Fall 2015
Equipping Christians to Serve
Spiritual Renewal FEATURE ARTICLE
Prayer: Faith Factor in Spiritual Journey - by Rev. Dr. Lionel Moriah | Page 3
President’s Message “I’ve Been Through Renewal…” “Oh, I’ve been through renewal…” These were the words of a fellow doctoral student. I had just indicated that the course I was about to take was on the Renewal of the Life and Mission of the Church. My friend was taking another course and with a shrug of his shoulders he declared that he had been through renewal. For some reason those words have stayed with me for years. Could one come through renewal and have only a shrug of the shoulders to show for it? How would one recognize a person who had been through spiritual renewal? Christian Schwarz having read over 400 books on the topic, said that certain personalities are more likely to be labeled ‘spiritual’. Individuals who are seen as flashy, extreme, provocative, young or fast paced are dismissed as not ‘spiritual’, while others who are early risers, slow moving, engaged in full-time ministry and are very old (or even dead) are assumed to be ‘spiritual’! Schwarz makes it clear in his book, The 3 Colors of Your Spirituality, that “Spiritual people can be extreme… young, late risers, full of body movement or comedians. They can comply with the criteria mentioned above, be the exact opposite or anything in between. The fact that many books written on spirituality favor a certain personality stereotype has done enormous damage.” However, regardless of personality type and the uniqueness of individual expression, there are some things that 2
ADC Today
we all have in common when it comes to personal spiritual renewal. There is a recognition that God has spoken to us through His Son and that we can enter into an abundant life with Him in the power of the Spirit. His Word speaks in new ways. As a Christian, there are times and seasons when we know we are in need of being refreshed and renewed in that relationship. We know that the Lord is our Shepherd and seeks us. We also know that the Word says, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8)
Life’s circumstances may cause us to be more aware of God’s Presence in our lives and to reach out in gratitude to Him. Times of great joy, like the birth of a child or falling in love, cause us to be aware of the gift of life and the joy of living. Other circumstances like the loss of a job, illness or the death of a loved one can cause us to become quiet and we find ourselves on our knees in prayer like never before. But we do not need to wait for times of great joy or times of extreme challenge to be spiritually renewed. In fact, for centuries, Christians have found that developing a routine or a rule for one’s life provides opportunity to meet with God and to be renewed on a daily basis. This requires intention and effort on our part. It demands the adjustment of
by Dr. Harry Gardner, ’77
one’s life to engage certain practices or disciplines that suit us well. For some, it will mean an early morning prayer time and Scripture reading. For others a time of walking and being alone with God will be part of it. Still others will incorporate fasting with times of solitude and silence. The development of a daily practice combined with regular fellowship and worship with other believers provides space for God to draw near to us. And further, as we serve with others and love the world as God does, our hearts are strangely warmed and renewed. Being renewed spiritually will result in a deeper love for God and for others. There will be a growing ease within ourselves because we know we are loved. We are then free to love and serve others. Forgiveness happens. Bitterness is healed. Sin is dealt with. We embrace new life! It turns out that the evidence of spiritual renewal being worked out in real life is much more than a shrug of the shoulders! Thank God!
Dr. Harry Gardner is the President and the Abner J. Langley and Harold L. Mitton Professor of Church Leadership of Acadia Divinity College, and the Dean of Theology of Acadia University.
a two-way process of speaking and listening. An example of this type of conversation is seen in Numbers 27:1223 between Moses and God: • God engages Moses’ attention. • Moses responds to God’s instructions. • God replied with clear instructions. • The author affirmed Moses’ obedience to God’s word.
