connections - Spring 2015

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connections SPRING 2015

Volume 39, Issue 2



A publication of the

Also inside... How to Identify and Report Resident Mistreatment Thank You to All of the 2014 Donors of ACCA Center for Active Living Spring Catalog of Programs


Athens Regional Health System looks forward to every exciting event and to providing unmatched care for the fans.

We’re the #1 fan of those we serve. 2 connections



on the cover

table of contents

Our Geriatric Care Management program can help you navigate the road map of decisions and tasks related to the care of the aging adult in your life. Working with families, our care manager’s expertise provides the answers at a time of uncertainty. Let us be the expert and sort out the details for you. Read more on page 10.

features 7

16 20

how to identify and report resident mistreatment

What are the signs and what are your rights? hitting the ground running

One runners story of using the March for Meals 5K to get into shape and change her life.

at the station 6

around the bend


in development


on the scene

in every issue 4 5 10 27

letter from the ceo making it work an inside view cal program catalog

we couldn’t do it without you

2014 was a tough year for ACCA because of budget cuts and requests for more services. It was because of our community support that it was our most successful year to date. Thank you to all that supported us.

spring 2015 3


A Look at U.S. Landmark Legislation & the 2015 White House Conference on Aging

The White House Conference on Aging was first held in 1961, with subsequent conferences in 1971, 1981, 1995, and 2005. These conferences have been viewed as vehicles for developing aging policy over the past 50 years. The conferences generated ideas and momentum prompting the establishment of and/or key improvements in many of the programs that represent America’s commitment to older Americans including: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and the Older Americans Act. 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of these key programs: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Older Americans Act, as well as the 80th anniversary of Social Security. The 2015 White House Conference on Aging is a chance to acknowledge the importance of these key programs as well as to look ahead to the questions and concerns that will help shape the landscape for older Americans in the next decade. Nora Super was appointed as the Executive Director of the White House Conference on Aging and she is opening dialogue to build a shared vision on how to maximize the contributions of Americans as we all age. The President’s 2016 proposed budget includes enhancements in four key areas that include, elder justice, healthy aging, retirement and financial security and long term care services and supports. The conference will focus on these areas and gain feedback from citizens, stakeholders and our congressional leaders. The budget includes expansion of evidence-based programming that supports family caregivers and home and community based services. To follow the progress of the President’s budget and initiatives in aging, and find out what’s happening, you can get involved by logging on to the White House Conference on Aging (WHCOA) website ( and sign up for email blasts, post/read blogs and learn about key issues. This year the theme for Older Americans Month is “Get Into the Act”. I urge you to get involved.

4 connections

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Making it Work

ACCA Thanks...

By Heather Sweaney | Center for Active Living Director

CEO/President Jennie Deese Connections Editor KaDee Holt Board of Directors Mariah Pierce, Chair Shannon Wilder, Vice-Chair Joseph Frierson,III, Treasurer Julie Gaines, Secretary Charles Auslander, III Annette Barfield William Baxter (Honorary) Henry Brown Randy Christian Dr. Katheryn Davis Dawn Donovan Laurie Douglas Mary Erlanger (Honorary) Gary Franklin Robert Hardell Mary Ann Johnson Joyce Kitchens Tommie Mullis Paige Otwell Dr. Ram Reddy, MD Kathleen Smith Ross White Evelyn Wright (Honorary)

135 Hoyt Street Athens, GA 30601 706-549-4850 © 2015 ACCA Connections is a quarterly publication distributed by ACCA throughout Northeast Georgia. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission from the publisher, is prohibited. Advertising in this publication does not imply a relationship with ACCA. ACCA is a contract agency of the Northeast Georgia Area Agency on Aging.

Once again, ACCA would like to say…”We cannot do it without you”! We are not alone in our mission. We are fortunate to work daily with remarkable individuals, local businesses, corporate sponsors and an incredible faith based community. As we venture into a new year, we are pleased to say we closed out 2014 with another successful holiday season. We would like to highlight a few that made our holiday season a success for so many. Thank you... First Presbyterian Church for providing Meals on Wheels (MOW) recipients a delicious meal on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. For over 20 years, First Presbyterian Church has allowed ACCA’s Meals on Wheels program to open our doors on these three major holidays by sponsoring the cost and delivering each meal - giving our regular volunteers a day off. Covenant Presbyterian Church for your continued support of ACCA’s MOW program by regularly delivering meals to our homebound adults in addition to contributing funds to help alleviate the MOW waiting list. Holy Cross Lutheran Church for their consistent support of ACCA and the MOW program. Your financial support enables us to promote a lifetime of wellness as well as serve close to 300 meals daily. Fred and Joyce Reinsteck and their son Fred IV for providing close to 200 handmade goodie bags for the Athens and Barrow County Meals on Wheels volunteers for the sixth year in a row. Banfield Charitable Hospital and Pet Smart for hosting a holiday pet food drive and collecting hundreds of pounds of pet food for the beloved four-legged companions of MOW recipients and our Center for Active Living (CAL) participants. Ashley Stalvey and the Athens Country Club for sponsoring a delightful home cooked Christmas meal for over 60 of our CAL participants. Saucehouse Barbeque for surprising 45 of our CAL participants with a catered lunch! Saucehouse Barbeque is located off of W. Broad Street and will be open any day now to the public. Marilyn Brown, long time Meals on Wheels volunteer and CAL friend for her dedication and kindness she offers both programs on a regular basis. spring 2015 5

Around the Bend

Spring Schedule Smart Moves Exercise Class Mondays at 9am and Thursdays at 2pm (cancelled the 1st Thursday of each month) ACCA - Harris Room Walk for Wellness Class Meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of odd numbered months at 8:00 am. The next meeting is March 17th with breakfast Georgia Square Mall

one third of Americans, aged 65+ fall each year.

DON’T LET IT BE YOU. Join Athens Community Council on Aging (ACCA) for their upcoming spring series on Fall Prevention.


ccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falls are the leading cause of death for older Americans. Every 15 seconds an older adult is treated in the emergency room for a fall and every 29 minutes, an older adult dies following a fall. Many older adults fear falling and as a result, they begin to limit their activities and social engagements causing physical decline, depression, social isolation, and feelings of helplessness. However, falling is not a normal part of aging and you do not need to be another statistic. There are many things that you can do to prevent falls and keep yourself on two balanced feet. ACCA offers many opportunities through our Center for Active Living (CAL) that will help you stay physically fit, socially engaged and learn about ways in which you can be empowered to prevent falls. 6 connections

Otago Balance Program This program consists of leg muscle strengthening and balance retraining exercises progressing in difficulty It also includes a walking plan Wednesdays- April 1st-May 6th ACCA - Harris Room Getting Grounded Gracefully Beginning in May Yoga Exercise Class Mondays and Wednesdays at 3-4:40pm Tuesdays at 2:45-4:15pm Fridays at 10am-11:30am ACCA - Harris Room On The Move Exercise Class Thursdays at 10am ACCA - Harris Room Tai Chi Exercise Class In Winterville Mondays at 10:30am-11:30am Genesis offers ongoing physical and occupational therapy opportunities. Call 706-549-4850 for more information or check out our website at


How to Identify & Report Resident Mistreatment By Keith Adams | Long-Term Care Ombudsman

What is Resident Mistreatment? Mistreatment is anything that causes physical, mental and/or emotional harm and includes abuse, neglect and exploitation. ABUSE means causing intentional harm and includes physical, mental, verbal, and sexual abuse. NEGLECT is the failure to provide care for a resident in order to avoid harm and pain. EXPLOITATION is when someone illegally or improperly uses your moneys or belongings for their personal use. Identify Abuse or Mistreatment All residents have the right to live in a safe environment that supports each resident’s individuality and ensures they are treated with respect and dignity. If you have experienced any of the following examples of mistreatment you have the right to report it and facility staff are required to investigate all reports. • Physical assault – kicking, hitting, slapping, grabbing, pushing, biting, spitting, throwing items • Sexual assault – unwanted sexual advances/touching, rape • Verbal and Mental abuse – name calling, yelling, cussing, racial slurs, unwelcome verbal sexual advances, threats • Neglect – lack of assistance with eating and drinking, not answering call lights, improper use of restraints, lack of assistance using the restroom • Invasion of personal space – unwanted sexual exposure, use of personal items without permission, theft, destruction of personal items, entering room without permission Know Your Rights Federal nursing home regulations provide the following resident rights and facility requirements (state nursing home regulations may provide additional protections). Residents have the right to: • Be free from verbal, sexual, physical and mental abuse, neglect, and exploitation • Be treated with dignity and respect • Be fully informed of a change in services, care of treatment, benefits or roommate or room • Security of personal possessions • Privacy and confidentiality of personal information • Complain without fear of reprisal Seek Help and Report Help is available and there are agencies responsible for investigating reports of resident abuse and mistreatment. If you have experienced abuse or mistreatment you can tell the facility administrator, social worker, or staff person. You can also contact your local Long-Term Care Ombudsman (LTCO) Program here at ACCA. LTCO are advocates for residents in long-term care facilities. For additional information about the LTCO program, contact Keith Adams at the Athens Community Council on Aging at 706-549-4850. The local LTCO program can also give you information about contacting state licensing and certification agencies, Adult Protective Services, or the local law enforcement agencies. Article originally published by The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care.

spring 2015 7

GeorgiaCares has answers for YOU! FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE

Do you have questions about Medicare? Call GeorgiaCares for free, unbiased information pertaining to the Medicare program.

We can help you:


• Compare Medicare Part D plans • Compare Medicare Advantage Plans • Explain the Medicare program and how it works • Assist you with comparing Medicare Supplement plan • Apply for Medicare Savings Programs that can help you with Medicare and drug costs

Call 1-866-552-4464 and choose option 4

Or call to make an appointment to meet with a Counselor in person.

8 connections

Athens Community Council on Aging 135 Hoyt St., Athens, GA 30601 Jessica Bankston, Northeast GeorgiaCares Coordinator Email: or visit


yourself from Medicare errors, fraud, and abuse. Protect: Protect Detect: Learn to detect and know how to act on it. If you suspect that you have been a target any type of abuse, report immediately to the rePort: ofSMP Senior Medicare Patrol.



