Make it memorable with Melamine.
Based in Souther n Califor nia, USA, Elite Global Solutions has many years experience in merchandising strategies for food ser vice operators and retailers across the globe. They are recognised as a world-class, inter national manufacturer of pre mium, heavyweight melamine. Their exper tise has been integral to the design and development of this collection, resulting in a huge number of exciting display options to suit a wide variety of dining and retailing outlets. Elite Global Solutions also provide bespoke product solutions, creating items which truly satisfy any food ser vice requirement.
Wel co m e
Features & Benefits & Care Handl ing
D ining Occasio ns
Buf fet
Counter Ser ve
Dinner ware
P rod uct Ran ge s
Dri ftwood 7 S late 9 B amboo 11 Flat Trays
All our melamine dinner ware products are NSF & SGS approved chip and stain resistant, dishwasher safe and made to handle both hot and cold food. The displayware is used by many of the world’s for ward-thinking hotels, restaurants, food ser vice operators, super markets and caterers to enhance their of fer and the customer experience. The dinner ware gives added flexibility to operators working within challenging ser vice environments and the exciting Zen range is introduced to provide an authentic Asian feel to dining.
Rocky M ou n tai n Hi gh
Hot Ch a Ch a
Ar ti st S eri es
S pi ral B owls
Explore the options that these products of fer and make it memorable with mel amine.
Deep Bowl
melamine introduction
melamine introduction
Steelite Inter national has fur ther developed its Selected for You of fer to bring you this exciting range of premium melamine displayware and dinner ware. Responding to growing demand in the hospitality and retail markets for innovative display solutions, Steelite Inter national has par tnered with Elite Global Solutions to provide an exclusive collection of outstanding melamine pieces.
B eli ze 21 M oder n e 23 Cri n kled Paper
B i lbao 27 Patri ach 29
Tu scan y 35 Fou n dati on s 37 Ri sers 39 Pu t M e On A Pedestal
Ru bber Pedestal
Pebble Creek
Zen 47
I llogi cal Trays
M u st Haves
Features and Benefits Heav y weight
NSF & SGS certified products
• M elamin e from E l it e G l ob a l Sol ut ion s is ty pica l l y 2 0 % h e a vie r t h a n st a n d a rd melamin e , prod uc in g a st ron g e r, more durable a n d more a e st h e t ic p roduc t .
• E lite Global Solutions are a n NS F a p p r o v e d s u p p l i e r
• Break & C h ip re sist an t . • H andle wit h c are a n d d e l ive r a st un n in g presenta t ion , t ime a n d t ime ag ain .
Commercial dishwasher safe
• A ll our product complies with the SGS testing regime
Handles hot and cold food • A versatile product, great for flexibility in whichever environment you work.
Buf f e t is c h an gin g, it is excitin g an d n ew. N ew c o nc e pt s like b uf f e t f re sh are c h an gin g t h e d e m an d o n b uf f e t ware sup p lie rs, quic k c h an g e-ove rs an d sm alle r, f re sh e r pro duc t m e ans a shif t t owards m an a g e a b le disp la y s o lutio ns. Fro m t h e c lassic sh a p e s an d size s of t h e B e lize ran g e, t o t h e st unnin g ef f e c t p ossib le wit h Ro c k y M o unt ain High, m e lamin e is a p e r f e c t s o lutio n t o t h e d e m an ds of a b uf f e t o p e ra tio n.
Inn ova tive sur f a c e ef f e c t s as s e e n o n Crink le d Pa p e r provid e a dif f e re nt an d excitin g pre s e nt a tio n st y le, w hilst t h e st y lish sh a p e s of M o d e r n e h e lp d e live r an e leva t e d ex p e rie nc e.
Buffe t Ran ge s
Dri ftwood 7
Care Handling Instructions
S late 9 Bamboo 11 Flat Trays
Rocky M ou n tai n Hi gh
Plastic cleaners are the best
Hot Ch a Ch a
• T o keep your me l amin e prod uc t s l ook ing great use on l y n on - a b rasive p l ast ic p a d s o r plas tic - t ype brist l e s.
