Science, Technology & Medicine Seasonal Catalogue Sep-Dec 2020

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September - December 2020

New titles



Computer science 3 Earth and environmental science


Engineering 6 Life sciences 9 Mathematics 11 Medicine 15 Physics 20

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Statistics and probability

September - December 2020


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Statistics and probability / Computer science

Statistics and probability

Fluid Models and Stability J. G. Dai | The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Practical Smoothing The Joys of P-splines Paul H.C. Eilers | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

P-splines are widely used in statistics and machine learning for smoothing out noise in data and to avoid overtraining. This practical guide covers theory and a range of standard and non-standard applications with code in R for professionals and researchers looking for a simple, flexible and powerful smoothing tool. • Readers will learn how to recognize and avoid potential problems with large data sets • 111 color illustrations and graphs demonstrate the flexibility and applicability of P-splines • The source code (in R), a supporting software package, and interactive programs are available on the companion website November 2020 228 x 152 mm c.200pp 978-1-108-48295-0 Hardback £46.99 / US$59.99


This compact and highly readable book presents a general class of stochastic network models to develop a fluid-based method for stability analysis. Geared toward researchers and graduate students in engineering and applied mathematics, applications include back-pressure control, fair resource allocation, data center operations, and packet networks. • Thorough explanations and illustrations, including pitfalls, equip readers to use the methods and avoid common errors • Applications in electrical engineering and computer science showcase the power of fluid-based stability analysis in technologically meaningful settings • Engaging presentation by two leading figures in the study of stochastic processing networks September 2020 228 x 152 mm c.390pp 978-1-108-48889-1 Hardback £44.99 / US$59.99


Computer science

Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers and Scientists A Practical Guide Faith A. Morrison | Michigan Technological University

Build the skills for determining appropriate error limits for quantities that matter with this essential toolkit. Whether you are new to the sciences or an experienced engineer, this useful text provides a practical approach to performing error analysis. • Organizes error analysis into random error, reading error and calibration error, and supplies worksheets for determining them • Provides a set of linked examples showing how error analysis impacts various aspects of a complex problem • Gives specific instructions for carrying out error analysis using both Excel and MATLAB® December 2020 228 x 152 mm c.370pp 978-1-108-47835-9 Hardback c. £79.99 / c. US$99.99 978-1-108-74574-1 Paperback c. £29.95 / c. US$39.99

Processing Networks


Asymptotic Analysis of Random Walks: LightTailed Distributions

Competitive Programming in Python 128 Algorithms to Develop your Coding Skills Christoph Dürr | Sorbonne University

This succinct book prepares students for IT job interviews and coding competitions. Readers will master 128 algorithms in Python by discovering the right way to tackle a problem and quickly implement a solution of low complexity. Source codes and unit tests are freely available to readers to practice their skills. • Companion website provides additional pedagogical material and links to online judges for problems listed in the book • Ninety-three figures help readers directly visualize the definitions and principles, and also illustrate counterarguments to see why naive approaches fail • Written in a direct engaging style, avoiding tedious formal language, for deep understanding of underlying principles • Assumes basic knowledge of programming, data structures, complexity analysis, and discrete math November 2020 244 x 170 mm c.250pp 978-1-108-71682-6 Paperback £29.99 / US$39.99


A.A. Borovkov | Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russia

This is a complete and systematic modern treatise on large deviation theory for random walks with light-tailed jump distributions, presented by one of its key creators. Such distributions have numerous applications in statistics, ruin theory, and queuing theory. This is a companion to the author’s earlier monograph on heavytailed distributions. • The first unified systematic exposition of large deviation theory for lighttailed random walks • A leading specialist details the current state of affairs in this important research area • Offers a logical complement to Asymptotic Analysis of Random Walks: Heavy-Tailed Distributions Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 176

August 2020 234 x 156 mm 450pp 978-1-107-07468-2 Hardback £110.00 / US$140.00


Beyond the Worst-Case Analysis of Algorithms Edited by Tim Roughgarden | Columbia University, New York

Understanding when and why algorithms work is a fundamental challenge. For problems ranging from clustering to linear programming to neural networks there are significant gaps between empirical performance and prediction based on traditional worst-case analysis. The book introduces exciting new methods for assessing algorithm performance. • Most chapters include open research directions and exercises suitable for classroom use • First time this exciting research area has been covered by a book • Many applications, especially in machine learning October 2020 253 x 177 mm c.675pp 978-1-108-49431-1 Hardback £49.99 / US$64.99


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Computer science

Small Summaries for Big Data

Sentiment Analysis

Graham Cormode | University of Warwick

Mining Opinions, Sentiments, and Emotions Second edition Bing Liu | University of Illinois, Chicago

The massive volume of data generated in modern applications requires the ability to build compact summaries of datasets. This introduction aimed at students and practitioners covers algorithms to describe massive data sets from simple sums to advanced probabilistic structures, with applications in big data, data science, and machine learning. • Examples, figures, and pseudocode enhance understanding of fundamentals and applications • Written in accessible plain English • Optional sections of advanced technical material provide further reading for experts without overwhelming novices


September 2020 228 x 152 mm c.280pp 978-1-108-47744-4 Hardback £42.99 / US$54.99


Computational Approaches to the Network Science of Teams

Studies in Natural Language Processing

September 2020 234 x 156 mm c.450pp 978-1-108-48637-8 Hardback £59.99 / US$79.99

Liangyue Li | Amazon

This comprehensive review for researchers and practitioners in data mining and social networks surveys recent progress in team science. Focusing on underlying network structures, it presents models and algorithms for characterizing, predicting, optimizing, and explaining team performance, plus key applications, open challenges, and future trends. • Considers a variety of settings, such as research teams, entertainment teams, development teams, and sports teams • Discusses state-of-the-art techniques such as reinforcement learning and emerging topics such as human-agent teams • Prototype tools for modeling and optimizing teams are available online October 2020 228 x 152 mm c.160pp 978-1-108-49854-8 Hardback £39.99 / US$49.99



Essentials of Pattern Recognition An Accessible Approach Jianxin Wu | Nanjing University, China

Introduces fundamental concepts, major models, and popular applications of pattern recognition for a one-semester undergraduate course. The text focuses on a relatively small number of core concepts with an abundance of illustrations and examples and provides extensive practice through student exercises. • Focuses on core concepts to ensure mastery of the fundamentals • Presents a strategy for problem-solving so that students can solve unfamiliar problems • Features an abundance of thought-provoking real-world issues and exercises to help students connect theory with practice • Patient, step-by-step explication of algorithms so that students understand which to apply in which situation Contents: Preface; Notation; Part I. Introduction and Overview: 1. Introduction; 2. Mathematical background; 3. Overview of a pattern recognition system; 4. Evaluation; Part II. Domain-Independent Feature Extraction: 5. Principal component analysis; 6. Fisher’s linear discriminant; Part III. Classifiers and Tools: 7. Support vector machines; 8. Probabilistic methods; 9. Distance metrics and data transformations; 10. Information theory and decision trees; Part IV. Handling Diverse Data Formats: 11. Sparse and misaligned data; 12. Hidden Markov model; Part V. Advanced Topics: 13. The normal distribution; 14. The basic idea behind expectation-maximization; 15. Convolutional neural networks; References; Index. November 2020 244 x 170 mm c.395pp 978-1-108-48346-9 Hardback £49.99 / US$69.99

Sentiment analysis is the computational study of people’s opinions, emotions, and attitudes. This comprehensive introduction covers all core areas useful for researchers and practitioners in natural language processing, computer science, management sciences, and the social sciences. The second edition includes new deep learning analysis methods. • Data sets and slides available for instructors • Covers state-of-the-art research techniques and practical algorithms to form the most comprehensive text on sentiment analysis • Suitable for students, researchers and practitioners of computer science, management science, and social science • Gives practitioners the necessary knowledge to build a practical sentiment analysis system



How to Write Good Programs A Guide for Students Perdita Stevens

This accessible, visually engaging book is mainly for students in Higher or Further Education taking early programming courses (computer science students and others). It teaches the fundamental skills that apply to any programming language, yet are usually not explicitly covered in programming courses. • Students will establish the habits that will make them good programmers and help them enjoy programming, without unnecessary stress • Is multi-lingual and contains examples in Java, Python and Haskell, helping students transfer what they learn in the context of one language to the context of their next language • Structured with many examples, tips, stories and explanations of terminology, given in visually distinct panels to appeal to the busy reader July 2020 186 x 123 mm 214pp 3 b/w illus. 978-1-108-78987-5 Paperback £14.99 / US$19.99


Earth and environmental science

Earth and environmental science Stephen de Mora | Plymouth Marine Laboratory

A comprehensive and global review of the impact of ships on the environment, written by a team of international authors. Topics include pollutant discharges, non-pollutant impacts and international legislation. It is ideal for advanced students, researchers of environmental science, practitioners of maritime law and policy, and marine business. • An authoritative text including interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspectives, showing how scientific research can influence marine and maritime management, as well as international law • Technical language is kept to a minimum creating an easily accessible guide for readers who don’t specialise in environmental science • Provides the reader with an understanding of the research that helps to safeguard our seas from damage by shipping Cambridge Environmental Chemistry Series


Resistivity and Induced Polarization Theory and Applications to the Near-Surface Earth Andrew Binley | Lancaster University

An overview of the theory and practice of resistivity and induced polarization methods, covering electrical properties of geological materials, instrumentation, acquisition and modelling. Case studies demonstrate applications, and digital modelling tools and datasets are provided online, making this a valuable resource for students and researchers. • A comprehensive text highlighting the major advancements made in the last twenty-five years • Theory is described from a basic level, with the major concepts illustrated via a broad spectrum of case studies • Modelling software and numerous datasets are provided online, allowing the reader to develop modelling skills by following examples in the book as well as to model their own data November 2020 244 x 170 mm c.400pp 978-1-108-49274-4 Hardback £69.99 / US$89.99

Viscoelastic Waves and Rays in Layered Media Second edition Roger Borcherdt | United States Geological Survey, California

Environmental Impact of Ships

September 2020 247 x 174 mm c.350pp 978-1-108-42237-6 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00



This edition extends the theory for viscoelastic wave propagation to include head waves and general ray theory. The additions, not published elsewhere, significantly increase interest in the book for advanced university courses, research, and applications in seismology, exploration geophysics, engineering, solid mechanics, acoustics, and physics. • Includes numerical examples and problem sets, with solutions available online, to facilitate teaching and learning of important characteristics of anelastic wave propagation in more than one dimension • Contains general solutions for the fundamental time-harmonic wave propagation and ray-theory problems of seismology, geophysics, and engineering • Provides viscoelastic solutions, numerical results, and problem sets for P, SI, and SII body waves, reflection-refraction problems, Rayleigh- and Love-type surface waves, response of multiple layers, forward and inverse ray tracing problems, and head waves • Provides computation steps for ray-tracing computer algorithms to improve a variety of tomography inferred anelastic models such as those of the Earth’s deep interior and petroleum reserves June 2020 244 x 170 mm c.450pp 978-1-108-49569-1 Hardback c. £105.00 / c. US$145.00


Clouds and Climate Climate Science’s Greatest Challenge Edited by A. Pier Siebesma | Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute

A comprehensive overview of research on clouds and their role in our present and future climate, covering theoretical, observational, and modelling perspectives. Containing end-of-chapter exercises and further reading sections, it is ideal for advanced students and researchers in climatology, atmospheric science, meteorology and climate change. • Describes our current capability to model cloud systems, ranging from theoretical conceptual models to operational parameterisations, and from zero dimensional energy balance models to three dimensional turbulence resolving models • Describes our current knowledge of how clouds interact with the largescale circulation and how they are perturbed by aerosols, land-surface and global warming • Each chapter concludes with a ‘further reading’ section and exercises allowing readers to test their knowledge August 2020 246 x 189 mm 418pp 978-1-107-06107-1 Hardback £64.99 / US$84.99


