NUE Denver - Winter 2021

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balance. pop. purpose.


It’s more than a look, it’s a feeling. SheStylesCO works with you to discover how you truly want to show up in the world and emulate that each day through a style all your own. Are you ready to up-level your style?

@shestylesco |



Side by Side A Collection by Alicia Perrillo

Photographer: Ed Sochacki (AGENCY M&P); Models: Carmen Christina, Chadon M’Be, Marleigh Petras (1930 Model Management), Sasha Slivinski (AGENCY M&P); MUA: Caroline Olinek (AGENCY M&P); Footwear: Tina Maria Shoes; Fashion Designer: Alicia Perrillo

Photographer: Ed Sochacki (AGENCY M&P) Model: Sasha Slivinski (AGENCY M&P) MUA: Caroline Olinek (AGENCY M&P) Footwear: Tina Maria Shoes Fashion Designer: Alicia Perrillo

Photographer: Ed Sochacki (AGENCY M&P) Model: Chadon M’Be MUA: Caroline Olinek (AGENCY M&P) Footwear: Tina Maria Shoes Fashion Designer: Alicia Perrillo

Photographer: Ed Sochacki (AGENCY M&P) Model: Carmen Christina MUA: Carmen Christina Nail Artist: Carmen Christina Fashion Designer: Alicia Perrillo

Photographer: Ed Sochacki (AGENCY M&P) Model: Marleigh Petras (1930 Model Management) MUA: Caroline Olinek (AGENCY M&P) Footwear: Tina Maria Shoes Fashion Designer: Alicia Perrillo

giving voice to the visual arts WES BROWN Co-Host PHOTOGRAPHER


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Supporting the Community with Art by Dylan Boxer If you’re familiar with the Denver/ Santa Fe area, there’s a chance you’ve visited the River North Art District (RiNo.) With its vibrant public murals and outspoken artwork, it is an unapologetic tribute to the culture it proudly represents. In the historic neighborhood of Globeville, there rests Globeville Riverfront Art Center (GRACe), a bustling studio which houses an eclectic mix of artists, one upcoming painter in particular. Kristina Davies is making a firm impact on the youth and social change with her use of abstract expressionism. Davies has only been a part of the RiNo community for the past year and a half, but the roots of her love for art and teaching go back much farther than that. Since the early 1990’s Davies skillful hands have been molding young minds within the public-school system. It wasn’t until 2010 when she decided to integrate art into her teaching style, thereby merging her two passions together. Today she uses her unique skillset as an ArtCorp Mentor with RedLine Contemporary Art Center. “It’s a nonprofit art center that does amazing things for the city of Denver,” says Davies, “they partner with youth (remotely) in a support role for aspiring artists.” She goes on to explain that the work RedLine Contemporary Art Center does for the students is crucial to developing artistic potential and gives them exposure to the world of art they would not normally have.

Photos by K Daly Photography

When she’s not in a supporting role with children, Davies can be found alongside her paintings, creating new pieces at her studio, GRACe, in Globeville. “It really is an amazing place,” she explains. “I give private studio tours, and if you’d like to see my paintings, my work right now is in a smaller gallery next to the main one.” She goes on to explain how her favorite part of her work is sharing her process, along with sharing the story that formed from each of her paintings. In a way, it brings a sense of life to something vibrant, yet inanimate.

To see an example of Davies pieces, one painting can be viewed virtually through Visionary Projects in New York. It’s complex and labyrinthine brushstrokes denotes an avant-garde style of abstract expressionism. To reserve a spot in a studio tour or to look up events, visit

Everybody who enters the studio must adhere to the statewide mask mandate, as well as social distancing. For those concerned about crowds, fret not. GRACe is somewhat of a hidden gem. “We don’t get a lot of action because of where we are located, right off 1-70 by the Denver Coliseum. But when people do find us, they’re always impressed,” says Davies. / IG: @kristinadaviesart


Model: Samantha Joy Photographer: Cos Lindstrom Jewelry: Deborah Strano

Model: S.J. Holloway

Photographer: Jeff Klamut

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JK:POV Photography A Creative Point of View Jeff Klamut @jk_pov



balance. pop. purpose.


