Melting Pot Recipe Book NSW ACT

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Melting Pot Celebrating our diversity through food

Melting Pot Starters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Savory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Sweet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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ACCOR COMMITMENT We aim to ensure that each employee understands the importance of diversity in our organisation. This book has been collated to help celebrate Diversity through the different cultural backgrounds, ages and gender of our 10,000 employees and highlight how our diverse DNA makes working for Accor great.

Starters CULTURAL DIVERSITY Our employees come from all walks of life with backgrounds spanning a melting pot of cultural, ethnic, religious and national identities.


Pullman Sydney Hyde Park

INGREDIENTS Pino (Beef filling): 500g (1/2 kg) lean beef (posta negra) connective tissue removed 2 teaspoons ground cumin 2 teaspoons cumin seeds 5-6 tablespoons oil 4 medium onions, finely chopped 2 teaspoons paprika dissolved in ¼ cup beef broth (60 cc) 3 tablespoons seedless white raisins soaked in ¼ cup beef broth (60 cc) 1 ¼ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon coarsely ground fresh pepper to taste 1 tablespoon flour 3 green or red chilli peppers (optional) Filling: 12 black olives 3 hard boiled eggs, sliced in quarters Pastry Dough: (This flaky, crisp dough is also excellent for double crust pies) 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg ½ cup butter (115 gm) ½ cup shortening (115gm) 5 ½ cups flour (370 gm)

METHOD Pino (Beef Filling) 1. Process meat into small cubes the size of peas. Add ground cumin and let stand half an hour. 2. In a non stick pan heat cumin seeds until they pop. Add oil and saute the onions. Do not brown, but cook thoroughly (25 mins). Add the meat to onion mixture. Add paprika mixture to meat, add salt and pepper and cook at low heat until meat loses it‟s colour. Add soaked raisins with the broth. Add flour. Consistency should be saucy, but not soupy. Cool. If using chillies; divide filling in two and add chopped chillies to one of the halves.


Assistant F&B Manager Pullman Sydney Hyde Park

METHOD (cont..) 3. In a small pan heat salt and milk to lukewarm. Remove from heat. Add egg, butter and shortening and stir till dissolved with a hand-held electric blender. 4. Mix into flour using your hands and work the dough until it is soft and easy to handle (not more than 2 or 3 mins are necessary), Make a long roll and divide into 12 egg-size pastry balls. (The last ball is smaller but you make up for it with the trimmings left over as you roll and cut the other ones). To Assemble: Make one empanada at a time and place them directly on a nongreased oven tray. Roll each ball into a circle about 1/8 inch thick. With an inverted 8-inch cake pan trace the circle and cut a perfect round. Place about ½ cup filling on the upper half of each pastry round. Stuff one olive into the filling and add ¼ of egg. Moisten the rim of the pastry. Fold the dough over the filling to make an empanada and press hard on the wet rim with your knuckles to make it stick. Tuck the rims straight to make a rectangle. If making some empanadas with chilli, mould the curved edge of the pastry and flute to shape them into a triangle. Press hard at the corners with your thumbs and prick the top a single time with a toothpick for the steam to come out in the oven. Brush top with egg yolk mixture. Bake in preheated hot oven (400 degrees F/200 degrees C) for about 30-35 minutes or until nicely brown. Make sure dough is well cooked in between creases. Serve hot. Makes 12 empanadas

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY Empanadas de Pino (meat empanada) is perhaps the most important food in Chilean cuisine. Every country has a pie of some sort, but Latin America has many countries that fight for dominance in the empanada market. This empanada is a favourite of many people, both travellers and locals. Viva Chile!


Pullman Magenta Shores Resort

INGREDIENTS • • • • • • • • • •

175g Self raising flour 175g Wholemeal flour 25g Bran 25g Wheat germ 1 teaspoon of honey 1 egg ½ teaspoon of salt ½ pint of buttermilk Teaspoon of butter Teaspoon of bread soda

METHOD 1. Place all dry ingredients in a bowl, mix well together 2. Make a well in the middle and place all wet ingredients in and mix it all together really well 3. Bind together and knead 4. Place in a bread baking dish 5. Bake for 35-40 min in a 180-200 degree oven 6. Cool on a wire tray 7. Cut in slices when cool and serve with butter, jam, marmalade or cheese and it is really good with vegemite 8. Serves about 10 people – 2 serves each

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY This is my neighbours recipe from back home in Ireland., the recipe goes back to the 1920s and was handed down. This lovely lady used to always come to our family home with flour on her face, clothes and her apron and when you would ask what she was cooking she would always answer by saying “my famous Irish Brown Bread”. Even now when I go back home to visit she will arrive with her Irish Brown Bread and she will still have flour on her face and over her apron.



F&B Attendant Mercure Canberra

¼ cup good olive oil 2 pounds yellow onions 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves 1 ½ teaspoons kosher salt ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 2 whole cloves garlic 1 ¼ cups warm (100 to 110 degrees F) water 2 envelopes dry yeast 3 tablespoons good olive oil 4 cups all-purpose flour, plus extra for kneading 2 teaspoons kosher salt Cornmeal, for baking 12 to 18 anchovy fillets 12 black olives.

METHOD For the topping, heat the olive oil in a very large sauté pan and cook the onions, thyme, salt, pepper, and garlic over low heat for 45 minutes. After 30 minutes, take out the garlic, chop it roughly, and add it back to the onions. For the dough, combine the water, yeast, and olive oil in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a dough hook. Add 3 cups of the flour, then salt, and mix on medium-low speed. While mixing, add 1 more cup of flour, or just enough to make soft dough. Mix the dough on medium-low speed for about 10 minutes, until smooth, sprinkling it with flour to keep it from sticking to the bowl. When the dough is ready, turn it out onto a floured board and knead by hand a dozen times. It should be smooth and elastic. Place the dough in a well-oiled bowl and turn it to cover lightly with oil. Cover the bowl with a damp kitchen towel. Allow to rest at room temperature for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.


F&B Attendant Mercure Canberra

METHOD Divide the dough into 2 equal parts, rolling each 1 into a smooth ball. Roll the dough lightly with a rolling pin, then stretch it to a 10 by 15-inch rectangle and place it on a baking sheet sprinkled with cornmeal. Spoon the onion topping onto the dough, leaving a 3/4-inch border all around. Artfully arrange the anchovies and olives on top, brush the edge of the dough with olive oil, and bake for 15 minutes, or until the crust is crisp. Serve hot on a cutting board.

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY The Pissaladière also known as the classic Nicoise tart is a very famous dish from the south of France. It‟s kind of a “French-style healthy Pizza”! It‟s made with puff pastry, tomatoes, onions, and olives, is a snack or appetizer, and is usually sold in single portions, either in bakeries, at stands or in bars and bistro. When local people have this dish, they usually have a drink to go with it called Pastis.

GYOZA SUPPLIED BY: Vanessa Shibata

Reservations Manager Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

INGREDIENTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1 x large chinese cabbage 1 x bunch chives 1 x bunch garlic chives 3 x cloves of garlic 1 x tablespoon of sesame oil 1 x teaspoon of minced ginger 1 x large pinch salt & pepper ½ cup corn flour 500g pork mince 3 x 24 packets of think dumpling skins (found in Asian grocery stores) 1 x large tray 1 x large mixing bowl 1 x deep frying pan with lid Hot water (refer cooking process)

Dipping Sauce: 2/3 cup japanese soy sauce 1/3 cup lemon juice La-Yu chilli oil (found in Asian grocery store)

METHOD 1. Roughly chop the chinese cabbage and fit into a large pot. Fill it with sufficient water and bring it to the boil. Keep the pot on high heat until the cabbage has completely softened. 2. Drain and run the cabbage under cold water, until it is cool enough to hold by hand 3. Wring the cabbage vigorously and squeeze out as much water as possible (this process will take some time, and it‟s the most important. The more water left in the cabbage, the more likely the dumpling mixture will be soggy). 4. Do not worry about the cabbage breaking up as it will need to be diced. 5. Once as much water has been squeezed out of the cabbage, finely dice the cabbage. 6. Finely chop the chives, garlic and ginger 7. Place the diced cabbage, chives, garlic ginger, the mince, sesame oil, salt & pepper into a large mixing bowl. Mix the content by hand until the ingredients are evenly mixed.

GYOZA (cont….) METHOD 8. Prepare a large tray (or a number of large plates and scatter the corn flour. 9. Prepare a small ½ cup of water (this is used to seal the dumpling skins) 10. Take the dumpling skin in the palm of your hand, and spoon a teaspoonful of the filling into the centre. Using your little finger, dip it into the cup of water, and run it along the edge of ½ of the dumpling skin. 11. Gently fold over the dumpling skin until the two circular halves meet and pleat one side using your thumb and index finger. Press along as you go, until it‟s sealed. 12. Sit the dumpling upright (with the pleat pointing up) on the tray. 13. Repeat until all mixture is used. How to cook: 1. Heat the large frying pan with a tablespoon of oil on high heat 2. Hold the dumplings by the spine (the pleated part), and sit them firmly into the pan (making sure the dumplings do not fall over). Best not to fit in much more than a dozen at once. 3. Let them brown for 30 seconds or until a slightly browned crust has formed on the base of the dumplings. 4. Holding the frying pan lid with one hand, pour 100ml of water into the pan with the other hand. Close the lid immediately after pouring in the water. 5. Let the dumplings cook until the water has evaporated. (When it is cooked, the dumpling skin will become semi transparent, so you can almost see inside) 6. Remove from the pan onto a sharing plate 7. Serve with a mix of lemon juice, Japanese soy sauce, and La-Yu Chilli oil. Makes 72 serves

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY This recipe is from Japan. It is a Shibata family recipe. Food always brings our family together and we enjoy sitting around the table making them and then eating them...yum!


