Posta Building, First Floor.