The SheStylesCO Style Philosophy, its deeper meaning, and what it looks like to work with a stylist. By Anne Marie Liebman, Founder & Stylist of SheStylesCO. Photographs by 5280 Productions.

My passion lies in the world of fashion and style. When I was little, my mom would dress me up in the cutest, most adorable pink and purple dresses for Easter. You know the ones! I loved every minute of it, and I was blessed to be her little show off. Being in those dresses made me feel like a beautiful princess. Even at that young age, being dressed so adoringly, I felt like I could conquer the world. I believe each of us has the opportunity to feel that way every single day, that feeling which is created in part by the clothing & pieces we adorn ourselves with. And it doesn’t have to be difficult. This is what I have built my styling business upon, teaching men & women how to effortlessly put together looks and outfits that they feel amazing and confident in. That “I’m unstoppable today.” feeling. It all comes down to a simple question: How do you truly want to show up in the world? I help you with what that looks like, and more importantlly, what that feels like.

How do you truly want to show up in the world?

Balance. Pop. Purpose. From my professional stylist perspective, these are the three core elements key to incorporating into each and every outfit put together. Without even one of these pieces thoughtfully and intentionally incorporated, the outfit isn’t exuding its fullest potential. All three of these can make an outfit exceptional—an outfit created with thought and intent.

What does it look like to actually work with a stylist? Read on as I take you through what the SheStylesCO style up-level process entails.


Your overall look. Is your outfit as a whole balanced and aesthetically pleasing to the eye?

pop. The piece you incorporate into your outfit that creates interest, makes you stand out, is often the most memorable.

purpose. Whatever you decide to wear, however you decide to wear it, it is done for a reason, intentionally, on purpose.

Style, yes. Also, our own lives. The styling side of Balance. Pop. Purpose. not only applies to the outfits we put together, our look. But think about it. What if we were just as thoughtful and intentional about incorporating these three elements into our own lives? Each and every one of us has the opportunity to be exceptional. Be thoughtful. Be intentional. Find true balance. It is ever so important. Exude your pop to the fullest, whatever that amazing thing is about you that makes you stand out like no other. And get clear on what you want your purpose to be. With every action, what is your purposeful intent? Let us all put on our own exceptional outfits.

What does it look like to actually work with a stylist? Thought about the idea of working with a stylist, but aren’t sure what that entails? Here, I take you through how I work with my clients - the SheStylesCO style up-Level process!


Closet Consult + Edit + Cleanse We go through all of the pieces that make up your wardrobe as it is today, look closely at what you have, keeping what you need, and letting go of the things that no longer serve you. I provide a fresh perspective & create new outfits for you with the pieces that you already own. You now have countless new outfits, within your existing wardrobe! We then translate these into your very own Look Book for you to go back to and reference. We also identify the gaps that should be filled in order to round out your wardrobe to help complete your freshened-up closet. I create a prioritized shopping list of items for you to add in to your newly cleansed wardrobe (right away, or over time).


Collaborative Shopping Session We go shopping together. Referencing the shopping list we created together during the Closet Session, I lead the way through various stores, shops, boutiques (those that best line up with your style goals, personality and the up-leveled version of your wardrobe and style) to help pick out great new pieces


for you, which also compliment your existing wardrobe. Throughout our shopping time together, I teach you how to look for those things best-suited for you, based on what I’ve learned about you and your style from our first session, so that you feel confident doing it on your own later on. Digital Style Board Digital styling is an important, efficient, and fun part of the SheStylesCO styling experience as well. Following your initial Closet Session, I create your very own Digital Style Board. This is where we can keep track of everything—your Look Book, inspirational imagery, your evolving shopping list, etc. and is the place we interact for ongoing digital style guidance. Your Style Board is also where I accumulate fresh new options from online retailers & brands for you to help check off the outstanding items on your shopping list as we continue to round out your wardrobe, immediately, and ongoing.

@shestylesco |

steps to





The SheStylesCO Style Up-Level Process & How It All Works

Personal Look Book You get your very own Look book of fresh new outfits! Throughout the closet session together, I have you try on new combinations of the pieces you own, creating outfits and looks you didn’t know existed, in your very own closet! I will snap a photo of each of these outfits on you so you have a nice collection of outfit photos to go back and reference later on. Your Look Book lives on your Digital Style Board and is organized according to the various outfit ‘genres’.