Jnr Sous Chef Mercure Sydney International Airport

INGREDIENTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

10gms cumin seeds 10gms fenugreek seeds 10gms mustard seeds 100gms white onion 120ml vegetable oil 150gms plain yoghurt 10gms carom powder 2 bay leaves 150gms chick pea flour 1 standard cup jasmine rice 250gms spinach leaves ¼ tspn red chilli powder ½ bunch coriander 80gms spanish onion 60gms ginger and garlic paste Seasoning

METHOD Kadhl: Heat oil in a metal pot. Add cumin seeds, bay leaves, mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds in it together. Sweat it a bit and then add chopped white onion and ginger garlic paste to it. Saute till it goes golden brown. Meanwhile mix the yoghurt, chickpea flour and water together. The consistency of the mix has to be more on the runny side. Start pouring the mix in the pot gradually and make sure it‟s being stirred properly so that no lumps form. Leave on a low heat and cook for 30-40 mins stirring every now and then. Finish it up with red chilli powder, seasoning and fresh coriander. Rice balls: Make balls out of the cooked rice (bit on the wet side) and leave it aside. Will heat it up in the oven just before serving so its form remains intact. Spinach Kofta: Julienne the spinach leaves and spanish onion and mix chick pea flour, carom powder and give it a good mash. Form balls out of it and deep fry them and leave aside.


Serving: In a serving bowl, put the rice balls at the bottom. Put the Kadhi on top of it then the spinach kofta goes on top. Garnish it with julienne spinach and some fresh chilli. This will make around 6 servings.

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY Kadhi is a dish that is very common in most parts of India but you won‟t get it at any hotels or restaurants. It‟s a normal wet dish served with rice. But when I saw my mum doing it when I was back home on holidays, I was really surprised that she put it together with that wow factor. She made a simple dish look like 5 star quality.

Savory GENDER EQUALITY Accor is committed to maximising its talent pool of 10,000 employees and is taking steps to proactively attract and retain women in the workplace and grow them into senior leaders.

PASTITSIO SUPPLIED BY: Jason Limberiou Human Resources Manager Pullman Sydney Hyde Park

INGREDIENTS 250g penne pasta 1 onion, finely diced 2 cloves garlic, finely diced 1 tablespoon thyme, chopped 1 tablespoon rosemary, chopped 300g lamb mince 200g pork mince 2 tablespoons tomato paste 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon 250g crushed tomatoes Salt, to taste Béchamel 100g butter 100g flour 800ml full-cream milk 200g grated keflagraviera cheese 3 eggs, beaten


Cook pasta in boiling salted water for 8 minutes, or until al dente, strain and toss with extra virgin olive oil and cool on tray. Meat sauce Sauté diced onion, garlic, thyme and rosemary until soft and then add all mince and brown. Add tomato paste, cinnamon and crushed tomatoes, reduce to a low heat and simmer for 1 hour. Season to taste. Béchamel Melt butter in a heavy based saucepan. Add flour, stir on low heat for 2 minutes. Slowly add warm milk continuously stirring until thick. Cover with lid and cool for 10 minutes. Whisk in beaten eggs and ½ keflagraviera, season to taste.

PASTITSIO (cont…) SUPPLIED BY: Jason Limberiou

Human Resources Manager Pullman Sydney Hyde Park Assemble Oil casserole dish, mix the other half of the grated keflagraviera through the pasta. Arrange pasta on bottom of dish. Cover this with meat sauce then a thick layer of béchamel. Bake in pre-heated oven at 200°C for 45 minutes until golden brown and béchamel has set

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY As a kid, this was the one Greek dish my Yaya made that my brothers and I requested every week when we went over for dinner-and the only dish that I can make.


Novotel Sydney Central

INGREDIENTS 400g 3 tbsp 1 tbsp 2 ½ cups 5 ea 3 ea 10 ea 2 ea 2 tbsp 2 tbspn

chicken drumsticks green curry paste cooking oil coconut cream Thai eggplants (quartered) kaffir lime leave (torn) Thai sweet basil long red chilli (sliced) fish sauce palm sugar

METHOD 1. In a large pan, saute the green curry paste in oil over medium heat until fragrant, reduce the heat, gradually add 50 ml of the coconut cream a little at a time, stir until a film of green oil surfaces. 2. Add chicken drumstick and cook until the surface of the chicken is cooked. Add the remaining coconut cream, bring to the boil and simmer for about 20 mins. 3. Taste if the chicken is tender, season with fish sauce and palm sugar 4. Add Thai eggplant and kaffir lime leaves. When the eggplant is cooked through, add sliced long red chilli and basil, turn off the heat. 5. To serve, put chicken green curry in a bowl, garnish with fresh basil and sliced chilli. Tip: Blending some Thai basil leaves and adding to the curry will help boost up the green colour and enhance the fragrance.


Front Office Novotel Wollongong Northbeach

INGREDIENTS 2 tbsp olive oil 1 clove garlic crushed 200g cup mushrooms sliced 100g sliced honey ham shredded ¾ cup cream ¾ cup chicken stock ½ cup shredded parmesan ½ basil leaves torn 400g penne pasta 2 bunches asparagus 3 skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1cm slices 1 leek finely chopped extra basil leaves to serve

METHOD 1. Heat oil in a large frying pan on medium. Cook chicken in batches or 3-5 mins until golden and cooked through. Remove from pan and set aside 2. Cook leek in same pan on medium for 5 min until soft. Add garlic ad cook for 30sec. add mushrooms and ham. Cook for 3 min until mushrooms are tender and ham crisp. Pour over cream and stock. Simmer for 1 min. return chicken to pan with Parmesan and basil and simmer for another 2 min. 3. Meanwhile, cook penne in a large pan of boiling water. Add asparagus for the last 2min of cooking. Drain. Add penne and asparagus to carbonara sauce and toss to combine. 4. Serve topped with extra basil. Serves 4

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY My lovely bearded friend sent me a snap chat expressing his love for this particular dish! Enjoy, go ahead and give it a shot 


Chef Mercure Sydney International Airport

INGREDIENTS 400g Barramundi 2 tbs Ginger Julienne ½ Cup Shallot Julienne ½ tsp Sugar 2 tsp Soy Sauce ½ Tsp Sesame Oil 1 ½ tsp peanut oil ¼ Bunch of Coriander 2 tsp Oyster Sauce

METHOD 1. Steam Fish for 5-6 minutes 2. Meanwhile combine all other ingredients and heat to make sauce 3. Cover fish with sauce & serve

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY I make this dish when I go home to Hong Kong



Chef, Novotel Coffs Harbour Pacific Bay Resort

2.5kg lean beef mince 4 fresh cloves garlic - crushed 1 large Spanish onion ½ bunch finely chopped parsley 3 eggs 1 cup parmesan cheese - grated Salt to taste Sauce Bunch fresh basil – leaves only 2 x 400ml tomato juice 500g tomato past Salt to taste 1 tablespoon sugar 2 x 3.2kg cans crushed tomatoes 2 x large brown onions – diced 6 fresh garlic cloves – crushed 150gms chopped butter


1. Mix the beef, garlic, onion, parsley, eggs. Parmesan & salt together 2. Roll mixture to size 3. Shallow fry meatballs until lightly browned 4. Sauce 5. Melt butter 6. Add garlic & onion and sauté 7. Add crushed tomatoes and tomato juice and bring to boil 8. Add ½ the basil leaves 9. Add tomato paste 10. Turn down low to simmer for ½ - 1hour 11. Add sugar & season with salt 12. Stir constantly 13. Add meatballs until the rest of the basil leaves 14. Garnish with shaved parmesan and basil leaves 15. Serve with linguine or spaghetti


Nonna‟s family favourite to feed a gathering of 60-70 people


INGREDIENTS 1 cup olive oil 6 whole quail (b-flied) Salt & fresh cracked pepper 1 bunch pearl onion 1 bunch baby leek 1 bunch baby Dutch carrot 1 red radish (finely sliced) 3 Garlic cloves 1 bay leaf (fresh) 1/4 bunch thyme Teaspoon smoked paprika 750ml dry white wine 1 cup white wine vinegar / chardonnay vinegar


1. Season quail and seal on each side on a medium – high heat, until brown on all sides (set aside) 2. Sautee prepared baby vegetables, add garlic, herbs and paprika 3. Add wine and vinegar, season with salt & pepper and bring to simmer 4. Return quail to liquid, breast down 5. Cover and simmer on low heat for approx ½ hour 6. Remove vegetables and set aside 7. Turn quail and simmer for another 30 minutes or so 8. Uncover and simmer for another 10 minutes or until soft 9. Let cool and pull quail apart softly and portion with vegetables and sauce. 10. This recipe makes enough to serve the masses. Great for entertaining!