• I f n e c e s s a r y p r e - s o a k y o u r m e l a m i n e products in a high-quality pre-soak dishwashing detergent.
Ar ti st S eri es
Beli ze 21
Don’t bleach it
Perfect for ambient foods
• E lite Glo bal Sol ut ion s prod uc t s are dis hwash e r sa fe , h owe ve r it is impor t a n t t o avo id th e use of c h l orin e or c h l orin e - b a s e d detergent s or bl e a c h .
• H eating through oven or microwave use is not recommended for your melamine products.
• I t is recomme n de d t h a t t h e Rub b e r P e d e s t a l s are hand wa sh e d.
• T h e y c a n h o w e v e r w i t h s t a n d t e m p e r a t u r e s up to 100°C.
melamine occasions
m e l a m i n e f e at u r e s & b e n e f i t s & care handling
• A great a d van t a g e in a busy ser vice e n viron me n t .
M oder n e 23 Cri n kled Paper
Bi lbao 27 Patri ach 29 S pi ral Bowls
Deep B owl
Tu scan y 35 Fou n dati on s 37 Ri sers 39
Pu t M e On A Pedestal
Ru bber Pedestal
Th e ex t e nsive ran g e of c o unt e r s e r ve s o lutio ns provid e a p o r t a b l e, ef f e c tive m e ans of f o o d m e rc h an disin g. Cl assic sh a p e s suc h as t h e Fla t Tra ys an d t h e h eight o ptio ns wit hin t h e st y lish ris e rs provid e m e rc h an disin g o p p o r t unitie s t o e nh anc e any c o unt e r s e r ve o p e ra tio n.
melamine occasions
Th e d e lic a t e c o l o urs of t h e Tus c any ran g e c o m bin e d wit h it s pra c tic al sh a p e s an d size s m ake it a must h a ve, w hilst t h e a c t u al M ust H a ve s ram e kins are e ss e ntial in gre die nt s t o any s e lf-s e r ve re t ail o r s e r vic e o ut l e t.
C o un t er Serv e R a n g es
Th e dinn e r ware ran g e s are p e r f e c t s o lutio ns t o c h alle n gin g s e r vic e e nviro nm e nt s suc h as leisure an d p o o lsid e, h ospit als, an d s c h o o ls. Th e e ar t h t o n e c o l o urs an d visu al ric hn e ss of t h e Pe b b le Cre e k ran g e of b ow ls an d p la t e s m ake an a t t ra c tive t a b le t o p s o lutio n, wit h t h e a d d e d b e n efit of s e r vic e f lexibilit y an d dura bilit y. Ze n is a hu g e l y ex t e nsive ran g e p e r f e c t l y suit e d t o an A sian f o o d s e r vic e of f e r. Th e a t t ra c tive m a t t e finish pro duc e s a pro duc t wit h hu g e t a c tile an d visu al a p p e al. Th e st an d ard s e r vic e it e ms are b e autif ull y c o m p le m e nt e d by int e re stin g a cc e ss o r y pie c e s suc h as t h e t owe l p la t e, s o u p sp o o ns an d c o m p ar t m e nt t ra ys.
Di n n e rw are Ran ge s
D r iftw o o d 7
Hot Ch a Ch a
Sla te 9
Deep B owl
Ba m b o o 11
Pebble Creek
Fla t Tr a ys
Zen 47
H o t C ha C ha
I llogi cal Trays
M u st Haves
Be liz e 21
melamine occasions
counter serve
Mo d e r ne 23 P a tr ia c h 29 Tusc a ny 35 Fo und a tio ns 37 R ise r s 39
P ut Me O n A P e d e sta l
R ub b e r P e d e sta l
Must H a v e s
Inspired by war m well-trodden rustic boards this faux alter native delivers an appealing food presentation sur face which is highly practical whilst being food and dishwasher safe unlike its original inspiration.
melamine DRIFTWOOD
melamine DRIFTWOOD
This product will work ef for tlessly in buf fet displays, chilled display cabinets, food display cabinets and as stylish sharing platters.