By Jessica Bankston | GeorgiaCares Program Director

GeorgiaCares would like to remind everyone to avoid being the victim of identity theft and Medicare fraud. Scams circulate the area on a daily basis that target seniors and the following are some tips that can help you or a loved one avoid getting scammed. Tips to Help Prevent Identity Theft: • Do not give out your personal information over the phone or internet. • Legitimate companies will never call and ask you for personal information over the phone or internet. If you receive a call or an email claiming to be from a company you do business with requesting your personal information, look up the number and call them back yourself to verify. Companies you use already have your information so will not be asking you for it. When in doubt- don’t give it out. • Be wary of people offering anything (e.g., money, services, gifts, food) for personal or medical information. • Shred documents and all mail with personal information before throwing them out. • Suspend mail delivery if you are away for an extended period. Do not leave mail visible in your car. For more information on identity theft or to report suspected identity theft you can call the Federal Trade Commissions Identity Theft Hotline:1-877-438-4338 or 1-877-ID-THEFT or visit: Tips to Help Prevent Medicare Fraud: • Carefully review Explanation of Benefits forms and other medical records you receive to be sure you are getting billed only for the services/procedures used, on the days they were provided. • Be wary of people offering you free products/services or telling you Medicare wants you to have them. • Be wary of telemarketers or door-to-door solicitors for products or services that your physician did not discuss with you or that you may not need. Go through your physician for medical needs. For more information or to report Medicare fraud, contact GeorgiaCares 1-866-552-4464 Option 4. spring 2015 9

An Inside View




By KaDee Holt | ACCA Chief Marketing Officer

Athens is consistently named one of the top retirement destinations in the United States because of its access to Atlanta, lower cost of living, and ties with the University of Georgia. But what happens when those people that have moved to Athens need help navigating the area resources available for them as they age? ACCA has seen complicated questions and situations about navigating resources become more and more prominent in the last couple of years as our aging population swells. Introducing the all new Geriatric Care Management program which will be directed by Mattee Barkdoll. Mattee has recently received her certification to become a Certified Case Manager and Certified Geriatric Care Manager. What does this mean?

10 connections


o t n t m d

When an older adult faces an unexpected injury or illness and them or their loved ones suddenly find themselves trying to navigate resources, the process can be overwhelming. They need help navigating and that is what ACCA is going to offer. “Athens Community Council on Aging is always trying to be proactive in gaining services that the Northeast Georgia area may need and this is a great asset to the community. Mattee has worked extremely hard and will be one of only two certified Geriatric Care Managers in our area. We are so proud to have her on staff and to be able to see the work that she is doing helping people navigate as they age,” stated Jennie Deese, CEO of Athens Community Council on Aging. She went on to say, “We get calls from children or neighbors with aging adults in their lives and just don’t know which direction to turn. There are so many options and every single person’s needs are different. Mattee helps guide them.” The new Geriatric Care Management program at ACCA will be the expert and sort out the details for you. The program provides families with the appropriate resources and support which ensure quality care for loved ones while providing caregivers peace of mind. Our Geriatric Care Management program provides: 1. Comprehensive Assessment: Your Care Manager uses a holistic approach to assess the entire person and situation including the living environment, financial situation, personal care needs, and physical and emotional health. 2. Relocation and Residential Options: Your care manager can help you evaluate your current living situation, assist you in determining the best residential options and provide relocation assistance as needed. These residential options may include independent living, continuing care retirement communities, assistive living, memory care, personal care homes and/or skilled nursing facilities. 3. Personalized Care Plan: Your Care Manager addresses current concerns and helps prepare you for future needs. The Care Manager is available to provide a one-time assessment or on-going care management depending on your needs or those of your loved one. 4. Health Care Coordination: The Care Manager acts as a liaison and advocate between you and your health care providers and physicians. She can also assist with and ensure compliance of physician recommendations and orders. Continued on next page.

spring 2015 11

5. Home Safety Evaluation: Your Care Manager can help evaluate and identify certain hazards in the home and make recommendations for modifications which ensure you and/or your loved one’s safety. 6. Crisis Intervention: Your Care Manager will offer support and reassurance during times of transitions and life challenges. She will be available to provide counsel, recommend options and support caregivers during what can be a stressful and emotional period.


7. Caregiver Support and Respite: The Care Manager identifies and facilitates the use of community resources including education, respite and support programs which reduce the stress of caregiving on families. For more information about this program, pricing structure or to set up an appointment, please call Mattee at 706-549-4850.

Meet Mattee Mattee Barkdoll, LMSW, CCM, Certified GCM graduated from UGA in 1997 with a Master of Social Work, and is licensed to practice Social Work by the State of Georgia. Mattee is a Board Certified Case Manager, and joins the ranks of 35,000 others who hold this prestigious certification from the Commission of Certified Case Managers. She is a Certified Geriatric Care Manager and a member of the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers. She has more than a decade of experience in Case Management, including older adults, developmentally delayed adults, and hospital 12discharge connections planning.

JOIN US FOR A POWERFUL TOOLS FOR CAREGIVERS COURSE MONDAYS APRIL 13 - MAY 18 1:00 P.M. - 2:30 P.M. ACCA’S BENTLEY ADULT DAY HEALTH 135 HOYT STREET ATHENS, GA TO REGISTER CALL 706-549-4850 WWW.ACCAGING.ORG COST IS $35 You are welcome to bring your loved one to Bentley Adult Day Health for care during the class. Please make this request during your registration.

you’re invited to


Spring Into Health at the Athens Community Council on Aging



Fall Prevention Screening by physical therapist and medical students Outdoor Obstacle Course Brown Bag Prescription Drug Check Fall Prevention In Your Home (educational/environmental game) Tai Chi class Demo 1-2 Getting Grounded Gracefully Demo 10-12 Vision Screening Genesis Rehab Therapy Information Booth Blood Pressure Screening Healthy Snacks and Drinks Raffle for Prizes


Tuesday, March 17 10:00 am - 2:00 pm at ACCA 135 Hoyt Street | Athens, GA Call 706-549-4850 for more information

spring 2015 13

Women May Face Extra Challenges in Seeking Financial Security


Submitted by Matt McKinney | Financial Advisor for Edward Jones in Watkinsville, GA

n March 8, we observe International Women’s Day. On this occasion, thousands of events across the world will honor the cultural, political and social achievements of women. Of course, in many countries, women still face significant economic challenges. And even here in the United States, women encounter more obstacles than men in the pursuit of financial security, particularly in seeking a comfortable retirement lifestyle. So if you are a woman — regardless of your marital status — you will need to be aware of these challenges and take steps to overcome them. Let’s consider a few of these challenges and some possible solutions: Challenge: Women spend more time out of the workforce and accumulate less money in 401(k) plans. Women

spend an average of 12 years out of the workforce caring for children or elderly parents, compared with less than two years for men, according to the Social Security Administration. This time away from work can translate into less money in retirement plans — in fact, women’s average 401(k) balance is only about two-thirds as large as men’s, according to a study by Fidelity Investments. Potential solution: Take full advantage of your 401(k) and IRA. Your care-giving obligations are an issue to be

decided by you, your spouse and perhaps other family members. But while you are working, contribute as much as you possibly can to your 401(k) or similar employer-sponsored plan. Also, try to fully fund your IRA each year. Challenge: Women typically live more years in retirement and depend more heavily on Social Security. Women

reaching age 65 are expected to live, on average, an additional 21.6 years, compared with 19.3 years for men, according to the Social Security Administration, which also reports that the average annual Social Security income received by women 65 years and older was about $12,500. Furthermore, Social Security comprises about 50% of the total income for unmarried women age 65 and older, compared to just 36% for elderly men. Potential solution: To become less dependent on Social Security, create a sustainable withdrawal strategy for

your investment portfolio. Social Security was designed to supplement one’s retirement income, not replace it. Consequently, it’s essential that you make full use of your other sources of income, such as your 401(k), IRA and other investment accounts. To make this money last, you’ll need to create a sustainable withdrawal strategy early in your retirement — and stick to it. Challenge: Women are far more likely than men to need some type of long-term care. More than two-thirds of

nursing home residents are women, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. And the average cost for a private room in a nursing home is more than $87,000 per year, according to the 2014 Cost of Care Survey produced by Genworth, a financial services company. Typically, Medicare covers only a small percentage of these costs. Potential solution: Prepare in advance for long-term care expenses. Long-term care costs can be enormous,

but you do have some protection-related options for meeting these costs. Check with your financial advisor to learn which of these choices might be most appropriate for your situation. These aren’t the only financial issues facing women, but they do give you a good idea of what you may be facing. So, be proactive in meeting these challenges — because there’s actually a lot you can do. This article is written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Copyright © 2014 Edward Jones, All rights reserved. Member SIPC. This site is designed for U.S. residents only. The services offered within this site are available exclusively through our U.S. financial advisors. Edward Jones’ U.S. financial advisors may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered. Please note that not all of the investments and services mentioned are available in every state.

14 connections



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WHEN YOUR BONDS ARE CALLED, Reinvesting after your bonds are called and your CD’s mature can seem overwhelming if you’re not prepared. That’s why it makes sense to call Edward Jones. That way you can find an investment that fits your specific needs. All you have to do to get started is pick up the phone. Call or visit today. Matt McKinney, AAMS® Financial Advisor 1020 Barber Creek Drive Suite 211 Watkinsville, GA 30677 706-227-2943

Member SIPC

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spring 2015 15

Hitting the Ground Running

One runners inspirational story of her dedication to the March for Meals 5K/12K “I always hated running and never could do it”-- this was the firmly held belief of Danielle Cheek nearly five years ago. And at 280 lbs with a smoking habit, it was unlikely that she’d be participating in any race in the near future. After all, it’s difficult to shake the misconception of the typical runner—the slim athletic type in their pricey compression shorts and even pricier shoes. By all accounts, Danielle didn’t belong in this world. Yet, despite her aversion to running, she still wanted to take part in the activity. She felt drawn to it by other friends on social media who took pride in their daily running conquests. It wasn’t long until she decided to start a program to get her prepared for her first run—the March for Meals 5K held at Athens Community Council on Aging. As the name suggests, the March for Meals 5K/12K event is held annually in March at Athens Community Council on Aging to raise awareness about the issue of senior hunger, honor volunteers, and raise money to support the hunger relief efforts. It is part of a larger