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Earth and environmental science / Engineering

Downscaling Techniques for HighResolution Climate Projections

Beyond the Coal Rush A Turning Point for Global Energy and Climate Policy? James Goodman | University of Technology Sydney

From Global Change to Local Impacts Rao Kotamarthi | Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois


This book equips the reader with a basic understanding of different downscaling methods and the advantages, disadvantages and uncertainties of each, making it a valuable resource for graduate students, researchers, policymakers and practitioners working on climate impacts and adaptation. • Covers concepts, models and methodologies of downscaling in an easy-to-understand format and simple language • Provides an overview of the current state-of-the art in climate modeling, giving the reader a starting point to understand the various models and data available and the process of evaluating each • Examines climate modeling uncertainty at the general circulation model scale and its impact on the downscaled output, providing readers with a rational basis for understanding climate modeling uncertainty and how it should be accounted for in decision making • Discusses the benefits and drawbacks of using different downscaling methods enabling the reader to select suitable methods for different applications December 2020 244 x 170 mm c.300pp 978-1-108-47375-0 Hardback £49.99 / US$64.99


Salt Marshes Multidisciplinary review of salt marshes, describing how they function, how they are responding to the pressures of sea-level rise, pollution and human encroachment. Discussing the future of wetlands, this is a go-to reference for graduate students, researchers studying coastal systems, as well as marsh managers and restoration scientists. • Written by experts covering a broad range of marsh sciences, it provides readers with the most recent research and advances in salt marsh functionality and evolution • Emphasizes the stresses that marshes are undergoing due to sea-level rise, enabling a topical insight into climate change • Offers context in which to understand the dynamics of marshes, geomorphological feedbacks, and resiliency P

Meteorite Mineralogy Alan Rubin | University of California, Los Angeles

This book summarizes the mineralogical characteristics of all meteorite groups and Solar System bodies visited by spacecraft, and discusses the ways that these minerals were formed. Written in accessible language and containing spectacular images, it is a useful resource for meteorite researchers, terrestrial mineralogists and planetary geologists • Provides a detailed summary of the mineralogy of all meteorite groups, allowing researchers and collectors to grasp their essential mineralogical features • Includes self-contained and comprehensive definitions of key terms, making the book accessible to those without a background in planetary science • Discusses the history of the fundamental breakthroughs in mineralogy and meteorite research, providing readers with important historical context


Laser and Fiber Optic Gas Absorption Spectroscopy George Stewart | University of Strathclyde

A rigorous account of the physics and engineering principles of diode and fibre laser gas sensor design, based on tuneable diode laser and fibre optic spectroscopy with key applications. Includes computer programs for modeling and simulation. • Brings together in a single volume the fundamental physics, photonics technology and engineering design principles involved in the realisation of fibre and laser-based gas sensors • Extensive examples of practical application and performance in a wide range of areas including environmental and safety monitoring, and combustion analysis • Allows the reader to identify the future needs and opportunities of this active and growing field of research November 2020 244 x 170 mm 230pp 978-1-107-17409-2 Hardback c. £84.99 / c. US$110.00


An Atlas for LargeArea Electronic Skins From Materials to Systems Design Weidong Yang | National University of Singapore

Provides an account and directional atlas of the progress in materials and devices for electronic skins, in the context of sensing principles and skin-like features. We give an overview of essential electronic circuits and systems used in largearea tactile sensor arrays, and present the challenges facing future developments. Elements in Flexible and Large-Area Electronics

Cambridge Planetary Science, 26

November 2020 244 x 170 mm c.320pp 149 b/w illus. 978-1-108-48452-7 Hardback c. £95.00 / c. US$130.00

July 2020 244 x 170 mm c.288pp 7 b/w illus. 978-1-108-47982-0 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00


Function, Dynamics, and Stresses Duncan FitzGerald | Boston University

December 2020 247 x 174 mm 450pp 978-1-107-18628-6 Hardback £64.99 / US$84.99

Climate change makes fossil fuels unburnable, yet global coal production has almost doubled over the last 20 years. This book explores reasons for continuing coal dependence, and this can be overcome. Documenting efforts to halt mining in India, Germany, and Australia, it provides inspiration for energy transition for researchers and policymakers. • Outlines the relationship between coal, electricity, and development of three very different countries, allowing the reader to appreciate the significance of coal in social development and the power of the coalindustrial complex • Tracks the challenge posed by climate change for coal and the coalstate nexus • Creates parallel narratives of three countries contesting new coal mines, demonstrating the dynamics of three political struggles and their strategic importance • Draws out shared lessons across the disparate cases for contesting coal mines, providing insight into how campaigns against coal mines can gain greater political traction • Combines several social science disciplines to create a deeper understanding of how we can overcome coal dependence


September 2020 229 x 152 mm c.75pp 978-1-108-74924-4 Paperback £15.00 / US$20.00




Exergy Analysis for Energy Conversion Systems

Bioinspired Structures and Design

Efstathios Michaelides | Texas Christian University

Discover a straightforward and holistic look at energy conversion and conservation processes using the exergy concept. With more than one hundred diverse cases and solved examples, this thorough text is perfect for practicing scientists and engineers who work or do research in the area of energy and exergy. • Contains more than twenty case studies and more than eighty solved examples on applications of the exergy methodology • Quantitative modelling techniques and decision making tools for allocating capital are presented to achieve maximum impact in energy conservation and conversion projects • Facilitates accurate calculations for a multitude of systems and processes December 2020 244 x 170 mm c.350pp 978-1-108-48058-1 Hardback c. £85.99 / c. US$120.00


Optimization for Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

September 2020 247 x 174 mm 370pp 191 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-107-01558-6 Hardback £74.99 / US$99.99 P

An Interdisciplinary Approach Sandip Roy | School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

A modern and unique treatment of process optimization which presents a thorough exposition of applications and algorithms in sufficient detail for practical use. A perfect tool for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in chemical and biochemical engineering. • Includes exercises within the chapters • Provides several case studies relevant to Chemical and Biochemical Engineering • Presents theory through motivating practical examples Cambridge Series in Chemical Engineering

A detailed introduction to the foundational concepts of cyber-physical systems, along with key operational and design principles, system performance analysis, and interdisciplinary applications. Ideal for researchers and graduate students in electrical engineering and computer science, as well as for practitioners in a range of industries. • Introduces foundational principles as well as emerging research trends • Offers practical guidance on tackling the challenges of privacy and security, reliability, and efficiency • Provides numerical tools for the simulation and analysis of cyberphysical systems October 2020 247 x 174 mm 370pp 978-1-107-06661-8 Hardback £120.00 / US$155.00



Advanced Data Analytics for Power Systems


Edited by Ali Tajer | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York

Rigid Body Kinematics Joaquim A. Batlle | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona

A rigorous analysis and description of general motion in mechanical systems, which includes over 400 figures illustrating every concept, and a large collection of useful exercises. Ideal for students studying mechanical engineering, and as a reference for graduate students and researchers. • Includes over 400 high quality figures illustrating every concept, a large collection of useful worked exercises, end-ofchapter multiple-choice questions, and problems and puzzles with answers • Introduces key theoretical concepts in their most general form allowing the kinematic analysis of any multibody system • Provides exhaustive coverage, with a focus on 3D mechanics September 2020 244 x 170 mm 294pp 978-1-108-47907-3 Hardback £74.99 / US$99.99

Master simple to advanced biomaterials and structures with this essential text. Featuring topics ranging from bionanoengineered materials to bio-inspired structures for spacecraft and bioinspired robots, this is the ideal introduction to this emerging field for students in engineering and science as well as researchers. • Features examples of inter-disciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches to bio-inspired structures and design • Provides physical basis for the design of bio-inspired structures with theory • Guides readers in achieving fundamental understanding of structures and their effects on the properties of hard and soft tissues

Principles of Cyber-Physical Systems

Theory, Algorithms, Modeling and Applications Vassilios S. Vassiliadis | University of Cambridge

October 2020 244 x 170 mm 265pp 978-1-107-10683-3 Hardback £69.99 / US$89.99

Edited by Wole Soboyejo | Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts

Experts in data analytics and power engineering present theories addressing the needs of modern power systems. Covering theory and application to the solution of power system problems relating to reliability, efficiency, and security, this is an essential resource for graduate students and researchers in academia and industry. • Written by experts in data analytics and in power systems • Provides a broad perspective on different data analytics methodologies, each with significant applications in power systems • Describes a range of data analytics methods and their applications in power systems November 2020 247 x 174 mm c.615pp 978-1-108-49475-5 Hardback £89.99 / US$115.00



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Wireless Edge Caching Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization Edited by Thang X. Vu | Université du Luxembourg


Understand both uncoded and coded caching techniques in future wireless network design. Covering high-level architectures to specific requirement-oriented caching design and analysis, this is an essential resource for academic researchers, postgraduate students and engineers working in wireless communications. • The first book to present the state of the art in wireless edge caching • Describes a number of new techniques to maximize key performance metrics, including energy efficiency, quality of the user experience, and security • Explains how to identify efficient cooperative scenarios, and evaluate the feasibility and investment costs involved September 2020 247 x 174 mm c.464pp 109 b/w illus. 18 tables 978-1-108-48083-3 Hardback £89.99 / US$115.00 P

Matrix, Numerical, and Optimization Methods in Science and Engineering Kevin W. Cassel | Illinois Institute of Technology

Address vector and matrix methods necessary in numerical methods and optimization of linear systems with this practical, unified text. Perfect for advanced undergraduate students and graduate students in engineering, physical sciences, and applied mathematics. • Unifies topics in matrix, numerical, and optimization methods along with dynamical systems • Illustrates the connections between linear algebraic and differential equations • Features end-of-chapter exercises and online solutions December 2020 244 x 170 mm c.600pp 978-1-108-47909-7 Hardback c. £84.99 / c. US$110.00



Reconfigurable Circuits and Technologies for Smart Millimeter-Wave Systems

Vibration Monitoring of Induction Motors

Edited by Philippe Ferrari | Université de Grenoble

Describes and analyses of the theory, modeling, design, and measurement of tunable mm-wave devices, including filters, couplers, antennas, and matching networks, using CMOS, RF MEMS, and microwave liquid crystals. Ideal for graduate students studying RF/microwave engineering, and engineers working on tunable circuit and system design. • The first book to focus on reconfigurable millimeter-wave circuits and systems and the technologies that can develop these circuits • Gives an analysis of key performance parameters and new approaches • Provides practical examples, potential applications and design challenges that can be implemented for the reader’s own needs. EuMA High Frequency Technologies Series

January 2021 247 x 174 mm 300pp 978-1-107-10247-7 Hardback £110.00 / US$140.00


Modern Impact and Penetration Mechanics James Walker | Southwest Research Institute, Texas

This indispensable graduate reference details the mechanics and material models used to understand and predict extreme dynamic events. Topics include continuum mechanics, plasticity, damage, failure, shocks, waves, and high-pressure and high-rate response of materials. These tools are then applied to a variety of impact and penetration problems. • Describes from first principles the physics and mechanics of the dynamic deformation of a continuous medium • Covers the response of materials needed for understanding extreme dynamic events, including plasticity, damage, failure, and high-pressure and high-rate material response • Explains what occurs in impact and penetration events, including shock and wave propagation, impact, penetration, large inelastic deformation failure, and fragmentation November 2020 244 x 170 mm c.756pp 978-1-108-49710-7 Hardback £89.99 / US$115.00


Practical Diagnosis of Faults via Industrial Case Studies William T. Thomson | EM Diagnostics Ltd., Scotland

