ADC Today - Winter 2011

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Winter 2011 • Vol. 07, No. 01

ADC Impacting Lives in Wolfville and Around The World

From the President

From Wolfville to the World By Dr. Harry Gardner, ‘77

On one of my trips to Israel, I toured a diamond factory and learned that each “brilliant cut” diamond had 57 facets. The diamond’s clarity and design were beautifully manifested as light shone through it from various angles. The ministry of Acadia Divinity College also has many facets, presenting us with the opportunity to impact students and the Church around the world. Our hope is that His light will reflect His glory! Many facets of Acadia Divinity College’s ministry are experiencing growth. This past spring we finalized exciting additions and revisions to our degree programs. These major curriculum changes - contained in an 82-page document to the Acadia University Senate - reflect the College’s commitment to Equip Christian Leaders. Interest and enthusiasm for The Charles Taylor Centre for Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care, launched last February, is gaining momentum from both existing and future students. Our alumni continue to shine through their varied ministries worldwide. And, our current students, faculty, and staff reflect the Lord’s light and are significant facets of the College’s daily life. However, there is one significant component of the College which many are not aware – our extension programs and affiliations throughout Canada and around the world. This edition of ADC Today will attempt to celebrate those ministries - the many facets of ADC.

Our alumni continue to shine through their varied ministries worldwide. ADC in Metro – ADC has offered courses in Halifax Regional Municipality for many years. Our objective is to offer HRM students the ability to take one-third of their program near their homes in Bedford, Cole Harbour, Dartmouth, Halifax, and Lower Sackville. This fall it has been my privilege to teach “Christian Spiritual Formation for Ministry Leaders” in Halifax. ADC New Brunswick – We are excited to have begun offering courses through ADC New Brunswick. Although these courses will appeal to many people, this program is our direct response to the need to equip ministry leaders who are currently involved in ministry in New Brunswick and seeking to complete their studies. Now, a Master of Divinity student can complete up to half of their program in their home province! DMin in Prague (Program pending final approval by the Association of Theological Schools in United States and Canada.) – The unique and groundbreaking partnership among Acadia Divinity College, Canadian Baptist Ministries, European Baptist Federation, and The International Baptist Theological Seminary in Prague will



result in leaders being equipped at the doctoral level for enhanced ministry leadership. The potential impact is far reaching and to our knowledge is the first Doctor of Ministry degree to be offered in continental Europe. National and International Affiliations – ADC has accepted its responsibility to be involved in global discipleship by equipping pastoral and other Christian leaders in their setting. The response of people to Jesus Christ is overwhelming in many places of the world including Africa, China, and francophone countries. The Board and Faculty of Acadia Divinity College are persuaded that mission, evangelism, and the growth of the church requires leaders who are equipped with and sustained by the best theological education possible. That is why we are fully engaged in French Canada and around the world in leadership development. Jesus said, “Lift up your eyes to the harvest…it is ripe…pray to the Lord of the harvest for laborers ...” There are three colleges and one seminary formally affiliated with Acadia University and whom ADC is responsible to oversee their programs. It began in 1980 with the Faculté de théologie évangélique in Montreal, continued in 1990 and 1994 with Christ International Divinity College and Universal Gospel Divinity College in Nigeria, and in 1997 with Bethel Bible Seminary in Hong Kong. Upon completion of their programs, students studying in these various educational institutions will graduate with an Acadia University degree. Recently, we hosted the visits of Dr. Michael Odelami, President of the Consortium of Nigerian Colleges, as well as Dr. Fai Luk, President of Bethel Bible Seminary in Hong Kong. This past summer I had the privilege of visiting Bethel Bible Seminary. I also had the opportunity while in Hong Kong to visit the Queen Elizabeth Hospital where Dr. Nelson Yiu is the Director of Spiritual Care and oversees the Certificate program for clinical pastoral education. I am amazed at the open doors in Hong Kong and throughout China for the good news of Jesus Christ.

I am amazed at the open doors in Hong Kong and throughout China for the good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” The growth of the church in China and Africa and around the world requires well-trained leaders and Acadia Divinity College is playing a significant role in facilitating this mission. In our multi-faceted ministry, we trust that as the Lord’s light shines through us that laborers for the harvest will continue to be equipped around the world.