Rectangular 68A351EL455 61.0 x 38.1 x 1.5cm (24" x 15" x 5/8" H)
Rectangular 68A351EL454 50.8 x 25.4 x 1.5cm (20" x 10" x 5/8" H)
Square 68A351EL453 25.4cm x 1.5cm (10" x 5/8" H)
Natural and organic are the key features of our faux slate range but created in a matt black high quality finish to elevate your inspired creations.
melamine SLATE
melamine SLATE
This product will work ef for tlessly in buf fet displays, chilled display cabinets, food display cabinets, stylish sharing platters as well as creating inspired Asian adaptations.
Rectangular 68A358EL455 61.0 x 38.1 x 1.5cm (24" x 15" x 5/8" H)
Rectangular 68A358EL454 50.8 x 25.4 x 1.5cm (20" x 10" x 5/8" H)
Square 68A358EL453 25.4cm x 1.5cm (10" x 5/8" H)
War m tones of the natural bamboo plant have inspired this faux interpretation to deliver a highly versatile and practical solution to the traditional wood boards.
melamine bamboo
melamine bamboo
This product will work ef for tlessly in buf fet displays, chilled display cabinets, food display cabinets, stylish sharing platters as well as creating inspired Asian adaptations.
Rectangular 68A350EL455 61.0 x 38.1 x 1.5cm (24" x 15" x 5/8" H)
Rectangular 68A350EL454 50.8 x 25.4 x 1.5cm (20" x 10" x 5/8" H)
Square 68A350EL453 25.4cm x 1.5cm (10" x 5/8" H)
Flat Trays
melamine flat trays
melamine flat trays
A fundamental asset of any food presentation the flat trays are per fect for display. A high gloss finish and distinct porcelain look, the only limit to use is your imagination.
Flat Tray 6810EL024 61.0cm x 34.2cm (24" x 13½")
Flat Tray 6810EL025 45.7cm x 34.3cm (18" x 13½")
Flat Tray with Rim 6810EL026 45.4cm x 32.7cm (17 7/8" x 12 7/8")
Flat Tray 6811EL024 61.0cm x 34.2cm (24" x 13½")
Flat Tray 6811EL025 45.7cm x 34.3cm (18" x 13½")
Flat Tray with Rim 6811EL026 45.4cm x 32.7cm (17 7/8" x 127/8")
Flat Tray with Rim 6810EL266 26.7 x 22.2 x 1.9cm (10½" x 83/4" x 3/4" H)
Flat Tray 6810EL497 40.0 x 20.1 x 1.9cm (153/4" x 8" x 3/4")
Flat Tray with Rim 6811EL266 26.7 x 22.2 x 1.9cm (10½" x 83/4" x 3/4"H)
Flat Tray 6811EL429 40.0 x 20.1 x 1.9cm (153/4" x 8" x 3/4")
Rocky Mountain High
Available in beautifully natural shapes, these display risers of fer an extremely versatile display solution. The non-slip rubber feet secure the piece per fectly whilst the marble and granite look can enhance any food presentation.
Quarry Stone 6828EL044 40.5cm x 27.9cm (16" x 11")
Quarry Stone 6828EL045 48.3cm x 33.0cm (19" x 13")
Quarry Stone 6828EL046 58.4cm x 40.6cm (23" x 16")
Quarry Stone 6828EL047 60.3cm x 25.4cm (23¾" x 10")
Quarry Stone 6828EL048 60.3cm x 38.1cm (23¾" x 15")
Quarry Stone 6828EL049 60.3cm x 50.8cm (23¾" x 20")
Quarry Stone 6828EL050 60.3cm x 60.3cm (23¾" x 23¾")
Quarry Stone Rectangle 6828EL051 76.2cm x 60.3cm (30" x 23¾")
Quarry Stone Triangle 6828EL052 31.8cm (15")
melamine rocky mountain HIGH
melamine rocky mountain HIGH
Available in 9 shapes and sizes, Rocky Mountain High is a fabulous addition to any food merchandising arrangement.