This recipes origin has a very eclectic back-story. Escabeche is served in many countries around the world with many variations in which it is executed. It relies on the poaching in an acidic base to infuse the dish with mountains of flavour. The Menzies has such a great cultural mix of staff from all around the globe- this dish represents the many influences that have come together to make us great!


SUPPLIED BY: Percy Mahayagoda Breakfast Demi Chef Extraordinaire Mercure Sydney International Airport

750g Prawns 220g Onion Finely Diced 15g Garlic Finely Chopped 15g Ginger finely Chopped 75 ml Vegetable Oil 1 Cinnamon Quill 5g Fenugreek Seeds 12 Dried Curry Leaves 2 Fresh Lemongrass 20 g Cracked Black Pepper 5g Ground Tumeric 15g Curry Powder 15g Chilli Powder 8g Salt 400ml Coconut Milk Juice of 2 Limes


1. Wash prawns and remove heads and shells. 2. In a heated wok add oil and cook all ingredients except prawn, coconut cream and lime juice 3. Add 250 ml water and bring slowly to the boil. 4. Simmer uncovered for 10 minutes 5. Add prawns and lime juice and coconut milk 6. Simmer for a further 10 minutes 7. Add more salt and lime if needed to enhance the flavour 8. Serve with boiled rice 9. 6 portions

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY Sri Lankan Prawn Curry is a traditional cuisine for all Sri Lankans. Although Prawns are expensive Every Sri Lankans Love to Eat it with rice or bread. Most of the weddings and Birthday Parties prawn curry is a must. Children love to eat them too. It is a curry which could be prepared in just 10 or 15 minutes. Last but not least SRI LANKANS LOVE PRAWN CURRY.

OKA L’A (SAMOAN FISH DISH) SUPPLIED BY: Wilma Hadley Front Office Novotel Coffs Harbour Pacific Bay Resort

INGREDIENTS 500g fresh tuna or snapper ½ cup (120ml) lemon or lime juice ¼ onion 2 spring onions 2 medium tomatoes 1 large or 2 small cucumbers 1 cup (240ml) coconut milk Salt to taste

METHOD 1. Medium dice fish 2. Cover with lemon or lime juice and set aside for 1 minute to an hour depending on desired texture 3. The longer you leave the fish in the citrus acid, the more it is cooked and the texture will be firmer than soft raw fish 4. Marinate the fish for the time it takes to cup up the vegetables 5. Finely dice tomatoes 6. Drain fish and discard the lemon or lime juice 7. Add the vegetables and coconut milk to the fish 8. Mix well and season with salt 9. Refrigerate for ½ hour to allow flavours to blend 10. Serve with fried taro . Serves 4

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY This is a traditional “no cook dish” best served as an appetizer or side dish. Most Samoan dishes are cooked “umu” which is like a Maori hungi.

AUSSIE LAZY LAMB CHOPS SUPPLIED BY: Sharelle Redwood Human Resources Manager Novotel Coffs Harbour Pacific Bay Resort

INGREDIENTS 4 Large Forequarter lamb chops (depending on the number of people) Packet of French Onion Soup 2 rashers bacon Alfoil

METHOD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Cut alfoil in to squares big enough to wrap chops individually Sprinkle French onion soup onto each piece of alfoil Place 1 chop on top of soup mix on each piece of alfoil Dice bacon and put on top of each chop Sprinkle more French onion soup on top of each chop Wrap each chop into parcels Either cook in oven for 30-45mins on 180o or cook on bbq

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY When the kids were growing up, I wanted something quick and easy to prepare after working all day, that the kids would eat, so I created this recipe.

PUMPKIN PIES Anna Mylonas Room Attendant Novotel Sydney Parramatta


INGREDIENTS Pastry 1 kilo baker‟s flour ½ kg pastry 1 cup vegetable oil 1 tbsp salt warm water

Filling 20 cups real pumpkin (1 medium butter nut pumpkin) 1 cup bulgur wheat 1 cup raisins ½ cup olive oil 1 tbsp pepper ½ tsp cinnamon 1 tsp salt 1 tsp ground aniseed


Place the pumpkin cubes in a deep bowl and cover with a towel overnight. The following day, add in the salt and set aside for a couple of hours. Then, transfer the mixture in a strainer, allow it to drain well, place it in a clean bowl and add the rest of the stuffing ingredients. In a different bowl, mix the flour and salt and shape into a mount. Form a well in the centre, pour in the oil and knead until the oil has been absorbed. Add the water, little by little and knead vigorously into a firm dough. Let the dough rest for a while. Then, divide the dough in small pieces, the size of a golf ball each and roll out each piece in a round circle (20cm diameter). Spoon 2 teaspoons of the mixture onto the centre of each circle and fold in half to form a semi-circle. Using a fork, press down the edges to seal and to prevent from opening up; in an oven dish, lined with greaseproof paper or greased with some oil, arrange the pies in the lines. Bake in a pre-heated moderate oven until golden brown. Pumpkin pies can be served either hot or cold. Serves 16 - 20


Greek Cypriot pies made traditionally during Easter lent. This occurs at the end of European winter when pumpkins are in season. These days they are regularly found in Cypriot patisseries.


SUPPLIED BY: Urvashi Patel Guest Service Agent Novotel Sydney Parramatta

250 gm cottage cheese (paneer) 100 gm yogurt (dahi) 2 onion (pyaj) 2 tomato (tamatar) 1 tsp ginger (adrak), garlic (lahsun) paste 2 green chilly (hari mirch) paste 50 gm cashew nut (kaju) paste 1 tsp tandoori masala 1 tsp chat masala 1 tsp chana masala Salt to taste

METHOD 1. Cut round slices of tomato and onion and keep them aside. 2. Cut paneer in cubes 3. Mix tandoori, chat and chana masala along with half of the ginger garlic paste with yogurt . 4. Now add paneer cubes and mix well. 5. Fix paneer cubes in a toothpick and put tomato and onion slices around paneer. 6. Then cook them in a preheated oven and keep aside. 7. Heat oil in a pan and put ginger garlic paste and green chilly in it. 8. Cook for 5 minutes. Thereafter, add finely chopped onion and fry. 9. Add finely chopped tomato and cook until oil floats on the surface. 10. Then add cashew paste and cook for 5-10 minutes. 11. Then add all the spices and cook for 2 minutes. 12. Lastly add paneer cooked in oven and cook for 5 minutes. 13. Garnish with coriander and serve hot. Serves 4

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY This is my husband favourite dish. Thatâ€&#x;s why I take the time to cook for him from time to time. I learn this recipe from my aunt and now I am cooking this recipe like professional cook. There is a secret ingredient in this, at the time of cooking you have to add love as well.


The Sebel Residence Chatswood

INGREDIENTS 6 smoked Pork sausages 5 tomatoes 3 onions 2 tea spoons of Saffron 4 chopped chillies Salt Pepper

METHOD 1. Boil the sausages for about 10 mins and put them aside 2. Put a little bit of oil in a big pot, add the onions and turn them brown 3. The put the tomatoes and cook them on low heat for 20 mins 4. Add the chillies and the saffron and stir a few minutes. 5. Then add the sausages and let it cook on low heat for 40 mins stirring regularly 6. To be served with white steamed rice and red kidney beans 7. The dare devils can also serve it with chilli paste!!! 8. Serves 4

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY This is a traditional dish from my home country (Island). It is one of my favourite dish and pretty special to me because EVERY TIME I go back home this dish is cooked and waiting for me to eat it!!!

BEEF RENDANG Bobby Suherman’s SUPPLIED BY: (Great Grandmother- Ismailwati Suherman) 2nd Year Apprentice Chef Mercure Kooindah Waters

INGREDIENTS 13 Japonese chillies (Flavor Base) 2 tbsp sliced garlic 1 tbsp fresh sliced ginger 1 tbsp fresh galangal (chopped) 4 whole cloves (Whole Spice Blend) 4 whole green cardamom pods 2 whole star anise 1 3-inch long cinnamon quills (chopped in ½) 2 tsps ground coriander (Spice Blend) 2 tsps ground cumin 2 tsps ground fennel seeds 1 tsps turmeric ½ tsps. Fresh ground black pepper ¾ cup of vegetable oil 2lb boneless top blade beef chuck (Sirloin Steak, Optional) 1-13.5 oz can Unsweetened coconut Milk ¼ cup tamarind concentrated 3 lime leaves (thinly chopped) 2 med lemongrass (crushed with back of knife and tie a knot) 4 tsps palm sugar 2 tbsp table salt Lime/lemon wedges for garnish

METHOD 1. Dried chillies, steep them in hot water until peelable, 5 to 8 minutes then slit and seed them (use gloves). Put the chillies, shallots, garlic, ginger, galangal (if using), and 1/4 cup water in a food processor and process to a coarse purée, about 3 minutes (if using whole dried chillies, you‟ll still see little pieces of the skins). (Flavour Base) 2. In a small bowl, combine the cloves, cardamom pods, star anise, and cinnamon pieces. In a second small bowl, combine the coriander, cumin, fennel, turmeric, and pepper. (Spice Blends)

BEEF RENDANG Bobby Suherman’s SUPPLIED BY: (Great Grandmother- Ismailwati Suherman) 2nd Year Apprentice Chef Mercure Kooindah Waters