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By Haley McCalla | Senior Hunger AmeriCorps VISTA Office of Service-Learning (University of Georgia)

national campaign through the Meals on Wheels Association of America (MOWAA). Danielle has an understanding of senior hunger in Athens. As a graduate of the University of Georgia’s School of Social Work and being a social worker for the past 13 years, most of the older adults that she has worked with have benefited from the Meals on Wheels program. She was solid in her decision; she decided to join the mass of other runners that morning in 2011. Her motivation went beyond proving that she could complete the race. She understood the importance of programs like Meals on Wheels: “We take running to the grocery store for granted… We most likely can afford it, and we are able to drive or walk to get there… this is not how life is for many seniors”. With feet hitting the payment, the race had begun. Admittedly, it was challenging for Danielle, especially when she encountered the first hill. But she was surrounded by support. She vividly recalls an atmosphere of encouragement, not only from


her running partner and friend, but from cheerful volunteers and fellow runners. That moment was also memorable because a misconception had been quickly shattered. Danielle recalls-- “I was surprised by the wide variety of people doing the race; there were runners, walkers, older people, teenagers, fast and slow, and all sizes”. Despite the physical differences among the group of runners, they were all united by a common goal: To help end senior hunger in Athens, GA. According to MOWAA, there are about 9.3 million older adults facing the risk of hunger in the United States. Currently, the Athens Meals on Wheels Program is only able to deliver 350 meals daily, which does not fully meet the needs of local older adults. The March for Meals 5K/12K event raises money that will

be used for the expansion of the program, meaning more local older adults will have a nutritious meal delivered everyday by warm and caring volunteers. With a spirit of determination to end senior hunger and an atmosphere of support, Danielle completed the 5K that day. Shortly after, she completed several 5Ks, one 10K, four half-marathons, and a triathlon. She then went on to participate in all the annual March for Meals races, winning first place in her age group in 2014. Now, with two full marathons, several sprint and Olympic distance triathlons, and eight half marathons under her belt, Danielle’s come a long way from the doubt that clouded her view of running. When asked about one of the reasons that she continues to do the March for Meals race every year, she stated, “I do

this race yearly to celebrate the fact that it was my very first 5K race. Now is your chance to create a tradition of health. Give to your physical health through running, and give to older adults by making sure they have enough to eat. For more information on how to participate in the 5th Annual March for Meals 5K/12K on March 28th, 2015, or the month long Virtual Race, visit http:// or call 706-549-4850.

spring 2015 17

In Development


PURPOSE By Sarah McKinney Director of Development and Volunteer Services


wo of Athens top chefs share a birthday on November 30. White Tiger Gourmet’s, Ken Manring and The National and Condor Chocolates, Peter Dale were both born on this day. With Ken Manring’s wife, Melinda Edwards, at the planning helm, Ken and Peter wanted to celebrate this year’s birthday in a different fashion. “Our birthday falls on November 30, which this year was on Thanksgiving weekend… Given the spirit of the holiday, it seemed appropriate for there to be a charitable component to the party,” said Dale. Deciding to gift ACCA in lieu of birthday presents was a natural choice for both Ken and Peter. Manring recalled his early childhood memories of Meals on Wheels, “My grandmother took me on deliveries in south Alabama when I was a kid for Meals on Wheels.” Dale added, “We are both chefs and make our professions around food, so an organization working on hunger and food issues was a natural fit for us. I had an opportunity to work on a road race last year (Thanksgiving 8K) benefiting Meals on Wheels and the ACCA. I am really impressed with the breadth of services ACCA provides our community, so I was eager to work with them again.” Melinda, Ken and Peter designed a raffle. The raffle prize would be a dinner (prepared by Ken and Peter) for the winner and 20 of their closest friends. The price of the ticket was $5. Raffle boxes were set up at ACCA, White Tiger Gourmet and The National and the donations began flowing. Athens Community Council on Aging was ecstatic that 100% of proceeds were earmarked for the Meals on Wheels program. After selling hundreds of chances on this raffle, the winner was drawn on their actual birthday at their party held at Canopy Studios. 18 connections

The winner of the raffle was JoBeth Allen. Allen kept the goodwill started by Dale and Manring going at her dinner party. Allen’s birthday falls in January and she took the opportunity to invite 20 of her friends and they gave more donations to ACCA’s Meals on Wheels program in lieu of having to purchase dinner! “Having a custom-made dinner cooked by Peter and Ken, two of the best chefs in Athens, with 20 wonderful friends and family, and having that gathering also generate donations for Meals on Wheels, was a prize beyond anything I could have designed. The evening was filled with incredible food (smoked salmon, roasted beets and carrots, steelhead trout with a dill-yogurt sauce, a sausage-pork-cabbage dish that my youngest granddaughter and everyone else loved, and a divine 4 layer chocolate cake with a bonus truffle from Condor Chocolates), and delightful conversations with the chefs in Peter’s awesome kitchen (the wall of red cabinets is gorgeous). Everyone who came loved it, and appreciated the opportunity to contribute to such a vital service in the community, Meals on Wheels. A perfect evening for a wonderful service!” Donations from Ken and Peter’s birthday raffle plus JoBeth’s birthday dinner totaled enough so that one older adult in Athens could receive a year and half worth of Meals on Wheels. For JoBeth, the personal touch continues. “Our daughter Rachel Allen and grandson Luke deliver meals weekly, and often talk about how much they value their interactions with the people on their route,” said JoBeth. Manring said of his party with a purpose, “It feels really good to use our talents to have helped someone for a year and a half.” Dale echoed saying, “Naturally, we’re overjoyed the event was such a success, and that our party will make a significant impact on an older person in our community.”

Head over to the White Tiger Gourmet ( on Boulevard and tell Chef Ken hello and thanks . Next stop, head to Downtown Athens for a bite at The National ( and let Chef Peter know the same. Lastly, don’t forget dessert at the newly opened Condor Chocolates in Five Points (

Margaret Winn, a local 9 year old was looking for a way to celebrate her 10th birthday when she decided to host a “Service Project Birthday Party.” She and 30 guests decided to support four different areas of need in our community. ACCA was excited to be chosen as one of the four. “Due to the generosity of some special folks’ donations, and friends to help out, we assembled care packages for 30 homeless adults, 30 homeless children, 30 pediatric patients, and 60 bags of candy for senior citizens along with handwritten cards, and collected more stuffed animals than there’s energy to count!” said Shannon Carnes, mother of Margaret Winn. Everyone at ACCA wishes to thank Margaret Winn for her generosity and selfless act. Happy Birthday!

spring 2015 19

In Development Our story begins in 1967.

It begins with the people of Athens investing time, resources, and a vision of their future and of our future by forming Athens Community Council on Aging (ACCA), a private non-profit agency. ACCA is a place where both the frail and vulnerable and the active and engaged older adult can receive support. In FY2014, ACCA was subjected to sequestration funding reductions putting our services at risk. In our Center for Active Living Plus program, we faced cutting services to 14 people each day. This is 33% of those that attend for meals, socialization, health education, health screenings, access to exercise equipment and classes, assistance with chronic disease management and fall prevention. How do you decide who will stop coming to ACCA? How do you ask 14 people to raise their hands and volunteer to stay home and be lonely or hungry? ACCA is a place where the clients, the staff, the volunteers and most importantly the community come together to ensure services weren’t lost when we experienced our agency’s largest budget cuts. Through our amazing partnership with UGA’s Campus Kitchen, a student managed food rescue group, we were able to take supplemental food resources and put them into our daily operations. We did not have to decrease any services. Our story began in 1967 but it thrives today because of our reputation and because of the support of our community. The support on which we were founded. Our innovative initiatives coupled with walking through the door and hearing laughter from older adults enjoying themselves is the reason we have ACCA.

Our story was started and continues because of you.


A Flair with Hair A.C.T. Home Care, Inc. A.I. Group Ira E. Aaron Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Adams June V. Adams Keith and Carol Ann Adams Athens First Bank and Trust Dr. Glenn C Alex, DMD, P.C. All Bright Electric Dr. and Mrs. Gilles Allard Marti Allen Mr. and Mrs. James M. Allison, Sr. William and Lois Alworth Amici Cafe Ed and Sandra Anderson Merry C. Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Anderson Drs. Wyatt and Margaret Anderson Eve Anthony Mrs. Patricia Anthony Stephanie Arp Celestia Arrington Mr. and Mrs. S. Brett Atchley Athens Area Health Plan Select, Inc. 20 connections

Athens Choral Society Athens Eye Associates, PC Athens Korean Presbyterian Church Athens Plumbing & Well Supply, Inc. Athens Senior Resources Network Athens-Oconee Junior Woman’s Club Kelly Atkinson Troy and Anita Aubrey Judge Charles E. Auslander, III Rev. Ray Austin B&D Fabricators, Inc. Ken and Cindy Bach Mr. Frank S. Bachelder Mildred Bailey Sean and Lindsay Bailey Sheila C. Bailey Shirley Baker Kathleen Balzer Banfield Charitable Trust Bank of America Matching Gifts Dr. and Mrs. Allan Barber Mr. and Mrs. Buddy and Annette Barfield Mattee Barkdoll Dr. Diane Barret Patricia Barron

Jack and Martha Beach Kate N. Beall Brad and Erin Beasley Matthew Beeson Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bennett Tapley Bennett Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Benson Alex J. Bergins Ms. Joan D. Berryman Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Best, Jr. Kayla Black Kathy Blake James A. Blount Mr. and Mrs. Ron Blount Susan R. Boatright Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Boggs Mr. and Mrs. R. Kelly Bollinger Stephanie Bolton Francis N. Boney Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Boosinger Dr. John M. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Brian Bowen Julie and Don Bower Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Boyd Mrs. Elizabeth M. Boyer

Joyce Bradley Barney and Anita Brannen Dr. Joe Dell Brasel Ron and Remae K. Bridgers Jerry Lee Brinegar Melanie Brittain Doyle Britten Jacquelyn Michelle Brooks Lauri Ann Brooks Susan Brooks Kathy Brown Lettie J. Brown Ms. Marilyn K. Brown Elaine Bryant Peggy J. Buchholz Ricky V. Bullock Rebecca Burk Dorine L. Burkhard Dr. Lenette O. Burrell Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Burton Susanne F. Burton William Burton Mr. and Mrs. Ray P. Bush, Jr. Cathy Busti Brenda Butler Eden Butler Faye Butler C.G. Hardin, Inc. Elizabeth Caine Jean Campbell Mr. and Mrs. John E. Campbell Alvin and Melinda Camus Nancy L. Canolty Ms. Judith Capie Samuel and Elaine Carleton Tina Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Carmack, Sr. Margaret Carr Carrier Transicold Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Carroll Mrs. Roy and Diane Carroll Michael R. Carson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter Suzanne Carter Billie Cartey Amanda Cartrette Mr. Harry T. Catchpole Mrs. June B. Cawthon Brian and Donna Cerwonka Dara Cerwonka Ronald and Diana Cerwonka

