ADC Today - Winter 2019

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President’s Message I’ll Know It When I See it “May I help you sir?” asked the assistant in the store in which I was shopping. “Are you looking for something in particular?” “Thanks,” I replied, “I’m not sure yet, but I will know it when I see it.” I feel that way sometimes as we talk about “Flourishing Churches”. The fact is, we do know ‘it’ when we see ‘it’ but of course ‘it’ does depend on what we are observing when we are looking.

Editor: Shawna Peverill

In 2002, we attended the Baptist World Alliance meetings in Seoul, South Korea. As part of the experience we visited various churches. I won’t forget the night we stepped off the bus to attend a prayer meeting and I could hear what sounded like humming. We quickly realized that, while we were still at a distance from the gathering of 25,000, the humming was the sound of voices lifted in prayer. A marker of the flourishing South Korean church has been prayer.


I also recall our visit to a small rural church in Brazil. Poverty did not prevent expressions of generosity and hospitality as they gathered to worship and share with one another. Later, we walked to the home of an elderly woman, the ‘mother’ of the church who was ill. Children sat on the window sills of the crowded house as the Lord’s Supper was shared with her amidst the singing and praying. Here in this poor village the church was flourishing. Whether in the slums of Kibera, Kenya, or Sao Paulo, Brazil, or the heart of Mexico City, or the Baptist Church ADC Today

in Jerusalem, I have seen flourishing churches. In a small congregation on the North Mountain of the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, or in the urban heart of Saint John, New Brunswick, I have seen flourishing congregations, and have been caught up in their love of God and their neighbours. Churches can define “flourishing” in different ways. In the early 1990s, flourishing churches were defined by the controversial church growth movement. With a heart for global evangelization, pragmatism seemed to rule the thinking with the promotion of the homogeneous unit principle - forgetting the biblical picture of gathering of all kinds of people in one church bonded through the Lordship of Christ. Other helpful movements in this generation have prophesied to the western church about flourishing. Emphases on church health, small group ministry, integral local and international mission and need-focused evangelism as well as renewal focused on the ministry of the Holy Spirit, have all been highlighted as integral to vibrancy in the ministry of churches. Recently, I heard the heart cry of a young married man who is seeking to follow Christ. He said, “I am looking for a church and people ’to do life with’.” In His commission, Jesus said that we are to make disciples of all the peoples and to teach them. He commanded that we love God and love our neighbours. Each church, in its context, is called to worship God, whom we have come to know fully in Jesus Christ, and to have

by Harry G. Gardner, ‘77

fellowship with one another, to be taught the Word of God, to evangelize, and to serve. Ah…but how? I have seen evidence of flourishing churches when these things are done in the context of genuine hospitality when mission is rooted in loving service and where evangelism emerges from a commitment to justice. Churches flourish when the Lordship of Jesus Christ is paramount, and we are brave enough ‘to do’ life together. The depth of hospitality and welcome to others inside the church to those we serve in the world will wonderfully demonstrate the love of God. “I will know it when I see it!” This edition of ADC Today will help you see it, too.

Dr. Harry Gardner is the President and the Abner J. Langley and Harold L. Mitton Professor of Church Leadership of Acadia Divinity College, and the Dean of Theology of Acadia University.

by Dr. Steve McMullin

Flourishing Congregations in Atlantic Canada — Illusion and Reality When examining the health of our churches, some of us may believe it’s important to be successful and success is having a balanced budget or keeping our buildings well-maintained. Perhaps we think that having investment funds providing good financial returns means we are healthy, or that having people getting along and feeling like family is the mark of achievement. Others of us may believe our church is healthy if it is filled with “good” people, including respected professionals. There can be a tendency to measure a church’s health using worldly standards and, in my years of researching churches, I have witnessed this form of measurement often. Today, I am thankful to be a member of a flourishing congregation. However, it wasn’t always that way. When I became the pastor in the summer of 1997, many things looked good. The mortar had just been repointed and the stained-class windows were being repaired. Proceeds from the recently sold parsonage had been invested. There were talented members and there was a wonderful sense of camaraderie in the congregation. However, the leaders recognized that the congregation was in trouble. Despite how well the organization was operating, the church did not believe they were carrying out their mission. The baptistery had seen little use, few from the local neighbourhood attended the church, and the budget had been balanced by reducing ministry and outreach programs. With an aging congregation, the church knew they would eventually have to close.