Master the art of vibration monitoring of induction motors with this unique guide to on-line condition assessment and fault diagnosis, based around thirty industrial case studies. Essential reading for industrial end-users, mechanical engineers, technicians and researchers working in motor design, manufacturing, and condition monitoring. • Presents thirty detailed and illustrated industrial case studies • The first book to focus on fault diagnosis and vibration monitoring of induction motors • Closes the loop between the diagnosis of faults using vibration spectrum analysis, subsequent strip-down of the motors, and accompanying photographic evidence September 2020 244 x 170 mm c.336pp 340 b/w illus. 64 tables 978-1-108-48997-3 Hardback c. £110.00 / c. US$150.00 P

Life sciences

Life sciences

Keynes & Aidley’s Nerve and Muscle


Fifth edition Christopher L.-H. Huang | University of Cambridge

Understanding Coronavirus Raul Rabadan | Columbia University, New York

Why is the information available about the coronavirus/COVID-19 so confusing? Written by a leading researcher, Understanding Coronavirus is a concise and accessible introduction to all the science and facts you need to understand how the virus works, how it spreads and how it compares to other respiratory viruses. • Provides a thoughtful and balanced introduction to the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and the disease COVID-19 • Discusses the first cases, the clinical characteristics and the inconsistent public health measures adopted across different countries and regions and their impact • Includes coverage of testing, the immune response to the virus and the latest advances in therapy development • Provides a comparison of the 2019 coronavirus pandemic with the 2003 SARS outbreak, as well as flu pandemics, including the 1918 Spanish flu and 2009 H1N1 • Discusses what data is available, what it means and what can be learnt from it • A donation from proceeds of the sale of this title will be made to the WHO COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. How is the coronavirus spreading?; 3. What is a coronavirus; 4. How is the coronavirus changing?; 5. How did the COVID-19 outbreak start and evolve?; 6. How does the COVID-19 outbreak compare to the SARS outbreak in 2002–2003?; 7. How does the COVID-19 outbreak compare to seasonal and pandemic influenza?; 8. Are there therapeutic options?; Epilogue; Summary of common misunderstandings; Suggested further reading. Understanding Life

July 2020 178 x 127 mm c.120pp 978-1-108-82671-6 Paperback £9.99 / US$11.99


Single-Molecule Science From Super-Resolution Microscopy to DNA Mapping and Diagnostics Edited by Krishnarao Appasani | GeneExpression Systems, Inc.

Bridging biophysics and molecular imaging, this authoritative text guides readers through the use of single molecule approaches in the study of molecular nanomachines, protein folding, biological assemblies, gene expression, and DNA mapping for diagnostic purposes. A must-have for researchers, graduate students, and those working in the industry. • Covers cutting-edge advances in SMS techniques and demonstrates to readers the importance of these approaches in generating new insights in molecular and cellular biology • Includes expert views from 33 leading global researchers, providing readers with an up-to-date overview of the field • Explains comprehensively yet clearly the key single molecule approaches, with numerous illustrations, making it ideal for both newcomers to the field, as well as for academic researchers and those working in industry

Written primarily for undergraduate science and medical students, the new edition of this acclaimed textbook provides a completely updated introduction to the cellular physiology of nerve and muscle. Compact and well-illustrated, it guides readers through fundamental principles to more advanced concepts and new discoveries in the field. • Extensive revisions throughout include new chapters on skeletal muscle excitation-contraction coupling and cardiac arrhythmogenesis, covering exciting recent advances • Colour illustrations, new to this edition, include recently clarified structures of key biological molecules and cellular and muscle physiology, explaining major concepts • Systematic coverage of all major subject areas within the field provides students with comprehensive and self-contained preparation for examinations November 2020 246 x 189 mm c.325pp 24 b/w illus. 978-1-108-49505-9 Hardback £79.99 / US$105.00 978-1-108-81687-8 Paperback £34.99 / US$44.99


Plant Physiology Theory and Applications Second edition S. L. Kochhar | University of Delhi

This edition provides an accessible overview of plant physiology. The text emphasises the fundamental conceptual framework of the subject throughout. It also interweaves important practical considerations through the inclusion of laboratory exercises, which ensure that theoretical and practical details are brought together in a student-friendly way. • Provides completely reorganised chapters on stress physiology and secondary metabolites with illustrative colour photographs, and an invited article on the molecular mechanism of abiotic and biotic stresses • Includes laboratory experimental exercises throughout, to be conducted by students during their lab classes • Features thought-provoking end-of-unit questions, including some solved numerical questions, to allow students to test their knowledge and reflect on the material covered in each chapter September 2020 244 x 170 mm c.800pp 978-1-108-48639-2 Hardback £69.99 / US$89.99


August 2020 247 x 174 mm c.550pp 34 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-108-42336-6 Hardback c. £125.00 / c. US$159.99 P

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Life sciences


Bears of the World

Anatomy of Flowering Plants

Ecology, Conservation and Management Edited by Vincenzo Penteriani | Spanish Council of Scientific Research (CSIC)

An Introduction to Plant Structure and Development Fourth edition Paula J. Rudall | Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew


Well-illustrated fourth edition, representing a clear and succinct text for students, researchers and anyone interested in plant form. Describes the internal structure of flowering plants, using a magnification range from the simple hand-lens to the electron microscope. Covers all plant organs, including stem, root, leaf, flower, seed and fruit. • Updated and expanded previous edition including new ideas on plant structure • Relevant to wide range of current student courses, and can usefully function as the only plant anatomy book possessed by non-specialist botanists • It incorporates an updated evolutionary-phylogenetic context for plant names Contents: 1. Organs, cells and tissues; 2. Stem; 3. Root; 4. Leaf; 5. Flower; 6. Seed and fruit. September 2020 216 x 138 mm c.200pp 73 b/w illus. 978-1-108-74912-1 Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99


Guttation Fundamentals and Applications Sanjay Singh | Mizan – Tepi University, Ethopia

A unique and comprehensive treatment of the guttation process, this book is suitable for a wide audience in the field of plant sciences. It not only discusses the principle, mechanism and applications of guttation, but also emphasises the impact of guttation on soil-plant-animalenvironment systems. • Provides the first comprehensive overview of the phenomenon of guttation in plants, including discussion of the principles, mechanism and the chemistry behind the process • Written to be accessible to a broad audience, including those working in plant biology, ecology, agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, pharmacology and medicine • Explains complex topics in straight-forward language and uses examples throughout • Includes a chapter exclusively dedicated to the applications of guttation September 2020 244 x 170 mm c.300pp 978-1-108-48702-3 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00


The Kestrel Ecology, Behaviour and Conservation of an Open-Land Predator David Costantini | Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris

The common kestrel is the bird of prey most of us are more familiar with. It has been an excellent study species to monitor environmental quality and to test evolutionary theories. This book will be an important reference for professional and amateur ornithologists, as well as undergraduate and graduate students. • Discusses all findings on common kestrels using a comparative approach including biological similarities and differences of kestrels • Provides examples of all aspects of kestrels’ biology using an interdisciplinary approach • Identifies weak points of previous studies and gaps in the present knowledge on kestrels’ biology August 2020 244 x 170 mm 222pp 71 b/w illus. 9 colour illus. 7 tables 978-1-108-47062-9 Hardback £49.99 / US$64.99 P

This is an unrivalled and invaluable source for researchers, conservation biologists, zoologists, wildlife managers, and students, who are looking for the latest information on ecology, conservation, management and current status of all bears species around the world. • Presents the most extensive synthesis of information on bear species ever collected in a single volume • First comprehensive work on ecology, conservation and management of bears worldwide • Provides new information about all the eight bear species in the world, including taxonomy, ecology, behaviour, distribution, genetic and conservation status November 2020 276 x 219 mm c.500pp 978-1-108-48352-0 Hardback £110.00 / US$145.00


Life in Extreme Environments Insights in Biological Capability Edited by Guido di Prisco | National Research Council of Italy

From the geographical poles to outer space, this book provides a multidisciplinary account of the adaptations and responses of biota living in extreme environments, and these systems’ susceptibility and resilience to change. A must-read for graduate students and researchers in conservation, marine biology, evolutionary biology, and astrobiology. • Strong connections between themes and emphasis of their relevance to important contemporary challenges, both scientific and societal, helps readers to understand the impacts of climate change and the need to defend biodiversity • A diverse team of contributors provide a variety of answers to the question of how life forms are limited by extreme external biotic and abiotic factors, and how they have been able to adapt • Examples of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary science in action shows readers the benefits of collaboration and knowledge exchange between disciplines Ecological Reviews

September 2020 244 x 170 mm c.450pp 978-1-108-49856-2 Hardback £99.99 / US$130.00 978-1-108-72420-3 Paperback £39.99 / US$49.99


Life sciences / Mathematics



Spatial Analysis in Field Primatology

Biological Evolution An Introduction Mike Cassidy | University of Durham

Applying GIS at Varying Scales Francine L. Dolins | University of Michigan, Dearborn

A guide to using geographic information systems (GIS) to research how primates use space, a question central to primate behavioral ecology. Covering cutting-edge methodology along with practical guidance on its use, the volume features research-based chapters on topics including travel routes, the impact of logging and the use of GIS in conservation. • The first volume specifically for primatologists on the application of GIS, with practical guidance to encourage use of the technology, such as advice on the best field transmitters • Research-based chapters show how many of the leading spatial ecologists apply this technology to address central questions in primatology in diverse circumstances and research projects • Shows how GIS can help to assess the impact of logging, mining and hunting, and help to inform primate conservation strategies November 2020 247 x 174 mm 459pp 95 b/w illus. 24 colour illus. 42 tables 978-1-107-06230-6 Hardback £89.99 / US$115.00 P 978-1-107-69430-9 Paperback £39.99 / US$49.99 P

Patterns of Human Growth Third edition Barry Bogin | Loughborough University

This completely revised third edition covers the evolution of the human growth pattern, the biocultural factors that direct its expression, and the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that regulate individual development. It is focused towards students in anthropology, economics, psychology, public health, epidemiology, paediatrics and education. • Approaches human growth from an anthropological and evolutionary perspective, offering insights into human development that aren’t merely clinical and functional • Explains the latest statistical methods for analysing growth with userfriendly examples from the author’s research, engaging students in growth analysis • Introduces new hypotheses about how people grow, providing readers with the most up-to-date ideas and theories in the field Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology

November 2020 244 x 170 mm c.500pp 978-1-108-43448-5 Paperback £39.99 / US$49.99



The Biological Universe Life in the Milky Way and Beyond Wallace Arthur | National University of Ireland, Galway

This book is for everyone with an interest in whether there is extraterrestrial life. Recent discoveries of planets beyond the solar system (more than 4000 of them) suggest that the question is not ‘whether?’ but ‘where?’. This book enables general readers to understand current endeavours to answer this question and the related one of ‘what kind?’ • Estimates the likely extent of the Biological Universe (all life-forms everywhere) • Paints a broad-brush picture of the current state of knowledge about exoplanets and the possible existence of life on many of them; and provides a series of key hypotheses about such life • Discusses current and planned space telescopes that will lead to discoveries in the next couple of decades September 2020 228 x 152 mm 358pp 21 b/w illus. 978-1-108-83694-4 Hardback £20.00 / US$24.95