Mr. and Mrs. Verner Chaffin Linda G. Chafin Jeremy Chamberlin Christie Chambers Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Chambers, Jr. Janet Chambers Sandra Chambers Erica Chandler Chastain & Associates Insurance Agency Phyllis Chastain Ralph and Evelyn Christensen Mark C. Christenson Brittany P. Christian Randy Christian Christian Life Worship Center Cintas #200/230 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Clancey Classic City Rollergirls Charles and Florence Clement Robert and Claire Clements Wes and Regina Clonts Sherry Clouser Dr. J. Michael Cobb John T. Coble Bryon Cochran Geoffrey and Mary Bess Cole Peggy Cole Carolyn Combs Charles and Jean Cook Mr. Walter L. Cook, Jr. Brenda K. Cooke Linda Cook Tom and Sara Cooney Dr. and Mrs. Homer C. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Michael Corcell Mary J. Costa Costco Wholesale Corporation Lynn Couey Covenant Presbyterian Church Andres Craven Marlene Crocco Ian Crosby Susan M. Cross Jan Crouch Mr. and Mrs. John Crowley Claire Boozer Cruse Susan Curtis Nick Dale John and Judy Daniel Madeline D. Darnell Dana Davis

H. Allen Davis Drs. John H. and Katheryn B. Davis Katheryn B. Davis Ms. Rebecca Fay Davis Rev. and Mrs. Thomas W. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis Al and Heidi Davison Ellen S. Day Cheryl Dean Mrs. Jennie Deese Susan E. Degroff Betty T. DeLorme Dan and Marie Der Vartanian Lynne D. Detrick Christine B. Devereaux Col. Jeffrey W. Dill Jennifer M. Dill Wayne and Mimi Dill Richard and Jessica DiPietro Daniel Dollar Katherine W. Donnan Melody Donovan Mr. and Dr. Lucas and Ginny Doroshenko Jane Douglas Laurie Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Bertis Downs J. Griffin Doyle Mr. and Mrs. George Drewry Sheila Dubose Lisa Dudley Mrs. Ginger Duensing Brenda Dupre Sandra DuPuy Mrs. Anna Dyer Nancy Scruggs Dyleski Joanna Eaton Edward Jones Homer and Linda Edwards Toni Edwards Dr. and Mrs. William R. Edwards William U. Eiland Samuel and Mary Elliott Kerstin Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Engel Dr. Helen H. Epps Gable and Cathy Erenzo Dr. Mary A. Erlanger Julius and Louise Esco Essie’s Alterations Mr. and Mrs. Eddie B. Ezell Anne Farnsworth spring 2015 21

Mr. William M. Fay Lisa Federico Richard and Susan Field Mrs. Marge Finnerty First Baptist Church of Athens First Presbyterian Church Marian S. Fisher Dr. Evan J. Fliegel Betty Floyd James Mack Folsom Janet Fong Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Fors Tandy N. Fortson William L. Foster Rebecca Francischetti Gary Franklin Wanda Frayer Edith W. Frazier Janine Frazza Sarah Frederick Eileen Paulin French Dr. Dwight Lowell Freshley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Frierson, III Stacie Fulcher Jan G. Fulghum GA Food Service, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Ganschow Edna S. Garst Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gauthreaux Violet M. Gauthreaux Dr. and Mrs. George Gazda GDS Associates, Inc. Georgia Gerontology Society Georgia Power Company Mary Jo Gerlach Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gibson Susan Gilmurray Max M. Gilstrap Dr. Anne Glass Deborah Glover Ellen Goad Golden Gourmet Maj. R. G. Goodwin Elliot and Marilyn Gootman Mary A. Gould Celestina Grady Marcia Graham Ellen Grandgenett John and Kathleen Gratzek Midge Lee Gray Craig Greene 22 connections

Jane Greenway Elizabeth Greer John and Holly Gregg Emory Sue Griffith Patricia Grissom Ann Haarmann H. Patrick Haggard Silke Haidekker Lynda Hale John and Nita F. Haley David Griffin-Hall James Hall Mary L. Hamby Lynn Hammock Katherine Elizabeth Hansen Happy Faces Child Care Deborah Hardegree Hargrett Rare Book & Manuscript Library Mrs. Marge Harris Ophelia Harris Fay J. Harrison Richard Harrison Mary Hart Joan Harter Elizabeth Hartman Patricia Dunn Hartzog Robert A. Hawley Rachael Hawthorn Martha Heard Kathleen Hefner Frank Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Hepburn Junie T. Hewell R. James and Nancy S. Heyl Richard Keith Hill Nancy Channel Hobart William D. Hodges Lauren G. Holcomb Delwin and Melody Holeman Holiday Benevolence Market Cook and Sandra Holliday J. S. Hollis Richard and Irma Holloway Joan Holmes Mr. and Mrs. William F. Holmes KaDee Holt Holy Cross Lutheran Church Home Instead Senior Care Emily Honigberg Thomas Hoover Kyle E. Hopwood

Andy and Gayle Horne Ms. Julie D. Horne Shahla Howell Robert and Harriet Hulsey Mr. and Mrs. Balfour P. Hunnicutt Tina Hunt J. Steven Hutcherson Mary Denmark Hutcherson Rebecca Hutchins Independent Baking Company Intelligent Networks, Inc. Investigative Research Specialists Mattie Jackson Jackson Electric Membership Corp. Nancy D. Jacobson Amber James Mrs. Constance L. Jeffreys Pamela G. Johns Charlotte Johnson Lobenta D. Johnson Dr. Martha A. Johnson Dr. Mary Ann Johnson Melissa Johnson Willie F Johnson Carol S. Jones Mrs. Molly Jones Junk South Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kagerer Rosanne Kain Steven Kassay Mary Lou Kau Paula D. Keam Lidwina G. Kelly Steve Kemble Linnea Kent Randy and Joan Kerr Martin Kidder Jeremy and Cardee Kilpatrick Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. King R. Bruce and Jane K. King Patrick E. King David and Mary Kissel Joyce Kitchens Kiwanis Club of Athens Georgia Dr. Douglas A. Kleiber Dr. George S. Koch, Jr. John and Ann Kohler Kohl’s Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Melissa Komitor Helen Koon David Gastley and Mary T. Kramer

Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhlman Chris and Jennifer Kumnick Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kurtz Michael and Linda Lacy Shelby J. Lacy Merrill P. Lago Jaime Lang Emmett R. Langley Edna F. Lanier Mrs. Arleen T. Laster Barbara Laughlin Constance A. Lavelle Tony C. Lay Jennifer Lee Joan Leon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Leonard Edwin Levine Elizabeth P. Levine Drs. Dorris Alton Lillard Jeanne Lindberg Lindsay Transfer & Storage, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy B. Linston Peggy Linston Ben Liverman Dr. Lars Ljungdahl Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lokey Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Long Vicki Long Lonnie Michael Foundation Lord & Stephens, Inc. Maxine L. Love Sarajane Love Mildred Lyle John and Patricia Lyndon Mack McClung Insurance, Inc. Katherine Maddox Dr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Magill, III Majorette Club Two Mr. and Mrs. Chester J. Malanoski Matthew Malok Jessica Pritchard Mangum Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Joann Manring Fernando Marroquin Jared and Kim Marsden Frances E. Marshall Jane Edwards Marston Mary Lou’s Garden Ms. Katha D. Massey Douglas Mathews Sandra B Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Brent Mathis

Matrix Insurance Services, LLC Caesar Mattioli Frank and Melissa May Marianne C. May Barry and Judith Maynor Rosalind M. Mays June Mazur Mrs. Betty R. McCain Haley McCalla Joseph I McConnell Robert M. McConnell Sheila McConnell Tina Ann McConnell Kelly McDowell Reba W. McDuffie Donna McEwan Daryel McGarnett Dorothy McHugh John McHugh Kevin and Donna McHugh John and Sarah McKinney Thomas and Elizabeth McNeely Carol McVay Jane H. McWhorter Meals on Wheels Association of America Nancy H. Meaders Dr. Larry L. Medders Richard and Angela Meltzer Patrick C. Mercardante Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. Milledge Avenue Baptist Church Millennium III Connections Diane D. Miller Faye Miller Ms. Jamaica Miller Lloyd Miller Camilla Mims John M. Mincemoyer Stephen Mitchell Jan R. Mock Alice Mohor Bobbie H. Monk Shannah Montgomery Irene L. Moore Landys Moore Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Moore Prof. Susan W. Moore Ben and Katie Morris Gayle D. Morris Bradley J. Moschak Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mosley, Jr.

William C. Mounts Casey Mull Marie R. Mullan Tommie G. Mullis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray Kathy Musial Barbara Myers Heidi V. Naylor Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Neal, Jr. Andrew Neighbors G. C. Neill Carole S. Neubrand Jim and Dorothy Newland Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Nichols Susanna R. Nicholson Alicia Nickles Kerri Niday Tiffany A. Nissley Ywannee Nix Nita Norris Jon and Elise North Alissa Northrup Jim and Tommye O’Brien Morgan O’Kelley Dorothy O’Niell Cullen Albright O’Steen Kathryn Paige Otwell Loretta Paluck James Papa Kathy Papa Elizabeth Pape Mr. and Mrs. James W. Parker Kathryn M. Parker Nelda Parker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Parks Susan Parrott Dr. and Mrs. Gordhan L. Patel Laura Patterson Jane M. Payne Diana Pearson Michele Pearson Anna M. Peebles Barbara S. Peebles Sonja Pemberton Charles and Barbara Peterson Mariah Pierce Linda Pinto Diane Plummer Helen H. Plymale Jonathan and Lindsey Pou Evan R. Powell spring 2015 23

Jason and Paige Powell Pearl M. Powell Scott and Beverly Powell Dr. William M. Powell Presbyterian Women Billy Presnell Prestige Parking, Inc. Sherri L Price Stephen A. Price Princeton United Methodist Church Mary P. Provost Pruitt Health, Inc. Kimberly Pulliam Joanne M. Quinn Bilal and Mary Rabai Nancy Carol Ramsey Dr. and Mrs. Donald A. Randall, Jr. Elizabeth E. Randolph Ms. Janet Rawlings Cori Reach Jennifer Rehder W. Gray Reilly Robert and Shirley Reinert David and Sharon Reinking Linda L. Reynolds Denise L. Ricks Gloria Ricks-Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Riley, II Christine Roberts James A. Robertson Joel Rogers Nancy H. Rogers Rebecca J. Rohbeck Jean E. Roley Mrs. Victoria M. Rosenbaum Pat Rosend Robert Trippe Ross Deanne Rosso John and Barbara Rudy Alison Ruzicka Safelite AutoGlass Nancy Sain Mr. and Mrs. Grover W. Salzer, III Mr. and Mrs. Lanier Scruggs, III Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. Scruggs, Jr. Nancy B. Scruggs Jane Seaton Dr. and Mrs. Narendra K. Shah Ruby S. Shaw Ricky and Vickie Shelton James Sheppard 24 connections