by Rev. Dr. Lionel Moriah, ’97
Prayer: Faith Factor in Spiritual Journey The Apostle John speaks about the nature of Christian faith as a practical journey. The key verse that provides visible images that can attract all human attention and engage interested and active participants is: So the Word became human (flesh) and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son. John 1:14 [NLT] Prayer is one major practice that reflects Christ-like living in this spiritual journey of the Christian faith. How might we reflect Christ’s life or follow his pathway, and what active practices illustrate such living? Let us explore several steps or phases of “pathway”
described as prayer – the breath of the soul – that gives energy for living spiritually. A radically different lifestyle! Outward behaviour of self-denial and surrender to God’s intervening grace reflects the inner change of the spiritual life that equips us to live out the transformed life in this world. Such a life demands the active participation of disciples who are personally and internally nurtured by the Spirit to reflect such change through their outward behaviour. Through faith in Jesus Christ, spiritual transformation affects the total change in human nature and practice – the Living Word that produces a life rooted in prayer.1 Rather than viewing prayer as a repetitive expression of certain faith factors, it is considered a conversation with God, wherein it truly implies
I have become more convinced of prayer as a marvelous experience of conversation with God rather than a repetition of given statements to God, based on personal knowledge of Scripture and daily experience of life. In fact, Jesus taught the practice by example and word.2 Prayer lives are shaped or informed by both practice and deep reflection or meditation on God’s word, personally and communally. Two recent experiences affirmed to me the value of both word and deed in practice of prayer. In the first instance an individual, who was a prayer partner with another colleague during prayer, greatly appreciated the privilege of learning about the formative value of prayer partnership and personal progress through this practice. In the second instance, through involvement in personal, collegial, and communal engagement with others, another individual acknowledged the personal value of these three spiritual reflection sessions. In the final group sharing of individual experiences, he confessed the personal benefit gained, in spite of previous skepticism, and asserted it as a Spirit-forming life change to his faith journey. Both events reveal the personal nature of prayer. It also reveals the need for intentional individual Fall 2015
and communal plans for attaining formation in spiritual life. Prayer is also displayed as conversation involving divine-human dialogue on meaning for life and for communication with God. Such prayer may reflect anger and frustration,3 pain and struggles,4 cries and crises,5 each interaction concluding in alliance, faith, wholeness, joy, and trust.6 These factors confirm that prayer as conversation is rooted in our sustained relationship with God7 – and that determines outcomes! Prayer is a heart-focus process whereby we rest and delight in God. His good gifts are experienced alongside partnership accountability and times of refreshing rest. Hence my prayer conversation persists as the journey of life proceeds! What’s yours like?
Engaging in Conversation with God A Prayer Retreat Guide Finding the time to spend in prayer with God is important. Here is a simple guide to follow during a prayer retreat. Spend 15 minutes per section, moving to a new location for each segment When you move to a new location, try spending that time in silence, listening to God, or use that time to continue praying. 1. Silence and Meditation. Provide handouts with Scripture, either quoted or referenced. An example for Silence would be Psalm 46:10. Meditation reference in “SELAH” which means to stop and think. Then, reflect and meditate. Move on “silently” to the second site. 2. Adoration, Praise and Thanksgiving. Focus on God’s Nature, Person, Promise, and Provision. Examine Scripture references in both the Old Testament and New Testament. Move slowly in “praise walk” to the third site.
Dr. Lionel Moriah served Acadia
3. Confession and Repentance. This can be based on personal or provided Scriptures. Then, “prayer walk” to the fourth site.
Divinity College between 2005 and 2015 as the John Gladstone Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship, Director of Mentored Ministry Program, and the Dean of Chapel.
4. Forgiveness and Intercession. Pray for others and for personal needs based on Scripture promises. After 15 minutes, make final “thanksgiving walk” back to the first site.
Ephesians 6:18-20 2 Luke 3:22; 4:42; 5:16; 6:12; 9:16,18,28,29; 10:21-22; 11:1-13; 18:1-8; 19:41; 20:17,19-20; 22:39-46; 23:34,46 3 Habakkuk 1-3 4 Psalm 40, 41 5 Psalm 107; Mark 14:12-41; 15:33-34 6 Heb.4:14, 16 7 John 17 1
ADC Today
If you are doing this as a group, close your retreat with a time of testimony and worship. This Prayer Retreat Guide can be used personally, by couples, or in a group with the retreat setting being indoors or outdoors.
by Rev. Ken Neilson
An Invitation to Retreat Jesus invites you, “Come away with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark. 6:311 The idea of taking a ‘Retreat’ in our busy world can seem like an admission of failure, of giving up, of pulling away from requirements of work, family, and friends. It’s almost like saying, “I can’t do this on my own.” Well, that would be correct. We can’t. Trying to keep the pace that is expected of us without giving the soul time to ‘catch up’ is impossible and enables the sickness of anxiety to visit us far too often. In our times of anxiety – often caused by the worry of not living up to the expectations and roles that we have placed on ourselves – we need to stop, be quiet, and hear the voice of God. Whether we choose to take an hour, a day, or a week, we need to regularly take times of silence, solitude, and prayer. To retreat means ‘to withdraw’. Modern living can make us very unaccustomed to silence and stillness. Often we feel threatened by the thought of silence, even for a short time. But when we deliberately slow ourselves down, listen, and pray, we become more aware of the presence of God in our lives. To retreat is to take this thoughtful step away from our everyday lives, to reflect on where we have been and where we are going. To catch a glimpse of how we might live differently and to listen for the still small voice of God.