Aimed at undergraduate students in the biological sciences, this book provides a narrative and cohesive account of biological evolution. It encompasses both the ‘micro’ details together with the ‘bigger picture’, offering readers an accessible and up-to-date introduction to the subject. • Provides a more narrative account of biological evolution, offering students an overview of key trends and patterns in the study of the field • Includes sections on Darwin and nineteenth century contemporaries, alongside studies of big data and current religious and philosophical impacts, highlighting the historical and contemporary relevance of the subject • Communicates ideas and information in an enjoyable and effective way, benefiting students who are looking for an introduction to the topic Contents: Preface; Acknowledgements; 1. Biological evolution: the beginnings of the story; 2. Reviewing the evidence for evolution; 3. Genetic variation within populations; 4. Natural selection and adaptive change; 5. Evolution and development; 6. The origins of biodiversity; 7. Taxonomy and the diversity of life; 8. The history and origins of life on Earth; 9. Molecules and evolution; 10. Human evolution; 11. Trends and patterns in evolution; 12. Questions, debate and controversy; References; Index. November 2020 244 x 170 mm 250pp 978-0-521-81268-9 Hardback c. £79.99 / c. US$105.00 978-0-521-01205-8 Paperback c. £29.99 / c. US$39.99



Large Cardinals, Determinacy and Other Topics The Cabal Seminar, Volume IV Volume 4 Alexander S. Kechris | California Institute of Technology

Large Cardinals, Determinacy and Other Topics is the last in a series of four books presenting the seminal papers from the Caltech-UCLA ‘Cabal Seminar’ with extensive unpublished material, new papers on related topics, and discussion of research developments since the publication of the original volumes. • Includes updated/revised material from the original Cabal Seminars volume • New, unpublished survey articles put the historical papers into context • Now includes uniform and modern notation to make the book more accessible to the reader Lecture Notes in Logic, 49

June 2020 228 x 152 mm 270pp 2 tables 978-1-107-18299-8 Hardback £95.00 / US$130.00



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A Comparison Process for Mouse Pairs

Matrix Positivity

John R. Steel | University of California, Berkeley

Charles R. Johnson | College of William and Mary, Virginia

This book proves some important new theorems in the theory of canonical inner models for large cardinal hypotheses, a topic of central importance in modern set theory. It also contains a good deal of background material, some of it unpublished folklore, making it an accessible introduction to the higher reaches of inner model theory. • Proves important new theorems in inner model theory for large cardinal hypotheses in set theory • Includes a good deal of background material, references to the wider literature, and an introductory essay placing the new results in context • The first accessible introduction to the higher reaches of inner model theory

This comprehensive reference, for mathematical, engineering and social scientists, methodically discusses matrix positivity classes. The matrices studied have direct applications in data analysis, differential equations, mathematical programming, computational complexity, economic models, population biology, dynamical systems, control theory, etc. • Covers several new topics in matrix classes that have not appeared in book form previously • Unified coverage presented by the leaders in the field of matrix positivity • Matrix classes are compared and interrelated, and their theory is developed in a natural order, which will lend to a well-rounded understanding of the theory, as well as its historical and scientific development

Lecture Notes in Logic, 51


October 2020 228 x 152 mm c.333pp 978-1-108-84068-2 Hardback c. £95.00 / c. US$130.00


Fast Track to Forcing

Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, 221

September 2020 228 x 152 mm c.300pp 978-1-108-47871-7 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00

Mirna Džamonja | Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Paris

This book provides a quick yet detailed introduction to set theory and forcing, building the reader’s intuition about it as well as rigorousness. Part II discusses contemporary issues in the theory of forcing, including previously unpublished results and open questions. • A sleek introduction to the theory of forcing, which allows even those who do not have any background in set theory to understand the subject • Devotes the second part of the book to contemporary topics in the theory of forcing, including open questions • Includes previously unpublished results in the theory of forcing

Lectures on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions Edited by Howard S. Cohl | National Institute of Standards and Technology

This is a collection of graduate-level introductions to five areas of current research interest in orthogonal polynomials and special functions. It derives from the OPSF-S6 Summer School lectures given by international authorities and has been carefully edited into a coherent whole, with examples and exercises. • Brings together applications of orthogonal polynomials to different areas of mathematics • Contains important, up-to-date material not currently available in book form • Highlights the diversity of the field

London Mathematical Society Student Texts, 98

October 2020 228 x 152 mm c.200pp 978-1-108-42015-0 Hardback £69.99 / US$89.99 978-1-108-41314-5 Paperback £25.99 / US$34.99


The Cabal Seminar

London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 464

Volumes I–IV Edited by Alexander S. Kechris | California Institute of Technology

September 2020 228 x 152 mm c.350pp 978-1-108-82159-9 Paperback £55.00 / US$90.00

This series of four books presents the seminal papers from the Caltech-UCLA ‘Cabal Seminar’ together with extensive unpublished material, new papers on related topics, and discussion of research developments since the publication of the original volumes. • Includes updated/revised material from the original Cabal Seminars volume • New, unpublished survey articles put the historical papers into context • Now includes uniform and modern notation to make the material more accessible to the reader Lecture Notes in Logic

August 2020 228 x 152 mm c.1875pp 34 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-108-92022-3 4 Volume Hardback Set £250.00 / US$325.00




Modular Theory in Operator Algebras Serban Valentin Strătilă | Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Romania

Catering to the needs of students of mathematics and physics, and researchers interested in operator algebras, noncommutative geometry and free probability, this book discusses continuous and discrete decomposition of factors of type III and all the necessary results. • Covers H. Kosaki’s extension of the index to arbitrary factors and F. Rădulescu’s examples of non-hyperfinite factors of type IIIλ, λ ∈ (0,1) and of type III1 • Explains the group-measure space construction in detail • Discusses the main aspects of modular theory with complete proofs • Makes the theory accessible to readers having elementary training in operator algebras Cambridge IISc Series

November 2020 244 x 170 mm c.550pp 978-1-108-48960-7 Hardback £120.00 / US$155.00



Bounded Gaps Between Primes

Generators of Markov Chains From a Walk in the Interior to a Dance on the Boundary Adam Bobrowski | Lublin University of Technology

The Epic Breakthroughs of the Early TwentyFirst Century Kevin Broughan | University of Waikato, New Zealand

This book records in considerable detail the remarkable bounded prime gaps breakthroughs of recent decades, including Polymath8’s best result. The material is suitable for graduate students and any mathematician curious about developments in the field. The book is supported by a linked and freely-available package of computer programs. • Lays out a path from the twentieth century to the best results of the twenty-first century, allowing readers to dip in and out • Gives introductory and supporting background proofs and results including Bessel functions, compact operators, complex analysis and Weil’s theorem for curves • Includes software-engineered and documented computer programs so readers can attempt to improve the best results, for example by changing the code December 2020 244 x 170 mm c.450pp 978-1-108-83674-6 Hardback c. £90.00 / c. US$120.00 978-1-108-79920-1 Paperback c. £35.00 / c. US$49.99


Encyclopedia of Special Functions: The AskeyBateman Project Volume 2: Multivariable Special Functions Edited by Tom H. Koornwinder | Universiteit van Amsterdam

The Encyclopedia of Special Functions provides an extensive update of the Bateman Manuscript Project. The three volumes will be indispensable for all scientists who use special functions in their research. Volume 2 provides detailed and up-to-date information on multivariable special functions. • A necessary update of the Bateman Manuscript Project for the twentyfirst century • Gives an encyclopedic survey of multivariable special functions, providing an excellent starting point for readers who need guidance to the scattered literature • Emphasizes the connections between multivariable special functions and other fields, in particular, Lie theory and mathematical physics September 2020 247 x 174 mm 433pp 17 b/w illus. 6 tables 978-1-107-00373-6 Hardback £59.99 / US$79.99 P PREVIOUSLY ANNOUNCED

Potential Theory and Geometry on Lie Groups N. Th. Varopoulos | Université de Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie)

This book provides a complete and reasonably self-contained account of a new classification of connected Lie groups into two classes. Background material is introduced gradually to familiarise readers with the necessary ideas. A large number of accessible open problems will inspire students to explore further. • Introduces a new approach to the classification of Lie groups • Provides the necessary background material on theory of currents and random walk theory, for readers with no prior knowledge of these areas • Contains numerous open problems to inspire further development New Mathematical Monographs, 38

Suitable for beginning graduate students, this book discusses the theory of Markov chains, drawing on the works of Kolmogorov and Feller, and bringing the tools of functional analysis into play in a way that is not done elsewhere. The author uses numerous examples and illustrations to demonstrate the theory. • Takes a much simpler approach than the existing literature • Encourages the reader to discover the facts for themselves by examining examples before learning the theorem • Contains unusual, fascinating examples of Markov chains, gathered from the works of Blackwell, Feller, Kolmogorov, Kendall, Lévy and Reuter Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 190

November 2020 228 x 152 mm c.250pp 10 b/w illus. 3 colour illus. 45 exercises 978-1-108-49579-0 Hardback £44.99 / US$59.99


Singular Intersection Homology Greg Friedman | Texas Christian University

This is a comprehensive, expository introduction to intersection homology, an important modern research area in the mathematical field of topology. The book is written to be accessible to graduate students in topology and researchers from other fields, and is suitable both as an introduction and as a thorough reference. • Contains brand new research and results, bringing the reader right up to date • Works as a reference for classical material, including detailed descriptions that are difficult to find elsewhere • Provides a self-contained introduction to less standard background material, serving as a one-stop shop for the reader New Mathematical Monographs, 33

September 2020 244 x 170 mm 869pp 61 b/w illus. 978-1-107-15074-4 Hardback £125.00 / US$175.00


Variations on a Theme of Borel An Essay on the Role of the Fundamental Group in Rigidity Shmuel Weinberger | University of Chicago

Shmuel Weinberger describes here analogies between geometric topology, differential geometry, group theory, global analysis, and noncommutative geometry. He develops deep tools in a setting where they have immediate application. The connections between these fields enrich each and shed light on one another. • Introduces tools from a variety of fields, useful to students and researchers in topology, geometry, operator theory, and geometric group theory • Uses both true and false variations on the conjecture, to gain a deeper understanding of it • Makes much more concrete an area where recent work has been expressed very abstractly Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, 213

December 2020 228 x 152 mm 351pp 978-1-107-14259-6 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00


October 2019 228 x 152 mm 611pp 20 b/w illus. 130 exercises 978-1-107-03649-9 Hardback £135.00 / US$175.00 C

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Assouad Dimension and Fractal Geometry

Thinking Probabilistically

Jonathan M. Fraser | University of St Andrews, Scotland


This book is the first thorough treatment of the Assouad dimension in fractal geometry. Aimed at researchers and graduate students, it will have broad appeal among pure mathematicians due to its discussion of the Assouad dimension’s many applications to number theory, dynamical systems, harmonic analysis, and probability theory. • The first thorough treatment of the Assouad dimension in the context of fractal geometry • Provides a systematic study using consistent notation of the many variants of the Assouad dimension • Discusses several key applications to other fields: number theory, dynamical systems, harmonic analysis, and probability theory Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, 222

November 2020 228 x 152 mm c.200pp 978-1-108-47865-6 Hardback £59.99 / US$79.99


Differential Geometry in the Large Edited by Owen Dearricott | La Trobe University, Australia

A comprehensive tour across differential geometry, geometric analysis and differential topology, this graduate-level text touches on topics as diverse as Ricci and mean curvature flow, geometric invariant theory, Alexandrov spaces, almost formality, prescribed Ricci curvature, and Kähler and Sasaki geometry. A joy to the expert and novice alike. • Treats very recent developments in differential geometry, geometric analysis and differential topology • High-profile contributors cover an extraordinary breadth of topics in one volume • Clear exposition discussing recent, relevant results London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 463

October 2020 228 x 152 mm c.396pp 978-1-108-81281-8 Paperback £60.00 / US$99.00


Partial Differential Equations Classical Theory with a Modern Touch A. K. Nandakumaran | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Assuming only an undergraduate-level background in mathematics, this book explains the power of thinking probabilistically through a diverse set of applications drawn from science. It covers a wide range of topics never before discussed together in a unified fashion while keeping technicalities to a minimum. • Explains the power of probability theory both as a conceptual framework and as a tool across mathematics and physics • Avoids using unnecessary technicalities, keeping the mathematical prerequisites to a minimum • Contains numerous and diverse examples of interdisciplinary applications of probability theory November 2020 244 x 170 mm c.200pp 978-1-108-47952-3 Hardback £79.99 / US$105.00 978-1-108-78998-1 Paperback £39.99 / US$49.99