Hot Cha Cha
Hot Mediterranean colours when combined with large sharing bowls and plates make this range of melamine a per fect par tner for outdoor and indoor themed culinar y events.
Oval Platter 6841EL216 32.4 x 22.2 x 3.2cm (12¾" x 8¾" x 1¼" H)
Round Bowl 6841EL301 33.0cm x 8.6cm (13" x 33/8")
Oval Platter 6841EL218 37.7 x 29.6 x 3.2cm (147/8" x 115/8" x 11/4" H)
Round Bowl 6841EL303 37.2cm x 8.9cm (145/8" x 31/2" H)
Round Platter 6841EL343 43.2cm x 4.7cm (17" x 17/8" H)
Large Round Platter 6841EL176 47.6cm x 8.3cm (183/4" x 31/4" H))
Round Plate 6841EL108 22.9cm x 2.2cm (9" x 7/8" H)
Round Plate 6841EL109 30.5cm x 4.1cm (12" x 15/8" H)
Small Round Bowl 6841EL298 18.8cm x 8.9cm (73/8" x 31/2" H)
Round Bowl 6841EL103 20.3cm x 8.6cm (8" x 23/8" H)
melamine HOT CHA CHA
melamine HOT CHA CHA
Striking jewel colours will add drama and style to any tabletop whilst creating an experience to remember.
Artist Series
Containing exclusive designs and patter ns created by acclaimed ceramic ar tisan Derek Voien, the Ar tist Series is a range of classic and organic shapes with a creative twist.
melamine Artist series
melamine Artist series
These pieces are per fect for venues wanting to explore an attention-grabbing look, adding an ar tistic touch to any occasion.
Square Bowl 6801EL005 33.0cm x 33.0cm (13" x 13") 166.0cl (58oz)
Square Platter 6801EL006 38.1cm x 38.1cm (15" x 15")
Inspired by the hand-car ved wooden bowls of Central America, this series combines moder n sensibility with rustic char m.
Bowl 6802EL007 25.4cm x 25.4cm (10" x 10") 213.0cl (100oz)
Bowl 6802EL008 31.8cm (12½") 639.0cl (225oz)
Bowl 6802EL009 38.1cm x 17.4cm (15" x 7½") 284.0cl (100oz)
Bowl 6803EL007 25.4cm x 25.4cm (10" x 10") 213.0cl (100oz)
Bowl 6803EL008 31.8cm (12½") 639.0cl (225oz)
Bowl 6803EL009 38.1cm x 17.4cm (15" x 7½") 284.0cl (100oz)
Bowl 6804EL008 31.8cm (12½") 639.0cl (225oz)
Bowl 6804EL009 38.1cm x 17.4cm (15" x 7½") 284.0cl (100oz)
Bowl 6804EL007 25.4cm x 25.4cm (10" x 10") 213.0cl (100oz)
melamine belize
melamine belize
Available in shapes and sizes per fect for buf fet operations, Belize of fers for m and function that will enhance the customer experience.
Platter 6816EL029 40.0cm x 19.7cm (15¾" x 7¾")
Platter 6816EL030 61.0cm x 22.9cm (24" x 9")
Bowl 6816EL031 20.3cm x 12.7cm (8" x 5") 47.0cl (17oz)
Bowl 6816EL098 30.5cm x 19.1cm (12" x 7½") 213.0cl (75oz)
Platter 6817EL029 40.0cm x 19.7cm (15¾" x 7¾")
Platter 6817EL030 61.0cm x 22.9cm (24" x 9")
Bowl 6817EL031 20.3cm x 12.7cm (8" x 5") 47.0cl (17oz)
Bowl 6817EL098 30.5cm x 19.1cm (12" x 7½") 118.0cl (42oz)
melamine moderne
melamine moderne
Streamlined with cur ving for ms, the Moder ne collection is fluidly elegant, per fectly practical and ultra moder n.