Preparing for retreat is different than preparing for vacation. In this situation, less is more. Entering into a spiritual retreat is entering into a place where God is the author. We must come unencumbered, bringing only that which will enhance our time with God. We must plan to ‘unplug’ for a specific time period. Turn off our cell phones, our computers, and any other electronics we may have, or better yet, leave them at home or the office. This will allow us to have uninterrupted conversations with our Heavenly Father. Plan for times of silence. Good music and entertainment certainly have their place but they set the course for our thinking. If we make the conscious choice to not fill our world with noise but rather to be silent for a time, we give up that control and offer it back to God, allowing Him to direct our thoughts and prayers.
from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” As you take time to step away from the everyday, to be still, to be silent, and to rest, you will feel more settled, equipped, and renewed to continue the call that God has placed on your heart. May you find a place of retreat. Our prayer, as we invite you to come away to a quiet place and get some rest, is expressed through these few words from an old hymn: “Drop thy still dews of quietness, till all our strivings cease; Take from our souls the strain and stress, And let our ordered lives confess The beauty of thy peace.” 2 Be still and know… 2
John Greenleaf Whittier, Dear Lord and Father of us all, A guide to Prayer Rueben P. Job, Norman Shawchuck, (The Upper Room, Nashville Tn,1983), 212
Plan to journal. Journaling can help us explore the road we have traveled, to articulate what we’re learning and how we can incorporate it into our everyday life. It also serves as a reminder as we continue on our journey. Plan to enjoy God’s creation. Go to a retreat centre that encourages people to quiet their hearts and hear God’s still small voice whispering words of affirmation and care. Open the blinds and the windows, and let the sights and sounds of His creation permeate your space. Go outside for a walk, or hike and find your own secret spot to rest with Him. Psalm 121:1 declares, “I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes
The Holy Bible New International Bible, Cornerstone Bible Publishers, Nashville Tennessee, 1999, n.d.
Rev. Ken Neilson is a Doctor of Ministry student at Acadia Divinity College. He and his wife, Fay, operate Inthestillness Retreat Centre, a beautiful woodland setting overlooking the Bay of Fundy where they offer a place to come, be still, and hear the voice of God.
Fall 2015
Commissioning & Convocation
ADC Today
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1 On Friday, May 8, 2015, Acadia Divinity College Graduands l
participated in the 54th Annual Commissioning Service. Graduands are pictured here with the ADC Faculty at Wolfville Baptist Church where the important service is held each year.
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2 Anna Braun, a Master of Divinity Graduand, with her husband, l
Jordan, and their six children, Danya, Benjamin, Zebediah, Elijah, Hosea and Tirza, as they arrive for the Commissioning Supper.
3 Bachelor of Theology Graduand and proud father, Patrick Gilbert, l
holds his newborn son David Patrick.
4 Dr. Harry Gardner, President of Acadia Divinity College, warmly l
greets Graduands and their families, alumni, and friends of the College to the Annual ADC Commissioning Supper held on May 8.
5 Rev. John Bartol, Minister Emeritus of Windsor Baptist Church, and l
his wife, Carol, attended the Commissioning Supper. Rev. Bartol was on the first Board of Trustees of Acadia Divinity College in 1968.
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6 Dr. Jody Linkletter and daughter Elsa having fun at the l
Commissioning Supper. Jody has recently returned from maternity leave to resume her role as Associate Director of Doctoral Studies.
7 Samantha West, a Master of Divinity Graduand, l
attended Commissioning Supper with her husband, Chad, and their children Morgan and Benjamin. Samantha is Acadia Divinity College’s new Recruitment Coordinator.
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Rev. Tim Archibald, a Doctor of Ministry Graduand, and his wife, Joyce, enjoying the celebrations on May 8.
9 Dr. Carol Anne Janzen, Dean of Students (right), l
presents Erin Jackman (Master of Divinity Graduand) with the Special Service Award.
10 Dr. Libby Burnham, Chancellor of Acadia University, l
enjoyed re-connecting with Dr. Harold Mitton, Past Principal of Acadia Divinity College (1975-1985), at the Commissioning Supper.
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Dr. Lionel Moriah, ’85, ’97, the John Gladstone Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship, was the Special Speaker at the 2015 Commissioning Service. Dr. Moriah is retiring after 10 years of service at Acadia Divinity College.