Willis and Patricia Sherrer Scott and Teresa Shilling Naoshi and Hiromi Shimamura Lillian L. Shook Mary N. Short Pat Shover Lewis and Pam Shropshire Col. Brian Sieck Bobbie Simmons Jo Nell Simmons Allie L. Simpson Ethelyn Simpson Rick Simpson Dr. and Mrs. Ron Simpson Thomas A. Simpson Michelle Sims Rakesh and Sunita Singh Catherine Slaughter Mr. and Mrs. Gene Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Smith Kathleen Smith Pamela R. Smith Rhondolyn Smith Shavannor M. Smith T. J. Solomon John Songster Mary Songster Rebecca Soto Ms. Margaret R. Spalding St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church St. Mary’s Health Care System Patricia G. Staub Lawton and Mary Stephens Jessica Stephenson Kathy Stites Barbara Stivack Ms. Stoughton Randy W. Stowe Margaret A. Strahl Steve Strickland Thomas K. Sturgis Kay Giese and David R. Sweat Jason Sweeney Talmage Terrace Lanier Gardens Susan P. Tate Barbara Taylor Telecom Pioneers Elinor T. Terrell The Commercial Bank The Crafton Group, Inc. The Gumbo Foundation

The Holt-Kassay Fund The Irving Foundation, Inc. Bill and Petty Thomas Larry B. Thomas Toni Thomas Thomas Eye Center Thomas McKey Tillman Foundation William Thomas Elizabeth Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Thompson, Jr. Judy Thompson Teresa Thompson Holly Thornton Lyn Woodward Thornton Mary Ann Thrasher Thomas Tillman, Jr. Pat Tinga Tires Plus Total Car Care Tommie Lynne’s Hair Designers R. Parks Towns Ralph and Teresa Trammell Margaret Trandel Jim and Freida Travis William T. Trigleth, III Mildred Tripp Barbara Turner Carolyn Turner Muriel L. Turner Turner Family Foundation Two-Cylinder Club Dr. Curtis Ulmer United Black Queens United Way of Central Ohio United Way of Northeast Georgia Dr. and Mrs. Philip Van Dyck Bryan and Teresa Vaughn Richard Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. Vice Marilyn Vickers Perry Walden Lindsey Outlaw Walker Clara L. Waln Jerry W. Walters Walton Electric Trust, Inc. Betty Ward Mike and Donna Ward Betty Louise Warren Keith Weaver Ira Claire Weekley Julien and Gene Weeks Eliot Wells

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage James and Julie Westphal Miss Carol L. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Walter White Hubert H. Whitlow, Jr. Inge Z. Whittle Susan Wilde Dr. Shannon O. Wilder Devin Williams Mrs. Frances M. Williams Geraldine Williams Perkins Williams Delores K. Windate Alexis Winger Patricia K. Winston Gordon Winzurk Ms. Nancy Witherington Dr. Sharon Wong Daryle Worley Barbara Wright Evelyn M. Wright Dr. and Mrs. Charles Wyont Zaxby’s Franchising Zitzelman Mary Zurn In Honor of: ACCA Meals On Wheels Staff ACCA Staff Mr. and Mrs. Cuyler Adams Jim and Alice Aiken Autotech of Athens Billie Baker Bob Barnette Diane Bell Tapley Bennett Margaret Blue Mary Boggan Francis N. Boney Paige Campbell Inez Chilton Ronald Cerwonka John and Katheryn Davis Cheryl Dean Betty DeLorme Mimi Dill Wayne & Mimi Dill Jane Douglas Anna Eidvik Dr. Mary A. Erlanger Dr. Grace Eubank

Ella Evans Deborah Finnerty Dr. William Flatt Kathryn Fowler Edna Garst Violet Gauthreaux Ayden Griswold Anne Hric Mary Denmark Hutcherson Steve and Phil Johnson Dr. Farris Johnson and Staff Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones Kaleidescope Beauty Salon Carolyn Keasler Dr. Thomas Kias Joyce Kitchens and Jerry Barnes Lena Mathews Sarah McKinney Ray McNair Mr. and Mrs. Chan Nevin Dorothy Newland Jim and Dorothy Newland Nita Norris Betsy Pless Dr. William M. Powell Nancy Scruggs Dot Smith Dr. Lisa Stacy and Staff Mary Stakes Dr. Anne Sweaney The Sweaney Family Gloria Ricks-Taylor The Henderson Family Dr. Stuart Thomas Melanie and Amy Morris Thompson Mary Ann Thrasher Megan Vogt Margia Washington Dev and Gene Weeks Winder Mixed Nuts-Hunger Bowl Norm and Mary M. Wood Yoga Instructors of ACCA

Sanford Butler Ruth Carpenter Joe Causey Marvin Cawthon Inez Chittom Mrs. Ruby Mae Collins Alberta Davis Frances Davis Sophia Deutschberger Mrs. Joyce Downing H.T. Edwards, Sr. Daisy Fowler Gladys Dickerson Gentry Charles Gill Jack Gould Sharon Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Heys, Jr. Mary Ellen Johnson Pamela Kleiber Marie Larson Dr. David L. Levine Dr. and Mrs. David and Laura Levine John Marsden Gini McDonald Mary ‘Buff’ Miller Sandra North Janye Powell Charlotte Reinke Wilda Gaye Riley Nisbet P. Rodgers Betty Rohrer Bonnie Sconyers Lewis L. Scruggs, Sr. Judy Sloan Bessie Ann Lancaster Smith Marian Steggerda Elaine Stern Ruth Svarrer Roy P. Taylor Clementine B. Thomas Roddy Thompson Beauty H. Watson

In Memory of: Charles Bennett Upshaw Bentley Upshaw and Frances C. Bentley, Jr. Dr. Joseph Berrigan Jean S. Bowen Louise Boyce Lea Boyer

*Donors listed made gifts to ACCA between January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014. If your name is not included and you think it should be, please let us know. Contact Sarah McKinney, Director of Development & Volunteer Services at 706-549-4850 or

spring 2015 25

buy local. eat fresh.


produce stand b


new time for spring Athens Community Council on aging 135 hoyt street, downtown athens Tuesdays 11am until 2pm | open to everyone EBT, Cash, Card & Check Accepted For volunteer opportunities, contact Supported by UGArden and ACCA

26 connections

b Formerly the Athens-Clarke County Senior Center, the Center for Active Living (CAL) is a multi-purpose center dedicated to offering a variety of opportunities for older adults to stay active while they age in Athens and surrounding areas. CAL provides learning opportunities to engage older adults (50+) by offering unique social, cultural, educational, and wellness-related classes and activities. Membership for Clarke County residents is $45 per year. These programs are designed for you and we want to see you here.

28 CENTER FOR ACTIVE LIVING | trips and off site adventures 35 CENTER FOR ACTIVE LIVING | ongoing fitness and wellness classes 37 CENTER FOR ACTIVE LIVING | ongoing social programs 40 CENTER FOR ACTIVE LIVING | brookside programs and updates 42 CENTER FOR ACTIVE LIVING | support groups and meetings 43 CENTER FOR ACTIVE LIVING |

educational classes and events

spring 2015 27


educational classes and events

Class times subject to change or cancel, please check or call 706-549-4850 for updates.

Understanding the Food Label Food Labels are a hot topic these days and understanding what you’re putting into your body is of the utmost importance. Join us as Zachary Grunewald, a Foods and Nutrition Graduate student at UGA comes to talk about better understanding a food label. Come and learn about what you’re putting into your body, what you’re doing right, as well as many things you may not know. Please RSVP to Amber at 706-5494850 by Thursday, March 5th. Where: ACCA Glass Dining Room When: Friday, March 6th Time: 10:00am-11:00am Cost: Free Foot Care Presentation Our feet can often be the forgotten part of our body, that is, unless something is wrong with them. Taking care of one’s feet is important for many reasons, for example: foot pain can cause a decrease in physical activity, which in turn can lead to decreased quality of life. We are excited to host Dr. Todd Herron from Athens Family Foot Care in March. Dr. Herron is coming to discuss overall foot care and as well as how it relates to diabetes. Your questions are welcome and we hope to see you there! Where: ACCA Glass Dining Room When: Wednesday, March 11th Time: 10:00am-11:00am Cost: Free

Picture courtesy of 28 connections

Walk for Wellness Join your friends, or come and make new ones at the upcoming Walk for Wellness meeting. These meetings include health presentations, free blood pressure screenings, door prizes and breakfast provided by Chick-fil-A. Georgia Square Mall is not only the selected host site for the meeting but is also a great place to walk! This month’s meeting will be presented by Genesis Occupational Therapy group. To support healthy living, they open the doors early, at 7:30am, to allow you to walk before the stores open to beat the shopping crowds! Get all of the benefits of walking in a flat, secure, climate-controlled environment. This program is sponsored by: The Center for Active Living, Arbor Terrace, The Athens Regional Health System, Georgia Square Mall, and Saint Mary’s Health Care System. For details, please call Mark at 706-389-3897. Where: Georgia Square Mall Food Court When: March 17th (third Tuesdays of odd-numbered months) Time: Breakfast begins at 8:00am and presentation begins at 8:30am Cost: Free and open to the community AARP Smart Driver Learn how to operate your vehicle more safely in today’s increasingly challenging driving environment. You’ll learn adjustments to accommodate common age-related changes in vision, hearing, and reaction time. You will also learn the following: How to minimize the effects of dangerous blind spots, the safest ways to change lanes, make turns at busy intersections, the proper use of safety belts, air bags, anti-lock brakes, new technologies used in cars, the effects of medications on driving, and the importance of eliminating distractions, such as eating, smoking, and cell-phone use. Where: ACCA Hudson Conf. Room When: Friday, March 20th Time: 8:45am-3:30pm Cost: $15 AARP members, $20 non-AARP members


educational classes and events

We’re looking for instructors and suggestions. Call Amber (706-549-4850) to suggest a class or offer to teach.