Three months after I began my ministry, the invested money had been spent and money was tight. However, members voted to increase the annual budget by almost 20% so that the church could focus on outreach initiatives, believing God would provide. People began to meet for concerted prayer that the church would reach others. By year’s end, nine new believers had been baptized and welcomed as church members. During the next ten years, we never had a balanced budget and we lost many members (137 members died in those years). Yet, we fed the hungry and cared for those who needed friendship. We welcomed people with addictions and mental health challenges and dysfunctional families. We added a Community Outreach Pastor even though we didn’t know where we would get the funds to do so. There was a renewed focus on reading and studying the Bible. Nearly 200 new believers were baptized as we reached new people with the gospel, and our congregation outgrew its historic church building. During those years, we saw lives transformed, and many new families began attending. But, to do what we believed God was calling us to do, we had to trust Him to a greater extent than we had before.

Too often, I think we believe that a healthy congregation is the one that has lots of money and well-maintained buildings, as well as emotionallyhealthy members who all agree with one another. From my research, I have found that congregations like this can easily fall into patterns that lead to decline. When we feel self-sufficient and talented, there is a danger of ceasing our dependence on God and, instead, focusing inwardly. We begin to focus on what members want instead of looking at those who are in great need all around our neighbourhoods. Instead of considering what God wants (which requires faith, confidence in ... continued on page 4 Winter 2019


the promises of the Bible, and love for our neighbours), we may tend to focus on what keeps the members of a congregation happy. When that happens, people inside the church may be happy, but the mission to those outside of the church is not carried out. Some of the unhealthiest congregations have wonderful unity—because everyone is so similar they think the same way. However, that is not the unity of the Spirit. God’s Spirit brings unity among people who are very different from one another but who, with a deep Biblical understanding of the church’s mission, work together to move the church forward in the same direction. Some churches growing in numbers are unhealthy: the congregation that attracts the most unsatisfied members from other churches may be growing in numbers, but it may not be carrying out its Biblical mission, and it may even be harming other congregations. A flourishing congregation is characterized by a willingness for adventure and change, because genuine spiritual vitality continually produces new challenges for a church. When we welcome people with different backgrounds and different opinions, we must depend on the Holy Spirit to work together. When we love the people in our neighbourhood who do not know Christ and understand the urgency of the gospel, the church budget takes on a whole new meaning. It is not just about paying the bills; it is about faith and generosity and finding ways to make disciples. When congregations recognize that the need exceeds our 4

ADC Today

earthly resources (and with billions of people in this world who don’t know Christ, the need always exceeds our resources), we are forced to depend on God’s grace instead of our wallets. As God provides the resources, he receives the glory instead of us. If a church believes that the gospel will transform people, the congregation will reach out to everyone, including those whose lives seem unhealthy. That diversity results in a flourishing congregation in which the only common factor is our faith in God, experienced as a shared life in Christ and a unity of God’s Spirit. That diversity is also a witness of the power of the gospel to the surrounding community. A church made up of people with different backgrounds, different experiences, different opinions, and different economic situations could only be sustained as a loving, united congregation by the power of God. To borrow language from the world of social work, many congregations choose a pathological approach when thinking about the church’s life. Their

focus is, “How do we stop the decline?”, “How do we recruit good givers to replace those who are dying?”, or “How can we attract young people to our aging church?” Their starting point is what they lack—financial resources, young people, effective leaders, and children’s workers. Instead, to become a flourishing congregation, it’s important to have a strengths-based approach: “What has God already given to us that will empower us to carry out the Christian mission in our community?” God’s resources will always be sufficient, but it will require faith that at times it will stretch us to think in new ways. From a Biblical perspective, this means that for congregations to flourish they must be characterized by faith, hope, and love. Many congregations in Atlantic Canada are flourishing; they are accomplishing their mission by trusting God in new ways, by faithfully living according to the Bible’s teachings, and by loving God and loving their neighbours as themselves. This is a time of great change in our society, and God is raising up congregations and leaders in Atlantic Canada so that the gospel will be proclaimed as he continues to build his church.

by Dr. Joel Thiessen

What is a Flourishing Congregation? What is a flourishing congregation? This is a question that our research team at the Flourishing Congregations Institute is grappling with.