“Face to Face” in Wolfville

Students Discover a Community of Support at ADC By Shawna Peverill

will prepare me for contemporary ministry challenges in the African On a typical fall morning in Nigeria, Elkanah Shekari wakes up context which has been influenced by Western thought.” to the voice of his three-year-old son, Elyon, excitedly talking and Over the past several months, Elkanah has also appreciated the running through the house, and his wife, Leah, preparing the family spiritual resources at the College including weekly chapel and the for the day. Outside, the birds sing in the cashew trees while the community meal that follows. It has been an enriching experience neighbourhood slowly wakes up as the temperature begins to rise. It for him. will reach 30° C by noon. Before he leaves for the church where he “It is so amazing when one is accepted not on the basis of ministers, Elkanah and his family come together for devotions. blood relationship or geographical location, but on the basis of Jesus Fall mornings this year for Elkanah are very different. Instead Christ,” says Elkanah. “This has amazed me so much. Therefore, of waking up to the voices of his wife and son, he hears the accents Christ as the centre is beyond of other international students everything.” living and studying in Canada Chakrita Saulina knows far from home. He dresses what it’s like to leave family and warmly for his walk to campus. ministry behind for a season in As he moves quickly along Main order to study. In September Street in Wolfville, Nova Scotia 2010, she moved from her – his warm breath swirling in home in Indonesia, and put her the chilly air – he thinks about ministry to students on hold, his classes and the research for to pursue a Master of Divinity his Master of Arts degree at (MDiv) degree at ADC. She Acadia Divinity College (ADC). was particularly drawn to the It was while reading a College’s specialization in youth book by Dr. Craig Evans – the and young adult ministry. College’s Payzant Distinguished “In Indonesia, as far as I Professor of New Testament know, there is no theological Studies – that Elkanah school that offers an MDiv with discovered ADC. Although he a major in youth ministry,” had graduated with a Bachelor of says Chakrita, who works for Theology in Nigeria years earlier, a Christian Intervarsity group he realized his need for further in Jakarta. “I know that I will studies in New Testament – the have a great experience if I study subject he teaches at ECWA in Western society… It will Theological Seminary, JOS in also give me a broader sense of Narayi Highcost, Kuduna State. Christianity from another part Stepping out in faith, Elkanah Elkanah with son Eylon and his wife Leah of the world.” decided to apply to ADC, and Over the past year, Chakrita has worked through some on a cold night in January 2011, he arrived in Wolfville excited to challenges, in particular the language barrier. But, through it all, she begin his journey. has encountered patience and helpfulness not only from the ADC Since that time, Elkanah has had to deal with living away faculty but also from her peers. In fact she has developed many from his family, acclimating to the cold (though he admits to now meaningful relationships with her Wolfville classmates who she is being “in love” with the Nova Scotia weather), and adjusting to a able to spend time with and to start a study group. culture vastly different from his own. It also meant a substantial Mary Grace Hawkes is one of those classmates. Although financial sacrifice. she didn’t have to travel overseas to attend Acadia Divinity College, But Elkanah recognizes the advantages of studying in Wolfville she understands the sacrifice it takes to study full-time. She left at Acadia Divinity College. He knows how valuable it is to see and a successful youth ministry and, along with her husband, Aaron, meet his professors on a daily basis, and use the resources available moved from New Glasgow, NS, to Wolfville. But, Mary Grace knew on campus, such as the library. that God was calling her to ADC. “There are so many reasons for this huge sacrifice on my part There have been many adjustments for Mary Grace including and my family’s,” says Elkanah, who is also very close to his extended the incredible amount of time it takes to complete readings and family in Nigeria, “the quality of theological education at ADC, … writing assignments, which results in many late nights at the library. the professors who have truly impacted my life, and training that Continued on page 4



ADC in Metro

Making a Difference to Students in HRM By Dr. Leslie McCurdy Eight years ago, when God called Michel Lechmann to pastoral ministry, he was also a committed husband, the father of two young children, a leader of one of the largest youth groups in Metro Halifax, and the owner of a thriving engineering company. How could he possibly add a three-year Master of Divinity degree to his life? Part-time study at Acadia Divinity College would be the answer. Although ADC had offered courses in the area for years, in 2005, some pastors and leaders in the Halifax area decided to invite Acadia Divinity College to teach two ‘core’ MDiv courses at Mulgrave Park Baptist in the city’s north end. That proposal met with an enthusiastic response by the College. When the first course was held in September 2005, Michel was at the table. In the years that followed, as the Metro program expanded to seven to eight courses per year, Michel attended many classes, most of them on weeknights and hosted by various churches of various evangelical denominations in Bedford, Sackville, Dartmouth, and Halifax. More than thirty courses have been offered in Metro since then, with total registration of both credit and audit students numbering more than six hundred. As a part-time student, Michel has been resourceful in choosing which courses to take and where and when. He took more than twothirds of his program without leaving home—through the Metro extension program, and online. Other courses were taken intensively in Moncton and Prague. He travelled to the Wolfville campus for only four courses—and two of those were intensives. Not surprisingly, Michel is supportive of ADC’s extension programs. “The ADC in Metro program is a gift to many students,” he says. “We were now able to take core classes right in the Metro area. This meant less travel time for most students and a way to complete my M.Div. program part-time.” Did he miss full-time, residential theological education, and the close friendships that go along with that? “The short answer is no,” he says. “In the Metro area, we had our own group that over the years grew to be one of the most important aspects of my education. We would drive together, talk together, eat together, meet together,

Michel Lechmann with child at Bayside Camp

and grow spiritually together. We may not have been full-time students living in Wolfville, but I have met people who will now be lifelong friends and spiritual advisors through the ADC in Metro program.” In the spring of 2011, Michel Lechmann became one of Acadia Divinity College’s newest graduates. It had been almost eight years of diligent part-time study since God had called him. He credits ADC’s distance-learning options, and especially the ADC in Metro program, for making that possible. And, he adds, “My business enabled me to go to school while I worked, and to graduate with no student debt. I was also able to be active in ministry, as the part-time Youth Pastor at Timberlea Baptist.” Michel is now ordained, and the part-time Pastor of Family Support at Birch Cove Baptist Church in Halifax. Dr. Leslie McCurdy is senior pastor of Bayers Road Baptist Church in Halifax, and is the Director of the ADC in Metro program. He is also an adjunct lecturer for ADC.

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She recalls that in her first year of study there were days when she only saw her husband to say ‘good morning’ and ‘good night’. “At times it was crazier than being in full-time ministry,” says Mary Grace, who is finding her second year a little more manageable. “However, being full-time enables me to be focused on my studies. It allows me to finish sooner and for us to move on with this stage of our lives. It means that we are spending a few years of sacrifice rather than many years of trying to balance school, work, family, and life.” Mary Grace, like her friend Chakrita, is grateful for her peers in class and has come to appreciate what it means to study on campus



in Wolfville. Being in class weekly at ADC helps her “stay connected and focused.” “You get to connect with other students face to face,” says Mary Grace. “We study together, go to the library together, and call on each other for support and help.” Students like Elkanah, Chakrita, and Mary Grace appreciate the community of encouragement they have discovered at Acadia Divinity College. They know that this collegial support is making the difference now as they study. And this support will also make the difference in the future as they step out into challenging ministries around the world as well-equipped Christian leaders.