Birthday Celebration Come and celebrate all of the CAL birthdays! We will enjoy cupcakes and each other’s company. CAL will host a birthday celebration once per month on the last Thursday of the month. We can’t wait to see you!

run to fill this plate

Where: The Round Room at ACCA When: Thursday, March 26th Time: 1:00pm-1:45pm Cost: Free When: Thursday, April 30th Time: 1:00pm-1:45pm Cost: Free When: Thursday, May 28th Time: 1:00pm-1:45pm Cost: Free Hearing Screening As we age, a decline in hearing may be one of the first things we experience. This is a problem for many reasons, not only do we rely on our ears for hearing, we rely on it for helping with equilibrium. Therefore, keeping one’s ears in top notch condition is very important. After your hearing is tested you will receive either a clean bill of health or they will help point you in the right direction for further care. Call Amber at 706-549-4850 to reserve your time slot with the UGA Speech and Hearing Clinic staff. Where: ACCA Hudson Conference Room When: Friday, March 27th Time: Beginning at 10:00am Cost: Free

run our new virtual5K/12K race anytime in march March for Meals or for joinour us 5th on saturday, march 28, 2015 Join us annual March for Meals 5k/12kmore info or sign up atto serving the which symbolizes ACCA’s commitment community 5 a week, 12 months a year! The race will begin and end at ACCA with parts winding through #m4m2015 the beautiful Greenway trail. Both races are Peachtree #MFMmoment qualifier. #yourfinishline Brand new this year is the addition of a Virtual Race option. You can run a virtual 5K or 12K this year. Run at your house, on a treadmill, in the park, and at your convenience any time before March 28, 2015. Virtual racers won’t qualify for the Peachtree or receive overall awards but you will receive a bib number, t-shirt, and/ or finisher medal in the mail. Virtual race participants can share their race pictures with us with the hashtag #m4m2015.

All proceeds of the race go to ACCA’s Meals on Wheels program, which provides more than 300 healthy meals to homebound adults and frail seniors each day. If you have any questions about participating in the race or would like to volunteer, contact Sarah Mckinney at 706549-4850. Where: Races begin at ACCA When: Saturday, March 28th proceeds benefit Time: 5k- 8:00am and 12k- 9:00am Cost: Visit or call 706-549-4850____ spring 2015 29


educational classes and events

Class times subject to change or cancel, please check or call 706-549-4850 for updates.

Otago Fall Prevention Program Some people believe that falling is a normal part of the aging process. However, if you take the correct precautions, it does not have to be. Participating in programs such as our Otago Fall Prevention Program can make falling an avoidable part of aging. Participants who complete the Otago Fall Prevention Program experienced a 35-40% reduction in their fall rate. The Otago Program consists of leg muscle strengthening and balance retaining exercises that progress in difficulty and there is also a walking plan. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1 in 3 older adults will experience a fall each year, but you can help ensure you are not a part of that 33%. Help keep yourself on two balanced feet. Space is limited, call Amber at 706549-4850 to reserve your spot today! Where: ACCA Hudson Conference Room When: Wednesdays, April 1 - May 6 Time: 10:00am-11:00am Cost: $50 for 6 classes

Do you provide grandchild care?

Participants Needed for a Paid Research Study on Grandchild Care

Your adult child must: ‣ Work at least 35 hours per week ‣ Have a child who you care for at least once per month

The Department of Psychology at the University of Georgia is recruiting grandparents and their employed adult children for a study examining the effects of grandchild care on health, wellbeing, and career outcomes.

Both you and your adult child must be willing to participate in this study.

You must:

Contact Dr. Eby’s lab:

‣ Provide care for your grandchild at least once per month

30 connections

Each participant will receive $30 in exchange for his or her participation in a survey and phone interview.


Computer Class Part 1 Are you looking to increase your computer knowledge? Because of popular demand we are expanding our technology offerings to better serve you. During part 1 of this two part computer class, we will be taking a look at Microsoft Word. Please RSVP to Amber at 706-5494850 by Tuesday, April 7th. Where: Columbia Brookside When: Wednesday, April 8th Time: 10:00am-11:00am Cost: Free Outsmart your Smartphone Is your smartphone giving you trouble? Are you interested in learning how to make it work best for you? This is the class for you! During our time, we will be answering your individual questions to the best of our ability and walking you through the solutions. Don’t miss this chance to make the most out of your smartphone. We look forward to seeing you! Where: The Round Room at The Athens Community Council on Aging When: Monday, April 13th Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Powerful Tools for Caregivers This 6 week educational series is designed to provide tools to care for yourself. It helps family caregivers reduce stress, improve self-confidence, communicate feelings better, balance their lives, increase their ability to make tough decisions and locate helpful resources. Cheryl Dean, RN and Mattee Barkdoll, LMSW are cofacilitators. See page 12 for more details. Where: Hudson Conference Room When: Mondays, April 13th- May 18th Time: 1:00pm-2:30pm Cost: $35

C L a A i f y f 4 W W T C


educational classes and events

We’re looking for instructors and suggestions. Call Amber (706-549-4850) to suggest a class or offer to teach.

Cognitive/Memory Screening Losing one’s memory is a common fear connected with aging. UGA’s Speech and Hearing Clinic is coming to ACCA to offer Cognitive/Memory screenings for those interested. These screenings will give you a baseline for future reference and information that may encourage you to consider beginning memory exercises to prevent future memory loss. Call Amber to RSVP at 706-5494850. Where: ACCA Hudson Conference Room When: Monday, April 20th Time: beginning at 10:00am Cost: Free

Living Well— A Chronic Disease Self-Management Program If you are living with a chronic disease or caring for someone who does, this 6 week class could be for you. Live Well-- a Chronic Disease Management Program is a behavioral and social program designed to help people gain self-confidence in their ability to control their symptoms and how living with chronic disease affects their lives. These interactive workshops focus on building skills and sharing experiences for support. The topics will include: Dealing with pain and fatigue, understanding better nutrition and exercise choices, understanding new treatments, and learning to talk to your doctor. Space is limited, call Amber at 706-5494850 to reserve your seat today! Where: Columbia Brookside When: Tuesdays, March 24th-April 28th Time: 9:00am-11:30am Cost: Free

Caring Man in a Van “Personal Care Transportation” Caring Man in a Van has revolutionized the medical transportation industry by setting new standards of service. We are not just a transportation company but a Personal Care Transportation Company. We are known for not only being on time but we assist our patients in and out of medical facilities and are there when the patient has completed their visit. Waiting for hours to be returned home or to their nursing facility is not our policy. This keeps caregivers from having to take off work to assist their love ones.

Transportation for: • Ambulatory • Wheel Chair • Stretcher

706-769-0075 Local

We not only provide transportation to and from medical appointments but we extend our services to personal choices as well. We offer our same courteous service for events likes, Church, Weddings, Funerals, Thanksgiving, Christmas events, just to name a few.

855-342-1566 Toll Free

Call our office for price quotes and scheduling. spring 2015 31


educational classes and events

Class times subject to change or cancel, please check or call 706-549-4850 for updates.

Lunch with a Therapist April is Occupational Therapy month. Occupational Therapists help people across their lifespan participate in the activities (or occupations, as it is referred to) they want and need to do. This seminar will focus on the uses and benefits of Occupational Therapy in different environments. We will be hosting Genesis, the occupational therapy group that has an office here at the Athens Community Council on Aging. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to Amber at 706-549-4850 before Wednesday, April 15th. Where: ACCA Hudson Conference Room When: Wednesday, April 22nd Time: 11:30am-12:30pm Cost: $10 Brown Bag- Prescription Check A local Walgreens Pharmacist, will be here to check your prescriptions to ensure there are no interactions as well as to answer any questions you may have. Be sure to bring all of your prescriptions with you when you come. Reserve your personal one-on-one time appointment by calling Amber at 706-549-4850. Where: Columbia Brookside When: Thursday, April 23rd Time: 10:00am-11:00am Cost: Free Member Meet and Greet Interested in meeting other CAL Members? We have the perfect opportunity for you to do so! Our Member Meet and Greet held here at ACCA will allow you to intermingle with CAL Staff and CAL Members. This quarter we will have various fruits and vegetables for you to munch on. We will also provide tea and coffee. We look forward to seeing you! Where: The Round Room at the Athens Community Council on Aging When: Thursday, April 23rd Time: 1:05pm-2:00pm Cost: Free 32 connections

Vision Screening Is that book getting a little harder to read or that street sign becoming blurry and harder to decipher? Or is that street sign difficult to read? Come and have your eyes screened by members of Sam’s Optical Department. Please call Amber at 706-549-4850 to reserve your time slot. Where: ACCA Computer Lab When: Tuesday, May 5th Time: 10:00am-11:30am Cost: Free Stroke Presentation According to the CDC, on average one American dies from a stroke every four minutes, which accounts for every 1 in 19 deaths each year. May is National Stroke Awareness Month, and this is your chance to get your questions answered and have a free blood pressure check all at the same time! Our presenter is Joanne Lockamy from St. Mary’s Stroke Center. Joanne has a Master’s Degree in Nursing and is a Certified Stroke Nurse. Before becoming the Stroke Coordinator at St. Mary’s 2 years ago, she was a neuroscience nurse. She will be giving a presentation and answering any questions you may have. Please RSVP to Amber at 706-549-4850 by Tuesday, May 12th to reserve your seat! Where: ACCA Glass Dining Room When: Wednesday, May 13th Time: 10:15am-11:00am Cost: Free


educational classes and events

We’re looking for instructors and suggestions. Call Amber (706-549-4850) to suggest a class or offer to teach.

Prom 2015 Come out and support ACCA at their signature fundraising event. Put on your dancing shoes. Invite your friends. Get ready for pictures. Fill up your dance card. Andie and Ducky, eh... Andie and Blaine. Breaking curfew. Midnight in Paris. Cut a rug. Book the baby-sitter. Order the corsage (or the boutonniere). Everybody dance. Everybody dance. Come one. Come all. Johnny Casino and the Gamblers. Dust off the old prom dress. Squeeze into that leisure suit. Did I mention French twist? Hot rollers. Sandy and Danny. Dance the night away. Prom king and queen. Make this night your own. Stay out too late. Get your limo. Don’t forget to rent your tux. Must find the perfect dress. Build up your courage... she’ll say yes. Cha Cha Digregorio. Going parking. Taffeta & bows. Everybody cut. Everybody cut. Everybody cut footloose. Where: The Foundry When: Saturday, May 16th Time and Tickets: Call Sarah at 706-549-4850

Walk for Wellness These meetings include health presentations, free blood pressure screenings, door prizes and breakfast provided by Chick-fil-A. Georgia Square Mall is not only the selected host site for the meeting but is also a great place to walk! This month’s meeting will be presented by Genesis Occupational Therapy group. To support healthy living, they open the doors early, at 7:30am, to allow you to walk before the stores open to beat the shopping crowds! Get all of the benefits of walking in a flat, secure, climate-controlled environment. This program is sponsored by: The Center for Active Living, Arbor Terrace, The Athens Regional Health System, Georgia Square Mall, St. Mary’s Health Care System. For details, please call Mark at 706-389-3897. Where: Georgia Square Mall Food Court When: May 19th (third Tuesdays of odd-numbered months) Time: Begins at 8:00am Cost: Free and open to the community

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educational classes and events

Class times subject to change or cancel, please check or call 706-549-4850 for updates.