The Fluid Dynamics of Cell Motility Eric Lauga | University of Cambridge

Fluid dynamics plays a crucial role in many cellular processes, for example the locomotion of cells such as bacteria and spermatozoa. This textbook details the mathematical modelling necessary to understand cell motility in fluids, with in-depth explanations suitable for beginning graduate students and researchers new to the field. • A case study in interdisciplinary modelling, showing how experiments from biology can be used to motivate mathematical modelling and how modelling can explain biological observations • Explains all steps of the mathematical derivations in detail and uses physical intuition to interpret mathematical results, making the book accessible to students • Based on courses taught over several years, it contains more than 90 exercises, suitable for use as homework assignments or exam questions Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics, 62

An excellent toolkit for senior undergraduate and graduate students, this book presents the qualitative properties of solutions, beside the representation formulae, of the three important equations of mathematical physics – Laplace and Poisson equations, heat or diffusion equation, and wave equations in one and more space dimensions. • Highlights the importance of studying the equations outside the realm of classical solutions • Separate chapters on advanced topics such as the Hamilton-Jacobi equation and conservation laws • Explains the interplay between geometry and analysis in the existence and uniqueness of solutions in the treatment of first order equations Cambridge IISc Series

September 2020 244 x 170 mm c.250pp 978-1-108-83980-8 Hardback £59.99 / US$79.99

Stochastic Processes, Disordered Systems, and their Applications Ariel Amir | Harvard University, Massachusetts


November 2020 247 x 174 mm 410pp 78 b/w illus. 95 exercises 978-1-107-17465-8 Hardback £79.99 / US$110.00 P 978-1-316-62670-2 Paperback £39.99 / US$52.99 P

Origametry Mathematical Methods in Paper Folding Thomas C. Hull | Western New England University

Written by a world expert on the subject, Origametry is the first complete reference on the mathematics of origami. It is an essential reference for researchers of origami mathematics and applications in physics, engineering, and design. Educators, students, and enthusiasts will also enjoy this fascinating account of the mathematics of folding. • The first complete reference on the mathematics of origami • Of interest to professionals and students in mathematics, physics and engineering, as well as educators and origami enthusiasts • Contains more than 180 figures to illustrate the constructions described • Numerous ‘diversions’ provide jumping-off points for readers to deepen and broaden their understanding October 2020 244 x 170 mm c.400pp 22 b/w illus. 165 colour illus. 2 tables 978-1-108-47872-4 Hardback £74.99 / US$99.99 P 978-1-108-74611-3 Paperback £29.99 / US$39.99 P

Mathematics / Medicine


Working with Refugee Families

The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

Trauma and Exile in Family Relationships Edited by Lucia De Haene | University of Leuven, Belgium

Isaac Newton Edited and translated by C. R. Leedham-Green | Queen Mary University of London

This heavily annotated translation of the third and final edition (1726) of Newton’s Principia will enable any reader with a good understanding of elementary mathematics to easily grasp the meaning of the text, either from the translation itself or from the notes, and to appreciate some of its significance. • A translation of Newton’s Principia, designed to be more readable than earlier translations which follow the Latin text verbally • Copious notes discuss the meaning, context, and significance of the text, and explore its ambiguities • The first translation into English that is based on an attempt to understand Newton’s arguments December 2020 253 x 203 mm 800pp 270 b/w illus. 20 tables 978-1-107-02065-8 Hardback c. £199.00 / c. US$299.00 R

Refugee family relationships play a key role in coping with trauma and migration. This book explores these relationships in exile and how they shape trajectories of meaning-making and coping with violence and displacement. The book documents different modalities of refugee family interventions in clinical, psychosocial, and community-based work. • The first book on refugee family functioning in exile; this book will provide readers with an in-depth understanding of the role of migration- and trauma- related family processes in shaping restoration and adaptation in the aftermath of forced migration in refugee families • Provides an account of the different modalities of clinical and psychosocial intervention with refugee families and includes inspirational accounts that support the developing of family interventions in the provision of refugee trauma care • Supports the further development of psychosocial refugee research with refugee families


August 2020 234 x 156 mm 358pp 4 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-108-42903-0 Hardback £49.99 / US$64.99

Club Drugs and Novel Psychoactive Substances

So Young, So Sad, So Listen

The Clinician’s Handbook Owen Bowden-Jones | Central North West London NHS Foundation Trust

Club drugs and novel psychoactive substances are widely used, and can cause severe clinical harms. This handbook offers a concise summary of the current evidence for the assessment and management of these drugs. Using numerous clinical examples, this guide is written for frontline clinicians, from A&E staff to addiction psychiatrists. • Categorizes the hundreds of new drugs according to their psychoactive effect – sedative, stimulant and hallucinogenic – allowing clinicians to orientate themselves to the huge number of newly emerging drugs by firstly identifying the predominant psychoactive effect and then using their experience of other drugs with similar effects to decide on the best treatment approach • Uses clinical examples from the authors’ own practice, demonstrating the types of challenges clinicians may experience in their practices • Offers a clear division between acute harms and harms from persistent use, ensuring that clinicians from across the frontline, from A&E staff to those working in drug treatment, will find the book accessible September 2020 186 x 123 mm c.150pp 978-1-911623-09-0 Paperback £24.99 / US$32.99


A Parents’ Guide to Depression in Children and Young People Third edition Philip Graham | Institute of Child Health, University College London

A book for parents and carers wanting to know more about depression in children and teenagers. Written by clinical experts, it describes how to recognise depression and what causes it; and provides guidance on how parents can support their child, including upto-date advice on seeking professional help. • Written by experts in child and adolescent mental health, this book provides advice parents can have confidence in • Contains updated information on new influences on a child’s mental health, such as social media and cyber bullying • Provides up to date advice on where parents can seek professional support, and details what the mental health services can provide for young people with depression July 2020 234 x 156 mm 90pp 34 b/w illus. 978-1-911623-56-4 Paperback £7.99 / US$9.99 M


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Transdiagnostic Multiplex CBT for Muslim Cultural Groups

Case Studies in Sports Psychiatry

Treating Emotional Disorders Devon E. Hinton | Harvard Medical School

Edited by Amit D. Mistry | Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust

This concise manual provides mental health professionals with a practical guide to delivering culturally adapted therapy to treat anxiety and mood disorders. Uniquely it takes into account religious, spiritual, social and cultural dimensions, for effective treatment of Muslim cultural groups. • Provides the first manualised CBT treatment for Muslims, addressing a pressing need for culturally adapted therapy, especially amongst refugees and immigrants suffering from anxiety and depressive disorders, and other individuals encountering the negative impact of Islamophobic victimization • Takes into account the religious, spiritual, social and cultural dimensions of patients, ensuring that the treatment is efficacious across multiple Muslim cultural groups • Covers both anxiety and mood disorders, bringing benefits such as ease of implementing therapy, the ability to treat a large proportion of patients, and the opportunity to provide group treatments to patients diagnosed with heterogeneous emotional disorders

Authored by experts from a range of disciplines, in collaboration with athletes, this book is ideally suited to clinicians who want to familiarise themselves with the latest guidance on the assessment and management of mental health problems in sport. Features case studies, scenarios and practice based MCQs to consolidate learning. • Latest evidence-based research, including recent systematic and narrative reviews endorsed by the International Olympic Committee • Written in a case-study format that provide realistic examples of how mental illness can present within the elite sport environment • Written by a mix of psychiatrists, sports medicine specialists and other health care professionals which allows a diverse range of professional opinions and insights • Each chapter includes insights from professional athletes from their relevant sporting discipline August 2020 234 x 156 mm 156pp 4 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-108-72055-7 Paperback £29.99 / US$39.99


September 2020 234 x 156 mm 184pp 19 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-108-71279-8 Paperback £39.99 / US$49.99 M

Social Factors in the Personality Disorders

The Handbook of Wellness Medicine

Finding a Niche Second edition Joel Paris | McGill University, Montréal

Edited by Waguih William IsHak | Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

The Handbook of Wellness Medicine presents scientific wellness interventions to assist healthcare professionals. This invaluable resource supports primary care physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health clinicians, nurse practitioners, internists, social workers, and the growing world of wellness clinicians. • Presents wellness medicine as an all-encompassing range of physical, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, psychosocial, and spiritual solutions for healing. Gives the clinician the opportunity to utilize and integrate the full range of interventions to improve wellness • Utilizes evidence-based medicine as well as a best-practice approach to medicine, drawn from the scientific literature • Organized in a practical and accessible way to aid busy clinicians who are looking to apply personalized wellness interventions August 2020 234 x 156 mm 652pp 978-1-108-72205-6 Paperback £49.99 / US$64.99


Synthesizing the very latest research, this book focuses on the social context of personality disorders. It considers how personality traits and disorders interact with social demands and opportunities, and offers a broad biopsychosocial perspective that will greatly assist mental health professionals with understanding and treatment. • Summarizes recent research in a neglected but clinically important area • Covers new systems of classification for personality disorders • Draws links between psychiatry, the social sciences, and history, offering clinicians a broad understanding and useful model for treatment August 2020 186 x 123 mm 126pp 978-1-108-81163-7 Paperback £19.99 / US$24.99


Rix’s Expert Psychiatric Evidence Second edition Keith Rix

This book is for expert psychiatric witnesses and the lawyers who instruct them or read their reports. It covers relevant statutory and case law, rules, procedures and practice of all the jurisdictions in the British Isles and includes detailed guidance on how to write a report and give oral testimony. • All relevant case law, statute law, procedure, rules and guidance are together in a single volume, meaning readers won’t need to look elsewhere for further information • Packed with practical guidance, readers will quickly be able to write reports that have maximum impact in assisting the administration of justice • Addresses the interface between psychiatry and the law • Will be of value to both the experienced and the novice witness October 2020 234 x 156 mm c.350pp 978-1-911623-68-7 Print/online bundle

c. £49.99 / c. US$65.99 M


Mood Disorders

Clinical Topics in Old Age Psychiatry

Brain Imaging and Therapeutic Implications Edited by Sudhakar Selvaraj | UTHealth School of Medicine, USA

An essential text, providing an in-depth understanding of the role of brain imaging in mood disorders for medical specialists, trainees and students working in this area. The book covers a wide range of topics from functional and neurochemical brain studies to imaging and the effects of psychotherapy on mood disorders. • Much needed comprehensive textbook on a rapidly growing and important new area of investigation in neuropsychiatry • Featuring a broad array of topics and providing a single source of comprehensive information on imaging in mood disorders • Leading experts in mood disorders present the most authoritative research and clinical evidence base and reliable data based on a variety of research experiences December 2020 253 x 177 mm c.272pp 978-1-108-42712-8 Hardback £44.99 / US$59.99



Edited by Julian Hughes | Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences (PEALS) Research Centre, Newcastle University; The Collaborating Centre for Values-Based Practice in Health and Social Care, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford

Written primarily for old age psychiatrists and trainees, but also relevant to other health and social care workers, this book focuses on important current topics in old age psychiatry. It offers information about a variety of disorders, and covers assessment and treatment, as well as legal, ethical, and philosophical issues. • Provides up-to-date evidence-based information, acting as an invaluable source for continuing professional development • Contains chapters from a multidisciplinary group of contributors on emerging issues, from the scientific to the socio-ethical to the legal, introducing practitioners to new ideas • Sheds light on topics that are everyday matters but are less frequently discussed in the literature, reminding clinicians of topics with which they are familiar but about which it is prudent to be reflective and informed in their thinking • Updates classic articles, previously published in BJPsych Advances Clinical Topics in