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Mat Wilton (3 from right), a Master of Divinity Graduand, with his family, including his father, Rev. John Wilton (2nd from left), an ADC alumnus. Mat gave the Reflections of a Graduand address during the 54th Annual Commissioning Service. rd
13 During the Commissioning Prayer, mentors and l
supervisors of ADC Graduands are invited to participate in the laying on of hands. Seen here is Bachelor of Theology Graduand, Kyle Carter, with his pastor Rev. Kirby Spivey of New Beginnings Ministries in Westphal, NS.
14 Good friends celebrate during Commissioning. Left to l
right: Mat Wilton (Master of Divinity), Alec Scott (Master of Divinity), Erin Jackman (Master of Divinity), Kayley Sanders (Master of Divinity), Terry Henderson (current Master of Divinity student), Isaac Russell (Master of Divinity), and Anthony Bent (current Master of Arts (Theology) student).
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15 On May 10, Rev. Dr. Terry l
LeBlanc, Director of Indigenous Pathways, and the Director of the North American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies (NAIITS), received an honorary Doctor of Divinity from Acadia University.
16 Getting ready for l
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the 2015 Convocation processional. Front row left to right: Charlene Arseneau Reid (Bachelor of Theology), Nicole Landry (Bachelor of Theology), Anna Braun (Master of Divinity). Back row left to right: Brent Clark (Master of Divinity), Rick Campbell (Bachelor of Theology), Pelham Flowerdew (Bachelor of Theology), and Patrick Gilbert (Bachelor of Theology).
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Faculty and Graduands of Acadia University process to University Hall for the Convocation Ceremony on May 10. ADC Graduands are the first to process in, directly behind faculty.
18 Isaac Russell, Master of Divinity Graduand, l
along with his classmates preparing for the 2015 Acadia University Convocation Ceremony.
l Graduates Erin Jackman (left) and Kayley 19
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Photo credit: Dan Callis
17 Led by a bagpiper up Perkin Way, l
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Sanders (right) pose with good friend Natasha Davidson (centre), a Master of Divinity student at ADC.
20 During the Convocation ceremony on l
10 ADC Today
Photo credit: Dan Callis
May 10, Master of Arts (Theology) graduate, Scott Butler, received the University Medal in Theology from Dr. Libby Burnham, Chancellor of Acadia University. Scott was also the recipient of the ADC President’s Award which was presented during the Commissioning Service.
Reverend Dr. Lionel M. Moriah retires from ADC One of Rev. Dr. Lionel Moriah’s greatest joys is preaching and teaching the word of God, a calling that has filled his life for almost 50 years. After many years as pastor in parishes throughout Nova Scotia, Lionel joined Acadia Divinity College in 2005 as the John Gladstone Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship. He also served as Director of the Mentored Ministry Program and the Dean of Chapel. Students were greatly impacted by the witness of his life; Lionel was passionate about teaching them to become integrous and committed ministers of the Gospel.
The Cherry Brook Mass Choir On June 14, 2015, over 200 family and friends filled the Manning Memorial Chapel to honour Lionel on his retirement from Acadia Divinity College. Brother George Gray brought greetings from the African United Baptist Association and Rev. Dr. Carol Anne Janzen of Acadia Divinity College paid tribute to Lionel on behalf of colleagues, as did Rev. Janet Baker and Pastor Ato Mensah on behalf of alumni. Rev. Wayne K. Desmond, Senior Pastor of the Cherry Brook United Baptist Church, delivered
the sermon “Watch and Wait, then Write the Vision” based on Habakkuk 2:1-4. Interspersed throughout the service of worship, the voices of the Cherry Brook Mass Choir filled the Chapel, directed by Ms. Janice Grant. A reception followed in the Great Hall of the Sheldon L. Fountain Learning Commons. As both pastor and teacher, Lionel’s touch has been far-reaching. We thank God for his passionate service and wish him every blessing in retirement.
Dr. Moriah with his wife, Jemell Fall 2015
Now, more than ever... Acadia Divinity College Celebrates At the Annual Friends and Alumni Supper, held at Acadia University on August 21, 2015, in the Garden Room of the KC Irving Environmental Science Centre, Dr. Harry Gardner, President, announced Four Recent Major Gifts to Acadia Divinity College:
Ruth E. Eldridge
Ruth E. Eldridge - Long-time Sandy Cove, Digby County resident, Ruth Eleanor Eldridge, left an estate gift of $675,000 to Acadia Divinity College to help fund the education of a student or students in financial need.
Sheldon and Marjorie Fountain were jointly awarded honorary doctorates from Acadia University in 1999.