‘Look Checks’ I am available for your style quesitons. Whether you’re looking to purchase something new, or trying to put together a certain look, you can consult with me to help you figure it out, on the spot! For any type of event—date, happy hour, meeting, party, dinner, speaking engagement, vacation. etc. that you know you want to look especially ‘on point’ for, simply text me a photo or do a quick FaceTime call to validate your look. I’ll give you the thumbs up and/or provide any suggestions or recommendations to truly complete the outfit you’re ready to rock. You’re all set to go, feeling confident and super sure of yourself, and your look.

Let’s Digitize Your Closet! Putting your entire closet on a digital platform allows for an efficient & effective collaborative styling relationship between us. I help create your best looks within your wardrobe, without us having to try and find the time to actually meet in person. (You don’t have time for that, I get it!) I take photos of all your wardrobe pieces, categorize each item appropriately – Tops, Pants, Jackets, Dresses, Shoes, etc. and we are able to easily navigate your full wardrobe in a beautifully organized fashion. Your closet is now digitized!

To learn more about Digital Styling & the other styling services SheStylesCO offers, check out

Let go of who you were to become who you are From #1 Bestselling Author & Identity Coach, Samantha Joy

“The Less Effect lifestyle will transform your priorities and cause you to make some much-needed changes to optimize success in your life. In a world that is filled with excess, discontentment and selfishness, this book offers a timely message that is truly needed.”

— Matt & Caleb Maddix, Maddix Publishing


Models: Patti Zanin & Katie Knowlton Photographer: Cos Lindstrom


Eugène Chevreul was a French chemist who created the first rule of the psychological effects of color in our surroundings. His exploration of color harmony is also a primary principle in Personal Color Analysis where we study the effects of colors near one’s face and determine hues that harmonize with one’s coloring and brings out the best in one’s appearance.

appearance of a color or hue is influenced by adjacent hues. For example, in the pictures below, the browns are all the same in the figure, but they appear different because of surrounding colors. In the second picture, the same effect occurs with the yellow color inside the squares. The identical color of yellow is perceived differently depending on its neighboring color:

Chevreul was the director of a royal textile factory in Paris in the 1800s. His interest in color theory originated when weavers from the factory started complaining that samples of black thread from the dye works looked different when viewed next to other colors in a tapestry. In his pursuit for the reason why the black thread looked different when alongside other colors in the tapestries, he discovered that the cause was not the color itself, but the perception of it when seen in conjunction with other colors. From this discovery, he created the theory of simultaneous contrast, which was summarized in The Principles of Harmony and Contrast of Colours and their Application to the Arts in 1839. The theory of simultaneous contrast states that the

Chevreul’s principle is applied repeatedly in Personal Color Analysis. Colors also create optical illusions on our skin (also known as simultaneous contrast) and can alter the look of skin depending on which color we place near our face. There are shifts in our appearance when a color doesn’t harmonize with our uniquely personal coloring. When we wear the wrong colors, our skin can appear to

change color and diminish its luminosity. This may result in an overall washed out or yellow look, along with some shadows, splotches or dark circles under the eyes that may become more evident. Of course, our skin doesn’t physically change depending on the color we’re wearing, but rather, our perception of it changes depending on the colors placed next to it. When there’s harmony between your natural coloring and the colors you’re wearing, the colors of your skin, hair and eyes will seem fresher and brighter and you’ll look healthier and more vibrant. You may be surprised that the colors you fear or dislike may be the colors that make you look the best. They may even make you look younger and more dynamic and you may never want to reach out to black or your old colors. During a Personal Colors Analysis, various calibrated drapes are placed near your face to see what color hue (warm or cool), value (light or dark), and chroma (bright or muted) makes your skin appear brighter and healthierlooking. Certain colors will make one’s skin look clearer whereas others will make blemishes more apparent. These reactions are perceptions resulting from the

“When you wear color near your face, the light reflects it upwards; this can cast either flattering tones or dark shadows, depending on the mix of the color and your skin tone.” - Color Me Confident: Change Your Look, Change your Life by Veronique Henderson and Pat Henshaw.

optical illusion according to the principle of harmony and contrast by Chevreul. For example, in the pictures below, one can see how the cool blue-based drape drains the model’s natural coloring and her skin becomes pale with an ashy hue to it. The lips also take to a gray hue. When we place the warm drape next to her face, we notice that her overall coloring has a healthier look to it. With this model, we learned that her colors need to be warm with yellow pigments. We also learned that she thrives in vibrant colors as we saw her coloring wash out when we tested her under muted colors (not pictured). She’s changed her wardrobe and is happy trying new colors that harmonize with her and make her stand out beautifully.