ADC in New Brunswick

ADC New Brunswick Has Successful Start By Dr. Steve McMullin How is Acadia Divinity College’s recently inaugurated New Brunswick extension program making a difference in the lives of students and in the life of the church? In Jacksonville, Fredericton, Apohaqui, and Moncton, more than 75 people have taken advantage of the new opportunity to sit in an ADC class and students are telling us that the NB program is enriching their lives and in their ministry and making a seminary education possible. Students in ADC New Brunswick classes come from a variety of backgrounds. Rev. Greg Sparkes, a 42-year old husband and father of three, is the pastor of Geary Baptist Church who for several years has been travelling to Wolfville to take courses toward his Master of Divinity degree. Greg describes his ADC experience as “interactive, thought-provoking and soul-changing,” but it was getting increasingly difficult to get the remaining courses he needsed to finish his degree. He says, “With the addition of the New Brunswick extension classes, it is now possible for me to complete my Master of Divinity degree without having to uproot my family and leave the church I serve and yet still receive a topnotch program of study. “Praise the Lord.” Greg adds that “having NB extension classes makes higher education affordable, accessible, and possible.” Jason Hooper is a church leader at Union Street Baptist Church in St. Stephen who has recently responded to God’s call to pastoral ministry and is just beginning his seminary studies. Jason says, “The New Brunswick Extension Program has enabled me to answer God’s call to ministry and be equipped and trained for His service. I no longer have to relocate my family and I’m able to continue in my present job while attending school, which allows me to continue to support my family financially. It has also enabled me to continue to be part of my local church ministry. My wife and I are involved in the worship ministry at our church as well as the Sunday School, where we teach Middle School aged kids. We feel this will be valuable experience for wherever God leads us.” Rev. Paul Wellwood, pastor of Jacksonville Baptist Church near Woodstock, is auditing an evangelism course being held at the church. Two women and two men from the Jacksonville congregation, including the church’s youth pastor, are also enrolled.

Paul sees the benefit of having an ADC course offered in their community: “By being offered locally we are pleased to have four of our church folks in the course. It is also much easier for our Youth Pastor to be able to work off credits towards ordination as it would be a major sacrifice to leave home, family, and work to be able to take these required courses. Personally I am thoroughly enjoying the instructor and the course. Thank you to our Div school for allowing it to happen.” In addition to the four courses in New Brunswick that began in September, ADC will be offering courses in Saint John and in Moncton during Winter Term. These courses include “Evangelism and Mission in Contemporary Society” and “Christian Theology 1”.

Dr. Steve McMullin’s class at Jacksonville Baptist Church, Woodstock, NB

Brunswick Street Baptist Church, Fredericton

Dr. Steve McMullin is the Director of ADC – New Brunswick and the Lecturer in Evangelism and Mission.



An Eternal Investment Dr. David Watt, ‘99 Director of Development

The teacup at the end of a Thanksgiving dinner contained more than a cup of good tea. Our imaginations were challenged with the simple words on the side of the cup, “To teach is to touch a life forever.” At Acadia Divinity College we attempt to prepare men and women to teach and proclaim the truths of God with grace and power. Our charge is similar to the one given to young Timothy, “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction.” (2 Timothy 4:2) God has been faithful over the years to provide the funds needed to effectively carry out the mandate of faithful teaching of the Word of God. The Board of Trustees and the leadership of ADC have managed our resources well, and we find ourselves free of debt. However, the challenge is ever before us to continue to find the resources needed to fund the ever-expanding opportunities to teach and equip pastors (of many denominations), chaplains (in the hurting places of our society), missionaries (at home and around the globe), and many levels of lay leadership in our churches. ADC has partnered with the International Baptist Theological Seminary (IBTS) in Prague, Czech Republic, providing Doctor of Ministry training for European leaders. The provision of our offcampus courses in Metro Halifax and in New Brunswick and the expansion of our Doctor of Ministry program has lengthened and strengthened the reach our of equipping ministry. These courses have brought the College and its impact closer to our churches and church leaders. The challenge now is to fund this expansion, and we invite your

valued partnership as we seek to raise together the Annual Fund goal of $325,000. Remember, “To teach is to touch a life forever,” and to train a good teacher is to multiply the impact many times over! Here are the ways you can contribute to ADC: Donate Online at Make a one-time or monthly gift, pay your pledge, or give in honour of a loved one. Pre-Authorized Payment Plan Make a Monthly gift through our Pre-Authorized Payment Plan. You can choose to have your gift taken out of your bank account on the 8th of every month or you can have it charged to your credit card. Visit our website for details or call 902.585.2217. Donate by Mail Office of Development Acadia Divinity College 15 University Avenue Wolfville, NS B4P 2R6 Donate by Phone If you prefer to make a donation by phone or by credit card and speak directly with someone from ADC, please call us at 902.585.2217 or toll-free in North America at 1.866.875.8975.

Dr. Harry Gardner at the recent Christmas Banquet with several students in which ADC is preparing for ministry and further studies



Discover Your Calling!