Atlantic Baptist Foundation - The importance of equipping Christians to serve was underscored by a July decision of the Atlantic Baptist Foundation to make a gift of $250,000 to the College. This gift has been added to the endowment of the John Gladstone Chair of Preaching and Worship. The Atlantic Baptist Foundation has been a generous supporter of life at the College, having donated $400,000 to new academic programs and projects between 2010 and 2015.
Marjorie E. Fountain - The funding of the Sheldon and Marjorie Fountain Chair of Evangelism and Mission received a substantial increase when Marjorie E. Fountain made a gift of $200,000 to be added to the endowment funds for the Chair. Marjorie and her late husband, Sheldon, provided the initial funding for the Chair of Evangelism and Mission in 1983.
Mr. George Doak (right), Chair of the Atlantic Baptist Foundation, with Rev. Charles Thompson, Chair of the ADC Board of Trustees. 12 ADC Today
Weston Family
Four Strategic Priorities for Acadia Divinity College
The W. Garfield Weston Foundation - The funding of the John Gladstone Chair of Preaching and Worship took an enormous step forward recently when The W. Garfield Weston Foundation made a gift of $500,000 to be added to the endowment for the Chair. This generous gift follows earlier support from the Foundation when the Gladstone Chair was created in 1993. As well, the Foundation has offered an additional $500,000 in funds to match any other gifts to the John Gladstone Chair of Preaching and Worship, made or pledged before the end of 2015.
Mr. Tom Flaim, Sales for Atlantic Canada, Weston Bakeries, brought greetings from the W. Garfield Weston Foundation.
Also at this event, Dr. Gardner outlined the Four Strategic Priorities of the College, designed to have long-term impact for decades to come: 1. Refurbish the College building on Acadia’s campus;
Ray Ivany (right), President of Acadia University, with Harry Gardner attended this special event.
2. Ensure quality instruction through increasing endowments for key academic Chairs;
The Foundation investment reflects the esteem the Weston family had for the late Dr. Gladstone, their long-time friend and minister at Yorkminster Park Baptist in Toronto, and the Foundation’s enthusiasm for ADC’s program for training in preaching and worship.
3. Support students through increasing scholarships and bursaries; and
Dr. Gardner said, “We are deeply grateful to these donors for entrusting us with such significant support. Acadia Divinity College today owes much to the generosity of so many individuals, churches, and organizations over the years, and we are delighted to recognize these recent major gifts.”
4. Go public with the Gospel by securing an endowment for the new Centre for Christian Faith and Culture. Acadia University President and Vice-Chancellor, Ray Ivany, said “The College has a proud history, and these fundraising priorities will position Acadia Divinity College for success and will confirm the vital role it plays in the spiritual life of our province and our country, and its contributions to global ministry.”
A photo gallery of the event can be found at: For more information, please contact Rev. John Campbell, Director of Advancement. Phone: 902.585.2218. Email:
Fall 2015
The Old First Church Conference: In Retrospect
Old First Church Conference leaders (L-R): Drs. Charles Hartman, William Brackney, and Roger Prentice.
Fifty registrants gathered at historic Wolfville Baptist Church on June 11 and 12 to participate in an historic conference convened to celebrate and analyze the pilgrimages of key congregations across the Convention. The theme question was,
“How in the grace of God have these great old churches been sustained for service?” The conference, sponsored by the Acadia Centre for Baptist and Anabaptist Studies (ACBAS), was the first of its kind in Canada in any denomination.
14 ADC Today
Co-convenors Dr. William Brackney (Dr. Millard R. Cherry Distinguished Professor of Christian Thought and Ethics at Acadia Divinity College and the Director of Acadia Centre of Baptist and Anabaptist Studies) and Dr. Daniel Green (Senior Pastor of Chester United Baptist Church and alumnus of ADC) welcomed registrants to five sessions that brought forward case studies and interaction. Each session was chaired by a member of the ACBAS Administrative Committee that included Dr. Julian Gwyn, Dr. Barry Moody, Mrs. Patricia Townsend, and Dr. Carol Anne Janzen. Sessions included presentations of Wolfville, Middle Sackville (NB), Newport, Chester, First Cornwallis, Hammonds Plains, Lower Granville, Falmouth, First Amherst, Brunswick Street, and Fredericton. Presenters included Barry Morrison, Vernon Vickruck, William Brackney with Zachary Cooper, Daniel Green, Barry Moody, Elizabeth Waugh, Gary Nelson, Gail Whalen-Dunn, Peter Lohnes, and Jennifer Riley. Plenary lectures were presented by Dr. Charles K. Hartman, the 44th Settled Minister of First Baptist Swansea, Massachusetts, the oldest Baptist Church in Massachusetts and third oldest in North America (1663). Hartman, a pastor himself, is recognized for his work with older, small congregations. The findings and conclusions of the Old First Church Conference demonstrated a cyclical course of renewal over the centuries, usually driven by strong pastoral leadership supported by laity.