Gabby Tandberg is a Personal Color Analyst at Dress Your Colors in Denver, CO. She is a mother of two and also a Nurse. She’s also a lover of fashion and home décor. With a keen eye for beauty and harmony, her goal is to empower women to dress to impress with the magic of colors. Once she learned about her own personal colors and saw the amazing effects that her colors had on her appearance, she became astonished to learn that this kind of service is popular in Europe and Brazil but not so much in the US. It was such a life-changing experience for her that she was determined to bring awareness about colors to our community. After much research, she decided to go to Brazil (where she’s originally from) to take a course in one of the most renowned centers in Sao Paulo and become certified in Personal Color Analysis. Empowerment through colors is her passion and she hopes to assist men and women from all walks of life who are ready to elevate their style through colors.

The principle of harmony and contrast applies to make-up colors as well. Let’s observe how the right color hue and intensity affect our next model’s appearance. During her analysis, we learned that her skin reacts best to warm hues and that muted colors suit her best overall. In her case, we saw that super vibrant and intense colors are overpowering and wash her out so we apply this same principle to her make-up as well. As seen in the pictures to the right, when she wears muted colors in her clothes and make-up, we see her taking center stage and becoming the protagonist of her own story. She becomes beautifully noticeable with no other element becoming more prominent than herself. Following the principle of color harmony in the pictures below, we can clearly see that heavily blue-based colors like the pink lipstick, earrings and outfit don’t truly harmonize with our model’s coloring and instead, they become the center of attention. In the second picture, the bright red lipstick also becomes the spotlight. The overall make-up look is also a bit too heavy for her and she looks tired (especially when compared with the pictures above). For someone with such

gentle coloring, we recommend accentuating either the lips or the eyes, not both at the same time. Intense make-up can easily overwhelm people with such soft coloring. Knowing what colors harmonize with us is an empowering process. In a world where black is seen as “universal” (warning: it isn’t), learning about your color harmony can propel you to take risks with colors in the fashion world – expressing your best self with colors that will place you in the center stage. When you see what colors can do for you, you’ll never look at colors the same way. Once we start wearing colors that we know are bringing out the best in us, we stop relying on black or safe choices and become empowered to try on colors that we were previously afraid of trying or that we had never even thought of trying. When used in conjunction with the style that works for you, color is a great ally to make you stand out beautifully and elegantly.

Denver's Condo Experts

Katie Knowlton

Broker Associate (970 ) 618-0037

We are very honored to have Katie on our team at Denver High-Rise Living. Her passion for, and knowledge of, Denver is one of the many reasons we fell in love with her. But it’s her care and compassion for others that swept us off our feet. She delivers our key philosophy of “ACT,” providing the best experience possible for everyone she works with: she’s Authentic, she Collaborates and she’s Transparent. Denver and Denver High-Rise Living are lucky to have her representing us and neighbors Thank you Katie! taking care of our neighbors.

Model: Jeannie Freis Photographer: Jeff Klamut


From the tropics of Brazil, Robin Tripp began her journey in the fashion industry as a lover of music, beauty, and creating intricate art with fabric.Her vision was not always trapped to the fashion industry; yet it began a love of working with the community by wanting to give back. Eventually her dream was to help the people stay warm in the harsh winters of Colorado making plush Faux Fur Coats. Robin came into contact with Karrma during the summer of 2015. Karrma was already engaged in the modeling scene of Denver; as well as Hip-hop music/ & Denver Fashion weeks. When they created a great friendship, the inspiration of both artists eventual made its way into a beautiful collaboration. Both artists came into the realization that their inspiration for the world of design began with the love of Hip-Hop and Rock & Roll. So Robin Tripp Designs started creating Beautiful, Edgy clothing templates for Karrma to model. After a year of working day and night; finally a fashion show arose from the ashes. Bringing together 15 talented individuals; Robin opened up her debut For LIV’N Productions company-creating a Music/ Runway/Fashion Showcase in December 2020.