DMin to be offered in Prague For nearly a decade Acadia Divinity College has offered ministry training in partnership with Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM), the European Baptist Federation (EBF), and the International Baptist Prague Castle overlooking Theological Seminary Charles Bridge, Prague (IBTS). On five occasions groups of 10-14 ADC students have traveled to the Prague campus of IBTS to be trained by some of the world’s leading youth ministry specialists. The opportunity to live in community and study alongside European ministry leaders was a rich experience for ADC students. While that partnership continues at the graduate level, a deepening and broadening of the Canadian-European partnership in ministry training has recently been announced. In late August the College announced its intention (pending final approval from the Association of Theological Schools) to offer courses toward the Doctor of Ministry degree in Prague, Czech Republic. Missionally, the program is exciting because it allows

Missionally, the program is exciting... ADC to have a central role in providing advanced-level ministry training to seasoned ministry leaders on the European continent. The onsite “Associate Director of Doctoral Studies – Prague” is Dr. Jeff Carter, a member of CBM’s Global Field Staff who is on loan to the EBF as a youth ministry trainer, working with leaders in the 52 countries of the EBF. Dr. Carter will continue in his role as a youth ministry trainer but will add part-time oversight of the Prague-based Doctor of Ministry to his portfolio of responsibilities. Dr. Carter will be supported administratively by his wife, Rev. Deanne Carter. Both Jeff and Deanne hold two degrees from ADC. Weeklong ministry electives, taught by European ministry leaders, will be held in the fall on the beautiful campus of IBTS. Though designed primarily to increase access to Acadia’s DMin for Europeans and those who serve in Europe, the classes will also be open to North Americans who would like to study in Prague. In the spring Europeans will travel to Canada to join North Americans in Biblical Studies and Theology courses on the ADC campus. ADC, which offers one of Canada’s largest Doctor of Ministry programs, anticipates that this development will allow the College to continue to expand the DMin program, enriching the lives and ministries of seasoned vocational Christian leaders. For more information on the Doctor of Ministry program visit www. or contact Dr. Bruce Fawcett, Director of Doctoral Studies, at or (902) 585-2251.


ACADIA DIV March 6-7, 2012

Acadia Divinity College • Wolfville, NS

Experience Acadia Div is an excellent opportunity if you are considering a vocation in Christian service. You can:

· Attend a class · Meet with faculty · Worship with Acadia Divinity College community · Interact with students and alumni Acadia Divinity College is committed to providing students with a variety of study options including on-campus classes, distance-learning courses and part-time studies. Meet Special Speaker

BRUCE FAWCETT Bruce’s ministry has revolved around his passion for the development of leaders, especially younger leaders, for effective ministry in the church and service in society. Bruce currently serves as Associate Professor of Leadership, Academic Dean, and Director of Doctoral Studies at Acadia Divinity College where he has taught since 2001. Prior to his current roles, he served as a youth pastor, a youth ministry professor, and a denominational leader. He is a graduate of Atlantic Baptist University, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, Harvard University, and holds a Ph.D. from the University of Wales.

REGISTRATION INFO Register online at Acadia Divinity College REGISTER Phone: 902-585-2215 EARLY! Toll-free: 1-866-875-8975 Limited Email: Accommodat ions. Meals You’ll love Acadia! Provided.



12 Days of Biblical Discovery 29 April – 10 May 2012 Instructors: Dr. Glenn Wooden and Dr. Monte Luker Approximate Costs: $4000 (dependent on the point of departure from Canada or USA)

This educational tour is designed for students (BTh, MDiv, MA, DMin), alumni of ADC, and others who want a rich educational experience in the Holy Land. All participants will register as a credit or non-credit student. The number of participants is limited, so reserving a place soon is advised. The two guides, Dr. Glenn Wooden (Acadia) and Dr. Luker (Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary) are Biblical scholars, and Dr. Luker has already conducted numerous tours in Israel. Here are just a few of the sights to be seen while travelling “from Dan to Beersheba”: the area where Peter declared “You are the

Golgotha and the Tomb of Christ

Christ, the son of the living God!”; cities taken by Joshua in the conquest; the lowest bodies of fresh water (Sea of Galilee) and salt water (Dead Sea) on the earth; Jesus’ and Peter’s home towns; Megiddo; the hill on which Elijah killed 450 prophets of Ba’al; “Oh little town of Bethlehem, …”; the hometown of Zacchaeus (with a real sycamore tree!); the valley where a a boy defeated a giant with a sling; the Mount of Olives; Mount Zion; Hezekiah’s tunnel; retaining walls for the Jerusalem temple. As well, there will be visits with some of the Living Stones in the land: Christians in Bethlehem, Ibilim, and Nazareth.

For more details contact Glenn Wooden at or visit the tour Facebook page at

2012 Simpson Lectures

Living into Focus: Embracing Abundant Life February 6-8, 2012

Dr. Arthur Paul Boers

Associate Professor R.J. Bernardo Family Chair of Leadership Tyndale Seminary

Acadia Divinity College Festival Theatre Acadia University, Wolfville, NS 7:30 pm each night No charge for Lectures

Workshop titles & registration forms can be found at



News Covenanting Service 2011 On September 11, 2011, Acadia Divinity College held its annual Covenanting Service at Wolfville Baptist Church. This special service provides an opportunity for the ADC community to exchange commitments to one another and to pray for one another in their dedication to give their best to God in the coming academic year. Both new and returning students, as well as their families, and local churches, joined the faculty and staff of ADC in this memorable service to begin the new academic year. Shown here after the service are left to right Elkana Shekari, Charlene Reid, Dr. Bruce Fawcett, Academic Dean, and Allister Johnson.

Hayward Lectures 2011

Inducted into Acadia Sports Hall of Fame

Dr. Simon Gathercole (right), Senior Lecturer in New Testament at Fitzwilliam College and the University of Cambridge, gave three stimulating lectures on the idea of atonement in the Old and New Testaments. With a focus on Paul’s theology, Dr. Gathercole’s 2011 Hayward Lectures showed how important and how relevant this important teaching is for Christian faith. The lectures were well attended and were followed by enthusiastic questions and comments. Dr Gathercole’s lectures will be published in the Acadia Studies in Bible and Theology.