3. With 2 tbsp of oil, in a med heat over a wok or pan base, add the whole spice blend until light caramelized and cinnamon quills will start to open ( do not burn) then add another 2 tbsp of oil and add the ground spice blend. Stir constantly until mixture sizzle and fragrant. Add the remaining 1/2 cup oil and the flavor base and cook, stirring, until the purée is an intense reddish-brown, about 10 minutes. Raise the heat to medium add the beef and cook, stirring, to coat it with the spices, about 2 minutes. Add the coconut milk, tamarind concentrate, lime leaves, and lemongrass and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture comes to a boil, about 5 minutes. Reduce the heat to low, add the sugar and salt, and simmer, stirring occasionally for the first hour and then more frequently as the stew thickens, until the liquid is very thick and oil appears on its surface, about 1¾ hours. The meat will not be fork-tender at this point. 4. Continue to cook, stirring frequently, until the meat is fork-tender, 20 to 30 minutes more (the oil will start frothing after 15 to 20 minutes). 5. Remove the lemongrass, cinnamon pieces, star anise, and as many cloves as you can find. 6. Transfer the meat to a serving platter and garnish with the lime wedges (if using). (Rendang). Serves 8

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY This dish is one of the most popular dishes in Indonesia "Beef Rendang" This dish originated from the Minangkabau part of the Indonesian Ethnic Group. And now it is commonly served around the Globe. This dish requires patience and lots of hours to cook to give its full potential of the texture and flavour of this dish. My mother usually make this dish, depending if she has the time to spend as it is not a 5 minute job I love this dish because the flavour is spicy and full of herbs very tasty, texture is soft and just breaks in your mouth, a sensational Dish!


SUPPLIED BY: Richard Jovani Outlets Manager Fairmont Resort

250 ml olive oil 4 medium potatoes, peeled, quartered and thinly sliced 6 eggs Salt/ garlic


1. Heat the oil in a large frying pan and gently cook the potatoes, stirring from time to time so they don‟t burn on the bottom. Once the potatoes are almost soft, drain them in a colander set over a bowl to remove the excess oil (keep it for another use). Leave 2 tbsp of oil in the pan. 2. Beat the eggs in a bowl and season with salt. Add the potatoes, mix well and check the seasoning. 3. Reheat the frying pan over medium heat and pour in the potato and egg mixture. As the omelette begins to cook, shake the pan from time to time so the omelette doesn‟t stick to the bottom. 4. Once the bottom of the omelette has set, turn it by placing a plate on the pan and quickly turning the pan and plate over. Gently slide the omelette back into the pan and continue cooking, shaking the pan from time to time, until the omelette is set through 5. Enjoy anytime

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY Since I can remember, every day in my house there has been a Tortilla de Patatas on the kitchen bench. Covered in foil and ready to eat. The same way other people, especially Anglo-Saxons, have a sweet tray, or cake display in the kitchen, we had Tortilla. My mother use to cook it every day in the morning, before we woke up. And guess what my mother said if we told her we were hungry, or we wanted something to eat? Right. Eat the tortilla. With time my brother and I learn how to mix things up and we eat it in different ways... • With toasted bread soak in fresh tomato, olive oil and salt • On top of a guacamole blanket • Especially, with Jamon and chorizo • Or even mixed in a salad with vinegar I really miss my Mum’s Tortilla.


SUPPLIED BY: Abhishek Giri Kitchen Steward Mercure Sydney International Airport

Rice DAL – 250g Lentils 25ml Vegetable Oil 500g Onion 10g Garlic Finely Chopped 5g Turmeric Ground 750 ml Water 10g Salt VEGETABLE CURRY – 4 Potatoes 1 Cauliflower 75 ml Vegetable Oil 15g Curry Powder 10g Chilli Powder 10g Salt 10g Turmeric 2 Tomatoes 10g Garlic Paste 10g Ginger Paste 10g Cumin Paste 3 Bay Leaves

METHOD Rice 1. Wash rice and soak for 5 minutes 2. Boil rice for 10-15 minutes. After stirring once thoroughly, add butter in order to make the rice tasty Dal 3. Wash and soak lentils for 10 minutes 4. Add drained lentils in fresh water and boil again and then add all spices 5. Reduce the heat and cover it for approximately 20 minutes until the lentils (Dal) are soft 6. Stir the Dal few minutes before boiling and serve with rice

ABI’S DANCING TARKARI-DAL-BHAAT WITH MOMO RICE - NEPAL SUPPLIED BY: Abhishek Giri Kitchen Steward Mercure Sydney International Airport

METHOD Vegetable Curry 7. Heat the oil and fry the potato & cauliflower pieces adding onions 8. Add all the pastes, tomatoes, Spices, Chilli powder 9. Fry it for about five minutes. Finally allow it to cook until the potatoes and cauliflower pieces are well cooked. 10. Add half cup of water and cover 11. Serve with rice after knowing the curry is well cooked 12. Serves 4

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY This is a traditional dish from my home country (Island). It is one of my favourite dish and pretty special to me because EVERY TIME I go back home this dish is cooked and waiting for me to eat it!!!

SWISS ROESTI Walter Immoos General Manager Novotel Wollongong Northbeach


INGREDIENTS 8 raw potatoes 3 teaspoons of oil 100g unsalted butter 200g smoked bacon cut into small cubes 2 pinches of salt

METHOD 1. Boil potatoes in salted water until soft (approx 20 minutes) 2. Drain in sieve 3. Let cool in fridge for at least 12 hours 4. Peel potatoes 5. Grate in roesti grater 6. Heat pan 7. Put in oil and butter 8. Add bacon 9. Add grated potato 10. Season with salt 11. When brown crusted on one side turn upside down 12. When brown crusted on other side break it up and mix. Repeat steps 11 & 12. 13. When ready it looks brown crusted and can be served as is or you can put cheese on top and melt. 14. Serves 4 people

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY This recipe is a traditional dish. It was known as the „poor farmersâ€&#x; dish.

PRAWN CURRY SUPPLIED BY: Anita Singh-Peters Receptionist Mercure Kooindah Waters

INGREDIENTS 1 kilo of prawn shells removed, leave tail ½ cup vegetable oil 1 sprig curry leaves 1 cup of chopped onion 1 tablespoon ginger paste 2 tablespoons garlic paste 1 teaspoon mustard seed 1 cup of chopped tomatoes 3 red chillies 2 tablespoons coriander seeds 2 tablespoons of black pepper 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder Grind in mortar and pestle and add 1 tablespoon of water to make a paste

METHOD 1. Heat oil in a wok 2. Add curry leaves, mustard seed, ginger paste, garlic paste and onion and sauté for 4 minutes. 3. Add the made paste and sauté for another minute 4. Add chopped tomatoes and tamarind paste and cook this for 5 minutes on medium heat. 5. Add prawns and cook for another 6 to 7 minutes until prawns turn red 6. When cooked, garnish with a tablespoon full of chopped coriander leaves 7. Serve this hot dish with rice or Lebanese bread 8. Serves approx 5-6 people

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY This is Anita‟s special prawn curry!

SELAMAT DATANG MAKAN MALAM (WELCOME DINNER) INGREDIENTS For Beef 1.5 casserole beef Salt & Pepper 1 tbsp olive oil 1 onion

SUPPLIED BY: Sarah Connelly Acting General Manager Pullman Sydney Hyde Park

For Curry Paste 2 red chillies finely chopped 1 shallot finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, chopped 3cm piece ginger, peeled and chopped 4cm piece lemongrass, sliced 4 Valcom Kaffir Lime Leaves ¼ tsp Tumeric, ground ½ tsp salt ¼ tsp black pepper, ground 2 tbsp olive oil 200 ml coconut milk 4 tbsp Sweet Soy Sauce (Ketjamanis) ¼ cup water To Serve 30g cashews, ground Fried shallots and lime wedges *Great with brown or jasmine rice


1. Transfer all paste ingredients except for the oil, sweet soy, coconut milk and water into mortar and pestle or food processor 2. Once ingredients refined and oil until smooth 3. Heat oil over medium heat and brown beef well. 4. Add the onions and brown well. 5. Add curry paste and water to pan, stir and cook for 2-3 minutes or until fragrant 6. Transfer into casserole pot or slow cooker and add in sweet soy and stir 7. Slowly stir in coconut milk 8. Cover and cook on High 4-5 hours or Low 7-8 hours 9. Add cashew nuts, fried shallots and lime wedges to serve

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY Recently met some Balinese friends who made us this dish to welcome us into their home…..It is now one of our family favourites!