Crinkled Paper
Bowl Square 6807EL017 25.4cm x 25.4cm (10" x 10") 142.0cl (50oz)
Bowl Square 6807EL020 30.5cm x 30.5cm (12" x 12") 284.0cl (100oz)
Bowl Square 6808EL017 25.4cm x 25.4cm (10" x 10") 142.0cl (50oz)
Bowl Square 6808EL020 30.5cm x 30.5cm (12" x 12") 284.0cl (100oz)
Tray Rectangle 6807EL018 29.1cm x 20.3cm (11½" x 8")
Tray Square 6807EL021 37.8cm x 37.8cm (147/8" x 147/8")
Tray Rectangle 6808EL018 29.1cm x 20.3cm (11½" x 8")
Tray Square 6808EL021 37.8cm x 37.8cm (147/8" x 147/8")
Tray Square 6807EL019 30.5cm x 30.5cm (12" x 12")
Tray Rectangle 6807EL022 37.8cm x 17.5cm (14 7/8" x 7 5/8")
Tray Square 6808EL019 30.5cm x 30.5cm (12" x 12")
melamine crinkled paper
melamine crinkled paper
Bold textures add a surprising element to this exciting range. Inspired by natural for m the Crinkled Paper collection of bowls and platters add a unique dimension to food ser vice display.
Tray Rectangle 6808EL022 37.8cm x 17.5cm (14 7/8" x 7 5/8")
Bowl 6805EL010 29.4cm x 27.9cm (12½" x 11") 284.0cl (100oz)
Platter 6805EL014 47.0cm x 32.4cm (181/8" x 13½")
Bowl 6806EL010 29.4cm x 27.9cm (12½" x 11") 284.0cl (100oz)
Platter 6806EL014 47.0cm x 32.4cm (181/8" x 13½")
Platter 6805EL011 31.8cm x 28.2cm (12½" x 111/8")
Bowl 6805EL016 24.4cm x 22.9cm (95/8" x 9") 166.0cl (58oz)
Platter 6806EL011 31.8cm x 28.2cm (12½" x 111/8")
Bowl 6806EL016 24.4cm x 22.9cm (95/8" x 9") 166.0cl (58oz)
Platter 6805EL012 43.5cm x 32.4cm (171/8" x 12¾")
melamine bilbao
melamine bilbao
Like the city, the Bilbao range is a collection of contrasts. It reflects the past with its provincial char m and rustic character while saluting the future with its seductively cur vaceous style.
Platter 6806EL012 43.5cm x 32.4cm (171/8" x 12¾")
melamine patriach
melamine patriach
Simple yet elegant, a fine selection of classic white platters and bowls for all your ser ving needs.
Platter 6823EL037 40.5cm x 29.1cm (16" x 11½")
Bowl 6823EL038 42.5cm (16¾") 710.0cl (250oz)
Platter 6823EL039 5 0.2cm x 35.6cm (19 ¾" x 14")
Spiral Bo w ls
melamine spiral bowls
melamine spiral bowls
A classic bowl with a simple and elegant twist.
Bowl 6830EL068 35.6cm (14") 400.0cl (140oz)
Bowl 6830EL069 45.7cm (18") 684.0cl (240oz)
Deep Bowl
melamine deep bowl
melamine deep bowl
This asymmetrical bowl is ideal for ser ving complementar y items. A striking piece, the Deep Bowl is a great addition to any buf fet outlet.