Dr. Millard Cherry, retired Principal of Acadia Divinity College was honored at Acadia University’s event, “CELEBRATING ACADIA ATHLETIC EXCELLENCE” on Saturday, September 17, 2011 at the Festival Theatre, Wolfville. Dr. Cherry was honored as a long-time supporter and #1 Acadia fan for over 40 years!



Alumni News 1972



Lawson AULENBACH. It is with great sadness, and a sense of loss that we announce the passing of a loving husband, father, grandfather, brother, brother-in-law, uncle, and friend on September 17. There comes a time to live, to laugh, to love, and to rest.

Jarvis LEPPER and his wife have a son, Josiah Daniel Lepper, born June 5. Congratulations! David WOODWORTH has completed his ministry at Centreville Baptist Church, NS, and has accepted a call to Petitcodiac Baptist Church, NB.

Paul FOLWER was ordained on November 27 at New Minas Baptist Church, NS. Michel LECHMANN was ordained on September 11 at Birch Cove Baptist Church, NS. Dan PYKE was ordained on September 24 at Douglas Baptist Church, Douglas, NB. Matthew SNOW was ordained at Birch Cove Baptist Church, Halifax, NS, on October 2. Paul WORDEN will be ordained on December 17 at the Canada Games Centre in Halifax, NS.

1976-1977 Randy and Elizabeth LEGASSIE, have been appointed as Global Field Staff for Kenya.

1978 Robert JOHNSON has completed his ministry at Temperance Vale/Middle Southampton Baptist Churches, NB, and has accepted a call to Upper Gagetown, Queenstown, and Hampstead Baptist Churches, NB.

1985 Jonathan STEEPER has completed his ministry at Highfield Baptist Church and has accepted a call to serve in a Baptist Church in Hawaii, Kalihi Union Church.

1989 Grant ALCORN has concluded his ministry with the Pennfield and Pocologan Baptist Churches, NB, this past summer to accept the call to Edith Ave. Baptist Church in Saint John, NB. William PARKS has completed his ministry at Havelock Baptist Church, NB.

1998 Edwin ALLEN has completed his ministry at South End Baptist Church, Dartmouth, NS.

1999 Jason DEWLING has accepted a call at Olds College as Vice President, Academic and Research in Calgary, Alberta. Dave EGERS and his wife Sherri are proud to announce the birth of their fourth child, Kathryn Hope, who was born July 20. Congratulations!

2004 Jody LINKLETTER has graduated from the University of Warwick, PHD, and the title of her thesis was “Committed Baptist Youth in Atlantic Canada: Personal and Spiritual Profile”. As well Jody was ordained by Immanuel Baptist Church, Truro, on February 11.



2007 John and Sara CAMPBELL welcomed their first born, Lilly Marie on November 19. Congratulations! Jennifer LONGLEY was awarded the 2011 Lieutenant Governor’s Faith in Action Award by her Honour, the Honourable Mayann E. Francis. This award was presented at AST’s convocation ceremony. Jennifer works extensively in her community to bring support to persons coping with bereavement and is actively involved in three distinct, yet related organizations: Friends in Bereavement, a support group she founded some 18 years ago, VON palliative care, and Caregivers Nova Scotia, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing recognition and practical support to friends and family who are giving care.

2008 Claire FEWKES has accepted a call and is now serving as Part-Time Youth Pastor of St. George Baptist Church, NB.

2009 Chad CLEMENTS has resigned from Wolfville Baptist Church and has accepted a call to Morristown Baptist Church, NS. Geoff DEJONG would like to let everyone know that the St. Martins Baptist Church has agreed to a one year trial of a multisite connection with the Fairfield Baptist Church, NS. They are looking for ways to work together for a common vision and to understand themselves as God’s church, in two locations, building His kingdom together. Marion JAMER was ordained on October 9 at Hantsport Baptist Church, NS.

2011 Richard AGNEW has resigned from Grace Baptist Church, Charlottetown, PEI, and has accepted a call to Calvary Baptist Church, Pembroke, ON. Richard and his wife Jenn welcomed boy #3, Theo William Paul, on October 27. Mike FREDERICKS was ordained on September 25 at Perth-Andover Baptist Church, NB. Mike and Julia have a son, Ezra Paul, who was born, October 16. Ruthie is excited to be a big sister! Jennifer ROWSELL has accepted a call as the Next Generations Pastor at The Journey Church, Moncton, NB.

Current ADC Students Hal BABCOCK, student, has been called to his ministry at Temperance Vale/Middle Southampton United Baptist Churches, NB. Fletcher, Chad, student, has been called to Kingston Baptist Church, Kingston, NB. Ron FORD, student, has concluded his ministry with North Head Baptist Church, Grand Manan Island, NB, and has been called to Castalia Baptist Church, Grand Manan Island, NB.