flourishing in some ways. Moreover, few (if any) congregations are flourishing in every way. When you think of your own congregation:

The answer? As we discovered during our interviews and focus groups with over 100 Canadian church and denominational leaders across Protestant and Catholic sectors … it depends. The answer is contingent, in part, on theological tradition. Distinct denominations stress various elements of Christianity, and thus define the markers of a flourishing congregation differently. For example, Baptists might accentuate evangelism while those in the United Church of Canada might stress diversity. Region also matters. If you live in a rural region with declining populations due to ageing, low birth rates, and migration away to other provinces, you likely think about congregational life differently than those in an urban center.

Where do you see signs of life and vitality?

What are the strengths of your church?

What draws you and others to return to your church week after week?

Congregations and denominations interact with their theologies and social contexts in diverse and complicated ways, which leads us to conclude that a single answer to the question at hand is neither an accurate or helpful way to proceed. Of course, we do have some clues from our research to date, which include data from an ongoing national congregations survey. I will focus on three key insights. The first is that most (perhaps all) congregations are

Asking these questions of your leaders and congregants could be an excellent way to take the pulse of those in your congregation. The answer might be the hospitable community that you encounter with one another. It could be your leaders. Perhaps it is the meaningful discipleship that takes place, which could include excellent preaching, or music, or programs. Maybe it is the impact that your congregation has in the surrounding neighbourhood. Regardless of how you answer, our team has concluded that congregations have some areas where they see greater signs of flourishing than others, and that congregations should celebrate, accentuate, and build upon these strengths. Second, there is a great debate about whether flourishing entails numerical growth. Can a congregation that remains the same size, or possibly declines in size, be considered a flourishing congregation? Many in our study believe there is a link between flourishing and numerical growth in

attendance, membership, financial giving, baptisms, conversions, and so forth. From our survey data thus far, those who say their congregations are growing are most likely to also believe their congregations are flourishing. At the same time, we heard many times that congregations can flourish without growing numerically. For example, from our survey, 20% of those in declining congregations say their churches are flourishing. Here people tend to stress transformed lives – “even if our congregation is not growing, people’s lives are being changed and for us that is an important hallmark of flourishing.” The discussion about numbers is a complex one. In one sense, if you don’t have numbers, you don’t have a viable and sustainable organization. Without bums in seats, and money in the offering plate, and volunteers to assist with the many good things that take place in a congregation, it is ... continued on page 6 Winter 2019


difficult for a congregation to thrive. As many Canadian congregations have experienced, the absence of human and financial resources means that churches close. Still, there are countless examples of congregations that have massive budgets and thousands of people who attend each week, yet confront significant challenges of leadership scandals, hostile relationships among members, and neighbourhoods who experience no tangible benefits from these congregations. To complicate things further, the source of church growth might be interpreted differently, depending on your theological perspective. For instance, our survey data indicate that very few churches are growing due to new converts; growth occurs mainly because of transfer growth, either from one church to another, or from those who move from one city to another. Is this a sign of flourishing? The answer likely depends on who is answering and in what social context. Third, several traits rose to the surface when we asked leaders and congregants to identify what they thought constitutes a flourishing congregation. We have analyzed that data to build our Flourishing Congregations Construct (available on our website at We focus on three core domains with several dimensions (see graph below). Beginning with Organizational Ethos, congregations benefit when they are clear on their identity, have leaders 6

ADC Today

Again, congregations from different theological traditions place more emphasis on some of these traits over others. Which of these variables would you identify are integral to a flourishing congregation, and why? Where would you say your congregation is or is not flourishing in each of these dimensions?

who develop and equip other leaders, experiment and try new initiatives, and have organizational structures and processes that help them accomplish the things they believe they are called to do and be in their specific context. Internally, flourishing congregations prioritize robust and intentional discipleship practices, laity who are engaged in various facets of congregational life, hospitable communities where people are loved and cared for, and the involvement of people from diverse demographic backgrounds. The Outward dimension involves congregations whose neighbourhoods would notice if they were no longer there, who emphasize and practice evangelism, and who partner with other organizations to strengthen their collective capacities to accomplish shared goals.