2 Compartment Bowl 6809EL023 36.5cm (143/8")
Square Bowl 6831EL070 25.4cm x 25.4cm (10" x 10") 166.0cl (58oz)
Bowl Flared Round 6831EL071 27.9cm (11") 237.0cl (83oz)
Square Bowl 6831EL072 33.0cm x 33.0cm (13" x 13") 378.0cl (133oz)
Round Bowl 6831EL073 35.6cm (14") 568.0cl (200oz)
Square Bowl 6832EL070 25.4cm x 25.4cm (10" x 10") 166.0cl (58oz)
Bowl Flared Round 6832EL071 27.9cm (11") 237.0cl (83oz)
Square Bowl 6832EL072 33.0cm x 33.0cm (13" x 13") 378.0cl (133oz)
Round Bowl 6832EL073 35.6cm (14") 568.0cl (200oz)
Square Bowl 6833EL070 25.4cm x 25.4cm (10" x 10") 166.0cl (58oz)
Bowl Flared Round 6833EL071 27.9cm (11") 237.0cl (83oz)
Square Bowl 6833EL072 33.0cm x 33.0cm (13" x 13") 378.0cl (133oz)
Round Bowl 6833EL073 35.6cm (14") 568.0cl (200oz)
Oval Platter 6831EL074 40.6cm (16")
melamine tuscany
melamine tuscany
A rich war m collection that evokes visions of the beautiful Tuscan landscape, this collection was developed and per fected with the aesthetic of hand-made potter y.
Oval Platter 6832EL074 40.6cm (16")
Oval Platter 6833EL074 40.6cm (16")
Solid Spoon 6812EL027 30.5cm (12")
Slotted Spoon 6812EL028 30.5cm (12")
Solid Spoon 6813EL027 30.5cm (12")
Slotted Spoon 6813EL028 30.5cm (12")
Solid Spoon 6814EL027 30.5cm (12")
Solid Spoon 6815EL027 30.5cm (12")
Slotted Spoon 6814EL028 30.5cm (12")
Slotted Spoon 6815EL028 30.5cm (12")
melamine foundations
melamine foundations
These slotted and solid spoons are an essential ingredient for any buf fet or counter ser ve operation. A stylish, moder n design this collection is available in four colours.
Elevate your creations with this unique riser that is available with three dif ferent heights of base allowing you to tear your presentation to suit the environment.
melamine RISERS
melamine RISERS
Pure white classical style will add a practical stylish solution to any buf fet or tabletop and will soon become a practical par tner for your presentations and displays.
Pedestal for Square Top 68A340EL426 7.6cm (3" H)
Pedestal for Square Top 68A340EL427 12.7cm (5" H)
Pedestal for Square Top 68A340EL428 17.8cm (7" H)
Square Pedestal Top 68A340EL425 33.0cm (13")
Put Me on a Pedestal
Black Cake Stand 6800EL001 33.0cm x 10.2cm (h) (13" x 4")
White Cake Stand 6800EL002 33.0 x 10.2cm (h) (13" x 4")
Black Round Stand 6800EL003 36.8cm x 19.0cm (h) (14½" x 7½")
White Round Stand 6800EL004 36.8cm x 19.0cm (h) (14½" x 7½")
melamine put me on a pedestal
melamine put me on a pedestal
Fabulous risers, this collection of fers a classic yet char ming display solution. Available in 2 heights and 2 styles these pieces will complement any presentation table.