Karrma took Robins Faux Fur Coats to the studio; only to find out how powerful her ideas captured her fans to beg and buy her designs. This pushed her to open up her heart for the public to actually buy her ideas for the first time ever. For Robin Tripp Designs being published for the first time, this creates a world of diversity into her custom made clothing; and a huge leap of faith for not only Robin but Karrma as well. Karrma was born in Denver and grew up in Telluride CO. The Daughter of a Doctor she decided to go far from the medical Career and pursue a life full of abstract art & music.Given many modeling gigs and runway features; her heart resided in Denver Colorado. Still practicing herbology and holistic massage, Karrma has a unique style in the industry.Not only does she model fashion, & create stone jewelry, she is Jazz and Hip-Hop singer/ songwriter as well. What both artist share in common is the idea to inspire the World one Day at a time. They have become a simple interaction to what real women face everyday, in the streets of Denver, Colorado.

FINDING LOVE IN DENVER Abby Rosenblum of The Social: Modern Matchmaking Makes It Easy More than half of the people in Denver are single, 59% of people to be exact. While Denver has a mixed reputation when it comes to dating, today I’m going to prove to you why the dating pool here is ideal, and I’m going to show you how to find a great match! Let’s start by debunking a big headline from 2019. Denver was named the worst city for singles by The Great Love Debate. The show’s host told Westword it’s because “Denver dudes are lazy and Denver ladies let them be.” Obviously, this doesn’t apply to everyone in our city. As a Denver native, I feel comfortable saying, this isn’t true. It’s the lazy men and women who just makes headlines because that’s interesting. Maybe lazy isn’t the right word; these people just have different priorities. Our city attracts transplants who want the adventurous and outdoorsy lifestyle. Those people usually don’t want a serious relationship, but many of them are on dating apps, making it more difficult to find someone looking for something serious. Disclaimer: if you’re not looking for something serious, that’s OK! If you are, dating apps can be discouraging, because there’s so much BS to sort through. Singles who do want something real, who don’t post pictures holding fish, who shower, have careers and don’t live in a van do exist – and here in Denver too! A recent “Wallethub” survey ranks Denver as the 3rd best city for singles. We rank high in the “dating opportunities category” that’s made up of how many singles are in the city and the online dating opportunities – including most active Tinder users. If you’re curious Glendale, California was ranked last out of 182 cities, my thoughts and prayers are with people who live there… yikes! Thankfully, in Denver, there’s a lot of opportunity to date and a lot of young people. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average age in our city is 34.4 years. More young people are moving here with professional and established careers. Some big technology companies have set up offices here, including, Facebook, Salesforce, Zoom and Palantir to name a few. During the pandemic, Denver became one of the best places to relocate. LinkedIn ranks Denver in the top 10 cities that grew in 2020, and as I mentioned, 59% of the Denver population is single compared to about 50% nationwide, according to US Census numbers. All of this, creates the perfect dating storm here in the Mile High City, but where

do you find these single professionals? Sure, some of them are on apps, but do you really want to leave your love life up to an algorithm? Let me introduce myself, and why I have the street cred to rant about the Denver dating scene in such detail. I’m the founder of The Social: Modern Matchmaking, and I only work with people who are ready to commit, have great jobs, stable financial situations and dreams, goals and passions in life. When I started the company, three years ago, I was a serial dater myself, and was so frustrated with online dating scene. I knew there had to be a better way to meet someone, so I started The Social to help facilitate real and authentic connection. On a dating app, you’re just a photo and some bullet points, but with me you’re a real person with dreams, wants and desires. It’s been so rewarding helping couples find love and to see two of my members get engaged during the pandemic. Matchmaking is the way to find those great singles that are just out of reach on an app. With me, you don’t have to chat or swipe, I do all the introductions for you. Here’s a look at the process:

You’re tired of swiping and meeting the same type of commitment-phobes.