Faculté de Théologie Évangélique in Montréal Equipping Christian Leaders in Montreal By Dr. Amar Djaballah The affiliation between Acadia University and the Faculté de théologie évangélique in Montréal began in 1980. At that time, Dr. J. Perkin, President of Acadia, and Dr. Harold Mitton, Principal of Acadia Divinity College, worked energetically with Rev. John Gilmour and previously with Rev. Dr. Maurice Boillet, to gain the approval of the University Senate for the program of studies. The first two Masters degrees were conferred by Acadia in 1999. The current faculty consists of five professors and 10 regular part-time lecturers and has a student body of approximately 120. Dr. Amar Djaballah, the current dean, provides the following snapshot of some FTE (Full Time Equivalent) students and their impact for the Kingdom. Thank you for the privilege of sharing some of the blessings that ensue from Acadia’s theological education in Montréal, through the Faculté de théologie évangélique. Let’s start with Dr. Amar Djaballah, Dean some recent graduates. Jean-Sébastien Morin graduated with an Master of Theology and has assumed the pastorate of Saint Constant, one of the oldest Baptist churches in Québec. God is using him to revitalize an old and faithful Baptist witness in the Province. Pascal Denault wrote an excellent thesis on a hotly disputed point of Baptist theology: Does it accommodate covenant theology? He is now the pastor of a Reformed Baptist church and serves as prison chaplain in Saint Jérôme. Jeanne Ibbotson undertook studies at the Faculté and graduated with a degree focusing on hymnology in Francophone Protestant Churches in Québec. She now lectures in hymnology and Worship. Brian McGuiness finished an MA in Biblical Studies before taking a pastorate in Montreal. Today, he is the pastor, with Professor Frank Humphrey, of one on the largest English-speaking churches in Montreal. Jean Léon Longa distinguished himself by finishing his MA in two years while founding a fast growing church, now affiliated with the Baptist Union. Gary Karamoukian finished two programmes (MA and MDiv) before joining, as pastor, the Association of Armenian Churches. After finishing his BTh and MTh, Wilner Cayo undertook doctoral studies in bio-ethics at the University of Montréal. During that time, he started a church that is now the largest congregation in the Baptist Union. Other graduates include Roland Grimard, the General Secretary of the Baptist Union; Stéphane Couture, who served as Development director of the Union; Jessica Healy, working with the school of the

Graduating class of 2011

Fellowship Baptist Churches in Québec; and Magalie Sabbat, who is preparing to serve as spiritual counsellor in a hospital. Many graduates of the Faculté have returned to serve in their countries: Belgium, Switzerland, France, Haïti, USA. They include: Jackie Hainaut - Born of Belgian missionary parents, Jackie was raised in the Congo (DRC) and moved with her family to Quebec in 1968. She completed a Bachelor of Theology in 1986 and, in 1989, answered the Lord’s call to serve with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Chad, Africa. There she was assigned to the Kera people where she served as project leader for the translation of the New Testament. She helped establish a thriving adult literacy program and founded a Christian elementary school. Since 2003, she has served as Translation Coordinator and Consultant ensuring people have adequate training in Translation Principles and Exegesis. In order to meet the requirements to be a full-fledged consultant, Jackie felt the need for further training so she completed an MTh at FTE and returned to Chad to resume and extend her ministry. She is the only recognized consultant in Chad for over 15 language projects. She remarks: “My studies equipped me further for the task entrusted to me and gave me more confidence.” Franky Narcisse - After more than twenty years in the pastorate, following his BTh studies, Franky undertook an MTh. He wrote one of the best theses ever submitted to the Faculté on the importance of fathers in the lives of their children, while serving full time at the second largest Union church in Ottawa. Under his leadership, the church grew from a handful of worshippers to over 400 members. The building has been too small for some time. Though the Ottawa church started another Baptist witness in Orleans, it had to move to two and then three worship services to accommodate members. The Church is seeking to start other churches in Ontario and is seeking God’s direction to acquire a larger building. In the last six years, the Church has hosted courses offered by the Faculté in the Ottawa area. Soli Deo Gloria!



ADC’s International Affiliations

Equipping Christian Leaders in Wolfville and Around the World By Dr. Andrew MacRae

When we came to Canada from Scotland in 1980, it was for me to establish the first Chair in Evangelism & Mission in any Canadian seminary. Five years later I was appointed Principal and Dean of Theology. Perhaps because I had already preached and taught in dozens of countries around the world, it was predictable that I would be committed to equipping others for ministry in other countries.

Acadia Consortium of Colleges in Nigeria With the support of the ADC Faculty and Senate, and at the request of Acadia University, I visited Nigeria, where I had preached many years earlier, in 1968. The visit was in co-operation with Dr. Michael Odelami, a former ADC student who lived in Nigeria (whom Acadia later honoured with a Doctor of Divinity) and also involved meetings with the Chancellor and key leaders of the newly formed Christ International Divinity College (CINDICO). After recommending to the Acadia University Senate that we should affiliate CINDICO for the award of Bachelor of Theology and Bachelor of Religious Education degrees, we established Acadia’s first international affiliation in 1990. My passion for this new venture led to us offering two full scholarships to Nigerian students, Adewale Kuyebi and Emmanuel Tukasi, both of whom rewarded our efforts by going on to earn PhD degrees in Canada and the UK, and to continuing international leadership. In 1993, I was able to secure affiliation for a second school in Nigeria, the Universal Gospel Divinity College (UNIDICO). Subsequent to my ‘retirement’ in 1998, Dr. Glenn Wooden was appointed to oversee the relationship with UNIDICO and CINDICO. As a result, the relationship continues to grow. Today, there are many Nigerian graduates serving in scores of ministries in Nigeria and among Nigerian communities around the world.

Dr. Glenn Wooden (centre), in Nigeria in 2008 with UNIDICO students, administrators, members of the faculty, staff, governing council, and senate.