The Art of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

September 2020 234 x 156 mm 460pp 978-1-108-70614-8 Paperback £39.99 / US$49.99


Jonathan Williams | Barnet CAMHS

Covering the practical aspects of working in children’s mental health, this book includes valuable guidance on meeting the child and family, planning treatments, and working successfully in a multidisciplinary team. Aimed at clinicians of all stages, from trainees to experienced professionals, it is a major supplement to existing texts. • Organised by task, not diagnosis, making the book practical and accessible for everyday use, whilst discussing solving real-world challenges • Engaging prose with witty and relevant cartoons appeals to readers • An extensive index and cross-referencing system ensures readers can find what they need easily, and over 1,800 references provide a useful guide for further reading • Over 200 vignettes from the authors’ vast experience allow readers an insight into working in a multidisciplinary network February 2021 246 x 189 mm c.748pp 978-1-108-72056-4 Paperback c. £69.99 / c. US$89.99


Global Health Ethical Challenges Second edition Edited by Soloman Benatar | University of Cape Town

Offering analysis of and recommendations for addressing global health, this book contributes to solving one of humanity’s most important challenges. It includes perspectives from a range of disciplines, as well as ethical and environmental considerations, making it a key resource for bioethicists, public health practitioners and philosophers. • Provides a broad perspective on global health challenges over the next twenty-five years and beyond, including both East/West and North/ South comparative perspectives • Considers health from many different disciplines – including medicine, public health, philosophy, social science, political science, anthropology, health policy, law, humanitarianism, educational pedagogy and environmental science – making it an excellent resource for a wide range of audiences • Offers approaches to thinking about the ethical implications of living on a threatened planet, helping readers to consider their role as global citizens at a crucial time in human and planetary history November 2020 246 x 189 mm c.456pp 978-1-108-72871-3 Paperback c. £49.99 / c. US$69.99


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Pharmacology for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care

Essential Epidemiology An Introduction for Students and Health Professionals Fourth edition Penelope Webb | QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute


Fifth edition Tom Peck | Royal Hampshire County Hospital, Winchester and University Hospital Southampton

Now in its fourth edition, Essential Epidemiology is an engaging and accessible introduction to the foundations of epidemiology. It addresses the study of infectious and chronic diseases, public health and clinical epidemiology, and the role of epidemiology in a range of health monitoring and research activities. • Authored by experienced epidemiologists and academics, this book introduces concepts logically and builds knowledge from chapter to chapter • Written with clarity for an undergraduate audience, the book explains complicated concepts without losing the nuance or depth required for postgraduates • Covers the foundations of public health epidemiology while also integrating clinical epidemiology Contents: 1. Epidemiology is …; 2. How long is a piece of string? Measuring disease frequency; 3. Who, what, where and when? Descriptive epidemiology; 4. Healthy research: study designs for public health; 5. Why? Linking exposure and disease; 6. Heads or tails: the role of chance; 7. All that glitters is not gold: the problem of error; 8. Muddied waters: the challenge of confounding; 9. Reading between the lines: reading and writing epidemiological papers; 10. Who sank the boat? Association and causation; 11. Assembling the building blocks: reviews and their uses; 12. Surveillance: collecting health-related data for epidemiological intelligence and public health action; 13. Outbreaks, epidemics and clusters; 14. Prevention: better than cure?; 15. Early detection: what benefits at what cost?; 16. Epidemiology and the public’s health. May 2020 255 x 190 mm c.504pp 171 colour illus. 61 tables 978-1-108-76680-7 Print/online bundle £57.00 / US$74.99


Core Topics in Airway Management Third edition Edited by Tim Cook | Royal United Hospital, Bath, UK

Revised third edition of the leading airway management textbook for all clinicians and staff involved in this area, including chapters by experts introducing a fresh way of thinking about the subject. New topics covered include real and virtual airway endoscopy, the bleeding airway, airway management in a COVID pandemic and similar conditions. • Contains just what the clinically working health care worker needs to know to practice safe and efficient airway management • Part of the successful Core Topics brand, this third edition has a wide appeal • Fully revised and updated to account for changes in knowledge, equipment, guidelines and best practice including a chapter on the principles of airway management in respiratory epidemics November 2020 246 x 189 mm c.375pp 978-1-108-41953-6 Hardback £69.99 / US$89.99


Expanded fifth edition of a successful text providing readers with a solid foundation of pharmacological knowledge. Includes updated chapters on applied pharmacokinetic models, antimicrobials, intravenous fluids, minerals and nutrition, and drugs used in diabetes. An ideal aid to exam preparation for anaesthetists and intensive care trainees. • Delivers a broad level of detail without being exhaustive, making this a convenient and manageable book to digest • Arranged in a consistent format that helps explain and categorize information, maximising understanding and information retention • Offers a scope centred around the Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA) exam in addition to new sections designed to assist with the Final Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FFICM) exam November 2020 234 x 156 mm c.368pp 978-1-108-71096-1 Paperback £49.99 / US$64.99


Pharmacological Treatment of Tics Andrea E. Cavanna | University of Birmingham

A practical guide to the assessment, diagnosis, and pharmacological treatment of tics, for use in busy clinics. Key therapies covered include first- and second-generation antidopaminergic medications and alpha-2 adrenergic medications, with information on clinically relevant interactions and recommendations for use in special populations. • A practical manual on the assessment, diagnosis and pharmacological treatment of tics, the book’s handy size makes it invaluable for practicing clinicians in busy clinics • Discusses the new guidelines on the treatment of tics (American Academic of Neurology, 2019), providing evidence-based, topical and up-to-date information to current international standards • Readers are provided with a step-by-step guide on the assessment and pharmacological treatment of tics July 2020 234 x 156 mm 198pp 21 b/w illus. 978-1-316-64939-8 Paperback £29.99 / US$39.99


Common Pitfalls in Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology A Case-Based Approach Keith Josephs | Mayo Clinic Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center

A case-based approach to the diagnosis and management of patients with cognitive and behavioral symptoms associated with neurological disorders. Disorders discussed include Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias encountered in practice. A practical guide to identifying key diagnostic information, videos of patients illustrate the approaches taken. • Includes access to an HTML version of the text on Cambridge Core, with illustrative videos of examinations that center the discussion on real patients, and help readers connect to the material • Discussing a wide range of disorders, succinct tables and figures condense vital information and make the text more accessible to readers • Provides a well-rounded and comprehensive approach to cases with contributions from experts in different fields, ranging from cognitive neurologists, psychiatrists, and movement disorder specialists October 2020 246 x 189 mm c.224pp 34 b/w illus. 978-1-108-43113-2 Print/online bundle £39.99 / US$49.99



Medication-Resistant Epilepsy

Fertility Preservation

Diagnosis and Treatment Edited by John M. Stern | Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

Principles and Practice Second edition Edited by Jacques Donnez | Catholic University of Louvain, Brussels

A comprehensive review of the epidemiology, biology, causes and potential treatments for medication-resistant epilepsy. Promising nonpharmacologic interventions for patients, such as surgery, neuromodulation and diet therapy are explored. Practical guidance, treating specialized groups, including pediatric patients, is also covered. • Focuses on the clinical care needs of patients, making it an essential guide for practicing clinicians • A broad yet detailed scope allows for the entire text to be read, bringing together topics holistically in an accessible handbook format • Treatments covered are cutting-edge, with the latest research and evidence discussed in detail meaning clinicians will be able to make fully informed decisions for their patients’ care September 2020 246 x 189 mm 286pp 80 b/w illus. 35 tables 978-1-107-13988-6 Hardback £84.99 / US$110.00 M

October 2020 246 x 189 mm c.544pp 978-1-108-49459-5 Hardback £110.00 / US$140.00


An Introduction to Community and Primary Health Care


Management of Chronic Pelvic Pain A Practical Manual Edited by Michael Hibner | St Joseph’s Hospital & Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ

Third edition Edited by Diana Guzys | University of Tasmania

An Introduction to Community and Primary Health Care provides an introduction to the theory, skills and the range of professional roles in community settings. This edition has been fully revised to include three new chapters on health informatics, refugee health nursing and developing a career in primary health care. • Introduces readers to a wide range of community and primary health care roles and career and practice possibilities • In each chapter, case studies illustrate the application of theory within community health care settings and encourage students to reflect on their own practice, and reflective and critical thinking questions consolidate understanding of key topics • The comprehensive companion website for instructors includes a suite of questions and links to useful resources Contents: Part I. Theory: 1. Community and primary health care; 2. Empowering individuals, groups and communities; 3. Exploring disability from a social model of health perspective; 4. A lifespan and settings-based approach to mental health promotion; 5. Indigenous health and well-being: wise and responsive practice in primary health care; 6. Gendered health; 7. Interprofessional practice; 8. Developing a career in primary health care; Part II. Skills for Practice: 9. Cultural competence and cultural safety; 10. Community health needs assessment; 11. Health-related program planning and evaluation; 12. Health informatics; 13. Managing chronic health conditions; 14. Case management; 15. Home visiting, risk assessment and safety; Part III. Community and Primary Health Care Roles: 16. Community health nursing; 17. Community mental health nursing; 18. Maternal, child and family health nursing; 19. School and youth health nursing; 20. Sexual health nursing; 21. Drug and alcohol nursing; 22. Rural health nursing; 23. Refugee health nursing; 24. Occupational health nursing; 25. Nursing in general practice; 26. Home-based care; 27. Correctional nursing; 28. Nurse practitioners. January 2021 255 x 190 mm c.386pp 978-1-108-79783-2 Paperback £61.99 / US$69.99

Comprehensive new edition covering topics ranging from the effects of cancer treatment on fertility, to fertility preservation strategies in males and females, including cryopreservation and transplantation. A valuable reference for clinicians specializing in reproductive medicine, gynecology, oncology, hematology, endocrinology and infertility. • Edited by internationally renowned specialists in gynecology, reproductive endocrinology and infertility • Covers the full range of techniques for both male and female patients, providing a comprehensive reference to established strategies and new advances in the field • Concluding chapters offer discussions of psychological, ethical, legal and reproductive issues, providing support and advice to the practicing clinician


Addresses a wide range of both gynecological and non-gynecological causes of pelvic pain and offers practical guidelines to treating this condition. Essential reading for all physicians treating women for pelvic pain. Covers topics such as mesh-induced pain, neuropathic pain, and pelvic floor pain. • An applied approach allows readers to use the book as a practical manual in their everyday clinical activities • Unlike other gynecological books on pelvic pain, this title covers the many non-gynecological causes of pelvic pain that have been left unaddressed by literature on the subject • Offers a valuable guideline on the strategies available for those patients where all treatments have failed November 2020 246 x 189 mm c.256pp 978-1-108-81988-6 Paperback c. £44.99 / c. US$59.99


Part 1 MRCOG Revision Notes and Sample SBAs Edited by Neelanjana Mukhopadhaya | Luton & Dunstable Hospital

Essential preparation reading for trainee obstetricians and gynaecologists taking the MRCOG Part 1 examination. Integrating clinical knowledge with basic science, this concise guide provides plenty of up-to-date revision notes, practice Single Best Answer (SBA) questions, and tips to improve exam success. • Comprehensive coverage of the vast Part 1 MRCOG syllabus guides readers in preparing for the exam in a structured manner • Easily readable text, bullet points and colour illustrations help students to retain knowledge • Practice papers allow self-assessment and focused preparation on weaker sections November 2020 246 x 189 mm c.320pp 978-1-108-71408-2 Paperback £39.99 / US$49.99


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Medicine / Physics


SBAs for the FRCS(Tr&Orth) Examination

Diagnostic Bone Marrow Haematopathology

A Companion to Postgraduate Orthopaedics Candidate’s Guide Edited by Paul A. Banaszkiewicz