Computer Class Part 2 Are you looking to increase your computer knowledge? Because of popular demand we are working on expanding our technology offerings to better serve you. During part 2 of this two part computer class, we will be talking about Microsoft Excel. You do not have to attend part 1 in order to attend part 2, or vice versa. Please RSVP to Amber at 706-549-4850 by Wednesday, May 20th. Where: Columbia Brookside When: Thursday, May 21st Time: 10:00am-11:00am Cost: Free

Food Talk This six-week course focuses on cutting food costs while still providing healthy meals and snacks. The UGA Cooperative Extension Office staff will cover: Taking the stress out of mealtime, shopping tips to save money, knowing what to look for on food labels, using herbs and spices to cut down on salt, keeping food safe, choosing healthier fast foods, and much more! During each session, there will be a cooking demo and tasting. At the end of the program participants will receive a certificate from the University of Georgia’s Supplemental Nutrition Education Program. Please RSVP to Amber at 706-549-4850 to reserve your seat today! Where: Columbia Brookside When: Tuesdays beginning April 21st- May 26th Time: 1:00pm-2:00pm Cost: Free

A resource of business professionals providing services in the Senior Community. Serving Athens-Clarke, Oconee, and surrounding counties. Companies in our network represent the following categories: Assisted Living / Independent Living Financial Services • Home Accessibility Home Healthcare • Hospice • Hospitals Medical • Medical Equipment • Medication Services and Resources • Transportation and Much More...

34 connections


trips and off-site adventures

We’re looking for instructors and suggestions. Call Amber (706-549-4850) to suggest a class or offer to teach.

CAL Members: To ensure we are able to offer you the smoothest and most enjoyable trip possible, payment for trips is required at the time of reservation. This allows staff, when possible, to purchase tickets in advance and avoid additional wait time for on-site ticket purchase. A full refund will be available until the deadline stated for each trip. If you have questions, please contact the Member Services Manager, Amber Bland, at Cyclorama and Civil War Museum Come and learn about the Civil War like never before. You will be immersed in the Battle of Atlanta and see firsthand what the war was like. At one time, The Battle of Atlanta, was the largest oil painting in the world measuring at 42 feet high by 358 feet wide. This panoramic painting is located in historic Grant Park in the heart of Atlanta. The Civil War Museum, is located with the Cyclorama, displays pictures and artifacts including the Texas which is a steam locomotive. After leaving the museum we will stop and have lunch at Betty’s Country Kitchen in Conyers. The cost of lunch is not included. Please RSVP to Amber at 706-549-4850 before Friday, March 6th. Where: Depart from ACCA When: Friday, March 13th Time: 9:00am-3:30pm Cost: $25 Fort Yargo Living History Fort Yargo located in nearby Winder, GA was built over 200 years ago as a defense against the Creek and Cherokee nations. We are going back in time to the 1790s in Georgia. While there we will be able to observe: Craftsmen and women demonstrating their various trades, Native American warriors, militia drills, see the trading post in action, and hear 18th century music. Before we enter the park we will have lunch at Golden Corral, the cost of lunch is included in the trip price. Please RSVP to Amber at 706-549-4850 by Tuesday, March 24th.

Where: Depart from ACCA When: Friday, March 27th Time: 10:30am-5:00pm Cost: $25 The College Football Hall of Fame and Museum In the South football is more than a game, it’s a way of life. We love our college football. This is an excellent opportunity for you to bask in its glory during the off season. There are tons of fun activities for us to enjoy while we are at the Hall of Fame. For instance, the Helmet Wall that features helmets from all 768 college football teams or have a ball in The Playing Field, which is an indoor football field that spans 45 yards. After departing the Hall of Fame, we will have lunch at The Horseradish Grill, however, the cost of lunch is not included. Please RSVP to Amber at 706-549-4850 by Monday March 23rd. Where: Depart from ACCA When: Monday, March 30th Time: 8:30am-5:00pm Cost: $45 Much Ado About Nothing UGA Fine Arts Department is performing Much Ado About Nothing at their Fine Arts Theatre. This comedic Shakespearean play was first published in 1623 and is widely considered Shakespeare’s best comedy as it combines elements of robust hilarity with more serious concepts, such as honor, shame, and court politics. During the play we will watch tenuous love affairs as well as false betrayals unfold. This will definitely be a night to remember! Please RSVP to Amber at 706-549-4850 by Thursday, March 26th. Where: Depart from ACCA When: Thursday, April 9th Time: 7:15pm-11:15pm Cost: $20 spring 2015 35


trips and off-site adventures

Class times subject to change or cancel, please check or call 706-549-4850 for updates.

Atlanta Botanical Garden Spring is in the air! Everywhere you look around flowers are blooming, and why not see some of the most beautiful flowers around at the Atlanta Botanical Garden? While at the Botanical Garden we will have time to stroll through the Fuqua Orchid Center, around the Great Lawn, and down to the Rock Garden and much more. We will enjoy our day in the garden and have lunch at the garden café, the cost of lunch is not included. This is sure to be a beautiful day! Please RSVP to Amber at 706-549-4850 by Wednesday, April 8th. Where: Depart from ACCA When: Wednesday, April 15th Time: 9:00am-4:00pm Cost: $45 Abbeville, South Carolina Shopping This is brought to you by popular demand! We are going to visit the quaint town of Abbeville. While strolling the historic square, you’ll be able to wander in and out of the antique shops, consignment stores, women’s clothing boutiques, home good stores, and much more. This trip will also satisfy the antique searcher, Abbeville boasts of many different antique shops. You will be able to have lunch on your own before we head back. Please RSVP to Amber at 706-549-4850 by Monday, April 20th. Where: Depart from ACCA When: Tuesday, April 21st Time: 8:00am-4:30pm Cost: $30

Picture courtesy of 36 connections

Madison in May This tour of private homes and gardens shows off all of Madison’s historic beauty. We will be able to enjoy spring at its best. This is a walking tour, but do not worry, we will be able to take the tour at our own pace. During the tour we will have lunch at one of the restaurants in downtown Madison. The cost of lunch is not included. Please RSVP to Amber at 706-549-4850 by Thursday, April 23rd. Where: Depart from ACCA When: Friday, May 1st Time: 9:30am-4:30pm Cost: $40 Atlanta Zoo Whether you want to brave the African Safari to see the big cats or take on the polar ice caps and visit the penguins, this is the trip for you! While at the zoo we will see wild animals from all over the world. We will have lunch within the zoo, however, the cost of lunch is not included in the trip cost. This is a guaranteed great day! Join us by calling Amber at 706-549-4850 by Tuesday, May 5th to reserve your seat today. Where: Depart from ACCA When: Friday, May 8th Time: 8:30am-4:30pm Cost: $50 Georgia Aquarium Come and experience a whole new world as we are going to the Georgia Aquarium for some under water fun. While there we will be able to experience all of the different exhibits, watch dolphin tails as well as watch Deepo’s Undersea 3D Wondershow. We will also have lunch at the café. The cost of lunch is not included in the trip cost. Please RSVP to Amber at 706-549-4850 by Wednesday, May 13th to reserve your seat. Where: Depart from ACCA When: Wednesday, May 20th Time: 8:15am-4:00pm Cost: $50


ongoing fitness and wellness classes

We’re looking for instructors and suggestions. Call Amber (706-549-4850) to suggest a class or offer to teach.

Getting Grounded Gracefully This evidenced based 8 week class, is designed to help individuals who may be at risk for falling, decrease their risk and improve their balance. The group will meet twice a week for the duration of the eight week time frame, and the classes will build on each other. To get the most out of Getting Grounded Gracefully, led by Kate Pilgrim, is a very gentle class and explores movement and balance in sitting, the transition from sitting to standing, and will progress to walking with ease and confidence. Sometimes when people begin having problems with their balance they may restrict their movements which can have a large negative impact on a person’s life. In order to participate in this class, a person needs to be able to walk fifteen feet without the aid of a cane and stand without support for one minute. This is a great chance to increase your confidence in yourself and keep yourself moving forward gracefully. Where: ACCA Harris Room When: Mondays & Fridays (May 1st- June 22nd) Time: 1:15pm-2:15pm Cost: for all 16 sessions- $80

CAL Fitness Equipment Come and exercise on your own or with a friend in the CAL Fitness Center. We have a recumbent bike, an elliptical, 2 treadmills and free weights. With open hours, this is a perfect opportunity to get a little extra exercise in before or after a class or while you’re out running errands. No reservation needed! Where: CAL Fitness Center When: Monday-Friday Time: 8:00am-4:30pm Cost: Free for CAL Members Line Dancing This is one of our most well attended classes here at the Center for Active Living. The class uses an eclectic mix of music to keep the class moving from beginning to end. Kathy, the instructor will walk you step by step through the dances and there is a tenured volunteer that will help keep you on track. Grab your dancing shoes and drop in for this excellent opportunity to exercise and still have fun. Where: ACCA Harris Room When: Tuesdays and Thursdays Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm Cost: Free

spring 2015 37


ongoing fitness and wellness classes

We’re looking for instructors and suggestions. Call Amber (706-549-4850) to suggest a class or offer to teach.