TOMATO, CHILLI AND ANCHOVY HOMEMADE PASTA SUPPLIED BY: Julia Canu Chef de Partie Pastry Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

INGREDIENTS 12 egg yolks 50ml olive oil 50ml water 1kg flour 18g salt 140g parmesan 10g garlic 500g tomatoes 100g white anchovy 50ml olive oil 5g red chilli Salt & pepper to taste

METHOD 1. On the bench pour the flour and make a well for the eggs and oil and knead 2. Roll the dough(2mm),cut it (like tagliatelle)& let the pasta dry 3. Half Cook the pasta in a large volume of salty water 4. Dice the tomatoes ,garlic and chilli 5. Fry the garlic, and chilli with olive oil , add tomatoes and anchovy sautĂŠ for 2 mins 6. Add the pasta and cook out, salt and pepper to taste 7. Top with parmesan 8. Serves 4-6 people (this is usually served with fresh baguettes)

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY This is a casual Sicilian pasta dish from my home town


350g mince beef Oil for the pan 200g mushrooms, sliced 1 carrot grated 1 apple grated 2 gloves of garlic, crushed 1 onion diced 1 tsp mixed dried herbs 1 tsp ground coriander ½ tsp chilli powder Salt & pepper to season 400g chopped tomatoes 2 tblsp tomato paste 1 cup of beef stock 1 cup of red wine Pasta – use your favourite sort, spaghetti, penne or fusilli Grated parmesan cheese

SUPPLIED BY: Gemma Hillis Human Resources Manager Sydney Strata Hotels

METHOD 1. Get a large deep pan, put the pan on the stove and add the olive oil. You want enough oil so that the beef doesn‟t stick to the pan. 2. When hot enough add the mince beef and stir around so that all the beef cooks and you break it all down so it doesn‟t clump together. This will take about 5 minutes. 3. Once the beef has cooked add the mushrooms, carrot, apple, garlic, dried herbs, coriander, chilli powder and season with some salt and pepper. Stir around now and then and give the veggies another 5 minutes to cook down. 4. Add the beef stock, red wine, tomato paste & chopped tomatoes. Bring the ingredients up to the boil and then turn down the heat, once you have done this pop the lid of the pan on and cook like this for about 20 minutes. After about 20 minutes take the lid off and reduce the sauce down for another 10 minutes. 5. Cook your pasta (read the side of the packet for timing), once drained poor over the bolognaise sauce and grated parmesan. Eat it all up!


My Dad (Guy Liming) used to make us this most weekends, he always used the same wooden spoon and said that by using the same spoon it ensured that the bolognaise was tasty! My brother still has the spoon that he used and even though it is now warn down he tells his children the same thing when making grandad‟s bolognaise

POULET AU CIDRE (CHICKEN COOKED IN APPLE CIDER) SUPPLIED BY: Boris Cuzon Executive Chef Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

INGREDIENTS 1 Corn Fed Free Range Chicken (1.2 kg), cut in 8 600 ml Brittany Apple Cider 60 ml Apple liquor or Brandy 6 Shallots, minced 60 ml Crème Fraîche 2 ea Apples 100 g Salted Butter Salt & Pepper

METHOD 1. In a large pot, sear chicken in half the butter over medium heat 2. Add shallots and continue cooking until light golden colour. 3. Pour apple liquor and cider over the chicken, season with S&P, cover reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. 4. Add apples (peeled and quartered) and the remaining butter. 5. Continue cooking uncover over high heat for 5 more minutes 6. Add crème fraîche, cover and continue simmering for 20 more minutes. 7. Check and adjust seasoning 8. Serve with mashed potatoes (Serves 4)

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY This is one of the many recipes I grew up with and learned how to make with my mum. It‟s the family‟s favourite.

MAORI BOIL UP SUPPLIED BY: Campbell Stalker Junior Sous Chef Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

INGREDIENTS 2kg Pork or bacon bones 1kg mutton 1 bunch watercress 2 bunch puha 2kg potato 1 bunch silver beet 150g flour 50-75 ml water Pinch salt

METHOD 1. boil bacon bones and mutton for 30 mins 2. check for saltiness and if too salty drain off the liquid and refill with cold water 3. bring to the boil then turn down to simmer 4. add potatoes till just about cooked (10-15mins) 5. add puha, watercress and silver beet 6. in a bowl mix flour, salt and water to make a sticky dough 7. add dough to the simmering boil up and poach till the puff up 8. add salt and pepper if needed 9. This will feed 2-3 people depending on their appetite

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY Coming from new Zealand most people who have stayed on a marae or have Maori family have eaten a boil up.

PEKING STYLE CRISPY BEEF SUPPLIED BY: Danny Tang Chef Novotel Coffs Harbour Pacific Bay Resort

INGREDIENTS 400g beef fillet 1 carrot ½ leek Corn flour Oil Sauce 1 tablespoon Chinese cooking wine 1 tablespoon Dark soy sauce 1 tablespoon Light soy sauce 2 tablespoons Dark rice vinegar 2 tablespoons of vinegar 1 chopped chilli Garlic & ginger

METHOD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Cut beef into thin strips Cut carrot into this sticks Julienne leek and soak in cold water until crispy, then drain Marinate beef with a little sugar and soy sauce for ½ and hour Fry carrot sticks until golden and set aside Coat beef with corn flour and deep fry @ 180oC until golden and take off from oil half way through so oil temperature can return to hot 7. Return beef and carrot sticks to oil and cook until very crispy 8. Fry off garlic, ginger and chilli with a little bit of oil then add the rest of the ingredients until vigorously boiling 9. Toss beef and carrots in sauce quickly and place on serving plate 10. Garnish with leek curls. Serves 2-3 people

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY This recipe has been handed down through the family and is a favourite

SMOKED CHICKEN LIGHTLY INFUSED WITH OYSTER SAUCE SUPPLIED BY: Nang Yone Kham Food & Beverage Attendant Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

INGREDIENTS Chicken thighs 1 kg Salt 1 tea spoon Pepper ½ tea spoon Oyster sauce 2 teaspoons Vegetable oil a few drops

METHOD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Put the chicken thighs in the big bowl Add salt and pepper into the chicken bowl Add the oyster sauce and vegetable oil Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Marinate it for half day. Then grill the chicken thighs until they turn brown and put in a plate to let it cool down. 6. After cooling, steam the chicken thighs in a little steaming pot about 45 minutes. 7. When the chicken thighs soften, serve with sticky rice and spicy soy paste.

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY When I was young, I wanted to cook this chicken thigh recipe for my parents. Now my wish has come true. This traditional recipe came from KENG TUNG, SHAN STATE in MYANMAR. When I was young, my Grandma cooked the smoked chicken with sticky rice for our breakfast. The family began the day with a very delicious meal of chicken smoked and warmed from sticky rice. It is a wonderful memory from my childhood so I will never forget it.

CAULIFLOWER BAKE SUPPLIED BY: Pat Gibbons Human Resources Manager Fairmont Resort

INGREDIENTS 1 x medium cauliflower cooked until tender Enough grated cheese 4 eggs, beaten Salt Pinch cayenne pepper ½ cup cream

METHOD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Grease an ovenproof casserole dish Sprinkle in a generous layer of grated cheese Arrange large pieces of cauliflower on top Pour the beaten eggs over the cauliflower Sprinkle with salt Pour on the cream Cover with a thick layer of grated cheese Sprinkle with cayenne pepper Bake uncovered at 150 degrees C for 45 minutes or until eggs are set and the cheese browned. (it is a good idea to place a tray under the dish in case of a spill). Serves 4

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY This recipe is special to me as it was handed down from my Grandmother Emily to my sister Marie. When my sister was expecting my niece she craved this dish and enjoyed indulging once a week when my Grandmother would cook it for her. Although we were 10 years apart in age we were very close sharing many special times together. This dish brings back special memories of my sister and her fight against cancer prior to passing away at age 39.

PASTITSO (VERSION 2) INGREDIENTS 250g macaroni pasta 2 eggs lightly beaten ¾ cup grated parmesan cheese 2 tablespoon breadcrumbs Meat Sauce 2 tablespoon olive oil 2 medium onions chopped 750g minced beef 425g can tomatoes 1/3 cup tomato paste ½ cup water ¼ cup dry white wine 1 tablespoon beef stock powder ½ cup ground cinnamon 1 egg lightly beaten Topping 90g butter ½ plain flour 3 ½ cup milk 1 cup grated parmesan cheese 2 egg yolks

SUPPLIED BY: Anna Mylonas Room Attendant Novotel Sydney Parramatta


1. Grease shallow ovenproof dish (10 cup capacity). Add pasta to large pan of boiling water, boil uncovered until just tender; drain. Combine hot pasta, egg and cheese in a bowl; mix well. Press pasta over base of prepared dish 2. Top pasta evenly with meat sauce, pour over topping, smooth surface; sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Bake, uncovered in moderate oven about 1 hour or until lightly browned. Stand 10 minutes before serving. 3. Meat Sauce – Heat oil in pan, add onions and mince, cook, stirring until mince is well browned. Stir in undrained crushed tomatoes, paste, water, wine, stock powder and cinnamon, simmer, uncovered, until thick; cool. Stir in egg. 4. Topping – Melt butter in pan, add flour, stir over heat until bubbling, remove from heat, gradually stir in milk. Stir over heat until sauce boils and thickens, stir in cheese; cool slightly. Stir in egg yolks. Serves 6-8


This is a traditional Greek Cypriot dish, which was once cooked for special occasions but is now a household favourite. I remember my Grandfather referring to this as a dessert, as he found it to be rich, creamy and a little bit naughty.

PORK ADOBO SUPPLIED BY: Josephine McGrath Housekeeping Attendant Novotel Sydney Manly Pacific

INGREDIENTS 1 LBS pork belly 2 tsp garlic minced and crushed 5 bay leaves 4 tbsp vinegar ½ cup soy sauce 1 tbsp whole peppercorn 1 cup salted (to taste) Rice to serve

METHOD 1. Combine the pork, garlic, soy sauce then marinate for at least one hour 2. Heat the pot and put in the marinate pork belly then cook for a few minutes 3. Add salted water, whole peppercorn and bay leaves 4. Bring to boil, simmer for 40 minutes to 1 hour 5. Add the vinegar and simmer for 12-15 minutes 6. Add salt to taste 7. Serve with hot rice

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY The colonisation of the Philippines had a big impact on the evolution of the Philippines. Food was a huge influence in particular- with the Adobo being one dish in particular that was inherited from the Spaniards.