An essential resource for candidates undertaking the FRCS (Tr&Orth). Over 1,000 single best answer questions cover the breadth of the orthopaedic syllabus, including sections on difficult subject areas such as biomechanics, statistics and prosthetics/orthotics. Detailed evidencebased explanations help candidates learn and retain the answers. • Over 1,000 SBAs, covering the whole breadth of the orthopaedic syllabus, ensures candidates have well-rounded knowledge of all aspects of orthopaedic core knowledge for high stakes exams • Encourages the integration of clinical information with problem solving, the format featuring questions and detailed explanations helps candidates learn and retain the answers more efficiently than with simple factual recall • Written by highly experienced clinicians and examiners who know the exact format of questions that will come up in an exam and how best to prepare for them • Complements the main Postgraduate Orthopaedics textbook – the leading resource for candidates preparing for the FRCS(Tr&Orth) December 2020 246 x 189 mm c.304pp 978-1-108-78997-4 Paperback £44.99 / US$59.99


With over 200 illustrations, this vital guide to diagnostic criteria in hematopathology is easily accessible through clear tabular formatting, making it ideal for clinicians at all levels. General principles of bone marrow biopsy and aspirate processing are covered, along with the use of immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and molecular diagnoses. • Provides extensive and vibrant illustrations provided to aid the diagnostic process • Presents critical information using tables and bullet points for ease of reading in busy clinical settings • Includes access to an HTML version of the text on Cambridge Core, alongside expandable figures and resources, via a scratch-off code inside the cover December 2020 246 x 189 mm 250pp 244 colour illus. 105 tables 978-1-107-04013-7 Book with Online content £99.99 / US$130.00


Physics Electromagnetic Optics of Thin-Film Coatings

Surgical Critical Care For the MRCS OSCE Third edition Mazyar Kanani | James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough

Light Scattering, Giant Field Enhancement, and Planar Microcavities Claude Amra | Institut Fresnel

A thoroughly revised third edition reflecting the latest surgical guidelines, principles and procedures. Essential reading for both surgical trainees and consultants in critical care with an easy-to-navigate format, and comprehensive discussion of care in both intensive care and non-intensive care units. • Features new sections on updated sepsis guidelines and management and clarification of the importance of major haemorrhage protocols • Equips surgical trainees with the skills needed to understand a clinical problem from an examiner’s perspective and to formulate individual approaches to answer common questions • Questions are presented in a viva voce manner, reflecting the examination format of all four surgical Royal Colleges of the United Kingdom, and answers are presented in a clear and methodical fashion January 2021 186 x 123 mm c.336pp 978-1-108-70254-6 Paperback £29.99 / US$39.99

Jon van der Walt | St Thomas’ Hospital, London

A detailed, self-contained and theoretical study of periodic multilayers and how they can be effectively exploited in both traditional and modern applications, this book is ideal for researchers, engineers and graduate students with interests in nanophotonics, optical telecommunications, observational astronomy and gravitational wave detection. • Suitable for graduate students due to self-contained nature • Authors are leaders in the field of thin film optics • A theoretical approach where most published books are focused on design and manufacturing November 2020 244 x 170 mm c.300pp 978-1-108-48887-7 Hardback c. £59.99 / c. US$79.99




An Introduction to Metamaterials and Nanophotonics

Non-Neoplastic Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract

Constantin Simovski | Aalto University, Finland

A Practical Guide to Biopsy Diagnosis Edited by Roger M. Feakins | Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK

This book summarises non-neoplastic gastrointestinal (GI) pathology and provides a practical approach to interpreting biopsies. Written by a team of experts in the field, it is a concise and readable book for histopathologists examining gut tissue samples under a microscope. It includes numerous illustrations, fact sheets and practice points. • Contributions from experienced diagnostic pathologists working across Europe and the US optimise the book’s clinical relevance • Readers can gain full HTML access of the whole book, with expandable figures and resources, via a scratch-off code inside the cover • Concise text, clear summaries, high-quality illustrations, fact sheets, practice points and tables help readers to absorb information quickly • Provides a unique focus on inflammatory GI biopsies, rather than tumours, and describes normal appearance July 2020 276 x 219 mm c.562pp 570 b/w illus. 570 colour illus. 978-1-108-76654-8 with Online Resource £170.00 / US$220.00


Offering a unified presentation of both metamaterials and metasurfaces, this book builds from basic nanophotonic principles towards cutting-edge original research. This advanced textbook will be invaluable to students and researchers working in the fields of optics and nanophotonics. • Suitable as both an advanced textbook for students and as a reference for more experienced researchers • Provides a self-contained description of metamaterials, accessible to graduate students with a basic understanding of quantum mechanics, solid-state physics, and optics • This important topic is approached from a pedagogical perspective and the underlying electromagnetic theory is given due attention Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Electromagnetic (optical) properties of materials; 3. Metamaterials; 4. Metasurfaces; 5. Photonic crystals; 6. Nanophotonic applications of photonic crystals; 7. Plasmonics; 8. Building blocks for all-optical signal processing: Metatronics; 9. Selected topics of optical sensing; 10. Nanostructures for enhancement of solar cells; 11. Nanostructures for enhancement of thermophotovoltaic systems; Index. October 2020 246 x 189 mm c.400pp 978-1-108-49264-5 Hardback c. £54.99 / c. US$74.99



Many-Body Theory of Condensed Matter Systems

Tau Functions and their Applications

An Introductory Course Michael G. Cottam | University of Western Ontario

John Harnad | Concordia University and CRM (Centre de Recherches Mathématiques), Université de Montréal

In this primer to the many-body theory of condensed-matter systems, the authors introduce the subject to the non-specialist in a broad, concise, and up-to-date manner. This book is suitable non-specialist students and researchers in physics, materials science, chemistry, or applied mathematics who want to use the tools of many-body theory. • A genuine introduction for non-specialists to the tools of many-body theory • Novel and up-to-date topics such as concepts from quantum optics are considered • Extensive problem sets reinforce the material and provide enhanced learning opportunities

In this thorough and coherent introduction to tau functions, Harnad and Balogh start with the basics and extend right through to the most recent research results. This monograph is ideal for graduates or researchers in related fields unacquainted with the full range of applications of the theory of tau functions. • A comprehensive introduction to tau functions, the key to a very active and important field of current research • Applications are provided for many areas of mathematical and theoretical physics, including integrable systems, the spectral theory of random matrices, generating functions in geometry and topology, and partition functions in statistical mechanics • This is the only monograph surveying the field

July 2020 247 x 174 mm 286pp 70 b/w illus. 978-1-108-48824-2 Hardback £49.99 / US$64.99


Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

September 2020 247 x 174 mm c.520pp 17 b/w illus. 978-1-108-49268-3 Hardback £135.00 / US$175.00


The Physics of Neutrino Interactions M. Sajjad Athar | Aligarh Muslim University, India

A comprehensive treatment of neutrino interactions, this advanced text is suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as academicians in the field of neutrino physics. It presents a theoretical framework for describing relativistic particles and discusses the phenomenological theory of weak interactions. • Provides a comprehensive treatment of neutrino interactions with nucleons and nuclei • Explains the phenomenological theory of weak interactions leading to the formulation of the standard model • Discusses neutrino scattering from nuclei and the importance of nuclear medium effects • Includes separate chapters on nuclear medium effects in quasielastic scattering, and inelastic and deep inelastic scattering • Introduces the subject of neutrino oscillations and highlights the need for beyond the standard model (BSM) physics September 2020 244 x 170 mm c.550pp 978-1-108-48906-5 Hardback £69.99 / US$89.99


Languages in Space and Time Models and Methods from Complex Systems Theory Marco Patriarca | National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn

An excellent toolkit for mathematicians and linguists eager to explore the problems in linguistics that can be addressed using the theory of complex systems and tools of statistical mechanics. It also provides a valuable overview for students entering the fascinating field of languages in space and time. • Shows complexity theory in action through a series of case studies and worked out examples • Supported with interdisciplinary material helping to fill the gap between linguistics and complex systems theory Physics of Society: Econophysics and Sociophysics

September 2020 244 x 170 mm c.262pp 978-1-108-48065-9 Hardback £110.00 / US$140.00



Modern Quantum Mechanics Introduction to Effective Field Theory C. P. Burgess | McMaster University and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Graduate students and researchers in many areas of physics will find this book ideal for both self-study and for organized courses on effective field theory. Starting from undergraduate-level quantum mechanics, it gets to state-of-the-art calculations using both relativistic and nonrelativistic few-body and many-body examples. • Problem sets allow the reader to develop better intuition for how effective field theory methods work • Examples from a broad range of topics in physics illustrates core principles at work across the discipline • Examples are ordered from higher to lower energies, lending itself to using the book in a course. Core topics can be taken from part I and suitable examples chosen from parts II-IV November 2020 246 x 189 mm 550pp 978-0-521-19547-8 Hardback c. £59.99 / c. US$79.99


Third edition J. J. Sakurai

The third edition of this classic quantum mechanics textbook provides a modern, graduate-level introduction to the concepts of quantum mechanics, from the Schrödinger Wave Equation to SO(4) symmetry and its application to solving the hydrogen atom, in one comprehensive and engaging volume. • Updated and thoroughly classroom-tested by the author, ensuring its relevance for anyone studying physics today • New content helps students better understand the core material as well as more advanced topics • Forty new end-of-chapter problems have been added, while others have been clarified to be more accessible for modern students Contents: 1. Fundamental concepts; 2. Quantum dynamics; 3. Theory of angular momentum; 4. Symmetry in quantum mechanics; 5. Approximation methods; 6. Scattering theory; 7. Identical particles; 8. Relativistic quantum mechanics; Appendix A. Electromagnetic units; Appendix B. Elementary solutions to Schrödinger’s wave equation; Appendix C. Hamiltonian for a charge in an electromagnetic field; Appendix D. Proof of the angularmomentum addition rule (3.8.38); Appendix E. Finding Clebsch–Gordan coefficients; Appendix F. Notes on complex variables. September 2020 246 x 189 mm 566pp 978-1-108-47322-4 Hardback £59.99 / US$77.99


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Control Theory for Physicists

A First Course in Random Matrix Theory

John Bechhoefer | Simon Fraser University, British Columbia

for Physicists, Engineers and Data Scientists Marc Potters | Capital Fund Management, Paris

Control theory, an interdisciplinary topic within the study of dynamical systems, is an important but often overlooked part of a physicist’s education. This is the first broad and complete treatment of the subject specifically tailored for physicists, spanning the basics to the most recent advances. • The first textbook on control theory aimed at physicists. Control theory is having an increasing impact on experimental and theoretical physics • A broader and more comprehensive approach than standard engineering-focussed treatments • The first textbook discussing new theories that link feedback with information theory and thermodynamics


December 2020 246 x 189 mm 500pp 978-1-107-00118-3 Hardback £59.99 / US$79.99


Astrobiology, Discovery, and Societal Impact Steven J. Dick

Alex Gezerlis | University of Guelph, Ontario

Combining idiomatic Python programming, foundational numerical methods, and physics applications, this book covers linear algebra, DEs, root-finding, interpolation, and integration. With full implementations of many numerical methods in Python, and more than 250 problems, this is an ideal standalone textbook for courses on computational physics. • Provides examples of idiomatic usage of Python and the NumPy library, listing and discussing more than 50 complete codes on numerical methods and physics projects • Carefully explains, using actual derivations and code, topics which often appear mysterious, e.g., rounding error, ill-conditioning, automatic differentiation, the QR eigenvalue method, Lagrange interpolation, the Fast Fourier Transform, Gauss-Legendre quadrature, and Monte Carlo integration • Online resources provided at including Python and NumPy tutorials, programs listed in the book, figure files, and solutions for instructors P P