So, what is a flourishing congregation? Perhaps you hoped to read about three things that you should do to help your church grow. Such an article might be interesting; however, there are many resources available already that try to deal with that task. I hope that this article helps clarify why the question of flourishing congregations is not as straightforward as most assume – and in the process, offers an accurate and honest engagement with what our team is hearing on the ground in congregations across Canada. If you are interested in learning more about the research at the Flourishing Congregations Institute, or you wish to include your congregation in our national survey, visit us at or email us at

Dr. Joel Thiessen is the Professor of Sociology and Director of the Flourishing Congregations Institute at Ambrose University. Check out his website at: and follow him on Twitter: @joelthiessen. Dr. Thiessen is the lecturer during the 2019 Simpson Lectures taking place at Acadia from February 11 to 13.







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Whatever your calling, our calling is to equip you to serve. For more information contact

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Winter 2019


Now, more than ever... Update on Giving to the Four Strategic Priorities as of December 31, 2018 Since August 1, 2014, Acadia Divinity College has focused on four strategic priorities to ensure our graduates have maximum impact today and in the future. Below is an update on giving for each priority as of December 31, 2018. We continue to be grateful for the investment in the preparation of men and women for leadership in our churches and various ministry settings. This support will position the College for another generation of service.


Opening Balance July 31, 2014

The College Building

Total Gifts and Pledges since August 1, 2014

Total Balance

Target Amount



$2.3 million




$2.5 million




$2.5 million




$2.5 million




$2.5 million

Scholarships and Bursaries



$1.0 million

Andrew D. MacRae Centre for Christian Faith and Culture



$0.5 million

Key Academic Chairs Abner J. Langley and Harold L. Mitton Chair of Church Leadership Sheldon and Marjorie Fountain of Evangelism and Mission Chair Thomas B. McDormand, Charles J. Taylor, and Dennis M. Veinotte Chair of Pastoral Care John Gladstone Chair of Preaching and Worship

Four New Scholarships established by David and Faye Huestis Four new scholarships have been established at Acadia Divinity College through a generous donation by David (Acadia ’63) and Faye Huestis of Saint John, New Brunswick. Mr. Huestis stated, “The world needs Acadia Divinity College now, more than any other time before in history. With your message of hope, forgiveness, and love, you are a shining beacon, helping people use their


ADC Today

God-given talents to make today and tomorrow’s world a better place.” These scholarships were announced at a luncheon on October 11, 2018, in the Clark Commons, Acadia University where gratitude was expressed for the lives and ministries of Rev. Dr. G. Keith Churchill (Acadia ’61) and Rev. Dr. Dennis M. Veinotte (Acadia ’59, ’62, ’80).

“As a Minister, Keith was an excellent speaker who always had a strong message,” remarked Mr. Huestis. “Faye and I trust that future recipients of the G. Keith Churchill Scholarship of Worship strive for Keith’s excellence in church leadership.” In response, Mrs. Joan Churchill, widow of the late Keith Churchill, said, “Today, David and Faye, you have placed a living memorial to

Keith that will further mark the journey of this God-honouring man.” Faye Huestis presented Joan A. Churchill with a lovely bouquet of flowers and remarked, “Joan, you were a big part of Keith’s ministry. You shared your total support and talents unselfishly. Plus, you are a very dear friend! We love you. Thank you for being our friend.”

David Huestis addressing the audience during the scholarship celebration luncheon on October 11, 2018.

Mr. Huestis also stated, “Dennis [Veinotte] was a very special person. Our hope is that future recipients of the Dennis M. Veinotte Scholarship of Pastoral Counselling and Hospital Chaplaincy strive to emulate Dennis’s genuine love and deep and abiding concern for others.” Mrs. Connie Veinotte, in response, said, “I am especially moved by the naming of a scholarship for Dennis, perpetuating his memory at the College where he poured his heart and soul into Clinical Pastoral Education.” Faye Huestis presented Connie Veinotte with a lovely bouquet of flowers and remarked, “Connie, not only were you a big support in Dennis’s ministry but in his later years, you were his ‘support life line’. Dennis, on many occasions, was very quick to acknowledge this to us. Your love for Dennis was very strong. We love you. Thank you for being our friend.”