Sweet AGE Accor have multi-generations of employees. We are proud to have talent as young as 15 and experienced as 80 years and every age in between working at our hotels and offices.

OLIEBOLLEN (TRADITIONAL DUTCH DOUGHNUTS SUPPLIED BY: Ginni Post Media Relations & Internal Communications Manager Sydney Corporate Office

INGREDIENTS 3 eggs ½ cup of sugar ½ cup of milk 1 small can of beer (if there‟s any left over from NYE!) 3 cups of light cooking oil 3-4 cups of self raising flour 1 cup mixed dried fruit 2 table spoons of marmalade Pinch of salt Oil for deep frying Icing sugar to serve


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Beat eggs and sugar until thick Add milk and beer Sift in flour, salt and beat together Add dried fruit and marmalade to mixture with a spoon Heat oil in a pot or deep fryer Spoon in mixture (big spoonful) into medium-hot oil and turn once (turn when batter is golden) 7. Serve warm with icing sugar sprinkled on top 8. Enjoy and Happy New Year!

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY OlieBollen‟ (literally, „oil balls‟) are enjoyed in Holland and known to me as Dutch doughnuts which my mum only makes once a year. They are a seasonal treat and are made specifically to ring in the New Year. So every 1st of January (also my brother‟s birthday) look forward to enjoying my mum‟s home-made Dutch Doughnuts. I love this yearly treat that pays homage to my mum‟s Dutch heritage and also helps absorb the indulgences from NYE the night before! This recipe makes heaps – just depends on how big your balls are! Here‟s a photo of the Olie Bollen – great for sharing with friends and family on New Year‟s Day.

ANNA’S GRANDMA’S CARROT CAKE SUPPLIED BY: Anna Voss Hotel Operations Manager Sydney Olympic Park Hotels

INGREDIENTS 2 eggs 1 Cup Sugar ½ to ¾ cup vegetable oil 1 ½ cups grated carrot 1 cup plain flour 1 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. cinnamon ¼ tsp. salt

METHOD 1. Beat all ingredients together. 2. When adding oil, add it gradually to avoid the cake mix becoming to runny. 3. Bake in an oven on 180 degrees for 35-45 minutes. If you are using a fan bake oven it may be slightly less. 4. Ice the cake with either lemon icing or cream cheese icing. This recipe will make a cake for approximately 6-8 people. I normally make 1.5 times the mixture; however just ensure that you add the oil gradually. 

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY Since I was a young girl I have always loved to bake and I have always enjoyed baking with my Grandma. My Grandma has always made our birthday cakes and her carrot cake is a family favourite, it is quick and easy and also does not contain nuts which makes it great for people with food allergies. My grandmother has made this cake for my grandfather for many years and I look forward to continuing the tradition and making it for many years to come.

NANNA’S SWEET PLUM GNOCCHI SUPPLIED BY: Olivia Franetic Business Development Executive Sebel Chatswood & Sebel Manly

INGREDIENTS 3 large russet potatoes 1 egg 1 tsp. salt Pinch freshly grated nutmeg 2 cups flour 2 large ripe plums, pitted 1 cup sugar 6 tbsp. butter 2 cups coarse dry bread crumbs 3 tsp. ground cinnamon

METHOD 1. Place potatoes in a large pot, cover with cold water, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Cook potatoes, partially covered, until tender, about 35 minutes. Drain and set aside until cool enough to handle (but not too long: The hotter potatoes are when peeled and riced, the lighter gnocchi will be). Peel potatoes, then press through a potato ricer onto a clean surface. Spread in a thin layer to cool completely. 2. Gather potatoes into a mound, form a well, add egg, salt, and nutmeg, and beat together. Knead dough, gradually adding about 1 1/2 cups flour, until smooth and slightly sticky. Roll out dough on a floured surface to 1/4'' thick. Using a 4'' round cookie cutter or a glass, cut out 30 circles. Gather scraps together to roll out again, if necessary. 3. To fill gnocchi, cut plums into 30 3/4'' pieces. Place a dough circle in palm of your hand, place a piece of plum in centre, then sprinkle with 1/2 tsp. sugar. Gather dough up and around plum and press to seal, pinching dough together if it tears. Shape into a smooth, even ball, then place on a lightly floured tray. Repeat with remaining dough and filling. 4. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add bread crumbs and toast, stirring constantly, until deep golden brown, about 7 minutes. Remove from heat and add cinnamon and remaining sugar.

NANNA’S SWEET PLUM GNOCCHI (cont‌) SUPPLIED BY: Olivia Franetic Business Development Executive Sebel Chatswood & Sebel Manly

METHOD 5. Cook gnocchi in small batches (so that they don't touch) in a large pot of boiling water over high heat. Stir gently to prevent sticking. Cook until dough is tender and slightly translucent, about 20 minutes. 6. Lift gnocchi from boiling water with a slotted spoon, drain well, then roll each in the bread crumbs to coat well. Arrange on a serving platter and sprinkle with any remaining bread crumbs. Serve warm

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY My Slovenian grandparents have instilled in me a great appreciation for finely handcrafted food. The skill and patience required to create wonderful recipes from scratch has always left me astonished. Gnocchi is usually eaten as a savoury dish, however, growing up I always loved to enjoy this indulgent sweet treat.

ANZAC COOKIES SUPPLIED BY: Sandra Crisafi General Manager The Sebel Residence Chatswood

INGREDIENTS 125g butter 2 tablespoons golden syrup ½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 2 tablespoons boiling water 1 cup rolled oats 1 cup plain flour 1 cup caster sugar ž cup desiccated coconut

METHOD 1. Combine butter and golden syrup in a medium pan, stir over heat until butter is melted. 2. Stir in combined bicarbonate of soda and water. 3. In a large bowl combine flour, sugar and coconut. 4. Pour syrup into the dry ingredients, mix well. 5. On a greased oven tray place round teaspoon size proportions of the mixture onto the tray and slightly flatten. Leaving a gap of 4cm as the mixture will spread when cooking. 6. Bake in a slow oven for 20 minutes until golden brown 7. Cool on trays, makes approx 45

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY I have been making these cookies since I was 5 years old my entire family loved them especially my brothers and now my sons love them. They like them that much that when it is their birthday and they can take a cake to school to share with their class they ask if I can make these Anzac Cookies to take instead. A generation on and now my sons love eating these cookies and enjoy getting involved in making them

MUM’S CARAMEL SLICE SUPPLIED BY: Nikki Olsen Associate Director of Sales Sydney Olympic Park Hotels

INGREDIENTS BASE 125g butter 1 cup desiccated coconut ½ cup brown sugar 1 cup self-raising flour Pinch salt ingredient MIDDLE 395g condensed milk 2 TBL spoons golden syrup 2 tsp butter TOP 200g cooking chocolate (Cadbury dairy milk is good!)

METHOD 1. Melt butter and add to flour & dry ingredients. Mix well. 2. Press into lined tin (approx. 30cm x 20cm), bake at 180 degrees for 20 mins 3. Mix together condensed milk, golden syrup and butter in a saucepan 4. Stir over a low heat until butter is melted 5. Spread over the partly cooled base, return to the oven and cook for 10-15 mins (middle tastes better if it is a little too golden) 6. Melt chocolate according to packet instructions, pour over slice and set in fridge 7. Makes approx. 24 pieces (depending how big you cut them!) TIP: save some for the next day 

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY Mum was renowned for her sweets – she never went anywhere empty handed and it was always homemade! Mum handwrote all of her recipes for me before she passed and I still follow them to this day. This one is a particular favourite in the Sales office at SOP.

HEALTHY BROWNIES SUPPLIED BY: Tina Tabram Business Development Manager Mercure Sydney

INGREDIENTS ½ cup coconut oil ¾ cup rice malt syrup 1 cup almond meal 1 tablespoon natural whey protein 6 tablespoons raw cacao powder 2 eggs ¼ teaspoon of salt ½ teaspoon baking power 1 teaspoon vanilla essence (optional) 85% dark chocolate to sprinkle on top (optional)

METHOD 1. Use 1 saucepan for everything. Preheat oven to 180 degrees 2. Add coconut oil & rice malt syrup to saucepan. Melt together over low heat 3. Add in all other ingredients and mix together 4. Pour into brownie pan 5. Bake for 25 minutes 6. Remove and sprinkle grated dark chocolate over the top (optional) 7. Eat them while they are still warm for the best brownie experience! 8. Makes approx 12 brownies

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY Most of my friends are allergic to healthy gluten-free treats. Here‟s what I slip them without letting them know how it was made – and they always love them!

POLYNESIAN COCONUT BREAD SUPPLIED BY: Pania Whyte Conference & Events Sales Executive Mercure Resort Gerringong

INGREDIENTS 1.5 cups self-raising flour 1.5 cups desiccated coconut 1.5 cups full cream milk ¾ cup white sugar

METHOD Mix all the ingredients together The mixture will be very wet Pour into a lined baking tray Cook at 180 degrees for 40 minutes Cool and Eat Double the recipe and make it bigger!

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY As a child this was a staple dish at our dinner table, particularly with a curry and the next day as morning or afternoon tea, it‟s now a tradition in my home for my boys – great for the lunch box too. !