Tai Chi As a practice of “meditation in motion,” the slow movements and mindset of Tai Chi can be used to manage stress levels by creating a sense of choice and a heightened awareness of our capacities to mobilize the motivation, cognitive resources, and courses of action in every movement. Tai Chi consists of four main elements: Movement, self-applied massage, intentional breathing and relaxation. Benefits include lower heart rate, heightened immune function, better sleep patterns, and reduced incidence of falls and fear of falling. Where: Winterville Depot When: Mondays Time: 10:30am-11:30am Cost: $5 per class

Yoga Find your inner peace and tranquility. These gentle yoga classes will stretch and empower your mind as well as your muscles. The instructors will give modifications you can do if the move is more advanced than you feel comfortable completing. Please bring your own mat and a blanket for the relaxation portion of the class. Where: ACCA Harris Room When: Mondays w/Eleanor Time: 3:00pm-4:30pm Cost: Free

Smart Moves with Becky This all around fun class, mixes the use of elastic bands, free weights, medicine balls to work your entire body. Similar to Silver Sneakers, it focuses on improved overall balance, flexibility, and strength while listening to music. Smart Moves is a low impact class that can be performed seated or standing and is appropriate for all fitness levels. Where: ACCA Harris Room When: Mondays Time: 9:00am-10:00am Cost: Free

Where: ACCA Harris Room When: Wednesdays w/Edna Time: 3:00pm-4:30pm Cost: Free

Where: ACCA Harris Room When: Thursdays Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Cost: Free (Cancelled 1st Thursday of each month)

38 connections

Where: ACCA Harris Room When: Tuesdays w/Chad Time: 2:45pm-4:15pm Cost: Free

Where: ACCA Harris Room When: Fridays w/Anna Time: 10:00am-11:30am Cost: Free Free Style Dance Groove to the music! This class takes many different dance techniques and combines them into fun and easy-to-follow routines. The music ranges from Oldies but Goodies to today’s Latest Hits. Burn calories and reenergize your day in one fun filled class. This class is enjoyed standing or from a seated position to best fit each attendee. The instructor will move between standing and sitting to keep everyone engaged. Beginners are welcome! Where: ACCA Harris Room with Jean When: Tuesdays and Thursdays Time: 11:00am-11:45am Cost: $2/class


ongoing fitness and wellness classes

Class times subject to change or cancel, please check or call 706-549-4850 for updates.

YWCO Water Exercise Water exercise is great for your body! This class provides general conditioning and a low impact cardiovascular workout done in the pool. This class is perfect for all ages. Present your CAL Membership key card at the YWCO’s front desk to receive the discounted price below. Where: YWCO Pool When: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Time: 9:00am and 11:00am Cost: $7 When: Monday and Wednesday Time: 7:00pm Cost: $7

On the Move with Kevin This class is a chair oriented class that includes: Aerobic, strength, and flexibility exercises. It is especially beneficial for those living with chronic conditions who require a low impact exercise program. Kevin has many years of experience working with chronic conditions and makes individual adjustments to the routine to better serve each participant. This class is suitable for all fitness levels. Where: ACCA Harris Room When: Thursdays Time: 10:00am-11:00am Cost: $5/class

YWCO Arthritis Water Exercise This is an Arthritis Foundation Certified program for individuals with arthritis. The goal of this class is to increase range of motion and develop strength in a warm and relaxing environment. In order to participate in this class, a written permission note from your doctor is required. Present your CAL Membership key card at the front desk of the YWCO to get the discount rate below. Where: YWCO Pool When: Monday-Friday Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Cost: $7 SilverSplash SilverSplash is a universal, trademarked total body pool conditioning class. SilverSplash focuses on increasing agility, range of movement and cardiovascular conditioning. Participants use SilverSneakers kickboards to develop strength, balance and coordination in a safe, fun, and effective way. No swimming ability is required. Where: YWCO Pool When: Fridays Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Cost: $7

spring 2015 39


ongoing social programs

We’re looking for instructors and suggestions. Call Amber (706-549-4850) to suggest a class or offer to teach.

1:1 Device Assistance Brought to you by popular demand! We are offering appointments for device assistance for all of our members. Whether that device be: Your tablet, e-reader, laptop, or phone, the CAL Staff will attempt to help you get your question answered. If you’re interested in setting up an appointment contact Amber or Kenna at 706-549-4850 to schedule your one-onone appointment. Where: ACCA CAL Office When: by appointment only Time: by appointment only Cost: $10 per hour for non-members

706-543-8524 for more information today! Where: ACCA Bentley Conference Room When: Mondays Time: 1:00pm-4:00pm Cost: Free

Crocheting in the Round This class is designed for beginners who will learn the basics of how to crochet and at an intermediate level learn more difficult projects. Beginning materials provided. Taught by Sandie Nicholson Where: ACCA Round Room (next to the Harris Room) When: Mondays Mahjongg Time: 10:00am-10:55am Join us to play Mahjongg, a Chinese Tile Game. Some Cost: Free knowledge of the game and reservations are required. The game is played in tables of four, however, the group is always looking for substitutes. Please call Sharon at

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40 connections


ongoing social programs

Class times subject to change or cancel, please check or call 706-549-4850 for updates.

The Scribblers Welcome to a writers group that gathers to share various kinds of writing. The writing can be fiction or non-fiction. We welcome memoirs, poetry, stories, or anything that the writer wishes to share. Feedback can be given, if the writer wishes. Led by Sandie Nicholson Where: ACCA Round Room (next to the Harris Room) When: Tuesdays Time: 9:30am – 10:55am Cost: Free Toastmasters This weekly meeting is a learn-by-doing workshop in which participants hone their speaking and leadership skills in a no-pressure atmosphere. Meeting participants also give impromptu talks on assigned topics, conduct meetings and develop skills related to timekeeping, grammar and parliamentary procedure. Members learn communication skills by working in the Competent Communication manual, which includes a series of 10 self-paced speaking assignments designed to instill a basic foundation in public speaking. Where: ACCA Hudson Conference Room When: Tuesdays Time: 11:30am-1:30pm Cost: $60/6 months; $20 New Toastmaster Member Fee for CAL Members

nursing homes, assisted living, senior centers, and adult health centers. Transportation is provided but is optional. New members are welcome regardless of singing ability. Call the Center for Active Living for current performance schedule. Where: Meet at ACCA When: Tuesdays and Thursdays Time: 10:00am-11:30am Cost: Free Grand Slammers This advanced bridge group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. No reservation is required. Where: ACCA Glass Dining Room When: Wednesdays Time: 1:30pm Cost: Free Advanced Bridge This advanced bridge group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. The group requires reservations; please call 706-543-3102 to reserve your spot today! Where: ACCA Glass Dining Room When: Wednesdays Time: 1:30pm Cost: Free

Newcomers Card Group Intermediate Bridge Join other members to play the Hand and Foot card Join us in an informal setting to play bridge and game on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday and play Mexican socialize. No reservation needed. Train on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday! Where: ACCA Glass Dining Room Where: ACCA Bentley Conference Room When: Tuesdays When: Wednesdays Time: 1:30pm Time: 12:30pm-3:30pm Cost: Free Cost: Yearly membership fee of $20 for CAL Members, call Sharon at 706-543-8524 for more information. Belle Hill Singers Join fellow members to sing traditional church music in a group setting and inspire individuals through the power of song. Performances take place every Tuesday and Thursday at different community centers, spring 2015 41


brookside programs and updates

Class times subject to change or cancel, please check or call 706-549-4850 for updates.

Computer Class Are you looking to increase your computer knowledge? Because of popular demand we are expanding our technology offerings to better serve you. During part 1 (4/8), we will be taking a look at Microsoft Word. During part 2 (5/21), we will be talking about Microsoft Excel. You do not have to attend part 1 in order to attend part 2, or vice versa. Please RSVP to Amber at 706-5494850. Where: Columbia Brookside, RSVP by April 7th When: Wednesday, April 8th Time: 10:00am-11:00am Cost: Free Where: Columbia Brookside, RSVP by May 20 When: Thursday, May 21st Time: 10:00am-11:00am Cost: Free One Call For All Your Home Needs

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42 connections

Brown Bag- Prescription Check A local Walgreens Pharmacist, will be here to check your prescriptions to ensure there are no interactions as well as to answer any questions you may have. Be sure to bring all of your prescriptions with you when you come. Reserve your personal one-on-one time appointment by calling Amber at 706-549-4850. Where: Columbia Brookside When: Thursday, April 23rd Time: 10:00am-11:00am Cost: Free Food Talk This six-week course focuses on cutting food costs while still providing healthy meals and snacks. Taking the stress out of mealtime, shopping tips to save money, knowing what to look for on food labels, using herbs and spices to cut down on salt, keeping food safe, choosing healthier fast foods, and much more! During each session, there will be a cooking demo and tasting. Where: Columbia Brookside When: Tuesdays beginning April 21st- May 26th Time: 1:00pm-2:00pm Cost: Free Living Well— A Chronic Disease Self-Management Program If you are living with a chronic disease or caring for someone who does, this 6 week class could be for you. Live Well-- a Chronic Disease Management Program is a behavioral and social program designed to help people gain self-confidence in their ability to control their symptoms and how living with chronic disease affects their lives. These interactive workshops focus on building skills and sharing experiences for support. Space is limited, call Amber at 706-549-4850 to reserve your seat today! Where: Columbia Brookside When: Tuesdays, March 24th-April 28th Time: 9:00am-11:30am Cost: Free



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support groups and meetings

Class times subject to change or cancel, please check or call 706-549-4850 for updates.

Caregiver Support Group - Athens Area For any caregiver or any caregivers caring for someone with Alzheimer’s Disease or related dementias to fellowship with other caregivers, participate in educational programs, and gain knowledge from health care professionals. Where: ACCA Bentley ADH Center When: 3rd Tuesday each month Time: 12:00 pm-1:00 pm Cost: FREE Alzheimer’s Support Group - Winder Area For caregivers or anyone caring for someone with Alzheimer’s Disease or related dementias to fellowship with other caregivers, participate in educational programs, and gain knowledge from health care professionals. Where: Winder Adult Day Care When: Last Friday of each month Time: 12:00 pm-1:00 pm Cost: FREE

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren A support group provided for grandparents raising the grandchildren. Group topics vary in discussion from month to month and occasionally include informational materials and guest speakers. For specific dates and times, please contact Paige Powell at 706-549-4850. Where: ACCA’s Hudson Conference Room in Athens and Rivers of Mercy in Monroe When: TBD Time: 12:00 pm-1:30 pm Cost: FREE Parkinson’s Support Groups A group provided for persons with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers. Group topics vary in discussion from month to month and occasionally include informational materials, guest speakers, or trips. Where: ACCA Glass Dining Room When: 4th Monday each month Time: 2:00 pm -3:00 pm Cost: FREE

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spring 2015 43


at the station

ACCA always has a great time during the holidays and one of the highlights is the annual Be A Santa to A Senior community wide wrapping party. This year’s event was held on December 9 and we couldn’t do it without our continued partnership with Home Instead Senior Care.

44 connections


at the station

Another great tradition of ACCA is the annual fundraising event “Tea Time at the Depot.� We were so excited to have Epting Events along with Kate Waldrip and Bethany Dodson spearheading this fun event this year. It was held in the Harris Room on Sunday, December 14 to a sold out crowd.

spring 2015 45


46 connections

at the station

ACCA went to the Georgia State Capitol several times in January to advocate for older adult issues. Members of the Athens Advocacy committee and members of the Center for Active Living met with all of the local delegation during their visits. Thanks to ACCA Transportation for getting us there safely!!


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