Memories of these two exceptional Christian leaders through biographies were read by Rev. Dr. Carol Anne Janzen (Acadia ’71, ’95) and Mr. George Lohnes QC, and favourite hymns were sung by Mr. Barry Snodgrass of Saint John, New Brunswick, accompanied by Anne Huestis Scott (Acadia ’67).

these recent donations to Acadia, “David and Faye have a deep desire to share their success with the broader community.” Quoting from Psalm 112, “They share freely and give generously to those in need.”

At the close of the event, Mr. Huestis had a surprise announcement, “Faye and I have been so impressed with Acadia Divinity College; we have decided to establish two more scholarships.” Mr. Huestis said, “It is important that institutions where Christians are trained for ministry maintain high standards of ministerial integrity, preparedness, organizational skills, and passion. Dr. Gardner is wonderfully gifted in these key areas, and we are delighted to name the third scholarship, the Harry G. Gardner Scholarship.” The fourth scholarship announced will honour a woman whose leadership has affected the ministries of the church. It is anticipated that each scholarship will yield between $6,000 and $7,500 per year. Rev. Dr. Harry G. Gardner, President of Acadia Divinity College, remarked “I deeply appreciate David and Faye’s generosity and kindness shown to the students of the College, and to me personally.” Rev. Edward (Ted) Britten (Acadia ’61, ’64), who offered the Table Grace, stated, “David and Faye have demonstrated in act and deed what it is to honour good friends. Through these gifts, the witness of these leaders will be extended into the future through the training of ministerial students.” The Acadia community has further benefited from the generosity of David and Faye Huestis. On October 10, 2018, Acadia University celebrated the creation of the Greg Somerville Award in Innovation and the opening of The David Huestis Innovation Pavilion. Mr. Tom Rice (Acadia ’79), Trustee of Acadia Divinity College, reflected on

Faye Huestis presenting flowers to Joan Churchill and Connie Veinotte in recognition of their roles in the ministry of their husbands, Rev. Dr. G. Keith Churchill and Rev. Dr. Dennis M. Veinotte.

Visit to access the luncheon program with full biographies of Keith Churchill, Dennis Veinotte, and David and Faye Huestis, and view a photo album of the event.

Winter 2019


Acadia Divinity College to Host RZIM Summit Where can you go to gain world-class teaching on how to defend and share Christian faith in a complex world? The answer is Acadia! In July 2019, we will be hosting the annual apologetics summit, organized each year by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. This is the first time the summit will be held east of Toronto, and provides a rare opportunity for Atlantic Canadians to gather with others from across North America and explore how to engage key issues for defending and sharing Christian faith

with others in today’s diverse contexts. God and the Natural World will serve as the theme, as participants consider how God speaks through and beyond the natural world, and how Christians can use every day opportunities to share their faith with others. Speakers will include Abdu Murray, Andy Bannister, Logan Gates, Margaret Manning Shull, our own Anna Robbins, and others. A special evening celebration will happen on Friday, July 12 when Ravi Zacharias

will be at the Festival Theatre in Wolfville to speak on how the wonder and beauty of creation bear witness to the existence of God. The Summit is for anyone with a desire to learn more about their Christian faith and how to extend good news to others. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to stretch your thinking and your faith. For students, there will be an opportunity to register to take the summit for course credit at Acadia Divinity College.

Acadia Divinity College • Wolfville, Nova Scotia

S U M M I T 2 0 1 9 • J U LY 1 0 - 1 3

FEATURING Ravi Zacharias Abdu Murray Margaret Manning Shull

10 ADC Today

Andy Bannister Logan Gates Anna Robbins

REGISTER TODAY Early Bird Pricing Ends April 30, 2019. Visit to register.

News F A C U L T Y

Dr. Stuart Blythe speaks during Oasis 2018

President of Hong Kong Seminary visits ADC

On August 23, 2018, Dr. Stuart Blythe addressed a full house at the opening session of Oasis 2018. Dr. Blythe, the John Gladstone Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship at Acadia Divinity College (ADC), gave a lecture entitled “Eating Forbidden Food: Peter, Baptist Polity, and Engaging with Culture.” View this lecture at

On October 30 & 31, 2018, ADC welcomed Dr. Fai Luk, President of Bethel Bible Seminary, to Acadia. Bethel Bible Seminary, located in Hong Kong, was affiliated in 1997, through ADC, to Acadia University for the award of Master of Divinity, Master of Arts (Theology), and Master of Theological Studies degrees.