It also demonstrated the importance of churches in their community context, a Christocentric emphasis in preaching and renewal in this region, and a strong sense of congregational identity. The importance of “mother” congregations who gave sacrificial birth to new congregations in their regions was also discussed, as well as a commitment to intra-congregational cooperation, flexibility in changing times and demographics, and the importance of Acadia University and Acadia Divinity College in providing leadership. In addition to the presentations in the beautiful sanctuary of Wolfville Baptist (1912), attendees experienced worship led by Dr. Roger Prentice and Stephen Wheaton at the organ. Roger crafted historic elements of song and sermon from Maritime Baptist life, and Stephen played thrilling renditions of favourite hymns. Pat Townsend gave a report on the growing archival resources at Acadia that encouraged further acquisition and conservation of these unique treasures. Following the sessions, several conference attenders traveled to Falmouth for a guided tour of sites relating to famous evangelist Henry Alline and the 18th century New Light movement. The historic gathering ended in praise for its content and variety and the hope that a second conference might be forthcoming. Dr. Brackney indicated that a book-length publication of the entire conference proceedings is expected by year’s end.
News A D C
All-ADC Retreat On September 4, 2015, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and board members gathered together for the annual All-ADC Retreat. Dr. Curt Thompson, a psychiatrist and author of Anatomy of the Soul (Tyndale, June 2010) and The Soul of Shame (IVP Books, August 2015), was the keynote speaker for the retreat. Pictured here is Dr. Harry Gardner (left), Dr. Wanda Malcolm (centre) Professor of Pastoral Psychology at Wycliffe College (who was our retreat speaker for 2014) and Dr. Thompson (right).
Crandall-Acadia Bachelor of Theology Partnership In May 2015, ADC welcomed the first class of Bachelor of Theology students who are part of the CrandallAcadia Bachelor of Theology Partnership. Pictured here with the class is Dr. John McNally who taught Christian Spiritual Formation for Ministry Leaders.
Simpson Lectures Simpson Lectures 2015‌.a success! The morning plenary sessions were moved to the Sheldon L. Fountain Learning Commons in order to provide enough room for the large crowd that gathered for practical instruction about church renewal. In the photo, Dr. Steve McMullin leads one of those sessions.
Fall 2015
by Rev. John Campbell, ’07
Acts of Love I have mixed feelings about life insurance. On one hand, I want to make sure that my wife and young family will be looked after should I suddenly die. On the other hand, I really don’t like betting against myself. Despite my reservations, I recently purchased a policy and automatically named my wife and children as beneficiaries. It’s not something that I really had to think about. I didn’t name my real estate agent or my neighbour across the street. I was purchasing the policy to help protect the ones that I love. Six months ago I received some paperwork about a different life insurance policy, one for the late Rev. MacPherson Eaton. ‘Mac’, as he was known, had taken out a life insurance policy after his retirement to care for the people he loved. Why was a copy on my desk? Because Mac had named Acadia Divinity College as the beneficiary. Mac was a pastor within the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches as well as an alumni of ADC. Upon graduating with a Master of Divinity degree, Mac was called to Windsor Plains Baptist Church, a member church of the African United Baptist Association (AUBA). Mac fell in love with the people and the community where he faithfully served. For people who knew Mac, it probably comes as no surprise that he used this final gift to help others. With the generous gift left to us by Mac, Acadia Divinity College is proud to announce the establishment of the Dora Grey & Madeline Sampson Bursary, named after two deacons of 16 ADC Today
Acadia University graduation photo of MacPherson Eaton.
the Windsor Plains Baptist Church. This bursary will provide assistance to all African Nova Scotians, or members of an AUBA church, with financial need who are studying at Acadia Divinity College. For years to come, Mac’s final act of love will become a yearly gift to many future students, assisting them with their theological education. After attending Mac’s funeral, meeting some of his family and friends, and hearing all that he had done to help and support those he knew and loved, I was reminded of Jesus’ own words before He made the ultimate sacrifice for us. Jesus said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35)
Mac Eaton was undeniably a disciple of Christ. By his act of love he is helping Acadia Divinity College equip other disciples to serve for years to come. We hope that others will be inspired to do the same.
Rev. John Campbell is the Director of Advancement for Acadia Divinity College.