Bethel Bible Seminary – Hong Kong Bethel Bible Seminary was founded in 1925 in Shanghai as the Bible training institute of Bethel Mission of China. It moved to Hong Kong in 1938 and in 1947 began offering a four-year curriculum leading to the Bachelor of Theology degree. In 1989, the seminary began to offer Certificates in biblical and theological studies for church leaders, and in 1994, it began to offer Certificate and Diploma in Christian Counseling, Clinical Pastoral Education, and Pastoral Counseling Education. In 1996, I was approached by Dr. Nelson Yiu, then the Academic Dean of Bethel, and Rev. Gaspard Lam, the President of Bethel - both Acadia graduates. They asked whether Acadia University could affiliate an existing graduate school in Hong Kong. Once again, this was entirely new ground for us all. The Chinese Government had indicated that, if Bethel was affiliated to a Western University before Hong Kong was returned to Mainland China on June 30, 1997, the Government of the People’s Republic would always honour that affiliation. For almost a year, Dr. Yiu and I worked on the issue of affiliation, and secured the University Senate’s approval. On June 15, 1997, when my wife and I were in Hong Kong, I spoke at their Convocation Ceremony, and presented to President Lam a Certificate of Affiliation on behalf of Acadia University. We remained in Hong Kong for the hand over. The Chinese Government has honoured the agreement ever since. Today, under the new Presidency of Dr. Fai Luk, Bethel Bible Seminary – with approximately 500 students –is still a valued partner in training Christian leaders. Dr. Yiu has gone on to become the Director of Spiritual Care in the prestigious Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Hong Kong, under the auspices of which both he and Dr. Lam, who last year completed the Doctor of Ministry degree at Acadia, offer a program of Spiritual Care at the Hunan Tumour Hospital in Changsa. Acadia’s ministry continues to expand and to reach out ever more widely in its commitment to training new Christian leaders. Who could have guessed where God would lead us all when the College was established, in allowing us to learn from and contribute to the work and ministry of so many remarkable people around the world?

ADC’s International Affiliations A Conversation with Dr. Fai Luk

Dr. Fai Luk (left) with Dr. Andrew MacRae, Dr. Harry Gardner and Dr. Bruce Fawcett

A Conversation with Dr. Michael Odelami

Recently, Dr. Harry Gardner asked Dr. Fai Luk, President of Bethel Bible Seminary, how affiliation with Acadia Divinity College has impacted Bethel and their students. The following are excerpts from Dr. Luk’s response:

The Value of Affiliation “Bethel Bible Seminary has had the privilege to be affiliated with Acadia Divinity College since 1997. Since that time, our students have had exposure to Acadia faculty, enriching the vision of our students. The sharing of curriculum, course design, governance structure, and administration procedures also widens our perspective in theological education. The affiliation helps our seminary to have a more popular image as the affiliation draws the strength of both seminaries to train our students.”

How Faculty and Programs benefit Hong Kong and China ministries “Since the affiliation, our seminary began to offer master level theological education, and recruit quality faculty. Over the years we have had the freedom to contextualize some of the courses to maintain a certain standard. In addition, we also offer new programs responding to the needs of our city like Pastoral Counseling and Marriage and Family Therapy. Over one hundred students have graduated with Acadia degrees, all serving the Hong Kong Churches well. The training of Clinical Pastoral Education is so unique for the Master of Divinity program and is the only Master of Divinity program in Hong Kong offering Clinical Pastoral Education. Beginning last year, with the permission from Acadia, we began to recruit pastoral workers from Mainland China for master level study. We adjusted the program a bit to meet with the China context, and use Putonghua as the language medium. If the pilot project is successful, we can open up the horizon of training pastoral workers from Mainland China, which is in line with the purpose of affiliation.”

Dr. Michael Odelami (second from left) and his wife Naomi, with Dr. Glenn Wooden (on left), Dr. Harry Gardner and Dr. Bruce Fawcett.

The Rev. Dr. Michael Odelami, President of the Acadia consortium of colleges in Nigeria, recently visited Acadia. The following is an excerpt taken from a conversation with ADC’s Dr. Glenn Wooden, Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies, when asked how an Acadia degree makes a difference in Nigeria:

Courses that prepare students “There are four courses that we offer to prepare students to minister in a tense, multi-faith context of Nigeria. In addition to a focus on the Christian faith, there are mandatory courses on Islam, African Traditional Religions, and Comparative Religions. A capstone course is “Dialogue”, which prepares students to converse with people of other religious beliefs so as to inform and attract, rather than drive them away. Ministries are improved through contextualized degrees. The variety of ideas associated with Christianity in Nigeria is quite numerous. UNIDICO and CINDICO train students from a variety of denominations, including Baptist. One student came from an indigenous Christian denomination that makes use of sacrifices and rituals from the Old Testament. By the time he had completed his BTh, he realized how these practices were not part of the New Testament faith. He began an independent evangelical congregation where he is now ministering. Of a more practical nature are two courses on the theory and practice of agriculture. These enable evangelists and church planters to go to rural areas to minister without expecting local people to support them. These pastors model good practises, so that local people are better able to provide food for their families. But the degrees are not just about courses. Each semester all students go on a three-day retreat where they spend time in prayer, reading the Bible, and focussing on their spiritual lives. This is central to their spiritual formation. Continued on page 14



ADC’s International Affiliations

ADC Supports Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Training in China In 1997, ACPE-PCE (the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education & Pastoral Counseling Education in Hong Kong) was affiliated to Acadia Divinity College and Acadia University. The organization’s president and vice president, Dr. Gaspard Lam and Dr. Nelson Yiu (both graduates of Acadia Divinity College), provide leadership and training in the area of clinical pastoral education (CPE) not only in Hong Kong but also in the city of Changsha, China. The Queen Elizabeth Hospital CPE Training Centre was established in 2009 under the auspices of the QEH Chaplaincy Board. Dr. Nelson Yiu became its first director. The QEH, with 1800 beds, is the largest acute public/government hospital in Hong Kong and is a teaching hospital with 5,000 staff and 32 specialty departments. This academic year, the QEH CPE Training Centre has accepted 33 students from various clinical pastoral education levels. These students originate from hospitals and churches and Para-church organizations and include head nurses, social workers, pastors, and students from several seminaries.