Hayward Lectures 2018 ADC’s annual Hayward Lectures took place October 15-17, 2018. Dr. Richard Bauckham, Professor Emeritus at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, presented lectures on the topic of ‘Who is God? Key Moments of Biblical Revelation’. To view recordings of the lectures, visit Pictured from left to right; Dr. Harry Gardner, Dr. Richard Bauckham, and Dr. Danny Zacharias.

Being and Making Disciples in Today’s World

Dr. Matthew Walsh appointed as Dean of Students

From September 21-23, 2018, the Saint John-Kings Association of Baptist Churches, The Association Missions Committee, and ADC hosted a special event in Saint John, NB entitled Being and Making Disciples in Today’s World. Designed to discuss problems inherent in adapting to the Post-Christian culture, guest speakers included Dr. Harry Gardner, Dr. Anna Robbins, and Dr. Stuart Blythe.

Dr. Matthew Walsh has recently been appointed to serve as the Dean of Students of ADC. While continuing his duties as the Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies, Dr. Walsh takes over these additional responsibilities from Dr. Carol Anne Janzen, who retired from the College in 2018.

Dr. Anna Robbins commissioned as ATS board member In November 2018, Dr. Anna Robbins was commissioned as a new member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). Pictured left to right; ATS President, Dr. Brian Blount from Union Presbyterian Seminary, Dr. Anna Robbins, and Dr. Frank Yamada, Executive Director of ATS.

Winter 2019


Search for the next President and Dean of Theology A six-member search committee, appointed by the Acadia Divinity College Board of Trustees, is seeking a new President for the College and Dean of Theology for Acadia University. Dr. Harry Gardner, the 6th President of the College, who has ably served the college since January 2008, is retiring effective June 30, 2019. The search committee is comprised of the Executive Minister of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada, two representatives of the Faculty of Theology, and three representatives of the Board of Trustees.

The committee is chaired by Kathy Watt of Fredericton. This is a pivotal time for Acadia Divinity College. Since the summer of 2014, the College has raised more than $4.9 million towards four strategic priorities - to fund the restoration of the College building, raise the endowments of key academic chairs, increase scholarships and bursaries, and support the Andrew D. MacRae Centre for Christian Faith and Culture. This remarkable support by many individuals, churches, associations, and foundations will position the College for another generation of service.

Under Dr. Gardner’s leadership, the College has focused on providing access to worldclass academic instruction as well as financial assistance to support its students. In addition to serving as President of the College, Dr. Gardner is the first occupant of the Abner J. Langley and Harold L. Mitton Chair of Church Leadership. His participation on the board and committees of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States of America and Canada, and his continued pastoral and church leadership with the family of Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada, have ensured that ADC students and alumni are at the leading edge of theological education.

ADC Upcoming Events International Collaboration on Faith and Violence From May 27-29, 2019, Acadia Divinity College and the Charles J. Taylor Centre for Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care will be hosting the ‘International Collaboration on Faith and Violence’ with researchers from the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. This event will include individuals, clergy, leaders, and researchers from around the world to discuss the church’s response to domestic violence.

SAVE THE DATE: Friday, June 21, 2019 Celebration and Recognition of Service for:

Rev. Dr. Harry G. Gardner 6th President of Acadia Divinity College Dean of Theology of Acadia University Dr. Gardner will retire on June 30, 2019, after serving Acadia since January 1, 2008. More information to follow. 12 ADC Today

Alumni Distinguished Service Award presented to a Spiritual Leader in the Canadian Armed Forces On August 24, 2018, Colonel (Reverend) Barbara L. Putnam received the 2018 Acadia Divinity College (ADC) Alumni Distinguished Service Award at the Friends and Alumni Supper. President Dr. Harry Gardner said, “When we think about the alumni of this institution, we cannot help but be inspired by those who seek to be a presence of Christ in challenging places such as battlefields, hospitals, prisons, and many other settings within our communities. Today, we honour a truly remarkable individual who has established herself as a leader in the Canadian Armed Forces”. Colonel (Rev) Putnam responded, “Every day when I look down at my Acadia graduation ring, I am reminded that I have been called to serve, and what an amazing privilege it is to serve these men and women in the Canadian Forces. Our advanced training and education is critical to our ability to minister in this complex operating environment. Many of our Baptist chaplains have their theological roots at Acadia Divinity College and serve with distinction in the Royal Canadian Chaplain Service.” Recruited to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in 2000, she began her career in Petawawa as a Unit Chaplain, deploying to Kabul, Afghanistan. In 2004, she was posted to 5 Division as Faith Community Coordinator at St. Luke’s Chapel, Gagetown, and the Unit Chaplain to 403 Squadron. Following year-long language training in 2007, she was promoted to the rank of Major and posted to the Chaplain School and Centre at Canadian Forces Base Borden. In 2010, Col Putnam was selected for the Joint Command and Staff Program at the Canadian Forces College in Toronto. After