News A L U M N I
1958 - Terry Tingley passed away on June 27. He is survived by Lois, his wife of 60 years. Terry was ordained with the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches in 1958. He was Minister Emeritus of the Bayside Baptist Church, NS, as well as a member of the Canadian Association for Baptist Freedoms.
1967 - MacPherson “Mac” Eaton passed away on February 26. He was preceded by his wife of 65 years, Cynthia. In 1956, “Mac” felt the call to ministry and the family moved to Wolfville, NS, so that he could attend the Acadia School of Theology. He served the congregations of Forest Hill Church, Black River Church, and Windsor Plains United Baptist Church, NS. Mac was a quiet man, and he had a loving appreciation of rural life.
1970 - Gary Manthorne has accepted a call to serve as part-time Pastor of Gaspereau, Wallbrook, and White Rock United Baptist Churches, NS.
1971 - Morley Shaw has completed his ministry as Interim Minister at Bayview District pastorate, Guysborough County NS, and he has accepted a call to serve as part-time Interim Pastor of Bedford Baptist Church, NS.
1982 - Quincy Collins has accepted a call to serve New Tusket Baptist Church, NS.
1984 - Robert Nickerson has completed his interim ministry as Senior Pastor at New Minas Baptist Church, NS. He has accepted a call to serve as Interim Pastor to St. Andrews Baptist Church, NB.
2000 - Jack & Audrey Carter have completed their ministry at Hillsburn Baptist Church, NS, and have accepted a call to serve as Senior Pastor of Chelsea Baptist Church, NS.
1989 - Jim Rhyno graduated from the University of South Africa with a Doctor of Theology in Practical Theology in May 2015. Jim’s research focused on common characteristics of viable longterm church planting situations in the Maritime Provinces in several evangelical denominations.
ministry at Hillsborough Baptist Church, NB.
ministry at Tracey Mills and Upper Knoxford United Baptist Churches, NB.
1990 - Randy Stanton has completed
2009 - Geoff deJong has completed his
his ministry at First Baptist Church, New Glasgow NS, and has accepted a call to serve as Atlantic Canada Representative for Canadian Baptist Ministries.
ministry at Tide Fellowship, NB, and has accepted a call to Hillsborough Baptist Church, NB.
1993 - Gregory Denton passed away on August 7. In 1976 Gregory left the fishing business and enrolled at Acadia Divinity College where he earned three degrees. He served several churches in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick as well as many Baptist Association Boards and committees. Gregory is survived by his wife, Lynda, their children and granddaughters.
1997 - Corey Pickens has completed his ministry at Milton, Port Medway, and Charleston Baptist Churches, NS. He will enter military chaplaincy with the Royal Canadian Navy in Halifax, NS.
2006 - Tim Johnson has completed his 2008 - Chris Keezer has accepted a call to serve at Summerside Baptist Church, PEI.
2008 - Stephen Teed has completed his
2011 - Robert Heffernan has completed his ministry at Billtown Baptist Church, NS, and has accepted a call to serve as Lead Pastor of Windsor Baptist Church, NS. 2013 - Tara Albert has accepted a call to serve as Youth Pastor of Middle Sackville Baptist Church, NB.
2013 - Adrian Gardner has completed his ministry as Associate Director of Youth and Family Ministries with the CABC and Associate Pastor of Grand Bay Baptist Church, NB. He has accepted a call to serve as Global Discipleship Facilitator with Canadian Baptist Ministries. cont’d on page 18 Fall 2015
2013 - Deb Stevens has completed her ministry at Black Rock Baptist Church, NS. 2014 - Wanda Crawley-Lawrence has accepted a call to serve at Victoria Road Baptist Church, NS, and will be ordained at Cherry Brook United Baptist Church, NS, on November 21.
2014 - Dustin Day was ordained on October 18 at Florenceville Baptist Church, NB.
2014 - Greg Sparkes has accepted a call to serve as Senior Pastor of Highfield Baptist Church, NB.
Current Students Linda Demone has accepted a call to serve at Rossway United Baptist Church, Digby Neck, NS.
2014 - Carolyn Steeves has completed her ministry at The Journey Church, Moncton, NB, and has accepted a call to serve at West End Baptist Church, St. John’s, NL.
2015 – Derek Geldart has completed his ministry at Hillgrove Baptist Church, NB and has accepted a call to McKees Mills Baptist Church, NB.