During the CPE Graduation of the QEH Chaplaincy on November 27, 2011, ACPE-PCE awarded various levels of licenses to CPE/PCE professionals and certificates to students. They had the honor of having Dr. P. Y. Leung, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority, present the licenses to 50 professionals, and the QEH Hospital Chief Executive, Dr. C.T. Hung, present the certificates to 28 students. A group of eight delegates representing the Hunan Provincial Tumor Hospital in Changsha under the leadership of its Vice President of Nursing, Ms. W. Y. Chen, will attend this CPE Graduation event. In July, the President of Acadia Divinity College, Dr. Harry Gardner, had the privilege of visiting Dr. Yiu and Dr. Lam in Hong Kong. The visit included the opportunity to interact with students as well as Board and Hospital officials related to the QEH. Dr. Gardner was amazed to see many open doors for the Kingdom expansion because of the ministry of spiritual care not only in Hong Kong but its extension to various places in China.

QEH Chaplaincy 23rd Anniversary Thanksgiving, ACPE-PCE & CPE Graduation Service

Continued from page 3

Acadia Degree Empowers Students A degree from Acadia also empowers students from low socioeconomic strata of society to access programs and employment out of their reach. Several have gone on to doctoral work in Canada, the USA, Great Britain, and Nigeria, and to teach and minister abroad. Recently, Osei Aboaghe from Ghana attended UNIDICO where he acquired his Bachelor of Religious Education. After returning to Ghana, he pursued a diploma in agricultural administration at the national university. However, upon seeing his Acadia transcript and the agriculture courses, university officials encouraged him to accept entrance into the MSc degree; he is now almost finished a PhD. Rebecca Eleghede had been a grade 3 headmistress. After working part-time on her Bachelor of Religious Education for



7 years, she presented her final transcripts to the Ministry of Education in her province and was quickly offered the position of Supervisor of Education for the primary and secondary schools in her local council (over 150 schools). Now in retirement, she is teaching Greek and Hebrew on a part-time basis at a local school of theology; she learned the languages for her Acadia degree in Nigeria! The Acadia degree earned in Nigeria opened doors for these, and many others.” Postscript by Dr. Glenn Wooden: Dr. Odelami claims it was his Acadia degree that prepared him best, and that forms the foundation for the degrees offered in his country. His gratitude is expressed on many occasions. He loves Acadia. I have heard the testimonies of students in Nigeria, and can relay to our supporters their grateful thanks for changing their lives.

Distinguished Alumni Award– Rev. Donald Robertson Dr. David Watt, ‘99 Director of Development

Distinguished Alumni Recipient on the right, Don Robertson and his wife Cairine with Brian Keezer, Alumni President, on left

Rev. Donald Robertson, ’57, was recognized by the ADC Alumni Association at Oasis on August 18, 2011, for his distinguished service to the churches of the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches. The Distinguished Alumni Award was presented by Alumni President, Rev. Brian Keezer, ’81, at the ADC Alumni annual barbeque in front of the largest attendance in our history. Donald has served in churches throughout Nova Scotia and New Brunswick for over 55 years. One of the most unique features of his ministry is the fact that he has been called back to serve a second term in three of those churches. He and his partner in ministry, his wife Cairine, are presently serving a second time in Digby United Baptist Church. One biblical verse that speaks of Donald’s consistent and effective ministry over the years is: “He went th rough Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.” (Acts 15:41) I first remember Donald when he was serving in the Caledonia pastorate, and I was a summer student serving next door in North Brookfield. He modeled for me amazing routines of sermon preparation and consistent pastoral visitation that has marked his ministry and strengthened the churches he has served through the years. He shared his books, sermon ideas, and provided faithful

support to a young student finding his way in ministry. It has been this love for Christ, for the church, and for people that has kept Donald growing in his faith and being an effective pastor in the churches he has served. The impact of his ministry can never be measured this side of eternity. His respect for people and their journey of faith has served as a quiet influence to bring them closer to Christ and the

The impact of his ministry can never be measured this side of eternity Kingdom. Recently, I had a conversation with a retired teacher who volunteers in a nursing home where her mother is a resident. When I mentioned Donald Robertson’s name her response was, “Oh! He baptized me.” Donald continues to serve the Lord, the church, and his growing family with the excitement and passion that the Lord initially provided when he called him to ministry many years ago.



Upcoming Courses and Events For more information on these events, visit our website at Simpson Week February 6-10 Acadia Divinity College

Spring at Acadia Divinity College

Christian Ethics Dr. William Brackney Course Code: THEO 6013 Location: Wolfville

Dr. Marv Penner Course Code: YYAM 7013/4013, PACC 7013/4013 Time: June 4-8


The Gospel of Matthew

Reading Week February 20-24 Acadia Divinity College

Youth Ministry and Short-term Mission Dr. Bruce Fawcett Course Code: YYAM 6053/3053 EVAN 6053/3053 Spring at Acadia Divinity College

Counselling Adolescents and Their Families

Dr. Craig Evans Course Code: BIBL 6113 Time: June 18-22

May 11, 2012 Commissioning Supper and Service Supper - Wheelock Dining Hall 4:30 for 5:00 Service - Wolfville Baptist Church 7:30 pm ——————————‑‑‑‑‑‑‑———

Greek Exegesis of Matthew

May 13, 2012

Dr. Craig Evans Course Code: GREE 7013 Time: June 18-22

Baccalaureate Service University Hall, AU 11:00 am Spring Convocation 2012 University Hall, AU 3:00 pm

If undeliverable please return to: Acadia Divinity College 15 University Avenue Wolfville, NS B4P 2R6 41228525



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