Rubber Pedestal
Riser 6829EL053 30.5 x 50.8 x 5.1cm (12" x 20" x 2")
Stand 6829EL058 17.8 x 15.2 x 5.1cm (7" x 6" x 2")
Stand 6829EL061 17.8 x 15.2 x 12.7cm (7" x 6" x 5")
Oval Stand 6829EL056 35.5 x 28.2 x 6.3cm (14" x 11" x 2½")
Round Stand 6829EL065 15.2 x 17.8 x 7.6cm (6" x 7" x 3")
Riser 6829EL054 40.6 x 50.8 x 5.1cm (16" x 20" x 2")
Stand 6829EL059 17.8 x 15.2 x 7.6cm (7" x 6" x 3")
Stand 6829EL062 17.8 x 15.2 x 15.2cm (7" x 6" x 6")
Oval Stand 6829EL057 35.5 x 28.2 x 10.8cm (14" x 11" x 4¼")
Round Stand 6829EL066 15.2 x 17.8 x 10.2cm (6" x 7" x 4")
Stand 6829EL063 17.8 x 15.2 x 17.8cm (7" x 6" x 7")
Round Stand 6829EL064 15.2 x17.8 x 5.1cm (6" x 7" x 2")
Round Stand 6829EL067 22.9 x 24.8 x 11.5cm (9" x 9¾" x 4½")
Riser 6829EL055 20.3 x 50.8 x 5.1cm (8" x 20" x 2")
Stand 6829EL060 17.8 x 15.2 x 10.2cm (7" x 6" x 4")
melamine rubber pedestal
melamine rubber pedestal
Extremely versatile and functional, the Rubber Pedestal range of risers don’t slip, are available in dif ferent heights and are reversible. A wide range of sizes are available to match any display need.
Pebble Creek
Bowl 6824EL040 14.3cm (5 5/8") 41.0cl (15oz)
Bowl 6824EL041 18.1cm (7 1/8") 59.0cl (20oz)
Bowl 6824EL042 24.8cm (9他") 118.0cl (40oz)
Bowl 6825EL040 14.3cm (5 5/8") 41.0cl (15oz)
Bowl 6825EL041 18.1cm (7 1/8") 59.0cl (20oz)
Bowl 6825EL042 24.8cm (9他") 118.0cl (40oz)
Bowl 6826EL040 14.3cm (5 5/8") 41.0cl (15oz)
Bowl 6826EL041 18.1cm (7 1/8") 59.0cl (20oz)
Bowl 6826EL042 24.8cm (9他") 118.0cl (40oz)
Bowl 6827EL040 14.3cm (5 5/8") 41.0cl (15oz)
Bowl 6827EL041 18.1cm (7 1/8") 59.0cl (20oz)
Bowl 6827EL042 24.8cm (9他") 118.0cl (40oz)
Plate 6824EL043 25.4cm (10")
melamine pebble creek
melamine pebble creek
Inspired by the beauty of nature, this collection of fers a har monious blend of sophistication and ear thiness. The rich ear th tone colours add visual richness to any setting.
Round Plate 6827EL043 25.4cm (10")
A truly inspired collection, its grace and beauty are rivalled only by its unique and creative design.
melamine zen
melamine zen
A attractive matte finish adds a dimension to this range that creates a per fect Asian dining solution.
Spoon 6834EL075 16.8cm (65/8")
Soup Spoon 6834EL076 13.6cm (53/8")
Soup Spoon 6834EL077 14.6cm (5¾")
Bowl 6834EL078 24.8cm (9¾") 118.0cl (41oz)
Bowl 6834EL079 31.4cm (123/8") 95.0cl (33oz)
Bowl 6834EL080 18.1cm (71/8") 101.0cl (35oz)
Bowl 6834EL081 24.1cm (9 7/16") 95.0cl (33oz)
3 Compartment Tray 6834EL082 17.6cm x 8.23cm (75/8" x 3¼")
Soup Bowl 6834EL083 10.5cm (41/8") 27.0cl (9oz)
Lid 6834EL088 9.3cm (311/16") fits 6834EL083
Plate 6834EL085 25.7cm (101/8")
Platter 6834EL086 31.1cm x 21.5cm (12¼" x 8½")