You realize there must be a better way and reach out to The Social, and do a one-hour interview with me. I get to know you, your lifestyle, goals, dreams and passions so I can match you up.

You pass a background check – phew!

You take a couple of personality tests, to help determine compatibility.

After this, I start searching for your matches in my database and in the virtual and real world. I do the search myself and use my social butterflies to expand my reach even further. All the dates are set up for you, and you just have to show up. I even follow up after and make sure that no one gets ghosted. Sounds nice, right? Let me introduce you to the successful, passionate and ready-forcommitment men and women who I work with, or send me your friends so you can help them level up in love. Schedule your free consult with me today: text or call me at 303842-4762. I look forward to meeting you!


Chalk Art that Helps in Tough Times

Laura Thomas, the Denver Artist has dedicated her life and passion to creating, inspiring and spreading art. She has been a tattoo artist for more than 14 years and a professional chalk artist over 9 years. When the Covid pandemic halted her artistic professions, as it did with so many other artists, she chose to make the best of it. She chose to help as many people as she could. "As soon as everything shut down, I immediately reached out to local businesses still offering services and offered to create, from home, chalk design advertisements that could be shared on social media to help promote their services. It was very well received by the public and kept me creating and quite busy. I then decided to create a

massive chalk mural I called Hope Isn't Cancelled on my driveway. I desired to spread some hope and positivity in my neighborhood and the community. To my surprise, both Fox 31 and Channel 7 featured my story on their channels, spreading beauty, art and hope even further. The positive feedback and appreciation I received from all over the country was overwhelming to say the least and fed my desire to do even more. I have always desired to start my own business, but to have it based off of art and people interacting with the art. I sat for a few days thinking, how can I help people enjoy the medium of chalk art? A medium I love the most and am forever grateful I found. This ended up being the start of my business idea and the hardest months I have

experienced in awhile! I ended up creating a way to mass produce large reusable roll up chalk stencils and kits that included supplies to use the stencils, with tons of designs that change on a regular basis for people of all ages. I wanted anyone, at any age, to be able to create chalk art anywhere in the world, to not need to know how to draw, help people get outside, have fun and spread the beauty of chalk art in their world!” Since the launch of my business, I Chalk Arted on July 24th, 2020 my life has completely changed focusing on being a small business owner. To see my product reaching states all over the country, the positive feedback from customers of all ages and most importantly the beautiful art people are creating brings a level of pride and determination to push my business even further than I ever could have anticipated! I have always believed art can change the world, inspire, can lift up a community, simply make a person smile. I have found a way to do just that, with I Chalk Arted this is possible." With the uncertainty of what 2021 will bring in the art community, Laura maintains her hope, optimism and drive for her new business and its endless possibilities in this ever changing world. "There's no telling when chalk events, art events, etc. will come back to us. But at least I can continue to help spread art and inspire with I Chalk Arted! We are all capable of doing our part to help make the world better, I will never stop spreading what I have to offer and truly cannot wait to see the art customers create with their I Chalk Arted kits in 2021!" IG: @ichalk_arted / FB: @ichalkarted IG: @lthomasthedenverartist FB: @LauraThomasStudios

Styling: She Styles Co

Models: Jennifer Van Tuinen Valarie Adara

Photographer: Jeff Klamut


I’m a big believer in the Law of Attraction, however, there’s a vital component that seems to be missing, which is why many claim that it doesn’t work. We all have the ability to attract the life we want, but we’re not all communicating it to the Universe properly. Talking to yourself in the mirror or writing down fifty affirmations in your journal isn’t going to cut it. Visualizing what we want and asking for it is only one piece of the puzzle. So many of us have cluttered our lives with things that don’t align with our true wants and desires. This is where the signals get crossed. We ask for more to come in, yet we haven’t done the work of clearing out space for it to live. The clutter we’ve accumulated sends the message that we’re willing to settle for everything we’ve created up to this point. Not only are we sending the Universe mixed messages, but this clutter is taking up valuable real estate in our life, which is basically the cue to halt the flow of abundance. After all, where would it even go? Enter: The Less Effect Method. Simply put, it’s a way of life. More specifically, it’s a three-step solution to becoming the person you truly are to create the life you’ve always wanted. This is this sweet spot where we are deeply in our flow and joy without feeling like we need to do anything or be