graduation, she became Staff Officer to the Chaplain General in Ottawa and appointed as the National Protestant Guild Advisor. In 2011, promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel, she assumed the role of Deputy Director of Chaplain Services, responsible for Recruitment, Policy and Lessons Learned. That same year she was also appointed as Principal Chaplain Protestant with responsibility for overseeing all aspects of religious services for Protestant members of the CAF. In 2012, she was named the Command Chaplain to the Royal Canadian Air Force and subsequently became the Spiritual Advisor to the Strategic Response Team on Sexual Misconduct at its inception in 2015. Upon promotion to her current rank in December 2016, she became the Director of Chaplaincy Operations and the Senior Protestant Chaplain. In 2018, she was appointed as Director of Chaplain Strategic Support and Chief of Staff to the Chaplain General.

Background photo: Attending the celebration with Col Barbara Putnam (3rd from right) were Canadian Armed Forces chaplains Capt Christoph Deutschmann (Edmonton), Capt Brenda Zwicker (Greenwood), Lt(N) Daryl Levy (Gagetown), Lt(N) Haupi Tombing (Halifax), and Capt Randall Read (Gagetown). Foreground photo: Dr. Harry Gardner presenting the 2018 ADC Distinguished Alumni Award to Col Putnam.

Visit to view a powerful video highlighting the work of chaplains in the Canadian Armed Forces.

Winter 2019


News A L U M N I

1968 - Doug Porter was named Pastor

2000 - Jack and Audrey Carter have accepted a call to serve at Woodville Baptist Church, NS.

1986 and 2012 - Marc Potvin has

been called to the position of New Pastoral Leaders Development Associate with Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec.

2004 - Micah Linkletter has completed his ministry as Associate Pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church, Truro, NS and has accepted a call to serve as Associate Pastor of Summerside Baptist Church, PE.

1983 and 2005 - Leo Gallant has

2005 - Thelma McLeod married Wayne

Emeritus of Pleasantville Baptist Church, NS.

accepted a call to serve at Kiersteadville Baptist Church, NB.

MacDonald in October 2018. She has completed her ministry as Transitional Pastor at Immanuel Baptist, Truro, NS.

1989 and 1995 - Deann Carter has accepted a call to serve as Senior Pastor of 2006 - Jarvis Lepper has accepted a Margaretsville Baptist Church, NS. call to serve as Congregational Pastor of The Journey Church: Riverview Campus, 1989 and 2014 - Gordon Sutherland NB. has completed his role as Intentional Interim Pastor of Kennebecasis Baptist 2009 - Seth Moore and Vanessa Church, NB and has accepted a call to Moore have completed their ministry at serve as Intentional Interim Pastor of Margaretsville Baptist Church, NS. Uplands Baptist Church in Moncton, NB. be the permanent part-time pastor at Clementsvale Baptist Church, NS.

1999 - Maurice Hatfield has completed his ministry at Lambert’s Cove and Fairhaven Baptist Churches, NB and has accepted a call to serve at Fredericton Junction and Tracy Baptist Churches, NB.

1999 and 2014 - Derek Langille has

completed his ministry at Millville and Nackawick Baptist Churches, NB and has accepted a call to Hebron Baptist Church, NS.

14 ADC Today

ordained at Cathedral Church of All Saints in Halifax, NS on November 1, 2018.

2013 - Sarah Stevens has accepted a call to serve as Senior Pastor of Bethany Memorial Baptist Church, Aldershot, NS. 2014 - Shelley Illsley-Martin has accepted a call to serve as Senior Pastor of Victoria Vale Baptist Church, NS. 2014 - Mary Grace Hawkes has accepted a call to serve as Associate Pastor of Pereaux Baptist Church, NS. 2015 - Charlene Reid has been called to Kempt Baptist Church, NS.