HOUSE OF KUMAR FLAVOURS OF ATTA HALWA SUPPLIED BY: Sumit Kumar Demi Chef Mercure Sydney International Airport

INGREDIENTS 100g Plain Flour 110g Ghee 70g Sugar 20g Cashew Nuts Crushed 15g Raisins 350ml Water

METHOD 1. In a pan heat ghee and add flour (ATTA) 2. Cook until golden brown in colour 3. In a separate pan add sugar and water and cook until combined and sugar has melted. Do not boil the water mixture 4. Add the sweetened water mix to the cooked flour slowly and keep mixing until becomes smooth 5. To avoid lumps do not stop stirring while pouring the water mixture into the cooked flour (HALWA) 6. Add the cashew nuts and raisins to the Halwa and mix again 7. Pour mix onto mould and serve warm 8. Makes 8 portions

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY This is a sweet Indian dish that we used to eat in the North of India during all Festivals and especially in winter. I make this dish for my friends in Australia to remind me of home.

NORFOLK ISLAND COCONUT BREAD SUPPLIED BY: Amy Henderson Payroll Manager / HR Administrator Mercure Sydney International Airport

INGREDIENTS 3 Cups Self Raising Flour 3 Cups desiccated coconut 2 Cups Sugar 3 Cups Milk 1 teaspoon vanilla essence

METHOD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Combine flour, coconut & sugar Add vanilla essence Slowly stir in milk 1 cup at a time Stir until all lumps removed Poor into 2 greased loaf tins Bake 180°C for 1 – 1 ¼ hours Allow to cool slightly Best served warm with butter

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY When I was 3 my family moved to Norfolk Island to live. Only a limited amount of food is grown on the island, the majority of the food is shipped in. Coconuts are not grown on the island but desiccated coconut is a staple in a lot of Norfolk Island dishes due to its limited weight making it cheap to bring over.

SRI LANKAN WATALAPPAM Thanesh Ariyaratnam 2nd Year Apprentice Chef Pullman Sydney Olympic Park



500g jaggery – finely scrapped 4 cups thick coconut milk 8 eggs 8 cardamom pods 1 teaspoon fennel 1 x 2.5cm cinnamon stick ½ cup cashew nuts ½ cup raisins 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon vanilla extract (optional)


1. With help of a mortar and pestle (Wangediya) crush the cardamom, fennel & cinnamon till it‟s a fine power, and keep it aside. 2. In a large bowl beat the eggs well nearly for 5 minutes. Then add the powered spices, mix it and beat the eggs again for 5 minutes. Keep it aside. 3. Now in another bowl mix the coconut milk, jaggery & vanilla together and stir the mixture till jaggery dissolves. 4. Preheat the oven for 150 degrees C (302 degrees F). Take a baking tray, and fill it ½ ways with water. And keep it in the oven to get boil. 5. Grease a pudding bowl or a baking tray with butter and keep it aside. Then pour the egg mixture into the coconut milk mixture and mix it well. 6. Pour the whole mixture into the greased bowl, through a strainer. Now place the pudding bowl in the middle of the water tray. (This is a way to do double boiling) 7. After 15 minutes, take the bowl out from the oven and sprinkle the cashew nuts & raisins and place it again in the oven, on that water tray for nearly 1 hour or until a toothpick comes out clean. Let it cool outside, and chill the watalappam before serving. 8. 10 people approximately


Very famous dessert in Sri Lanka. All the kids love this when they are growing up. My mother used to make this for me.

LADYFINGER LEMON JELLO CAKE SUPPLIED BY: Mareike Markgraf Human Resources Coordinator Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

INGREDIENTS 40 lady fingers 65g Butter 1package of lemon jello sugar 2 packages of Vanilla sugar 2 Tbsp lemon juice 500ml stiff cream

METHOD 1. Crumble up 30 of the lady fingers and mix with butter. Press the mass into the bottom of a spring form tin and place in fridge. Mix the jello with a cup of water and let swell for 10 minutes, then add 4 tbsp of sugar, heat up (don't boil) and then let cool. 2. Mix lemon juice with egg whisk and then add the cream. Put the mass onto the biscuit base. 3. Crumble up the remaining 10 lady fingers and spread on top. 4. Put the cake into the fridge overnight

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY My grandmother would always make this cake, it was my absolute favourite when I was a child, the crumbliness of the bottom layers just melts in your mouth and it is perfect during summer time as the lemony flavours are just so refreshing. Mmmmm


SUPPLIED BY: Carly Gainsford Business Development Manager Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

500g packet ready rolled puff pastry ½ cup raw sugar ½ cup brown sugar, firmly packed 2/3 cup cornflour 1/3 cup custard powder 1 L (4 cups) milk 2 teaspoons vanilla 60g butter 2 egg yolks Butterscotch Icing: 30g butter ¼ brown sugar, firmly packed 1 tablespoon milk ¾ cup icing sugar 60g walnut pieces

METHOD 1. Thaw pastry. Cut two pieces wide enough to fit into base of two 28cm x 5cm bar tins lined with foil. Place on flat oven trays and bake in hot oven 5 mins or until puffy and golden brown. 2. Flatten puffy sides of pastry, place puffy side up in bar tins. Cut another two pieces, for the top layer of the slice, and repeat. 3. Spread raw sugar over heavy base of saucepan, cook over medium heat without stirring until sugar is melted and golden brown. 4. Remove from heat, add 1 cup milk, return to heat, stir without boiling until toffee is melted. Remove from heat, add remaining milk. 5. Combine brown sugar, custard powder and cornflour in a bowl. Mix well. Gradually blend in milk mixture. Put all in saucepan and stir over heat until mixture boils and thickens. 6. Remove from heat. Quickly stir in vanilla, butter and egg yolks. 7. Spread hot custard immediately over pastry in bottom of tins. Top immediately with the top pieces of pastry (puffy side down). 8. Spread with butterscotch icing. Sprinkle with chopped walnuts. Refrigerate overnight before removing from tins and cutting.

VICKI’S BUTTERSCOTCH CUSTARD SLICE (cont...) SUPPLIED BY: Carly Gainsford Business Development Manager Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

METHOD Butterscotch Icing: Combine butter, sugar and milk in pan. Stir over heat until butter is melted. Beat in enough icing sugar to give a thick, spreadable consistency. Add a little milk if required. Makes approximately 20 slices. Delicious with cream or ice cream 

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY My mum (Vicki) isn‟t a great cook, and sadly I take after her. This is the only dish she has ever cooked that is not only edible, but has completely blown my mind. Every time I go back to the farm and visit (Narromine NSW), my mum cooks this for me. So I would like to share her recipe with you all.

BRIGADEIRO SUPPLIED BY: Nadia Moriconi Executive Housekeeper Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

INGREDIENTS 1 can of condensed milk 3 tbsp of chocolate drink powder 2 tbsp of butter To decorate (any of the below): Chocolate Vermicelli Grated Coconut Caster Sugar

METHOD 1. Pour the condensed milk into a medium saucepan and place over medium heat. 2. Add the chocolate drink powder and butter and keep stirring your Brigadeiro mixture until it starts to show the bottom of the pan when you scrape it with your spoon. This is the only crucial bit to watch out for. 3. As you scrape the bottom of your pan with the spoon, the Brigadeiro mixture should be thick enough to show you the bottom of the pan for a couple of seconds before the mixtures levels out again. 4. Pour the Brigadeiro mixture into a 5x3� glass or ceramic container (a deep soup dish will work too) and leave your Brigadeiro aside to cool. 5. When the Brigadeiro mixture is at room temperature, you may place it in the fridge where it can stay for 3 to 4 days until you are ready to roll and serve them. 6. When you are ready to roll your Brigadeiro, remove the mixture from the fridge and scoop a small quantity (sizes vary). 7. To roll the Brigadeiro, spread a little butter in the palm of your hands, drop the dollop of Brigadeiro mixture in the palm of your hands and roll in between them until you have a smooth small ball.

BRIGADEIRO (cont...) SUPPLIED BY: Nadia Moriconi Executive Housekeeper Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

METHOD 8. Drop the Brigadeiro ball into a bowl containing your choice of topping (see decoration options) and gently roll it around until it‟s totally covered. 9. Transfer your Brigadeiro to a mini cupcake cup. 10. It‟s quite customary to make Brigadeiros with several different toppings in each batch. 11. This Brigadeiro recipe could not be simpler and it should make around 20 truffles.

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY Brigadeiro is a simple Brazilian chocolate bonbon, created in 1940s and named after Brigadier Eduardo Gomes. It is a very popular candy in Brazil and in Portugal and it is usually served as a dessert and at birthday parties. No Brazilian kid‟s party is completed without Brigadeiro. If you grew up in a Brazilian household these gooey chocolate truffles are by now permanently imprinted into our psyche and inhabit the same side of our brain as motherly love.