anyone. It feels as though anything we want or need comes to us with incredible ease. Unfortunately, many of us have not yet fully experienced this. Instead, we’ve experienced discontent, waking up each day and going to sleep each night completely unfulfilled. We’re living on autopilot waiting for each day to improve instead of being intentional and taking control. Many of us live in the Western world that capitalizes on our unhappiness in a society that has convinced us we are not good enough. It tells us having more is better, being alone makes you a failure, and overworking ourselves in exchange for our well-being is an essential component of success. The result: continuously adding more as an attempt to solve our problems. Eventually, we lose sight of who we are underneath it all. Everything we’ve piled on top of ourselves throughout our life, hiding who we are has been the result of a limited belief system. This quickly becomes reflected in the environment we’ve created around us as a result of who we believe ourselves to be, i.e. our identity. So how do we shift into our true identity for good? Easy! We simply shift the environment around us.

Samantha Joy is an Identity Coach to aspiring entrepreneurs and influencers and a #1 bestselling author of The Less Effect: Design Your Life for Happiness and Purpose. Her coaching focuses on the concept of minimalism, enabling others to shift their identity to their most authentic self by clearing out aspects of their life rooted in an old story. The result is enhanced mental clarity, an improved sense of self, and the ability to design an environment that attracts abundance and fulfillment.

of energy that was previously being drained from us, oftentimes without us even realizing it. The simple act of discarding material items enhances our ability to let go of other things outside this realm.

Samantha Joy’s best-selling book

Step 1: Uncover The process begins with digging up everything we’ve created around us (and as a result, within us), laying it all out in front of us to see. It puts us face to face with who we have agreed to be, mapping out how we got to this moment and to this person we call “me”. It exposes the story that we’ve been telling ourselves since childhood when we were trying to be accepted and fit in, trying to please others, or simply trying to survive. This step often reveals that this story we’ve created is no longer true and as a result, no longer needed. This is where the shift begins.

Step 2: Declutter Uncovering our true selves and our limiting beliefs allows us to loosen our grip on the pieces of our life that no longer align with really who we are. This is the point we are able to begin the letting go process, separating from an identity that no longer serves us. By bringing our limiting beliefs from the subconscious to the conscious mind, we are able to more clearly see our authentic selves and what no longer belongs in our life. A new level of awareness is achieved to more consciously and more willingly discard items in our home that no longer belong. This opens up an immense amount

This includes the relationships we’ve held onto so tightly throughout our lives. It allows us to better identify toxic people and unhealthy dynamics, as well as more confidently disengage from them. At this point, we’ve become more capable of speaking our truth and less afraid of upsetting others as we are more firmly rooted in our true identity. This work flows into additional areas of our life, like our habits and routines. We start to clearly see where we’ve been engaging in behaviors that support a false narrative which is no longer supportive of our highest self. Letting go of unhealthy behaviors happens with ease as the payoffs we once received from them no longer exist. This further grounds us into a more rooted sense of self.

Step 3: Design Now is the fun part! We’ve created the space to now bring in everything that we desire that supports our true identity. The Less Effect Method guides you in not how only to strategically let go of items, people, and habits, but it also supports you in how to avoid future clutter and curate your newfound space with intention. The urge to impulse buy has faded because you no longer rely on material items to define you. You only surround yourself with what you love. Boundary setting and disengaging with toxic people comes with ease because you no longer tolerate unsupportive energy. You attract those that encourage and support your highest self. Unhealthy patterns fade because you no longer connect with self-destructive behaviors or pacifying activities. You feel your worth and set yourself up for success each day. The combination of letting go and being intentional makes powerful transformation possible. When everything around us reflects our true identity, everything we do reflects this too.

Model: Courtney Lee Ann Photographer: Michael Mulligan Hair & Makeup Artist, Creative Director, and Wardrobe: Alicia Cates Cheveux Wigs Slaaayhigh Cosmetics Hushmoney Cosmetics

Model: Breezy Love Photographer: AJ Visions Cheveux Wigs Slaaayhigh Cosmetics Hushmoney Cosmetics

Models: Madison Keathley Nova Lee Eyewear: Nova Lee Designs

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