Israel & Palestine Tour May 17-28, 2016
Expand your journey by including a course for credit
Land of Israel Past & Present (BIBL 7133 / 3053 X5) Dr. Harry Gardner
Dr. Anna Robbins 18 ADC Today
Dr. Glenn Wooden
Dr. Glenn Wooden
Theology of Collective Repentance and Reconciliation (DMIN 8213 / 8313 X5) Dr. Anna Robbins
Upcoming Events Simpson Lectures - Dr. Anna Robbins Topic: “We Are Babylon: Dispelling the Myths of Exile, Hospitality, and Security” February 8-11, 2016 • Acadia University Evening Lectures February 8: Dispelling the Myths of Exile February 9: Dispelling the Myths of Hospitality February 10: Dispelling the Myths of Security For more details, visit: The 17th Believers’ Church Conference Theme: Come-Outer Tradition Keynote Topic: New Religious Movements June 22-25, 2016 • Acadia University / Acadia Divinity College The Believers’ Church Conference is an international gathering of evangelical scholars since 1967, meeting for the first time at Acadia. The late Dr. J.K. Zeman was one of the founders of the meetings. Explore the tendency among Believers’ Churches to form new groups within a larger tradition. Representative scholars and members of Baptists, Mennonites, Hutterites, Black Baptists, Churches of Christ, and Pentecostals will present at plenary sessions, plus workshops devoted to various topics.. All are invited, including students, pastors, and others interested in the Believers’ Churches. Convened by the Acadia Centre for Baptist and Anabaptist Studies (ACBAS). For more details, visit: Church_Conference
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Upcoming Courses Check out some of Acadia Divinity College’s upcoming courses. For a full listing of courses, go to ADC Wolfville Church’s Response to Domestic Violence (PACC 7033 X2 and PACC 4033 X2) Dr. Steve McMullin Sheldon and Marjorie Fountain Associate Professor of Evangelism and Mission One-week Intensive (daily 8:45 am to 4:30 pm) February 15-19, 2016 Acadia Divinity College, Wolfville
ADC Metro Halifax Psalms (BIBL 6063 M2) Dr. Glenn Wooden Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies Thursday Evenings (6:30-9:15 pm) January 14 until April 14, 2016 (no classes on February 11 & 18) Regal Road Baptist, Dartmouth
ADC New Brunswick Interpreting the New Testament (BIBL 5033 N2) Dr. Danny Zacharias Three Weekends (Friday 2 pm-9 pm and Saturday 9 am-4 pm) January 29-30, March 11-12, and April 1-2, 2016 Skyline Acres Baptist Church, Fredericton
This course offers online lectures as well as a weekly one-hour interactive session so students can participate in discussions and community from the comfort of their own homes.
Evangelism and Mission in Contemporary Society (EVAN 5013, EVAN 3013) Dr. Steve McMullin, Sheldon and Marjorie Fountain Associate Professor of Evangelism and Mission. January to April 2016 . The aim of this course is to provide the theological and practical tools necessary to reach people in contemporary society with the good news of Jesus Christ. The course will provide a comprehensive understanding of current changes and trends in Canadian society as they relate to religious beliefs and practices. Students will develop a practical understanding of how congregations can effectively engage their communities and successfully reach people with the gospel and integrate new members tinto the congregation. Fall 2015
Alumni Distinguished Service Award Tracy vom Hagen, ’04 During the annual ADC Friends and Alumni Supper on August 21, 2015, Dr. Tracy vom Hagen (née Demmons) was awarded the 2015 ADC Alumni Distinguished Service Award. Tracy has established herself as an international role model. As a Staff Counsellor with the Critical Incident and Stress Management Unit (CISMU) for 18 months in Afghanistan with United Nations, she belonged to a team of mental health professionals who took on the psychological, social and spiritual support of roughly 2,000 UN staff in the country. During Tracy’s studies, she delved into the spiritual care of persons with intellectual disabilities. Her thesis work grew out of questions encountered while undertaking her clinical pastoral
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education residency at the Nova Scotia Hospital in Dartmouth, working as a chaplain for clients with disabilities. Tracy has also worked as a hospital chaplain in acute care and psychiatric settings. Dr. vom Hagen commented, “I was in Kabul, Afghanistan, with the UN for a year and a half and that work was very challenging and very rewarding. It was my first chance to work as a professional counsellor, and I really felt God’s leading through all of it. Life and death are very real in Afghanistan, and one is forced to ask and answer very tough questions - right away.” For a full interview of Dr. vom Hagen, see
Dr. Tracy vom Hagen is pictured here receiving her award with (L-R) Dr. Carol Anne Janzen, Director of the Charles J. Taylor Centre for Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care, Dr. Harry Gardner, President, and Rev. John Campbell, Director of Advancement.