1991 - Rick Warner has been called to

1995 - Barbara Putnam was presented with the Acadia Divinity College Alumni Distinguished Service Award on August 25, 2018.

2013 and 2018 - Lorraine Street was

2015 - Mathew Wilton has completed his ministry as Associate Pastor of Timberlea Baptist Church, NS. 2010 and 2011 - Greg Monette and

2017 - Annie de Lamirande was ordained at Elmsdale Baptist Church, NS on September 16, 2018.

2011 - Libby Amirault has completed

2017 - Chad Fletcher was ordained at Kingston Baptist Church, NB, October 6, 2018.

his wife, Julie, welcomed a daughter, Brianna Judith, on November 28, 2018.

her ministry at Melvern Square Baptist Church, NS.

2017 - Sarah Garnett was ordained at 2013 - Joel Murphy accepted a position Midland Baptist Church, October 21, 2018.

with St. Jerome’s University in Waterloo, ON as Student Engagement Coordinator.

2017 - Marie McCallum was ordained at Black Rock Baptist Church, NS, September 30, 2018.

2017 - Dorin Seicaru was ordained at Highfield Baptist Church, in Moncton, NB, December 2, 2018. 2017 - Steve Townsend was ordained at

Belmont Baptist Church, PE, September 29, 2018.

2018 - Keith Pineo has accepted a call to serve at Melvern Square Baptist Church, NS. Current Students Kevin Richardson (2018 – GDCS) has accepted a call to serve Fairhaven and Lambert’s Cove Baptist Churches in Deer Island, NB. Jeremy Vincent has accepted a call to serve as Associate Pastor of Youth and Young Adults at West End Baptist Church in Halifax, NS.

ADC Remembers 1951 - Judson Corey passed away August 12, 2018. Judson was a veteran of WWII serving as a private. After serving as a Baptist minister for 25 years, he returned to school and later became a social worker, retiring in 1991. 1985 - John Boddy passed away February 13, 2018. John taught school for 13 years, mostly in Avonport, NS. He served as a pastor in New Brunswick in the areas of Deer Island, Plaster Rock and Waterville, as well as Caledonia and Kempt in Nova Scotia.

2001 - John Smith passed away on September 24, 2018. John received his flying training as an Air Cadet and, later, was Commanding Officer of 18 Wing Dartmouth Air Cadets. He attended Acadia Divinity College and served as a pastor in areas of Nova Scotia including Tancook Island, Upper Vaughn, New Harbour and Bethel United Baptist, NS. We want to hear from you! If you are part of the alumni of Acadia Divinity College and would like to update us on your news, please email Trisha Urquhart at

Fearless - A Guide to Christ, Culture and Courageous Faith The world is in constant and rapid flux. We often wonder what the future holds for people of faith, who have been used to a culture that reflected and upheld Christian values. Fearless is as a ready-to-go, six-week study resource for small groups launched from the MacRae Centre in September 2018. It is designed to help Christians understand better the relationship between their faith and culture so that they can engage and embrace change with confidence. Already the resource is being used in 150 different contexts across Canada and elsewhere. Fearless has been used with young and old, in both thriving and challenging situations. One pastor commented

that, “Fearless turned out to be so encouraging. The final session, in particular, was so positive for us.” Rev. Janet Baker led Fearless at Greenfield Baptist Church in Nova Scotia. “I thought it was a great study!” she said. “My group loved the discussion questions, and we had great discussions each week. I personally loved how Scripture was incorporated into each session.” The impact of Fearless extended beyond their group study. “The highlight for me was Jesus’ prayer in John 17,” Janet explains. “Because of Fearless, it was as if I was reading it for the first time. I will be doing a sermon based on it - a great way to tell the whole congregation what we covered in our Fearless study!”

Fearless reflects the objectives of the MacRae Centre: to provide research, resources, and education for the engagement of Christian faith and culture today. If you would like to use Fearless with a group, visit and use the code ADCToday2019 for free access.

Winter 2019


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Exploring Egypt & Route of the Exodus June 19-24, 2019 Take two optional courses for academic credit at no additional cost.

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