Platter 6834EL087 37.8cm x 30.1cm (147/8" x 113/8")
Tray Rectangle 6834EL084 27.6cm x 11.7cm (10 7/8" x 45/8")
Bowl 6834EL089 11.4cm (4½") 24.0cl (8oz)
Sauce Bowl 6834EL090 11.4cm (4½") 18.0cl (6oz)
Dish 6834EL091 9.2cm x 7.0cm (35/7" x 2¾") 5.0cl (1.75oz)
2 Compartment Tray 6834EL092 13.6cm x 8.5cm (53/8" x 33/8")
Bowl 6834EL093 9.5cm (3¾") 12.0cl (4oz)
Towel Plate 6834EL094 16.9cm x 4.4cm (611/16" x 1¾")
Tray Rectangle 6834EL095 22.9cm x 9.5cm (9" x 3¾")
Spoon 6835EL075 16.8cm (65/8")
Soup Spoon 6835EL076 13.6cm (55/8")
Soup Spoon 6835EL077 14.6cm (5¾")
Bowl 6835EL078 24.8cm (9¾") 118.0cl (41oz)
Bowl 6835EL079 31.4cm (123/8") 95.0cl (33oz)
Bowl 6835EL080 18.1cm (71/8") 101.0cl (35oz)
Bowl 6835EL081 24.1cm (9 7/16") 95.0cl (33oz)
3 Compartment Tray 6835EL082 17.6cm x 8.23cm (75/8" x 3¼")
Soup Bowl 6835EL083 10.5cm (41/8") 27.0cl (9oz)
Platter 6835EL087 37.8cm x 30.1cm (147/8" x 113/8")
Dish 6835EL091 9.2cm x 7.0cm (35/7" x 2¾") 5.0cl (1.75oz)
Tray Rectangle 6835EL095 22.9cm x 9.5cm (9" x 3¾")
Lid 6835EL088 9.3cm (311/16") fits 6835EL083
Tray Rectangle 6835EL084 27.6cm x 11.7cm (10 7/8" x 45/8")
2 Compartment Tray 6835EL092 13.6cm x 8.5cm (53/8" x 33/8")
Plate 6835EL085 25.7cm (101/8")
Bowl 6835EL089 11.4cm (4½") 24.0cl (8oz)
Bowl 6835EL093 9.5cm (3¾") 12.0cl (4oz)
Platter 6835EL086 31.1cm x 21.5cm (12¼" x 8½")
melamine zen
melamine zen
Sauce Bowl 6835EL090 11.4cm (4½") 18.0cl (6oz)
Towel Plate 6835EL094 16.9cm x 4.4cm (611/16" x 1¾")
melamine ILLOGICAL
melamine ILLOGICAL
Highly versatile compar tment trays allow flexibility to ser ve saucers and dips with a unique flair. Designed with clean lines and table space considerations in mind these will become an integral par t of meal sharing menus.
4 Compartment Condiment Tray 68A065EL100 22.2 x 11.2 x 2.5cm (8他" x 4他" x 1" H)
5 Compartment Condiment Tray 68A065EL102 22.2 x 11.2 x 2.5cm (8他" x 4他" x 1" H)
Must Haves
melamine must haves
melamine must haves
A ser vice essential available in 3 sizes. A pot for ever y occasion!
Ramekin 6818EL032 5.4cm (21/8") 3.0cl (1oz)
Ramekin 6819EL032 5.4cm (21/8") 3.0cl (1oz)
Ramekin 6818EL033 6.6cm (25/8") 6.0cl (2oz)
Ramekin 6818EL034 9.5cm (3Âź") 12.0cl (4oz)
Ramekin 6819EL033 6.6cm (25/8") 6.0cl (2oz)
Ramekin 6819EL034 9.5cm (3Âź") 12.0cl (4oz)
I ndex A 19
B Bamboo Belize Bilbao Buffet
11 21 27 4
C Counter Serve Crinkled Paper
5 25
33 6 7
F Flat Trays Foundations
Must Haves
P Patriach Pebble Creek Put Me on a Pedestal
29 45 41
Risers Rocky Mountain High Rubber Pedestal
39 15 43
S Slate Spiral Bowls
9 31
T 13 37
H Hot Cha Cha
D Deep Bowl Dinnerware Driftwood
Artist Series
I Illogical Trays 55
51 56
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