COOKIES OF AWESOMENESS SUPPLIED BY: Jeremy Samuels Director of Revenue Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

INGREDIENTS 250g cooking butter ½ cup white sugar 6 tablespoons of condensed milk 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence 3 cups plain flour 2 teaspoons of baking soda ¾ cup of left over Easter eggs broken up into small pieces no bigger than 1cm

METHOD 1. Preheat an oven to 180 degrees. 2. Combine butter, sugar, condensed milk and vanilla essence with an electric beater or cake mixer until light and fluffy. 3. Sift flour and baking powder together, and then combine along with the chocolate into cream mixture from step 2. 4. Roll approximately one teaspoon of the mixture into a ball, place on a well greased oven tray and press down with a fork to make a disk. Repeat until all the mixture is used. 5. Place tray on the middle rack of the oven and back at 180 C for approximately 20 minutes, or until biscuits are a nice golden colour on the top. We usually bake this in batches of 15-20 or so. 6. Make yourself a cup of tea or pour yourself a glass of milk, plonk yourself on a comfy couch and enjoy! 7. Makes approximately 50 medium sized cookies

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY Following Easter, my wife and I find that we have an abundance of chocolate that we cannot possibly finish ourselves – so instead of throwing away any uneaten Easter eggs, we use them to create a twist on the classic chocolate chip cookie. Conceivably you could use this same recipe with any leftover chocolate you have in your house.....but if you‟re like us „leftover chocolate‟ is something that doesn‟t occur very often!

STEAMED CHINESE SPONGE SUPPLIED BY: Hong Vai Lo Head Pastry Chef Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

INGREDIENTS 9 cups flour 3 cups sugar 2/3 cup canola or vegetable oil 300g butter 1 ½ cups milk 8 eggs 4tsp baking powder 2tsp soda ½ cup custard powder

METHOD 1. 2. 3. 4.

Mix all these together Pour into a cake tin Steam for ½ hour This will make enough for 6-8 people

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY This is a easy and common steamed pudding recipe that has been used in my family and taught to the younger ones so that we can pass it on to the next generation.

NANA’S BUTTER CAKE SUPPLIED BY: Brent Morley Banquet Sous Chef Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

INGREDIENTS 2 ¼ cup self raising flour ½ cup custard powder 2 cups sugar 1 cup milk 4 eggs 250 get butter soft 2 tsp vanilla essence

METHOD 1. Heat oven to 150 degrees 2. All ingredients must be at room temperature 3. Combine all ingredients together 4. Use electric beater on medium speed for ten minutes 5. Grease cake tin with grease proof paper (20cm x 20cm tin) 6. Bake in the oven 40-45 minutes 7. Ice cake if required Makes up to 10-12 slices

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY This is my Nanas never fail easy to make butter cake, over the years renamed to Nana cake, ever since I can remember every time I have visited my Nana this cake would always be in her pantry or just freshly coming out of the oven

LEMON CAKE SUPPLIED BY: Stephan Leroy Rooms Division Manager Pullman Sydney Hyde Park

INGREDIENTS 3 eggs 170 grams sugar 160 grams flour 150 grams butter 2 tea spoons of baking powder 2 lemons

METHOD 1. Mix the eggs and sugar in a bowl then add the flour and backing powder. 2. Melt the butter and let it cool down. 3. Add the butter to your mix 4. Add the zest of 2 lemons and the juice to the mix 5. Pour the whole preparation to a cake pan. 6. Cook for 25 minutes at 200 degrees

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY As a kid, my mum picked this recipe from her best friend who was living on a farm, I remember the taste of the cake made with the butter and eggs from the farm.


INGREDIENTS • • • • • • • • • • •

Chef Novotel Coffs Harbour Pacific Bay Resort

1kg cooked cold potatoes 3 ½ cups of flour ½ cup butter 1 egg yolk Pinch salt 12 whole apricots 12 lumps of sugar 1 ¼ cups white bread crumbs ¼ cup castor sugar cinnamon 3 tablespoons brandy

METHOD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Grate potatoes Sift the flour Soak the sugar lumps in brandy Remove the stones from the apricots Mix the flour, potatoes, salt and egg yolk Rub in butter Turn onto a floured surface and knead lightly Press out the dough to a ¼ inch (6mm) thickness Place lumps of brandied sugar in half of the apricot and cover with the other half 10. Cut the dough into 4 inch (10.2cm) squares 11. Place apricot in the middle and wrap the dough around 12. Roll in palm of hand 13. Drop into boiling salted water and simmer for 12 minutes, remove and drain 14. Fry breadcrumbs with sugar and 3 tablespoons of butter until crisp (do not burn) 15. Roll the dumplings in the crumb mixture and sprinkle with cinnamon 16. Makes 12 dumplings

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY We grew up eating apricot dumplings, which are delicious

OMA’S PANCAKES SUPPLIED BY: Beau di Van Der Velden 2nd Year Apprentice Chef Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

INGREDIENTS 4 eggs 1 cup of milk ½ cup of warm water 3 tablespoons white sugar 1 cup of plain flour Pinch of salt ½ cup unsalted butter, melted

METHOD 1. Sift flour, sugar and salt into a large bowl, add eggs, milk and warm water and whisk till combined, while whisking pour in the melted butter and whisk to a smooth batter. 2. Heat a skillet or crepe pan over a medium heat. Coat pan with butter. 3. Pour a thin layer of batter into the pan; swirl the pan to assure even coverage 4. Cook till browned on the bottom and flip and cook until same on the other side 5. Roll and serve hot. Goes well with stewed apple and freshly whipped cream.

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY European style pancakes. Just the way my Oma used to make them.

CUPID’S CHEESECAKE SUPPLIED BY: Elliott Walker Kitchen Hand Novotel Newcastle Beach

INGREDIENTS 1 cup sweet biscuit crumbs 1/3 cup butter, melted 2 x 250g cream cheese (softened at room temperature) 2 teaspoons gelatine (dissolved) 1/4 cup boiling water 1x 395g can sweetened condensed milk 1/2 cup lemon juice 2 tablespoons grated lemon rind

METHOD 1. Mix biscuit crumbs with melted butter and press into base of a 20cm spring form pan. 2. Allow to set in fridge. 3. Beat the cream cheese with an electric beater until smooth, mix in gelatine mixture, condensed milk, lemon juice and rind. 4. Pour onto crumb base and chill in refrigerator (2-3 hours or overnight). 5. Top with a selection of fresh fruits and serve. 6. ’Sweet-Tip’ 1 cup biscuit crumbs equals approximately 10 sweet biscuits, crushed.

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY My friend brought along her favourite dessert to a party, the instant smell caught my attention, the decadent presentation of elegance and simplicity made me very excited to try this. I had a single mouthful and was speechless, I started to tear up at how beautiful the taste was, I insisted on getting the recipe. It has been a recipe I‟ve shared with many around town and local restaurants , all agree it should be on menu‟s and I even was fortunate to have a cook-off in England where this cheesecake beat the „House‟ cheesecake at a prestigious high tea establishment. But for me, I believe that tasting and experiencing amazing food this has to be shared, and the experiences should be enjoyed by a larger circle outside my close friends.

NAN’S CHRISTMAS TRIFLE SUPPLIED BY: Alexandria Akehurst Conference & Events Coordinator Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

INGREDIENTS One bought sponge cake (one half per trifle, you can freeze the other half. Or make two trifles  ) About 3 Table Spoons Sweet Sherry ( optional ) Two packs of port wine jelly crystals Boiling and cold water for the jelly ( per directions ) 2 x 425g cans of diced two fruits or sliced peaches ( natural ) 1 small tub of thickened cream Custard - recipe below Sliced fresh fruit e.g. strawberries, kiwi fruit and passionfruit CUSTARD 5 cups milk 3/4 cup custard powder 6 Table Spoons castor sugar ¾ cup milk extra 3 Table Spoons sweet sherry ( optional

METHOD 1. Break one half of the sponge cake into large pieces in a large glass serving dish. Sprinkle with sherry. 2. Make two packs of jelly according to directions and place in fridge for several hours until only partially set. Pour chunky jelly evenly over back of spoon onto cake. Transfer to fridge overnight until completely set. (You can pour hot jelly liquid over cake if you prefer to set the cake inside the jelly but don‟t let it completely set before pouring). 3. Drain tinned fruit and place over jelly. 4. CUSTARD: Place milk in saucepan and bring to boil. Meanwhile custard powder and sugar with extra milk in small bowl, stir until smooth. Gradually stir this into the milk. Switch to a whisk and turn down heat to medium, whisk like your life depends on it until it boils and thickens. It will burn or go lumpy very quickly if you stop. When thick, remove from heat and stir through sherry. Stand on bench (the pot, not you) and cover with cling film to stop it from forming a skin: 10 minutes. Pour hot custard over fruit and refrigerate trifle until set. You can do this the day before, it helps the flavours develop. 5. Whip cream to soft peaks and spoon or pipe over trifle. 6. Top with sliced fruit.

NAN’S CHRISTMAS TRIFLE SUPPLIED BY: Alexandria Akehurst Conference & Events Coordinator Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY This is our family trifle recipe we make every year at Christmas. It‟s my mother‟s mother recipe and it is a ritual that my sister and I lick the custard bowl and decorate the top of the trifle with fruit. We usually make 2 trifles as it tastes even better the next day (and because everyone eats so much of it!). We also have a traditional Christmas pudding as dessert as well. It‟s a very flexible recipe and great for making ahead. You can make custard from scratch and use favourite tinned fruit and jelly (one of the red jellies is best.) Nanna used peaches but we prefer two fruits. She also sprinkled crushed peanuts. You can experiment with the texture but setting the jelly to different set points. Here is our Christmas table with Nan‟s Trifle and Christmas Pudding.....

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