Learning Scientific Programming with Python

New discoveries in astrobiology, including thousands of planets around distant stars, have increased the likelihood of finding life beyond Earth. Astronomer and historian Steven J. Dick examines the philosophical, theological, and societal implications of such a discovery. He presents the remarkable and often surprising results in easily accessible language. • Explores the humanistic aspects of the discovery of extraterrestrial life, making use of philosophy, science, theology, anthropology, history, and science fiction • This subject is one of the most popular themes in astronomy, and this volume is accessible to a broad audience, including students of humanities, social, and natural sciences, and the interested general reader • Offers the first systematic view of the impact of discovering life beyond Earth, including controversial subjects such as METI (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence) • Presents a coherent case of what the implications of finding life might be and why we should tackle them now Cambridge Astrobiology, 9

May 2018 247 x 174 mm 394pp 978-1-108-42676-3 Hardback £54.99 / US$69.99


Fine-Tuning in the Physical Universe

Second edition Christian Hill | International Atomic Energy Agency

Edited by David Sloan | Lancaster University

Learn to master basic Python programming tasks from scratch with real-life, scientifically-relevant examples and solutions drawn from science and engineering. This fast-paced introduction moves from the basics to advanced concepts in one complete volume, enabling readers to gain proficiency quickly. • A broad introduction to Python programming in the sciences • No previous coding experience needed – a chapter on general concepts included • Accompanying website provides resources for the examples and exercises September 2020 244 x 170 mm c.550pp 978-1-108-74591-8 Paperback £34.99 / US$44.99

December 2020 244 x 170 mm c.300pp 978-1-108-48808-2 Hardback c. £54.99 / c. US$69.99


Numerical Methods in Physics with Python

August 2020 246 x 189 mm 504pp 978-1-108-48884-6 Hardback £89.99 / US$115.00 978-1-108-73893-4 Paperback £39.99 / US$49.99

Classical statistical tools that handled real-life data have become inadequate upon the emergence of Big Data. Random matrix theory and free calculus introduced here present valuable solutions to the complex challenges posed by large datasets. Real world applications make it an essential tool for physicists, engineers, data analysts and economists. • An up-to-date introduction to random matrix theory and free calculus • Graphical illustrations and exercises based on real-life applications • Comprehensive cover of topics on free calculus


Is the universe fine-tuned for complexity, life, or something else? This comprehensive overview of fine-tuning arguments in physics features contributions from leading researchers in their fields. It is an accessible yet precise introduction to the topic, for students and researchers in physics philosophy. • A comprehensive overview of fine-tuning drawing from a variety of subdisciplines in physics • Makes connections between cutting-edge theoretical developments in areas as diverse as inflation, particle physics, and exoplanet research • Contains mathematical derivations of fine-tuning parameters enabling researchers within and beyond physics to understand the arguments for thinking parameters are fine-tuned September 2020 244 x 170 mm c.564pp 978-1-108-48454-1 Hardback £54.99 / US$69.99




The Discovery of Cosmic Voids

Foundations of Astrophysics

Laird A. Thompson | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

A key protagonist explains how the first 3D maps of galaxies were created, revealing gigantic holes, ‘cosmic voids’, in the Universe. This fascinating story of the birth of a major pillar of cosmology is a useful case study of how a scientific discovery is made and becomes accepted. • Thompson shares his personal experience of making a historically significant scientific discovery • An easy to follow, non-mathematical explanation of our current model of the Universe is included as background • The author demonstrates why dark matter is a necessary part of modern cosmology • The contributions of the many scientists whose work led to the discovery of cosmic voids and the understanding of large-scale structure are clearly explained December 2020 244 x 170 mm c.325pp 978-1-108-49113-6 Hardback £39.99 / US$49.99



Gravity’s Fatal Attraction Black Holes in the Universe Third edition Mitchell Begelman | University of Colorado Boulder

Blending descriptive theoretical arguments with the latest observational results, Begelman and Rees present the evidence for black holes and their role in the Universe. This lavishly illustrated book is suitable for introductory undergraduate courses, and will also fascinate amateur astronomers and all readers interested in astronomy and physics. • Provides a holistic view of the discovery and astrophysical context of black holes from the perspective of key figures in the field • Fully illustrated with original artwork and images from the latest observations and snapshots from computer simulations • Synthesizes observation and theory for a balanced treatment • Avoids mathematics in favour of rigorous explanations of the major concepts • Thoroughly updated edition which includes the latest discoveries and considers prospects for the future Contents: Preface to the Third Edition; 1. Gravity Triumphant; 2. Stars and Their Fates; 3. Black Holes in Our Backyard; 4. Galaxies and Their Nuclei; 5. Quasars and Kin; 6. Jets; 7. Blasts from the Past; 8. Black Holes in Hibernation; 9. Cosmic Feedback; 10. Postcards from the Edge; 11. Gravitational Waves; 12. Through the Horizon; Appendix: Gravity and Cosmic Dimensions; Further Reading; Index. November 2020 246 x 189 mm c.350pp 978-1-108-81905-3 Paperback £24.99 / US$31.99


Barbara Ryden | Ohio State University

Foundations of Astrophysics provides a contemporary and complete introduction to astrophysics for astronomy and physics majors. With a logical presentation and conceptual and quantitative end-of-chapter problems, the material is accessible to introductory astrophysics students taking a two-semester survey course. • Presents thorough discussions of the major topics in an informal, but clear and concise style that makes it ideal as an introduction to astrophysics for physical science majors • No background knowledge of astronomy is assumed, and rigor is carefully introduced, allowing students to develop an understanding without being overwhelmed by mathematics • Explains interesting connections between different fields of astrophysics and real-life applications that will engage students and put the ideas into context Contents: Preface; 1. Early astronomy; 2. Emergence of modern astronomy; 3. Orbital mechanics; 4. The Earth–Moon system; 5. Interaction of radiation and matter; 6. Astronomical detection of light; 7. The Sun; 8. Overview of the solar system; 9. Earth and Moon; 10. The planets; 11. Small bodies in the solar system; 12. The solar system in perspective; 13. Properties of stars; 14. Stellar atmospheres; 15. Stellar interiors; 16. The interstellar medium; 17. Formation and evolution of stars; 18. Stellar remnants; 19. Our galaxy; 20. Galaxies; 21. Active galaxies; 22. Clusters and superclusters; 23. Cosmology; 24. History of the universe. August 2020 246 x 189 mm 610pp 16 colour illus. 978-1-108-83195-6 Hardback £59.99 / US$79.99


Compact Star Physics Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Am Main

This self-contained introduction to compact star physics explains important concepts from areas such as general relativity, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and nuclear physics. It is ideal for graduate students and researchers working on the physics of compact stars, general relativity and nuclear physics. • A modern introduction on compact star physics • Includes major developments in the field, such as the discovery of massive neutron stars • Explains important concepts from different areas of compact star physics, general relativity, nuclear physics and astrophysics in simple terms August 2020 247 x 174 mm 320pp 33 b/w illus. 20 tables 978-1-107-18089-5 Hardback £54.99 / US$69.99 P

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White Dwarfs as Probes of Fundamental Physics (IAU S357)

Nuclear Activity in Galaxies Across Cosmic Time (IAU S356)

Tracers of Planetary, Stellar and Galactic Evolution Edited by Martin A. Barstow | University of Leicester

Edited by Mirjana Povic | Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute

More than ninety percent of stars will end their lives as white dwarfs. They are fascinating objects in their own right, but they also impact other areas of research, such as cosmology, extrasolar planets and fundamental physics. IAU S357 indicates the direction of white dwarf research for the next decade. • Provides an interdisciplinary approach to a range of problems, allowing researchers to access a wide range of topics which would typically be spread across several journals • Review papers provide key summaries of progress in a range of related research areas • A broad range of contributed papers give readers the latest thinking and results

The proceedings of IAU S356 summarise the most recent results in the field of active galaxies and active galactic nuclei (AGN). These are some of the most luminous and most distant sources in the Universe, so they are important for understanding the early Universe and its evolution through cosmic time. • Gives a summary of the current state-of-the-art in AGN studies • Provides a general overview of AGN physics, from multiwavelength observations up to AGN evolution • Demonstrates the current developments in astronomical research in Africa Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposia and Colloquia

September 2020 247 x 174 mm c.400pp 978-1-108-49201-0 Hardback £98.00 / US$130.00


Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposia and Colloquia

September 2020 247 x 174 mm c.400pp 978-1-108-49202-7 Hardback £98.00 / US$130.00


From Observations to Interpretation Edited by Farid Salama | NASA-Ames Research Center

Uncovering Early Galaxy Evolution in the ALMA and JWST Era (IAU S352) Edited by Elisabete da Cunha | Australian National University, Canberra

A major goal of modern astrophysics is to understand how galaxies such as our Milky Way emerged from the primordial density fluctuations in the early Universe and how they evolved through cosmic time. IAU S352 gathers scientific contributions from theoretical and observational experts on galaxy evolution in the young Universe. • Focuses on new results from the Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA) and preparation for new research synergies with the soon-tobe-launched James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) • Includes current state of the art of detections of the faintest, most distant early galaxies • Provides updates on the state of theoretical early galaxy formation models, which make predictions on the properties of galaxies in the epoch of reionization Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposia and Colloquia

July 2020 247 x 174 mm 386pp 978-1-108-49213-3 Hardback £98.00 / US$130.00


Astronomy in Focus XXX As Presented at the IAU XXX General Assembly, 2018 Edited by Maria Teresa Lago | International Astronomical Union

Astronomy in Focus presents the most relevant contributions from the 15 Focus Meetings included during the XXX IAU General Assembly in Vienna, 2018. Focus Meetings usually address a new scientific area or an emerging field that is not well represented in the IAU’s existing Commission structure. • Provides an up-to-date compendium of current research in a variety of astronomical disciplines, giving concise yet authoritative reviews of contemporary astronomy and astrophysics • Reports the presentations made in the 15 Focus Meetings held at the IAU XXX General Assembly 2018 • Each Focus Meeting offers comprehensive reviews, contributed papers and posters, presenting recent advances in each field Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposia and Colloquia

April 2020 247 x 174 mm c.400pp 978-1-108-48873-0 Hardback £98.00 / US$130.00

Laboratory Astrophysics (IAU S350)


Laboratory astrophysics is the Rosetta Stone that enables astronomers to understand and interpret the distant cosmos. IAU S350 explores the main themes of laboratory studies, astronomical observations, and theoretical modeling, demonstrating the breadth and the plurality of disciplines engaged in this growing field. • IAU Symposium 350 was the first in a series of an approximately 5-year cycle of IAU symposia dedicated to laboratory astrophysics • Demonstrates and reinforces the active synergy between astronomical observation, laboratory experiment and theoretical modelling • Timely with the advent of new powerful telescopes (e.g., ALMA, the James Webb Space Telescope in 2021 and the construction of the Extremely Large Telescope) Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposia and Colloquia

September 2020 247 x 174 mm c.400pp 978-1-108-48247-9 Hardback £98.00 / US$130.00


Galactic Dynamics in the Era of Large Surveys (IAU S353) Edited by Monica Valluri | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Galactic dynamics studies the motions of stars and gas in galaxies to understand their structure and evolution. New observations, from satellites such as Gaia, allow us to validate our theoretical models. These and other large data sets provide insights into how our Milky Way relates to the universe of galaxies. • IAU Symposium 353 was the first major symposium specifically focusing on galaxy dynamics since the St. Petersburg conference in 2007 • Fourteen review articles cover a broad range of topics at the forefront of galactic dynamics, summarizing our understanding of the Milky Way and external galaxies from numerous large surveys • Review articles and contributed papers describe recent developments and serve to bridge gaps in our understanding of the Milky Way and other galaxies Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposia and Colloquia

July 2020 247 x 174 mm 316pp 978-1-108-48248-6 Hardback £98.00 / US$130.00



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